o In 1 UqIj m uuuJl GOD JVjSTD OTT3'i COUNTRY. VOLUME 9. SATURDAY MORNING, JULY IT, 18T5. always ix awance: "errrz. .i ._i_i_-i; NUMBER 2^ DENTISTRY b. f- bmjckenf1jss, öentist OF CHARLESTON, can bo found at bia OFFICE obovo Captain IIAMIL- v TON'S STOKE, on Mar¬ ket Street References.Dns. J. P. Patrick, B. A. M V0KENFU8H, A. P. PXLZRR, M. D., OOtl TO THE f,XAIiIAND «G OF ORANGEBUUG, MOSSP M. BROWN, the Harber pledges himself to krep up with the times in all the LATE IMPROVEMENTS, as bis business is sufficient to gurantcc the above. He will be found at Iiis old stand, ever ready to serve his customers at the shortest notice. apl 11 . 30 Nine Yi o DRUGS and MEDICIENS. PAINTS, OILS, ^ BRUSHES, ast) PATENT MEDICIENS, TOILET ARTICLES. CANDIES, CUTLERY, SEGA IIS, TODACCO.S &c. I have on hand also a suply of SEEDS and ONION SETTS. Forcriptions carcfuly compounded, brdc1r§ from the country slrickly nfleudcd 'oat the !*oplar Drug Store of . ', DR. A.. C\, DUKES. ,.,] jan 23 1874 .ily i.-. -..-.I-.. Horses and Mules ?l. AT BAMBERG &|SLÄTE$S STÄTiftE§. IN REAR «OFn "; j, «f.o. iose's storij.1 "Where you will find a COMPLETE' stock .of the finest HOUSES and MULES, that, can W procui-cd from the REST MARKETS hi the United Stages. Our prices range, from $"»0 to $225. All .orders tilled at the shortest*, not ioo. ji< \) jfV If our stock on hand do not. please-wo will order for yen at oncc.>« *--A >t.itl a»ddi DAM HERO. SLATER, Ü T^OTICH hcrci>y jffivcu of JLN the loss or destruction of Certificate of Deposit No. .1H1, "Ornngeburg Branch, ¦Citizens Sr.vinps Pank of South Carolina, >suued to the lale E. JJ Oliveros, deceased, *ind also of Deposit Hook' No. tlC, of same J'.rsnch. in the mime of the said E. .T. Oil-, "veros, in trust, and that' I will apply in three months from date for a renewal of the' Fame, and lor such divideddsas may accrue thcreou, to the Trustee arid Committee of the said Rank, at Columbia, 8. C, E. ItOSA C.'OLIVEROS; mar 6.1 am 3m Qualified Exec'tilvit. Dental Notice THE undersigned takes pleasure in an" tiounciug to his many friends and patrons that he has permanently located at Orangv- burg, C. II.,S. C, where he will devote his entire time, from every Monday till Saturday neon to tho PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY in all its DepnttmcirfL^ P^eeif'f guaranteed in all orj" care. Charges very moderate. Office at Dr Eersner's old stand over AV i 11 cock's Store, A. M. SNIDER. D. S. L. S. WÖLPE. THE OMNGEBURG III&ll SCHOOL baseme! miO PcJfecMiskwtj ipc>aUon>ejiiKj|ted^): IN hotel,, For terms apply to ,.A S. Be MELIJICJIAMP,, ^ I - ' afXntXlQ }> >.¦: .PrlnbipAl. ) J A GEN'OY. Having secured the AOENCY of the "City Insurance Company of Rrpvidece, R. I." y?\i}iitjmiM'.participating Companies, The "Fireman's Fund," Capi¬ tal $.100,000. And the "Atlantic/* ofXetv York. I um prepared to t*ke RISKS of any amount, dividing them in several 1st Class.I COMPANIES, to which I call the altdntfon | of property holders. 1 1 ! t > i | SPECIAL RISÜS Taken on GIN HOUSES, MILLS and BARNS. JOHN A. HAMILTON, I'irc Insurance Agent. A few tons of CUANAPE PERUVIAN GUANO. Also a supply of the MAPES STANDARD FERTILIZERS. J. A. HAMILTON, »pl 3 1H7.") Jy The Editor ami Many Friends. One who had a wild impression That ho wanted to he rich By adopting some profession, "(Though it didn't matter which). After lengthy vacillation, Ending incomplete distress, Asked Ina friends in consultation, And Ida friends advised "The Prosa." "Why with iah ma .ho stupendous As'in him," they said, "combine, Quite a literary fiiiw; And we've always had a notion. That it's much the same with ua." Then they joined in admiration, Slating* what he'd come to I e; And their state of jubilation Struck hie as a thing to wee. An he didn't hide his tap; r LiI;e a di 1 ntory dmice, Why, a loadingYJphdon paper Made him c itor at once; Then hid friends were much delightcl "WifliKis Iii*' BlKieSfuf l&ip. w\lliolntiv 80#fiitedH $ $ ^k^iat-%ey WnWnVfo fVfleepj And with tons of contribution!! They besciged his oflicu door, Bearing out the resolutions They had often made before; Hurled the things by reams togethj Eight at thisdevotcd head. Some as tlimsy as a feather, Koine ns ponderous as lead. Then they let imagination Bask in hope's delightful And their state of expectation Was a thing of which to dfbr 'Oh '.'the gra5ei<if their delusions iiiXt was desolate and black j ; Wheniht'.read their long emisidns, And hq meanly sent them batik ! 11 wa,4 üÜrclcWtihg treason ;,v For Uic.sole excuse he In..' Wa.V the iiimimcieilt rcason 'That.tne tilings were very hadl Then those friends, in tribulation, " 'All1 decided, witli a sigh, ' That 'complete extermination .. .Warthe p.ijlitlhiug to try. And tliey( have from this tradition ./ Never fcubsequently swerved. ,,Thofothat^edi tor's position ... 1h entirely undeserved. 1 >/ ii it *'t*'" ^ And the state of lamentation i vtWf» those miserable men, Oh, iUbailies explanation By an gmdjnary pen ! |»u *5-»r/jf^'om 'the JJuvlinyton Sonthcrncrsy :p"V¦'T',l'.li"PW THEY TALKED. OLD O Afy5party days arc TQcr, but I con¬ sented to attend my c|(J friend, Mrs. General Upshur's re Wien, the other night. .I .went earlyi jftud was greet¬ ed very cordially by d is. General, in that hearty, blunt wij characteristic of' h er; 'My.dcar, Doctor, [ jam delighted to ¦SCO you; I hope that you'll enjoy your¬ self";, but look to itwlho you talk to. Do not, on any acootiut, allow your¬ self* to be cornered by old Mrs. Dull- ville or: you'll b\ iipflkcd. to death. Avoid her part of t f room; there she sits in an old, fadd] lilac dress; the poor soul is a tcrrilj » bore.' R^iA* i\ffj"Sw$*¥"W ought I .My dear, Do Why should yon to be civil to bor the mast ugrccabi Pfrj#aeneral V or, certainly not. Wc are not bound ;;you know. Select people present and spend your time with them. Ah! Mrs. Head}', hoy.arc you? Doctor, you have my periyiission to make your¬ self agreeable tc Mrs. Ready,' und MräaGchefml bounded pi"'.' * ä^fi&W^^W^kdy, who was radiant in liroso colored dress, and smelling of'njjusk, or some other strong perfume, juid I prepared to JUtiko>, myself aj-rceblp- by(listen'u^J jtp my fair comtfuioirs conversation.' 'I hesitated tiädut coming this even¬ ing, Doctor, foijMrs. General has siiah a knack of getting together all .kinds of vulgar pnCjiej at her parties, 'Why, is it possible? Why docs she. do that?! I , i; j * \ ,\ j 'Well, yoJ ice she wiii/tsj lb jgUlb their parties/^ she lmifcM/aMhcJ't Irt hers. She in cans well, but Mr.s. ujen- crnl is ecrli.inly wretchedly democra¬ tic. Now wio but Mrs. General Would think of having the Van Dusch» at a party; look at those Van Duscuj girls, Brdbtldidly a.s they arc dressed, you c'ah, sec wf\\j vulgar they arc. Old Vati Dusc'n | mado nil his money by selling poik.1 'Pork is a| very good thing to sell I'm sure.' j 'Ridiculous! You know you would not soil j oric' 'No; because I've none to sell.' 'Well J jdon't care; tbc Van Dusen girls lock greasy.' 'Not to fine.* 'Now.buttrouls alive ! "Who wou't Mrs. General have next. There cornea that f/rcndful'Misa Dorau.' 'Yjphat makes Miss Doran ao drcad- iVi ?t She's very pretty, I'm sure.' you innocent old stupid, did you vor hear twat she wanted to marry r father's carriage driver?' «%)id she say she wanted to?' cNo;'but every body says she did.' At this juncture, my companion ts led out to dance by, a military ntleman, and I moved my scat next 'to Miss Perryville. Miss Perryville's. dancing days, like, mine, wore over,1 so I knew that she was likely to be a fixture. She greeted me with : 'Why Doctor, I was astonished to see you talking to Mrs. Ready; people say such dreadful things about her.' ' Why, do they 'Yes; they her husband is dying of a broken heart, all caused by her iu- famous behaviour. I am amazed at Mrs. General having bei here.' .VWelj. I do declare, how all you people abuse each other.' 'Has any one abused nie?' and Miss Perryville bridled up. 'Not yet, but I am going around the room to see,' und 1 joiued Mrs. Slattcrs. *. .- Tired of Miss Perryville already, Doctor ? I don't wonder; she's a fear¬ ful woman, always abusing and sland¬ ering people.' 'Put you're all doing that.' 'No, we arc not.' 'Yes; you all do it. I'm going home. Good-bye!' !; After this experience, I'm going to ho more parties; for J find the great staple of conversation at them is the foiblc3 and lollies of other people. Mr. Cooler's* Third. My neighbor Coüloy married hi* third!'wile' a short time tigo.'aijd the riffpff after he canic [Tome* with he? his oldest l>oy, the son of his fust wife, came into the room where sue was Fit¬ ting alone sewing. Placing his elbows on the table he began to be sociable. The following conversation ensued : Boy.How long d'you expect you'll last ? Mrs. C..What on earth do you mean ?: Boy.Why ma> she held on for about ten years, and Emma, pa's Is'ecoüdj stood it for three yeais. 1 i-eckon youVc good for as much as her. I. hope so, anyhow. I'm kinder sick of funerals. The}' made an awful futi when thoy stowed away inn, and a bigger howl when they planted Emfim. So I'd jes as leave you'd keep round awhile. But pa, he has his doubts about it. . Mrs. C..Doubta! Tell me what you mean, this instant. Boy.Oh, nothin'! Only the day JjSnvnm got away pa came homo from "no funeral, and when lie ripped the crape ofl his hat he chucked it into the bureau drawer and said : "Lay there1 till I want you again;" so X 'pose the old mart must be ex pectin* you to step'out some time or other. In fact, I seen him conversm' with the undcrtnkcr yesterday; makin1 some kirider permanent contract with hi in, 11 reckon. The old man is always jcwtb'i people down. .Mrs: 0..You ought to be ashamed to talk of your father in that manner- Boy.Oh he don*t mind it. I often hear the fellers jokin' him about his wives. lie likes it. He's a good ha lured man. Anybody can £et along with him if they underst and him. All you've got to do is to be sweet on him, and he'll be like a lamb. Now, Emma, she used to get mud and heave a plate, or a coal scuttle, or most anything at hint, and it used to irritate him. And ma, she'd blow him up about lö.UÜO times a day; both of them would bang me till I got disgusted. And pndidn't like it. Treat mc well, give mo candy and money, and -you've got pa sure. Emma used to smack me; and when pa said he was opposed to it she'd go atJiim with an umbrella, or a fiat-iron and maul/him.- I oness you and mo'II jog along dl right.together, and by the time pa gits, another wife I'll be big enough to don't care how many airs she puts on. What I want's time. You stick tor three or four years and thc*h the old man can consolidate as much us he's a mind to, and 1 won't sea re worth a cent. It's only tho fair thing any way. Enough of this family's money has been wasted on coflibs and 'tombstones, and we ought to knock off for a while. Good morniu'. I blicvc I'll go to school. Mrs. Cooley did not enioy her hour.y-.iioon' as' much as she had ex¬ pected..Max \A (Icier. Showing tho Vj Lite l'civtüor. A man took umbrage at an article which appeared in a paper, published in a town in which he resided, as per¬ sonal, tho olbor day, and in an irate manner cntcn^l the office, and inquir- ed of the first one he met who wrote that article, showing the paper, and pc \ng to the'one to which he took exceptions'. Said he (raising his voice in aloud key', and with ' clenched fist high in air), VI want to see the editor that wroic that article'." "Ybu do," answered the young man interrogated, "Yes, I do," answered the stranger, angrily.' "Itis satisfaction I come for and will have it, and before I leave here, too; do'jjt .',' ^r.l' and understand that?"" '' . ~ "All right," said tho. young man. "But/ before' 1 call him, I would like to ask you if you ever saw the gentle¬ man before." "No of course not," was the savage answer; "Why do you wish to know?" "OK" nothing very particular. 1 thought if you did you would not care to soe him.'' "That's just, what I come for, young man; and there will be fun, you bet." "\Ve)l, stranger, I tell you before¬ hand, 'jhc is 'a'powerful man, stands six1 Jflfc two iii his Stockings, weighs sf^ttgffl&Bf^rf^^ Vvt'b fists inaT" strike tremendous 1 lows; when angry, his eyes flash fire; his tread is like elephant, and be can lilt a three hundred pound weight with perfect ease, and top it over his .should¬ er as easy as I could a base ball. No one dare to approach him in an angry mood; for they would be in dungcr of losing their lives. I to has held an elephuul.'.s trunk for ten minutes, and put his arm around the neck of a horse, and turned him over with compara¬ tive ease. He has done powerful things, [ tell you,stranger. Besides, he al¬ ways carries a si.v shooter, and is an excellent shut, scarcely missing the bull's eye one timo out of twelve. Stranger ho is the counterpart of Samson, of old." , During the young man's brief ruei- tal of the personnel of the editor that wi ote the article, tho stranger turned very pale, trembled all over, hacking all the timo toward the door,out of which he suddenly darted, and bus not been heard ol since, doubtless, deeming it wiser to depart quietly than to encounter such a formidable opponent. Tin-: Diu'sskd Wkioiit or Axi- MAils1..Farmers who have but little experience in feeding annuals for the market, are often disappointed because their beef and pork does not weigh as nittt-h as they thought it would. They are likely to overlook certain points which ought always to be taken into account when estimating tlie dressed weight of animals. An old ahimal will not dress as xiueh in proportion to its looks as a young and growing one. ' A creature w inch is very fat will weigh a great deal more than one equally as large, but which has not been well fattened. An animal which has had twenty or thirty bushels of meal will dress much heavier than one which has been fed only about half its much meal. A crealuro which has been mealed for live or six months will weigh more than o ld which has had about the .same amount of meal, but has been led only about hilf a's long. In all eases, liberal and long con¬ tinued feeding is essential to the at¬ tainment of any great success in fat¬ tening animals of any kind..New I'Jiif/lanil Fanner. A Lusus Natuuk..We are in¬ formed by Mr. Sol. Cochran, tbo mail- currier to Dunbarton, that on thc2ütb of June bist, colored twins wero born on tbo farm of Mr. Joseph ABhley, near that place, with a Hganicntnry| connection near the. stomach. One of tho twinshns neither eyes, nose, hands or feet, and the only orifice answering, for a mouth is a perpendicular sljt runuing .lcngthwi.se of the face. It seems to be perfectly dumb and to re¬ ceive nourishment entirely from the other child, who is healthy and well formed. If the dumb child is touched the other feels it, and if asleep im¬ mediately awakens. The perfectly formetl child, as ma}' be supposed, is a female, while the dumb animal belongs to the male persuasion. Quite an exciteme.it is created down in that region, and several enterprising Barniiins have already appeared upon the scene and made extravagant offers to the parents to allow their abnormal offspring to goon exhibition. This is truly a epieer world of ours, and Dame Nature is a strange mother. Here is a poor ignorant negro family who have struck a bonanza without leaving the "Ohl Cabin Home," while thousands wiil travel to the end of the earth in search of fortune ami return poorer than they went. To cure bridIc-brcaUing, gcta jiiecc of 'bodcord, four times the length of thehorse and double it. in the middle, and at-the doubled end make a loop, through which puss the animal's tail. Then cross the cord over his buck, and and pass both ends through the halter ring under his chin und tie both ends of the cord to the trough ring, thrnugh which the halter strap piny*, ihs end of the hal'er being attached to abillef of wood. Shod d the horse attempt to pull back the. strain will aUJie on the will (become tij^^^J^ndhe will at once step forward to avoid it. A fter so fixing him a few times'in the sta- able he will abandon any such pro¬ pensity. . .. .- mmf>-ö~Qm'- Willie had a purple monkey climb¬ ing on a yellow stick, and when he sucked the paint all off it made him deadly sick; a d in his latest hours he clasped that monkey in his hand, and bid göb'u-byj to earth and went into a better land. No more he'll "shoot his sister with his little wooden gun; and no more he'll twist the pussy's tail and make -her yowl for fun. The pussy's tail now stands out .»tmight; the gun is laid aside; the monkey doseh't jump around si.-.ce little Willie died. The guessing mania has takon a new shape at Bridgeport, Connecticut, where a druggist placed a large globe of pills in his window und offered one hundred soda water tickfcts for the nenrost guess at their number. More than two thousand persons made the attempt, their guesses ranging from eighty-seven to seven thousand. The real number us two hundred and thirty-seven, which two persons guess¬ ed'. The Apache Indians have arrived at a beautiful solution of the mother- in-law problem. They utterly prohibit all intercourse or conversation between fathors-in-huv and their daughters-in- law, or between ¦sons-in-law rind their mothers-in-law. And yet we call them savagos and boast of a superior' civilization. What a thing fa ma is! T/Ilif is the why in w hich one of our French con¬ temporaries, the Mesfanyerj describes that little difficulty at Bunker's Hill : 'On the 17th of June, 1775, the American volunteers, commanded by General Artomns Ward, attacked and thoroughly beat the British troops near Charlestown, in Massachusetts !" "Bliebe Couzins doesn't dress like, hor brothers of the bar,".says the Chi¬ cago Tribun^, by way of commencing an item. That's undoubtedly true; she dresses by put ting on her clothes over her head, while they don't, and, what's more, they uu n't. But what business is it of tho Tribune's, any¬ how t . 9'» Summ Bit Sports..As wo are &owr iu the midst of summer, aud in'the abscnco of auy regular profesaiorial amusements, we would uuggcct tJiü fol¬ lowing "parlor tricks" as'a pleasant means of passing away ^Ue 4ft\Vk evenings; . .. T, Tlio Spittoou Trick. Tnkp t^.uojfr gallon spittoous, . white, ouesnre.thc; best.then aclcct a strong, red! eoxcl. worsted is. preferable; pass tho card through the two holes of the Bplttoona and give the ends to a geutlerana^and; lady, selected from the company* to. hold. Now let a lady seizo the wit- toons, and sliding each to tlie opposite end of the cord, bring them1 tc^etuir smartly, when thev will break t«k pieces and fall to the floor. This trick, is easily performed, and will excite considerable applause.' " .'.-"'¦ " The Magic Stick. Tb dotMs'trick properly, you will need a pearl handle- pocket-knife and a hard wood stick» some (wo inches in length. Sharpen tho two end 3 of the stick and then try to crush it endways, oithar between your hands or by sitting on it. 'This!, to your astonishment, you will find impossible todo. . >,..'*, tdoSI The Cable 1 rick. Takc-a pieeq of tarred cable, about, fifteen inches leiigth, cut .it . arefitlly intwo-witb^rj sharp' knife,. aud then try to chew^b,^ endsa together.'? ilou Mcau.tr)? a^long ßS ^"l^Mi j 'VvvVm'II -^'^'" "¦T i "Whore 'was Bishop T,atimet- ''bura- ed to ! denthT' 'askttl1 a^tbä'ch^riu a commanding v6icb.' "Josltutl, kn'ows?*' said n little girl at the bottom of tho class., » YWeU,'' said>" tho-tfe^e!ncrl/4,-if JosSuo.knowsj hd may .tell:^iawiri*t%'o fnc,V rep: ted Joshua; vlndking y*r$ grave, and wise. * . i «» V'' It is hard* to; remeinhcr .when tlid heat was, Jjlie..causef)$4fr^much-pro* ÖiiiU-V r^asJ tJi as. bReofcfajM£yQ^i3fl»^i past. Certainly that^nnW^IB^w^ been since Mr. Boceher was moved to remark, merely by way of ill ust^fcion and warning, however, "It's damned hot to-day."' » , _J w ; ,m'l'l' .'. j "There 1" exclaims the* indignant' Boston wife as she fetches her'n'üij- band, who had heed taking hio oon-| tonnial appld-jack too ätrötig or Yob? frequent, a resonant whack Ölfthe head with a chair rocker, **IM1 raisea" Bunker Hill monument on you tlnuV you'll remember'!" Several Irishmen were disputing ono day upon their o'.m best points, when one said in an aggressive mannen > "Faith, and I'm a brick." ''An^i indadc, said another, 'Tma brickluy- er,'* aud ho felled the first speaker to the ground. ., Next to the "chromo" o'fair iutoxi-1 cated man fondly steadying a gas- lamp-post, we don't know of a more" heartrending object than that of3" lean canine, reaching for a business-" like flea on the extreraq Southern por¬ tion of his tail. .ir.if ' TlV-i , t erf * When thoy build ft ra'droad, the first thing they do is to', break ground.,c This is often done with great cere- moi ey. Then they break the stock¬ holders.' This is done without core- >l ;tf.; ill -> <dv mony. _m ... iv ....i ; ut ".Well, I -.always ranko it artfltf fo ? tell my wife evarything.'tlintiiapi&ne'A'"' "Oh, my* deaf fellow, that's nothing,' replied his friend, "I tell my wife lef*'"' of thin^H that never happen at all. i: - WIUI.-.-fP'IMil t Tho man who ad vortisos shovfa t\t\l only a business talent above hip neigh* burs, but he may be at once reckoned among the independent, gouorou.3 ami public spirited oftho CQtutnwnity» '"° * . It is said that the world weighs five , hundred million billion tons, hut there, was a bushel of potatoes on tho'scales' at the time aud we call fox a ne«{. MWhero do people go who doccivo ' their fcllowmcn ?" asked a Sunday school teacher.: "To EuroTSo/'waatta prompt roply. 1 * The G corgi'i state .agricultural f p* . ciety has concluded Urprohibit racing |j at their a ming fair.

In 1 UqIj m uuuJl VOLUME SATURDAY MORNING, IT, .i 2^historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn86053227/1875-07-17/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · apl 11. 30 Nine Yi o DRUGSand MEDICIENS. ... people present

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o In 1 UqIj m uuuJl .» GOD JVjSTD OTT3'i COUNTRY.


always ix awance:"errrz. .i._i_i_-i;


b. f- bmjckenf1jss, öentistOF CHARLESTON, can bo found at biaOFFICE obovo Captain IIAMIL-

v TON'S STOKE, on Mar¬ket Street

References.Dns. J. P. Patrick, B. A.M V0KENFU8H, A. P. PXLZRR, M. D., OOtl



MOSSP M. BROWN, the Harber pledgeshimself to krep up with the times in all theLATE IMPROVEMENTS, as bis business issufficient to gurantcc the above. He willbe found at Iiis old stand, ever ready toserve his customers at the shortest notice.

apl 11 . 30

Nine Yio





&c.I have on hand also a suply of

SEEDS and ONION SETTS.Forcriptions carcfuly compounded, brdc1r§

from the country slrickly nfleudcd 'oat the!*oplar Drug Store of

. ',DR. A.. C\, DUKES. ,.,]

jan 231874 .ily i.-.-..-.I-..

Horses and Mules ?l.AT


j, «f.o. iose's storij.1"Where you will find a COMPLETE' stock

.of the finest HOUSES and MULES, that, canW procui-cd from the REST MARKETS hithe United Stages.

Our prices range, from $"»0 to $225. All.orders tilled at the shortest*, not ioo. ji< \) jfV

If our stock on hand do not. please-wowill order for yen at oncc.>« *--A >t.itl a»ddi


T^OTICH i» hcrci>y jffivcu ofJLN the loss or destruction of Certificateof Deposit No. .1H1, "Ornngeburg Branch,¦Citizens Sr.vinps Pank of South Carolina,>suued to the lale E. JJ Oliveros, deceased,*ind also of Deposit Hook' No. tlC, of sameJ'.rsnch. in the mime of the said E. .T. Oil-,"veros, in trust, and that' I will apply inthree months from date for a renewal of the'Fame, and lor such divideddsas may accruethcreou, to the Trustee arid Committee ofthe said Rank, at Columbia, 8. C,

E. ItOSA C.'OLIVEROS;mar 6.1 am 3m Qualified Exec'tilvit.

Dental NoticeTHE undersigned takes pleasure in an"

tiounciug to his many friends and patronsthat he has permanently located at Orangv-burg, C. II.,S. C, where he will devote hisentire time, from every Monday till Saturdayneon to tho

PRACTICE OF DENTISTRYin all its DepnttmcirfL^ P^eeif'fguaranteed in all orj"care. Charges very moderate.

Office at Dr Eersner's old stand over AV i 11cock's Store,





miO PcJfecMiskwtjipc>aUon>ejiiKj|ted^):


hotel,,For terms apply to

,.A S. Be MELIJICJIAMP,, ^ I- ' afXntXlQ }> >.¦: .PrlnbipAl. ) J

A GEN'OY.Having secured the AOENCY of the

"City Insurance Companyof

Rrpvidece, R. I."

y?\i}iitjmiM'.participating Companies,The "Fireman's Fund," Capi¬

tal $.100,000.And the"Atlantic/* ofXetv York.

I um prepared to t*ke RISKS of anyamount, dividing them in several 1st Class.ICOMPANIES, to which I call the altdntfon |of property holders. 1 1 ! t > i |SPECIAL RISÜSTaken on GIN HOUSES, MILLS andBARNS.

JOHN A. HAMILTON,I'irc Insurance Agent.



J. A. HAMILTON,»pl 3 1H7.") Jy

The Editor ami Many Friends.

One who had a wild impressionThat ho wanted to he rich

By adopting some profession,"(Though it didn't matter which).

After lengthy vacillation,Ending incomplete distress,

Asked Ina friends in consultation,And Ida friends advised "The Prosa."

"Why with iah ma .ho stupendousAs'in him," they said, "combine,

Quite a literary fiiiw;And we've always had a notion.That it's much the same with ua."

Then they joined in admiration,Slating* what he'd come to I e;And their state ofjubilationStruck hie as a thing to wee.

An he didn't hide his tap; rLiI;e a di 1ntory dmice,

Why, a loadingYJphdon paperMade him c itor at once;

Then hid friends were much delightcl"WifliKis Iii*' BlKieSfuf l&ip.w\lliolntiv 80#fiitedH $ $^k^iat-%ey WnWnVfo fVfleepjAnd with tons of contribution!!They besciged his oflicu door,

Bearing out the resolutionsThey had often made before;Hurled the things by reams togethjEight at thisdevotcd head.

Some as tlimsy as a feather,Koine ns ponderous as lead.

Then they let imaginationBask in hope's delightfulAnd their state of expectationWas a thing of which to dfbr

'Oh '.'the gra5ei<if their delusionsiiiXt was desolate and black j; Wheniht'.read their long emisidns,And hq meanly sent them batik !11 wa,4 üÜrclcWtihg treason

;,v For Uic.sole excuse he In..'Wa.V the iiimimcieilt rcason'That.tne tilings were very hadl

Then those friends, in tribulation," 'All1 decided, witli a sigh,' That'complete extermination.. .Warthe p.ijlitlhiug to try.And tliey( have from this tradition./ Never fcubsequently swerved.,,Thofothat^edi tor's position

... 1h entirely undeserved.1 >/ ii it *'t*'"

^And the state of lamentationi vtWf» those miserable men,Oh, iUbailies explanationBy an gmdjnary pen !

|»u *5-»r/jf^'om 'the JJuvlinyton Sonthcrncrsy:p"V¦'T',l'.li"PW THEY TALKED.


Afy5party days arc TQcr, but I con¬sented to attend my c|(J friend, Mrs.General Upshur's re Wien, the othernight. .I .went earlyi jftud was greet¬ed very cordially by d is. General, inthat hearty, blunt wij characteristicof' h er;

'My.dcar, Doctor, [ jam delighted to¦SCO you; I hope that you'll enjoy your¬self";, but look to itwlho you talk to.Do not, on any acootiut, allow your¬self* to be cornered by old Mrs. Dull-ville or: you'll b\ iipflkcd. to death.Avoid her part of t f room; there shesits in an old, fadd] lilac dress; thepoor soul is a tcrrilj » bore.'

R^iA* i\ffj"Sw$*¥"W ought I

.My dear, DoWhy should yonto be civil to borthe mast ugrccabi

Pfrj#aeneral Vor, certainly not.Wc are not bound;;you know. Selectpeople present and

spend your time with them. Ah!Mrs. Head}', hoy.arc you? Doctor,you have my periyiission to make your¬self agreeable tc Mrs. Ready,' undMräaGchefml bounded pi"'.' *ä^fi&W^^W^kdy, whowas radiant in liroso colored dress,and smelling of'njjusk, or some otherstrong perfume, juid I prepared toJUtiko>, myself aj-rceblp- by(listen'u^Jjtp my fair comtfuioirs conversation.'

'I hesitated tiädut coming this even¬ing, Doctor, foijMrs. General has siiaha knack of getting together all .kindsof vulgar pnCjiej at her parties,'Why, is it possible? Why docs

she. do that?! I, i; j


\ ,\ j'Well, yoJ ice she wiii/tsj lb jgUlbtheir parties/^ she lmifcM/aMhcJ't Irthers. She incans well, but Mr.s. ujen-crnl is ecrli.inly wretchedly democra¬tic. Now wio but Mrs. General Wouldthink of having the Van Dusch» at aparty; look at those Van Duscuj girls,Brdbtldidly a.s they arc dressed, youc'ah, sec wf\\j vulgar they arc. OldVati Dusc'n | mado nil his money byselling poik.1

'Pork is a| very good thing to sellI'm sure.' j'Ridiculous! You know you wouldnot soil j oric'

'No; because I've none to sell.''Well J jdon't care; tbc Van Dusen

girls lock greasy.''Not to fine.*

'Now.buttrouls alive ! "Who wou'tMrs. General have next. There cornea

that f/rcndful'Misa Dorau.'

'Yjphat makes Miss Doran ao drcad-iVi ?t She's very pretty, I'm sure.'

you innocent old stupid, did youvor hear twat she wanted to marryr father's carriage driver?'«%)id she say she wanted to?'cNo;'but every body says she did.'At this juncture, my companionts led out to dance by, a militaryntleman, and I moved my scat next

'to Miss Perryville. Miss Perryville's.dancing days, like, mine, wore over,1so I knew that she was likely to be afixture. She greeted me with :

'Why Doctor, I was astonished tosee you talking to Mrs. Ready; peoplesay such dreadful things about her.'

' Why, do they'Yes; they her husband is dying of

a broken heart, all caused by her iu-famous behaviour. I am amazed atMrs. General having bei here.'.VWelj. I do declare, how all you

people abuse each other.''Has any one abused nie?' and Miss

Perryville bridled up.'Not yet, but I am going around

the room to see,' und 1 joiued Mrs.Slattcrs. *. .-

Tired of Miss Perryville already,Doctor ? I don't wonder; she's a fear¬ful woman, always abusing and sland¬ering people.'

'Put you're all doing that.''No, we arc not.''Yes; you all do it. I'm going home.

Good-bye!'!; After this experience, I'm going toho more parties; forJ find the greatstaple of conversation at them is thefoiblc3 and lollies of other people.

Mr. Cooler's* Third.

My neighbor Coüloy married hi*third!'wile' a short time tigo.'aijd theriffpffafter he canic [Tome* with he? hisoldest l>oy, the son of his fust wife,came into the room where sue was Fit¬ting alone sewing. Placing his elbowson the table he began to be sociable.The following conversation ensued :

Boy.How long d'you expectyou'll last ?

Mrs. C..What on earth do youmean ?:Boy.Why ma> she held on for

about ten years, and Emma, pa'sIs'ecoüdj stood it for three yeais. 1i-eckon youVc good for as much as her.I. hope so, anyhow. I'm kinder sickof funerals. The}' made an awful futiwhen thoy stowed away inn, and a

bigger howl when they plantedEmfim. So I'd jes as leave you'dkeep round awhile. But pa, he hashis doubts about it.

. Mrs. C..Doubta! Tell me whatyou mean, this instant.Boy.Oh, nothin'! Only the day

JjSnvnm got away pa came homo from"no funeral, and when lie ripped thecrape ofl his hat he chucked it intothe bureau drawer and said : "Laythere1 till I want you again;" so X'pose the old mart must be expectin*you to step'out some time or other. Infact, I seen him conversm' with theundcrtnkcr yesterday; makin1 somekirider permanent contract with hi in,11 reckon. The old man is alwaysjcwtb'i people down.

.Mrs: 0..You ought to be ashamedto talk of your father in that manner-

Boy.Oh he don*t mind it. I oftenhear the fellers jokin' him about hiswives. lie likes it. He's a goodhalured man. Anybody can £et alongwith him if they underst and him. Allyou've got to do is to be sweet on him,and he'll be like a lamb. Now, Emma,she used to get mud and heave a plate,or a coal scuttle, or most anything athint, and it used to irritate him. Andma, she'd blow him up about lö.UÜOtimes a day; both of them would bangme till I got disgusted. And pndidn'tlike it. Treat mc well, give mo candyand money, and -you've got pa sure.Emma used to smack me; and whenpa said he was opposed to it she'd goatJiim with an umbrella, or a fiat-ironand maul/him.- I oness you and mo'IIjog along dl right.together, and bythe time pa gits, another wife I'll bebig enough to don't care how manyairs she puts on. What I want's time.

You stick tor three or four years andthc*h the old mancan consolidate as

much us he's a mind to, and 1 won'tsea re worth a cent. It's only tho fairthing any way. Enough of thisfamily's money has been wasted on

coflibs and'tombstones, and we oughtto knock offfor a while. Good morniu'.I blicvc I'll go to school.

Mrs. Cooley did not enioy herhour.y-.iioon' as' much as she had ex¬

pected..Max \A (Icier.

Showing tho Vj Lite l'civtüor.

A man took umbrage at an articlewhich appeared in a paper, publishedin a town in which he resided, as per¬sonal, tho olbor day, and in an iratemanner cntcn^l the office, and inquir-ed of the first one he met who wrotethat article, showing the paper, andpc \ng to the'one to which he tookexceptions'.

Said he (raising his voice in aloudkey', and with '

clenched fist high inair), VI want to see the editor thatwroic that article'.""Ybu do," answered the young man

interrogated,"Yes, I do," answered the stranger,

angrily.' "Itis satisfaction I come forand will have it, and before I leavehere, too; do'jjt .',' ^r.l' and understandthat?"" '' .


"All right," said tho. young man."But/ before' 1 call him, I would liketo ask you if you ever saw the gentle¬man before.""No of course not," was the savage

answer; "Why do you wish to know?""OK" nothing very particular. 1

thought if you did you would notcare to soe him.''

"That's just, what I come for, youngman; and there will be fun, you bet."

"\Ve)l, stranger, I tell you before¬hand, 'jhc is 'a'powerful man, standssix1Jflfc two iii his Stockings, weighssf^ttgffl&Bf^rf^ V̂vt'bfists inaT" strike tremendous 1 lows;when angry, his eyes flash fire; histread is like elephant, and be can lilta three hundred pound weight withperfect ease, and top it over his .should¬er as easy as I could a base ball. Noone dare to approach him in an angrymood; for they would be in dungcr oflosing their lives. I to has held an

elephuul.'.s trunk for ten minutes, andput his arm around the neck of a horse,and turned him over with compara¬tive ease. He has done powerful things,[ tell you,stranger. Besides, he al¬ways carries a si.v shooter, and is an

excellent shut, scarcely missing thebull's eye one timo out of twelve.Stranger ho is the counterpart ofSamson, of old."


During the young man's brief ruei-tal of the personnel of the editor thatwi ote the article, tho stranger turnedvery pale, trembled all over, hackingall the timo toward the door,out ofwhich he suddenly darted, and busnot been heard ol since, doubtless,deeming it wiser to depart quietlythan to encounter such a formidableopponent.

Tin-: Diu'sskd Wkioiit or Axi-MAils1..Farmers who have but littleexperience in feeding annuals for themarket, are often disappointed becausetheir beef and pork does not weigh as

nittt-h as they thought it would. Theyare likely to overlook certain pointswhich ought always to be taken intoaccount when estimating tlie dressedweight of animals.An old ahimal will not dress as

xiueh in proportion to its looks as a

young and growing one. '

A creature w inch is very fat willweigh a great deal more than one

equally as large, but which has notbeen well fattened.An animalwhich has had twenty or

thirty bushels of meal will dress muchheavier than one which has been fedonly about half its much meal.A crealuro which has been mealed

for live or six months will weigh morethan o ld which has had about the.same amount of meal, but has beenled only about hilf a's long.

In all eases, liberal and long con¬tinued feeding is essential to the at¬tainment of any great success in fat¬tening animals of any kind..NewI'Jiif/lanil Fanner.

A Lusus Natuuk..We are in¬formed by Mr. Sol. Cochran, tbo mail-currier to Dunbarton, that on thc2ütbof June bist, colored twins wero bornon tbo farm ofMr. Joseph ABhley,near that place, with a Hganicntnry|connection near the. stomach. One oftho twinshns neither eyes, nose, handsor feet, and the only orifice answering,for a mouth is a perpendicular sljtrunuing .lcngthwi.se of the face. Itseems to be perfectly dumb and to re¬

ceive nourishment entirely from theother child, who is healthy and wellformed. If the dumb child is touchedthe other feels it, and if asleep im¬mediately awakens. The perfectlyformetl child, as ma}' be supposed, is a

female, while the dumb animal belongsto the male persuasion. Quite an

exciteme.it is created down in thatregion, and several enterprisingBarniiins have already appeared uponthe scene and made extravagant offersto the parents to allow their abnormaloffspring to goon exhibition.

This is truly a epieer world of ours,and Dame Nature is a strange mother.Here is a poor ignorant negro familywho have struck a bonanza withoutleaving the "Ohl Cabin Home," whilethousands wiil travel to the end of theearth in search of fortune ami returnpoorer than they went.

To cure bridIc-brcaUing, gcta jiieccof 'bodcord, four times the length ofthehorse and double it. in the middle,and at-the doubled end make a loop,through which puss the animal's tail.Then cross the cord over his buck, andand pass both ends through the halterring under his chin und tie both endsof the cord to the trough ring, thrnughwhich the halter strap piny*, ihs endof the hal'er being attached to abillefof wood. Shod d the horse attempt topull back the. strain will aUJie on the

will (become tij^^^J^ndhe will atonce step forward to avoid it. A fterso fixing him a few times'in the sta-able he will abandon any such pro¬pensity. . . .

.- mmf>-ö~Qm'-Willie had a purple monkey climb¬

ing on a yellow stick, and when hesucked the paint all off it made himdeadly sick; a d in his latest hours heclasped that monkey in his hand, andbid göb'u-byj to earth and went into abetter land. No more he'll "shoot hissister with his little wooden gun; andno more he'll twist the pussy's tail andmake -her yowl for fun. The pussy'stail now stands out .»tmight; the gunis laid aside; the monkey doseh'tjumparound si.-.ce little Willie died.

The guessing mania has takon a new

shape at Bridgeport, Connecticut,where a druggist placed a large globeof pills in his window und offered onehundred soda water tickfcts for thenenrost guess at their number. Morethan two thousand persons made theattempt, their guesses ranging fromeighty-seven to seven thousand. Thereal number us two hundred andthirty-seven, which two persons guess¬ed'.

The Apache Indians have arrivedat a beautiful solution of the mother-in-law problem. They utterly prohibitall intercourse or conversation betweenfathors-in-huv and their daughters-in-law, or between¦sons-in-law rind theirmothers-in-law. And yet we callthem savagos and boast ofa superior'civilization.

What a thing fama is! T/Ilif is thewhy in w hich one of our French con¬

temporaries, the Mesfanyerj describesthat little difficulty at Bunker's Hill :'On the 17th of June, 1775, theAmerican volunteers, commanded byGeneral Artomns Ward, attacked andthoroughly beat the British troopsnear Charlestown, in Massachusetts !"

"Bliebe Couzins doesn't dress like,hor brothers of the bar,".says the Chi¬cago Tribun^, by way of commencingan item. That's undoubtedly true;she dresses by put ting on her clothesover her head, while they don't, and,what's more, they uu n't. But whatbusiness is it of tho Tribune's, any¬how t. 9'»

Summ Bit Sports..As wo are &owriu the midst of summer, aud in'theabscnco of auy regular profesaiorialamusements, we would uuggcct tJiü fol¬lowing "parlor tricks" as'a pleasantmeans of passing away ^Ue 4ft\Vkevenings; .

.. T,Tlio Spittoou Trick. Tnkp t^.uojfr

gallon spittoous, . white, ouesnre.thc;best.then aclcct a strong, red! eoxcl.worsted is. preferable; pass tho cardthrough the two holes of the Bplttoonaand give the ends to a geutlerana^and;lady, selected from the company* to.hold. Now let a lady seizo the wit-toons, and sliding each to tlie oppositeend of the cord, bring them1 tc^etuirsmartly, when thev will break t«kpieces and fall to the floor. This trick,is easily performed, and will exciteconsiderable applause.' " .'.-"'¦ "

The Magic Stick. Tb dotMs'trickproperly, you will need a pearl handle-pocket-knife and a hard wood stick»some (wo inches in length. Sharpentho two end 3 of the stick and then tryto crush it endways, oithar betweenyour hands or by sitting on it. 'This!,to your astonishment, you will findimpossible todo. . >,..'*, tdoSIThe Cable 1 rick. Takc-a pieeq of

tarred cable, about, fifteen inchesleiigth, cut .it . arefitlly intwo-witb^rjsharp' knife,. aud then try to chew^b,^endsa together.'? ilou Mcau.tr)? a^longßS ^"l^Mi j 'VvvVm'II -^'^'" "¦T

i "Whore 'was Bishop T,atimet- ''bura-ed to ! denthT' 'askttl1 a^tbä'ch^riu acommanding v6icb.' "Josltutl, kn'ows?*'said n little girl at the bottom of thoclass., » YWeU,'' said>" tho-tfe^e!ncrl/4,-ifJosSuo.knowsj hd may .tell:^iawiri*t%'ofnc,V rep: ted Joshua; vlndking y*r$grave, and wise. * . i «» V''

It is hard* to; remeinhcr .when tlidheat was, Jjlie..causef)$4fr^much-pro*ÖiiiU-Vr^asJ tJi as.bReofcfajM£yQ^i3fl»^ipast. Certainly that^nnW^IB^w^been since Mr. Boceher was moved toremark, merely by way of ill ust^fcionand warning, however, "It's damnedhot to-day."' » ,_J w ; ,m'l'l' .'. j"There 1" exclaims the* indignant'

Boston wife as she fetches her'n'üij-band, who had heed taking hio oon-|tonnial appld-jack too ätrötig or Yob?frequent, a resonant whack Ölfthehead with a chair rocker, **IM1 raisea"Bunker Hill monument on you tlnuVyou'll remember'!"

Several Irishmen were disputing onoday upon their o'.m best points, whenone said in an aggressive mannen >

"Faith, and I'm a brick." ''An^iindadc, said another, 'Tma brickluy-er,'* aud ho felled the first speaker tothe ground. .,

Next to the "chromo" o'fair iutoxi-1cated man fondly steadying a gas-lamp-post, we don't know of a more"heartrending object than that of3"lean canine, reaching for a business-"like flea on the extreraq Southern por¬tion of his tail. .ir.if

'TlV-i , t erf *When thoy build ft ra'droad, the firstthing they do is to', break ground.,cThis is often done with great cere-moi ey. Then they break the stock¬holders.' This is done without core-

>l ;tf.; ill -> <dvmony._m ... iv ....i ; ut

".Well, I -.always ranko it artfltf fo ?tell my wife evarything.'tlintiiapi&ne'A'"'"Oh, my* deaf fellow, that's nothing,'replied his friend, "I tell my wife lef*'"'of thin^H that never happen at all. i:

- WIUI.-.-fP'IMil tTho man who ad vortisos shovfa t\t\l

only a business talent above hip neigh*burs, but he may be at once reckonedamong the independent, gouorou.3 amipublic spirited oftho CQtutnwnity»

'"° * .

It is said that the world weighs five ,hundred million billion tons, hut there,was a bushel of potatoes on tho'scales'at the time aud we call fox a ne«{.

MWhero do people go who doccivo '

their fcllowmcn ?" asked a Sundayschool teacher.: "To EuroTSo/'waattaprompt roply. 1 *

The G corgi'i state .agricultural fp* .

ciety has concluded Urprohibit racing |jat their a ming fair.