;g'-n~(3Ri ___ _,. ',§§:■ ■:’ :;S ^ 5 3 ;’:;;;j:;^^ rNt<^ypM:ay TW IN y% ’- . , "Ji| 9%^' xs- ;yO L 80, NO. 268 TVTO FALtS. n)AHp» M 1947 Santa SH^s Jel^obs, In^aithftil Sleigh, Boyle Reports . ' B7 BAX. B O n S ^ HORTH ?Ois; See. 34 :OUos. noted eUerijr pbUaathropbt, took o2t today oo Ut anunl good «U 1 lUCbt anoad the mrld. S» wu apeetm to cro« tb* Oanadlan' border tod - enter (b t United StKtai' ferotind nldDlsbt* . Staortir a tta r \ha takeotf^ be radioed back to- hU beadquartera here that a rala- deer^ banett had. but be Sm **^ ortbern sf-ir»riss cooUnuiBd hU flight. "The vitttber U clear and cold." hlf Tolce tocnned "and irete oa acbwlola. Oaaber, my lead reindeer, to aettlnK a fast pace. *^ e mw three polar betn on an lea floe a while «so and aoomed down over their headi. You ought to bare eeea them dive into the water. “niatH teach 'em to believe 1 b »?T« i Santa.” In an exclusive Interview grmoted ’ •* before b l«‘ departure, tbe good woold receive a gift trtm tala ^ never forget tbe good once.' aald, even ir tbaTre be«_ _ mat bit bad wtajr iH probably teave "But X dont 'want them to atay told me be bad to throw aend in the area of 103S73«a .children who tried to ataj awake attar their parenU had told them to go to bed. It'a dreadful to waste all that sand.” Santa had been working all week becauH Praneer and Vixen sprained during practice rides, but both were In good ahape this morning. 1 asked Santa Olaus if there was any truth to the report that he planned to gin up bis reindeer and buy a new. jet-powered airplane. ‘ Neverr he said. *m y Donder and BUtxen and Dancer and Comet and all my other reindeer spend the whole year looking forward to this ride. Ttiey would never forglTe me If I did that Besides I think it it much easier to stoer my sled.” As he spoke the dwarfs from his workshop w en running tortb loading up the sled with toya. ^*Bad a lo t of-trooUe miJclhg,'tcqra tbto year.* SanU aithe^^Vasttf the UtUa glrU atlU m S t iloIIa.-but the boya- eo many of, them want new*taogled atom ■«ii xoeket-gona. It takes a lot ot;ra- aearch.**^. . He- climbed,Into his sled. Vast then IM .oiais-cam e running out with-a big M^rnumer. *7ou wear ihls,r she said sternly. *1 don*t want you to come back snifttng with a aore threat like you did last year.” Santa msde a face, but he let her wrap the- muffler around his neck. The eight relbdeer bent forward la tbelr hamesa. but tbe big sled hardly moved at first. •Hiis pack geU heavier every year.” smiled Santa. "My. how the children do change, I csn remember when they used to «h«n*r It was a fine OhrUtmas if Z just put a big onnge In their stoeUnga.** “Now they expect you to squeeze It. too.- Uugbed Mrs. Oaus; And as tbe reindeer’ whisked him up into the frosty air. he callri bock: "Merry Ohnstmas, Meny Chrlitniss, Merry Ohrlstmail’* 71 Federal Employes Admitted as traders WASHlNGTONj Dec. 24 (/p)—Agriculture department of- ficials acknowledsred today that 71 local state and federal employes were trading on commodity markets in September and promised to discl&se the names soon. Aides to Secretary Anderson also told a reporter that names of any public employes who have been dealing on the markets during the last two years will be made public as quickly as lists csn be prepared. There has been no decision, they added, as to whether the. names of the 71 ^11 be iden* tified separately or included jrith other traders in Hats being issued by the depart- ment. Ib e officials jFrench Act to Curblnflatioji By ‘Austerity’ PARIS. Z>e4> a« (AV-The nation- al assembly irot to the tippet laUve cba^iber today « drastle j^ew -a u s te t^ liteasuA''deslgiiea to help pay Tor a twe^blUloa dollar ^reconstrwtion proftram'by draining .lA o ff funds « f Frenchmen who ^ m o re than f3,7BO a year. The deputies passed the blU last eight. 800 to 2«8, with the far left.- tbe rlghU-tbe followers of Oen. Oharlea de Oanll&<-la opposlUon to the gov- ernment messure. which was en- titled an "exceptional levy In the atniggle against InflaUon.” The upper chamber, the councQ of the republic, was expected to begin debate on tbe bm within «B boura. Tbe lower chamber was scheduled to go to work on the French budget for IBiS. calling for expenditures of SW/X)0,000.000 francs (t7J93,000.000.) The tax measure re<julrei______ men to buy 130,000,000,000 francs {»l,ow.000,000) worth of government bonds or pay that amount In taxes. The taxation wiU be a eliding scale levy on thoce with an income-of above 4SO,OCO francs ($3,780) a year. Funds railed wUl be used to help pay for a 230,000^1.000 franc <tl,030MIO,000) reconstruction pro- j^ g r a m . T b e remaining 10O,OOO,OOOXK)O A f r a n c s ($838,000,000) In the extra- >'■ ordinary reconstruction budget, imder Finance Ulnlster>Rene May- er^ plana, will come from aid furn- ished by the United States. The assembly backed up the new measure by authorising the govern- ment to Issue special three per cent bon^ ijdeemable In 10 years. Tbey would be ioued in three Install- ments. beginning Jan. IB. Taxpayers liable to tbe provisions of tbe "ex- cepUonal levy" wUl have the option of buying bonds or paying taxes in a like amount 3 Victims of Polio Released to Home They were three boys, one X4Vrtxn Wendell; one 7 from Melba and one 7 from sur. No now cases were reported to the state health department today and ^Uie Idaho total for. the year re- tained at 303 as compared with io irlast'year: " ' "OamjV____________________, pUeable to Twin P a lls than *>hlte Ohrlstmaa,” weather rec- ords at tbe bureau of entomology revealed Wednesday. In tbe last 10 years, residents of Twin PaUs have bad a ‘Vhlte Christinas'' in only two years, 1M3 and W4. At Ohri • ing tha oUjer eight years, it rained. Thursday may be another ‘'damp” Christmas. A storm off the Padfle coast Is moving in- land and may produce some rain In the lower valleys of Idaho with anow at higher tlevallons. ao- cdrdlng to the weather bureau. ment after BepresenUUve MacKin- non. Tt^ Minn., said the department knew of. the 71 and caUed oa-Ander- aon In a telegram to say wbo they are. MacKinnon said the pablic wants to know nameaof “thr-----*- mTWKT'-U'.w^ a—.1^ . . EQltfh'ir'bave inside i n f o ^ t i m on Oarry «9 Beqnesiad BU action ooihclded with a request by the senato appropriations com- mlttee that five goremment-depart- b w gambling on commodity mar- The committee to checking on aW' legaUons that "government insiders'* msde use of official infomaUon to profit in commodity trading. . DeflalUon Given MacKinnon said J. M. Mehl. ad*- mlnistrator o f the commodity ex- change auUiorlty. told the joint con- gressional committee on tbe eeo nomlo repOTt on Nov. 34 that' as' of Sept 17 the 71 public employes were "long" on 304,000 bushels and "short" 131.000 bushels in the wheat futures market <A long trader In wheat futures to one who contracts to buy wheat at a certain price at a future date. A short trader to one who agrees to deliver It) *HubCii In Wendell to Be Up Again Jan. 20 WEKOELL. Dee. 34— Wendell's ‘'Bub City of tha Msglc Valley" sign, knocked down by a posaing truck early this month, to expected t o ^ back In ooeratlon on Jan.'30. The sign, originally erected by the Wendell Uons club and Wen- dell businessmen, to being rebuUt by tbe Cosgrlff Sign company. Twin Palls. The first sign was erected about a year aga Tbe alogan "Hub Clty~ has been connected with Wendell /or tbe last 34 years, local business men con- tend. Several Umea the sign bss been damaged by high trucks In the last year but business men now plan to put It high enough so large trueks can pass benestb It without -- It, Still Looking Judges of the Times-News OhrUtmas lighting contest are stiU locking o v e r decoraUons around Twin Palls. On their first tour of tbe dty Sunday night, the Judges found so many other peo- ple out looking at .......... that they bad difficult driving down the street > TliB judges win decide the win- ners.who wiU be announced Jan. 1. Judging to being made on the basto of general effect of the dis- play and act on the elaboraU n a t u r e o f lighting. ZMspIays should tw lighted from dark until 10 pjn. Recklessness Costs Driver $38 in Court As the result of a meeting St^faMMes . Olana made a apeetol visit la Twin Falto Taeaday rtlgbt to gifts to ehUdrea attending the Salvation Army^s aaaaal CbrtaU mas party. In photo above, two ef the m m than 850 children wha attended the .party are shown meeting Santa. Twin “ " and the Klwanto elsb cooperated with BanU to provide enongh glfU M d ^ a t & ^ e r r t o ^ t b . master ef ceremonies, to shown .at right. 325 Wide-Eyed Children At Salvation Army Party -Highlight of tbe entertainment was a ventrfloquist act presented by Clarence Kile, Buhl, and hto, partner 'Tommy.'* Ben Winkler and hto son'played aeveral marimba seleeUons aod Hab BaU read a Christmas story. MoMs Both aoted as master-of (Bee photos on page 8) Santa Olaus paid a pre-Chrltmas vtolt to more than 335 wide-eyed ---------- ra o f .'local needy fsmlllea - — Saliitlon "Xmys annual OhrtoUnas part; Tuesday night in VTiiTt ■■ 'i chndwltb tonat«d \by iFaUs and —,------------ appeared before Judge J. O. Pumphrey Wednesday. William F . Warren. 607 Addtoos avenue vest was fined $38 and 13 costs on a reckless driving tiUtion made out by «ity police. About 8:80 P A . Tuesday. Wan u- crashed into the rear o f __ car driven by Mrs. Ruby Krengel. 510 Addison avenue west, in the 300 block of Blue Lftkea boulevard. Pt>> lice said Warren had .been driving at an excessive speed. According to the police dlsBmcn of tbe accident, Mrs. Krengel'a car moved forward 43 puccs utier u.u Impact, while Warren's car moved 30 paces atzoss the center of the road. Also reported by ci^ police, was ao accident a t 7:35 a m Wednesday when Ernest S. Given, 1140 Seventh avenue'east. struck a power pole at the intersection of Third avenue and lU rd street south. AbotJt 1 pjn. Tuesday autoc______ Wcrated by Rogelle etamftokl. 4S0 PUth avenue east, and Robert R. Johnston. 366 Blue Lakes boulevard south, coUlded at Fourth avenue and Sixth street east Police reported tho front end of the Stamfleld car was dsmaged and the Johnstoo car was damaged on both side*. After being struck by the other car. the Johnston automobile swung about a power pole and stopped on tbe property at 80S Sixth avenue east COAL PB<H}I7CnoN 17P WASHmOTON. Dec. 34 Om— Soft coal production to up 17 per cent over 1046, according to the Bituminous Coal InsUtute. The in- crease was attrtbutod to tha relaUvo — ?e which b i ----- - - • - nL.Lewtoa No Paper PubllcaUon o f tbe Tknea-News will be suspended Chrtotmu day to allow enployee to spend the day with their families. Regular edlUons of the Tlmea- News will be publtohed Friday. “We Shall Do More,” Truman Promise toPeople of Worid WASBXNOTON. Dec. 34 QUO — -■resident Truman premised the sttf- fering people of the world oo tbto holy night that "we shall do more" for them. To the oold, hungry and the home- less abroad, be uttered thto ChrlsU Mr. TVuman spoke at dusk from a gaUy decorated pUtfotin on tbe south grounds of tbe White House after turning^ on t*itt lights on a big community Christmas tree. Addressing a nation-wide radio audience and tbe world—Mr. Itu - man reminded hto Ustenera that the u s e ^ M hto, ttieme the words of “ And now abldeth faith, hope, tuulty. tbeae three; But the great- rt of these to charity.- Mr. Ttuman said that In extendlnc aid to tbe uafortunato abroad ''wa are developing In their hearto the return of •bope*. . . (and) wl& the return of hope to these people will come renewed faith-faltb in the dignity of the Individual and the brotherhood o f man." ' ■ae prertdeat said thtre can-be llttto han>lneaa for Uiose la Europe ^ Asia who win obaerve another Ohrtotmas In poverty and suffering. “As we prepare to celebrate our Christmas year in a land' of nty.“ be aald, •'we would be baart- Indeed if we were Indifferent to the plight of the leas forttmato pestles ovoaeaa." chlldrea and’ theb- parenta to the party. Mayor H. O. Lauterbach greeted the children for tbe dty and wtobed them a Merry Obrlstoas. The BUwanto choral group enter- tained with traditional Christmas songs and led the party In the sing- ing of “Jingle Bells“ and “Silent Night Sea. scouts, tmder tha dlractlcn 0tOrvlnBhmd.were6anU'a' ' and'passed OBtgltts*tD tbe-^l______ in ^ o p ^ e a vlth the Salvation Anny. Twla Falto flramAi andmem- bera of the Sea Scout troop spon- sored by the First Obrtotiaa church repaired aad repainted toya that were dtotrlbuted' to the needy- fam- in e Jaycees. Zlks and tbe Sal- vation. Anny, have assured Obrlst- mas dinners for these needy fam- iUes. Major Nielsen aald. Five Tons of Beans Donated for “Ship” Donations of .{iCodbce to Magic Talley's '‘Christmas ship'* rose to 52 tons Wednesday with a, contribution of 10,000 pounds of beans from Edward Uhiig. 0. J. Bothne, Twin Falls drive chairman, declares Magic Valley is leading the entire state in total donations. He said the Independent warehouse, Hansen, donated a ton of beans, the Idaho Egg Producers association contribut- ed $100 worth of dried eggs, and the Hypo-Tbeek Land com- pany through Thonias Feavey donated 8,000 pounds of beans. The Boveraors of the four Padflo aorthwest states, have designated tho weeks of Dec. 38 to Jan. 3 as "Christmas ship week." Bothne urges rural residents who have not returned their pledge cards to their local committees to mail them Immediately In order for traasportaUon committees to com- plete their work before the Jsn. ,4 deadline. Twin Falla deparUncnt sUuvs have pledged a shipment of new and old clothing «ri/4 local restaurants wlU donste several cases of canned goods, Bothne said. He asked resldenU of tbe valley who are. unable to donato produce to give money, for the aid of the people in Surope. “No donation to too small when added to the others la the valley," Bothne said. Contributions In Twin Falls are being accepted at the E. & Harper company warehouse on truck Isne. SimpIofPurchase.' Ellwands Industry SALT LASS c m r, Dec. 34 OUO.- Purchase of tba kalunlte plant la Balt Lake City by tbe J. R. Slmplot company was cxpeeted today to bo the forerunaar. of aa much as $Sr OOOJMO fat Industrial expansion la **ito area. William J. O'Connor, president of tbe Garfield Chemical company, sin- bounced today that hto firm would, expand production of sulphurle add 150 per ceat to supply the FerUUser Manufacturieg company. m. order to do thto. be said, be- tween $3,000,000 and 84.000.000 WiU be spent Gambling Stopped In Glenns Ferry GLENNS FERRY. Dec.' 34-Dlce and 31 games in five local establlsh- mento have been closed down by Sc more County Sheriff Arthus Stevens but no arrests were made. StevM said the games were being operated in the front of the buUd- Ings and were wide open. He «■<<< his visit did not consUtuto a raid and that all he did was to order the gambling stopped. Strife-^Ridden Greets Third M ■y tSw Assedatoa Ftm In a world tormented by bloody strife* afflicted by the misery of %old and-Luu* distressed by the unsolved problems of peace, much of manldni^ began t6day thrc tlon of the third Christmas since the end of the war. There was bloodshed in.Palutlne, Greece, China and Indo^lhina. Hunger and t.., ^ ------------------ specters-clondlng th ro tlons in much- ol<'~ where •*aaste«ty’’ 1 come a new word i tightening. ------ - amdnt tba \ Soldiers Withtowing From Panama Bases . QUARRY HEIGHTS, Canal Zone, Dec. 24 (/F)—Caribbean command headquarters said U. S. troops began withdrawing at daylight today from defense bases in Panama, which the republic’s national assembly refused'Monday to lease to the United States. •: The huge B-29 bomber base at Rio Hat% and a chemlcal- -warfare testing sito on San Jose island, largest of the 14 Imses involved outside ihe 10-miIe wide c W l strip, were the ^nt to start evacuating:.. ^ * The announcement said both planes and men were being ttoved from Bio Hata. Men -------------------------------—- were moved from San Jose. a i . . ■w^m AJbstract rirm GivenCustody Of Big Estate T b ' eaUtes of the two minor daughtera of tha Metbven ooupla, who /plunged to their deaths la Snake river canyon la October, have beea placed under tbi lanshlp of the Twin Pane 1 Ttustoompanjr. were Issued tost night after receipt -t inttrucUons from Washington. Ueut-Oen. WUUs D. Crittenberger. commander of O. S. forcu in the Caribbean area, sakl he had been Instructed by Washlngtop to atart withdrawal of tbs American tnopa at ooce. ... Washington demands ar on capital bill for survey work a new canaL Senator Knowlaad, R., Calif; suggested a new vater routo across Nicaragua aad ~ sentoUve &igel, R., Mlcb., said there should be' CTB “outside Panana.** Tlie decision to withdraw entirely lwpt.the gorani em Europe vlgUast V - . :'Pepal>raUg''‘ nSfiirSoSm^j^ growing tandeaey toward'-, carityf wblch^sald tbs-Ju... TOa llttto towncf.B ‘ " eradle ot tha Lord ^ of peace ta ajbolyj^ eommunal b a tre d ^ ib...... tbao .MO.'parscni bcvta slaJn la FalesUna atneeNor.S.w lato Arab aad Jewlib' Pngttaia f l a e h ^ .Igrlna floolH' ' side town, wberL _____ la a ataUe; for traditlaaal.y ---------- lO^Yei- Lease to tf. S. WASBXNGTON, Deo. M <UJD — Diplomatlo quarters believed today the United States might yet o)>- taia a 10-year lease oa Paaaaumlas basas to replaca tbe 30-year ment rejected by Panama's assembly. Tlie Panamanian baaes romlnenUy in. the Amerlci_ _____ ir protecting the strategic caaal. aad the assembly's aetloa caused considerable concern here. Government offlciato believed that an Important factor tai tha decision wss a campaign by comnuntot sgltaton to whip up animosity against tbe United States, parti- cularly among Panamanian stu- dents. Diplomatic quartm however, did not believe tbe door, wss closed to a subsUtute agreement They cited Panama City dispatches which said assembly-leaders blamed the rejection on the state department's Instotence that blg'bttnber base at Rio Bato-etrateglcally most im- portant of the 14-be leased for 30 years instead of 10. AutboritaUve quarters In Paruuaa Hamlltoa fai Novambtf.'. Greek Rebels Set up Soviet ' ‘Government' A1SENS, Dec. .34 ( « ) — OuailDa radio broadcasts proclaimed today the establtohmeat ef a .oommBntot lease for Rio Bato. Five of the yean would be obligatory and five option- al, with a p p r ^ of the republic of Panama. While be mentioned ao spedflo basto for agreement Panamanian Foreign ^kllnister Plorencio Arose* mena Porto told tho United Press ___________ _____________________ he was “convinced’* the two coua- guerrillas, was reported to be the tries could stlU get together. I premier aad mlntoter ot war.. “goremment" In northern Greacs under Gen. Markoa Vlflades and called on members of tbs leftwlag BiAS to “t^e up arms.* Premier Tbemtotokles L told newsmen the vaguely .. stote muld be medUtely by the oommunlst-doi— ated jiortbem ndgbboca of Greece— TUgoslavto. Albania and Bulgaria. All three have beea accused by » United Nattonscommtoslon of s' ‘ r the clvU strUa in Greece jreek military axUborltiee have insist^ tbe communists could not bold a given area in northera Greece for 48 hours. One high mUitary leader the proclamation of a ' atate would lead to an ____________the army could wipe out tbe rebels In a frontal battle. Only in rare Instanced so far have tha gnerraias offered resist- ance to Greek army movements. The Athens and army radioa which moaltored the broadcasU said only vague detaito were given. Vlflades. long-bunted chief of tte Ttto Softened by Yuletide Spirit Unite, Aid Man Turned Thief for His Family INZnANAPOLlS, Deo. 34 (UO-A husky Negro poltcemaa, a judge and a kind-hearted grocer Joined forcee today to.provlde a happy chrlstmaa for tbe family of a aun who atoto to provide them with food on Chrtot- Btfs day. Tbe stay begaa two nights ago when Patrolman'JaoQues Durham was-walking bis beat'He saw a man run out of a grocery stcn. The grocer. Iloyd Stanford, followed, ihouung: "Stop that man—be dldnt pay for hto grqeartea.*’ ' Durbaa yaatod ont hto ptotel aad fired, twice, into-the air. Tbe man slipped oo: tba :loe aad hto box of Srocettoa flew tbrougb the air.' spm- tag^ana aad-bottlea over the slde- - lbe>fflcet‘ eoU a^ ttta man, who Identified blmaelf aa Walter Bal- lard,'ts. a walder. Durham took him to a peUoe ataUoD.-Tben tha started home. But- OS) hto -way. b «' thought brer tha stary Ballard bad told him irtiUe they wera to route to the poUee sta- tko. Finally be-awuag bto- ear around and.stopped at-tba modest >two-ioam apartment where Ballard llnd. - He found Ballard's wife. Darlene. 37. alttlng up with'their sick 8-year- old baby. Dtona. Ibelr son. David, was asleep on a couch. Mra. Ballard told Durham that the " came here a year-ago trem nd where Ballard bad owned a garage and was doing welL Hard times bit them after they moved.' ' Ballard became sick. First be bad pneumonia. Then he lost part of a thumb when a welding torch burned him. U ter the hijury became In- fected. • Za hto. spare time, be tried to build.tbe faaiUy a bouse. Hto sick- ness; aad ln]urtoe kept him 2rom fltttoblng. f t fbming to go oa living-in tba expensive apartment Then tha baby became sick. Oa Monday. Ballard called a doctor. Tbe doctor said the baby seeded hospital attenUon. Ballard, paid tbe doctor four of hto last M. With, tbe remaining A be aet' out to buy toed for the family. Majr- be..be thought, tbsre'd.-ba. » Uttto left over to buy candy for the kids. But there wasn’t All want for tbe food. Aa be-walted’to pBQT tbrelert: be walked down to tbe tar and ot tbe counter. It.looked •o.easy," Ballard «ald door. I stin bad the 13 for tbe kids.* *But all tba time I knew X waa doing wrong.** After bearing Mra. Ballard^ con- firmation ot ber husband^ st Durham went back to tbe.JalL bad-BanaM'rOMS^'ln bto e ^ ^. Outside, tbe veteran cop slipped bto prtooner a #10 bilL....................... -resterday Ballard appeared bar fore Judge Alex dark on tbe petty larceny charge. But no-ooe would testify against Staafdrd said be didat vaat to prees the charge. Durbam aald-tt was BaUardU first.arreat aad tbat he wasat the type'that would steal ordinarily. .Tbe judge deddad to wltfabold Judgment la tbe <*■— He told Bal- to ge .bama and go to work.' . 'When.Ballard reached tba bttla apartmeat. blf wtfa told'bla’tbat Oorbam >»■■* almidy vldtad^tba ptoce a aecoad time. Ibto'tlaa.bf took tbe baby to -a bOQdtal.te ellnleal obaenatloa. ' ' •On'tbeiatebea tat— basket of groeeriai aad' card oa It read ,‘Ttom ~ 8tao<o«^irttti S9:fa ala-afc OtaadfathBr ,»ett;> l a long beard like Si. nek suit to «blto.'lnstead 1 In America tbS'BatloB<] .J eetobrato lU- tbM / cairletmaa In s .tradttkitie tiag. of mei*y-« ‘ ‘ good ' Wni.aad.' i aylng tribata h tlttea;ef Feaob'-.; Meanwhile, .prasl paido^ .restori ' rights.,were on ...... persoqa. ooaTletea.^ei wartime draft aet. ' bavaeomplet tha-pardaas, issuad last a _ . rutore to then, tbelr civU aadotbartlg^ - • .'..Rra'Deat'" .Obrtotataa nuy'. side-lor scores of' aa tbe result of a fir deatroyed bundreda sad letters. aboard a' E railroad New York b ~' senger trala. TKa'fla irlntoaUaekeaed. that a baberdaaboy; exchange PMday fo f i ___ fancy tbalr- CbttotOMa atore prcntoaa a |1 purchase or oaa of Ita^' ^ neckptecea fer aay 'tala', ample of. tba;-tto ' fsw.f.' ■ Tbe wara.^repo^-dead,-'J aad aea^.-<----- waka dC'uk'u covered mott -efr:« frcD six to'U'laelM atdn tbep •».p

In^aithftil Sleigh, Boyle Reports Greets Thirdnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · hlf Tolce tocnned "and irete oa acbwlola. Oaaber, my

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Page 1: In^aithftil Sleigh, Boyle Reports Greets Thirdnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · hlf Tolce tocnned "and irete oa acbwlola. Oaaber, my

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; y O L 80, N O . 268 T V T O F A L t S . n )A H p » M 1947

Santa S H ^ s Je l^ ob s,In^ a ith ftil S le igh , B o y le Reports

. ' B7 BAX. B O n S ^ HORTH ?O is ; See. 34

:OUos. noted eUerijr pbUaathropbt, took o2t today oo Ut anunl good «U 1 lUCbt anoad the mrld.

S » w u apeetm to cro« tb* Oanadlan' border tod - enter ( b t United StK ta i' ferotind nldDlsbt*. Staortir a t t a r \ha takeotf^ be radioed back to- hU beadquartera here that a rala- deer^ banett had.

but be

Sm * *^ o r tb e rn

s f - i r » r i s scooUnuiBd hU flight.

"The vitttber U clear and cold." h lf Tolce tocnned "and irete oa acbwlola. Oaaber, my lead reindeer, to aettlnK a fast pace.

* ^ e mw three polar betn on an lea floe a while «so and aoomed down over their headi. You ought to bare eeea them dive into the water. “niatH teach 'em to believe 1b »?T«i Santa.”

In an exclusive Interview grmoted ’ •* before b l«‘ departure, tbe

good woold receive a g ift trtm tala

^ never forget tbe good once.' aald, even ir tbaTre be«_ _ mat bit bad wtajr iH probably teave

"But X dont 'want them to atay

told me be bad to throw aend in the area o f 103S73«a .children who tried to ataj awake attar their parenU had told them to go to bed. It'a dreadful to waste all that sand.”

Santa had been working all week becauH Praneer and Vixen sprained

during practice rides, but both were In good ahape this morning.

1 asked Santa Olaus i f there was any truth to the report that he planned to g in up bis reindeer and buy a new. jet-powered airplane.

‘ Neverr he said. * m y Donder and BUtxen and Dancer and Comet and all my other reindeer spend the whole year looking forward to this ride. Ttiey would never forglTe me If I did that Besides I think it it much easier to stoer my sled.”

As he spoke the dwarfs from his workshop wen running

tortb loading up the sled with toya.^*Bad a lo t of-trooUe miJclhg,'tcqra

tbto year.* SanU a ith e^ ^ V a s ttf the UtUa glrU atlU m S t iloIIa.-but the boya- eo many of, them want

new*taogled atom ■«ii xoeket-gona. I t takes a lot ot;ra- aearch.** . .

He- climbed,Into his sled. Vast then IM .o ia is -cam e running out with-a big M^rnumer.

*7ou wear ihls,r she said sternly. *1 don*t want you to come back snifttng with a aore threat like you did last year.”

Santa msde a face, but he let her wrap the- muffler around his neck. The eight relbdeer bent forward la tbelr hamesa. but tbe big sled hardly moved at first.

•Hiis pack geU heavier every year.” smiled Santa. "My. how the children do change, I csn remember when they used to «h«n*r It was a fine OhrUtmas if Z just put a big onnge In their stoeUnga.**

“Now they expect you to squeeze It. too.- Uugbed Mrs. Oaus;

And as tbe reindeer’ whisked him up into the frosty air. he callri bock: "Merry Ohnstmas, Meny Chrlitniss, Merry Ohrlstmail’*

71 Federal Employes Admitted as traders

WASHlNGTONj Dec. 24 (/p)—Agriculture department of­ficials acknowledsred today that 71 local state and federal employes were trading on commodity markets in September and promised to discl&se the names soon.

Aides to Secretary Anderson also told a reporter that names of any public employes who have been dealing on the markets during the last two years will be made public as quickly as lists csn be prepared.

There has been no decision, they added, as to whether the.names of the 71 ^11 be iden* tified separately or included jrith other traders in Hats being issued by the depart- ment.

Ib e officials

jFrench Act to Curblnflatioji By ‘Austerity’

PARIS. Z>e4> a « (AV-The nation- al assembly irot to the tippet laUve cba^iber today « drastle j^ew -au ste t^ liteasuA''deslgiiea to help pay Tor a twe^blUloa dollar

^reconstrw tion proftram'by draining . lA o f f funds « f Frenchmen who ^ m o re than f3,7BO a year.

The deputies passed the blU last eight. 800 to 2«8, with the far le ft.- tberlghU-tbe followers of Oen. Oharlea de Oanll&<-la opposlUon to the gov­ernment messure. which was en­titled an "exceptional levy In the atniggle against InflaUon.”

The upper chamber, the councQ of the republic, was expected to begin debate on tbe bm within «B boura. Tbe lower chamber was scheduled to go to work on the French budget for IBiS. calling for expenditures of SW/X)0,000.000 francs (t7J93,000.000.)

The tax measure re<julrei______men to buy 130,000,000,000 francs {»l,ow.000,000) worth of government bonds or pay that amount In taxes. The taxation wiU be a eliding scale levy on thoce with an income-of above 4SO,OCO francs ($3,780) a year.

Funds railed wUl be used to help pay for a 230,000^1.000 franc <tl,030MIO,000) reconstruction pro-

j^gram . Tbe remaining 10O,OOO,OOOXK)O A fra n c s ($838,000,000) In the extra- >'■ ordinary reconstruction budget,

imder Finance Ulnlster>Rene May­er^ plana, will come from aid furn­ished by the United States.

The assembly backed up the new measure by authorising the govern­ment to Issue special three per cent bon^ ijdeemable In 10 years. Tbey would be ioued in three Install- ments. beginning Jan. IB. Taxpayers liable to tbe provisions o f tbe "ex- cepUonal levy" wUl have the option of buying bonds or paying taxes in a like amount

3 Victims of Polio Released to Home

They were three boys, one X4Vrtxn Wendell; one 7 from Melba and one 7 from sur.

No now cases were reported to the state health department today and

^Uie Idaho total for. the year re­tained a t 303 as compared with io irlast'year: " '

"OamjV____________________,pUeable to Twin P a l l s than *>hlte Ohrlstmaa,” weather rec­ords a t tbe bureau of entomology revealed Wednesday.

In tbe last 10 years, residents of Twin PaUs have bad a ‘Vhlte Christinas'' in only two years, 1M3 and W4. A t Ohri •ing tha oUjer eight years, it rained.

Thursday may be another ‘'damp” Christmas. A storm off the Padfle coast Is moving in­land and may produce some rain In the lower valleys of Idaho with anow at higher tlevallons. ao- cdrdlng to the weather bureau.

ment after BepresenUUve MacKin­non. Tt Minn., said the department knew of. the 71 and caUed oa-Ander- aon In a telegram to say wbo they are. MacKinnon said the pablic wants to know nameaof “ thr-----*-mTWKT'-U'.w a—.1 . ■ .EQltfh'ir'bave inside in fo ^ t im on

Oarry «9 BeqnesiadBU action ooihclded with a request

by the senato appropriations com- mlttee that five goremment-depart-

b w gambling on commodity mar-

The committee to checking on aW' legaUons that "government insiders'* msde use o f official infomaUon to profit in commodity trading. .

DeflalUon GivenMacKinnon said J. M. Mehl. ad*-

mlnistrator o f the commodity ex- change auUiorlty. told the joint con­gressional committee on tbe eeo nomlo repOTt on Nov. 34 that' as' of Sept 17 the 71 public employes were "long" on 304,000 bushels and "short" 131.000 bushels in the wheat futures market

<A long trader In wheat futures to one who contracts to buy wheat at a certain price at a future date. A short trader to one who agrees to deliver It )

*HubCii In Wendell to Be Up Again Jan. 20

WEKOELL. Dee. 34— Wendell's ‘'Bub City of tha Msglc Valley" sign, knocked down by a posaing truck early this month, to expected t o ^ back In ooeratlon on Jan.'30.

The sign, originally erected by the Wendell Uons club and Wen­dell businessmen, to being rebuUt by tbe Cosgrlff Sign company. Twin Palls. The first sign was erected about a year aga

Tbe alogan "Hub Clty~ has been connected with Wendell /or tbe last 34 years, local business men con­tend. Several Umea the sign bss been damaged by high trucks In the last year but business men now plan to put It high enough so large trueks can pass benestb It without

-- It,

Still LookingJudges o f the Times-News

OhrUtmas lighting contest are stiU locking o v e r decoraUons around Twin Palls. On their first tour o f tbe d ty Sunday night, the Judges found so many other peo­ple out looking at ..........that they bad d ifficu lt driving down the street> TliB judges win decide the win- ners.who wiU be announced Jan. 1. Judging to being made on the basto of general effect of the dis­play and act on the elaboraU n a tu r e o f lighting. ZMspIays should tw lighted from dark until 10 pjn.

Recklessness Costs Driver

$38 in CourtAs the result o f a meeting


. Olana made a apeetol visit la Twin Falto Taeaday rtlgbt to gifts to ehUdrea attending the Salvation Army^s aaaaal CbrtaU

mas party. In photo above, two ef the m m than 850 children wha attended the .party are shown meeting Santa. Twin “ "and the Klwanto elsb cooperated with BanU to provide enongh glfU M d ^ a t & ^ e r r t o ^ t b . master ef ceremonies, to shown .at right.

325 Wide-Eyed Children At Salvation Army Party

-Highlight of tbe entertainment was a ventrfloquist act presented by Clarence Kile, Buhl, and hto, partner 'Tommy.'* Ben Winkler and hto son'played aeveral marimba seleeUons aod Hab BaU read a Christmas story.

MoMs Both aoted as master-of

(Bee photos on page 8)Santa Olaus paid a pre-Chrltmas

vtolt to more than 335 wide-eyed---------- ra o f .'local needy fsmlllea- — Saliitlon "Xm ys annual OhrtoUnas part; Tuesday night in• VTiiTt ■■'i

chndwltb tonat«d \by iFaUs and

—,------------ appeared before JudgeJ. O. Pumphrey Wednesday.

William F . Warren. 607 Addtoos avenue v es t was fined $38 and 13 costs on a reckless driving tiUtion made out by «ity police.

About 8:80 P A . Tuesday. Wanu- crashed into the rear o f __

car driven by Mrs. Ruby Krengel. 510 Addison avenue west, in the 300 block o f Blue Lftkea boulevard. Pt>> lice said Warren had .been driving at an excessive speed.

According to the police dlsBmcn of tbe accident, Mrs. Krengel'a car moved forward 43 puccs utier u.u Impact, while Warren's car moved 30 paces atzoss the center of the road.

Also reported by c i^ police, was ao accident a t 7:35 a m Wednesday when Ernest S. Given, 1140 Seventh avenue'east. struck a power pole at the intersection o f Third avenue and lU rd street south.

AbotJt 1 pjn. Tuesday autoc______Wcrated by Rogelle etamftokl. 4S0 PUth avenue east, and Robert R. Johnston. 366 Blue Lakes boulevard south, coUlded at Fourth avenue and Sixth street east

Police reported tho front end of the Stamfleld car was dsmaged and the Johnstoo car was damaged on both side*. After being struck by the other car. the Johnston automobile swung about a power pole and stopped on tbe property at 80S Sixth avenue east

COAL PB<H}I7CnoN 17P WASHmOTON. Dec. 34 Om—

Soft coal production to up 17 per cent over 1046, according to the Bituminous Coal InsUtute. The in­crease was attrtbutod to tha relaUvo— ?e which b i ----- - - • -


No PaperPubllcaUon o f tbe Tknea-News

will be suspended Chrtotmu day to allow enployee to spend the day with their families.

Regular edlUons of the Tlmea- News will be publtohed Friday.

“We Shall Do More,” Truman Promise toPeople of Worid

WASBXNOTON. Dec. 34 QUO — -■resident Truman premised the sttf- fering people of the world oo tbto holy night that "we shall do more" for them.

To the oold, hungry and the home­less abroad, be uttered thto ChrlsU

Mr. TVuman spoke at dusk from a gaUy decorated pUtfotin on tbe south grounds of tbe White House after turning on t*itt lights on a big community Christmas tree.

Addressing a nation-wide radio audience and tbe world—Mr. Itu - man reminded hto Ustenera that the

use^M hto, ttieme the words of

“And now abldeth faith, hope, tuulty. tbeae three; But the great- rt of these to charity.-Mr. Ttuman said that In extendlnc

aid to tbe uafortunato abroad ''wa are developing In their hearto the return o f •bope*. . . (and) wl& the return of hope to these people will come renewed faith-faltb in the dignity of the Individual and the brotherhood o f man." '

■ae prertdeat said thtre can-be llttto han>lneaa for Uiose la Europe ^ Asia who win obaerve another Ohrtotmas In poverty and suffering.

“As we prepare to celebrate our Christmas year in a land' of

nty.“ be aald, •'we would be baart- Indeed i f we were Indifferent to

the plight o f the leas forttmato pestles ovoaeaa."

chlldrea and’ theb- parenta to the party. Mayor H. O. Lauterbach greeted the children for tbe dty and wtobed them a Merry Obrlstoas.

The BUwanto choral group enter­tained with traditional Christmas songs and led the party In the sing­ing of “Jingle Bells“ and “Silent N ight

Sea. scouts, tmder tha dlractlcn 0tOrvlnBhmd.were6anU'a' 'and'passed OBtgltts*tD tbe-^l______

i n ^ o p ^ e a vlth the Salvation Anny. Twla Falto flramAi andmem- bera of the Sea Scout troop spon­sored by the First Obrtotiaa church repaired aad repainted toya that were dtotrlbuted' to the needy- fam­

in e Jaycees. Zlks and tbe Sal­vation. Anny, have assured Obrlst- mas dinners for these needy fam- iUes. Major Nielsen aald.

Five Tons of Beans Donated for “Ship”

Donations of .{iCodbce to Magic Talley's '‘Christmas ship'* rose to 52 tons Wednesday with a, contribution of 10,000 pounds of beans from Edward Uhiig.

0. J. Bothne, Twin Falls drive chairman, declares Magic Valley is leading the entire state in total donations.

He said the Independent warehouse, Hansen, donated a ton of beans, the Idaho Egg Producers association contribut­ed $100 worth of dried eggs, and the Hypo-Tbeek Land com­pany through Thonias Feavey donated 8,000 pounds of beans.

The Boveraors of the four Padflo aorthwest states, have designated tho weeks of Dec. 38 to Jan. 3 as "Christmas ship week."

Bothne urges rural residents who have not returned their pledge cards to their local committees to mail them Immediately In order for traasportaUon committees to com­plete their work before the Jsn. ,4 deadline.

Twin Falla deparUncnt sUuvs have pledged a shipment of new and old clothing «ri/4 local restaurants wlU donste several cases of canned goods, Bothne said.

He asked resldenU of tbe valley who are. unable to donato produce to give money, for the aid of the people in Surope. “No donation to too small when added to the others la the valley," Bothne said.

Contributions In Twin Falls are being accepted at the E. & Harper company warehouse on truck Isne.

SimpIofPurchase.' Ellwands Industry

SALT LASS c m r , Dec. 34 OUO.- Purchase of tba kalunlte plant la Balt Lake City by tbe J. R. Slmplot company was cxpeeted today to bo the forerunaar. of aa much as $Sr OOOJMO fat Industrial expansion la **ito area.

William J. O'Connor, president of tbe Garfield Chemical company, sin- bounced today that hto firm would, expand production of sulphurle add 150 per ceat to supply the FerUUser Manufacturieg company.

m. order to do thto. be said, be­tween $3,000,000 and 84.000.000 WiU be spent

Gambling Stopped In Glenns Ferry

GLENNS FERRY. Dec.' 34-Dlce and 31 games in five local establlsh- mento have been closed down by S c more County Sheriff Arthus Stevens but no arrests were made.

S tevM said the games were being operated in the front of the buUd- Ings and were wide open. He «■<<< his visit did not consUtuto a raid and that all he did was to order the gambling stopped.

Strife- Ridden Greets Third M

■y tSw Assedatoa Ft m

In a world tormented by bloody strife* afflicted by the misery of %old and -Luu* distressed by the unsolved problems of peace, much of manldni began t6day thrc tlon of the third Christmas since the end of the war.

There was bloodshed in.Palutlne, Greece, China and Indo lhina. Hunger and t..,------------------ specters-clondlng t h r o

tlons in much- ol<'~ where •*aaste«ty’’ 1 come a new word i tightening.

—------- amdnt tba \

Soldiers Withtowing From Panama Bases

. QUARRY HEIGHTS, Canal Zone, Dec. 24 (/F)—Caribbean command headquarters said U. S. troops began withdrawing at daylight today from defense bases in Panama, which the republic’s national assembly refused'Monday to lease to the United States.• : The huge B-29 bomber base at Rio Hat% and a chemlcal- -warfare testing sito on San Jose island, largest of the 14 Imses involved outside ihe 10-miIe wide c W l strip, were the ^ n t to start evacuating:.. ^ *

The announcement said both planes and men were beingttoved from Bio Hata. Men -------------------------------— -were moved from San Jose. a i . . ■wm

A J b s t r a c t r i r m

GivenCustody Of Big Estate

T b ' eaUtes o f the two minor daughtera of tha Metbven ooupla, who /plunged to their deaths la Snake river canyon la October, have beea placed under tbi lanshlp o f the Twin Pane 1 Ttustoompanjr.

were Issued tost night after receipt -t inttrucUons from Washington.

Ueut-Oen. WUUs D. Crittenberger. commander of O. S. forcu in the Caribbean area, sakl he had been Instructed by Washlngtop to atart withdrawal of tbs American tnopa at ooce.

... Washington demands ar on capital bill for survey work a new canaL Senator Knowlaad, R., Calif; suggested a new vater routo across Nicaragua aad ~sentoUve &igel, R., Mlcb., said there should be' CTB “outside Panana.**

Tlie decision to withdraw entirely

lwpt.the gorani em Europe vlgUast V - .

: 'Pepal>raU g ''‘

n S f i i r S o S m ^ j ^

growing tandeaey toward'-, carityf w b lc h ^ sa ld tbs-Ju...

TOa llttto towncf.B ‘ " eradle o t tha Lord ^ of peace ta ajbolyj^

eommunal batred^ib......tbao .MO.'parscni bcvta

slaJn la FalesUna atneeNor.S.w

lato Arab aad Jewlib' Pngttaia f la e h ^

.Igrlna floolH' 'side town, wberL _____ „la a ataUe; for traditlaaal.y

---------- •

lO^Yei- Lease to tf. S.

WASBXNGTON, Deo. M <UJD — Diplomatlo quarters believed today the United States might yet o)>- taia a 10-year lease oa Paaaaumlas basas to replaca tbe 30-year ment rejected by Panama's assembly.

Tlie Panamanian baaesromlnenUy in. the Amerlci_ _____ir protecting the strategic caaal.

aad the assembly's aetloa caused considerable concern here.

Government offlciato believed that an Important factor tai tha decision wss a campaign by comnuntot sgltaton to whip up animosity against tbe United States, parti­cularly among Panamanian stu­dents.

Diplomatic quartm however, did not believe tbe door, wss closed to a subsUtute agreement They cited Panama City dispatches which said assembly-leaders blamed the rejection on the state department's Instotence that blg'bttnber base at Rio Bato-etrateglcally most im­portant o f the 14-be leased for 30 years instead of 10.

AutboritaUve quarters In Paruuaa

Hamlltoa fai Novambtf.'.

Greek Rebels Set up Soviet

' ‘Government'A1SENS, Dec. .34 ( « ) — OuailDa

radio broadcasts proclaimed today the establtohmeat ef a .oommBntot

lease for Rio Bato. Five o f the yean would be obligatory and five option­al, with a p p r ^ of the republic of Panama.

While be mentioned ao spedflo basto for agreement Panamanian Foreign ^kllnister Plorencio Arose*mena Porto told tho United Press ___________ _____________________he was “convinced’* the two coua- guerrillas, was reported to be the tries could stlU get together. I premier aad mlntoter ot war..

“goremment" In northern Greacs under Gen. Markoa Vlflades and called on members o f tbs leftwlag B iAS to “ t^ e up arms.*

Premier Tbemtotokles L told newsmen the vaguely .. stote muld be medUtely by the oommunlst-doi— ated jiortbem ndgbboca o f Greece— TUgoslavto. Albania and Bulgaria. All three have beea accused by » United Nattonscommtoslon of s' ‘

r the clvU strUa in Greece jreek military axUborltiee have

insist^ tbe communists could not bold a given area in northera Greece for 48 hours. One high mUitary leader the proclamation of a

' atate would lead to an

____________the army could wipeout tbe rebels In a frontal battle.

Only in rare Instanced so far have tha gnerraias offered resist­ance to Greek army movements.

The Athens and army radioa which moaltored the broadcasU said only vague detaito were given.

Vlflades. long-bunted chief o f tte

Ttto Softened by Yuletide Spirit Unite, Aid Man Turned Thief for His Family

INZnANAPOLlS, Deo. 34 (UO-A husky Negro poltcemaa, a judge and a kind-hearted grocer Joined forcee today to.provlde a happy chrlstmaa for tbe family of a aun who atoto to provide them with food on Chrtot- Btfs day.■ Tbe stay begaa two nights ago when Patrolman'JaoQues Durham was-walking bis beat'He saw a man run out o f a grocery stcn. The grocer. Iloyd Stanford, followed, ihouung:

"Stop that man—be dldnt pay for hto grqeartea.*’ '• Durbaa yaatod ont hto ptotel aad fired, twice, into-the air. Tbe man slipped oo: tba :loe aad hto box of Srocettoa flew tbrougb the air.' spm- tag^ana aad-bottlea over the slde-

- lbe>fflcet‘ e o U a ^ ttta man, who Identified blmaelf aa Walter Bal­lard,'ts. a walder. Durham took him to a peUoe ataUoD.-Tben tha started home.

But- OS) hto -way. b « ' thought brer tha stary Ballard bad told him irtiUe they wera to route to the poUee sta- tko. Finally be-awuag bto- ear around and.stopped at-tba modest >two-ioam apartment where Ballard llnd. -

He found Ballard's wife. Darlene. 37. alttlng up with'their sick 8-year- old baby. Dtona. Ibelr son. David,

was asleep on a couch.Mra. Ballard told Durham that the

" came here a year-ago trem nd where Ballard bad owned

a garage and was doing welL Hard times bit them after they moved.' '

Ballard became sick. First be bad pneumonia. Then he lost part o f a thumb when a welding torch burned him. U te r the hijury became In­fected. •

Za hto. spare time, be tried to build.tbe faaiUy a bouse. Hto sick­ness; aad ln]urtoe kept him 2rom fltttoblng. f t fbming to go oa living-in tba expensive apartment

Then tha baby became sick. Oa Monday. Ballard called a doctor. Tbe doctor said the baby seeded hospital attenUon. Ballard, paid tbe doctor four of hto last M.

With, tbe remaining A be aet' out to buy toed for the family. Majr- be..be thought, tbsre'd.-ba. » Uttto left over to buy candy for the kids.

But there wasn’t All want for tbe food. Aa be-walted’to pBQT tbrelert: be walked down to tbe tar and ot tbe counter.

It.looked •o.easy," Ballard «a ld

door. I stin bad the 13 for tbe kids.*

*But all tba time I knew X waa doing wrong.**

After bearing Mra. Ballard^ con­firmation ot ber husband^ st Durham went back to tbe.JalL bad-BanaM'rOMS^'ln bto e ^ ^ . Outside, tbe veteran cop slipped btoprtooner a #10 bilL.......................

-resterday Ballard appeared bar fore Judge Alex dark on tbe petty larceny charge. But no-ooe would testify against

Staafdrd said be didat vaat to prees the charge. Durbam aald-tt was BaUardU first.arreat aad tbat he wasat the type'that would steal ordinarily..Tbe judge deddad to wltfabold

Judgment la tbe <*■— He told Bal- to ge .bama and go to work.'

. 'When.Ballard reached tba bttla apartmeat. b lf wtfa to ld 'b la ’ tbat Oorbam >»■■* almidy vldtad^tba ptoce a aecoad time. Ib to 'tlaa .b f took tbe baby to -a bOQdtal.te ellnleal obaenatloa. ' '•On'tbeiatebea ta t—

basket o f groeeriai aad' card oa I t read ,‘Ttom ~ 8tao<o«^irttti S 9 :fa

ala-afc OtaadfathBr ,»e tt ;> l a long beard like Si. n ek suit to «blto.'lnstead 1

In America tbS'BatloB<] .J eetobrato lU- tbM / cairletmaa In s .tradttkitie tiag. of m e i*y-« ‘ ‘ good ' Wni. aad.' i aylng tribata h tlttea;ef Feaob'-.; Meanwhile, .prasl

paido^ .restori ' rights.,were on ......persoqa. ooaTletea.^ei wartime draft aet. ' bavaeomplet tha-pardaas, issuad last a _ . rutore to then, tbelr civU a a d o tb a r t lg ^■ - • .'..R ra 'Deat'" .Obrtotataa nuy'.

side-lor scores of' aa tbe result of a fir deatroyed bundreda sad letters. aboard a' E railroad New York b ~' senger trala. TKa'fla

irln toaUaekeaed .

that a baberdaaboy;exchange PMday fo f i___fancy tbalr- CbttotOMa atore prcntoaa a |1 purchase or oaa of Ita ' ^ neckptecea fer aay 'tala ', ample of. tba;-tto 'f s w . f . ' ■


wara.^repo^-dead,-'Jaad aea^.-<-----waka dC'uk'u covered mott -efr:« frcD six to'U'laelM

atdntbep• » .p

Page 2: In^aithftil Sleigh, Boyle Reports Greets Thirdnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · hlf Tolce tocnned "and irete oa acbwlola. Oaaber, my

:- ' ftaMieMr:itar w e ot tbi optnioo ; eoBttniettai 1« Uk« to <>• fUrM■ ■ euitat^XM* 00 tb# PUtodM d m■ o o 't ta BniJt# 9w . loUowlnf the

- iwnk twehed ye*t«r-

, «ter*»e »pMO to Uia A a e r t «a Ttil*

port«a .UxUy on me llBtl M maat. bowmr.

J l flT«>Potot afreemeot appeared to *»?•• won ib t approve Irom aU

T S F S S C V S S S '‘ K ? SyPeny of Jerome. rcprcaenUnt the KcrUi side Twin FalU company.

, and N. V. Sharp. Wer. Twta ^ Oaaal company. H iey aald they irastod more time to etudy the plaa

.H i* *«re«ment provldea for lale , o f 318.000 acre feet of »tor«*e apaee

~ ln -th e -r*eTT o ir to preaent leaaaet. v l t h ^ balance to tM uyd for new

on the Michaud flata and north Bide exteniton pro*

ject&H » Monday night accord wt*

reached at * conference o f w aw *n»«P«t«y group* from both the Twin p»U««Burley areae and ^ upper Snake r im valley v lth recla> natlco bureau oftldala here. lirlQS> iBC to end a dlipute between the two roupe of uaera overM«l«n- neat cf the ■tore** epace. The dli- pute ha« been one major obstacle vhlcb the reelamatioo bumu ^ •aid a tu t be orercome before - palUadea dam project can started.

<]k>o£ng M an Hurt In Auto Accident

Oiear V. Edhoba. Ooodln«. re- .. e«lT»d » cut mouth at I3:s» p. m.

Toeeday when the car he wai drlv* - to f mahed Into the rear of .a ma*

ehlna drlren* by Elmo O. Oreen, ' Twin ran*. '

: Tbe accident occured three milts •aat o f Eansen on O. B. highway 30 when the Oreen car stowed to a

.near atop tn front o f the Edholm •, mMhln*. Deputy sheriff Dwight

Bhaw. tareatlgatto* officer, reported that Oreea slowed to talk to the 4 itn r of » truck and traUer ap-

— “-‘ -g ^rom the oppoWt* dlrec-

K te p th e W M U rU X Q o f SaStty F iv ing

.N o w 11 da ]ft w ith ou t a tra t/ lo death fn obr U ag lo VaUev.

Seen Today

Dwprshak la ' Belaboriiidby

Gas Protestsday that h l« ]«>month>oKS inquiry about'oU prlcaa haa given U r* - lot' of

^ August. , last y e » . he told, the Justlco ,dfl)artmenl jrt^ea'wwe higher than "t&OM to oetghborlng aUtea and aatod

itlgation to detcrmSeTwhei

___ acirtng.ta> . . . .The department replied

gaged In a genera] lnTeetl|»tloa^-to which-the Idaho situation may. be

' that heatlnga a n sow In oallfomla.

■Mr. and Mrs. Joe Olementa having tough time herding their big. white dog. Paddy O'Rourke, Into the ClemenU ooupe . . - U rry l«ugb< ridge and Claude DetweUec compar*

thalr nearly IdenUcal aulU . . .----- nr rolling along street In pre-Ohrlstmas glow waving vaguely >ut cordially to everyone ha meets. Btrangers and all . . . Mayor R. O. Lautcrbach deckcd out tn colonel's uniform at Salvation Army Christ­mas party. . . Small woman lugging large piece of linoleum atoof street . . . Mr. and Mrs. s . A. Posson stag* Ins Christmas parly for children at tourist camp . . . Parking meter pulled loose from moonngs on Bec> ond avenue south . . . Tormer Mayor Bert A. Sweet etlU getting maU. ad­dressed *Vayor o f Twin Palla" . . . Just Seen: Bill Polaom. Les Crowley. H. MacMullen. Ralph Tulloch. W. c. Lay. E. C. Leonard. E. O. DeChtm- beau. Ralph Beers from Pocatello. CharUe Ruisell. Charles AUbrlght. 2M(« Oammack. M rt Roger sutford and Mrs. Jerry Wynn . . . And over­heard: Lots of people. Including Seen Today, saying "Merry Chrlst-

u l"

-Shaw said the Edholm machine ■kidded for 10 paces as the driver •ppUad the brakes In an attempt to atop. Bla Injurlea were no serious. tb« deputy aald. _______

£x-Filer Resident Passes In Burley

. J U M X T . Dec., miebmoBd. « ; died to the Cottage

beqyltal at t am. Wednesday of all- m U toeldent to old age.

' , Mn. \ '- W t o

< » a o

.. Burley.• H m body l i at the Payne mortu>

. *fy. Puseral atrmngmenU are in*

Heiaring Set Here ■ Over Non-Support' Mcatla Olan Kounoe; 90. Piler.

. «H l bt fflvfS » preliminary hearing Jan. I. on ohariea of son-support

. e fU iv i fa and t h ^ four ehUdreo. ''r-M Dtm ee-»pp*ar«d Wedneaday

g the

____auztUary L.No. 1 win meet at 3 with' Mn. E. Joses, qwod'thk aflemeon-to quilting.

_ _ _ _ X.Beacis. Callf-’ wiu'be ,ln Twto FaUs for tha hoUdaya. They-at* staytog at tha Peirtna hot«L

'’But," Dwonhak told • r v p o ^ . 'I conUnue to get letteia frequently from conatltuenU who have made a trip out of the sUte wi^leh con- ‘ ito some auch obserTatlon aa this:.

“ •Why. to heaven^ same, cant you usa your position to tight theae tojusuceat'"

Bopuuible la.Tramaa He said he tries to explato to these

. jrrespoodenU that the Justle* de> partment Is the enforcement agency, responsible to President Trtmian and not to congress.

*-l have needled and prodded the Jnsticfl department frequently,” ' he said. “I ’m always told they aro using thetr best efforU to get at tha fa ‘ - but the task Is a difficult one.

'Meantime, I learn that another ,..e-cent tocrcose U impending to 1 ^ 0 and X suppose that wlU. bring another flood o f letters ‘ that I get some action."


George R. Phillips askod for support from mayors of other southern idalto communities to protesttog further tocresses In the price o f gaaoUne.

"We are a small stato to popula- tlOD and a far western sUte," Phillips ^ld. *Tor those reasons we seem unable to defend ourselves' against pricei tocreasea which are fUed outside this sUte.''

Twin Falls News in Brief J ^

ta a f « r Chrtstaaa Sing Bloek. • student at tha Uni'

ToUty of Idaho, is vlsittog his m T' ents, Ur. and Mrs.- Chris Bloek. TIO-Loeutt street, for the Christ*


B en eM laava . Sl/o J. Deveraux Phltoeac, son of Mrs; Itutma Phllcoaf, ON Beybnm avenue, is home for th* Christmas holidays. Ih ls Is the first time ha h u been home to two yean.

Hera for HoUdiv Zeta Cammack. • aurse at St.

Luke's hospital. BoUe, is qmdlng the Christmas holiday with her sis* ter, MfL Tiggo Nielses. 4U ^ t h

: Betty Jaob, Tatade.0. U TW tbs tcUaOB. Mr. aaft iCia. .Winiam Ica* hotuqr. KhnbeHy n ^ o m .11i«nhrl«tjwm '

PyllUaa Sfarten Meat _____TUo Pytnu iSU tersiin btiMelae^

tlott o ( o fflcm St a ngular meet­ing » t S p. m. Priday at tbo Legion halL >

; 1 - Application for a permit to cos*

struct a ao by 80-foo( frame one- family n s ld a ra WM: filed Toea. day-with tha elark by-Dewato V. Roaa. M lmatwl eoft o f tha strue-

A obHslnu 'pngn im ^vu_______

ZMtrtag tha Ivslsesa aaaslon U w u decided to provide soma lo rm of «n- ' iameat-to'raise tuDds for. the

Christmas TaeaUoa ' Jaisaa Chadband Winston Blahep. atudenU at tho “ 'of Idaho, ar a^Mndtog tha Christ­mas hdlldayt at tha home of Ur. and M n. Paul B. Bishop. Chadbaad ■mt Bishop are memben of tdJho'a varsity football team.

Firm Management Rests in Divorce

DIspoBltlon aa to the managa- ment o f the Kimberly Oleanen and Dyers Is asked to a divorce com- platot filed Wednesday to district court.

A. -Z. Dickey, to filing a divorce proceeding against Mrs. A f t o n Oleksy, asks that ha be placed to charge or the fltm and that he be given at leu t one-half o f the com­munity property.

Purthermore, Dickey asks that his wife be res(nOned, pending trUl. from disposing o f '‘rights'’ and “renU” without paying him a “just shar»'* '

Tha eomplatot sUtes that Mrs. Dickey has appropriated the income from the flim “for her own u«e" and that stooe their separation, she has excluded hlftr from the

Ski Area Will Be Closed Christmas

DoIUM Uut Hnr M n lw /•uthotltlaa vera holdlttt him.

The Hospital....... ...... / beds only were avail*

able Wednesday at the Twto PaUs oeuBty general hospital VIslUsg limun are from 3 to « and T to S p. m.

AOMrrxEO ‘ ICn. Kenneth Leaser. Mrs. Boyd Voraltog. Mrs. UoIUe HamUton and

, Urs. Basil Bracbler. Hansen.; DIBUtBSEO

Krs. John SeUner and eon. baby

M dfvay WUooa and aon, M ._______Weatherbla and daughter. M n. Karl

.'v.irnmaa and Mrs. Leo Campeau and Twto Palis: Owen Thom-

open. throughout remainder.of this week and Sunday, with exception o f Ohrlstmaa day, officials of the Maglo Mountato Ski area announced Wedneaday.

Besides operating Wedneaday. tha ^ towe and lift wUl be runntog Ptlday. Saturday and Sunday so skiers and others may take ad- Taatage o f the holiday period for wtoter sports.’ Also announced Is that arrange­ments have been completed for a moonlight ski party Friday night. This event, (he f in t o f its kind this seasce. will be for msmben of the bU club only. Tlioee ^1 p lwg to participate are asked to regUter at The Sporter. Bua transportation to and from the event will be prcrvlded.

CALL ID S BIDSBOIsa, Dec. H , M>wrhe state

highway department has called for bids to be opened Jan. a for the eenstructlon and surfactog 19.137 mUee of highway. Constructing the roadbed, dratoage structures and roadmlx bltumtoous surface on 4.7U miles o f the Barrymore road and from U. S. U south to Jerome coun­ty.


Petroleum company announced to­day its subsidiary. Wasatch Oil com­pany. Balt Lake City, has purchased a controUtog totcresc In Home oil and Refining company, and A. B. Cobb and company both o f Orest Palls, Mont. The remaining toterest was bought by Ada OU compsny. an todependent firm in Hotuton, T e t

The purchase tocludes a refhury with a capacity of 3.800 barrels dally and over 300 producing wells. A spckeiman for Phillips said the ac­quisition will enable the parent com­pany to extend its sales area to the Rocky mountato region.

No Discrimination Shown by Woman In Two Lawsuits

. hleda Jewett Bailey Is show- no Tuletlde dlscrlmtoatlon

__ St either hsr former husband:tlet"presaat husband.Jhor filed ■ show cause actions

against both'Of them to district court. Wednesday. •

By h'er action her present bus* band. Alfred A. Bailey, will be asked

' 0 Judge James W . Porter________ _ Pfhy he should not haveto pay for the support of their mtoor child.

In the divorce proceedlns pending against her husband, Mrs. Bailey Is asklns ttO a month for the sup­port of Alieen. 34 yean old. as w ^ as 330 temporary alimony.

Mrs. Bailey Is bringing Roy Jew­ett. Camas county, into court before. Judge Porter Jan. 9. He will be asked to explain why he should not pay for a proceeding he haa started against ner.. Jewett has started acUon for tha modification o f the divorce decne which separated them to 1043. He wants custody of their son, Ver­non. T.

avenue north.

Bams MostenlDegtMEdwto S. Lloyd, who recently re-

oelved his master o f arts degree from the graduate school o f Stanford University, has ntumed to Twto Falls from Palo Alto. Calif, with his wUe and SOS. He will be employed by the Quick Servlee'eompany here.

Christmas Tree “Safety” Rules

Told by ExpertSo the Christmas season wOl not

be maned by needless fires. A. E Dickey; city electrical Inspector, of­fered some remtoden to avoid fires from'Yuletlde decorations.

The offldal advised avoiding dry Chrlstmu trees, potoUng out that no tree should be kept for more than eight or 10 days, providing that

was fresh when obtained.I n tests conducted by th* Un­

derwriters' Laboratories, it took a 13-foot tree exactly IS seconds to bum.” inipector Dickey said.

He also urged close tospeoUon of lighting sets to determine whether they are to gopi order. He pointed out that most Qghttog seU are made for Indoor use only and that their use outdoon can result to short- circuiting or other hatards.

Ttosel and other toflamable ma­terials should be kept away from light sockets, and toy tnins. mo- ton or engines should not be oper­ated near the tree.

Finally, the Inspector added. **niere an no flame-proof trees."

Albion Masons, OES Hold Dinner

ALBION. Deo. 34 — Seventy-live Masons and their wives and Eastern Star members and -their husbands held a turkey dtoner here last Sat urday evening.

Christmas carols, under the di­rection of Mrs. Maye Aniu John­son, were simg. Mrs. PatUtoe Simon­son aocompanled the group at the piano.

Those present from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sears. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Pierce. W. M. Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hett and Mr. and Mrs.,Baker, all of MalU; Mr. and Mn. Ray Bedke, Oakley; Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Sizemore and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Goetsch. Deelo. and Mr. and Mrs.' Dean Chstbum. BoUe.

M m tace Ueeaseis Marriage licenses wen Issued

Wednesday by the Twto Falls county recorder to. John W. Routt, Kim­berly, and Lyle W. Eckert. Twto Palls; Harvey E. Miller and Peggy Jeaa Btenbakker, both Glenns Terry, and George Eochls. Parma and Agnes Klundt. Twto Palls.

WUl Tear WUford IWeme. son of M r and

Mrs. Fred Thleme, 183 Sixth avenue north, and student at Midland col­lege, Fremont, Nebr. wtH ieara Jan. 10 to go on tour with the Midland college a cappella chdr. The tour wUl be the choirs 30th annual trip and will toclude performance ' eight western sUtes.


"Ucenses bsuedvmirrjgy 1«-M srr1ag _

censes have been Issued to Dale O. Pierce, M altc.'and Jeas-LodwiC. MUwankee,; Wls:, and to Geonre :Bai1-Ho2deD MKl Karra anesttoe Brdwa. both eC.Biirl«.

wlches or .cake; ..........................The d ^ tm iu program' opened

with etogtog or Chrlsiisas oanis, with acoompanlment by Kest Ast

ben Included: A readtog b j.B esa Base; a skit by t b e t & e Graces. Bertha GUck. Mn. Virgil Kletokopf and Mrs. l>xn S p e ^ ; vocal duet by Betty Scott and Catherine Scott; a s p e ^ hospitiJ scene presented by

selecUm by M i? Lurm Felbosh. and a skit by six wnsBiMn. Ted ScoU, Mrs. E. OHara. Mis. Archie Poe. Mrs. George Tbonted. Mrs. Nile Castes and Mrs. Ptank

Refriahments aad a gift esKhange iconoluded the program.

of the Grange

HOME FOR HOUDATEDEN. Dec. S W sck Falk.' son of

Mr. and M n. EmU FWk. Is spendlng a Vn>-week ChrtsUnas vacation at home. He is a student to a school ot mtoes to New Mexico.

Former Resident Of Jerome Dies

JEROME. Deo.' 34— Mrs. Minnie Ellen Pty. 69. a former resident of Jerome, died at the home of her son. John Fry. to Pasadena. Calif., Monday,

Bhe was preceded to death by her husband, John B. Piy, who died to 1944. Survivors toclude' four sons, Hiram Fry, Richmond. Calif.; Ray­mond Fry. Tprto Falls; LeUnd Try, Westminster. CoUf.; and John Pry; two daughters. Mrs. Asael Drlsgs. Vista. Calif.: and Mrs. A ^ Klngslond. Jerome; one sister. Mrs. Jim Harrison: one brother, Leland Booon, ElUngton. Mo.; and eleven grandchildren.

The body wlU arrive at the WUey funeral home to Jerome Friday mftmtog. Punenl serrtces wUI be held at the WUey chapel at 3:30 Friday with the Rev. Donald ker, Methodist pastor, offldattog. interment will be to the Jerome cemetery.

______________nsheredto;wtoUr-with tampermtareS 'OC n'pester-' day sad n Mooday. pcebaUy weaUt 'eoDUnae today and «»•.

PieKS,se>lardseceB:i......... -jmiiar deaOTt^O. P . !»ann;;>

and L.psst Master o . P. Oliver-acted

u tBstamnc ofOber. and'Bdlar D. Vtaeent. sabthet' past Blaster;, u


‘ M Y DOGwith

l A N i n r R E E s



4*0 m Oodag ' Icaitldm lie ■

Page 3: In^aithftil Sleigh, Boyle Reports Greets Thirdnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · hlf Tolce tocnned "and irete oa acbwlola. Oaaber, my


Thaa ft few taints for hla e

r wltfai Santo CUas A fe v d j j i iwtora.CbxMBtts.aBd car* la te r tfltMbnUett. On S u U t Up b.Deanl* MeXtaetor.


tb e .o ld f . _______ ________________________________________________________ _ - ........ - ..... ..... ..Mn o f Mr. «sd Mn. Ik F, MoKUutcr. Tbt d r ^ o f «4 m lm taclodM Helen Moofa, left,'4M<lU«r of Mr. and Mra. X N..Keere| Conrad Ebrtaaun, rifht. a«a of.BSr.-ud' Mn-.Howard EhreRnao; and Bobcrt' Zlmma^ nan. on floor, eon of Mr. and H n. M Zlmaeman. XlW'taterroraUon'took.^aM at Um TWCA roonv at a paHy c<no b7 tba.Knarea Xoonf Hatnns f«t> thdr ohUdr«u (Ptwto b f Tarea SlnoBa*Maff'«nfraT.

Mqriqn Martin Pattern

W.J6.J8 llT i. L.40.42E|BLUEBIRD AFBON

Bluebirds for Qxe bapplnesa you n t malting and weartns.thla apronl Takes one yard of aU^ma fabrio la noall • ! » . U » B&7 prlnta for K P , cotton 8he«Ta for hostessing.

Thls pftttera gives perfect fit. Is easy to use. Complete, Illustrated sew chart shows you ereiy step. .

PatUm 93M: Small (S3-30, med. (SS38), large (4(Ma). SmaU size l yd. 38-ln.; Hyd. contrast.

Bend 39 eenta In coins for this pattern to Ttrnes-Nows. Pattern De> parUnent,,Twln Falls. Ida. Print pUlnly HMe, address, soae, s lu and stylo aumbw.

Seo the wonderful new>sea8on fttylcel Oet our Marian Martin fall Im d wlnter.fa4hlon.bbok aowi.Only U cents brings you this UJustnted book of easy-toHHW pattenu-aU thobest of what’s n«wl P « o - * pat-

Beta Sigma Phi Groups Join for Christmas Fete

sigma' and Omlcroa chapters of Beto 8 1 ^ Phi Joined .Tuesday night for a OhrlstmM dinner dapce held In a setUng of evergreen and hoUy at ttie auditorium of the new St. Edward's school.

Mrs. Donald Zuck, towtzdlsti^ss, presided at the dinner, prepared and served by' the members of the Catho* llo Wocaen’s league. DoMttly Edholm gave the "toast to the. fellows" and Luis Beater. rn>Ued'with the "tbast to the gals." The toast to the spon­sors WAS given by Justine Oasser and Mrs. E. A. Severln, sponsoc of 0ml* cron oh:4)ter, responded. Mrs. How­ard Oerrlah, st ' ter. was unabl

.auu 4MUUMU10 \MUtStfUmadu«]en ' ornamented' the’ banquet table, and the Vails of the'haU were oorered- with luge Santas. ChrlsU m u stockings, toys and candy canes. • Tbe:.grand march' preceding the

dance was led by Mr. and . Mrs. Qlenn B i^ e s and JuanlUt Belaya and her escort. Mrs. Hughes ls presi­dent of Omlcrdn'chiiptu'and Miss Selaya ot Slgnu. The couples marched, under a large oval arch ------- . . ..

OES in Hailey Initiates Women

BAXLEir. Dec. a t^M is . Wayne Clark, Mrs.. M oiy J. Ouehanan' and Mrs. Blanche B. Steward were Inl-' Ual«d into the Order, of Eastern Btar.lsst week at ceremonies guided" by Worthy Patron Harry K. PutHer w ^ W o r th y M a tr o n Mar/erle

Olositig her year as leaiung officer o f the order. Mrs. McCoy presented Mn. Edith EUls Hyde, who sang a farewell for officers who had served for this past year. Mrs. Mabel Beck, associate matron, then ordered a

nony to honor Mrs. McOoy with presenutlon o f the post ma­

trons pin. and the worthy patron was oKered a tribute by Associate Patron Charles Read.

InstallaUon o f officers,for IMa was under the supervision of the outgoing matron. Mrs.'McCoy, and w to the fonn o f a symboUe can- dle-Ughtlng service performed by Mrs. Lorena McConnell, as install* Ing officer, and Mrs. Julia Beagle. Installing marshal.

Special Qiusle featured Mrs. Edith Ellis Hyde, soloist, accompanied by Mrs. CynthU B. 'Wrtght.

I t e social hour was in chane of Mrs. Verland Baling. Mrs. Mar- Jerle D. McCoy. Mr»..Josephlne.B«r* ry, ^ LeUtla B. Brasse and Mrs. Gladys McAteo. H io tables were ornamented with tovem candlta. a n ^ e d to groups to fonn a series of holiday scenes.

Evetvrew boughii.red and green .and miniature Cbrl

and polnsetUas, tied with a large red bow: and with tnUUeioe sprig hang­ing from-the cenUrJ A bank of snow drifts with pine- tires formed the decorations o f'the orchestra plat­form.

Membew.'of'the .committee'plan­ning the, dance were BeUy. Lou Bailey, Janet‘ Coleroan. Mrs. ;aene OJenn, Jtsje.-selaya, Mrs. Lyle ^ t h . Dorothy Jetisen. Mrs. Zuck, ^ g ^ ^ o e dOUil . and Annie Lue

Co-chairmen, of the decoraUon committee were Laurepe Nancolas and L^u Spencer for.-Slgma chap- ter i ^ Mrs. Bills-Stettler and M » . M d Hulbert from Omlcron chapter. TOelr committee Included Dorothy Jensen, Lyla Hughes, Connie Brown. Jeanne Bair, Vera Juucett, Arabella S r ^ , ,M r s . Bob Briggs.-Laurene

Mary Joe-CahUl arid Jeanne

Cerenwny iM"1948 <Set;by Juli

SSSf ttwlr ___________ ___M. h. a m ) BlsadfonL'aon ot Mr. •ad U u . j : B . B la aS S k DO l^ler. -----------r^piaoe oa

-------- - ------------ firefti TwinV^.bbn-SQbool ta U O acid fnm tha^intmalty :of Idaho-ta i»4g. O u « u a am abv of Dtito Oamiaa anrity.. At ptwiaV aba I* employed u stanogranhar for J. B. Bland- fort, «| lr^ to n w .


Election for G IA Held This Month

OUWN8 PKRBT, Dto. M -M ia. LUUa JObnsoQ U the new president o ftb a O IA to th e B o fL S . Election of otfleera waa held at tha home ot Mrs. Pearl Decker.

Other officers Include Mrs. Bera ones; Tice president: Mrs. o « n m Noyes, saeretary: Mra. Laura wnt, treasurer and " *Maiy SuUlvan, chaplain; Mrs. Nora, Bybee. guide, and Mrs. Ploreoce Bybee, sentinel.

Appointed offkers Included Mrs. Canle Dixon, musician; Mrs. Decker, marshsl, and Mrs. Agnes Wooles. After a gift exchange, refreshmenu were served. The next meeting wUl be at the home of Mrs. WUt

¥ ¥ ¥

Jerome M an WillWed Californian

JSROME, Dee. M ~ Mrs. Jessie Contreras, Norwalk, Calif, has an­nounced- the engagement o f her daughter, Grace, to Jess N. Hut­chens. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jess O. Hutchens, Jerome.

Miss Contreras attend Norwalk schools. She worked at Boeing air­craft during the war. Hutchens at­tended. Jerome schools and Is now in the marine corps.

A spring wedding Is'being plan*

Hazelton DonatesHAZEimjN, Dec. 34-A donaUon

of 130 was made to the march ot dimes by the members of the Lend- a-Hand club when they met last week at the home of Mrs. Ed Louder.

Plans were.completed for a benefit ubllc dance for the polio drive to » given Jan. 33 at the Olxon school

auditorium. The Community club of Dixon will be Joint sponsor of the affair.

The club members and their guests exchanged Christmas gifts during the afternoon. Holiday music was furnished by the program com­mittee.- - ■ - -----





“ AU fVork a ua ran teed " DIFBBLU. WALLPAFEBS

PHONE 226351



lhalteid white oamatlees iBhiUoe streaawa.TtMtartdacreem'tl ' OM aBltwa.-wu.)M i»a»n.' . ..

ra t b «r daughter^ ««ddlBt. :]Cis. iboM » wlaft-oelortd drm

' V^v j-5

MB& WABBEN ISSON (8Utr engravltig)

Parents' Home Is Rites Scene for Audrey Strcwser

BUHL, bec.-34-At 1:30 pm. Sun­day. Dee. 14. Audrey Btrawser - be­came, the bride'of Warren Sisson at a ceremony performed at the'home of her parents, Mr. and M ^ VYank Stmwser.-Buhl, by the' Rev. S. B. Medearls. minister- of the Baptist church. The .bridegroom Is the ton of Bd Sisson. BuhL:

The bride ^as given In marriage by her father. Her wedding gown' was o f white satin designed wlth'a demure high neckline, a . tightly-


Beauty Arts Academy

In W. rbot

:tbaS S - S S S lm m with ft lM » eloth aade^by (ha bridal graataettwr. itx$.uea> ^ S n r y . u n . Bay Stnvaer

tJuefrOajftred — .•btowa iwwieriw

tbt bridalOpoa t h e i r ______________»ooa trip tha ewpla wfll,____thaj^boma at the m ote

^ mstoa la employed «t ghiaidi~ a ^ ^ wlfa work! la the otnoa at tb« sego plant.

■ '

Turkey DinnerBUW5T, Dec. a i— Sfepibeis

U » Womea'a Benefit *— and their- • •

_____ tree. aolpplnset^ daeorated the room, and the table was centered with white polnsettlas and blaek and white

» mirror. T lay treea served

TJe next meetlag will be bald a t ^ home of is n . Rube 8j ‘ '

R<»ts of some species o f the yucca plant ccDtain a substaace rtMii.y toeoap.

J cu m 'a t . t h e : ' /

tsi, UotUa oantta,' Bkimi'BenOee Salsaltlo. all- ot' 1Hai7 uoOrator.-Olara and-;._____ _aeh«etf«r, .Ut«..Ca(o]lB« BeeUUar, .Me

: Antbaofti arsaadtbeaawbohiaveti taka pnt ta tha B-dah-ho chapter L .......lit r.the ■ 0X8: duriac > the • paA •«were guastfc Ttie heooeee gltU.wet* rbroagbttaRbasket,deaottngaBi6ok I

------------- » “ *■ I IM a p .W U im ^ ’od«o-MEi.Twlss.


. M A G IC v i / u i E ^

NEWEST F O N .^0 ^6

Featuring <Extra Thick Steab "


Dim and Dance ■fd

r Jeiteme and Twin.Falls ’




. . . to You and Yotirs i

'And They Greet You With the Greatat ■ yaluet in Their. 'i i

sstartinffTommorrowa t . . .

C. C. Anderson i^his is only a partial listing. . . , there are many more values!MOUTONS.....................NATURAL ANTELOPE.. AMERICAN DYED FOX GREY VISCASHACHINESE KID CARACUL........BROWN SQXnRREL LOCKELABRADOR SEAL.....___BLACK PERSIAN P A W .GREY SQUIRREL P A W . MUSKRATS.

;..?129.00 to $149.00------ -------149.00---------- - 149.00----------------159.00

Federal Tax fnduded

- ■ k


. 1 ^ . 0 0 : -

.... 209.00;,269.00; ■vV; . 269.00 . ; .299.00

. 329.00 to(439.0q '

FUR PRICES ARE ADVANCINGRemember your DUPLER’S FUB (COAT will r ' ;,: i > .j

B rve you in style, warmth, beauty, several seasona!■1- - ........■- .......... ......... ■ -

• T U a 10 moatht to start weartnc ymr

r.‘tt Tiieiiiiiiyv M im

Page 4: In^aithftil Sleigh, Boyle Reports Greets Thirdnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · hlf Tolce tocnned "and irete oa acbwlola. Oaaber, my

' 'in C4»ro32r2«la“ ” f i i i c i


WMte .Uite n i V te OM>ir. Hmtei. Br M — -»^ , - . . . ------- -----— -------


" W-| WC.^ .j.

SAME, BUT DIFFERENT If wt llTea under a BoTlet-type “demo­

cracy.” we should be told that Huula’s de> ▼aluatlon of the ruble signals the collapse of communism. Obviously that is not the case. Stm. the Runlan monetary shuffle Is of in­terest. For It shows that when totally differ­ent economic systems are subject to the same external' forces, the reactions are the came. Only the remedies differ.

The Russian government's explanation of Its antl-lnflatlon program tells a familiar

• atory. Military spending during the war put a lot of fresh money in circulation. Military production cut down on goods and services

' for civilians. Essentials were rationed, and their prices controlled.

But the pressure of much money and few goods brought about the “commerciRl" mar­ket. This seems to have operated much like

': our black market, though It was legal iii Kus- «la. And the effects were even worse. The government admits officially that prices of fome-goods were 10 to 16 times, the prewar llgun.. Besides these war-bom Influences, the

Soviet government had to contend with a woetuUy un*Marxlan factor ~ the natural cupidity of most human beings. Since there lan only about 6,000,<;00 co&imunlsts among 'some 200,000,000 Soviet citizens, it isn't aur- inlsing that there were people who yielded

. to the temptation of making a little side money.

, So the government made a drastic move to soak the rich (by Soviet standards) specul-

. - atora. It also soaked those who were merely 'thrifty. All loose money Is being called in and redeemed at a tenth Its face value. Even the government's own bonds are devaluated by two-thirds. '

Of course, the kremlin couldn't do all this .without slipping in a little propaganda—and

> ' false, at that.“ T h e cu iren cy reform in capitalist coun-

' tries,’ ' th e governm ent statem en t said, *'Is ac- " •oom plish »4 :byiarge increases in the prices o f

e m u u m e r 'K o ^ . ^ d c o n s e q b e n ^ ^ a de- ' ,erease In f f le M a l jrages o f tforkers and em> . p l o ] ^ . . and an increase in the arm y o f

th e unem ployed.”This capitalist counti7 , like. Russia, has had

large Increases la prices and a decrease In real wages. But It hasn't had ah increase In unemployment. And what has happened to prices and wages Is no more a result of eurrehcy reform here than It is in Russia. Actually, those factors are the cause of Rus­sia's currency reform, as the statement ad- •ultted elsewhet^. ., The Russian reform will probably do the job it sets out to. and efficiently, since there ] i no opposition that dares object to its high- bandM methods. But the Soviet goverzmient evidently r^ognlzed that there was consider­able injustice In its efficiency, and so threw in an end of rationing of food and Industrial

goods as a sort of consolation prize.- Tbat may be a popular more. But It Is note> worthy that the government said nothing about an Increase In production of farm or factory. So the Soviet eitlien is likely to find that the end of Inflation only means the loss of most of his savings and new ruble or old, the same low standard of living that he Is stuck with today.

TIETURN OF SOVEREIGNTY’' Heven years ago, Venetuela finally freed herself from the paralyislhg dictatorship of Juan Vicente Gomes. A lltUe more then two

. years ago, a liberal revolution overthrew a regime which, though better than Qomez', was scarcely a model of democratic leader­ship. Today that revolution has flowered into a truly constitutional reirabllc.,' Venezuelans have elected Romulo Qallegos.

. one of South America's most disUngutshed literary, figures, as their new president, They have also.chosen a new congress and state legislatures under the new constitution. In doing so they enjoyed a-direct vote, secret ballot and universal suffrage for the first time.

The election, unmarred by violence or dis' order, marks the “return of full sovereignty to the people,” , as retiring Provisional Presl» dent Betancourt put It. Mr. Betancourt. hl« party, and.his people have made an important contrlbuHon to free govemtoent. We hope

' that'their accomplUhments may-serve u a pattern for. ftU Latin*American politloi.. ....is xms PAIN NECESSARY/- A medioU doctor recently informed a con> ▼entipn of dantliti that they are a pretty aieurotlc, unhealthy tribe. They worry more

; that most mortals over taxes, said the M. D., and thus develop atomacb ulcers. They also ar» prone to. aucb occupational ills as flat

•.Xtet and bunions—both painful.,4s. the doctor la right in tear that a lot of

r. satieBtK a ie‘cplns to crlpct more tbaii ever rdeojtet g&^.;tfte,drin to whirling.’

l attttndf tewuia the necMtity

‘ ‘ •rttetiiaa o f an who, armed

ta .-tbe.job , is-

T U C K E R iS N A T IO N A Ii

. WAgm w m XJW-yreriaent 'Trmaa!t' third Ohrirt» m u la ttia Wblt« Houm wlU bt Um ba b u•xpolcoced la ibU 0 u it» ' Otaw hoaatead for. Um paradoxical reaMn Uut be baa itaced a naaricabla

tijg v(i7 ' ' wbco-' ba■tn iolM vlU) ttaUoaal and to tcf natlooal probltnu aa gravt aa n y f chief axKuUTB bat faced in Urns or pewe or war.,As <4 Ohhfltmai, 1M7. the cn»-

«h U « Unouri aenator, wtaoM Ooo- necUcut avanua apartnunt did aeti boaat a cblmner for tttngtns up'

* *■' ** trenMwd-i

a>r TMiw .

M S and bounoa b a r a _______ _ —b « abem no ilsn of axaoaaBlTa I tnta.'

A * a man of bnmbla dretnn- ataneaa, ha react* lUu a cbUd m CbrlfUnu morelns to the woodroua (Itta o f ths pTMldency-tba prvUge. Uie power, tba

ni«hl« aad tea l o r u - . U » formal raceptlona wbert area Uia irta t o f Uw land Ua« up. atfht

WISH—Any earlr thougbt of merelr flnlihlng out TDR'a uuxplred Unn aa a duty to Uia eouAiy dU< appeared loni aco.

BU poUUcal croalM and panmul frltnda, as alvajrs happens, bare conTlneed' b in Uiat fas, too. is “lo> dlfpansaMe" to tba party and to the naUon. They bope, aa ilo all poUUclans' vbe bear sUU, tbat be wUl reciprocate. If reelected, by eolertalalng the aame btgb estimate of their contribution to his cuceeu the aaltaUon of U»e goremment.

*n)e natural result Is that, far froco feellQs be has *1ud enouth” poUUcsI turkey and trlznmlnga, Ur; Truman'i only IKT Christmas wtsb Is that he can apend m e more yuleUda holidays' In the masy> chlmneyied mansion at 1000 Pennsylnnla arenue.

STATUBS-Tbe extent of Preildenl Truman's own poimcal recovery can be measured Boit aceurataly toy the fact that the party leaden have asked him to deliver the ton oraUqi at Uis eiOO>a*plate, IMS, Jackson day dinner.

Only a year aio. so low waa hU pre»U«e. Uiat Uiey

compUe<t, humbly ISveh key Democrats are amased by the transforma*

Uon and frequently scratch thetr heada over Uie cause. Their attempt to IdenUfy aad classify the factors In his comeback sprints from their mider- standable desire that he continue alons the cotine whleb has had. as of now. such a hapn result.

Aa 1M7 wanes, erary pubUs and imvata poU suf- ffests that Mr. Truman has slightly better than a M per cent chance of re.eIecUon. BU margin could h« wiped out overnight, they reoocnlse. but Uiey discern no other Democrat who approaches him tn baUot*box stature.

' D E m N C E -In makins tbelr prlvats Inventories of Mr. Truman’s present-day assets, they list near the top bis reversal of FDR's atUtuda toward communlsU at home and abroad. They think that h b defiance o f Moscow, so strongly retaiiorced t>y Secretary Mar« shaU's recent behavlotir at London, appeals to Demo*

'crats and Republicans alike.Despite price inflation that grows mani acute every

day. they figure that Mr. Truman will not be damaged by this issue If he can hold Income, eipeclally wagei, and living costs at the present level Anyway, they calculate that Republkan defeat of his original lD>point anU'lnflaUon program wUI enable them to throw the dust of blame in Uie eyes of the con> greaslonal opposlUon.

been bb deflanea of John X» Lewis.Although Uie President counts on the msjorlty of

ther tabor vot«.ud'e3cpeota‘ta corral It became of his ve^ of tha IMt'EarUey act. hli to«-to>toe bout wlUi a.man of Lewis' Mdneae and arrogance, In their opinion has warmed many. ecoacrvsUves without antasonlilng the labor elements—the AIT , OIO and railway brotherhoode-wbich have long felt Uiat the tTnlted Ubie Worken' bees wu too * lg for iils britches."

la s t on Uu Ust. party leaders attribute Mr. Truman's personal popularl^—nobody has a mean word for the man—to his kindly, homey, unassuming nature.

W ALLAC^But should a mouse who Isn't supposed to be stirring on Chrlstmaa evs scamper across an upstairs living room in tlie White House and nibble a toebole In Mr. IVuman'a RUt atocUng. his name will be Henry A. Wallace. The lowan's unmeny figure will csuse the holiday candles to flicker shadow* Uy and the plum pudding to tait* sour.

A third party headed by the lonaer cabinet mem* ber is the Democrats' chief dread. I t could consUtute a distinct threat to H ffTa wish for "Just five Chrtst- mues more.** And if Wallace decides to make the race to punish what ho calls a “war sdmlnUtraUon.”

' Chairman J. Howard McOrath has aban-

DemocraUc .vote In sufficient numbers to toss them into the Republican cblumn are Mew Vork. Illinois and CaUfomla. They have, respectively. 47. 37 and 30 electoral ballots. Mr. Ttiunaa cannot lose them, or MKf two or 'Uiem. i f he wants to be around to pley Santa Olaus to western Europe and the United States for five more years.


PredlcUons of thUigs to o eo t In men's faahlons have a habit of falling to matertaUae. So perhapa Uie Utest word about the new look for men wlQ evoke unprintable

rUy. Why masculine remarks of anykind should be unprlnUtale, now Uiat Uie old woman of the magssUiee. Uie Saturday evening Post. pcrmlU the word ’‘heli" to appear In Its editorial columns and cigarette ads In the commercial peiea, U a good subject for anoUier edltortal.

■rhe news from New York City—whr does all cany ” OltjrT-laUunews originate la New York C

what the retaUa ...........wUl be hats tn p

a Uiat come sprUig . Uie male noodle

___________________ ______..d In an aaeortmeot oforange, red/ yellow and what wUl be called Julep green. And yes, a “sky^lake blue.”

Thrown in for good measure win be fancy bands. Some bands wlU'be In oeetnuUnt eolora. some wui match ths main part of the creation, i t Is to be the most radical change tn nen'a hats tn many yeara.

There wUl be numbers In this hot color range de* signed especially for high scbool youngsters and col* leglans. l b .tempt the young fry to escbew. noggin' oudlty, there win be a mastarnlec* called the "sooop.*' 2t WUl be a het-cba piAtK with almost no brim at aa

Head coverlnga-ln the opimlng parade of a circus .have nothing on what the avarige male wlU don next

'* he can be sold the “new noodle look,’'


lelr eorporatlool aad pxodiKts. we thought there waa a a p ^ ai«nlflcaaoe In me aanouncement frocn the Unlvenlty o f CaUfomla that a way has been fouad to produce an artificial glow In Uie eky aa btUUaat aa tha light o f a fuU moon. We predict that thU dJiwenr. If put Into prodocUon, wlU have far*reaeblat effaota oo the nomenelature of industry, *

‘n w luunea fay vbleh the maaufaeturera o f the new prodoet mlfbt be known are as vailed as they are numerous, just fay way o f p ita ln i Uie puap. we

— a few la a alee anortmeai ef meoda AnU----------- _B Otda UooQ Glow Broe. PractleaJ: Moon

.Glow ProducUon and DlttrlbuUon corporaUon. Cute: Man In the Moon and Associates. Too cute: Moonle* a io company. Exoac: Manekura Moonshine Maker*. Dignified: Refulgences, xae. 11 this UUdg really

s going, it C iv do more for corporatlon>namlng a anything else since the inv^nUon of the bolding

cocDpaoy<-8l, l«u ls Foet-Olspatcb.

P o t

Sh o ts

BABQADf 0AUI ^Chuck Allen. tb « Jewelry gent,

keeps a wary eye on A1 Lehaian. the m i ^ - t e n guy. tbeae daya. A1 waadeied into Chuck’s establish* ment Ute oUier day. procaeded to hang a price tag oo a crystal set whea Obucra back was toreed. .

Plrst thing Chock knew aboot Uie switch was whea be happened to notice the ttHsent tag o f merchandise he waa 1140.

Ko iuch bargains actually sold, we are Informed.

WABNINO TO BAD CHILDBSK Christmas tlmr Is very near, Santa Claus Is almost here Bang your stocking tiy the

cblmney' hole,I f you're not good, .‘twin be

filled wim ooaL'Nan Alverd. age •


AKT n iFS AVAXLABLBt Dear Pot 8hoU:

Doesn't someone have a nloe J ttle cocker spaniel to glra away ij o f Uttens» ' ^

I ’d Uks to find a cocker ...____puppy to replace the one which wu run over recently by a truck driver who didn't stop.

Bfadrena MoUisr

DIBTT TRICK Dear Potso: ■

That *'parl9*' a Twin Falls theater had on Saturday for the klda wu a dirty trick. I note where the ad­mission wu “only 14 cents."

Potsy. U Uioee kids could have come to Ooodlng, they would have been treated to a FREE show. And SanU w u Uiere, too. '

And they can go te a morie over here anytime for only nine cents. It w u a mean trick.

WASHIMCnON-Amarlcaa f n i i i .m aod allniBp4ea''or oobubb^ ^ 'ode ispbaey have beea tfUaldMt frem axpoeura ey uta very aimeuity Of preseaUnc the faet to Utt ptdiUe,' Thera; a n him-'- • •

dlfOealt raadlnc * difficult to

____nse. Tbenareinterlaelagre* ta t fo a a b tp a Of

are thousaada ot pawiff o f ladlvld* uals, laeludlns as­sumed names.and . - . committees, ooun* . • ells, coeigrcsse*, leagnea and Uie like.

‘Ibe repUUaa trails of Oerhart and Hanna Xlsler. Austrian refugeea from-. Bltlar’a gas<bafflbers, twist »nii aqulnn through the mlautea'of Uu itu m u eeounlttee ea un*Amer- loui acUviUea which expoeed Mrs. Eleanor Rooeevelt'a brasen Inter- ferenoe with the steta department on behalf o f H ^ Slsler when otherwlsa ho would have been ex> eluded from our countiy as a com-

FAHOOS LAST LINE . . . Oh well, a white Cbrlstmu

weald Jost mean mora wor1(.GENTLEMAN IN TBB



A choo>choo Jus! made a debutYes sir, ’’the train of tomorrow.'

Uie latest thmg in raUway trans* norutlon, come out yesterday wlUi ita spoUlght high and wearing the

.now look.This train hu

,-nprovements so modem It makes tt. O. Wells* in-

look u If were slUl

high but* gears.r one thing, train h u a

• 'astra------- that l^ts all

M BtM sunlight In.o t course, f o r

CaUfomla they have a special et* tedunent that makw U even easier to see the sun-wlndihleld wipers.

And the train h u the most modem private dining room Uist aooommodates 10 persons. O f course, wlUi only 10 persona Uiere. It lowen toe^^ds on who picks up the

And U «y have a radlo-telephoae service, aboard. U ia t way you can phone aad flnd out aheed o f Uae that your hotel room was Juit rented.

m the stars were at Uie ex- hlbiuon run. When Ann Sheridan entered Uils •'Waldorf cn-wheds- arm the scIenUsU were ■raey'd never seen an electric ualn give o ff steam before.

w get indignant. The conductor ^ k one look at me and a t ^his head and said. "With alluSs

equlpm ^you had to brlsi on that old caboose."




9 PJM.






bla aafe «d le la BiMia WH llaai bx tba Joiat AaU<«asettt.

...............T.'W bea-'-Am«ci«r boystBe aea^fiOt 4e. BOBUasig IB

y* lead, kb:

ton. a a -. WbtB Oeiliart

tnedbythelmm'islaad ia June, _________________ _that ba waa not a ooamuBlst, broth- er Hanna, admitted to oar oonatry throufb tha tatarfereaee ot Baaaor tha great, had tha affraatary-to tea. tlty for him. Why aott dumb AmeiScaaa would bellere f » T****"g

Among otbar stotemaata, Baaaa said ha was employed aa a —feasor" of mwde at the New i______of social Reeeareb. Iha good faith of this ‘‘sobool" la tbla barbodag of aa tatamatlosial paraalte and frequeab pUgrlm to Moeeow waa touched upoa to Donald T. AppeU, an iBTestlgator for tha Thomas oom>

Both brothers could have gone to Tlussla to esupe the. nad orema- teiy, but that w u not their plan. ’Xbey came here, and'Eleanor got busy to help Hanns crash our gate.

J. Edgar Hoover, director o f the FBI. disposes of Oerhart’s stetement thst be w u not a communist in a report to the Thomu committee which says:

‘ In IM l. Gerhart Elsler became acUve m the American communist movement. In recent years he bos been a figure o f importance In con* nectleo with the p^cles and oper­ations of the Communist party. 0.8. A."

ftom approidmately 1033 to ap- proxlmately 19S9. (he) w u the rep« resentetlve o f the commxmlst tn* teraatlonal to the Communist party, U.S.A. Be w u responsible for the control and direction of American

Elsler w u the llaleon between the authorities la Moscow and the Communist party. U. & A.”

Remember, this was the brother of Eleanor’s protege, Banna Elsler.

Oerhart Elsler drew a living al­lowance In Hew York from the Joint Astl'Fuclst Refugee committee. Howard P u t. a .communist writer, wu sentenced te Jail and fined for refusing te giva the Thcmu com* mlttea tnfomatlon a b o u t ' this “front" ■

Mrs. Roosevelt gratulteusly gave publicity te a book by P u t and she invited te dinner at the White Bouse a natxtrallsed Yugoslav named Louis Adsmlo who ex^olted that soclo* political episode Inte a book of the etme n am e ridiculing WUisten Churchill, a fellow guest, particular­ly In regard te Britain's Balkan policy.

Adamlc's social sUtus with Elea­nor the great Is shown by his Inclu­sion in. this party organised in the presidential mansion of the TTnlted

heckle and ridicule him.Adamic, a physical giant, w u a

non-belligerent partisan of Marshal Tito, who signalised hb debt te the American liberators of Yugoslavia by slaughtering five unarmed, un­wary American fliers.

Tlte's return to Yugoslavia from



Open 7 Days a Week M M a ln A ve . Wett^

attended tta«-.eoarte aov 'auaieal coosMtUeo.''. Oaly. tbret attended tbt ^oim e r U eC » o ^

.rBe neetred 'eoIyilM ' fWleietBr. t&C'foor u>4 tbla waafrom the Elsler imholanhip fnad. Ihreeboel loat «M.TT os tbaae two

A p ^ la aa aa^ t la the oya- terlea o f aooouate who aerved aa captain la the flsiaaee torrs o f the army aad la the bureaa o< the budget.

Robert Stripling, the chief invuU- gator, said the purpose of Appel’s testimony w u te show that Banna Euler's position u "professor" waa a subterfuge for the purpose o f per* mlttlng him te stay here without true legal justification.

A letter was Introduced from Sum­ner Wellu, under-aecretary o f sUte, te Eleanor. It said the *

Arm ln jiiTedOASUKFORO. Dee. 94 — Saa

Sample, employ. o ( the Black aad Reeee: seed, oompaay, received an liijnrr to bis arar ,recently when b t o ^ ^ sleera eaugbt ta a beaa

to close ^ wound. Be w u treated ^ the office o f a Buhl phyaldaa

OP8MCAFEOAKUnr, Dec. 3 «-M r. aad Mrs.

Duane Butler haTe'opened a aew cafe and’d r l T P I a ' r ^ ^ - •

now had definite information that Hanns w u not a ’'professor of music abroad within the letter and splHt of the law." Therefore he oould not enter the tTnlted Stetes In non quota sUtus.

Banns, on his part, not only claimed te be a professor and one of tba great composers o f the ages, but an artist “may I add. of Internation­al repuUtlon."

But vrhen his merits were boUed down he w u found to be Just a pan­handling muslo teacb8r..And, againstki-------notwithstanding Eleanor's

lUon. a simimary and com­mentary compUed by the sUte de- partznent read: 'The evidence es> Ubllahes preponderantly that Elsler Is a communist."

AppeU slashed through the new school's accouhU and exposed a "Hanns Elsler scholarship fund’’ u a pretext to create a false estimate of Elsler’s stature.

Doctor Johnson, the president of the "new school,’' "with the appar­ent purpose of qualifying Elsler u a non-quota visa applicant, changed his status from itcturer In music to professor o f music," AppeU said.

"Doctor Johnson sUted that the new school and Ita students were so enthuslutlc over his work that they wanted him to remain perma­nently," the wimess continued.

"Therefore, the appointment com­mittee authorised the President to extend a 8-year appointment with the title of professor at $9,000 a year.

With respect te'thls ___________which w u prompted by the over-



We WUl Oo Anywhere In Alaglo VaDey te Do the Job.

AQ Work Guaraateea

l>HONE 354



WOMEN'S SHOESStarts Friday, December 26th827 Pairs — Values to $9.95 Now—at Give-Away Prices!




141 MAIN AVE. w e s t

fOaVMxOi a . \ m . Wbaa Oector

r bsd’ aaraa stadeata ln laasl*

m :. __________ __________

n > ^ «m ;t a k a 0 ^ .a w aad Itea. BdUg'nfflba mataOad t t le fiB re r .T

Other offloen win beiMtaL auom r «h>td>tai: XMla • FNvmOlv.

V iyaa Uay. aae-traaaorer: Mu. Vayi

Bisla.Allea. lady «*■Mra. m d Svaaa. .Ttm ala 8aa C_ r . B. Felaad. Ptara. f wiu be ntAMpar*

O a r e iS S t^ a g a aatertataad at'y fo raU a

______*Tealng.Jcbarga of the p I, aad treats,

Home for ChristikiasDBCLO, Dee. a w h a foUoirtnf

•tudeaU have returned to t ^ hnmM In Declo to spend Cbrlitmaa with- tbelr parenUt

^ e a Rice. BrereU Bice, WO- Uam Woaesel Merrill Bnrra. AxvU Burst, Dale Wblpple, LoU.Verna Wedcs, Bvelyn Park. Praak aulett, Kenneth'Twiner, Mary M Btavens. Normsa Burst and Max WoodaU. ______

after ChristmasCLEARANGE

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drastically reduced-* many up (o

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2.98 5.95 8.95

many other items reduced 20% to 40%ALL SALES FINAL . t




141 3bin AT«nn«. Wait . .

Page 5: In^aithftil Sleigh, Boyle Reports Greets Thirdnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · hlf Tolce tocnned "and irete oa acbwlola. Oaaber, my

< :J t,i«.:d • -*— ■ ..fi} tate-»dt_

tfttt«ipMd.-tf1st a t n a g a '___DDctead -ibet ot

’ InakU tbd d * fa « l itT* n u d . OtBtcr PWd Oreen n o m out aad Mto np c o » fc « another K nen tor >

After Mtttac tl)0 ■enen.-Otmb then hnOB for tb« bHket

Xddlcnuu, i f pouJblt, dribblM tU tho w»7 to ttu buket'to mak« thB sbot. I f IM U picked up br the

Oturd K u

CTTAMPATflW TT1 (NSA>*^ntt _____ •TiHTif<tf pisy tfiowa In the weooi> NEXT: ZiOBttUBa S l*t«^ •loud- p u T to f ducnm U our double a n a d pUj.

« • « « « « • «

New Edition of ‘Whiz Kids’ in IVhking; mini Wins 6 A in Row— - \ - ------------ ------------- --------- ORAMPAIQN, iu ; Dec.* 34 ( f f ) -

Forwftrd Dwight Wddlffman pumped in 30 polnU lu t sight to lead un> beaten nilnols to Ita ilxth stnlght baaketlxU Tletory with a 59*43 tri­umph over Washington SUte.

A new fldiUcD ot the *vhU kids'* o a i be In the at lUlnoUwhZtfl Barry Combes, only newNine'cage mentor thla season___tretb from Champaign high school, U ^Y lng the mint « powerful wtn-

minols napped W a a h ln g to n State's string of nine vletorles Hon' day night by *«H "g

Mrs>Vazquez Back at Top Of Pip Loop

Urs. Lola Vazques had regained the high average leadenh^ in the Magic c t^ Women's league, snatch-

. the crown from Mta. Kay •ffioorer. who took the lead last week ■Wfter Mta. Vazquet had held It from

the xtry start of the season.Both have an average of IM. but

U n . Vasques has toppled 8,400 pins to 0,4oe for Mrs. Boorer—Just three sUcke naore. '

Mta. Ruth Rogeis. the many>tlme high average champion. Is closing In on the two leaders. The sister of Mrs; Vaaqua has « 183 average, she having jumped from fourth to third place during the week, dlsplao- Ing M n. Reba Henry, who has 193.

Other leaden are Mrs. Pauline Srlckson. who has 1&7, Mrs. See Bertsdx who has U3. Mrs. Martha Watson, Mrs. Bee MaxweU and Mrs. Florence Brown, who have 101 each, and a MeSlnnoc. Mrs. Boa Crcm and O. Xevan, who have UO each.

Mis. Vatquei’ 333 and 6M are high In the single and three-game departments, while among the teams the Twin Palls Home and Auto are on top with 687 and 3.4M.

H ie Home and Auto, Bowladroree and Sks are Ued for first place with the Twin Palls Motors Just three games off the pace.

The standings:

Ing 71t» triumph. It gave the mini's an average of 63^ points per game while llmlOng opponents ‘ a mere 35.4.

Thla record so far has t>een un­equalled In Big Nine InlersecUonal play thU season.

Nearly 6,000 fans watched the mini crush the PacUlc coast Uam In Monday's game. Combes paraded IS players on the floor, with Wally Osterkom leading (he scoring with

h Stewart, with IM. U the.pace- "iker In the Women's Minor U a ^ lowed by B. Morrey with 140. U

Montgomery with iw , B, Hunter w ^ 138, S. Roberson with tl38, B. Sedlvy and A. Linton with 133, and M. Jones, Melvlna Turner and M. Williams with 131. H. Carter has the bert game. 144; B. Morrey the top snlee, 604. while Carter's Drapery's

^ tS ^ t e im l **** ***” *The standings:

e « . - .--------- ! ! ??

:SimT iS ? * ******* » j

Lnw _ ?i

Vandals to Leave For Tournament

MOSOOW, Dee. u W )_Th e Unl. Tcrslty o f Idaho Vandals wlU fly .to Im Angeles Christmas to oom- “ " 1 to the Helms foundation ta*

lege. ^0 0 ^ Chuck Plnley said today

t ^ V a o ^ would leave here by oa OirUtmas ere aad fly from

tha next day. *ust idano opponent In the tour*

UQient wfll be^epptrdine at U IK HL Friday, l iw winner will meat the winner of the Marshall coUege- West Texas state contest other team* ratarcd are Syracuse univer­sity. TTnlverslty of Arkansas. Brig­h t Voua* unlvenlty aad Loyola.

Plstfors making the trip will be

forwards; Jack PhoenI*. A m erlm

ers: P re«toa% ri^ rij“ ld S S ‘ ^ ^

C0W| guards.

‘Timing Off,’ Says Coach Orisler of His Wolverines

PASADENA. Calif., Dec. 34 VFh- Cooch m u Crlsler of Michigan peered carefully at the Wolverlnei In another, double workout yester­day and once again declared:

*Thelr timing Is bad—we muit sharpen up."

Others, however, watching Michi­gan prepare for lU Rc«e bowl game with Southern CaUfomla. demurred, •and one crtUo countered with; '

*Tre never seen Michigan—or any other college, team look any sharper."

Several players continued to bothered by ...............................

t, but none missed.practice.


SUte-s massive NIttany LUms roUed Into town today for their New Year's date with Southern Meth­odist to the Cotton bowl with Coach Bob Higgins hoping for "a little luck" when his boys battle the southwest's standard-bearers,

^n tra ry to numerous reporta thati

Eastern Squ^d Favorite for 23i*d'*BAiicraw;i«o;' soiii

A."«tn! «tuddad' aquad. - hsOed Iflr art aamai east-west BhrtM mne. ____ ____ ___

srs.-'tas' '$s!’iLsii,sSiOn the

S port F rontW ith

An-*m«rlc*. Biu swiackttf oohun. 5 ’ S ? f S K ? f i I t bla. aad John' Pidillk of Yale,Oeoria SavlUkT o f * I and Hetr* D a o a l'O ' and; acn r onrobsU.. Andy Karr, the canny 8ooi wbo Is eoaehlof his 3lst east team.- be­wailed the odd* In typical K m f a a l ^ bat. etIU thought can

^aiBiaa aporta writers were compai- ing the east’s dyaamlte-loaded ool> leglana to the MO squad vhlob- In­cluded Broako Nagurskl and Frosty PeterSr

^ t look ^ oide aperi ,Beriveoer has sUtioaed on his right Why n% old Marnloe TUlet, w tm U Ii^ ‘■Aagsl"-* gent that T068 thought had taken to his armchair aad'allppeia long ago.

But there ha U-aH onUos that he's back to Amezlca tnm bit aaUv* Fnuce and ready for a new wresU* ing campaign And eooa youH prob­ably aee him an haraessed tip and pulling freight trains around to dam- oostrato his prodigious strength. -

Jack Biehey. the InsmsMr.rent aad bnsbaad of the former Waada Bawley ef the novlea. coaM p r ^ abiy tell yoa many sterlca aboat ■ rrhe Angel'* becaaae bo h a d lila oo eerera) cards when be waa a wrestUng promoter to Callforala.TUlet is about the ugUest man

aUve and the ultimate la wrestling exhibitionism. They'll tell you be Is a throwback to the caveman and that his strength U so great that noaa can stand his '^eor-hug." llieyH con­front you with startling statements by scientists who have examined him and. of course, you will be drawn tato the wrestling arena as if by a giant magnet.

Bat t « the ppdjy one. T h e Anger never locked haU the XM poonds tbe promoters eredlted Urn wllh. He Jost looked like a platw- legged, old man .trying to make a living to a strange manner.

OH CAGE tE IFS Ihree Maglo Valley youths are on

msketball trips this week. Ed Bchtok,Rupert, who was SXOE's leading >eor« er last season, and Everett Matzn**Jerome, are wllh Utah State whl— played to Madison Square garden.New York, the other night. And Jack Rainey, the former Jerome -high school star, will be with the Vandals on their air flight to Los Angeles to play in the Pepperdlne college tour­nament.

Vasco Parke, the Declo tnrf offl.

S ' r S l £ S , W d ? S „ “ 5 ^ : m a u e ic e t il l e t . t h e a n g e l *^ banked CO 000 stoce beglnnlag Us Jockey career leu than a year

now Florida', leading rider, haa

saddled Hoop. Jr, aa a Kentucky det» y winner, a few seasons back.


to th“a ‘clUtenry get roiled up because their kids are forced Into dark plirn when a recreational building would keep them to the light?

OLSEN DROPS IN 23 POINLocal Fighter Holds Weiser’s Champ to Draw

WEISSR, Dec. 34 Well over 440 fight fans watched u -Moe“ Smith, Weiser. 130-pound southwest Idaho champion, battle to a draw with Dick Adams, Twin PUs. In the main event of an amateur txixlng

Z>on Crook, Welier. bested Bob Creep. Ontario, Qre, to a 140-pound semUlnal that had the crowd roar­ing time after time, despite the fact that the winner held an edge all the way.

Other resulu Included:L. B. P ^ , 173, Twin Pslls, and

Oeorge Durfey, 173, Weiser, bat- Ued to a draw.

Cal Harris, IBS, WeUer. scored a d e^ o n over Vem Knuss, 160, Twin Palls.

Howa Lokoko, Twin Falls, scored a decision over Jerry Waldrop, Weiser, to a. 107-pound bout.

The Twto PWU amateurs were taken to Weiser by BIU Moran, well- known trainer sttd manager of box- *“ here.

Fight Besults

!' » ” ’'p'hiu:

.............. ............ would lickthe Methodists, the veteran coach said, *'1 hope we can give them good game."

He declared h« had the best Une to his coachtog career but that he f«r e d ^ t h e m Methodist passing. -DoU Walker wJU ba h s rd to handle,’* he said.

.There were 40 player* In the squad that arrived almoet two hours late to be greeted in western style by. Cotton bowl, city and county of- Uclals and dvie leaders.

Glenn Davis Asks To Leave Army

ANOZLE8. Dec. 94 m -S eo- IJaut Olana Oavjs, fonner

West Potot footbaU star, lata to- M n fto ed Washington reportt

that he haa sought permission to resign from the army,

m a prepared statement. Davl*.

1 have requested permission to j ^ g a from the XTnlted States anny. 2 ^ application waa made-from J^rt KUey. K ans.. where 1 was sU. tloned. and was mads through the aonnal military channel, to the s ^ manner as any othsr officer who desires to be. separated from the service.

which apparent- ^ 0* a u n t ie sto Waehtogton, contains the rea- aona for my decision.

^ not at Uberty to discuss it farther.



IOP.M.■■ Mnale .by Helen's W o .

‘Tommy’ Thompson Renamed Pilot of Salt Lake City Bees

SAL'T LAKE d T Y . Deo. 34 (U.RJ-The Salt Lake Bees of the Pioneer

Lake was defeated by Twto Pallft-flrst half champ—iri the president's * ♦ ♦ ♦ cup playoffs,

y-.,, _ _ It w « understood that Tliomp-l : n a Y l/ 1 lA t * C V iA o •?n»“ l«yf«'l»4awUlbesubstan. \ . 4 l l c t n c u e i • 1 ^ 1 1 6 3 tlally larger than to 1947, but exact m n . , ' top ? were not divulged. The league

Top PitchersCRXCAOO, Dec. 34 (AV-An

yetenu and a surprise rookie, both from the world champion New York Tanksos, topped the American league'* veU-JoeUed pltehtog corps on the basis of efdclojt aad won'

last season.Official league averages released

today listed Spurgeon - tspud) C h ^ e r as the eamed-nin leader with 3.46 per nine inntng gmte his 38^ar-old- Yankee alde<klck. frank Kiea, as the best percentage tosser with a 14-won. 8- Q record for JOS. Both are nght-baadera.

The statistics clearly Indicated It was a ‘Glitters' season” this yesr to the Junior circuit which produced only one ao-gsme winner, Cleve­lands stellar Bob P e ll* (So.il). compared with five to 1949.

ftcnlc^y, Chicago's Joe Haynes lal^ned a belter eamed-run mark

J 3.43*as hs tolled more toning*. W , and bagged a l4-« record, but rtelded the Utls to Chandler because he failed to ftolsh lo full games,

for official eoaslderaUon. Further evidence that American

league hurlers had trouble eutung down rival batUrs is contatoed to the tocrease o f the collecUve earned

™rlJS***Detroit^ Hal Newhouter, who last

^ matched F ^ to bagging 36 wins and led th?J»g3e f f ^ i d

Wavada. Orogon, Utah. WashlnBtoM •

Cage Scores

Xtal«lt7 ir. at. Jehn'< 4t. AHm«* M. Sea ni*s* BUU 44.

Nnr T*rk II. CcnitU 41.W, Wn UfUlai* 41

II, ortsw euu It.run raUng-wlth 1.94. had the most compleU games. 34. but yielded the most hlU, 3S8. as he finished with k 17-17 record and was fifth to ERA with 3J7.

Peller, second lo Chandler - earned runs wllh 3^8. led the league to strikcouU with 106 and hurled the moat iBninjs. 399. but It was the flnt time stoce 1938. the full season to which Blasln' failed to work more than 300 ton- ^ 1. that PsUsr missed striking out 300 batters.

Feller's two one-hltters lu t season icreased hU major league record to > such perforaaneet.

itwmpRK-rJohtinj- D«lt, lU. Brook.

, HOLTfOKE. .........snvia/fiir””'’® ™-

CHlCAGO-eJdU U.n7tu. u C CUy.. I.»d. ounjoint«i,r.i III. -

still at It

Oa comeback traU. 43-year-eId former heavyweight chaaplaa Max Sohmellng. left, takes a 10- round deciaiort from bald Hans Joachim Drtagestcto o f BcrUn to Bambtffg'

pjl«, oui2Snl5*JM Ca«kiO^X^BpIock LmIU. 1». riint.

rb[i«<i«ipi>u «io). ^^ rnoviDgNCE^wriu, su»««, i«o,

itopv«l Bill, «8Vr»jr, HI. Ootton

Cleveland Fight Winner WiU Be CalledChampion

CLEVELAND, Dee. 34 (/TV-Th< Cleveland boxing commission today said It would recognize the winner of the Eseard Charles-Archle Moore bout here Jan. 13 as the light heavy* weight champion and recommend to the NaUonal Boxing asioclatlon rimilar action be taken to *0 member states.

Commission Chairman Andrew Putka asserted abo that U Light HeavTwolghc Champion Dus Lesse- Tlch would agree to meet the wtoaer Of the bout, the commUiloo would classify It as a meeting of *NBA's two ouutandlng challengen" for the crown.

I ^ e v lc h and Billy Fox have been matched for a championship bout to ^ I s o n Square garden to New York on March 8.



Twin FoilsVAN ^W,ES

Phone 246

Swiss’ Olympic Chairman Quits

MORITZ. Swltssrland, Dec. 34 W ^C arl Water, ajayor of St. Morlu, said he resigned aa oommUsloner for the 1948 wtoter Olympics game* j^eduled bert Jan. » ta l»c.u» m lauiia It -tapMW. to

Golden Gloves Champ D i^s On SICE Squac

ALBION, Dec. 34~Lgrle who won the Ught bea\.■ ...............to the Golden Olowrtournament at Twin Falls Iasi sea son. has gone Into training with other boxers at the Southern Idaho CoUege of EducaUon h

The squad will be ----- -“Tarzan" BuUer. the ex-proft____boxer whcl tutored the Ponthu battlers before the war.' Butler sue* ceeds Jack Boden, now the coach at Holley high school.

Other boxers on tbe Panther squad Include Johnny Wright, ISS pounds; Merle Hepworth. ISO, and Kenneth oison, 180, all veterans, and about a dozen who box to the novice class,

work wllh the rest of the organltlng committee."

Nater said he had experienced differences with' the committee "on •haost every polnV' for the past six month*, while stUmptlng slmul« toneously to msst his responslbOlty to the committee as well as to the St. Morita municipality.

l a Geneva, President Martel Hen ntoger. of the organlsliiB commlltce declined comment on Nater*» resig­nation but dUclosed that irmii Spiess, St. Uorlt2 hotel operator, had been appointed commlsi to succeed the mayor.

FLEET OWNERSWhen ■ braakdowa threatens • costly tie-up o f a unit consult Krangtl’s. I t la oltea more eoo- aonlcal to make * gear or weld • teokaa part thaa to send for a replacement,

^RENGELS.-Mechanica can quickly advls* you and

often your nnJt Jlkh,tck on the read days earlier than badit been necessary to order replacement parts.


IMpomBAnD ,. t r a in e dm - t » « Ave. 8. Twto fans. Ida. ‘ CRAFTSMEN

Anderson’s Murtaugh Five Continues Streak

MORTAUOH, Dee. >4—Ooach.L. D. Anderson's Mtotaugb Bad Oetfil' conUnued their wtonlAg streak with a 3 S -» victory over Hanltoa laik.''- night. j •

fr^ ‘ t o ^ o r * » ‘ ^ S ’ up 11 fleld g ^ ao4 00^ «Haseltoa took a 11-7 first quarter

lead and were out to front, 30-19. at the half. However, Murtaugh went into a 30-38 lead at the —ter mark and had a S-8 advantage to the final period.

Haynes scored 13 potota-as the Muitaugh Junior varalty won. one, preUmlnary, « - » . However, Lot- tie Muaan nmg up 17 for HaMton u that school took the glrU' game, 38-18.


s » r ? V i

* « » » « e • t

a»Mk.4un M

S i ! ri'SfSnifc I I I

e 0 e

« « iin «> ti

titfm niMdi oiluu 'I. OImT ^

0ABDINA1.8 PAV0B8D CHIOAOO. Dee. 34 iJfy-fOiM Chi­

cago CardinaU are rated two-touoh- down favorltea over tbe Phlladtiphla B*«lts to their National . FootbaU


RO’Sh o m e ' o p t h a t ’m iS r



league Utle clash here Buadar.'JntT;< some observers are beglnatog Uilnk "tte wutem division ohaai- ’ i' plons may be 'testing” themai' right toto a prise upiet.' ' '


Fidelity ’ National BariM

of.TW DfPAW B-r* and lU branch at Wiwr ,.;

W ish you a - ' "Verv Merry ChrMmat ': :

andmvue yoa to IMea to 'ttMM.:

Chrisrreeentad fer y

■ KVM VObrlstauu Bv% Dee, M. t ) p ^ '

1110 master' of aU sta/ itftaihb’ John NeaUtt. tans tiur.-'r :'ir.


with musle by tha Z4ma Murray filngen'

■' ",KUX ' • •

• ChrisiaaaDv.'Dwiriabar'^^^^^^


K m

VETERANS!For an eTeningr of real fim — spend your Christmas eve at the. . .




Page 6: In^aithftil Sleigh, Boyle Reports Greets Thirdnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · hlf Tolce tocnned "and irete oa acbwlola. Oaaber, my
Page 7: In^aithftil Sleigh, Boyle Reports Greets Thirdnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · hlf Tolce tocnned "and irete oa acbwlola. Oaaber, my

M a r k e t ^ F i i v a n c e

S t o c k s ^

> M a ^ 6 t > a t a G lanoe


K I M ' S

..r T O W D m . M ve t-^ atokM pot es ta itwnUi — ---------■ fb M MHbB M e n tJ

j ™ r i a . “ s i ' t a s t . “ « sM «faM BWTOW thutM tB dttW dbWtlM

i ^ m . - l« O n t n J

a a_ ________________ After ttat■ lltlnnr* h^'Mir obMnrna*

mati'ito. BioMn mM «Mtlsa------- -----kr Um {«d«ml nwrr«’« « « > « « » lo*«riBf«< Id ISP port tml for------------


NEW 70BK STOCKS MBW YORK. Dec. 34 (ff) lAat

A lU i ObBlmen . American Alrllnea ..*w i> rir a n C V it 70lffldl7 .Amerlean B&dlator---------American RoUlng Mills ___Americtn Tel & T e l.-------AmeHcan Tobacco B ______A n a id a Coppet

-------- as 'sanU Fe-

lUj Iron Works -

CalUoml* Packing .

ChesapuCtuTBlerOonnnerclal Credit -

- 14H _ llT i . 3SH- 3614- 43n . 63U „ 41?4

» Com ProducU •. . 64U- 34*;- IBU

L i V i ^ s t b c k

" S i l T u i f i s r .le at Usbir.

Bow nltUa *M| leUl UM| «n (1mm*^ 5 S i ? s . 5 S £ ? ' a t t :

» s 2 i 2 y ^ r ^ teui 100, .U t w


U 4 « 4 M 0 i^ U hlthff, iS ti~ nid«r log Oa. 14.00.

It i lUm «U w to M k l ^ i knr........ ...................... h«l((

*tM«ri cewi iinac la U hither]

? 2 i i f r i s i s•1 ^ 1 a*41am Md to o d 'n ^MMi utilnm mat setd u j tew*

^ <^k« jiix


«lth Tu ad ay't t a l Um«j «»»to SI kUi»r; mvkt* aot prtrir aeUrt, t4oaiat u a n b i l « « . a : sood aod cbol«« b«i«b«n J « tht up n . t M | ^ S , fn r e tw 170 lb.,

to M h ish tr: hoik

r«d ttMn •lUlbl.■UOBx i^ b t <to. tMd htlfm ta.M:

- 18H- 44V4-- lOii . 3SU . 3414

Orest Northern Railroad (pO 40 4 Hudson. Motors — ............. aiHT llln n U c e n tf^ t^ . 31Interlske Iron'Wc 'WorksC. . 14HXntcraatlonal Ha7Teat«r Co. 88U

^tereaU on a l Klekel Can_____3614'ffitcmauooa: Paper__________ 65H

totemational.Tel &Tel ------- iai4XenneeottLockhoed__________Loewi ----Montgomery Ward .N ««h KelTlnafor___NaUonal Biscuit _

» 14 - lOH

Northern P a c UIo .Ohio O i l ----- ‘Padtlo OM ______Packar-

Rttdlo CorporaUon of America OHBepubUo 8 te «l_________■ 13sReynold* Tobsceo B BAltmy

• ttamOr itMd/j tieclitn BnehaBcads mtditua an4 sa«t

>oa and aMdlam tSJW .ia.U]m3Sm Em i ^

p I t w « i.tOO: toUl I.OOO1 tUnsh- Bite uilr«, itn'cif to U falibcri------(UeshUf c U » « K U M j 1

kUletl/ zood and thoki M neUd «J * I dMh mcttlr sood » .T». •


ehelM tOO-MO lb. btitabm StJS . pnctltti iTO: frw c ff tn e k i SM O.Tt 1 ZM410 Ibk I7.T1: :m .m o lb*. 27JJI » » . ) » lb(. l(.7t t hVjV. « • ’ » • * « » : lowi Ur«.lrehoka tijbt w tU h u t4.0«i

* l l h e k M of U it ^ k -b a to b o ^

tboat itMdr: («w c»bbct aad eulUr eewi odd.bMd ooBusea ITJQ

dawn: eomparvd »llh w»»k ifa mac «Itu*hUT ctUMs roo-ljo hUhn! <P«U Bj- moft SB canoer to toramon cowi.

Shop laJahU neai; tsUl IJlai neiblnr«ff«.d m lr: UU ToSiy tdd■.;r.T .,“s s ; ! - ¥ a . 's . ir *


. iMk •( I >« turi milU koBcht.

r i W i S J S S E - .

S'SSS’i.t ” • *r * «g nwtnt

I * * * BOtalaalj * SBVbOBI Ha. 1 nDo« SJljfrOI.

1 1 gi*U 4aiS

ss '1

its :


M lk

- • • (bld)t SoTl -% Si.rla U ri Ol

------ « b M ( (bld)t Sort «h lM t.T S t *o ftw hiu (aelsdlnc nni> t .T ll w hlU club • .7*1 w a U ra n d 17».Bard r*d w la U ri Ordlaarr L T V ;« r c n t X .M I I t vn Btal M T l I t

mt LOS*Hard v b lU Baarti Ordloatr S.S5| 14

............. I 1.01J I f r -r r«s«lpUi WhMt *0; bazl«r


MCtloOfIhlpplns _________tUr BolhlBc Otrmd ib ■>«> nwiuo

to lain Itock*. Qmrtn boldlns (Irm. f«w beUInt for hUbn prlew. D«U«r wipa Inqalrr. d«mand «Ilsbtl/ lapraTod but tndlos llsalUd. Uark«t about alaatlr. ~ ^ ’pnMat ahtpmfsu an t m prrrlona

Few taka nrlooa tr p « . iBcIadloc f«*r _ilM on nattBct for (a u n d.lW «rr tbla montb, |iraelkallr all ea imaU to mwUura

.,S"s;rS^rss™?iteorrertd « r l r i nndartoo* i t n a n r : '•Bd cbolei ] |& - U t lb. w «lihu a e t t b _C»ttU ulabla M l totJO U s tM d r cm rry Ilm lM » » t olaoM. S ^ n a l i> »t««n aralU bU i rood i t n n MoBday >.SI| coBtmoa b tirm lT.00.21M i caasw

- , a i =s / r a - - .s i '

l j « 4t » 0: bnmd deaaad far (MdtriBibti nrdlum and sood oaUbI* 17. " pod alaoshUr « w « Ib douiBd ooiaawa «WM (*l«bl« down

I (U P )-H o « »It olow: llmltod atrlr aala sood

a<rm» at'"tS.2Mol waJriillT" kWdlB* • t w r prlcw.S hlsb«r than r«t«tda r‘i

bMt iU M * U rsair 2S M .M 40> ffSS

ANCELSS- 14 W»—( y S H N ) - - — aad soodCotU* MUbl« S M i foJIy ictadr'

ckaBap oB (coall tot>pU«i (ot t

ealrtt ulablo IM; ttraxfri reed sad ^le»^«l»<wht« ealr«_24.004flj frr rood

Hop Mlabla tM: otroBi t« si blihn': lead rwd aad ebelc* 222 lb. taiUmi 1941. th« tn i food and ehoica 2H.K0 lb. tneb

9bMp ^ b l « Doaal kMhlas oOmi.

Butter and Eggs

------------- --- J , too fewo eueU.iih sTowtJi rvportod.caiCAca

CmcAOO. Dae. 24 {WP)-Arfl»ala Tt on track 21t: toUl •hlpoirat 122.

tdahooi ArrlvaU 12) •hlpmtnl 110. Martin Dtaiud aad tndlnr llsbu

'Track aa)«a p«r 100 Ua.i Colorado rtd UeClsn* U. S. I tlu A *a<k*d 4.1S. Idaho nw«U t;. a. 1 elM A vtibed 4.00. Oracoa nuMta baktr 10 ot. aslnlniDR) anWMbad S.72. Waahlnttoa ruMla U. 8. I «lM A waibtd (.80. HIniMuta and North Ookeu lUd rlvrr ralltr QIIu triumphi

chicaco^ K ' S . . . .Koaa.8lr«M aaUfi Mlchtim t.10.W tem iln ytUowt 2.U-I.40: WUcomln

.ad* $Mi Kaa»aa aad Idaho BpanUh 4JS. WOOL

NEW .YORK. Om. U «V-WooJ top futurs «»r* flrta todar on vra-belldar •hert eoTirl&f. with ofrtriBS* a«aKa. Z«Umat«i tala* « f wool top* wn« 1.000pouBdt.

C«rtlfleatad wool tpol an«uel«^Wool topt futorM ctiMd J of a cant

bUbtr: Jslr IIOJD.Cartirkat«i tpol wool tot anqualad.

Whisky Holiday’s End Expected to ife Halted ‘Soon’

WASBZNOTOK. Dec. 34 U>-Tha 6(Mlay wfalslQr>nBklB( holiday ends at mldnlgbt tonight, leavlnc .dls> tlUera. free to use as much acarce tfraln as thsy wish unUl the-Bor- emment finds a vay to Intervene.

lUe-altuaUon Is not expected to rerall very lonv,' taowerer. elnce

-itlmates o f President Truman say he la prepared to slcn the R ^ b - Ucan antl-lnflatlon bin vhlch re* stores his wartime power to ration BTaln for making U^or.

Presidential Press S w . Charles O. Ross told a news confei«nee to­day that -the bill may alsned any day aft«r Christmas." He added that "tliere wlU be a statemnit with It.-

The blU provides that distillers may be limited to 3.600.000 bushels of KTstn a month-Ht figure which Secretary o f Agriculture Anderson has been trylnj to persuade them to accnL veluntArllv.

Taft-HaMXS^igefortHoiiW A s a s K m m . sw ^ ^ H ra jj»-A

Btenp cr-ltoptibtleana cn.tto bouse Ubor commlttw are dlaeuaslii mortirtcatioo of the TafE>Btftl0) to-head itft strlkaa tn. the' m U ^ . tradw laduittT sazt U was

they «ald. may dlaritft traditional working r^aUona In tbe industry. They have yet to fomulate a spe* clfio proposal

H ie buUdlnit tndeii Industry cus* tomarily operates under muter acreemenU signed between the unions and contractota' associations hi the spring. Tbe sgreemenU aytUe Jurisdictional problems o f allocatlnf

ban f _________ _________ ______Inate” between worken wh» are or am not members of a tmlon. Labor organlsatlOQS claim that this clause maktLU Inpo&tlble to negottate a valid 1wz$ement in tbe building

Allowing Minor To Drive Truck Brings $25 Fine

Lelond A. Hansen, < Twin Polls, t» ld a fine of «35 plus «3 court cosU in probate court Tuesday when hewas a---■.... • • -Ingar truck.

ai5 « 0D. Vemoa Hansen. 27, was. cited to appear Tuesday for driving a truck without clearance lights and without an operator’s license. The boy's Ucense was taken from him recently for falling to observe a atop sign.

Judge HamUton continued the case of the younger Hansen until later date.

Chordhes in Eller Celebrate Holiday

P U e i < 8 « ^ « i i n _____awwiMi c tirtftD tf 9 * ^ ^TMnwday night.' * '’■Mf& .C la n ^ B dvn iir wlD b » ta ehari* ot Utt S im ^ sebool , gram; TIio m ' acbsdiibi to tak«- are PblUp m e a . BiVlrgn Ai&OTt, amxt BSUte. Joe French. Mmxtijrn Abe; a r«ee .B e «l. Uyma Brown aad Q jd » Mwuda.

The MetbodUt ehucb bold lU Christmas partyTueadiy «T«alBC at the church. l%s Bandw sehool pro* gram was undn tht dJreetloa'of Mtf. Lyle Seddoa. atuited by Mrs. LynnvUle B ron .

Those who took p «n were Barbara Rurti. Betty Kurts. H tty . BalnUnc, Don Lee Roysltr, D »vU Brown. Ter­ry WUford and Carol Beatoa. CaroU were sung and Sa&U Olaus <U*> trlbuted treats.

Tt\oM who took part tn Ui» pro> gram at th« Onited Mlulonary churcb Monday xslsbt were Birdie Lorain. Jam a Menli], Olay 'Van Winkle,'Oorm etutzmaQ.x,«iT7 Btuta* man. Molly Duffy. Phylll* Oonred, ’^ “td MerrUl, Bsrerly 8W «r. Robert

m . Betty flehnell, U r r j Manley, Dean BarrU, Dianna F»ulk. Dale Borrls. Mrs. Wsyxae CreaWT. LUa Mae Berd and tbs R «t. d«tK1 John* soa,T*stor.

Juniors at Carey Sponsor Prgram

CARSV. Dec. 34—A specU odajH tatlon o f Dickens “Christmas Coro].' given as a radio play, highlighted the

ram at the annual h l^ school stmos p o ^ . which w u spon-

aored by the Junior class.Mrs. Ben £vans directed the play

cast of which lacluded Veldon Wilde Jay Llnam. Mona Mitchell. Lois Mecham. Bud Carlson. Lavar Smith Haal Tolman. Odena Potter. Jean Blankenship. B e r y l Albrethsen Kathryn Qobl and Mary .Carlson.

Mary Carlson announced the pro­gram. which also featured group singing of Chrtsbnaa carols, reodlngs by Lavar Smith and Beryl Albroth< sen. and various chorus numbers bj Nettle Smith, TwUa Mecham. Alan Pyrah. Bud Carlson. Joyce Justesca Wilma Kirkland. Mariene Stocking Leland Smith. Tod Davis. Joe Carl- son and Arlcn Dllworth. Robert Adamson a p p w d as Santa.

A gUt exchange and treats by the school board and laculty concluded the party.

Legion,.Auxiliary Celebrate Season

RUPERT, Dcc. 3 t- In A hall dec- crated with evergreen boughs, red and green paper streamers, bells and lighted tree, the American Le-

Christmasparty at the Legion home.

The rchabllltaUon committee in­cluding Mrs. J. B. Hurd, Mrs. Bessie Culley and Mildred Scholer, was In charge o f the program which con­sisted o f cnmmiLnlty alnglng of Car« ols, and a reading by Mrs. Arlo Kent o£ AceQUla.

Ice cream, cake and cookies were served by the refreshment com­mittee.


Arabs were slain this Christmas eve ‘ official said

the klUers were Jews. The fatalities rose to 313 m Palestine and 434

— ighout Juily land.


RadiatorsNew and Used

Priced Right All Kinds


Glenns Ferry Man Sustains ‘Critical’ Hurts in Accident

BOISE, I>ee.» <u n -j»ck Welch, Olenns Ferry. U In a -critical and unconscloua" coDdltloa today as the result o f mulUpla .tkuU fractures sustained in an sutomobllo aeoldent west ot Olenni Terry Sunday oigtit, a^ndants at Bi. Luke** hospital

.Welch was a paoae&ter In an an- tomobUe driven by 6Ura Olow, also bf Olenns Perrjr, when i t wt&t,out of control, rolled over ttirea times and skidded and s lU 300 feet. Oloso was Injured alJtbtly about the head.

Another. pasMogcr in tto#.vehicle, Mrs. Phyllis WUco*. suitalned shock, while Louis Wuoox. 6, was uninjured.

Former Farmer in Jerome Area Dies

JEROME. Dec. a*— J»y 1^ Hoskins. 63, a former Jeiozse fanner, died Tuesday at hli homo ix» Ontario, CoUf.,' foUowlsg a three-wnk 111* ness. He retlrtd from farming and moved to OollfomiA a year ago.

Survivors Include hi» wife; two sons, Fred Baskina. WcndtU. and J. L. Hoskins. ]r r>ouglaa. Alaska; two daughters, Anna Mae Hoskins, Ontario, and Mr*. B. r. Olodowskl. Jerome.

Tbe body will bo sent to the Fra­iler mortuary In Jerome where fu­neral services will b e hdei at i p. m, Saturday in thg chapel. Burial will bo tn Jerome etmeterr.

Divorce SoughtM. E Bardiler filed a divorce

complaint in dlitrlot court Wednes­day a g a i t^ i t ab liley . Bardsley through Attomiy J . w. Taylor.

The complaint statti they have no children uid no community property and requeati that the be allowed to reiume the name of Shirley Herrick X h « coupls w u marriod April M. IMT.

Coyotes ottea tbrtri in letUed farming areas desplts efforts to control them.

A U C T IO N S .Watch thla eolumo diijy for news of Maglo VaUe]^ fam auetkm and for tb e <Ut« tluir UiUngs wri appear la tb e Tlmes-Niwa Obeck tbetr idi fo r loesuoa and all necessary InforauiUos.

D E C E M B E R 2 9 W . 0. Bnuuon

AdvertUemut Bet. £ «• » Oscar Slsss. ABctlonocr

D E C E M B E R 2 9L. A. Booblar A outers Advertiaeacot. Ctc. ZO-21

Hopkins A Qtnnon, Anctlooeert

D E C E M B E R 3 0 Lonnli Moon

AdvertlMarat. Dec. « Hopkins A 'Bacraosi. Aaolloaeetf

J A N iS j IY 6 Bohi a in «u

Advertlseaat, Jus. < HopUaa * Bumoa. AoeUoDMn


fS S IMSn33SALE-We-Have-Buyerg-for-AU Type- S t o c k r


Lot of extra lood Fal u d P «« Iw O m * ThU Wwk ,

K s S c ’l:! ■!;! . .. .

“a iij a;

^ *X1w eotton plant U btlievM to bare erlflnated tn Arabia or Xndla.



Kmghts Tenipti Hold liistaliatim

BogeMCoUahao was ia tta lM ex-, edlent blgb priaat ot th«..diapt«t In certmonlei ocodoetad by n tlr la r prteit. Bamuel L. BuUlvan and J. Bari actareiber was InstaUed enl- n n t oommtnder c f :ttaa Oomauad- n y ^ T e d Bdholm. ntlrlnc oom*

Tb% new elupter itatt lacludea Wayne Budelaon. king; j.- Bari B c ^ b w . Kribe: S u l Bolt*, tteas. ttw ; WeUlver,. Miller, recorder:

W. Newbrough. Jr, captain ot the host: Dwight UoOomba. prtn- elpal eojoumer: BIdiard R . Bag- land, r o ^ arch captain; F. O. Oa- borne, master of th« thlid veil: Ralph A . Kendrick..master o f Um second veil; John W. Clouser. mas* t o ofttie nrst Tell, end W .» . Fiaee,

InstaUed toto tee coasnandery were Roger Me- Mahao, generalissimo; o . D. Belie^ capUln general; Ralph Faulkner, eenlor warden: Ted Bdholm, Junior warden: S. a Robinson. preUt«: Waroe Budelaon. treasurer; Fred 8. Craig. reooRler: Fred Vander- graft, staff bearer: F. c . osbome, •word bearer; W. D. Fales, warden, and Richard Ragland, sentinel.

Five-Town Jaunt Set by Recruiter

A navy recruiter wUl be In fire Magle Valley communlUes Friday to interview applicanU for enlistment to the regular navy, AOMM Robert VarrUl. Twta -station, announced Wedne«lay.

OMl/o O. W. Whitaker wlU be at the postofflcea in the following towns at times indicated: Burley-at B:4S a. m., Rupert at 11 a. m., Paul at 13;4S p. m.. Haselton at 1:18 p. m , and Eden at 1:40 p. m.

F i t o s mCOEPORAXB BOISE, Dec. 94 MV-ArUclea of

rvoratlon were filed with the .. itary of eUte yesterday for

eight enterprises with capltallzatldb amounting to 11.000,000. papers were filed for the Pub. Inc., Twta Falla Brunswick. Inc.. Buhl Sport Shop. Inc.. and the Challenger, mo. Cap* Itallntlon for each was Uated at 1100,000. Zncorporaton are R. L. Graves. W. L. Winn and Bessie Winn, an of Boise.


INSULATION CO.139 Third Ave. So.



Methodist ehurch.- Un.Eal realdeata, died last W eteeii^ morning, at .the home ia bar dtukh* t«r. Mrs. OecU Oooeh, to Bellflower. Calif. She la surrlfed by sU una and two daaghten.

Mlbearers were tCcKlnlay Eaton. A. L. Baton, Will Eaton, a a Bateii. ^ aons of the deceaaed. and Fred Eatoo. a nephew, and Richard Oooeh. a - eon-ln*law. Xnterment was made to tha WendeU eem e^.

HoHday VisitorsFILBR. Deo. 34— Mrs. Carrie

Atmes left Wednesday for a visit with relatlTet In Salt lake City, rtah.. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hudson are ependlag the holldaya to Boise.


.Jlighcsl Prices PaidDEAD and USELESS


I D A H O H ID E &

T A L L O W C O .

.Perfeet means tlawle^ A radia­tor repaired here is one that ba>' been caretuOy. palnrtaktogly. » » paired or recored by a akSM mf htnfo and then tROPERLX' teeted-eo that It U. returned :.te you to a ccndlticQ to fnaetko' PXSFEOTLT.



1 39 '.?N D A V I , r .

MOVINGAnywhere to


DTAH—IDAHO—CALIP^NEVAD A—OREGONSkilled, Bfflclenl, Carefol M m n . ,PaeUni, Morlnt. Storan at

Low 'Cost.' • • ‘


T r a n ^ e r ,&

CLK ^ n rid tm a d

from the folks at

liou Clemens Ian Elliot Joe Gibney Lloyd James Florence JCoUmeyer Frank McIntyre Charles Neeley Juneau Shinn ' Mildred Sltaar Earl Sterling'

Southern Idaho Broadcasting and Television ^


Page 8: In^aithftil Sleigh, Boyle Reports Greets Thirdnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · hlf Tolce tocnned "and irete oa acbwlola. Oaaber, my



■ ^ ] T w . r r ? 5 » s i " E s a. p4 r«lUbU » « > ----------- _ _

TSEE top^as. blllnt. uiamtac mod 4s4IM u »IU wiih chalQ »w . St-----------

•d far noeral. WItlowikill. Tr>lB«d aad

8A^ UOHtt •^ uImCil" ? fa^ OtU-Jlt. * ' OSOAB B. OLSON. COKTXACTOB

dkUliM n*:<M»rr. MmI worklns ««> dltloBi. OIt* QUlUlulloBS. WtlU P. C



W. a ROBINSON(A«r«> boa SlteVAANOLD r. o o n . Ucik

tt* Mua Mftk rM M m


w^^na^w.Ma.raib5 S j 5 ^ ‘% i ' s r s







HELP WANTED— MALETWIN UTM^^nMnUUv* oa tnek asd ol


CORP.fudlo Ode. PbOD* 680



4% LAND BANE LOANSL*M unai, fair trSSU‘’« i “Sd '.& '


U l A M Atm m T«t> rub

' '8e» Boenls asd Tirla Falto tlren«B care B«aU C t*u » booit on toj* thli ycir. Toyi npalrcd and p*lnt> ; «a Iqr U » S m to u id ’m eD «a w en dlilrttsled t » ehUdren at tbe SklnUoa A rm j party beI4 Tnesdar

' ' xOgbt. Ip plwto at lop, meoiben o f Bea Sccmta Ee>Dab-Bo« an thowa rtpalriar' toya. Left to rifht. . antmd the table, are Bebert Jeset, Wmiam SUmner, Bobert Jobnsoo, Jamca Bead. Mania OlUetle and . lan es Fnlmer. FtreaieQ la tower photo are, left to right, Georr* Maaa. CUntoa Earl. Bobert Bopp and > m o k Borejh. Avlitaai Fire Chief Kcaaeth Royer fa la baekcnnad. (Staff photo-eacraTlon)

Stadents at State ^boIinGooding

■Present Program. ' OOOOlNa.^ Deo. at OhTlBtaaa

tahlesQx and ObJlttmas carols were prewnted by students o f the stAte

• school « t : * public perlonnance In the sehQol.chspdL

'studeaU .U k to r part Included J . Oeorgv Sharp. E tU Rhea Cabbage. ••Robert Montee. Boonle Lou Raa-

, sell. . Lynn Orgtn. Delbert Poynor. Dan Tunk. Robert Taylor. John Oab> tage.*'O eoi*« •Yamagat*. Oeorge

- Wudlog.-Loree Hamnel, Mary Jean Olsmbo, Nancy Martin. Orena DaT-

' . let,' Bkren Bird. Barbara Schell. Ro- bert; .FetnMm. Bari OoaUe. Earl

r ' . «owland.'<3aylo Clapp, PJeddle Boy• and'Jisny wadlng.

;- jl)uu]ty- memben In charge. ln> elods'Mrs. I«y c e U Uelton and M n. Dena BQl,' direction; wnw

C anlnly. OostsT.. TIechtner -and Staipa Lou WiOker. muslo: Dorothy Say. Xdytho Purcell and Arthur

. SeTsranee, stage; Betty Berg. cos> tomas; UUdred Ttnits. sazrator; Bdythe Puicell. art work, and Ia P earl McPherson, piloting for the

;iw*raais.' • StodenU'trom the deaf depart- ment took character parU and nem - oars o f the blind department pio- vlded imuslc in choruses and orch>

. . mfttk- numbers.

I Gooding Youth to Attmd ConferenceOOODINO. Dee. M — Raymond

IHompson: CkMdlng high school senior, who recenuy was elected praldent of the Idaho Conference MZ7. wtU attend a ‘^ o r ld Wide

■; MethodUt youth PWlowrtilp Con­ference” at Cleveland. O , Deo. 90

.. to Jan. X Tijere wUl bo P.OOO M YP members and 1,000 adult workers

r from all.OTer the world at the meet-

' Raymond, a Boa of Mr. and Mra.• H.' M. Thompson, served as p p ^ - . dent of the sub>dl<trlct Ust year

axtd for two years has been presl- dent o f the Ooodlng group.



. *» Atlpl C. rtoTd. tb* abert auwd d4K

* \ Csun or nb* ElcTMitk Jsdlelal 4 tlM 8UU c i Jdabe. U aad (or lU CMBtr bj th« abe** Daaad


CONTRACT roiuia(a) TlM fotiBi bvund InU t])« flpacl.

teatlon* an tJi* eat* to b« oi«d In naktoi bid prapoaal and (or tb* conplMlea eoatraet.Thir an brand lato tb*

•jr rafmaca asd for eonrt IIMd«n.

eoaipUlat. n i l aetlaa ta bnraibl br Plalo* tiff ta M «n a dltere* fron Uw d«f*nd»t M ipew ^ e t craallr. jttd^fer^nalenUoa

WItaMt a” taJS*'*nd**ih! •••" o f^ a Dbtrkt Cenrt. tbla Xtt,d day ef OmaibCT.


THE FINEST CAFE-fa'm * at lb* b<Bt-lawB* la Uacia Valkr. LomM m IOa% eomtr. At. tracU all tourtit trad*. Oanqatt i-- I looaaa I -------

vlt« clDb*.__a wllb lu

Dtf^Nris *®onb*'yo u x i.DE PROUD TO OWN. IT UA8 NO EQUAL ON TIIE



4% Long Term FARM LOANS

Ha ttm. No ataek. ^


baoM. Kra ban, mw earfaU. ab» baa

i'b paitara. cood S bad trlcltr. BUkik -Kbaelrirair ai warn, caup.

dawB. Salaoaa *Ut

Jikj. r r. toad haaUas. Sat

(SEAL—tXtlrlct Coart) EAHL E WALKER. Attonitr far rialntirf

« ’ ;SJ88M?f.gSSS*

. Notka U banby sino br tha U)<!i a . 's r s f i s i l . s . a w , ' : ,llara at and all pnaona faavias eUl__

" .Z S S £ ’'S.'!S/‘& t :S !S S .fLav OCflMa af Sari S, Walktr, Baaa n Stara Bldr.. <IU ef Twin lUb.

itr a> Tvla r2l* asd SUU ef Jdabe.

l K . s £ “ f a .BwrlaU V. KtUenr. 0 »■ t. to. 17. II. IW .

IN ius” ? B M A r a * c ^ ™ “ Twm rALLS COUNTY. lOAIIO.

(b) Tha Inrlutkn far 1U<U. tha I AccvpUnc*. Iiutnutlen to nidd<n i " tal Rnaark* Will aot b« tacorpota... -la alsned coatnet.

atM^pald br^Ua ^tractor la r*(*r*oca! T'EnPOBU^CE S'OND

Is tha amouot at riCtr Faruat (H%) * tb« tetal amaaat'af tba coalraet. i. PAYMENT DOND

<a) A parnwil Band aball ba ttrta ._ Uva aoemti o t Flttr Parent at u i total

•l/tutud ddtDdaa'wlibli

ir TOE|EOTATB 0» “b i^7il»«B _ ^tU^Bodaf.NoUea _

B. ^ laH la tcn 'o iriw ^ to'tba'iSdilon •t aad all paiaoaa baTlac alalaia anlnat tb* aald daeaaaad. ta axblblt than arlU) tha aacaataiy mcban. witbla fotrr («) Bwatla attar tba fint psblkallen of Uia aallo*.s,„s: .%•:

and PUu far Addition* and ________ar.atbar ebaana ■ tbat ha** ba«> mad* prter ta tba mtir at bl* DM PropoaaL

~*CONW CE f. tnSEB.pBblUbt Paa. n. It. » . IW. _______


peapadai____ _baraa.

COimmr OnOCERYi Uaait ntUat aaslpatal. valk.la cold roaat. ItO (ood bakar*. I raaa aadam apartjaaat.

OROCSBTl W*n laaatad la seod tal- dMtUal taetjoD. «1U »alt laaaa. fliurw ud ataclc. Prlcad to aaU.

MebDa Santea ^ Utiaa a Groeaiy.

BEN ASPEY, Realtortt l 8*0. ST. w. PBONl 111

vaausaa of tb* E<raltabl* Lit*. APPBOVBp^H^TOAaB LOANS

r e a iTe s t a t e I v a n t c dONE or mor* aeraa outalda

WANTED LISTINGSW* hav* a eaah bonr for aood 4

M aero on aoalb *M «bo can par *■1 I«a* aortb aid* 1 0 ta IM a<


I*. aUo parI H caab •


d GOOD BDBINESS LOTS oa Mala 8tn*t la Jaroma

Oloa* In UztU fool balldlBC PBICED FOR QUICK SALE

AT I11.M0



LAST MINTTTZ Girrs Btaffad Aalaial .Ton. 14% «ff.' Tnbal DIovb Olaaa B«aei

:MA » m I auia rab- and blankata Carvala aad ehnillta noraltln

111 AdJUoa Arc W. Pbona «>1W THB CUSTOM HOUSE

<ta tba Bmllb Baallat Dalldlas)

“ S K 8*T»k«. Uaniae. Tboaa lOWll.




CECIL C. JONESDpttaira Bank a Tnat Pboaa » t t

Wa ba<ra a tar«* *toeh raneb t.40g acrta. plantr ef natar. 4M asm tOI. abl*. baUnea paalara. Tajlar »iBala« for. IMO abavp or IM catti*. t homa*. *l«eUI«llr. •«bool roau. TbU prepartr abowad a protlt at lU.MO tbi araar. Ovnar rtUrlns. TbU «aa ba baadlad for ROMO don. balaaea tlO.OOO laa( tana. Sbewa br appelataiaiit.


!U I Xlmbailr Bo*d Pboaa IIK.J

IM ACRE Irrlntad rawb. cloaa to Ooadlu, fair Impramanta. IM abarta «rat«r, «ltb addlUosal wajla

II.OOO.OO. Ttrasa.

.......... «rk abop. alaclrla pr«*aar«aralna In hooa*. aow- bara far 1 «- eo»a. I1I.C0».«U

10 ACBE appla orcbaH la bl(b aUU of pTodaetlon. I rraai madwn booaa. ■ara«* In boaa*. appi* aallar. bam. Ooaa ta citr <m ell blcb«ar. Ili.OOO.

(barai wat»r. HIJOQ.OO. Tana*.BEATINO risk aad daaea halt with a

aqnipaant. Naw 4 roea modem hooi wllb famltura. EiMlWat iBcen prop*rtr. I1I.OOO.OO. baU caab.

Haar otbar Irrlntad raaeb«. all »fT*ral ata(k raBebaa Uatad.




INCEa eorsallaia. Mn. l«ila Oardaar.

to tba aradltora ot aad

OAk to Lo* Aai.laa, U*iat Bbara- aapan* . PboBa Ml

B. Orar. -. ___all paraaaa ba*ln« aUln* aralaat tba aald dacaa**d. t» aablblt tbaai vilb tb* a*ca*. aarr rsgaban witbla tear aoalb* aftar tb* fltat pablteaUoa ot Ub aoUet. ta tb* a*ld AdalsMntor at 111 Main A**bd*

OOBTOK CRAY.Pttblltbi Pat. II. II. » . lUTi Ja£ I. IH



DAIIO. DECEMBER U. IHT. JEAUCO DIOS, ta (daplleat*) aablaet W

tba aandltlan* aoatalaad b*r*ln. will ba

aractloa at aa AdmlnlatTaUoa DolldlBS ta b* «r*et*d aa tba Maalelpal Alrpact Slta,

-la Wla. Ceaatr of Twin FaJte. SUU

i>ARTY wUbaa rMa ta CaliromU. D.,«a. »*r II. Can dtlvai will tbar* *

ilEAOilClAWa « a I. staat d«aaaJ. OoaJ aaUHaa, atea work. Lat aa abow raa bow.

•-* Aaadaar. Twto Falla. 1~




PHONE 0188-R2

GREETINGSWeTe wlahlBg you the

merriest kind of Christ*

mas and the happiest

aew Tear ot alll

CRAIG & FALES Gooding, Idaho

FOUR Bolt apartaiaat. nraa tBralabad. aacetuti* b**L AIw taT*ial traUar booaaa- l » Wartb Waablagtna.

8 ROOM HOUSEKadara *i««pt baaL OB alara. K aen«!SSo


111 dlb At*. N. Pboaa 1111

■ ----— --------baaatr aarrlaa hr adTaaoaSatadaata al radaaad prkaa. Jsalor ito. daat TOk fraa. Maablatlaa* aad aald


. **wilatSf ^rSutdniM *tba aaal ■ "■M ^ .O aen . thU UUi dar ef (

a JL BDLLSS. Clark. ..r’piainti«;' ' 'atTwja FWk. Idaho.X V » . 17. I*. IL II4T.


_____irt *Ti(a ai.__.aaptla Uak aaj drr walk.

I . TlM P lm aad S^tleatlou praparadaa a Laab, jUaUut^ Baea>^^llM<

-^It/jUUoaal Baak BalMla*., Twia

aaat (t%) af tb* total aaaeaat ef A.e*.«JfW cb^ OT,wb toad.

>'!r^2d‘“8iSSf£S,S"____• ' •• Clark of tha a t» of

•S‘V ^ ^ -a a *^TwJa FaUj. Idab< d«paalt of IM.00 w1 Mt Of plaM aad tMah win ba ratara*d _

J ^ “ M £?n.t£Sw ^ '55 .b «

>wnd II daload tar-a-patted axcaadlatXlabsm rataa af wasaa fbr tba eea<

•trseUes ef tba prapoaad work bar* baaa •MbUabad br Um SaoataiT ef Ubor. aad a aebadala of Uber claaltkaUoo* aad •Dtb BilalmBta w««« rat« to ba paid ata MB^ad ta or attacbad to tba apaclflca.^^•C H F"iC T<rfa'-fUla. Uabo, wdl,

i7 watar apinM . no** aad ab«* I.-Pbona 1MIIL

______- ______ _ her***. -haiaa*. my* aad baraai I laddla boriM.

, black aad aorrall. Ownar par for ad- aartlaaiiailt. Pboa* OMKJI.


Rhinestone BraceletaEWABO ;

PHONE 2262



A REAL VALUEMeomr. **1) bBlIt tbr*a badroaa boaia la cood loeatloa. Eacallaat coadlUoa with bardwood neon aad alak*r for. aaea. A cood ber.



• B IC YCLS SALES & SERVICE <Blaatoa Orauiy. I

• PRODVCE BUYEOS. BEAN BUYERM. 0. Bablaaaa. SOI *lk ‘ Araaaa Wat. Pbea* U*. Alwara tba

Baal Priea.

Safa lamtsaat.CECIL C. JONES

Op*tain Bank * lysat Ba. I Pb. 1041


• FLOOR SAN DINO' • SASB A DOORS__________ _

. ALOMOTM atara ytadowa i


.- fcC- «V ;g Idaba ta^aaartai A Salaa, IM Uala Mattb. WWW to. Ibaaa U T t------' '


_ AWIN71IB(t-Om.T .

> S S m N O U A C B IN ES

**5SiL^»rprt^p£a***S5r *S IG NS A SHOWCARDS '

lattartaa. baaaat*. raid laaL a aJxu. Pbee* HUB.



• U lU E O a R A P B IN Q■ • TY PEW R ITER S

CaU W. J. Hollmbeek 3S0TW


OvpoalU P. a

U 0 N E 7 TO LO AN 6r7oRSi^~uoSETsrcssm s

* Baak * n w Oalldlaa. Pboa* tML


• V E N E T IA N B U N D S Bnli^irr*' aaataai aa^ Va.

BUsda awda la ardw OaW aalaaU

I. tUi Merth

U Acra OBtalda citr. I badraeaa t7,H0. I Badneaa Bodara axeapt btat. K.7M Fraata bsUdlac. 0 ft. lat oa Mala Stmt

K. L; JENEINS111 Mala ATanna Kerth



<M liaatla^^*'At « i l BlaaLakaa .



heoM. Good ri&'oB


taFraJS-iSil---- ■<8,900M

C. E. ADAMbUl Mala A * » X Pbe

:;iS i


Badacad Xroa III.IOO. Eieallrat la. aema propartr. Iwo-badrooa tttu* with ba*«m*at *parta«at, hardwood floon, oil forMta. BMMlcm In ararr mp*cl. 08 two Utwa lota la aaat pan at town. Owaar Wavln* lown. bb Icaa 1* year sala.

$8,900Aadaoad frea ilO.OQO. Fortr acr* farm aaar Uobt. rocktr**. d«*p aolt, l.roon bom* asd tair iapromaaaU. A r«a Talao.

$4,600Spaclotia bunsalow, larpa llrlas room,

$7,500Tw^badrooa bon*, nawlr r*d*e» ratMl, propaoa ta* haai. partial ba*a>amU lanra lot. rood localloa witb

$17,BOOta Sd . 1‘ cm tiant in_______A b*tl*r loeatloa tor raur pr«a«e boalaca*. Uatad axclaatralr wItb


Ul Mata Are. K. Pheaa » (

m^.«^nia LmJa''!Q i raa aaaar. PoaaaaalaS. tanai.



U acrat ^ m l tud.aaCu aera raaj paaUin. Toy faw waada » Tetha. B«lldlw>'(atr. aaa4 wall M l 'i iM Htbt ■ Tbla plaaa aas par far (M f ta (»• raar. Prtead «a r tea ehaap at mOM p*r am.Al*a aas* r « ‘ bara la teed bo

ELMER PETERSPboaa lUUCer can at 1140 lib A * »&

— 2 ACRES—ef tba flaaal Uad. and ia oaa of tb*

b*at lecatlcaa la-U>a eltr of Twla Falla. «Itr waur aad aa ^ , plaatr. e t^ ^ reaas frait t-


S rD'^-DRSST'DoSgS•pABAO; , and olbi. lood ootballd. Ina. AND a vary peed aaat aad «I*aa t-reea raetal baoa ia aav. , aaellon. ^ fFOB TIUS BML^DEAL CALL 'T *



NEW "tiidal a ” -------------------------aaat. 1 » north l!

L Uactar aod eaKlnt^


waUr. Call IBM. BhMha

80 ACRESKorUuId* kwaUaa, aood predseUr,

farak Coed baJUiasi, daap wail aa. praaaara arataa.

J. E. WHITE AGENCY117 Uala Ara. E.

112 ACRESNEAB Twin FalU. (ood d^p aoH. 4 room boua*. S roaa t*aaBt boiu*. d*«p w*H. praa*Bra arataa. land ll«* Idwi tor Irrisa'lon. laaaad ta rood tarmtr. Oaodia***taaBtatttOOpara«r«. ilalt

^ t a r 4I^N'FMmaU aad aU aqetp. M Fanaall aod moi^M Oliver and cuIUrator LA Jobs Dana and aqelp Jaba D*ara Bj « • ' •7 foot C*M dla«S foot Cbaaa flald esltlrator Maw II foot Uaeoln TnUar



With Power L iftHAN0.0W




10 ACBES coed bad IUa«llaa dlatitet. tZaa rood s badreea koia« (air eaUnOd- tan. daap wall >tlb praaaara poap. Priaad far abort Uaa n u par acia. Wa bara bnran far Kertb aUa laaA M aad IM •am. Btebflald. Jaraa* aad W*sd*a Wa woald. appraclato rasr Uatlac* aeoa.

C. E. ADAMS111 Hala At.. B. Pkaaa Wt

SPECUL 160 ACRE STOCK RANCHwllb H acraa ia CBltlratloa aad aa additional-18 cao ba ealU<rat*d. AU raoeb baa m riaar dteraa rlibt for 7t inch** la LltUa Wood rlrarj alao ba* a Tarlor sraalas rtaht far 100 b*ad at alack and eaa ba parebW* for oatr IMOO. If roa are aaUKkaaaa thia ta Hi

Phone or See Us A t Once t






F M FABKALL Alaa for otbar traotaa

t »8 A ) and UP



Goad SO aar*a witb Im -Ui aadara. boa». aaehlaa 1 . calla/, two craaarla*. ebkkan booM. aow bara. pal* *orra]i. baary aoU. All la aoty ceadltiea.

$16,400— ■so aeraa. S^eea aedara boat*, bara.E S T i . E S ^ S r '^ ■"

$18,750— •M aeraa. 4-room «id*ni boa^ (craral

$19,500— .




Let Us Hava Your Order

Nowaad araU tbu ipriaa Maab



H<^< '/X ” SSk’

bSdtata for wbeU fam. i •ad aU watan eertb aad »

$76,0 0 0 -


Ul Mata .Aa^ X. Pbeaa SU*


f j f s s j i - i f s i s s .- P L O W S — •,

KellHa tosbl*jSJo^^u aH _______ . 1 ,

— DISCS — ■ « [IsViiir:




Page 9: In^aithftil Sleigh, Boyle Reports Greets Thirdnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · hlf Tolce tocnned "and irete oa acbwlola. Oaaber, my

•Ml 9t WMhlarun

~ ^ ' X ^ s i J ' £ ' '___________ PETS___________Kmc-«Mk< oU ««Ur mnIfU <01 AMImo ,

^^»r.-B h rLk^-.i„._ ,v o n C h r U i B t M p « r t b n d e o l I U v u p p l « « f o r I

HW or (lock, b r l Slwb t •nlh. Vi i w<#t« Htnim.

HjL1#>BLOOO CDflUh trtU r pnptiU* tor \iigVHSho yiS^oTy?!^ti*F{l«r"*'*'


ro il cnmmtAa—} M ttMl W h tw - « w l « MOM — lUlw tu.00

T .M. WALKERxxAitrr, icABo

MCTT m4 (ol lv »Uin. »lukl. u.ni»:i utMUf. ciui mi or inx. w. a. <n u w u w . M « t , Um._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Bvtey d f t ; * 1 1 1 1 C b r t s U n u 3 f m t i c k e t s t o t h e O r p h e u m a n d 9 t i c k e t s t o t h e I d a h o v t l l b e a w A r d e d u p r i z e s I n t h e O h u c l c l e

t e s t . A i l y o u n e e d d o t o e n t « r U t o c l i p » c o a p l e t e U o e n t h e o u t G u i d e s e c t i o n a n d t h e b a l a n c e o f t h e c o m p l e t e

. . . . . • < u p t o f l ) f r o m a n y o t h e r p o r t o f t h e c l o u l f l e d s e c t l o a o ft h e p a p e r t o m a k e u p a ( u n o ] ' s e q u e n c e . P a t t e u p t h e t i n e a I s t h e m o s t h u n o r o u i c o m b i n a t i o n p o s s i b l e a n d m o l l I t t o t h t C o n t e s t E d i t o r , T t a e S ' N e w s . W i n n e r s w i l l b e a n n o u n c t d I n t h l i » l u m n d a l l y . C a l l f o r y o u r U c k e t s a t t h e T l m e * - N e w « o f f i c e .


R A Y M O N D B E N N E T T p n b l

W i n s 3 U c k e t s t o s e e - P t r a t e s o f M o n t c r e y -

, o r t h e c o m i n g a t t r a c t i o n a t t h e O r p h e u m t h e a t e r . A U t i c k e t s c u b j e t t t o - f e d e r s l t & x

B E R B I B T H E C H U C K I . B Bm Uik * t » iK *l Wtaur* lc«<Ur

. • l i J i h M i l n r o n l u r M l t l n t d . t i u n k *ln ch*rf(. M. II. Xlnr C«.


W i n s 3 t i c k e t s t o s e a " A d v e n t u r e I s l a n d "

o r t h e c o m i n g a t t r a c t i o n a t t h e I d a h o t h e a t e r . A l l t i c k e t s s u b j e c t t o f e d e r a l t a x .


V Tr“ u



COOP SUPPLY INdS.tU 1b4 Art. S. PboM 4TI


OotbIm C4lirsrn[« S»4<il« LMtfctrTOILET KITS

A V A L U E O P t n . o o F O R O N L Y $ 7 . 4 5


• B U N K . B E D a P T S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | 9 MT A R P - 7 x « 0 O n l y 8 4 s q u a r e f e e t M A T T O E M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M M

NEW OULOVAB C « t t h « m «hlU Uitr U « t


I WANT « BOYbau**. lt.«M t


nll«e wiUT hMUT. '

ui paa. is’iTTi j

• loTCtjr ChrklBM ,






C o m b i n a t i o n M A Q A Z I N S R A C K S


Sears Roebuck & Co.

B U R P L V S B A L E S U l M f t t o A v e . W e s t

I U A N R U B B E R B O A T SExullcnl CKt Cor 8«i> or Sad

Brand-Bpanklnc Nt«

B U R F L U 8 S A L E S 3 8 1 M a i n A v e . WestW-A-T.C-H-E.S



C*ai*cl PrlBUT tTlnMtij BmrIMkreauU* MvtI*


F R O N T E N D Ss B R A B Z S E R V I C E


T R I C Y C L E S imS — I18M •> IIUS A L L M E T A L W A Q 0 N 8

I0JS P O O T B A I X 8




t mca joiNTxxWITH OR WlTHOtrr


300 AMPW E L D E R . .



General ElectricAutomaticBLANKET

...J> SInsI* n Da*l Cmtnti la T*la aa4 DeuU* B«l Sim

I N Y O U R C H O I C E O F •

r «ku««* sad tbv an «a(b.



Cood MlKtlOBOf ChrkloiM Kirtf «T«ll4liU a


A rreNTioN, saktaiWaUbn. OIiiTH>nd<, Jfvtlrr,

■llvarwart Glfi« for all lilt Umltr.


'aSJ'ffi'- J . S ' . W






t t M i r k t n i n t , t r l o ’ t l M . Wa»oni. carora board*, akia.

Wniitnr'ali' sKi**'Diamond Hardwara



VAN ENGELENS *roaMw t t ria* Ttim


U S E D - O U A R A N T E E D


tckms • n tcs DEUVZRT







Ptrfumm 4 Colocnra


aPECIALl Chnna Plalad Caaatrolt, R ». ILK

NOW tl.41 Chrooia HlalM] Dan Wamtr,

i V S K K a M V . : . . r K i K !li!

Lartt Enanal RMaUra ll.lt_____ « . M. KlNd CO.

for bunk beds assorted sues or gloves.


S H I R T S , assorted Blges._>137NOTEBOOKS______________ I5ijTRENCH SHOVELS _______ 47o





$127.D0wJU) full nvrra*

n il IlLw«!ha motor »III kIm bonn «r ap«rtlnc pl*aaur*.


.o olcs




lampa anJ aUiTM. Skla aad rrsln. Mt o{ htrnaat. AaaorM Ural W|n4lns RmU.Rid’g Trtdinff Post

111 |kaal)M« Sevtk Pbona im

BalUrr aat w|n4 chatfar



1 1 4 . 0 5 A N D t l 6 . 9 5



: for U irUtna*



Is FMturlng A Lovely 8«|ect!on





nm fb ao4 uutttattlj >riata4






FURNITURE, APPLIANCESEN oil baaUns itovaa. will »*ll «{

eon«tU>oti. Lalt Dukbar. Phona ailWl. I NEW ol Mraar ce»k atm Avnit Wei-


•49.&0 SADDLE


Sears Roebuck L Co.

! OAK china cloatt aed bnffat. 1

itSTi■frala O a lm M taaolllStmt Hort a Nmar wj

7U. Po»» Kitlualtt Cloanara.____ '

GIFTS &. TOYSCbrlttnM U|hta and^^oragoi

To a I* Wen'cbrlatmw


7U. Pom Ki«lu«ltt Cloamti.________WRTl trad* l»*7 Raia'lr elaanar. ||0«.«4

"lioj'i * ***'"“ "Mblaa. /bee* ilAEETa

of rollA i nsit bMkM*c2i'Jii.TJ: '.s :

m m lU r V lp r . D«ll»rrI5'*” llWB*M0 iiiaafar «r BWk« bid on part. WrIUCUrfc Braa. Co.. BBtlar. Ph«^ etITJI.


ITXMI ON IAt Harry Musgrave's

Furalture Store










?10.00 flO.OOCOUPON

This Coupon Worth 1 1 0 . 0 0


BEDROOM SUITEIn oar alora-WMa mUcUm

Wl^'?a«*fSK?uSiS' WESTERN









o i T t T A L a s T . a c a v i d i r o s t80KB A 80RN 8AKDLB






W. DallTar la Ibta Am


m SMD a t » a. pkM* it.w




I t»4 A?* awitt PkotM tu w




i:i!fS K A S .'S Sis ! f s s s i ; a n : ; r ; i „

l t » CSIRTSLER ceapa. atw art at rlnsa


OI IH TON------------ --WOOM}IU FORD JH tea IMX roRO t tea *lik ttotk raak

rs iTio:


McRAE MOTOR CO.Ul AddUon Wmt PhaiM !»«(

nil*IN I STUDUAKSR, radla. baa tar. bw

b IIms*.IN I CIIEVROLTr i4aet aadaa. radio.

iMaUr.tl<l CHEVROLW <4wr. r«lla, kaaUr,

»4 I ^ M L K 4-4aar aodaa. fally

1M» BOlOC^Cjrt gwpa. l a ^ kaatar.

44eor aadaa, radla.INI aodaa.

im C^BOLCT aUaiaM «4ao

1>W V-t 1 US pickup.CHECK oum PRieEs wrra qur

is s


*V *-i3 u ^A .w i5 l5 ”oiJSf^


arowatM k5*wa ufB5d5r »!5 5«S

Oor,ala I* to M wllb Uw pvbll* >»wwtly. wbllo rortdlat --------hnow.^tbia »<vtad%( atort'aorpb

Ua BIM BeA M n r seMa.INI OAblLLAO <t tMT PONTIAO aadaMtt* tMT B17ICK Spwial 4.4aor tllT aTtmsSAKXR CbaspiM t-doof tNT OCaOTO Oattiia alak'1»U OCSOTO Coitaaa lt«I POMTIAO Miaa • tfU CSEVROLCT 44ear l»a TORD hioai 1111 rORD atattaai warn im PLrHOUra Maor. t im OUMXOatLB oo m

Several Older ModelsMiUce Your Own



468 Main - Phone 1980




Our Prices Am Cheajm ,: And Our

Cars The Best .

t »* r (Isanalac bp . 0-11X0.

m* awJabab. V— , <tn Iwator. *«dl».

IN I Chttraiat Aaroaato

i“ : s n 5 . * i r r s ; £ : s1*1* CbmelH Aanaodaa. kiM. hwV

ar. tadle, apeUIsbl. . , “ mi TtH 4-4MT MfaB I baatac; ‘nUa IN I PlrM ib 4-tecf aadaiu IMS ch ««U t»*• « P

SriS.Itit Cbamlal S^eot Mda.IN* IINI UamjT Moor aadaa im PIraodth S-4oor «MUa IM I PtnawUi 4 ^ aadaa l U t Cbm alM S-4oor aodaa I t U r «R l 4 ^ a«da.IMT Fort 4-4eor aadaa

....... —I aavp*tIU Cbnratal M<im Fer4 >-<loer

COMMERCIAL UNITS :IN I Dodn pkkap IN I Fet4 pickvpim U t* 1.IM pM o '1N> ClMmUt flak9.



n a f r * .TW b«U«r tralki a a lM l i ‘ f ^

I f t s s s S v ' l

Page 10: In^aithftil Sleigh, Boyle Reports Greets Thirdnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014. 12. 12. · hlf Tolce tocnned "and irete oa acbwlola. Oaaber, my

1947 Jias braii a year o f c h ^ e s . It has been difficult io find- ^ei^andise.thpt yooiwrnt at the price yon want to pay. Wei natnra^ hav^^ade^ iBome mbtdies and we wish to r e c ^ thenC; The onty way to do this is to admit we-jwere wrong and reprice

’ merchwdise at prices that will insure qin(& sale. We lieve yon will agree that with these new loV prices every item on this page represents m Ontstandins: valne.


50% Wool Uniona

lu*. SM _______ ___ 2 .9 7

Hcn’a Slacks

newUr UM _______ 7 .9 7

Hen'a Matflera

B e * . 1 . 4 # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 C

Wool Gloves

_________ 4 7 c

Liondale While Shirta

4 ^ ...... 3 ,9 8

Fampua Name

' doapenden

.inn 4 7 r


R A D IA N T HEATER(They Work Most of the Time)


1 Men*fl Dept |»


Plaid Wool Jackets

Iteffultr US 4 *9 7

Womens' Slacks

(A son 3 .9 7

Gabardine Jacket*

« « 1 0 .0 0

Womens* Slack Suits

V&hiu to ISM " 6 .9 7

Sweat Shirts

nmcma Htm* 2 .7 5

Womens* Hand Bags

Ttluw to 9SS 1 .0 0

Womena’ Dresses

Value* to 13.95 3 .8 8Men’s Topcoats

i^ . ________1 9 ,9 7Womens’ Cotton Dresses

Vtlue* to _____lJZ'2li47

Men’s Plald Wool Shirts

B**. BJ9 ___________ 6 .9 5

Womens’ Bk'uses

B«r aoJ! 1 .9 7

Men’s Belts

1 W HIM 1 .0 0 Women'sDresses.Values to $14.95

$ 6 - 8 8

Men’s Loafer Coa’ls

Men’s Work Pants

Begulw XM ... 1 .4 4

Cotton Shirts & Drawers Boy’s Dept


W O O L SHIRTSDon't expMt a line on tfala one. Jost look at the price


KITCHEN CHAIRSWe tried to sell them for $6.76


86-75 *1.97


W O O D EN BEDSComplete with Spring and Hattresa

Supposedly An . ' j m

$89.00 $ 4 9 * ^ ^yalaa

Boys’ Sweatera ft. Jackets

V A l u e t to 8SS _ _ 1 . 0 0

Boys* Flannel Shirta' 2.97

Boys’ Mlttena

B<«. a a »____________ 6 9 c

Boys Sweat Shirta

F«g. B8o ____________ 5 0 c

Boys' Fingertip Coat

_________8 .8 8

Flannel Pajamaa .

Re«ul*r 1.4S ___________ 2 7 C

Boya* Neckties

ResiUtr Mo „„ • f 7 c

' Boys’ Boot Sox' '

R «». 400 ___________ . 2 9 c

Farm Sc. Eome Store

Trade Chains 900x 20 Single

. 1 4 . 9 7

D n a l C h a i n s 3 6 x 2 . 2 5

- 1 9 .9 7

Pure Pennsylvania OU


One Bttrntr Hot Plate

______ _ _ 2 . 4 7

Westlnghonsa Sun Lamp Son and Heat Tube

- 1 7 .9 7

Accessories Dept

Boxed Jewelry Asst. Pins ind Ea^inKs

Rc». ijx)____ — 67cBoxed HandkerchiefB

3 to Box

- 2 7 c

Better Band Bags

ValUM to 0.9S_________ 2 * 9 7

Head and Neck Scarfs

V«]uei to 3.88 ^ _______ ^ 9 7 c

Womens* Luther Glovea

Values to 5.9S _ ______1.97

Plumbing & Heating

Sheet Alamintim Jost Make Us An Offer.

2 Only 20” Weir Furnaces

R «. i » « ________4 7 -0 0

22'* Weir Furnace -

m « --------9 7 .0 0

Flannel Gowiiiji i8i20 ■ ■and . Vitrious China

Pajamas SIN KSSfS*"' : 81.97= f e u : - « 2 . ^


BLO W TORCH$2-97It's not as hot as we thought It

wasl REG. J6.25__ _________ u

Farm & Home Store


SCATTER RUGSSUxhtIr Overpriced at *16.95


CLOTHES DRYERCollapsible 4 A m Dry^. 100 ft. line in Mlnlmam Space. Probably Jost what yon needed.


Men's Cardigan and Slipover

SW EATERSOriginally

$7.50And they didn’t sell

like hot cakes$297


SPORT COATSA Few Attractive Patterns

Regular $19.95 $1295


Keg. $4.98$ 2 - 9 8

Womens' ‘

W INTER COATSFabrlcMome for^trlms—choice of-cobrs.----

Values to $85,00 $ 3 9 : 0 0

V Womwtt*

W INTER O TATS Choice of ColorSe lOO^ ’^Vool

i9 .9 5 * 2 4 0 0

1 Furniture Store Shoe Dept

Gub Chair

Reff. t9M ---------- 1 7 .0 0

Baby ShM

R « e . a . 4 a — L _ L L ' 1 .9 7

Wing Back Chair

R « ( r . M . O O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 *9 5

Childrens’ Overshoes

.........2 .9 7

Occasional Chair

Reg. MSS---------- 1 7 -9 5

Childrens’ Brown Oxfords

R«t. «.4» 3 .4 7

s/4 Bed

nrff. S1.M 1 4 .9 5

Odd Lot Womens* Shoes

R e » . t o 0 j g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 .6 7 ■

Occasional Chair

R e g . I0.S5 9 .9 5

Odds and Ends Slippers

R e f . t o B M 4 7 c

Simmons Metal Bed

R e g . IfliS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 5 .9 5

Fast Color


Choice of Patterns

3 2 c

Wing Back Chair

« )m .......... . 2 7 .5 0

California Sof^. ,

WITT noiw 5 7 .0 0

Occasional Chair

» 17 noCosmetics Dept

R e ® . 5 0 J S . . . . . . . . - 1 - 1 . W

Famoos Brand Talc Powder

R e i . S O O 1 7 cBoudoir Chair

Famous Brand Nail Lacquer Sets

V b J u c s t o 3 J 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 cDomestics Dept |

Ready Made Drapes

II0 1 .9 7

Lambs Wool Powder Puff

R tf. lOe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - iC

' 100% Wool Blankets

tpioij 1 0 .9 5

Famoos. Brand Bath Sets

R r f f . I J O ' 4 7 c

Scarfs and Doiles

4 7 c

Famous Brand Bath Crystals

Ret. 3 . 0 0 4 7 c

Irregular . Lace Panels

4 iO V .lK .. ---------

Liquid Bath Babbles

— ------------—27<V

. Printed Tablectoth

4 7 c

NoVdty Gift Soap

ReaiuUr 6 0 e 47C

Hosiery Dept

Llttie Women Nylons

w- ! • « ___________ 2 7 c

Womens’ Rayon Hose

■fteBulBr _________3 7 c

- 3 7 c

Infants Dept

Kiddles Print Dress

_____:2.97iInfants Ninon Dress

Bepilar *.M _______ 1 .9 7

Pram Robe

R e f f u U r 1 3 . 6 8 ______ 8 *9 7

..Carriage Robe Sets

EeguUr J0J5 _______8 .9 7

Printed Pajamas

Regulmr 1J8 ___________ 9 7 c

Broadcloth Pajamas

Regular 8J8 _______ 1 .9 7

Foundation Dept

Famous Nome'Glrdle

Reg. 10,00_________ __ 2 .9 7

Famous Name Girdle

Res. 8 5 0 ___________ 1 .9 7

Sanitary Belt

.lai. ^ ^ __ 7C

Ch»r« Shield

=;27eFanUe Girdle

» » . ■ » ___________ _ 9 7 c

c . D E R S O n