Interdependence Among Living Systems WRITE THE BELOW KEY UNDERSTANDINGS IN CJ!! There is interdependence between organisms and their environment. What are the biotic factors an ecosystem? What are some abiotic factors in an ecosystem? For what resources may organisms have to compete? In what ways do organisms depend on each other?

Interdependence Among Living Systems

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Interdependence Among Living Systems. WRITE THE BELOW KEY UNDERSTANDINGS IN CJ!!. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Interdependence Among Living Systems

Interdependence Among Living SystemsWRITE THE BELOW KEY


There is interdependence between organisms and their environment.—   What are the biotic factors an ecosystem?—   What are some abiotic factors in an ecosystem?—   For what resources may organisms have to compete?—   In what ways do organisms depend on each other?—   How are organisms and their environment interdependent?

Page 2: Interdependence Among Living Systems

PredatorAnimal, such as a lion, that kills and eats other animals (prey).

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PreyOrganism that is killed and eaten by another organism (predator).

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ParasiteOrganism, such as a tick, that feeds on cells, tissues, or fluids of another living organism (the host).

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HostOrganism that supports a parasite.

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MutualismRelationship between two species in which both species benefit.

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CommensalismRelationship between species in which one species is helped and the other is unaffected.

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Biotic AbioticOf, relating to, or caused by living things.

Not biotic!

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EcosystemThe living and non-living

components of an environment.

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CompetitionIn an ecosystem, occurs when more

than one individual or population tries to make use of the same limited resource.

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InterdependentRelating to two or more people or things dependent on each other.

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TraitFeature that an organism inherits from its parents, such as eye color, that is coded for by DNA.

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Artificial ReefA human-made underwater structure,

typically built to promote marine life in areas with a generally featureless bottom.

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PollutionAny change in the environment that is harmful to organisms.

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RunoffWater from rain or snow that flows over the surface of the ground and finally into streams or lakes.

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DroughtA long period of dry weather.