I THE INTERIOR JOURNAL a VOL XXXIV STANFORD KY FRIDAY MARCH 16 1906 NO5 ttJ tfPdr DANVILLE KY 1 r- yt > Semi Annual lOc Salem Beginning Tinslay March 20tb nod continuing for balance of week We ndvert o this far nlioiul to give our out ofcounty coustomm nn opportunity to make their nrnngeinenU to ho hero on time to secure some of thclO bar gains Wo will luivo on sale hundred of articles that are of interest to every one mid thnt ore usually sold at foom Ific to ric nil nt IOn 1Vo eon not publish details now but iiwiuv you that it will pay you to come AND COMK KAKLY Our big toro in crowded with new goods in every IIlJI1rtlll < lIt About Long Gloves Tho visible supply of long silk and kid gloves Is about one pair to 20 pairs wanted K > wo advise you to supply yourself now We placcil n big or ¬ der last August for them gloves mid at present have a big supplyof long silk Slot in black white rexda green light blue pink heliotrope nod tan We are tho only houso in this section that carries the genuine Keyser Pat Finger Tip Gloves No others are as good in tiny way Whito and black kid glues in 12 10 anti 20 button lengths from 81fiO to sa O pair Tailored Suits Wo ore bowing n line of very exclusive IItICII in new dressy suite only I ono of n style in all the new colon of Old Hose Itcicdu Green Ifclio Al ice Blue TaiijVhSte nnd White and Black whey aro well worth coming to- p KC Silk Suits t f Silk shirt wnieUsuil monde of real Chiffon TnHutas M low as 810nlnl liner ones up to 825 silk Eton suits from 818 to 8U5 LinenSuits Handkerchief linen suits with hnnd embroidery SIISO to 810 linen mon Biiita from J10 to 825 Lace Waists Wo ore showing very choice assortment of now Lace and Net WnigU nt 8r to 810 Thwo are very drossy nnd eurvktmblo and nro cheaper nnd let ¬ ter etylo than you rut got up nt ho- meSpring Wraps i Lncc Embroidered and Linen Boleros or Throwover from 8HCO to 82p ThcM airs hi great demand Ho sure to seo the line curlyvert Gouts in great variety from 85 to 8M Tourist Coats nod Haincoit from 810 to 820 Silk Wraps from 8ft to 82- 0Linen Lawns and Linen We curry every quality exempt the poor ones Prices for ttflinuh lined IIIWUH aye lOc Jie fiOe fife 75c 8ic 81 81r 0 82 You van always p get tho grade you want We roll special attention to our M5e quality of lin en lawn as you will find it equal to any that you will wo nt oOc In tho heavier linens wo have every quality in yardwide und 212 yard wide anal oath and every piece in priced right Val Laces and Embroideries Come to us for Vnl We have nu nssortmcnt that you wilt sehlom Gad pulled by the largest city houses Wo import these direct and ns cheap m Ican bo dune nnd our prices uro absolutely ns lute ns can bo land any whero An immense line of Kmbroidcrics of every kind from the narrowest to the L widest nnd from tho cheapest to the finest Alloycrs Hands Flounces IM gcs insertions nod medallions to suit every purpoic 4 S I- Q4t J t 0RYGOQD t t DANVILLE FY 1 1j I WAYNESBURG John and Iko Roberta and Luther Reynolds and wife left Saturday for Cottage Grove Ind Mm M T Reynolds died on the 12th of consumption rind her remains were interred Wednesday at Liberty church Roc Bastin sold a horse to Hunley Singleton for 1110 A B Morgan bought a horse of Letcher Bunch for 110 Jesse Falconberry sold a pair of work mules to Gcorgo Elliott for 2GG Wm Elliott sold a mare to Roe Bastin for 135 B F McMullin has moved to a house on J Singletons farm vacated by J T Aker Arthur Caldwell and wife moved to his fathers near Eubanks and Melvin Caldwell moved into the property vacated by him M J Mor ¬ gan returned home Saturday from Oak daleJ M Johnson our produce man is in Pittaburg Pa with a car load of poultry eggs etc D S Gooch left Thursday for Ashland where he has ac ¬ cepted a good position T S Reynolds wife and child returned homo Wednes ¬ day from Somerset Novice Johnson was in Danyillc Tuesday The writer had the pleasure of at ¬ tending a birthday dmner Sunday at I C Singletons in honor of his mother Mrs Polly A Singleton who was 79 years old There were about 70 persons present and of that number 11 were her children 31 were grand children and nine great grand children The long table was heaped up pressed down and running over with everything good to cat and everyone present seemed to en ¬ joy himself and the aged lady seem ¬ ed to appreciate the crowd and dinner and especially the presents given her- R D PADGETT KINGSVILLE Walter PriviU niter a critical Illness of blood poisoning is able to be out Master Earl Mudman has been quite sick but Is improving W W Walter and Joseph went to Lancaster Sunday G A Walter was in Cincinnati buying a fine line of furniture Mrs Major Smith and son visited Burgin relatives Little Miss Hurt who is attending school at Harriman came up Sunday to visit her parents L M Reid and D C Allen of Hustonville were here Sunday the guests of your correspond ¬ ent Messrs Virgil Bastin and Edgar Rigncy spent Sunday with the formers parents at Science Hill Mrs Kit Brown has returned from Science lilt Miss Eflle Montgomery was the guest of Miss Bertha Thompson L B Ox Icy of Moreland was here and will make this town every two weeks Wm Dye will go to Ludlow to work for the Q C- FARMERS DEPARTMENT Two heavy workhorses for sale W W White Moreland Sv1V White sold to O P Huffman n few butcher catttle at 31c J E Lynn has 175 bales of millet hay for sale Call on him and get price W W White sold to Wilson Alex tinder 53 acres of land near Lytle at 50 FARM Kits ATTBNTION A choice lot of hemp seed for sale J B Walker Richmond Ky Hello Meade farm near Nashville Tenn famous for many years us one of the greatest nurseries of the Thor ¬ oughbred in the world has been leased with the stallions and brood mares oh I it by W G Farmer who has removed his horses from Edenwold farm to the I newly leased premises Always Keep Chamberlains Cough Remedy in the House Wo would not Iw without Cham ¬ berlains Cough Remedy It Is kept on hand continually In our homo says W W Kenrnoy editor of tho Independent Lowry City Mo That Is just what overt family should do When kopt on hand ready for instant use a ooid may bo checked at tho out set and cured in much less time than utter it has become settled in tho sys- tem This remedy Is without a peer for croup In children and will prevent the attack when given us soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after tho croupy cough appears which can only bo dotio whcnltho rcinodo Is kept at hand For solo by Dr W N Crnigi tho popular druggist at Stanford Ky CORNS CuiiKDCorn Exit will posi- tively remove corns in four days The treatment is simple and pleasant and we absolutely guarantee to refund the money to each and every customer whose corns are not promptly removed with entire satisfaction A bottle of this great preparation only costs 15 cents and nothing if a perfect cure is not speedily effected G L Penny druggist Stanford Ky II And thats the naked truth II Oh George do not use such in ¬ delicate language II Well then tho decpllette trut- hr + Three pcoJ le were killed by the col lapse of a building at Jamestown Ind IN NEIGHBORING COUNTIES Squire Peter Lewis of the Tateville section of Pulaski Is dead James Whitehouse aged 80 is dead in the Perryville section of Boyle Mrs Mary A Cox the aged mother of Mrs W S Fitzgerald is dead at DanvilleThomas Farley fatally shot James Smith also colored over a game of craps at Danville Joseph Turner of the Junction City section lost his barn containing 100 barrels of corn by fire Thu Hargis and Callahan cases have been moved to Lee county on a change of venue from Breathitt Thirteen grown children ate birthday dinner with their mother Mrs Helen VanArsdale at Harrodaburg She is 70 years old Lucy Tucker who killed Frank Maden at MIddlcsboro was given an examining trial before Judge Bingham at Pinevillc and held in default of bond Alice Moore the other woman in the fight was released Miss Augusta Brabeck of Waverly Minn died at the home of William Young near London whoso brother Henry she was soon to wed She met him last year at Fort Snelling Minn where his regiment was stationed and they soon became engaged- A Columbia dispatch says News has just reached here of a mysterious cutting affray on Starks Ridge in Adair county Fade Stone was found on his bed with his throat cut in three places Dr Taylor found the man very weakand when questioned Stone dtated he did it himself Later ho denied this but refused to tell who did it Leonard Cook aged 85 years known in the country around as the Indian or herb doctor went to his home in an intoxicated condition Finding his aged wife sitting with the cat in her lap he became enraged at her refusal to give her pet companion to him and began abusing and mistreating her as shelled from the room he procured his gun and shot her dead Somerset ¬ nalMrs Susan Price widow of Dr Jen ¬ nings Price died at Lancaster of old age She lacked less than a month of having lived 91 years and was a wo- man of remarkable vigor both physical- ly ¬ and mentally She leaves a sister Mrs Nannie Stillwell of Marion a son W C Price of Danville and a daugh ¬ ter Mrs M P Frisbie of Lancaster and fivo grandsons R G W J and H II Price of Danville and C W- and F P Friable of Lancaster BLUE EYES Thy voice is in my ear my love Thy look Is In my heart Thy bosonx is my resting place And yet we had to part And yet I trust dear heart The parting will not be long As at every sound my heart doth start To beating so wildly and strong Tho suns bright rays are fading Slowly in tho golden West And my aching heart is longing To hold theo to my breast Come home come home Blue Eyes That are liko the heavens above List to the pleading cries Of a heart so full of love And note dear heart as backward I look upon scenes that have flown And then as I turn to the future My heart throbs with the words My Own II C To William B Mulkey Tis sweet to think of angels now Of one who is in heaven Of one who passed this earthly veil Whose sins are all forgiven For Christ so loved those little ones For those tho debt he paid In heaven my Fathers face behold Is what Ho truly said The lambs He folds them to his breast With a loving shepherds care And in Ills house lie finds A shelter for them there joyWhen boyDeCore By TAYLOR G B Buihans Testifies After Four Years- G B Burhans of Carlisle Center N Y writes About four years ago I wrote you stating that 1 laud been entirely cured of a severe kidney trouble by taking less than two bot ¬ tles of Foleys Kidney Cure It en ¬ tirely stopped the brick dust sediment and pain and symptoms of kidney dl ¬ sense disappeared I am glad to say that I have never had a return of any of those symptoms during the four years that have elapsed and I am evi ¬ dently cured to stay cured and hearti ¬ ly recommend Foloys Kid any Cure lo any one suffering from kidney and bladder trouble Pennys Drug Store = r J1 Musical Merchandise Violins Mandolins Guitars Banjos Clarionets Flutes Picalos Fifes Ac cordeons Concerlinas Harps HarI monophones Music Boxes Talking Machines Edison Victor Columbia UptoDate Records A full line of all above carried also strings and supplies for all Instruments Italian violin strings a specialty Mr J B Finley Formerly of Rudolph Wurlitzer Co now with HUGH MURRAY R The Jeweler Danville Kentucky e 05- f dI 39 321I 26u t a 20- 5D4 atM 3 J Try our New Poultry and Farm Fence t weH HIGGINS CASH HOUSE STANFORD KENTUCKY Ui = The Kentucky State Journal Frankfort Kentucky i Only Daily and Weekly Published nt the Capital nud the only one that 4 ever took tho Associated Press Reports has recently been enlarged and Y greatly improved It makes n epecihlty of LOCAL NEWS including that of tho Court of Appeals State Fiscal Court The Federal Court It is es ¬ pecially valuable to Lawyers Subscription yearly 84 Send remittance to W P WALTON PROR Frankfort Kentucky HOME BUILDERSI II You are now planning your house to build this season Dont forget these tilch abut Tin hoofing FIRE I FIRE I FIRE you know the feeling these words give u IDII If you have n tin root thero will be 50 per propertI of fire nt your house When you think it will last it is the cheapest and best to consult me nnd get prices heron you tI < l on your roof HALDRIDGE I Street Stanford Ky IDepot I l We are showing some choice patterns in Torschon French and German Val Laces Cambric Nanisook and Swiss Embroideries White Goods of all kinds from 5c to 50c perf yard A cordial invitation is extended to the ladies W E Perkins Crab Orchard Kentucky f t

Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7s7h1dkv4g/data/0401.pdf · I THE INTERIOR JOURNAL a VOL XXXIV STANFORD KY FRIDAY MARCH 16 1906 NO5 ttJ

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Page 1: Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7s7h1dkv4g/data/0401.pdf · I THE INTERIOR JOURNAL a VOL XXXIV STANFORD KY FRIDAY MARCH 16 1906 NO5 ttJ








Semi Annual lOc Salem

Beginning Tinslay March 20tb nod continuing for balance of week We

ndvert o this far nlioiul to give our out ofcounty coustomm nn opportunityto make their nrnngeinenU to ho hero on time to secure some of thclO bar

gains Wo will luivo on sale hundred of articles that are of interest to

every one mid thnt ore usually sold at foom Ific to ric nil nt IOn 1Vo eon

not publish details now but iiwiuv you that it will pay you to come ANDCOMK KAKLY

Our big toro in crowded with new goods in every IIlJI1rtlll < lIt

About Long GlovesTho visible supply of long silk and kid gloves Is about one pair to 20

pairs wanted K> wo advise you to supply yourself now We placcil n big or¬

der last August for them gloves mid at present have a big supplyof long

silk Slot in black white rexda green light blue pink heliotrope nod

tan We are tho only houso in this section that carries the genuine

Keyser Pat Finger Tip GlovesNo others are as good in tiny way Whito and black kid glues in 12 10

anti 20 button lengths from 81fiO to sa O pair

Tailored SuitsWo ore bowing n line of very exclusive IItICII in new dressy suite only

I ono of n style in all the new colon of Old Hose Itcicdu Green Ifclio Alice Blue TaiijVhSte nnd White and Black whey aro well worth coming



Silk Suitst fSilk shirt wnieUsuil monde of real Chiffon TnHutas M low as 810nlnl

liner ones up to 825 silk Eton suits from 818 to 8U5

LinenSuitsHandkerchief linen suits with hnnd embroidery SIISO to 810 linen

mon Biiita from J10 to 825

Lace WaistsWo ore showing very choice assortment of now Lace and Net WnigU nt

8r to 810 Thwo are very drossy nnd eurvktmblo and nro cheaper nnd let ¬

ter etylo than you rut got up nt ho-meSpring Wraps i

Lncc Embroidered and Linen Boleros or Throwover from 8HCO to 82p

ThcM airs hi great demand Ho sure to seo the line curlyvert Gouts in

great variety from 85 to 8M Tourist Coats nod Haincoit from 810 to 820

Silk Wraps from 8ft to 82-

0Linen Lawns and LinenWe curry every quality exempt the poor ones Prices for ttflinuh lined

IIIWUH aye lOc Jie fiOe fife 75c 8ic 81 81r 0 82 You van always

p get tho grade you want We roll special attention to our M5e quality of lin

en lawn as you will find it equal to any that you will wo nt oOc In tho

heavier linens wo have every quality in yardwide und 212 yard wide anal

oath and every piece in priced right

Val Laces and EmbroideriesCome to us for Vnl We have nu nssortmcnt that you wilt sehlom Gad

pulled by the largest city houses Wo import these direct and ns cheap m

Ican bo dune nnd our prices uro absolutely ns lute ns can bo land any whero

An immense line of Kmbroidcrics of every kind from the narrowest to theL widest nnd from tho cheapest to the finest Alloycrs Hands Flounces IM

gcs insertions nod medallions to suit every purpoic

4 S I-Q4tJt






John and Iko Roberta and LutherReynolds and wife left Saturday forCottage Grove Ind

Mm M T Reynolds died on the 12thof consumption rind her remains wereinterred Wednesday at Liberty church

Roc Bastin sold a horse to HunleySingleton for 1110 A B Morganbought a horse of Letcher Bunch for

110 Jesse Falconberry sold a pair ofwork mules to Gcorgo Elliott for 2GG

Wm Elliott sold a mare to Roe Bastinfor 135

B F McMullin has moved to a houseon J Singletons farm vacated by JT Aker Arthur Caldwell and wifemoved to his fathers near Eubanksand Melvin Caldwell moved into theproperty vacated by him M J Mor¬

gan returned home Saturday from Oak

daleJM Johnson our produce man is

in Pittaburg Pa with a car load ofpoultry eggs etc D S Gooch leftThursday for Ashland where he has ac¬

cepted a good position T S Reynoldswife and child returned homo Wednes ¬

day from Somerset Novice Johnsonwas in Danyillc Tuesday

The writer had the pleasure of at¬

tending a birthday dmner Sunday at IC Singletons in honor of his motherMrs Polly A Singleton who was 79

years old There were about 70 personspresent and of that number 11 were herchildren 31 were grand children andnine great grand children The longtable was heaped up pressed down andrunning over with everything good tocat and everyone present seemed to en ¬

joy himself and the aged lady seem ¬

ed to appreciate the crowd and dinnerand especially the presents given her-


KINGSVILLEWalter PriviU niter a critical Illness

of blood poisoning is able to be outMaster Earl Mudman has been quitesick but Is improving W W Walterand Joseph went to Lancaster SundayG A Walter was in Cincinnati buyinga fine line of furniture Mrs MajorSmith and son visited Burgin relativesLittle Miss Hurt who is attendingschool at Harriman came up Sunday tovisit her parents L M Reid and DC Allen of Hustonville were hereSunday the guests of your correspond ¬

ent Messrs Virgil Bastin and EdgarRigncy spent Sunday with the formersparents at Science Hill Mrs KitBrown has returned from Science liltMiss Eflle Montgomery was the guestof Miss Bertha Thompson L B OxIcy of Moreland was here and will

make this town every two weeksWm Dye will go to Ludlow to workfor the Q C-


Two heavy workhorses for saleW W White Moreland

Sv1V White sold to O P Huffmann few butcher catttle at 31c

J E Lynn has 175 bales of millet hayfor sale Call on him and get price

W W White sold to Wilson Alextinder 53 acres of land near Lytle at

50FARM Kits ATTBNTION A choice lot

of hemp seed for sale J B WalkerRichmond Ky

Hello Meade farm near NashvilleTenn famous for many years us oneof the greatest nurseries of the Thor ¬

oughbred in the world has been leasedwith the stallions and brood mares oh I

it by W G Farmer who has removedhis horses from Edenwold farm to the I

newly leased premises

Always Keep ChamberlainsCough Remedy in the House

Wo would not Iw without Cham ¬

berlains Cough Remedy It Is kepton hand continually In our homosays W W Kenrnoy editor of thoIndependent Lowry City Mo ThatIs just what overt family should doWhen kopt on hand ready for instantuse a ooid may bo checked at tho outset and cured in much less time thanutter it has become settled in tho sys-tem This remedy Is without a peerfor croup In children and will preventthe attack when given us soon as thechild becomes hoarse or even aftertho croupy cough appears which canonly bo dotio whcnltho rcinodo Is kept athand For solo by Dr W N Crnigitho popular druggist at Stanford Ky

CORNS CuiiKDCorn Exit will posi-tively remove corns in four days Thetreatment is simple and pleasant andwe absolutely guarantee to refund themoney to each and every customerwhose corns are not promptly removedwith entire satisfaction A bottle ofthis great preparation only costs 15

cents and nothing if a perfect cure isnot speedily effected G L Pennydruggist Stanford Ky

II And thats the naked truth II

Oh George do not use such in¬

delicate language II

Well then tho decpllette trut-hr +

Three pcoJ le were killed by the collapse of a building at Jamestown Ind


Squire Peter Lewis of the Tatevillesection of Pulaski Is dead

James Whitehouse aged 80 is deadin the Perryville section of Boyle

Mrs Mary A Cox the aged motherof Mrs W S Fitzgerald is dead atDanvilleThomas

Farley fatally shot JamesSmith also colored over a game ofcraps at Danville

Joseph Turner of the Junction Citysection lost his barn containing 100

barrels of corn by fireThu Hargis and Callahan cases have

been moved to Lee county on a changeof venue from Breathitt

Thirteen grown children ate birthdaydinner with their mother Mrs HelenVanArsdale at Harrodaburg She is70 years old

Lucy Tucker who killed FrankMaden at MIddlcsboro was given anexamining trial before Judge Binghamat Pinevillc and held in default ofbond Alice Moore the other womanin the fight was released

Miss Augusta Brabeck of WaverlyMinn died at the home of WilliamYoung near London whoso brotherHenry she was soon to wed She methim last year at Fort Snelling Minnwhere his regiment was stationed andthey soon became engaged-

A Columbia dispatch says Newshas just reached here of a mysteriouscutting affray on Starks Ridge inAdair county Fade Stone was foundon his bed with his throat cut in threeplaces Dr Taylor found the man veryweakand when questioned Stonedtated he did it himself Later hodenied this but refused to tell who didit

Leonard Cook aged 85 years knownin the country around as the Indianor herb doctor went to his home inan intoxicated condition Finding hisaged wife sitting with the cat in herlap he became enraged at her refusalto give her pet companion to him andbegan abusing and mistreating her asshelled from the room he procured hisgun and shot her dead Somerset ¬

nalMrsSusan Price widow of Dr Jen ¬

nings Price died at Lancaster of oldage She lacked less than a month ofhaving lived 91 years and was a wo-man of remarkable vigor both physical-ly


and mentally She leaves a sisterMrs Nannie Stillwell of Marion a sonW C Price of Danville and a daugh ¬

ter Mrs M P Frisbie of Lancasterand fivo grandsons R G W J andH II Price of Danville and C W-

and F P Friable of Lancaster


Thy voice is in my ear my loveThy look Is In my heart

Thy bosonx is my resting placeAnd yet we had to part

And yet I trust dear heartThe parting will not be long

As at every sound my heart doth startTo beating so wildly and strong

Tho suns bright rays are fadingSlowly in tho golden West

And my aching heart is longingTo hold theo to my breast

Come home come home Blue EyesThat are liko the heavens above

List to the pleading criesOf a heart so full of love

And note dear heart as backwardI look upon scenes that have flown

And then as I turn to the futureMy heart throbs with the words My

Own II


To William B Mulkey

Tis sweet to think of angels nowOf one who is in heaven

Of one who passed this earthly veilWhose sins are all forgiven

For Christ so loved those little onesFor those tho debt he paid

In heaven my Fathers face beholdIs what Ho truly said

The lambs He folds them to his breastWith a loving shepherds care

And in Ills house lie findsA shelter for them there

joyWhenboyDeCoreBy TAYLOR

G B Buihans Testifies AfterFour Years-

G B Burhans of Carlisle CenterN Y writes About four years agoI wrote you stating that 1 laud beenentirely cured of a severe kidneytrouble by taking less than two bot ¬

tles of Foleys Kidney Cure It en ¬

tirely stopped the brick dust sedimentand pain and symptoms of kidney dl ¬

sense disappeared I am glad to saythat I have never had a return of anyof those symptoms during the fouryears that have elapsed and I am evi¬

dently cured to stay cured and hearti ¬

ly recommend Foloys Kid any Cure loany one suffering from kidney andbladder trouble Pennys Drug Store

= r J1

Musical MerchandiseViolins Mandolins Guitars BanjosClarionets Flutes Picalos Fifes Accordeons Concerlinas Harps HarImonophones Music Boxes TalkingMachines Edison Victor ColumbiaUptoDate Records

A full line of all above carried also stringsand supplies for all Instruments Italianviolin strings a specialty

Mr J B FinleyFormerly of Rudolph Wurlitzer Co now with


The Jeweler Danville Kentucky



f dI39321I26u ta



3 JTry our New Poultry and Farm





Kentucky State JournalFrankfort Kentucky


Only Daily and Weekly Published nt the Capital nud the only one that 4ever took tho Associated Press Reports has recently been enlarged and Y

greatly improved It makes n epecihlty of LOCAL NEWS including thatof tho Court of Appeals State Fiscal Court The Federal Court It is es ¬

pecially valuable to Lawyers Subscription yearly 84 Send remittance to

W P WALTON PRORFrankfort Kentucky

HOME BUILDERSIII You are now planning your house to build this season

Dont forget these tilch abut Tin hoofing

FIRE I FIRE I FIREyou know the feeling these words give u

IDII If you have n tin root thero will be 50 per propertIof fire nt your house When you thinkit will last it is the cheapest and best

to consult me nnd get prices heron you tI <l onyour roof

HALDRIDGE IStreet Stanford KyIDepot I


We are showing some choice patterns in

Torschon French and German Val Laces

Cambric Nanisook and Swiss Embroideries

White Goods of all kinds from 5c to 50c perfyard A cordial invitation is extended to theladies

W E Perkins Crab OrchardKentucky

