1 INTERNSHIP REPORT (Rapport de Stage) : USE-TMC (Universal Satellite Engineering). Name : Howard Damien. Name of Supervisor : Todd David. Year Group : BI-1 ET. Duration : 6 th July to 28 th August 2015. Universal Satellite Engineering (USE) : USE is a satellite engineering company that develops and manufactures the next generation of MMS (Mobile Satellite Services) in order to provide communication solutions catering to a variety of needs. The main objective of the company is to further link the world together through the use of Satellite services. USE provides value-for-money solutions to their customers in order to support communication requirements. Website : http://www.usat.mobi/ .

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INTERNSHIP REPORT (Rapport de Stage): USE-TMC (Universal Satellite Engineering).

Name: Howard Damien.

Name of Supervisor: Todd David.

Year Group: BI-1 ET.

Duration: 6th July to 28th August 2015.

Universal Satellite Engineering (USE):

USE is a satellite engineering company that

develops and manufactures the next

generation of MMS (Mobile Satellite

Services) in order to provide

communication solutions catering to a

variety of needs. The main objective of the

company is to further link the world

together through the use of Satellite

services. USE provides value-for-money

solutions to their customers in order to

support communication requirements.

Website: http://www.usat.mobi/ .

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My position at USE:

Under the watchful eye of my supervisor, I had been given a seat in the commercial &

sales department of the company. My work (under the catchy title of market researcher)

involved gathering information regarding the potential commercial usage of UAS

(Unmanned Aircraft Systems). Given that the market is currently in its infant stage, both

my boss and I were stepping into relatively untouched territory. However, by the end of

my time at USE, we both had a clearer image as to where this market is headed and

envisioned the possibility of implementing the company’s goals into the UAS industry.


My initial preparation and expectations: Page 3.

My motivation and learning objectives: Page 3.

My integration into the company: Page 4.

My level of commitment & methodology for successfully completing tasks: Page 4

The results gained from working in the field: Page 5.

Relations gained in terms of understanding the context, sector and the roles and

responsibilities of different teams: Pages 5 & 6.

Sales Techniques that I have discovered and applied: Page 7.

Conclusion: Page 7.

Appendices: Pages 8-13.

This report will not only highlight my experience gained in the field but will also show

case some of my work completed which can be found in the appendix.

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My initial preparation and expectations:

I had been given a guideline set a week beforehand by my boss in order to create a basic

understanding of what I would be doing. From the information provided, I knew that I

would be assigned a specific product line to research. From then on, I made sure to cover

course content relevant to the points that were provided such as SWOT analysis, Value

Chain, Product Segmentation etc. as my work would involve both logistics and marketing

(to a certain extent). Regarding my expectations, I had little idea of what working in a

company would be like. I expected the company to be a little bit bigger both in the

number of staff and the office space itself, though that may be the result of watching too

many American movies.

My motivation and learning objectives:

I was looking forward to living in a different part of France. I had never been to the South

before and Toulouse came across as an exciting change. On top of that, I could not wait

to work for a company as I had no prior experience and wanted to broaden my horizon

on the subject. Regarding learning objectives set, firstly I had to observe my

surroundings as without this crucial information, I would be left with little to the

imagination on what criteria to follow. After a week of working at USE, I soon began to

develop a list of learning points: To broaden my understanding of Satellite

communications, the role of the company in regards to the market, the line between

personal relations and business and an idea of my colleagues roles in the company and

how my work was related to the company’s objectives. I am fairly confident that I have a

decent grasp of these ideas now.

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My integration into the company:

Within the 1st week I had already integrated with no issues at all. I was beginning to

understand my role in the company and had already established good work relations

with both my fellow colleagues and bosses. Despite having a minor language barrier

between a few of my colleagues and myself, thankfully we managed to overcome this

issue by mixing both English and French together throughout conversations; “Franglais”

or “les deux ensembles” became the lingua franca of the office.

My level of commitment & methodology for successfully completing tasks:

From start to finish, my level of commitment had been consistent throughout. I would

plan the time deemed necessary to complete a task, followed by a brief summary of

what I would be doing, before finishing the objectives step by step. Any information of

relative interest and importance during my projects would be sent directly to my

supervisor as a means of making sure we were both content with how the research was

being carried out (All projects can be viewed in the appendix). There were a series of

phases that I would carry out before starting my work. Firstly, a mind map would be

created posing various different questions such as “in what direction is this industry

headed” as all information had to be relevant to the company’s interests and the overall

topic itself as not to waste precious time. The second step would be the research or

“grouping” of data, in which both articles and graphs would be analyzed before being

incorporated. Thirdly, I would begin the creation of the project itself, whether it would

be Power Point presentations, diagrams or the brochures.

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The results gained from working in the field:

There are numerous indicators which enabled me to track my progress during my time

spent at USE. For starters, the speed at which I carried out work proved to be an

important role in both my personal and professional development. For once out of the

very few times in my life, I had finally managed to organize my work in a proficient

manner. Secondly, I became further aware of the realities of the work industry and the

importance of my bachelor’s degree in this competitive world. Without the practical

elements of the International Business course, I believe I would still be none the wiser.

Lastly, working in the field of Satellite Communications has allowed me to broaden my

future horizon as to which job career I would like to pursue. I have plans to become an

entrepreneur, though my ideas on the subject are still relatively vague. Nevertheless,

learning about the UAS’ industry and the potential to revolutionise the future of the

logistics industry, by ever lengthening the flight duration of unmanned devices has

provided me with me an insight into a career path I may interested in.

Relations gained in terms of understanding the context, sector and the roles and

responsibilities of different teams:

The context of the company’s role as previously stated is to provide the consumer with

state of the art, innovative communications solutions catering to a variety of different

needs. This allows ease in access to information in areas with little to no cell phone or

internet coverage. USE does not own a satellite as not to be confused with SATCOM

companies such as Thuraya or Irridium; it is simply the medium which allows customers

to access their services. The company currently offers both broad band and narrow band

media packs, in order to provide the much needed cost and practical flexibility.

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Regarding the overall structure of the company, the team is currently comprised of 5

people in total (all can be seen in the photo on page 1) all catering to a variety of

different needs, though the company is looking to expand in the near future with plans

to hire 9 permanent employees in total. Below is the hierarchical structure and

explanation of how the company works.

2 bosses and 3 full time employees.

Founder: Thierry Marchiset: COO (Chief Operations Officer).

Description: In charge of the company as a whole and manages the accountancy sector.

Co-founder: David Todd (my supervisor): CCO (Chief Commerical Officer)

Description: In charge of the commercial sector, maintaining business connections and

ensuring the the companys future position on the global market.

Research & Development: Hugo Viaud & Michel Laporte.

Description: Hugo is the engineer of the company and currently assembles products

ready to be tested. He also manages the products plausability whilst maintaining

company motives in mind. Michel is in charge of software research and development;

the user interfaces designed to give the customer ease of access when using company

services and to make sure the device works properly.

Production: Hugo Viaud & Audrey Caban.

Description: Audrey is in charge of the company’s corporate image, in order to avoid any

copy right infringements and to guarantee a good CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)

image. *There is a whole host of external contracters which I have not met, that work for

USE when needed.

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Sales Techniques that I have discovered and applied:

Throughout my time at USE, I learnt one valuable aspect to sales and thats “give the

customer what he wants”. Although my job revolved around mainly researching rather

than selling, I did take into consideration various sales implications when justifying the

commercial potential for my designated product. I had to look at design, cost and weight

implications, how people would percieve the idea of having thousands of unmanned

vehicles piloting manned airspace and most importantly, how it would benefit the

company and fit in with our corporate image. UAS’ are not just a new trend that will die

off within the next couple of years, they have the potential to revolutionise the near

future making sales techniques of the upmost importance.


Firstly I would like to thank USE for giving me the opportunity to work at their company

for the summer, as this experience has allowed me to broaden my professional career by

opening new paths for the near future. I have been given a taste of what it is like to work

in a French company and as a result, the chance to improve my French. Furthermore, I

believe this internship has allowed me to help develop both my personal and

professional organization skills thanks to the fixed work schedule and the tasks provided.

I have also had the opportunity to look into not one, but two industries and create a way

in which both can be linked. And last but not least, working at USE has allowed me to

expand my professional contacts after working with so many great people of whom I am

sure I will meet again in the near future.

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The overview of my work (La vue d’ensemble): Part 1.

UAS (unmanned Aircraft Systems): UAS’ or more commonly known as UAV’s (unmanned

aircraft vehicles) are automatic aircrafts, controlled from a ground control station by a


The 3 common UAV models: MINI (Miniature), LALE (Low Altitude Long Endurance) and

MALE/HALE (Medium/High Altitude Long Endurance).

Potential Usage of UAV’s: Surveillance and monitoring, delivery services and public

services (among many).

Brief Market Overview: The market growth for UAV usage is expected to continue rising

rapidly with the defense market at an already well established lead; however the market

for civilian drones is expected to grow at a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of

19% between 2015-2020 compared to a growth rate of just 6% for defense.

The overview of my work (La vue d’ensemble): Part 2. Figure 1. Illustrates the predicted growth of both the commercial and defense markets for UAV’s

Sources: From UK Business insider, original data gathered from the Teal Group, BI Intelligence estimates and Michael

Toscano (CEO of UAVSI).

Figure 1.

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UAS’ and USE: Communication is key to a sustainable UAV along with weight and cost

implications playing a crucial role to the products plausibility. USE in the long run is

looking to supply both UAV manufacturers and UAV companies alike with the hardware

and software capabilities suited to the customers’ needs. Further advancements in

technology have allowed for a more efficient and cost effective way to implement the

modems required for a SATCOM link.

Potential Partners: During my time at USE, I had the pleasure of meeting Laurent Rivière

Co-Founder and CEO of Sunbirds UAS. During our meeting, we expressed our views on

UAV’s and the potential for their usage in the commercial industry. The hope is that in

the near future, USE can provide Laurent’s company with an efficient and cost effective

on board communications system.

Diagram illustrating the different SATCOM frequency bands.

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Diagram illustrating the duration of BLOS operations.

UAV’s: The Future Horizon: (For the full presentation do not hesitate to ask me:

[email protected] or [email protected]).

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Oil & Gas: A step forth into Aladdin’s Arabia Presentation.

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