IPSA World Congress 2016 Poznań, Poland

IPSA World Congress 2016 Poznań, PolandXIX century was also time of industrialization and quick modernization of the city. Polish citizens were always patriotically orientated and

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Page 1: IPSA World Congress 2016 Poznań, PolandXIX century was also time of industrialization and quick modernization of the city. Polish citizens were always patriotically orientated and

IPSA World Congress 2016

Poznań, Poland

Page 2: IPSA World Congress 2016 Poznań, PolandXIX century was also time of industrialization and quick modernization of the city. Polish citizens were always patriotically orientated and



About Poland

Host City 2.1. General Information

2.2. Poznań History

2.3. Economy & Education

2.4. Culture in Poznań

2.5. Nature in Poznań

Poznań Accessability


Tourist Information


4 4









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Page 3: IPSA World Congress 2016 Poznań, PolandXIX century was also time of industrialization and quick modernization of the city. Polish citizens were always patriotically orientated and







Marie Curie






Paul II

Famous Polish People

Rich history of Poland may be reflected in

the number of people that are recognized

all over the world. Below we present just a

few of them. In the field of science Poland

can be proud of such scientists like Nicolaus

Copernicus or Marie Sklodowska, known

better as Maria Curie.

When thinking about Poland You can’t

forget about music influence of Polish

people. The most recognizable is composer

and pianist, Frédérick Chopin.

Other important person for World history

are Lech Wałęsa, leader of Polish

„Solidarity” and pope, John Paul II.

General Information

Poland is located in the central part of

Europe, it has 7 neighbors altogether on the

east, west and south side and its north

border is natural, the Baltic Sea.

Geography of the country is very diversified.

While on the north Poland has a long sea

line, the southern part is mountainous.

North-east is known as Masurian Lake

District – one of the most touristic spots on

the map of Poland. Center of Poland is a

vast lowland which once was one of the

main trade routes in the world before the

time of great discoveries began. Still it has

great importance for European trade


Population of Poland is estimated at 38,4

million people which places it on the 34th

place on the world.

Poland is a member of European Union since

1. May 2014. This makes the country easily

accessible for delegates from western


During the World Financial Crisis Poland was

one of few countries that handled the

economic situation well. It can be

considered as one of the most rapidly

growing economics in Europe and very

attractive for foreign investments.

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Page 4: IPSA World Congress 2016 Poznań, PolandXIX century was also time of industrialization and quick modernization of the city. Polish citizens were always patriotically orientated and




General Information

Poznań is located in the west-central part

of Poland in the Great Poland voivodship.

It occupies an area of over 260 sq. km. It

is currently 5th biggest city in the country

in case of population with the number of

inhabitants exceeding half million (545

580 – data from 31.12.2014)


Poznań is situated in the postglacial lake

region. There are a lot of natural, often

big lakes within city borders. They are

accompanied by artificial ones and a

dense net of rivers with the Warta river

which crosses the city from south to north

as the most significant one.

Distance to Berlin is just 300 km and to

Warsaw 330 km. Four other European

capital cities are in the 500 km range

(Bratislava, Copenhagen, Prague and



Climate in Poznań is within the transition

zone between a humid continental and

oceanic climate what means you can

expect relatively warm summers and cold

winters. During hottest months

temperature often exceeds 30 °C while in

winter it usually drops below 0 °C.

Poznań is a major cultural and economic centre. Numerous advantages of the city such as

convenient location as a Midway point between Paris and Moscow contributed to the growth

of the city throughout the ages. Today Poznań boasts of a well established international

reputation as a city of trade fairs. Another significant feature of the city is its great

educational potential reflected in the number of Universities.

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Page 5: IPSA World Congress 2016 Poznań, PolandXIX century was also time of industrialization and quick modernization of the city. Polish citizens were always patriotically orientated and



Settlement and early ages

Poznań is one of the oldest cities in

Poland, it is the likely birthplace of Polish

state. It was most probably here, on the

Island of Ostrów Tumski (which is the

oldest part of the city) where the

symbolic baptism act of ruler of Polish

state, Prince Mieszko I took place.

It was also Poznań to became the first

seat of Poland’s first bishop and also first

Polish cathedral was established here.

This early events turned the city into

important religious and political centre.

This golden era however ended shortly, in

year 1038 Czech nation attacked and

destroyed Poznań, although the city was

rebuild by King Casimir I The Restorer,

the political greatness was never brought

back. Instead capital of Great Poland

developed as a trade and commerce hub.

During Times of Poland’s fragmentation

Duke of Great Poland granted Poznań

Magdeburg’s rights. Settlement focus

shifted to the part where now there is

Main Square. In the beginning of XIV

century fragmentation ended with the

efforts of King Elbow-High.

City once again flourished during the

Polish Renaissance (1500-1630). Few

factors contributed to this situation,

City once again flourished during the

Polish Renaissance (1500-1630). Few

factors contributed to this situation,

comparative peace, change of trade

routes in Europe and last but not least

favorable law-making of that time.

Renaissance was truly a great era for

Poznań, city drew lots of merchants and

craftsmen which played important role in

the expansion of the city.

Hard Times

However growth was once more stopped

by cruel times of „Swedish Flood”,

invasion of Swedes and Brandenburgians.

Problems were far from an end when

Polish szlachta (nobility) plundered the

city once again in an act of disobedience

towards Polish rulers.

City seemed to stood strong despite many

vicious historical events which followed:

Northern War, the War of the Polish

Succession, the Seven Years’ War, and the

Bar confederation. Eventually weakened

Polish state was than partitioned by its

neighbors and Poznań became part of the

Prussian partition.

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XIX century

Prussian Occupation was interrupted by

Napoleon at the beginning of XIX century.

During his famous campaign, French

dictator gave Polish nation a glimmer of

hope which resulted in successful

Wielkopolska (Great Poland) Uprising in

year 1806. This events led to creation of

the Duchy of Warsaw. However this newly

emerged state had a short living.

Napoleon started losing battles, his

defeated troops retreated from east

territories leaving Poznań in the hands of

Russian Emperor, Aleksander I Romanow.

After two years under Russian auspice,

during Congress of Vienna European

powers decided to assign Great Poland

region back to Prussia.

Poznań itself became the capital city of

the Grand Duchy of Posen, province which

enjoyed limited autonomy. Long years of

partition in Poznań were from now on

marked with Germanization process and

urban redevelopment. City changed its

character, gained German features. XIX

century was also time of industrialization

and quick modernization of the city.

Polish citizens were always patriotically

orientated and although some of the

processes changed the demography and

state of mind of the society, they still put

their faith in regaining independence. And

that’s what happened in the next


World Wars and Communism

World War I made Polish lands an arena of

intensive fights between two European

super forces, Triple Entente and Triple

Alliance. After Russian forces surrender

due to October Revolution, fights on the

eastern front ended, devastating battles

on the west forced Germans to focus their

military efforts there. Poznań’s citizens

smelled their chances with the weakened

occupant and in years 1918-1919

conducted an Uprising which secured

region’s safe return to newly independent

Polish state.

During II World War Great Poland was once

again annexed, this time by Nazis who

after their leader Adolf Hitler claimed that

this lands rightfully belong to Germany.

After few years of a successful campaign,

since 1943 Third Reich started struggling

on the Soviet lands and eventually became

the defensive side. During last year of the

biggest World conflict Battle of Poznań led

the city to wreck and ruin. 90% of the

historic Old Town was destroyed. It was

rebuild in the post war era.

Namely it was an era of Polish People’s

Republic, times of communism. This

nearly 50-years period of time was marked

with stemming dissatisfaction of citizens

and resulted in many workers’ protest

with the most significant in June 1956

which led to death of 57 citizens. In year

1990 Poland adapted democracy with the

great effort of Solidarity movement.

Nowadays Poznań is an industry, trade and

tourism hub regularly hosting international


Interiors of the Emperors Castle in Poznań

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EVENTS IN Poznań !


Despite established reputation of the city, Poznań is still a very affordable place for visitors.

When organizing an event here you can count on preferable prizes comparing to other

European cities. This difference in prize is not reflected in the standard of accommodation,

which can be regarded as high.

Large selection of hotels in different standards enables to provide accommodation during all

sorts of meetings (small or large scale events).

Meeting industry in Poland and Poznań

Poland’s meeting industry is growing

bigger every year. There are nearly 15

000 association Meetings in Poland

planned till year 2021. Poznań takes a big

chunk of them in a number of 1706. City

itself is strongly focused on cooperation

directed to association meetings and

corporate events. Nevertheless

traditionally Poznań is a great host for any

kind of fairs.

It has to be said that the prestige of the

city is due to the success of such events

as UEFA EURO 2012™. Such inspiring

events are a promise of busy future for

the Polish meeting industry. Although

there is still a lot to come, Poznań is

already experienced in hosting large-scale


Education & Business

In Poznań you can find a large number of

scholarly institutions. Among the most

prestigious there are Adam Mickiewicz

University, Poznań University of

Technology, Poznań University of

Economics, Poznań University of Life

Sciences, Poznań University of Medical

Science. Different branches of science are

represented. With this variety of

education institutions, city offers an

excellent capacity to influence the young

generation of future business leaders.

Dynamic and stable business environment

is accompanied with growing number

of international fairs, conferences and

meetings held each year. All these facts

confirm Poznań’s position as a business

hub of Central and Eastern Europe.

Recent biggest events hosted by Poznań:

• Directions EMEA 2014

• 18th International Congress of the Polish Cardiac Society – 2014

• Annual World Dental Congress – 2016

• 28th European Conference on Operational Research - 2016


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Poznań – A City of Festivals

Poznań has a rich cultural offer for the

visitors. Amongst the most popular

cyclical events there are :

• Malta Festival Poznań – well

established theatrical festival

• Enter Music Festival – International

Jazz festival

• Tzadik Poznań Festival – festival of

Jewish culture, music and film

• Made in Chicago – one of biggest

European jazz festivals

• Off Cinema – International Cinema


Those events are attracting thousands of

tourists from Poland and abroad every

year. They are cultural flagship of





12 Cinemas 9 Theatres Over 40 Art Galleries 28 Museums

Culture in Poznań

Poznań has enormous amunt of culture to offer. There are different opportunities, theatres

and concert halls, art galleries and cinemas. The most important institutions are Poznań

Philharmonic, The Great Theatre and Polish Theatre.

Don’t forget to check special events: concerts, festivals, exhibitions. Most of them are

organised by the Castle Cultural Centre or Estrada Poznańska.

Below we present Poznań culture in numbers:.

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Green Poznań

Poznań is proud not only of its cultural

heritage, high level of education and

fantastic environment for business but also of

its careful, reasonable approach to ecological


There is over 4000 hectares of forests within

city borders, grasslands and fields cover

another 2640 ha while parks and green

squares are situated on the area of over 550

ha. This altogether makes over 70 sq. km. of

green spaces in Poznań. It is over ¼ of the

city. To mention the most attractive:

• Lake Malta – unique urban leisure place

located just east of the center. Created in

the year 1952 it is the largest man-made

lake in the city. Picturesque surroundings

(parks and woodland) and lots of world

class facilities makes this place one of the

principal recreational areas in the region.

SPORT FACILITIES : Ice-rink, ski slope,

regatta course, bikes rental, waterpark

OTHER FACILITIES : The New Zoo, narrow

gauge railway „Kolejka Parkowa Maltanka”

• Citadel Park – just north of city centre

sits Winiary Hill with 89 ha of fascinating

green space. It is not only a leisure place

but also historical site. For visitors the

park offers beautiful promenades of green

areas and also a huge variety of

monuments and museums that explain a

big part of Poznań’s history.


Malta Lake from bird’s eye view

Rose garden in Citadel Park

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By air

Poznań Ławica Airport is a modern object

located just 7 km west of the city centre

and Poznań International Fair. It is

constantly developing, recently it opened

new arrival terminal. Modern terminal

boasts full services and amenities of

modern airport.

Train Connections

Other convenient way to visit Poznań is by

train. In fact it is probably the best way to

travel around Poland if You plan to visit some

other cities. Thanks to track modernization

and new high-speed Italian Pendolino trains

it has never been more convenient.






By Plane

25 direct destinations.

8 flights per day; connections

to airport hubs in Warsaw (3

x day), Munich (3 x day) and

Frankfurt (2 x day)

By Train

Railway hub with easy

domestic and international

connections with major cities

By Car

Direct highway links to Berlin

(250km) and Warsaw

(310km). Journey by car

takes 2 hours.

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Accessible Poznań

Poznań aspire to make public transport friendly for all passengers, especially for those with

impaired mobility, who often find it difficult to move around the urban space. This group is

not limited to persons using wheelchairs, but includes also, among others, senior citizens,

persons who temporarily or permanently use crutches, pregnant women, or citizens with

impaired vision.




Public Transport

Poznań boasts a well-developed network of public transport connections. Mainly it is based on

buses and trams. There are 22 tram lines and 118 bus lines (20 of them are night lines). Besides

that you can choose other possibilities such as:

Historical Tours

Poznań city offers unique historical tours. On

board of two lines (no. 0 and 100) you will

see most spectacular places in the city and

you can also watch a documentary which will

broaden your knowledge about the sites.

Poznań by bicycle

For those of you who prefer to move around

the city in a more ecological and funny way

we suggest Poznański Rower Miejski

(Poznań’s city bike) – a programme operated

by Nextbike – worldwide known public

bicycle company. There are 37 stations and

over 440 vehicles at your disposal.

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Bedrooms in all standards

In Poznań you can find a variety of hotels. There is plenty to choose from, most of the hotels

are localized in the heart of the city. Also you can easily find a huge selection of hotels

outside the city center and just in the neighborhood of Poznań. There are nearly 13 000 hotel

bedrooms altogether in different standards from 1-star to 5-star.

In Poznań a lot of leading brands in accommodation industry offer their services,

Low Budget Hotels

If you are planning to save your money during

your stay in Poznań there are a lot of

opportunities to do so. There are few 1-star

hotels but except that you can easily find a

bedroom in one of numerous hostels or


Apartments and bed and breakfast

In Poznań you can notice a growing number of

private apartments for tourist rental. If your

delegate plans a more homely stay he can

choose from apartments, guesthouses and bed

and breakfast accommodation.




Please note that average room occupation in

Poznań hotels during july in 2015 was

measured at 53,9 %

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Distance to Venue (km)

Price for SGL room (in PLN)

Approximate Price for SGL room

(in USD)

Sheraton Poznań Hotel HQ ***** 0,5 395 PLN 113 USD

City Park Hotel & Residence ***** 1,2 390 PLN 111 USD

Mercure Poznań Centrum **** 0,75 326 PLN 93 USD

NH Poznań **** 1,2 550 PLN 157 USD

Ibb Andersia Hotel **** 1,7 380 PLN 109 USD

Novotel Poznań Centrum **** 1,5 294 PLN 84 USD

PURO Hotel Poznań **** 1,8 350 PLN 100 USD

Hotel Ikar *** 2,1 170 PLN 49 USD

Hotel Lech *** 1,4 110 PLN 31 USD

Campanile Poznań *** 2,9 205 PLN 59 USD

Sheraton Poznań is the headquaters hotel during the IPSA World Congress.

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• Poznań Ratusz (City Hall) – renaissance building, everyday at midday you can experience famous Koziołki show

• The Imperial Castle – impressive building constructed for the last German Emperor and King of Prussia Wilhelm II

• Ostrów Tumski – Island on the Warta river, the oldest part of the city where first rulers of Polish state resided

• Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul – simplicity and magnificentness of gothic architecture

• Citadel Park – biggest park of Poznań located on the remains of former Prussian fortress

• Stary Browar – center of commerce and art designed on the basis of historic factory, Brewery Huggerów

• Lake Malta – big artificial lake with a number of recreational attractions such as Park Railway Maltanka

Tours Program for Delegates

Poznań is an exceptional place to visit. Any organization, society or association

planning to organize their event here can be sure that their delegates will be

delighted with the attractiveness of the host city.


• Gniezno – first capital of Poland, historic city with lots of place to visit such as 14-th century Gothic Cathedral

• Kórnik Castle – Castle from XIV century with very valuable exhibits inside and unique park and botanic garden

• Rogalin Palace – beautiful building situated just 20 km south from Poznań, famous for old oaks in Rogalin Park

• Morasko meteorite nature reserve – place where you can see meteor craters dated back to 3000 B.C.


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