454v1 Chemistry Paper I Ogos/Sept 2008 I % hours JABATAN PELAJARAN TTIREN(;GANU PEPERIKSAAN T'IRCUBAAN SIJII- PtrLA.IARAN MALAYSIA 2OOII CHEMISTRY Paper I Satu jam limabelas minit l. 3. 4. 5. 6. JANGAN BT]KA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHT] T he question paper consists of 50 questions. Kertets ini nengundungi 50 soalan Answer all questron ,luwah sentua soalun. Eachquestiotr is followed by four alternative answers A'B'C or D' For each of qtlcstiorr' choose one ansrvei t,nly. Blacken your answer on the ob.ieclive answer sheets q'oultl"l .. iirqr-tiup ,Loto, ,liikuii oleh emputpilihan jawapan, itritu A'B'C clunD' Bugi setiupsoqldtt' pttth "uiu 1ur:'upu, ,ot ttja. Hitttmkai jawapan inda patlu Lerlas iuwal'un obieklif v-ung disctliukan' lfyouwislitochangeyourans\ler,erasetheblackencclrrrarkthatyoLthavemade.I-henb|ackenthe netvanswef. Sekiranyct ttnda hentfttkttenukur jtwaptm, padtnnkttn lcndo .yang teluh dibuttl Kemutlitn hilomkatt .juwupun yting buru 'l'he diagram in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated n 4o'i yZrg ,,nngiriigi soalan titlak cl.ilukis mengikut skaltt kecuali dinvatakan' You may usea non-programrlable scientific calculator' )r,tu ,liborort n, .irggrroknn kalkulator saintiJik yang tidak holeh diprogratn Kertas soalan ini rnengandungi 29 halaman bercetak 4541 @ rPNrcopyrisht 2008 ..1^ffi#it{X-; www.banksoalanspm.com


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454v1ChemistryPaper IOgos/Sept2008I % hours




Paper I

Satu jam lima belas minit

l .

3 .

4 .

5 .

6 .


T he question paper consists of 50 questions.

Kertets ini nengundungi 50 soalan

Answer all questron,luwah sentua soalun.

Each questiotr is followed by four alternative answers A'B'C or D' For each of qtlcstiorr' choose one

ansrvei t,nly. Blacken your answer on the ob.ieclive answer sheets q'oultl"l ..iirqr-tiup ,Loto, ,liikuii oleh emput pilihan jawapan, itritu A'B'C clunD' Bugi setiup soqldtt' pttth

"uiu 1ur:'upu, ,ot ttja. Hitttmkai jawapan inda patlu Lerlas iuwal'un obieklif v-ung disctliukan'

l fyouwis l i tochangeyourans\ ler ,erasetheblackenccl r r rarkthatyoLthavemade. I -henb|ackenthenetv answef.Sekiranyct ttnda hentfttk ttenukur jtwaptm, padtnnkttn lcndo .yang teluh dibuttl Kemutlitn hilomkatt

.juwupun yting buru

'l 'he diagram in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated

n 4o'i yZrg ,,nngiriigi soalan titlak cl.ilukis mengikut skaltt kecuali dinvatakan'

You may use a non-programrlable scientific calculator'

)r,tu ,liborort n, .irggrroknn kalkulator saintiJik yang tidak holeh diprogratn

Kertas soalan ini rnengandungi 29 halaman bercetak

4541 @ rPNr copyrisht 2008 ..1^ffi#it{X-;


Diagram I sho*s a graph oftempcraturc against time represents the healing of naphthalene

P, 'u der .

Ru juh I ncnunjukknt graf .suhu melatvun muxr bugi pemanasan serbuk rutfltllena.

Tcmpcraturc. l ("C)Suhu, T {'CJ

'I r|ne.t( j)

Diagram lRajuh I

Which o1-rhe firllou'ing statelrents is truc'/

Anlanr 1'trng bcrikut. pcrnyutuun munukah.t'ang henur')

Er is t as a l iqu id at Pllitrjud sehugai cecuir pudu P

llcat is released at QHuhu dihebuskan pu&t Q

'[he rnclting point is 80"C)

Tukut lebur ialah 80''C

'Ihe particlcs are very closely packed at R7,uruh-ttdh ler:iusu .tungt:Il rupat TttlLt R




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Diagram 2 shows the set-up ofthe apparatus to determine the empirical formula ofa rnetal oxide.

Rnjah 2 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk menentukon formula empirik suatu okJida logam.Metal oxideOksida logam

Diagram 2Rajah 2

Which of the following metal oxides is suitable to be used in Diagratn 2?

Antara oksida logam yang herikut, ynng manakah sesuai digunakun dolam Rajah 2?

A Zinc ox ideZink oksida

B Copper(ll) oxideKuprum(II) oksida

C Magnesium oxideMagnesium oksida

D Alurninium oxideAluminium oksidct

Which of the following elements are in Group I in the Periodic Table of Elements?

Antara unsur-unsur berikut yang manakah dalam kumpulan 1 dalam .Iadual Berkala l..lnsur

A Sodium and potassiumNatrium dan kalium

B Lithium and magnesiumLitium dan magnesium

C Hydrogen and heliumHidrogen dan helium

D Helium and neonHelium clan neon

4541 @ JPNT copyright 2008 I See next page



Diagranr 3 shows thc elcclron arrangemclt ofa compound between atom P an(l aton Q.

Rujtth 3 trcnujukkan.\rt.\t6un clektt'ttn bogi sahulidtl .y(tng terhenlttk unlLlrd L t)ttt I tltm L rtnr Q


Diagrain 3I lu juh 3

I he cornpound fbrmed

Se hut i0t yeng lerh(.nluk

is a covalent conpoundne r upukun .s e h al i an klvllen

has a high melting ponitmempunyai takdl lebur yang tingg.i

conducts electricityntengal irkan arus elektrik

is soluble in waterIarut dulam air

I See next page






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Diagram 4 shows a chemical cell.

Rajah 4 menunjukkan salu sel kimn.

Carbon rodRod karbon


Diagram 4Rajah 4

The bulb in Diagram 4 do not light up. This is because

Mentoi dalutn llajult 1 titiak menyala. Ini disebabkan oleh

A Hydrogen chloride exist as moleculesItidrogen klorida wuiutl sebagai molekul

B The electrode used is not a metalElektrod yang digundkan bukan sttatu Iogam

C Hydrogen ions and chloride ions move freely

Ion hidrogen dun ion klorida bergerak bebas

D Hydrogen ions and chloride ions are discharged

lon hidrogen dan ion klorida dinyahcaskan

Which of the following is true about an alkali?

Antara pernyalaan berikut yang munakah benar Ienlang alkali?

A An alkali is not comosiveAlkali tidak mengkakis

B A strong alkali has a low PH valueAlkali kuat mempurryai nilai pH yang rendah

C An alkali is a base that is soluble in water

Alkali ialah bes yang larut dalam air

D A r , reak a lka l i has a hrgh dcgrec of ion izat ion

Alkali lemah mempunyai kadar pengionon yang tinggt

Rod karbon

Hydrogen chloride in tetrachloromethaneHidrogen klorida di dalam letraklorometand

I See next Page


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Copper(ll) chloridc salt can be prepared by mixing hydrochloric acid and

Guran kuprum(ll) kktrida boleh disediakun dengan ntencurryturkan 4sid hidrttkbrik dan


C0ppcr( l l ) r i t ra teKupt tm(l!) nitnt

Cloppe( l l ) ca ibonateKuprttrn(lI1 krboncrt

Copoer( l l ) su lphateIiuprun:(ll),sul/itt

Drr r i r rF t l rc r r ran,r factLrr ing o i 'su lphur ic ac id. su lphur Ciox ide is ox;d iscc i tc , s t r lpht l r t r iox ic lc .

Di ialut,i ptmhutrtan usitl su!lurik, .suiJir tlioksitlukot kapaclc:iulfur trioktttla'

2SO2+ 02 - 2S() . r

The rcaction is catalysed b1'

7'intlak bulu-"; in! ntcmerlukun nungkut


Pl r t iuum

Vanadiunr(V) ox iCeVunndium(V.) oksklu

lr4angancse(lV) oxideMurg(n(lV) aksida

l ronFarum

4541 @ JPNT copyright 2008 I See next pi 'qe








Diagram 5 shows four sets of apparatus to investigate the rate of reaction .

Rajah 5 di bawah menunjukkdn empal set radas untuk mengkaji kadar tindak balas.

5cm of magnesium r ibbon

100 cm3 of100 cmr ofEthanoic acid2 mol dm

2 mol dm-3

100 cm3

100 cmr ofNitric acid2 mol dm'3

I 00 cm]0sid nitrik2 mol dm-3

asid sulfurik2 mol dm'r

Set II

100 cmrasid etanoik2 mol dm'3

200 cm3 ofnitric acidI mol dm'3

200 cm3asid nitikI mo l dm

Set I Set III Set IV

I See next page


Diagram 5Rajah 5

Which ofthe following set ofapparatus shows the magnesium ribbon disappears faster?

Anktra sel radas yang berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan pito magnesium hilang paling cepat?

A Set I




Set I I

Set ll l

Set IV

l 0 Which ofthe following pairs ofgeneral formulae and homologue series is correct?

Antora pasangan.formula am dan siri homolog berikut, yang manakah belul?





4541 @ JPNT copyright 2008

General formulaFormala am

Homologue seriesSiri homolog

C"H:" AlkaneAIkana

C"H:"4 AlkeneAIkena

cnH2,,rroH alcoholalkohol

c"Hr", rcooH EsterEster


l t Which of the lollowing will happen when iron rusts?

Anturu berikut t.tng manakah ukun berlaku apubilu be.si karat?


Iron is reduceilBesi diturmrkun

Iron as calhodclle:i ,sefutgui kt txl

Akrnr of iron gains electronAlont he.si utcncri ii! elektron

Oriclation nLrrnber of iron increaseN t t nt h r tr lt en gok.s itl uu n h c.s i be r tan b ah

12 Diiigram 6 sltor.vs the elergy level for the reaction A l- B -----+ C.-l l)c activation energy fbr tlre reaction is

Rajuit 6 nenntjukkun aro.s /endgd b.rgi tindak halus A I B -----> (.'.Tt:nugu pen!*lifttn hugi tindok balas tersebut udoluh


Encrgy'fenaga i t , \

A + B I + \+ ll x i

. ._ , , ! , . , | (_ '

Diagram 6Rajah 6

A r

B y

C ( x + y )

D ( y - x )

I See ncxt page

CON I'- l l)trN'l ' lAL

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13 Paracetamol is used as

P aracet amo I d i gunakan s ebagai

A a traditional medicinesualu ubal lradisional

B a psychotherapeutic drLrg|t ual u ub al p t i koterapeut i k

C an analgesic drugsualu ubat analgxik

D an antib'oticsu0tLt untihiotik

Diagran", 7 shows the svmbol of an alunrinium atom.

R,tjttlt ," ntenuttjukkun simbol hogi u,,,, alumitrium.

Diagram 7Rajah 7

Which of thc following is true about the symbol?

Anldre va g berikut, ycng munakah benar lentqng simbol'!_

Proton number Nucleon numberNomhor nakleon

A l { ) 2'�7

B l 3 1'/

t- l 3 l 4

D 21 l 3

t 4

I See next page


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l5 Which ofthe follotving statcntents is truc for one molc ofa substancc'?

I'ung tnorurkult untdro p(rnyotou herikut uiuluh hcnur bugi sutu nol h tunl

A I rnol o l 'coppcr corr t r ias 6.02 X l0r : r r r r , . lccr r lc : rI nr;l kuprtttt nrcngtnlun;4i 6.{)) )( I0 ' tu:lt &t.ti

t ] I mol o! ( )xvgel l ras co l ta ins 6.02 X l i l r r a l . , r r ;si rutl y1r oksiqan nrngorulungi 6.02 X I() urot,,

C I mol ot lva lcr conta ins the same nunrber of t toms as in l2 g of carbol r -12I trrtl air nerrgtu;duttgi hiltngun uktttt l.qnq suou de gul l);llutgun utom iulon I ) gku.bon- I 2

D i mol o l carbon d iox ide conta ins the sarne lurnber o i molccLl l .s as the nur tber of a lonrsi r 1 2 g o i c a r b o n , l ?| 'ttoi kurhcn t.lioksidu nengantlungi hilungun wolekul yung.utna dangttn hiluttgtut utontIttlcutt 12 g kurfun- l2

l ( r \ ! l r ic l r o1 ' the l 'o l lowing ox ide rneta ls ca l r r :ac l wi th both ac ids and a lka l is ' ]

Atturu ok.sitld logurn herikut vang rnanukuh boleh hcrtindukhulu.t ltngun dsid dut ulkuli.,

A Sodiurn ox ideNulriunt oksidtt

B Phosphorus(V ) oxideFbslbruslVl oksida

C Alurr in iunr ox ideAluruiniunt ok.sida

D Magnesiunr oxidcMognesiunt tA:,ido

I See next page


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s.nrt",r* T l.r"lurg p"iri7 "c I s"ili"g point/ "CBuhan I Takat lehurlC Taktt ditlih/'C

17 Which oi-the following substances is a covalcnt compound?

Anldrd sehution yang berikul, yung manukah adalah sebutian kovalen?

Electrical conductivityKonduktor elektrik







8 0 1

Carbon elechode XElektod kqrhon X

Cu' + 2e --*' Cu

CLr ,-- | C.'2 '

4OH - ----------+ 2llro +




Bukan konduktorNon-conductor

Bukan konduktorNun-"orrd*t,rt

lJukun konduktrr

Carbon clectrode YElektrod kdrbon Y

1 6 5 0

I 4 l 3

t Diagram 8 shows the set up of the apparatus ofan clcctrolytic cell.

Rajah 8 nenunjukktrn su,sunon rudu,s hrtgi salu ,sel elektroli.sis.

I I ) su lphate so lu t i0nLarutan krprun ( | I ) sulfit

Diagram 8Rajoh 8

Which of the fbllowing half equation occttrred at carbon clectrode X?

Atlt.u'o per.\dtnlrun ;t'tangah yang herikul, .lung munukuh berlaku di elcktrod kurhrtn X )

A 2 H ' + l e - - i l i ,



4541 (il, JPNT copyright 2008 l l I See next page



l9 Which ofthc following pairs ofreactants resulted in neutralization process?Ytrng ntanakuh antdrQ pd'\angdn hahan tindak bulas herikut menghasilkan.prost's pt:rttutrulart .)

I Sulphuric acid + potassiurn hydroxideA.sitl sul/irrik t kaliun hidntksida

t 2

I l Carbonic ac id * magnesiurn hydrox ideArid k,rfutnik + nugna.\iun hklnksiiu

I l l l l -vdrochior ic ac id a ammonia solut ion1: i , l hr , l tpk l ' , r ik ht r r t t . tn tmtry iL l

lV I 'v i t r ic ac id I ca lc iunr carbonateAtit! nitrik i kulsium ku.honul

A I and l l on lyI dan ll sahujo

l ] t and lV oniy{ tlcut Itr'.tuheju

C l , l l a n d I I i o n l yI.ll dan lll sohujn

D l . l l l and IV onlyI,I lI dun ll/sahajct

20 Wlrich ofthc foilorvirrg coinpounds are nccded 10 prcparc arnmonium sulphate fcrtil iser'l

'4rtt.u'o sebdtiun herikut, yung manukah diperluktn untuk men.y.ediukan boja umtnoniunt.sulfut )

,/{ Arnmonia :olution and sodirrm sulphateLurtrlon ohutloniLt don natriu! sulfat

B A' r r rnoniur i n i r ratc so lut ion and sulphur ic ac idLerutan dnuruitun nitrat dan asid sulfurik

C Amrnonia solntion and sulphuric acid[.drutdn dmmzniu dan asid su(urik

D Amnronium chloride and potassium chlorideALunmonium klari,Ja dan kalium kloridu

4541 @ JPNT copyright 2A08 I See ne\t prge



2 I Diagram 9 shows the set up ofthe apparatus for a reaction

trltrjuh 9 m<:nuniukkun ,susunan radus bagi satu tinduk balas

Lime watel

Diagranr 9Rciah 9

\{ hen .l is h,iatcd. thc lirne water becomes cloudy.\\ihir:lr o1'the t)ll!)wing conirounds c.ruid bt.l?

,41tri;!lu .i iipantrskun, t;i. kupor meiculi k,truh.,,ltr!L:i u si'hL!tioit hL:rikut yang nruntkuh muttt:kilt I/

Potassrum karbonaleKu!iurt kdrblntrl

[.ead(l l) carbon:rteP I unr b u rn ( I I) k ar b on al

Soiiiurn carbonateNolriunt kurbclul

Calciunr nitrateKoi,viurn n itrt

\i 'hich of thc fcliowi]g substances r:an bc used to dif{irentiate elhane rr:d e hent-".)

.4tttant hahtn herihl, ,v-,:tng ntanak h bolcli digunukun untuk nemhc:Lrket dnlur(t a!Gttu o:nt denu?

Lime *'ate"Air ktqn.r

t} irline watcrAit hronin

Di lu tc iLr lp i rur ic lc id,4,siil ,' ull)r.-it: tir

Sodium hydrox ide solut ionLerut dn nalrium h idroksida


l 3 I See ncxl page



l i




4541 (A.ll'N'l .opylight 2008


23 la i t l c I sho l ' s thc rn i \ tu rc o1 'z inc c l rbonatc anc l l l , t i roc i r lo r i c u r :LL ' t r . ;e t l i r ) c \Dcr i lncn ts to s tudy

thc ratc' of rcaclir-rn.

-laclual I menLrrj Lrkl;at'r ttrtttJ:uran:ink karhorut rlangtur u.sil h;titt,klorik .,,ttng digt.tnakan ckrlattt

r:k.sperinen tmltA mengkuji ktultr lindt.tk bula.v .


Zinc crrbonrtezink karboru

l{yd rochloric acid, IICIAsitl hitlroklorik

Mass (g)Jisim (g)

Physica lform



ConcentrationKepekutan(rnol dm-r)

I 5C rarr u leBulirtlr

50 0 . 1

I I )Pou.dcr

.\er h uk25 0.2

Table I,lutlLrul

Which of the lbllowing graphs represent the two e\perirnents?

.4ntaru gr4 berikul, ,,-ung nnrtttkah ntewerkili kadutulrc eksperinen itu?

A BVolume of CO2lcrni/ . \r /)r/r /r l L Ut/Cm'




Volume of COl/clnrIsipaclu COzlcml

of CO2/cm'L ( J V C M




of CC)1/crrl



' f ime,rs

l.[trs ttt s

I See next Page


4 5 J l t.tl) ./ P,N'1" c opr, r i :<h L : 00,\ I ' l


21 I'he heat of neulralisation betrvccn hvdrochior-ic acicl antl sor:liLrnr hvriloxiclc solirtion is hi_qhertltan the ltcat tl l ' rt ctttrll isation bctrvccn etltanoic acitl ancj soclium hydroxicle soluligr bccause

tluhu ;tetteutn u (1tlluru asit! hich'oklorik tktn luutttn ttatrittn hidntksitln ctrlt tth lebih rvtggrbarhunling habu peneult'ulun u luro dsitl ctunoik tlan ltn'tiun nutriun hitlrok:iclu kertna

e;rergy is needed to ionise the ethaloic acid.A tenagu diperlnkan utnk ntengionkan u.tid etunoik

tlle reaction between elhanoic acid and soclirrm hydroride solution is incompiete.ts tinduk hctltts ctntara u:;itl elJuttoik clun lLtniun txiriun hidroritlo u,:luluh titluk lcngkup

hvclrochloric acicl is a nrineral acid u'hcreas ethanoic aciti is an organic lcicl.C u';id hithoklorik trclolah atitl ntincni nttuiokLrlt usid etcmttik utlctlah u.sid orgtnic

hvdrochloric acid and ethanoic acicl hlve dillerenr pH values.D ctsid hiclroklorik dtut as itl etonoik ne 1pu11)'.ti nilai pl! vang herhen.

l:l Why are detcrgents ntore efi'ective than soap'l

Ilengupakuh detergen lehih berkesun duripdtt.tubnt?

A Detergcnts are biodegratlable rvher.eas soaps are non-biodegradable.Detergen boleh terurui mantrkalu subtn tiduk ttrru.ai

li Deterqents reducc the suriace tension oi:rvatcr whereas soaps do not.Detcrgen ntengiurangkttn ketegungtut pcrnrukaan uir munakttlct subun titluk.

C Detcrgents are soluble in grease, whereas soaps are insoltrble in grease.Detergen lcu'trt tlulun gris, nunukolct subun tklok lunt clalatn gris.

l) Detergents do not form scum in hard rvater. whereas soaps form scurn in hard u,ater.Detergen licluk ntenbt:ntuk kekul dulun uir li.i m(uak.tld sttbun rnernbentuk kekat dultm uir litt.

I See ncxt page


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26 l)iaglarn l0 shorvs thc se1 up ofan expolinrcrr l.r i:,r'cr,ii:girtc lransfcr ofelectrons at a distance

lltluh 10 nrcnunjukknt sustno ruLlus huui mett;koii nr,:nin,luhan eleklron pada sucrtltjart*

Carbon X Calbo'r Y

Potassiun iodidc solution

Di lLr te sLr lphLrr ic ac id

Br()minc water

Diagran 1 0Rajtrh I 0

Which of the follolving sttte rrents are true?

.4nluro penlyotdan berikut yang manukuh beno.l

I Bromine acts as a oxidisinq a.gentBrontin bertinclak sebagai agen pengoksitla

II Colourless solution change to brown at carbon yLarnton lanpa wdrna benbah kepacla perang di kdrbon y

III Electrons tlolv from carbon Y to carbon X through the outer circuitEkklron nengalir dctri karbon Y ke karbon X melalui litarluar

lV Oridation number of iodine changes from 0 to -lNonrbor pengoksidaan iodin beruhah tlaripada 0 kepada - I

A I a n d I I o n l yI elan ll scthtla

B l l l end [V onlyIII dun IY sahcya

C I , I I and l l l on lyI. Il clan llI iahaiu

D I, II, III and IVl. II, lll dun lY

I See next page


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27 Which of thc ftrllowing pairs of ion has the sanlc of nttrlirc'r oi'clectrcns'J

l P r o t o n n L r n ] b e r : L i = 3 , O : l l , f ' = 9 , N a = l l . N { g : l 2 . ( l = l 7 ' C a = 2 0 1

.-ltrtut'u pd.\oitgdn ion yang berikut, ynng manahth nemputtyui bilungtrn elektron ,,-ang sumtt'|

l N o n h o r P n t l o n : L i = 3 , O = 8 , F : 9 , N a = l l , M g : 1 2 . C l = 1 7 , C a = 2 0 1

A Cl' and F'Cl don F

B Nat and I-i '' Nat rlzr Li'

C Ca2 'anc1 Mgr -t r" dan Vgr

D Mg:t and 02Mg" dun O''

2 8 l a b l c I s l r , , \ s i r t l b r m r t i o l t a b o u l l \ o l y p e s o l e l e r n c l L t s .

.l,nlrntl ) m,'ttrttt j t*kan mttk!unal hagi Juuienis rttrstr '

Table 2Jaduttl 2

Bascd or the information in the table, both elements X and Y are

IJerdusarkun naklumat dalumjuduul, unsur X dan Y adulnh

A Inert gases(jcts nudir

B Negative ionsIon negatiJ

C Atoms of metalsAtom logant

D lsotopes ofthe same elementIsotop Ltnsur )a 1g sumL)

I See next page



Proton numberNombor proton

Electron configurationSusunan eleklron


I1 7

2.82 .8 .8

l5Jl ag .tP'vT rlpvrighr )nn8 1 7


29 Diagram l l shows the symbols for two elemenls.The Ietters used are not the actual symbol of the elements

Rajah 1l menunjukkan sintbol bagi duo unsurHtrrtrl yang digunakon bukan.sinthol sebenor unsur itu

Diagrarn l lRajah 1 |

V'/hich of the iollot'rng is true aboul I a;:ii M?.1n/d :t llcriii!l lang nunukuh ltc:nur ten!,Jng. ,l dt.tt l,[1

( '

,)rrri;g the reaction between calcium arrd bromine to lonl a compourtl,'itntrt.';o tinduk bttltt,'; anlrn a kal,sium dan hromin un!uk ntttbe ni.uk .schulidn,

,4, ,A calciurn atorn shares a pair o1'electrc.n witl ' t t\\ 'o brofi l ire atons.Alom kol,siurn herkng,si sepasunl,, rlt'klron dengan dutt ttlon kronin


A calc-ium atom donates t$'o electro[s to two bromine atoins.Atom kul.siunr mendernn dua eleklron kepadu dua alont hromin.

A calcirrnr atom shares two pairs ofelectron with trvo bromine atoms.Attnt kul,siurn ltarkongsi duu pu,sang elektntn dengun dua ulon hrrtntut.

A bronrine atorn donates two electrons to a calciuln atont.llon bronin nteniernru dua elektxtn kcpada sulu ulrnt kalsium.


I- ' T Il t J I


\iotnic size r1'.1 is largei tharr h,lSui: tttom.J lchih he:;ur Lluriltltlu M

lloth clcnrcnts J and M are metalsKesemrut unsrr ,l tltn A'f Lukrlah logarn

Bolh clerrcnis .i and M in the sarne group in thc Periodic l 'ablc of lrie:rcntsKL'\erl d uns ur .l don lrI dulom kumpulun ),ung sano dalont .luduul Berkulo {lnsur

Irl.nrcnts .l reacts with eienlent M to fornl a cornpourrd rvith.llrc fbrrrrrla JM'Lirsur.J herlindukhulu,s dcngtut u:tsur M menltntuk stlttiun dengun Jonnulu JNlz




I Soc ncxt page


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31 Diagram l2 shows a set up ofchenrical ccll usirrg a pair ofnrctal Y arrcl metal Z as clecllrdes.

Rttjtth 12 menunjukhtn ';usunun rudas ,sel kintia menggunuktm 1)atdngun logLun y Cun logam Z.sebagui clcktrod.


Metal Y Mctal ZLogun Z

Z(NO1) ' so lut ionLorul0t Z(N()j))

Logunt Y

Y(NO;), soluti, . . /r i r1l l / / Y(NO, ):

' D iagrarn l2Rajah 12

Eleclrt fl,r "., !:ln', i\lelal Y to Mctal r..Elektro,' nu:nguiir dut'iTttda loguntY kc logurn 1.

Which o l lhe fo l lowing t rue about the cc l l /Anldrd p(i,t|Ltldan berikul ytng mdnakult henur tcntttng scl itu?


Atoin Z iorr izes,1 tun 7. ntengion

Iorr Z' is d i:charqedlon 7,' dinyuhc.ts

Ion Y' is disclrali_:cdi,trt Y)' tlinyuix a.s

Nitratu ion i:;..i ischargedloit nili:t! din',ai ::ttt"

32 \ ! l r ie ! r o t t l ic f i r i lowint p : r r t ic les is ' l ! i t fou l rd r r an i iqLreous solut ion i - .1 'n i t : ic a, : , i ' l

/il ,t :.,tlF, herikui. zcr,th yang nowriuh titlulr k:rtlopul dulunr luruiur: rr..;itl rt tt ' k')

. l i .

;r f)l{-

f l \ ( l r '

D llNLlr

4541 @ JPN f copyright 2008




t 9 I See next page



J J Whish of the fbllowing solutions form a whitc rccipitatc and soluble ir excess soCiurn hydroxitlesoiution?lnlaru lurulan berikut yang manakah membentuk nrcndukun pulih dun hrul duliun larult:rtn utrium h id roks ida he rl e h ihan


Zinc sulphatc solutiorrI 1 ft'ttl an : ink,tul/itl

Magnesium nitrate solutionLurt un magncsiun nitrul

Alunr in ium chlor ide solut ionLor utan ulun i n iun kl ctr idct

Lr:ld( i I) nitratt- solLrtion[ ,arutan p lunbum(l l ) n i t ra t

I and I I I on lyI iot lll sahu ju

I I and IV onlyIl dan I\Lsuhttju

I . I I I and IV only1.lll dan IY .sahQu

l l . I I I and IV onlyll. l l l tlun lY stthuju

Pholochromic glass darkcns on exposure to surrlight.'Ihe salt used to rrake photochromic glass is

Kutu f':tokromik menjuli gelup apefiila dideduhkun kepada cahaya ruotuhori.Gurttn xng digunukan unluk me mbuul kucu fittokromik iuluh

Lcad(ll) nitrateplumbum(lI) nilrul

S i lver ch lor ideArgcntunt kloridct

Copper( l l ) su lphateKuprum(II) su(at

Iron( I I) sulphateFerum(II) sulfat

I See next page












4541 r! JtNT c,'1,yriglt 2r)09 20


35 'f|c folloiving equation shows the reaction betwectt sodium thiosulphltc rvith stllphuric lcid.

Na:S:Or (ar1) + 2 l l ( l l ( /q) 2Nat l ( r r4) | l l r0( l ) | Sol (g) I S(s)

Whcq the rn i r ture is hcated. i i is ibuni l t l ra t ths fo l r r r i 'L ion of yc l iou 'prcc ip i ta t r - 'o l 's t t lpht t r is

laster . This is beolusc

Persamaan berikut nanunjukkun tiruL* hultt,s trt!urtt nt riunt tiosullut Jutgttti ,t.tit! ';t,llttrii.

Na:S:Or (c.() + 2tlCl(a[) -'.---+ 2NaCI((It) + H,()(('r + St-):(g li i;t '

Apabilu cumpurun tindttk bultt: dipuu.skan . diluputi pcntht:ntuktn inettrL*trn k\0,.". ! tttr

aduluh lebih t:epul. ln t!istthuhk,ot olch

A an incrcase in thc kinetic cnergYperluntbtthti,i Ie nQt:d kitt(tik

B l r i 'c r ' . l : r ' " i l ) t lc r - , ta l s ' t r t r -ace t r rcaperl rt ntbu i utr r i Ltnr I nh lut:: pL: rn ukttu't

C r r t i t te r ta te , t i : l l c r i t l i v l i l i r r t t c t tu rJ )

perldnlluhutt tauuga pcngukl i.fitn.

D atl it:creasc in tlrc nLtnrber o1'Lratticlcr pcrLtni't volLtrlc

p(!t.unlt h4fl l':!uncu :tu''ir lltrunit i:;ipudtt

36 The po.siblc nLtrrtber of ist- 't;ret-:; ftrr butatte C'rl lro islare

Bilungan isc'mer itung mttngAin btgi bututtr ('.Hta utiululr

A 1

B 2

C 3

D 4

I See next page


4541 @ JPNT copyriqht 2008 21


37 lron(ll) ion, Fe2* in solution can be converted to iron(lll) ion, Fer'by adding acidifieC poiassiummanganate(VII) solution.Which ofthe following can replace acidified potassium manganate(VII) in this leaction

tonferum(l|), Fe) dalant larutunnya boleh ditukarkan kepoJa ir)n.f.'runr([11,, Fci dtng,trnmencampttrkan larutan kalium mrmganol(VII) hensid.Anturu herikut yung nunakah dupat mcng:ganliken larutan kalium m{tnganlriL'l l) berasid2

A Zinc powderSerbuk zink

B Potassium iodide solutionLorutan kalium iodida

C Su iphur d iox ide gasGos ,sulfur dioksida

D Llromine rvaterl i r bromin

38 When 25 cnrs of 0.25 mol dm'3 silver nitrate solLrtion is added into 25 crnr of 0.25 mol dm-rsodium chloride solution, the temperature ofthe mixture rises by 3'C.What is the quantity of heat released in this experiment?

Ap,rhil,r 25 t m ,.,f 0.25 nnl dmr larulon organtum nitr,rt dituntb,th ke 2i t m ,l t: 2 j m,,l tlmlot'ulan nalriun kkrida, suhu campuran lersebut nteningkat seban,,-ak 3"C.Apakah kuanliti haba yang dibehaskan di dalom eksperimut itri.

(Specific heat capacity ofwater = 4.2 J g'r "C'')

(ll{uutun haha tentu air : 1.2 J g' " C'' )

A 2 5 x 4 . 2 x 3 . 0 JB 25 x 4.2x0.25 x3.0 lC 5 0 x 4 . 2 x 3 . 0 JD 50 x 4.2 x 0.25 x 3.0 J

39 Which of the following is true about soap or detergent ?Anlaro vtng berikut, yang manakah benar tenlang sabun ulau detergen ?

A Soap lorrns scum in sofi waterSabun membentuk kekat dalam air lembut

B Detergent forms scum in hard waterDetergen membentuk kekal di dalam air liat

C The presence ofmagnesium ions in detergent fbrms scumKehadiran ion mognesium di tlalam detergen membentuk kektt

D Scum decreases the effectiveness ofthe cleansing action ofa soapKekot mengurangkan keberkesanan tindukan pencucian sabun

4541 @ JPNT copyright 2008 22 [ See next page



40 IJrom ine-79 has 44 neutrons.Bromin-79 mempunydi 11 netrtrln

Which of the fbllowing syrnbols represent the brorrine atom?A nl or u .,; i n b o l ber iku!, 1,ung u un uktt h me,,v uki l i at o tn h ro m i n l


3 5





3 5


-l 'he frrruruia tbr a sulpirate ion is SO12- ancl lor a nilrate is NOl-.

I i ' the i i r r r lu la of the suiphatr sr l t o f M is MSOr, rvhat is thc tbrmula of the r i l r r te s : l l1 o i \1 'J

FornnJu hu,4i ion.sulfut Ltdalah SOt'' dun iou nirrut uduluh NOi.liki'.lornulu .hugi gurun sulfal bagi lt[ aduluh ]r'tSOt, upukth frrnulu bdgi.:ir'(ttl nirrut buyi :\ L)



M(NOr) l

l ; l (NOr) l

I See next page









4541 @.IPNT copyright 2008 23


42 Table 3 shows the number ofelectrons and neutrons for ion X2' and y-.The letters used are not the actual symbol ofthe elements

Jadual 3 menunjukkan bilungan elektron dan bilangan neutron bagi ion X2' dan y' .HuruJ yang digunakan bukan simbol sebenar unsur itu

Ion Number of electronBilangan elektron

Number of neulronBilangan neufion

l 0 1Z

Y' 1 8 l 8

Table 3Jadual 3

Which of the following shows the correct nucleon number and prolon nunrber-cFtlre ion?AnIaro bcrikut yang manakah menunjukkan nombor nukleon dan nombor pn,-tor; yang betul bugiion itu?

Ion Nucleon number Proton numtrerNombornukleon Nomhor proton

A X 2 ' n nB X r ' n l 0c Y ' 1 7 l 8D Y - 1 8 1 8

43 Table 4 shows the electron arrangement ofatom P, Q, R and S.Jadual 4 menunjukkan susunan elektron bagi atom P, Q, R dan S.

Atom Arrangement of electronSusunan elekkton


a 2.4R 2.8.1s 2.8,7

Table 4Jadual 4

Which of the following atoms can form ionic bond?Antara pasangan unsur berikut, yang manakah boleh membentuk ikatan ion?

P a n d QA P danQ

P a n d SB P d a n S

Q and SC Qdan S

R a n d SD R dan S

4541 @JPNT copyright 2008 24 [ See next page



14 Diagram l3 shows tlre apparatus sct-up for an experiment to construot an eleclrochemical series.

Rajah 13 menunjukkan susunan rttdus sualu elcsperimen bagi mentbina siri elektrokiniu.

Coppe( l l ) su lphate so lu l ionLurutr.ru k uyrunt(l) 1 .st.r I/iit

Diagram 13Raiuh 13

The results ofthe experiment are recorded in the table below.

KeTtutusrur (ksperinen dicatatkan di tlulam jaduul tti bawuh.

\\'hat is thc value o1'Z?

llarupt*ah nilui Z'!





t . 4

l - o

1 8

I Sce next page


Electrode PEleklrod P

Elcctrod QElektod Q

Potential difference(V)Beza keapayaan(V)


CopperKuprurn l . l

Zi'rc)liu k

I lon 0.2

Magnesi r r rnMugnesiunt



Magncsiumi,tu gn c .s iutn


2 . 1

4541 @ JPNT copvt'ight 2008 25


45 Reactive metals react with dilfie acids to produce hydrogen gas. 1.0 g ofmetal X is reacted with 100 cm'o1-2.0 rnol dm r sulphuric acid.Which of the following metals will l iberate the largest volume ol gas at room conditions?fRelative atomic mass: ld'r'.g:24, Al= 27, Fe= 56, Ztt= 65 1

Logam yang reaktif holeh bertindak balcs dengon asid sul;furik. utrtuk nrembehoskan gti': l:i,lrog:n. i.{)1tlogam X bertindak balas Jengan I00 cmr 2.0 mol dm- I asid sulJurik.Anlara ktgant yang berikut, yang manakah akan membebaskan isipadu gas yang pttiing bort.;ak padukeadaan bilik?

lJisim atom relatif: Mg= 24, A1= 27, Fe = 56, Zn = 65l

A ZincZink

C MagnesiumMagnesium

D Alurn in iumAluminium

46 The equation below shows a heating reaction ofcalcium nitrate.

I'ersamaan kimia berikut menunjukkan tindakbalas pemanasan kalsium nitrat.

2Ca(NO:)21,y ------------* 2916 o, + 4NOz (e) + O: (g)

What is the mass of calcium oxide formed when 16.4 g of calcium nitrate is heated?[ R e l a t i v e a t o m i c m a s s : N = 1 4 , O = 1 6 , C a : 4 0 ]

Berapakahjisim kalsium oksida terbentuk apabila 16.1 g kalsinn nitrat dipanaskan?[ J i s i m a t o m r e l a t i f : N = 1 4 , O = 1 6 , C a = 4 0 ]

A 2 . 8 g

B 5 . 6 9

C l l . 2 g

D 56.0 g

I See next page


B lronFerum

4541 @ JPNT copyright 2008 26




The picture above shows palm oil fiuits.Palm oil cbntains glycel'l tripalnritate, ll idCH:)r4COOCllu



Saponification ofone mole of glyceryl tripalnritate produces

Gambor tli uttts menunjukkd hutth kelapa suwit.Minyu* kelapu s,a*it mengandungi gliseril tripalnitat, CH,(CFI:)r.rCOOCI I:


ctir(cl l :)r+CoocH:

Saponifkasi cluripuda xtu nnl gliseril lripdmitat mr:nghu,silkan

A one mole glvcerol and onc nrole soap.Satu noll gliserol tlutt sutu n,tl ,suhun.

B crc glycerol nroieculc rttd lirrce soap rrtoleculcs.Sntu molekul gli.\erol dun tiga molckul sabun.

f-' i,i ie rnole glycerol anc.i tltree moles soap.Str;:i mol gliserol clan tiga mol sabtm.

D soap and water molecules.,*$un dun molekul air.

I See next page


4541 @ JPNT coryright 2008 2'�7


48 Diagram l4 shows a graph of volume ofhydrogen gas against time for the reaction between zincand hydrochloric acid.

Rajah 14 menunjukkan salu graf isipadu melawan masa bagi tindak balas anlrtra zink rtan asitlhidroklorik.

Volume of H2lcmlIsipadu ll2lcml

Diagrarn l4Rajah 14

Which of the following is true about the graph?

Anlura yang berikut, yang manakah henar berkenaan dengan graf tersehut'l

A The rate of reaction at 30 second is higher than at I 5 secondKadar tindak balas poda saat yang ke-30 adalah lebih tinggi daripada saat yang ke-15

B The maximum rate ofreaction is at 45 secondKadar lindak balos malcimum adalah pada soat ke-45

C The average rate ofreaction is f5 cm's I

Kadar tindak balas purata ialah y-cm3 s'!45

D The average rate of reaction is Yrmr s-r

Kadar tindak balas purata ialahY-cm3 s'l60

I See next page


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19 Which ofthc following equations can produce liuit flavouring?

Anlant.yung berikul, pcr,somuut kintia yang manukah akun nrcnghu.silkun perisu buoh-huuhun'l

I CI ITCOOH + NaOH ) CHICOONa + I LOl l cr f l5o l l + crH:ctooH ) c t rH5coocrHs r I I :oI I I C,HTOH + 2[O] . ) I ]TH5COOII + I I2OlV Cl8Hrro l l r Cl l l rcool l ) cHrcooctsH|7 + l l :o

A I and I I on lyI don II suhuju

B ll and iV onlyll dem lV suhuju

C' I l l and lV onlyII I tluit trl ' suhuiu

D I . I I and IV onlyI,l I dun lV .xrhQu

50 Which o{ t l re f o l lorv ing is thc , rx id l l ion nLrrnber c l ' in lnganese, Mn in t l re corrcspondi rgsubslarrces?

,.lttttu tt i crikur y-ung manuktth rtrnnbtr pengoksiduun rnangun, Mn yung sepulun ,ltngun




KMnor Mn02 Mn2Oj

+ 7 +2 +3

, l l 4 +7

t 7 +ri +l

) , 1 , ] +6


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