Pastoral Matters W/C 22nd June 2020 Welsh phrase of the week: Ni’n edrych mlaen i weld chi (Nee-n ed-rikch m-line ee ware-ld kch-ee) We look forward to seeing you Positive Mindset/Mindfullness: Main message of this week: Please continue to keep yourselves and your families safe and well. Keep to the rules of lockdown, do not meet in large groups. Kanga wants to carry on his message from last week. How much respect do we show other people? How much do we respect the environment around us? Do we consider how other people feel? In preparing for the return to school we respect the fact that some may be finding it difficult. One of Kanga’s favourite quotes is ‘A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step’. This week make one small effort or step to prepare for returning to school.

June 22nd 2020 PM

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Pastoral Matters

W/C 22nd June 2020

Welsh phrase of the week:

Ni’n edrych mlaen i weld chi (Nee-n ed-rikch m-line ee ware-ld kch-ee)

We look forward to seeing you

Positive Mindset/Mindfullness:

Main message of this week: Please continue to keep yourselves and your families safe and well. Keep to the rules of lockdown, do not meet in large groups.

Kanga wants to carry on his message from last week.

How much respect do we show other people?

How much do we respect the environment around us?

Do we consider how other people feel?

In preparing for the return to school we respect the fact that some may be finding it difficult.

One of Kanga’s favourite quotes is ‘A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step’.

This week make one small effort or step to prepare for returning to school.

Video message - this week Miss Lawlor tells us about the return to school. Please click this link -https://youtu.be/eqKEK_H_kxw

Returning to school In Key Stage 3 & 4 each year group will be in school on a different day.Monday - Year 7Tuesday - Year 8Wednesday- Year 9Thursday and Friday - Year 10Year 12 will be timetabled from 1.30pm - 3pm

Year 7, 8 , 9 - First day. 8.20am - 8.30am Pupils will be greeted at the gates by headship team. Gates will be closed to traffic.Pupils will be asked to congregate, obeying the 2m social distancing rule, at the following places before being escorted to classes.

G - top field , goal posts by A blockW - top field, goal posts by the woodlandE- lower field - by oak tree nearest to the front gates. R - lower field - by tennis courts fenceT - top tennis courts / nearest to entranceN- top tennis courts / nearest to the housesS- lower tennis courts/ nearest to entranceC - lower tennis courts / nearest to the housesH - benches by main drive.

Pupils will be in groups of approximately 8-10 pupils. They will remain in the same classroom for all their lessons. Pupils will have 3 ‘wellbeing sessions’ and 3 academic lessons.During the wellbeing sessions pupils will have time to eat their snacks/ packed lunch/ drink.The canteen is not open. There are no facilities for buying food on site. Pupils will need to bring a packed lunch and water bottle. The water refilling stations are available.

Headteacher’s Notes:

We have been busy again this week in school preparing for your return in the week of June 29th. Classrooms have been adapted to have less pupils in each class. We will be having a ‘one way’ walking system through most buildings. We are doing our very best to ensure it will be as safe an environment as possible on your return.

We are looking forward to having pupils return to school. If you are unable to attend we will expect you to access the learning via your digital devices. Due to a change in guidance your teachers are allowed to use ‘live’ and ‘recorded’ lessons. Please look at your emails for further information.

Year 6 ‘virtual’ transition.The Transition section on the website has many video messages, a virtual tour of the school and information booklet. If you know anyone in year 6 please ask them to look at the Transition KS2-KS3 section.Here is the link: https://gowerton-school.j2bloggy.com/key-stage-2-key-stage-3-transition/ If you are in Year 7 and you would like to help in any way please contact Mrs King.

Groups of pupils- we are repeating this message as the weather looks good for the coming week. South Wales Police are contacting all schools in the area. They are asking us to share information regarding youth related anti-social behaviour that officers have been dealing with on Swansea Beach Front. It should be noted that not all present are responsible for the reported anti-social behaviour or that the persons responsible are necessarily pupils at our school. We strongly advise that pupils DO NOT attend large group gatherings. The police are taking this very seriously.

Engagement of pupils. Could all pupils that are feeling well enough please make every attempt to access the work and catch up on any work missed. Do not panic if you have not been able to do work during lockdown. Make a start this week. Get in touch with your teachers. We want to help you to catch up so we can prepare for September.

Year 9 - There is a letter in the post reminding you as to what options you have chosen. It explains the next steps and how they work in more detail. There is an electronic Microsoft Form set up for you to fill in your final choices, again, the letter will explain more about circumstances whereby you might have changed your mind on a subject. The deadline to submit this form is Thursday 2nd July.

Both the letter and the Form are available on the Transition section of the school website from Monday 22nd. https://gowerton-school.j2bloggy.com/key-stage-3-key-stage-4/

The link to the Form will also be emailed to your hwb account. It is important that you discuss with your parents/carers and consider your choices carefully. The letter contains brief course information and more detailed course information will available in the Transition section on the School's website. If you have any questions then please email subject teachers or Mrs Bevan on [email protected]

Examples of Pupil Work Thanks to all the pupils that have contributed to various presentations and videos. Watching and reading the work has been very emotional. We have been so impressed. Thank you very much for sharing your excellent, creative work with us. Please continue to share any work you have. Thanks to Mrs Mykisova for all her hard work in collecting this work and editing it.

With this link, when you open it ,scroll down to see pupils’ work. https://spark.adobe.com/page/Kg6Hnua5J5AXU/

Thanks to pupils from music and art for the following work. https://youtu.be/18IYxBw1uYA