KESHAV ANAND 20 08 BARC05 1 1  J UWI HEAD QUARTER S, GER MANY , ‘WORLD’S MOS T ENER GY EFFICI ENT OFFI CE BUILDI NG.  J UWI HE ADQUART ERS, GER MANY, ‘WORL D’S MOST ENERG Y EF F I CI ENT OF F I CE BUI LDING . Pr o j ec t profile Owner :  JUWI G r oup, pv t . Ltd.  Builders : GriffnerHaus Ene rgy de signe rs : Ma rtin Ufheil, Gm bH a nd Ma tth ia s Kie ne , CEA GbR L oc ation :  Wörrstadt, Germany Date of com ple tion of building : J un e, 2008  I ntro du c tion  Th e b u ild in g w as cons t ruc t e d b y Gr iffn e r Hau s , a renowne d com p an y t h at d es ig ns an d b u ild s t im b er an d glass buildings at the cutting edge of domestic and corporate culture. Renowned Freiburg-based expert Ma rtin Ufhe il of Sol a res Bauen Gm bH a nd Ma tth ia s Kiene of CEA GbR i n Alzey were in c ha rge of the buil di ng s en e rgy des ign . The tim be r of fice com pl ex com prise s thre e b ui ldi ng e le m e nts a nd se ven pe nthouse stori es, stands out f or its extr aordi na ry en ergy eng ine ering an d accom m oda tes a round 300 em ployees. I ts m odular desi gn m ea ns that i t can l ate r be e xpande d to accomm odate 600 pe ople. The green- m inde d com pa ny use d n atura l m ate ri als to bui ld – approximate ly 2,000 cub ic m ete rs of certified spruce. Concept  Th e b u ild in g ’s a r c h it ec t u r e an d equ ip ment we r e d es ig ne d w it h t h e goa l o f us in g ene r gy as e ffic ie nt ly as possi ble. Sol ar e lectricity produced on a surface of m ore tha n 3,000 sq ua re m ete rs and e conom ical The office building of Juwi in Wörrstadt, Germany followed the philosophy that all employees enjoy working and have the opportunity to relax at any time. Their headquarters offers not only a perfect atmosphere for concentrated working, creativity, communication and teamwork, but also numerous possibilities and free spaces for relaxation. The vision of further development of renewable energies is a sizable reality in many regions today. You can see that in direct solutions in JUWI’s headquarters.

Juwi Seminar

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Project profile

Owner : JUWI Group, pvt. Ltd. 

Builders : GriffnerHaus

Energy designers : Martin Ufheil, GmbH and Matthias Kiene, CEA GbR

Location : Wörrstadt, Germany

Date of completion of building : June, 2008 


 The building was constructed by GriffnerHaus, a renowned company that designs and builds timber and

glass buildings at the cutting edge of domestic and corporate culture. Renowned Freiburg-based expert

Martin Ufheil of Solares Bauen GmbH and Matthias Kiene of CEA GbR in Alzey were in charge of the

building’s energy design. The timber office complex comprises three building elements and seven

penthouse stories, stands out for its extraordinary energy engineering and accommodates around 300

employees. Its modular design means that it can later be expanded to accommodate 600 people. The

green-minded company used natural materials to build – approximately 2,000 cubic meters of certified



 The building’s architecture and equipment were designed with the goal of using energy as efficiently as

possible. Solar electricity produced on a surface of more than 3,000 square meters and economical

The office building of Juwi in Wörrstadt, Germany followed the philosophy that all employees enjoy

working and have the opportunity to relax at any time. Their headquarters offers not only a perfect

atmosphere for concentrated working, creativity, communication and teamwork, but also numerous

possibilities and free spaces for relaxation. The vision of further development of renewable energies is a

sizable reality in many regions today. You can see that in direct solutions in JUWI’s headquarters.

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machines and devices ensure that the building produces more energy than is used1. The premises offer a

mix of functionality and places for leisure and relaxation. Besides using renewable energies for the

generation of power and heat, a CO2 neutral mobility concept is as important in achieving a complete

regenerative energy supply. The JUWI group supports this goal already with innovative concepts,

outlined in Wörrstadt. 

Energy conservation systems installed in building

Inside and out, the building is designed to conserve energy. The insulation meets the passive house

standard. For example, low-energy laptops are used instead of PCs, there is minimal need for cooling

servers and solar thermal energy is used to heat water. Shading elements keep the building cool in


•  Photovoltaic installations on the building and carport2 roofs produce solar electricity.

•  Bio and solar energy supply the office complex with environmentally friendly heating from a

so-called energy compartment. The compartment contains a wood pellet heating system, a solar

thermal station and three stirling “Sunmachines”.

•  A modern circulation system provides low-energy air-conditioning that is distributed through a

floor piping network.

Photovoltaic power station

 The main building is equipped with a rooftop installation mounted at a 5° angle. It prevents penetration

and the roof’s weatherproof properties remain unaffected. The main south-side façade3 has an

integrated, vertically mounted PV system. The cafeteria also has a rooftop installation with solar

modules mounted at an angle of 10°. The cafeteria façade is made entirely of custom-designed triple

glazed glass/glass and insulation glass modules, in which crystalline solar cells are integrated. The solar

cell shadowing gives the cafeteria a distinctive solar ambience. In the deck area the south-facing

terraces were canopied with glass and solar glass modules. The PV covering protects against the

1 (Online), available at (www. juwi.com/fileadmin/user.../en/pdf / juwi _ headquarters _en.pdf ), accessed on 30 Jan 2012

2Refer to figure 2 in annexure

3Refer to figure 3 in annexure

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elements and creates unique shadowing from the integrated crystalline solar cells. Solar carports in the

parking lot in front of the building will be futuristic fueling stations. The PV installation provides the

cars parked under them protection from the sun and elements. Specific parking spaces will be reserved

for electric cars that can recharge their batteries using PV-generated electricity.

Emission free technology in the building

 The building’s entire energy requirement (heating, cooling, hot water and electricity) is generated

completely renewably. The electricity design is essentially based on the interplay of several technical

facilities that operate independently of one another. Besides energy production, the way energy is used

and its conservation are central to the overall design.

Heating insulation

Excellent heat insulation is an important part in the headquarters’ energy concept. Windows and walls

are insulated so that the building has annual heating requirements of approximately 10 kWh/m2. This

corresponds to standards of a passive house; objectives of the current German regulation for energy

saving in buildings and building systems (EnEV) are undercut by more than two thirds. This becomes

possible by employing ecological building and insulation such as wood, cork and cellulose.

Energy-efficient ventilation technology

Besides heat insulation, efficient ventilation systems are of great importance for the headquarters’ low

energy demand. Equipped with heat exchangers and fine dust filters they provide permanent

ventilation. They obtain a heat recovery degree of up to 92 per cent as well as a moisture recovery

degree of 65 per cent. There is an additional energy savings effect: the heat exchangers are adjusted to

seasonal conditions and replaced by window ventilation as needed. Therefore the electrical power

requirement of the plant equates to only 2.5 kWh/m2.

Using natural light

Using natural daylight in a building reduces the overall power consumption. In juwi’s headquarters

there is a mix of large roof-lights, glass doors and wide office windows. As important is an optimal

interaction of natural and artificial light. The starting point is a daylight measuring head on the roof of 

the northern building tract. Using photovoltaic cells it captures the suns direction. A central building

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control system seizes data and guarantees for an optimal and glare-free light quality. This ensures that

daylight is used in the best possible way and if necessary is supplemented by artificial light.

Additionally to the central control each employee is able to adapt the light situation according to

individual needs. Automatic on-off switches result in energy savings of more than 70 per cent in

comparison to conventional lighting systems.

Fire protection and room air

Working should also be a pleasure in high-summer temperatures for juwi employees. Instead of air

conditioning water is circulating between a steel tank (placed in the basement of the northern building

and accommodating 114,000 litres), a re-cooling plant4 on the building roof and an integrated piping

system in the floor. Cold temperatures are absorbed during the night by the re-cooling plant and stored

in the tank. During the day cooling is pumped into the offices. This reduces the temperatures by

approximately five degrees. With only one kilowatt-hour per square meter the energy requirement is

very small. In addition shutters on the south sided windows shadow the building in such a way that the

heat entry in the summer and thus the cooling requirement remains at its minimum. The water can also

be used by a sprinkler system, in case of fire. Equipped with 2,500 sprinkler heads this system is able to

reach every corner of the two buildings. There is only one store for pressure, which is not used for the

floor cooling.

Sustainable water cycle5 

Energy-efficient water usage and recycling systems are also part of juwi’s concept. Rain is collected in

a cistern to be used for toilets. Our modern vacuum toilets need only one liter per flushing compared to

the usual eight liters used by conventional ones. Four vacuum pumps are drawing the sewage to a

complex with four chambers where the water is separated before it flows into the canalization. Together

with organic kitchen waste, faecal matter is put to further use.

Minimal electric power consumption :

4Refer to figure 4 in annexure

5Refer to figure 5 in annexure

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Laptops and flat-screen monitors instead of conventional PCs. Energy-optimized lighting. Automatic

lighting control according to daylight conditions. An optimization unit that ensures constant control of 

power usage and prevents power drain and consumption beyond a maximum level. 

A closed-loop re-cooling unit is used to cool the building. Fire regulations require a sprinkler tankanyway, so that is also used for day and nighttime storage. The tank is filled at night (cooled) and

during the day serves as a cooling reservoir to keep the building naturally air-conditioned.

Equipment in the offices themselves is kept to a minimum and only machines certified as having the

highest energy efficiency rating (A++) are used.

 The ventilation system operates only when heating is truly necessary. Outside the heating season the

ventilation system is shut down and windows are used for air circulation and natural ventilation.

 The cafeteria kitchen is outfitted with an eye to the future, with as many devices as possible that can

run on liquid gas (later biogas). Hot water connections are available for machines wherever possible

(e.g. dishwashers). Refrigerated areas are kept to a minimum.


Altogether, the measures listed above reduce energy costs drastically. The goal of the company is to

consume no more than 200,000 kilowatt-hours annually for electricity, heating and cooling. In

monetary terms that mean the annual utility costs will be around two Euros per square meter. By

comparison, owners of single-family homes in Germany can currently expect to pay around 20 Euros

per square meter every year for energy. So the energy costs in JUWI’s new building are 10 times

cheaper than in a typical building. The vision of further development of renewable energies is a sizable reality 

in many regions today. You can see that in direct solutions in JUWI’s headquarters.6 

6 (Online), available at (www. juwi.com/fileadmin/user.../en/pdf / juwi _ headquarters _en.pdf ), accessed on 30 Jan 2012

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Select Bibliography

1.  (Online), available at (http://www.juwi.com/green_buildings), accessed on 30 Jan 2012

2.  (Online), available at (www. juwi.com/fileadmin/user.../en/pdf / juwi _ headquarters _en.pdf ),

accessed on 30 Jan 2012

3.  (Online), available at (www. juwi.com/fileadmin/user.../pdf / juwi _wind_en_brochure.pdf ),

accessed on 30 Jan 2012

4.  (Online), available at (http://www.alt-energy.info/solar-power/solar-carports-catching-on-in-

california/), accessed on 30 Jan 2012

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Fig. 1: JUWI Group Headquarters in Wörrstadt, Germany

Source: JUWI headquarters booklet published by JUWI international in 2009 

Fig 2: Solar carport

Source: http://www.alt-energy.info/solar-power/solar-carports-catching-on-in-california/  

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Fig 3: PV cells on façade of the building.

Source: JUWI headquarters booklet published by JUWI international in 2009 

Fig 4: Schematic diagram of air cooling system.

Source: http://www.juwi.com/green_buildings/ventilation_system.html 

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Fig 5: Schematic diagram of sustainable water cycle.
