Supporting Documentation Kelsall St Philip – Liturgical Furniture Note to parish This bundle includes all the supporting documentation to your faculty application as required under Rule 5.5 of the Faculty Jurisdiction Rules 2015. List of documentation Item Description Page Overview 1 Statement of Needs extracted from Kelsall St Philip faculty for new furniture report dated and received 6 March 2020 2 2 Statement of Significance extracted from Kelsall St Philip faculty for new furniture report dated and received 6 March 2020 8 3 Schedule of Works or Proposals from the Petition for Faculty undated (logged on OFS 20 April 2020) 12 Proposals 4 Drawing number 6068.5.1 of Graham Holland Associates revised December 2019 received 8 December 2019 13 5 Document ‘Proposal for new liturgical furniture’ dated and received 6 March 2020 (Statement of Needs and Statement of Significance having been separated out from it) 14 6 Internal photos Kelsall dated 8 April 2020 received 8 April 2020 17 7 Drawing number 6068.1.14 of Graham Holland Associates dated May 2018 received 8 April 2020 19 8 Photographs from parish, current and proposed mock-up received 18 and 20 April 2020 20 Correspondence 9 Email correspondence between DAC office and parish dating from 26 November 2019 to 29 May 2020 24 __________________________________________ Caroline Hilton, DAC Secretary 8 June 2020 1 of 30

Kelsall St Philip Liturgical Furniture · Kelsall St Philip – Liturgical Furniture Note to parish This bundle includes all the supporting documentation to your faculty application

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Page 1: Kelsall St Philip Liturgical Furniture · Kelsall St Philip – Liturgical Furniture Note to parish This bundle includes all the supporting documentation to your faculty application

Supporting Documentation Kelsall St Philip – Liturgical Furniture

Note to parish

This bundle includes all the supporting documentation to your faculty application as required

under Rule 5.5 of the Faculty Jurisdiction Rules 2015.

List of documentation

Item Description Page


1 Statement of Needs extracted from Kelsall St Philip faculty for new furniture report

dated and received 6 March 2020


2 Statement of Significance extracted from Kelsall St Philip faculty for new furniture

report dated and received 6 March 2020


3 Schedule of Works or Proposals from the Petition for Faculty undated (logged on OFS

20 April 2020)



4 Drawing number 6068.5.1 of Graham Holland Associates revised December 2019

received 8 December 2019


5 Document ‘Proposal for new liturgical furniture’ dated and received 6 March 2020

(Statement of Needs and Statement of Significance having been separated out from



6 Internal photos Kelsall dated 8 April 2020 received 8 April 2020 17

7 Drawing number 6068.1.14 of Graham Holland Associates dated May 2018 received 8

April 2020


8 Photographs from parish, current and proposed mock-up received 18 and 20 April




9 Email correspondence between DAC office and parish dating from 26 November 2019

to 29 May 2020



Caroline Hilton, DAC Secretary 8 June 2020

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STATEMENT OF NEEDS Section 1: General information

Basic facts 1. Parish: Kelsall 2. Dedication: St. Philip 3. Benefice: Kelsall 4. Diocese: Chester 5. Address: Chester Road, Kelsall, Tarporley, CW6 0SA 6. Grid ref: SJ 524682 7. Local Planning Authority: Cheshire West & Chester 8. County: Cheshire 9. Statutory Listing of church: Grade II 10. Statutory designation for structures and objects within churchyard: None 11. Conservation Area: No 12. Scheduled Monument: None 13. Tree Preservation Orders: None 14. Protected Species: None 15. County Wildlife Site (or equivalent, or SSSI): No 16. Any other designations: None

General information

1. There are roughly 3,500 people living in the parish, with a building programme being undertaken to provide about 140 new homes, with more in planning. In total 250 new homes are earmarked for Kelsall.

2. St Philip’s offers two services every Sunday morning,: (1) A 9.00am traditional service, every other Sunday being said or sung Communion. (2) A 10.30am service which varies through the month to include Morning Worship, Family

service, Communion and an Informal service with Music Group. 3. Every few months there is a café style service which has been in the local community centre,

or the Kelsall Methodist Church, but it is hoped will be in St Philip’s after all the modifications are completed.

4. There are also occasion special services on a Sunday evening, such as Harvest and a carol service. 5. Attendance at these services varies but the average at a 9.00 a.m. service is 14, at a 10.30 a.m.

service is 50 adults and 30 to 40 in the afternoon services. 6. There are also occasional special/festival services according to the season which are normally well

attended. These include Christmas and Easter extra services such as Carols - attendance ~107; Christingle and Nativity – attendance ~110, and at Easter~97, Maundy Thursday communion –attendance ~20 and Good Friday – attendance ~40. Christmas Day and Easter Day the church is reasonably full with ~100 people at each service.

7. There are 140 people on our electoral roll. 8. The age profile is aging, with many of the congregation over the age of sixty. 9. There is a children’s group most Sundays, except when it is Family service. The average number of

young people attending this is currently about ten, but swells to 50 when we hold the annual Holiday Club week at the end of the summer school term.

10. The church is opened every day during daylight hours by a rota of volunteers. 11. In addition to the normal activities of prayer and worship there is a Youth Group run by church

volunteers, a Duke of Edinburgh group which is associated with the church and has a number of

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church volunteers involved. There are also a number of very active Growth Groups which meet fortnightly.

12. The church organises a village walking group which meets every month and has 35 members. 13. There are a number of initiatives to attract new members, including social events which are held

during the year, plus a “café church” style service mentioned above. 14. The last Quinquennial report was issued in May 2018. This highlighted some minor repairs,

particularly to parts of the roof where minor repairs are required, and others which will be carried out as part of the current project, e.g. an uneven chancel floor, splitting to the base of the East window mullions and lowering of the altar dais for safety reasons.

15. St Philip’s Church has recently signed a covenant agreement with the local Methodist church to share a minister and work closely together in Kelsall village. This has resulted in some shared services each month in one or other of the churches. This however does not interfere with the intent that St Philip’s building will become a community resource during the week with possible secular functions being held.

16. Financially St Philip’s operates on a week to week basis with a very small balance, but does pay its full Parish Share. It also has a fund raising project to complete the alterations already sanctioned and those requested in this application. The total cost is estimated at £200,000 and the amount raised to date is £181,000.

17. A recent faculty application has been approved for a major modernisation of the church which involves:

Repairs to stone work and the chancel floor

Removal of the plinth under the communion table

Dismantling of the communion table with its panels creating a radiator cover beneath the east


Removal of choir and nave pews and the lowering of the nave floor

Removal of the existing choir pews, vicar’s and reader’s desks, a credence table and prayer stool

in the sanctuary area.

New comfortable upholstered chairs in place of pews

Removal of the current font and provision of a new font, with the old font being stored in a void

under the floor. A model of the new font is shown in

Figure 1 and in drawing number 1. The base will be made from

oak, recovered from pew seats, sanded and polished.

The bowl on the top will be of copper, patterned and inscribed.

Figure 1. The new font

A separate drinks preparation and kitchenette area plus a store at the west end of the nave

An accessible toilet off the porch.

New glass doors at the entrance to the porch.

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Relocation of the reredos to the new west end of the nave mounted on the screen separating

the kitchenette and store room

The communion rail being made removable and also a new removable rail being installed at the

chancel steps when needed

New hand rails being provided by the pulpit and at the chancel steps when needed.

Section 2: What do you need?

1. Following the changes already agreed we need to introduce new liturgical furniture in the chancel to complete the transformation and enable the flexibility of services and service arrangements discussed in the previous faculty.

Section 3: The proposal - Liturgical furniture

The old choir pews and the vicar’s and readers’ stalls, plus a credence table and prayer stool in

the sanctuary area to be replaced with new good quality liturgical furniture which can easily be

moved to suit the service style.

A suit of new liturgical furniture has been designed as a matching set. Drawing number 1

shows the proposed designs. An experienced furniture designer, Suzanne Hodgson – Designer

& maker of furniture and games, recommended by the architect has been commissioned to

design and build the matching suit of furniture. The items will be built from oak panelling,

using some items recovered from the existing pew woodwork, and particularly the top

engraved piece of the existing lectern. All the new furniture will match with the new font

already approved and have cross grained dark fumed oak edges.

A new communion table will use the top of the original communion table, with its consecration crosses. The table will be fitted with new legs, again made from oak recovered from the pews, and edged in the dark fumed oak as described above. Figure 2 shows a model of the proposed table. The actual design of leg which will be used can be seen on the floor by the table in figure 2. When the table is sitting beneath the east window, in front of the new radiator which has the old panelling from the original communion table attached to it, this panelling

will be clearly visible beneath the table top. Figure 2. – The communion table

A new lectern has been designed and this will incorporate the existing top of the current lectern which has a carved inscription around the edges. A model of this is shown in figure 3.

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a) the carving around current lectern b) the model of the proposed lectern. Figure 3 Images of lectern

The patterning on the sides of the lectern will match that on the communion table legs. Figure 3a shows the carving around the old lectern top.

Two new prayer desks will also be built to match the other furniture and a picture of one is shown in figure 4. The patterning on the sides of these will be similar to that on the other furniture.

Figure 4 – Prayer desk

Figure 5 shows a new credence table designed to be moved when the communion table is moved to different locations.

There will also be two new flower vase holders replacing the current items.1

Figure 5 – Credence table

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Drawing no.2 shows the likely position of these items in the church, but it should be noted that the new items are ‘movable’ and so only a probable general use can be shown. Overall it is not intended to alter the appearance of the chancel ‘fabric’ which will remain as existing.

Section 4. Why do you need it and why do you need it now?

There are a number of needs which we hope to address in our modernisation project which are described in our previous faculty application.

Our church’s vision statement is ‘Connecting our Community with God’ and our church building needs to be a tool in fulfilling this vision. The P.C.C. is convinced that the building is actually hampering that mission. We need to create a modern place of worship which is suited to a variety of types of service today and in the future. Following the granting of the previous faculty the proposed project has been costed at £200,000 and to date £181,000 has been raised. If sufficient funds have not been raised to cover the final £19,000 required, money will be moved from reserves and replaced later.

We have therefore started the work and hope for this to be completed by end May 2020. Therefore new furniture and a new audio visual system (subject to a separate faculty application) are critical in completing our work and achieving the vision for the future.

4.1 What is the evidence of the need?

Once the modifications to the interior of the church building are completed new liturgical furniture will be needed to complete the transformation.

4.2 How is the proposal contributing to the need for environmental sustainability?

It is not envisaged that these proposals will in any way affect or help to reduce our carbon footprint. However re-use of existing materials and fabric would further help ‘sustainability’

Section 5: Justification

An important objective of modernising St Philip’s church is not only to enable more flexible and modern forms of worship, but to create a new community space and resource for the village to use mid-week with a variety of secular activities possible. It is hoped that in this way we will persuade every person in the village to enter the church from time to time and eventually for some to become worshipping members.

5.1 Growing the church spiritually and numerically

We have prioritised increasing children and young people as essential to church growth, especially with the village population expanding in the near future, our building must change in order to fully realise this.

The new arrangements with modern furniture will give us greater freedom to explore our mission and ministry, using the church mid-week and not just on Sundays, developing familiarity and comfort in new people using the church’s facilities.

We believe it is important to better care for older people by making our building more accessible, comfortable and offering a better welcome and hospitality to all.

5.2 Liturgical freedom

The proposed changes will allow more creative forms of worship, for example with services ‘in the round’ at times whilst other forms of worship might involve small groups in the nave discussing issues raised in the service before coming together again for further reflection and prayer. In order to achieve the full flexibility for these options and others we need modern relatively light weight furniture which can be moved easily.

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5.3 Re-using existing material as much as is possible

Font- this is to be retained and stored underneath the church, for future historical reference.

Wood from the pews which are being removed will be used to form the new screen for the kitchen area at the back of church and for the manufacture of the new furniture.

Reredos- the intention is the use the early 20th century reredos as part of the west screen panelling. As befits its status, it is projected slightly from the adjacent enclosures allowing the side partition to be recessed and to give a little more space in the kitchen

5.4 Minimising impact

The new furniture will largely be built in oak recovered from the existing pews and so its colour will match well with the pulpit and the overall ambience.

5.5 What other options to meet the need were considered

Alternative furniture designs from a different designer were briefly considered, but rejected on the basis of cost and the heavy appearance of his furniture.


This is a further faculty aiming at modernising St Philip’s Church enabling it to becoming a living vibrant church within the village community and making it more accessible and welcoming to other village organisations. The provision of modern furniture which can be easily moved will enable the church to attain its full flexibility in the local community.

Brian Rischmiller St Philip’s Church Kelsall

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In preparation for reordering & extension Levels of significance have been assessed by the church architect: Graham D Holland, DipArch DipArchConcv RIBA, A.A.B.C

A. Basic facts

1. Parish: Kelsall

2. Dedication: St. Philip

3. Benefice: Kelsall

4. Diocese: Chester

5. Address: Chester Road, Kelsall, Tarporley, CW6 0SA

6. Grid ref: SJ 524 682

7. Local Planning Authority: Cheshire West & Chester

8. County: Cheshire

9. Statutory Listing of Church: Grade II

10. Statutory designation for structures & objects within churchyard: None

11. Conservation Area: No

12. Scheduled Monument: None

13. Tree Preservation Orders: None

14. Protected Species: None

15. County Wildlife Site (or equivalent, or SSSI): No

16. Any other designations: None

I The church in its semi-urban environment

1.1 The setting of the church

Situated on rising ground and prominent on the main through road of Kelsall village.

Open to view on the west, and principally the south & east sides, contributing highly and ‘defining’ the ‘centre’ of the village; the community centre being opposite – a low building of low impact. Large churchyard and plentiful grave markers give texture but none of individual significance bounded by a stone wall to the road & Lychgate both of which enhance the setting. To the rear, tall hedges which form a ‘green backdrop’, behind which two modern houses have been erected by a developer.

A small church meeting room is situated to the east of the site, of domestic character and ‘low’ significance.

There are no known archaeological remains on the site.

Adjacent buildings are all of a domestic character and well separated from the church by hedges, and, the roadway.

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1.2 The living churchyard

This was laid out in the 1860s following construction of the church; there are no protected species, prominent or unusual trees. Maintenance is high and there is little opportunity for wild fauna & flora. The ‘yard contributes significantly to the setting of the church.

1.3 Social history

Kelsall is a residential village of ancient origins, but this does not have any significance to the setting or building other than the general character of the area with the church as its religious focal centre.

1.4 The church building in general

The church consists of a south porch, nave, chancel & north vestries; a simple plan. Bellcote on the gable of the nave pitched slated roofs. Open structure internally. Rock-cut sandstone, ashlared internally; fairly plain & bold gothic details taken from the late 13th Century.

The church was built on a virgin site in 1860 to the designs of Thomas Bower of Nantwich; good Kempe style windows in the chancel. The building was funded by Col. Tomkinson of Willington Hall. The design is conventional and follows the accepted pattern adopted at the time of building.

The church licensed for worship in 1861 although not consecrated until 1868. It was a chapel of ease to St. Andrew Tarvin until 1956 when the ‘parish’ was created.

Lighting is by electric pendants; heating by low pressure hot water present in pipes & radiators.

The ‘theological message’ communicated by the building is of solid central churchmanship of the late 19th Century, being laid out for conventional worship and, has been rather restricted for modern use which has limited wider mission. This is about to change following a granting of a faculty (Faculty Numbers 015/19 2018-025790) to modernise the building, and construction work is due to started in February 2020.

1.5 The church building in detail

The building is currently of one phase of construction with minor additions to the north east vestries. However a faculty has been granted to build an extension on the west side of the entrance porch to accommodate a toilet.

1.6 Areas of the church Significance

The south porch the principal entrance. Good if unfinished stone detailing plain walls east & west, coped gable to the south; arched doorways to the south and into the church to the north; slated roof on open timbers.


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The nave a spacious interior, open arch to the chancel to the east. Stone lined, high timber roof paved & boarded floors, fitted benches, font to the south west, pulpit to the south east. The fabric & fittings are of reasonable quality & sound construction. A recent faculty will remove the fitted benches and level the floors. It will also involve storing the large font under the nave floor and providing a new font at the east end of the nave opposite the pulpit. There will also be a new kitchenette and storage room created at the west end of the nave.


The chancel, similar, more detail in the stonework; good ornamental tiled floor. Moveable choir benches to the north & south shortly to be removed, altar rails on ornamental iron supports; organ; plain case to the north; Good stained glass to the east & south.



Vestries, to the north east; domestic. Low

1.7 Contents of the church

Generally appear to be contemporary with the building, the more significant items may have been designed by the Architect, otherwise are of low to moderate significance stock items.

Altar plain Low

Reredos, a later addition, a donation of 1911 in memory of Cadet John Oakley ob.1991 age 16, applied prints in the panels, (partly obscures the east window at present). This to be moved to the west end of the nave under the recent faculty.


Rails iron & oak, stock design. Low

Pulpit; oak carved panels, framed on a stone base installed in 1911. Moderate

Choir Stalls; good benches with some ornament, panels believed to have been obtained from the old pulpit replaced in 1911. These are to be removed and replaced by chairs.


In the sanctuary, two gothic chairs in the style of E.B.Lamb Moderate

Seating, fairly plain benches to be removed under the recent faculty and replaced by chairs.


Font stone, large – to be replaced by a smaller wooden font. Moderate

Metalwork generally of stock design but of good quality & contributes well to the fabric.


Communion plate & registers fairly standard. Moderate

Monuments, none of significance.

Organ rank of pipes Moderate

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Stained glass to the east, in the style of L.E. Kempe donated by Col. Thomkinson. 1861,


Modern stained glass, of 1968 by Wippell Mowbray Ltd, at the west end. Moderate

1.8 Significance for mission

The interior & exterior speaks of solidity & stable continuity.

The building is being adapted for differing more flexible, modern patterns of worship and use for secular events during the week.

Part II The significance of the areas affected by the proposals

The proposal is to provide new liturgical furniture, including a new modified communion table, prayer desks and lectern.

2.1 The new liturgical furniture

The chancel is the area of the church with the highest significance as noted in Pt.1 in ‘art history’ terms ‘moderate’.

The new liturgical furniture incorporating where appropriate wood from the existing pews and furniture which are to be removed will give the chancel a new lighter modern appearance whilst preserving the finer points of the chancel such as the stained glass windows and removable rails fitted to the chancel/nave step.

The two gothic chairs from the sanctuary will be used in the chancel area.

2.3 Sources consulted

Local History Guide

Pevsner ‘Cheshire’

Local Planning Authority

Listing Notice

1910 faculty for reredos and new pulpit.

2019 faculty for church modernisation – 2018-025790

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We petition the Court for a faculty to authorise the following-

Please describe the works or other proposals for which a faculty is sought in the way recommended by the Diocesan Advisory Committee in its Notification of Advice.



Copies of the Standard Information Form and any drawings, plans, specifications, photographs or other documents showing the proposals must be provided with this petition.

Page 2Friday, May 15, 2020 9:45 AM

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GRAHAM HOLLAND ASSOCIATES Architects & Historic Buildings Consultants

Winnington Hall, -Cheshire, CW8 4DU tel: 01606 624626. fax: 01606 674002 mobile: 07885 224256

Plas Draw, Ruthin, Denbighshire LL15 1RT tel: 01824 704709 fax: 01824 704912


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Proposal for new liturgical furniture

6 March 2020

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Architects & Historic Buildings Consultants

Winnington Hall, 'Cheshire, CW8 4DU tel: 01606 624626. fax: 01606 674002 mobile: 07885 224256

Plas Draw, Ruthin, Denbighshire LL15 1RT tel: 01824 704709 fax: 01824 704912

email: [email protected] 19 of 30

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Page 24: Kelsall St Philip Liturgical Furniture · Kelsall St Philip – Liturgical Furniture Note to parish This bundle includes all the supporting documentation to your faculty application

Kelsall St Philip – Liturgical Furniture - Correspondence with parish

Strikethrough text refers to a separate faculty application

Attachments are listed according to the numbering on the supporting documents list

• Attachments in brown are included within the overview section

• Attachments in blue are included within the proposals section

• Attachments in black italics are superseded or duplicated and do not form part of the


Date Message


To: Katy Purvis

From: Brian


With attachment

Following our telephone conversation this morning I am now attaching a

new faculty application for informal advice from the DAC.

This application follows our previous faculty, Ref: 2018-025790 for

reordering and modernisation, approved in May of this year.

Superseded Kelsall St Philip second faculty for modernisation document

dated November 2019


To: Brian Rischmiller

From: Katy Purvis

We have now received further comments from our AV advisor and DAC

architect as follows

The Av advisor comments

“This is a good positive reply,

1 A fail safe setting, provided the system is password protected

this would be fine and we do this at our Church.

2 If the parish have 3 quotes this should be sufficient and it’s not

an issue that they are for different specs as different companies

would take different approaches to the challenge.

3 Good – please note this comment is in response to Graham

Holland involvement so far

4 I could visit early January if required. I think it would be useful to

see copies of the 3 proposals before then if possible” I have asked

this morning if I can pass on the advisors contact details for you to

discuss the cost and timings of this visit, if required.

The DAC architect reviewer commented

“The modern furnishings could look well designed and could work

well in the reordered context. It’s rather hard to give advice, since

the design of the furniture will depend on the appearance of the

reordered church and this is quite hard to judge from the

drawings, but we encourage the church to prepare the formal

application with slightly fuller design (not detailed) drawings of

the final reordered design for the church”

These comments will be discussed at the DAC meeting 18th December,

along with any further comments you wish to offer

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To: Katy Purvis

From: Graham


With attachment

To respond to your copy emailed letter of 5th December 2019 sent to Mr.


AV system the church will reply to you direct.

Furnishings the proposals should be viewed in context of the already

approved reordering scheme.

It is not intended to alter the appearance of the interior of the chancel

‘fabric’, so, this would remain as existing.

“could” look well (faint praise indeed!)

“fuller design” – the drawings are ‘fully detailed’ and the positioning in the

church shown as dwg. no. 5.1 which you have to hand with dwg. no. 4.14

‘perspective views’, the previous application qv. An updated copy is

attached, with the original furniture details omitted.

It should be noted that all the new items are ‘moveable’, so, only a

notional & ‘probable’ general use arrangement can be shown.

4) Drawing number 6068.5.1 of Graham Holland Associates revised

December 2019


To: Brian Rischmiller

From: Katy Purvis

I am writing to let you know that at its meeting of 18 December 2019, the

DAC Committee considered the proposals for the AV system and new

liturgical furniture and wishes to offer the following informal advice:

a) The Committee was content with the designs for the liturgical


b) It awaited the finalised details of the AV proposals and asked that

the AV system not be overly complicated


To: Katy Purvis

From: Brian


Thanks for this. Hopefully we will come back in February with the final


We are meeting with the A/V man on 24 Jan.


To: Brian Rischmiller,

Susan Banks

From: Katy Purvis


I have spoken to Mike and we have agreed that the existing faculty 015/19

dated 28th May 2019, covers the disposal of the remaining unused

removed pews, vicars and readers desk by sale. This is despite items 3 and

10 of the faculty’s description of works not explicitly stating removal and


The statement of need included in the faculty’s “all in accordance with” list

states that these removed items will be sold if a buyer can be found,

therefore the sale is included

Additionally it would be unhelpful to permit you to remove these items

without provision for disposal.

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Therefore you do not need to apply for any further permission to sell

these items.


To: Katy Purvis

From: Brian


With attachment

I am now attaching a new faculty application for St Philip's for the

liturgical furniture, based upon the previous submission requesting advice.

Kelsall St Philip faculty for new furniture document dated 6 March 2020,


1) Statement of Needs dated 6 March 2020

2) Statement of Significance dated 6 March 2020

5) Document ‘Proposal for new liturgical furniture’ dated 6 March 2020


To: Katy Purvis

From: Nigel Lea

With attachments

Attached – documents from Graham.

6) Internal photos Kelsall dated 5 April 2020

7) Drawing number 6068.1.14 of Graham Holland Associates dated May


Duplicate drawing number 6068.5.1 of Graham Holland Associates revised

December 2019


To: Brian Rischmiller

From: Katy Purvis

DAC advice

I am writing to let you know that at its virtual meeting of 27 March 2020 to

03 April 2020, the DAC considered the proposal information provided by

the parish for both schemes, and wishes to offer the following informal


Liturgical furniture

a) The Committee are largely supportive of the application but

request further details to understand the proposals within the

context of the whole reordering scheme. It therefore requests that

the parish provide the following:

i. Internal photographs showing the current arrangement of the

reordered interior and proposed locations of the new


ii. Architect’s drawings of the existing furniture layout and of the

whole of the church with the proposed new layout showing

where all the existing furniture will end up. The Committee

appreciate that the parish have intended to show the

proposed layout within the submission, but the details are

hard to ascertain in the submitted form.

The DAC office has now received further copies of the architect’s drawings

previously submitted, and these will be sent to the DAC reviewing

architect for comment.

AV system

The Committee wish to offer the following informal advice:

a) The Committee awaited the response of the parish to the AV

Advisor’s feedback

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b) When the requirements are fully settled, the parish should seek

quotations and specifications from contractors. Once the details of

the final proposals are agreed with the chosen contractor, the

parish should re-submit for further review and consideration by

the Committee. The application should include

i. A Plan/Section layout drawing and marked up photographs

showing proposed positions of all equipment positions.

ii. A drawing and or photographs clearly indicating cable routes

iii. Full specification details and images of all new equipment

iv. Details of fixings and surfaces where equipment or cabling is

to be installed

The AV advisors comments have now been received, and are included


AV Advisor comments removed for clarity


To: Katy Purvis

From: Brian


It has been a while since we spoke and I hope you are well and virus free.

Pleased to say I am and hoping to remain that way.

Thanks for your long report on our faculty applications. As I'm sure you

can imagine I'm not very happy. I will deal with each separately;


I'm disappointed that the drawings and pictures I submitted are not good

enough. I gather Graham has since sent some more drawings and I will

send some pictures of the chancel as it is now and a rough make up of

how it will be with the new furniture. I see they ask where the existing

furniture will be, but of course we no longer have that as it was sold to a

good home.

Do I need to submit a whole new application or will it be sufficient to

respond to the queries with some pictures and comments?


I'm not at all happy with this response. I guess you found another AV

advisor who clearly has very different ideas to the person you suggested

we talk with.

It looks as though we now have to start again having written a spec which

Martin Hodgson was happy with. I admit we were not quite there and as

costs have come in are wondering if we need to scale things down. I'm not

sure I agree with all the new comments either which is a little difficult.

So I will discuss this with our tech chap who is doing most of the work and

try and pick up with Rev Susan. My current inclination is to say we will stick

with what we have got and not rush into making any improvements in this


Please let me know your views on how to handle the furniture issue as this

is critical now.

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To: Brian Rischmiller

From: Katy Purvis

I am very glad you are well, and it is good to hear from you, I hope I can

cheer you up a little, I’m sorry you are disappointed, but I think everything

will actually be fine and I will help however I can.

Liturgical furniture

I think this will be fine, we have some more drawings from Graham, and if

you could take some photos that would be really helpful. The Committee

are just not sure of the final context, I don’t think there is any objection to

what is proposed, they are asking to see what it is expected that the

liturgical furniture and reordered other furniture etc will all look like

together, when the reordering is complete. Grahams sketch drawing

looking east is what I think is required, although I confess, it doesn’t seem

to have the liturgical furniture on it. It is helpful to understand that the

existing liturgical furniture has been sold, I think that may have been

overlooked, thank you.

You don’t need to make a new application, adding the responses will be

fine, I can do that for you on the online faculty system, once you start the

formal application online. You can start that now if you like.


Please don’t change your current proposals, if you are happy with them,

the Committee just need to see the full technical details next, when you

have decided what they are.

The advice of the AV advisor is very general, in response to your

requirements, and he’s genuinely trying to help. As I said before the

meeting, the committee can’t recommend without knowing the actual

technical details of the scheme. We would expect to send to the AV

advisor for comment, because we didn’t have that, the advisor has offered

his opinion on what might be suitable to meet your requirements. If you

disagree with his comments, that’s fine, you not obliged to change your

requirements unless you want to. So you are welcome to carry on finding

a contractor who meets the requirements spec that Martin provided, or

adjust it in line any points of this advice that you do agree with. See what

your tech person and Revd Susan think, and let me know if I can help.


To: Katy Purvis

From: Brian


With attachments

I am now going to attach some photographs of the front of church as it

was before we started work on the current changes, plus a doctored

picture of how we expect it to look with the new furniture. This of course is

for only one service arrangement as a main objective of the changes is to

have several different arrangements for different style of service.

On occasions when we have a choir, they will be using the new seats from

the nave in a suitable arrangement in the chancel area.

Apologies for the quality of the doctored picture - Paint 3D is not an area I

am very familiar with.

DAC members should also be aware that the positioning of the old

furniture is not an issue as this has all been sold to a good home.( re- your

note of 6th Feb on sale of these items.)

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8) Photographs from parish, current and proposed mock up


To: Katy Purvis

From: Brian


As you suggested I have had a go at starting our online faculty

application. Please will you check it for me.

I seemed to pull up a few odd things during my attempt, such as an

application for a clergy post?

Please will you add the extras which you have collected on this application.


To: Brian Rischmiller

From: Katy Purvis

I’ve sent these for review again, and added the scheme to the agenda for

the next meeting, although I don’t know when that will be, I hope it will be

May 20th ish.


To: Katy Purvis

From: Brian


With attachment

I have prepared another picture of the furniture arrangement after the

changes. If you think this is an improvement perhaps you could circulate it.

I am disappointed that there will not be another "meeting" until ~May

20th. I was hoping there would be a standing committee in April when this

would be considered.

8) Photographs from parish, current and proposed mock up


To: Brian Rischmiller

From: Katy Purvis

Thanks for the extra photo. There may still be a standing committee, I just

don’t know. Caroline was on holiday last week, and isn’t back at work until

tomorrow. I am just conscious that it’s already 20th April, so we’re running

out of days to organise one. But Caroline might want us to have one

anyway. We will let you know if so


To: Brian Rischmiller

From: Katy Purvis

I have now heard back from the reviewing architect, he has commented

that the photomontage does in the end explain the proposals more

completely, that the existing furniture has now gone and the new will be

movable. Therefore the final layout of the sanctuary/liturgical furniture

isn’t too critical, it will find it’s own place you start to use it, therefore the

DAC my wish to support the application now.

These comments will be passed to the Committee at the next meeting


To: Katy Purvis

From: Brian


I just tried ringing your work number, but no reply so perhaps you are still

working from home.

I see that the next DAC meeting is 22nd May and just wanted to check

that our application is on the list.

Do I need to submit anything else for this?

The Audio Visual application will be later as we are doing a big value

analysis in order to get the price down to a level we can afford.

We are still not impressed with your latest AV advisors comments and are

not following that approach.


To: Brian Rischmiller

From: Katy Purvis

I’m fine, hope you are too. The liturgical furniture is on the agenda for the

meeting on Friday 22 May, and I don’t think you need to do submit

anything else in terms of technical detail at the moment. It would be a

good idea to carry on with the online formal application though. This has

changed a little bit since the new rules came into force on 1 April, so as

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you fill in the forms, you need to submit in stages, and I have to move the

application on for you to access the next bits.

Please could you have a go at filling that in? I’ll wait to hear about the AV

later when you have decided what to do with it.

29/05/2020 DAC Advice

I am writing to let you know that at its virtual meeting of 25 May 2020, the

DAC considered the formal application for the liturgical furniture, and

resolved to recommend the scheme.

This means we will shortly be in a position to issue the Notification of

Advice and Public Notice. The current guidance, available on the Chester

Diocese website, at https://www.chester.anglican.org/news/display-of-

public-notices-for-faculty-petitions.php, is that any new public notices

should not be displayed until after the current lockdown is lifted. We are

expecting this guidance to be updated soon, and will let you know if and

when this happens.

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