& h- - No. 600. Ma'ch 21, 179S. Vol. XL LEXINGTON PRINTED BY T"eto Plantations to be Rented FOK tlieprefent j ear, in Woodford near the South fork of Llkliom, about two or three miles be-l- o v Olhooii'hiinll. One ot them con- tains abo .t thiity, and the other . lur- ry live acies. They have good fences and fpringi , also tolerable cabbmsfor the accomnio iaeion of bainihes. F01 Terms appij 10 CALEB WALLACE. February 12.I1, 1T08. 3c ' AkL.N up bj the lubfenber, Scott county, a black horse colt, 1 year old, 13 hinds, high, a blaze face, a na- tural ti otter, apptaifed to 4I ics. JOIl'J V, F TH ERS. J" lp l.( uy the luDicriber, liv-i- . ip, in aiiklin county, on main El.ebo 11, iLout 8 miles from Fiank-- f i r, a hi) ma e, about 1 j 01 16 yeais ol 1, sc n ftt eight n.Lhes high, to ol lOH N BUTl FTT. M m V lU'i &Zol tin. Old Couit Houle, corner ot Mam AT C 1 .. itr..tj, live received anew alfoitim it of Fa J -- : opting; 0r, &c Wh ch t cv are now opening, ai d will dispose ol on tl e lr '(. t tei 11 1 r Lj 01 Country Pr ducc I i"n jj A 11 vo , ( o Supar, L jien, Baco 1, C mi, "i 1 ie.r,, Lye, SeC &c. Al-s- the following LOOi-- i Eiulei, Lioe! On, 2 vols. T t (mints, Ruli's f lloium, b, ill ij bn ik;, i 111 's Ajranan Jud-1-i.n- aid Englilh ite, Oiaianur , Godv m's Political . iu is, ticc, An eJ.Lei m a httle W ls on the Mind, . 11 h, Coci Jul 11 i Collect on, Gjuii' iHimetic, An 11111 Revolution, C iiii , hcs, Win unco's Uon.ti L t le tK, tutu 11s, I rj iptL , Laws ot the United L I 01 C rift, ti 'e ,3 vols u'5 Pi .1 u', M ll Wr ht and Mll-- L le ol o , in the i .' o ne'e, Suiilotin.il, Su rcniteifture, M iw'i ivimons, T o'i 's Farriery, Jj l's ch E na, . atidh' jjolo2Z for C 111 1I1, the 15 1, Nui hev, D fike o Vi io"s, hei ital journei, L lwardj o iteut nti- - G 1' Lctcis, t on, Zini 11 .n on Suh-- H lvey'sMeditntions, tii' , LioMii on h inihcy, Hillvuiaton, fraikll'i' N oiks, C u)iVoiks, Uo. Life, To 11 J ines, M Imot i' L r i, T iu 11 is ot Temper, llooiUiii's -- u.l Flavci', Huandry, Coaip , Po itLal Dictionary. ALO. Pocket 5doI s, T.iread ( afi.s, 8eC. &rc. A 1erfevStibe re,gon, m inadantial repair , :irh nauiLis, 1 ic ch 1111, ieC complete Ti a ijjloania LiOia,y. AS 1 conlJeriMe number of the fubl'arii be ib L TianfvK aim Library, hau not et pud up then sub en inons, they are onre moic re) lefted to p, the price, oi then nipetive Hiaies to Thorai. 1 liarr, who is ant 101 lfed hv the Committee to receive the "1 j- - to ti ein the piooer certihcates." 1 he c ninivtee flattei tliem'elvestlnt a jin, so Mconfid )le appropri ite toapuipofethe mo 1 U11 j e onuruplat n,, nothing less than tie gene a ilmniation oi m nkmd, will not need the aililtante ot conipuliue meafores to pri tuie a compliance on the pait of the fubfen-Jier- f. JoHt A. Sfitz,- - 1 1 STEWART, I ( . . FiTTMnuorvc . .. . I V w 1 IV sc. A , -- , M. Belt. f omi I G. TROfTFR, T T. Bara J N B. Th ) e TeMiti-rn- w'10 aie in piflefli-- n ot fuhrcn 10 papers, aie i queued to toi-- yi ihI th 1 to 1 V Bin nd tnofe who ha. Lih iv books in thei is m, are ic-- qi ''d 1 letum tfiein to tne Lu ai v room as iba po S lehidoi any of the member ns t' CD.ii e tt le rite of hve doiiars per lb. - pioved mei.t Mill be receiv- - mex i co mttee wihmeetat t ee 1 e ti oitmliv 11 every 1 . r ', i , P 1 v, ion f. I ooks ue t . ' i31 e In t i. nieuituuc a. -- s iiie t 11 ilme uj muu ot the committee XUO. T. JJ.UU. Clk. JOHN nilADFORD, fA III IaT'T A LI tv . )i "L J r , v, p M A V r 3., KENTUCKY GAZETTE. WEpNESDAY, 1 Six Dollars Reward. away fromthe fubfenber, RAN the fir't cl lait b- - ue.nbei , a negro man nai ted lit'p, he is a flouty able fellow, about fi.ty.yj 11s or a he fornieily belonged to Cad Slau: Fo.. ...l. I.' .L.l-Il- . - L .11.... n-i- , Himjucu neai cne jans 01 y""t who sold him to Col. John Cayif belrf near Lexington, of who 11 1 parcliaietr him , he has a wise at said L ampin il's and probably may be in the neigh- borhood ; he has worked ab nn I adjGeorgtowji ; 1 l has iate ly been seen at Col. Campin is 1 i the neighborhood of l e)tingte'i, he p e tends to have a pais fiotri " e, bat is lie has, it muff be forged. W I ieva take up said fellow, and lecr:s l,i"i i" any gaol, so that I may get lum, mail it-cei- e the above reward, p .d Ly JOHN MLiUu L. January 8, 1798. N. B. Iforwain allperfuii fion Iiarhm iim f t A fl Irtr ti e . i!r. n. r him aster this date, J JQ1IN JORDAN j mi irum Phil, ; l ,!m Mth HASjuftarrnveJ AssoRroi , nichhe is nowopehmgand will fi.ll whole fah., mut-erat- e terms. LcKin,;,-0n- , Frbruary lot' , 179S TOBaCCO MAMJtnCiOivy. fubfcnbei intorms Uis fiunls ind tie THE m 'Cie;al, that he. c u iu s to ca'iy 011 the iiiaiiulu.tory ot tooatco, 111 an tj vaiious branches, 'Siqu il to auv in rhi. 1 t , neaily oppalite lawyer HugoesN, on " n tli.et, Minerr lit intends to hm- - a c;mnt ty re ulv ioi ile, whoieiale unci r uii ih v "eni-'uT- who pLile to taoi hi 11 t'i t leu culLO 1 m he lininLed on the thuie t notic" M A coilideiabli credit will be give , wr n in en ind wholesale, by giving bond with appioved ccunty. JACOB LAtDEMAN. Letington, ? Jn i, 1798. S NOTICE. The fubferibers having ccn- - t. aed for ereeiing a mac'une so' 1 p 11 pole of moulding brick, 111 the to n ot Lc-- e , do heiebv give not Ce, that is an ) km oi peiloi s hiv.ng a patent or othv.r le 1 lht ur the invention and iole building of r 1 laid 1111 ... .. .. ..l.l in 11 f.A.nn L .nhl I .1... n el. n he apppareat, all jult and legal piemmms A fli.ill In. Iil.hsinH !w no 1 WALKFR BAYLOR, f JOHN EOi, U THOS HART, THOS. BRIQGS. Lexingeon, Kentucky, February 3, 1 798 Doftor Samuel Brown, BEGS) leave to inform the public, he will piactice MEDt INL ana bU RGLRI in Lf xi ngtok and its vicinity He occupies the ho life in which Clr. Love lately lived, opposite LU INI. OH.. ". w e.r, ...e... e,,..ee.. He will undertake, on reasonable terms, to inltrudt one 01 twp pupil$, ' who can bring good recommendations. September 5, 179 J. tf TorTale, ALL the Jands belonging to John Owings, 111 this Itate. Also his inare in the lion Works for terms aoply to B. VANPR1DFLLES, attoy. in tae't for John Cockey Owings. NOTICE. TNT.ENDING to ftatt on the 10th of I next month to Baltimore and" Phi- ladelphia, 1 earnelHy lequeil all pcr-fon- s indebted to me to pay off their refpecuve accounts before that day." Persons ty whom lepcated personal applications hae been made mnfl not expect any indulgence aster the. date 1 have on hand a well chosen afi'ort-mento- f MI.RC d ANDi1 , which will be sold ery cheap for cash. William West. February 12, PAINTER. TO TWENTY DOLLARS Q TOLEN out of my stable on the 29th oi UR QW month, a 1 bl lek 01 e 111 hiji orcc r, "" 15 handancl a Inli lnl , 7 or B )ejis old, trots, paces aid cmteis vt-11- , a 111 1 mane and hi thv ft.,-- , 1. . ,.1 ... - J .., j ...in 11 1 tiij ti mi in. uui 11 iiuw BdCe, Mltll a lew iinl-- h e n hi- - in .. t Vim sorehead, and as well as I ler-o'- ev, t me w ite MP one ot h is hind leet tei tie 1 hein -- Timltnfe was railed nv oun on H k man'i.aj, ntli ri e miti - ei is 11a in, on xne j ttock, but it is otx.17 i lleei-11- 1 m , , mb UM , , olt 3i "eii 11 ) in mbei t 111 nv plantation, al id 011 ei , I D jeai mi , a b( , r ots intural'y, hiH"ing eotui h no ieet ite, und tne loot oi one ot m1, vhen ftoleu 1 'le en lor said done lid eitl'ei , to any p 1 n . . BRECKINMDL. ""i.f. mb'ei'1 frl' ving nee lined the 1 iiicie 1.1 ili. 1 'incis,, lcqhclis -- 11 re Ioi -- ") cu id tin, eul ti b note '.r bonk A ounr, 1 ) pay o(f tlien its .1 ceo ' amuel iv. Vjcoi ;e 1 n'Uii nv rjit 1U01 viartb next, v,li0 e mv iiur, on bulmels 1:1 the huuit iouneii u . led hy me. '. ic'ef j Oil J . I fXl 1T)1 Dec )., 1 797. s he, otn 'nil - d ! t enty iour acres of L " l, . . . ie Main blanch ot Lick t' evi , in the year 178b t le t 1 H I t el e . terms applv to t e iuJlCI at c a, t Ii 1111 AIen's, I tt iv') KT BKAULLY ! t i ! I - , C i!!UA(,b Stcll ror fali pc i fo'cr-- eli,c.r,s ftot. near the lJriiin ig Office hereof. jvsr l"ro TED, AND TO l r -- CID ll TriF SIGH OF A ' l.vr V Al yjtrt, V. F ShOP. ' Near th iry o ,L - ngton, avauetyof Amonj; in re, I X", Gi 11 El- -i t I in E le, Ere 1? pes, Sfeel T- - Vs, il , ihaond , Taniaruios Cun n t A r I in will sell much lower th in j "1 e. been oiTeied n this itate tebruaiy 19, 179S J "' c iiisii quanlitv of HFMP "iroviito ) vv 11th service liey wi.l ,ne 70 uei 2 n. PA'aDDODGE.ikCo. "?, '8 IO bi. SOLD tOR CASH, . A Likely Negro Woman, VI , ELL calculated for lioufe linfinefs V Co. ks, , . ue-- , Sews and Kmtts well. 'Vply ta the pimtei hereof. TK0ITER6- - SCOTf. sXJAVING detei mined to make a fi 11 fettle-J- L X mentof all accounts trmn fhcr.m. ,.n.- - inent 111 buhnels in t1 to country until the earneltly leijueli ill thole indebted to them, either by bond. ote or bnolt i,mnt come ioi ward and make immediate pavment, as I the nature of their 1 bnliiieis will not admit rf uuer ceiav 1 uev theiefoie hope, they jVall be prevented from tl e diUgreeable neceitv ot comiiiencing fmts agamlt any , Lexington, Djeembei 19, 1797. David liumpkhys, CLOCK ir WATjS-H-.MAKE- Respectfully informs his fiiends and the public in general, that he: car- ries on h:s bjifiiis, in an ;ts varjous blanches, m Capt. Kenneth M'Coj's house on Vfil ft,cer) tIle second house from Slwirt ffreet, Lexington.! hose who piafe to savor him vjh their cullDm inay depend on hvlni their Work done in xhe neatest and bell tnannei and on the hhortefr notice. JUST l'UBLIS.JLD, .AND FOR SALE AI THIS OFUCE, The Kentucky English Gi ammar, VX 5AMVEL WILSON. THE COMMONWEALTH. srr --- i,' Vi v $ in i.;a Yhh, W 'J w. BLAZE, HO w,s .ranted ,, om FnH 11K ,n the ,C1J. 1793, at nve years o'd, bv C ol High NLll(,, 0f !'(,, ' '" Y"Vi'", Mil 1- 1- d the V',!!" COI"rae" oth daof Marc.,, on the O'hdavoi Augufl, at rr'1-1'1- '5 tJXC " ottco,u'y,3 and n MiomLexm io,f teafoi, A ' prom.lloiy atiKa , reqwied wit , the for - an, n c , tl c 2j.h d.y ot Deceiiiecr .,',, J. dl oWe, ,f p witintheie Ion cvli Kirs the ,Mel di c,,, to be pa at te , tieaitl .D.eembe,,to. da, r es r , s eu .01 miies ' ,,i , j - P Meet Greitat-e- n , , ,T , 4 l.lale, f lvc 2tnel-- l I t t I. e bav, ,ear fe.entecr, '. !'LU" kvc',i 1, common. ,ut .1 i.t.vitv; 1, 1Ie ,Seil ta o uiii iecptioiiaok. ' L.:NJ v 'IARTON. BLA IF a, y 1 y. n , , , fa byO.atrne l,ls-lf- c.t t ,.. at grand oalW :'"'"' Nl 'f ' l S'ct ,,t t great rea j .ai , . it t). WooeicocK, hi, . t great "leJC t - lt riddini vil(, s ur 11S ", ." r- -t '"ieat 3reit , eat .r-u- Jim c la.tjoy aud out oi "I uii,!.. 'S dam, - ( '""totadau.tenlDodlvvortaana ' h ' 1 'se V andal w as got by pec- - t OLt oi tie fifte, ci Un violet Cmy- - ' ' 1y,iJH'-b- 51 daN. of Daredevil. bLAh. lef.id to be oi tic Lest family tf runn horiei m o England. - JBREMMH WILLIAMS. ' Bw.'Vir ', E Shnri, Feb 23, I 792. a true copy o, the oi.gmal fiomElanJ. October 23d, 1 97. C', ', ',V,Ct,t f t,lat thc lofeorted feud norle , ldte the pr,.p,rty oi Hugh Nel- - Ife'J .mi tthaiton, a llUt, ., d ood lo4j ge M cj ih Crew. Chas Hiccason. Hanover coimtv. r,nEiLie 5 Senerally been aluefcat a po, nds N ,,od0f "nI Trtlfy thatt'e ftwH.oru.EUw, ol High Nel.o , oi York, flood it my home in Caiolme coUi, ,she tw0 )au: lea o,r, and that he is unco nmonly sure ior oal gating, 0d ),ls col tell last )prIng very lUeeiy. &,eU1 under ijjfhaud th.s 13th day of Novemoer, I97. Bfamin AVikn. For Sale, TKE F0IeLoH.a TRACTS OF LAND. V'E craft lying in the comtv of Campbell, ViP on the waters of LocuftcceK, tontaininn-2(- a- - es. One trail, King on i.ong Lick ieek, i branch oi Rough creek, Hardin county-aboutlev- en miles fiomHaidinicttlemei.t, con- taining 2joo acres. The above lands will be d 'pc'cd of on moele-ra- te terms, one half oi the purctvafe money to-b- paid down, ior the other a rf twelve jnontns will be given; tne purchafcr givini-ben- d w th .jproved fecunty Anv perlon to purcliafe, Jiav know thc tenns by appl t, to Capt Robt Crailooik in Dai vu ... or, JOHN W h ,1 r, atto. u, i lLC 3wtf for THOs H(L1. TAKEN upbj the fubfenber, Lv. black's on in tltr county of Fajette, a bay mare fom -- teen and a hair ha--d- ii,gh, a blazer face, a vvh.te fpoi oa hen tore k, branded on the ftear fhtroldei bt.t i u: legible, about eightyeai sold, appi m-e- d to fifty dolljrs. Al.o a (. iulv mare foui yeaisold, blended o-- i tbc-nea- r flionldet bi't not leg. 'e, a ttai her sorehead, jLouiu so rten, .!, u halthandi high, appiaii.u to ti.L pounds. v . 1 . TIIOftfAS WOOD. y J' $1 r 3.

KENTUCKY )i GAZETTE.nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7cnp1wdz0f/data/1770.pdf · El.ebo 11, iLout 8 miles from Fiank--f i r, a hi) ma e, about 1 j 01 16 yeais ol 1, sc n ftt eight n.Lhes high,

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Page 1: KENTUCKY )i GAZETTE.nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7cnp1wdz0f/data/1770.pdf · El.ebo 11, iLout 8 miles from Fiank--f i r, a hi) ma e, about 1 j 01 16 yeais ol 1, sc n ftt eight n.Lhes high,



No. 600. Ma'ch 21, 179S. Vol. XL


T"eto Plantations to be Rented

FOK tlieprefent j ear, in Woodfordnear the South fork of

Llkliom, about two or three miles be-l- o

v Olhooii'hiinll. One ot them con-

tains abo .t thiity, and the other . lur-

ry live acies. They have good fencesand fpringi , also tolerable cabbmsforthe accomnio iaeion of bainihes. F01

Terms appij 10CALEB WALLACE.

February 12.I1, 1T08. 3c

' AkL.N up bj the lubfenber, Scottcounty, a black horse colt, 1 year

old, 13 hinds, high, a blaze face, a na-

tural ti otter, apptaifed to 4I ics.JOIl'J V, F TH ERS.

J" lp l.( uy the luDicriber, liv-i- .

ip, in aiiklin county, on mainEl.ebo 11, iLout 8 miles from Fiank-- f

i r, a hi) ma e, about 1 j 01 16 yeaisol 1, sc n ftt eight n.Lhes high,

to ollOH N BUTl FTT.

M m V lU'i &Zoltin. Old Couit Houle, corner ot MamAT C 1 .. itr..tj, live received anew

alfoitim it of

FaJ -- : opting; 0r, &cWh ch t cv are now opening, ai d will disposeol on tl e lr '(. t tei 11 1 r Lj 01 CountryPr ducc I i"n jj A 11 vo , ( o Supar, Ljien, Baco 1, C mi, "i 1 ie.r,, Lye, SeC &c. Al-s-

the following LOOi-- i

Eiulei, Lioe! On, 2 vols.T t (mints, Ruli's f lloium,

b, ill ij bn ik;, i 111 's Ajranan Jud-1-i.n-

aid Englilh ite,Oiaianur , Godv m's Political

. iu is, ticc,An eJ.Lei m a httle W ls on the Mind,

. 11 h, Coci Jul 11 i Collect on,Gjuii' iHimetic, An 11111 Revolution,C iiii , hcs, Win unco's Uon.tiL t le tK, tutu 11s,

I rj iptL , Laws ot the UnitedL I 01 C rift, ti 'e , 3 vols

u'5 Pi .1 u', M ll Wr ht and Mll-- L

le ol o , in the i .' o ne'e,Suiilotin.il, Su rcniteifture,

M iw'i ivimons, T o'i 's Farriery,Jj l's ch E na,

. atidh' jjolo2Z for C 111 1I1,the 15 1, Nui hev,

D fike o Vi io"s, hei ital journei,L lwardj o iteut nti- - G 1' Lctcis,

t on, Zini 11 .n on Suh-- H

lvey'sMeditntions, tii' ,LioMii on h inihcy, Hillvuiaton,fraikll'i' N oiks, C u)iVoiks,

Uo. Life, To 11 J ines,M Imot i' L r i, T iu 11 is ot Temper,llooiUiii's -- u.l Flavci', Huandry,

Coaip , Po itLal Dictionary.

ALO.Pocket 5doI s, T.iread ( afi.s, 8eC. &rc.

A 1erfevStibe re,gon, m inadantial repair ,:irh nauiLis, 1 ic ch 1111, ieC complete

Ti a ijjloania LiOia,y.

AS 1 conlJeriMe number of the fubl'ariibe ib L TianfvK aim Library, hau

not et pud up then sub en inons, they areonre moic re) lefted to p, the price, oi thennipetive Hiaies to Thorai. 1 liarr, who isant 101 lfed hv the Committee to receive the

"1 j- - to ti ein the piooer certihcates."1 he c ninivtee flattei tliem'elvestlnt a jin,

so Mconfid )le appropri ite toapuipofethemo 1 U11 j e onuruplat n,, nothing less thantie gene a ilmniation oi m nkmd, will notneed the aililtante ot conipuliue meafores topri tuie a compliance on the pait of the fubfen-Jier- f.

JoHt A. Sfitz,- -



( . .FiTTMnuorvc. .. . IV w 1 IV sc. A , -- ,

M. Belt. f omiI

G. TROfTFR,T T. Bara J

N B. Th ) e TeMiti-rn- w'10 aie in piflefli-- not fuhrcn 10 papers, aie i queued to toi-- yi

ihI th 1 to 1 V Bin nd tnofe whoha. Lih iv books in thei is m, are ic-- qi

''d 1 letum tfiein to tne Lu ai v room asiba po

S lehidoi any of the member nst' CD.ii e t t le rite of hve doiiars perlb. - pioved mei.t Mill be receiv- -

mex i co mttee wihmeetatt ee 1 e ti oitmliv 11 every1 . r ', i , P 1 v, ion f. I ooks uet . ' i31 e In t i. nieuituuca. -- s iiie t 11 ilme

uj muu ot the committeeXUO. T. JJ.UU. Clk.



LI tv . )i"L J r ,

v, p M AV r 3.,


1 Six Dollars Reward.away fromthe fubfenber,RAN the fir't cl lait b- - ue.nbei ,

a negro man nai ted lit'p, he is a floutyable fellow, about fi.ty.yj 11s or ahe fornieily belonged to Cad Slau:Fo.. ...l. I.' .L.l-Il- . - L .11....n-i- , Himjucu neai cne jans 01 y""twho sold him to Col. John Cayif belrfnear Lexington, of who 11 1 parcliaietrhim , he has a wise at said L ampin il'sand probably may be in the neigh-borhood ; he has worked ab nn I

adjGeorgtowji ; 1 l has iately been seen at Col. Campin is 1 i theneighborhood of l e)tingte'i, he p etends to have a pais fiotri " e, bat is liehas, it muff be forged. W I ieva takeup said fellow, and lecr:s l,i"i i" anygaol, so that I may get lum, mail it-cei- e

the above reward, p .d LyJOHN MLiUu L.

January 8, 1798.N. B. Iforwain allperfuii fion

Iiarhm iim f t A fl Irtr ti e . i!r. n. r

him aster this date, J


irum Phil, ; l ,!m MthHASjuftarrnveJ AssoRroi,

nichhe is nowopehmgand will fi.ll whole fah.,mut-erat- e terms.

LcKin,;,-0n- , Frbruary lot' , 179S


fubfcnbei intorms Uis fiunls ind tieTHE m 'Cie;al, that he. c u iu s toca'iy 011 the iiiaiiulu.tory ot tooatco, 111 an tjvaiious branches, 'Siqu il to auv in rhi. 1 t ,neaily oppalite lawyer HugoesN, on "


tli.et, Minerr lit intends to hm- - a c;mnt tyre ulv ioi ile, whoieiale unci r uii ih v

"eni-'uT- who pLile to taoi hi 11 t'i t leuculLO 1 m he lininLed on the thuie t notic"

M A coilideiabli credit will be give , wr n inen ind wholesale, by giving bond with appiovedccunty.

JACOB LAtDEMAN.Letington, ?Jn i, 1798. S

NOTICE.The fubferibers having ccn- -t. aed for ereeiing a mac'une so' 1 p 11 poleof moulding brick, 111 the to n ot Lc-- e ,do heiebv give not Ce, that is an ) km oipeiloi s hiv.ng a patent or othv.r le 1 lht urthe invention and iole building of r 1 laid 1111

... .. ....l.l in 11 f.A.nn L .nhl I .1... n el.

n he apppareat, all jult and legal piemmms Afli.ill In. Iil.hsinH !w no 1



Lexingeon, Kentucky, February 3, 1 798

Doftor Samuel Brown,BEGS) leave to inform the public,

he will piactice MEDt INLana bU RGLRI in Lf xi ngtok and itsvicinity He occupies the ho life inwhich Clr. Love lately lived, oppositeLU INI. OH.. ". w e.r, ...e... e,,..ee..

He will undertake, on reasonableterms, to inltrudt one 01 twp pupil$, '

who can bring good recommendations.September 5, 179 J. tf

TorTale,ALL the Jands belonging to John

Owings, 111 this Itate.Also his inare in the lion Works forterms aoply to

B. VANPR1DFLLES, attoy.in tae't for John Cockey Owings.

NOTICE.TNT.ENDING to ftatt on the 10th ofI next month to Baltimore and" Phi-ladelphia, 1 earnelHy lequeil all pcr-fon- s

indebted to me to pay off theirrefpecuve accounts before that day."Persons ty whom lepcated personalapplications hae been made mnfl notexpect any indulgence aster the.

date1 have on hand a well chosen afi'ort-mento- f

MI.RC d ANDi1 , which willbe sold ery cheap for cash.

William West.February 12,


TWENTY DOLLARSQ TOLEN out of my stable on the 29th oi UR

QW month, a 1 bl lek 01 e 111 hiji orcc r,"" 15 handancl a Inli lnl , 7 or B )ejis old,

trots, paces aid cmteis vt-11-, a 111 1 mane

and hi thv ft.,-- , 1. . ,.1 ... - J ..,j ...in 11 1 tiij ti mi in. uui 11 iiuwBdCe, Mltll a lew iinl-- h e n hi- - in .. t Vim

sorehead, and as well as I ler-o'- ev, t me w iteMP one ot h is hind leet tei tie 1 hein

--Timltnfe was railed nv oun on H kman'i.aj, ntli ri e miti - ei is11a in, on xne j ttock, but it is otx.17 i lleei-11- 1

m , , mb UM , , olt3i "eii 11 ) in mbei t 111 nv plantation,

al id 011 ei , I D jeai mi , ab( , r ots intural'y, hiH"ing

eotui h no ieet ite,und tne loot oi one ot

m1, vhen ftoleu 1 'leen lor said done lid

eitl'ei , to any p 1 n


""i.f. mb'ei'1 frl' ving nee lined the1 iiicie 1.1 ili. 1 'incis,, lcqhclis -- 11

re Ioi --") cu id tin, eul ti b note'.r bonk A ounr, 1 ) pay o(f tlien its

.1 ceo ' amuel iv. Vjcoi ;e1 n'Uii nv rjit 1U01 viartb next, v,li0

e mv iiur, on bulmels 1:1 thehuuit iouneii u . led hy me.

'. ic'ef j OilJ .I fXl 1T)1 Dec )., 1 797.

s he,otn 'nil - d ! t enty iour acres of

L " l, . . . ie Main blanch ot Lickt' evi , in the year 178b

t le t 1 H I t el e . terms applv to t eiuJlCI at c a, t Ii 1111 AIen's, I

tt iv') KT BKAULLY

! t i ! I - , C i!!UA(,b Stcllror fali pc i fo'cr-- eli,c.r,s ftot.

near the lJriiin ig Office hereof.

jvsr l"ro TED,AND TO l r -- CID ll TriF SIGH OF

A ' l.vr V

Al yjtrt, V. F ShOP.' Near th iry o ,L - ngton, avauetyof

Amonj; in re, I X", Gi 11 El- -i tI in E le, Ere 1? pes, SfeelT- - Vs, il , ihaond , TaniaruiosCun n t

A r I in will sell much lowerth in j "1 e. been oiTeied n thisitate tebruaiy 19, 179S

J " ' c iiisii quanlitv of HFMP"iroviito ) vv 11th service liey wi.l,ne 70 uei 2 n.

PA'aDDODGE.ikCo."?, '8


A Likely Negro Woman,VI , ELL calculated for lioufe linfinefs

V Co. ks, , . ue-- , Sews and Kmtts well.'Vply ta the pimtei hereof.

TK0ITER6- - SCOTf.sXJAVING detei mined to make a fi 11 fettle-J- L

X mentof all accounts trmn fhcr.m. ,.n.- -inent 111 buhnels in t1 to country until the

earneltly leijueli ill thole indebted tothem, either by bond. ote or bnolt i,mntcome ioi ward and make immediate pavment, as Ithe nature of their 1bnliiieis will not admit rfuuer ceiav 1 uev theiefoie hope, they jVallbe prevented from tl e diUgreeable neceitv otcomiiiencing fmts agamlt any

, Lexington, Djeembei 19, 1797.

David liumpkhys,CLOCK ir WATjS-H-.MAKE-

Respectfully informs his fiiendsand the public in general, that he: car-ries on h:s bjifiiis, in an ;ts varjousblanches, m Capt. Kenneth M'Coj'shouse on Vfil ft,cer) tIle second housefrom Slwirt ffreet, Lexington.! hosewho piafe to savor him vjh theircullDm inay depend on hvlni theirWork done in xhe neatest and belltnannei and on the hhortefr notice.


The Kentucky English Gi ammar,VX 5AMVEL WILSON.


srr --- i,' Vi v $

in i.;a Yhh,W 'J w.

BLAZE,HO w,s .ranted ,, om FnH 11K ,n the ,C1J.1793, at nve years o'd, bv C ol High NLll(,, 0f!'(,, ' '" Y"Vi'", Mil 1- 1- d the

V',!!" COI"rae" oth daofMarc.,, on the O'hdavoi Augufl, at

rr'1-1'1- '5 tJXC " ottco,u'y,3and n MiomLexm io,fteafoi, A 'prom.lloiy atiKa ,

reqwied wit , the for-an, n c ,

tl c 2j.h d.y ot Deceiiiecr .,',, J. dloWe, ,f p witintheie Ion cvliKirs the ,Mel dic,,, to be pa at te ,

tieaitl .D.eembe,,to. da, r e s r , s

eu .01 miies ',,i , j -P Meet Greitat-e- n , , ,T , 4l.lale, f lvc 2tnel-- l I t t I. e

bav, ,ear fe.entecr,'. !'LU" kvc',i 1, common. ,ut.1 i.t.vitv; 1, 1Ie ,Seil tao uiii iecptioiiaok. '

L.:NJ v 'IARTON.BLA IF a, y 1 y . n

, , ,fa

byO.atrne l,ls-lf-c.t t ,.. at grand oalW:'"'"' Nl 'f ' l S'ct ,,t t great rea

j .ai ,

.it t). WooeicocK, hi, . t great "leJC

t- lt riddini vil(, s ur 11S

", ." r- -t '"ieat 3reit , eat .r-u- Jimc la.tjoy aud out oi "I uii,!.. 'S dam,-( '""totadau.tenlDodlvvortaana' h ' 1 'se V andal w as got by pec- -t OLt oi tie fifte, ci Un violet Cmy--' ' 1y,iJH'-b- 51 daN. of Daredevil.bLAh. lef.id to be oi tic Lest family tfrunn horiei mo England. -


Bw.'Vir ', E Shnri, Feb 23, I 792.a true copy o, the oi.gmal fiomElanJ.

October 23d, 1 97.C', ', ',V,Ct,t f t,lat thc lofeorted feudnorle , ldte the pr,.p,rty oi Hugh Nel- -

Ife'J .mi tthaiton, a llUt, ., d ood lo4j geM cj ih Crew.Chas Hiccason.Hanover coimtv.

r,nEiLie 5 Senerally been aluefcat apo, nds N,,od0f "nI Trtlfy thatt'e ftwH.oru.EUw,

ol High Nel.o , oi York, floodit my home in Caiolme coUi, ,she tw0 )au:lea o,r, and that he is unco nmonly sure ioroal gating, 0d ),ls col tell last )prIng verylUeeiy. &,eU1 under ijjfhaud th.s 13th day ofNovemoer, I97.

Bfamin AVikn.


V'E craft lying in the comtv of Campbell,ViP on the waters of LocuftcceK, tontaininn-2(-a- - es. One trail, King on i.ong Lick

ieek, i branch oi Rough creek, Hardin county-aboutlev- en

miles fiomHaidinicttlemei.t, con-taining 2joo acres.

The above lands will be d 'pc'cd of on moele-ra- teterms, one half oi the purctvafe money to-b-

paid down, ior the other a rf twelvejnontns will be given; tne purchafcr givini-ben- d

w th .jproved fecunty Anv perlonto purcliafe, Jiav know thc tenns by

appl t, to Capt Robt Crailooik in Dai vu ...or, JOHN W h ,1 r, atto. u, i lLC

3wtf for THOs H(L1.

TAKEN upbj the fubfenber, Lv.black's on in tltr

county of Fajette, a bay mare fom --

teen and a hair ha--d- ii,gh, a blazerface, a vvh.te fpoi oa hen tore k,branded on the ftear fhtroldei bt.t i u:legible, about eightyeai sold, appi m-e- d

to fifty dolljrs. Al.o a (. iulvmare foui yeaisold, blended o-- i tbc-nea- r

flionldet bi't not leg. 'e, a ttaiher sorehead, jLouiu so rten, .!, u

halthandi high, appiaii.u to ti.Lpounds. v. 1 .





