Конспект открытого урока в 5 «A» классе Тема: «Спокойная жизнь» “ A Quiet Life (Практическое занятие на материале аутентичного текста) Дата проведения: 28 марта 2012 г. Тип урока: Урок закрепления знаний. Цель и задачи урока: Образовательные цель: 1. Формирование коммуникативных умений учащихся на основе аутентичных текстов. 2.. Развитие навыков аудирования. 3. Развитие у учащихся навыков выразительного чтения и умения извлекать нужную информацию. 4. Подготовка монологического высказывания на основе прочитанного материала. Развивающая цель: 1. Развитие навыков аудирования с извлечением конкретной информации и детального понимания содержания 2. Развитие логического мышления, логической догадки, фантазии при изучении иностранного языка, умения анализировать и сопоставлять. 2. Развитие навыков просмотрового чтения. 2. Прививать учащимся навыки анализа текста. Воспитательная цель: 1. Прививать любовь и желание изучать иностранный язык через разные формы работы с текстом 2. Развитие памяти, внимания.


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5 A : A Quiet Life( ) : 28 2012 . : .

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: 1. . : , : , , : , . : , -.: , , A Quite life. :I. .- Hello, pupils! Today well listen the text A quite life. . .


What does a quiet life mean to you? Would you like to lead a quiet life?

Is a quiet life boring?Suggest a) nouns b) adjectives c) verbs to describe a quiet life

E.g. to enjoy, to live, to have, calm, dull, comfortable, an idea, a family, etc.


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1. Listen to the text to get its general idea. In case you fail do not be too upset. We will listen to the text again and again to make things easier for you (after listening to the text)

Who leads a quiet life?

Does Felix lead a quiet life alone?

Where does Felix live?

2. Now we open the text to translate it from English into Russian to get the exact idea of the text. Underline the prepositions, verbs or idioms to memorize themE.g. resident, in fact, to lead, suburb, to look after, carefully, to feed on, well-cooked, tinned, supply, carpet, to put practice, to be comfortable and content with, etc


Felix Catt is a typical resident of Siberia Avenue, Surbiton. He looks gloomy, but in fact he is quite happy, and he leads a quiet life in this suburb of London. His wife Gerty looks after him carefully, she cleans the house regularly and feeds him daily on well-cooked meat and tinned vegetables. There is always a supply of fresh water for his whisky and plenty of carpet space for putting practice, so he is very comfortable and content with suburban life.

(Intermediate English Course, London Lingaphone Institute, 1972)3. Now we listen to the text again to get the better idea of it in case you missed something before

4. Repeat the following words and combinations all together after the teacher. Mind your correct pronunciation and intonation

E.g. Suburban life

With suburban life

Content with suburban life

Comfortable and content with suburban life

He is very comfortable and content with suburban life.5. Now we read the text aloud. Mind your correct pronunciation and intonation.

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V. .

1. Translate the following into English looking up the text. Be careful with the prepositions: , , , , , , - ..2. Now read out the sentences with the above words and word combinations3. No more reading, please. Now you only speak. In case you are not sure look up the text. There is everything in it. Paraphrase the following using the original text:

1) Felix is a usual representative of Siberia Avenue.

2) He doesnt seem to be very happy.

3) Felix enjoys his calm life.

4) His wife takes care of him.

5) Felix has tasty food every day.4. Complete the following sentences by reproducing the original text. Do not forget to repeat the beginning:

1) Felix looks gloomy, but in fact

2) He leads a quiet life in

3) His wife looks after him

4) She feeds him daily on

5) There is plenty of 5. Exchange the first person for the third one. Be careful with the predicate:

1) I look gloomy.- Felix .

2) I am quite happy.

3) I clean the house regularly.

4) I am content with my life.6. Explain the situation by finding the proper arguments in the text. Do not forget to repeat the beginning:

1) Felix is a typical resident because

2) He looks gloomy because

3) He is quite happy because

4) Gerty cleans the house regularly because

5) There is plenty of carpet space because 7. Reproduce as many sentences by heart as possible to characterize:

a) Felix Catt

b) his wife :


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VI. . ( )Imagine that one of you Felix. What else would you like to know about him Develop the life story as if you were a) Felix Catt,

b) Gerty Catt, c) their neighbor. , ,

VII. .

The lesson is over. Thank you for your work! Your marks are:.. See you soon, pupils. Good-bye! To prepare the story about the main characters of the text A quit life using the active words and word combinations of the text.