TW I^ TOL l no . m . . AUSfRl C lfiG ilt I nioiP I SPECi I tlo ~ It o m 05K BVITDBBD EM- pLoTes or W a l l a c e - JJ" HACjHIBBOK BHOW AHK KIUED A ilD ,,I N m SD < WBEAB-ENDOOUJaiON 4 m iB A m rTB A m ^ ______;• . ■ Mt (Brtinit*a'pmiV" ' ' ' > flABT, Ittl, JB»J82^Ae i*«t r 48 peooa wm kilW url7 tediT Lj «hni u UB7 eqalfimett in la oH'' T i tto iCchlfin Oe&tni nlfnid. | auM isto » a»«aiib6d;.W«Uice dPcoi tn Jo At lYinlujflt jaO. Here m a 100 TOfl tojujt^ m tar ur- ioita2r> ThlRj bodlu )um bew'tooslit U Qtry tad.ie hire tett takn te tii» norgoe it E u n m o ad ,,^ Kn bnks oat la tl» wrvekafa udDtajr of. ttt» bodlea wen cluund bejroad recogaltloa. Otlier - > d t« i« beltorod to II* tn th* ' drtri*. H oipiw irtJtiy tua. Baanis4-M -■'‘' filled wtth the tDjurad. SiMton asd sanat aw beJa^ brooffht her* tnm aiekio. The wTMk Mcnrrcd «t daylight. Ae- curdlnjj to tiUnad m a a (2io £ l r m trafa Ktoppod a t IvtnboD bceaiiM o l ft bnt OT boz. FUgmon were eent back to tei flaret. J iU r B* Da/«etin fiigsilf • Tbo eqnlpmDDt train wm said to b« ^ rannlug at a ipoed of 60 mlla8.-Whe*,h- ] ff It craahed Into tbo elrciu train b^ , ton tbe itgna]i wera let hu oot bMB delemlned. r Tho oDgine at the aqulpo'ent train (ore f u > a y through fonr Pullman eoaehc*, -iSurlirg wrockago lorersl bnn- dred feet. Pmctlcally every car in mm the clrem tralit-thoro wero 84—wa» prj, 4w»Ued and fpIJotored. PraeUcaHy war ttBiyono aboard tha clrcui train Ii bO' Km llwed to bavo been killed ar lojared. a t Bceae* Btegu Deacrlptloa , ' Jun The few who wore unhurt worked /raBtijaJlj- Ja {ho wreeka^. Htay ot the vietios wore burned to' death, D »hri«kbg pltlfnJly for halp. Wrecking cranes that ttrr{ved »ooa «t«r the exaah could not bo used for «PP «ae timo bceauio of tho Intonw hc>t. •' (Oontinnod on Pago Eight) . • M MONARCHY IN - OESPERATESTBAITSi ------------ gov. ^BIRlA-HUBaXBT 18 OH VEEOE Jni Op O O ttA pffl—OOUUTBT P^y 00 WAT OP 8U88IA‘ JJ . naw By J. W. T, MASON - ,;,!l (United Prea# War Exixrt) m YOBK, Jo.. 28.-WM, Au- Ml r '" ’' ■Hlltaml t„d dl r.l. >» « « 'i « S"' " »' “ » P™ ' ^ LU. ' ?•* '«« “ «»,n 1. j-£-rs5SiF™ '^ '- I w 2«e««rlly iffM* the ^trla n“'^ MHonalltloi •fJrat, aad ^Wa-nuognry U rfow tho waak«t of 9 jfrcat natfoaa (n the confllet. 'r o L ? ' 1,'“ " ”' , “ “•!« 1* S ; 0 - .J IF IT’S HI ^T f a J A ^ VIPELLE IS FORTUNE JUST AHEAD? OLD-TIMB BZBLB IH TWIN PALLS MAT BB WOBTH THOUBANOa OFDOLLABS > j In the city of Twin Pall»—anybody I can look at It—there la a copy of ao edition of the Bible prbted in London hy Eobort Darker In the year 1806. - In Oakland, California, a few nonthi ago, a copy of an edition ol Iho Bible printed in London in 1712 told far 122,000. Thero ii no qneitloa u to tbe authontieity of tho ule. Mri. U. F. Hayole of Baeraoento got the The Twin Falla book li of the edi- tion 4inowo ft< the "Dritehei Bible." It il io a tplendid etate of proserva- UoB, printed in old Engllah type of a Ii quaint aod enrloua atyle,. aad bla a woodcDt frontlipleco whleh carriei wllh it an air of antiquity inpoulbla to mistake. p. C.'Wation it tbe owner of tbe Bi- ble, and. the qdeition wfaieb be U now engaged In tumiog over in hla mind is thla-lf a 1712 Bible U. worth * 2 2 ^ ' what is the pataible value of one which antedates it by better,than 100 yiaraT FIlliOFs i AND Pi; PRQBUGED ill: liiw r: ____ . dl QiroTATiDNS wmoH OT n rao BPTEOT JUNK IB '• APPLV TO ALLffl), OpV- EEHMENT AND OIYIL- j; IAN PTOOHASES - EB-, j. TAIL OEANOE IS SHALL j,'; ■■ ar WASniNOTON, J«n. 21-Uml- mum pricca for fir logs and fir lumbre produced in the Pacific Northw#^t ware announcod by tha wnr indostrlrs board today. Thoy are effective for 1 three months period,, which began June 15. Maximum prices were ,alao y ' tlxcd for southern or yellow pine lum- ^ i-"' ' Douglas fir prices, applying to lum- ”* bor mandfactnred Ln tbe Pacific north- rrest, raproseot nn average Inereua of '’’i spproxlmately •2.75 ft thouuad board «“ feet, It waa officially announced. TcI; low pine prices are increased appro^l- Biately M-80 a thonsand. , Pzleea Apply to All Tho tiew prices apply to govornmeut, sllied and civilian pnrchases alike, It was officially Since mlH . prices on yellow, pine havo averaged hiffher to tho civilian Uade than to the .. government, the now schedule will not • result in hlRher prices to the public, althougli tbe government will have to pay mere, it was declared. Douglas fir prices will advance only slightly, If any, to the commereial trade under tho ; new rates. Increaied cost of labor and suppltei ^ tiiBlS the new schedule neccwory, too war indusUles board sUted. Prices follow InvastfgaUon by the federal irado.commisslon. P> wot a Hxod Pigmo «; The price., It was. explained, -?re maxlonn prices, not fixed prices, and lumbar nay ba sold below the govern- , r (Continued on Pngo EiRht) rAMOtfS OHTJEOHMAH CALLED BY DEATH DUBUQUE, 'Jra. f'j Jo..pS Ko..., r.lted i«chW.l.op .1 the Duboque dioceso Roman Catho.lc thureh died hero early today after an Illness of eevoral weeks. It had not been known, that he was 111 nntll last Bnnday wheV prayers for him, wore U. uked at all tnassas. - i;000 PEOM IDAHO ‘ bOIBB, Idaho. .Jure 22^A c f Jot one thoosaad man from Idaho on war recalTod today by Adjut^t on Oeneral Moody. The aew «■ gcat wlU eatrala for ttilaln* 8t eafflpj m y 22. lERE IT’S NEWS.!-] lls ~ iw n i T i m wiBo; aim Wm ID TOU ■liisii :iiiiii‘ i PROeM i HOOSE I ________ - ’ ‘. { I ’ ' NEW F0B T i;iC A n(M H BILL OABBIES BIOOM SINQLE A F P S O P E i^ TION IN MILITABy i p TOEY-TEEKOH W i^ ^ FABE BELIEVED 0VIB;I it. ' ■ ,'j Or p««) \y!x I WASHIKQTOK, June S2.-The ijui* ho: est' field artillery program In ffliUt«i7| sei ' history is provided in tbe new fortlfl* Ni cations bill reported lo the hoote' to- diy. The new artiUory. program, Beprs- senUtlve Borland, chairman if thorfor- tlflcations committeo, explained, iadl* , cates clearly that this eoantry’s oUi- i tary experts believe days of tm eh , warfarv are practically ended and tlitt j a war of movement is in proipeot'' ’ . , Of the total 15,435,OM,244 appifoprii- 1 tlons and antborlsatlons in tho bUI, »5,00J,4C5,»45 U tw. mounUln,, fi«ld ] and i^o.cannoa:’! ^ am m o^tlo)^^ , i K r i i k g Ocmeis I T ^ ^ ■ Tbe oztent to which coast, Panama ^ canal .and other defenses were subor- dinated to the all-important work ef n supplying Oencral Pershing with artil- |1 lery is shown by tho fact that the to- | | tal 'far those Items carried In the bill j Is two billion dollars leas than war de- partment estlmatea. , The backbone of the. new artillery program Is 7S millimeter guns and lS-’> millimeter guns and howUters. The . government is prepared to aid oxtaDs- ively plants threnghout the country to ' put these three t;^cs of guns and the ' ammunltlan for them into quantity pro- . doctlon by tho first'of next year • or sijoner. ' Btor’ Abroad la Heaatlma Ontil that tlmo General Pershing , will continue to buy guns and anmnnl- . tion In France. After tho first of tho year American armies will bo Independ- bnt of French production, althaBgh tho ^ French have more than eopplled tha needs of our men abroad. . Kext to field artiUory, production of big guns from 10 to 15 Inches staAds out In tha bill. Forty nilllion Is pro- vliled for tho big gnn plant at NevUle island, near Pltteburg. To Bedaeo Fottlfleatloni "The big gna progrwala'framed wltb the expectktlaa that *» win bavo to cro*> the Bhlno and rtdnce Oennaa fortlflcatton* to cfloipier." y,, Borland aall pli Anothw M0,000.000 ll ptOTlded ' j i for oae thooaaad- by-product coke onns to produce toluol aad othnr -U g h oxplodvea. Tbeao o m a wfll bo aold after tbo ww for 128.000 each for na* In maUag dye pro- duct*. Thla feataro of tbe bffl w u framed with ■ tleir to freelag ] this coontry froai_ d^eadeace oa tut G«rmaBdy« ; - ^ - ir**a Mot* SeaKbllglit. ne For searchllgbto aad anti-aircraft ^ euns mounted on motor trailers th.i « comnllteo appropriated,. *2,000,000 old fnnds unspent beeause all. searchllghta *«’ are going to France and none wore available for coast defenw. - . The an^l-alrcraft guns will be •tie 4.7 type, wblch havo ^onger ranges oaJ wider explosive radius than ones now in use. The'rtquest for, 16 aerial coastal stn- tlans ta guard against submarine - and air atucks was cnt in two. Each sU- tion will cost 11,000,000. In Tha wholo gun program Is made up stn In eontamplallon of fifty per cent it; wastage. .■ 1^, ONLY EAIDING AUD “J PATROL ENOOUNTEBS I-ONDON, Juno 22.—" A few prison- Thi ers wera Ukan and- canuallies Inflicted Ili{ on the enemy in raid nnd patrol ea- ity counters In tho Vlllora-Brotonneux aad the Straxeele sectors,” Field Marshal-Haig a e reported todny. . , l-IF IT’S NEWS IT’ jl’h r S D A T , JU N B 22, 1016. YDEFE j GQNTIN STRfeETMDBS L m M A !^.PEA C E DIBOSDES m TIBNNA OROWINO | I WOBSB - ^ B IS A M TBBBAT- I IK TfiOOiA^'nOK [ \ ' :groraB. Joa* k ^ -^irthaf dam- [ ' oaitnAloat - occuxTod la Vlenoa ; >;af*ndv,,|ee«rdlw, to ^ v ^ r«; . } ntrsA bw*"' t^dsy. ; ' Bug* crowds fq[od th* principal itTMta,’ dtaandlag '.f^vtoratlaa of I tit»-*rMd rstteni fncr#i#*d wage*, t t«daced h m of labor aad eosdoi- I tea of » s«utal peace. Tbe police r • teterreaed.' . A unr prodaaiAtloa' threatest ^ ’' MTcn meiuarea In ’repreesloa of tb o dlKB'UlB*. M l^N , June 22.-F.vl4ence la tfi- P cumulating of,the rpal seriousness of - the industrial and political.aituatlon in Aoitria. ..DlspUebes from Batch, Swiss [ and Scandinavian sources bear a strlk- ’ ing sbsUarity. I VienM newspapers are'publlthlng da- i tails of etrike developments which tn I Itaelf Is most significant, said the lat- i eat Swiss dispatch. This Indicates the gDveinment is not trying to ' suppress ■the news, while hRetoforo there was the tightest can-' serahlj) on all such .information. ’The Nieuw>rel« Preaae cayai.,. Seiiau atM it Biota - ‘^Serloos tloti baraoeeuired la th* ati»^ of ^enw naiu hare -b*ra - ■topp*d,-fact^- wlndovs aaaahM aad biketlM plnndmd. Tb* poUe* aad mlUtarr wan caU^ out aad took itzlct mearaie*. They lamed a waralnt bolding parmta mi . rvponslbU for tb r iwtlon of thelt. 11 half-fed diUdten. . ,. || ''Tb*' guVeiiimant will .b* coa«. __ pellad to dtbtr Inexiai* tbi bi««d ' U . ratloa or tlik fBTtbv «xdtlag tt* ll - wotkinf .pwiittfc^-n'iakrimcar ' moaa a revolotlon.'’ , | D R V SlilN I IK I P > M : ------------ 1 EESOLUTION FOE INVBS- TIOATION OP USE OP OOAL'BY BEEWEEIES IS PASSED BY .BIO VOTE Tin —— the WABHINQTON, June '• 22.-Dry forces won another victory in the bouse today when a resolution calling on the president for Information as lo whethfr oju tho foal administration had restricted rj coal to brewers wa# taken from the bouse agricultural committee and pass- ed by a vote of 204 to 7.’ This reso- crn lutlon, introduced by Bepresentatlve %•<}< Oramton of Michigan several days ago, A had.been buried In comnitlee. decl BopfetonUtlve Bandall, house-prohl- ceni biUon leader, today was preparing to that submit sUtemonts to the senate agri- nl o cultural commlllae In answer to Bain- » bridge Colby, of tho shipping boanl, Ami that prohibition would hinder ship- glo. ping- ' Bandall expects to show that many K sb^pyaids aio la diy tenitoTy tad ,41»o Ibat repeated absence of workmen Is B. 1 slowloff np the work la tboi* -In wet tlgn p»TOf ProUbltlea J ’g Informal poll af the senate agricul- tural committeo today showed 7 to 4 in favor af some prohibition amend- ment to tho-iood stlmnlatloa.bllL "'The vote, however, was not roprded as forecasting a favorable report on ^ thq Jones "bone dry” amendment, (u ^ several monben declared emphatically ^ , they were of an open mind oa severtl . amendments pending nntll,all of tli« ^ hearing* have b « n completed. , ...... ............^— n--.' .81 REVOLTS SPEEAD ............... THEOTOH EnSSIA r --------- dl STOCKHOLM, Jima 22.—Workman tl In the Nisjnl-Novgorod dUtriet have ^ started a revolt against the Bolsheviki, ^ it wa* learned here today. Tha move- 'j, mont l« spreading throughout Eussln. Events of the highest Importance aro « exported. . - 81 A conforeneo of represoDUUves- of di all tho factories lu Moscow has been farmed, eimUar to that In Petrograd. rs The Menshevikl aod menben of the Ij Bight aro In'an overwhelming maJo^ _ a ity. They have added their voice to • tl the demand that the government call lu a constituent assembly. At TnU 10,000 Ir worker* have taken similar action. •. t t r’S HERE ' E M ATED E FIG iiL m 1 IHE mJt Prem T er Q rlan d o ^ S ^ i' L ast R em aining Strei sary, U se L ast of R e S ecure Som e S ort of T roops Q uietly C onf B O U ^ Jna* 82.—Ths AnstrUas, n u l afitlibl* rsMTve* la a deapteat* tttot cess, Pnmlar Otlaado declared,''la coai "The Aoitnina are flghtlsg vltb'mtpi . Uace," tbetnaml« aald.'"It'll certala (ag. Tbe Aostrlans, oaabl* to rvtlre, a; If tt*c«aBaiy by utgaglng an- their reserv • soma aort of t tuecoo., . "In oo* sector alon* 0,000 asesiydeu ' "The attltada orth* Italian popuUt alflcetit Tbsir coafldene* 1* nbUm*.' TROdPSINFnCE k WEiflCiSSiEj 90H;flff0 IM Kp * beoi ------------ The MORE THAN THM NUM- ^2 BEE OP AMEEIOANS SHIFFED OVERSEAS TO DATE AIWOUNOED _ — ------- to b By OABL D. QBOAt , - (United Press Staff Correspondent} . WASHINGTON, Jtine 22.- riie United States Ims croBSwl the 900,000 mark in troops forci <hippe<l’ ovcrsc{ifl from embark* posii itiofl points. 1. We are five months nhwd of inr rppilnr propram. Tlicso two important facta land ffere annooncod today by Gen* none srnl Mnrcli, chief of otnff, in hia ^ Awkir newspaper cnnforcncc: As for the 'general war situation, be ^ Ipclared, he can say again that the ;enlral powers are held, but warned ;hat tho nation must expMt a renew- . ll of tho Oerman drive . , Ho. accorded high praise to the ^merlcAUs sharlng ln thepresent strug- . jlo. They havo done well and havo lellvered the goods, he said. Knpcclnlly did he commend the first ■pgular 'division nnder-Oeneral Bobert IX a. L. Bullard for its gallantry at Can- atta^ ,lgny: the Balnbow national guard dlv- Mon iaIoB under Qenoral 0. T. Menoher for the ligb grado work to date;'the twenty- catoi lixth division is doing very well. Else Imtool H.U lii lUlJ As for tbe Italian situation, the gen- (Continued on Page Eight) ------ THE WEATHER ^ . Sunday; cooler tonight, li the for®- .... cast fof th* Twla Palls district of tbo dspartasat of agrlniltnre , weather bureaa aa glvea la its pr*- diction traasmltted tbis monlag through the local t*lephoaa tx- „j, ebaage. Panaers of tbis district ..jj, are beglanlag to complata oror tbe 'del4y and damage resulting to the i harvest of the flr« bay crop .from . , .of rainy' weather. _p. Statement U made also that tbo damp weatbst, coupled with bigbar temperatures, wbUe-produdag ^ 'rank growth of TegeUUou, is Uk*. TJ ly to produce rust In the. grala were crop* in tbe Irrigated soctloni. In and ' tbe dry farm regloaa, bbwerer, aad Fren In those wbMo there la sboitage of ' IrrlgaUon water sopply tbis year, post . tbe rains ar*'most welcoffle. of i PaXOB nV B 0BNT8— * i im iN G j B .ER 1E8: rK em y Will Exert ength, and if Neces- i eserves in Order to | if a Success—ltalian I ifiderit ‘ I ubl* to rttlro, win employ an tb*ir ll|; roit t« lectB* some aort of • .too- mrenliig with depot!** today. • tpmUeled de^faiUoa and-Tl^ ' dn tben wm b*>ltUl more ngBV a n bound to ixtrt tbalr tttmoeW :; irm -fo r tb* purpoU of a*carlag O tad ara bsriad. Ij iatlon In tb* rear of tbe Ua* la mag* *.” irti Battl* BtlU B«glag 21 W irn THE ITAUAN ABMIE8 IN ' HE, FIELD, Jnni 22 (nlght)—Th'o ittle for control of the dl-important ..I; [ontello orest-is stUl under'way as iL >Is dispatch U toed. . ' . ' ' jli ,n e . l^ll^M 'W kaiira itg., byve. U lade some ^ n s , iind have taken more ))|{ lan a thousand prisoners., but how ox- ^ ’’v insivo .their operations there . have ^;:l eon cannot be detenalsad at tl^ ^mei i>|[ ]ie;Utoit reports received at.'bead- jiT iiarters showed that. Italians, bad 'U lached the outskirts of Nervosa, oa' ||l| le southeastern edge of Uontello, and nl ere fighting toward the river. CTI Enemy priwaen declare, that the . H|l Allan attack In' this sector frustrated K I Austrian attack, which waa planufd 1)1 be launched Just an hour after the . I|( olian began. ' . jjt * -- Blr<» Agala.Biting % Benawod bad weather bsLS. caused the la'-e to rise again, Just.as it showed . i dlcatlons of receding. . The enem.v ||i||: rces on this side are stlU in a criUatl Hlii isltion and are forced to depend upon niied quantities of^food broughtovar K3 airplanes. .. IlF On the lower Plave Austrian* havo cceoded in trelghling.armored ears Id field gons acros* la" boat*,' but | i; me of their craft ll largo enough to |U ansport their <heavy guns. K j The work of the Italian, British and liierican airmen Is most,^feetl,ve. A ({» imbar of British aviators, after ex-. A lusting their bombs, aud maoblo*; gun H rtridges, hovered a few. foot over H a enemy, dropping spare parts and fll 0^ . a 1*11 rALIANS CONTINUE .|(S TO OADf QEOUHD i| S LONDON, JunTH ^Itallan counter I d tacks 'gained pound both In the || f] ontello sector and in the region of < ' \ e Zenson on the Pfave, it was indl- Ilk ,tod in overnight .*fflclal..«jepatt*-...... Itt Isewhore on the front strong Aus- W ian attacks- were repulsed. W "|n-the Montello yesterday the m euate o( the enemy contlno^ bnt "I (Continued on P a ^ Ejght) | MEEIOANS oom o . . . STEADILY FOEWAED kj WA8HINaT0N,,..;Jan(i 22.—Am.rl- ;]h n posltlons^ern. Jj|oproved ^northwest •■••Ohatesn-Tlirerry Friday, 'Oaneral 'lllj irshlng repotted today- Brisk *rtU- ijll rying w u reported In other sectors. i f "Northwest of aatesti-ThlorTy, wo • ::;J .vanccd oqr line sind Improved our -hH sition," tho communique . uId. Ii| There, In tho Woevre, and In tho )sges there was brisk artillery fight- ' K-"' m RENOH REPTJl S ' ' r ii a^lMAK RAIDS PARIS, Jnne "E^.'Oorinan raida . | H sre repulsed In the region of Bellov In id Hautebraye and In Alsace,” the ' IH •anch war office announced to d v ." ' . |[l ■'FroDch troo>s took' a Qermaa out* .. I I ,st at Bt. Maur, capturing a aoaber - jU | ' prisonen.” M .

l no m W m YDEFEjATED E VIPELLEID TOUGQNTIN FIG liisii iiL ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1918_06_22.pdf · T W I^ TOL l no.m. AUSfRl ClfiGilt I nioiP I SPECi I tlo

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  • T W I ^TOL l n o . m . • .

    ■ A U S f R l

    C lf i G i lt

    I nioiP ISPECi I

    tlo“ — ~ I t

    o m 0 5 K BVITD BBD E M -p L o T e s o r W a l l a c e - JJ" HACjHIBBOK BHOW AHK K I U E D A i l D , , I N m S D <

    W B E A B - E N D O O U J a i O N 4

    ■ m i B A m r T B A m ■ ^______;• • . ■ M t

    ( B r t in i t * a 'p m iV " ' ' ' > flA BT, I t t l , J B » J 8 2 ^ A e i * « t r

    48 p e o o a w m k ilW u r l 7 te d iT L j« h n i u U B 7 eqalfim ett i n l a oH '' T i t t o iC c h lf in O e& tni n l f n i d . | a u M i s t o » a»«aiib6d;.W «U ice dPcoi t n J o At lYinlujflt jaO. H ere m a 100 T O fl t o j u j t ^ m ta r u r - ioita2r>

    T h lR j b o d lu ) u m b e w 'to o s l i t U Qtry tad.ie hire te tt takn te tii» no rgoe i t E u n m o a d , , ^

    K n b n k s o a t l a t l » w rvekafa u d D ta j r of. ttt» bodlea w e n cluund bejroad recogaltloa. Otlier

    - > d t « i « beltorod to II* tn th * ' drtri* .H o i p i w i r t J t i y tu a . B a a n i s 4 - M -■'‘'

    filled w tth th e tDjurad. S iM ton a sd ’ s a n a t a w beJa^ brooffht her* tn m a iek io .

    The wTMk M cnrrcd « t daylight. Ae- curdlnjj to tiU nad m aa (2io £ l r m trafa Ktoppod a t IvtnboD bceaiiM o l ft bnt O T boz. FUgmon were eent back to tei

    flaret. JiU r B * D a/«etin f iig s ilf

    • Tbo eqnlpmDDt tra in w m said to b« ̂rannlug a t a ipoed o f 60 mlla8.-Whe*,h- ] f f It craahed Into tbo elrc iu tra in b ^ , to n tbe itgna]i wera le t h u o o t bMB ‘ delem lned. r

    Tho oDgine at the aqulpo'ent train (ore f u > a y through fon r Pullman eoaehc*, -iSurlirg wrockago lo re r s l bnn- dred feet. Pm ctlcally every car in mm the clrem tra l it- th o ro wero 84—wa» prj, 4w»Ued and fpIJotored. PraeUcaHy war ttBiyono aboard tha clrcui tra in I i bO' Km llwed to bavo been killed ar lojared. a t

    Bceae* B te g u Deacrlptloa , ' Jun The few who wore unhurt worked

    /raBtijaJlj- Ja {ho w re ek a ^ . H ta y ot the v ie tio s wore burned to' death, D »hri«kbg pltlfnJly fo r halp.

    Wrecking cranes th a t ttrr{ved »ooa « t« r the exaah could no t bo used fo r «PP « a e timo bceauio o f tho Intonw hc>t.

    •' (Oontinnod on Pago E igh t) . •

    M M O N A R C H Y IN - O E S P E R A T E S T B A I T S i

    ------------ gov.

    ^ B IR lA -H U B a X B T 18 OH VEEOE J n i

    Op O O ttA p ff l—OOUUTBT P^y

    0 0 W AT OP 8 U 8 8 IA ‘ J J

    .— naw

    „ By J . W. T , MASON - ,;,!l (United Prea# W ar E x ix rt)

    m YOBK, J o . . 2 8 .- W M , A u - M lr ' " ’' ■ H l l t a m l t„ d

    d l r . l . >» « « ' i «S " ' " » ' “ » P ™ ' ^

    LU. ' ?•*' « « “

    « » ,n 1.

    j - £ - r s 5 S i F ™ ' ^ ' -

    I w 2 « e « « r l ly iffM * the^ t r l a n “ '^ M H onalltloi •fJrat, aad^ W a -n u o g n ry U rfow tho w a a k « t of

    9 jfrcat natfoaa (n th e confllet.

    ' r o L ? ' 1,'“ " ” ' ,“ “ • ! « 1* S ; 0

    - — .J

    IF IT’S HI

    ^ T f a

    J A ^V IP E L L EI S F O R T U N E

    J U S T A H E A D ?


    In the city o f Twin Pall»—anybody I can look a t It—there la a copy of ao edition of the Bible p rb ted in London hy Eobort Darker In the year 1806. -

    In Oakland, California, a few no n th i ago, a copy of an edition ol Iho Bible printed in London in 1712 told fa r 122,000. Thero i i no qneitloa u to tbe authontieity o f tho u le . Mri.U . F. Hayole o f Baeraoento got the

    The Twin Falla book l i of the edition 4inowo ft< the "D ritehe i B ible."I t i l io a tplendid etate of proserva- UoB, printed in old Engllah type of a Ii quaint aod enrloua atyle,. aad b la a woodcDt frontlipleco whleh carriei w llh i t an air o f an tiquity inpoulb la to mistake.

    p . C.'W ation i t tbe owner of tbe Bible, and. the qdeition wfaieb be U now engaged In tum iog over in hla mind is th la - lf a 1712 B ible U . worth * 2 2 ^ ' what is the pataible value of one which antedates it by b e tte r ,th a n 100 yiaraT

    F IlliO F s i AND P i; PRQBUGED ill:l i i w r :

    ____ . dl


    ■■ ar

    W ASniNOTON, J « n . 2 1 - U m l- mum pricca fo r f i r logs and fir lumbre produced in th e Pacific Northw#^t ware announcod by tha wnr indostrlrs board today. Thoy are effective for 1 three months period,, which began June 15. Maximum prices were ,alao y ' tlxcd fo r southern or yellow pine lum- ^

    i-" ' ■ ' Douglas f ir prices, applying to lum- ” * bor mandfactnred Ln tbe Pacific north- rrest, raproseot nn average Inereua of '’’i spproxlmately •2.75 ft thouuad board «“ feet, It waa officially announced. TcI; low pine prices are increased appro^l- Biately M-80 a thonsand. ,

    Pzleea A pply to All Tho tiew prices apply to govornmeut,

    sllied and civilian pnrchases alike, I t ■ was officially Since mlH .prices on yellow, pine havo averaged hiffher to tho civilian Uade than to the .. government, the now schedule will no t • result in hlRher prices to the public, althougli tbe government will have to pay mere, i t w as declared. Douglas f ir prices will advance only slightly, If any, to the commereial trade under tho ; new rates.

    Increaied cost o f labor and suppltei ̂tiiBlS the new schedule neccwory, too war indusUles board sUted. Prices follow InvastfgaUon by the federal irado.commisslon. P>

    wot a Hxod Pigmo «;The price., It was. explained, -?re

    m axlonn prices, no t fixed prices, and lumbar n a y ba sold below the govern- ,

    r (Continued on Pngo EiRht)


    DUBUQUE, ' J r a . f 'jJo ..pS K o . . . , r . l t e d i«chW.l.op .1 the Duboque dioceso Roman Catho.lc thureh died hero early today after an Illness o f eevoral weeks. I t had not been known, th a t he was 111 nntll last Bnnday wheV prayers fo r h im , wore U. u ked a t a ll tnassas. -

    i;000 PEO M IDAHO ‘ bOIBB, Idaho. .Ju re 2 2 ^ A c f

    Jot one thoosaad man from Idaho on w ar recalTod today by A d ju t^ t on Oeneral Moody. The aew «■g cat wlU e a tra la fo r tti la ln * 8t eafflpj m y 22.

    lERE IT’S NEWS.!-]

    l l s ~i w n i T i m w i B o ; a i m

    W mID TOU■liisii : i i i i i i‘ i PROeM i

    HOOSE I________ - ’‘.{ I ’ '

    N E W F 0 B T i ; i C A n ( M H

    B I L L O A B B I E S B I O O M

    S I N Q L E A F P S O P E i ^

    T I O N I N M I L I T A B y i p

    T O E Y - T E E K O H W i ^ ^

    F A B E B E L I E V E D 0 V I B ; I it.

    — ' ■ , 'j

    O r p « « ) \y!x I WASHIKQTOK, June S2 .-T he iju i* ho:

    est' field artillery program In ffliUt«i7| sei ' history is provided in tbe new fortlfl* Ni

    cations bill reported lo the hoote' to-diy .

    The new artiU ory. program, Beprs- senUtlve Borland, chairman i f thorfor- tlflcations committeo, explained, iadl* , cates clearly tha t this eoantry’s oU i- i tary experts believe days of t m e h , warfarv are practically ended and t l i t t j a war of movement is in p ro ip eo t ' ' ’ . ,

    Of the to ta l 15,435,OM,244 appifoprii- 1 tlons and antborlsatlons in tho bUI, »5,00J,4C5,»45 U tw. m ounU ln,, fi«ld ] and i^ o .c a n n o a :’! ^ a m m o ^ t lo ) ^ ^ , i

    ■ K r i i k g Ocmeis I T ^ ^ ■ Tbe oztent to which coast, Panama ^

    canal .and other defenses were subordinated to the all-important work ef n supplying Oencral Pershing with artil- | 1 lery is shown by tho fac t th a t the to- | | tal 'fa r those Items carried In the bill

    j Is two billion dollars leas than war department estlmatea. ,

    ■ The backbone of the. new artillery program Is 7S millimeter guns and lS-’> millimeter guns and howUters. The

    . government is prepared to aid oxtaDs-■ ively plants threnghout the country to' put these three t;^ c s of guns and the '

    ammunltlan for them into quantity pro- . doctlon by tho f i r s t 'o f next year • or sijoner. •

    ' Btor’ Abroad la H eaatlm aOntil th a t tlmo General Pershing ,

    will continue to buy guns and anmnnl- . tion In France. A fter tho first of tho year American armies will bo Independ- bnt of French production, althaBgh tho ^ French have more than eopplled tha needs of our men abroad. .

    Kext to field artiUory, production of big guns from 10 to 15 Inches staAds out In tha bill. F o rty nilllion Is pro- vliled for tho b ig gnn p la n t a t NevUle island, near Pltteburg.

    To Bedaeo Fottlfleatloni"T h e b ig gna progrw ala'fram ed

    w ltb the expectktlaa th a t * » win bavo to cro*> th e Bhlno and rtdnce Oennaa fortlflcatton* to cfloipier." y ,, Borland a a l l p li

    Anothw M0,000.000 l l ptOTlded ' j i fo r oae thooaaad- by-product coke

    o n n s to produce toluol aad othnr - U g h oxplodvea. Tbeao o m a wfll

    bo aold a fte r tb o w w for 128.000 each for na* In m aU ag dye product*. Thla fea taro o f tbe bffl w u framed w ith ■ t le i r to freelag ] th is coontry froai_ d^eadeace oa tu t G « rm aB d y « ; - ^

    - ir**a Mot* SeaKbllglit. n e For searchllgbto aad anti-aircraft ̂

    euns mounted on motor trailers th.i « comnllteo appropriated,. *2,000,000 old fnnds unspent beeause a ll. searchllghta *«’ are going to F rance and none wore available for coast defenw. - . The an^l-alrcraft guns will be •tie

    4.7 type, wblch havo ^onger ranges oaJ wider explosive radius than ones now in use. —

    T he'rtquest for, 16 aerial coastal stn- tlans ta guard against submarine - and a ir a tu ck s was cn t in two. Each sU- tion will cost 11,000,000. In

    Tha wholo gun program Is made up stn In eontamplallon of f if ty per cent i t ; wastage. .■ 1^,


    I-ONDON, Juno 22.—" A few prison- Thi ers wera U kan and- canuallies Inflicted Ili{ on the enemy in raid nnd patrol ea- ity counters In tho Vlllora-Brotonneux aad the Straxeele sectors,” Field M arshal-Haig a e reported todny. . ,

    l-IF IT’S NEWS IT ’

    jl’h rS D A T , JUNB 22, 1016.

    YDEFEjG Q N T INS T R f e E T M D B S L

    m M A ! ^ . P E A C E


    I WOBSB - ^ B I S A M TBBBAT-I IK T f iO O iA ^ 'n O K

    [ \ ' :g r o r a B . J oa* k ^ - ^ irth a f dam-

    [' oa itnA loat - occuxTod la Vlenoa ; > ;a f* n d v ,,|ee « rd lw , to ^ v ^ r« ; .} n tr s A bw*"' t^dsy.; ' Bug* crowds fq[od th* principal itTMta,’ d ta an d la g '.f^vtoratlaa of

    I tit» -*rM d rstten i fncr#i#*d wage*, t t«daced h m of labor aad eosdoi- I te a o f » s « u ta l peace. Tbe police r • te terreaed .'

    . A u n r prodaaiAtloa' th rea te st ̂ ’ ' M Tcn meiuarea In ’repreesloa of

    tbo dlKB'UlB*.M l ^ N , Ju n e 22.-F.vl4ence la tfi- P

    cumulating o f ,th e rpal seriousness of - the industrial and political.aituatlon in Aoitria. ..DlspUebes from Batch, Swiss

    [ and Scandinavian sources bear a strlk- ’ ing sbsUarity.I VienM newspapers are'publlthlng da- i tails o f etrike developments which tn I Itaelf Is most significant, said the lat- i eat Swiss dispatch.

    T his Indicates the gDveinment is not trying to ' suppress ■ the news, while hRetoforo there was the tightest can-' serahlj) on all such .information. ’The N ieuw >rel« Preaae cayai.,.

    S e i ia u a tM i t Biota - ‘^Serloos tlo t i b a ra o ee u ired la th* a t i » ^ of ^ e n w n a i u ha re

    - b * r a - ■ to p p * d ,-fa c t^ - wlndovs aaaahM a ad biketlM plnndm d.Tb* poUe* a a d m lU tarr w a n c aU ^ out a ad took itz lc t mearaie*. They — lamed a w a ra ln t bolding parm ta m i

    . rvponslbU for t b r iwtlon of the lt. 1 1 half-fed diUdten. . ,. ‘ | |

    ' 'T b * ' guVeiiiman t will .b* c o a « . __ pellad to d tb t r Inexiai* t b i bi««d ' U

    . ra tloa o r t l i k fBTtbv «xdtlag t t * l l- w otk inf .pwiittfc^- n ' i a k r i m c a r '

    moaa a revolotlon.'’ , |

    D R V S l i l N I

    IK I P > M :------------ 1


    —— theWABHINQTON, June '• 22 .-D ry

    forces won another victory in the bouse today when a resolution calling on the president for Information as lo w hethfr o ju tho foal administration had restricted rj coal to brewers wa# taken from the bouse agricultural committee and pass-ed by a vote of 204 to 7 .’ This reso- c rn lutlon, introduced by Bepresentatlve %•ltUl more ngBV >a n bound to ix t r t tb a lr tttm oeW :;|

    i r m - f o r tb* purpoU o f a*carlag Oi

    tad ara bsriad. I j iatlon In tb* rear of tbe Ua* la mag**.” irti

    Battl* BtlU B«glag 21 W i r n THE IT A U A N ABM IE8 IN '

    H E, FIELD, J n n i 22 (n lght)— Th'oitt le for control of the d l-im portant ..I;[ontello orest-is stUl u n d e r 'w a y as iL'>Is dispatch U toed. . ' . ' ' ’ j l i , n e . l^ ll^ M 'W k a iira i tg . , byve. Ulade some ^ n s , iind have taken more ))|{ lan a thousand prisoners., but how ox- ̂ ’’vinsivo .their operations there . have ;̂:lleon cannot be detenalsad a t t l ^ ^mei i>|[;]ie ;U to it reports received a t.'bead- jiTiiarters showed that. I ta l ian s , bad 'Ulached the outskirts of Nervosa, oa' | | l |le southeastern edge of Uontello, and n lere fighting toward the river. CTI Enemy priw aen declare, th a t the . H |l

    Allan attack In' this sector frustra ted K|I Austrian attack, which waa planufd 1)1

    be launched Just an hour a fte r the . I|(olian began. ' . jjt

    * -- Blrs took ' a Qermaa out* .. I I,st a t Bt. Maur, capturing a a o a b e r - jU |' p risonen .” M


  • r A o B r w o



    F O U N D W A n

    K d e v e l o p m e S t s i n S I B E -

    i B I A B E G A S D E D A S S E R I

    O U S M E S A O E T O D f S n -

    T D I I O N \

    By JOSEPH SHAPLEN '•J ■ (U nited I’rcM S taff Correapoodeot)

    STOCKHOLM, June 22.—Dflvalop- ' idodU in SlU riB aro intensely serious ; fo r th« IklaboTikl. I t la impotsiblo I lo Rlonii from repoVta now aTallaWo j whflhiT tlie movement there is toon-

    te r rovolutionnry, l u t i l Ia m oit likely y th a t . th o Social roralut{ooarle< ot tho ! riRht nro ilomlnatlnR It.

    M. Schuslaniiky, proaident of the bl- j bcrlnn sovleta, recently WTOto lo Pre- j m ler Lonloe, ina ieatta/; tlia t all (rroupa ■ ia BIbcrla, inelodlnft p a rt of Ifae-Qot'' s W ik l , wore likely to combino to fijjh t

    (lem ian penetration. l ie declared tb s t posalMo inroads in Siberia would no- ceuK ate a bro(n>(lon of tho Breat-LI(o* Tjjik peace pact. Concludlnjr, he laJd;

    •'S ib e ria will be forced to aecept thia viewpoibi, in defense of Its In* tfireats, and will en ter an apecm en t w ith tho Americans, which -would lead to expected , conaeqnenecs: namely, loaas and Iroclo trea tie s .”

    i ThU le tte r never haa -been made r - . ' p u W e .; "L en in e ond bia M o«ow crowd aro

    I': like ly to resort to a final desperate move to save tbemselToa, calling in

    j tbe dernuin* ojroinst tho -donocratlc aod pro-alliei faction. They .wmitd terra thia a p a rt of the necessary polley of compromise wMlo awoitiof; a world revolution.”

    Thoa tho dissolution o f Boisiieviktiim ia procmUnK rapidly.


    I By L . C. M AETINI (U nited P r e n 's ta f f Oorrespondent)

    WASHINGTON, Juno 22.— Conjfrei#I II aboat to demand a s e w « ttto m e n t of I pollejr from the odm inistretioa w ith rv- I gftrd to Busila. . .I ^ Backed by a gro^og sentim ent fo r

    ' 0 Siberion offensive (o savo Bossfa j even o sidnst h e r . will friim Oennoo

    penetration, m em ben favoring Amerl- g ' c u -J a p a s t io co-operation In

    will la t/o d o fe a senate xesrioUon aim- ,^ iB g to . force from the pretlden t tome * defin ite pTplasatlon of th is govern*

    ' tn e a tV it&ad.Tho .aol# purpose of th ia , measnro

    would bo to so l from tbe iCresfdent nn* f v e n to tie§« q n e ttio u :

    I f V&lted S U te i keeping Japan I ont of Blberliiti W hat Jo Praace, UnffJftfld aod Itfll;? .

    th ink of Japanese in te rren tion t lia s thia Koyernmont any good Tea* ̂

    ton fo r fu rther ' ‘w atchful waiting*’ on the Russian qQeiUont

    K o O ri tfd m lBMndod 'T here-is no general criticism of the

    , governm ent'i p resent policy, bu t there is a g rea t desire fo r Inforraatlon. Con- gresi would bo sa tisfied to gat thla Inform ation privately, If publicity a t thla tlmo would ,be InadvlBaWe.

    n e n rty approval probably will bo g irctt to tbe B licbcpfk am eodaeo t to the arm y bill, removing the alien enemy te n t from Jugo-BIav aabjeets of A ustria in tbl» country by allowiBg them to enlist In 'th e American army.

    Y ■ b e o m t a r ik T wNEEDED ABEOAD

    OniOAOO, June 2 2 . ^ •Tbo T . M.C. A. D uat have 3,000 aeeretarles thla

    ■ anam er •to send to E urope," cold Gene ral Secretary John B. U o tl, pausicg in a tr ip to the Pacific coast w llb George W. P e rk lu t to confer wllb bntlness n a n o f varioua c ities, aaked Chicogo to supply 500 men for foreign service.- « I t '# not a bomb proof i a b ," aal.1. L . Deeti, Aurora, Ore. ' a Depriest, CarBtheraTlllo, Mo.J . J . Dougheny, Toledo, 0 .H. W. pahncita lk . Bnpid City, Mich. , T. PcUer, North K aokana, W ii S. Prank, Chicaga ^0 . B. Gedwla, B ryant, HI. eL . B. Barvoy, Kosbvilte, Mo. j T . Marekie, a ic a g o . fa PlckewalJ, W Uolngton, tV . j E . W. Shea, Lynn, Mass.A. D. eimona, (ThlcagO. r C. Snyder, Napa, Cai. „B. C. White, South H adley, Maw.

    • D . Zeccola, Now York. £ The aeverely wounded include: • ' Captain M. W. Clark, A tlanta, Go.

    •Corporals £ A. Moaes, Clio, Ky.; B.i t Beynolds, Ontario, Ore. J . L. JcW os:^-Chicago. . . . , , ,]

    PriTktei! •>. .a B. Annla, Bngby, N . D. XiJ . a Preet, Hmotot, Pa .R. Hosford, Menomlsoe, Wi*.. d W . Kapp, OurwensTlIle, P*.

    __________' TWIN FALK

    s . D. Leo, Calhoun, Miss, a M. M athis, Cincinnati, 0 . - 0 . M cduskey, Bessemer, Mich.M. J . M ay, Avis, Pa.A. Blpberger, Bellevue, Ky.J . M. Boss, Hammond, Wls.B. Btettflo, Wflstby,Q. W. Btanten, Moosic, Fa.J . B. W alker, Doer Lodfce, Mont. W. 0 . Williams, Bulto, Mont. - 0 . Q. W olff, Bello Pourche, 8. D.N. Yusblk, Cleveland, 0 ,

    ^ Woundod (Degree Undetermined) I Corporal H . H. Johnston Indianapi f lis ; Priva te 0 . W. Barrows, Mllea Cltj ^ Mont,A Ml Bring In A ctios Includef l ■ Lieutenant J . A. White, Jr., DuncaiI Okla.M Privates:

    J l G. W. Braham, Springfield, HL H B .,0 . Oermak, Chicago. ' ' l i - John Bade, Youngstown, 0 .H P. P. Rooney, 1124 U kcvlew Bouli H vard, Seattle , Wash, n PriM net., 'M U eu tenan t M. V. Casgraln, Dotrol M Mlcb;

    H UABQ7B OABUALTDSSH W ASHINGTON, .June 22.—Marin |H casualties reported today numbere H 31, divldeil aa follows:M Killed in action, 4; died of wound ® received in action, IB; wounded sever*

    ilic ly. 10. nrfer ' The lis t follow*.-

    gOlwl In Actioa___ F irs t L ieutenant G W. Smith, Deca

    tur, m ■— eecoBd L lantenant H . P . Waterhonw

    Oakland, Cai.Drummer 0. W. Price, A llaatlc C ltj

    N. J . - .P riv a te L N . Boone, Btokesdale, N . C

    Died ' o f W oouls B ectlred ia Action Corporals a 0 . Chrlstensofi, San^j

    'o^»l A na, Cai. . ------------- rB. Perry , J r . , Bethoado, Md. F r iv s te j;0 . W. Anderson, P r y lo r , Minn.

    l“ o J . a EUhlaon, Oakdale, HI. ther 0 . a Bomosdaeffer, Bt. Louis.

    A. I l Dunfee, Boston, Mass.3; 8 . H alblanb, St. Louis.

    _A. Leltner, Holstein, Wla.H . C. M yen , McLean, DLC. E . Kelson, Sail Lake, Ulab.Jr. L. S t. Clair, Eggk’ilos, Va.

    J ,],. G. B. Sellera, Moscow, T eias.,on E- B- Small, Toledo, 0 . : •

    ’ C. A. Towson, Washington, D. C.B. A. Trow, Trinity , Texaa.

    y '.’ Bererely Wounded In Action , V a. Sergeants U . Gill, Perry,. Mo.. . . Q. B. B ean, Pattison, Miss." ’ P rivates:

    use, ^ ErJandsoe, Micb.TO W. B. PlanagOB, Conception Joae-

    ' 4lon, Mo.tt. P . Qfllger, Price Hill, Qlneinnatl,

    Ohio.A. B . Johnson, Heborn, Ind.H . Moon, Elwood City, P a . .J . N. HT Fhlegar, BuMell, Eaa.J . M. W orrell, Colorado, Texas.

    S A Y S A E E O P i A H E S . ^T O 'O E O S S A T l A N T I O

    W ^SHIKOTON, Jono 2],—Ameri. can aeroplanes, equipped w ith Bolls-

    ah. engines and piloted by aviators of tba iH ied Batloas, wUI e re u the A tlan tic w ithin three months, Mojor Ger- oral W. Branker, of the Boyal Air Pordo, declared.

    The fligh t, General B n n k e r ( ta t^ l, probably would bo made from New

    ; f

  • S A T ^ J W x»,X; f-f., g g x o .

    ■ d1 W W " 'dll womi m

    F i m ORDER■ LoaAL BOAED 19 ADWS-



    Definition of non-produtUvo 'occu* patioM or omploynient* whieh, u well u laicncss, under ftmondmonta to 180 leleetWo w rv lto refpiU tioin,-nifty bo • (rrouSds fo r the Inmodlato loduetton la to 'tbo m illta r; tBrrles of regis trauta coRDKed in thorn without adoqoato ox- ruio a fte r Ju ly 1, h u boon recolvod by the Ioc«2 board in orders trom tho pro-

    ...T o a t marelitl gflBorftl'a dopartm ent, w U ch provide:

    K oa P w dneen U rte d Tho ftmploynent o r engaffemoat of

    any able-bodJed rcj^Jln in t o f m illta rr ago in any. of- tha following oecnpa- , tloDi or cn p lo y a tn ta I t D ot'aoffielentty | effective, In the present emergency; to ‘ justify the poilponement of his call into the m ilitary aerriee, notwithatand- 1b^ ho n a y have a 'tale o rJer num ber . end notwithstanding he may bavo been placed In class 2, 8 o r 4, on th e ground .

    ■ of 4ep - gaged In nan-productive,occopntlons o r . .o p b jr in n U : , “

    c \ (a) Ponons engaged In tho aorring „ o f food and drlok or either, In public „ places, In c ln d b g . hotois and s o c ia l ^ elob ij V

    (b) Passengar-elerstor operators " aa3 a ttendants; u d do{i’rn!.eD, fo o ta ro ,

    rarrlage oponera and other a ttendan ts j , ia clubi,’ hotels, atoros, apartm ent bosJM, office bolldings and ba tb , honiea; '. (c) 'Persons, intlodlng ushers aad

    oth^r a ttendants, eagoged and occupi(4 in and in cbnnectlon w ith games, aporta aod amosenisats, ezeep tlog 'ae tua l p rr- fn rnors in le ^ tia ia te cencerta, operas l or theatrical perfonnancos.

    (d) Bales elarlcs and o ther clerks . employed In stores aad o ther mercna-

    tlte citabllshoenta.Ter Sxeato ■ bui

    The following grounds ahall be ac- nu

    j [ N o t e d H a r p i s t

    J ^

    ' ^ J my ' Tiro yuuug ladies o r onusual versatl

    CbQBtauqua nudlenecs tn tbe persons of ^ BmlUi.-Separately both h a re been appe g o \n i companies on the Lyceum and 01 U appearaaec.toKcth^r ta an nsaurance o; i, m e a t UIrs Morrison, reader, is cottsl< J 'p to * npoD JJie and does so a e

    ,8>io poMMsps ftlso a n -cx«p tlon* tly si J ‘Uls# Smith,-formerly harpis t w ith both

    Metropolitan Opera Co. o f New Zork, t: tasirumeac.- 6ho Ic cooslderod br moctc

    . " f tb i COMtll,________■' ■

    ular vacation#) from regtilar emplov. j ment, not to exccBd ono week, unlets t

    I auch temporary ahsencea are 'habitual ; and frequent, shall not be considered ‘ as idleness.

    (d) Where there are eompeUlng i domeitlc clrcumaUaeea th a t wonld not

    ' penult of change of emptoTment b^ the ; ̂ ilcgiJtraat withont disproportionate

    h'ardihip to bis dependents or where 1 a change from a non-p‘rodnctiTO to « productive empldyment; or occopatlon wbul dneceuUate the removal of the J rcKixlraat .withoat disproportlonata and tueh removal woijld, in tbe jadg- ment of the board, caoao uausnal haril- •hip to tho reg is tran t or his family; or wheo auch change of employmoat w ouiy neceaaltate the rem oral o f the moat of women under circumntaocvii ' tlcemed by tho boarda unsuitable for Bucb emptoymoQt of womeo, boards sn t a u th o rize to consider any or aQ of auch circiimBtantes aa reasonable ox- cuae for non-prodnctive om ployaeat.

    E lU Fortnae T ellen - I f a registrant la Idle, be of e ^ r s c is

    nfit occupied or employed a t aQ, and hia atatus o f id lsnou fnrnlshea gronni for the withdrawal of his deferred c la i *

    •,,* ^ . . im m e rI p r o g r a m i s b u i l t f o r c a t i o n

    ! r s t o s p e a k o n v i t a J w a r p n

    : r i o t e t n r o u g h o u t t h e w e e k .

    :.NK.W IRT ,

    i by the Qoyemment, Spring of . on actual conditions in the war .uqoa audiences 'the last word aerican section of the line.


    2ct from Hoover’s d c p a ^ e n t conBcrving food and practical

    •ked out by the Food Adminla- ist day at Chautauqua. No ad-

    E v e n t s


    i honored with the opening, and ho San Francisco Exposition, fifth day. These concerts will ce of yoor season ticket


    J with voices of unu8ual_'any the Band a t night These' of a prominent Chicago gnmd

    1 render a program long to be re-

    u t s[OEET FLAN

    X) more than $8

    t a t C h a u t a u q u a

    sa tm ty and ablUty aro comlag to c n to rtila ! I o f llU dred Morrlsoo and AUco O e n e ^ ito ppearlag sacccsafully a t th e bead o< tIiUr'I O hautaaqoa. platform fo r y e a n , n j t t r ‘e o f a program of ra re m erit and e&ioy- ’osldercd one of tbe W i child Impeitpa- - ')me n n u r iu b le v o i t Jn c h a n c te r lM tlo a 't sw eet aad well trained sopnujo voice. ’oth tho Chicago Orand O p e n O o . tn d .p e ■c, tiaa absolute m astery of th a t w o D d ^ l >octcst ctUfotr 000 o f grodtM t b c ip lf ts f

    ......... .............. ...............................J

    V. slficatioa or late ordor a u m b erj.a n ^ *IS the regulatloQs applicable to gombleri *’k1 or a ll desoriptiona and employei'.^ nf fid race tracks and bucket ahops, an d ' to ‘

    fortune te llen , elairvoysats, palm ^tn, ^Ig and the Uke,.who, for tbe puipoae^of |)t theao regulations, ahall be coasldece• ̂ A truck • load of doughboys .wan cl ^ Houncing over-tho road near a woods,° from which a railroad emerged. In tho tl ‘1 vicinity. >uf Verdun. Suddenly thero o ^ rarae a doop-toned b la st of a locomotive A

    from (he. woods, followed by tho pac(- oi 8 - .................... ..........

    !) S tate Crown' worn by .Queen* Victoria, Q g King Edward V H and the present king X a t the tiine o f tbe lr several laacgura- r tioaa. Tbere was alao the blasiogry t bodiamoaded crown which Field iU r - 2 nhol-Lord French bore Into the Hoose J of Lords aad out again Tuesday. ‘ g All in all, there was enough there f to tempt—but th a t 'a a dangerous line > t of thoughtI --- --------.a FOOD O m O Z A L S UBBTt - - _______'> BAN FBANCISCO, Cai., June 23.—° State h'ood Admiulatrators from Idaho,• Oregon, Washington, Ai^soaa, Nevada

    and Utah, together w ith their assist-t nata, and food adm inistrators of varl- J ous Callforala countiea, are In eonfe^ i » a » with Balph R ,4 fe77i t t to dJseosi ) Important food questions and pollelea . The meotlags wW bo held throughoat 1 today aad tomorrow.'', ■ I t waa expected th a t a definite pol

    icy of haadling many food problema ' of tlifM sta tes would be decided upon. ̂ The its te admlniatrntora who arrived

    • today Included the following: * Charles I H ebW d, Waahlngfon; R. F . BIcknell, ̂ Idaho; T. A. B. Cordan, Iowa; Q. A

    > Lemmon, N evada; W. B. Ayer, Oregon.' Others included John K . U ardy, L . U.' Bally and U ra. W. a Schramm, all of •

    U tah; Ilerbert F . Tremp of Boise and ’ Oeorge H. Snialley, Arieona. -

    5 FOE E X d ilA K a E -Jo b p t ln l l . , lor , money. Ottr w ork is like your aioaey—I f t . b « t Twla l U l , H m . . ........... ■

    P a t r ilot v a l u e o f C h a u t a p q u a i n t h i s

    I t h i s m u s i c a l p r o g r a m s o u n d

    i d b r i g h t e n w a r - w o r r i e d m i n e


    ‘ Eoudng patriotic attraction for Chautauqua. Four veterans of tho time tunes and camp-fire songs. L A, Pattee, 24th Eeglment-MIcliigan

    DE. 0. J. BUSHT

    Special accredited lecturer -presen home . Dr. Bushnell will bo In ‘cO Bureau of Information in Washin message every person should lieor

    2 6 - B i g E v e i


    Short plays of great European d ra Players under tho personal directio Crandall. Group of plays will indue a drama f i t strong patriotic appeal.

    " A N E V M N G I N I

    Illustrated travelogue, “ Eambliag by Mildred Lcso Clomeus, cousin of motion pictures of M t Kilauea, H Accompanied by Eoyal Hawaiian ( charming Siw aiian melodies.

    ) ■ ' ■ — r w r June 20,!

    2 4 , 2


    W a rT a iN o l Stud- m do d e d ' ( i f l n

    r A O B tE B O l ,5brhptlye Is ul S igh t to B oysC J , TAYLOB !;aff Correspondent}'

    log chug th a t remloded.you of a train . going over tho Bookies.

    “ ^ u n d s like a a American locomotive, aurcr than thunder,” ahouted one of the doughboys. 'T o u couJd tell th a t noiajj a mile away. L e t 's stop an tll i t comea out of the woods.”

    •Who Oarea for Shells? , j' “ W e'ro liable to ge t shelled h e re ," *

    ssid tbo tr r c k driver, “ b n t I f you fel- i| lows aro game I am* I ’d take a chance ̂oa abelb any day to soe a Baldwin locomotive go by w ith a good old American puff and chug and w histle."

    Tho group laalstod on stopping, and tho locomotive, hauling a boat of tiny |j Frearb fre igh t cars, came pu ffiag our || ef the woods. The doughboys broke l' out into eheera, a n d ' more doughboys |, running the engine replied w ith a full- || steam resoaadlag whistle th a t echoed clear Into ( k m ta f , j'

    " I eaa die happy aow !” said oae of ‘ the doDghboya, aa the truck moved ■ | on toward the front, a fte r the haak r Amerieaa locomotive had beea watehed if oa( o f a/ghf.

    ■ II.


    IIs a child b o n i 'In Belglnm. an \i

    enemy allea althoagh both parents j a re.eltU ens of Germany and have I registered a s loeh Ja eoopliasee ' w ith -government r^u lre m ea ta t

    '■ 'T iJs is tt qoes(/oa (hat fs pus- tllag F rahk E.. W heeler, a n ls ta u t

    ' In the offiee of th e e lty clerk, who la helping C h f tf 'o f Police William taylor in the ,reg lstraU on of German alien f e i ^ e s . I t arose when j a I4-year4ld girl, born tinder these conditions, inquired of Mr. Wheal- 'f e r if ahe would b« n q o lred to n g - ' later. -U r. Wheeler h a s .re fe rre d the question to tbe United S tates f l a an b a L I

    s ix Oerman. women had regtst«^ I ed in Twin Falls as enemy a l le u M up to Saturday mondng. Tha H regiatratlon is to eontlaae up to P ' ai(4 laeludiog W ednesday next, tbnso subject to the reqoiremeiit l[ who are realdeats o f the e ity n g - UI' latering a t the e lty clerk 'a offlee Ij and.'those residing ontiide the e lty |] bntjpatrona of the Twin FaUa poet- |'; o/fiftf, n g h tu in g a t , t i e p o i ^ ^ flee. ImprUoameat In the f ^ n l u | prison a t Leaveaworth, RaasaH, or A; ia a deteation camp^ un til t l ^ e l o ^ I9| o f the w ar is the penalty fo r fall- u nre to n g ls te r on the p a rt o f thoae required to da eo. W

    . Thrive by th rift—buy W. 8. B.'

    f l j s m il i s w a r y e a r a n d H I

    d s a s t r o n g p a t - ■ 111

    I!IDDLEBB I ;o r t h e o p m l o g n i g h t o f I'^l

    1 0 Civil' W ar bring old- L|iLeadership of del. John Elii

    inVolunteeii Hh

    INBLL P;.|

    anting war. problems a t ^ ifjcOQBtant touch with the ^ington and will bring a B|j|J . ^

    > n t s - 2 6 I I

    ALLIES" J l

    nmatists by the Luzerne !|]ion of Luzerne Westcott j | |ude " In the W ar Zone," Itt

    1. . IlHAŴ " I

    Dg Throogh Paradisf^" I >f Jklark Twain . Shov?irigHawaii's activie volcano. . II Quintet in a concert'pf. I

    2I,22,2S,25, 26, - Iilldron .......... ........ $1.00 ■ J

    udents ....... .„_....'.j$1.50 I

    Julta _____.:._,.„..$2.50 ■ I

  • fA Q irO X M

    THE TWIN FALLSSDAILY NEWS ;‘; p“PnUlabed by T irta r«Ua R w Pub.

    llihlDg Oo, In c , a t Twlar « tu pno 01

    ________________________ ; opljoa» month

    At* InOopendcnt aftBrnoon DC>i»pnporisiuod evory day o ieopt A lton

    Banilay _ E«

    TODAY’S NEW S TODAY .--------------------------------- — ----------------- lipro In . A . r e a d ....... ..................... .j»ubll*69r

    ■ JOTTN C. H A RV Ey______ Nows EOltor ]. n, .H. U . SIM S_______ ________ Manager .loHii

    TclBphono 32 Tim __________________ __________________ till# I

    BUB80REPTION EATBB “j” ”” , U ti l Oarrle: of ]ai

    #5.00 ............... Odp ^ t o r ------------»fl.00 ju jj .. t2.50 ...............0 m o n lh i------------- W.OO i . . . i

    •1 J !5 ________3 m onth# -------------« .8 0 J# . 5 0 _ ..... - . . - I m o n U .------------- • .01)

    ■ A(lTcrtl«!n(f ItalflB jipoa »ppllcaHoa.

    E nU red /a i eeeond-elau m attor AprU 6, lOie, a l Ibfl poito fnee at.TwiD Falli, tdnho, und ir tho A ct of M arth 8,1870.

    ’ ̂ fo r i

    S " '’"

    TH B H U N YABN FACTOBY “ 5!tl . IvlcR are a Btandardleeil prodact of thla <

    tJid Po(«)am (ranfr, ami ths AWet irJlJ M arti go i)ow In /fjviu;* credenjc to any new*, regardlfta o f how aceoplablo it m»y be, th a t m ight by any atreteh o f , tho Jmaglnation.havfl it* orlKin’in Barlln.

    I t h u boon Mid on tho beat of ao- I>B O thority , cowoborotod by travclera fiom Oermany, th a t a common practice of tb e Pofadao gang’ fa to w ad on t ttortet ^ of fnmlnp, alrlkea, and other fo ra a of iDtema] diaaenaion, nil o f a pnrely fie- titioua e h m e te r , merely to get it iottf . the preas of the enomy. T hai done of Fil they kre able to ahov tho denn&n peo* table pie th a t the newapapere of the onemy coontrica are •wholly unscropnlou*. To completely tindennine the confidence of qq^ f, their own pe6pie in the iDleRtlty of from the allied countriea h u been^one of from the object* of th e Potadam Bang from the very beginninR. ' ,

    W hether the *erlonaneaa of tke Aoa- trian a ltnatlon i» real, nr greatly e i- Jng u aggerated to f i t into aomft Potadam niorni

    ‘ acheme, remalna to be aoen. The ,Hmo - ha* paated, .however, when the people

    o f th e .a l l i e d conntriee are 6p t lo be the pi fooled by n c h doTlcea. knowi

    Tho reports o f xie tlog in Vienna will ^ have the e ffec t o f eneonrsging tb s Al- k A lies to proiecnte. t i e war w ith even Jcnnl .n ,o .M .r t* l» l r » . i l.« i »l«»r. m .y n « r i” have resolved to w in thla irjir wllh aworda aad not w ith words. T h e /h a v o • aeen ao many evidences o f Qerman dp- cided p ltclty th a t t i e y w i» n o t be cootent to a il n l a peace table wilh t i e Hnna un til tho 'Potadam gang Is done for.

    T hat A ualrla may prove a tremen- oiami doua liab ility to the Oerman w ar ma- Dog chine ia, hnwever, E elattves lo Betate d f 'Jo h n Al- -

    len. Deceased .

    Trial before a jury la diatrlel court ro in tho cnoo of Olon C. Fritcher, ad- n ia trato r of tbo eatate of Jo in .^1- I, doccatcd, against Mr. and Mrs. . bu K elley, which h u been In prdg> la alnce Monday nearod Its eloso I* morplog wiion the arguments of tornoya wa* begua In this case ^ rn lM Ity o f a deed fo e ighty acres - land In tbe vicinity of Bohl given

    ly 18, 'jO ie, by Allen to the Kelleys nttackcd by the administiiitor on

    D grounda th a t Allen waa at- the time inlally Incompetent and th a t undue U fjaence w u brooght to bear upon ^ ij by Ih t Bfelioya. The value of the id ia estimated a t approximately ' 6,000. One d d la r and other valuable oaldprntlons were gi«en io payment ' r I t according lo the conveyance, bsequent to tbe execution of tbe deed . len w aa Committed to the atate In- "* DO asylum w here 'he died. " aA ttorneys fo r t t e admlnlatrator In la caan aro E . M. Wolfe and J . F. irtio Dt TwJn F*lli(, A rthur. W . Oa. mi of Biihl, ^ n d Turner O liver Jt okaso. The Kelleya are repreaenlfJ p E . A. W alter* and 0bad I/. Hodgln

    T w in Falls.

    a o p s d b a d ' at~B BEAEFAST TABLE

    ral F. X>uk of FUer Diet Suddeoly 10 State Banltaiioin, Where He

    Wu Eecelved BecentlyJ rv a l F . L ark, » n of T horau L ark F iler, dropped dead a t tha b re n k fu l )le 8 a t* d a y morning a l th e .a U to slum a l Dlaekfoot, lo which Inatitu- n be w u eommitted June 18, ec- •dlng to word from tho auporintend- t received bore. Mr. Lark auffernd im & m ental breakdown resulting im overwork on his farm a l Payette, wording to •'atatements o f witneaaea . tho hearing bore aa to hia eanity. U

    la a tated th a t he bad frequently irked .eontinuoua)y,ffwn early morn- { un til 12 and 1 o ’clock tho next irning. I t w u believed th a t a brief 3rae o f tri^ tm ent a t the sanitarium luld reialoro him to, health. Mr. L ark wi ro an •excollcnt reputation among Co 3 people of Flier, where he w u well tb ow a. —

    B SX A X j o i n s U A BIN B OOBPfl KANSAS CITY, Jnne 27.r-WlHiam nninga B n a n b u enlisted In the irinosi ' ' Em No, tb is Mr. Bryan ia not the famous ̂shroakan. While working oa b it farm a r W axabaxie, T ez u , he aoddenly deled lo take an Intensive .course of iklning oa a E n n fighter. A few 1' ura la te r he was on hla way to tbo na\ e ru iting sta tion here. - Now B ryae, B. onouneed pbyaicaiiy pe rfec t, by tho C. am lnlng physician, ia a t the Devil ont )g rec ru it camp, Paris Island, Sooth wci iroHna. the


    AMSTERDAM, June 22.—M. Maliii f , one of t io Boigarlan leader* who ipoaod th a t couotry 'a’ entrance into y . c w ar, h u been appointed premier. S o fia djipa tch announced today.


    Tho regular • acral-anmial atockhoM. i ' meeting of t i e Ida io Department a re , L td., will be held a t the offleo ^

    the company on Monday evening, ily 1, a t a p. m . 4llgnod) D. D. ALVORD, 7̂ “ino 21, 1918. Secretary.

    ■ Optlmlstlo Thouflht. .Rcjolci* iniiay, for tomorrow i w ay bo aa ica .

    CUulfl^ Ads are cieip-effeetlvr



    L et every stitch you kn it rem ind you of the financ ia l fabnc that money- savers are iwjow'np— | those '\c h o toith equal Hpatience bank their a savings regularly. Bpare ffl m om ents a t kn iiling and M J -spare dimes banked pro- a duce tn t im t what can- ^n o t be done all at once. W I t takes more than one | [ - row of kn itting to' m ake 19 th e tcoolen garment, and

    - m ore tfian one deposit to |hu ild 0 5 tw c o s* fund. |



    ' T W lK P A U ilD a ]

    S o m e w h e r e i n t l

    I ' , ' ' fi’M G o in ^• {oo»«!' m il W .^




    ' mim ent never was ncvdcil, bu t Coloai'l Dl action, and be wns ttiimkcd bx tlie goTcr

    Colonel DIckcrsoQ comcs of flgb tins at w as u vctrm n c f the Civil w nr. H e la n Colonel DJckewon Is M m elt a v n lc raa of t^b^o i m r of ^ In rg c niolc-hrwillnK ninch


    T T ndp D e lu y WeQ F le a s e d - ^ tb BO' B0l t» - Y 0a n g People WUI E ^ r s

    Special Tralslfig

    Entlgn II. W. Delany of tbo TJ. a navy, with medical oxamincr Dr. S. V.B . Hooker, au is te d by Chief ToemanC. II. Allgood, h. L Curtis, D. H . Btev- en la aad D^R'. Qroota, spent J h e j>a:l w eek , in Burioy enliatlng rocm lta for the navy, eays the Burley Bolletln. Tbey were Buccessfol in t i e i r . efforta, securing eighteen young men and one young la d y hcse, u follows: Wm. R. Libby, F . D. Robinson, Elm er 'Thomtr,V. H . Orr, B. W. Coleman, W a . Yea- m an, J , E . Rogers, A- D. H oppe, Irwin E . Pepper, C ly d e -fra tt , Joha yi. Moline, M artin , E . Jenson, Glenn H ardy,R. H . W alker, Irw in W ebb, Wallace Welib, August Colin, W illiam McRae Don&l.l nnn Mias A lta E . Bebree.

    These yonng people will be aoat to d ifferen t pa rts o f the country for spec ia l tra in ing and to determine jua t Trbat work in the navy they are beic f itlc .l for.

    FOB E X C H A N O B -Jeb ' prinUng for money. O nr work la like vonY money— t i e b e a t Tw in F i ’ie News.

    C A R L R 0 D I 6 E R

    Thla Ii.Cari Rotflder. alia* Karl MirMjer^ the tlleaed paymatter of Hm aeman «plM in Amerioa, who hat bmn e«ptur«] by «p«fitivt^er Uit ftfcl-

    ^ vmrAnmA. Tht pertnlt It tha 9>Te ht had en hit paiepcrta. It la.M id R e d lo v k ■ oMm t i f l h a 0 « ^

    ...............V r --------------^


    ^rfte u . & A ~ . ■ ^ ^

    — chi

    l U E O R G A N I Z E R


    Col. IU P. Dlckeroon of Springtfcld. - U a , orpinlzor of tbo N otional Loynlty

    lengne, o lrttily b»8 cslnbllnhetl -tlio onanixaUon In a number of s ta te s , bnt says he will not res t contcnt u n til j ovtry American, rcgnnlleas of sex or ogc, is enrolled In Its mcmberHhip. j

    A year ago, when th e United 8tntc8 calered t i e w ar. Colonel Dick- j j j or(.on organlted a cnvolry b r ip d o fo r jj Inatant Bcrvice. H e opened recruiting j j , stiitloos a ll over tbo .coun try nnd co- rolled 82,000 men, moHt o f them be- yond tbo d raft age nnd tlic nm jority of them Telemns of th e Spnnlsh-Amcri- can w ar. Colonel D lckenw n’s bri* pu le wiiH orRanlm l som ew hat on tho lines of Colonel RoosoTcifs dlvlalon. do: hot tho government wonld n n l ac- . cept I t _

    In MIC, when the w n r w ltb M d le o “ seemed Inevitable, Colonel D ickerson f f rnhed a regiment o f m ore than 3,000 in in In leas than ten days. Thla rcgl-

    I Dlckersoo’fl reglroent w as re^dy for )Tcmmcnt for h is patrioUsin. g stock, n i s fatber, Jerom e D ickerson, la mnrried and h as a son In tho arm y.1 of tbo Spanisb-Aincrlc&n w ar. B e Is [ ich In Mlnson'ri.

    Are’ Are You iT h e n C o m e lo T w in \

    R B

    Combing your sp(

    Buy all the ThriftJiily4thata


    All Goe Red I

    H E L P 1

    H A V E

    D O N ’ T

    ' ■ j "B l

    A ' ■ .


    / H a u t e


    aJ Z Concort. 2:30; A ft« n o o n L actt Evening Lectnre, 8:46. .

    • d iM taa q u * OrouDda corser o f F i f t i i poslte Prcabytcdaa chtnxh.

    0ATUEDAY “

    MorolnK-S^rle* ^ « tu re , Buperiu- g tcnilcnt; Junior ChauUuqua.

    Aft«raoon-Enlerlainm o»»- ' Ej»on-Bmlth Company! ^W orld'* Orealeat N eed,' M. 0 . R ee^

    C om pw ji *

    scBUNDAV Bt

    M o rn i.s -U -u il « t «" ^

    J ”" ’"s jm p tan ic t e -ry a - t o a o „ , a . o ,h „ , u b i. )Sdl.«. . . . I y i.lO r ..IT i l l ll yonr opportunitj to bour IM co

    Voip»t Sorvltra . All Io.

    Cootcrt, Z o M « 8j.»p to« te Q ilu M i U M uro E i t t j o ^ d ln*y ,.C apL J . M .'d o Beftufort, Bel-

    I clan ArtiUery Officer and Nobleman. l E u aeen Boctet .Beivlto Active Servico In the T re « h e ^ Auth- ^

    lor “ Behind the Qorman V e il." E 'MONDAY al

    "M nslc D ay “ ^M otalog-B ctles L ecture, Buperinteu- dl

    dent; Junior Chautauqua. noA flcm ooa-Popu la r Concert, T b a v nc

    I W e H a v e S o m e RiF A R M LI R R IG A T E D L A N D S CO

    You Patrio a Good A0Fa lls J u l y F o u r th l o the 1

    : 0 C R O S D A '

    ir patriotism andagi pending the day here

    ft Stamps you can ai any booth, concessior luŝ as good as cash.

    es to the C Cro^ Chai

    T H E R E D C

    : A G O O D 1

    M I S S T H I S

    B u y W a r S a v in g s S ta m p s

    2 2 , 1 9 J8

    AUQUA, JU N E 20 26 ̂ 'lA S Y rABSIUQTOH. Junior' Bopcr-

    ':00; Morning H onr Lecture, io:oo- s tu r^ 3:00; ETanlng Ooneeiii 8;oo;

    b a m a o aad Sw oad s tn e t aacth, op. ^

    iu 's Exposition Band. Tho Band that opened snd closed Oio Ban Biposition.

    E vcnlng-< lraad Concert, Thavlo', Exposition B and; O peratic SoleclJoai Grand Opera A rtists. Aecompanied by • ThflvJu'* B»po*ltJos Bacd.

    TOT8DAY ̂ ■

    Morniog—no'allh Lecture, Edna*En.' xcjjja hone, "D an g er Blgoal* on ti*Road to H ea lth” ; Junior Cbantauqui

    A fto rooon-P re lude,. Treble ClefClnb; Cartoon-Lecturo-EntertainmentIfed Woedmau. '

    ’Evening—Concert, T reble Qetf Qui- Ooyflrnment-occredltcd Leeture, "W l(4 O ur Atmiet in E orope,’* L!acola L. • W irL Member Bod Croaa official Oi,. servatlon P a rty sent under mftitary «• cort to tho trenches in the spring ef

    W ED N SaD ATMorning—Food Dem onatratlon; Joa-

    ior Cbaulanqoa.Aftemoon—Prelude, E oyal Hawaliss

    Q ulntlt; Inspirational Lecture. ■'Orapaa o f OoW ," H . V. Adanj*.

    Evening—M other Oooae Festival, br Ao "K id d ie s " ;’ Entortafnmeni, " ai. Evening in H aw a ii" ; (a) Concert, Roy- ai Hawaiian Q ulnU t; (b) U lustraW Lccturo, "Ram bliD g T iroogh P arj. d lae," Mildred Loo Clemens, ahowiog now molfon pfctnre* o f H aw aii's ever, nctlvc volcano, Mt. Kllauea. [ '

    l e a l B a r g a in s Ln

    LANDS,O. FlnlNat'IButKBultdfns

    — j

    )tic? I nerican? I

    P a trio tic R a lly a n d I

    l Y - I

    jo o d t im e b y I

    in d sp e n d th e m I

    in or show. I

    !̂ ounty Ipter Im s IT I N E I

    $ D A Y


  • i f f o N C A M P r LOOMS FOR HON

    , I B E S f i i l E R EOABL r a iT Z IS OHAEGEDj



    •Taken In ctMfod/ by 8 b e r l/f Frank! j t. Kundall hor« PrMnjr foTenoon just u he Aad Bcaietl htm ielf betiind tbul »bfcl of. hifi iiutomobllB prqjaratorj- (0 doparturo ,fo r Utah, Carl I v i l t , 82,$ OcTman, i i a prlioner In tbe eonnly jnil, charged w ith failure to /cgl» t«r u an enem j alien io n 'c o n p la is t'fi led

    ■ by Sheriff Kon'aall ' bkfore United Statcfi CorDRiisRloDer C. 0. Sl^rgint. If

    . fonviftod of thi* offense, F rit* will bo interned in a inllltarjr detention eatnp for tho ilaration of (ho war. ^

    Oompaalons to B« In re ttU it« d _ W ith rr i lB in tho car whon ho wm

    errentf and 2 i The najj j , opfj, {q 'icr th l” 'J t - t l . l . r o j an d o m . . . J

    t . « , . . 'i n l r l , , „ o 10 bo m««o 'J ' . ' ' nn or before August 1. ' " "

    — I proximJ E R S E Y C A T T L E C L U B

    ■ W I L L J J E E T A T B U H L

    Oeorge amith, Prom lent B alt LakeBreeder to Speak ‘•’''"'K

    '"Viiaiion* oTT being issued to 0 '"Mling nf H o Tw in Palla County Jer- V.V Caltle club to bo held a t 1 o'c lock Halnrday afternoon, Juno 20, a t Buhl.J U Direiing I , called fo promote the nlc«M» of a ll intercatod in Jeraey cat-

    •'c. f ilte r grade o^.pnnjWod, as woU * M “Jvancing. th e progress of tbe brood **

    hi., coupjy. Qeorgo Smith c t the « "ith nrothera Jersey Cattle company ^y tho

    f Soil I^k c , will attend-aod address ̂wcBiln. Buhl;

    ri ,. - ■ G arretiJoa t you wnnt I lf Advortiae I t in Williai


    Hannon Franklin .Paige G .H .C . Tracks


    ^ edc

    Do jour eyes botlior you! r You will be able to do m moro • work if properly m

    ' fitted with glaflscs . Sm ^W. ErPE IEB E n


    t w i n f a l l s •



    B ; LOWELL MELLETT. ],•' (Doited Prtoa S taff Conespondont) w W ITH THE AMERICAN ARMIES .jd

    N PRANCE, June 22 (4:20 p; m .)*- 'reaeh foreei oa tbe h i t ol tbo Amerl- j m s holding a certain Marne sector HO' nderwcDt a nevero bombardment to- Mr ay. Tho .American poaltlons wero not for juched. , DaiThe effort to clean out the remolnlng Me

    onnan machine, gun vnests on tho Wb orthern edge of Bolleao wood was te- nm [we.l yeaterday evening. ing

    . + + + + + J

    ' LOOAL BEIEFS Jjv .

    Farm Experts Vtalt Here—C. J . Loth, A ato aeed commliiiioner, and George fori orriaon, assiatant county ogent lead* and

    of. Boise, were horo 'P rlday on n roM ait to the farm bureau offices. A

    ------------ lineH onor.B aadm aa Going to Wax—Jcr- T

    L. Biggins, who leaves th is evening (le^ r Vonconvor barracks, W ashington, Gin

    rq>ort fo r duty us an automobile and srhanic to the commanding otficor •

    the m ilitary aeronatiea eorpa, waa I* Riicat of honor a t a bnnquot given idny -evening ly members of tbo rln Palls band. Mr. Biggins ban bciin ' member of tbe band for «>ij}ht yctira ̂il. Ho rcaigned bis posilion as fore- '̂®1' n for the Western Auto company to J'I'ir ler the n ill ta ry service.

    . --------- • Hfloiktt«nds Snpeiliitaadents’ Oonven- Fosi n—Mias B rittom art Wolfe, county Thoi lerintendrnt o f Inalructlon, J e f t Satiny morning for Lc^JIston, where she ^ I n ttrnd tho annnnl convention of ' county Hupcrintendonls of tho ita te , aftei session there for one week. Aid

    — ■ Jealidarlnofl' G et > Two M ore— P rank >o«rl ■pp, son of J . M. Stepp, Twin Falls, trib i s a a opplluint accepted for enlist- Bt ia tho a arlo o eorpi by t^o loti) *|»*f niltlng station who le ft Friday oven-

    for Salt Lake. Ccrll Rny Patton, •i* o f .lamea A. Patton,' Twin Foils,

    a npre|itccl for pnlialment In the rino corps and left Tliiiraday evening Rf Sa lt Lake. Lonii

    --------- Robi>leclassify Some Seristran ts—Rec- ),(rM nondatlons fo r rcasaignment from gait e r classlfleatio&i to class one in c. A. caao of-aboot f if ty rcgiaUnnts un- tpUn; tho sflcctivo scrvirc regulations Mrs.'

    ■0 bi'cn msde to tho local board by 8hnn legal advisory board ns â ruault nHI,

    ils int)iiiric» begun Wednesday. Ap- Ro(*e ximately 150 registrants have been .fpmo ed to appear boforo tho legal ,ad- b. A. >17 board, of which number about Rnpo

    bad responded up until Saturday Taylt •ning. The bearings aro 'lo continue p . b, jiighout Saturday. Wisei

    --------- E . Elore Eogislrsc t Panners—Tbo qurn-

    of claims for la ter inductioa into m ilitary service on the grounds ol

    ng engBgcd io farming filed by iatrnnts out of tho liat nf 1(30 calic.l g|, fill the quota of 12(1 KV.Jcave T tv b ga it Is county on June 28 for Camp I/ew- jq„,_ wos increased to-tw enly-nlno F rl- pp; ■ when claims of this sort w ^ri filed La^o tho following alx roglslrants: Ciar- 0 F . Dess, F iler; Juryen Sikki'H , j j . i f il; Leroy Lincoln D roghley,, Buhl; g_ n. ret Raa, Amalenlam; Kelley Boyer liams. F iler; HaroW Herbert H art- I, B uh l " n . n

    ■— Richl^ ________ ____ — I Pran(

    ■ "1 C. Pi

    BTOR CO. iLIT TWIN fAllS f y " ,


    [8 Clievfolet CarsIccessorles '

    • Ad— -------- of Tl

    _____ T W lN FA L L SD j

    ¥ s i i T y L i s T ^ h i m m H e b e .



    i n s SERIOUS iN Jx m y a t f r o n t >•_______ Il

    Corporal Boy Roynolds, son of Mr. c and M n. B. Reytiolila, 3^2 Pourth f l '- m enuo west, a.member o t t b o American T expeditionary forces 'in Pm ncc, was di aevorcly wounded in nelion Mny 21*. o] according to a telegram from tho wftrlsr dcpartraent reee ived 'by his parents. Ii Corporal Reynolds was formerty an cn- c( gineer iu the employe of Ihe Union I’a'_ w clflc railway company, running ou t o f ' Sa lt Lake, whero tho fam ily resldfd w n n tir Septomber laat, when th ey ' t t - ao moved to Twin Falls. I l f unlisted la stip l September ia S alt Lake, and w eut ]>< abroad with tbe Forty-first in fan try Ri regiment, landing in England Decom- Ci ber 23. In a .letter recently rocbb'cd L by. his parents. Corporal Reytiolds. said to th a t ho had been out oncc-nenr the W ‘“ b ig nolae," .nnd tha t ho mighUaoon I.d return to (he front. A le tte r reeoivod n< from him shoftly before the receip t R( of the telegram announced th a t be w w Bn woll and' happy. ■' II,

    ------------- -.' .J ' Ml

    The Enlre Nous d a b was dolightfnl- ly enlertainrd this week by Mrs. V. , ' W. Bronaugh. E igh t guests .enjoypjl delightful refreshments. ,j

    • • • ‘0̂ * Mrs. L. T. Jfoork was hasteas fo the

    HooVor Luncheon club W ednesday.Mrs. A. W. Husted captured the prise for high scoro, a book of th r if t stamps. D ainty refreshments wero served to the ' Meadomcs Huated, Bchrooder, E rneat W hite, Sawyer, I^opold, McCracken, ond Bronaugh, the lost two nomed bo- ing gvcats of the elub'

    J • • • , A S- Mias Fetn Emes very delight«fill)t entertained a t d in n e r'F riday ,even ing a t her home on F ifth avenue' east in honor of Mias M attie Cents, who le ft Wedneaday for Washington, D. C.r lo fill a government position.

    A crystal basket of yellow roses a , formed the centerpiecc, nnd the favors and place-cards bore the anmo dain ty p,o„ rose drain s .

    After, dinner (he guests enjoyed i* line party a t tho Orpheum theatre.

    Thnae invited wore (hfl Mlasos Mnt- ,]f„i tle^fCoatcs, Edna Beauchamp, Ruth u ; Glasgow, Marion Potter, Ireno Isser, and Mrs. Willard McMaster. .^ d

    MIsa Irene Cpatollo entertained de-' lightfully Thuraday. evening nt n danc- Ing parly In honor of Thomas Crocker .i . of Illinois. Refreshments wore served to Irene Hall, E arol and Ruby Heart- riold. Truth Milner, Bernice Finkc, , Martha WhUe, Ornce Foss, Paith Dc- y itt , Roy Lcedom, Txighton Reynolds, jjj; loorgo Channel, lieroy H arbort, Lloyd {„_ j Possi’ joo Putnam, A rllo -Sm ith and Phomas Crncker. ,

    Mrs. C. E McClain was .hosleas to ho Country W oman's club Thursdayiternoon. Following iH csson In P lrs t g p MUd under the'direeUon of Mrs. R. T. i Afealer,'tho club’a quota of Rod Cross O Vowing for the coming month wt|s dla- H Rribnlbd. E ight members wero presen:. H R

    [> -i - W » ^|! AT T E B BOTBLB Z H

    ROnERSO N-Edw ard Coleman, St. f l l .oiiia; David Robbina, S alt Lako; L. 0 . O h :obi>rts; W. B. Knowlton; Mrs. W. R . ' I S rpMlilan, Rogjreon; IT. H. Hammil, I f l a lt Lake; W alter Casoy, Balt Lako; I . A. Donahue; S. 8 . Champlain, Poca- I illn; J . B. Hall, Pocatello; Mr. and S Irs.' Fonwick Kowoll, Miss Lillian | V hank, Rev. J . A. Bum s, C. J . Bush- R ell, Chautauqua; Robert W. Ix itt, I ogersoh;,W . R ./W llk in v n , Boise; g ?aSo Tayinr, Pocatello; Mr. and Mrs. S ll , A. Dodd, Rogorson; J . R. Rlcbey, ̂ 8 nport; Walker Davis, Rnpert; Chas. 811 aylor, SL Joo; J . 8, Roberts, Boise;. B. P ra tt, Rochester, Minn.; Wolt«’r * 'iseman, V. S. A., 111.; Mr. and Mra. ’. E . Dentler, Merle Dentlcr, Bert v 'righ t nnd wife, Eden; David Robbins, , I l i t U k o ; J . R. Forayth, Longmont; •. J :,_£klgby, Newton; I.' W. R obb ina ,.,! l i t Lake; Arthur C. Evans, Filer;. B. ' H

    8lmw, Twin Falls; W. P . Schlffmaii, H l i t Lake; Floyd P . Brown; F . F . Bel- *■ B m. ' IraP E R R IN E -0 , C. Peterson, Balt ; S ako; R. L. Sare, Denver; A. E . Wilea. I g lit ta k e ; L 0. K elsey,-Portland; ^ IH . Ilelmer, cily ; 0. C. Brown, .Teromn; I h

    n . Smith, Jr., Pocntello; Joseph Du- 1 0 in, rocstcllo; Rov. 8. W .,Creasy, Ft. ' m all, Idaho; H enry-Proiign ond wife; w . R, McRae, D ulntb,/M inn.; J. H. G ichlns, Burley; E. F . English, S-'’n ., H ranclsco; Ooo. M. Smith, Hollister; F . j .lH , Pierce, J. B. Thrall, .Terome, J I

    QPEN NEW HOTEL A T PA U L ’’ I |The formal opening of.- tbe Hot'-l • ' i l l mil n t Paul, Idaho, took place Friday v III ,-ening, dancing and cards furnishing | \f omuicment for a large crowd ir( M .Icndance during the evening. Tho ' f l ntel Paul, crected a t an spproximato |f i| .at o f 150,000, is oae of the finest N )atelenes in the state. I t Is under ' UB ,0 macagement of Mr. and Mrs. F. - M . Grimm. - | 3

    A dsertlse I t :n tfie C luslfled columns g U ' The News. Somebody iriU w t a ^ t H

    D A aY K g W S


    t rcrsoflal jilodgM o f Local People to, .Bocure Coarse are Made Good by I

    T icket Sales iY ------------ ' ,

    Tht' welcomi- nnngnncement wnsi made FrMay by nnr o f tin- giium nlorsi

    T of the Twin I'MHh rhnutauqnn rniir«P that the sale jif tlrke ls n t thn t lime I wn« siiffii-ient'in nmounl lo fu lfil t(Ce'

    r. guaranlce made to the Ellisnn-Wh»te;.- m.maeenjent tn aeeure the r'oiirse b e K | n The ail,, of Ihe ticicets has been pu.hpdl s diirin;: fpvi-ral d-i,vs previniis lo the '. oi'Ciibf: of tho enurjip bv- volunteer .r.snlranirii, aonie of them tak ing poai* '.iliona In .hnntbs on the prinelpli' street I- corners (n tho performance of this i-_jrnrk.r Pollowing is a lial of Ibe piliiens li whose personal pledge for the anle of

    aoasnn tiekelt made the Twin Falla tjphputaunua'course possible: C. ft^Hia-

    bee, Samitel I ln rt, 0 , J . .Tohnson, K. V. Rerg, J . H. Von T/isjel, Dr. George H.

    - Caldwell, Dr. Oliver, H nrstnd, Ilerliert 1 U m bing, Jnhn D. Bolton. D. T. Ather- 1 ton, J . a Btewart, Dr. C. A. Emes. Mrs. L f W. P. Mlkesell, R. C. Cole, H. .T. KInra- — 1 bury, a E. Potter, W. H. W eaver, Dr. A I nobert A. ' Parroll, Mrs. Oertmrte j . t Reeder, Miss Jessie W nrrliigton, J . C. T f Bnnger,-TIr-0.-Brown, 0 . E. Catlson,) ,

    H, K. Dinkelneker, Xfr*. John E. W hile, I , Mrs. A. .T. Houghtaling, S tella Hlb- ^ bard. T. W. Potter, p . a Bell, Dr. W. J H. Dwight, Mrs. P . H. W Inaler, M. S. frit Hoover, W. S. S larr, M argaret Cham- 1 bers, John C. Beauchamp, E , H. Gates, Ing .Urs. W. P. Edwards, Mrs. Xfilllcent hoir nates, P . J . L. Robinson, Mrs. C. I I X Biabce, Mrs.,R. W. Steele, Mrs. B. A’. Mr. Baker, R, P^ Hall. P . A. Rowan. 0 . E. spoi Kelty, Bev. 0 . T. Anderson, Mrs. A. E . w a ' Henderson, R. P. Logaa^ C. L.' Ild certainly do il ^ .here, nnd with iho environment, nerve H ould do a whole lot.

    RESPONSIBLE MEN ARE MAK- H ng big money Introducing tbe now In- 'entlon being demonitrated a t IIU Co ilaln avenujLJiortb. CiJl and inveati- Mo, ;ate.— . . leiQi

    I A Rev(Expt

    r : IS mmOag n o n todaj tdtphoDt MrWet .tbtn it btfon la dM Uftocy of

    II p b o o t b w ilM M .

    It CMtt mor* to iiMtetl a tel( It cofta EBor* lo tdM o a t« t Itoortitaorttoaow ateleiIt coiU m o r e to Mpair a talc

    I It'coiti BOW to •oonMtS pVme with aaothir.I F o U t f i o M n o f t i c c p p t r c o

    I im d c o t t i m o r o j I r o n c o i t t n

    I K w r y h « m o l h b o r andS tm p lo j^ d t a t b * ta a in tc m^ opcratkn of tb* pkat coiti in I q fac tf o l i B t b m iB crcaS te le p h o u t n t m h k -n n r n tI ih an M ■ n m r y i n f t y ear I . ' U r e .BOl l i i p t pMM w t t tlx

    I t i i r i i m i l -

    I T h e M o u n t a i n S t ;

    I THE CR0SD1.1 _ I n c o r p o i


    ; Funeral D:arid Mori

    O iir» iR o n e o f t h e m o s t inoi]

    • i i n d c r tn k i i i j ; c s ra b liH lim cn ti

    S’p c f i a l i i f tc j i t io n iiUK het'ii

    m id c o n ifo r t .s o f iii ir

    DIEEOTOES AND iC. J . Crosby Oapt. P. W? McR

    S I

    t ' PEESOHALS ? ® + + + + + + +

    Miss Blanche W arner ia visiting friends in Iloybuni.

    Thomas Crocker o f Illinois is spending some time a t the T. J . Costello home.

    Miss Pauline Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Thomas, who hai spent tho w inter In school, a t 8 t T?r- L'la's Academy a t Boise, returned home I’cslerday.

    'Al Alexander of Burley was io town rhuraday and Friday. “f s '

    Mias Euln Ripley is acting as cosh- er o t the AmerJcflB T hjotro Jd the ab- once of Miss Mildred Toys, who is pending tho week on a camping tri|*

    Mrs. H arriet C. Keogh, oae of (ho “‘ ”8 icat'known trained nurses o f this city, ofl -Baturday morning fo r Chicago, i-hero she will tako advanced training ourse, specialiting ns nn onaosthell- i»l.

    ------------ f - acctii

    C O L R . P . D ICKERSON-^ugu


    ' Ditch

    and (



    A . Mr.visile



    Col. R. P. Dickerson of Sprlnofletd, L. l ‘a io.. oroanlzsr of th* N ational Loyalty laguo. Wai

    'enue anc lense Pro:day to p r t W e 1 » T e in tro d u c e ; i t e v e r h a t M o n o n jiM , W e havi o f th e te le - p e n se s to th e lo w r t t

    l a fe ly 4>e to u c h ed v* te lep h o n e . th e q u a l i ty o f th e s<

    .K l e p h o n . , w il liM a n d in g 'o n f b c i

    eU phono . J ” l> « n B ra d u an y ,, , h » i re a c h c d a figur

    te lephone . ^ 1,334 ,062.02 . . O u r j :

    e t one te le - fo y r te e n m on th ’i

    o f im p ro v e d c o n d ltio r c o s t im o r * } sh o w s a la rg e r deficit

    t m o re . D recedinR m o n th ,

    i d m a tc r U T h t M y r tm td y Ii

    m o n ls t h a t w ill r . : “ r e v e n u ts . I I U • p tre a se d ' c o s t i d )« r e v e o tie a b o r* t i tm ained u n - - - im q u c s tia n a b ly is ne BT r e fe a t iea to th e pub lic cont:

    (b « s te a d H r ’ s c rv ic e by p resc rv in i t e g r i ty o f th ? Compn

    S ta te s T e l e p h o n e a n d T e l

    T c n '

    V C 0 M P 4 N yoraleil,


    ( i i le n i iim l lie -s t-c in iip p o d

    3(k i l l th e S tlltl '.

    I'll tiiv i'i i t o lh ( ‘ c d iiv c n -

    iir ('liapt*].

    1 SOLE OWNEEScRoberts A. B. O stiandor


    I r. aad M u . Oeorte L . W ebb areOucit* o f Honor a t A ffa ir a t _____

    R. B. Baadal Hoaio - _

    (Special to The Newa)ARTESIAN CITy.—Mrs. R. B.

    andal, sister of Mrs. George U Webb,!o Carrie 0 . Strong, 0 bride of tho onth,’ was tho hostess o t a dinnir id shower a t her hotne here Tuesday 'ening for the young couple. A fine tread was served and friends, anfurlough antil igust IS.Showers o f rain fell nearly overy day )' paat week but did not ralae Drv e c k .su f f ic lo o t .(o ’give the Strong * Icb water users nny irrlja tion . ' ! EI. B. Pettijoho an^ fam ily were - blng a t tbe Maglo dam Satardav II Sunday. They, made a nice eatcb. ' 0 largeat one weighed close to t»ro | inds. . , 'lick Bmith was itv this locality thisok purchasing horses fo r uso in tho • | ny.t. B. Randall has a well d rill work- ; oa his ranch here. He is down fif- fee t and will try- fo r an artesian

    w. ‘ .^(r. and Mrs. S i l ^ r wore Twin FalLs llors Tuesday. / , . .rohn Olmslead and E ara .Qorshiiy j tvfl lo Ibe couoty seat Taeiilay.

    UASSIAOB U O B ^B B |L m o rr la^ license was isfued hefo Iday to Henry J . Prough and Bo«ie • C1‘auisun, both of Twla FoUf. |

    7aot Ads get big re tn iu a t Uttle eoM. I

    Diem Iiced th e i5 0 » t r ig id . 1

    iV e 'h e ld d o w n t x - |I t p o in t tb a t ^ u l d j.w ith o u t im p a ir in g j

    se n rice . B a t n o t - I

    eVt e t f o r t i t d e fic it

    ’ p ilin g up u n ti l i t

    u re a m o tin t in g ' to W '


  • I' ll PA Q B S IX .

    ' d D i I ! ^ ^ r i E


    I I

    )i....___ _ 8YN0P8I9.

    t CHAPTER I 1-T«IU of lila eaU ilm ut f' lb* BOXU inileg sa w . ti» tnialog

    u d tu j Ukftifw 10 tr ru M tor •, U « tfutir.

    I> CBJiTTSR lU-V«KtiU» OtiiU la wb) „ bo brouibt down two aJrp lur u tf . b li O u l fl» tn m ba ero«u« tsto BdtlBiit.C H iP T S n X -W b«n woll oe h it n

    (b roust Ootf/um hfl l i t>«rr7eB(]«■ tho ground so close th a t I woaldn* n touch th e w ire, and ^ a d e oH l o ^ dlf * feron t direction. Erldetilly 'lh ftbarbo t 7 w ire fence had been th n w n a ro a n d a i

    ammunlllOQ depot o r som otblng o f tbi ^ U sd , sod I t was no t a Held a t a l l ths > I h sd tried to get Into. ' - - js I D^ured th a t o th tf s e n M ^ w «^

    ~ . v w m f &probably. In ..the. uc lg l)b o ;b o ^ .<

    f ' T" p n x ^ c d very glagerly. ' ‘ - . 1 ' A fter I bad got about a mllo'

    I from this spot I camo to an hi . Belgian boasQ and I kaockcd 4

    door and appllod for food la my C O woy, pointing to m y^m ou th ' to

    cate I was hungry and to m y can m outh to Imply .th a t .1 w aa deal

    ' dumb. Tbo Belglon womaa who la tbo bouse brought mo a plei

    -T, hroad And two cold po ta toes at»l "■"■■■tl s a t tbcrc eotlng them sho oy«

    very keenly. ; . k I X bavro 't tho Bllgbtest doubt A ‘ I Bho reaIlzc(M was a fu g ltlre . Sho a I BO oocr tbo bonier th a t I t w as l^f fo r th a t rcasoD, I npproclatcd U j folly the extent of tho rlak aho ra t J I no doubt tbo Ocrmans w ere consti I I watching tlio cooduct o f thoso f l b o f I glans who llr«id n e a r Cho Use. 9 ^ My theory th a t she rea lised U S s 3 l J H>aj no t q BeW on o t a ll, b u t j

    •by somo English fugltlvo, w as Drmed a moment la ter, when,

    I . made niody to go, she touched m L the a h n and Indicated th a t I W«

    wait*? mumeoC. S b o w m t to a b u and brought out two pieces o t £

    d o re r Belgian laco which B lio 'ln s ls lt^ 'i * my taking away, although a t th s t

    J r ! Ucular moment I had a s m uch usi Delglan ftico (is an e lephan t fc

    ° f . Bftfety raior, bu t I waa touched 1 “ b e r Ibooghtfulnees and pressed

    le tr ie d to sliow my graUtude, Sho w “ no t occept tho money !• offered hi

    " I carried tbe lace through my sequent erp trlcnccs, foellog th a

    ® would be a Oae eo n realr for V mnA “ Other, although a s a m a tte r d ta U ia i^ I had knoH-o that it was going to . V lay u y fioal escape fo r evoa a all

    J l , ® moment, us It did, I am q u ite - i she woufd ra tber I bad no t seen i t

    u ^ d On ooe pleco of lace w as th o Fl dod to jsi, ironj “Charlto" and o a_ tbe 01 n l ^ C the word “Esperago." A t ’ib e . tin

    IS only took these w ords to m esa “G har nn ^ I nnd "Bxperlcnee" sn d s l l I hoped '

    lere a t th a t L would got a s much of thS: tbeagb ' u | fras gotclag o f tb s other betoi o u a te r flnniijr got thiBugh] I learned

    Queatly th a t w Est tho w orda rci stood for were ■'Chnrlty'' a ad ,^Hoi

    r t w l y and then I w as sure th a t roy kind 1 glan friend had Indeed rea llw d plight and th a t he r though tfu l, s

    d e n s e ,e o lr was (atc&ded lo encourage me the tria ls she m ust havo koow n wbefore n o . ..................... . . . .

    itance^ . i didn't let tho old Belgian li UDcalt know, because I did no t w an t to als ISsooft h e r unnecessarily, baC th a t olgbi En col* niept In her backyard, leaving ea flnAlfr In tbe morning bclore I t becam e ll{

    U tc r In tho day 1 applied a t >t dl^* o lh rr bouse for fopd. I t w as occup iutloiL Uy n Inthcr and m other and te a cl ) € • » . Uren. 1 bosltatcd to ^ k Jh _ em fo r f(

    r l g t t w ithout offering 40 pay fo r It, a s J se rre allzed w hat a task It m ost have b« bojr. fo r them to support them selves wl

    to m e cue ba rlag to feed a hungry m aa. i tso o t conllogly I gave tbo m an o m ark a l e l ^ then Indicated th a t t w an ted son a sli« Ihlug to eat. They, w ere Ju st nbout vao lt tbenuclres. appanntly. a n d tb

    ja U ly le t m e partake of th e ir m eal, wbl m t to consisted of a bugo bow l o t som e kli broad M°P which I waa unable lo Ide ollege nnd wblch thoy scrvod tn ordloa ffonld bnxlua. I don’t kaow th a t ((i< ' t b ^ n» deaf and d u n ^ 'b n t If tbeylM (WU UsTHlnie:t^dldD‘i seem to make thei

    a ^ moro Mmfortabte.I IlDgmd Bit tbo(tunso for about ai

    ; ttkfl boor a(^ar,,the meal and . during tha tlmo a young man camo to call 00 th eldost daughter, a young woman 0

    .puhsp i ilghtcen. Tho caller eyed m bcm, suspldouolr. altboogb I mus Dund *»in wo toa£ Hiore were threo •a»o

    ] . geibor, two fairly largo and on< p ip Bomowhat smaller, about fonrteon fee hu i long and-sir deep. In this smoUe:

    Ida't '̂̂ 0 doubledeckeibeds, which wero apparently latandci

    rb«l ';*Pi'l>0Prtitb« J l^ lt i faailly, s l th o ^ j j g >̂ow tho Wrole-'Welre of tb«D.«m]itb a ^ ”

    Ui*t aa l a a mystery to a e ^

    -' ( I b ba -O m tlaaed )

    ^ A dvert^e f t l a tf ts C U sbU I^ edm m

    f m s v A S L j m f A

    ^ .a n d 1 w * — w *

    Illo 'aw ay ^

    r j Omy usual I to ladl- ■

    cars and J L J I ldeaf.an drho U rod ■ • ■pleco of ^"SuS a Jood a s I eyed m e .

    ubt th a t . - - - . . r -ibo lived'a s m ore ^ - 5 ^cd moro I raa , fo rla s ta a t^ reH » 6 5080 Bel-

    d U u t 1a t prob- ■'r a a 'c o h ' 9 ^ ^ ^in, a s I . ' ^i U o on ^

    Waa toI bo reaa & '*»t fancy ’ed ap o a "

    1 T h e Csed her0 would w1 h er.' I ^ n y sub-t h a t l t /o r r iyf fa c t I f D u r i n g t h e b e a t o fr to ^ p h c e s . E v e o t i e cau t alagle .te su re t h e w a te r^ c o o l

    . c a r to a n i i n u a u a l d e g r t 9 o the r o n th o f r o n t «wil

    With tho line ot theed w u F r a n k l i n d r tv c i^ n n d h i s•h»: one c o o l b r e e z e c r e a t e d b y r «fo re -I

    G ^se - I t IS o n e o f t h e j i m;rca u y — n o t t h e l e a s t o f t li e s c 'H op^"ad Bel* W i t h t h e F r a n k l i n ,^ ■ le n c e t h a t t h e i r H tiito inei

    The Franklin rid™ I a Ijjy tirM to securt-H juaxinji

    :“S ” ' The Goodins Motor ; > a riy P m n k l in B US I t c a n cnP il

    at* J u s t n o w Ht* h a v e a«upied a f t e r , a cbii-

    i S G o o cI with- ^i i d G O O D I N G 1soine- ou t to1 tbey » — —■ ■ II ■ —w bftb , > , . . .» kind

    Idea*Hoaryt Cfterla os M l B p a M C r aot did

    p iB O T c i n r E c n o p o m i iB r , bId see e o tls t—Suadaj’ service a t 11 a. a boy Bobjocl of lesson sornion for J a se i

    “ la tha U alrerae, Jocludlag Mi X evolved ,by Atomic F o rc o t” Suoili ^ school ppens a t 10 o ’clock and reeoiv ^ pupIlB up to IwoDly years i>i Sf

    K A Wednesday evenlog taeetlog Is be Q k . a t 0:30, a t wblct) tastim onles a sd tal t a ^ on Obrlslian Belence boallng aro give W k a free. n>A«i B

    W. paid prior to the t i n t Monday of M'> H lui>0 as' provided by law, hoaco tbii bfll« H I. oa will not be pormittod to actept »«* ■

    without peoAlty a tto r JUKi: 30, Ui^ ■ rith- .VeiTieffpectfQ lly, ■

    B . C^GQINB, Tax Collector. ■

    Make W. "B. B. .mean somotblng H ■tfth., y o B . ” . ■

    f f lR Y O U R S E lf 1 1

    IS H A K W HO XS US- ■7Z0B o r -TBB tTSST HiK S OP XW IN FA L L S . ■n m x o BB BBMIKD- HiLU B -B B &NOWS. ■


    IN ABB C O B D IA L llr 9U S B A pE A C m O A L ’ ■I P A O IL in B S . ' ~ ■SB IN OOMM^fiOlAL


  • ' ' 'sATtJlffiAY, _ J™ .:2 2 ; 1918.

    . doZ N ^ OF ^ VAN LOI r * "

    L A r r I W A V S L ^ —

    ( JTUOV YOU o o $ h r rro IHOW IN- —

    ' T C U l£ ( T 6 :a ^ ^ ^ / '

    ' • m

    C l a s s i f i e d


    ------------ , i/t rc|

    e e d p E O S f i OEGANfeA-. Oh«' HONS OF COUNTY PEE- ;J„„, PAEE TO TAKE PAET ‘ ONS

    'OkS \ / B f t i b c f a " •

    A d s Q e tbe Rupert girl* tha t aro a ttending I " ammer *chool a t Albion, 4Tho young baby of M r,.an d Mm. |

    f. T. Pierce took quite seriously ill u t Baturday and waa taken to R win Falls hospital tbe same day. llti ' reported la tte r a t ('rrseof.Mrs. 0. Benfraw, mother of Vrr,

    barlea'-Qoff, departed fo r her home t Butte, M ontana,' Saturday. Bhe )eut two months hero v isiting h*ir iughter and husband. »

    Orladao Lind of the n«to firm of “ ’v Ind and Ross, le ft for-Moacow, Tda- ), Friday, to take (uWaotago of the ' ro month’s meehanii-al train ing course ~ 'tcred by the government t o . about JO hundred Idaho boys. Ho v ill la to r p illst in tbe military service.Mr. and Mr*. Real NoiUon brought elr 13-yeanold son homo Taeaday om tbo L. D. a hospital a t Balt Lake, bo young man hnd a severe a ttac k of Dsllitia la i t March whicb resnlted InI infection of tho knee. H o wa* there no week*, bu t is still nnablo to walk,Mrs. Ida S . BuIUt u , co.oot^ auper* tendent, loft Satnrday for I^w iston , !

    attend tho annnal convention of ; unty inperintendents, to 1)e J.held ere all next 'week. Tho convention 'II be held a t Albion, Tdaho, nozt '

    Mrs. 0. W. Sima and three d a n g b ten ' 't for Boise Tuesday, accompaniod by rv. 81ms’ sister, Miss Almn P arker, I 10 haa been working in Ihe Bell tele-000 office the past three month*, ey will spend the Fourth of Jo ly (re, and return to Rupert shortly ter.Mrs. C. L. Lewis of Bhoshone waa 8 gnest o f > « brother, W. J . B latk , sister, Mrs. W. W. B a m e r of Paul fl a ffister-in-law, Mra. L N. Lew is of ^ pert two weeks. She le ft fo r her no Tuesday evening.Mrs. Prank Rassott le ft fo r h e r homo “ T

    Dillon, M ontani, Tuesday, a f te r * •nding a few days with her slater, n. FVank ZoU and brother, L. W at- r. 8 be and hcr'tualiani] will rcto rn to port ty # summer by anto. tfr. n ^ M n . William Uvmon, J r ., " J , n tonA iSnccr nnd rbildren and Mis* . )ner s/udor le ft for n tw o wceka ' nping tr ip in the mountains abovo ___ }1 Qn^-er H ot Springs Tuejdliy. The Ulemen met their wives n t Ketehum I’ing gone by auto. The ladles le ft 5 ,̂,^the evening train. ____

    r. D. Stevenson left for Three Forka, pc n tant, Tufaday, where he will spend and ),.l[reeks visiting with his parent*. P. 0.iira. J . W. Blevenson nnd d a n g h te r ,------by, nro spending the T»eek end w ith FC itivea a t Ogden, Ulnh. M*2lf rs . & B. Taylor and children, who Thin! twenty-three tnilcf. southwest of ------Itn, Idaho, wero the guests o f Mr*. PC B. Meserolo tbe la tter pa rt of the 3k. They I r f f n ja t night fo r Blaek- t , fo r a S h * lf fv ls it with friends. pQ JeoVge Cowell is iipcn ____

    returning homo' Iftst evening. WJ 11m Mary Boaa of Minidoka spent depoi torday with her little friend, Miss inlo I’hibbs. , . ,U y Thomas and,wife went to O.ood-

    ' " " " " ' “ Then:: ■ ' ___ .Mr.l

    Mr Mlnu sister cuts, who

    . _ Jiomo ■ i>«vl

    •Ur. 1 n

  • FAOB B IQ H t

    R U S S IA N P R O B L E M - ^ M U S T j r S E T T l E D

    p b b s i d b h t w i l s o k o o n v in o e d


    , NOT Y BT a iP B

    By nODBKT J . DEKDKIT % (Uolt«d P re u B U fi CorrotpoDdut)

    •• .W ASHINGTON, J u n r « 2 ,-T h o com- ; ^ i t ig fall will eco (ho United Btatoa anJ ' thoio^llos (loUrminlnf; finally upon

    thcli courae o f «etioa in BauSa. PretidoDt Wilson ii detormined to

    ; UTO l iu u la from Gorman ilomiDatlon, B o t 1)0 la et|QalIy committed to boM np any M llon on tll tho alllod powon ]>are dotensjood upon a policy of aid i*hieh wilt stick. Ho w U l'not bo hurried into aondinij ABerlcnn tro o p i'o r gold Into tho country, nor wilt bo sanction Japancaa intervontion—until a

    I carefal program baa bcon completely mappod oul and Ihe moment i» right fo r complete lueeeae.

    Prcaldont Wilaon thoroughly under- ilanda tbe magnitude of tbo B uulan problem and botiovoa Jipon iU lettle- m ent u tnueli on a m ilitary triumph on

    I , the w ertem fron t depoade en Ameil* e tn and allied r le to ry i s the war.

    ; Tlmo H o t T e t H e »' B ot tho preatdent believe# tbe finalI defin ite formDUUon a t a BatsUa ! ley m n it aw ait tbe end of the present I we»t fro n t d rive, probably In October ; or November.; U eantlm e a atatem ent.nflfictLng tbsj s d m lo if tn tio s ’a riew a on Buaalin

    will b e g lT «aou t, though poaalbty not by the preilden t blmaelf. -

    Tbe preaident la ezhanatlng every . M una of Inform ation available to lay

    tho foundation of thla na tion 's course tow ard Ruaila. '

    o n u n r a T B A iir t e l b s o o p b d

    (Continued from Pago Ono)

    Among the dead are tbe wtre acn tw o n u n eUldren of Joseph Oott, ot Cincinnati, a elreoa’ etown.-

    ___ W «td ie* .O h lld«a Dto- * " —O oltjra i bad ^ la jn re i but

    to re h y itw lH n f^ 'a l tho w » ek i« e , t : u t plimeia do im U a v lf e aa4-Ut-^a « o im K t i , OOUbeea ijo t th e j lU -

    w m t a a e d to de iu i, • t i l * j

    I " ' b o ll t o n helpltM a t th e debrU.f tn . oon k U K onjlil U a ehll- ' d itn from OiDdnnatl to sp«od a 1 I few dayi v lth ber bnibuuL ‘I U u ia fe r BaU orftl S O M ^

    Among the elieua performers believ* ( j ed to have-l}een on the train , and who,1 I t is feared, a re among tbe dead or In- \

    jured, nro H arry I a Pearl, tbo famoua <' clown, and Bbtla Bowlaed, tamcut y

    barebaek rider. • (O ther s tara o f tb e sawdust r ing who

    w ere anpposed to bo on the tra in are t tbo Booney and Cottrell families, bare- i back rJdor^ U ao Adam s aod Sdw ard Decore, clowns, and, the M eyer fam ily, ) anim al Italnera. j

    Chari,ea U organ , m anager o f the c i r t cns, was on th e train and l i reported ( to have b, g ro u n d ," tbe Ita lian w ar office an noanced. ,

    W ost of Candela and w est of Bat s Dona dl Pieve, on tbo lower river, rc ^ peated a ttac k s by tbe enemy fa iled tc , make any progress. .' A n itr ta a W ar Beporta

    •The A ustrian w ar office .said: * 'T he atruggle on the C ano plateau

    and .on tbe Moptello increased ,to spiv elal violence.”

    V ienna claimed a toU l o f nearly 16,- 000 prlaon()rB In the drive.

    •The Oerman w ar office reported tbe repulse o f “ vloleot roconnoitering thm sta-aiong tbo whole f ro n t.”

    “ Local Frencb a ttacks southw est of Noyon and by Americana northw est of Chateaa-Thierry broke dona," Berlin declared. " T b o Prench and Americans su ffe red heavy losses and aomo prisoners remained In our handa.”

    * n z p m o B S OP

    (ContioBod from Page One)

    m e n t's figures aod uaual. trad e discounts allowed.

    " B e ^ I a t lo n s bave no t boon made fo r transactions other than ta les by m aoufaetnrers a t schedeled prices,” tbe o fficia l sU tem ent said.

    "W holesa le dealers, retailers and others are entitled to buy oe the basis o f these prices a t the mills. No regulation o f rates or profits has been made w ltb regard to sales e ither hy wholesalers or reta ile rs to coosumer*. The w ar Indoatrles board believes tb a t sales by a ll deialerq should be made a t reaaonable price* b a se d -o n -a e trictly reu o n ab le p ro fit above fixed schedule rates. The board is confident th n t the trade will conform to the sp irit o f tbe oziating regulations and tbs board will not proceed to fn rther regulation or restric tion of d e a b rs ’ pricea n n til tbel> cooduet o f ’b n iin e u indicatea th a t such action is neeeasary.'

    D o n 't you w a n J tf Advertise I t in the CTassified Column and get r id o f lu

    i T w a m L L

    ICE The FarmW. p . Alworth—P/ejJdent—la cha

    JABB P rank D eK lolt-V Ice-PresIdent-C tee.

    I B. P . M oPherion-flecretary—P estT. B. U ooriH rr»>® ” ^-H . JL B c b l i a n i^ I n charge of S t

    yia.-i- U. A- T io o e ts - lB ehargo of Crop t r of Luke Sonner—In charge o f Canal

    0. E . McClain—In charge of Boadi riaon- • A lbert P n t r i c r - I n ehargo of U b t

    a trict * ____________ •mongitbor- PABMBEfl* 800IE 1

    I. Idaho State Farm Bureau—W . P w ill! 2. Twin Falls County Farm Buroa*

    . JecroU ry,,..- - S u i 3. Twin Palla County M ataal Tlra

    niftn 4. Buhl Pioneer-OoWTBsiijig Aaso<

    v 3 ' ■iahcd 5. Twin Falls County N ational Pai

    '0 in ._______ _________________________

    fullty PABM BUBBA0 WAOJ

    T ' * ‘ S i.B l. n .B - l l l o io • m o.ll. » i l“ day, care of Uam extra.

    Short time—i3.00 a day and bosboard yourself.

    E xpert lrrlgator*-»75,00 a mont Married lAca—480.00 a mouth wll

    ------- possibly cow furnished.p artTeu- w _________ —

    L » t» r .O II l» A l BoU

    U e n Io o tam to ko o l moio,.UIoj. the Buhl fanner the Commercial/ CIu

    off- Itlll K tlM lr o o o io d « l*l>Ot oU ll OBl lo tom otU oo " i n

    B * '- Tho pl*n II u fo U o n ! ■b u ilt pbone your requirement to Buhl Tfi

    offleo will bo open between 1:00 an rring 5;00 o ’eloeh A ay farm er Is open t »««• tbo servlee free.. M r. Combt wUl h ecta. te iiT o ij on the job and w U n t a t l s8.000 yott help a t tbe Parm Boroau Scale.

    In case help cannot be secured a the the rogneit will be aeat over t

    Irive Twin Falls Oonnty Parm Bureau; wb m all bjivQ ao arrangim ent with, th e IT. I

    •d - Department of la b o r to soppfy a ll call ‘ th e fo , irtjp.u tr i- , w baU Storage

    The lumber company aad grain bl; aitoncle-i are all following up the go*

    ■ work s ta rted by the County A gent 1; a of regard to ^rheat storage. The cirenla aids, le tte r prcpared and given publicity b

    the tho Farm Burean Is a strong ,argn I re- ment fo r preparedness on the p a rt o a is the farmers.1.000 W ith sacks Impossible to seeure, th and elevators nnable to store the g rain nni non- ears sure to be short, tbe problem seem

    «d to be serious. Tbe publicity s t a ^ i f a s by tbe County Parm Bureau has sol. trch a good many bias o f differen t klndi t b s t so th a t almoBt every oae U prepared.. ‘!fto- uotaa

    W. .P. Alworth spoke a t Goodinj JPrlday p. m. and a t Jerom e Saturdaj evening, on tbe L abor Beale and wai recftived wltb ontbusiasnjl Tho Nortl Stdo farm ers are appreciating the beof

    ““ “J f its of a fixed scale fo r farm hands Reports of high wages on the otbei aide o f the river aro false.

    Farm ers a t Grandview aro socurinj hay hands trom Boise a t ♦3.00 per daj

    . and board. Thoy also report consider able damage from tbe aphis.' Miss Charlotte Lowla is spending tbi

    week in the eouaty on food demonitra — tloo work. '•ops, A. B. Pike from the W estern Offlc( ined of tho U. 6. Dairy Division Balt Lak« an- and P . B . Cammaek, S ta te Dairyman , aro invu tigatin gtho silo aituatiot

    San this week.rc- The County A gent addressed the

    I to Farm era’ Society of Equity a t Hau' aen, M onday'evening on w heat etorjige

    U r. Alworth and tho County Agent w ill.»peak a t 'R ich f ie ld June 22, ea

    eau W hoat Storage and L&bor. apo- Bomember tho Threshormen'a School

    a t F iler J u n o '26, E lm berly the tw g^ 15,- ty-sevonth, and Buhl tbo twonty-eigblB,

    fo r g rain growers and threthormen. (be Grain raisers eaa savo grain by learc: ing Ing prop1 soliciting a a d ^ u j n nneasineaa among ' those seeking employment A fter July

    ind 1* required to show an em-III] pleyo'ent card, according, to govern-

    ment regulations.' Tbo Boreau sent th ir ty boya out to th in boots a t $8.00 per acre,

    ir*. Por Sale

    1. a SIOFUI, phoBo »2C T , T « ia , Palls, has ten grade Duroe Jersey brood / sow* fo r sals.

    A. I CalUler, phone 670-B-4, Twin Palla, bas a S-jear-old buckskin c o lt

    •?," T o m .,‘ J . A. Hensley, P leasant View, has

    ° sixty pounds of w hite clover seed for h sale. %

    ‘ ■ P rank De E o ltt o f n i e r b u all klndg of washing machines fo r sale. Givo your orders to the Parm Bureau.

    1“ W. B . p o sg , Kimberly, haa forty-oa#


    U i S D A J L V S J S W a I

    A Bureau We- 0PP 10E B 5 A2n> BX E O U iiV il OOHUC charge of O rnnisatlon . Mrs. J . £ . Wh: t —C ommercl^ Commit- . W orL

    Miss B rittom ar >ests. Clubs.

    P . A. 8 m u t» - I ( S tock Intereata. Balph B . 8 s^ p s . ■ vP5tlgatlons.oaf and Irrigation. Miss Qertrudooada. Donald UcLeaiA bor. A lfred W ieher-


    7. P . Alworth, Preaident 0. Twin Palla I rea u -B T P. McPherson,

    ?Ir« Usuran^o Company g_ T w i?> 5 [a ^ l asoelatioa—B F. Sharp, o rs’ Assc

    0. Tw in Falls-F a rm Loan ABsoclation Childs, I


    w itb 'b o a rd .JD b o u rsa

    board; HOO a day a n d - . . ' - - . ; ; - ; - ^ ; - ^ ^ ^ ^

    A um at ^4 alontb. Dwight Llncolo. w ith bouac, garden and Ja n u an ', 101

    Falls. .

    .voung sows w ith twenty-blght pigs.

    M- to . H ay W antod -Club ' ■

    ifflee following le tte r has beea recol'

    reau,Mr. Donald McLean,

    ■ ’ County Agricultural Agent,■ Tw in Falls, Idaho.' D ear Mr: McLean: in to11 be *en oretab bay fo^ Portland m arket during tbe months o ^ August aad SeptemberT I Just receive e r to Ifitter ot inquiry fro;

    (hat point, and th ink ing th a t you mlgh poaalbly havo a rerplus from th a t al

    ' II, readv baled, totae o f your farmei would like to f ill th is order.

    " P a rt la n d , Oregon*, 0-8.18.

    bln " S ta te o f Mabo, t : . - * - - good M arkets, D op t, ‘ , 'I t In HeUe, Idaho. ,g n iir Gentlemen:y by K indly quote us, basis No. 1, Orego irgn* S tate fnapecilon as to w eights ao ■t of grades, la le d a lfa lfa hoy to the exten

    o f 10 to IS ears strong along durin. , the August and September,

    nnd Very tru ly yours,«om- J , H. KLOSTBBMAN « CO.i ^ d By K lostennarsold

    (Signed) HABVBY ALLBED,od. -

    S ta te D irector Parm M arkets Depi

    .diBlrday M any growera and feeders of. Idahi was a lfa lfa are asking a forecast o f ero]

    forth and prices th a t should prevail. Be » s« - caoce o f the lateaM s o t (h ? 'so u o n u d s . onr rapcrts are no t aIMn from 'ad jaeen )ther sta te s th a t produce bay en tering In t

    compeilMon w ith Idaho ’s a lfa lfa. Po: iring th a t reason e a r fo re e u t wHl b e de day layod nn til about Ju ly 15. TTatil tba

    ider- tim e I would advise the fanners nol to contract tbe lr hay n;iless they an

    ; the sa tisfied with