LANGWARRIN PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Northgateway, Langwarrin VIC 3910 Ph: (03) 9775 7533 Fax: (03) 9775 9264 Website: www.langwarrinparkps.vic.edu.au Email: [email protected] ISSUE 9 23 June 2017 RESPECT COOPERATION CONSIDERATION CONTRIBUTION TOLERANCE ACTING PRINCIPALS REPORT FINAL WEEK OF TERM It seems amazing that the end of term is upon us! Term 2 ends next Friday 30 th June. School will dismiss at 2.30pm on this day. Lunchtime will held at an earlier time from 12.30pm – 1.30pm. The last Assembly for the term will be held at 1.30pm prior to the early dismissal. We hope that everyone has a safe and relaxing term break! Term 3 resumes on Monday 17 th July. PIZZA DAY Many thanks to our PFC for organising the special lunch day the children enjoyed this week! DENTAL CHECKS Next week Semper Dental will visit the school to provide dental checks for those eligible to access this service. All classes will be involved in an “Oral Hygiene” lesson as part of the service. YEAR 6 PRODUCTION Our Year 6 students have been very busy rehearsing for their Production which we will be held in week 2 of term 3. We look forward to this upcoming event. YEAR 5 CAMP Congratulations to all our Year 5 students who recently enjoyed a visit to Ballarat. They immersed themselves in the culture of the goldfields in the 1850’s at Sovereign Hill. They experienced gold panning and some struck it lucky! They investigated the conditions leading up to the Eureka Stockade and explored the township of Sovereign Hill in beautiful weather. All students and teachers had a fantastic time. Pauline Agius Year 5 Ballarat Camp

LANGWARRIN PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER · Josh 1/29) and Zee Scott (Callan 1/17, Connor 5/10) for their tireless and regular volunteer work covering and repairing books and tidying

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Page 1: LANGWARRIN PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER · Josh 1/29) and Zee Scott (Callan 1/17, Connor 5/10) for their tireless and regular volunteer work covering and repairing books and tidying


NEWSLETTER Northgateway, Langwarrin VIC 3910 Ph: (03) 9775 7533 Fax: (03) 9775 9264

Website: www.langwarrinparkps.vic.edu.au Email: [email protected]

ISSUE 9 23 June 2017


ACTING PRINCIPAL’S REPORT FINAL WEEK OF TERM It seems amazing that the end of term is upon us! Term 2 ends next Friday 30th June. School will dismiss at 2.30pm on this day. Lunchtime will held at an earlier time from 12.30pm – 1.30pm. The last Assembly for the term will be held at 1.30pm prior to the early dismissal. We hope that everyone has a safe and relaxing term break! Term 3 resumes on Monday 17th July. PIZZA DAY Many thanks to our PFC for organising the special lunch day the children enjoyed this week! DENTAL CHECKS Next week Semper Dental will visit the school to provide dental checks for those eligible to access this service. All classes will be involved in an “Oral Hygiene” lesson as part of the service. YEAR 6 PRODUCTION Our Year 6 students have been very busy rehearsing for their Production which we will be held in week 2 of term 3. We look forward to this upcoming event. YEAR 5 CAMP Congratulations to all our Year 5 students who recently enjoyed a visit to Ballarat. They immersed themselves in the culture of the goldfields in the 1850’s at Sovereign Hill. They experienced gold panning and some struck it lucky! They investigated the conditions leading up to the Eureka Stockade and explored the township of Sovereign Hill in beautiful weather. All students and teachers had a fantastic time.

Pauline Agius

Year 5 Ballarat Camp

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Page 3: LANGWARRIN PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER · Josh 1/29) and Zee Scott (Callan 1/17, Connor 5/10) for their tireless and regular volunteer work covering and repairing books and tidying



satu dua tiga empat lima one two three four five enam tujuh delapan sembilan sepuluh six seven eight nine ten YEAR 5 INDO TOONS

Bu S and Bu Wilson LOTE Teachers

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REMINDER Due dates for Payments Amount: Due Date: Year 6 Aqua Package $40 28th June Year 4 City Camp 2nd Instal $120 28th June Final $115 2nd August Year 2/27, 2/33, 2/34, 2/35 Swimming $40 1st August Year 3 Swimming $40 1st August

NOTIFICATIONS Qkr! has introduced a “push notification” function whereby you will be notified if something relevant to your child’s level has been added to Qkr! Please ensure that you have opted in to this feature by opening the Qkr! App, going into Settings (by clicking the 3 horizontal bars in the top left of the screen) and opt in to receive push notifications. You can also just go into Settings on your phone, scroll down to Qkr! and change notification function there. SECURITY There have been a few issues with Parents being unable to access Qkr! Due to lost/forgotten passwords and/or incorrect email address. Qkr! has provided this information: Lost and Forgotten Passwords If you have ever experienced password reset issues with Qkr!, we have a new FAQ with instructions at https://qkr.mastercard.com/au/faq But in short, due to high security and protections around not letting accounts get hijacked by a third party claiming to have lost their password, it is often much quicker and easier to call the help desk on 1800 689 562 and ask to have your account deleted (and then immediately re-register on the Qkr! App) if you cannot easily reset your password using the instructions provided within the FAQ. Given this strong security , some people have nominated to use their fingerprint as their password. LAST WEEK TO WIN WIN WIN! Sign up for Qkr! Before THIS MONDAY 26th June and be in the draw to win one of two Village Cinema family movie passes courtesy of Qkr! and Mastercard. Bonus prize of chocolates if you also make a payment before 26th June. Winners drawn during the last week of Term (if you have already registered, you’re in the draw!) CSEF—FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE INFORMATION FOR PARENTS CSEF will be provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child. The annual CSEF amount per student is $125 for primary school students. Contact the school office to obtain a CSEF application form or download from www.education.vic.gov.au/csef. For the CSEF application closing dates and more information about the fund visit www.education.vic.gov.au/csef Applications close 30th June 2017. No late applications can be accepted. Please note: Information has been handed to all Prep children regarding a complimentary uniform pack. Sue Guest / Shona Byrnes Business Manager / Accounts

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PHYSICAL EDUCATION SOUTHERN METROPOLITAN REGIONAL CROSS COUNTRY RESULTS On Monday, 9 of our students competed in the Southern Metropolitan Cross Country competition. Not only was the competition of an extremely high standard, with 80 competitors in each race, the start was very congested and resulted in many of the athletes stumbling at the start. For many of our students, this was their first experience running at this level. Despite the messy start, all of our students tried their very best and gave 110% effort. Congratulations:

Brodie Smith 4/20 – 10th Andrew Turver 4/15 – 25th Kayden Gonsal 5/12 – 51st Ollie Bloomestein 5/12 – 54th Kai Zealley 5/12 – pulled out due to injury Jemma Reynolds 5/10 – 53rd Balin Dower 6/7 – 39th Brodie Bennett 6/7 – 52nd Shelby Edmonds 6/5 – 42nd

Finishing in the Top 12, Brodie will be competing at the State Competition next term. Good luck Brodie!! Sue Burt / Franca Peluso PE Department

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PIZZA DAY What a fantastic day we've had for Pizza Day today! Thank you to all the parents who got involved. We hope the children enjoyed their yummy lunch. Thank you to Narelle, Sharon and the PFC and volunteers for organising and helping put another successful

fundraiser together. Thank you also to Classic Pizza for making it all happen!

DONATIONS Thank you so very much for your generosity, we thought we would take this opportunity to highlight some of the things your donations have provided for our school. Money raised through the Parents & Friends Committee (PFC) from events such as Casual Dress Day, Mother’s Day Stall, Pizza Day, Grandparent’s Day, Easter Raffle (just to mention a few) has allowed us to fund initiatives such as the shade sails, artificial turf, fencing and Year 6 Graduation.

MEETING The PFC meet in the staff room at 9am on the 1st Monday of every month to discuss upcoming events and new ideas for fundraising for our school. We would love to see some new smiling faces, we welcome parents, grandparents, toddlers and babies! (Please

remember you need to hold a valid WWC check for any school based activity. You can apply for these online).

Feel free to pop over to our Facebook page and give us a 'like' for event reminders and school information. You will find us under 'Langwarrin Park Primary School PFC'.

We look forward to our Casual Dress Day in August!


THURSDAY 29 JUNE All students are encouraged to bring a small plate

of morning tea and a donation in support of the

Cancer Councils Biggest Morning Tea.

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LIBRARY THE FINAL WORD We have had a busy first Semester in the Library. Our new computer system is up and running with students learning more about searching for books and locating them on our shelves in the four different sections based on the call number. Borrowing sessions have been well frequented and many parents have enjoyed popping in before school to return and borrow more frequently than students weekly session. This has reflected in the outstanding number of books read on our Premiers’ Reading Challenge so far…..we are into the 5,000’s! The Challenge will continue right through Term 3 so keep encouraging children to read and log their books. Our Book Club is one of the most successful in the State which means our children are reading more and our school is receiving brand new books and learning resources in Reward points. This cycle means new books which leads to motivation to borrow and read. We are so proud of our students here at Langwarrin Park. On behalf of the school I wish to sincerely THANK Penny Higgins (Grandparent of Milly 3/23, Lachie 5/12), Kerry Rogers (Luke 1/30, Josh 1/29) and Zee Scott (Callan 1/17, Connor 5/10) for their tireless and regular volunteer work covering and repairing books and tidying our shelves. If you ever have a few minutes to spare come in out of the cold—we greatly appreciate all assistance—all you need is a free volunteers working with children check. Next term we are very excited to be celebrating BOOKWEEK. This will be held from Monday 14 August—Friday 18 August. The theme this year is “ESCAPE TO EVERYWHERE”. We are promoting the idea that books can take us anywhere in our minds and as such you can be any Book Character you can imagine for our Character Dress Up Parade on Thursday 17 August (Fairytale Day for our Foundation students). Our Book Fair will be open for sales all day on our Parade Day too so we will be celebrating all things books and reading! We can not wait to see what wild and wonderful ideas everyone will come up with this year. Thank you for your support this Semester and we look forward to returning after a safe and restful break. Kate Mowat Library Manager




Open LAST Friday of the TERM AFTER SCHOOL 2.30 – 3.30 pm

Located in the Uniform Shop

at the back of the Canteen

CASH ONLY sales with items $5.00 a piece.

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This tentative outline of forthcoming events is provided to assist parents with their calendar and budget planning


CONFIRMED WITH CONSENT FORM AND TAKE HOME NOTICE JUNE Thursday 29th ALL Biggest Morning Tea Donation 29th 1/29 1/30 Swimming $40 19 May 1/31 2/26 Thursday 22nd ALL (optional) Pizza Day (PFC) As per note Tuesday 27th 1 Royal Botanic Gardens $28 20 June Friday 30th ALL Term 2 Concludes Early Dismissal 2.30pm JULY Monday 17th ALL Term 3 Commences (10 week term) Tuesday 25th 6/5 6/6 Aqua Package $40 28 June Wednesday 26th 6 Year 6 Production Thursday 27th 6/7 6/8 Aqua Package $40 28 June AUGUST Tuesday 1st, 8th 6/5 6/6 Aqua Package $40 28 June Thursday 3rd, 10th 6/7 6/8 Aqua Package $40 28 June Monday 14th ALL Book Week celebrations Tuesday 15th, 22nd 2/27 2/33 Swimming $40 1 August 29th 2/34 2/35 Thursday 17th Foundation Fairytale Day ALL Book Character Dress Up and Book Fair Thursday 17th, 24th 3/22 3/23 Swimming $40 1 August 31st 3/24 3/25 Wednesday 30th - 4 City Camp ($335 total) Deposit $100 24 May SEPTEMBER Friday 1st 4 City Camp 2nd Instalment $120 28 June Final Instalment $115 2 August Tuesday 5th, 12th 2/27 2/33 Swimming $40 1 August 2/34 2/35 Thursday 7th, 14th 3/22 3/23 Swimming $40 1 August 3/24 3/25 Friday 22nd ALL Term 3 Concludes Early Dismissal 2.30pm OCTOBER Monday 9th ALL Term 4 Commences (11 week term) DECEMBER Friday 22nd ALL Term 4 Concludes Early Dismissal 2.30pm


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for advertising

$15 per issue

Moonlit Sanctuary Keeper Club

Kids enjoy environmental activities, animal encounters and native animal care. Day includes: interactions with dingo, python, off-limits animals, feeding animals & food prep, animal enrichment activities. Learn about our animals, their conservation and the environment. For ages 7-14 years.

July 2017 school holiday dates: Week 1: Monday 3th Tuesday 4th Wednesday 5th Thursday 6th Friday 7th Week 2: Monday 10th Tuesday 11th Wednesday 12th Thursday 13th Friday 14th 10am –4pm

Cost: $70.00 per day, or $189 for 3 days (pro rata for additional days). Maximum 16 children per day.

Bookings essential as spaces are limited Dress for the weather and wear closed-toe shoes, long pants and remember your hat or raincoat. BYO lunch or purchase at the café.

Moonlit Sanctuary 550 Tyabb-Tooradin Rd, Pearcedale Phone 5978 7935 Web: www.moonlitsanctuary.com.au Open daily between 10am and 5pm

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Page 14: LANGWARRIN PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER · Josh 1/29) and Zee Scott (Callan 1/17, Connor 5/10) for their tireless and regular volunteer work covering and repairing books and tidying