Layouts: Creating maps and figures using ArcMap 1 GIS for Planetary Mappers June 2012, Planetary Mappers Meeting

Layouts: Creating maps and figures using ArcMap 1 GIS for Planetary Mappers June 2012, Planetary Mappers Meeting

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Layouts:Creating maps and figures

using ArcMap


GIS for Planetary Mappers

June 2012, Planetary Mappers Meeting


GIS for Planetary Mappers

Layout View Explore and analyze data in the “Data View” Prepare maps for presentation using “Layout

View”– Allows user to quickly create a new map– Templates can contain data, custom design, and

predefined layout arrangements (north arrows, scale bars, institutional logos, etc.)

Can be selected using View menu (selected Layout View) or the empty page icon


GIS for Planetary Mappers

Layout View

Completed map ready for layout


Virtual clip to map boundary


1) Open data frame properties

2) Data Frame Tab Clip OptionsAlso check “Clip Grids …”

3) “Specify Shape…”Outline of Features-select your boundaryfile. Note you can alsouse a selected graphic

optional but recommended

Switch from Data to Layout view



When viewing the layout, a Layout Toolbar appears to assist with navigation

GIS for Planetary Mappers

Layout Toolbar



Zoom to100%




Pan ZoomWholePage

Go toNext/





Page size and print specifications can be adjusted by right clicking on white space in layout

Note that there is a difference between page and data frame adjustments, depending on where you click

Creating Maps

Right click outside frame = page size and print specs Right click within frame = data frame properties

Creating Maps Data Frame PropertiesGeneral tab, set Reference Scale (e.g. 1:1M) to lock symbols and font sizes

To quickly change font or symbol sizes for a larger or smaller scaled figure, change this value to grow or shrink.

Creating MapsChanging Appearance of Frame

In this example, we will take the general appearance of the frame to add depth and character to the map

Select the “Frame” tab in Data Frame Properties dialog box

Under “Border”, select preferred from drop down

Under “Background”, select preferred from drop down

Under “Drop Shadow”, select preferred from drop down

Click “Apply” or “OK”– NOTE: “OK” applies the

change and closes the dialog box … the only difference

In this example, Border = Triple Line, Background = Yellow, and Drop Shadow = Gray; NOTE: These elements can be varied using parameters given above.


On the Grids tab, click “New Grid…”

Follow the wizard to set options

Creating MapsAdding Graticules

Change Graticule

settings. E.g.• change label fonts

• label intervals

• color

• rotated labels

• …

Creating MapsTweaking Graticules

Click “Insert” in Layout View

Can choose to add multiple elements

Add title, choose font size, and move as necessary

Creating MapsAdding Title

Click “Insert” in Layout View

Add North arrow, enlarge and position as necessary

Creating MapsAdding North Arrow

In Data Frame Tool bar,

Set a rotation or use interactive rotation

Now when adding in a North arrow on the rotated data frame, the arrow will be appropriately rotated. Good for single images.

Rotate Data FrameNorth arrow will follow

Click “Insert” in Layout View

Add scale bar, enlarge and position as necessary

Creating MapsAdding Scale Bar

Double click scale bar once it is added to Layout to change properties, such as number of divisions, units, and format

GIS for Planetary Mappers

Creating MapsTweaking Scale Bar


Click “Insert” in Layout View

Select the layers that should be represented on the layout

Click “Next”

Creating MapsAdding Legend

Legend “Wizard”Select relevant layers. Change specifics of legend.

Add border, color, and shadow. Change size of symbol patch. Change part spacing.

Right click on layer, select

“Layer properties…”


Add descriptive unit label (E->ejecta)

Change unit color

Right click above units on “Symbol”, select “Properties for All Symbols…”, example remove outline for all units

Legendscleaning up legends

Right click on layer, select

“Layer properties…”


Change order

Ctrl or shift select many units

Right click on selected group and “Move to Heading”, “New Heading…”

Legendscleaning up legends

Right click on layer, select

“Layer properties…”

Options to thin legend

Click on “Count”

Ctrl or shift select many symbology lines which are “0”

Click on “Remove”

Legendscleaning up legends

To backup symbologies before removing, right click on layer and “Save As Layer File…” Note: Layer File is not data just symbols!

Right click on layer, select

“Layer properties…”

In the Extent Tab set what data frame to point at.

ExtentsAutomatic overview and zoom-in locators


GIS for Planetary Mappers

Final LayoutExample


GIS for Planetary Mappers

Export to GeoPDF

Note you can also choose to export attributes to PDF. This will try to create

a geoPDF (for lat/lon and measurements) in Acrobat Reader.

For posters 200 dpi is usually good enough. For page size figure up this to 300 or higher (up to 600)

GIS for Planetary Mappers



Additional resources (video tutorials)

• Making Better Map Layouts with ArcGIS - esri• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YihZzt_lHvE

• ArcGIS 10 Map Layout Demo in ArcMap - Washington College• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQgM1510i0U

Others• Help - esri

• http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.1/index.html#/What_is_a_page_layout/00s90000002z000000/

• Using Table in Layouts - esri • http://blogs.esri.com/esri/arcgis/2010/01/19/using-tables-in-an-arcmap-layout/

• JPL WMS used in demo: http://onmoon.jpl.nasa.gov/wms.cgi? (June 2012)