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Page 1: LetterofRecommendation

Letter of Recommendation for

Shannon McDowell

May 10, 2016

To whom it may concern,

The first thing I was impressed by with Shannon was her ability to dive right into a

project and learn on the way. Her ability to think quickly on her feet and give multiple

possible solutions to a customer issue is impressive.

Though I was not her direct supervisor I did help train her and worked on several

projects with her. My experience with Shannon is that she works well on a team and

can multitask priority projects, all while meeting deadlines.

Shannon quickly learned technology systems and software that were unfamiliar to

her when she first started with Tantus, Inc. The most shining moment of working

with Shannon was her working with the affiliates to get products out for review. Her

constant communication on all social media platforms and emails with the affiliates

made more of them active and doubled affiliate sales.

Shannon's bright personality makes everyone feel welcomed and part of her family.

She has my highest recommendation, and I am happy to give more details if you

would like additional information.

Best regards,

Elizabeth “Rizzo”Johnson Senior Graphic Designer

Tantus, Inc.

[email protected]
