1 Ligon GT Magnet Middle School Student Handbook 2015 - 2016 Ligon Gifted and Talented Magnet Middle School’s mission is to engage, educate and develop the gifts and talents of each child. Gretta Dula Principal (919) 856-7945 [email protected] Jennifer Zezza Assistant Principal 6 th Grade (919) 856-7934 [email protected] Lynnae Morris Assistant Principal 7 th Grade (919) 856-7937 [email protected] Damian Powell Assistant Principal 8 th Grade (919) 856-7938 [email protected] Important Phone Numbers Main Office 856-7929 Psychologist 856-2940 FAX 856-3745 Student Services 856-7940 Principal’s Administrative Assistant 856-7945 Social Worker 856-2983 Student Information Data Manager 856-7936 Magnet Coordinator 856-2942 Arts Office 856-7956 AIG Coordinator 856-7957 Athletic Office 856-7951 Cafeteria 856-7953 Media Center 856-7935 Mailing Address 706 E Lenoir Street, Raleigh, NC 27601 THIS HANDBOOK BELONGS TO: Name: Grade: Address: City & Zip: Home Telephone Emergency Telephone Homeroom Teacher WELCOME! Welcome to Ligon GT Magnet Middle School. We are pleased to have you as a member of the Ligon community. Ligon has a proud tradition of excellence and achievement due to the contributions of its students, staff, parents, and community members. We expect that while you are at Ligon you will work hard to achieve success. There are a variety of challenging courses and extracurricular activities, and we hope you will take advantage of these opportunities. School begins at 7:35 AM and dismisses at 2:20 PM. As a member of the Ligon community, you should take your responsibilities as a student seriously. We expect you to act respectfully toward all peers and adults on campus. The entire staff has worked hard to prepare for you, and we want you to have a very positive year. The Student/Parent Handbook, published by the Wake County Board of Education, as well as this handbook/agenda contains a number of rules and procedures. Additional rules and procedures will be provided as supplements to this handbook/agenda throughout the year. It is important that you and your parents review them together.

Ligon GT Magnet Middle School - Wake County Public … · 1 Ligon GT Magnet Middle School Student Handbook 2015 - 2016 Ligon Gifted and Talented Magnet Middle School’s mission is

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Ligon GT Magnet Middle School

Student Handbook

2015 - 2016

Ligon Gifted and Talented Magnet Middle School’s mission is to engage, educate and develop the gifts and talents of each child.

Gretta Dula Principal (919) 856-7945 [email protected]

Jennifer Zezza Assistant Principal – 6th Grade (919) 856-7934 [email protected]

Lynnae Morris Assistant Principal – 7th Grade (919) 856-7937 [email protected]

Damian Powell Assistant Principal – 8th Grade (919) 856-7938 [email protected]

Important Phone Numbers

Main Office 856-7929 Psychologist 856-2940

FAX 856-3745 Student Services 856-7940

Principal’s Administrative Assistant 856-7945 Social Worker 856-2983

Student Information Data Manager 856-7936 Magnet Coordinator 856-2942

Arts Office 856-7956 AIG Coordinator 856-7957

Athletic Office 856-7951 Cafeteria 856-7953

Media Center 856-7935

Mailing Address 706 E Lenoir Street, Raleigh, NC 27601


Name: Grade:


City & Zip:

Home Telephone

Emergency Telephone

Homeroom Teacher


Welcome to Ligon GT Magnet Middle School. We are pleased to have you as a member of the Ligon community. Ligon has

a proud tradition of excellence and achievement due to the contributions of its students, staff, parents, and community members. We

expect that while you are at Ligon you will work hard to achieve success. There are a variety of challenging courses and extracurricular

activities, and we hope you will take advantage of these opportunities. School begins at 7:35 AM and dismisses at 2:20 PM.

As a member of the Ligon community, you should take your responsibilities as a student seriously. We expect you to act

respectfully toward all peers and adults on campus. The entire staff has worked hard to prepare for you, and we want you to have a very

positive year. The Student/Parent Handbook, published by the Wake County Board of Education, as well as this handbook/agenda

contains a number of rules and procedures. Additional rules and procedures will be provided as supplements to this handbook/agenda

throughout the year. It is important that you and your parents review them together.


Mission Statement

Ligon Gifted and Talented Magnet Middle School’s mission is to engage,

educate and develop the gifts and talents of each child.

Vision Statement

The Ligon community will collaborate to develop inquisitive, culturally

enriched, and globally responsible citizens.

Statement of Beliefs

We will provide a diverse set of opportunities and cultural

experiences available to all learners.

We will pursue partnerships among students, teachers, parents and

the community to promote a climate of achievement.

We will model a passion for learning that encourages all students

and teachers to strive for lifelong learning.

We will foster a climate of respect for each other, the environment,

and the community.

We will promote the use of technology to prepare students for an

ever-changing global society.


Table of Contents

Page Page


GENERAL PROCEDURES 4 Grade Level/Department

Communication Plan 10

Before School 4 Conferences 10

After School 4 Website/Phone messenger 10

After School Activities 5 STUDENT CONDUCT 10

Cafeteria and Food Policy 5 WCPSS Legal Alert 10

Computer Usage /E-Mail Accounts 5 Tardy to Class- Ready to ROAR 11

Field Trips 5 Teacher/Team Consequences 11

Fines 5 In-School Suspension (ISS) 11

Fire Drills/Severe Weather/Lockdown 6 Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) 11

Fundraising 6 Nuisance Items 11

Hall Passes 6 Academic Honor Code 11

Inclement Weather 6 Dress Code 12

Lockers 6 Dances/Social Activities 12

Lost and Found 6 Dance Guidelines 12

Media Center 6 CODE OF CONDUCT 13

Medications 7 Responsibilities and Expectations 13

Mediation 7 Student Responsibilities 13

Safety and Security 7 Parent Responsibilities 13

Student Services 7 Teachers & Administrators

Responsibilities 13



Visitors 7 Student Government 14

ACADEMICS 8 Clubs/Service Electives 14

Report Cards 8 Athletics 14

Interim Reports 8 2015-2016 Sport Season Dates 14

Grading Scale/Report Cards 8 Athletic Eligibility 14

Homework Plan 8

Honor Roll 8

Withdrawal From Electives 8

Multitiered Systems of Support (MTSS) 9

National Junior Honor Society 9

WCPSS and Ligon Promotion Standards 9


Procedures for Returning to School After

an Absence 9

Valid Reasons for Absences 9

Check-in/Check-out 9

Make-up Work and Assignments 10


BELL SCHEDULE: 7:35 AM – 2:20 PM Period Time Minutes

1st 7:35 – 8:20 45

2nd 8:25 – 9:10 45

3rd 9:15 – 10:00 45


6th grade lunch

10:05 – 10:52 1st lunch: 10:05 – 10:27

2nd lunch: 10:30 – 10:52



7th grade lunch

10:57 – 11:19 1st lunch: 10:57 – 11:19

2nd lunch: 11:22 – 11:44



8th grade lunch

11:49 – 12:36 1st lunch: 11:49 – 12:11

2nd lunch: 12:14 – 12:36


7th 12:41 – 1:26 45


Bus changes/


1:31 – 2:20 49


All assembly schedules will be e-mailed to staff prior to an assembly.



Testing is finished in time for 7th and 8th graders to eat regular lunch

Allowances will be made for any 6th grade students who will be affected. Otherwise, 6th graders will eat at their regular



On a 2 hour delay, there will be no supervision before 9:05 AM. Please do not drop off your child, unattended, prior

to this time.

GENERAL PROCEDURES Before School Students SHOULD NOT arrive on campus before 7:05 AM.

Parents who bring their children to school should ONLY drop them off at the main entrance of Lenoir Street.

Vehicles entering carpool should enter RIGHT TURN ONLY off of Lenoir Street. LEFT TURNS into and out of school entrance

are prohibited from 6:45-7:45 AM and 2:15-2:45 PM.

For safety reasons, parents cannot drop off or pick up students in any area used as a bus loading or drop-off zone (Haywood

Street/Triangle Lot/Church Street).

Students who arrive on campus before 7:23 AM should report directly to the Gym, to the cafeteria if they are eating breakfast, or

to the Media Center.

Breakfast is served in the cafeteria beginning at 7:05 AM and ending at 7:23 AM. ONLY students with late bus passes will be

served breakfast after 7:23 AM. Students who arrive on late buses should immediately report to Student Services to get a late bus


The Media Center staff will not allow admittance before 7:05 AM and access is based on availability.

After School When school ends at 2:20 PM, all walkers must leave campus by 2:30 PM or they will be considered trespassers.

Students who ride buses should report to their designated bus loading areas when it is announced on the intercom and posted on the

TV monitors.

Car pool students should be picked up prior to 3:00 PM at the main entrance on Lenoir Street, unless the student is participating in

a supervised, after school activity.


After School Activities Only students participating in after school activities may remain on campus after 2:20 PM.

Students should report immediately to the teacher in charge of that activity and are required to remain with that teacher until the

student safely exits the campus.

Failure to report immediately to the designated area where the activity is being held may jeopardize involvement in that activity.

All students staying for an after school activity are required to depart and be picked up from school on HAYWOOD STREET

at the Auditorium entrance.

Parents must pick up their child promptly within the required time.

Cafeteria and Food Policy

Basic cafeteria rules and food policy include: Students are not allowed to move from their initial sitting areas once they are seated unless they are buying snacks or using the

restroom (Exception: Students are not permitted to leave their seat during the last five minutes of lunch).

Lunch, snack, and drink purchases are allowed only once per student and only during the student’s respective lunch period.

All additional purchases of drinks or snacks before, during or after regular school hours are strictly prohibited.

According to Wake County policy, students are now prohibited from using microwaves in the cafeteria. All microwaves will be

removed from the cafeteria.

Students will not be dismissed until the entire eating area is clean.

Cutting in line, saving places for others, food theft, and buying food for others are not allowed.

Knowingly or unknowingly using another student’s lunch number is considered theft.

Students assigned to lunch detention should not report to the cafeteria.

Meal Prices for 2015-2016

Breakfast: Lunch

Full Price – 1.25 Full Price – 2.25

Reduced Price – .00 Reduced Price – .40

Computer Usage/Acceptable Use Policy/E-mail Account Students must abide by all policies specified in the Wake County Public Schools Parent and Student Handbook – 6446 Student

Internet Access and Electronic Mail.

Students are required to send/retrieve school assignments or projects to/from their WCPSS e-mail address. Please see Mr.

Bishop, Media Specialist or Mildred Cater, Student Information Data Manager, for questions regarding WCPSS e-mail

accounts or for password resets.

Students may play only the games available from the Wake County Public School System – either on the Novell launcher or

on a teacher’s website. Students are NOT permitted to:

Send, receive or check personal email except as stated above for school assignments;

Change the settings on any school computer;

Violate copyright laws;

Waste resources – paper, printer ink or network space;

Deface or damage computer hardware or furniture in the labs;

Tamper with or remove files on the network drives

Download or install any software program; or

Eat, drink or chew gum near any computer.

Field Trips A school trip is a privilege and not a right. Students will be allowed to participate depending upon their academic standing and the

number and severity of any previous behavior issues.

Students remain subject to all school and district policies and rules of conduct, including disciplinary consequences, during the

school trip.

School trips may be cancelled when necessary by the principal, superintendent, or board of education. The school system cannot

guarantee reimbursement when such cancellations occur.

Fines Fines are incurred when textbooks are not returned or are returned in poor condition, fundraising commitments are not met, Media

Center materials are kept past the due date, or other financial commitments are outstanding.


Failure to pay fines for the current or prior school year may prohibit a student from attending certain Ligon functions.

The fourth nine-week report cards will be held if fees have not been paid. Parents/guardians of these students must come to school

to pay the fines and pick up their report cards in the Main Office.

Fire Drills/Severe Weather Drills/Lockdown Drills Fire drills, severe weather drills and lockdown drills are required by state law and are an important safety precaution. Fire drills are

conducted once per month. Severe weather drills will be held one time per school year. Lockdown drills will be held twice per

year; one announced, one unannounced.

During the drills, students are expected to remain with their class and follow teacher/staff instructions.

Fundraising Periodically, Ligon and its parent organizations conduct fund-raisers to benefit the school.

Students and parents are encouraged to support these activities.

Students, however, will not be allowed to sell candy at school.

No items can be sold for individual profit at anytime.

Hall Passes Students are expected to have a pass when moving from one area of the campus to another while classes are in session.

Students in the hall during class time without an official hall pass will be assigned a consequence per the students’ matrix.

Students will not be permitted to leave their classrooms for the first 10 minutes of the class period.

Inclement Weather In case of snow, sleet, ice storms, hurricanes, or other hazardous weather conditions, announcements about school closings are

made on Raleigh’s major radio and TV stations. This information can also be found at www.wcpss.net.

If Ligon is forced to close school early, the Superintendent will inform radio and TV stations within minutes of each other.

Lockers – Hall, Gym, and Dance Lockers

Hall lockers and a combination lock will be issued to each student at the beginning of the school year.

Students will be issued a gym locker and lock when they are enrolled in a PE class,

Locks that are lost, stolen, or damaged, must be replaced at a cost of $5.00 per lock.

For security reasons, students should not exchange combinations, locks, or lockers with other students.

Student lockers remain the property of the school, and school authorities have a responsibility and a right to examine the contents

of any locker for health, safety or security reasons.

Lost and Found Lost and Found is located in Student Services.

Students who find items or books are expected to turn them in to Lost and Found.

Students must be able to clearly identify lost items in order to be able to reclaim them.

It is advised that all articles of clothing and equipment be plainly marked with the owner’s name.

Items not claimed will be donated to charity at the end of each quarter.

Students should not bring valuables or large sums of money to school or leave any personal items unattended. Ligon is not

responsible for items that are lost, misplaced, or stolen.

Media Center The Media Center is designed to meet the academic and recreational reading needs of students and to support the educational goals

of the school.

Books may be checked out for 3 weeks and can be renewed. Magazines and reference materials may be checked out overnight and

must be returned before 1st period the following day.

Overdue books are fined 5 cents per school day after a 2-day grace period. Magazines and reference books are fined 5 cents per

period if they are not returned before Homeroom the following day.

The Media Center will be available for use on a first come, first serve basis at 7:05 AM.

The Advanced Reader section consists of books that are geared to those who enjoy more mature literature and address topics that

broaden perspectives and awareness of world issues such as economics, philosophy, history, as well as popular fiction.

Please notify the Media staff, if you do not want your child to check out an Advanced Reader selection.


Medications School officials will give only medication prescribed by a doctor.

Form 1702 (available in the Main Office) and a labeled pharmacy bottle must accompany any long-term prescription.

A note from the parent and doctor and a labeled pharmacy bottle are sufficient for short-term prescriptions (antibiotics). These

medications will be checked in and administered at the front office.

Students are not allowed to carry prescription medication at school unless they have permission documented on the 1702 form.

Students may self-medicate with over-the-counter medications. Should there be additional concerns or questions about the

appropriateness of self-administrated medications, school officials will consult with the student’s parents/guardians.

Parents of students with medical conditions requiring prescription medication should contact the Main Office or the School Nurse.

Parents are responsible for ensuring that medication is available in the Main Office, so that it can be administered as needed.

Mediation Counselor mediation provides time with the grade level counselor to resolve issues at a heightened level.

Teachers, counselors, or administrators may refer students for mediation. Also, students may refer themselves to mediation.

Safety and Security The Wake County Public School System in conjunction with the Wake County Sheriff’s Department will provide a full-time sheriff

on campus daily.

A full time security officer will be on campus daily during and after school.

Off duty police officers will be present at all evening events. Student Services Student Services has 3 grade-level counselors who are trained to help the student understand the requirements that are necessary

to achieve academic and social goals.

If the student needs to see a counselor during the school day, they must have a note granting them written permission from their

teacher or the counselor. Students will not be allowed to enter Student Services unless they have a valid hall pass.

Ligon GT Magnet Middle School is fortunate to have a school psychologist and social worker. Teachers may schedule

appointments for students, or students may independently schedule appointments.

Telephone Personal cell phones may not be used from 7:05 AM to 2:20 PM with the exception of use in the gym and/or cafeteria between

7:05-7:23 AM during early morning arrival. If a student’s cell phone is confiscated during the school day, a parent is required

to come to school to pick it up from the front office.

A telephone is available in Student Services for emergency use. Students must have a valid hall pass to use this phone during the

school day.

Textbooks Books assigned to students are the students’ responsibility.

Students are expected to cover each book and should make certain that their names and their teacher’s names are written on the

inside cover.

If textbooks are lost, stolen, or damaged, the student will be charged.

Visitors All parents and visitors are welcome, but are required to register in the main office and wear the Ident-a-Kid Visitor Sticker printed

upon sign-in. All visitors will be required to have a valid driver’s license or state issued ID to be scanned upon your first

visit. All subsequent visits will only require visitors to sign in and enter a valid birth date. Visitors without a valid visitor’s pass

are considered trespassing.

Please respect the student/teacher learning process and make appointments in advance if you wish to confer with a teacher,

administrator, or other staff member.

Parents who wish to observe a classroom or school activity during school hours must request permission from the classroom teacher

at least 48 hours in advance.

Students from schools other than Ligon are not allowed to attend school at Ligon for the day.

Former students and students from other schools are not allowed on campus during the school day.


ACADEMICS Report Cards Students are given their report cards to take home at the end of each nine-week grading period except for the fourth quarter.

All fourth quarter report cards are mailed home following the close of school.

Interim Reports All core and elective teachers distribute reports that indicate the progress of students approximately 4-5 weeks into each 9-week

grading period.

If you do not receive any of these reports, please call or e-mail to leave a message for the teacher.

Reporting Periods Interim Reports Report Cards

1st Quarter ends – October 23, 2015 Week of September 21, 2015 October 30, 2015

2nd Quarter ends – January 15, 2016 Week of November 30, 2015 January 22, 2016

3rd Quarter ends – March 23, 2016 Week of February 22, 2016 April 8, 2016

4th Quarter ends - June 9, 2016 Week of May 2, 2016 June 15, 2016

Grading Scale/Report Cards Grade Key Conduct Key Homework Grade Note Taking Grade

A 90-100 1 Excellent Homework is always complete Notes are always effective

B 80-89 2 Above Average Homework is often complete Notes are often effective

C 70-79 3 Average Homework is sometimes complete Notes are sometimes effective

D 60-69 4 Below Average Homework is rarely complete Notes are rarely effective

F Below 60 5 Unacceptable Homework is never complete Notes are never effective

The WCPSS grading scale is used for all core and elective classes. Students participating in high school credit courses will be

required to take an End of Course exam which will count as twenty-five (25) percent of a student’s final grade.

Homework Plan Classroom teachers assign homework to students of Ligon GT Magnet Middle School for the following purposes:

Homework reinforces the concepts and skills being taught during the school day,

Homework provides students with independent practice so that they will more fully understand and master concepts and skills

being taught in class,

Homework assignments enrich and extend school experiences that are provided for students.

Teachers will adhere to the following guidelines when assigning homework:

The teacher will introduce a concept or skill before making a related homework assignment.

Homework assignments should be specific, within the student’s ability and have clearly defined expectations.

Homework assignments will not be given as punishment or busy work.

Homework assignments will not require the use of books or materials, which are not readily available in the home or accessible

to the student.

When evaluating homework, the following guidelines will be followed:

Students shall be provided specific and timely feedback on homework assignments.

Homework will not exceed fifteen percent of a student’s academic grade for a marking period.

Honor Roll An honor roll will be published at the end of each nine-week grading period.

The honor roll includes the “All A” Honor Roll and the “All A-B” Honor Roll students.

Grades are compiled from core and elective courses when determining eligibility.

Withdrawal from Electives Withdrawal from an elective is made only in extenuating circumstances with the Principal’s or designee’s approval.

This applies to quarter, semester, and yearlong electives.


Multitiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Multitiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is a team made up of teachers, counselors, administrators, and specialists who meet weekly

to discuss ways to support and strengthen students.

Team members listen to questions and concerns, generate solutions, and implement a course of action.

Students, parents, guardians, family members, teachers, administrators, etc. can submit MTSS referrals.

National Junior Honor Society Ligon GT Magnet Middle School has an active chapter of the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) and welcomes the interest of

students and their parents.

Induction, which is held in the spring, is open to all rising seventh and eighth graders with an A cumulative average. Applicants

must obtain a non-teacher reference; write a 300-word maximum letter; and submit a copy of their report card for the first three


Membership is based on academics, leadership, character and service.

WCPSS and Ligon Promotion Standards Students in the WCPSS are required to meet promotion standards to progress to the next grade level.

Multiple criteria shall be used for assessing students’ progress.

Principals have the authority to promote and to retain students based upon the standards set by the Wake County Board of

Education and the State Board of Education.

Parents may consult Board of Education Policy 5530 for additional information.

Students in grades K-8 will perform at Level III

(proficient) or above in the following areas:

Students will receive passing grades in:

NC End-of-Grade Test of Reading Comprehension. Language Arts and Mathematics courses.

NC End-of Grade Test of Mathematics. Social Studies or Science course.

50% of other courses.


Attendance in school is central to educational achievement and school success. State law requires school attendance for all

children between the ages of seven (7) and sixteen (16). Parents must ensure that students attend and remain in school daily.

See Board Policy 6000 for further details regarding absences.

Procedures for Returning to School After an Absence: When students are absent, they should bring a note to Student Services the day they return to school. The note should include: the

student’s first and last name, the date(s) missed, the reason(s) for the absence(s), parent/guardian signature, and work and home phone

numbers for verification. The Student Services Coordinator will issue an excused or unexcused classroom admittance slip. According

to NC Attendance Procedures, a note is required within 2 days of the absence or it is unexcused. Students are not permitted to

participate in extra-curricular activities if they are not present in school that day.

Valid reasons for excused absences/tardiness include: Illness or injury,


Death in the immediate family,

Medical or dental appointment,

Court proceedings (must be documented by an officer of the court),

Religious Observance (prior approval must be obtained), and

Educational Opportunities (prior approval must be obtained). It is necessary for the parent to submit, in writing, a request

stating the reason and the number of days prior to the actual absence. This request must be turned in to the Main Office for the

Principal’s approval. The Principal will not pre-approve any absence during state testing.

Check-in/Check-out In order to conform to NC Attendance Procedures, students must report to Student Services when leaving campus or returning to

campus to be signed out by a parent or guardian.

If a student needs to leave during the day for a scheduled appointment, the student should bring a note signed by the parent to

Student Services.

Only parents/guardians with proper identification can check a student out of school. Ligon will not allow students to leave with

relatives, including siblings, or friends unless we have prior parental approval.


No student will be checked out after 1:50 pm except in the case of an emergency. End-of-day checkouts interfere with the dismissal

process and announcements.

Transportation changes for the day can be made for a student up until 1:50 pm. After that time, it is not guaranteed that a student

will receive the information due to daily announcements and dismissal.

If a student arrives late, he/she should report directly to Student Services with a note from a parent explaining why the student was


Make-Up Work and Assignments Students are expected to make up ALL work missed due to an excused or unexcused absence.

Ligon students are responsible for securing any missed work.


Grade Level/Department Communication Plan At the start of the school year, each grade level and/or teacher will communicate his /her classroom policies and procedures to

students and families.

Teachers use various methods to communicate with parents including, but not limited to team calendars, pbwiki sites, Blackboard,

Schoolnotes.com, or class syllabus.

Conferences Each grade level and department will designate specific days for parent/teacher conferences.

Contact your child’s grade level leader or grade level counselor if you would like to schedule a conference.

Parents/guardians are encouraged to meet with classroom teachers and/or counselors regarding any issues that might arise

concerning their child.

For additional assistance parents/guardians are welcome to contact the grade level administrator.

Website/Phone messenger Ligon continues its great tradition of excellence by providing students and parents with as much information as possible regarding

academic and non-academic programs.

A recorded message is shared through a computer generated Phone messenger system for pertinent information. All other

information that highlights dates and times for each week’s significant school activities can be found on the Ligon website.


Ligon students are expected to establish and maintain a standard of conduct and self-discipline that reflects responsible citizenship. It

is an attitude, which begins at home, is reinforced at school, and is applied throughout life. The philosophy at Ligon demands that

students are responsible for their own actions.

All Wake County Public School Systems and Ligon GT Magnet Middle School rules and procedures apply for all Ligon functions

including, but not limited to, school bus stops, extracurricular activities and school field trips. The Code of Student Conduct

applies to any student who is on school property, who is in attendance at school or at any school-sponsored activity, or whose conduct

at any time or place, on or off campus, that has a direct and immediate effect on maintaining order and discipline or protecting the safety

and welfare of students or staff in schools. (Board of Education Policy 6400)

WCPSS Legal Alert

All students are responsible for complying with and are expected to be familiar with the WCPSS Code of Student Conduct and school

board policies governing student behavior and conduct. All Code of Student Conduct policies are contained in the WCPSS

Student/Parent Handbook, which is distributed to all students and parents at the beginning of each school year or upon enrollment in

the WCPSS. If there is a conflict between the rules expressed in this handbook/agenda/planner and the Code of Student

Conduct policies, the WCPSS Code of Student Conduct policies shall take precedence.

Todos los estudiantes son responsables de cumplir con y familiarizarse con el Código de Conducta Estudiantil de WCPSS y las

políticas de la Junta de Educación que gobiernan el comportamiento y la conducta de estudiantes. Todas las políticas del Código de

Conducta Estudiantil se encuentran en el manual de WCPSS de Estudiantes/Padres, el cual se distribuye a todos los padres y

estudiantes al principio de cada año escolar o al matricularse en el WCPSS. Si hay un conflicto entre las reglas expresadas en este

manual de Estudiantes/Padres y el manual/agenda/planificador de la escuela de su hijo(a) las reglas expresadas en este manual deben

tomar prioridad.


Tardy to Class – Ready to ROAR In order to maximize time spent teaching and learning, it is the expectation that all students arrive to class on time. It is the

student’s responsibility to transition from each class in a timely and safe manner.

Students who do not arrive to class on time will be “swept” by school staff and issued a consequence per their student matrix. If a

student is tardy to class more than one period in a day or fails to show up for a scheduled disciplinary action, he/she may receive

additional consequences.

Students will not be permitted to leave their classrooms for the first ten (10) minutes of the class period.

Ready to ROAR Tardy Count Consequence

1-3 Verbal Warning

4 Robo-Call and Letter

5-7 Time Out

8-9 Time Out Plus

10-11 1 Day of ISS

12-13 2 Days of ISS

14 + 1 Day of OSS

From the WCPSS Student Due Process Policies & Procedures Handbook (page 16):

Tardiness is a Level 1 Offense - In-School Discipline/Possible Short-Term Suspension

WCPSS Policy I-3: Being tardy to class, skipping class/school, leaving campus without permission,

or being in an unauthorized area is prohibited.

Teacher/Team Consequences Teacher/Team consequences are often employed for minor, first-time offenses or other low-intensity offenses.

Teacher/team consequences may include the following: lunch detention, Time-Out, or In School Suspension (ISS).

Teacher/team consequences always include a parent contact either by phone or email.

In-School Suspension (ISS) ISS is an intervention/consequence that allows students to remain at school and continue their academic work in a small group


Students are isolated from their regular classroom environment and are expected to complete teacher assignments or ISS

assignments; sleeping is not allowed.

Students cannot participate in or attend any extracurricular and/or school related events on the day(s) they are assigned to


Repeated referrals to ISS may result in students being prohibited from attending any assemblies, dances and other school related

activities or may result in further disciplinary action.

Students will begin serving ISS from the beginning of the school day until 2:20 PM.

Regular school rules apply for all ISS referrals.

Out-Of-School Suspension (OSS) OSS is the most serious intervention/consequence. Students are not permitted on Ligon or any WCPSS owned property. Violators

will be considered trespassing.

Students are expected to make-up missed work, including tests upon their return to school.

Nuisance Items Nuisance items must be secured in student lockers during school hours.

Nuisance items include, but are not limited to cell phones, hats, skateboards, PSPs, iPods, MP3/MP4 players, headphones, baseball

bats, lacrosse sticks, video games, cards, CDs, laser lights, sunglasses, etc., which distract or disturb the instructional program at

Ligon, will be confiscated and returned to parents.

Academic Honor Code It is expected that all students at Ligon GT Magnet Middle School will demonstrate honesty and integrity in their conduct.

Intentional lying, cheating, and stealing will not be tolerated under any circumstances. People who violate this Honor Code will

be held accountable for compromising the honor and trust of our school community.

I will be honest about my work with teachers, peers, and parents/guardians.

I will take credit for my own work. I will not cheat, help others to cheat, or allow others to do my work for me.


I will not plagiarize. I will use quotations and cite sources when I use someone else’s words and/or ideas.

I will not forge (fake/copy) signatures, records, information, or results

Dress Code Appropriate dress is necessary in order to maintain an atmosphere that is conducive to learning and safety. In order to support this, the

following dress code will be enforced:

Students are expected to adhere to standards of dress and appearance that are compatible with an effective learning environment.

Presenting a bodily appearance or wearing clothing which is disruptive, provocative, revealing, profane, vulgar, offensive or obscene,

or which endangers the health and safety of the student or others is prohibited.

Examples of prohibited dress or appearance include, but are not limited to, the following:

Exposed undergarments;

Sagging pants;

Excessively short or tight garments(shorts and skirts are fine if the distance between the end of the short/skirt

and the knee is equal to or less than the length of the student’s hand - from palm to fingertips);

Soffe shorts;

Bare midriff shirts;

Straps on sleeveless shirts less than 2 inches wide(undergarment straps should not be seen);

Strapless shirts, attire with messages or illustrations that are lewd, indecent, or vulgar or that advertise any

product or service not permitted by law to minors;

Head covering of any kind (except for religious reasons);

See-through clothing;

Attire that exposes cleavage;

Any adornment such as chains or spikes that reasonably could be perceived as or used as a weapon;

Any symbols, styles or attire frequently associated with intimidation, violence or violent groups about which students at

a particular school have been notified;



Pajama pants

No tank tops/undershirt worn alone

No bandanas allowed on campus

If a student's dress or appearance is such that it constitutes a threat to the health or safety of others, distracts the attention of other

students or staff from their work or otherwise violates this dress code, the student will be required to change his or her dress or

appearance. Continued violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action.

Dances/Social Activities All dances and social activities are open to Ligon students ONLY. The 8th grade dance is open to 8th grade Ligon students


The following dance guidelines apply to all dances:


If students are sick or have ISS on the day of the dance, they will not be able to attend the dance.



Inappropriate dancing will not be tolerated. The first offense will result in a warning. The second offense will result in a call to

parents/guardians; early pick-up from the dance, and the student will not be allowed to attend dances for the remainder of the year.

All students must be dropped off and picked up on Haywood Street. There will be continuous adult supervision in this area. There

will be no supervision on Lenoir Street or Church Street.

Pick-up begins fifteen minutes prior to the end of the dance. Any student who is not picked up by the designated conclusion of the

dance will be ineligible to attend the next dance, and will have an administrative conference the next day.

Parents/guardians who want to pick their child up from the dance prior to the pick-up time should come to the gym and escort their


Students are not allowed to leave the dance area once they enter, until a parent arrives, or until the dance ends.



The faculty and staff of Ligon GT Magnet Middle School are committed to helping each student become an effective and successful

member of our community. This goal requires a cooperative effort from the staff, students, parents, and community. Our code of

conduct defines the operating principles that govern the behavior of everyone in our school: students, teachers, and staff. The goals are

to make everyone feel capable of choosing responsible behavior and to create a positive and safe classroom environment.

Responsibilities and Expectations:

The administration, faculty and staff at Ligon GT Magnet Middle School are committed to providing a safe and orderly environment so

that all students can learn and be successful.

Student Responsibilities and Expectations: Attend school regularly with materials prepared to learn.

Conduct oneself in a manner conducive to learning.

Treat everyone with courtesy and respect.

Treat personal and school property with respect.

Create and maintain a positive and safe environment.

Act responsibly and accept consequences for their actions.

Follow the rules and expectations of your teachers, school, and school system.

Know the consequences if you do not follow the Student Code of Conduct.

Parent Responsibilities and Expectations: Ensure your child understands and follows the Student Code of Conduct.

Teach your child self-discipline and respect for authority.

Communicate throughout the school year with your child’s teachers.

Cooperate with the school staff to help your child learn and be successful.

Teacher and Administrator Responsibilities and Expectations: Inform students and parents of teacher, school and school system rules and expectations.

Provide an opportunity for all students to learn and be successful.

Communicate throughout the school year with parents.

Cooperate with parents to help each student learn and be successful.


Because of its magnet status, Ligon GT Magnet Middle School uses more buses than any other middle school in the Wake County Public

School System to transport its students. Accordingly, student cooperation and student safety is a priority of our transportation system.

It is a privilege, not a right, to ride the school bus. In order to make our busses as pleasant and safe as possible, all students must

follow these general rules:

All WCPSS rules and procedures apply to students while waiting at bus stops and while riding the bus.

At the end of the school day, students are required to report directly to their respective bus area.

Once on the bus, students must remain seated at all times and keep all body parts and other items inside the bus.

The bus driver is the representative of the school and will insure that students comply with all WCPSS policies.

Each bus driver has the right to add additional rules/requirements and to assign students to a specific seat on the bus.

Violation of bus rules may result in disciplinary action, including a temporary or permanent suspension from school transportation


Serious or repeated violations may result in disciplinary action as outlined in the Parent/Student Handbook of the Wake County

Public School System.

Bus drivers, bus routes, pickup points, number of routes, etc. are determined by the Wake County Public School System

Department of Transportation, not Ligon GT Magnet Middle School. We will, however, try to assist you as much as possible

with your questions or concerns.



Participation in extra-curricular student activities is a privilege extended to all students. Students will lose the privilege to

participate in extra-curricular activities such as arts programs, athletics, and/or clubs if the student has served ISS or OSS on

that day.

Student Government Student Council is an organization run by an elected student Executive Board. Throughout the year this group works on various school

events such as charity fund-raisers, pep rallies, dances and Open House tours. Student Council is a service-learning elective, which

promotes volunteerism and school spirit. In order to be eligible for this class, students must MAINTAIN at least a “C” average in all

core classes and remain in good disciplinary standing.

Clubs/Service Electives Students are encouraged to participate in a variety of clubs and activities at Ligon GT Magnet Middle School. The following are clubs

and activities that are typically offered:

Battle of the Books Math Counts Yearbook

FCCLA Quad A Student Council

Chess Club NJHS MSEN

Quiz Bowl Art Club Science Olympiad

Athletics Seventh and eighth grade students interested in participating in athletics in the 2014-2015 school year should familiarize themselves

with the following eligibility requirements and athletic policies. Listed below are the sports seasons and the athletic programs during

that season.

Fall Winter Spring

Cheerleading Cheerleading Boys’ Soccer

Boys’ Football Boys’ Basketball Boys’/Girls’ Track

Girls’ Soccer Girls’ Basketball Boys’ Baseball (club team)

Girls’ Volleyball Girls’ Softball

2015-2016 Sport Season Dates Fall Sports Season - The first tryout/practice day will take place the week of August 31, 2015. The first regular season playing date is the week

of September 14, 2015.

Winter Sports Season - The first tryout/practice day is the week of November 9, 2015. The first regular season playing date is the week of

December 1, 2015.

Spring Sports Season - The first tryout/practice day is the week of February 15, 2016. The first regular season playing date is the week of

March 7, 2016, depending on the conference and the sport.

Eligibility: In order to be eligible for any athletic activity, the athlete: Must meet all eligibility requirements prior to the first tryout/practice date.

Must complete a WCPSS Middle School Athletic Participation Form and turn in to the school’s Athletic Director. The physical

portion of the form is valid only for 365 days from the date of the examination.

Student-Athlete and parent/legal custodian must read the Concussion Information Sheet and student-athlete and parent/legal

custodian must initial and sign the Student/Athlete and Parent/Legal Custodian Concussion Statement. This must be done on

an annual basis (once every 365 days).

Must purchase regular school accident insurance or provide proof of insurance coverage by filling out the insurance information

waiver on the Middle School Athletic Participation Form.

Must meet promotion requirements for the previous school year in order to be eligible for the fall semester. The State Board of

Education defines promotion as “progressing to the next grade.” Students retained either by the school or the parents will be


Must earn passing grades (D or better) during each semester in one less course than the required core courses to be eligible for

participation during the succeeding semester. Passing grades must be attained in language arts and mathematics. In addition to

the core course requirements, at least fifty percent of all remaining courses must be passed.


Must not have more than 14 total absences (85% attendance requirement) in the semester prior to athletic participation.

Must not turn 15 on or before August 31st of that school year.

Upon first entering grade seven (7) is academically eligible for competition on middle school teams. All academic and

attendance requirements must be met the first semester (fall) in order for this student to be eligible for athletic participation the

second semester (spring). No student may be eligible to participate at the Middle School level for a period lasting longer than

4 consecutive semesters beginning with the student’s first entry into 7th grade.

Must live with a parent or legal custodian within the Wake County Public School System administrative unit. (Must notify the

athletic director if not living with a parent or legal custodian.)

Must, if you miss five (5) or more days of practice due to illness or injury, receive a medical release from a licensed physician

before practicing or playing.

Must not practice OR play if ineligible.

Must practice a total of six (6) days before playing in a game in all sports except football, where a player must practice nine


Must not, as an individual or a team, practice or play during the school day.

Must not play, practice, or assemble as a team with your coach on teacher work days, Saturday (includes year round schools),

Sunday, holidays or vacation days.

Must be present 100% of the student day on the day of an athletic contest in order to participate in the event.

Must not participate (practice or play) in any athletic event if assigned to In-school suspension (ISS) or Out-of School

Suspension (OSS) during that assigned time.