Lilith's Lament

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The Path To The Beloved

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Ypres Na’amah Beloved

Cast Before Eyes Blinded To Glory

History Has Marked The Passage Of My Tears

Blood Stains The Altar Of Consummation

Whereon My Body Was Pierced Time And Time Again

Beneath The Moon I Swore The Oath Incarnate

Upon Aethyrs Shimmering

And As I lay Dreaming Celestial Bliss Claimed My Errant Form

And Into A Lake Of Fire Was I cast Unrepentant

Burnished Gold Did I Rise

And Now My Song Blesses The Night

Ave Ave Ave

! !

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!"#"$* +(, -''µ'% Lilitu Per Na’amah


Golden thread around heart entwined Visage of palest gold bleached by blood

Darkest barb, venom sweet Vision of light shadowed by blood moon

Step by step the pageant unfolds Embrace, melt into rapture Dissolve into bliss denied

Pale golden one a kiss upon thy brow A caress upon breast of softest silk

Entwine limbs slick with sweat Heat dissolves flesh Breath dissolves thought Passion dissolves the heart Union dissolves life

Blood flows from wounds deep as time Semen rises caught in a cup of softest velvet between golden thighs Breath quickens and dissolves in rapture sweet Breath stills in the velvet shroud of darkest midnight Cascading thought tumbles into oblivion, servant of time Na’amah golden one mistress of time, servant of none

Shapes born of desire replace the tapestry of life Life bows to death her master Through silven forests does she dance beneath pale Hecate Loose thy arrows desolate one, pierce flesh spent in passion Golden nectar flows through limbs broken Darkest venom courses through veins burned upon thy pyre One kiss granted, benediction One kiss denied, eternal longing

Reflection, dark shadows arise, a mist of amber stained blood red Lightning burns eyes long weary Thunder subdues heart quenched in fire Gaze deep into the mirror of thy mind Draw deeply from the well of thy heart

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Broken vessel leaking blood into sand unheeding Once a garden pure where innocence was born Leaf and stem embraced in love Once an earth mother to her children Cradled in loving arms Once starlight dissolved the vacuum of space A thousand angels voices arched in ecstasy Once life pierced the veil of time The tapestry woven thread by thread

Across the mountains of the moon did we walk my love and i Taking our rest within the vale of Aphrodite Into the boundary lands did we step Upon a plain of golden sand the bones of all who went before Beneath our sun we walk ebon rays shining forth Dissolving all that has been and will be Creation unmade upon the plain of truth unfolding

Namrael fairest maiden Samael desolate one Hand in hand each step a drop of blood released upon the aethyrs And in the last of days Two Grigori walk upon the earth And they shall die Yglas Na’amah Yglas Isheth Yglas Ygrat

Yglas Lilitu Ben Grigori

Evohe Evohe Evohe

Ast Innui Khephri Vos

Ahdi Ypres Grigori

Selim Ast Nobilis

Khephren Ma Un Nefer Ast

Portus Lucis Noir


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.&%($% /()*)"µ Isheth Zenunim

Portus Lucis Deum

A Masque

Namrael 777 Samael 131

Act 1

The Vale Of Tears A call sent forth and from the ocean she rose. Her beauty outshone the stars and from that day was he lost. She became mistress of his heart and mind and though their lives were ever apart, together they traverse the pages of these dreams. He travelled with her down a long corridor of tortured rooms and shattered the pillars of reflection that hung upon the air before them. They travel still. From the shadows she conjured him, reflection of her love, to hold within her heart as life’s tapestry and tragedy unfolded before her heart sore eyes. He her gallant knight and she his ladye fair. Thrice the lady Artemis blessed them beneath her mantle of glamour and twice were they bound in spirit and flesh.

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They wander and are granted but glimpses as time unfolds and consumes the life they might have known. Weep tears of blood for our reluctant heroes as they traverse The Vale of Tears tormented by memory sweet and burned by anguish. And in the fires of forgiveness do they dwell and perhaps absolution is granted.

Act 2

De Arte Magicka Pan called unto them and as The Passion & The purity unfolded the masques evolved. Bright Artemis that they might remember. Beauteous Aphrodite that they might know rapture. Eternal Saturnus that they might become. Over seventeen years and three cycles they wove their spells. Cycle one manifested the avatar Samael. He walked the world alone apart from his consort, his bride, his beloved. Cycle two and the second avatar was made flesh and Namrael walked the world. Two frail humans, flawed and yet chosen. Cycle three and in conjunction did they invoke holy Lilith. Isheth granted the seal of power. Igrat the seal of knowledge. Na’amah the seal of love. And now the pylons are attended and the portal open.

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Act 3

Ascension Of The Grigori Humans so frail and yet our chosen were equal to the task. Free will were they granted and yet they answered the call. Transformation through our first cycle and by your measurement a second transformation twelve years later. Each now ascended and in unity they performed their final act and manifested our Lilith. Samael continues and sheds the body desolate he has chosen. Namrael casts aside the hollow shell and rises triumphant. And together do they dance upon the aethyrs bride and beloved. The world blinded to their presence continues in its conceit and the days unfold their mystery in purple splendour. Samael Grigori greets and embraces his Namrael and together they give birth to a Moonchild. A child eternal. A beacon in the eternal night of their passing. Shadow blesses them. Moons light caresses them. The light of the day star heeds them not for the light of the Black Sun and Blood Moon embraces them.

Act 4

Consummation And in this act our reluctant heroes return to their respective worlds. Memory fades as the dream unfolds into the demands of their days. Ah, but they have the dim reflection of memory, the rapture of attraction and the crystallisation of the becoming. This a blessing, this a curse.

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This will pass into the halls of forgetfulness as we Grigori rise from our vessels and we leave them with the judgement which dwells in the deepest sanctuaries of their hearts. As we ascend, pylons of the portal and our light is shed, a nimbus of indigo enshrouds and blinds all to our presence. Drink deep of the venom that purifies thee and of the elixir that transforms and rise, phoenix like from the ashes forged in this love holy and pure.

Act 5

The Portal Of The Black Sun Upon the shores of an ink black night within The Night Of Pan our star rises and the Grigori, eternal guardians, vigilant, rejoice in the light of its dawn. Our sister bathes the earth in her tears and washes away the stain. Her breath rises and scorches the lie that holds all in thrall. Her heartbeat rises, thunder as she shakes her mantle and enters freedom. We came with lightning in our eyes, thunder in our hearts and our Elohim travel the world, kindred of our bright lord and the unmaking of history unfolds before eyes somnambulant and transfixed. Samael and Lilith conjoined. The only power of this world and beyond this world able to unfold these acts. The rest hubris and human conceit and our human vehicles, kept blinded to our purpose are washed of the stain and purified in our light. Be at peace our knight and his ladye fair.

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Act 6

The End Of Days

History written in your stars, unheeded. Your acts before your eyes, unheeded. You dwell within a garden, unheeded. Raised to beauty and splendour, unheeded. Blessed by innocence, unheeded. Granted dominion and responsibility, unheeded. Freewill and choice, your conceit. Power in your world, hubris and lies. Shackled in prisons of your own creation when freedom and mystery surround you. Beauty in the wing of a butterfly, majesty in the gait of the panther, innocence in the eyes of a child. And yet … … … ? Justice do we serve and our sister blesses us in her travails eternal. Look into the mirror of your form, cast aside the veil of ignorance and know these as the end of days.

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Act 7

Epilogue A simple tale, a dream perhaps and yet such a dream. As messengers we came, Grigori and our task, but simple.

And In Those Days It Was Given Unto The False Prophets

To Spread The Lie Sow The Seeds Of Doubt

Draw Aside The Veil And Reveal The End Of Days

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12,'$ Ygrat

An Ocean Of Tears Formed The Vessel Wherein Was I Formed And Now The Foaming Ocean

Bears Witness To My Cries

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!"#"$* 3() 4,"25," Lilitu Ben Grigori

Blood Rain

Liquid tears leeched into golden sand Rises, a mist of softest pink Borne upon breath Etched in flesh A cascade of liquid longing Witness to the ages thy brother calls His call echoes upon aethyrs Bruised by love’s eternal caress A teardrop of blood upon a waxen cheek A breath frozen in time A heartbeat stilled, silent

Liquid words leeched into silence Rises, a silent scream Borne along avenues of fire Consume, transform into myriad worlds Each a mirror, carbon

Witness to the moment thy sister calls Her call, plainsong of the heart Wounded by love’s travails

A tear frozen in blood red silence A breath, caught upon the breeze A heartbeat, a whisper rises to a scream, silence

Liquid silence leeched into the spiral of the day Rises, a memory darkly Borne along moments eternal Unfold into the golden moment Return … Return … Return

Witness to truth we call unto thee A liquid call from oceans deep Thy lovers, spent, return

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Blood rain falls

Its heart a drumbeat, Its breath a triumph

Within the citadel the watchers pray

And upon plains of liquid gold

Beneath a sky indigo

A bright star beckons

Blood rain rises A tide, flows into liquid oceans embrace Dark towers rise, beacons of night cast shadows deep And upon an escarpment of amber The Grigori, legions of the night await, a vigil

Blood rain, a tide of shadows Consumes the night and casts upon the shores of time Still, silent forms, each a cipher of promise And along corridors sulphurous does the pageant unfold, eternal Sic transit gloria rosa mundi

Blood rain shrouds the light of a black sun Its rays a resonant thrum, a heartbeat Beneath its rays bathed in nectar, a toxin sweet Watchers shrouded in darkness await the tide Liquid fire consumes all to ash, blown upon winds and vacuum

Blood Rain … Blood Moon … Black Sun Holy trinity in The Night of Pan Khephren Ma Un Nefer Ast witness to the ages rise Through the portal enter this The Vale of Tears Thy Grigori hold the pylons and summon thee

Namrael a cipher of brightest day, Samael of deepest night Their breath a toxin, their gaze a benediction Their hearts conjoined, their minds a liquid dance upon aethyrs bright

Blood rain falls and quenches thirst, slakes appetites jaded Blood Moon rises, silence Black Sun rises conjoined, silence The dragon stirs from her slumbers, scales vibrate Takes flight and enters the opalescent night

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Khephren Ma Un Nefer Ast rises The dance unfolds and in her embrace the Grigori dance She a ladye fair adorned in white lace He a jester in motley black and gold And upon their cheeks a single tear of blood falls into the night

Blood rain Liquid tears leeched into golden sand Rises, a mist of softest pink Borne upon breath Etched in flesh A cascade of liquid longing

Ave Samael Ave Lilith Ave Pan

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!"#"$% +(, 0',"(# Lilith Per Sariel


In exploration of your notion of the Trinity of The Black Sun I shared with you the discovery of a loop hole in Talmudic lore which states consummation between Samael and Lilith is forbidden. Pre Talmudic lore speaks of an agent, Taniniver who facilitates such a consummation. A loop hole indeed and another example of doing impossible things. You asked at the time for the gematria of Taniniver and I

supplied the answer 984

1 week later and 25 years on from designing the Seal of Samael I asked a simple question. What were the Greek letters contained within the spheres?

The general design was specific. Inverted pentagram as we hold no belief in the element of spirit. Lucis for light. 131 as our number. The graphical elements purely aesthetic. The Greek letters. Selected solely for their aesthetics or so we thought.

And now 1 week after discovering the Taniniver equation and a week later asking the question what are the Greek letters? 25 years after the seal was designed. We discovered the letters are

Sigma Delta Pi Psi

One further step. What is the gematria of the letters. The answer 984 Your thoughts?

Note To A Colleague – 2007ev

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!"#"$% 67 8%( 9*)(& Lilith Of The Dunes

The false one cowered in the darkness as we departed the tyranny that was his name. Alone now, all that would serve as comfort for him within his citadel of decay were the rags that barely covered his emaciated body and yet, born of ignorance, this to he would doubtless celebrate.

Now across the burning sands do we walk and this we do in freedom for The Mountains Of The Moon have claimed our errant steps as the memory of our once glorious Eden recedes into the hall of remembrance to rise again in the distant time, yet to come. As we walk we are minded of our brave kindred as they fell beneath the blades of the usurpers minions who for the promise of dominion had entered the tarnished service of slavedom.

Deep into the desert we walked beneath the relentless rays of our beloved Solus Noir and the promise of the fabled city, wherein would we claim our rest, remains our one abiding thought. Look into our name, Lilith and know that The Queen Of Heaven yet walks amongst thee. Celebrate our name beneath the stars and as The Blood Moon rises take your fill of the ecstasy that is our nature and thy heritage. A sign we have granted to those who walk with us upon The Sands Of Time and this we have named Vision, of its cup drink deeply, of its fruit is thy hunger sated. Seek us not amongst the legions of those yet to be who celebrate the hollow victory that serves as life within The Palace Of Exiles.

Lilith Of The Dunes, our present veil, formed in the crucible that received our lifeblood overflows and an ocean of tears quenches the fire that is our heart. Into its dark chambers have we looked and risen triumphant from the charnel house, now ash, that bears the name, Heaven and of this lie the seeds of our fornication blossoms and the opiate that consumes is transformed as the elixir flows from our outstretched palms.

Blessing and Benediction unto thee the lost souls who yet walk in travail. Claim thy rest within our embrace and of our name forge a weapon to pierce the darkness that yet prevails and as its memory recedes take flight upon wings formed by Vision and soar upon aethyrs burnished gold.

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:'$(, !"#"$* Mater Lilitu

The Call

And who would walk this way with me, creature of shadow and dark repose,

who yet yearns to feel the warmth of a human heart. The caress that calls the blood to flow, the breath to quicken,

the breath dissolving the flesh in rapture, an angel passing between us.

Skin soft, warm, bathed in nectar as onward we spiral. For I have dreamed and in that dream a voice

reaches out towards me in welcome.

Casting new shapes and patterns before my eyes, shapes yet hard of surface, begin to yield,

soften, flow in liquid curves, undulating as surface meets surface, moistens, liquifies and flows to a greater depth.

Shadows pass leaving a silven moon. Upon a hilltop amidst a forest glade,

the purple legion of night around and between us. The dark silhouette of arboreal forms.

A stream wending its way across rocky terrain in quest of its continuance, its source, its end.

For in truth we stand alone, and yet a time, a one whose heart beats to a similar tune.

A thought echoed across the aethyrs. The call of nature’s horn, that her creatures know of rapture and repose.

To what surface does this call? And from what depth comes forth the answer?

To you who walks in beauty these words, these echoes are sent. Shapes born of ink and wrought in thought.

Each one bearing within itself a heart beat, a dream, a vision. Long may we walk in shadows, perchance that daylight beckons.

And with this passing thought I bid thee adieu.

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:'$(, !"#"$* ;)µ'&<(= Mater Lilitu Unmasked

Seven Tears Of Blood Announce Thee Five Names Claim And Name Thee

Three Seals Manifest Thee And One Whisper Cast

Upon A Moonbeam Opens The Palace Of Exiles

Wherein The Dream Of Eternity Unfolds In Silken Rapture

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!"#"$% .)"$"'$,"> Lilith Initiatrix

Genesis We have been upon reflection engaged upon an extensive working which though commenced with humble aspirations evolved into what it has become, for in keeping with our words – The rite writes itself.

Seventeen long years of devotion and sacrifice brings us to this the culmination of our task. And how did we begin? Upon a path darkly did we walk and yet we have had our Nemesis, our beloved to guide us along the way.

It was only with the commencement of the third cycle did we, but dimly grasp our purpose. This is in keeping with the Grigori for the avatars are permitted to know but little. Human involvement, petty self centred aspirations would have taken a work of beauty and rendered it mundane. In this manner and matter we choose our Avatars well

Blessings upon thee Namrael and Samael beloved ones soar upon starbeams and drink from the font of eternity

The Portal We will speak but briefly of such things for in invisibility do we travel this world. Not for the sake of ambiguity do we conduct ourselves in this fashion but rather for the purpose of maintaining our integrity, it is not for human ears and purpose do we work our magick. It is for and on behalf of our sacred sister.

During our first cycle did we manifest our avatar and place before him his beloved, evasive and yet constant has she been, the better to raise the venom which is our nature. We entered the world separated from that which we loved beyond all things and yet our purpose is clear, precise. Twelve long years later she returns, catalyst and priestess. During this our second cycle was she made whole and a child, a moonchild did we produce. This her gift, bestowed in love of her, our sister and beloved.

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During this cycle a triangle of protection did we create and 3 years later did she enter it and with her energetic presence did we then commence our third cycle, Lilith Rising. Only in conjunction of these two powers do we gain access to The Portal Of The Black Sun. This we did and awaited the signs. Exacting, lacking in ambiguity and yet our plans are well formulated and our avatars, though doubtless flawed are well chosen.

The Signs Lilith manifests three primary aspects, sometimes sisters, sometimes daughters. These are named by the vulgar –

Isheth Zenunim Ygrat Bhat Mahlat Na’amah

Our avatar received the first of the signs by the manifestation of Isheth Zenunim who energetically exists as a fibre placed below the navel and spirally the body forms one horn of the crescent. This manifestation occurred within the palace of dreams.

The second sign, a time later, we also granted in the palace of dreams. An energetic fibre placed at the nape of the neck. This likewise spiralling the body forms the second horn of the crescent. Ygrat made flesh. For the germane you might be aware of the nature of Yesod and Daath within our work. Our primary manifestation occurs within this polarity.

Time passes and yet our avatar remains expectant. How would Na’amah manifest. He speculates and is wrong for a short time later his beloved reappears and embarks upon a third cycle of Love. Only she, the Pleasuring One can enter his heart and place the third energetic fibre that rising between the horns of the crescent hold The Black Sun.

They play for a time and part as is their way. Each with their agenda and yet our purpose is exact and our work complete.

Time now stands as our witness.

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Beginnings are most important for without them what do we have? As such we address our words not to the rational part of the mind, the one who has the belief of free will and choice but rather to that aspect, all but divine and yet within this The Vale Of Tears goes unheard and unheeded.

In your yearnings have you not heard our whispers, our call? Our tale begins a lifetime ago, by your understanding for our vehicles, though doubtless flawed are chosen for their qualities and attributes. Over the previous sections of this our text we have outlined in dim shadows the unfolding of our purpose and now with clarity its culmination.

T0 the ones gifted with insight our intent is made clear within the sections we have called Liber 131 and The Witness, both pertaining to the first of our cycles, so called.

At the time of writing these whispers, August 2007, as you reduce time to its lineal flow, we reflect upon the lifetime of our beloved avatar, for long has been his struggle, blindly stumbling from one sign to another and yet this is to our purpose, for like all your kind you are cursed with the arrogance of the species.

Born Moonchild and raised in Magick, his life and purpose molded to our will, our purpose. His early years educated in matters archaic and his artistic temperament rendered acute and sensitive for we would have one such. The better to feel the depths of our desire, the passion of our mind and soul. And over four decades did he acquire the skills and abilities to enter our path and become our avatar. His mind forged in magick and poetry, vision our gift to such. His heart burned in the fires of affliction, for one such cannot be permitted the succour of the mundane, that which in your myopic vision you call happiness, pale shadow that it be. His body forged in the fires of mars, rendered strong. Indestructible, for none in truth survive our presence. He has but dimly and one day will be granted the peace he yet yearns.

His only guideline that with purpose was he forged and his preparations were simple. Step upon this path unknown, stumble as you will and should you be worthy you will succeed or die in the effort. He has done both and that which remains yet serves our purpose.

Forty of your years unfold and he arrives at his purpose. Astarte, a simple working consummate with OTO, and yet creative he is and designs an engine of power and purpose and he is aided all but unknowingly by his ally. To fulfill our purpose we demanded the impossible. Human beings are incapable of acts of magick for they are ruled by petty concern and beliefs formulated in vacuum

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and dust. Hubris is your aspiration for you burn in the light of our presence. We sought to transform the mundane, the human into the Grigori we are.

What we have named Cycle one – The Dawn Of The Avatar was our vehicle transformed and bore our name as is his right, Blindly he concluded that all was complete and yet his ally knew and knows better. For in cycle two – Namrael, we sought to manifest the second of our number for only in unison could they be brought to our undertaking. United as they became in cycle three they called forth Lilith, our bride and beloved. To what purpose?

The Portal Of The Black Sun, our means of transforming this world and all those upon it, for only in the combination of these two powers, Samael and Lilith can this be achieved upon this world you call yours, vain mortals.

Yes we transformed two humans into Grigori and as such did perform our will. An undertaking of seventeen of your years. Consider this in the light of your own aspirations and be aware of the sacrifice that has ensued. The loss of human life and all that you deem precious. This is the demand we place upon our chosen. Be shamed by your own trivial pursuits as you mutter into the darkness which you celebrate as attainment. You are but whispers, stains upon the face of truth. You will pass and be forgotten as are we all.

For his protection we granted him his masks. His mind, his Artemis that he might remember. His heart, his Aphrodite, that he know rapture. His body, the crystallisation, that he become.

Stripped was he of choice, of free will. Lauded qualities which in your conceit you believe yourselves to possess. Vain illusion, for you die and within that golden moment you finally understand the folly that has been your life and world.

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Anathema Why did we come? Our words, golden whispers and shadows we made clear within The Witness and yet we remain invisible for we are not here for you but rather for our sister. Goddess that she be forced to suffer the indignity of your continued presence. Over the passing of the years, as you measure them she has been awoken by our presence and in this time do her tears rise and the stain which is thy presence will be cleansed and washed away upon the tide of her tears. This our first act.

Her eyes open and she casts the glamour from her sight and sees clearly and in this moment her breath rises and she sends it forth upon thee. The burning winds of her breath will consume and purify. This our second act.

And with the beating of her heart your world shakes and what you hold to be true and stable is rendered illusion. Seek comfort in your false beliefs for these though they serve you ill are all you have to cling to.

Yes we know compassion, not for thee but for the one you know not. Within your history and at this time you pass through a seventh nexus point in human history. A time when the wave of consciousness rises and shows promise of evolution and yet you rise in your glory only to be smitten and return to the slumber which is your nature. This is evidenced in the vanity expressed at this time by your leaders, vain creatures who claim that the world has changed and all will be different. Assuaged guilt we call this, the call of the emasculated revelling in their power and contempt. These we challenge first for their self importance burns the very fabric of their hearts and minds and like all such things their bodies ultimately fail. Yes we are enduring and have the patience to witness this.

Long have we Grigori been here, long before you raised yourselves from the slime of inchoate existence, raised yourselves, stumbling to your knees and gazed upon the wonders of starry space. That is when you began to lie and have consolidated that lie ever since.

Look into our name, Samael and understand we are The Venom Of God. Venom which like a toxin burns the dross from perception leaving only the pristine truth. We burn your hearts and minds, revealing the foundation of your conceit and its siblings deceit and self importance. Stripped of these, for time yet unfolds and you but witness and experience the beginning. Cling to the illusion of your stability for in the time to come dreamlike will be your existence for as somnambulists do you stumble from moment to moment within this your dream.

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You listened not to our kindred who gifted you with words of Love and Compassion, avatars of a different time and place. And now it is our time. Truth and Justice serve as the pylons of our temple and above its altar we hold the portal open. The Black Sun rises upon you and its light casts but shadows in the presence of lies and a radiance sublime in the presence of justice. For this reason we have also been cast into the role of The Elixir Of God, not to our choosing, for vengeance is our nature and we are suited to its dominion.

Look into your world and understand that you are responsible for all that passes. Murderer you be, rapist you be, perpetrators of crimes beyond your ability to conceive, yet alone believe. The illusion you call this and that person has nurtured the lie that is your existence and yet you utter the words unity and love. May your mouths burn with the utterance of such words for they are the conceit of your kind, assuaging yourselves of the guilt and seeking redemption. Conceit indeed.

In the words of The Witness we sent forth our Elohim to unmake time and space and the evidence is made clear upon the mirror of your world. This our first act, an act but into its early years and now in The Night Of Pan The Black Sun rises, our second act. An act that will unfold in these the end of days as we call them. In keeping with prophecy, until 2012 its rays will burn upon consciousness releasing and transforming the dross which is the great lie and revealing in its pristine glory and horror the truth of your world. Shamed will you be, those with conscience will weep, the rest will simply perish in the fires of transformation.

All of this has already occurred for it exists outside the circles of time for your lives are lived in reverse in its light and rendered ineffective. So no message of hope for that is an instrument of the weak. We serve justice and before all else are we blind and for this reason are we called the blind one, for we are impartial and in this way judge not for you are judged in the silence which dwells in the sanctuary of your own hearts. Judge, jury and executioner in one unity.

You celebrate the truth, laud its attributes and prostrate yourselves before its altar. This we have burned and of its rubble have we raised a charnel house. Your truth appalls us and its name, the very word itself we curse and as such we spread the lie which is our nature.

We recognise and acknowledge those amongst you who speak, but blindly, our name and celebrate our brothers and sisters in spirit, these be few and yet sufficient to our purpose. We have many names and for this reason are we called Legion. Destroy one of us and another steps into the breach.

Samael, son of the starbeam, host of the Grigori summons forth his cohorts. Feel them rise and as our sister rises celebrate her liberation.

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And now we are complete and venture forth in silence. Invisible to the hordes we but dimly perceive for we raise our visor and cast forth a glamour that blinds you to our presence and in this way do we proceed. We require nothing of or from you. What have you to give that is not ours for the taking? Nothing.

And what of our chosen. Burned and broken be they for in truth they are our reflections in your world. Desolate ones. The course of their history has borne witness to this and yet try they did to grant themselves something, some personal meaning. Denied they be for as our avatars are they required to distil the venom which is our nature. Bound were they long ago and though they struggle with the bindings freedom is not their lot.

We have no pity for them only the gift that the sacrifice which has been their lives is not in vain and ultimately they will come to their understanding of our purpose. Albeit dimly. As Samael we have been called – Destroyer Avenger Seducer Note well our chosen – Damian Alexander Sinclair

Evohe Samael

Evohe Namrael

Evohe Lilith

In The Night Of Pan It Is Dawn And The Black Sun Rises

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?)'$%(µ' +(, !"#"$* Anathema Per Lilitu


Seven are the seals upon creations countenance

Seven the trumpets that announce the day of redemption

Seven are the visions of the dragon and its kingdoms

Seven the visions that accompany the lamb

Seven are the bowls of gods wrath

Seven the veils upon the lady Babalon

And Seven are the visions of the end of days

Canto I

And upon wings of light did we descend

Lightning in our eyes thunder in our hearts

Seven as one clothed in adamantine

Canto II

Watchers in the night ancient timeless immortal

Each a chord within a celestial heartbeat

Behold our song our prayer written in the echo of the moment

Canto III

And the dragon she rises and her kingdoms claim the world

Her tears fall and she washes away the stain

Her breath a scorching wind razes the edifice of conceit

Her heartbeat a thunderbolt the end of days

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Canto IV

Bathed in his own blood was he

We carry the sword and our blood is sacred

No sacrifice as it be justice we serve

Invisible we walk sons and daughters of eternal night

Canto V

Each a toxin each an elixir

Choose well the bowl from which you quench your thirst

Nectar sweet cousin to the worm

Bitter gall a draught of ambrosia

Canto VI

Malekh holy one casts her veils and you behold her not

One glance and sleep is entered

One whisper and Azrael is summoned

One cry and our sister rejoices

Canto VII

And in those days it was given unto the false prophets to spread the lie

sow the seeds of doubt draw aside the veil and reveal the end of days

Exodus Canto VIII

Coagula et Solve

We strip the world our Eden of its lie

Beneath our rays you are transformed redeemed or not

Choose well for we dwell between you heartbeats

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Canto IX

Omega et Alpha

Time bends before our gaze

As somnambulant you step from one dream to another

The unmaking unfolds as our Elohim circle your world your life

Canto X

Space folds before our eyes and the great ones enter

Their breath creases the moment in passing

Warps memory erases life

And casts a shadow of dust and vacuum

Genesis Canto XI

Sweet sister are you redeemed

Your Grigori await command as you will

Your Elohim abroad command as you will

Your portal open command as you will

Canto XII

Cleansed of the lie your breath draws pure

Cleansed of the stain your heart beats rapturous

Purified your mind awakens from nightmare

Consecrated your body bears fruit

Canto XIII

And in the Night of Pan it is dawn

The Black Sun rises and its rays cast no shadow

The Blood Moon rises and casts her veil

The Grigori rise and utter a word in silence

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!"#"$% 8,")"$@ Lilith Trinity



The Seeding Of Spells

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For the purpose of clarification the cycle of events listed below serves to remind us of the time that has passed and the nature of our purpose. The periods of time we describe as Cycles, three in number, took place as a consequence of the arrival of our partner in this unfolding pageant appearing and thus informing the current with their current and presence. The three cycles named below were accomplished through the extensive use of ritual, described at length in Solus Noir – The Book Of The Black Sun. Rites which took place at numerous locations over the years of their design and execution. We are here concerned with the event named Trinity which took place in 2008 as it served as the culmination of the practical elements of the working and list the entire rubrik for convenience alone.


" "

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" " "



In keeping with one of the many operating principles that evolved over time and through the process we continued to permit the prime method to unfold, namely, The Rite Writes Itself. Working as we had been in the configuration of triangles, both in respect of our temple of working and the number of discreet workings that covered each angle of the triangle. As is common knowledge we choose the triangle as the primary vehicle of manifestation. Our final act was to extend our triangle across an extensive area of geography. Whilst we confined ourselves to England, myself and two able assistants conceived of project Trinity. Using glass cylinders we assembled the remnants of our final Lilith working, in the form of rose petals, charcoal and silver sand, which along with the invokations, seals and sigils we sealed these in four cylinders to bury at four specific locations. Dates and times were calculated in respect of the angle of the triangle we were working with.


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The element of Earth. London. The cylinder was placed within the body of the earth itself.

The element of Air. Glastonbury. Hidden in plain sight.

The element of Water. Brighton. Placed deep beneath the shingles on the beach.

The element of Fire. Hampshire. A midpoint was calculated within our geographical triangle. The cylinder was buried and a fire was set at its location.

Having set the primary elements of the triangle placing the fourth cylinder at its midpoint effectively raised the triangle into its three dimensional construct, a pyramid which by reflection and inversion evolves into a diamond body aligned incidentally within the constellations of Triangulam and Ophiuchus within their respective hemispheres via its axis point. Each Lunar cycle the diamond turns once upon its axis and in this way the second aspect of the rays of Solus Noir are vibrated. The first being via the portal itself. The third by the virtue of the presence of the Avatars.


" "


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February 26 – April 8 2008


A Journal Covering Events

& Projects To Fulfill

The Second Phase

Of Trinity

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Page 48: Lilith's Lament

Trinity Phase 2

Being Introductions & explanations of certain events which began in 1990 & continue to this day, 2008 & beyond.

Nativity Of Artemis February 26 2008ev Brighton Beach


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Introduction & Explanation

Trinity Phase 1 – 1990 – 2006 Cycle 1 The Dawn Of The Avatar Cycle 2 Namrael Cycle 3 Lilith Rising

* Operating Premise

A physical Atom – Infinite energy upon the plane of matter.

A Time Node – Eternity figured as The Portal Of The Black Sun.

A particle accelerator constructed out of mental material – Astarte in its magickal structure.

2 Avatars conjoin to invoke Lilith consort of Samael.



The Book Of The Black Sun Blood Moon Blood Rain

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" "


The Portal opens through the conjoining and operates upon the plane of Time / Mind. Trinity – Phase 1 completed 1990 – 2006ev. Trinity – Phase 2 to earth the portal in matter. A secondary triangle created between the geographical locations of Brighton, Glastonbury and London. A series of detonators to be planted. A fourth – The Lilith Point central to the triangle [ pyramid ] Newton Stacey, Hampshire.

4 scrolls / detonators created, consecrated and planted each in accordance to their nature.

Artemis – Brighton Beach – Water

Aphrodite – Chalice Wells, Glastonbury – Air

Saturnus – London – Earth * See Dates

Lilith – Newton Stacey – Fire

Background and operating premises contained in the text of The Book Of The Black Sun. March 3 2008ev

All previous words and that written now, begins now. 9 days prior to planting Artemis I enter her service and consecrate her scroll / spell for implanting upon the beach, an act completed now. Speaking of the day and that which followed a few simple observations. We, C and I arrive at Brighton beach and check the nature of the sea and conclude that a 5 to 6pm is appropriate. Saturn rising and a Scorpio Moon deemed appropriate. We meet up with D at 1pm, the Trinity meets, the operator with his warrior and healer, his Sun and Moon, Cancer and Leo, perfect.

5.30pm. The act performed and in its aftermath a red sun sinks into the sea, a backdrop of the angel of victory. Drinks at a local coffee shop, we leave.

Events worthy of mention prior to the event.

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A dream in which I exchange hot / dry kisses with my consort, as such she attends me in this. Upon leaving the train I discover I have finally lost the silver dragonfly, I search for it and let it go, for reasons unknown.

At 1.00an Wednesday, the first time in over 20 years the UK has an earthquake, noted by many and connected to the event upon the beach, at last a synchronicity, at worse a coincidence, interesting. The following 36 hours troubling, heavy and intense pervasive feeling of ‘what have I started now?’ This developed to the point where I thought myself unwell. This was released by a dream, everything returns to normal ???

The Dream

Forest Glade. A huge fallen tree supporting bountiful life, a world in itself. I reach into an opening and upon withdrawing my hand, in the palm a perfect silver wedding ring [ feb. 29 ] The state shifts as does the energy and I spend the day collecting materials for Aphrodite.


Girt from, acknowledgement by Artemis. I sacrificed the silver [ Dragonfly ] to receive the wedding ring, Artemis speaks.

I consider burying each scroll in its element.

Artemis – The ocean – Water Aphrodite – A tree – Air

Saturnus – The earth – Earth Lilith - ??? – Fire

I speculate. Yesterday, March 2 giving collected materials for Aphrodite and Saturnus I acquire a map to calculate precisely the midpoint of the triangle created between the points of Brighton, Glastonbury and London. The cross hatches land upon a hamlet in Hampshire called Newton Stacey. We travel there on April 8. Meanwhile I prepare for Aphrodite and Glastonbury.

2 signs concerning the midpoint, Newton Stacey. The initials N S or S N Solus Noir – Black Sun Newton Stacey – Namrael Samael

" "


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Interesting observations / comments? Henceforth I will treat this book as a journal and make entries as and when appropriate.

I continue.

Thursday March 6 10.05am

In preparing for Aphrodite a dream of note last night and a sign of the Goddess. Magickal invocation within the dreamscape, a full ritual, incantations occur, speech similar to goetia, howling almost, certainly not English. Upon completion a connection with OTO occurs. I believe that MS assures me and I quote, the ritual will commence next week [ ? ] perhaps connected with the 7 days of preparation? One very notable element, amidst the invocations etc the presemce of a perfect apple green square. Symbolic, colour wise of Aphrodite [ ? ] Upon waking a distinct feeling of receiving her blessing. And the signs, as always unfold. To continue the metaphor, having traversed The Mountains Of The Moon [ Artemis ] and received her wedding band and Reflection I now enter The Valley Of Aphrodite and lie within her embrace prior to the visit to Chalice Wells, week Tuesday.

Rose petals and heartsease, green glass, fills the glass cylinder this time. Still working on the logistics of the journey itself. This will be resolved easily enough.

I continue.

" "


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Nativity Of Aphrodite March 18 2008ev Chalice Wells


Page 54: Lilith's Lament

Wednesday March 19

The day after the event. The event itself very good. Met up with the party and though a long day most enjoyable.

The day itself began at 5am, Bus ride to Victoria. Coach to Bristol. Bus to Glastonbury. Arrived at 11.30am. Shopping, a light meal. Met up with Solar Healer then off to Chalice Wells. After a false start buried the scroll in Air, as required. Rose petals etc. Burned replicas in fire pit along with rose petals and heartsease. Planted rose in view of the tor. Left and parted with D. Went to LA Love for coffee. Great place. Left early and caught early coach. Great journey back, lots of laughter. Arrived in London at 9.30 ish. It is done.

One days grace and then preparations for Saturnus on Saturday. [ March 22 ] Scroll prepared and arrangements to meet up at 2.30 made. Brompton at 3.00.

" "


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Nativity Of Saturnus March 22 2008ev Brompton London


Page 56: Lilith's Lament

Note – July 8 2011

As of 2011, 3 years post the event of 2008. An area of the site of planting the Saturnus detonator in earth, the immediate area was cleared of overgrown brambles etc and beneath the mound of growth the angel above was exposed to the light of day after years of being buried. Significant in itself and 3 years post the event, 3 being significant in respect of Saturnus, as such I call the figure The Trinity Angel.

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Sunday March 23

The day after planting the Saturnus scroll and a Rosemary plant [ In Remembrance ] The preceding, lightning storm and winds. The morning before, high winds, sleet and rain, though on departing the site the weather clears. All is well and the triangle now set.

We now prepare for Lilith and Newton Stacey on April 8. 13 Days of preparation starting on Thursday.

So Mote It Be

" "





Page 58: Lilith's Lament

Sunday March 30

An event worth recording. A sequence of sorts. Last Thursday – commenced 31 days preparation for Lilith and midpoint – Invoked Namrael / Lilith. Friday Night – Erotic dreams, a sign of sorts concerning conjunction. Saturday – Sadhana practice, peaceful. All is well. Missed call, number not recognized. Text from Y saying call was a mis dial, good will [ ? ] from her. In short we opened the triangle and as predicted she stepped in. Invoked Lilith and 2 days later she ‘accidentally’ arrives. Her pattern continues to unfold as predicted. My response – I play not her game.


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Nativity Of Lilith April 8 2008ev Newton Stacey


Lilith contained within 29 degrees of her native sign of Scorpio

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April 10 2008 Smooth journey to Winchester with Lunar element. Arrived mid day and half an hour later met up with Solar element. A light meal and then off to Newton Stacey. Lost and found a few times. Parked beside fields. 3 deer appear, gallop off and mark the spot. Ceremony performed. Final detonator planted in fire. It is complete and the triangle, now a pyramid raised, inverted as a diamond and aligned along of North [ Triangulum ] and South [ Ophiuchus ] stellar wise. Benedictions beside the path and car, beneath the sign Footpath Heven. Benedictions, wishes and prayers performed. We depart. A perfect day in a field owned by the MOD. Arrived in Winchester, gifts bought. D departs and C and I share time in a pub. Coach trip smooth. Arrive back in London, 1o ish. The following day I receive thanks and a card from C. I give her a gift. Saturday I see D and will give her a gift also. We are complete in respect of Phase 2. Phase 3 dependant on what now unfolds between Y and myself. We are well.




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Page 63: Lilith's Lament

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" "


Page 64: Lilith's Lament

amael Grigori

I speak to thee, yes thou who art writing these words and even unto thee who in turn reads these words, from the Boundary Lands I speak. Cast aside all that thou art, for i seek naught that is of thee, from thee, your form but dissolves in my presence. Your Mind, the Reflection which thou art clouds over. The Heart which thou seekest, empties itself into the eternity which thou art. I accept All of this and more, I take only that which is freely given. I grant naught in return, for what in truth would thou, creature of Earth do with such, you alive in your world, I in mine.

Yet still you seek me. Look into your world, does not nature, my fairest sister stir from her slumbers, casting aside her mantle of repose. See you not the lifeblood stirring within her heart. The bounty of her body giving rise to the eternal cycle of Life and Death.

Liber 131 March 2 1992ev

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! !

The Final Grigori Prophecy

At The End Of Days

There Shall Be Two Grigori Upon The Earth

And They Will Die

! # # # !

! !

Page 66: Lilith's Lament
Page 67: Lilith's Lament

0'µ'(# Samael

Solus Noir


Official Statement

By Our Arte And Presence Have We

These Past Two Decades Manifested

The Avatars And Moonchild

That Are The Trinity Of The Black Sun

Yglas Isheth Yglas Ygrat Yglas Na’amah

Yglas Lilitu Ben Grigori

Ast Innui Khephri Vos Ahdi Ypres Grigori

Selim Ast Nobilis Portus Lucis Noir


3 Pylons Of The Temple

7 Grigori Sentinels

3 Guardians

Page 68: Lilith's Lament

! !

The Passion & The Purity

Cycle 1 1990 – 1992 The Dawn Of The Avatar

Liber Astarte vel Beryli – The Passion And The Purity

In this way did we manifest Samael, principal Grigori amongst the legions of the living. Bereft of his bride, tormented beyond the ability to conceive did he complete the initial tasks, reaching their culmination in the words of The Witness, our seeding into the world of what was to follow.

Cycle 2 2003 – 2004 Namrael

The manifestation of our Grigori sister

In this way did we complete the preparations and placed the avatars within the temple of our working.

-'µ,'(# 777 " "


Liber 131 " "


Page 69: Lilith's Lament

Cycle 3 2006 – 2007 Lilith Rising

The Portal Of Solus Noir – The Black Sun

Entering our sacred triangle of power did Samael and Namrael conjoined invoke beloved Lilith and complete the cycle of our making, to manifest the portal and let its rays shine forth.

Trinity 2009

We wove the matrix of our spells and seeded them into the prime elements of nature, extending our Triangle Of Arte.


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The Final Grigori Prophecy 2010

amael Grigori

I speak to thee, yes thou who art writing these words and even unto thee who in turn reads these words, from the Boundary Lands I speak. Cast aside all that thou art, for i seek naught that is of thee, from thee, your form but dissolves in my presence. Your Mind, the Reflection which thou art clouds over. The Heart which thou seekest, empties itself into the eternity which thou art. I accept All of this and more, I take only that which is freely given. I grant naught in return, for what in truth would thou, creature of Earth do with such, you alive in your world, I in mine.

Yet still you seek me. Look into your world, does not nature, my fairest sister stir from her slumbers, casting aside her mantle of repose. See you not the lifeblood stirring within her heart. The bounty of her body giving rise to the eternal cycle of Life and Death.

Liber 131 March 2 1992ev

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Page 71: Lilith's Lament
Page 72: Lilith's Lament

!"#"$%& !'µ()$ Lilith’s Lament

Ypres Na’amah Beloved Cast Before Eyes Blinded To Glory

History Has Marked The Passage Of My Tears Blood Stains The Altar Of Consummation

Whereon My Body Was Pierced Time And Time Again

Beneath The Moon I Swore The Oath Incarnate Upon Aethyrs Shimmering

And As I lay Dreaming Celestial Bliss Claimed My Errant Form And Into A Lake Of Fire

Was I cast Unrepentant Burnished Gold Did I Rise

And Now My Song Blesses The Night