Linking optics and mechanics in an in vivo model of airway fibrosis and epithelial injury Christopher B. Raub University of California, Irvine Department of Biomedical Engineering Irvine, California 92697 Sari Mahon University of California, Irvine Beckman Laser Institute Irvine, California 92697 Navneet Narula University of California, Irvine Department of Pathology Irvine, California 92697 Bruce J. Tromberg University of California, Irvine Department of Biomedical Engineering and Department of Surgery and Beckman Laser Institute Irvine, California 92697 Matthew Brenner University of California, Irvine Department of Medicine Irvine, California 92697 Steven C. George University of California, Irvine Department of Biomedical Engineering and Department of Chemical Engineering and Material Science Irvine, California 92697 Abstract. Chronic mucosal and submucosal injury can lead to persis- tent inflammation and tissue remodeling. We hypothesized that mi- crostructural and mechanical properties of the airway wall could be derived from multiphoton images. New Zealand White rabbits were intubated, and the tracheal epithelium gently denuded every other day for five days three injuries. Three days following the last injury, the tracheas were excised for multiphoton imaging, mechanical com- pression testing, and histological analysis. Multiphoton imaging and histology confirm epithelial denudation, mucosal ulceration, subepi- thelial thickening, collagen deposition, immune cell infiltration, and a disrupted elastin network. Elastase removes the elastin network and relaxes the collagen network. Purified collagenase removes epithe- lium with subtle subepithelial changes. Young’s modulus E mea- sured in kiloPascal was significantly elevated for the scrape injured 9.0±3.2 trachea, and both collagenase 2.6±0.4 and elastase 0.8±0.3 treatment significantly reduced E relative to control 4.1±0.7. E correlates strongly with second harmonic generation SHG signal depth decay for enzyme-treated and control tracheas R 2 = 0.77, but not with scrape-injured tracheas. We conclude that E of subepithelial connective tissue increases on repeated epithelial wounding, due in part to changes in elastin and collagen microstruc- ture and concentration. SHG depth decay is sensitive to changes in extracellular matrix content and correlates with bulk Young’s modulus. © 2010 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. DOI: 10.1117/1.3322296 Keywords: second harmonic; two photon fluorescence; collagen; elastin; fibrosis. Paper 09262R received Jun. 23, 2009; revised manuscript received Nov. 20, 2009; accepted for publication Dec. 18, 2009; published online Feb. 22, 2010. 1 Introduction Fibrosis and tissue remodeling often follows mucosal injury. 13 Various soluble factors from damaged epithelium and immune cells promote myofibroblast activation and sub- sequent fibrosis, including transforming growth factor TGF-1 and -2, interleukin IL-13, and platelet-derived growth factor PDGF. 15 Mucosal stiffening resulting from increased collagen deposition and cross-linking can impact normal function at both cell and tissue levels and provide mechanical cues that promote further scar formation e.g., matrix stiffness-dependent strain-induced TGF- activation. 6,7 Although elastography is a promising technique that maps tissue strain, it typically possesses limited spatial resolution and biochemical discrimination; 8 hence, there re- main limited methods to noninvasively assess tissue remodel- ing and the mechanical properties of mucosal tissue. Mucosal injury can include epithelial denudation and cell shedding, resulting in ulceration followed by cell migration and proliferation to rapidly reepithelialize the mucosa. In the subepithelial tissue, there may be immediate hemorrhage and fibrin clot formation, followed rapidly by edema and neutro- phil invasion, resolving after one to three weeks to persistent macrophage presence, fibroplasia, and fibrosis. 9 An improved understanding of changes in matrix mechanics and biochemi- cal signals in the first week following injury may facilitate the treatment of fibrotic diseases of mucosa, such as asthma and interstitial lung diseases. Recently, in vitro and in vivo models 1083-3668/2010/151/015004/9/$25.00 © 2010 SPIE Address all correspondence to: Steven C. George, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Biomedical Engineering, 2420 Engineering Hall, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, California 92697-2730. Tel.: 949 824-3941; Fax: 949 824-9968; E-mail: [email protected] Journal of Biomedical Optics 151, 015004 January/February 2010 Journal of Biomedical Optics January/February 2010 Vol. 151 015004-1

Linking optics and mechanics in an in vivo model of airway

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Journal of Biomedical Optics 15�1�, 015004 �January/February 2010�


inking optics and mechanics in an in vivo model ofirway fibrosis and epithelial injury

hristopher B. Raubniversity of California, Irvineepartment of Biomedical Engineering

rvine, California 92697

ari Mahonniversity of California, Irvineeckman Laser Institute

rvine, California 92697

avneet Narulaniversity of California, Irvineepartment of Pathology

rvine, California 92697

ruce J. Trombergniversity of California, Irvineepartment of Biomedical Engineeringandepartment of Surgeryand

eckman Laser Institutervine, California 92697

atthew Brennerniversity of California, Irvineepartment of Medicine

rvine, California 92697

teven C. Georgeniversity of California, Irvineepartment of Biomedical Engineeringandepartment of Chemical Engineering

and Material Sciencervine, California 92697

Abstract. Chronic mucosal and submucosal injury can lead to persis-tent inflammation and tissue remodeling. We hypothesized that mi-crostructural and mechanical properties of the airway wall could bederived from multiphoton images. New Zealand White rabbits wereintubated, and the tracheal epithelium gently denuded every otherday for five days �three injuries�. Three days following the last injury,the tracheas were excised for multiphoton imaging, mechanical com-pression testing, and histological analysis. Multiphoton imaging andhistology confirm epithelial denudation, mucosal ulceration, subepi-thelial thickening, collagen deposition, immune cell infiltration, and adisrupted elastin network. Elastase removes the elastin network andrelaxes the collagen network. Purified collagenase removes epithe-lium with subtle subepithelial changes. Young’s modulus ��E� mea-sured in kiloPascal� was significantly elevated for the scrape injured�9.0±3.2� trachea, and both collagenase �2.6±0.4� and elastase�0.8±0.3� treatment significantly reduced E relative to control�4.1±0.7�. E correlates strongly with second harmonic generation�SHG� signal depth decay for enzyme-treated and control tracheas�R2=0.77�, but not with scrape-injured tracheas. We conclude that Eof subepithelial connective tissue increases on repeated epithelialwounding, due in part to changes in elastin and collagen microstruc-ture and concentration. SHG depth decay is sensitive to changes inextracellular matrix content and correlates with bulk Young’smodulus. © 2010 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.

�DOI: 10.1117/1.3322296�

Keywords: second harmonic; two photon fluorescence; collagen; elastin; fibrosis.Paper 09262R received Jun. 23, 2009; revised manuscript received Nov. 20, 2009;accepted for publication Dec. 18, 2009; published online Feb. 22, 2010.


ibrosis and tissue remodeling often follows mucosalnjury.1–3 Various soluble factors from damaged epitheliumnd immune cells promote myofibroblast activation and sub-equent fibrosis, including transforming growth factorTGF�-�1 and -�2, interleukin �IL�-13, and platelet-derivedrowth factor �PDGF�.1–5 Mucosal stiffening resulting fromncreased collagen deposition and cross-linking can impactormal function at both cell and tissue levels and provideechanical cues that promote further scar formation �e.g.,atrix stiffness-dependent strain-induced TGF-�

ctivation�.6,7 Although elastography is a promising technique

ddress all correspondence to: Steven C. George, M.D., Ph.D., Department ofiomedical Engineering, 2420 Engineering Hall, University of California, Irvine,

rvine, California 92697-2730. Tel.: �949� 824-3941; Fax: �949� 824-9968;-mail: [email protected]

ournal of Biomedical Optics 015004-

that maps tissue strain, it typically possesses limited spatialresolution and biochemical discrimination;8 hence, there re-main limited methods to noninvasively assess tissue remodel-ing and the mechanical properties of mucosal tissue.

Mucosal injury can include epithelial denudation and cellshedding, resulting in ulceration followed by cell migrationand proliferation to rapidly reepithelialize the mucosa. In thesubepithelial tissue, there may be immediate hemorrhage andfibrin clot formation, followed rapidly by edema and neutro-phil invasion, resolving after one to three weeks to persistentmacrophage presence, fibroplasia, and fibrosis.9 An improvedunderstanding of changes in matrix mechanics and biochemi-cal signals in the first week following injury may facilitate thetreatment of fibrotic diseases of mucosa, such as asthma andinterstitial lung diseases. Recently, in vitro and in vivo models

1083-3668/2010/15�1�/015004/9/$25.00 © 2010 SPIE

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Raub et al.: Linking optics and mechanics in an in vivo model of airway fibrosis and epithelial injury


f airway epithelial scrape wounding have received attentions relevant models of mucosal injury, wound healing, andissue remodeling.10–12

Previously, we have shown that multiphoton microscopyMPM�, used to image second harmonic generation �SHG�rom collagen gels, can accurately assess matrix microstruc-ure and predict bulk tissue stiffness.13,14 SHG arises uniquelyrom noncentrosymmetric molecular arrays possessing a non-inear susceptibility, such as collagen fibrils. In contrast, two-hoton fluorescence �TPF� arises from endogenous fluoro-hores such as NAD�P�H and FAD+ in cells,15–17 oryridinium-type cross-links in matrix molecules.18,19 More re-ent reports on the feasibility of multiphoton endoscopy haveemonstrated the potential to utilize both SHG and TPF sig-als in vivo.20–22 Thus, MPM imaging of SHG and TPF sig-als from normal and scrape-wounded tracheal mucosa mayoninvasively characterize changes to epithelium, leukocytes,ollagen, and elastin that lead to fibrotic tissue remodelingnd stiffening.

Correlating such cellular and microstructural informationith tissue stiffness �measured by indentation testing� couldrovide novel information linking inflammation, fibrosis, andtiffness-dependent wound healing. We developed a repeatedirway epithelial injury model, in which the tracheal mucosaf a rabbit is injured every other day for five days �threecrapes� and then excised three days after the last injury. Fol-owing excision, we performed MPM imaging, indentationesting, and histological analysis of the mucosa, comparinghe wounded tissue to normal tissue, as well as to elastase andollagenase-treated tracheal sections. Young’s modulus inompression �E� was then correlated with MPM imaging pa-ameters to explain the effects of changes in collagen, elastin,pithelium, and immune cells on bulk tissue mechanics.

Materials and Methods.1 Animal Proceduresll procedures involving animals were approved by the Insti-

utional Animal Care and Use Committee. All animals werereated in accordance with federal and state regulatory guide-ines. Seventeen New Zealand White rabbits �nine controlsnd eight scrape-injured� weighing 3–5 kg �Western Oregonabbit Company, Philomath, Oregon� were anesthetized, in-

ubated �see Fig. 1�a��, and maintained under anesthesia asreviously described23 with the following differences: 0.2 mLaintenance anesthetic was administered by injection everymin, rather than continuously. The tracheal scrape proce-

ure was performed as previously described.11 Briefly, rabbitsere scraped on three occasions—every other day for fiveays—and were then sacrificed three days after the finalcrape. Some animals were sacrificed immediately after therst scrape in order to distinguish between immediate and

ong-term effects of the injuries. A 7-mm-diam unsheathedytology brush �Conmed, Utica, New York; see Fig. 1�b�� wasnserted through the endotracheal tube and scraped over thentire length of exposed tracheal lumen between the endotra-heal tube opening and the carina ��3 cm�. The brush wascraped against the tracheal mucosa for �15 s. Cells on therush were shaken into 1 mL of phosphate buffered salinePBS� containing 4% formaldehyde and were subsequentlytained with Alexafluor 568 phalloidin �Invitrogen, Carlsbad,

ournal of Biomedical Optics 015004-

California� and DAPI �Sigma, St. Louis, Missouri�. Phasecontrast and epifluorescence microscopy confirmed the pres-ence of clusters of columnar ciliated epithelial cells �data notshown�, as well as erythrocytes in the brushings. Rigid bron-choscopy confirmed placement of the endotracheal tube andgross appearance of the tracheal lumen, which appeared ul-

Fig. 1 Experimental schematic and low-magnification images of un-wounded and scrape-wounded tracheas. �a� Diagram showing endot-racheal intubation of an anesthetized rabbit that allowed nonsurgicalaccess to the distal 3 cm of the tracheal mucosa and submucosa forscrape wounding. �b� Dissecting microscope view of an excised por-tion of a scraped trachea, cut along the trachealis to expose the lu-men, plus the cytology brush used to create the scrape wound. H&Estained 5-�m-thick circumferential sections of �c� control and �d�scrape-wounded tracheas. H&E stained 5-�m sagittal sections �trans-verse to cartilage rings� of �e� control and �f� scrape-wounded tra-cheas. Mucosal thickness is indicated by solid black brackets. d, u,and h represent areas of denuded, ulcerated, and hyperplastic epithe-lium, respectively. �g� Quantification from circumferential histologicalsections of morphological changes after chronic scrape wounding.Scrape-wounded mucosa and wall cross-sectional area are signifi-cantly greater than control areas �t-test, p value �0.001 and p value�0.01, respectively�. Lumen cross-sectional area is significantly de-creased �t test, p value �0.001�. *, †, and ‡ indicate statistical signifi-cance relative to corresponding control. Control N=3 rabbits; scrapeN=6 rabbits.

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Raub et al.: Linking optics and mechanics in an in vivo model of airway fibrosis and epithelial injury


erated and edematous following the second and third scrapenjuries. Optical coherence tomography �OCT� was also per-ormed on the tracheal mucosa as previously described,23 con-rming development of mucosal edema 10 min following therush injury. Following the scrape injuries and recovery peri-ds �or similar time period for control animals�, the rabbitsere euthanized as described previously.23

.2 Multiphoton Imaging

abbit tracheas were excised following euthanasia and storedn 50 mL of ice-cold PBS until removal for imaging�2–3 h�. In addition, six control tracheas from nonintu-ated, noninjured rabbits were cut into strips encompassingne-third of the tracheal circumference and subjected tomg /mL CLSPA collagenase �Worthington, Biochemicalorporation, Lakewood, New Jersey� in PBS; 4.5 mg /mLSL elastase in 0.2 M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.8; or no enzyme

or a period of 24 h. Imaging and mechanical testing of thesenzyme-treated and control tracheas commenced after severalinses in fresh PBS, and MPM images of these control tra-heas were found to be indistinguishable from tracheas im-ged at earlier time points. All tracheas were cut along therachealis �for example, see Fig. 1�b�� and then into

4�4 mm rectangular sections. Tracheal sections wereandwiched between two circular no. 1 borosilicate cover-lasses �Fisher, Hampton, New Hampshire� and maintained inhydrated state during imaging. All imaging was performed

n a Zeiss 510 Meta multiphoton laser scanning microscopeZeiss, Jena, Germany�. SHG and TPF signals were collectedn the epiconfiguration with an Achroplan 40� /0.8 NAater-immersion objective, and 12-bit images contained12�512 pixels, with pixel size 0.44 �m. A circularly po-arized Chameleon laser �Coherent Incorporated, Santa Clara,alifornia� was focused on the trachea samples at wavelength20 nm with incident power �60–175 mW �laser poweras increased for more highly scattering samples�. SHG sig-al was collected using a 390–465 nm infrared-blockingandpass filter; TPF signal was collected simultaneously in aifferent channel using a 500–500 nm infrared-blockingandpass filter. Two scans were averaged per frame with aixel dwell time of 1.60 �s. Three to ten serial depth sectionsith 2–10 �m vertical spacing between individual frames

“z stacks”� were recorded per trachea section, with at least25 �m between stacks. Additionally, 25 individual framesere tiled together laterally to form one large 1.1251.125 mm tiled image for control and scrape-injured tra-

hea sections.

.3 Mechanical Testing

ndentation testing was performed using a 1.3-mm-diam cy-indrical platen to indent samples at a rate of 0.05 mm /s up to.1 mm. After multiphoton imaging, the trachea sections werelaced in PBS and transported to a Synergie 100 testing sys-em �MTS Systems Corporation, Eden Prairie, Minnesota�.amples were placed on 600-grade ultrafine waterproof sand-aper �3M, St. Paul, Minnesota� during the test. A.3-mm-diam platen was placed just touching the trachealucosa, and stress and strain were recorded for a 100-�m

ournal of Biomedical Optics 015004-

indentation. The Young’s modulus in compression �E� wascalculated as the best-fit slope of the resulting stress-straincurve.

2.4 Histological ProceduresStandard procedures were used to prepare histological stainsof tracheal sections. Tracheas were paraffin embedded andsectioned in 5-�m-thin sections. Sections were prepared par-allel and perpendicular to the long axis of the trachea. Mas-son’s trichrome, Verhoeff-van Gieson �VVG�, and hematoxy-lin and eosin �H&E� stains were performed on serial tissuesections in order to analyze collagen, elastin, and cell contentof the tissues. Additionally, some tracheas were flash frozen inOCT medium �Ted Pella Incorporated, Redding, California�,and then sectioned on a cryotome to 20-�m sections. Thesesections were sufficiently thick to image with MPM afterthawing in PBS. Following MPM imaging, these sectionswere stained in a fashion similar to the 5-�m histology sec-tions.

2.5 Image AnalysesAll image analysis was performed with ImageJ �Wayne Ras-band, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland�, and 10� magnified bright-field images of histologically stained circumferential sectionswere manually thresholded to distinguish tissue from thebackground. Various tissue and layer edges were traced inorder to determine average areas of the tracheal lumen, thetracheal wall, the entire wall plus lumen, and the mucosa only�i.e., tissue inward of the tracheal rings�. Five control and sixscrape-injured trachea sections from separate rabbits wereanalyzed in this way.

200� magnified bright-field images of Masson’s tri-chrome and VVG-stained trachea sections were analyzed toestimate image area occupied by collagen and elastin, respec-tively. RGB images of Masson’s trichrome images were split,and the blue channel, solely, was analyzed. The blue image,containing blue-stained collagen, was manually thresholded,and the entire mucosa from cartilage to lumen was traced. Thefraction of blue-stained pixels was then determined. RawRGB images of VVG-stained sections were inverted andthresholded in order to separate the elastin �originally stainedblack� from tissue stained with a lighter shade. Regions oftissue containing elastin were then traced, and the percent ofelastin-containing pixels was measured.

Four parameters were quantified from SHG and TPF im-ages of the tracheas: SHG and TPF signal area fractions, andthe segmented and raw SHG signal intensity depth decay co-efficients. Single images from z stacks containing the bright-est SHG and TPF signal, respectively, were collected fromeach trachea sample and pooled for analysis. Each image wasmanually thresholded to determine the cutoff between noiseand void-containing pixels and signal-containing pixels, andthe area fraction of signal was determined. SHG signal inten-sity decay coefficients were calculated from an exponentialbest fit of z-stack image intensities plotted against depth fromthe luminal surface. All images were noise subtracted �deter-mined from the image intensity of a z-stack frame positionedbelow the tissue surface�. Images were further thresholded asbefore to isolate signal-containing pixels, and the segmentedmean of these signal-containing pixels were also plotted as a

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ecaying function of tissue depth. The SHG decay coefficients defined as b in the following best-fit equation: SHGntensity=Ae−bz where z is depth from the tissue surface inillimeters and A and b are constants determined by the bestt.

.6 Statistical Analysistudent’s t-test was used to distinguish significant differencesetween measurements from control and scrape-injured his-ology sections. Mean E of control, scrape-injured,ollagenase-treated, and elastase-treated tracheas were com-ared to a single analysis of variance �ANOVA� test, followedy a post hoc Tukey test. A p value of 0.05 or less was con-idered significant. Correlations of E with TPF area fraction,HG area fraction, raw SHG decay, and segmented SHG de-ay were performed with linear best fits, and R2 values wereetermined. All error bars represent standard deviation, unlesstherwise stated.

Results.1 Histological Comparison of Uninjured and

Scrape-Injured Tracheasnjured tracheas developed whitish granulation tissue and in-reased mucus, easily removed by gentle rinsing postsacrifice,ompared to controls. H&E stained circumferential sectionsFig. 1�d�� and sagittal sections �Fig. 1�f�� of injured tracheasisplay marked fibrosis and mucosal thickening �Figs. 1�d�nd 1�f�, brackets� with regions of denuded epithelium �Fig.�f�, labeled d� and ulcerated tissue �Fig. 1�f�, labeled u�eighboring hyperplastic epithelium �Fig. 1�f�, labeled h�. Theirway luminal area is decreased, and the mucosal border isrregular �Fig. 1�d��. In comparison, circumferential and sag-ttal sections of uninjured tracheas �Figs. 1�c� and 1�e� respec-ively� display thin subepithelial connective tissue �Fig. 1�c�nd 1�e�, brackets�. Higher magnification images of VVG-tained sections of uninjured tracheas show unbroken and nor-al differentiated epithelium �best seen in Fig. 2�b�, e�. Quan-

ified from circumferential sections, mucosal area increased150% �6.9�2.0 mm2 versus 2.5�1.0 mm2 for injured

nd control, respectively, p value �0.001�; area of the tra-heal wall increased �50% �13.1�3.3 mm2 versus.7�1.9 mm2 for injured and control, respectively, see palue �0.01�; and lumen cross-sectional area decreased25% �13.0�1.9 mm2 versus 17.0�1.6 mm2 for injured

nd control, respectively, p value �0.001�; while total area ofhe cross sections were similar �26.1�2.0 mm2 versus5.7�1.5 mm2 for injured and control, respectively, no sig-ificant difference, p value =0.68�.

Damaged blood vessels, fibrin, and primarily lymphocyticnfiltration are visible at high magnification �Fig 2�d��.crape-injured sections contained more than a three-fold in-rease in immune cells—mostly polymorphonuclear neutro-hils �Fig. 2�d� inset, labeled n�, and lymphocytes character-zed by round heterochromatic nuclei �Fig. 2�d� inset, labeled; 47�9 and 162�52 cells/400� field of view for controlnd scrape-injured tracheas, respectively, two-tailed t-test, palue �0.001�. Masson’s trichrome and VVG stains of serialections revealed the nature of mucosal collagen and elastinFigs. 2�a�–2�d��. In uninjured tracheas the lamina reticularis

ournal of Biomedical Optics 015004-

�labeled lr� forms a thin �30–80 �m� layer of dense, inter-woven collagen �Fig. 2�a�� and elastic fiber �Fig. 2�b�� net-works. Beneath the lamina reticularis, sparse subepithelialcollagen surrounds small blood vessels �Figs. 2�a� and 2�b�labeled bv�. In injured tracheas the organization of the laminareticularis is lost, with extensive fibrotic collagen �labeled f�deposited apically near the site of injury �Fig. 2�c�� concurrentwith distortion of the collagen network and damage to theelastic fiber network in the lamina reticularis �Fig. 2�d�, dam-age indicated by arrow�.

Multiphoton images of 20-�m-thick frozen �Figs.2�e�–2�h�� sections revealed similar information as histologysections, but the uniqueness, in these conditions, of SHG sig-nal to collagen and TPF signal to elastin and cells allows forclear discrimination of those tissue constituents. The originsof SHG signal from collagen and TPF signal from elastin,immune cells, epithelium, and fibrin exudates are confirmed

Fig. 2 Comparison of histology and MPM images of trachea sections.Masson’s trichrome stain and Verhoeff-van Gieson �VVG� stain ofcontrol trachea �a, b, respectively� and scrape-wounded trachea �e, F,respectively� 5-�m-thick sections. Coregistered SHG and TPF imagesof control trachea �c, d, respectively� and scrape-wounded trachea �g,h, respectively� from 20 �m cryosections. bv, lr, e, f, n, L, and urepresent blood vessel, lamina reticularis, epithelium, fibrosis, neutro-phil, lymphocyte, and ulcerated epithelium, respectively. Black andyellow arrows represent damage to the elastic fiber network in thelamina reticularis and a blood vessel, respectively. �i� Quantificationof area covered by collagen �assessed from trichrome stain and cryo-section SHG� and by elastic fibers �assessed from VVG stain and cryo-section TPF�. Collagen cross-sectional area is significantly increasedin the scrape-wounded tracheas �t-test, p value �0.0001 and p value�0.01, from trichrome and SHG images, respectively�. * and † indi-cate statistical significance relative to corresponding control�. ControlN=3 cryosections from three rabbits; nine histological sections fromthree rabbits; scrape N=5 cryosections from five rabbits; and 12 his-tological sections from four rabbits. Scale bars are 50 �m.

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y comparison of MPM images of cryosections with Mas-on’s trichrome and VVG-stained tracheal sections taken fromerial sections of the same tracheal tissue. The lamina reticu-aris of uninjured tracheal sections contains a uniform andense network of SHG-producing collagen �Fig. 2�e�� andPF-producing elastin �Fig. 2�f�� basal to a uniform, columnarpithelium �e� which also emits a TPF signal �Fig. 2�f��.lood vessels are visible basal to and within the lamina re-

icularis as void space with little SHG signal �Fig. 2�e�, yel-ow arrow�. Phalloidin-conjugated fluorophore staining of tra-heal sections demonstrate the presence of blood vesselsithin these regions devoid of SHG and TPF signal �Fig.�c��. In contrast, the scrape-wounded tracheal mucosa showsthicker, less connected collagen and elastin network within aisrupted, nonuniform lamina reticularis, evidenced by SHGFig. 2�g�� and TPF �Fig. 2�h�� signal from these layers. Thehickened epithelium is weakly autofluorescent, and a fibrinxudate/ulcer covers the jagged apical surface of the laminaeticularis �Fig. 2�h�, labeled u�. From MPM images of theame trachea cryosections that span the whole tracheal crossection, the thickness of the uninjured epithelium is5–60 �m; the lamina reticularis is 45–90 �m; and thehole tracheal wall is �0.9 mm. In contrast, MPM images of

he scrape-injured trachea cryosection reveal a fibrin layerhickness of 90–150 �m, a lamina reticularis of00–250 �m, and a tracheal wall thickness of 1–1.5 mm.

SHG images of scraped tracheas show a approximate two-old greater area of mucosal collagen �Fig. 2�g� versus 2�e�, palue �0.01�, while the area of elastic fibers assessed fromhe TPF image does not significantly change �p value=0.24�,hough scrape injury clearly disrupts the elastic fiber networksee Figs. 3 and 4�. A loss of epithelial-derived TPF signalas observed �Fig. 2�h� versus 2�f��, corresponding to ulcer-

ted tissue replacing the denuded epithelium and visible in theistology sections �Figs. 2�c� and 2�d� versus 2�a� and 2�b��.igure 2�i� shows that changes to collagen and elastic fiberross-sectional area determined from tracheal sections imagedith MPM or stained for histology display similar trends of

ncreased collagen area within the mucosal tissue, with rela-ively unchanged cross-sectional areas of elastic fibers.

.2 Microstructure Assessed by MPMaking advantage of the inherent depth-resolved nature ofHG and TPF signals, we were able to resolve the microstruc-

ural details of the uninjured and scrape-injured subepithelialatrices by imaging a plane of tiled images beneath the epi-

helium and fibrin clot, respectively, in whole, unfixed tra-heas �Fig. 3�. Beneath the uninjured epithelium lies an inter-persed network of SHG-producing collagen fibers and TPF-roducing elastic fibers �Fig. 3�a��. The collagen fibers arehicker �2.3�1.2 �m versus 1.7�0.7 �m, p value �0.05,wo-tailed t-test, n=29 collagen, and elastic fibers� and moreinuous, and both fibers are oriented preferentially in one di-ection �parallel to the tracheal cylindrical axis�. The com-ined networks occupy most of the image area relatively ho-ogeneously except for gaps that stain positive for f-actin

Fig. 3�c�; red channel, labeled bv�, and which histology re-eals to be small blood vessels �Fig. 2�a�, labeled bv�.

In contrast, the scrape-injured trachea reveals an inhomo-eneous network of finer collagen fibers �many not clearly

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resolvable as individual structures� deposited in a dense mesh-work with random orientation �Fig. 3�b�, labeled f�. Stronglyfluorescing immune cells �Fig. 3�b�, yellow arrows� are inter-spersed in a faintly autofluorescent fibrin clot �Fig. 3�b�, la-beled fc�, with rare occurrence of areas of damaged elastin�Fig. 3�b�, labeled el� and epithelium �Fig. 3�b�, labeled e�.

MPM z stacks of unmounted and unsectioned tracheal tis-sue show microstructures of uninjured rabbit tracheas and tra-cheas subjected to single scrape injury, triple scrape injurywith recovery, elastase treatment, and collagenase treatment�Fig. 4�. MPM images of uninjured tracheas display the pre-viously described subepithelial collagen network �Figs. 4�a�en face and 4�c� axial view, blue signal, basal layer� and elas-tic fiber network �Figs. 4�b� en face and 4�c� axial view, greensignal, basal layer� consistent with the lamina reticularis.MPM images of control tracheas also display normal epithe-lium �Fig. 4�c� axial view, green signal, apical layer� andlamina reticularis both 30–45 �m thick �Fig. 4�c��. A singlescrape injury leaves the collagen network relatively intact�Fig. 4�d��, but breaks many elastic fibers �Fig. 4�e�, damageindicated with yellow arrow� and denudes the epithelium �Fig.

Fig. 3 En face MPM images of �a� control and �b� scrape-woundedtracheal submucosa showing SHG signal �blue� from collagen, andTPF signal �green� from elastin, immune cells, and epithelium. �c� Enface MPM image of the lamina propria from a control trachea, dis-playing endogenous SHG �blue� and TPF �green� signals, as well asAlexafluor 568-conjugated phalloidin staining �red�, revealing bloodvessels and actin-rich cells. bv, fc, el, f, and e represent blood vessel,fibrin clot, elastin, collagen fiber, and epithelium, respectively. Arrowspoint to TPF signal consistent with immune cells. Images are �30 �mbelow the surface and tiled together to display regional heterogeneityin the submucosa. The scale bars are 200 �m �a, b� and 50 �m �c�.

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�f��. Tracheas subjected to three successive scrapes and al-owed to heal for three days formed a dense meshwork ofbrotic collagen �Fig. 4�g�� interspersed with immune cellsFig. 4�h�, indicated by yellow arrows�, and a partially re-tored, but damaged, epithelium mixed with fibrin clot apicalo a thicker mucosal collagen layer �Fig. 4�i�, labeled d�.hese features are similar to the those seen in MPM images of

racheal sections �Figs. 2�e�–2�h� and are confirmed by histol-gy of tracheal sections �Fig. 2�a�–2�d��. Elastase treatmentllowed the collagen fibers to become more dispersed andelax from the sinuous, aligned network �Fig. 4�j�� as the sur-ounding elastic fiber network is almost completely degraded,s assessed by lack of TPF signal from these samples �Fig.�k��. The collagen fiber layer expands and becomes sparserFig. 4�l��. Collagenase removes the epithelium �Fig. 4�o�� butas little effect on the subepithelial collagen as assessed byHG signal �Fig. 4�m��, although individual elastic fibers dis-lay increased curvature suggestive of possible stress relax-tion �Fig. 4�n��.

.3 Relationship of E with MPM Image Parametersigure 5 presents the mean and standard deviation of E, theoung’s modulus in compression of the ex vivo tracheas. Theucosa of the scrape-injured tracheas allowed to heal for

hree days were the stiffest �E=9.0�3.2 kPa�, followed byhe uninjured tracheas �E=4.1�0.7 kPa�. Collagenase-reated tracheas were somewhat less stiff than the control �E2.6�0.4 kPa�, and elastase-treated tracheas were the least

tiff �E=0.8�0.3 kPa, Fig. 5�a��. TPF and SHG signal arearactions largely failed to correlate with E �Figs. 5�b� and�c�, respectively�, except the modest and negative correlation

ig. 4 MPM images characterize normal and altered submucosal ex-racellular matrix. Coregistered en face SHG and TPF images of tra-heal submucosa �taken at the plane of the dotted red line� revealhanges in the SHG producing elements �i.e., collagen �a–e�� and TPFroducing elements �f–j� of the superficial submucosa, consistent withlastin and immune cells. Z-stack projections of merged SHG and TPFmages �k–o� reveal epithelial and subepithelial morphologicalhanges in the apical-basal plane of the trachea. MPM images arerom a control trachea �a, f, k�, a single scrape-wounded trachea �b, g,�, a triple scrape-wounded trachea allowed to heal for three days �c,, m�, an elastase-treated trachea �d, i, n�, and a collagenase-treatedrachea �e, j, o�. The dashed red line represents the approximate lo-ation of the corresponding en face images in �a�–�n�. d representsamaged epithelium. The scale bar is 50 �m.

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of E and TPF signal area fraction from scrape-injured mucosa�R2=0.56; Fig. 5�b��. E correlates highly with the SHG signalintensity decay coefficient from noise-subtracted images forthe enzyme-treated and control tracheas only �R2=0.77 versusR2=0.16 from scrape-injured mucosa, Fig. 5�d��. In contrast,E correlates modestly with the SHG signal intensity depthdecay coefficient from segmented SHG images �excluding

Fig. 5 Mechanical testing of tracheas: �a� Young’s modulus in com-pression �E�, measured in the low strain region by indentation testingto a depth of 100 �m on trachea sections varies significantly withexperimental treatment of the tracheas. �ANOVA, p value �0.0001, *

indicates statistical significance. N=9, 8, 6, and 6 tracheas for thecontrol, chronic scrape, collagenase, and elastase-treated groups, re-spectively, with n=6–14 indentation tests performed per trachea overthe distal, injured region�. �b� E versus TPF signal area fraction from arepresentative z slice of the submucosa plotted for the control andthree treatments. �c� E versus SHG signal area fraction from a repre-sentative z slice of the submucosa plotted for the control and threetreatments. �d� E versus noise-subtracted SHG decay from MPM zstacks of the tracheal submucosa plotted for the control and threetreatments. �e� E versus noise-subtracted SHG decay from MPM zstacks of the tracheal submucosa, segmented to examine only signal-containing pixels, plotted for the control and three treatments. N=8,7, 6, and 6 tracheas for the control, chronic scrape, collagenase, andelastase-treated groups, respectively, with n=3–10 MPM z stacks im-aged per trachea over varying locations on the distal portion. Linearbest-fit lines to the data are shown with solid or dashed lines.

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oid pixels in the calculation�, including the scrape-injuredissues �R2=0.44, Fig. 5�e��.

Discussionucosal mechanics play an important role in the normal func-

ion of many tissues and organs. Tissue remodeling leading toncreased stiffness may impact function, as in airwaysbrosis,24–26 keloids,27 or surgical hypertrophic scarring.28

ucosal stiffening may also indirectly promote disease pro-esses by increasing growth-factor release from the extracel-ular matrix.6 Furthermore, changes to mucosal extracellularatrix are particularly relevant to epithelial-mesenchymal

ransition, an epithelial phenotype switch important during de-elopment, renal and lung fibrosis,29,30 and canceretastasis.31 In this work, we find an early and significantbrosis �with collagen deposition and elastin network dam-ge� and mucosal stiffening �approximately twofold change in

from 4.1 to 9.0 kPa� in response to three epithelial scrapenjuries over the course of five days. In contrast, collagenasend elastase degrade components of the subepithelial extracel-ular matrix, leading to a corresponding decrease in mucosaltiffness �2.6 and 0.8 kPa, respectively; Fig. 5�a��. Strikingly,icrostructural and cellular changes to the mucosa as a result

f scrape-injury or enzyme treatment are revealed by MPM ofntrinsic SHG from collagen and TPF from elastic fibers, epi-helium, and immune cells �Figs. 3 and 4�. However, the mu-osal mechanical environment is complex, and variation inulk E cannot be explained by variation in simple indices,uch as SHG or TPF signal image area fraction �Figs. 5�b� and�c��. We find a modest correlation between E and SHG sig-al intensity depth decay coefficient from segmented imagesR2=0.44�. In contrast, E and the SHG depth decay coeffi-ient from unsegmented images correlate strongly for controlnd enzyme-treated tracheas �R2=0.77� but fail to correlate incrape-injured tracheas.

A previous study of tracheal scrape injury demonstrated anarly �day 1� response of the trachea to scrape wounding thatncluded epithelial ulceration, deposition of fibrin, and edeman the lamina propria,9 features that are also present three daysollowing the current study’s triple scrape procedure. Reepi-helialization has been shown to occur within five days of thenitial scrape wound, with fibrosis occurring from days 7 to1.9 Early responses ��day 9� to tracheal scrape woundingorroborated by other studies include infiltration of neutro-hils, submucosal hypertrophy, and thickened collagenbers.12 The scrape-wounded tracheas in our current study

herefore are in an early stage of wound healing, in whichdema is prevalent and collagen deposition and fibrosis haveeen initiated. It is important to note that SHG signals dependn the square of collagen concentration and that TPF signalsrising from cells, elastin, and fibrin exudate depend linearlyn fluorophore concentration within these components. In ad-ition, SHG and TPF parameters from images also are af-ected by extracellular matrix structure and bulk tissue scat-ering and absorption. Therefore, one would not predict aimple correlation between collagen or elastin concentrationnd MPM image parameters in the tracheal mucosa.

Image area fraction and depth-dependent decay of multi-hoton signals have been used to assess relative changes toissue architecture and content.4,13,14,32–34 Exponential decay

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models have been used to describe the depth dependence inturbid tissues of fluorescence,35,36 second harmonic,36 confo-cal reflectance,37 and optical coherence38 signals. Recently,confocal reflectance signal depth decay at a 488-nm wave-length was used to distinguish between mouse skin containingnormal and mutant collagen possessing a finer microstructure.SHG signal is more specific �e.g., to collagen� and can beused to image deeper tissue than a reflectance signal due tothe near-infrared fundamental frequency used to create SHG.Furthermore, previous studies have shown positive correla-tions between SHG parameters and collagen concentration inacellular collagen gels,13 tumors,39 and lung parenchyma.33

Significantly, data in collagen gels show that gels with similarcollagen concentration but varied microstructure possess dif-ferent SHG signal area fraction and mechanical properties.13

The correlation of E and the SHG decay coefficients ap-pear to be robust to elastase and collagenase treatment. Thesetreatments have been shown previously to increase airwaymucosal compliance,40 while simple removal of the epithe-lium leaves the mucosal stiffness unchanged.24 Bovine tra-cheal mucosa contains roughly 5% and 40% collagen andelastin, respectively, by dry weight.41 The current study sup-ports previous findings that collagen and elastin predomi-nantly determine tracheal mucosal mechanics. SHG signaldepth decay is affected directly by collagen concentration andmicrostructure and indirectly by elastic fiber scattering ofSHG signal and is thus sensitive to several factors that influ-ence mucosal stiffness. This sensitivity explains the robustcorrelation of E with SHG depth decay in the tracheal mu-cosa. In contrast, E correlates only weakly with the area frac-tions of SHG signal and TPF signal �Figs. 5�b� and 5�c��,suggesting that these image parameters alone do not yieldsufficient information to determine mechanical properties inthe tracheal mucosa.

Elastase-treated tissues had drastically reduced TPF signalarea fractions due to loss of elastic fibers. The significant re-duction in E following elastase treatment could either be adirect effect of losing elastin fibers or an indirect effect ofcollagen network relaxation �Fig. 4�j��. In contrast, scrape-wounded and collagenase-treated tracheas had similar TPFand SHG signal image area fractions as control tracheas, de-spite histological and optical evidence of changes to collagen,elastin, and epithelium. The effects of collagenase were pri-marily seen in the loss of epithelium and relaxation of theelastin network �see Figs. 4�m�–4�o��. The strong correlationof E with SHG signal depth decay from collagenase-treatedmucosa suggests that the SHG depth decay coefficient is sen-sitive to structural changes in the tracheal mucosa caused bycollagenase, which reduce mucosal stiffness.

In contrast, scrape wounding resulted in drastically alteredcollagen microstructure and replacement of the elastin signalwith signal from fibrin and immune cells �see Figs. 4�g�–4�i��,and, not surprisingly, altered mucosal mechanics. Interest-ingly, scrape-injured mucosal E correlates negatively withTPF signal area fraction �R2=0.56, Fig. 5�b�� and positively,although weakly, with SHG signal area fraction �Fig. 5�c��. Inthese tissues, immune cells and material within fibrin clotscontributed to TPF signal. The increase of mucosal stiffnessfollowing triple scrape is likely due to edema and fibrosis ofthe lamina propria and submucosa �visible in MPM images,

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igs. 2�g� and 2�h��. Whereas collagen concentration and mi-rostructure contribute to E, the immune cell infiltration con-ributes to the TPF signal but is unlikely to contribute to in-reased mucosal stiffness.

The SHG depth decay coefficient depends on many signal-enerating and light-scattering properties of the bulk tissue.reater scattering from bulk tissue components or from indi-idual collagen fibers will tend to increase the decay coeffi-ient, because more signal is returned from the tissue surfaceut less from deeper layers.34,35 The strong correlation of Eith SHG depth decay coefficient from control and enzyme-

reated tracheas �R2=0.77, Fig. 5�d�� may be explained byariation within those tissues of collagen and elastin micro-tructure and content. Because collagen and elastin are theredominant matrix proteins of tracheal mucosa, changes inither component would be expected to influence mucosaltiffness.

Scrape-injured tracheas did not produce a correlation be-ween SHG depth decay and E. Scrape-injured tracheas con-ained collagen with a finer and far more heterogeneous mi-rostructure than fibers from the normal lamina reticularisFig. 3�. Compared to a network of larger collagen fibers, aner collagen network would be expected to possess a smallerHG decay coefficient despite equal or increased collagenoncentration. An inhomogeneous collagen network wouldossess changing collagen volume fraction with depth �unlikehe relatively homogeneous normal lamina reticularis�, whichould introduce further variability into the correlation forcrape-injured tissues. Segmenting SHG images should cor-ect for inhomogeneous collagen volume fraction; in fact, theorrelation of E with segmented SHG signal depth decay isositive and stronger compared to unsegmented SHG signalepth decay, when comparing all tissue groups �R2=0.44 ver-us R2=0.20, Figs. 5�d� and 5�e�� although this positive cor-elation implies that some information on mucosal mechanicsay be derived from simple multiphoton image parameters,

uch as SHG depth decay, some variation in bulk E remainsnexplained.

One simple theory that may explain the mechanical prop-rties of complex tissue, such as the mucosa, is compositesheory, in which bulk E is related to a linear combination ofonstituent volume fractions weighted by the constituentoung’s moduli.42 Other tissue constituents, such as capillar-

es, fibrin, and nonfluorescent cells likely contribute to bulkissue mechanics, yet remain undetected by MPM. Signalcattering by these constituents should contribute, though per-aps weakly, to the SHG decay coefficient. Fluorescent label-ng of cells and matrix constituents may be necessary to com-letely characterize the microstructure-mechanics relationshipf superficial mucosa, including the role of blood vessels �seeig. 3�c��.

Finally, an additional source of variability in the correla-ions between SHG and TPF image parameters with bulk E ishe size of the sampling area. The multiphoton images, whichre used in the determination of area fraction and depth decay,re only 0.05 mm2 �225�225 �m�, which is roughly 4% ofhe area of the indentation probe �1.3 mm diam, or.33 mm2�. Figure 3 demonstrates the significant heterogene-ty in the SHG and TPF signals over an area of 1.26 mm2

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�1.125�1.125 mm�, which is approximately the area of themechanical testing platen.

In summary, the ability of MPM to assess tissue stiffnessdepends on selection of appropriate image parameters thatyield mechanically relevant information about tissue contentand microstructure. The segmented SHG signal decay coeffi-cient is one such parameter that relates information about tis-sue scattering, absorption, and collagen content—in aninstrument-independent and noninvasive fashion—providinginsight into bulk tissue mechanics. The TPF signal yields in-formation about fluorescing components within a complexconnective tissue that complement information derived fromSHG signal. With the continued development of multiphotonand laser microscope endoscopy, a combination of SHG andTPF signal parameters may be useful to noninvasively char-acterize in vivo remodeling of collagen- and elastin-rich tis-sues, including tracheal mucosa, visceral pericardium, skin,and blood vessel walls.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors gratefully acknowledge the skill and expertise ofTanya Burney, Kelly Kreuter, and David Mukai in assistancewith the animal protocol. We also thank the laboratory of Dr.Zhongping Chen for assistance with OCT measurements. Thiswork was supported, in part, by the National Heart, Lung, andBlood Institute �Grant No. R01 HL067954, S.C.G.�, a Kir-schstein predoctoral fellowship from the National Institute ofBiomedical Imaging and Bioengineering �Grant No. F31EB006677, C.B.R.�, and the ARCS Foundation, OrangeCounty Chapter �Fellowship, C.B.R.�. This work was madepossible, in part, through access to the Laser Microbeam andMedical Program �LAMMP� at the University of California,Irvine. The LAMMP facility is supported by the National In-stitutes of Health under a grant from the National Center forResearch Resources �NIH No. P41RR01192, B.J.T.�. Supportfrom the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation is alsogratefully acknowledged.

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