1 r S&cFjte/j?** i \ BY MRS. C. E. ALCOCK -he help of friends will make this column more interesting. Please call 140 and report items for this column. All news items of interest to women are welcomed. Oates-Turner Wedding Rutherfordton, Sept. 6. An- nouncement was made Saturday of the wedding of Mr. T. Frank Oates and Miss Lucy Turner, which occur- red August 19, in York, S. C. The ceremony was performed by- Rev. W. W. Harrison. Mrs. Oates was formerly of Grov- er, S. C., but has been making her home in Rutherfordton. Mr. Oates is cashier of the Com- mercial Bank here and is well known over the entire county. * * \u2666 Miss Margaret Anthony, of Shel- by, spent Friday with Miss Katie Summey. Mrs. J. A. Anthony, of Shelby, spent Friday with Mrs. J. F. Alex- ander. Mrs. Miles Young and children, of Washington, Ga., spent a few days here last week with Mrs. Julia Young. Mr. D. U. Smart has sold his in- terest in the Broadway Garage and is now conected with Powell-Moss. He will have charge of the service de- partment and is rated high as an automobile mechanic. Misses and Jennie Davis of Marion, spent the week-end with Mrs. G. C. McDaniel. Messrs. Robert and George Holmes spent the week-end at Spruce Pine. Mesdames G. C. McDaniel and A. W. Falvey left for Asheville Wednes- day to spend a few days with Mrs. E. F. Magruder. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dennis and son Joe, spent Sunday with friends in Greenwood, S. C. Miss Thomas accompanied them home for a visit. Mr. U. S. Courtney's mother, of Alabama, is spending this week here with him and Mrs. Courtney. * Mr. G. W. Long, the popular agent at the Seaboard Depot, is away this week visiting his sister in Myrtle Beach, S. C. Mr. Thomas Carpenter is substituting for Mr. Long. Mr. Charles Bridges will leave Sunday for Berea Ky., where he will enter school for the year.. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Glickman and Mrs. J. T. Warwick spent Tuesday in Asheville. Misses Edna Kilander and Quteen Sigmore, of New York City and Mr. Marshall Kendrick, of Charlotte, | spent the week-end here wi£h Mr. and | Mrs. M. H. Hewitt, i Mrs. W. H. Gray children re- turned Saturday to their home in Lumberton, after a visit here to Mr. ! and Mrs. M._H. Hewitt. Mrs. C. J. Miller and son, Tracy, - of were week-end guests of Mr. Mrs. A. L. McDaniel. Mrs. F. A. Co'urtncy and two grand children, of Mobile, Ala,, are visiting ? her son, Mr. U. S. Courtney and Mrs. Courtney. The East Main Street circle met at the home of Mrs. R. L. Reinhardt [on Monday evening. Seven members i present and the collection was seven dollars. A splendid report was given. ' Funds for charity were $3.00. Eleven visits to the sick, flowers sent to five, garments given to six. Mr. W. S. Croker, of Ozark, Ala., formerly editor of the Forest City Free Press is visiting in Forest City this week. Mr. Croker is now engaged in the lumber business in Ozark, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Minish and children and Mrs. J. W. Douglas spent Sunday with friends in Henderson- I ville. | Miss Sara Perrin and Mr. Bill | Thrower, of Bishopville, S. C., are i guests of Miss Perrin's sister, Mrs. | Harry Camnitz and Mr. Camnitz at j Tar Heel Inn, Chimney Rock. They : stopped in Forest City on Monday af- j ternoon and spent a short time with I Miss Rebecca Perrin. | Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Kanipe and ; Mesdames J. W. Smith and R. Locker- by spent Monday with relatives in Kings Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Kanipe, Mes- dames J. W. Smith and R. Lockerby spent Sunday in Chesnee, S. C. Mrs. E. L. Greenlee and daughters, of Albemarle, spent the week end with Mrs. C. L. Erwin. Mr. and Mrs. George Doggett, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Marks, Flora and Mrs. Ethel Price stopped in Raleigh Thurs- day night on their way from Wil- mington. Miss Velma Mayse, of Penland, N. C., spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mayse on Caroleen Road. Miss Mayo Mayse left Monday for Asheville. She will attend school at the Normal this year. Mr. June Yelton and Mrs. J. S. Keeter and little daughter, Magda- lene, attended the services at Camp Creek Baptist church, near Union Mills, Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Vassie Yelton and lit- tle son, James, and Miss Estelle Mc- Swain spent the week end in Shelby. Miss Lucy Marshall, of Asheville, visited Miss Mary Lyttle Sunday and Monday. . Misses Mae Maynard, Myrtle and Callie Dean, Rebecca Hutchins, Messrs. Willie Lyttle and J. C. John- son went to Greenville, S. C., Sunday afternoon. Mr. Tracy Proctor, of Charleston, S. C., spent the wyeek end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Proc- tor. Ladies, don't miss the opportunity of buying $1.75 corsets at SI.OO. Come and see the values. Mrs. E. E. McCurry. Misses Nell Young, Maynie Martin, Rebecca Perrin and Mr. W. S. Crocker were dinner guests at Tar HeeV Inn, Chimney Rock on Saturday evening. Misses Jennie Beachboard, and Reba Phillips of Caroleen and Messrs. Lolan Kanipe and Ted Alcock were dinner guests at Tar Heel Inn, Chim- ney Rock, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Long and daughter, of Shelby spent Saturday JOIN THE CROWD Trade at the GROCETERIA 10 lb. Bag fiC c Sugar OD 8 lb. Bucket (Pi OA Flake white Lard 3 lb. can Max- well House coffe(«pl« 10 lb. Bag' Corn 9C c Meal 1 lb. Creamery Cf| c Butter «HJ 1 lb. Best Pure Coffee «© Sanders' Groceteria JACK'S COFFEE SHOPPE j FORMAL OPENING ! Friday, September 9, 1 927 j Eight to ten o'clock Next door to Post Office JACK HARRILL, Prop. PARTIES AND TEAS A SPECIALTY THE FOREST CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1927. j and Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. 1 J. B. Long. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Harrill and chil- dren, of Mooresboro, spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. J.* L. Butler, i Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Randall, of Asheville spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Keeter. Miss Ruth Keeter returned home with them and will attend school there this year. i Mr. Jack Michalove left Sunday on a business trip to New York. Mrs. Monte Rosing, of New York, and Mrs. M. Gold, of Cornelia, Ga., | are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stein. Mr. Charles Padgett has returned from a visit to friends in Sylva. \u25a0 Misses Anne Lutz ana Lucile Wor- i ley, and Mr. Alton Hopper and Mr. j Eskridge, of Shelby visited friends here Sunday. ' i . | Miss Grace Harris, of Durham has arrived to attend schol here this year. Mr. James Ayers has returned from a visit to former classmates in Wades- boro. i 1 Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Harrill and children, of Asheville,' and guests Mr. , | and Mrs. W. I. House and son, of i j Richmond, Ky., spent Sunday at the , home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harrill. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Jorfgs and daughter returned Friday to their home in Bristol, Tenn., after a visit to Mrs. Jones' parents, Mr. and Mrs. I j W. B. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sanders, and i | children, of Burlington, spent Satur- . 1 day night at the home of Mrs. San- '! ders' parents Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Scruggs. They were accompanied home on Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Scruggs f6r a week's visit. Friends will be sorry to hear that Mrs. J. Ed Grose continues ill at her home on Cherry Mountain St. ? Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Harrill and , children spent Sunday with relatives in Shelby. j Mrs. J. L. Wood and children, of Spartanburg are visiting her sister, . Mrs. F. B. Harrill and Mr. Harrill. Miss Lura Smith, of Shelby - will j spent this week here the guest of j Misses Alma and Merrel Putnam. Miss Frances Carden has returned : from a delightful visit to relatives in Knoxville, Tenn. Miss Mildred Moores left Tuesday for Greensboro where she will enter ; Greensboro College, j Miss Verna Moores, of Newton spent j Sunday here with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. M. F. Moores. J Misses Emma Jane Dalton and Jul- iia Grayson and Messrs. Charles Bridges and Graham Hamrick spent Sunday in Linville Falls. Mr. I. S. Robinson is spending a few days here with his wife before going to Belmont. Miss Priscilla Digh, of Cramerton spent the week end here with Miss Lena Philbeck. j Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dorsey, of ' i Asheville are spending this week here with Mr. Dorsey's parents, Mr. and j Mrs. M. E. Dorsey. ? i Those attending the Wesleyan Methodist camp meeting at Greer, S. C., from here Sunday were: Mrs. Ada , ' Dean, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hutchins, Misses Mary Lyttle, Callie and Myrt- |le Dean, Rebecca Hutchins, Bertha 1 ; Stamey, Mae Baynard, and Messrs. , j Willie Lyttle and J. C. Johnson. ? j Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lowe and chil- - > dren of Brevard spent Sunday here | with Mesdames J. T. Fortune and , J Minnie F. Blanton. 1 I Friends of Miss Margai-et Young \u25a0 are delighted to knew that she has returned to her home here- after treat- r ment at Charlotte hospitaJ for the ? last two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. B. Arp Lowrance and children, of Charlotte, spent Saturday > and Sunday here with Mr. Lowrance's \u25a0 sister, Mrs. Chas. A. Ford. Miss Bertha Jones left Thursday for LaGrange, N. C., where she will teach this year. Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Verner anu son have returned from a visit to rel- atives in Commerce, Ga. Dr. Verner's father, Mr. H. C. Verner accompan- ied them home for a visit. Miss Rebecca Perrin, of Bishop- vilie, S. C., arrived Friday and will begin her duties as a teacher in the graded school here. Miss Perrin is a graduate of Winthrop College, Rock Hill. Mesdames J. B. Phillips, Georgia Gayle, W. J. Milner, Sr., of Chimney Rock and Miss Beaman, of Miami, Fla., spent a short time here Friday afternoon with Mesdames C. E. Al- J cock and H. R. Camnitz, Sr. Miss Alice Holmes and Mi . George j Holmes returned to their home at Walkertown Friday, after spending sometime here with their sister, Mrs. G. C. McDanieL, and Mr. McDaniel. Mr. Holmes will leave soon to enter the Medical College v of Virginia, at Richmond, and Miss Holmes will soon enter Duke University, at Durham, i Messrs. 0. L. and R. H. Carroll, of Cherryville, were business visitors in the city Wednesday. ????b?? 5; Fall Yard Goods v S A wonderful array of flannels in all the 2 fall leading colors. Prices $1.48, $1.79, vN/ / jr | $1.95 up $2.95 yard.. k. \ I Flat crepes, satin back crepe and satin in 1 the new fall shades. Prices $1.48, $1.98, \ 1 Wash Goods for School Dress S Indian Head 45c yd. § Tubcilla Prints 45c yd. S Everfast Prints 45c yd. \ S Fast color prints 25c yd. l"i n \ 3 Sateen in all colors, extra good qual- * ? | ity, yard 35c I /there's W\ Let it be I QUESTION | q. I About itv # oiar I r Brand MMjlmu.h Shoes 3 this time?none better. Ev- il] WI ery Shoes £ for the whole family. Prices | I Jlsk the Man Who Wears Them I Clothes yyfe With a liPWmrf Swagger f'fJ fitt I Something new, something | I V \ § different. 200 brand new J S2O, $25, S3O gi , I BrroMSi I ' jB9H| = B ei Etchison Hats igj I field mouse and brown. Pric- Children's Sweaters I assortment which will please | These are only a few of the thousands of items we have to at tremendous 5 savings. j DALTON BROS. § The Place to Trade . Forest City, N. C. \0 ! __ { ~ . ??F^wtinrarifaraHnnraranffPßfgPffrJßPnißPPranrararinriranif-inifiP'i-iramn'rai

liPWmrf CROWD Swagger f'fJ fittnewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn91068175/1927-09-08/ed-1/seq-17.p… · 1 r S&cFjte/j?**i BY MRS. C. E. ALCOCK-he help of friends willmake this column

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Page 1: liPWmrf CROWD Swagger f'fJ fittnewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn91068175/1927-09-08/ed-1/seq-17.p… · 1 r S&cFjte/j?**i BY MRS. C. E. ALCOCK-he help of friends willmake this column

1 r S&cFjte/j?**i\

BY MRS. C. E. ALCOCK-he help of friends will make this column more interesting. Please

call 140 and report items for this column. All news items of interest towomen are welcomed.

Oates-Turner WeddingRutherfordton, Sept. 6. An-

nouncement was made Saturday ofthe wedding of Mr. T. Frank Oatesand Miss Lucy Turner, which occur-red August 19, in York, S. C. Theceremony was performed by- Rev. W.W. Harrison.

Mrs. Oates was formerly of Grov-er, S. C., but has been making herhome in Rutherfordton.

Mr. Oates is cashier of the Com-mercial Bank here and is well knownover the entire county.

* * \u2666

Miss Margaret Anthony, of Shel-by, spent Friday with Miss KatieSummey.

Mrs. J. A. Anthony, of Shelby,spent Friday with Mrs. J. F. Alex-ander.

Mrs. Miles Young and children, ofWashington, Ga., spent a few dayshere last week with Mrs. Julia Young.

Mr. D. U. Smart has sold his in-terest in the Broadway Garage andis now conected with Powell-Moss. Hewill have charge of the service de-partment and is rated high as anautomobile mechanic.

Misses and Jennie Davisof Marion, spent the week-end withMrs. G. C. McDaniel.

Messrs. Robert and George Holmesspent the week-end at Spruce Pine.

Mesdames G. C. McDaniel and A.W. Falvey left for Asheville Wednes-day to spend a few days with Mrs.E. F. Magruder.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dennis and sonJoe, spent Sunday with friends inGreenwood, S. C. MissThomas accompanied them home fora visit.

Mr. U. S. Courtney's mother, ofAlabama, is spending this week herewith him and Mrs. Courtney. *

Mr. G. W. Long, the popular agentat the Seaboard Depot, is away thisweek visiting his sister in MyrtleBeach, S. C. Mr. Thomas Carpenteris substituting for Mr. Long.

Mr. Charles Bridges will leaveSunday for Berea Ky., where he willenter school for the year..

Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Glickman andMrs. J. T. Warwick spent Tuesday inAsheville.

Misses Edna Kilander and QuteenSigmore, of New York City and Mr.Marshall Kendrick, of Charlotte,

| spent the week-end here wi£h Mr. and

| Mrs. M. H. Hewitt,

i Mrs. W. H. Gray children re-turned Saturday to their home inLumberton, after a visit here to Mr.

! and Mrs. M._H. Hewitt.Mrs. C. J. Miller and son, Tracy,

- of were week-end guestsof Mr. Mrs. A. L. McDaniel.

Mrs. F. A. Co'urtncy and two grandchildren, of Mobile, Ala,, are visiting

? her son, Mr. U. S. Courtney and Mrs.Courtney.

The East Main Street circle metat the home of Mrs. R. L. Reinhardt

[on Monday evening. Seven membersi present and the collection was sevendollars. A splendid report was given.

' Funds for charity were $3.00. Elevenvisits to the sick, flowers sent to five,garments given to six.

Mr. W. S. Croker, of Ozark, Ala.,formerly editor of the Forest CityFree Press is visiting in Forest Citythis week. Mr. Croker is now engagedin the lumber business in Ozark, Ala.

Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Minish andchildren and Mrs. J. W. Douglas spentSunday with friends in Henderson-

I ville.

| Miss Sara Perrin and Mr. Bill| Thrower, of Bishopville, S. C., arei guests of Miss Perrin's sister, Mrs.| Harry Camnitz and Mr. Camnitz atj Tar Heel Inn, Chimney Rock. They

: stopped in Forest City on Monday af-j ternoon and spent a short time withI Miss Rebecca Perrin.

| Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Kanipe and; Mesdames J. W. Smith and R. Locker-by spent Monday with relatives inKings Mountain.

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Kanipe, Mes-dames J. W. Smith and R. Lockerby

spent Sunday in Chesnee, S. C.Mrs. E. L. Greenlee and daughters,

of Albemarle, spent the week endwith Mrs. C. L. Erwin.

Mr. and Mrs. George Doggett, Mr.and Mrs. P. L. Marks, Flora and Mrs.Ethel Price stopped in Raleigh Thurs-day night on their way from Wil-mington.

Miss Velma Mayse, of Penland, N.C., spent the week end with her par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mayse onCaroleen Road.

Miss Mayo Mayse left Monday forAsheville. She will attend school at

the Normal this year.

Mr. June Yelton and Mrs. J. S.Keeter and little daughter, Magda-lene, attended the services at CampCreek Baptist church, near UnionMills, Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Vassie Yelton and lit-tle son, James, and Miss Estelle Mc-Swain spent the week end in Shelby.

Miss Lucy Marshall, of Asheville,

visited Miss Mary Lyttle Sunday andMonday.. Misses Mae Maynard, Myrtle andCallie Dean, Rebecca Hutchins,

Messrs. Willie Lyttle and J. C. John-son went to Greenville, S. C., Sundayafternoon.

Mr. Tracy Proctor, of Charleston,

S. C., spent the wyeek end withhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Proc-tor.

Ladies, don't miss the opportunityof buying $1.75 corsets at SI.OO.Come and see the values. Mrs. E. E.McCurry.

Misses Nell Young, Maynie Martin,

Rebecca Perrin and Mr. W. S.Crocker were dinner guests at TarHeeV Inn, Chimney Rock on Saturday


Misses Jennie Beachboard, and

Reba Phillips of Caroleen and Messrs.Lolan Kanipe and Ted Alcock were

dinner guests at Tar Heel Inn, Chim-ney Rock, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Long anddaughter, of Shelby spent Saturday

JOIN THE CROWDTrade at the

GROCETERIA10 lb. Bag fiCcSugar OD

8 lb. Bucket (Pi OA

Flake white Lard

3 lb. can Max-well House coffe(«pl«

10 lb. Bag' Corn 9C cMeal

1 lb. Creamery Cf| c

Butter «HJ

1 lb. Best PureCoffee «©



FORMAL OPENING !Friday, September 9, 1 927 j

Eight to ten o'clock

Next door to Post Office




j and Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. 1J. B. Long.

Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Harrill and chil-dren, of Mooresboro, spent Sundayhere with Mr. and Mrs. J.*L. Butler,

i Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Randall, ofAsheville spent Sunday here with Mr.and Mrs. A. C. Keeter. Miss RuthKeeter returned home with them andwill attend school there this year.

i Mr. Jack Michalove left Sundayon a business trip to New York.

Mrs. Monte Rosing, of New York,and Mrs. M. Gold, of Cornelia, Ga.,

| are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. LeeStein.

Mr. Charles Padgett has returnedfrom a visit to friends in Sylva.

\u25a0 Misses Anne Lutz ana Lucile Wor-i ley, and Mr. Alton Hopper and Mr.

j Eskridge, of Shelby visited friendshere Sunday.


. | Miss Grace Harris, of Durham hasarrived to attend schol here this year.

Mr. James Ayers has returned froma visit to former classmates in Wades-boro.

i 1 Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Harrill andchildren, of Asheville,' and guests Mr.

, | and Mrs. W. I. House and son, of

i j Richmond, Ky., spent Sunday at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harrill.

Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Jorfgs anddaughter returned Friday to theirhome in Bristol, Tenn., after a visitto Mrs. Jones' parents, Mr. and Mrs.

I j W. B. Moore.Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sanders, and

i| children, of Burlington, spent Satur-. 1 day night at the home of Mrs. San-'! ders' parents Mr. and Mrs. J. C.

Scruggs. They were accompaniedhome on Sunday by Mr. and Mrs.Scruggs f6r a week's visit.

Friends will be sorry to hear thatMrs. J. Ed Grose continues ill ather home on Cherry Mountain St.

? Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Harrill and, children spent Sunday with relativesin Shelby.

j Mrs. J. L. Wood and children, ofSpartanburg are visiting her sister,

. Mrs. F. B. Harrill and Mr. Harrill.Miss Lura Smith, of Shelby - will

j spent this week here the guest of

j Misses Alma and Merrel Putnam.Miss Frances Carden has returned

: from a delightful visit to relatives inKnoxville, Tenn.

Miss Mildred Moores left Tuesdayfor Greensboro where she will enter

; Greensboro College,j Miss Verna Moores, of Newton spent

j Sunday here with her parents, Rev.and Mrs. M. F. Moores.

J Misses Emma Jane Dalton and Jul-iia Grayson and Messrs. CharlesBridges and Graham Hamrick spentSunday in Linville Falls.

Mr. I. S. Robinson is spending afew days here with his wife beforegoing to Belmont.

Miss Priscilla Digh, of Cramertonspent the week end here with MissLena Philbeck.

j Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dorsey, of' i Asheville are spending this week here

with Mr. Dorsey's parents, Mr. andj Mrs. M. E. Dorsey.

? i Those attending the WesleyanMethodist camp meeting at Greer, S.C., from here Sunday were: Mrs. Ada

, ' Dean, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hutchins,Misses Mary Lyttle, Callie and Myrt-

|le Dean, Rebecca Hutchins, Bertha1 ; Stamey, Mae Baynard, and Messrs.

, j Willie Lyttle and J. C. Johnson.

? j Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lowe and chil-

- > dren of Brevard spent Sunday here| with Mesdames J. T. Fortune and

, J Minnie F. Blanton.

1 I Friends of Miss Margai-et Young

\u25a0 are delighted to knew that she hasreturned to her home here- after treat-

r ment at Charlotte hospitaJ for the? last two weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. B. Arp Lowrance andchildren, of Charlotte, spent Saturday

> and Sunday here with Mr. Lowrance's\u25a0 sister, Mrs. Chas. A. Ford.

Miss Bertha Jones left Thursday

for LaGrange, N. C., where she willteach this year.

Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Verner anu sonhave returned from a visit to rel-atives in Commerce, Ga. Dr. Verner'sfather, Mr. H. C. Verner accompan-

ied them home for a visit.Miss Rebecca Perrin, of Bishop-

vilie, S. C., arrived Friday and willbegin her duties as a teacher in thegraded school here. Miss Perrin is agraduate of Winthrop College, RockHill.

Mesdames J. B. Phillips, GeorgiaGayle, W. J. Milner, Sr., of Chimney

Rock and Miss Beaman, of Miami,Fla., spent a short time here Friday

afternoon with Mesdames C. E. Al- Jcock and H. R. Camnitz, Sr.

Miss Alice Holmes and Mi. George jHolmes returned to their home at

Walkertown Friday, after spendingsometime here with their sister, Mrs.

G. C. McDanieL, and Mr. McDaniel.

Mr. Holmes will leave soon to enterthe Medical College vof Virginia, atRichmond, and Miss Holmes will soon

enter Duke University, at Durham,

i Messrs. 0. L. and R. H. Carroll,of Cherryville, were business visitorsin the city Wednesday.


5; Fall Yard Goods v

S A wonderful array of flannels in all the2 fall leading colors. Prices $1.48, $1.79, vN/ / jr

| $1.95 up $2.95 yard.. k. \

I Flat crepes, satin back crepe and satin in1 the new fall shades. Prices $1.48, $1.98, \

1 Wash Goods for School DressS Indian Head 45c yd.§ Tubcilla Prints 45c yd.S Everfast Prints 45c yd. \S Fast color prints 25c yd. l"i n \

3 Sateen in all colors, extra good qual- * ?

| ity, yard 35c

I /there's W\ Let it beI QUESTION | q.I About itv# oiar

I r BrandMMjlmu.h Shoes

3 this time?none better. Ev-

il] WI ery Shoes

£ for the whole family. Prices


I Jlsk the Man Who Wears Them

I Clothes yyfeWith a liPWmrf

Swagger f'fJ fittI Something new, something | I V \

§ different. 200 brand new

J S2O, $25, S3O

gi, I BrroMSiI ' jB9H|

= B

ei Etchison Hats

igj I field mouse and brown. Pric-

Children's Sweaters

Iassortment which will please

| These are only a few of the thousands of items we have to at tremendous5 savings.

j DALTON BROS.§ The Place to Trade . Forest City, N. C.

\0 !__

{~ . ??F^wtinrarifaraHnnraranffPßfgPffrJßPnißPPranrararinriranif-inifiP'i-iramn'rai