Telephone Stillwell 6600 THE DAILY STAR, QUEEN* BOROUGH, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 16, 1927. Teleph one Stillwell 6600 Page Eleven Local Real Estate Men Present Their Choicest Bargains On These Pages Legal Notice* Legal Notices COUNTY COURT, QUEENS COUNTY.— Mary L McElroy, Plaintiff, against Floyd Pelmti. and others. Defendant* In purtuance ot a Judgment of fore- rloaure and aale duly mad* and entered In the above entitled action, and bearing date the 11th day ot May, 1*37, I. the undersigned, the Referee In laid Judgment named, will sell at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, at the Town Hall, corner ot Flushing and Jamaica Avenues, Ja- maica, in the Borough of Queens, County ot Queens. City ot New York, on the 1th day of June. 1137, at I t o'clock noon, the premises directed by said Judgment to be told, and therein described as follows: All that parcel ot land with the build- ing and Improvements thereon erected, situate In the Oounty of Queens, State ot New York, known as lot 32 In block 41 on a certain map entitled "Map ot Richmond Hill Arcade No. 3, filed in the office of the Clerk of Queens County on February 27th, 1823. as Map No. 4084, bounded and de- scribed as follows: , Beginning at a point on the westerly tide of one hundred and thirtieth street (formerly Maure Avenuel, distant two hundred and forty i240) feet northerly from -the corner formed by the intersec- tion of the westerly side ot 130th Street, with the northerly side of Sutter Avenue; running thence westerly and parallel with Butter Avenue, one hundred HOO) feet; thence northerly parallel with 130th Street, twenty i20i feet; thence easterly parallel with Sutter Avenue, one hundred UOOi feet to the westerly side of 130th Street; thence southerly along the westerly side of 130th Street, twenty i20> feet to the point or place of beginning. Together with an easement for driveway purposes tor ingress and egress for pri- vate vehicles only over the most north- erly four-foot strip of the premises im- mediately adjoining on the south and subject to a similar easement In favor of the premises immediately adjoining on the south, over the most southerly four-toot strip of the premises above described. Dated, May 14th. 1027. JOHN L. KARLE. Referee. GEORGE H. BOYCE. Attorney for Plain- tiff: Office and Post Office Address, 44 Court Street, Brooklyn, New York. myl6,19.93,a»,31Je2 SUPREME COURT, QUEENS COUNTY — Mary E. McDonough, Anna McDonough and Jane McDonough, Plaintiffs, against Mary Atzel and others. Defendants. In pursuance ot a Judgment of fore- closure and sale duly mad* and entered la the above entitled action, and bearing date the 22th day of April, 1227, I, the undersigned, the Referee In said Judgment named, will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder, by McPhllltemy it Heaney, Auctioneers, at the front step* ot the County Court House, Long Island City, in the County of Queens, New York, on the 34th day of May, 1927, at ten o'clock a.m.. the premises directed by said Judg- ment to be sold, and therein described is follows: All that certain plot, piece or parcel ot tend, situate, lying and being in Third Ward, Borough and County ot Queens, pit* and Stale of New York, known and designated ai and by lots No. 4* and 47 In Plock 12, on a certain Map entitled "Map of North Jamaica, surveyed Janu- (w, 1922. by Evans Bros., C. 8„" and riled la Queens County Clerk's Office April 28. 1922, as and by Map No. 4101, which said two lots are more particularly bound- Id and described, according to said map, if fellows: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of 77th Road distant 240 feet west- erly from corner formed by Intersection of the southerly side of 77th Road with the westerly side of lMth Street; running thence southerly, parallel with ttath Street 100 feet; thence westerly parallel with 77th road 40 feet, running thence northerly, parallel with 168th Street 100 feet to the southerly side of 77th Road and thence easterly along the southerly side of 77th Road 40 feet to the point or place of beginning. Together with all the -right, title and Interest of the party of the first part of. in and to 77th Road, lying in front ot and adjoining the above described premi- ses to the centre line thereof. Dated, May 2, 1227. , WILLIAM'E STEWART, ELLIOTT St ROBESON, Plaintiffs* At- torneys, 277 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. my2,7,».14,18,21 a foot, thenc* northerly parallel with Sixth Avenue, twenty-five (28) feet; thence easterly parallel with Potter Ave- nue, one hundred (100) feet and two one- hundredths (2/100) ot • foot to the west- erly side of Sixth Avenue; thence south- erly along the westerly side of Sixth Ave- nue, twenty-five (23) feet to the point or place ot beginning. , Together with all the right, title and Interest of. In and to the street lying In front of and adjoining the above de- scribed premises to the centre line thereof. The above described premises He In Section 1, Block 188. on the Land Map ot the County of Queens. Subject to and entitled to the benefit of a certain declaration In writing, bear- ing date the 27th day of March, 1824, made by Fras-Olt Construction Co., Inc.. imposing certain restrictions on said premises, and providing for an easement ot right of way over said premises, which agreement Is recorded in said Clerk's of- fice In Liber 2608 ot Conveyances at page 440, Dated. April 16, 1927. WILLIAM E. STEWART. Referee. BUTCHER. TANNER &-FOSTER, Plain- tiffs- .Attorney!, 1 Madison Avenue, New York City. N. Y. apl6,23.25,30my2,7,9,14 The foregoing sale Is hereby adjourned to May 337 1927, at the same hour and Legal Notices place Dated, April 16. 1927 A ^_ W4XLIAM A A s T E WART. TT^VJ? Referee. " N my myl6&2l SUPREME COURT, QUEENS COUNTY.— Metropolitan Lite Insurance Company, Plaintiff, against Fras Olt Construction Co., Inc., and others, Defendants. Action No. 2. In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclos- ure and sale duly made and entered In the above entitled action, and bearing date the 8th day ot April, 1927, I, the undersigned, the referee in said Judgment named,, will sell at public auction to the highest bid- der, by Henry C. Johnson, auctioneer, at the front steps ot the County Court House. Long Island City, in the Borough of Queens, County of Queens, oil the 16th day of May. 1927, at ten o'clock a. m.. the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows: All that certain lot. piece or parcel at land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon, situate, lying and being at As- toria, Borough and County of Queens, City and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly side ot sixth Avenue distant three hundred and seventy-five (37S) feet and three one-hun- dredths (3-100) ot a toot northerly from the corner formed by the Intersection of the northerly side of Potter Avenue with the westerly side of Sixth Avenue; running thence westerly parallel with Potter Ave- nue, one hundred (1001 feet and two one- hundredths (3-100) of a foot, thence northerly parallel with Sixth Avenue, twenty-five (35) feet; thence easterly parallel with Potter Avenue one hundred (100) feet and two one-hundredths (2-100) of a foot to the westerly side of Sixth Avenue, thence southerly along the west- erly side of Sixth Avenue, twenty-five (25) feet to the point or place of beginning. Together with all the right, title and interest, of in and to the street lying In front ot and adjoining the above described premises to the center line thereof. The above described premises He In Sec- tion 1, Block 188 on the Land Map of the County of Queens. Subject to and entitled to the benefit ot a certain declaration In writing, bearing date the 27th day of March, 1924, made by Fras-Olt Construction Co., Inc., imposing certain restrictions on said premises, and providing for an easement of right of way over said premises, which said declaration is recorded In said Clerk's office in Liber 2806 of Conveyances, at page 440. Dated. April 16. 192*. WILLIAM E. STEWART. Referee. BUTCHER. TANNER & FOSTER. Plain- tiffs Attorneys, I Madison Avenue, New York City. NY. apl8-23-25-30my2-7-9-14 with the Flushing Extension of the Queensboro Subway. The Contractor must complete nil ot the work covered by this contract within slg (6) months after the delivery of the contract. A fuller description of the work and other requirements, provisions, details and specifications are given In the Information for Contractors and In the forms of con- tract, specifications, contract drawings, bond and contractor's proposal, which are to be deemed a part ot this Invitation and copies of which may be Inspected and pur- chased at said office ot the Board. The receipt of bids will be subject to the requirements specified In said Inform- ation for Contractors. New York. May 3, 1937. BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. By John H. Delaney. Chairman. Francis J. Slnnott, Secretary! . myO&M SUPREME COURT, QUEENS COUNTY Nicholas Hlmmelrelcher. Plaintiff, agaln6t Altec I Williams and others. Defendants. In pursuance of a Judgment of fore- closure and sale duly made and entered In the above entitled action, and bearing da'.i; the 19th day of April, 1927, I, the undersigned, the Referee In said Judgment named, utfr-Seil at Public Auction to the highest bidder, by Henry C. Johnson, Auc- tioned, at the front door of the Town Hi)". Jamaica, In the Borough of Queens. Countv of Queens, on the 19th day ot , May, 1927. at 11 o'clock a.m., the premi- ses directed by said Judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows: > All that lot, or parcel ot land. In the Borough and County of Queens. City and state of New York, bounded and described as follows' Beginning at the easterly corner of On- dcidonk Avenue and Palmetto Street; run- ning thence northeasterly along the south- easterly side of Palmetto Street 89 feet; thence southeasterly and parallel with On- derdonk Avenue 50 feet; thence southwest- erly and parallel with Palmetto Street, 89 feet to the northeasterly side of Onder- don<c Avenue and thence northwesterly alonit the .northeasterly side of Onderdonk Avenue 50 feet to the point or place of beginning. 8ub)eet to a first mortgage of Thirty- three hundred 183.300) Dollars and ac- crued Interest. Si.bject to covenants and restrictions contained In former instruments of record. Subject to any state ot facts an accur- ate survey may show. Dated. April 23. 1927. WILLIAM E, STEWART. Referee. WILLIAM A BACHER, Plaintiff's Attor- ney. 953-957 Broadway, Borough of Brooklyn. New York. ~ . ap25.27my2,4,9,U,16.18 i SUPREME COURT. QUEENS COUNTY.— John F. Caasldy. Plaintiff, against Eliza- beth Cassldy, et al, Defendants. In pursuance of a Judgment of fore- closure and sale duly made and entered In the above entitled action and bearing date the 28th day of April. 1927, I, the undersigned, the referee In said Judgment named, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by Warren O'Brien, auc- tioneer, at the Front Steps ot Queens County Court House in Long Island City in the Borough and County ot Queens, City and State ot New York, on the 1st day ot June, 1927, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold and therein described as follows: Parcel I: All that certain piece or par- cel of land situate, lying and being In the First Ward ot the Borough of Queens. County of Queens, City and State ot New York, known and designated as Lot 17 In Block 65, on a certain map entitled "Map of property In the Second Ward of Long Island City. Queens County. New York, made by Peter O. Von Alst, City Surveyor, for James Thomson. Esq., of the city of New York, dated November, 1870," and filed in the Queens County Clerk's office March 28, 1871, as Map No 82, which said lot Is bounded and described accord- ing to said map as follows: Beginning at a point on the Westerly CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES PER AOATE LINE. 1 time 20 per line 3 times 18 per line 6 times s\ -1J per Has 6 average words to line Lower Case, 4 words CAPITALS. No ad counted for less than 3 lines. These rates are for consecutive Inser- tions only. Contracts permitted on all classifica- tions except Lost and Found, Help Wanted, Employment Agencies, Busi- ness Opportunities and Medical. EXCEPTIONS. Situations Wanted 10 per line Business Opportunities ... .20 per line Medlcsl , .35 per line time . . . .30 per line times . . .24 per line times . , .20 per line Classified advertisements will be ac- cepted by advertising agencies at the above rates. Classified advertisements will be ac- cepted until 10 a.m. the day of pub- lication, except Saturdays and holi- days, when the closing time Is 9.30 am. Employment Agencies {! Ihe foregoing sale is h to May 21, mi, at the place. Dated, April 16. 1937. WILLIAM E. SUPREME COURT, QUEENS COUNTY — Lillian F. Best, Plaintiff, against Whit- son Oakley and others. Defendants. In pursuance of a Judgment of fore- closure and sale duly made and entered in the above entitled action, and bearing date the 9th day/of May. 1927, I. the un- dersigned, the Referee in ssjd Judgment named, will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder, by Henry C. Johnson; Auc- tioneer, in the corridor of the Queens County Court House, Long Island City, in the Borough of Queens, County of Queens, on the 1st day of June. 1927, at ten o'clock a.m., the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, and therein de- scribed as follow.;: AH those pieces or parcels of land situ- ate, lying and being In the Borough and County of Queens, city and State of New York, known as lot 220 In Block 4740, lot 180 In Block 4748 and lots 1. 10 and 240 in Block 4785, Ward 4, on the Tax Map of the City ot New York. Borough of Queens, as said Map was on February 29. 1918. Dated, May 10. 1927. WILLIAM E, STEWART, Referee, BERTRAM L. FLETCHER, Plaintiffs At- torney. 2 Rector Street, New York City, N. Y. myl0,14,l7,21,24,28 SUPREME COURT, QUEENS COUNTY.— Landfmlth Realty Company, Plaintiff, against Hllma Sanderson and HoIIls Ter- race Associates, Inc., Defendants. In pursuance of a Judgment of fore- closure and sale duly made and entered In the above entitled action, and bearing date (he 4th day of May, 1927. I, the undersigned, the Referee in said Judgment named, will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder, by Henry C. Johnson, Auc- tioneer, at the county Court House. Long Island City, In the Borough of Queens, County of Queens, an the 31st day of May, 1927, at ten o'clock a.m., the premi- ses directed by said Judgment to be sold, and therein described aa follows: All that lot. or parcel of land with the buildings and Improvements thereon, situ- ate, lying and being in the Fourth Ward of the Borough and County of Queens. City and'State of New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly sids of 109th Road (formerly South Street) distant 79.48 feet westerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the norther- ly side ot 109th Road with the westerly slds ot 191st Street (formerly Manor Streeti, running thenc* northerly parallel with 191st Street.and part of distance through a party wall 100.40 fast; thence westerly 25.15 feet, thence southerly again parallel with 191st Street 100.41 feet to tho northerly tide of lOfth Road, thence easterly along the northerly aid* *f 109th Road 23.13 feet to the point or plaee of beginning. Together with the right, title and In- terest of the party of the tint part, of, In and to the land lying In 109th Road in front 1 of said premises to the center line thereof. Subject to a right of way over the northerly 10 feet of said plot and together with a right of way over the northerly 10 feet of each adjoining plot on the east to ttlst Street, to be used In common with other owner* for an automobile driveway. Subject to a first mortgage for Three thousand two hundred fifty !$3,360) Dol- lars, now a lien thereon, with interest at 6% per annum. > Subjects to covenants, restrictions and easements, if any, of record or existing. Dated, May 7th. 1*27. WILLIAM E. STEWART, Referee. WALTER J. VRBSLAND, Plaintiff* At- torney. 139 Front Street, New York City, N. Y. my(,l4.14,21,ll,2( STEWART. Referee. myl6&21 . NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. Advertisers who pay their accounts by mall are advised that The Star cannot accept postage stamps In pay- ment, except In limited amounts and where the denomination of the stamps Is not over 2 cents. Real Estate For Sale or Rent JLong Island City Lost ATTENTION HOMESEEKEltS AND SPECULATORS! Our experience enables us to appreciate and fill promptly the emergency and re- quirements of our clients, when unforseen happenings upset their domestic plana. Frequently such Instances enable us to offer Industrial properties, apartments and beautiful dwellings at a sacrifice. Tho following offerings are few of the many hundreds ltstlnxs from which to select- On Bridge Plaza brick building 200xu0 with ample show room, sprinklers, etc.; also very large yard space lor sale and to lease. Very attractive terms. Near Queensboro Plaza, two-story brick building on a plot 50x200; suitable for in- dustrial purpose. Only 850.000. Cash 310.000. 11-family apartment 11 and 4) excep- tionally large rooms, also store, all imp. $44,000. Cash $12,000. Return, 20 "J yearly on investment. Two-family brick, 11 rooms, steam heat, etc., near transit. |11.000. 5-room frame, modern near transit. 87.500. Cash *1.500. Experience has taught most yof our clients to distinguish expert aiiof honest service, and where to find it. Absolute integrity is what you can ex- pect In dealing with us. PH. W. ABATELLI. 170 2nd Av., Astoria. Stillwell 4822. 13-l«mt:i Cash 81.000. Improvements, ASTORIA BARGAIN One story corner building, suitable light manufacturing, on busy laorough- i fare, containing over 4.000 sq. ft floor _„_,„—rrr ;—:~—~—: TTT I space: one block subway. Price 540.000, CHOW DOO, red, straight bushy tall, srn an cash pink nose, disappeared Sunday morning, [ (j ew 6 . family house, 4 room apartments, 10 o clock from 3*7 Singer st. Astoria. ! 3j car garage, fullv rented; 3 blocks sub- Liberal reward. Phone Astoria 3169. j ^ » v ,".,!„„ sa«.5b0: income S4.000. small 16-13 WIRE HAIRED Fox Terrier, female, In Whltettone, Tuesday, May 10, 638 re- ward. Return 38 West 8th St., White- stone; phone Flushing 9936. 18-31 LOST, German police dog, answers to name Danny": darkish grey; 6100 re- ward, no questions asked. Phone Have- meyer 9966. Babe Herman. 11-17 j way station, $26,500. income $4,000, small cash required. MURPHY & E8P08ITO 3210 Washington Av.. Astoria. Phone Stillwell 7579-4225. Open Evenings and Sundays. 13*17 Legal Notices in front of said premises, to the center line thereof. Subject to a right of way over the northerly 10 feet of said plot and together with a right of way over the northerly 10 feet of each adjoining plot on the East to 191st Street, to be used In common with other owners for an automobile drive- Way. Subject to a First Mortgage for Three thousand two hundred fifty 183,250) dol- lars, now a Hen thereon with Interest at t% per annum. Subject to convenants, restrictions and easements. If any, of record or existing. Dated May 7th. 1927. WILLIAM E. STEWART, Referee. WALTER J. VREELAND. Plaintiffs At- torney, 129 Front Street, New York City, N. Y. May 9-14-16-21-23-28 SUPREME COURT, QUEENS COUNTY.- The Teachers Building and Loan Asso- ciation of New York City, Plaintiff, against Deszo Varga and others, Defend- ants. In pursuance of a Judgment of fore- closure and sale duly made and entered In the above entitled action, and bearing date the 29th day of April, 1927, I, the undersigned, the Referee In said judgment named, will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder, by McPhllliamy 6s Heaney. Auctioneers, at the front steps of the County Court House, Long Island City, County of Queens, State of New York, on the 24th day ot May, 1927, at ten o'clock a.m., the premises directed by said Judg- SUPREME COURT, QUEENS COUNTY- Metropoitten Lit* Insurance Company, Plaintiff, against Fras Olt Construction Co., Inc., and oihert. Defendants. Action Ho. 1. In pursuance of a judgment of foreclos- ure and sale duly made and entered In the above entitled' action, and bearing data the 8th day of April, 1927. I, the un- dersigned, the Referee In said judgment named, will sell at Publlo Auction to the highest bidder, by Henry C. Johnson, Auc- tioneer at the front step* of tho County Court Routt, Long Island City, In the Borough of Queens, County of Queens, on tha lfth day of May, inf. at tan o'clock a.m., the premises directed by said Judg- ment to be sold, and therein described a* follows All that certain lot, piece,or parrel of land, with the buildings and Improve- ment* thereon, situate, lying and being at Astoria. Borough and County of Queens City and Stat* of New York, bounded and deter Used as follows- Beginning at a point on the westerly •Id* of Sixth Avenue, distant three hun- dred and fifty (350) feat and thr** one- hundredths (3/lMi of a toot northerly from the corner formed by th* Intersec- tion Of th* northerly side of Potter Ave- nue with th* westerly tld* ot Sixth Ave- nue, running thence weattrly parallel with Potter Avtnue, and part of the distance through a ptrty wall, one hundred (100) feet and two one-hundredths {2/106) of THE STAR IS THE HOME PAPER OF QUEENS BOROUGH 8UPREMB COURT, QUEENS COUNTY — Helen Kortlander, plaintiff, against NeUie B Hudson, Alma W. Mayhew and Ida A. Pratt, heirt-at-law and next of kin of Harriet L. Mayhew, deceased, and devisees under the last will and testament of Harriet L. Mayhew, and Ida A. Pratt as executrix under the said will of Har- riet L. Mayhew, deceased, Samuel Evans. Stephen Barney, Andrew Barney, Daniel Barney, William Barney, Alfred Barney, James Goodwin and hla wife. Mary Oood- win, John Osborne and his wife Annie Osborne, August* WiUlamt. Susan Valen- tine, Elisabeth Jones, Edith Cooke, Jane Poola, Mary Seaman. Phoebe Brewster and her husband "John" Brewster, Mary Douglass and her husband "John"'Doug- lass, the names "John" being fictitious. their true flrtt namet being unknown to plaintiff, Jeanette Thomas and her husband "John Thomas," "Thomas" be- ing Jeanette Thomas' unmarried name, her husband'! first and last name being unknown to plaintiff, Helen Thomas, Lucy Thomas, Emma Thomas, Estelle Thomas. Harry Thomas, Charles O. Thomas and hit wife Annie Thomas, Edward Seaman, Townsend Seaman, Joslah Seaman, Charles E. Johnson and their wlva* "Ella" Seaman, "Eva' Seaman and "Ella" Johnson, the said names "Ella" and "Eva" being fictitious, their true first names be- ing unknown to plaintiff, and any and all other persons or parties who claim eify interest through Angellne Mayhew, Alfred E. Barney. Jemima Oant, Harriet L. Mayhew, Andrew Barney, John Sea- man, all six being deceased, and any and all persons or parties who are husbands, wives, widows, assignees, creditors, mort- ? agees, grantees, lienors or successors in nterest claiming interest through them or any named herein. City of New York, People of the Stat* of New York, de- fendants. Amended Summons. To the above-named defendants: You are hereby summoned to antwer the complaint in thlt action and to serve a copy of your antwer, or. if the com- plaint is not served with this summons, to serve a notice of appearance on the plaintiffs attorney within twenty days after the servlc* of thlt summons, ex- clusive ot th* day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, Judg- ment will be taken against you by de- fault for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated October—. 1926. J. CYRIX DONOOHUE, Attorney for plaintiff, office and P. O. address, 7 Day (tract, Borough of Man- hattan. New Yd¥k. K. Y. TO the defendants Jane Poole, Mary Douglass and her husband "John" Doug- lass, th* nam* "John" being fictitious, hit true flrtt nam* being unknown to plain- tiff, Jeannette Thomas and her husband "John" Thomat. the nam* "Thomas" be- ing Jeanette Thomat' unmarried name, their right latt name supposed to be Jones, husband's true first nam* being unknown to plaintiff. John Osborne. Jo- ilah Seaman and hi* wife "Eva" Sea- man, th* nam* "Eva" being fictitious, her tru* flrtt name being unknown to plaintiff and any and all persons or ptrtlet who claim any interest In and to th* premises involved herein through Angellne Mayhew. Alfred 8. Barney, Je- mima Oant. Harriet L Mayhew, Andrew Barney, John Seaman, these laid six per- sons being deceased. The foregoing summons it served upon you by publication pursuant to an order by Hon. William B, Carswell, a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, dated May 8. 1927. and 'filed with the complaint In the office of the Clerk of Queens county at his office in Ja- maica, City and State of New York. The object of the above-entitled action It to torecloee a transfer of tax Hen, num- bered 33313 covering premises situated In ?ueeni County. City arid State of New ork, and known and designated In said Hen a* Ward 1, Volume 8, Block 826, Lot 3 on the tax map of the City of New York f->r the Borough of Queens, ssld property 1* a parcel of land 23x100 feet en the easterly aide of Bud plaee (Ham- ilton street), southerly line ef which Is 100 feet north of the northerly line of Frotptct ttreet, Flushing, N. Y. Dated May *, 1(97. J. CYRIL DONOOHUE, Attorney for plaintiff, office and P. O address, 7 Dev street, Borough of Man- hattan, New York, H. Y. may*,l«.23.30JuneS.i:» INVITATION TO CONTRACTOR*. IfiitallatUw et Treekt, etc., la the Corona Tar*. Staled bids or proposals for the Instal- lation of Tracks. Special Work. Bumping Pests, etc., In the Corona Yard, In the Borough of Queen*, City ot New York, wilt be received by the Board of Trani- g srtation acting for and on behalf of Th* Ity of New York, at the office of the Board at No. 49 Lafayette Street, Borough of Manhattan, New York City, until the 28th day of May, 1*27, at eleven thirty (11.30) o'clock a.m., at which time and plac* or at a later date to be fixed by ssld Board, the proposals will be publicly opened and read. The Corona Yard In which tatd Irackt. etc.. are to be installed Is briefly described st follows. A Yard located In Jhe Borough of Queen* in the City of New York on City property located between Hewitt Avenue, ouottair Str**t. Riverside Avenue and tht property ot the Long Island Railroad and part ef aa elevated approach connecting ltd* ol HuUt^Street.^distant Three hun- mtn[ t0 be sold, and therein described as follow.; -JIM»««M»^. All that certain plot, pas** or pare*) of land, with the buildings and Improvement* thereon erected, situate, lying and being In the Third Ward, Borough and County of Querns, city and State of New York, known and designated as and by the lots Nos. 14 and 15 In Block 12 on a certain map entitled "Map of North Jamaica, 3rd Ward, Borough of Queens, New York City, surveyed. January 1922 by Evans Bros.. C. 6., and filed In Queens County Clerk's office April 28th, 1922, as and by the Map Nn. #1* Dated. May 2. 1927. WILLIAM E. STEWART. Referee. ELLIOTT & ROBESON, Plaintiffs At- torney. 277 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. my2,7,9.14,16.21 dred feet i300'i Southerly from the cor nor forated by the intersection of Us* Southerly side of Anable Avenue with Westerly side of Hulst Street: running thence Westerly parallel with Anable Ave- nue One hundred feet ilOP'i; thence Southerly parallel with Hulst Street to the Northerly line ot land belonging to the heirs of R. L, Kennedy: thence South- easterly along the Northerly line of land belonging to th« heirs ot R. L. Kennedy until it strikes the Northerly line of Lot No. 18: thence easterly parallel with An- able Avenue to the Westerly side of Hulst, Street, and thence Northerly along the Westerly tide of Hulst Street twenty-five feet (35*i to the point or place of be- § Inning. The premises Intended to be escribed being the same premises covered and affected by the Transfer of Tsx Lien which this action Is brought to foreclose. Parcel II: All that certain piece or par; eel of land, situate, lying and being In the First Ward of the Borough of Queens, County of Queens, City and State of New York, known and designated as Lot No. four hundred ninety-seven (4971. on a cer- tain map entitled "(Jap of the Farm of Francis and Eve Duryee, situated in the Newtown and* Dutchkllls Creeks. In New- town, Queens County, New York, as sur- veyed, and a portion thereof laid out Into lots for Nezieh Bliss and Samuel Sne- den," and filed In the Queens County Clerk's Office, March 28, 1860, at Map No. 501. Parcel III: All that certain piece or par- cel of land situate, lying and being In the First Ward of the Borough of Queens, County of Queens. City and State of New York, known and designated as Lot No. four hundred ninety-five (465) on a cer- tain Map entitled "Map ot the Farm of Francis and Eve Duryee, situated in the Newtown and Dutchkllls Creeks, In New- town. Queens County, New York, as sur- veyed, and s portion thereof laid out into lots for Nezlah Bliss and Samuel Sneden," and filed In the Queens County Clerk's office. March 27th. 1860. as Map No. 51. Dated: May 4, 1927. QEORGE B HANAVAN. Referee. RITTER & KADIEN, Attorneys for Plaintiff; Office at P. O. Address, 384 Broadway, Long Island City, N. Y. my9,12,16,19,23,28,30 SUPREME COURT. QUEENS COUNTY.— Carslen H. Ludder, Plaintiff, against Peter Schaaf and others, Defendants. In pursuance of an interlocutory Judg- ment of partition and sale duly made and entered In the above entitled action, and bearing date the 27th day of April, 1927, I, the undersigned, the Referee In said! Judgment named, will sell at Publlo Auc- tion to the highest bidder, by Henry C. Johnson, Auctioneer, In the corridor of the County Court House, In the First Ward of the Borough of Queens, formerly Long Island, County of Queens, on the 24th day of May. 1927, at ten o'clock a.m., the premises directed by said Judgment to be (Old, and therein described a* fallows: Beginning at a point on the northerly tide of Grand Street, distent (70 feet I Inches easterly from the point of inter- section of the same with the easterly line of Newtown Creek and which first point Is at the southwesterly corner of land now or formerly of Christian Meyer, running thence northerly along stld land 274 feet to the centre line of Furmans Creek; thence westerly along the said centre line to a point where the same It Intersected by a line drawa parallel with the first mentioned course which stld line It the easterly boundary line ef land now or formerly belonging to Oeorge Meyer or Henry S. Duffy, running thence southerly along said latt mentioned boundary line 222 feet end "i inches to the northerly tide of Ortnd Street and thence easterly along the tald northerly tide of Grand Street 118 feet 11'i Inches to the point or place of beginning. Dated, April 28. 1927. WILLIAM E. STEWART, CAR8TBN H. LUDDER, Plaintiff's*At- torney. 861 Manhattan Avenue, Brook- lyn. New York. my3.7,8,14,K,2l Real Estate For Sale or Rant Queens Borough BARGAIN MUST SETTLE E8TATE AT ONCE One-family 6-room house. Price 67,500. Cafh 81,000. Terms arranged. Call Mr. Peterson for appointment. Havemeyer 0362. 13-18 BRICK STORE tor sale, Treasureland, Bayside, L. U 6-room apartment up- stairs. For Information phone or write to Charles Muss. 198-21 34th av.. Bay- side. Tel. Ivanhoe -1575. 11-17 COLLEOE POINT Buy direct from builder, 2-family house. built ot best material. 10 rooms, 2 baths, sun porch, gas, electricity; two separate steam systems; plot 46x100, 89,500, cath $2,000. One-family. 6 rooms, bath, tun porch, breakfast nook, extra toilet on lat floor; -j-cur garage; plot 38x100, 38,500, cash $2,000 JEAN FU8CO. r- FLUSHING 5151. 10-16 COLLEOE POINT. Two-family frame. 5 and ( rooms, In- cluding two enclosed porches, gas and electricity, driveway. Price 88.000. Cash arranged. , E E. BUY DAM 303 13th Street, College Point. It'll COLLEGE POINT PARTY LEAVINO TOWN One-family. 3 rooms, centrally located, driveway, 25x100. $5,500. cash arranged. G. Hugo Koch, 808 4th av. Phone Fluih- inir 8188. 13-laV. COLLEGE POINT. CORNER BUSINESS PROPERTY. 2-family house. 11 rooms, 2 baths, 3-car gerage. on paved street, all assessments paid, tax exempt, rental 8148 per month. Out of town owner, will sell for $14,000; worth 316.500. THOMAS J. SMITH. 319 if.I-. st.. College Point. Phone Flushing 0348-7430. 14-17 ASTORIA—Builder must sell, beautiful new 3-famlly brick. 11 rooms. 3-car garage. Just completed; last ot a group of three; every modern improvement, steam heat, hot water, best construction: half block new public school; 5 minutes walk sub- way; 2 minutes trolley. See tills house and make us an offer. Builder on prem- ises. 1414 LINCOLN ST. PHONE STILLWELL 4822. i; io ASTORIA. REAL BARGAIN. TWO-FAMILY FRAME, NEAR TRANSIT. ALL IMPROVEMENTS EXCEPT HEAT. PRICE $7,000. CASH $2,000. 414 GRAND AV., ASTORIA. 14-17 SUPREME COURT, QUEENS COUNTY — Revorg Realty Corp.. Plaintiff, against Ernest Cretke, Howard W. Pllger and Gladys Pllger, his wife, and others, De- fendants. In pursuance of a Judgment of fore- closure and sale duly made and entered In the above entitled action, and bearing date the 5th day of May. 1937. I. the under- signed, the Referee In said Judgment named, will tell at Public Auction to the highest bidder, by Henry c. Johnson, Auc- tioneer, at the Town Hall, in the Town of Jamaica, in the Borough of Queens, Coun- ty of Queens, on the seventh day of June. 1927, at 12 o'clock noon, the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows: Alt that certain parcel of vacant land, situate at Douglaston, Borough ot Queens, City and State of New York, bounded and described a* follows: Beginning at a point on the East side of Main Avenue, one hundred forty (I40i feet and eighty-one one hundredths ASTORIA 6-FAMILY HOUSE. 4-ROOM APARTMENTS ALL IMPROVEMENTS EXCEPT HEAT MONEY MAKER 016,000-CASH $5,000 414 GRAND AVE. 14-17 ASTORIA—Bargain. 6 rooms, bath, elec- tricity, good condition, $5,500. cash $1,000. - . , Two-familv brick, 7 rooms. 2 baths, electricity, steam; $9,000, cosh $2,000. Two-family brick, all improvements. 9 rooms. 2 baths, garage, business prop- erty; tax exempt; $13,500. easy terms. J. K. LUNDY. 82 GRAND AV., ASTORIA. 14-17 ASTORIA—3-famlly brick. 12 rooms, both, full lot; price $11,500, cash 83,000. R. E. MOTL. 23-15 Astoria Av. Phone Astoria 0331 14*17 ASTORIA BARGAIN One-family house, all Improvements; wonderful garden. Price $7,500. any cash. Two-family house, detached. 11 rooms, all Improvements; splendid location. Price $11,000, any cash. JOBEPH MANCUSO 559 2nd Av,, 125 ft. southwest of Grand av, station. PHONE ASTORIA 7773-7774 COLLEGE POiNT-2-famlty house, half stucco, 3 and 6 rooms, with large attic, all modern Improvements, driveway; plot 25x125. $13,500. Cash arranged. G Hugo Koch, 808 4th av., phone Flush- ing 0186. 13*19 COLLEGE POINT-2-famlly frame, 13 rooms, decorated, all Improvements, driveway, paved street, sewer, tax ex- empt. $12,500. terms. Wolfertr, 204 13th st.. Flushing 6902. 9*16 COLLEGE POINT—One-family frame, tlx rooms, bath, electricity, steam heat, driveway; l block from trolley to subway; price $7,200; cash $500. B. E. Suydam, 303 13th St. 11*17 ASTORIA BARGAIN. Booming section, 3 family and store, 3 room apartments, all Improvements, near transit. Price 828.000; cash 67,000. A, Cantore. 388 Broadway, Astoria. * A 8 T O RI A—4-famlly brick apartment houses, latest improvements; $21,000, cath $2,300. terms to suit, bargain. Rav- en, 65 Remsen st. 16-18 ASTORIA—Best sectlen., new 6-famlly brick, 3-car garage, driveway, all im- provements, on 5th av., 150 feet on Broadway. 3 blocks station; income $341 monthly. Price $30,500. cash $7,500. In- quire Peskla, 32-20 5th av, 16-21 ASTORIA—Public (.arage, 6.500 sq. ft. lease, for rent 3 yeais; good income price $36,000. Box C-0, Star. 14-20 ASTORIA— l-famlly frame house. 5 rooms, 25x100: must be sold. Inquire 551 Broad- way; Raventwood 4834. 10-16 ASTORIA—2-famlly house, store ahd gar- age on Dttmars av. Call after 8, As- toria 7704. 10-16 A REAL BUY Astoria—2-famlly stucco, 5 and 6 rooms, I best residential section. Price $11,500. (81/100) of aYooi South of^he'southeast | e»"» $1,800. _ J. F. Klein, 806 Stetnway corner ot Main (now Douglaston. Avenue and Poplar Street, said Main Avenue and Poplar Street being as laid down on a certain map entitled "Map of the Village of Marathon," Benjamin F. Wllletls, Sur- veyor, and filed In the office of the Clerk ef the County ot Queens on July 23, 1833, as Map No. 223, and running thence east- erly and parallel with the south side of Faplar Street, one hundred twenty-nine '!?*,'./•*'.* n<! «l«tp-two one hundredths i*l/l00i of a foot, along the Southerly boundary line of property belonging to Mary Hughes to the West tide of Benton Plaee; running thence Southerly along the Wett tide of Benton Place, eighty (801 feet to the Northerly boundary fine of property now of Frances Rokus: thence , running Wetterly and parallel with tht South tide of P ' tatd Rokut propr.., fifty one-hundredth* , . . , „ „ , „, „ ., the Easterly side of Main Avenue: run- ning thenc* Northerly along the Esstery tide of Main Avenue ninety-three .931 ,*.*. v ,. Jf" 1 - *lfhty-four on* hundredths ((4/100) of a foot to the place of be- ginning. Subject to the sonlng rule* and regula- V°, ns £J**JEP ** K « w raT * etttbl'shed July 38th. 1(1*. and subject to tny end all covenantt tnd rettrlcttons of record Dated, May n t h , 19JT, . « « , . . « AUGUST G.iKLAOES. Referee EDWARD A. BROWN; Plaintiffs Attor- ney, 217 Broadway. New -York City, av, corner Dltmars av. 16*21 COLLEGE POINT—5-room bungalow facing south; all Improvements; terms reason- able Phone Flushing (POT-W. 11-17 CORONA BAROAIN Two-family detached bouse on a plot 28x100. 11 large rooms, 2 tUed baths, all completely decorated. Steam heat, hard- wood floors, driveway, asphalt street. 3 blocks to subway, near schools. Price 811,750, cash $3,000. FarrelL 102 103rd St., Corona; Havemeyer 9*72. 18*20 CORONA—Two-family house, first clan condition, 8 rooms, 2 baths, enclosed porch, large attic, garage, driveway, steam, gas, electric, cemented cellar, sewer, sidewalk; 2 minutes from 111th st. subway station; excellent locality; must sell to settle estate. No agents, Block, 108-65 41st av. 16-21 Real Estate For Sale or Rent Queens Borough EAST ELMHUR8T, near Flushing Bay; 3 lots, fine little house, 6 room.', bath, sun porch, extra kitchen and lavatory, steam heat, city water and electricity, full price $5,850 Owner. Michael Par- low, (615 23rd av., near Junction av. 14*21 P. PICKER 6k SON ( ( MAIN ST., FLU8HINO PHONE FLUSHING 2968 SALES AND RENTAL SERVICE Bargain, Bayside home, 7 rooms, plot 50x100; well located, for quick tale, $9,000. Douglaston, tor rent, very fine apart- ment, 7 rooms, exclusive, modern, new. Rent (175. 21-may20t FOR SALE Beautiful, well built 6-room stucco bun- galow, large sleeping porch, bath, steam heat, fireplace, garage, corner plot, 50x100, fruit and shade trees, shrubs: 3 more years tax exemption. Price $7,500, cash 81.000; 8 blocks from Queens blvd. trollev. 10 blocks from Kew Gardens station. iA 16-mlnute run from Penn. Terminal). Re- public 5093. 10-10 BROADWAY-FLU8HINO HOMES. 6 rooms, plot 30x100, 910,500. 6 rooms, plot 40x100. $12,500. 7 rooms, plot 60x100, 317.000. DALY, Broadway at 22nd St., Flushing. 12*18 BROADWAY-FLUSHING English type home, 6 rooms, enclosed porch, garage. 40x100 plot; 1 block from school, close to station: very well built: terms. Kraus. 163-160 Northern Blvd., Flushing. 14-17 FLU8HINO—617.000; large 2-famlly tiled brick house, business street, lot 36x100. driveway, hot water heat, 12 rooms. 2 baths, large attic, 2 porches, easy terms, bargain. R. B. GUEST, 134 Broadwav, Flushing. Phone Flushing 4266. 10-16 FLUSHINO—$500 cash, solid brick. 8-room house, driveway, steam heat, fireplace, oak floors, large attic; (12,250, very easy terms. R. B. OUE8T, 134 Broadway. Flushing. Phone Flushing 4266. •-:- ..... . 10-16 FLUSHING -$750 cash will buy a modern l-famlly stucco and shingle house, 6 large rooms, tile bath, hardwood floors, steam heat, l-car garage; first mortgage $3,000; price (0,000, easy terms. HALLERAN AGENCY, 63 BROADWAY. Flushing 0874-0760. 16 " 21 FLU8HINO-81.000 cash will secure you , this new home of 8 rooms, enclosed sun porch, tiled kitchen and bath, with separate shower, lavatory first floor, parquet floors, floored attic, 30x100 plot, concreted street; price 87,500; carrying charges less than $75 a month counting taxes, interest, Insurance, amortisation, etc. Kraus, 163-16D North- ern Blvd., Broadway-Flushing. 14-17 RrssJ Estate For Sale or Rent Queens Borough WOODSIDE l-famlly brick, attached, ( rooms and sun parlor, all Improvements; price 89.730. cssh 62,000. MURPHY Si MILEY. 5711 ROOSEVELT AV.. WOODSIDE. NEWTOWN 5853. 16*1* WOODSIDE 2-familv brick house, with garage. Bliss station. Corona line. 45- 22 80th st. 14-30 WOODSIDE—7-ROOM HOUSE. IMPROVE- MENTS, 50x100. 3253 58TH ST. 14-lf WORKWOMAN S OPPORTUNITY, l-famlly store, 3 rooms first floor; B rooms, second floor: opposite public school; sacrifice, (8,500. Cssh ((00. GEORGE LUTZ, JR., 8618 Queens Boulevard, near Grand St., Elmhurst. Newtown 2440. 12*18 YOUR OPPORTUNITY For sale In Murray Hill section, (2,000 cash and (85 per month buys 7 room house and garage, all Improvements, Or will rent for $85 per month. Also In Broadway section. 83,000 cash and (125 per month buys "room house and gar- ; age; modern throughout, or will rent for 8135 per month. Particulars upon appll- ! cation. Private owner. Address E. 8., Genersl Delivery, P. O , Flushing, N. Y. 13-161 Green point ORBENPOINT—2 houses for isle, front, IT rooms, 5 families, electric light, white sinks; and 2-familv rear house; price $8,000, cash 33,500 for quick sale. In- quire 313 Eckford St., Greenpolnt. 1 flight up, 14-20 GREENPOINT—l-fsmily house for sale, g rooms and bath, all Improvements; 4- car garage In rear. For further Infor- mation call Uunterspoint 3792. 26m23 Brooklyn BROOKLYN-3-story brick buildings.-store end 4 apartments, all Improvements ex- cept steam, 111 Cornelia tt., corner Evergreen av,. for sale or exchange for 2 waterfront lots, Malba. Whltettone or Flushing. Phone Stillwell 4*56, 13-19 Naeesfu County FLORAL PARK. Six Individual type 6-room Houses. plots 40 and 60x100, with aU mod- ern improvement! and decorated: garages; (7,500 to (11,600. A real uy on easy terms. KRAJCI & CLEMENS. INC., 136 Plalnfleld Av.. Floral Park. Tel, 1373 Floral Park. 14-20 HICKSVILLE—CHICKEN FARM, 1 ACRB. " CASH (2.000. PHONB CORONA—Biggest bargain In Queens; 6- famlly brick near school and transit. Income $3,540 yearly. Cash required S4.000: particulars. ARIZZO. 3743 94th st., Elmhurst. Phone Havemeyer 6396. 14-18 *A—William*' •*•*•*: bee* bay to Queens; six rooms, l-famlly, 87,900: 8 rooms. 2-famlly. 99,340; only (300 cash; owner on premises, 110-10 Dltmari Boulevard. Phone Havemeyer 5260. 10*16 CORONA—l-famlly house, 25x123. 7 rooms and bath, enclosed porch, 4 bedrooms, large attic, steam heat, excellent con- dition. 3 blocks from Alburtis av. sta- tion Price $9,500. 100-31 :;8th av. (old Edson st.i Phone Havemeyer 1(51. 16-21 CORONA—Owner muet tell 3-famlly house. 5 garages, plot 120x100; price tl(.5O0, cash arranged. 14( 48th 8t. 14-20 CORONA -2-famllv. 9 rooms, no heat, near 111th st. station; Price (7,700. Phone Newtown 6670. 16-21 CORONA—Big bargain; owner wlU aacrl- ftce 2-family house near subway, (9.500. Every improvement, aa brokers. New- town 1782. 14-20 APARTMENTS and stores. Laurel Hill blvd., for tale cheap; also 5 lott In Thomson Hill section. Owner, Chelsea 5170 or Havemeyer 1217-J. 10-16 CONSCIENTIOUS SERVICE. Builders, valuable business property and apart- ments for sale or exchanged for lots. An unusual opportunity, Vagntnl. 473 Broadwav. L. I. City; Phone Astoria 8232, evenings 8144. f 16* 17 L I CITY—2 houses for sale, cheap; good condition; houses must be removed at once. L. Blau dt Sons, 54 7th av ; Stillwell 5820. 12-16 f Poplar Street and along! SUNNYSIDE—Two-family brick house, 11 roperty tight/ (SOi feet and • rooms, 2 baths, all Improvements, tax Iredths (50/100) of a toot to exempt, 3 minutes to station; small New York. myl(.l(,21,M,30Je3,6 In Bankruptcy NOTICE TO CREDITORS,-United Statel District # Court, Bastern Dtatrlet, New SKt J n ,. th * m *!ii r °' CHARLES E. WILL, Bankrupt. 14M6, The Creditor* of th* above named ore hereby notified that on March 19. 192. the above named was duly adjudicate, bankrupt and that the flrtt meeting of hit sredltors will be held at MS Freeh Pond Road, Ridge wood. Queens County, H r \.. on Mtf "• iwt < « J Pm. *hen the stld eredltort may attend, prove their claim*, appoint a trustee, examine the SUPREMB.CKH.R-. Q..RENR COUNTY^ ne^^.J"^ W , ^ . 1 ? ^ ^ cash; mutt be told. One 6-famlly, 3-room tnd kitchenette apartment!; no reasonable offer refused. Terms arranged. Owner leaving city. PHONE STILLWELL 7579. 13*17 Landsmlth Realty Company, Plaintiff, against Oxford 6. Adams and others, defendant*. In Pursuance of a Judgment of Fort- cloturt and Sale duly made and entered In the above entitled action, and bearing date the 4th day of May, 1927. I, the un- derdgned. th* Referee In tald Judgment named, will tell at Public Auction to the hlgheat bidder, by Henry C. Johnson. Auctioneer? at the County court House, Long liland City. In the Borough of Queens. Count* of Queent. on the Ittt day ot May, 1*17. at ten o'clock a. - , the premises directed by tald Judgment to he told, and therein described at fol- lows- . / All that lot or ptreel of land with th* buildings and Improvements thereon, tltu- ate. lying and being In th* Fourth Ward of the Borough and County of Queent, City and State Of New York, hounded and described tt^ follows: , Beginning at a point on the northerly side of South Street, distant 198 78 feet westerly from the corner formed by the intersee'lon of the northerly tide of BouOt Street with the westerly tide of l*l*t Street (formerly Manor Street), running thence northerly parallel with 191st Street, tnd part ot the distance through a psrty wall 100 44 feet; thence westerlv 23.15 feet: thenc* southerly again parallel with l*ltt Street loo i* feet toAhe north- erly tide of So Ut h Street; thehe* easterlv along the northerly side of South Street 25 13 feet to the point or place of be- ginning Said premises being, known at 1*0-17 South Street. Holllt. NT T. Together with a_, the right, title and Interett of the paiO*- of the first part, of, in and to the land lying In South Street Dated, Rldgewood. H. Y„ May 11, 1927. ALFRED t. HOFMANN. _. _ ~ _ -. *«*»**• in Bankruptcy. 988 Fresh Pond Road, Rldgtwood, N. Y. Notice to Creditor. Queens Borough A BAROAIN $7,500, CASK $1,000. Carrying charges (40 per month;; new detached house, prettiest you ever saw; 6 rooms, sun parlor, tiled bath, tiled chen, parquet floors throughout, ttei Text Craft decorations, brick stoop. 10-ft. drlvewty. A BEACmFUL NEW BRICK HOUSE with garage, ((.(84), cash (1,500. balance eaty terms; steam, electricltv. gas, par- quet floors throughout, all panelled walls, painted, sewers; near church, tchool, cars and but. A BIO BARGAIN EXTRA OOOD. Dettehed 2-famlly house. 2-car garage: 2 blocka from Elmhurst av. subway sta- tion; 11 rooms. 1 sun parlors, every mod- em Improvement, parquet floors, tteam, Call daily, Sunday end evenings. WE HAVE EVERY KIND OF A HOUSE. OEOROE C. JOHNSTON, Office at the Elmhurst Av. Sub. Station, Elmhurst. «•> 11*19 A TWO-FAMILY, tax exempt, new, all Im- provements, heat, driveway, sewers. paved streets, sidewalks, taw minutet to subway. Will, decorate to suit. (9.309. eath (1.000. C-10. Star. * NOTIOB TO CREDlTOa*.~Pur*uant to an order of Hon. Daniel Noble, Surrogate of the County of Queen*, notice Is hereby given to all parsons having claim* against KLLEN R. CFDBA. late oFtllT Ely Avenue Long island City, In th* said Oounty .de- ceased, to present the sam* with th* vouchers thereof, to the eubrcriber at hi* l.lace of transacting inch buatnesa, namely. John J. Corcoran, on* of tha admlnlsira- tors. at the onto* of hie attorney. J. Ed. ward Murphy. 1S3 Broadway, Manhattan, Njw Tork City, or Catherine O. Ahearn. admltiKtratrix. at tha office of h*r attor- toy, Edgar P. Feeley. 43 Broadway, Man- hattan, N*w York City, on or beror* th* tenth day of July next. Dated. D*t—mber X*. 102n. JOHN J. CORCORAN, Adnilnlitrator. CATHERINE O. AHEARN. /' Administratrix. ia»-lu3,m Auction Sales BY VIRTUE ef an execution. M. Wolf. Auctioneer, tells today. May l(, 1837. at I t.tn.pm., at 29 Flushing avenue. Astoria, one ill lot ot groceries. Re: Morgenstern . vs. Weinman. J JAMBB AUERBACH, Marshal. APARTMENT HOUSE for sale, full rented; good return over and above amorttaatlon. Kraut, 163-UD Northern Blvd., Flushing. 14-17 nAROAIN OF UPRTTMBI AT COLLEOE POINT. Two-family brisk. 9 and 6 rooms, gas, electricity, well located, paved ttreet, garnge. PRICE $10,000 CASH (2.800 E E. SUYDAM 308 llth Street, College Point. * 1 * 1 '' BAYSIDF New 6-room Colonist house, all best improvements, screens. I block .south of Northern blvd., 100 ft. west ot Woodhull av.; (7.200, cash (800 direct front builder. Bay tide 4(24. il-17 BAYSIDE BARGAIN Six-room house. 2 baths, plot 40x104 A vtry pretty horn*. Builder must sacrifice. Price (13.008, Cell James A. Mathan, Bay* tide. Phone Bayside 3590 »•-'-•• . MIAVB YOU A HOUSE? i M XT FOR SALE? What ttse it the plot? All improvements? i 1* the pereh enclosed' otv* a good description nf It in a whl . C^By2lrm•B^ 1 " R,t * DLT,, (1.230 CASH takes title to new 2-ftouly brlek house, conveniently located to transportation; houses are semi-attached, have 9 rooms and detached 2-car garage with private driveway, all modern Improvements Terms are arranged so that actual cost of your own apartment 1* $100 per year. Total price, (12,600, ' A visit to these houses in- curs no obligation. CARLOS * KNIGHT 7601 Roosevelt Av.. Jackton Heights, or phone Newtown »0S0. 10-1* AT aTUIBUliaT. New 2-famlly home*. S room*, 2 bath*, all modern improvtmente, detached, ptrty driveway, sewer*, tldewalks. finished streets. $10.230; cath gl^Ot). One-tamtly, 6-rooca Brick houses, all Im- provement! convenient to station. Price •88,350. Cash 11.000, . PETER -UARFIII. Elmhurst av, subway station, Elmhurst 11*17 AT ELMHURST. One-family detached house. 7 rooms snd bath, all improvement*. 4 minutes from -L" station. Prie* (7,(00; cash (1,3(0. Balance on terms to Kit. THOMAS DALY. 95th St. and Roosevelt Av : blocks »est of Junction av Elmhurst. *X" station. 11*17 EI.MHURBT BAROAIN. Two-family 11 light roe—a. 2 enclosed porches, steam heat, parquet floors, sew- ers, excellent location; good section. Sacri- fice, (11.000. C*»h (1.8O0 oEORot urns, JR . 8818 Queens Boulevard, near Grand St, Elmhurst; Newtown 344*. 12*19 very liberal New 1-family (-room house, bsth and kitchen tile, sun parlor, steam heat, ptr- S uet noon, decorated, driveway, sewers, ne location; a real bargain. (7,100; cash $300 ; Tax exempt 7-rootji bungalow, all mod- ii Improvement*, (7.300; LOUia l. BOBLSEN 9138 Queens Beul*v*rd at Woodharen Blvd. Elmhurst. Phon* Newtown 01(0. l(*2l ELMHURST—l-famlly brlek, ont-car gar- age, $9.(50. One-family frets*, ( rooms. (8.000 Two-family bTtek, 2-ear garage. (18,750. Tro-famlty l*T_|, II rooms, (12.000, CARL FRBDMAN. REALTOR 9011 Roosevelt Ave. at Elmhurst av. sub- »sv station. 12*18 ELMHURST-For l and 2-ftmil? bouset ° f ' l ' r7 AR d »0 n j"ABOER 9015 Elmhurst av., sear Roosevelt av. Elmhurst av. station: glove—oyer 9*79 li'myU and 7 ELMHtiRST-2-faaally house, I rooms, garage, plat 26x100. Ml improve- ments, paved street sewer. TAX EX- EMPT; I minute* from rubway: MUST BE SOLD: beat cash offer above flrtt mortgage takaa It. 63-06 (4th a*., Elm- hurst. Executor of estate 10-1* Fl.MMi'.RST—2-famlly. 9 rooms, all 1m- S rovements, driveway, near transit, 11.500 50-K ( t h it. U-28 ELMHURST-l-rnaatty. 7 room house, l'i years old. garage, all improvement! **- 32 Eliot <tt«t| av,. corner Saunders st , 1 block Queen* Blvd. K-31 FLUSHINO—Broadway tecllon; bsrgaln: new 2-famlly tapestry brick detached house, 15 rooms, built-in showers, 2-car garage; price (16,500; cath 83,000; worth $22,000. Murphy, 406 Jackson av., L. I. City. 12-18 FLUSHING—2-family frame and stucco, plot 40x100, two 5-room apartments with enclosed porches, separate entrance, sep- arate heating plants, newly decorated; Srlce $15,800. Fred W. Madlgan, Schulte ldg., Main and Amity tts.; Flushing 6703. n»J0 FLUSHINO—2-famlly house, garage. 1 block Murray Hill station, all modern Improvements. Phone Owner. Flushing 8542. 10-16 FLUSHINO — For sale, modern 6-room house, sun parlor, tiled kitchen and bath, breakfast nook, copper gutters and screens; plot 25x100, 12 minutet to Mur- rey Hill station, (8,500; terms. Phone Flushing 1598-J. 9-18 FLUSHINO—4-famlly brick houses, near Main st.. all latest Improvements, direct from owners. Watch for name. GELL- MAN St. RENZ. Roosevelt av. and 112th at. subway station, Corona. Havemeyer 7998. 16*18 HOUSE. (8.750, ASTORIA 5434. 11-17 GREAT SOUTH BAY—2. 4 or g 2(-foot lots. $400 each, adjoining American Venice. Walters, 3 Bellvlew av.. Port Washington, L, 1 _. L. I. CITY—2-famlly. _B room house, 25x90 plot; gas, steanFneat, electricity; new roof, shingles, lately decorated, (13,000. 18*21 LYNBROOK—Bargain, new 6-room house, well built, tile bath, enclosed porch, breakfast nook, oak floors, steam heat, water, gas, electricity, all painted and decorated, on 2 lota, near station, stores, schools:, 30 minutes Penn station: 100 trains dally, price (7,850; cash (730. Henry Gaily, 130 Merrick road. Lyn- brook, L. I. 14-18 Ruffotk County S FLUSHINO—l-famlly. well built, 8-room house, all Improvements: convenient to train and trolley. Best residential sec- tion. Owner, 83 Elm av., Flushing 9502. 16-18f FLUSHINO HEIOKTS—Bargain: 2-family tax exempt stucco houses: all Improve- ments; decorated, screens, gartget, drive- ways Termt, Flushln* 4794-J. 14-20 FLUSHINO—Detached house, 6 large rooms, tteam heat, garage; plot 40x100. In Kissena Park, ((,230. Phillip*, Flush- ing. 42601 12*l(t FLUSHING—Send for free Illustrated book- let of home bargains. J. Albert Johntra, 81 Broadway, Flushing. 13*36 FLUSHING—6-room house, bath; all Im- provements: 28X100, (8.000. 42-23 Height st., between Sanford and Maple *v*.; Flushing 0186-R. 11-17 FLUSHING—8 room house, select neigh- borhood, osk hardwood floors, frame structure, steam heat, all modern im- provements; wilt sacrifice. Terms to suit. Phone Flushing (013. 14-20 FLUSHINO—In Kissena Park, wonderful bargain; 12 large rooms; 3 baths, tun parlor, butter's pantry: screens: 2-car garage; plot 130 feet frontage. Phillips. Queens snd Parsont avs.; Flushing 4263. 12*19 FLUSHINO—((,300; 9 rooms, 2-famtly house, 2 baths; Income (70 monthly; small cash, easy termt. R. B. GUEST. 134 Broadway, Flushing. Phone Flushing 4266. 10-16 HOLLI8—10-room house,-,2-c*r garage, for tale or rent, Inquire for particulars. 8708 Dalny road, near Hillside av. 13-19 JACKSON HEIOHT8—7-room tax exempt house, all Improvements, gsrsge; 1 block Broadway ststton. Owner, 4048 73rd tt. 11-17 KISSENA PARK. FLUSHING (-room house with 8 bedrooms and enclosed porch. 40x100 plot, garage, trees, shrub- bery, etc., 32.3*0 eatri, balance on terms. Kraut, K3-16D Northern Blvd. Broad- way-Fluthlng. 14-17 LAUREL HILL-2-famlh* frame. * room*. all Improvements with adjoining lot, 26X100. BOX B-T9, Star. 10-16 MA8PETH—2-famlly frame, tax exempt, tewert, tteam and hot water supply: 26x 100: private driveway; awning* and screen*; 4 car lines. Phone Newtown 8319. 16-21 HOUSE AND OARAOE ((.250. Oath $1,250 6 rooms snd sun parlor, parquet floors, steam, decorated, paved street, sewers, sll city improvement!. Call Sunday, dally snd evenings Oeorge C Johnston, office at Elmhurtt av. subway station. Elmhurst. 14*30 OFFICE SHACK, 15x20, excellent condi- tion, mutt be moved off ground. Will sell reasonable; suitable for real estate office Phone Newtown 1311 from 8:30 to g. Newtown 30(9. 18-18 EAST ELMHUIBVr—* rooms. English type stucco house an beautiful Dltmars blvd . nverlooklng Flushing Bey: plot fronts on 3 (treats. Can be bought tt bargain prlo*. 10S-4( Dltmari blvd ' 13-1* ^^StW^A^TY- °' Rutlt of f l m glees material, workman- ship, brttt plumbing, double oak floors, high class petntlng. decorating. Inlaid tile linoleum cemented to kitchen and break fast room BOOT*: til* kitchen and bath. extra show**; Montr leaden tnd gutteri: eery thing of l i e bett. Sewer In and paid for Hou** en two lot* wtth garages. Three told. (Mated on North Mth t*_ MttcheU tv. Price* (14,80* and (U.0M. v -on rlrst (Bgsrtgag*. Jtmei Ctllan. r-bullde*, Fhon. Flushing 4M2 1*11 I ST.tW QUEENS V I L L A O E -4-room 1 -family frame, corner, ail Improvement*, awn- ings, screen!, etc , lot 18x100; price (7.400, cash (1,000. 9137 214th «t . op- posite —hoot, ll-l* UNUSUAL BARGAIN—7-room hou** With bath, excellent location, driveway, sun parlor, breakfast nook, ttesm, electricity, gas, tiling, parquetry; near schools, stores, churches, trolleys; worth (8.SO0; price 66,«TB; 6100 cath, (38 monthly principal. McNeeee. Corn Exchange Bank Bldg,, Sutphln blvd.. opp main Jamaica, L. I, station Phone Jamaica M10 dally, evening!. Sundaya l(*3t WH11'KBTOKB—Don't forget when you are In WHITE8TONE to examine our 1- ftmlly houses, located on 7th st. or (th St.. near 7tn av: prie* « _ » and $8,150; cash 8780 tin. DAWN BUILDING CORP., BUILDERS OP HAI*PTNFJI8 HOMES, office on premlnei 7303. WINFTKLD HEIGHTS -13 minutet Queens- boro Bridge to CMh at.: new modern 3- fsmllv. 11 separate rooms. 3-car gar- age: yew comratttlon and snail pay- ment buyt haute: upper apartment pay! expentet. Builder. M34 12nd av 13-1* BUNGALOW PLOTS at Huntington Beach large trees, beautiful views, white sandy antntag boned; prie* (135 tap; easy terms. Write for map and booklet. HUNTINOTON BEACH, INC., 51 East 42nd St., N. Y. 11-17 (3 CASH. (I monthly, buys (49.50 lot near Peconlc Bay. while they last; no inter- est or taxes. Parmer, 25 Broad st,, N. Y. City. 11-17 Bungalows ej« i i -•- - BUNG^'oW for stle. 3 rooms and bath, near water, boating, bathing, fishing; select neighborhood: plot 40x100; price (1,800, terms to suit. Dampman. 9911 63rd road, Forest Hills. N. Y.. Newtown 1797. 1(*»1 BUNOALOWS to let. Rockaway BeaVh. 99th st, Railroad Court. J. Powers, 208 Jackton av., L. I. City. ROCKAWAY—4 rooms and bath, up-to- date, furnished, restful location, near water. 6211 92nd St., Elmhurst. Phene Havemeyer 7024-R. 10-16 SACRIFICE—B-room bungalow, 45-foot lot, all modern Improvements; husband and wage-earner deceased and widow must sell; location Forest Hills, Elm- hurtt dis'rict., shown by appointment. Phone Newtown 1797. 11*19 Business Property For Sale or Lease BUSINESS LOTS—Liberal subordination, building mortgages arranged. Owners will buy back tome ot the stores you erect. Kraut, 163-16 Northern blvd., Flushing. 14-17 STORES with apartments in belt business section, Jackson Heights; sale or lease. 32-65 82nd st. 14*20 Factory Property For Sal* or Lease FACTORY. Brooklyn. 150x100, 1 ttory, part monitor type roof; overhead rails. suitable any business; lease at 33e sq. ft ; key* at Frank R. Pitcher. 109 Meserole av.. corner Manhattan av., Brooklyn; Greenpolnt 5388. 13-10 FACTORY tpaee to let. 50x100. 1971 Stein- way av.. L. I. City. Innulre John Condon Realty Co.. Astoria 1110. 12-18 L I. CITY-FIREPROOF BUILDING. 40x- 22, OARAOE OR MANUFACTURING. 45 SHJSRMAN PL.; STILLWELL 7197. U-1T Real Estate Wanted WANTED at once 2-famtly frame or brick, near transit between Woodald* snd Corona, 10' or li rooms; must bug now. Olve full details. Address X (X Box B-87, Star. i.t-is WANTED AT ONCE Wealthy colored families, able to pay all cash, want I and 2-ftmlly houses snd lota anywhere on Long fsian-t 31 E, Jackson »•... Corona; Newtown 017(. 11*17 Real Estate For Exchange BUILDERS will exchsng* 8-family brick buildings for good building lott: alto new apartment building! Rentals (18.000 to $36,000 Will exchange for vacant land ana tome rath. JACOB A. OAPOWB, 1*1 2ND AV. RAVEN8WOOD Night Phone. Astoria 3(93. 11*17 Lota For Sale A BUILDERS OPPORTUNTY—Apartment house site, 40x100. (th av , Astoria; (3.000 caah. $8,000 subordinate mar' Box B-94, Star. 'EST lrntf , WOODSIDE BAROAIr- 1 ftmity frame, ( rooms, $8.to* 1-famUy frame, tt re—as. (ll.tot). '''•"^NTBWT SA^AA** »-32 ( l i t i t , Woaenldt. Newt-— 1070 ASTORIA- 31 lots, (1.830 each; good tarmi: near Dltmari nation. For particulars Astoria 8815 before 10 a. m. and eftat 8 p. at. 14-17 ASTORIA Broadwi —tt lots. Ird av. betereen ; prie* (•(,(•(, tt-il wry and Jamaica av.: prte* (**,(* caah aiK.Opn Will subordinate (80.00* to responsible), builder A, J. Oreteebel, 15-0* Brotawav Astoria BAYSIDE—Business and residential lota, adjacent to Oakland Oolt Club. For maps, prices and particular*, A. J. Greteehel, 15-09 Broadway; Astoria (*•». W-ltJ it a The DAILY ST* Sad Advertising Man cludd* leading newspaperi throughout UM eesintry and ha* ftr lu ate* tha elimination of fraudulent and mislead- ing clMstfled advertising. Th* DAILY STAR, an well *• every other aw—bar nf the Association, endeaveir* to print only truthful Classified Ad i tuttaaitnf and will appreciate htv tion called to any conforming to a n nf honesty. I,... MM. ,|| ,„. ..- - I , -'CI Hi™1.1 (Contimiid o» N-xt £•§•) Deo n o - —-swswwta* having u* •ttn* advertisement na* blgneat tteaderd* Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Local Real Estate Men Present Their Choicest Bargains On ... 15/Brooklyn NY Daily Star/Brook… · Local Real Estate Men Present Their Choicest Bargains On These Pages Legal Notice*

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Page 1: Local Real Estate Men Present Their Choicest Bargains On ... 15/Brooklyn NY Daily Star/Brook… · Local Real Estate Men Present Their Choicest Bargains On These Pages Legal Notice*

Telephone Stillwell 6600 THE DAILY STAR, QUEEN* BOROUGH, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 16, 1927. Teleph one Stillwell 6600 Page Eleven

Local Real Estate Men Present Their Choicest Bargains On These Pages Legal Notice* Legal Notices

COUNTY COURT, QUEENS COUNTY.— Mary L McElroy, Plaintiff, against Floyd

Pelmti. and others. Defendant* In purtuance ot a Judgment of fore-

rloaure and aale duly mad* and entered In the above entitled action, and bearing date the 11th day ot May, 1*37, I. the undersigned, the Referee In laid Judgment named, will sell at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, at the Town Hall, corner ot Flushing and Jamaica Avenues, Ja­maica, in the Borough of Queens, County ot Queens. City ot New York, on the 1th day of June. 1137, at I t o'clock noon, the premises directed by said Judgment to be told, and therein described as follows:

All that parcel ot land with the build­ing and Improvements thereon erected, situate In the Oounty of Queens, State ot New York, known as lot 32 In block 41 on a certain map entitled "Map ot Richmond Hill Arcade No. 3, filed in the office of the Clerk of Queens County on February 27th, 1823. as Map No. 4084, bounded and de­scribed as follows: ,

Beginning at a point on the westerly tide of one hundred and thirtieth street (formerly Maure Avenuel, distant two hundred and forty i240) feet northerly from -the corner formed by the intersec­tion of the westerly side ot 130th Street, with the northerly side of Sutter Avenue; running thence westerly and parallel with Butter Avenue, one hundred HOO) feet; thence northerly parallel with 130th Street, twenty i20i feet; thence easterly parallel with Sutter Avenue, one hundred UOOi feet to the westerly side of 130th Street; thence southerly along the westerly side of 130th Street, twenty i20> feet to the point or place of beginning.

Together with an easement for driveway purposes tor ingress and egress for pri­vate vehicles only over the most north­erly four-foot strip of the premises im­mediately adjoining on the south and subject to a similar easement In favor of the premises immediately adjoining on the south, over the most southerly four-toot strip of the premises above described.

Dated, May 14th. 1027. JOHN L. KARLE. Referee.

GEORGE H. BOYCE. Attorney for Plain­tiff: Office and Post Office Address, 44 Court Street, Brooklyn, New York.


SUPREME COURT, QUEENS COUNTY — Mary E. McDonough, Anna McDonough

and Jane McDonough, Plaintiffs, against Mary Atzel and others. Defendants.

In pursuance ot a Judgment • of fore­closure and sale duly mad* and entered la the above entitled action, and bearing date the 22th day of April, 1227, I, the undersigned, the Referee In said Judgment named, will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder, by McPhllltemy it Heaney, Auctioneers, at the front step* ot the County Court House, Long Island City, in the County of Queens, New York, on the 34th day of May, 1927, at ten o'clock a.m.. the premises directed by said Judg­ment to be sold, and therein described i s follows:

All that certain plot, piece or parcel ot tend, situate, lying and being in Third Ward, Borough and County ot Queens, pit* and Stale of New York, known and designated a i and by lots No. 4* and 47 In Plock 12, on a certain Map entitled "Map of North Jamaica, surveyed Janu-( w , 1922. by Evans Bros., C. 8„" and riled la Queens County Clerk's Office April 28. 1922, as and by Map No. 4101, which said two lots are more particularly bound-Id and described, according to said map, if fellows:

Beginning at a point on the southerly side of 77th Road distant 240 feet west­erly from corner formed by Intersection of the southerly side of 77th Road with the westerly side of lMth Street; running thence southerly, parallel with ttath Street 100 feet; thence westerly parallel with 77th road 40 feet, running thence northerly, parallel with 168th Street 100 feet to the southerly side of 77th Road and thence easterly along the southerly side of 77th Road 40 feet to the point or place of beginning.

Together with all the -right, title and Interest of the party of the first part of. in and to 77th Road, lying in front ot and adjoining the above described premi­ses to the centre line thereof.

Dated, May 2, 1227. , WILLIAM'E STEWART,

ELLIOTT St ROBESON, Plaintiffs* At­torneys, 277 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York.


a foot, thenc* northerly parallel with Sixth Avenue, twenty-five (28) feet; thence easterly parallel with Potter Ave­nue, one hundred (100) feet and two one-hundredths (2/100) ot • foot to the west­erly side of Sixth Avenue; thence south­erly along the westerly side of Sixth Ave­nue, twenty-five (23) feet to the point or place ot beginning. , Together with all the right, title and Interest of. In and to the street lying In front of and adjoining the above de­scribed premises to the centre line thereof.

The above described premises He In Section 1, Block 188. on the Land Map ot the County of Queens.

Subject to and entitled to the benefit of a certain declaration In writing, bear­ing date the 27th day of March, 1824, made by Fras-Olt Construction Co., Inc.. imposing certain restrictions on said premises, and providing for an easement ot right of way over said premises, which agreement Is recorded in said Clerk's of­fice In Liber 2608 ot Conveyances at page 440,

Dated. April 16, 1927. WILLIAM E. STEWART.


tiffs- .Attorney!, 1 Madison Avenue, New York City. N. Y.


The foregoing sale Is hereby adjourned to May 337 1927, at the same hour and

Legal Notices

place Dated, April 16. 1927 A ^_

W4XLIAM A A s T E WART. T T ^ V J ? Referee.

" N my myl6&2l

SUPREME COURT, QUEENS COUNTY.— Metropolitan Lite Insurance Company,

Plaintiff, against Fras Olt Construction Co., Inc., and others, Defendants. Action No. 2.

In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclos­ure and sale duly made and entered In the above entitled action, and bearing date the 8th day ot April, 1927, I, the undersigned, the referee in said Judgment named,, will sell at public auction to the highest bid­der, by Henry C. Johnson, auctioneer, at the front steps ot the County Court House. Long Island City, in the Borough of Queens, County of Queens, oil the 16th day of May. 1927, at ten o'clock a. m.. the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows:

All that certain lot. piece or parcel at land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon, situate, lying and being at As­toria, Borough and County of Queens, City and State of New York, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point on the westerly side ot sixth Avenue distant three hundred and seventy-five (37S) feet and three one-hun-dredths (3-100) ot a toot northerly from the corner formed by the Intersection of the northerly side of Potter Avenue with the westerly side of Sixth Avenue; running thence westerly parallel with Potter Ave­nue, one hundred (1001 feet and two one-hundredths (3-100) of a foot, thence northerly parallel with Sixth Avenue, twenty-five (35) feet; thence easterly parallel with Potter Avenue one hundred (100) feet and two one-hundredths (2-100) of a foot to the westerly side of Sixth Avenue, thence southerly along the west­erly side of Sixth Avenue, twenty-five (25) feet to the point or place of beginning.

Together with all the right, title and interest, of in and to the street lying In front ot and adjoining the above described premises to the center line thereof.

The above described premises He In Sec­tion 1, Block 188 on the Land Map of the County of Queens.

Subject to and entitled to the benefit ot a certain declaration In writing, bearing date the 27th day of March, 1924, made by Fras-Olt Construction Co., Inc., imposing certain restrictions on said premises, and providing for an easement of right of way over said premises, which said declaration is recorded In said Clerk's office in Liber 2806 of Conveyances, at page 440.

Dated. April 16. 192*. WILLIAM E. STEWART. Referee.

BUTCHER. TANNER & FOSTER. Plain­tiffs Attorneys, I Madison Avenue, New York City. N Y .


with the Flushing Extension of the Queensboro Subway.

The Contractor must complete nil ot the work covered by this contract within slg (6) months after the delivery of the contract.

A fuller description of the work and other requirements, provisions, details and specifications are given In the Information for Contractors and In the forms of con­tract, specifications, contract drawings, bond and contractor's proposal, which are to be deemed a part ot this Invitation and copies of which may be Inspected and pur­chased at said office ot the Board.

The receipt of bids will be subject to the requirements specified In said Inform­ation for Contractors.


CITY OF NEW YORK. By John H. Delaney. Chairman.

Francis J. Slnnott, Secretary! . myO&M

SUPREME COURT, QUEENS COUNTY — Nicholas Hlmmelrelcher. Plaintiff, agaln6t

Altec I Williams and others. Defendants. In pursuance of a Judgment of fore­

closure and sale duly made and entered In the above entitled action, and bearing da'.i; the 19th day of April, 1927, I, the undersigned, the Referee In said Judgment named, utfr-Seil at Public Auction to the highest bidder, by Henry C. Johnson, Auc­tioned, at the front door of the Town Hi)". Jamaica, In the Borough of Queens. Countv of Queens, on the 19th day ot , May, 1927. at 11 o'clock a.m., the premi­ses directed by said Judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows: • >

All that lot, or parcel ot land. In the Borough and County of Queens. City and state of New York, bounded and described as follows'

Beginning at the easterly corner of On-dcidonk Avenue and Palmetto Street; run­ning thence northeasterly along the south­easterly side of Palmetto Street 89 feet; thence southeasterly and parallel with On-derdonk Avenue 50 feet; thence southwest­erly and parallel with Palmetto Street, 89 feet to the northeasterly side of Onder-don<c Avenue and thence northwesterly alonit the .northeasterly side of Onderdonk Avenue 50 feet to the point or place of beginning.

8ub)eet to a first mortgage of Thirty-three hundred 183.300) Dollars and ac­crued Interest.

Si.bject to covenants and restrictions contained In former instruments of record.

Subject to any state ot facts an accur­ate survey may show.

Dated. April 23. 1927. WILLIAM E, STEWART.

Referee. WILLIAM A BACHER, Plaintiff's Attor­

ney. 953-957 Broadway, Borough of Brooklyn. New York. ~

. ap25.27my2,4,9,U,16.18 i i«

SUPREME COURT. QUEENS COUNTY.— John F. Caasldy. Plaintiff, against Eliza­

beth Cassldy, et al, Defendants. In pursuance of a Judgment of fore­

closure and sale duly made and entered In the above entitled action and bearing date the 28th day of April. 1927, I, the undersigned, the referee In said Judgment named, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by Warren O'Brien, auc­tioneer, at the Front Steps ot Queens County Court House in Long Island City in the Borough and County ot Queens, City and State ot New York, on the 1st day ot June, 1927, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold and therein described as follows:

Parcel I: All that certain piece or par­cel of land situate, lying and being In the First Ward ot the Borough of Queens. County of Queens, City and State ot New York, known and designated as Lot 17 In Block 65, on a certain map entitled "Map of property In the Second Ward of Long Island City. Queens County. New York, made by Peter O. Von Alst, City Surveyor, for James Thomson. Esq., of the city of New York, dated November, 1870," and filed in the Queens County Clerk's office March 28, 1871, as Map No 82, which said lot Is bounded and described accord­ing to said map as follows:

Beginning at a point on the Westerly


1 time 20 per line 3 times 18 per line 6 times s\ -1J per Has

6 average words to line Lower Case, 4 words CAPITALS.

No ad counted for less than 3 lines. These rates are for consecutive Inser­

tions only. Contracts permitted on all classifica­

tions except Lost and Found, Help Wanted, Employment Agencies, Busi­ness Opportunities and Medical.

EXCEPTIONS. Situations Wanted 10 per line Business Opportunities . . . .20 per line Medlcsl , .35 per line

time . . . .30 per line times . . .24 per line times . , .20 per line

Classified advertisements will be ac­cepted by advertising agencies at the above rates.

Classified advertisements will be ac­cepted until 10 a.m. the day of pub­lication, except Saturdays and holi­days, when the closing time Is 9.30 a m .

Employment Agencies {!

Ihe foregoing sale is h to May 21, mi, at the place.

Dated, April 16. 1937. WILLIAM E.

SUPREME COURT, QUEENS COUNTY — Lillian F. Best, Plaintiff, against Whit-

son Oakley and others. Defendants. In pursuance of a Judgment of fore­

closure and sale duly made and entered in the above entitled action, and bearing date the 9th day/of May. 1927, I. the un­dersigned, the Referee in ssjd Judgment named, will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder, by Henry C. Johnson; Auc­tioneer, in the corridor of the Queens County Court House, Long Island City, in the Borough of Queens, County of Queens, on the 1st day of June. 1927, at ten o'clock a.m., the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, and therein de­scribed as follow.;:

AH those pieces or parcels of land situ­ate, lying and being In the Borough and County of Queens, c i ty and State of New York, known as lot 220 In Block 4740, lot 180 In Block 4748 and lots 1. 10 and 240 in Block 4785, Ward 4, on the Tax Map of the City ot New York. Borough of Queens, as said Map was on February 29. 1918.

Dated, May 10. 1927. WILLIAM E, STEWART,

Referee, BERTRAM L. FLETCHER, Plaintiffs At­

torney. 2 Rector Street, New York City, N. Y.


SUPREME COURT, QUEENS COUNTY.— Landfmlth Realty Company, Plaintiff,

against Hllma Sanderson and HoIIls Ter­race Associates, Inc., Defendants.

In pursuance of a Judgment of fore­closure and sale duly made and entered In the above entitled action, and bearing date (he 4th day of May, 1927. I, the undersigned, the Referee in said Judgment named, will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder, by Henry C. Johnson, Auc­tioneer, at the county Court House. Long Island City, In the Borough of Queens, County of Queens, an the 31st day of May, 1927, at ten o'clock a.m., the premi­ses directed by said Judgment to be sold, and therein described aa follows:

All that lot. or parcel of land with the buildings and Improvements thereon, situ­ate, lying and being in the Fourth Ward of the Borough and County of Queens. City and'State of New York, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point on the northerly sids of 109th Road (formerly South Street) distant 79.48 feet westerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the norther­ly side ot 109th Road with the westerly slds ot 191st Street (formerly Manor Streeti, running thenc* northerly parallel with 191st Street .and part of distance through a party wall 100.40 fast; thence westerly 25.15 feet, thence southerly again parallel with 191st Street 100.41 feet to tho northerly tide of lOfth Road, thence easterly along the northerly aid* *f 109th Road 23.13 feet to the point or plaee of beginning.

Together with the right, title and In­terest of the party of the t int part, of, In and to the land lying In 109th Road in front1 of said premises to the center line thereof.

Subject to a right of way over the northerly 10 feet of said plot and together with a right of way over the northerly 10 feet of each adjoining plot on the east to ttlst Street, to be used In common with other owner* for an automobile driveway.

Subject to a first mortgage for Three thousand two hundred fifty !$3,360) Dol­lars, now a lien thereon, with interest at 6% per annum. >

Subjects to covenants, restrictions and easements, if any, of record or existing.

Dated, May 7th. 1*27. WILLIAM E. STEWART,

Referee. WALTER J. VRBSLAND, Plaintiff* At­

torney. 139 Front Street, New York City, N. Y.


STEWART. Referee.

myl6&21 .

NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. Advertisers who pay their accounts

by mall are advised that The Star cannot accept postage stamps In pay­ment, except In limited amounts and where the denomination of the stamps Is not over 2 cents.

Real Estate For Sale or Rent

JLong I s l a n d City


ATTENTION HOMESEEKEltS AND SPECULATORS! Our experience enables us to appreciate

and fill promptly the emergency and re­quirements of our clients, when unforseen happenings upset their domestic plana.

Frequently such Instances enable us to offer Industrial properties, apartments and beautiful dwellings at a sacrifice. Tho following offerings are few of the many hundreds ltstlnxs from which to select-

On Bridge Plaza brick building 200xu0 with ample show room, sprinklers, etc.; also very large yard space lor sale and to lease. Very attractive terms.

Near Queensboro Plaza, two-story brick building on a plot 50x200; suitable for in­dustrial purpose. Only 850.000. Cash 310.000.

11-family apartment 11 and 4) excep­tionally large rooms, also store, all imp. $44,000. Cash $12,000.

Return, 20 "J yearly on investment. Two-family brick, 11 rooms, steam heat,

etc., near transit. |11.000.

5-room frame, modern near transit. 87.500. Cash *1.500.

Experience has taught most yof our clients to distinguish expert aiiof honest service, and where to find it.

Absolute integrity is what you can ex­pect In dealing with us.

PH. W. ABATELLI. 170 2nd Av., Astoria. Stillwell 4822.


Cash 81.000. Improvements,

ASTORIA BARGAIN One story corner building, suitable

light manufacturing, on busy laorough-i fare, containing over 4.000 sq. ft floor

_ „ _ , „ — r r r ; — : ~ — ~ — : TTT I space: one block subway. Price 540.000, CHOW DOO, red, straight bushy tall, s r n an cash

pink nose, disappeared Sunday morning, [ ( j e w 6 . family house, 4 room apartments, 10 o clock from 3*7 Singer s t . Astoria. ! 3 j c a r garage, fullv rented; 3 blocks sub-Liberal reward. Phone Astoria 3169. j ̂ » v ," . , !„„ sa«.5b0: income S4.000. small


WIRE HAIRED Fox Terrier, female, In Whltettone, Tuesday, May 10, 638 re­ward. Return 38 West 8th St., White-stone; phone Flushing 9936. 18-31

LOST, German police dog, answers to name Danny": darkish grey; 6100 re­ward, no questions asked. Phone Have-meyer 9966. Babe Herman. 11-17

j way station, $26,500. income $4,000, small cash required.

MURPHY & E8P08ITO 3210 Washington Av.. Astoria.

Phone Stillwell 7579-4225. Open Evenings and Sundays.


Legal Notices in front of said premises, to the center line thereof.

Subject to a right of way over the northerly 10 feet of said plot and together with a right of way over the northerly 10 feet of each adjoining plot on the East to 191st Street, to be used In common with other owners for an automobile drive-Way.

Subject to a First Mortgage for Three thousand two hundred fifty 183,250) dol­lars, now a Hen thereon with Interest at t% per annum.

Subject to convenants, restrictions and easements. If any, of record or existing.

Dated May 7th. 1927. WILLIAM E. STEWART, Referee.

WALTER J. VREELAND. Plaintiffs At­torney, 129 Front Street, New York

City, N. Y. May 9-14-16-21-23-28

SUPREME COURT, QUEENS COUNTY.-The Teachers Building and Loan Asso­

ciation of New York City, Plaintiff, against Deszo Varga and others, Defend­ants.

In pursuance of a Judgment of fore­closure and sale duly made and entered In the above entitled action, and bearing date the 29th day of April, 1927, I, the undersigned, the Referee In said judgment named, will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder, by McPhllliamy 6s Heaney. Auctioneers, at the front steps of the County Court House, Long Island City, County of Queens, State of New York, on the 24th day ot May, 1927, at ten o'clock a.m., the premises directed by said Judg-

SUPREME COURT, QUEENS COUNTY-Metropoitten Lit* Insurance Company,

Plaintiff, against Fras Olt Construction Co., Inc., and oihert. Defendants. Action Ho. 1.

In pursuance of a judgment of foreclos­ure and sale duly made and entered In the above entitled' action, and bearing data the 8th day of April, 1927. I, the un­dersigned, the Referee In said judgment named, will sell at Publlo Auction to the highest bidder, by Henry C. Johnson, Auc­tioneer at the front step* of tho County Court Routt, Long Island City, In the Borough of Queens, County of Queens, on tha l fth day of May, i n f . at tan o'clock a.m., the premises directed by said Judg­ment to be sold, and therein described a* follows

All that certain lot, piece,or parrel of land, with the buildings and Improve­ment* thereon, situate, lying and being at Astoria. Borough and County of Queens City and Stat* of New York, bounded and deter Used as follows-

Beginning at a point on the westerly •Id* of Sixth Avenue, distant three hun­dred and fifty (350) feat and thr** one-hundredths (3/lMi of a toot northerly from the corner formed by th* Intersec­tion Of th* northerly side of Potter Ave­nue with th* westerly tld* ot Sixth Ave­nue, running thence weattrly parallel with Potter Avtnue, and part of the distance through a ptrty wall, one hundred (100) feet and two one-hundredths {2/106) of



8UPREMB COURT, QUEENS COUNTY — Helen Kortlander, plaintiff, against

NeUie B Hudson, Alma W. Mayhew and Ida A. Pratt, heirt-at-law and next of kin of Harriet L. Mayhew, deceased, and devisees under the last will and testament of Harriet L. Mayhew, and Ida A. Pratt as executrix under the said will of Har­riet L. Mayhew, deceased, Samuel Evans. Stephen Barney, Andrew Barney, Daniel Barney, William Barney, Alfred Barney, James Goodwin and hla wife. Mary Oood-win, John Osborne and his wife Annie Osborne, August* WiUlamt. Susan Valen­tine, Elisabeth Jones, Edith Cooke, Jane Poola, Mary Seaman. Phoebe Brewster and her husband "John" Brewster, Mary Douglass and her husband "John"'Doug­lass, the names "John" being fictitious. their true flrtt namet being unknown to plaintiff, Jeanette Thomas and her husband "John Thomas," "Thomas" be­ing Jeanette Thomas' unmarried name, her husband'! first and last name being unknown to plaintiff, Helen Thomas, Lucy Thomas, Emma Thomas, Estelle Thomas. Harry Thomas, Charles O. Thomas and hit wife Annie Thomas, Edward Seaman, Townsend Seaman, Joslah Seaman, Charles E. Johnson and their wlva* "Ella" Seaman, "Eva' Seaman and "Ella" Johnson, the said names "Ella" and "Eva" being fictitious, their true first names be­ing unknown to plaintiff, and any and all other persons or parties who claim eify interest through Angellne Mayhew, Alfred E. Barney. Jemima Oant, Harriet L. Mayhew, Andrew Barney, John Sea­man, all six being deceased, and any and all persons or parties who are husbands, wives, widows, assignees, creditors, mort-

?agees, grantees, lienors or successors in nterest claiming interest through them

or any named herein. City of New York, People of the Stat* of New York, de­fendants. Amended Summons. To the above-named defendants:

You are hereby summoned to antwer the complaint in thlt action and to serve a copy of your antwer, or. if the com­plaint is not served with this summons, to serve a notice of appearance on the plaintiffs attorney within twenty days after the servlc* of thlt summons, ex­clusive ot th* day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, Judg­ment will be taken against you by de­fault for the relief demanded in the complaint.

Dated October—. 1926. J. CYRIX DONOOHUE,

Attorney for plaintiff, office and P. O. address, 7 Day (tract, Borough of Man­hattan. New Yd¥k. K. Y. TO the defendants Jane Poole, Mary

Douglass and her husband "John" Doug­lass, th* nam* "John" being fictitious, hit true flrtt nam* being unknown to plain­tiff, Jeannette Thomas and her husband "John" Thomat. the nam* "Thomas" be­ing Jeanette Thomat' unmarried name, their right latt name supposed to be Jones, husband's true first nam* being unknown to plaintiff. John Osborne. Jo-ilah Seaman and hi* wife "Eva" Sea­man, th* nam* "Eva" being fictitious, her tru* flrtt name being unknown to plaintiff and any and all persons or ptrtlet who claim any interest In and to th* premises involved herein through Angellne Mayhew. Alfred 8. Barney, Je­mima Oant. Harriet L Mayhew, Andrew Barney, John Seaman, these laid six per­sons being deceased.

The foregoing summons i t served upon you by publication pursuant to an order by Hon. William B, Carswell, a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, dated May 8. 1927. and 'filed with the complaint In the office of the Clerk of Queens county at his office in Ja­maica, City and State of New York.

The object of the above-entitled action It to torecloee a transfer of tax Hen, num­bered 33313 covering premises situated In ?ueeni County. City arid State of New

ork, and known and designated In said Hen a* Ward 1, Volume 8, Block 826, Lot 3 on the tax map of the City of New York f->r the Borough of Queens, ssld property 1* a parcel of land 23x100 feet en the easterly aide of Bud plaee (Ham­ilton street), southerly line ef which Is 100 feet north of the northerly line of Frotptct ttreet, Flushing, N. Y.

Dated May *, 1(97. J. CYRIL DONOOHUE,

Attorney for plaintiff, office and P. O address, 7 Dev street, Borough of Man­hattan, New York, H. Y.


INVITATION TO CONTRACTOR*. IfiitallatUw et Treekt, etc., la the Corona

Tar*. Staled bids or proposals for the Instal­

lation of Tracks. Special Work. Bumping Pests, etc., In the Corona Yard, In the Borough of Queen*, City ot New York, wilt be received by the Board of Trani-

gsrtation acting for and on behalf of Th* Ity of New York, at the office of the

Board at No. 49 Lafayette Street, Borough of Manhattan, New York City, until the 28th day of May, 1*27, at eleven thirty (11.30) o'clock a.m., at which time and plac* or at a later date to be fixed by ssld Board, the proposals will be publicly opened and read.

The Corona Yard In which tatd Irackt. etc.. are to be installed Is briefly described st follows.

A Yard located In Jhe Borough of Queen* in the City of New York on City property located between Hewitt Avenue, ouottair Str**t. Riverside Avenue and tht property ot the Long Island Railroad and part ef a a elevated approach connecting

ltd* ol HuUt^Street.^distant Three hun- mtn[ t 0 be sold, and therein described as follow.; — - J I M » « « M » ^ . —

All that certain plot, pas** or pare*) of land, with the buildings and Improvement* thereon erected, situate, lying and being In the Third Ward, Borough and County of Querns, city and State of New York, known and designated as and by the lots Nos. 14 and 15 In Block 12 on a certain map entitled "Map of North Jamaica, 3rd Ward, Borough of Queens, New York City, surveyed. January 1922 by Evans Bros.. C. 6., and filed In Queens County Clerk's office April 28th, 1922, as and by the Map Nn. # 1 *

Dated. May 2. 1927. WILLIAM E. STEWART.

Referee. ELLIOTT & ROBESON, Plaintiffs At­

torney. 277 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York.


dred feet i300'i Southerly from the cor nor forated by the intersection of Us* Southerly side of Anable Avenue with Westerly side of Hulst Street: running thence Westerly parallel with Anable Ave­nue One hundred feet ilOP'i; thence Southerly parallel with Hulst Street to the Northerly line ot land belonging to the heirs o f R. L, Kennedy: thence South­easterly along the Northerly line of land belonging to th« heirs ot R. L. Kennedy until it strikes the Northerly line of Lot No. 18: thence easterly parallel with An­able Avenue to the Westerly side of Hulst, Street, and thence Northerly along the Westerly tide of Hulst Street twenty-five feet (35*i to the point or place of be-

§Inning. The premises Intended to be escribed being the same premises covered

and affected by the Transfer of Tsx Lien which this action Is brought to foreclose.

Parcel II: All that certain piece or par; eel of land, situate, lying and being In the First Ward of the Borough of Queens, County of Queens, City and State of New York, known and designated as Lot No. four hundred ninety-seven (4971. on a cer­tain map entitled "(Jap of the Farm of Francis and Eve Duryee, situated in the Newtown and* Dutchkllls Creeks. In New­town, Queens County, New York, as sur­veyed, and a portion thereof laid out Into lots for Nezieh Bliss and Samuel Sne-den," and filed In the Queens County Clerk's Office, March 28, 1860, at Map No. 501.

Parcel III: All that certain piece or par­cel of land situate, lying and being In the First Ward of the Borough of Queens, County of Queens. City and State of New York, known and designated as Lot No. four hundred ninety-five (465) on a cer­tain Map entitled "Map ot the Farm of Francis and Eve Duryee, situated in the Newtown and Dutchkllls Creeks, In New­town. Queens County, New York, as sur­veyed, and s portion thereof laid out into lots for Nezlah Bliss and Samuel Sneden," and filed In the Queens County Clerk's office. March 27th. 1860. as Map No. 51.

Dated: May 4, 1927. QEORGE B HANAVAN.

Referee. RITTER & KADIEN, Attorneys for

Plaintiff; Office at P. O. Address, 384 Broadway, Long Island City, N. Y.


SUPREME COURT. QUEENS COUNTY.— Carslen H. Ludder, Plaintiff, against

Peter Schaaf and others, Defendants. In pursuance of an interlocutory Judg­

ment of partition and sale duly made and entered In the above entitled action, and bearing date the 27th day of April, 1927, I, the undersigned, the Referee In said! Judgment named, will sell at Publlo Auc­tion to the highest bidder, by Henry C. Johnson, Auctioneer, In the corridor of the County Court House, In the First Ward of the Borough of Queens, formerly Long Island, County of Queens, on the 24th day of May. 1927, at ten o'clock a.m., the premises directed by said Judgment to be (Old, and therein described a* fallows:

Beginning at a point on the northerly tide of Grand Street, distent (70 feet I Inches easterly from the point of inter­section of the same with the easterly line of Newtown Creek and which first point Is at the southwesterly corner of land now or formerly of Christian Meyer, running thence northerly along stld land 274 feet to the centre line of Furmans Creek; thence westerly along the said centre line to a point where the same It Intersected by a line drawa parallel with the first mentioned course which stld line It the easterly boundary line ef land now or formerly belonging to Oeorge Meyer or Henry S. Duffy, running thence southerly along said latt mentioned boundary line 222 feet end "i inches to the northerly tide of Ortnd Street and thence easterly along the tald northerly tide of Grand Street 118 feet 11'i Inches to the point or place of beginning.

Dated, April 28. 1927. WILLIAM E. STEWART,

CAR8TBN H. LUDDER, Plaintiff's*At­torney. 861 Manhattan Avenue, Brook­lyn. New York.


Real Estate For Sale or Rant

Queens B o r o u g h


One-family 6-room house. Price 67,500. Cafh 81,000. Terms arranged. Call Mr. Peterson for appointment. Havemeyer 0362.


BRICK STORE tor sale, Treasureland, Bayside, L. U 6-room apartment up­stairs. For Information phone or write to Charles Muss. 198-21 34th av.. Bay-side. Tel. Ivanhoe -1575. 11-17

COLLEOE POINT Buy direct from builder, 2-family house.

built ot best material. 10 rooms, 2 baths, sun porch, gas, electricity; two separate steam systems; plot 46x100, 89,500, cath $2,000. One-family. 6 rooms, bath, tun porch, breakfast nook, extra toilet on lat floor; -j-cur garage; plot 38x100, 38,500, cash $2,000 JEAN FU8CO. r- FLUSHING 5151.


COLLEOE POINT. Two-family frame. 5 and ( rooms, In­

cluding two enclosed porches, gas and electricity, driveway. Price 88.000. Cash arranged. ,

E E. BUY DAM 303 13th Street, College Point.

I t ' l l


One-family. 3 rooms, centrally located, driveway, 25x100. $5,500. cash arranged. G. Hugo Koch, 808 4th av. Phone Fluih-inir 8188. 13-laV.


2-family house. 11 rooms, 2 baths, 3-car gerage. on paved street, all assessments paid, tax exempt, rental 8148 per month. Out of town owner, will sell for $14,000; worth 316.500.

THOMAS J. SMITH. 319 if.I-. st.. College Point.

Phone Flushing 0348-7430. 14-17

ASTORIA—Builder must sell, beautiful new 3-famlly brick. 11 rooms. 3-car garage. Just completed; last ot a group of three; every modern improvement, steam heat, hot water, best construction: half block new public school; 5 minutes walk sub­way; 2 minutes trolley. See tills house and make us an offer. Builder on prem­ises.


i ; io




414 GRAND AV., ASTORIA. 14-17

SUPREME COURT, QUEENS COUNTY — Revorg Realty Corp.. Plaintiff, against

Ernest Cretke, Howard W. Pllger and Gladys Pllger, his wife, and others, De­fendants.

In pursuance of a Judgment of fore­closure and sale duly made and entered In the above entitled action, and bearing date the 5th day of May. 1937. I. the under­signed, the Referee In said Judgment named, will tell at Public Auction to the highest bidder, by Henry c . Johnson, Auc­tioneer, at the Town Hall, in the Town of Jamaica, in the Borough of Queens, Coun­ty of Queens, on the seventh day of June. 1927, at 12 o'clock noon, the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows:

Alt that certain parcel of vacant land, situate at Douglaston, Borough ot Queens, City and State of New York, bounded and described a* follows:

Beginning at a point on the East side of Main Avenue, one hundred forty (I40i feet and e ighty -one one hundredths



MONEY MAKER 016,000-CASH $5,000

414 GRAND AVE. 14-17

ASTORIA—Bargain. 6 rooms, bath, elec­tricity, good condition, $5,500. cash $1,000. - . ,

Two-familv brick, 7 rooms. 2 baths, electricity, steam; $9,000, cosh $2,000.

Two-family brick, all improvements. 9 rooms. 2 baths, garage, business prop­erty; tax exempt; $13,500. easy terms.



ASTORIA—3-famlly brick. 12 rooms, both, full lot; price $11,500, cash 83,000.

R. E. MOTL. 23-15 Astoria Av. Phone Astoria 0331


ASTORIA BARGAIN One-family house, all Improvements;

wonderful garden. Price $7,500. any cash. Two-family house, detached. 11 rooms,

all Improvements; splendid location. Price $11,000, any cash.

JOBEPH MANCUSO 559 2nd Av,, 125 ft. southwest of Grand av, station.


C O L L E G E POiNT-2-famlty house, half stucco, 3 and 6 rooms, with large attic, all modern Improvements, driveway; plot 25x125. $13,500. Cash arranged. G Hugo Koch, 808 4th av., phone Flush­ing 0186. 13*19

C O L L E G E POINT-2-famlly frame, 13 rooms, decorated, all Improvements, driveway, paved street, sewer, tax ex­empt. $12,500. terms. Wolfertr, 204 13th st.. Flushing 6902. 9*16

COLLEGE POINT—One-family frame, tlx rooms, bath, electricity, steam heat, driveway; l block from trolley to subway; price $7,200; cash $500. B. E. Suydam, 303 13th St. 11*17

ASTORIA BARGAIN. Booming section, 3 family and store, 3

room apartments, all Improvements, near transit. Price 828.000; cash 67,000. A, Cantore. 388 Broadway, Astoria. *

A 8 T O R I A—4-famlly brick apartment houses, latest improvements; $21,000, cath $2,300. terms to suit, bargain. Rav­en, 65 Remsen st. 16-18

ASTORIA—Best sectlen., new 6-famlly brick, 3-car garage, driveway, all im­provements, on 5th av., 150 feet on Broadway. 3 blocks station; income $341 monthly. Price $30,500. cash $7,500. In­quire Peskla, 32-20 5th av, 16-21

ASTORIA—Public (.arage, 6.500 sq. ft. lease, for rent 3 yeais; good income price $36,000. Box C-0, Star. 14-20

ASTORIA— l-famlly frame house. 5 rooms, 25x100: must be sold. Inquire 551 Broad­way; Raventwood 4834. 10-16

ASTORIA—2-famlly house, store ahd gar­age on Dttmars av. Call after 8, As­toria 7704. 10-16

A REAL BUY Astoria—2-famlly stucco, 5 and 6 rooms,

I best residential section. Price $11,500. (81/100) of aYooi South of^he'southeast | e»"» $1,800. _ J. F. Klein, 806 Stetnway corner ot Main (now Douglaston. Avenue and Poplar Street, said Main Avenue and Poplar Street being as laid down on a certain map entitled "Map of the Village of Marathon," Benjamin F. Wllletls, Sur­veyor, and filed In the office of the Clerk ef the County ot Queens on July 23, 1833, as Map No. 223, and running thence east­erly and parallel with the south side of Faplar Street, one hundred twenty-nine ' ! ? * , ' . / • * ' . * n < ! «l«tp-two one hundredths i*l/l00i of a foot, along the Southerly boundary line of property belonging to Mary Hughes to the West tide of Benton Plaee; running thence Southerly along the Wett tide of Benton Place, eighty (801 feet to the Northerly boundary fine of property now of Frances Rokus: thence , running Wetterly and parallel with tht South tide of P ' tatd Rokut propr.. , fifty one-hundredth* , . . , „ „ , „, „ ., the Easterly side of Main Avenue: run­ning thenc* Northerly along the Esstery tide of Main Avenue ninety-three .931 ,*.*.v,. J f" 1 - *lfhty-four on* hundredths ((4/100) of a foot to the place of be­ginning.

Subject to the sonlng rule* and regula-

V°,ns £ J * * J E P ** K « w raT* etttbl'shed July 38th. 1(1*. and subject to tny end all covenantt tnd rettrlcttons of record

Dated, May n t h , 19JT, . « « , . . « AUGUST G.iKLAOES. Referee EDWARD A. BROWN; Plaintiffs Attor-

ney, 217 Broadway. New -York City,

av , corner Dltmars av. 16*21

COLLEGE POINT—5-room bungalow facing south; all Improvements; terms reason­able Phone Flushing (POT-W. 11-17

CORONA BAROAIN Two-family detached bouse on a plot

28x100. 11 large rooms, 2 tUed baths, all completely decorated. Steam heat, hard­wood floors, driveway, asphalt street. 3 blocks to subway, near schools. Price 811,750, cash $3,000. FarrelL 102 103rd St., Corona; Havemeyer 9*72. 18*20

CORONA—Two-family house, first c lan condition, 8 rooms, 2 baths, enclosed porch, large attic, garage, driveway, steam, gas, electric, cemented cellar, sewer, sidewalk; 2 minutes from 111th st. subway station; excellent locality; must sell to settle estate. No agents, Block, 108-65 41st av. 16-21

Real Estate For Sale or Rent

Q u e e n s Borough

EAST ELMHUR8T, near Flushing Bay; 3 lots, fine little house, 6 room.', bath, sun porch, extra kitchen and lavatory, steam heat, city water and electricity, full price $5,850 Owner. Michael Par-low, (615 23rd av., near Junction av.




Bargain, Bayside home, 7 rooms, plot 50x100; well located, for quick tale, $9,000.

Douglaston, tor rent, very fine apart­ment, 7 rooms, exclusive, modern, new. Rent (175. 21-may20t

FOR SALE Beautiful, well built 6-room stucco bun­

galow, large sleeping porch, bath, steam heat, fireplace, garage, corner plot, 50x100, fruit and shade trees, shrubs: 3 more years tax exemption. Price $7,500, cash 81.000; 8 blocks from Queens blvd. trollev. 10 blocks from Kew Gardens station. iA 16-mlnute run from Penn. Terminal). Re­public 5093. 10-10

BROADWAY-FLU8HINO HOMES. 6 rooms, plot 30x100, 910,500. 6 rooms, plot 40x100. $12,500. 7 rooms, plot 60x100, 317.000.

DALY, Broadway at 22nd St., Flushing. 12*18

BROADWAY-FLUSHING — English type home, 6 rooms, enclosed porch, garage. 40x100 plot; 1 block from school, close to station: very well built: terms. Kraus. 163-160 Northern Blvd., Flushing. 14-17

FLU8HINO—617.000; large 2-famlly tiled brick house, business street, lot 36x100. driveway, hot water heat, 12 rooms. 2 baths, large attic, 2 porches, easy terms, bargain.

R. B. GUEST, 134 Broadwav, Flushing.

Phone Flushing 4266. 10-16

FLUSHINO—$500 cash, solid brick. 8-room house, driveway, steam heat, fireplace, oak floors, large attic; (12,250, very easy terms.

R. B. OUE8T, 134 Broadway. Flushing.

Phone Flushing 4266. • - : - . . . . . . 10-16

FLUSHING -$750 cash will buy a modern l-famlly stucco and shingle house, 6 large rooms, tile bath, hardwood floors, steam heat, l-car garage; first mortgage $3,000; price (0,000, easy terms.


Flushing 0874-0760. 16"21

FLU8HINO-81.000 cash will secure you , this new home of 8 rooms, enclosed sun

porch, tiled kitchen and bath, with separate shower, lavatory first floor, parquet floors, floored attic, 30x100 plot, concreted street; price 87,500; carrying charges less than $75 a month counting taxes, interest, Insurance, amortisation, etc. Kraus, 163-16D North­ern Blvd., Broadway-Flushing. 14-17

RrssJ Estate For Sale or Rent

Q u e e n s B o r o u g h

WOODSIDE l-famlly brick, attached, ( rooms and sun parlor, all Improvements; price 89.730. cssh 62,000.


NEWTOWN 5853. 16*1*

WOODSIDE • 2-familv brick house, with garage. Bliss station. Corona line. 45-22 80th st. 14-30


WORKWOMAN S OPPORTUNITY, l-famlly store, 3 rooms first floor; B

rooms, second floor: opposite public school; sacrifice, (8,500. Cssh ((00.

GEORGE LUTZ, JR., 8618 Queens Boulevard, near Grand St., Elmhurst. Newtown 2440. 12*18

YOUR OPPORTUNITY For sale In Murray Hill section, (2,000

cash and (85 per month buys 7 room house and garage, all Improvements, Or will rent for $85 per month. Also In Broadway section. 83,000 cash and (125 per month buys "room house and gar-

; age; modern throughout, or will rent for 8135 per month. Particulars upon appll-

! cation. Private owner. Address E. 8., Genersl Delivery, P. O , Flushing, N. Y.


Green point

ORBENPOINT—2 houses for isle, front, IT rooms, 5 families, electric light, white sinks; and 2-familv rear house; price $8,000, cash 33,500 for quick sale. In­quire 313 Eckford St., Greenpolnt. 1 flight up, 14-20

GREENPOINT—l-fsmily house for sale, g rooms and bath, all Improvements; 4-car garage In rear. For further Infor­mation call Uunterspoint 3792. 26m23


BROOKLYN-3-story brick buildings.-store end 4 apartments, all Improvements ex­cept steam, 111 Cornelia tt., corner Evergreen av,. for sale or exchange for 2 waterfront lots, Malba. Whltettone or Flushing. Phone Stillwell 4*56, 13-19

Naeesfu County


Six Individual type 6-room Houses. plots 40 and 60x100, with aU mod­ern improvement! and decorated: garages; (7,500 to (11,600. A real

uy on easy terms.

KRAJCI & CLEMENS. INC., 136 Plalnfleld Av.. Floral Park.

Tel, 1373 Floral Park.



CORONA—Biggest bargain In Queens; 6-famlly brick near school and transit. Income $3,540 yearly. Cash required S4.000: particulars. ARIZZO. 3743 94th st., Elmhurst. Phone Havemeyer 6396.


*A—William*' •*•*•*: bee* bay to Queens; six rooms, l-famlly, 87,900: 8 rooms. 2-famlly. 99,340; only (300 cash; owner on premises, 110-10 Dltmari Boulevard. Phone Havemeyer 5260.


CORONA—l-famlly house, 25x123. 7 rooms and bath, enclosed porch, 4 bedrooms, large attic, steam heat, excellent con­dition. 3 blocks from Alburtis av. sta­tion Price $9,500. 100-31 :;8th av. (old Edson st.i Phone Havemeyer 1(51.


CORONA—Owner muet tell 3-famlly house. 5 garages, plot 120x100; price tl(.5O0, cash arranged. 14( 48th 8t. 14-20

CORONA -2-famllv. 9 rooms, no heat, near 111th st. station; Price (7,700. Phone Newtown 6670. 16-21

CORONA—Big bargain; owner wlU aacrl-ftce 2-family house near subway, (9.500. Every improvement, aa brokers. New­town 1782. 14-20

APARTMENTS and stores. Laurel Hill blvd., for tale cheap; also 5 lott In Thomson Hill section. Owner, Chelsea 5170 or Havemeyer 1217-J. 10-16

CONSCIENTIOUS SERVICE. Builders, valuable business property and apart­ments for sale or exchanged for lots. An unusual opportunity, Vagntnl. 473 Broadwav. L. I. City; Phone Astoria 8232, evenings 8144. f 16* 17

L I CITY—2 houses for sale, cheap; good condition; houses must be removed at once. L. Blau dt Sons, 54 7th av ; Stillwell 5820. 12-16

f Poplar Street and along! SUNNYSIDE— Two-family brick house, 11 roperty t ight / (SOi feet and • rooms, 2 baths, all Improvements, tax Iredths (50/100) of a toot to exempt, 3 minutes to station; small

New York. myl(.l(,21,M,30Je3,6

In Bankruptcy NOTICE TO CREDITORS,-United Statel

District # Court, Bastern Dtatrlet, New S K t J n ,.th* m * ! i i r ° ' CHARLES E. WILL, Bankrupt. 14M6, The Creditor* of th* above named ore

hereby notified that on March 19. 192. the above named was duly adjudicate, bankrupt and that the flrtt meeting of hit sredltors will be held at MS Freeh Pond Road, Ridge wood. Queens County, H r \ . . o n Mtf " • iwt< « J P m . *hen the stld eredltort may attend, prove their claim*, appoint a trustee, examine the

SUPREMB.CKH.R-. Q..RENR COUNTY^ n e ^ ^ . J " ^ W , ^ . 1 ? ^ ^

cash; mutt be told. One 6-famlly, 3-room tnd kitchenette

apartment!; no reasonable offer refused. Terms arranged. Owner leaving city.


Landsmlth Realty Company, Plaintiff, against Oxford 6 . Adams and others, defendant*. In Pursuance of a Judgment of Fort-

cloturt and Sale duly made and entered In the above entitled action, and bearing date the 4th day of May, 1927. I, the un-derdgned. th* Referee In tald Judgment named, will tell at Public Auction to the hlgheat bidder, by Henry C. Johnson. Auctioneer? at the County court House, Long l i land City. In the Borough of Queens. Count* of Queent. on the I t t t day ot May, 1*17. at ten o'clock a. - , the premises directed by tald Judgment to he told, and therein described at fol­lows- . /

All that lot or ptreel of land with th* buildings and Improvements thereon, tltu-ate. lying and being In th* Fourth Ward of the Borough and County of Queent, City and State Of New York, hounded and described tt^ follows: ,

Beginning at a point on the northerly side of South Street, distant 198 78 feet westerly from the corner formed by the intersee'lon of the northerly tide of BouOt Street with the westerly tide of l*l*t Street (formerly Manor Street), running thence northerly parallel with 191st Street, tnd part ot the distance through a psrty wall 100 44 feet; thence westerlv 23.15 feet: thenc* southerly again parallel with l*l t t Street loo i* feet toAhe north­erly tide of SoU th Street; thehe* easterlv along the northerly side of South Street 25 13 feet to the point or place of be­ginning Said premises being, known at 1*0-17 South Street. Holllt. NT T.

Together with a_, the right, title and Interett of the paiO*- of the first part, of, in and to the land lying In South Street

Dated, Rldgewood. H. Y„ May 11, 1927. ALFRED t. HOFMANN.

_ . _ ~ _ - . *«*»**• in Bankruptcy. 988 Fresh Pond Road, Rldgtwood, N. Y.

Notice to Creditor.

Q u e e n s Borough

A BAROAIN $7,500, CASK $1,000.

Carrying charges (40 per month;; new detached house, prettiest you ever saw; 6 rooms, sun parlor, tiled bath, tiled chen, parquet floors throughout, ttei Text Craft decorations, brick stoop. 10-ft. drlvewty.

A BEACmFUL NEW BRICK HOUSE with garage, ((.(84), cash (1,500. balance eaty terms; steam, electricltv. gas, par­quet floors throughout, all panelled walls, painted, sewers; near church, tchool, cars and but.

A BIO BARGAIN EXTRA OOOD. Dettehed 2-famlly house. 2-car garage:

2 blocka from Elmhurst av. subway sta­tion; 11 rooms. 1 sun parlors, every mod­e m Improvement, parquet floors, tteam, Call daily, Sunday end evenings. WE HAVE EVERY KIND OF A HOUSE.

OEOROE C. JOHNSTON, Office at the Elmhurst Av. Sub. Station,

Elmhurst. «•> 11*19

A TWO-FAMILY, tax exempt, new, all Im­provements, heat, driveway, sewers. paved streets, sidewalks, taw minutet to subway. Will, decorate to suit. (9.309. eath (1.000. C-10. Star. *

NOTIOB TO CREDlTOa*.~Pur*uant to an order of Hon. Daniel Noble, Surrogate

of the County of Queen*, notice Is hereby given to all parsons having claim* against KLLEN R. C F D B A . late oFtllT Ely Avenue Long island City, In th* said Oounty .de­ceased, to present the sam* with th* vouchers thereof, to the eubrcriber at hi* l.lace of transacting inch buatnesa, namely. John J. Corcoran, on* of tha admlnlsira-tors. at the onto* of hie attorney. J. Ed. ward Murphy. 1S3 Broadway, Manhattan, Njw Tork City, or Catherine O. Ahearn. admltiKtratrix. at tha office of h*r attor-toy, Edgar P. Feeley. 43 Broadway, Man­hattan, N*w York City, on or beror* th* tenth day of July next.

Dated. D*t—mber X*. 102n. JOHN J. CORCORAN,

Adnilnlitrator. CATHERINE O. AHEARN.

/ ' Administratrix. ia»-lu3,m

Auction Sales BY VIRTUE ef an execution. M. Wolf.

Auctioneer, tells today. May l( , 1837. at I t . tn.pm., at 29 Flushing avenue. Astoria, one i l l lot ot groceries. Re: Morgenstern . vs. Weinman. J


APARTMENT HOUSE for sale, full rented; good return over and above amorttaatlon. Kraut, 163-UD Northern Blvd., Flushing.



Two-family brisk. 9 and 6 rooms, gas, electricity, well located, paved ttreet, garnge.

PRICE $10,000 CASH (2.800 E E. SUYDAM

308 l l t h Street, College Point.

*1*1'' BAYSIDF New 6-room Colonist house, all

best improvements, screens. I block .south of Northern blvd., 100 ft. west ot Woodhull av.; (7.200, cash (800 direct front builder. Bay tide 4(24. il-17

BAYSIDE BARGAIN Six-room house. 2 baths, plot 40x104 A

vtry pretty horn*. Builder must sacrifice. Price (13.008, Cell James A. Mathan, Bay* tide. Phone Bayside 3590

» • - ' - • • . MIAVB YOU A HOUSE? i M XT FOR SALE?

What ttse it the plot? All improvements?

i 1* the pereh enclosed' otv* a good description nf It in a whl .


(1.230 CASH takes title to new 2-ftouly brlek house, conveniently located to transportation; houses are semi-attached, have 9 rooms and detached 2-car garage with private driveway, all modern Improvements Terms are arranged so that actual cost of your own apartment 1* $100 per year. Total price, (12,600, ' A visit to these houses in­curs no obligation.

CARLOS * KNIGHT 7601 Roosevelt Av.. Jackton Heights, or phone Newtown »0S0. 10-1*

AT aTUIBUliaT. New 2-famlly home*. S room*, 2 bath*,

all modern improvtmente, detached, ptrty driveway, sewer*, tldewalks. finished streets. $10.230; cath gl^Ot).

One-tamtly, 6-rooca Brick houses, all Im­provement! convenient to station. Price •88,350. Cash 11.000, .

PETER -UARFIII. Elmhurst av, subway station, Elmhurst


AT ELMHURST. One-family detached house. 7 rooms snd

bath, all improvement*. 4 minutes from -L" station. Prie* (7,(00; cash (1,3(0. Balance on terms to Kit .

THOMAS DALY. 95th St. and Roosevelt Av

: blocks »est of Junction av Elmhurst.

*X" station. 11*17

EI.MHURBT BAROAIN. Two-family 11 light roe— a. 2 enclosed

porches, steam heat, parquet floors, sew­ers, excellent location; good section. Sacri­fice, (11.000. C*»h (1.8O0

oEORot urns, JR . 8818 Queens Boulevard, near Grand S t , Elmhurst; Newtown 344*. 12*19

very liberal

New 1-family (-room house, bsth and kitchen tile, sun parlor, steam heat, ptr-

Suet noon, decorated, driveway, sewers, ne location; a real bargain. (7,100; cash

$300 ; Tax exempt 7-rootji bungalow, all mod-ii Improvement*, (7.300;

LOUia l. BOBLSEN 9138 Queens Beul*v*rd at Woodharen Blvd. Elmhurst. Phon* Newtown 01(0. l(*2l

ELMHURST—l-famlly brlek, ont-car gar­age, $9.(50. One-family frets*, ( rooms. (8.000 Two-family bTtek, 2-ear garage. (18,750. Tro-famlty l*T_|, II rooms, (12.000,

CARL FRBDMAN. REALTOR 9011 Roosevelt Ave. at Elmhurst av. sub-»sv station. 12*18

ELMHURST-For l and 2-ftmil? bouset

° f ' l ' r 7 A R d » 0 n j"ABOER 9015 Elmhurst av., sear Roosevelt av. Elmhurst av. station: glove—oyer 9*79

l i ' m y U

and 7 ELMHtiRST-2-faaally house, I rooms, garage, plat 26x100. Ml improve­ments, paved street sewer. TAX EX­EMPT; I minute* from rubway: MUST BE SOLD: beat cash offer above flrtt mortgage takaa It. 63-06 (4th a*., Elm­hurst. Executor of estate 10-1*

Fl.MMi'.RST—2-famlly. 9 rooms, all 1m-

Srovements, driveway, near transit, 11.500 50-K ( t h it . U-28

ELMHURST-l-rnaatty. 7 room house, l ' i years old. garage, all improvement! **-32 Eliot <tt«t| av,. corner Saunders st , 1 block Queen* Blvd. K-31

FLUSHINO—Broadway tecllon; bsrgaln: new 2-famlly tapestry brick detached house, 15 rooms, built-in showers, 2-car garage; price (16,500; cath 83,000; worth $22,000. Murphy, 406 Jackson av., L. I. City. 12-18

FLUSHING—2-family frame and stucco, plot 40x100, two 5-room apartments with enclosed porches, separate entrance, sep­arate heating plants, newly decorated; Srlce $15,800. Fred W. Madlgan, Schulte

ldg., Main and Amity tts.; Flushing 6703. n»J0

FLUSHINO—2-famlly house, garage. 1 block Murray Hill station, all modern Improvements. Phone Owner. Flushing 8542. 10-16

FLUSHINO — For sale, modern 6-room house, sun parlor, tiled kitchen and bath, breakfast nook, copper gutters and screens; plot 25x100, 12 minutet to Mur­rey Hill station, (8,500; terms. Phone Flushing 1598-J. 9-18

FLUSHINO—4-famlly brick houses, near Main st.. all latest Improvements, direct from owners. Watch for name. GELL-MAN St. RENZ. Roosevelt av. and 112th at. subway station, Corona. Havemeyer 7998. 16*18

HOUSE. (8.750, ASTORIA 5434. 11-17

GREAT SOUTH BAY—2. 4 or g 2(-foot lots. $400 each, adjoining American Venice. Walters, 3 Bellvlew av.. Port Washington, L, 1 _ .

L. I. CITY—2-famlly. _ B room house, 25x90 plot; gas, steanFneat, electricity; new roof, shingles, lately decorated, (13,000. 18*21

LYNBROOK—Bargain, new 6-room house, well built, tile bath, enclosed porch, breakfast nook, oak floors, steam heat, water, gas, electricity, all painted and decorated, on 2 lota, near station, stores, schools:, 30 minutes Penn station: 100 trains dally, price (7,850; cash (730. Henry Gaily, 130 Merrick road. Lyn-brook, L. I. 14-18

Ruffotk C o u n t y


FLUSHINO—l-famlly. well built, 8-room house, all Improvements: convenient to train and trolley. Best residential sec­tion. Owner, 83 Elm av., Flushing 9502.


FLUSHINO HEIOKTS—Bargain: 2-family tax exempt stucco houses: all Improve­ments; decorated, screens, gartget, drive­ways Termt, Flushln* 4794-J. 14-20

FLUSHINO—Detached house, 6 large rooms, tteam heat, garage; plot 40x100. In Kissena Park, ((,230. Phillip*, Flush­ing. 42601 12*l(t

FLUSHING—Send for free Illustrated book­let of home bargains. J. Albert Johntra, 81 Broadway, Flushing. 13*36

FLUSHING—6-room house, bath; all Im­provements: 28X100, (8.000. 42-23 Height st., between Sanford and Maple *v*.; Flushing 0186-R. 11-17

FLUSHING—8 room house, select neigh­borhood, osk hardwood floors, frame structure, steam heat, all modern im­provements; wilt sacrifice. Terms to suit. Phone Flushing (013. 14-20

FLUSHINO—In Kissena Park, wonderful bargain; 12 large rooms; 3 baths, tun parlor, butter's pantry: screens: 2-car garage; plot 130 feet frontage. Phillips. Queens snd Parsont avs.; Flushing 4263.


FLUSHINO—((,300; 9 rooms, 2-famtly house, 2 baths; Income (70 monthly; small cash, easy termt.

R. B. GUEST. 134 Broadway, Flushing.

Phone Flushing 4266. 10-16

HOLLI8—10-room house,-,2-c*r garage, for tale or rent, Inquire for particulars. 8708 Dalny road, near Hillside av. 13-19

JACKSON HEIOHT8—7-room tax exempt house, all Improvements, gsrsge; 1 block Broadway ststton. Owner, 4048 73rd tt.


KISSENA PARK. FLUSHING — (-room house with 8 bedrooms and enclosed porch. 40x100 plot, garage, trees, shrub­bery, etc., 32.3*0 eatri, balance on terms. Kraut, K3-16D Northern Blvd. Broad-way-Fluthlng. 14-17

LAUREL HILL-2-famlh* frame. * room*. all Improvements with adjoining lot, 26X100. BOX B-T9, Star. 10-16

MA8PETH—2-famlly frame, tax exempt, tewert, tteam and hot water supply: 26x 100: private driveway; awning* and screen*; 4 car lines. Phone Newtown 8319. 16-21

HOUSE AND OARAOE ((.250. Oath $1,250

6 rooms snd sun parlor, parquet floors, steam, decorated, paved street, sewers, sll city improvement!. Call Sunday, dally snd evenings Oeorge C Johnston, office at Elmhurtt av. subway station. Elmhurst.


OFFICE SHACK, 15x20, excellent condi­tion, mutt be moved off ground. Will sell reasonable; suitable for real estate office Phone Newtown 1311 from 8:30 to g. Newtown 30(9. 18-18

EAST ELMHUIBVr—* rooms. English type stucco house an beautiful Dltmars blvd . nverlooklng Flushing Bey: plot fronts on 3 (treats. Can be bought t t bargain prlo*. 10S-4( Dltmari blvd

' 13-1*

^ ^ S t W ^ A ^ T Y - ° ' Rutlt of f l m glees material, workman­

ship, brttt plumbing, double oak floors, high class petntlng. decorating. Inlaid tile linoleum cemented to kitchen and break fast room BOOT*: til* kitchen and bath. extra show**; Montr leaden tnd gutteri: e e r y thing of l i e bett. Sewer In and paid for Hou** en two lot* wtth garages. Three told. (Mated on North Mth t*_ MttcheU tv. Price* (14,80* and (U.0M. v -on rlrst (Bgsrtgag*. Jtmei Ctllan.

r-bullde*, Fhon. Flushing 4M2 1*11


QUEENS V I L L A O E -4-room 1 -family frame, corner, ail Improvement*, awn­ings, screen!, etc , lot 18x100; price (7.400, cash (1,000. 9137 214th «t . op­posite —hoot, l l - l *

UNUSUAL BARGAIN—7-room hou** With bath, excellent location, driveway, sun parlor, breakfast nook, ttesm, electricity, gas, tiling, parquetry; near schools, stores, churches, trolleys; worth (8.SO0; price 66,«TB; 6100 cath, (38 monthly principal. McNeeee. Corn Exchange Bank Bldg,, Sutphln blvd.. opp main Jamaica, L. I, station Phone Jamaica M10 dally, evening!. Sundaya l(*3t

WH11'KBTOKB—Don't forget when you are In WHITE8TONE to examine our 1-ftmlly houses, located on 7th st. or (th St.. near 7tn a v : prie* « _ » and $8,150; cash 8780 tin. DAWN BUILDING CORP., BUILDERS OP HAI*PTNFJI8 HOMES, office on premlnei 7303.

WINFTKLD HEIGHTS -13 minutet Queens­boro Bridge to CMh at.: new modern 3-fsmllv. 11 separate rooms. 3-car gar­age: y e w comratttlon and snail pay­ment buyt haute: upper apartment pay! expentet. Builder. M34 12nd av


BUNGALOW PLOTS at Huntington Beach large trees, beautiful views, white sandy antntag boned; prie* (135 tap; easy terms. Write for map and booklet. HUNTINOTON BEACH, INC., 51 East 42nd St., N. Y. 11-17

(3 CASH. ( I monthly, buys (49.50 lot near Peconlc Bay. while they last; no inter­est or taxes. Parmer, 25 Broad st,, N. Y. City. 11-17

Bungalows e j « i i - • - -

BUNG^'oW for stle. 3 rooms and bath, near water, boating, bathing, fishing; select neighborhood: plot 40x100; price (1,800, terms to suit. Dampman. 9911 63rd road, Forest Hills. N. Y.. Newtown 1797. 1(*»1

BUNOALOWS to let. Rockaway BeaVh. 99th s t , Railroad Court. J. Powers, 208 Jackton av., L. I. City.

ROCKAWAY—4 rooms and bath, up-to-date, furnished, restful location, near water. 6211 92nd St., Elmhurst. Phene Havemeyer 7024-R. 10-16

SACRIFICE—B-room bungalow, 45-foot lot, all modern Improvements; husband and wage-earner deceased and widow must sell; location Forest Hills, Elm­hurtt dis'rict., shown by appointment. Phone Newtown 1797. 11*19

Business Property For Sale or Lease

BUSINESS LOTS— Liberal subordination, building mortgages arranged. Owners will buy back tome ot the stores you erect. Kraut, 163-16 Northern blvd., Flushing. 14-17

STORES with apartments in belt business section, Jackson Heights; sale or lease. 32-65 82nd st. 14*20

Factory Property For Sal* or Lease

FACTORY. Brooklyn. 150x100, 1 ttory, part monitor type roof; overhead rails. suitable any business; lease at 33e sq. ft ; key* at Frank R. Pitcher. 109 Meserole av.. corner Manhattan av., Brooklyn; Greenpolnt 5388. 13-10

FACTORY tpaee to let. 50x100. 1971 Stein-way av.. L. I. City. Innulre John Condon Realty Co.. Astoria 1110. 12-18



Real Estate Wanted WANTED at once 2-famtly frame or

brick, near transit between Woodald* snd Corona, 10' or li rooms; must bug now. Olve full details. Address X (X Box B-87, Star. i.t-is

WANTED AT ONCE — Wealthy colored families, able to pay all cash, want I and 2-ftmlly houses snd lota anywhere on Long fsian-t 31 E, Jackson »•... Corona; Newtown 017(. 11*17

Real Estate For Exchange BUILDERS will exchsng* 8-family brick

buildings for good building lott: alto new apartment building! Rentals (18.000 to $36,000 Will exchange for vacant land ana tome rath.


Night Phone. Astoria 3(93. 11*17


house site, 40x100. (th av , Astoria; (3.000 caah. $8,000 subordinate mar' Box B-94, Star. 'EST

l r n t f ,

WOODSIDE BAROAIr-1 ftmity frame, ( rooms, $8.to* 1-famUy frame, tt re—as. (ll.tot).

' ' ' •"^NTBWT S A ^ A A * * » - 3 2 ( l i t i t , Woaenldt. Newt-— 1070

ASTORIA- 31 lots, (1.830 each; good tarmi: near Dltmari nation. For particulars Astoria 8815 before 10 a. m. and eftat 8 p. at. 14-17


—tt lots. Ird a v . betereen ; prie* ( • ( , ( • ( ,


wry and Jamaica av.: prte* (**,(* caah aiK.Opn Will subordinate (80.00* to responsible), builder A, J. Oreteebel, 15-0* Brotawav Astoria

BAYSIDE—Business and residential lota, adjacent to Oakland Oolt Club. For maps, prices and particular*, A. J. Greteehel, 15-09 Broadway; Astoria (*•».


it a The DAILY ST*

Sad Advertising Man cludd* leading newspaperi throughout U M eesintry and ha* ftr l u ate* tha elimination of fraudulent and mislead­ing clMstfled advertising. Th* DAILY STAR, an well *• every other aw—bar nf the Association, endeaveir* to print only truthful Classified Ad i t u t t a a i t n f and will appreciate htv tion called to any conforming to a n nf honesty.

I , . . . MM. ,|| , „ . ..- - I , -'CI Hi™1.1

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