LET’S PLAY – LEGEND OF GRIMROCK By RetroVortex Chapter 2 – The Beginning In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. In this beginning, Retro stared long and hard at the first thing he saw. A gate. Afraid to move further he boldly, (totally didn’t accidentally press the a key!), strafed to the left. Realising he could look around with the right mouse button held down, and the WASD keys to move around, he used these new found abilities to explore the room. He found a grate:

LP - Legend of Grimrock CH 2

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By RetroVortex

Chapter 2 – The Beginning

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

In this beginning, Retro stared long and hard at the first thing he saw. A gate.

Afraid to move further he boldly, (totally didn’t accidentally press the a key!), strafed to the left.

Realising he could look around with the right mouse button held down, and the WASD keys to move around, he used these new found abilities to explore the room.

He found a grate:

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He found, some bones:


A torch:

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And some writing on the wall...

Now, Retro doesn’t speak the white chalk language, but fortunately somebody in his party did, so when the left mouse was clicked, a translation appeared on the screen:

Choose your fate

Perish in this cell or

Pick up the torch


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“I think the game wants me to pick up the torch!” Retro said.

Seems like picking up that torch was a good idea, since the gate opened for Retro and his crew!

Slowly and cautiously did Retro creep around the room.

He found another gate. This time it required a tug of a chain to open.

(I would post the image, but it’s not exactly hard to imagine the same gate as before with a bit of chain hanging in front of it!)

Searching this new room, he came upon some rags upon the floor:

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And a Cudgel:

He decided to give the “oh so non-expendable old clothing” to Eric, (do I really need to explain?), and the Cudgel to Brutus.

To the right he found yet another gate. (I have a feeling we are going to see A LOT of those!)

Aaah! But this one is different, special even, for it is opened by a lever!

(Lets yoink that other torch as well! You know what they say! The more the merrier!)

Behind gate number 3. He found:

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A rock and a white square.

Immediately with eyes of greed, Retro picked up the rock!

It had some sort of mysterious purpose. No one would just leave a rock in the middle of a corridor after all!

The party was then commanded to step unto the white square.

As suspected the gate opened!

Now all he has to do is just walk to the gate and...

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It appears this is a puzzle. A rare and elusive thing to a modern gamer like Retro.

Fortunately our hero is not so foolish! He knows exactly how to solve this dilemma!

Umm... not quite the solution we were all expecting, but err... lets move on!

As he explored the next room, Retro became quite concerned with the noises he heard, but there was a shiny thing in front of him so he had to grab it!

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Oh goody. A key.

They tend to be useful for unlocking things. I guess you should take it with you Retro!

He also found another rock! (That rock collection is going to be complete in no time! )

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Ah! So we found a door!

But it appears to be locked!

Good thing we have the key eh Retro?

Whats that? Why is the lock in the middle of the door?

I don’t know. Artistic License maybe?

Anyway, I’d suggest you unlock that door. But be careful though, there could be anything behind it, so be ready to fight!