LSS Improve Tollgate Templates

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  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    Lean SixSigmaImprovePhase

    TollgateReview Improve


  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    ean x gmaDMAIC Tools and

     Activities Review Project Charter

    Validate igh!Level Val"eStream Map and Scope Validate Voice o# the

    C"stomer$ Voice o# the %"siness

    Validate Pro&lem Statementand 'oals

    Validate (inancial %ene#its Create Comm"nication Plan Select and La"nch Team Develop Project Sched"le Complete De#ine Tollgate

    Identi#) Root Ca"ses

    Red"ce List o# Potential RootCa"ses Con#irm Root Ca"se to

    *"tp"t Relationship +stimate Impact o# Root

    Ca"ses on ,e) *"tp"ts Prioriti-e Root Ca"ses Val"e!Add Anal)sis Ta.t Rate Anal)sis /"ic. 0ins Statistical Anal)sis Complete Anal)-e Tollgate

    Develop Potential Sol"tions

    +val"ate1 Select1 and*ptimi-e %est Sol"tions Develop 2To!%e3 Val"e Stream

    Map4s5 Develop and Implement Pilot

    Sol"tion Implement 6s Program Develop ("ll Scale

    Implementation Plan Cost7%ene#it Anal)sis Complete Improve Tollgate

    Develop S*P3s1 Training

    Plan $ Process Controls Implement Sol"tion and*ngoing ProcessMeas"rements

    Con#irm Attainment o# Project'oals

    Identi#) Project Replication*pport"nities

    Training Complete Control Tollgate Transition Project to Process


    Project Charter  Voice o# the C"stomer and

    ,ano Anal)sis SIP*C Map Project Val"ation7R*IC

     Anal)sis Tools RACI and /"ad Charts

    Sta.eholder Anal)sis Comm"nication Plan +##ective Meeting Tools In8"ir) and Advocac) S.ills Time Lines1 Milestones1

    and 'antt Charting Pareto Anal)sis

    Val"e Stream Mapping Process C)cle

    +##icienc)7Little3s Law *perational De#initions Data Collection Plan Statistical Sampling Meas"rement S)stem

     Anal)sis 4MSA5 'age R$R ,appa St"dies Control Charts Spaghetti Diagrams istograms 9ormalit) Test Process Capa&ilit) Anal)sis

    Process Constraint ID andTa.t Time Anal)sis

    Ca"se $ +##ect Anal)sis (M+A )pothesis Tests7Con#:

    Intervals Simple $ M"ltiple Regression

     A9*VA Components o# Variation Con8"ering Prod"ct and

    Process Complexit) /"e"ing Theor)

    Replenishment P"ll7,an&an Strateg) Process (low Improvement Process %alancing Anal)tical %atch Si-ing Total Prod"ctive Maintenance Design o# +xperiments 4D*+5

    Sol"tion Selection Matrix Piloting and Sim"lation 0or. Control S)stem Set"p red"ction P"gh Matrix P"ll S)stem

    Mista.e!Proo#ing7;ero De#ects

    Standard *peratingProced"res 4S*P3s5

    Process Control Plans Vis"al Process Control Tools M'PP

    Statistical Process Controls4SPC5 Sol"tion Replication Vis"al Metrics Project Transition Model Team (eed&ac. Session

    Val"e Stream Map (low

    Identi#) ,e) Inp"t1 Processand *"tp"t Metrics Develop *perational

    De#initions Develop Data Collection Plan Validate Meas"rement

    S)stem Collect %aseline Data Determine Process Capa&ilit) Complete Meas"re Tollgate

    Defne   Measure




  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


     Anal)-e *verview

    Root ca"se=

    +##ect Root ca"se=+##ect

    Root ca"se=+##ect

    Val"e Add Anal)sis *ne!0a) A9*VA

    Two!0a) A9*VA Pareto Plots Simple Linear Regression M"ltiple Regression Test #or +8"al Variance Scatter Plots

    C$+ Matrix Complexit)

    Ca"se $ +##ect Diagram ,ai-en7/"ic. 0ins (M+A Control7Impact Chart T!Test *ther 

    International Standards #or Lean Six

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    Hypothesis Tests Value-Add Analysis

    Tools UsedRoot Cause / Effect

  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    To!%e Process Map

    Places in"ormation into !R

    E#IT data$ase

    %tilize we$ tool to

    su$mit a delete re&uestto vendor 

    Access data$ase


    'elete account

    reate )ork


    Avg* ycle

    time + ,


    Avg* ycle

    time + -day

    Avg* ycle

    time + -


    Avg* ycle

    time + -day

    Avg* ycle

    time + -




    lient !R


    lient Mgr 





    Admin closes work re&uest and

    manager noti"ied

    .oti"y !R o" 

     employee e0it date

    International Standards #or Lean Six

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  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    /"ic. 0in Doc"mentationTemplate

    -* Root ause1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

    2* 3$vious Solution1 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 

    5* 6ow or .o ost1 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 

    7* 6ow Risk1  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

    8* Implementation Plan1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

    9* Stake:older (s Approval1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

    Process 9ame= @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Process Lead= @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Process *wner= @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Start Date= @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

    Process Area= @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Stop Date= @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

    %ene#its=  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

    6s ?!Step Set"p Red"ction Inventor) Red"ction MSA Improvements Price red"ctions Red"ced D*09TIM+

    49VA steps or wor.5 P"ll S)stem ,ai-en events *ther 

    International Standards #or Lean Six

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  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates



    Ris. Anal)sis recommended actions 4,e) Points5 Rating Index

    Total C"rrent RP9 Ris.

    International Standards #or Lean Six

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  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    Val"e Stream Map 4VSM5("t"re State


    ustomer Supplier 

    - 2 -

    So"rces o# Val"e  B





    International Standards #or Lean Six

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  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    %"siness Impact

    State #inancial impact o# #"t"re project leverage opport"nities Separate hard or T)pe EF #rom so#t T)pe < or >F dollars

    Annual Estimate Replicated Estimate



    • Type 1: ?

    • Type 2: ?

    • Type 3: ?

    • Type 1: ?

    • Type 2: ?

    • Type 3: ?



    • Type 1: ?

    • Type 2: ?

    • Type 3: ?

    • Type 1: ?

    • Type 2: ?

    • Type 3: ?

    Loss Reduction   • Type 1: ?• Type 2: ?

    • Type 3: ?

    • Type 1: ?

    • Type 2: ?

    • Type 3: ?

    Cost Avoidance   • Type 1: ?• Type 2: ?

    • Type 3: ?

    • Type 1: ?• Type 2: ?

    • Type 3: ?

    Total Savings   • Type 1: ?• Type 2: ?

    • Type 3: ?

    • Type 1: ?

    • Type 2: ?

    • Type 3: ?

    GInternational Standards #or Lean Six

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  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    %"siness Impact Details

    T)pe E= Descri&e the chain o# ca"salit) that shows how )o" determined the T)pe E savings: 4tell the stor) withca"seHe##ect relationships1 on how the proposed change sho"ld create the desired #inancial res"lt 4savings5 in)o"r project 5

    Show the #inancial calc"lation savings and ass"mptions "sed:  Ass"mption E 4i:e: so"rce o# data1 clear *perational De#initionsB5

     Ass"mption < 4i:e: ho"rl) rate J incremental &ene#it cost J travel5


  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    C"rrent Stat"s

    ,e) actionscompleted


    Lessons learned

    Comm"nication1team &"ilding1organi-ationalactivities

    EInternational Standards #or Lean Six

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  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    9ext Steps

    ,e) actions Planned Lean Six Sigma Tool "se

    /"estions to answer  %arrier7ris. mitigation activities

    EEInternational Standards #or Lean Six

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  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    ow the sol"tion was determined=

    • 0hat was the sol"tion selection tool "sedB• 0hat project management tools were "sedB

    • Cost7&ene#it anal)sisB

    • Incl"de an) other tools or methods "sed

    E: B

    : B

    ?: B

    6: B

    Improve S"mmar)

    International Standards #or Lean Six

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    Solution Selection riteria Pilot and Implementation Plan

  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    Sign *## 

    I conc"r that the Improve phase was s"ccess#"ll) completed onMM7DD7NNNN

    I conc"r the project is read) to proceed to next phase= Anal)-e

    Enter Name HereDeplo)ment Championnter Name Here

    inancial Representative

    nter Name Herereen %elt7%lac. %elt

    Enter NameHereMaster %lac. %elt

    Enter Name HereSponsor 7 Process *wner 

    International Standards #or Lean Six

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  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


     Tollgate ReviewsBackup Slides

    'o (or w ar d

     0ai t ! 'o %ac.

      a l t  !   o l d






  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    Project Charter 

    Pro&lem= Descri&e pro&lem in non!technical terms Statement sho"ld explain wh) project is importantO wh) on it is a priorit)'oal= 'oals comm"nicate &e#oreF and a#terF conditions

    Shi#t mean1 variance1 or &othB Sho"ld impact cost1 time1 8"alit) dimensions

    +xpress goals "sing SMART criteria

    Speci#ic1 Meas"ra&le1 Attaina&le1 Reso"rceRe8"irements1 Time %o"ndaries +xplain leverage and strategic implications 4i# an)5

    Problem/Goal tatement

    Toll!ate Re"ie# chedule

    $inancial %mpact


    State #inancial impact o# project +xpenses Investments 4inventor)1 capital1 A7R5 Reven"es

    Separate hardF #rom so#tF dollars State #inancial impact o# leverage opport"nities 4#"t"re


    P+S 9ame Project +xec"tive Sponsor 4 i# di##erent #rom PS5 PS 9ame Project Sponsor7Process *wner   DC 9ame Deplo)ment Champion '%7%% 9ame 'reen %elt7%lac. %elt M%% 9ame Master %lac. %elt

    Core Team Role Contri&: LSS Training Team Mem&er E SM+ QQ N% Team Mem&er < TMQQ '% Team Mem&er > SM+ QQ PS+xtended Team Team Mem&er E %(M QQ 9ot Trained Team Mem&er < IT QQ 9ot Trained

    Review high!level sched"le milestones here= Phase Completions Tollgate Reviews

    Tollgate Sc:eduled Revised omplete

    De#ine= QQ7QQ7QQ ! QQ7QQ7QQMeas"re= QQ7QQ7QQ QQ7QQ7QQ QQ7QQ7QQ


    International Standards #or Lean Six

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  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    Meas"re *verview

    T;1 B

    %nit 4d5 or Mean 4c5= B

    'e"ect 4d5 or St* 'ev* 4c5= B


  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


     Anal)-eTollgate Chec.list

    Has the team examined the process and identified potential bottlenecks,

    disconnects and redundancies that could contribute to the problem statement?

    Has the team analyzed data about the process and its performance to help stratify

    the problem, understand reasons for variation in the process, and generate

    hypothesis as to the root causes of the current process performance?

    Has an evaluation been done to determine whether the problem can be solved

    without a fundamental recreation of the process? Has the decision been

    confirmed with the Project Sponsor?

    Has the team investigated and validated or devalidated! the root cause

    hypotheses generated earlier, to gain confidence that the "vital few# root causes

    have been uncovered?

    $oes the team understand why the problem the %uality, &ycle 'ime or &ost

    (fficiency issue identified in the Problem Statement! is being seen?

    Has the team been able to identify any additional )%uick *ins+?

    Have learnings todate re-uired modification of the Project &harter? .f so, havethese changes been approved by the Project Sponsor and the /ey Stakeholders?

    Have any new risks to project success been identified, added to the 0isk

    1itigation Plan, and a mitigation strategy put in place?



    S t o p 

    Deliverables: List of otential Root causes

    rioriti!ed List of "alidatedRoot #auses

    $dditional %&uick 'ins() ifapplicable

    Re*ned #+arter) as necessar,

    -pdated Risk .itigation lan

    Delivera&les ploaded to CentralStorage Location or Deplo)mentManagement S)stem

    as the team identi#ied the .e) #actors 4critical Q3s5 that have the &iggest impact on

    process per#ormanceB ave the) validated the root ca"sesBEInternational Standards #or Lean Six

  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    ImproveTollgate Chec.list



    S t o p 

    Deliverables: rioriti!ed List of Solutions

    %To/Be( "alue Stream.ap0s1

    ilot lan 2 Results

    $pproved Solution andDetailed 3mplementation


    $dditional %&uick 'ins() ifapplicable

    Re*ned #+arter) asnecessar,

    -pdated Risk .itigationlan

    Delivera&les ploaded toCentral Storage Location orDeplo)ment ManagementS)stem

    *hat techni-ues were used to generate ideas for potential solutions?

    *hat narrowing and screening techni-ues were used to further develop and -ualify potential solutions?

    *hat evaluation criteria were used to select a recommended solution? $o proposed solutions address all the identified root causes, at least the most critical? *ere the solutions verified with the Project Sponsor and Stakeholders? Has an

    approval been received to implement? *as a pilot run to test the solution? *hat was learned? *hat modifications made?

    Has the team seen evidence that the root causes of the initial problems have beenaddressed during the pilot? *hat are the expected benefits? Has the team considered potential problems and unintended conse-uences 21(3! of

    the solution and developed preventive and contingency actions to address them? Has the proposed solution been documented, including process participants, job

    descriptions and if applicable, their estimated time commitment to support the process? Has the team developed an implementation plan? *hat is the status? Have changes been communicated to all the appropriate people?

    Has the team been able to identify any additional )%uick *ins+? Have )learning4s+ todate re-uired modification of the Project &harter? .f so, have

    these changes been approved by the Project Sponsor and the /ey Stakeholders? Have any new risks to project success been identified and added to the 0isk 1itigation


    as the team developed improvement sol"tions #or the critical Q3s1 piloted the sol"tion

    and veri#ied that the sol"tion will solve the pro&lemBEGInternational Standards #or Lean Six

  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    ControlTollgate Chec.list

    Has the team prepared all the essential documentation for the improved process,including revised5new Standard 6perating Procedures S6P+s!, a training plan and a

     process control system?

    Has the necessary training for process owners5operators been performed?

    Have the right measures been selected, and documented as part of the Process&ontrol System, to monitor performance of the process and the continuedeffectiveness of the solution? Has the metrics briefing plan5schedule beendocumented? *ho owns the measures? Has the Process 6wner+s job description

     been updated to reflect the new responsibilities? *hat happens if minimum performance is not achieved?

    Has the solution been effectively implemented? Has the team compiled results dataconfirming that the solution has achieved the goals defined in the Project &harter?

    Has the 7enefits 0ealization Schedule been verified by the 2inancial0epresentative?

    Has the process been transitioned to the Process 6wner, to take over responsibilityfor managing continuing operations? $o they concur with the control plan?

    Has a final Storyboard documenting the project work been developed?

    Has the team forwarded other issues5opportunities, which were not able to beaddressed, to senior management?

    Have "lessons learned# been captured?

    Have replication opportunities been identified and communicated?

    Has the hard work and successful efforts of our team been celebrated?



    S t o p 

    Deliverables: S45s

     Training lan

    rocess #ontrol S,stem

    Bene*ts Reali!ationSc+edule) validated b,6inancial Representative

    "alidated Solution

    Replication7 Standardi!ationlan

    Lessons Learned

     Transitioned ro8ect

    ro8ect Risk erformance

    Delivera&les ploaded toCentral Storage Location orDeplo)ment ManagementS)stem

    as the team implemented the sol"tion1 and a control plan to ins"re the process is

    ro&"st to changeBEInternational Standards #or Lean Six

  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates














    Root Causes

    #1 #2 #3 #4

    +val"ating Sol"tions Against Criteria 4*ptional5

    E0ample1 Independent Solutions

    Sol"tion A a > red"ction in de#ects:

    4Ass"mes no interaction e##ects o# the sol"tions5

    *riginal goal is a 6 red"ction:


    % Contribution of Root Cause to Process Deficiency

    Root Cause #1


    Root Cause #2


    Root Cause #3


    Root Cause #4


    Solution A 80%

    Solution B 20% 80%

    Solution C 30% 100%

    Solution D

    Solution E 20% 5%

    International Standards #or Lean Six

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  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    Design o# +xperiments4D*+5


    Res"lts 4*ptional5

    The n"m&er o#  Employees is the &iggestdriver #or Mean Time Late

    9"m&er o# Employees is the onl) signi#icant#actor #or Mean = Time 6ate 

    Pareto Chart #orMean Time Late

    +mplo)ee is the onl) statisticall) signi#icant #actor #orMean &esides the constant term: All other main e##ects$

    Nmean  !

  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    P"gh 4Selection5 Matrix4*ptional5

    International Standards #or Lean Six

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    % #i +## M i

  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    %ene#it!+##ort Matrix4*ptional5



    ighLow Med

              i    g     h

         L    o    w

         M    e     d

    ighLow Med

              i    g     h

         L    o    w

         M    e     d




    - ?










    ighl) Desira&le *pport"nitiesProjects in "pper le#t are the mostdesira&le projects:

    Potentiall) Desira&le *pport"nitiesProjects in the "pper right are potentiall)desira&le1 &"t "s"all) re8"ire more

    anal)sis to ens"re good decision

    Potential /"ic. itsFPossi&ilit) #or ,ai-en event or small '%project

    Least Desira&le *pport"nitiesProjects in the lower right are the leastdesira&le:

    International Standards #or Lean Six

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  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    Sta.eholder Anal)sis4*ptional5

    International Standards #or Lean Six

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  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    In#l"ence Strateg)4*ptional5

    International Standards #or Lean Six

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  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    Meas"rement S)stems Anal)sis 4MSA5 4*ptional5

    Meas"rement s)stem isaccepta&le with the Total Contri&"tion UE

      P  e  r  c  e  n  t

    art/to/artReprodRepeatAage R2R




      S  a


    ;C;; L#LE;






    Components of "ariation

    R C#art $y !perator

    %$ar C#art $y !perator

    Response $y Part

    Response $y !perator

     !perator & Part Interaction

    'ae RR (A!"A) for ResponseGa!e R&R

    'Contributionource VarComp (of VarComp)

    Total Gage R&R 000158!6 3"0

      Reeata$ilit 0000556" 12!

      Reo'u(i$ilit 00010330 240

      )eato 00003418 0"!

      )eato*+at 00006!12 161

    +at,To,+at 0041424" !630

    Total -aiation 00430143 10000


    Stu' -a %Stu' -a

    Sou(e St'De. /SD /6 * SD /%S-

    Total Gage R&R 03!8"0 023!22 1!22

      Reeata$ilit 00235!4 014156 1138

      Reo'u(i$ilit 0032140 01!284 1550

      )eato 0018488 0110!3 8!1

      )eato*+at 00262!0 015""4 1268

    +at,To,+at 0203531 122118 !813

    Total -aiation 020"3!! 12443! 10000

    u$e o Distin(t Categoies "

    International Standards #or Lean Six

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  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    %in E %in <

    P"ll S)stem4*ptional5

    %in E%in < %in E %in < %in E %in <

    %in E %in E %in < %in E

    %in <

    %in E %in <%in E %in <

    %in E %in E: Alwa)s p"ll stoc. #rom &in with 'R++9 card i# it

    is there:

    : The cards are attached to magnetic strip la&els4#or ease o# movement #or resi-ing5:

    %in E%in E

    %in <

    International Standards #or Lean Six

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  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    Set"p Red"ction4*ptional5

    International Standards #or Lean Six

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  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates



    Plan= B




    B Chec.=














    International Standards #or Lean Six

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  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates



    Sort B B

    Set *rder  B B

    Shine B B

    Standardi-e B

    BS"stain B B

    International Standards #or Lean Six

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    , i

  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates



    T)pical ,ai-en 0ee.l) Sched"le

    International Standards #or Lean Six

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    % h . A l i

  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    %enchmar. Anal)sis4*ptional5

    %ased on the in#ormation a&ove1 what is the per#ormance o&jectiveB Red"ce de#ects &) Red"ce long!term DPM* #rom to : Improve short!term ; #rom to :

    I# )o" do not &enchmar.1 per#ormance standards are &ased on= (or a process with ≤ > sigma level1 decrease de#ects &) Ex: (or a process with > sigma level1 decrease de#ects &) >

    ,e) %")ing (actor Anal)sis

  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    ,e) %")ing (actor Anal)sis4*ptional5

    International Standards #or Lean Six

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    Pilot Plan

  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    Pilot Plan4*ptional5


    • Sample #+eck/in Data entered in Hand-Chek  device

    • Sample Data Sets Transmitted to Hot-Chek  S,stem J $ll Hotel 6loors) $ll Hotel Rooms

    • #on*rmation Data Received from Hot-Chek  toHand-Chek Device J $ll Hotel 6loors 2Rooms

    • Data Set Entr, $ccurac,K >C< D.4

    • Data Time K Sec• Data Transmission7

    $ccurac, K >C< D.4

    SB) plusHot-Chek  tec+ rep

    Start >79#omplete>7>


    • Sample Auest Data Entered in Hot/#+ek S,stem0variet, of room reuirements1

    • %Auests( 0Hotel Emplo,ees1 'alked T+roug+#+eck/in rocess 0;@ re/Registered) 9;@Non/re/Registered1

    • "olume Stress Test J Simulated $rrival G;Auests in a %Tour Bus(

    • rocess .easurements recorded via 4bserver0see Design Scorecard1M %Auest( 4bservationsRecordedC

    • Data Set Entr, $ccurac,K >C< D.4

    • Data Set Entr, Time K Seconds

    • Data Set Transmission7Reception $ccurac, K>C< D.4

    • Design Scorecard ##Rs

    SB) #+eck/in


    Start >7#omplete



    • G= Auests invited to ePperience +otel c+eck/in• Auests %pre/registered( wit+ t+eir room

    reuirements in Hot-Chek  s,stemC• Auests 'alked T+roug+ #+eck/in rocess 0;@

    re/Registered) 9;@ Non/re/Registered1• rocess .easurements recorded via 4bserver

    0see Design Scorecard1• Auests Debriefed 6ollowing EPperienceC

    • Data Set Entr, $ccurac,

    K >C< D.4• Data Set Entr, Time K

    Seconds• Data Set Transmission7

    Reception $ccurac, K>C< D.4

    • Design Scorecard ##Rs



    Start >79;


    Sc:eduleTest TeamSuccess riteria'escriptionPilot Test

    International Standards #or Lean Six

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    Veri#) Pilot Res"lts

  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    Veri#) Pilot Res"lts4*ptional5

    Pilot *&servations= E5 Data Reception 0ea. H E

  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    S"mmari-ing PilotConcl"sions 4*ptional5

    *nce all the pilot data has &een collected and the res"lts veri#ied1 the team candetermine the next steps toward sol"tion implementation: *nl) a#ter an o&jective andcomprehensive assessment o# the pilot can responsi&le next stepF decisions &emade:

    Some 8"estions a team sho"ld as. "pon the completion o# a pilot to help g"ide themtoward identi#ication o# the proper next steps are=

    Did pilot have anticipated res"ltsB 0as the plan #or cond"cting the pilot e##ectiveB

    0hat improvements can we ma.e to the sol"tionB

    Can the sol"tion &e implemented as!isFB Sho"ld it &eB

    Can the sol"tion remain in place at the pilot locationB

    0hat lessons learned and &est practices can we appl) d"ring sol"tion implementationB

    Did the sol"tion achieve the re8"ired design goalsB

    International Standards #or Lean Six

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  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    ,ai-en Action 0or.o"t 4*ptional5

    Planning Execution Before

    Graphical Analysis AfterRoot Causes / Quick Wins

     Root ca"se=

    /"ic. 0in E

     Root ca"se=

    /"ic. 0in <

     Root ca"se=

    /"ic. 0in >













     B B




     B B







    International Standards #or Lean Six

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    Technical Political C"lt"ral

  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    Technical!Political!C"lt"ralTPC Anal)sis 4*ptional5

    International Standards #or Lean Six

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    M"lti 'enerational Project

  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    M"lti!'enerational ProjectPlan 4*ptional5

    International Standards #or Lean Six

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    Cost7%ene#it Anal)sis

  • 8/17/2019 LSS Improve Tollgate Templates


    Cost7%ene#it Anal)sis4*ptional5

    Identi#) the vario"s sol"tion options Descri&e the T)pe E sol"tion W gained #rom the expected process

    improvement Calc"late the total cost o# ownership to #"ll) implement the sol"tion

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