Transport for London London Underground Access, Health, Safety and Environment Distance learning information Version 4 - November 2010 MAYOR OF LONDON

Lucas - Distance Learning-LUL card

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Page 1: Lucas - Distance Learning-LUL card

Transport for London

London Underground

Access, Health, Safety and Environment

Distance learning information

Version 4 - November 2010


Page 2: Lucas - Distance Learning-LUL card

Distance learning information


Aim of this learningThe aim of this learning is to provide you with the necessary Access, Health, Safety and Environmental (AHS&E) information to enable you to access and work on the LU infrastructure safely.

Objectives of the learningThe objective of this learning will enable you to:

state your actions when preparing for work•list the different site locations you may be asked to work in•outline the different topics you will need to consider when getting to work•state what you need to consider when preparing yourself for work•state your actions when working on site•describeyouractionswhenfinishingwork.•

AssessmentYou will be assessed on the underpinning knowledge and understanding you have gained by reading this distance learning information.

The assessment is computer based and consists of multiple-choice questions which require you to input the correct answers.

In order to achieve the required standard in the assessment you must answer at least 14 questions correctly out of 16.

The time allowed for the assessment will be 30 minutes.

AchievementYou will be issued with a LUCAS smartcard with your AHS&E achievement electronically entered on to it.

SupportIfyourequireanysupportyoushouldemailLUCAS@tube.tfl.gov.ukwhereyourquestionorquery will be answered within 24 hours (excluding weekends).

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Preparing yourself for work1section


Preparing yourself for work1

LU rulesLondon Underground (LU) has several rules and procedures in place for your health and safety.

The rules for working at the interface of the operational railway are contained in the LU Rule Books 1 to 22; the rules are mandatory and must be complied with at all times.

CertificationWhenworkingonLUinfrastructureyoumusthavethecorrectcertificationfortheactivityyou will be carrying out, for example to work on the track in daylight hours with trains movingunderprotection,youwouldneedtobecertificatedtrackaccustomed.

Theremaybeseveralothercertification/licence/qualificationrequirementsthatyouneedto work on LU infrastructure, for example:

First aid•Manual handling•Small plant•Power tools•Welding.•

Youmayalsoneeddocumentationthatisrelevantforyourcertificatetobevalid,forexample type training for a piece of equipment that you may use.

Anycertificationandassociatedlicences/qualificationsshouldbecarriedwithyouatalltimes when working on LU infrastructure.

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Preparing yourself for work 1section


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)Approved high visibility clothing must be worn at all times when working on LU infrastructure.

PPE can consist of some or all of the following:

High visibility clothing•Hard hat•Protective footwear•Gloves•Ear defenders•Protective glasses (A mandatory requirement for working on a Tube Lines site)•Dust mask.•

This is not an exhaustive list as there may be other items of PPE required for the task being carried out. These will be detailed in the method statement for the job.

Your PPE must be in good condition. If it is not, it must be replaced by your employer at no additional cost to yourself.

Drugs and alcoholTo guarantee starting work with a zero blood alcohol level, not more than 7 units should be taken in the 24 hours before reporting for duty, and no units should be consumed in the 8 hours immediately before duty.

A unit of alcohol is (as a general guide only):

half a pint of general strength lager, a single measure of spirit or one glass of wine. Some •beers and spirits maybe stronger.

If you are taking any medication you must always report it to your manager or site person in charge before starting work.

Itisanoffencetoworkundertheinfluenceofdrugsoralcoholwhilstaccessingorworkingon LU infrastructure.

Youwillnotbeallowedtosigninorworkifyouaresuspectedofbeingundertheinfluenceof drugs or alcohol.

Misuse of drugs and alcohol is a disciplinary matter that may lead to prosecution.

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Site locations2section


Site locations2

Signing in at LU premisesYou must always sign in when entering LU premises, this is:

to allow you entry on to LU infrastructure•so that you can be located in the event of an evacuation.•

When signing in you must ensure you:

signthevisitorsbookand/ortheevacuationregister•obtain a visitors pass or sticker (which must be worn at all times)•are aware of where the Staff Assembly Point (SAP) is located, and the emergency •procedures.

If you have to access a station that is unstaffed or closed you will have to make the necessary arrangements to get signed in and collect any keys for the relevant location.

If you are working in a depot, you must sign in at the gatehouse and report to the duty depot manager’soffice.

Roles and responsibilitiesWhen working on LU infrastructure you may come in to contact with:

A station supervisor if you are signing in or working at a station.•A station supervisor is responsible for:

running a station safely and efficiently -signing people in and out of a station -evacuating people from the station in the event of a fire or other emerg - ency.

A site person in charge who is accountable for the work if you are working in a worksite.•

A site person in charge is accountable for:

ensuring there is a safe system of work -the work in progress and the programme of work -the discipline of the workgroup -briefing the workgroup -signing in and out with the station supervisor, and signing a group of ten or more in and -out of a stationchecking certification of the workgroup -plant and materials -general health and safety -

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Site locations 2section


liaising with the station supervisor, depot duty manager and protection master where -required.

Asitepersoninchargeisusuallyidentifiedbyawhitearmbandwornontheleftarmabove the elbow.

A protection master who is responsible for your protection if you are working on the •track under protection.The protection master is responsible for providing protection when a workgroup is working on or about the track when trains are moving, when trains are not moving or in a depot.

A protection master is usually identified by a blue armband usually worn on the right arm above the elbow.

A duty depot manager if you are working in a depot.•The duty depot manager is responsible for running a depot safely and efficiently.

There may be other people that you could come into contact with depending on what activity you are carrying out.

Reporting incidents and near hits An incident is something that can result in harm and should be reported as soon as possible to your site person in charge or manager.

A near hit in different circumstances could result in harm.

Reportingprocedureshelpintheidentificationofproblems,andtheirfutureeradicationinthe workplace.

Incidents and near hits must be reported as soon as possible through the appropriate incident reporting process.

Serious and imminent danger If you believe that you or others are in serious or imminent danger, you must stop work and report the matter to your site person in charge or manager.

You should not resume work until action has been taken to address the serious or imminent danger.

ConfidentialIncidentReportingAnalysisSystem(CIRAS)The CIRAS system is a reporting system which gives you the option to report a safety issue if you are unable to report it in the normal way.

This system:

isstrictlyconfidential,andisindependentofLU•ensures that a response to the issue is provided.•

CIRAS can be contacted on 08004101101 (Text 07507285887).

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Site locations2section


Work locations You may be asked to work in any of the following areas depending on what the task is, or the activity you will be carrying out:

Stations Providing the proposed work has been approved and does not cause inconvenience or risk to the customer.

Platforms Providingyouarenotworkingwithintwometresoftheplatformedgeintraffichours (trains running) without protection provided by a person competent to do so.

Track Providingyouarecorrectlycertificatedtodosoandifrequiredprotectionisinplace.

Depots Providingyouhavethecorrectcertificationandarecompetenttodoso.

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Getting to work 3section


Getting to work3

Arriving at site For your own safety when arriving at a site you should:

park in well lit areas•take care when passing social premises and gatherings, as you may become a target if •people are intoxicatedtravel in groups if possible•ensure you take the necessary precautions when working alone. •

Parking When parking your vehicle you must have consideration for neighbouring properties, and:

park in a responsible manner•use authorised parking spaces where appropriate•switch off the engine when possible.•

Loading and unloading When loading and unloading your vehicle you should:

observe rules on manual handling•only use designated routes to unload tools and equipment•keep any noise to a minimum.•

Using a lift, escalator or moving walkway If you have to use a lift, escalator or moving walkway to move tools and equipment, you should take care not to cause injury to yourself or others.

In order to use a lift, escalator or moving walkway to move tools or equipment you must have a valid movement of materials licence for the lift, escalator or moving walkway listing thetoolsandequipmenttobemoved.Theremustalsobeacertificatedoperatorinattendance.


You should report any damage to the lift, escalator or moving walkway to your site person in charge.

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Preparing for work4section


Preparing for work4

Method statement and risk assessmentYour site person in charge will have a method statement to describe how the job will be done, and they will also have a risk assessment that will identify any hazards that can affect your health and safety, and the environment.

All work requires a method statement and risk assessment to be in place.

You will be briefed by the site person in charge before the work starts on what you are going to be doing, and how to keep yourself safe.


Ifyoudonotreceivethebriefingfromyoursitepersonincharge,oryoudonotunderstandit, speak to your site person in charge.

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Working on site 5section


Working on site5

Worksite hazards and risks Before starting work check with the site person in charge that there are no known risks or hazards that may affect you or your work, e.g.: Buried services (cables, pipes etc).

Restricted itemsThere are some items that can contribute to accidents and incidents on LU infrastructure, therefore the following items have been restricted:

radios, personal audio devices, mobile phones with earpieces•consumption of food and drink in non designated areas•the use of metal ladders near live track (including towers).•


a chamber •a pit •a tank •a platform invert. •

Thereareadditionalrisksforworkinginaconfinedspace.Arrangementsforyoursafetywillbe put in place by the site person in charge.

ElectricityYou cannot work on any electrical equipment on LU infrastructure unless you are competent to do so.

LeptospirosisLeptospirosis (also known as Weils disease) is a bacterial infection which is transmitted by infected animals, most commonly from the urine of rats.

You can get infected by Leptospirosis through indirect contact e.g. from sewage or water infected with rats urine (water in tunnels), or from direct contact e.g. from a rat bite or direct exposure to rats urine in tunnels, inverts or cable ducts.

Infection can be avoided by:

covering exposed cuts and abrasions with a waterproof dressing•using suitable PPE•removing dirty work clothing before eating•washing your hands and forearms with soap and water as soon as possible.•

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Working on site5section


Working at heightThere are additional risks for working at height. Arrangements for working at height will be put in place by your site person in charge.

Dust and dust control There may be dust in tunnels or from the use of tools and equipment, that can irritate the nose, throat, lungs and eyes.

Your site person in charge will explain how you can minimise dust.

Slips and tripsWorking on LU infrastructure can be hazardous, so you should take care to avoid anything that could cause you to slip or trip.

You can avoid slips and trips by:

following good housekeeping guidelines•keeping the worksite tidy•pay attention to what you are doing•not cutting corners when it comes to safety•not being distracted from the task at hand•not leaving tools or equipment lying around.•

50% of slips and trips are caused by poor housekeeping.

Noise at work Exposuretoexcessivenoisewouldhavebeenidentifiedinthemethodstatementandriskassessment.

Your site person in charge will ensure the necessary controls are put in place.

Needle-stick injuriesOn occasions drug users leave hypodermic syringes lying around LU infrastructure. This can be a danger to you and anyone working with you.

If you see any hypodermic syringes you should:

nottouchthemasyoucouldbecomecontaminated(e.g.HIV/hepatitis)•report them to the site person in charge to ensure they are removed safely•


Hypodermic syringes can also be left in spaces that you cannot see into.

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Working on site 5section


AsbestosAsbestosisanaturalmineralfoundinrock.Dueit’sstrongandflexiblenatureithasbeenused as a building material for over 150 years.

You cannot always tell whether a material contains asbestos simply by looking at it. Often asbestos is masked by other materials or is dyed, which disguises its true colour.


Products that contain asbestos can look identical to those that do not.

The law

Asbestos is banned from use within the United Kingdom; this also includes second hand use of asbestos products, such as asbestos cement sheets.

The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006 requires those who manage non-domestic premises to protect persons from the risk of ill health and exposure to asbestos. Their duty is to:

Takereasonablestepstofindoutiftherearematerialsthatcontainasbestos,andifso•the amount, where it is and what condition it is inAssesstheriskofanyonebeingexposedtoasbestosfibresfromthematerialidentified•Prepare a plan that sets out in detail how the risks from these materials will be managed•Implement that plan•Periodically review and monitor the plan to ensure it is always upto date.•Provide information on the location and condition of the material to anyone who is liable •to work on or disturb it.

Effects to your health

Generally, materials in good condition that contain asbestos are safe. They become dangerous when they are damaged or have deteriorated.

Whenasbestosisbrokendown,itreleasestinyfibresintotheairwhich,whenexposedtoover a long period of time can get deep into your lungs.

Ifthefibresgetlodgedinyourlungstheycannotbebrokendownbyyourbody’snaturaldefences or coughed out, this can then lead to asbestos related diseases such as lung cancer or asbestosis.

These diseases will not affect you immediately; they can often take a long time to develop.

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Working on site5section


Asbestos on LU infrastructure

It is known that various materials used on LU infrastructure contain asbestos, for example:

Sheathing for cables and washers•Insulation •Pit blocks•Tunnel ring caulking•Cable troughing•Corrugated sheeting•Rope gaskets.•

Cable sheathing and washers Pit block Corrugated sheeting

Rope gasket Insulation Tunnel ring caulking

Surveys are undertaken at:

stations•depots•rented properties•other locations (for example the track).•

These surveys are used to produce risk assessments and set priorities for the appropriate managers.

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Working on site 5section


Your responsibilities

Asbestos products can look similar to asbestos-free materials and can sometimes only be identifiedunderamicroscope,soyoushouldalwaysseekassistancebeforemovinganymaterials that you think may contain asbestos.


You must avoid disturbing or attempting to remove known materials that contain asbestos at all times.

If you uncover or discover anything that may contain asbestos you must stop any work which may disturb it, and report it to your site person in charge or local manager.

You must not return to an area that contains asbestos until you are told it is safe to do so by the site person in charge.

Always ask your site person in charge if the building you are working in has been checked for asbestos. It is your right to be protected from asbestos at all times.

Any asbestos removal work will only be carried out by a licensed contractor.

Accidental disturbance of asbestos

If you accidentally disturb asbestos you must:

Stop work immediately and vacate the area•If possible isolate the area to prevent exposure, for example close any doors•Notify the local manager or station supervisor•Ensure that the accidental disturbance is reported through the appropriate incident •reporting process.

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Working on site5section




Fuel •Heat•Oxygen.•


Each of the elements can be removed by:

Cooling to remove the heat•Smothering to remove the oxygen•Starving to remove the fuel.•


Fire preventionFire prevention is achieved by actions that break any of the potential links between the three elementsofthetriangleoffire.


keepfiredoorsclosed•tidy away any rubbish•not overload electrical circuits•keepflammableliquidsinsealedmetalcontainers•switch off electrical equipment when not in use•maintain electrical equipment.•

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Working on site 5section



raisethealarmbyusinga‘firecallpoint’,andensurethatyouinformothersaroundyou•go to the Staff Assembly Point (SAP) when the evacuation alert sounds.•

If you are working on a station the station supervisor will evacuate the station and call the Fire Brigade.

Emergency evacuationIf the evacuation alarm sounds whilst you are in the workplace you should:

immediatelyfollowtheinstructionsgiventoyouatthesafetybriefing•evacuate ensuring others are evacuating with you, always walk and do not run•not delay to collect your belongings•not use any lifts•close doors and windows behind you, if possible•go to the Staff Assembly Point.•


You cannot re-enter the workplace until you are told to do so by an authorised person (e.g. the Fire Brigade).

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Working on site5section


Fire extinguishersTherearethreetypesofportablefireextinguisherthatcanbefoundonLUpremises:

Water•AFFF spray•CO2.•


Black – CO2 •Cream – AFFF spray •Red – Water.•

Ifyoudiscoverthatafireextinguisherisdefectiveorhasbeenused,youmustreportitto the station supervisor if on a station, the duty depot manager if in a depot or your site person in charge.


TacklingafireYoushouldnotattempttotackleafire,itshouldbelefttotrainedpersonnel,forexamplethe Fire Brigade.

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Working on site 5section


Unattended items (suspect packages)If unattended items are left on LU infrastructure they could be treated as a suspect package.


report it to station staff, depot staff or the site person in charge immediately•not touch or move it•not use a radio or mobile phone in the area.•

British Standards safety signsThe BSEN (British Standard European Number) safety signs are in place for your health and safety.YoumayfindthefollowingsafetysignsaroundtheLUinfrastructure.




Prohibition - for example no smoking in this area

Warning - for example a slipping hazard is present


You must obey all safety signs found on LU infrastructure.

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Working on site5section


Hazard symbolsHazardoussubstancesintheworkplaceareidentifiedbythesymbolsshownbelow,thetable also shows what each symbol means, what it can do if it is not treated properly and a workplace example.

Symbol meaning What it means What it can do Workplace example

Corrosive May destroy living tissue on contact

Sulphuric acid

Toxic Can cause damage to health

Lead paint

Oxidising Can react with other chemicals


Explosive Can explode Detonators

Flammable Cancatchfire Gas

Dangerous to the environment

May present an immediate or delayed danger to one or more components of the environment

Engine oil

Irritant/harmful Cancauseinflammationto the skin


Your site person in charge will brief you on any harmful substances that you may come into contact with whilst working on LU infrastructure.

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Working on site 5section


SpillagesWhen using substances make sure you have a spill kit available and the appropriate PPE to deal with any spillages.


If a spill kit is not available you should try to contain the spill, or absorb it by other means e.g. sand.

You should inform your site person in charge or local manager if you spill any substances.

Waste management Youandthecompanyyouareemployedbycanbefinedfornotmanagingwasteorcausinglitter.

All waste has to be adequately contained away from drains, stored and disposed of correctly.


Waste must never be left on site at the end of a shift.

Hazardous waste and non-hazardous waste must always be kept segregated.

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Finishing work6section


Leaving the site6 You should always make sure that the site is left clean and tidy to allow stations to open and trains to run.

It is the responsibility of the site person in charge to arrange for the removal and storage from the worksite of any:

equipment •materials •plant and tools. •


If you do not sign out the evacuation register will show you as still on the premises, and a member of the emergency services or station staff may risk their life looking for you.

You must not sign out on behalf of a colleague.