THE TROY TIMES, TROY, ^ T . Y., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST *, 11*13. M*- FINANCE AND TRADL Important Transactions in the Business World— Stock and Produce Markets. TO-DAYS STOCK MARKET. Stock ctoftauc, NEW YORK, Aug. 4. ft t aAig&atiaSSJ*-* 1 ** and *•«•*«**»'• ; through \3. 8. Bsche * Co.: Yesterday's To-day- Closing. Opening. Noon. Last. Allia-Chalmers AUts-Cnslmers of... Amalgamated Coo.. »*M ABMr.CtraFdy.. »»* Amsr. Car * Fdy pflO«* Asssr.HldesVU .... «* A m e r . HMN* I U » I » Amer. Ica. a7 * Amer. Locomotive.. 6*K Amer.XiOco.wL w Amer. 8m«lt. **H Amir. Smalt pf ..... ,08 X A mar. Sugar 191* Amor. Too. of ....... B8% Amer. Woolen 24X Amer. Woolen pf... *«H Anaconoa. ••••* ..... • ***» Atchiaon M«a Atchieon pf ** Rait© * Ohio 91* Bethelehem Steel... 80M Bethlehem Steel pt. - Brooklyn Rao. Tr.. 62* Canadian Pae. 1™H Central Leather .... 99* Central Lest pf. .. »» C. C, C * St. 1* .... MX Chea. * Ohio... **\ CMW 4k G i . Weet .... ">% Chle. * Gt. W pf. A 2Cj» Chic* Ot. Wof. B . 1 1 COL F u e l A Iron .... 99* Col Southern *2* Col. South, tat o*... «»H Col. South. Id of 62« Con- Gas. »»§H Corn Products ...... 18* Corn Prod. nf. ' 6 » Pel. A Hudson 169* Den. A Rio Grande. 274 Denver A R G. pf... <-?* Distillers. «7* Erie .................. **H Erie Sat pf... ** Erie Id of. *CK fed. Smelt, pf. 85* Gen. Electric Co... Great North pf. 136* HHnols Cent. *••*• x » s * Jnterborough Met.. " H »«* Inter. Met. pf. 825. 92* Inter. Paoer Co ..... 10* Inter. Peuer Co. pt l»* UH 99* 4* 22* 18* 6«* 1C8 89* 108* 181* 84* 2&V 99* 47* t7 94 91* 19* 49X 63 ITS* 29* 86* 49* 7* 28 10* 82* 99* 62 62 139* 18* 77* 169 97* 87* 24* 40 80* 146* 126* 11* 84* 78* 88* 4* 924 28 67* 108 90* 108* 18S* 26* 48* t7* 94 0£* 80 68* 178* 19M 87 4«* 7* 36 10X 88 82* 6S* 62* 189* 18* 169 884 244 40* 147 137* 1*0* n* 82* Kan. City So. Kan. City Bo. pf... Lou. A Nash.. Manhattan Elev .... S o.. K. A Texas... o.. K. A T. pt .... Mtasourl Pacific .... JCst. Lead .... Nat. Lead pf .... N. Y. C. ft H. R. Norfolk A W*et. North Amer Northern Pacific. 24X 87* 188* 18* . 82* 64 67* 77* ..104* ..108* .. 78* ,.. 66* ...l4i* ... >88* X. Y. Ont A WMt.. 48 Pacific Mall .... 25 Pennsylvania .124* Peoole's Gaa 94* , Press Steel Car 88* Press Steel Car pf... 96* Ry. Bteel Spring .... 46 P.asding ..... 122* Reading 2d pf. Repub. Steel 21 Rebub. Steel pf. ?3* Rock Island 17* Rock Island pf ...... <8* «L Paal .... 141* St- L. A S. F. 2d pf.. 2 7 * Sloes Shaft Steel... 62* Southern Pacific... 88* Southern Railway.. ie* Southern Ry. pt... 80* Texas Pacific 96 Twin City 91 Union Pacific 164* Union Pacific pf .... 8i U.S. Cast I Pipe... »&* it. S. Reduction V. S. Rubber 88 I* R. R u b b e r *>? 88 V. S. Rubber Id pf. l.VtJ. Bteel Car> .... 44* U. S. Steel Corp. pf. 1 0 9 * C- 8. Steel Corp. 99« Va. Car Cham 26* Vs, Car Chem pf .... lOoH Wabash IS* Wabash pf 29 Western Union 65* Westing-bouse. 78* Wheeling A I * E... Wi A L. E 1st pf.. 22* W. A L . E 2d p t . . . 13 Wisconsin Cen 2 * Wisconsin Cen. pf.. 664 25* 67* 108* UO* 66* S6X 11* 85 79 40 4* 88 97* 67* 108* 91* 108 189 CSS 98 98* 48* 87* 94 •IX 20* 81 63 172* 28* 67 •8* 7* 96* 10* .82* 82* 12* 68* 138* It* 57* 169* 27* 87* 24* *0* to, 146* 137* 141 11* 82* 86* 25* 67* 109* 91* 67* 77* 108 78* 66* Hi* 169* 42* 29 125* 84* 88* 96* 46* 121* 84* 20* 74* 17* 8£* 141* 27 C2* 99* 19* *t* 2i 91 164* fa a-* 14 334 98* 60 44X 10»* 100 27 18* 2b* 86 77 10 21 42 15* 92* 64 67* 77* 108X 78* 65K 142X 160X 43* 95 125X 96 454 199* 85* 21* TUT 1»X 83* 142* 26 62* 964 20* 61 23 81 165* S3 '-5* 8:* 43* 111 100 27* 13* 29* 68 10* £24 64* 67 78X 108* 78* 6&X 1«* 161 49« 26* 126* 96* 83* 97 45* 123* 95* 31* IS 68X 141* 37* 68 94 20 61* 25* 155* fc8, 86 14* 344 »»9* 70 <6* 111* 100 27* 105 14 38X 66 77* 10 21 42X Process, commas to special 15 492A* Westers rectory, flrsts 18*«18% Imitation creamery, firsts t"* CBBESE—Market dullS Receipts 10,263 sack- sees. Quotations are: Sun. tall creiua specials 13*41134 Do., small colored or whits fancy .... 13 Do., large colored or white ftscy I>o.. guod to prists Do.. reanstoa Do., skkes I*v£l0< EGUS-Market steady. Receipts 19,317 case*. Quotations are: State. PeousyWasls and nearby fascy. ___ selected wnitc 26 4K87 Do., fair to choice 2a «26 Do., brown and mixed fancy . „24 Do., sootl to choice 21 §23 Western. 9rsts 18 4|ll»* Oo.. seconds l«*iw* UVE POCtTEy—Quotations are: Surlns chickens Fowls 14 Boosters » Turkeys, prime, per lb 11 Docks, western, prime 13 Ueese. westeni 8 Guinea (owl. per pair 50 Piceons. per pair ft> DBESBBD POftTEY-Quotations for Iced arc: Si'Siog chickens, broilers, Philadelphia, 4 lbs. and'over to pair average beat.. 24 Do., western, dry-plccd. average best... 18 fowl*, dry-packed. Weatern. dry-picked. 4 lbs. and over, fancy boxed 14 Do., southern, average best 13 Ducklings, t. I., am] Bast., spnns. lb. 14 Do... state end Pennsylvania 13 Dncks. old westers, poor to.fair 9 alio Geese. n<d western, poor to fair ..... > 5 41 8 POTATOES—Market firm. Quotations are: tone Island, in bulk, per bbl 2 50*1 2 75 Jersey, per bbl 2 25§ 2 75 Southern, per bbl 1 504t 2 50 Calls, per bbl... 75« 1 oo Southern sweets, yellow, per bbl 3 «KMg 4 60 Do., old, Jersev. per basket 1 50!% 2 00 CABBAUES-Market Heady. Quotations are: Flat Dutch, per 100 8W«« 00 Bed. per bbl 1 00«1 28 BRANS—Market quiet. Quotations are: Marrow 2 85 «2 40 Medium , 2 86 § 2 40 Peas 2 66 § 2 70 Bed kidney 1 »0 OTHER VEGETABLES-Quotatlons are: Beets, j>er 100 bunches ^ 180 Carrots, new. per 100 bunches 1 00 Corn, llackensack. per 100 1 00® 1 f>0 Do., other Jersey, per 106 60S 1 25 Cucumbers, up river, per bbl 1 256J 1 <3 Do.. Ualtimore. per bushel-basket .... 404* 50 Do., bong Island, per bbl. 1 50$ 2 00 Do.. hotlHiuse. per basket or box .... 1 Z5v 1 50 Cucumber pickles. Rockland County per 1,000 ,...• Cauliflower, state, per bbl Celery, per doxen stslks Emcplsnts, Jersey, per bbl ........ »;.. Garlic. New Orleans, per lb. ........ Horseradl-'.i. per 100 lbs Lettuce, state, per basket , Do., nearby, per bbl .... » Lima beans, Jeney, per basket Mia. per 100 bunches Onions. Shelter Island, per bbl Do.. Jersey, small white, basket .... Do.. Jersey, large white, basket ...... Do.. Jersey, yeilow. basket 7 Do., Orange Co.. red, per bag 1 Leeks, per 100 hunches .............. Shallot*, per 100 bunches 7] Okra. Jersey, per box Peppers, Jersey, per box 25 Peas, state, large, per basket v 7 RomaIne. per basket String bean*. L. L and nearby, bag .. 1 OOU 1 Zu Do., state, green, per bushel-basket.. 1 0n«) 1 76 Do., atate. wax, per basket 75<8 1 12 Spinach, nearby, per bbl 1 000 1 60 Souash. marrow, per bbl 75tf* 1 oo Do., yellow, per bbl flOSj 00 Do., white, per bbl 404J ; 75 saaaaaasas^SjasfasssssssM»a«sjsassssia.aa»i Beeves at «,75#f T.«); Texan, at 3.50*t8.z8; west, enters at S.T0aj5.Wi: ? a»rger* and feeder* st 9.4981 149: cows and betters* 4t 1.50*16.80: calves st 5.28 CT.25. HOOS—Becslpts .1«»«M». Steady to a shade higher. Lhibt at flJaW«.S3; uiixe.1 at « ?«*1 t'.ua 1-2: heavy at 'ij.5ftt4.82 1-2. rough at «15«B 0.40: good to cook* »teat:y at e.tnwtuw 1-2: Pigs at 5 :»^«.15; liulk of Males at «.4S««.75. SHKKP AND LAMXA-Beceipt* 15.000. Weak. Native at 2.«4t4.«0; western at 'i.00«t4.)»: year. line* at 4.6ott«.io:,Isrnbs at 4.50«(6.78: westeni st 4.90M.T9, • e <-hteace firalaaaad Ptewtstnst Market. Rsaife of prices*)August 4, quoted by 3. S. Yester tar * Close Cloti 83* 94* Fscbe m w : Wbsst- o » n > HlTt September... 9 * 94* December .... 9 5 * . 8 6 * Key 10O*|l00« vosw— September... 76 74* December .... 64* 4 64* Mar 64* * 64X wsut— September .... 45* 45 \ 44* December ... 46* ' 4 6 * 4 6 * Ms? 47* 4 8 4 « * * Per*-- September 15 72»15 8) 13.80 15. 60 tl6. 97 lar— September -.9.63 963 9.50 9.60 49.63 t.lUk September... <9 01 9.03 8.87 8.87-9.03 taw 98* 95* LA* (9*1100* 96 76* 4»X j 8 4 * 68« 65* 43* 46X 47* U6X 101* 76* «>6* 66* 46* 46 48 Tate .Cotton Market. NEW YORK./Aug. 4. Cotton futures opened steady, with September at 6.5e©0.62c; Octoler at 9.55c; December at 9.32c: January at 9.28c; March at 9.84c; May st 9.374J 9.39e. 5 spot cotton closed quiet at 10 points higher, with middling uplands at 10.80c and do. gulf at 11.05c. Sale* 110 bales. W**»WA>*MM» ' Oil and Petroleum. Linseed oil quotations at New York are: City. raw. American seed "... 4 Cltv. boiled. American seed ^-.. 45 W4»$ Out-of-town. raw. American seed 43 <34t B«w. Calcntaa seed rETEOLEUM—Credit balances, at Oil Penn.. 81.78. Oil closedrftt Pittsburg at $1.78. 70 Cltyf J. 8. Bncbe A Co. Members of the New York Stock Exchange. •• praokshot Stocks, ^on<Sa and local securities. 251-253 aU«s»l i;f ac _ .!'. V v i?. u . ..'' Street. Trov. Y. C. 8CHIKE. Manager. th n e CURTAIN ROOM Third Floor A general *cleaning up of all thet odd lots of Curtains. As these lots are in some cases small, we cannot guarantee to supply the late arrivals. Don't be late, but get here early and get your share of the Bargains. EDWARDS TWO 9TAMB HACEs. m Si I • Te-4«>'« Card a t t h e Saratoga Race- track; a Omm4 One—Hsraa Hsadlcap aad SfSMea SelMag; Make, the Kea- turr*—Yew«rrda>'a Kraulln. Special Dispatch to The Troy Times. Saratoaja Springs. Aug. 4.—For the fifth day of racing at the Saratoga track an exceptionally good card has been pro- vided, and all six events have filled well. The features are the Huron Handicap and the Seneca Selling Stakes. Handicap For Tww-Year-Olda. The sport opened with a handicap for two-year-olda at five and one-half fur- longs, the entries being: Preceptor, 130; Direct, 120; Joe Madden, 117; Con naught Range.', 118; Mediant, 113; Schleswig, 112; Michael Beck, 108; Sea Cliff, 107; Mudman, 105; Petticoat, 104; Taboo, 10S; Hoffman, 102. Mediant, 18 to 5, won; Seacllff, 5 to 1, eecond; Preceptor, 7 to 2, third. Time 1:08. Connaught Ranger, Petticoat and Michael Beck were scratched. Yesterday's Kcsulta. First race, three-year-olda and up, selling, six furlongs—Refined, 103 (H- Smith), 60 to 1, 16 to 1 and 8 to 1. won; Sugar Pine, 110 (E. Dugan), 5 to 1, 8 to 5 and 4 to b. second; Incognito, 104 (Not. ter), 2 to 1, 7 to 20 and 1 to 5. third. Time, 1:14 4-5. They 're Off and J. C. Corr also ran. Please fell at the start. Second race, steeplechase handicap; four-year-olds and up, about two miles- Banner, 140 (Boadwee), 8 to 6, 1 to S and out, won; Rufus, 135 (O'Brien), 6 to 1, even and out, second; time, 4:38 2-5. Malacca fell. Only three starters. Third race, two-year-olds, selling; 6^4 furlongs—Court Lady, 105 (Shilling), 8 to 5, 3 to 5 and 1 to 5, won; Prudent, 103 (Sweet), 8 to 1. 3 to 1, 8 to 6, second; Von Lear. 108 (Brussell), 50 to 1, 15 to 1, 6 to 1, third. Time, 1:07 4-6. Patriot, West- more, Eschau, Fair Messenger, Hawk Wing, Monologue, Albani, Plume and La Tosca II. also ran. Fourth handicap, one mile^—Dandelion, (Gilbert), 18^'to 5, second; Dorante,' 117, " 1 _ s t ' - - _1 89c Ruffle Muslin Curtains. 49c Just 100 pair left of beautiful hand made Swiss Muslin Curtains, fancy Swiss inser- tions; sold always for 89c. While JAp they last, Sale Price, pair.. I v v 29c Cottage Curtains, 19c 75 pair Striped Swiss Curtains, just the thing for cottage or Summer home; always sold at 29c. Special for this sale, 4 Q^* pair J.C/C 11.25 Ruffle Bobbinet Curtains, 89c 58 pair of Ruffle Bobbinet Curtains with a Renaissance insertion and edge; a good value for #1.25. Special for two Q Q f » days only, pair -.. (JvL i i - ii ' r 12Kc Silkoline, d'/zc a yard All our short ends of Silkoline, from one to five yard lengths, that sold for"12£c yard. Special for two days only.M/»I/ ^ 25c Printed Scrim,* 19c 4 designs in Printed Scrim that sold for 25c yard for sash curtains and door draperies. Special while they <f | \ ^ list, yard J. tf C 15.00 Scotch Lace Curtains, 12.98 50 pair of Scotch Lace Curtains, some Cable Nets, nicely made, that sell regularly as high as $S00. S p e c i a l Sale A Q Q TELEGRAPHIC. AW AirTOMOBILE'S LONG PLUIVfiE. (Notter), 6 to 1, third. Time, 1:391-6. Mayfleld, Purslane and Fond Heart also ran. Mohawk II. broke down. Fifth race, one and one-quarter miles— Disobedient, 102 (McCahey), 9 to 5, won; Colonel White, 100 (Sweet), 4 to 1. second; 8 to 5, third. Time, 2:07 4-5. D'Arkle also ran. Sixth race, five and one-half furlongs— Maskette, 101 (Notter), 1 to 4, won; Miss Kearney, 103 (Shilling), 8 to 1, second; Louise Bell, 99 (Sweet), 20 to 1, third. Time, 1:06 8-5. Sandpiper, Helen Harvey, George W. Lebolt, Broadalbin and Bird of Flight also ran. < eotf l oo 1 2044 1 60 . 28 <82t 2 1 1 1 71 3 00 2 SO 2 26 S 00 2 60 1 NHS 2 25 1 OOfiJ 2 00 1 OOSil 4 00 2 em a so 2 ooa a oo 2 nog 4 oo l sna 2 oo 7&fe 1 26 1 76® 2 'Kx-dlvidend. Tfce Stawk Market. KBW YORK. Aug. 4. 10:18 a. ».—Tint prteea of stacks were lower tfcea last aWtst for the most prominent wanes, but tsetw wet* galas among a number of less important stseas. Bosieeaa was fa only moderate volume Weattstttoaae Mectrie declined 1 1-4 and Beading sad Amalaatnated Copper largo fr*ct ions. Cleve- land. C C. aad 81. Uml* ndvaaeed 1. 'Wees—Tha •estaad shifted to sew qoarters, is- rinding the high-priced dlvidrad.paving rail mad read sleek*. Absorption of the United Stat** Steel stock* continued on a large seale, the pretemd •sticking in 8-4. A few of the. prommest trading stacks rtiil lagged, notably Amalgamated Copper. idvaatea of a pslst were numerous *s active 2 p. at,—Kaesnt for the mntlnwd demand for the OsfteA States St pel stock*, which advanced the esmSMS to 46 1 2 and the preferred to 111 1-2, 'tSftie was little Interest to the afternoon market, th* undertone w»* strong. Union facie rising to 188 12 aad several oth<r active stock* also selling Mfset than m the morning. 8 ». as.—I 1 ** market closed irregular after s r*> actlon. TtM Mower Market. 5oon—kfanejr o* call easy *t 1 per cent. Prime ntercantlle i^mr at .Vit per cent. Exchanges 9ST.9*f,g«n; nalasce* |12.o*l,»ii2. 8 p. •.—Money on cal' r>a*y; highest at 1 1 4 per eeat.: lowest at 1: ruling rate 1; last loan 1: rSoalng Wd 1; offered at I. Time loan* ejotet sad •tesrt*. SO dajra at 9*22 1 4 per cent,; 80 days at J*** per east.; « otostlia s t 3 8-4 set cent. PISS* Prime mercantile paper at 2 to 4 per cent. Sterile* eickasg* weak at •PASS fee detaaas and at 4 U8.oaR448.10 for «0 day bill*; eomtneccial Sill* at 4 *4 1-90.4*4 3-4. Rar sUvet at 89 74k!. MMI- lollars at 4Ac. Oovemment bond* steady sad u « beams rrn. • • i a TIM Hew Twrfc Market. H«W TpBS, keg. 4. Receipt* 24.«RS pack- Turnipa. Rutabaga, per bbl. or bag .. 75« 1 Oil TV*,, white, per 1«>0 hunches I 00*1 1 80 Tomatoes, Sooth Jersey. Acme. hot.. W'eriria*. ear Mm Iniach** DRIED FRCIT8—Qnotattons are: Apples, evap., fancy, eases, per lb. Raspberr*— evap.. 1907. per lb. . FRIJITS—Quotations are: Apple*. Uravensteln. per d. h. bbl. Do.. Nyack Pippin, per d. i». M>1. .. Do.. Astrachan. per d. h. bbl Do.. Ducbeas, per d. b. bbl Do., flour Bovgh, per d. h. bbl...,. Do.. Swt-ct KmiKii per d. h. bbl. .. New apples, open heads iv»« Pears, south.. I* Comte. per bbl. .. Do.. Southern, Sand, per bbl. ..... Do., southern. KotfeT, per bW. .... Do., flnpp'a Favorite, per bbl. .... Do.. Rartlctt. per basket Do., common sorts, per basket ....... Do., nearby, per bbl peaches. Md. and Del., basket ....... Do.. Jersey, per basket Klums. Md. and Del., per carrier .... Cmnr.ts. lir»r*. c«r quart Blackberries, up-river, per qnart ...... Raspberries, red. fancy, large, pint Do.. Black Cap. per pint Huckleberries. Del. and Md.. per qt.. Do.. Petrn. and Jer., Mountain, per qt. Muskmelona, N. C . *tandard crate .. TV> Jersey, per ho* :«M^ Watermelon*, via rail, per ear 100 00*3200 00 FTJOUR—Recelpta 25,334 packages. Sale* 1,000 packages. Quiet and onsett led. Quotations are: Mlnnesot- patents .* .... 6 ItBtaA TO Minnesota bakers .......... * 10*14 as Winter patents 4 40fg4 76 Winter •tra'ebts ............ 4 10«4 26 Wlater extras ............ ........... a 40<83 80 Wtntec tnw grade* 8 30(83 60 BTE FleOTJR— Market steady. Quotation* are: Fair to good 4 15W4 50 Choice to fancy 4 55®» 83 WHEAT—Receipts 122,700 bush. Sales 6O0.O00 bosk. An accumulatloh of over-algbt selling order* baaed on cool weather In the Northwest, added to poor caWes and bear pressure, broke whest nearly a cent this morning. September at 1.02*31.02 8-8; December at l,94«il.04 8-8? May at 1.08 l-2<3 1.08 5-8. RVE—Market dull. No. 2 western, f. o. b. New York, nomi- nal .. 84 CORN—No receipts. Option market was without transact ton*. BEEF—Market quiet. Quotation* »re: 1»..*!lrv ^... ............. I* 7MM7 SO Mess .'.".' 14 501816 50 k-acket ift'JMH»H. w PORK—Market *tc*dy. Quotation* are: Mesa - 17 25©17 75 ratnlly lx taiulH M» Short elear ' ........... ........ 1 7 604318 60 I.ARD—Market firm. - Western 8 7S «|8 85 SCOAR-B»w and refined qnlet. Quotations are: Fair reflninc '. 3-70 Centrifugal. 88 test 4 70 Molasses sugar 8 40 tW « Cnwbetl . | w powdered .......... ............ i Grs«nW»ted ...•».«-- .... ........ S SO COFFKB-Markct quiet. Quotation* «re: No. 7 Bio JH Mo. 4 Ssstos 8*4 TATXOW-Market qnlet. Quotatlona art: dry 8 7 1S Country 8S##88e HAT—Market 8m. Qwotatteos sre: Shipping 2J 2J5 Good to ebolc* so envu LEAD—Market Arm at 4,BOtf4.S8. HIDES—Market Arm. Quotations *r»: Central America 90% Bogota •" 8°TS STBAW-Marfcet steady at 8B4BT8e. WOOI<—Market steady. Damestte fleece •••••• 89 494* HOPS—Market qui**, Stste. eesamea to cholea. 1807 . Oo„ 1904) ............. •••«••••• Paclac coast. 1907 Dax,, 19S8 .............. »•»»•« About 800 Feet Over Precipice laio a Tree—Top of Machine Saved Its Oc- cupant*—(TiaurTriir Somewhat Hart. New York, Aug. 4.—United States Dis- trict Attorney Baker of Washington, who successfully prosecuted the govern- ment land frauds in the Northwest, his bride of two months and several friends, who were accompanying them on their honeymoon, had a miraculous escape from death to-day. While the automobile In which they were traveling was running down a sharp hill on Walnut Mountain, near Liberty, the machine got out of control and plunged over a precipice nearly 300 •feet high. The machine, a big covered car, turned three complete comersaults and lodged in the boughs of a three thirty feet below the brink of the precipice. There It hung suspended, top down- ward, with the frightened occupants held prisoners in the inclosed top of the ma- chine. All were badly bruised and frightened, but none was seriously in- jured with the exception of the chauf- feur. His skull was fractured, one of his ears was torn off and he sustained other injuries. He was taken to a hospital In Liberty for treatment. Tenuis. Newport, R. I., Aug. 4.—The final match in the women's handicap doubles at the Newport Casino was won yester- day by the Masses Nora and Thereso Iselln from Miss M. Inches of Boston and Miss Caroline Orosvenor, after three hard-fought sets. The winning pair owed 15, while the losers received 15. The final set was carried into extra garner before the Misses" Iselin could win. In this set Miss Nora Iselin did some sharp work at the net. Entries For To-morrow. First race, selling, three-year-olds and upward, seven furlongs—Jubilee Jug- gins, 102; The Squire, 101; Biskra, 101; Baston, 118; Sugar Pine, 110; Aster D'Or, 113; Monacle, 106; Jacobite, 120; Kennyetto, 113; Woodcraft, 98. Second race, Saratoga Steeplechase, handicap, four-year-olds and upward, about two miles—Jimmy Lane, 152; St. Nick, 134; Bayonet, 154; Bat. 132. Third race, Spinaway Stakes of $10,000, two-year-old fillies; five and a half fur- longs-^-Constellation, 112; Wallflower, 112; Lady Hubbard, 112; Miss Kearney, 112; Maskette, 112; Wedding Bells, 112; The Pippin, 112. Fourth Race, Handicap. All Ages, sell- ing, One Mile—Greeno, 109; Darkle, 100; George G. Hall, 109; Orphan Boy, 113; Campaigner, 90. Fifth race, Kentucky Selling Stakes for fillies; five and one-half furlongs— Albani, 99; Summer Night, 105; Helen Havey, 109; Merry Gift, 103; Chaperon. 99; Plume, 1*7; Fair Messenger, 98; La Tosca III., 105; Court Lady, 102; Cheek, 103. Sixth race, selling, three-year-olds and ward who havanot won at the meeting: one mile—Purslane. 105; Thomas Cal- houn, 90; Complete, 90; Golconda, 92; Colwhite, 100: Obert, 98; George G. Hall, 102; Orphan Lad, 105; Bonnie Bard. 105; Holdfast, 105; Kentucky Beau. 108; Sir Toddington, 100; Glaucus, 95; Earlscourt, 95; Sugar Pine, 102. MBCIIAVK VIU.E. State and Third Sts. E. W. Edwards & Son Troy m last year, $1,000; delinquent tax. $200; Income tax, $110; — bank tax, $500; tuition, $300; academic fund, $500; Su- perintendent's salary from state fund, $X00; public money from state fund, $3,175; total, $6,585; balance to be raised by taxation, $22,000. «, FINANCIAL. FINANCIAL. Jenlou* MSB's Act. Winston Salem. N . C , Aug. 4,—As sha stepped out of church Sunday, prayer- book in hand. Miss Mary Ball, a young woman of Wilkes County, was shot through the heart by D. F. Thorpe, a young business man. Thorpe had been attentive to Miss Ball, but hla attentions were not well received. Sunday he sent her word that he would kill her unless she married him at once.- 4 49.9 lis 4mH*»*P fUt#*p wild «t laMsaM *#*i ts trst t* 8a*st HSU Thw Uva »«•**! Markets. NBW YORK. AIM. 4. BEBVES-rtecelpt* 988, No trading; feeling as* ehanred. Dressed beef slow at 8 12«?llc. CALfKaVS^eeiPls 984. reeling steady; all sold. Teal* at S.OOST«V0ft-, calls at 4 50. city dressed veals at 8 1-94J12 l-2e; country dressed at Ttrll BltBRP AND I.AMB9—Beeerpla 6.485 steady; l*»8a slew and nnchanged 3.0«94.T8: lamb* at 8,*KNK7.40. noOS~9>e»lpU 3*4*1. No stlea. Feeling weak BART RTjrrALO. Asg. 4. CATTUt—Receipts iso head, glow and steady, prime steers at S.OSMS.W. vR,AlA~Becelpts toS aead. at 6,0net7.50 BOGS—Receipts 2,40« head, Smw tt S«lnr. Heavy and mixed at 7.IBST7.2S; Torker* «f e.7.w 7.18: pMS at 4.sO«S.28: rongui at 6.7W :»>; dairies at 8.804E7<I8. ffflf AND LAM8)*—Receipt* 8SO bead. Aetiv; kkeetf steady, Insane 38c hlaker. tkaabs at 6.or»j CHICAGO. Aog, 4. « CATTUE--sWesls4s 1,998. Steady ts lOe lower. glow and 60c tower the guest of Mrs. Angus Gillespie of Terrace Place. —Mrs. A. F. Demers and daughters, of Terrace Place, have returned from a so- journ at Chestertown. —The Misses Martha and Elizabeth Rogers of Bank Street are spending two weeks at Asbury Park. —Miss Bertha yan Dercook of Pawling Avenue Is spending the month at Rensselaer Cottage, Asbury Park. —Mrs. Harriet Bow,en and daughter. Miss Clara Bowen, of Pine Woods Ave- nue, are sojourning at Lake Placid. —Mrs. H. Glass and son will return to New York this evening, after visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ellis of Pawling Avenue. —Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wilcox and family, accompanied by Mrs. Wilcox's mother, have gone to Lake Bomosaen, tt, %here they have a cottage. —Miss Alice Vsnderpool of Pawling Avenue and Mkts Jessie Simmons of Park View Court have goneAo Lake Ta- conlc. In the Grafton Mountains, —Mrs. D. R. MrGonlgal of Pine Woods Avenue has returned from a visit of ^t^??^' l; f e $ g r & L J i P l i !•*•"> P'lff»IP Donald McGonlgal and Mlsr Psutme Me- Gonlgal art home from a two weeks* so- Joorn at Dauby, Vt. Important Strike Order. Winnipeg, Man., Aug. 4.—Orders were issued at noon to-day by the executive committee of the Canadian Pacific Shop- men's Union, calling a strike of the shop mechanics over the entire system to-mor- row. The order will be obeyed by 8,000 men. i i . HOME MATTERS. aaiasaskassasa ' ,S * ,, * ** The annual meeting of School District —Mrs. F. Mclver of Quebec, Canada, Is- 10 will be held to-nigM at 7:30 o'clock in Board of Education Adopts Budget—To —Hold Annual Meeting: of School Dis- trict 18. Water Superintendent Smith reported yesterday that the water in,the village reservoir had fallen eight feet and nine inches below the top of the spillway and was still falling at the rate of two inches per day. Superintendent of Schools Blakeman is engaged In drilling the following High School students for the oratorical contests at the Saratoga County Fair at Balis ton Spa on Educational Day: Class A—James Noonan, George Bmmott and Arthdr Downing. Class B—Miss Teresa Minus, Miss Mildred Cary and Miss Cor- nelia Cassidy. Class D—Miss Florence Wilson. District Lodge, 34. Boilermakers and Help- ers, of the Boston and Maine Railway sys- tem, held a \ nion meetings Sunday at Vernon Grove. Visitors were present from Boston. East Dte»field and Springfield. A clambake was prepured and amusements had. A feature of the day was the hitting of a Merry Widow fly by foreman Mc- Crory and fielded by botlermaker Baoks. Miss Elisabeth A. Haight left last night for a two weeks' visit with Miss Bessie Maui'inus in Lanfltngburgh. Miss Helen Hrrr.m!ll of Troy is the guost of Mrs. Charles E. Murphy. Mrs. James Slavin and niece. Miss Ruth Van Fleet, are standing a week with rela- tives at Elncra. Mr. snd Mrs. Matthew Leesor. of Schenec- tady, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lenhsrdt. returned home yesterday. Walter Smith of Schenectady was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smith, yesterday. Robert E. Webster will lead the prayer meeting to-movrow night at the Presbyte- rian Church. Examiner Borlght of the Boston and Maine Railroad Is conducting the color- sense and hearing test in a special car at the Union r-tatlon. , •"« • Mrs. D. E. La Dow Is a guest at East Gal way. Architect Jared S. l a Dow left yesterday on a buelress trip to Utlea. Mrs. Jared 8. La Dow, son Jared and daughter. Miss Irene la Dow, are spend- ing the week at Round Lake. Thi Assembly Hall to nominate three Trustees In place of D. A. Lockwood. N. W. Kelso and T. J. Flnlgen. The annual election of Trustees will lake place to-morrow frorp 12 to 4 p. m. in the High School building. Trustees- flrrtln*. The Board of Education last night rs» ceived these suggestions from Principal George R. Thompson for the Improvement of existing conditions: Enlargement ot laboratory, lighting assembly hall and High School rooms, gymnasium equipment, ath- letic supplies, pictures for school room walls and printing hand books. The mat- ter was turned over to Superintendent Blakeman for further Information. The Clerk reported the gift of twenty-flve copies of The Southern Msgastne from Mrs. D. F. Bohtecou. The CI* rk reported that the Treasurer had received from the State Department $54.07 for the, school library fund. The board released Miss Anna M. Sha rood. Instructor In the commercial department, from the provisional con- tract signed for the ensuing school year, as sho has secured a more lucrative oaltlnn at Brockton, Mass, The follow- budget was adopted: Teachers' " pe Is NOTES FROM OCT OF TOWH. * ' COSSAYUNA.—Mrs. Elisabeth McDonald of Boston, Mass., and Mrs. Sarah Cameron of Centre Falls were yesterday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bain.—John Alexan- der of North Adams, Mass.. is spending a two weeks' vacation with his mother, Mrs. Mary Alexander.—Fred Dewey of Middle Falls is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Dewey. SARATOGA SPRINGS—An organisation of a branch of the Personal Liberty League was effected last evening In Con- vention Hall. More than 300 Saratogians were present, among them several of the leading business men. Racetrack men, and in fact any who were not cltlsens of Saratoga Springs, were kept out of the meeting. The gathering was in charge of Frank W. Thory. Stats Secretary of the Personal Liberty League. A committee wan appointed to nominate officers. VALLEY FALLS.—Henry U Baker was Sunday taken to the Samaritan Hospital in Troy for blood poisoning.— The funeral of John Kenyon, w h o w a s fatally Injured Saturday in a runaway accident, was held this afternoon and was private.—The straw market opened at $19 per ton. The crop will be about the average yield.—John Rifenburgh has purchased two steam threshers from the Central Bridge factory.—Miss Leone I^ape will spend a few days In Syracuse.—Mrs. C. J. Lape of Troy Is' visiting Mrs. Nellie Lape.—Prof. F. J. Bohlmann and family, of Spring Valley, are the guests of John Pratt and family. GLENS FALLS.—T. H. Maloy, formerly undertaker with The Faust-Fleming Com- pany, has leased the building a t 144 May Street, at present occupied by Ensign & Mason, furniture dealers. The new store will be opened September 15.—President L. F. Loree of the Delaware and Hudson was In town yesterday as the guest of George Tait and C. H. Feddrick. Jr., President and Secretary, respect vely. c l the Commercial Association.—The new steamer Mohican yesterday resumed trips on Lake George after being out of commission for a week owing to troubles to Jhe boilers.—The fol- lowing jury was drawn jesterday in the City Court to try the case of Edward La- Roche, accused of assaulting Mrs. Anna Wescott: Florence Healey, C. H. Carson, C. A. Hovey. jr.. Daniel Crcsby. Kosecrans Fhllo, T. B. Qutnlan. E. H. Gates, G?orge JGoodson. Fred Maloy. James C. Brlsbm, Horton Gage, W. T. Achenbach.—Tha case of William Woodard. charged with abduc- tion, which was to have ueen tried yesterday before JuBtice Breen, was adjourned until to-morrow.—Three little fresn air girls, Camilla Thompson. Florence Hunter and Elsie Wrase, all of New York, are (spending two weeks In Glens Falls.—the funeral ot John J. Burt was held this afternoon. Mr. Burt died Sunday. GRANVILLE.—Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thomas joined the Methodist Church Sun- day by letter, Mr. Thomas from the Con- gregational Church and Mrs. Thoman from the Methodist Church at Johnstown.—Mrs. M. L. Weller spent Sunday at McArthur Lodge at Lake St. Catnerm?.—Mis. J. S. Potter of Brooklyn has joined her daugh- ter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. vV. Potter.—The marr.aga is announced oi Rodman Richardson, a rising young law- yer, and Miss Jennie. Roberts, daug.-.ter of Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas R. Roberts of Soutn pnultney. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson are spending their honeymoon at the Richaid- son brothers' cottage "Wyldwood" at Lake St. Catherine. The groom has been a sum- mer visitor at the lake several years.—The annual school meeting In District No. 7 will be held this evening In the High School Building—Granville lx)dge, F. and A. M.. went to Wells Sunday afternoon to attend the funeral of Charles W. Burton, a mem- ber of the lodgjs The funeral was one of the largest evejr held In thst vicinity. Past Master Whjurof the Granville lodge con- ducted therburlal service. The deceased, who had been traveling salesman tor F»ts- patrick A Draper of Troy for t.tlrty years. wss widely known.—Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Blakely are entertaining Mrs. G. W. Blanchard of New Yotk and Mr, and Mrs. H. N. Williams of Bennington, Vt. Ilf OTHER STATES. POWNAL, VT.-Mrs, Batchelor and daughter, of Troy, are the gufsts of Mrs. D. G, Thomas.—Mrs. Augustus Haley of Glens Fafis, N. Y.. Is the guest of her sis- ter. Mrs. James Morgan.—The Methodist Sunday School w*ll hold a picnic termor- ALBANY SAVINGS BANK fINCORPORATED 1SS9.I J ' I . OLDEST BANK FOR SAVINGS IN THE CITY NORTH PEARL AXI) MAIDElf l.ANB. Deposits and Surplus, July 1,1908, - $34,982,154.07 tnteraat paid to depositors 1st January and 1st July. Interest is allowed from tha arat oc every month on all accounts not exceeding 93.000. OFFICERS. Wm. Bayard Van Ben**ela*r, Pre*'t. Marcn* T. Ran 1st Vlce-Prea't Henry D. Roger* ...Aut. Trass. James D. Waasen 2d Vke-Pres't Ledyard Cornwall ...... s*c"y Benjamin w. Johnson Trass' John T. Berry ....... Aut. Sse'i TRUSTEES. William Kldd. Marcn* T. Hnn. James D. Wamon. George Sard. W. B. Tan Benasslaer, tedyard Cogswell. Clarence Rathbone. Edward Bowdltcti. Edward N. McKlnney, B. W. Amnio. Frederick Townaend. Fred's TPMneh*«t. OerrlH T. Lanalng. Oacar L. Haacy. Wis. V. B. F.rvres. The*. I. Van Antwerp. Henry M. *•»». Anther H. Tnrker. Robert C. Prays. DEPOSITORS' SECURITY Is addition ts Its ordinary available assets, this Company Is still t further fortified, and SS follows! » Paid in Capital - - Surplus attd Undivided Profits Additional Liability of Stockholders Secnrll S200.000.00 203,683.01 a 00,000.00 over and above all other assets, $602,663,01 SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT. The TROY TRUST CO. 43000CeOOOOOOOCKX*00000000^^ --a The Security Trust Company of Troy, \ Fourth and Grand Streets. 3 Special Deposits made on or before August 5th ^ will draw interest from August 1st at the rate of 3 ^ ^ per cent, per annum, if left until January 1st next. : *ii»it*4*H^t»ittuauit*u»iUuuiM*M» 4 i*iitu»4tut^t»»u^M 4 mMa^ Are Tour Surplus Funds at Work ""—•""-• •Mini' ii- ...ii a •'• •• i- Xt not. do. nnt let tliem remain ht:e an- other day, Intlnsitrj' and a,tvlng are *uru to brina Iliclr reward, aurt regular da- noaita In the i'nloii National Mink of Troy a llber.nl return In iuierest, INTtORtfiST PAID ON SPECIAL DBPOSITS. Depoitt* mnde on or before the 5th of the month tlr'tw Interest frmrr-thc lxt of the month. UNION NATIONAL BANK OF TROY, fin. 39 Fourth Street (Next North of PontttfRre). I -npllnl SnyO.OOO.OO. _ _ _ * . i r » l , . » SISO.OOQ.O'I. K salaries. 17.359: Superintendent's salary, $l,r>0«. Janitors* salaries, $1,300; truant officer, $ltB; Treasurer, f"S; care of clock, ti9; census, $25; water rent, $S0, books snd apparatus, $2r.n, print* fns;, $60; repairs, $649; supplies, $400: Insurance. $400; fuel, $1,«00; bond Nf. 39, $5*0, and bond No. 49. $590, last two of the first serie*. and bond No. 8 Of t h e fifth series. $1.««9: interest on bonds nf the first series, $109; socond series. 1220 third ssrtss, $130: fmrrtk sStTW, fifth series, $299; sixth sories, |4!o; furniture. $400; contlncsnt fund, |$$t; total, JM.Sft; less balance en hand from Brokers J. L GRAHAM & GO. New York MEMBERS OP NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. Secorltlea lionalit and sold, either for Investment or on marsjla. WT.-SOd CANNON PLACE. MONUMENT MirtiiK. TROY. N. Y. WALTER K. BUSH. Manager Rosas 990. Office. Moth 'Phone*. R o o m -JOtl. u u u t a f l o n a . fow at Hooslck Valley Park.—Rev. 3. C. Mitchell recelv«d a fsfl Saturday In all«;ht. log from an electric ear. . FAIR HAVEN. VT.-Mlss Mas Northrup has returned to Schuylerville.—D. J. Du- rlck la in N e w York.—Willis Ormss and Miss Alma Ormes have returned* from Ohio, —The annual picnic of the Methodist Sun- day School will be held August 1$ a t Lak) Bomoseen.—Solon Maynarn, l'rank L.ttle, Edward Allen and Thomas Hayes left to- day for Detroit. Mich., to install a marbb altar for The American Marble Company. MANCHESTER, VT.-The Manchester Union Band excursion over the Rut and Railroad to bake George Sunday wag en- Joytd by* a targe number of persons be* tween Bennington and Rutland. The steamer Horlcon took th© excursionists far a three hours' trip up the lake from Baid* win to l^ake George —M as Al ce Kelley ot Dorset, who has been aas.stlna; Miss AtSci K. Bennett In the Probate U».ic t , haa fln- tshed her work and teturntd home.—Yhe Mlsaes Hoyt wrll slve a vaudeville enter- tainment Baturdsy ^vcn.ng at Music Hail. —The Efiulmix basebsll testm Will play * nine from Coopers M.II In Bennington to- morrow afternoon—Mrs. C, A Batch-lii<-r and Mlr» Lou »c Bftt-heldtr, of Plt.hbu g, Mass.. are visiting Mrs, J N. Hard ird of Rutland It visiuag at vjn-Ml Nar-msts trusrtett* «Tt*i» Hampton Inst.tute of Viginla isnd*ted plantation songs last night at ths Congie- gational Church. Addresses dt-script.ve of the school and Its workings and results were given by Rev. Edward 1* Chicheste,- ; and Capt. Allen Washington. The latter is i a colored graduata of the school—Richard W. Sherman, son of James 8. Sherman, He- | publican Vice Presidential candidate, was among the automob.lists reglstend at the Equinox House Saturday night. In com- ' pany with a party in two cars he left Sun- , day morning for the Wh.U Mountains.—Ira B. Safford of East Arlington, who was . graduated from the Unlvers:ty of Vermont I •n June, has been engaged to teach physics and chemistry the ensuing year in the Bur- lington High School. Mr. Saffoid, w h o Is now employed at the Ekwanok Country Club, received his preparatory education at the North Bennington Hlga School, BENNINGTON, VT.-The choir of the Methodist Church will g.ve a concert of patriotic songs this evening at the church. -The Bennington Band and the Vermont Club will have a trolley r.de Friday even- ing to North Auams. Mass. A dancs will be held st North Adams.—The check 1st for the, September election has rxen filed and contains $.088 nanus, though It Is prob- sbie mat the Boara of Civil Author,ly wih s d d $W> m o t e n a m e s at a meeting \t > ue bed soon. A special pulling pac* will bj opened .n North Benn.ngton for the ac- commodation ot the voUrs In tnat village. The check list for Norm Benn^tglon con- tains 2»1 r.ames.-More t h a n 3.WJ0 - a r a n g e r n have visited the Bennington battle monu- ment thus far this season, but It is not tx- perttd that the totai numoer ot v.s.tors mis year will be as large as that o/ iasi year. Tne monument reg.st>r shows t >a". the greatest number of visltois w*re Irom Massachusetts and New York, though a ttoscn other states are represent^,—Muct interest cehtrts in the game of baa ban ti be ulayed haturday aften.o.m at Morga.t Park between the Benn.ngton and Hooa.ck Kalis nines. The return gam* w.U »• playid Sunday atternoon in Hoos.rk Kails -At the Old Home Week service Sunday morninK in the Old First church *i Benningt m Centre Rev. Dr. Isaac Jennings will ieafl a paper on the history of the eaotr and music of the church s.nce it* organ.sstlon In 1T82. D r . Jennings has spent much t.m* and research In preparing tne atticle— K<*v. A. J. Barron Is entertaining his n ec?. Mis* i in.utt Bessie Kitigernld of Troy—Mrs. Msr, llutchlns Wilcox will leave In a few days tor New York to begin reheaisais for me Iheatr'.cal season. Mrs. WUCOM will appear during the coming season tn the drams "The Moonshlners.'-tharles W. Thompson has bought the drug business Of E. B, Hyde -The funeral of John H. Bahan, who died Sunday night, ftsm t M ' _ made In the cemetery in that village The deceased was will known *t Benninatfm Centre A son, Rtcha«| S. Bsbsn, stwvr.ei. s:«TMWj$Tqo»iif« tf RCMSEN AM CN£IDA $TIUT$ W. H. L»o«ihtr. Walter I*. Warren. Etiwaro C. "In'-, aged sixty-five years, I (irf\e» A. S»one, ni. j r*rr.B<-t« N. M*m». Jp„ . J ?»«»* ft V t*He. Is Where You Din SaveYoursell Worry National B&nk Cohoes It located there, Mi Hi ttrong vaults will safeguar< your money and other valua blot. TM0YSAVING8 BAN ESTABLISHED IN 1838 C O R N E R S T A T U ASITJ S E C O N D ST9 Open dally iStimlay an»I bol.days •icaptedl fi 10 o'clock a, at. to a o'clock p. at. sad es Sal nay evening ttuf eacsivlng aepoaita only) Roa te S n'etnei. Interest *!ll he computed on th* third d*y* anrll s:id Oetoher snd will he caicntated front third day f»f each mnath (Inatead Of t the niiartrr <t?v* a* heectncarei at PTII-B rates •It-ill l«- swneae*el hr the hnirrt of Tmatees, Assets Oftr - - $12,000,0 OtrFrCrUM. S K. ilA.H'AMAN **ras*l I CriAltt.Kn W. TIM.INuHAST first Vlea Free* WM IIOWARP IKH (JIITY Bernod Vies fresh J KRWIN AXTllfi , «Y..,Secret«r» aad Trass WM. M rnns'ivii Clurles W. Tillingbaat. Ueorga a, BobU Charlea R. BinanMft Ge»r«* T. Ijine Pan* r>n%, * « Mayer of v. » Cit]( ef . saafora, Thouia* Vail, James H, CaidweU, Rnhert rinett, i.'.,rge S Th lanaas »•• r\ qygV ...j vim H, vanajenoaassl n>eeey S. MeLsSeV ex edktfa, Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

M*- FINANCE AND TRADL CURTAIN ROO Floor 18/Troy NY Daily...THE TROY TIMES, TROY, ^T.Y., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST *, 11*13. M*-FINANCE AND TRADL Important Transactions in the Business

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Page 1: M*- FINANCE AND TRADL CURTAIN ROO Floor 18/Troy NY Daily...THE TROY TIMES, TROY, ^T.Y., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST *, 11*13. M*-FINANCE AND TRADL Important Transactions in the Business


FINANCE AND TRADL Important Transactions in the Business

WorldmdashStock and Produce Markets


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1 0 9

9 1

6 7 7 7

108 7 8 6 6

Hi 1 6 9

4 2 29

1 2 5 8 4 8 8 9 6 4 6

1 2 1 8 4 2 0 7 4 1 7 8 pound

1 4 1 27 C 2 9 9 1 9 t 2 i 91

1 6 4 fa a- 14

3 3 4 9 8 6 0 44X

1 0 raquo 100


1 8 2 b 86 7 7 10 21


1 5 9 2 6 4 6 7 7 7

108X 7 8 65K

142X 160X

4 3 95

125X 96

4 5 4 1 9 9

8 5 2 1 TUT 1raquoX 8 3

1 4 2 26 6 2 9 6 4 2 0 61 23 81

1 6 5 S3 - 5


4 3 111 100

2 7

1 3 2 9 68

1 0

pound 2 4 6 4 67 78X

1 0 8 7 8 6ampX

1 laquo 1 6 1 4 9 laquo 2 6

1 2 6 9 6 8 3 97 4 5

1 2 3 9 5 3 1

I S 68X

1 4 1 3 7 6 8 94 2 0 6 1 2 5

1 5 5 fc8 86 1 4 3 4 4 raquoraquo9 7 0 lt 6

1 1 1 100

2 7 105

14 3 8 X 66 7 7 10 2 1

4 2 X

Process commas to special 15 492A Westers rectory flrsts 18laquo18 Imitation creamery firsts t

CBBESEmdashMarket dullS Receipts 10263 sack-sees Quotations are S u n tall creiua specials 1341134 Do small colored or whits fancy 13 Do large colored or white ftscy Igto guod to prists Do reanstoa Do skkes Ivpoundl0lt

EGUS-Market steady Receipts 19317 case Quotations are State PeousyWasls and nearby fascy ___

selected wnitc 26 4K87 Do fair to choice 2a laquo 2 6 Do brown and mixed fancy bdquo24 Do sootl to choice 21 sect23 Western 9rsts 18 4|llraquo Oo seconds l laquo i w

U V E POCtTEymdashQuotations are Surlns chickens 1raquo Fowls 14 Boosters bull raquo Turkeys prime per lb 11 Docks western prime 13 Ueese westeni 8 Guinea (owl per pair 50 Piceons per pair ftgt

DBESBBD POftTEY-Quotations for Iced arc SiSiog chickens broilers Philadelphia 4

lbs andover to pair average beat 24 Do western dry-plccd average bes t 18 fowl dry-packed Weatern dry-picked

4 lbs and over fancy boxed 14 Do southern average best 13 Ducklings t I am] Bast spnns lb 14 Do state end Pennsylvania 13 Dncks old westers poor tofair 9 alio Geese nltd western poor to fair gt 5 41 8

POTATOESmdashMarket firm Quotations are tone Island in bulk per bbl 2 501 2 75 Jersey per bbl 2 25sect 2 75 Southern per bbl 1 504t 2 50 Calls per bbl 75laquo 1 oo Southern sweets yellow per bbl 3 laquoKMg 4 60 Do old Jersev per basket 1 50 2 00

CABBAUES-Market Heady Quotations are Flat Dutch per 100 8 W laquo laquo 00 Bed per bbl 1 00laquo1 28

BRANSmdashMarket quiet Quotations are Marrow 2 85 laquo 2 40 Medium 2 86 sect 2 40 Peas 2 66 sect 2 70 Bed kidney 1 raquo0

OTHER VEGETABLES-Quotatlons are Beets jgter 100 bunches ^ 1 8 0 Carrots new per 100 bunches 1 00 Corn llackensack per 100 1 00reg 1 fgt0 Do other Jersey per 106 60S 1 25 Cucumbers up river per bbl 1 256J 1 lt3 Do Ualtimore per bushel-basket 404 50 Do bong Island per bbl 1 50$ 2 00 Do hotlHiuse per basket or box 1 Z5v 1 50 Cucumber pickles Rockland County

per 1000 bull Cauliflower state per bbl Celery per doxen stslks Emcplsnts Jersey per b b l raquo Garlic New Orleans per lb Horseradl-i per 100 lbs Lettuce state per basket Do nearby per bbl raquo Lima beans Jeney per basket Mia per 100 bunches Onions Shelter Island per bbl Do Jersey small white basket Do Jersey large white b a s k e t Do Jersey yeilow basket 7 Do Orange Co red per bag 1 Leeks per 100 hunches Shallot per 100 bunches 7] Okra Jersey per box Peppers Jersey per box 25 Peas state large per basket v 7 RomaIne per basket String bean L L and nearby bag 1 OOU 1 Zu Do state green per bushel-basket 1 0nlaquo) 1 76 Do atate wax per basket 75lt8 1 12 Spinach nearby per bbl 1 0 0 0 1 60 Souash marrow per bbl 75tf 1 oo Do yellow per bbl flOSj 00 Do white per bbl 404J 75


Beeves at laquo75f Tlaquo) Texan at 350t8z8 west enters at ST0aj5Wi araquorger and feeder s t 94981 149 cows and betters 4t 1501680 calves s t 528 CT25

HOOSmdash Becslpts 1laquoraquolaquoMraquo Steady to a shade higher Lhibt at flJaWlaquoS3 uiixe1 at laquo laquo1 tua 1-2 heavy at ij5ftt482 1-2 rough at laquo15laquoB 040 good to cook raquoteaty at etnwtuw 1-2 Pigs at 5 raquo^laquo15 liulk of Males at laquo4Slaquolaquo75

SHKKP AND LAMXA-Beceipt 15000 Weak Native at 2laquo4t4laquo0 western at i00laquot4)raquo year line at 46ottlaquoioIsrnbs at 450laquo(678 westeni s t 490MT9

bull bull e bull

lt-h teace f i r a l a a a a d Ptewtstnst M a r k e t

Rsaife of prices)August 4 quoted by 3 S Yester tar Close Cloti 8 3 9 4

Fscbe m w W b s s t - o raquo n gt HlTt

September 9 9 4 December 9 5 8 6 Key 1 0 O | l 0 0 laquo

voswmdash September 7 6 7 4 December 6 4 4 6 4 Mar 6 4 64X

wsutmdash September 4 5 4 5 4 4 December 4 6 4 6 4 6 Ms 4 7 4 8 4 laquo

Per--September 15 7 2 raquo 1 5 8 ) 1380 15 60 t l 6 97

l a r mdash September - 9 6 3 9 6 3 950 9 6 0 4 9 6 3

tlUk September lt9 01 9 0 3 8 87 8 8 7 - 9 0 3

taw 9 8 9 5 L A ( 9 1 1 0 0

96 7 6 4 raquo X j 8 4 6 8 laquo 6 5

4 3 4 6 X 4 7

U6X 1 0 1

7 6 laquogt6 6 6

4 6 46 48

Tate C o t t o n M a r k e t

NEW YORKAug 4 Cotton futures opened steady with September at

65ecopy062c Octoler at 955c December at 932c January at 928c March at 984c May s t 9374J 939e 5

spot cotton closed quiet at 10 points higher with middling uplands at 1080c and do gulf at 1105c Sale 110 bales bull


O i l a n d P e t r o l e u m

Linseed oil quotations at New York are City raw American seed 4 Cltv boiled American seed ^ - 45 W4raquo$ Out-of-town raw American seed 43 lt34t Blaquow Calcntaa seed

rETEOLEUMmdashCredit balances at Oil Penn 8178

Oil closedrftt Pittsburg at $178

70 Cltyf

J 8 B n c b e A Co

Members of the New York Stock Exchange bullbull p r a o k s h o t Stocks onltSa and local securities 251-253 aUlaquosraquol i f a c _ V viu Street Trov Y C 8CHIKE Manager


Floor A general cleaning up of all thet odd lots of Curtains As these lots are in some cases small we cannot guarantee to

supply the late arrivals Dont be late but get here early and get your share of the Bargains


TWO 9 T A M B H A C E s m

Si I bull

T e - 4 laquo gt laquo C a r d a t t h e S a r a t o g a R a c e -track a Omm4 O n e mdash H s r a a H s a d l c a p a a d SfSMea SelMag M a k e t h e Kea-

turrmdashYewlaquorrdagta K r a u l l n

Special Dispatch to The Troy Times Saratoaja Springs Aug 4mdashFor the

fifth day of racing at the Saratoga track an exceptionally good card has been proshyvided and all six events have filled well The features are the Huron Handicap and the Seneca Selling Stakes

H a n d i c a p F o r T w w - Y e a r - O l d a

The sport opened with a handicap for two-year-olda at five and one-half fur-longs the entries being Preceptor 130 Direct 120 Joe Madden 117 Con naught Range 118 Mediant 113 Schleswig 112 Michael Beck 108 Sea Cliff 107 Mudman 105 Petticoat 104 Taboo 10S Hoffman 102

Mediant 18 to 5 won Seacllff 5 to 1 eecond Preceptor 7 to 2 third Time 108 Connaught Ranger Petticoat and Michael Beck were scratched

Yesterdays Kcsulta First race three-year-olda and up

selling six furlongsmdashRefined 103 (H-Smith) 60 to 1 16 to 1 and 8 to 1 won Sugar Pine 110 (E Dugan) 5 to 1 8 to 5 and 4 to b second Incognito 104 (Not ter) 2 to 1 7 to 20 and 1 to 5 third Time 114 4-5 They re Off and J C Corr also ran Please fell at the start

Second race steeplechase handicap four-year-olds and up about two mi les -Banner 140 (Boadwee) 8 to 6 1 to S and out won Rufus 135 (OBrien) 6 to 1 even and out second time 438 2-5 Malacca fell Only three starters

Third race two-year-olds selling 6 4 furlongsmdashCourt Lady 105 (Shilling) 8 to 5 3 to 5 and 1 to 5 won Prudent 103 (Sweet) 8 to 1 3 to 1 8 to 6 second Von Lear 108 (Brussell) 50 to 1 15 to 1 6 to 1 third Time 107 4-6 Patriot West-more Eschau Fair Messenger Hawk Wing Monologue Albani Plume and La Tosca II also ran

Fourth handicap one mile^mdashDandelion

(Gilbert) 18 to 5 second Dorante 117 1 _ s t bull bull - bull - bull bull _ 1

89c Ruffle Muslin Curtains 49c Just 100 pair left of beautiful hand made Swiss Muslin Curtains fancy Swiss insershytions sold always for 89c While J A p they last Sale Price pair I v v

29c Cottage Curtains 19c 75 pair Striped Swiss Curtains just the thing for cottage or Summer home always sold at 29c Special for this sale 4 Q ^ pair J C C 1125 Ruffle Bobbinet Curtains 89c 58 pair of Ruffle Bobbinet Curtains with a Renaissance insertion and edge a good value for 125 Special for two Q Q f raquo days only pair - (JvL

i i - mdash bull ii r mdash mdash bull bull mdash bull

12Kc Silkoline dzc a yard All our short ends of Silkoline from one to five yard lengths that sold for12poundc yard Special for two days onlyMraquoI ^

25c P r in ted Scrim 19c 4 designs in Printed Scrim that sold for 25c yard for sash curtains and door draperies Special while they ltf | ^ list yard J t f C 1500 Scotch Lace Curtains 1298 50 pair of Scotch Lace Curtains some Cable Nets nicely made that sell regularly as high as $S00 Spec ia l Sale A Q Q


(Notter) 6 to 1 third Time 1391-6 Mayfleld Purslane and Fond Heart also ran Mohawk II broke down

Fifth race one and one-quarter milesmdash Disobedient 102 (McCahey) 9 to 5 won Colonel White 100 (Sweet) 4 to 1 second

8 to 5 third Time 207 4-5 DArkle also ran

Sixth race five and one-half furlongsmdash Maskette 101 (Notter) 1 to 4 won Miss Kearney 103 (Shilling) 8 to 1 second Louise Bell 99 (Sweet) 20 to 1 third Time 106 8-5 Sandpiper Helen Harvey George W Lebolt Broadalbin and Bird of Flight also ran lt

eotf l oo

1 2044 1 60

28 lt82t 2 1 1

1 71

3 00 2 SO 2 26 S 00 2 60

1 NHS 2 25 1 OOfiJ 2 00 1 OOSil 4 00 2 em a so 2 ooa a oo 2 nog 4 oo l s n a 2 oo

7ampfe 1 26 1 76reg 2

Kx-dlv idend

Tfce Stawk M a r k e t


1018 a raquomdashTint prteea of stacks were lower tfcea last aWtst for the most prominent wanes but tsetw wet galas among a number of less important stseas Bosieeaa was fa only moderate volume Weattstttoaae Mectrie declined 1 1-4 and Beading sad Amalaatnated Copper largo frct ions Cleveshyland C C aad 81 Uml ndvaaeed 1

WeesmdashTha bullestaad shifted to sew qoarters is-rinding the high-priced dlvidradpaving rail mad read sleek Absorption of the United Stat Steel stock continued on a large seale the pretemd bullsticking i n 8-4 A few of the prommest trading stacks rtiil lagged notably Amalgamated Copper idvaatea of a pslst were numerous s active

2 p atmdashKaesnt for the mntlnwd demand for the OsfteA States St pel stock which advanced the esmSMS to 46 1 2 and the preferred to 111 1-2

tSftie was little Interest to the afternoon market t h undertone wraquo strong Union facie rising to 188 12 aad several othltr active stock also selling Mfset than m the morning

8 raquo asmdashI1 market closed irregular after s rgt actlon

T t M M o w e r M a r k e t

5oonmdash kfanejr o call easy t 1 per cent Prime ntercantlle i^mr at Vit per cent Exchanges

9ST9fglaquon nalasce |12olraquoii2 8 p bullmdashMoney on cal rgtay highest at 1 1 4 per

eeat lowest at 1 ruling rate 1 last loan 1 rSoalng Wd 1 offered at I Time loan ejotet sad bulltesrt SO dajra at 922 1 4 per cent 80 days at

J per east laquo otostlia s t 3 8-4 set cent PISS Prime mercantile paper at 2 to 4 per cent

Sterile eickasg weak at bullPASS fee detaaas and at 4 U8oaR44810 for laquo0 day bill eomtneccial Sill at 4 4 1-9044 3-4 Rar sUvet at 89 74k M M I -

lollars at 4Ac Oovemment bond steady sad u laquo beams rrn

bull bull i a bull

T I M H e w Twrfc M a r k e t

HlaquoW T p B S keg 4 Receipt 24laquoRS pack-

Turnipa Rutabaga per bbl or bag 75laquo 1 Oil TV white per 1laquogt0 hunches I 001 1 80 Tomatoes Sooth Jersey Acme h o t Werir ia ear Mm Iniach

DRIED FRCIT8mdashQnotattons are Apples evap fancy eases per lb Raspberrmdash evap 1907 per lb

FRIJITSmdashQuotations are Apple Uravensteln per d h bbl Do Nyack Pippin per d iraquo Mgt1 Do Astrachan per d h bbl Do Ducbeas per d b bbl Do flour Bovgh per d h b b l Do Swt-ct KmiKii per d h bbl New apples open heads i v raquo laquo Pears south I Comte per bbl Do Southern Sand per bbl Do southern KotfeT per bW Do flnppa Favorite per bbl Do Rartlctt per basket Do common sorts per basket Do nearby per bbl peaches Md and Del basket Do Jersey per basket Klums Md and Del per carrier Cmnrts lirraquor claquor quart Blackberries up-river per qnart Raspberries red fancy large pint Do Black Cap per pint Huckleberries Del and Md per qt Do Petrn and Jer Mountain per qt Muskmelona N C tandard crate TVgt Jersey per ho laquoM^ Watermelon via rail per ear 100 003200 00

FTJOURmdashRecelpta 25334 packages Sale 1000 packages Quiet and onsett led Quotations are Mlnnesot- patents 6 ItBtaA TO Minnesota bakers 1014 as Winter patents 4 40fg4 76 Winter bulltraebts 4 10laquo4 26 Wlater extras a 40lt83 80 Wtntec tnw grade 8 30(83 60

BTE FleOTJRmdash Market steady Quotation are Fair to good 4 15W4 50 Choice to fancy bull 4 55regraquo 83

WHEATmdashReceipts 122700 bush Sales 6O0O00 bosk An accumulatloh of over-algbt selling order baaed on cool weather In the Northwest added to poor caWes and bear pressure broke whest nearly a cent this morning September at 1023102 8-8 December at l94laquoil04 8-8 May at 108 l-2lt3 108 5-8

RVEmdash Market dull No 2 western f o b New York nomishy

nal 84 CORNmdashNo receipts Option market was without

transact ton BEEFmdashMarket quiet Quotation raquore

1raquolrv ^ I 7MM7 SO Mess 14 501816 50 k-acket ift JMHraquoH w bull PORKmdashMarket tcdy Quotation are Mesa - 17 25copy17 75 ratnlly lx taiulH Mraquo Short elear 1 7 604318 60

IARDmdashMarket firm -Western 8 7 Slaquo|8 85

SCOAR-Braquow and refined qnlet Quotations are Fair reflninc 3-70 Centrifugal 88 test 4 70 Molasses sugar 8 40 tW laquo Cnwbetl | w powdered i GrslaquonWraquoted bull raquo laquo - - bull S SO

COFFKB-Markct quiet Quotation laquore No 7 Bio JH Mo 4 Ssstos bull 84

TATXOW-Market qnlet Quotatlona art d r y bull 8 7 1 S

Country raquo 8S88e HATmdashMarket 8 m Qwotatteos sre

Shipping 2J 2J5 Good to ebolc so envu

LEADmdashMarket Arm at 4BOtf4S8 HIDESmdash Market Arm Quotations rraquo

Central America 90 Bogota bull bull 8degTS

STBAW-Marfcet steady at 8B4BT8e WOOIltmdashMarket steady

Damestte fleece bull bull bull bull bull bull 89 494 HOPSmdashMarket qui

Stste eesamea to cholea 1807 Oobdquo 1904) bull bull bull laquo bull bull bull bull bull Paclac coast 1907 Dax 19S8 raquobullraquoraquobulllaquo

A b o u t 800 F e e t Over P r e c i p i c e l a i o a T r e e mdash T o p o f Mach ine S a v e d I t s O c -cupantmdash(TiaurTri ir S o m e w h a t H a r t

New York Aug 4mdashUnited States Disshytrict Attorney Baker of Washington who successfully prosecuted the governshyment land frauds in the Northwest his bride of two months and several friends who were accompanying them on their honeymoon had a miraculous escape from death to-day

While the automobile In which they were traveling was running down a sharp hill on Walnut Mountain near Liberty the machine got out of control and plunged over a precipice nearly 300

bullfeet high The machine a big covered car turned three complete comersaults and lodged in the boughs of a three thirty feet below the brink of the precipice

There It hung suspended top downshyward with the frightened occupants held prisoners in the inclosed top of the mashychine All were badly bruised and frightened but none was seriously inshyjured with the exception of the chaufshyfeur His skull was fractured one of his ears was torn off and he sustained other injuries He was taken to a hospital In Liberty for treatment

T e n u i s

Newport R I Aug 4mdashThe final match in the womens handicap doubles at the Newport Casino was won yestershyday by the Masses Nora and Thereso Iselln from Miss M Inches of Boston and Miss Caroline Orosvenor after three hard-fought sets The winning pair owed 15 while the losers received 15 The final set was carried into extra garner before the Misses Iselin could win In this set Miss Nora Iselin did some sharp work at the net

E n t r i e s F o r T o - m o r r o w

F i r s t r a c e s e l l ing t h r e e - y e a r - o l d s a n d u p w a r d s e v e n f u r l o n g s mdash J u b i l e e J u g shyg i n s 102 T h e S q u i r e 101 B i s k r a 101 B a s t o n 118 S u g a r P i n e 110 A s t e r DOr 113 M o n a c l e 106 J a c o b i t e 120 K e n n y e t t o 113 W o o d c r a f t 98

S e c o n d r a c e S a r a t o g a S t e e p l e c h a s e h a n d i c a p f o u r - y e a r - o l d s a n d u p w a r d a b o u t t w o m i l e s mdash J i m m y L a n e 152 St N i c k 134 B a y o n e t 154 B a t 132

T h i r d r a c e S p i n a w a y S t a k e s o f $10000 t w o - y e a r - o l d f i l l ies f ive a n d a h a l f fur -longs -^-Conste l la t ion 112 W a l l f l o w e r 112 L a d y H u b b a r d 112 M i s s K e a r n e y 112 M a s k e t t e 112 W e d d i n g B e l l s 112 T h e P i p p i n 112

F o u r t h R a c e H a n d i c a p Al l A g e s s e l l shying O n e M i l e mdash G r e e n o 109 D a r k l e 100 G e o r g e G H a l l 109 O r p h a n B o y 113 C a m p a i g n e r 90

F i f t h r a c e K e n t u c k y S e l l i n g S t a k e s for f i l l i es f ive a n d o n e - h a l f f u r l o n g s mdash A l b a n i 99 S u m m e r N i g h t 105 H e l e n H a v e y 109 Merry Gi f t 103 C h a p e r o n 99 P l u m e 17 F a i r M e s s e n g e r 98 L a T o s c a I I I 105 C o u r t L a d y 102 Cheek 103

S i x t h r a c e s e l l ing t h r e e - y e a r - o l d s a n d w a r d w h o h a v a n o t w o n a t t h e m e e t i n g o n e m i l e mdash P u r s l a n e 105 T h o m a s Ca l shyh o u n 90 C o m p l e t e 90 G o l c o n d a 92 C o l w h i t e 100 Obert 98 G e o r g e G H a l l 102 O r p h a n L a d 105 B o n n i e B a r d 105 H o l d f a s t 105 K e n t u c k y B e a u 108 Sir T o d d i n g t o n 100 G l a u c u s 95 E a r l s c o u r t 95 S u g a r P i n e 102


State and Third Sts E W Edwards amp Son Troy

m l a s t y e a r $1000 d e l i n q u e n t t a x $200 Income t a x $110 mdash b a n k t a x $500 tu i t i on $300 a c a d e m i c fund $500 S u shyp e r i n t e n d e n t s s a l a r y f r o m s t a t e f u n d $X00 p u b l i c m o n e y f rom s t a t e f u n d $3175 t o t a l $6 585 b a l a n c e to b e r a i s e d by t a x a t i o n $22000 laquo


J e n l o u MSBs A c t

Winston Salem N C Aug 4mdashAs sha stepped out of church Sunday prayer-book in hand Miss Mary Ball a young woman of Wilkes County was shot through the heart by D F Thorpe a young business man Thorpe had been attentive to Miss Ball but hla attentions were not well received Sunday he sent her word that he would kill her unless she married him at once-

4 499



fUtp wild laquot

bull laMsaM i

ts trst t 8ast HSU

Thw U v a raquolaquobull M a r k e t s


BEBVES-rtecelpt 988 No trading feeling a s ehanred Dressed beef slow at 8 12laquollc

CALfKaVS^eeiPls 984 reeling steady all sold Teal at SOOSTlaquoV0ft- calls at 4 50 city dressed veals at 8 1-94J12 l-2e country dressed at Ttrll

BltBRP AND IAMB9mdashBeeerpla 6485 steady lraquo8a slew and nnchanged 3 0 laquo 9 4 T 8 lamb at 8KNK740

noOS~9gteraquolpU 341 No stlea Feeling weak


CATTUtmdashReceipts i so head glow and steady prime steers at SOSMSW

vRAlA~Becelpts toS aead at 60net750

BOGSmdashReceipts 240laquo head Smw tt Slaquolnr Heavy and mixed at 7IBST72S Torker laquof e7w 718 pMS at 4sOlaquoS28 rongui at 67W raquogt dairies at 8804E7ltI8

f f f l f AND LAM8)mdash Receipt 8SO bead Aet iv kkeetf steady Insane 38c hlaker tkaabs at 6orraquoj


laquo CATTUE--sWesls4s 1998 Steady ts lOe lower

glow and 60c tower

the guest of Mrs Angus Gillespie of Terrace Place

mdashMrs A F Demers and daughters of Terrace Place have returned from a soshyjourn at Chestertown

mdashThe Misses Martha and Elizabeth Rogers of Bank Street are spending two weeks at Asbury Park

mdashMiss Bertha yan Dercook of Pawling Avenue Is spending the month at Rensselaer Cottage Asbury Park

mdashMrs Harriet Bowen and daughter Miss Clara Bowen of Pine Woods Aveshynue are sojourning at Lake Placid

mdashMrs H Glass and son will return to New York this evening after visiting Mr and Mrs J H Ellis of Pawling Avenue

mdashMr and Mrs Herbert Wilcox and family accompanied by Mrs Wilcoxs mother have gone to Lake Bomosaen tt here they have a cottage

mdashMiss Alice Vsnderpool of Pawling Avenue and Mkts Jessie Simmons of Park View Court have goneAo Lake Ta-conlc In the Grafton Mountains

mdashMrs D R MrGonlgal of Pine Woods Avenue has returned from a visit of ^ t ^ ^ l f e $ g r amp L J i P l i bullbullgt PlffraquoIP Donald McGonlgal and Mlsr Psutme Me-Gonlgal art home from a two weeks so-Joorn at Dauby Vt

I m p o r t a n t S t r i k e Order

Winnipeg Man Aug 4mdashOrders were issued at noon to-day by the executive committee of the Canadian Pacific Shopshymens Union calling a strike of the shop mechanics over the entire system to-morshyrow The order will be obeyed by 8000 men

mdash i i

HOME MATTERS aaiasaskassasa

S The annual meeting of School District mdashMrs F Mclver of Quebec Canada Is- 10 will be held to-nigM at 730 oclock in

B o a r d o f E d u c a t i o n A d o p t s B u d g e t mdash T o mdash H o l d A n n u a l Meeting o f S c h o o l D i s shy

t r i c t 18

W a t e r S u p e r i n t e n d e n t S m i t h repor ted y e s t e r d a y t h a t the w a t e r i n t h e v i l l a g e r e s e r v o i r h a d fa l l en e i g h t f e e t a n d n ine i n c h e s b e l o w t h e t o p o f t h e s p i l l w a y and w a s s t i l l f a l l i n g a t t h e r a t e o f t w o i n c h e s p e r d a y

S u p e r i n t e n d e n t o f S c h o o l s B l a k e m a n i s e n g a g e d In d r i l l i n g t h e f o l l o w i n g H i g h S c h o o l s t u d e n t s f o r t h e ora tor i ca l c o n t e s t s a t t h e S a r a t o g a C o u n t y F a i r a t Ba l i s ton S p a on E d u c a t i o n a l D a y Class A mdash J a m e s N o o n a n G e o r g e B m m o t t and A r t h d r D o w n i n g C l a s s B mdash M i s s T e r e s a Minus M i s s Mildred Cary a n d Miss Corshyn e l i a C a s s i d y C l a s s D mdash M i s s F l o r e n c e W i l s o n

D i s t r i c t Lodge 34 B o i l e r m a k e r s and Helpshyers of the Boston and Maine R a i l w a y sys shyt e m he ld a nion meetings S u n d a y at Vernon G r o v e Vis i tors w e r e present from Bos ton E a s t Dteraquofield and Springfield A c l a m b a k e w a s prepured and a m u s e m e n t s had A feature of t h e day w a s the hitting of a Merry Widow fly by foreman Mc-Crory and fielded by bot lermaker B a o k s

Miss E l i sabeth A H a i g h t left last night for a t w o weeks v is i t w i t h Miss Bess ie Mauiinus in Lanfltngburgh

Miss He len Hrrrmll of Troy is the guost of Mrs Charles E Murphy

Mrs J a m e s Slavin and niece Miss Ruth V a n F lee t are s t a n d i n g a week with relashyt ives a t Elncra

Mr s n d Mrs Mat thew Leesor of Schenecshytady w h o have been the g u e s t s of Mr and Mrs Andrew L e n h s r d t returned home y e s t e r d a y

W a l t e r Smith of S c h e n e c t a d y w a s the g u e s t of his parents Mr and Mrs Hugh Smith yes terday

Robert E Webster will lead the prayer m e e t i n g to-movrow night a t the Presbyte shyrian Church

E x a m i n e r Borlght of the Bos ton and Maine Railroad Is conduct ing the color-sense and hearing t e s t in a specia l car a t the Union r-tatlon bulllaquo bull

Mrs D E L a D o w Is a g u e s t at Eas t Gal w a y

Archi tec t Jared S l a D o w left yesterday on a b u e l r e s s trip t o U t l e a

Mrs Jared 8 L a D o w son Jared and daughter Miss Irene l a D o w are spendshying the week at Round Lake


A s s e m b l y Hall to n o m i n a t e three Trustees In p l a c e of D A L o c k w o o d N W Kelso and T J F ln lgen The annua l election of T r u s t e e s wi l l lake p lace to -morrow frorp 12 to 4 p m in the H i g h Schoo l building

T r u s t e e s - flrrtln

T h e Board of E d u c a t i o n l a s t n ight rsraquo ce ived these sugges t ions from Principal George R Thompson for the Improvement of e x i s t i n g condit ions E n l a r g e m e n t o t laboratory l ighting a s s e m b l y hal l and High School rooms g y m n a s i u m equipment a th shyletic supplies pictures for school room wal l s and printing hand books The matshyter w a s turned over to Superintendent B l a k e m a n for further Information The Clerk reported the gift of twenty- f lve copies of T h e Southern M s g a s t n e from Mrs D F Bohtecou The CI rk reported that the T r e a s u r e r had r e c e i v e d f r o m t h e S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t $5407 for t h e s c h o o l l ibrary fund T h e board r e l e a s e d M i s s A n n a M Sha rood I n s t r u c t o r In t h e c o m m e r c i a l d e p a r t m e n t from t h e p r o v i s i o n a l c o n shyt r a c t s i g n e d for t h e e n s u i n g s c h o o l y e a r a s s h o h a s s e c u r e d a m o r e l u c r a t i v e

oa l t lnn a t B r o c k t o n M a s s T h e f o l l o w -b u d g e t w a s a d o p t e d T e a c h e r s

pe I s


COSSAYUNAmdashMrs El i sabeth M c D o n a l d of Boston Mass and Mrs Sarah Cameron of Centre F a l l s were yesterday g u e s t s of Mr and Mrs E d w a r d BainmdashJohn A l e x a n shyder of North A d a m s Mass i s s p e n d i n g a two weeks v a c a t i o n wi th his mother Mrs Mary Alexander mdashFred D e w e y of Middle Fal l s is v i s i t ing his parents Mr and Mrs James D e w e y

SARATOGA S P R I N G S mdash A n organisa t ion of a branch of the Personal Liberty League w a s effected last evening In Conshyvention Hal l More than 300 S a r a t o g i a n s were present a m o n g them several of the leading bus ines s men Racetrack m e n and in fact any w h o were not c l t l sens of Saratoga Springs w e r e kept out of the meeting The gather ing w a s in c h a r g e of Frank W Thory S t a t s Secretary of the Personal Liberty League A commit tee wan appointed to n o m i n a t e officers

V A L L E Y F A L L S mdash H e n r y U B a k e r w a s S u n d a y t a k e n t o t h e S a m a r i t a n H o s p i t a l in T r o y for b lood p o i s o n i n g mdash T h e f u n e r a l of J o h n K e n y o n w h o w a s f a t a l l y In jured S a t u r d a y in a r u n a w a y acc ident w a s he ld t h i s a f t e r n o o n a n d w a s p r i v a t e mdash T h e s t r a w m a r k e t o p e n e d at $19 p e r t o n T h e crop w i l l b e a b o u t the a v e r a g e y i e l d mdash J o h n R i f e n b u r g h h a s p u r c h a s e d t w o s t e a m t h r e s h e r s from t h e C e n t r a l B r i d g e f a c t o r y mdash M i s s L e o n e I^ape w i l l s p e n d a f e w d a y s In S y r a c u s e mdash M r s C J L a p e of T r o y Is v i s i t i n g Mrs N e l l i e Lape mdashProf F J B o h l m a n n a n d f a m i l y of S p r i n g V a l l e y are t h e g u e s t s of J o h n P r a t t a n d f a m i l y

G L E N S F A L L S mdash T H Maloy formerly undertaker wi th The F a u s t - F l e m i n g Comshypany h a s l eased t h e building a t 144 May Street a t present occupied by E n s i g n amp Mason furni ture dealers The new store will be opened September 15mdashPresident L F Loree of the D e l a w a r e and H u d s o n w a s In town yes terday a s the guest of George Tait and C H Feddrick Jr Pres ident and Secretary respect ve ly c l the Commerc ia l Associat ionmdashThe new steamer Mohican yes terday resumed trips on Lake George after being out of commiss ion for a week owing to troubles to Jhe boilersmdashThe folshylowing jury w a s drawn j e s t e r d a y in the City Court to try the case of Edward La-Roche a c c u s e d of assau l t ing Mrs A n n a Wescot t Florence Healey C H Carson C A H o v e y jr Danie l Crcsby Kosecrans Fhllo T B Qutnlan E H Gates Gorge

JGoodson Fred Maloy J a m e s C Br l sbm Horton Gage W T AchenbachmdashTha case of Wil l iam Woodard charged with abducshytion which w a s to h a v e ueen tried yes terday before JuBtice Breen w a s adjourned until to-morrowmdashThree little fresn air gir ls Camilla Thompson Florence Hunter and Elsie Wrase all of N e w York are (spending two w e e k s In Glens Fa l l s mdashthe funeral ot John J Burt w a s held this afternoon Mr Burt died Sunday

G R A N V I L L E mdash M r and Mrs Arthur T h o m a s joined the Methodist Church Sunshyday by letter Mr T h o m a s from the Conshygregat ional Church and Mrs Thoman from the Methodis t Church a t JohnstownmdashMrs M L Wel ler spent Sunday at McArthur Lodge at Lake St CatnermmdashMis J S Potter of Brooklyn has joined her d a u g h shyt e r at the h o m e of Mr and Mrs J vV PottermdashThe marr aga is announced oi Rodman Richardson a rising young l a w shyyer and Miss Jenn ie Roberts daug-ter of Mr and Mrs T h o m a s R Roberts of Soutn pnul tney Mr and Mrs Richardson are spending their honeymoon at the R i c h a i d -son brothers c o t t a g e Wyldwood a t Lake St Catherine The groom has been a s u m shymer visitor a t the lake several years mdashThe annual school meet ing In District No 7 will be held this e v e n i n g In the High School Bui ld ingmdashGranvi l l e lx)dge F and A M went to Wel l s Sunday afternoon to a t tend the funeral of Charles W Burton a m e m shyber of the lodgjs The funeral w a s one of the largest evejr held In t h s t v ic inity Pas t Master W h j u r o f the Granville lodge conshyducted therburla l service The deceased who had been travel ing sa lesman tor Fraquots-patrick A Draper of Troy for ttlrty y e a r s w s s widely knownmdashMr and Mrs M J Blakely are enterta in ing Mrs G W Blanchard of N e w Yotk and Mr and Mrs H N W i l l i a m s of Bennington Vt

Ilf O T H E R S T A T E S P O W N A L V T - M r s Batche lor and

daughter of Troy are the g u f s t s of Mrs D G ThomasmdashMrs A u g u s t u s H a l e y of Glens Fafis N Y Is the gues t of her s i s shyter Mrs J a m e s MorganmdashThe Methodis t Sunday School wll hold a picnic t ermor-



Deposits and Surplus July 11908 - $3498215407 tnteraat paid to depositors 1st January and 1st July Interest is allowed from tha arat oc

every month on all accounts not exceeding 93000 OFFICERS

Wm Bayard Van Benelar Pret Marcn T Ran 1st Vlce-Preat Henry D Roger A u t Trass James D Waasen 2d Vke-Prest Ledyard Cornwal l scy Benjamin w Johnson Trass John T B e r r y Aut Ssei

TRUSTEES William Kldd Marcn T Hnn James D Wamon George Sard W B Tan Benasslaer

tedyard Cogswell Clarence Rathbone Edward Bowdltcti Edward N McKlnney B W Amnio Frederick Townaend Freds TPMnehlaquot OerrlH T Lanalng Oacar L Haacy Wis V B Frvres The I Van Antwerp Henry M bullraquoraquo Anther H Tnrker Robert C Prays

DEPOSITORS SECURITY I s addition ts Its ordinary available asse ts this Company Is still t

f u r t h e r f o r t i f i e d a n d SS f o l l o w s raquo

Paid in Capital - -Surplus attd Undivided Profits Additional Liability of Stockholders Secnrll

S20000000 20368301 a 0000000

over and above all other assets $ 6 0 2 6 6 3 0 1 SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT


bull --a

The Security Trust Company of Troy Fourth and Grand Streets 3

Special Deposits made on or before August 5th ^ will draw interest from August 1st at the rate of 3 ^ ^ per cent per annum if left until January 1st next


Are Tour Surplus Funds at Work mdash bull - bull bull M i n i ii- i i a bullbull mdash bull bull i -

Xt not do nnt let tliem remain hte anshyother day Intlnsitrj and atvlng are uru to brina Iliclr reward aurt regular da-

noaita In the inloii National Mink of Troy a llbernl return In iuierest INTtORtfiST P A I D ON S P E C I A L D B P O S I T S

Depoitt mnde on or before the 5th of the month tlrtw Interest frmrr-thc lxt of the month UNION NATIONAL B A N K O F TROY

fin 3 9 F o u r t h S t r e e t ( N e x t N o r t h o f PontttfRre) I -npllnl SnyOOOOOO _ _ _ irraquol raquo SISOOOQOI

K salaries 17359 Superintendents s a l a r y $lrgt0laquo Janitors s a l a r i e s $1300 t r u a n t officer $ l t B T r e a s u r e r fS c a r e o f c l o c k t i 9 c e n s u s $25 w a t e r rent $S0 b o o k s s n d a p p a r a t u s $2rn pr int fns $60 repairs $649 s u p p l i e s $400 I n s u r a n c e $400 fue l $1laquo00 bond Nf 39 $50 a n d bond No 49 $590 l a s t t w o of t h e first ser ie and b o n d No 8 Of t h e fifth s e r i e s $1laquolaquo9 i n t e r e s t on b o n d s nf t h e first s er i e s $109 s o c o n d s e r i e s 1220 t h i r d s s r t s s $130 fmrrtk sStTW fifth s e r i e s $299 s i x t h s o r i e s | 4 o f u r n i t u r e $400 c o n t l n c s n t fund | $ $ t t o t a l J M S f t l e s s b a l a n c e e n hand from

Brokers J L GRAHAM amp GO New York M E M B E R S OP N E W Y O R K STOCK E X C H A N G E

S e c o r l t l e a l ional i t and s o l d e i t h e r for I n v e s t m e n t o r o n marsj la WT-SOd CANNON P L A C E M O N U M E N T M i r t i i K T R O Y N Y

WALTER K BUSH Manager R o s a s 9 9 0 Office Moth P h o n e R o o m -JOtl u u u t a f l o n a

f o w a t Hoos lck Val l ey ParkmdashRev 3 C Mitchell recelvlaquod a fsfl Saturday In alllaquoht log from an e lectr ic ear

F A I R H A V E N V T - M l s s Mas N o r t h r u p has returned to Schuylervi l le mdashD J D u -rlck la in N e w YorkmdashWillis O r m s s and Miss A l m a O r m e s h a v e returned from Ohio mdashThe annual picnic of the Methodist Sunshyday School wil l be held August 1$ a t L a k ) BomoseenmdashSolon Maynarn l rank Ltt le Edward Al len and T h o m a s H a y e s left toshyday for Detroit Mich to i n s t a l l a m a r b b altar for The American Marble Company

M A N C H E S T E R V T - T h e Manches ter Union Band excurs ion over the R u t and Railroad to b a k e George Sunday w a g en-Joytd by a targe number of persons be tween B e n n i n g t o n and Rutland T h e s teamer Horlcon took thcopy excurs ion i s t s far a three hours trip up the lake from Baid win to l^ake George mdashM as Al ce Kel l ey ot Dorset w h o h a s been aasstlna Miss AtSci K Bennet t In the Probate Uraquoic t haa fln-

bull tshed her work and te turntd homemdashYhe Mlsaes H o y t wrll s l v e a vaudevi l l e entershyta inment B a t u r d s y ^vcnng at Music Hail mdashThe Efiulmix basebs l l testm Will p lay nine from C o o p e r s MII In Bennington toshymorrow af ternoonmdashMrs C A Batch-liilt-r and Mlrraquo Lou raquoc Bftt-heldtr of P l t h b u g Mass are vis i t ing Mrs J N H a r d mdash

ird of Rutland It v i s i u a g a t vjn-Ml Nar-msts trusrtett laquoTtiraquo

Hampton Inst tute of V i g i n l a i s n d t e d plantat ion s o n g s last night at t h s C o n g i e -gat ional Church Addresses dt-scriptve of

the school and Its workings and resul t s w e r e given by Rev Edward 1 Chicheste- and Capt Allen Wash ington The latter is i a colored graduata of the s c h o o l mdash R i c h a r d W Sherman son of J a m e s 8 S h e r m a n He- | publican Vice Presidential candidate w a s a m o n g the automob l i s t s r e g l s t e n d a t the Equinox H o u s e Saturday night In c o m - pany with a party in two cars he left Sun- day morning for the W h U MountainsmdashIra B Safford of E a s t Arl ington w h o w a s graduated from the Unlvers ty of V e r m o n t I bulln June h a s been engaged to teach p h y s i c s and chemistry the ensuing year in the Burshylington High School Mr Saffoid w h o Is now employed at the E k w a n o k Country Club received his preparatory educat ion a t the North Bennington H l g a School

B E N N I N G T O N V T - T h e choir of the Methodist Church will g ve a concer t of patriotic s o n g s this evening a t the church - T h e Bennington Band and the V e r m o n t Club will have a trolley rde Fr iday evenshying to North Auams Mass A d a n c s will be held s t North AdamsmdashThe check 1 s t for the September election h a s rxen filed and contains $088 n a n u s though It Is prob-sb ie m a t the Boara of Civil Author l y w i h s d d $Wgt m o t e n a m e s at a meet ing t gt ue b e d soon A special pulling p a c will b j opened n N o r t h Bennngton for the a c shycommodat ion ot the v o U r s In tnat vi l lage The check list for N o r m Benn^tglon conshytains 2raquo1 r ames -More than 3WJ0 -arangern have visited the Bennington bat t le m o n u shyment thus far this season but It is not t x -perttd that the totai n u m o e r ot v s tors m i s year will be a s large as that o ias i year Tne m o n u m e n t regstgtr s h o w s t gta the greatest number of v i s l t o i s wre Irom Massachuset t s and N e w York though a ttoscn other s t a t e s are r e p r e s e n t ^ mdash M u c t interest c eh tr t s in the g a m e of baa ban t i be ulayed haturday a f t en o m at Morgat Park between the Bennngton and Hooack Kalis nines The return g a m wU raquo bull p l a y i d Sunday at ternoon in Hoos rk Kails - A t the Old Home Week service Sunday morninK in the Old First c h u r c h i B e n n i n g t m Centre Rev Dr Isaac Jenn ings wil l ieafl a paper on the history of the eaotr and music of the church snce it o r g a n s s t l o n In 1T82 Dr Jennings has spent much t m and research In preparing tne a t t i c l e mdash Kltv A J Barron Is entertaining his n ec Mis i i n u t t Bessie Kit igernld of T r o y mdash M r s M s r l lu tch lns Wilcox will l eave In a few d a y s tor New York to begin r e h e a i s a i s for m e Iheatrcal season Mrs WUCOM will appear during the coming season tn the d r a m s The M o o n s h l n e r s - t h a r l e s W T h o m p s o n h a s bought the drug bus iness Of E B Hyde - T h e funeral of John H B a h a n w h o died Sunday night

f t s m t M _ made In the cemetery in that v i l lage T h e deceased w a s w i l l known t Benninatfm Centre A son R t c h a laquo | S B s b s n s t w v r e i





W H Lraquoolaquoihtr Walter I Warren Etiwaro C In-

aged s ixty- f ive years I (irferaquo A Sraquoone ni j rrrBlt-tlaquo N Mmraquo Jpbdquo

J raquolaquoraquo ft V tHe

Is Where You Din


Worry National Bampnk

Cohoes It located there M i Hi ttrong vaults will safeguarlt your money and other valua blot



Open dally iStimlay anraquoI boldays bullicaptedl fi 10 oclock a at to a oclock p at sad e s Sal nay evening ttuf eacsivlng aepoaita only) Roa te S netnei

Interest ll he computed on th third dy anrll sid Oetoher snd will he caicntated front th ird d a y fraquof e a c h m n a t h (Inatead Of t the niiartrr lttv a heectncarei at PTII-B rates bullIt-ill llaquo- swneaeel hr the hnirrt of Tmatees

Assets Oftr - - $120000 OtrFrCrUM

S K ilAHAMAN rasl I CriAlttKn W TIMINuHAST first Vlea Free

WM IIOWARP IKH (JIITY Bernod Vies fresh J KRWIN AXTllfi laquoYSecretlaquorraquo aad Trass WM M rnnsivii Clurles W Tillingbaat Ueorga a BobU

Charlea R BinanMft Geraquorlaquo T Ijine

Pan rgtn laquo Mayer of v raquo Cit]( ef

saafora Thouia Vail James H CaidweU Rnhert rinett bull irge S Th lanaas raquo bull bull r q y g V j vim H vanajenoaassl ngteeey S MeLsSeV

ex edktfa Untitled Document

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