Making adjustments after feedback

Making adjustments after feedback

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Making adjustments after feedback

Page 2: Making adjustments after feedback

When I got my feedback my teacher noticed that the sound when it changes to the second shot goes quietinstantly so its something I will change, I decided to get the sound from the dialogue when the girl is shoutingfor the dog and calling her name and put it in that scene as well and also the sound track (non-diegetic sound)and made it slower so that one of the beats is in the shot also.

Page 3: Making adjustments after feedback

The feedback also told me that the blackouts where too long so in some of them I decided to add in the name of actress/actors to feel the space because in the Women in Black trailer Daniel Radcliffe’s name is included nearer to the end of the trailer. So I decided to do this too but at the beginning of the trailer and also used one of the blackouts near the end to put the name of the film ‘Mystery’.

Page 4: Making adjustments after feedback

When I was doing my movie trailer I also forgot to include my production company’s logo so I included this before the text of scene of the people have help make the movie possible.

Page 5: Making adjustments after feedback

The feedback also explained that the eyes were good but maybe the last shot of them when they suddenly come back could be longer so I decided to slow the shot down and its almost like in slow motion now. It also helps to keep the trailer over 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Page 6: Making adjustments after feedback

Because I had made my movie poster before and decided to date it in October 2013 because of Halloween so I changed the date in my movie trailer also from coming soon to October 2013.

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I decided to delete the loud bang because I didn’t like it and it didn’t make sense to me, I replaced it with the heartbeat because even thought my 2nd movie trailer is quite different to my storyboard I still included a lot of non-diegetic heartbeat sounds in it.

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I also went back and made some of the shots darker because I filmed during the day it was too bright for the effect I wanted to give.

Page 9: Making adjustments after feedback

I was about to add in the final shots to improve my film trailer from my feedback and it wasn’t working I don’t understand why it wasn’t because I think I will have to film again for it too work. So this is all I have left to do unless I decided to try out a voice over.

Page 10: Making adjustments after feedback

I was about to add in the final shots to improve my film trailer from my feedback and it wasn’t working I don’t understand why it wasn’t because I think I will have to film again for it too work. So this is all I have left to do unless I decided to try out a voice over.