821st Transportation Battalion 1452nd TC “Rough Riders” 548th TC DET LSV 8 411th TC DET LSV-5 481st TC DET LCU 2018 651st THOD 233D TC 129th TC “SAIL ARMY” JAN The Rolling Review “SAND DEVILS” 824th TC DET LCU 2002

March Review

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Its time for the March madness!!!

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Page 1: March Review

821st Transportation Battalion

1452nd TC

“Rough Riders”

548th TC DET

LSV 8 411th TC DET


481st TC DET

LCU 2018

651st THOD 233D TC 129th TC



The Rolling Review


824th TC DET

LCU 2002

Page 2: March Review

Local Reconnaissance: “Sight Seeing”

From Dubai to Kuwait City, there are various places that have magnificent archi-tecture that catch the eye at first glance. In Du-bai, named after the UAE President Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the tower Burj Khalifa is the biggest attraction, which is said to be the tallest building in the world, and is also featured in the movie “Mission Impossible: 4”.

This amazing 160 floor manmade skyscraper reaches heights of 2,273 feet and has 108 resi-dential floors that sold out in less than 8 hours after its opening. There are also 37 floors of of-fice spaces and business suites. This work of art also has a number of sky lobbies, the world high-est nightclub on the 144


floor, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, a restau-rant “At.moshpere”, an Armani Hotel (yes Armani has a hotel), and the world’s fastest elevators reaching speeds of up to 40 mph. To top off all of this exquisite eye candy, there is a fountain system, The Dubai Fountain, which dances to world music, classi-cal, and contemporary Arabic music shooting water 150 feet into the air and displaying a col-ored array of lights keeping the crowd enter-

tained. A short walk from this tower is the Dubai

Mall with over 440,000 feet of fashion in a short stroll; including an indoor three floor aquarium that tourist can swim in. There is also the Dubai Ice Rink, the Reel Cinemas, and the Sega Re-public, which is like an amusement park inside the Mall. If you walk toward the back of the mall and across the street, you will run into the view-

ers set up where most people come to view the Dubai Foun-tain show.

Story and Photos by SPC Leticia Samuels

Burj Khalifa in Dubai, Photo by SPC Leticia Samuels 821st TCBN, 113th SB, US Army.

The Dubai Restaurants connected to the Dubai Mall that have an outside view of the Dubai Foun-tain. Photo by Spc Leticia Samuels, 821st TCBN, 113th SB, US Army

Photo to the left if acritecture that tourists pass by entering Du-bai. The photo to the right is a night shot of Burj Khalifa. Photo by SPC Leticia Samuels, 821st TCBN, 113th SB, US Army

Page 3: March Review

Local Reconnaissance: “Sight Seeing Continued”

In the opposite direction of Dubai is Ku-wait, where you find various interesting tourist attractions, tourist can request a visit to the Ku-wait National Museum. The museum displays facts about past history covering different eras such as the modern stone age, Al Ubeid Peri-od, The Bronze Age and the Hellenistic Period just to name a few. There is also a display of lost artifacts recovered from various archeolog-ical sites: As-sabiyah area, Burqan Sulaibikhat Hill, and Bheita. Next is the Heritage Museum. Built to represent a small town in an ancient Kuwait, visitors can enact with the museum’s depiction of lifelike figures, home life and stores of the era like a “Souk” which loosely resem-bles a flea market and paints a vision of what it would be like to walk down the road in that era.

After digesting a little history about this culture you get to digest some good stuff. The best part when visiting a different country, the food! Includ-ed in our trip, we

dined at a restau-rant named “The Seven Seas”. This restaurant is built right on the beach line and has an elegant aqua theme to it. There, they serve a menu of all the famous Arabic cuisines

with a splash of Pepsi or 7up. Lastly, we visited the Kuwait

Aquarium that had

numerous marine

tanks that had a

plethora of aquatic

life: stingrays,

clown fish, lion fish,

sharks, and long

fins are very com-

mon in this region

of the world. You

also rest your eyes

on animals that are

found in

this region

as well like

desert lynx,




Foxes, Dia-



and my fa-

vorite Yellow Pythons!

Story and Photos by SPC Leticia Samuels

The “Seven Seas” restaurant on the beach front in Kuwait City. Photo by SPC Leticia Samuels, 821st TCBN, 113th SB, US Army

Another work of arictecture with Arabic design that tour-ists pass by on the way to the downtown area of Kuwait City. Photo by SPC Leticia Samuels, 821st TCBN, 113th SB, US Army

Page 4: March Review

Local Reconnaissance : “Bataan Memorial Death March” Story and Photos by SPC Leticia Samuels

In April 1942 resistance from U.S. Air Force and Filipino Soldiers began to falter to the Japanese Imperial Army, not only due to the three month long Battle of Bataan, but from having to defend themselves from disease and se-vere malnourishment as well. Their defenses, broken by the Japanese Army, led by Lieutenant General Masaharu Hom-ma, forced the order by Major General Edward P. King for the American and Filipino forces to surrender. The Japanese didn’t anticipate the 76,000 disease carrying and malnour-ished Soldiers found after the surrender. Since the Japanese weren’t a vehicular mobile unit, the now captured Prisoners Of War were forced to march to a collection point in Balanga, 25 miles from Bataan, then another 31 miles to the town of San Fernando where they boarded a train that carried them to on to Capas. After disembarking the train the POWs marched yet another 9 miles to the military outpost known as Camp O’ Donnell.

From the beginning of the march all the way to the end Soldier POWs had to endure numerous abuses and mistreatments. Known as the oriental sun treatment, the prisoners were forced to sit hours in the blazing sun. They

were subject to being shot if they drank water without permis-sion or cut the line in order to beat another to water. Often times they were forced to drink water containing maggots and other contami-nates when there were clean water sources

nearby. Soldiers attempting to help their weary or ill com-rades on the “March of Death” ran the risk of being shot or bayoneted by Japanese Soldiers.

In September 1945 LTG Homma was arrested and indicted for war crimes and was charged with 43 different counts of crimes against humanity. As his defense plea, he said that he remained “ignorant and unaware of the increas-ing death toll.” He was later sentenced to death and execut-ed by firing squad on April 3, 1946.

To remember these brave warriors and fallen com-rades there are many events that take place every year to honor their courage, bravery and valor. In various places, including Camp Virginia, Kuwait, athletic events are held that have Soldiers partake in a 13.1 mile or 26.2 mile march with four categories for the 13.1 mile and six categories for the 26.2 mile march. Representing the 821

st Transportation

Corps Battalion was Capt. Jonathan Schneider, 1lt Bradley Taylor, Sgt 1

st Class Carl Ellsworth, Staff Sgt Ian Gray, and

Staff Sgt Brad Coates. They participated in the event, com-peting in the hardest of all ten categories, the 26.2 mile

march carrying a 35 lb Ruck sack. Coming in with a time of six hours and 15 minutes, they placed first in their category for this grueling event. During the competition our team had to endure some mistreatment of their own, having to battle the strong winds that kicked up fine sand all day long, compli-

cating sight and breathing for their team. They also had to deal with the cold weather that kept taunting and slicing through their uniforms all day. From the early morning until after the award ceremony that day, just having to put up with a fraction of the obstacles that these Soldiers had to put up with during World War II, made everyone stop and think about what these guys really had to endure for the price of freedom.

Capt Schneider, Commander of the 821st Battalion

HHD, said “it was a team effort” and “The one thing I love about running is that you set a goal for yourself and then ex-ceed it, shattering all barriers that you put up for yourself; That is a great feeling.” Sgt 1

st Class Ellsworth also com-

mented “We’re glad that we were able to compete, but were even more glad that it’s over” and “Its events like this that are important to

compete in be-cause we are keeping alive the memory of those who en-dured this trag-ic event.”


From left to right : 1Lt Brad Taylor, Capt. Jonathan Schneider, SSG Brad Coates, SFC Carl Ellsworth, and SSG Ian Gray giving a “thumbs up” during the Bataan Run. Photo by SPC Leticia Samuels, 821st TCBN, 113th SB, US Army

From left to right : Capt. Jonathan Schneider, SSG Brad Coates, SFC Carl Ellsworth, and SSG Ian Gray, 1Lt Bradley Taylor hold up their medals after winning first place in the Bataan Run. Photo by SPC Leticia Samuels, 821st TCBN, 113th SB, US Army

Page 5: March Review

Local Reconnaissance: “Soldier of the board” Story and Photos by SPC Leticia Samuels

The Soldier of the Month Board is not only used to

showcase a soldier’s military knowledge but is also used as a stepping stone for promotion. SGT Emmanuel Vasquez, a

sponsor for lower enlisted Soldiers from the 651st Transporta-tion Harbormaster Operations detachment said, “It’s good experience for these guys. Not only can they use this as a confidence builder in the military, but in the civilian world as

well for things like job interviews.” On 14 MAR 12, Soldiers who have about a month to

study using the Army study guide website, compete with each other answering a series of intricate questions. The Soldiers are given guidance by their sponsors, who are normally team

or squad leaders. Sponsors also provide the panel with a brief summary of the Soldiers’ qualities, character and back-ground information. Soldiers appear before a panel that con-

sists of their company First Sergeants and the Command Sergeant Major of the Battalion. They are graded on a num-ber of different categories such as reporting skills, appear-

ance, and oral expression amongst other categories. There were 14 candidates that competed in the board this month and of the 14, two Soldiers from the 129th Trans-

portation Company took the 1st place slots. For the lower en-listed category, SPC Linda Davis won 1st place and for the Non-commissioned Officers, SGT Darmeta Thomas was

crowned. The two winners received a Battalion coin from the Command Sergeant Major and an Army Achievement Medal.

Runners up received a Certificate of Achievement. Congrads to all the Contestants!!

Pvt. 1st Class Travis Reiss,

SPC Brian Jack-son, 651st THOD

SPC Rolando Fos-ter, 651st THOD

SPC Eduardo Lopez, 651st THOD

SPC Great Atandasalau, 651st THOD

SPC Lorenzo Soliz, 651st THOD

SPC Yemisi Aladeselu, 651st THOD

SGT Jason Sherman, 129th TC

1st Place Winners: Runner’s Up:

SPC Linda Davis, 129th TC

SGT Darmeta Thomas, 129th TC

Spc Sean Miller, 651st THOD

SSG Jeffrey Reeves, 129th TC

Page 6: March Review

Local Reconnaissance: “St. Patrick’s day 1/2 Marathon”

Story by Spc Leticia Samuels

Photos by Sgt Natasha Rice

A lot of people think that St. Patrick’s Day is another day to be off from work or an excuse to get pretty toasted but I’m here to say even though those

are awesome reasons to celebrate this holiday, I want to enlighten you about the real significance of this holi-

day. Known also as “Feast Day”, meaning a patron such as St. Patrick was “birthed into heaven” on a specific day (March 17). This is why the Irish cele-

brate this holiday on 17 MAR every year. This green day was originally celebrated as a cultural and reli-

gious holiday that recognized patrons like St. Patrick. This day was also used to recognize the arrival of Christianity in Ireland led by this prestigious saint.

After being captured and put into slavery for 6 years during his youth, St. Patrick escaped returning to Ire-land and became a priest whose sole mission was to

convert the pagan Irish into Christians. One of his methods that worked the best was using the

shamrock as a symbol to explain the “Holy Trinity” to the people. Once this took hold, people began to wear green to signify that they were wearing a

shamrock on their clothing and to proclaim that they had accepted Christianity as their religion.

Service members from the 821st Transporta-

tion Corps Battalion, along with soldiers from the

129th Transportation Company joined the soldiers

and civilians at the Kuwait Navel Base to celebrate

this commemorative holiday with a 13.1 mile half

marathon run (fun huh). Some of the service mem-

bers showed their support by wearing green as the

color of choice. After completion of this awesome

show of sportsmanship soldiers were rewarded with

a green 5 kilometer t-shirt and a grey half marathon

long sleeve t-shirt to say thanks for coming out.

Even though soldiers were glad that the run was

finally over you could feel it in the air that

they were happy to have completed such a

task on a Saturday morning.

SPC Leticia Samuels and SGT Veronica Zaragoza shows smles as they knock down

the first few miles of the run.

Female Soldiers shows her support by sporting the infamous color green

while running.

1LT John Reich holds out his hands in excitement as he runs past the start line.

Left to Right: SGT Veronica Zaragoza, SFC Tammy Miller, SPC Leticia Samuels, SGT Katrina Clark, SPC

Julian Frierson, and 1LT John Reich

Left to Right: SGT Terrance Ardis, SPC Weir, and SGT Emmanuel Vasquez smile with ex-

haustion after the 1/2 marathon

SPC Julian Frierson poses for the camera while running by.

Kuwaiti Naval Base Civilian also shows his ap-preciation for St. Patrick by wearing that awe-

some color!!

Page 7: March Review

PAO Adventures: MLK Day 5 K Run/Walk In Remembrance of Martin Luther King Jr. PAO Adventures: Soldier Spotlight from the 821st HHD

This month Sgt Natasha Rice holds the spotlight of the 821st

Transportation Corps Battalion. Temporarily cross-leveled into the

821st Transportation Battalion to cover the NCOIC position of the S-6 or

communication slot, Sgt Rice has risen to this task with ease, consider-

ing she knew nothing about communication upon arrival. She is from

Seattle, WA and holds an 88M (Vehicle Operator) slot at the 1452nd

Transportation Battalion from NC. As the S-6 NCOIC, her duties in-

volve handling communication related issues from four of the Battal-

ion’s down-trace units and four vessel units. While attending East Car-

olina University she saw an ad in the newspaper about educational

benefits given out by the Army and decided to join. Now five and half

years later Natasha plans to retire from the military. With Kuwait being

her first deployment she said “this a very significant event in her life be-

cause I’ve had the opportunity to fly in a black hawk over Kuwait and go

on a trip with one of the vessel units to Bahrain and Dubai.” On the ci-

vilian side of the house, Natasha has completed her Associate’s degree

in Emergency Medical Science and currently attends Fayetteville Tech-

nical Community College pursing Nursing. She is employed as a para-

medic in Robeson county working along with EMTs throughout the

county to provide basic and emergency care en-route to selected hospi-

tals. She is a single Mom to T’essence Ny’ree McGeachy and lives by

the quote “Never make someone a priority in your life if to them you are

only an option” She also enjoys reading books by her favorite author

Zane, clubbing, going to the park with her daughter and traveling in her

spare time. She says that best things that has happened in her life is

the “birth of her mini me” and graduating with an associate’s degree but

is making moves to advance her career up the ladder of medicine.

821st Soldier Spotlight

SGT Natasha Rice Story By SPC Leticia Samuels

Page 8: March Review

PAO Adventures: MLK Day 5 K Run/Walk In Remembrance of Martin Luther King Jr. PAO Adventures: Soldier Spotlight from the 821st HHD

Also taking the stage for 821

st Transpor-

tation Battalion this month is SPC Bradley Rice. His home town is Wanego Kansas. His Military Occupational Specialty is a 92Y (Supply Ser-geant). His duties entail keeping track of the unit property and try to supply the unit with the tools they need to complete there mission. Now at 8 years in service Brad’s motiva-tion to join the army was his father being a 1


sergeant along with a few others in his family, but isn’t sure what his plans for the military hold for him. In his Civilian life, Brad is a warehouse worker for Target Distribution Center. He loads merchandise into trailers to be shipped to other locations. Brad is also a expecting father to “Brooklyn” who is due in April. (Congradulations!!!!) In the spare time he will have left before his new bundle of joy gets here, Brad likes to play sports and video games and keeps the quote “Forgive your enemies but nev-er forget their names” in the front of his head at all times..

821st Soldier Spotlight

SPC Bradley Rice Story By SPC Leticia Samuels

Page 9: March Review

129th Transportation Company

129th TC Departs Story by Sgt Luther Hall

The journey for the 129th Transportation Company began back in February of 2011 in New

Century, Kansas and is wrapping up here shortly in 2012. The Soldiers of the 129th have come a

long way and have sacrificed so much to be a part of something bigger than themselves. Operation New Dawn brought many challenges to the 129

th but with strong leadership and willing Soldiers, all

missions was completed. A lot of different parts helped make up the 129

th TC. The unit had soldiers from Louisiana,

Minnesota, Nebraska as well as Kansas. One of the bigger challenges for the company was having to come together in a short amount of time to form a tight nit unit that can carry out its military duties. The 129

th was primarily stationed on Camp Arifjan, Kuwait while running missions all through Iraq

and helping with the draw down from Iraq. The Soldiers of the 129th have a lot to be proud of and will

be going home with their heads held high for a job well done. With majority of the mission over, the 129

th quickly turned to self improvement for its Soldiers.

129th helped Soldiers with getting into school, taking classes at the Arcent University, online classes/

trainings, financial classes and countless other opportunities to help Soldiers prepare for home. The unit is also proud of the Soldiers who took the time to re-enlist and continue their military career. Going home brings a great sense of excitement amongst the Soldiers that really can’t be de-scribed. The countless smiles, calls home, vacation planning and down time spending makes it all worthwhile for the 129

th Transportation Company. So as the 129

th prepares to return home a part of

history for the United States and it’s Draw Down from Iraq, the Soldiers say “Thank You” to all that sent care packages, cards, snacks, pictures and anything that gave us a sense of home. See you soon.

Major Dwight Dickerson and 1SG Michael Brown receive a Bronze Star Med-al and are congratulated by LTC Sell and CSM Ocasio. Photo by SPC Leticia

Samuels, 821st TCBN, 113th SB, US Army

Soldiers from the 129th TC recite the re-enlistment oath with LTC Rodney Sell in front of their Aloc. Photo by SPC Leticia

Samuels, 821st TCBN, 113th SB, US Army


Page 10: March Review

SSG Anthony Rogers

Staff Sergeant Anthony Rogers was born in Tallulah, Louisiana. SSG Rogers serves as

the NCOIC for the 129th TC S-3 training section during this current deployment. SSG Rogers

along with his soldiers has worked diligently is keeping up with all the training and soldier

qualifications needed during Operation New Dawn. SSG Rogers has been and is a key part in

everyday functions of the 129th TC. SSG Rogers is in charge of physical fitness test, online

trainings, combative training, CLS (Combat Life Saver) recertification and countless other re-

quired training.

SSG Rogers has been a proud member of the United States Army for a little over 8

years. SSG Rogers is currently on his second tour. SSG Rogers takes tremendous pride in his

job and professionalism while striving to maintain the Army standard. SSG Rogers was also

the NCOIC of the 129th TC remedial physical training program and has helped many soldiers

pass the Army Physical Fitness Test.

When not fulfilling his military duties SSG Rogers spends his time being with his fami-

ly in Kansas City, Missouri. SSG Rogers enjoys running and working out to stay fit and men-

tally refreshed. In his civilian word SSG Rogers works as a maintenance technician for a com-

mercial real estate company.

Overall the men and women of the 129th TC can contribute a ton of its success to SSG

Rogers and his fellow NCO’s of S-3 section. Soldiers have a great deal of gratitude for the tire-

less work they performed in keeping this operation moving. For his efforts and professionalism

the 129th shines the spotlight on SSG Anthony Rogers.

129th Soldier Spotlight

Story By SGT Luther Hall

Page 11: March Review

233D Transportation Company


Capt. Robin Wharton The 233d Transportation Company has experienced an inter-esting couple of months. From mission transition to troop move-ments, there have definitely been no “slow” days for the Soldiers. Fortunately, the 233d is a group of hardworking individuals, ready to put forth their best efforts to accomplish all the missions they are given. I would like to recognize all of the Soldiers who have been sent home early; their hard work and dedication have become a standard within the Unit. Without them we would not have been able to accomplish the great feats over the last few months. Your return home is well deserved. Again, thank you for your dedicated and unrelenting service.

Capt. Robin Wharton shakes the hand of her Soldier and offers words of encouragement after pinning on his Ar-

my Achievement medal


Page 12: March Review

Camp Arifjan, Kuwait – The Soldiers of the 233rd Transportation Company Camp Arifjan Detachment, 821st Transportation Battalion, have had an immensely busy month. With a majority of the unit forward deployed to Afghanistan, those remaining here have picked up the slack and ran with it. With the Responsible Drawdown of Iraq closed and the push to reduce troop presence within South-west Asia, the 233rd’s new mission for Operation New Dawn is to prepare Camp Arifjan for the eventual tran-sition into Kuwaiti hands. Typically units transitioning out of theater have a follow on unit to take over the equipment and the mission. During this transition period the former unit conducts a two week train with the new unit to ease them in to the mission as well as transfer the working equipment. With no follow on unit, the 233rd has been turning in their equipment back into theater property. The equipment is used to augment other units or sent back to the United States to be refitted and distributed. This process takes a significantly longer time and requires much more personnel to complete. Despite the challenge, the sustainers of the 233rd have pressed on processing in excess of 1,000 pieces of equipment back to theater property, nearly clearing all of the property they inherited at the beginning of their rotation. SFC Tracy Turner, 233rd acting 1st Sgt. from Fort Knox, Ky., said “I am always amazed by how hard these guys will push themselves to get the job done” The transporters of the 233rd are also working towards another goal: going home. One of the main ele-ments of the drawdown is the reduction of force and the remaining Camp Arifjan Detachment is one of those groups designated to end their tour early and return home. While many of the Soldiers are glad to go home, some wish they could stay or forward deploy to join the rest of their comrades. Spc. Nathaniel Clark, a heavy wheeled vehicle operator from Fort Knox, Ky., is one such Soldier “The idea of going home is awesome, but I also wish I could link up with my Platoon and serve out the rest of my deployment with the guys I came with” said Clark. Regardless of the future, the sustainers of the 233rd Transportation Company continue to push for-

ward, accomplishing any and all missions that are put forth before them.

233D Transportation Company


Busy, Busy, Busy

Pfc. Ramon Bounds (left), a wheeled vehicle mechanic from Fort Stewart, Ga., and Sgt. Alfred Blevins (right), a heavy wheeled vehicle operator from Fort Benning, Ga., load a container during a sandstorm.

Soldiers from the 233rd

Transportation Company unload a truck full of equipment into a container. In an effort to re-duce the unit’s footprint within Camp Arifjan, the 233


has been tirelessly packing equipment.

Page 13: March Review


1452nd Transportation Company

Major Teonnie Dotson

As the Convoy Expert Team departed for Afghanistan, I was reminded of what it felt like to leave home for this deployment. A part of my family (company) has been tasked to do bigger and better things in support of our country. I can’t express how proud I am of the 1452

nd accomplishments during this deployment. I could not have

served as Commander for a better company. I know that the CET team will represent us and the 821

st BN well and look forward to their

return at the end of their mission. As for the rest of the company, we began our preparation to possibly stand our maintenance section up again and anxiously wait to take on any task assigned to us in support of Operation NEW DAWN until it is time for our redeployment back to the states. I would like to congratulate the 1452

nd Men’s Basketball team for winning First Place in the

Camp Arifjan Season and Tournament. They also received Second Place in the ASG-KU Tournament which included the best teams from Buehring, Bahrain, and Camp Patriot.

Master Sgt Michael Speed Another month has come and gone. It is hard to be-lieve that the 1452

nd has been on ground six months. We

have been kept busy with a lot of tasking. The Soldiers have done a wonderful job completing each mission they were giv-ing. I look forward to taking my Soldiers back home to their families. I want to wish all the Soldiers who have a birth day in March a happy Birthday.

Page 14: March Review

1452nd Transportation Company

Camp Arifjan Kuwait – On the

evening of Friday, 09 March, 50 Soldiers of the 1452nd Combat HET Transportation Company prepared to depart for their 90 daylong mis-sion to Afghanistan. The orders

came down in early March to have 50 of the Sol-diers of the 1452nd

to go to Afghani-stan as security support and Heavy Equip-ment

transport. While orders weren’t official until the beginning of March, our Soldiers have been preparing for Afghanistan in the eventuality of such a request coming down. Months before the official orders, our Soldiers went to Camp Buehring to train and familiarize themselves on the different equipment they may need to drive, preparing them for what was to come. On the weeks before leaving for Afghanistan the leadership pre-

pared for their departure by ac-counting for the equipment they

were to take with them, while Sol-diers pack the equipment they were instructed to take with them. Through the entire process Soldiers were in good spirits, even eager as the day approached for their depar-ture. There were many of the Sol-diers that were scheduled for Rest & Recuperation during the time of the mission but their sense of duty prevailed and placed their mission first before their time off. So they relinquished their R&R time to make sure they didn’t miss any of the mis-sion and they were there to support their battle buddies on the mission. The day before the Soldiers were to

leave they were in-structed to with-draw weapons and on the day

that was to be their last day in Arifjan, they drew their ammunition. The morning of 09 March the de-parting platoon had a formation to go over the last details before leav-ing that evening. During that for-mation 10 of their Soldiers where honored with a Certificate of Achievement from CSM Alma Ocasio for their participation in one of the most grueling ruck marches there is, the Bataan Memorial Death March. Even throughout the whole process of getting ready for the mis-sion, SPC Michael Fussell, SGT

James Grisby, SSG Steven Hare, SPC Daniel Lunsford, SPC Matthew Nixon, SGT Matthew Reece, SPC Joshua Roberts, SPC Jonathan Spurlin, SGT Jamie Walker and SSG Justin Wittmer - found time to be part of the time honored tradition of the Bataan Memorial Death March. At around 1800 hours on 09 March the 5 0 Soldiers had their last formation to which all the Com-manders (Major Teonnie Dotson, LTC Rodney Sell, Colonel David Jones), Command Sergeant Majors (CSM Alma Ocasio and CSM Wil-liam Gill) and First Sergeant of our company (MSG Michael Speed) attended to wish them well and say a few words of encouragement.

Before boarding the bus that would take them to the Ali Al Salem for their processing to Afghanistan, there was the traditional prayer be-fore the mission was to begin with both the Chaplain from 821st Battal-ion and 113th Brigade. Those 50 Soldiers are in our

hearts and prayers until their safe

return back to Arifjan in a 90 days’


“On the road to Afghanistan” Story and Photos By Sgt Odaliska Almonte

Page 15: March Review

Commander’s Viewpoint

Business is really picking up here in the KNB AOR. Vessels are currently turning and burning with very little down time. There are many missions ahead of to include new ports of call. At this rate, the 651st THOD and the four vessels here are looking to ex-ceed all previous records in the amount of cargo hauled, miles traveled and ports visited. Not bad for the first ever Army Reserve Harbormaster and three Army Reserve Vessels. The personnel at the THOD, our Operations section and the VSO are all to be commend-ed on the excellent job they are doing in keeping the vessels mission capable and pre-paring them to run their assigned missions. We at the 651st are beginning our downhill run with less than 90 days left here at KNB. We are working with our replacements to give them all necessary information so they can prepare for their arrival. It won’t be long before we’re packing and sending non-essential items home. We’re already working on and submitting paperwork to our battalion back in the rear. So far, it’s been a great run and we hope to safely and successfully continue our mission right up until the last day we are on duty.

Lone Star Regulators - Getting the job done!! Sail Army!!!


651ST THOD Watercraft

The First Sergeant’s Corner

It’s March Madness down at KNB and the Transportation Harbormaster Opera-tions Detachment. We have three vessels that are steadily in and out of KNB deliver-ing cargo. The LSV 8 recently had two missions involving one of its heaviest loads since being in theater, transporting the very large and heavy concrete barriers. The LCU crews are running their vessels hard and utilizing their 88L (Watercraft Engineers) to the fullest by having them perform quick repairs on the vessels to turn them around from being Non-Mission Capable to Fully Mission Capable. The THOD has been help-ing each vessel out by supplying crew fill ins when the vessels have crew members that come off to attend medical appointments, emergency leave and training course attendance. Recently, the Soldiers from the THOD attended the Battalion Soldier of Month Board. For all of them it was a first time attending and for myself I felt like a Fa-ther watching his kids perform for the first time. I would say that I was very proud of their performance; they surprised me by doing better than I imagined as we had some challenging day and evening study sessions in order to prepare for the board. I knew

they would do well, but they exceeded my expectations. The Soldiers are staying motivated, learning from each other and with the quick changes and requirements they are adjusting accordingly. Soon we will start to focus on our re-deployment and preparing for the arrival of our replacements. The goal going forward is to stay focused, finish everything safely, and leave on a positive note. Proud to be with the 651st THOD


CW4 Charlene Winter

Sgt 1st Class Darrell Bell

Page 16: March Review


In the last three months of 2011 the four Army watercraft consisting of MG. Robert Small (LSV-08), MG Charles Gross (LSV-05), USAV Kennesaw Mountain (LCU-2002) and USAV Five Forks (LCU-2018) have transported well over 4300 tons of cargo. That is 740 pieces of equipment moved and 20,762 nautical miles sailed in just 117 days. That is 23,892 miles or about 32 trips to and from Baghdad. Now, a month and a half into 2012 the KNB Army vessels are on track to match the previous recorded numbers. Three out of the four vessels are constantly underway and are making a big im-pact. Missions are stacked up one after another for the foreseeable future and we down at the port wouldn’t want it any other way. The work horse of the fleet here is LSV-08 the MG Robert Smalls. The skipper of the LSV-08 is CW5 Hansen from Hawaii. His vessel is 314ft long and can reach 12 knots at full speed. If LSV-08 continues on her current pace she will pass the previous crew that manned her in tonnage and nau-tical miles traveled. The skip of the 8 boat was not available for comment due to cargo operations.

Without a doubt the LSV-08’s two sister vessels the LCU-02 and LCU-18 are right behind

them. Both are dedicated and eager to pass their previous counterparts in nautical miles and ton-

nage. And with the allotted missions set for the both of them in the coming months they will surely

meet that goal.


651ST THOD Watercraft

Crewman from the LCU 2002 Vessel fish out their dummy named Oscar

during a Man Over Board training exer-cise. Photo by SPC Leticia Samuels

821st TCBN, 113th SB, US Army

Crewman from the LCU 2002 help Third Country Nationals load ford trucks onto the lower deck of the

2002 vessel. Photo by SPC Leticia Samuels, 821st TCBN, 113th SB,

US Army

Crewman on the LCU 2018 vessel anchor down cargo that was picked up in Dubai. Photo by SPC Leticia Samuels, 821st TCBN, 113th SB,

US Army

Page 17: March Review

Over the Edge Stories From The High Seas

Soldier of the Month Story and photos by SPC Rolando Foster

411th Soldier Spotlight

Story by SPC Rolando Foster

Staff Sergeant Kenneth P. Schmidt is an Active Duty Soldier from Fairfax,

VA. He has been married for eleven years to his wife Barbara J. Schmidt, and has

one son, Cody. A few of his hobbies include playing the drums, fishing, and going to

the hand gun range. He worked as a department manager for Lowes for fifteen

years before joining the Army in 2003. SSG Schmidt graduated basic training from

FT. Jackson, SC before attending 88L School (Water Craft Engineer) at FT. Eustis,

VA. His first unit assignment was with the 558th Maintenance Company, where he

provided general, and direct maintenance support for all vessels at 3rd

Port. After

three years, he moved on to the 73rd

Transportation Company working as a BD

crane engineer. In September, 2007 SSG Schmidt was deployed to Kuwait with the

411th Transportation Detachment on the USAV James A. Loux LSV 6. In September

2008 he returned to FT. Eustis to work with the 1098th Transportation Company as

chief engineer aboard LCM 8541. Currently, SSG Schmidt is back in Kuwait serving

as a crew member aboard the USAV MG Charles P. Gross LSV 5. SSG Schmidt’s

awards include one ARCOM, three Good Conduct Medals, four Army Achievement

Medals, The Global War on Terrorism Medal, Sea Service Ribbon, and an Over

Seas Service Ribbon. He looks forward to being promoted to Sergeant First Class in

the near future, and eventually hopes to retire from active duty as an enlisted sol-

dier. SSG Schmidt is scheduled to return to The States November 2012.

Page 18: March Review

The Funnies

Page 19: March Review

MWR Contact Info Zn 1 Pool 430-1300 / Open Swim 1000-1800 Fitness Ctr. 430-1302 / Open 24 Hrs Fitness Tent 430-4607 / Open 24 Hrs Library 430-1200 / 1000-2200 Comm. Ctr. 430-1205 / Open 24Hrs Zn 6 Fitness Ctr. 430-7475 / Open 24 Hrs Comm. Ctr. 430-7482 / Open 24 Hrs Internet Café Trailers 1 & 2 430-7482 / Open 24 Hrs - Also Company level Softball started 28 MAR and will continue until 14 June. - There will be Indoor Volleyball Tournaments at Zn 1 Fit. Ctr. 1800 every week

Open 0600/2000 Come enjoy a cup of coffee and have

some snacks while you watch Sports-

center or a movie. Located right in the

middle of Motorpool 23.

Serving waffles every first and third



Zone 1 Events 1 APR Credit Union 10 mile run - Fit. Ctr. 0600 6 APR Ol’ Skool Dominoes Tournament - Comm. Ctr. 1900 8 APR Easter Sunday Scavenger Hunt - Comm. Ctr. 1600 20 APR Ol’ Skool Spades Tournament - Comm. Ctr. 1900 23 APR Army Reserve B-Day 5K Run - Fit. Ctr. 0600 27-29 APR 72 Hour Marathon Fit. Ctr. 0100-2400

Zone 6 events

8 APR Easter Egg Hunt - MWR Stage 1500 22 APR “Flower Power” Power lifting Competition - Fit. Ctr. 1200 29 Functional Fitness 101 Pt 4 - Fit. Ctr. 1600