Matthew Miguel Hernandez Self Makeover Reflection

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For COLL 100Temeca White

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  • 5/21/2018 Matthew Miguel Hernandez Self Makeover Reflection


    Matthew Miguel Hernandez

    First Year Seminar

    COLL 100

    Monday, Wednesday 8:00-8:50 A.M

    Temeca, White

    Wednesday, July 16, 2014

    Self-Makeover Project Reflection

    Everybody has goals in their life. Each New Year's, people get new ones. Not every goal is the

    same. I decided to divide them into categories; such as Personal Life, Campus/Community Engagement,

    and Performance as a student. For my personal life goal, I wanted start being more athletic, might that

    involve a run or P90X. I needed to start some where. I established Monday 12-1:30P.M as my work out

    time for each week. My second personal goal was to learn sign language. I was going to start teaching

    my self sign language on Thursdays from 12-1:00P.M. For my Campus/Community Engagement goal,

    I started attending my youth group church more often. The times we would meet were on Wednesdays

    6-7:30P.M. My other goal was to spend time in the FAB-LAB at the Business Tech College. I set time

    for this on Tuesdays 12:00-2:00P.M. For the Performance as a student goal. My studies always came

    before anything else. I wanted to always do my homework when I got home. My study time was each

    day from 2:00-3:00P.M. Another goal for being a student was to each breakfast each day. That way I

    am fully awake before I start my classes.

    Everything you do on a daily basis is bound to change. For me I barely stuck to my times I set

    originally set. I found out that I prefer exercising in the morning easier for me then doing it after class

  • 5/21/2018 Matthew Miguel Hernandez Self Makeover Reflection


    on Mondays. I adjusted my goal to run on the treadmill every other day in the mornings. This worked

    out for me because I always hungry afterward. This forced me to have breakfast before my classes, so it

    benefited another goal of mine. The next goal, was to learn sign language. It never really took off at all.

    In the beginning of the semester I talked to a friend of mine about doing it with me. We did some

    research and found out Maple Woods offers a course on sign language. We are currently planning on

    taking that course in the fall. I am a huge procrastinator when it comes to my studies. I already knew

    that coming into college. I never did follow my study schedule. Though what I did do was I always got

    my homework/assignments done that day. That was a step up from me, when I used to do all my

    assignments the morning before class. The last goal changed, instead of going to the BTC I just started

    making things at home on my computer and designing them. I wound up buying a $100 Caliper. I

    would make something almost everyday. I discovered that if you have passion for something you are

    going to always put more energy and time into it then if you didn't have passion. That is exactly what

    happened with my CAD goal. My passion for this goal was much higher then all the other. I believe

    that is because its what I want to do for a living.

    This was a really fun project. Looking back on it, your surprised how much time changed and

    how fast your goals can change. This is much more effective then setting up a New Years goal. If I gave

    some one else this project I would tell them to do goals that you have passion for, as well as don't be

    afraid to have a friend help you. If its a goal that isn't very fun, find a friend, I'm sure they will stick

    with you and make it more enjoyable. If a goal becomes to handle don't be afraid to take a step back,

    take some time away from it. Its your goal you know how badly you want something. If you don't have

    passion for any of your goals, set up milestones after such and such I get to do this or go here. That way

    you reward yourself for your accomplishemnts.

  • 5/21/2018 Matthew Miguel Hernandez Self Makeover Reflection
