4 1 Holy Communion All are welcome to the Lords table, and this always includes children! We believe that the Risen Christ comes to us in, with, and under the bread and wine of Holy Communion with gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation for all. Please indicate your intention to receive bread and wine with open hands. Folded hands signifies that you choose to receive a blessing rather than bread and wine. Gluten free wafers are also available. We practice communion by intinction—the dipping of bread into either the larger chalice of wine or, for those who prefer, the smaller chalice of grape juice. The offering plates located in the side aisles are used to fund our Food Bank, Community Meal and other community needs. In the name of the Risen Christ, welcome to the Lords Table. Welcome Welcome to Messiah Lutheran Church. No matter who you are, you are welcome here! Our hope is that through Messiahs worship, fellowship, and acts of service, you will experience a caring place to belong and exciting growth in your faith. Following Jesus is what we do, and we invite you along as a companion with us on the journey. Messiah Weekly February 2-9, 2020 And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.Micah 6:8b Faith Action Network Faith Action Networks Interfaith Advocacy Day, February 6th in Olympia brings to our elected leaders the voice of compassion and justice. We partner for the common good with people of faith and conscience who stand up boldly for our shared values. Registration: bit.ly/IFAD2020 Church Council With our Messiah Annual Meeting complete, we have a new church council for 2020. Below are our church council members arranged by their class graduationdate. Please feel free to contact them at the email addresses listed next to their names. 2020 Council Class of January 2021 (three-member class) Jaymie Torres Ibarra - [email protected] Nicholas Brinkmeyer - [email protected] Dave Carlsen - [email protected] Class of January 2022 (three-member class) Mike McLaughlin - [email protected] Stephanie (Nelson-Penland) Smith - [email protected] Sandi Wollum - [email protected] Class of January 2023 (three-member class) Anne Baunach - [email protected] Dave Foss - [email protected] Charlie Radabaugh - [email protected] Staff Relating to Council Pr. Chuck Harris – [email protected] Deacon Traci Vatne – [email protected] Savannah Phelan – [email protected] Our church council is constitutionally responsible for many areas of congregational life. These include, but are not limited to: general oversight of congregational life and activities, in particular its worship life; responsibility for financial and property matters; responsibility for constitutional, membership, and employment matters; and the transaction of business not limited to the congregation as a whole.

Messiah Weekly - Messiah Lutheran Church, Auburn WAmlcauburn.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/2020-02-02-Messiah-We… · Messiah Weekly February 2-9, 2020 “And what does the LORD

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Holy Communion

All are welcome to the Lord’s table, and this always

includes children! We believe that the Risen Christ

comes to us in, with, and under the bread and wine

of Holy Communion with gifts of forgiveness, life,

and salvation for all.

Please indicate your intention to receive bread and

wine with open hands. Folded hands signifies that

you choose to receive a blessing rather than bread

and wine. Gluten free wafers are also available.

We practice communion by intinction—the dipping

of bread into either the larger chalice of wine or, for

those who prefer, the smaller chalice of grape juice.

The offering plates located in the side aisles are

used to fund our Food Bank, Community Meal and

other community needs.

In the name of the Risen Christ, welcome to the

Lord’s Table.


Welcome to Messiah Lutheran Church. No matter

who you are, you are welcome here! Our hope is that

through Messiah’s worship, fellowship, and acts of

service, you will experience a caring place to belong

and exciting growth in your faith. Following Jesus is

what we do, and we invite you along as a companion

with us on the journey.

M e s s i a h We e k l y February 2-9, 2020

“And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy

and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8b

Faith Action Network

Faith Action Network’s Interfaith Advocacy Day,

February 6th in Olympia brings to our elected

leaders the voice of compassion and justice. We

partner for the common good with people of faith

and conscience who stand up boldly for our shared

values. Registration: bit.ly/IFAD2020

Church Council

With our Messiah Annual Meeting complete, we

have a new church council for 2020. Below are our

church council members arranged by their class

“graduation” date. Please feel free to contact them

at the email addresses listed next to their names.

2020 Council

Class of January 2021 (three-member class)

Jaymie Torres Ibarra - [email protected]

Nicholas Brinkmeyer -

[email protected]

Dave Carlsen - [email protected]

Class of January 2022 (three-member class)

Mike McLaughlin -

[email protected]

Stephanie (Nelson-Penland) Smith -

[email protected]

Sandi Wollum - [email protected]

Class of January 2023 (three-member class)

Anne Baunach - [email protected]

Dave Foss - [email protected]

Charlie Radabaugh - [email protected]

Staff Relating to Council

Pr. Chuck Harris – [email protected]

Deacon Traci Vatne – [email protected]

Savannah Phelan –

[email protected]

Our church council is constitutionally responsible

for many areas of congregational life. These include,

but are not limited to: general oversight of

congregational life and activities, in particular its

worship life; responsibility for financial and

property matters; responsibility for constitutional,

membership, and employment matters; and the

transaction of business not limited to the

congregation as a whole.

Page 2: Messiah Weekly - Messiah Lutheran Church, Auburn WAmlcauburn.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/2020-02-02-Messiah-We… · Messiah Weekly February 2-9, 2020 “And what does the LORD


Messiah Staff Holds in Prayer

Requests for prayers: Jan Campbell, Mary Eastman, Charlotte Graham, Molly Grube, Adam Hartong,

Holly Hammon, Nancy Kirkpatrick, Susan Lewis, Carol Messecar, Evelyn Miller, Grant Miller, Jane Nelson, Don

Rau, Cindee Reamy, Doreen Shaver, Don Sherrard, Maxine Stehr, Mardy Stevens, Carol Taylor.

Ongoing prayer concerns: Gavin Charbonneau, Joan Daugherty, Traci Donohue, Kari Fulbright, Matt

Gartner, Bea & Ron Girdler, Irene Gordon, Dottie Grebe, Gerry Gronewold, Martha Guerrero, Kay Gunderson,

Bonnie Hagen, Whitney Hanson, Marc Harris, Betsy Henderson, Marcia Hoover, Jimmie Kramlich, Don Minnick,

Dick Ode, Everett Rom, Sarah Trott, Katie Walda, Erik & Nick Welch, Lori Wollum.

In the Military: Jeff Fitzmorris, Lucas Fitzmorris, Ray Hardaway, Sam Harris, Kenny Hendrickson, Daryl

Johnson, Madeline Almodivar Sanabria and J.R. Sawyer.

Every Tuesday, our staff prays for the persons listed above. If you would like to be included in our staff prayers, please contact the church office at 253.833.5280. Individuals will be in our prayers for four consecutive weeks. To be included after the four weeks, please call us again, let us know how you are doing, and we will continue to hold you in our ongoing prayers.

Adult Education

Adult Education classes will resume on February 9th

in the music room at 9:30am.

February 9th/16th: Emmanuel documentary and


Join us for a viewing of Emanuel, the 2019

documentary about the shooting at Mother Emanuel

Church in Charleston, South Carolina. The film

powerfully weaves the history of race relations in

Charleston, the significance and impact of Mother

Emanuel Church, and the hope that somehow

emerges in the aftermath. The documentary will be

split between two weeks with discussion led by

Andrew Monsen.

February 23rd: 5th/6th Graders teach on


Each spring the 5th/6th grade Sunday School class

shifts from following the traditional Sunday School

curriculum to beginning work on issues of social

justice. This year the students have chosen to focus

on homelessness as they work to support two local

organizations (NEXUS Youth and Families and Vine

Maple Place) who work to address homelessness in

our community. Join us February 23rd as our 5th/6th

graders share with us what they are learning so that

all ages can be engaged in the work.

Rummage Sale

Carolyn Towner is stepping away from leadership of

our congregation’s annual rummage sale. We want

to thank Carolyn for her thoughtful leadership and

for shepherding this ministry to the community.

This creates an opportunity for a new leader to step

forward and become the new shepherd of the

rummage sale. Those interested in exploring this

leadership opportunity can talk with Carolyn about

what it entails. Her cell is (253) 217-0494.

In order to hold a rummage sale this coming July, a

new leader will need to be identified and planning

begin by March 1, 2020. If this ministry and

leadership opportunity sounds like a calling for you,

please let Carolyn or the church office know by

March 1.

Worship Conversations

Messiah’s Worship Committee is preparing a series

of congregational conversations to help design and

implement a plan to move from three services on

Sunday mornings to two services. These

conversations will take place around a number of

focused questions designed to stimulate thoughtful

reflection and a “living into” new worship reality at

Messiah. Keep watch for information about these

conversations in the Messiah Weekly and our

midweek electronic publications.


Messiah This Week Sunday 2/2

8:15am Worship Sanctuary

9:30am Worship Sanctuary

9:30am Education Hour Classrooms

10:45am Worship Galli Hall

12:30pm New Covenant Sanctuary

2:00pm Community Meal Gathering Space

Monday 2/3

5:30pm Sons of Norway Classroom E

7:00pm Messiah Ringers Music Room

Tuesday 2/4

11:00am Staff Meeting Office

5:00pm 7th Day Adventist Sanctuary

Wednesday 2/5

6:00am Kiwanis Gathering Space

9:00am Quilting Quilting Room

9:00am Food Bank Gathering Space

6:00pm WOW! Galli Hall

Thursday 2/6

11:00am Bible Study Quilting Room

5:30pm Spirit Fest Meal Gathering Space

6:00pm Worship Teams Sanctuary/Galli

7:30pm Messiah Chorale Sanctuary

Friday 2/7

8:00pm New Covenant Youth Room

Saturday 2/8

9:00am 7th Day Adventist Sanctuary

4:00pm 7th Day Adventist Chapel/Sanctuary

Next Sunday 2/9

8:15am Worship Sanctuary

9:30am Worship Sanctuary

9:30am Education Hour Classrooms

10:45am Worship Galli Hall

12:30pm New Covenant Sanctuary

4:00pm Community Meal Gathering Space

Feminist Theology Book Club:

Please join us this month as we will be reading, The

God Who Sees: Immigration, the Bible and the Journey

to Belong by Karen Gonzalez. We will be meeting to

discuss the book on February 27th from 6:30-8pm in

the Youth Room. All are welcome! Contact Savannah

for more information.

Women’s Retreat

The Southwestern Washington Synod Spring

Women’s Retreat will be held on March 27-29 in

Black Diamond, Washington. Pastor Kit Neely will be

the speaker. The retreat theme will be “Light.” Flyers

and registration forms are available on the Welcome

Wagon in the Gathering Space.

Communion Bread at Messiah

This report was left out of the Annual Report


In the Lutheran church, we believe that the Body

and Blood are “truly and substantially present in,

with, and under the forms” of consecrated bread and

wine. Therefore, baking bread for communion is

done with reverence, joy, and as a reflection of who

we are as beloved children of God. For all three

services at Messiah, we are using bread baked by

Messiah members and presented as an offering in

worship. For the 8:15 service, we have been using

bread that is closest to the kind of bread that were

used in Jesus’ day and which would have been

served during the Last Supper and in the early days

of the Christian church. Gluten-free wafers continue

to be available for those who request them.

We have a group of bread bakers, but are in need of

a few more people who would be willing to bake

bread on a regular basis once every four-six weeks.

Bread baking can be done by individuals as a

spiritual and prayerful experience, but is also a

meaningful activity for couples and families as a

shared experience.

Currently, we are using a recipe for unleavened

bread recommended by Luther Seminary and a

yeast-raised bread for the 9:30 and 10:45 services,

and can provide recipes to any volunteers who are


Thank you to all who have baked bread in the past

and to our current bread bakers. If you would be

willing to bake bread periodically or on a regular

basis, please contact Ruthanne Henderson (253-709

-9564 or [email protected]).

-Ruthanne Henderson