Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University Department of Biology and Chemistry Sultangazina G.Zh. BIOLOGY OF PLANTS (Plant Physiology) Training manual Kostanay, 2017

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University

Department of Biology and Chemistry

Sultangazina G.Zh.


(Plant Physiology)

Training manual

Kostanay, 2017


UDC 581.1(075.8)

LBC 28.57 73

S 91


Sitpaeva Gulnara Tokbekenovna doctor of biological sciences, Institute of

Botany and Phytointroduction, Committee of Science, Ministry of Education and

Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Aydarhanova Gulnar Sabitovna doctor of biological sciences, associate

professor of the Department of Management and Engineering in the sphere of

Environmental Protection, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Ruchkina Galiya Adgamovna candidate of biological sciences, associate

professor of the Department of Biology and Chemistry of the A. Baitursynov

Kostanay State University


Sultangazina Gulnara Zhalelovna, candidate of biological sciences, associate


S 91 Sultangazina G.Zh.

Biology of Plants (Plant Physiology). The training manual is intended for

students of agricultural, biological, and technical specialties. Kostanay, 2017. 99


ISBN 978-601-7387-71-6

The training manual covers the processes of vital activity and plant functions at

the cellular, molecular levels, and at the level of the whole organism. The main

physiological and biochemical methods of studying physiology and biochemistry of

plant cells, water metabolism, photosynthesis, respiration, mineral nutrition, growth

and development, adaptability and plant resistance to unfavorable environmental

factors are represented.

The training manual is intended for students of agricultural, biological, and

technical specialties.

UDC 581.1(075.8)

LBC 28.57 73

It is recommended for publication by educational and methodological council of the

A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University, 26.04.2017, protocol No 3

ISBN 978-601-7387-71-6

Sultangazina G.,2017



Introduction ...... 5

1 Physiology of the plant cell .... 7

1.1 Permeability of live and dead cytoplasm for substances of cell sap . 9

1.2 Effect of cations and anions on the plasmolysis form and time ...... 11

1.3 Observation of cap plasmolysis ... 12

1.4 Determination of the seeds viability by a staining method (according to

D.N. Nelyubov) .................


1.5 Determination of the isoelectric point of plant tissue by a colorimetric

method .......


2 Water metabolism of plants ... 16

2.1 Determination of water content and dry matter in plant material . 18

2.2 Determination of the stomata condition by an infiltration method

according to Molisch .............................................................................................


2.3 Determination of the osmotic pressure of cell sap by a plasmolytic method 20

2.4 Determination of the water potential of plant tissue by a method of strips

(according to Lilienstern) ..


2.5 Determination of the water potential of leaves by Shardakovs method ...... 23

2.6 Comparison in transpiration of the upper and lower sides of a leaf by a

chlorocobalt method ..


2.7 Determination of the rate of transpiration in cut leaves by torsion scales..... 25

2.8 Determination of the rate of transpiration and relative transpiration by

technical scales ...............


2.9 Determination of the water-retaining capacity of plants by a "wilting"

method according to A. Arland .....


2.10 Determination of the productivity of transpiration and the transpiration

coefficient .....


3 Photosynthesis ... 32

3.1 Preparation of an alcohol solution (extract) of pigments ...... 34

3.2 Separation of pigments by Kraus ...... 34

3.3 Saponification of chlorophyll with alkali ......... 35

3.4 Preparation of pheophytin and the reverse substitution of hydrogen by a

metal atom .


3.5 Optical properties of pigments .. 36

3.6 Determination of the leaf area ... 38

3.7 Determination of the rate of photosynthesis by the assimilation flask

method (according to L.A. Ivanov and N.L. Kosovich) ...


3.8 Determination of the rate of photosynthesis by the accumulation of

organic carbon (I.V. Turin's method, modified by F.Z. Borodulina) ...................


3.9 Determination of the net productivity of photosynthesis ............................. 44

4 Respiration of plants ...... 47

4.1 Loss of dry matter during germination of seeds ..... 50

4.2 Determination of the rate of respiration in a closed vessel .. 52


4.3 Determination of the respiration rate of germinating seeds in the air

current by an infrared gas analyzer ......


4.4 Determination of the respiratory quotient of germinating seeds .. 54

5 Mineral nutrition .... 56

5.1 Study of the effect of nutrients on plant growth . 59

5.2 Growth of wheat roots in a solution of pure salt and a mixture of salts 63

5.3 Microchemical analysis of ash ..... 64

5.4 Determination of the total and working adsorbing surface of the root

system by Sabinin and Kolosov method...........


6 Growth and development of plants 67

6.1 Observation of the periodicity of shoot growth . 69

6.2 Determination of the growth force of seeds by morphophysiological

evaluation of sprouts .


6.3 Determination of the physiological activity of gibberellins in a biotest with

the extension of sprouts hypocotyls of dicotyledonous plants .....


6.4 Establishment of photoperiodic reaction of sarept mustard . 73

7 Adaptation and resistance of plants ... 75

7.1 Identification of the protective effect of sugars on protoplasm 77

7.2 Early diagnostics of plant resistance to wetting ... 78

7.3 Protective effect of sucrose on proteins at negative temperatures .... 79

7.4 Effect of sucrose on the frost resistance of plant cells ... 80

7.5 Method of hardening and determination of frost resistance of winter crops

with the use of exogenous sugars .


7.6 Determination of heat resistance of plants (according to F.F. Matskov) . 82

7.7 Effect of high temperature on the permeability of cytoplasm .... 82

7.8 Determination of drought resistance of plants by a starch test method 83

7.9 Determination of the temperature threshold of cytoplasm coagulation

(according to P.A. Genkel) .


7.10 Determination of salt resistance by growth processes 85

8 Transformation of organic substances in plants .... 87

8.1 Detection of spare sugars in plant material .. 89

8.2 Detection of spare proteins in plants 90

8.3 Acid hydrolysis of starch .. 92

8.4 Determination of total protein content . 92

8.5 Determination of lipase activity during germination of seeds .. 96

References............................. 99



Plant physiology is one of the fundamental basis in general biological

education for students of agricultural, biological and technical specialties.

The study of the physiological processes occurring in plants is possible only

with a deep knowledge of the connections between plant physiology and inorganic,

organic, biological and physcolloid chemistry, plant anatomy and morphology, soil

science, agrochemistry, selection, genetics, agriculture, vegetable growing, fruit

growing, plant growing, as well as mathematics, physics, and cybernetics.

Plant physiology, relying on the laws and regularities, improves the theoretical

basis for the growth and development of the plant organism as a whole and its

individual organs, taking into account the soil and climatic features. Life, as a special

form of matter motion, is basically one for both plants and animals.

The ability to reveal the contradictions inherent in physiological processes, to

concretize the physiological phenomena in various plant species and varieties

expands and deepens the possibilities of active human intervention in the

physiological processes of plants, allows them to master these processes, to direct

them according to the goals set. The ability to navigate in the processes occurring in

plants is a prerequisite for every specialist of the agro-industrial complex.

Plant physiology is a dynamically developing science, methods of

physiological and biochemical research are constantly being improved, high-

precision instruments are created, which allows to obtain new information on the

structure and properties of biogenic compounds ensuring participation and

synchronism of the course of metabolic processes in living organisms.

The aim of plant physiology to a greater extent is a logical and complete

explanation of the processes in the plant organism in accordance with known physical

and chemical laws. It requires the use of physical, chemical methods, and actively

developing recent methods of biological statistics.

"Plant biology" is a discipline of the obligatory component established by the

Model curriculum of the specialty 5B080100-Agronomy, and consists of two

sections: botany and plant physiology. The proposed training manual is written on the

second section and allows to form knowledge, creative skills for independent

experimental activity of students in the field of plant physiology.

For students of specialties 5060700-Biology, 5060600-Ecology, 5072700-

Technology of Food Production, 5072800-Technology of Processing Production

"Plant biology (Plant physiology)" can be recommended as an elective basic


The training manual on the discipline "Plant biology (Plant physiology)" is

intended for students of agricultural, biological, and technical specialties and in its

content corresponds to the course program used for training of the relevant


The paper describes modern theoretical basis of plant physiology. The paper

considers the methods of studying the physiology of plant cells; water exchange;

photosynthesis; respiration; mineral nutrition; metabolism; growth and development


of plants, plant resistance to unfavorable external factors. Along with the classical

works, this manual includes the new ones, tested at the Department of Biology and

Chemistry of A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University within a number of years. It

is impossible to perform all the works within the time allocated by the curriculum, so

teacher can choose those works, the fulfillment of which is possible in available


Mastering practical knowledge and skills in this discipline allows students to

comprehend physiological processes in a plant organism, methods of their study -

which constitutes the basic knowledge necessary for understanding other disciplines,

like agrochemistry, plant growing, biotechnology, bioengineering, etc.

The skills of experimental work acquired on the lessons can be used in writing

a course or graduate work, in organization of the research work of a student.

The procedure of each laboratory work is preceded by a brief theoretical course

on the topic under study. Each work gives a description of the research principle and

detailed laboratory methods. Students are invited to formulate main conclusions and

answer control questions on the results of the work.

The principal textbooks used in the work:

1 Zitte P., Weiler E.V., Kaderayt J.W., Brezinski A., Kerner K. Botanika. V.2

Fiziologija rastenij. - M.: Publishing Center " Akademija", 2008. - 496 p.

2 Tretyakov N.N., Panichkin L.A., Kondratiev M.N. et al. Praktikum po

fiziologii rastenij. M.: KolosS, 2003. - 288 p.

3 Rogozhin V.V. Praktikum po fiziologii i biohimii rastenij: training manual. -

SPb.: GIORD, 2013. 352 p.



Information material. A plant cell is an ordered structure, which is an

elementary functional unit of living organisms. The cell has a certain size and shape,

due to the ordered arrangement of proteins that carry information both about the

structure of the cell and the plant in general. The functioning of the cell is regulated

by the information embedded in the DNA structure, which is localized in the nucleus

of the cell. According to this information, an ordered structure of the plant is formed,

the functioning of the plant is determined, the behavior of the living organism and its

life time are given.

The basis of the cell structure is membranes. Thus, endoplasmic reticulum

(ER) permeates the entire cytoplasm of the cell, expanding into small vacuoles. There

are rough and smooth ER. Ribosomes are located on the outer side of the rough ER

membrane, which are the elements of the protein-synthesizing system. Smooth ER

does not have ribosomes, but contains enzymes that catalyze the synthesis of lipids.

In general, ER performs the role of a cytoskeleton of the cell and a transport system,

connecting different parts of the cell. In addition, ER regulates transport flows of

various substances, and synthesized proteins can move in a certain direction through

the reticulum channels.

The constituent parts of the plant cell are specialized organelles: nucleus,

nucleolus, mitochondria, chloroplasts, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, peroxisomes,

ribosomes, vacuoles, etc. Various biogenic molecules are involved in the formation

and functioning of the organelles and membranes of the cell: amino acids,

nitrogenous bases, nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, secondary

metabolites, etc.

A cell nucleus has a double membrane, in the structure of which there are pores

of 10...20 nm in size. Active transportation of biogenic molecules from the nucleus to

the cytoplasm and back is carried out through the pores. Nuclear DNA of plants is

fragmented and is part of chromosomes.

Mitochondria belong to specialized organelles of ATP synthesis. They have a

double membrane. The number of mitochondria in a plant cell can be from 300 to

1000. Mitochondria have their own DNA, as well as RNA and ribosomes. The latter

participate in the synthesis of proteins. Enzymatic complexes are localized in the

inner membrane of mitochondria, which catalyze the reactions of oxidative

phosphorylation. The enzymes of tricarboxylic acid cycle are contained within

mitochondria, in the matrix.

Chloroplasts are specialized structures of plant cells, in which photosynthetic

reactions occur. Chloroplasts have their own DNA, RNA and ribosomes.

Peroxisomes are small organelles, containing oxidoreductases (catalase,

peroxidase, oxidases, dehydrogenases, etc.) that participate in the respiration process.

These enzymes catalyze the oxidation reactions of various substances.

Spherosomes are formed from the membranes of zondoplasmic reticulum; they

mainly contain lipids and enzymes, participating in the processes of synthesis and

decomposition. A high content of spheroids is found in oilseeds. With the


germination of seeds, the splitting reactions of redundant lipids are activated in these


The Golgi apparatus is made up of a series of compartments consisting of

cisternae and vesicles, surrounded by membranes. The cisternae of the Golgi

apparatus have two ends.

The process of new cisternae formation takes place at one end (the forming end), and

the formation of vesicles happens on the other end (the secreting end). These

processes proceed continuously and consistently. Meanwhile, the formation of

vesicles occurs simultaneously with the formation of new cisternae. The functioning

of the Golgi apparatus provides the plasmolemma and the cell membrane with plastic


Lysosomes are the organelles, formed from the membranes of endoplasmic

reticulum or the Golgi apparatus, where the hydrolytic enzymes are mainly contained.

The latter catalyze the splitting reactions of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and


Vacuole is a cavity that fills 90% of the space of an adult plant cell. Vacuole

contains amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, pigments, ions of various salts and

acids. Vacuole is involved in maintaining of the osmotic pressure of the cell,

regulating the flow of incoming water and water circulation inside a plant. The

products of metabolic processes and secondary metabolites are accumulated in a

vacuole, which may later participate in the metabolism of the cell again.

Non-membrane structures of the plant cell are ribosomes and microtubules.

The latter have the form of a tube with a channel inside. The walls of the tubules

consist of globular proteins - tubulins. Microtubules can degrade and re-emerge in

plant cells.

The main function of microtubules is their participation in the formation of a

cell cytoskeleton and a structure of the cell wall. Ribosomes are involved in the

synthesis of a polypeptide chain. They are complex nucleoprotein complexes,

consisting of two parts (small and large).

The basis of a ribosome is ribosomal RNA. Most of ribosomes attach to the

membranes' surface of the endoplasmic reticulum and participate in the process of

protein biosynthesis in the structure.

Methodological recommendations on the studying the topic. While working

out this program section, it is necessary to pay attention, firstly, to the structural and

functional organization of the cell, as well as the physical and chemical basis of its

energy, since the cell carries life. Consider the structure of the cell membrane and

membranes, their role in metabolism. Analyze the functions of nucleus and

cytoplasm, structural basis of cytoplasmic permeability and dependence of

permeability on internal and external factors. It is necessary to find out what the

heterogeneity of cytoplasm is.

Particular attention should be paid to the study of the chemical composition of

the plant cell cytoplasm and the functional role of its main components.


The enzyme system is derivative to the basic protein structure of the cellular

organelles. Nucleotides take an active participation in the implementation of

enzymatic transformations in the cell.

It is necessary to pay attention to the structure of RNA and DNA, their

physiological role in the biosynthesis of proteins, to the localization of protein-lipoid

compounds in peripheral cytoplasmic layers, and to the physiological role of

plasmatic membranes.

References: 2, pp 7-81; 3, pp 11-85; 4, pp 39-53; 5, pp 3-19.

Questions for self-examination:

1. What disciplines is the plants physiology connected with?

2. The objectives of plant physiology at the present stage.

3. Physical and chemical basis of the plant cell energy.

4. Structural organization of a plant cell.

5. Functional organization of a plant cell.

6. Composition, structure and physiological role of membranes in the vital activity of

the cell.


The laboratory work performance for students consists of three main stages:

Preparatory stage: Students independently study methodological

recommendations on the laboratory work performance. Each laboratory work has a

list of materials and equipment, a brief theoretical explanation, a description of the

procedure, instructions on the work performance.

Main stage: With the guidance of a teacher and a laboratory assistant student

perform Tasks assigned to them (work out the educational questions). In this case, the

laboratory work is considered performed only after the recording of its results, which

should contain a description of the observed changes during an experiment and a

brief analysis of the data obtained.

Final stage: After completing the laboratory work, students prepare the results,

formulate conclusions and report to the teacher. There is no description of the

expected results or ready conclusions in the manual, for this technique develops the

independence of students and promotes a better lasting learning of the studied


Summing up the lessons. When the training questions are done, teacher

summarizes the results of the laboratory study, evaluates the work and assesses each


1.1 Permeability of live and dead cytoplasm for substances of cell sap

External cytoplasmic cell membrane (plasmalemma) separates the cell from the

environment, controls transportation of substances into and out of the cell.


The main property of membranes is their selective permeability. Selective

permeability of a membrane is maintained as long as the cell remains alive. After its

death, the membranes become completely permeable. The presence of membranes is

bound to a number of intracellular processes and cell functions:

- membranes divide cells and organelles into compartments, in which

oppositely directed processes are carried out;

- localization of the enzymes or the intermediates of metabolism on a

membrane determines the sequence of reactions;

- selective permeability of the outer membrane of the cell forms a certain

composition of its internal contents;

- low permeability of membranes for protons underlies the processes,

associated with the synthesis of macroergic compounds and with the use of ATP for

the transportation of substances.

Selective permeability is a property of a living cytoplasm to maintain the

constancy of the intracellular environment (homeostasis). If the cell is damaged, the

cytoplasm loses this property, and the substances in the cell exit freely. The degree of

damage correlates with the amount of the anthocyanin pigment, released into the

aqueous medium. The intensity of the cell substances' lost serves as a criterion for its


Task: Identify the differences in membranes' permeability of the living and

dead cells and make a conclusion on the causes of these differences.

Procedure. From the peeled root of red beet cut four even-sized slices about 2

cm in length and 0.5 cm in width (the core must be fresh, i.e. it must have a good

turgor, since the experiment with the faded material can't give clear results). Put the

slices into a porcelain cup and rinse them repeatedly with tap water until the leak of

pigmented juice from the cut cells stops. Put the slices into 4 test tubes. Fill two test

tubes with water (up to 1/2 volume) and boil one of them for 1-2 minutes. Fill the

third test tube with water and add 5 drops of chloroform, fill the fourth test tube with

30% solution of acetic acid. Observe the changing of color of the liquid in the test

tubes within 1-2 hours, shaking the contents from time to time.

Record the results into Table 1 by the form given.

Table 1 - Permeability of live and dead cytoplasm for substances of cell sap

Variant of experience Speed of coloring of the liquid

Water at room temperature


Water + chloroform

30% acetic acid solution

Materials and equipment: stove, test tubes, test tube rack, test tube holder, porcelain

cup, beaker, measuring cylinder, root of table beet, filter paper.

Reagents: chloroform, 30% acetic acid solution.


1.2 Effect of cations and anions on the plasmolysis form and time

Plasmolysis a cytoplasm's peelling away from the cell wall, placed in a solution

with a higher concentration than the concentration of cell sap (hypertonic solution).

During plasmolysis, the shape of a cytoplasm changes: firstly, it shrinks, and after a

complete loss of turgor, protoplast peels away from the cell wall at the corners

(angular plasmolysis), then in many places (concave plasmolysis) and, finally,

protoplast is rounded (convex plasmolysis).

Plasmolysis time is the period from the moment of immersing a plant tissue

into the plasmolithic solution until the convex plasmolysis. This index can

characterize the viscosity of a cytoplasm: the longer the plasmolysis time, the higher

the viscosity of the cytoplasm.

The following solutions can be chosen for each cell:

1) hypotonic, an osmotic pressure of which is less than the osmotic pressure of

the cell sap,

2) isotonic, an osmotic pressure of which is equal to the osmotic pressure of the

cell sap,

3) hypertonic, an osmotic pressure of which is greater than the pressure of the

cell sap.

Selective permeability of membranes ensures the passage of water molecules

through them, prevents the penetration of substances, dissolved in water, and causes

the phenomenon of plasmolysis when a hypertonic solution affects on the cell.

Deplasmolysis occurs in a result of a gradual penetration of the dissolved

substance into the cell, changing of the water potential from the outside and inside,

and also the flow of water into the cell from the outer solution along the gradient of

the water potential.

Cations and anions of salts have a specific and diverse effect on cytoplasm.

One of the notable external manifestations of this effect is the changes in the degree

of swelling and viscosity of the cytoplasm, observed by the plasmolysis time. When

comparing the viscosity of cytoplasm in the solutions of potassium and calcium salts,

it can be noted that potassium ions, penetrating the cytoplasm, increase its

hydrophilicity, reduce viscosity and promote its rapid separation from the cell wall.

Task: Draw the forms of plasmolysis. On the basis of the obtained results,

make a conclusion on the cations and anions' affect on the cytoplasm viscosity.

Procedure. Put an epidermis segment from the convex surface of red onion's

peel into a drop of the test salt's solution, cover with a cover slip and examine under

microscope immediately. Observe the change of plasmolysis forms. Determine the

time of plasmolysis in each salt.

Record the results of the experiment into Table 2 by the form given.

Table 2 - The effect of cations and anions on the plasmolysis form and time

Variant Salt Concentration

of a solution,

Time of the


Time of



time, min


mol/L of tissue in


of the



1 Ca(NO3)2 0.7

2 KNO3 1.0

3 KCNS 1.0

Materials and equipment: microscopes, slides and cover slips, safety razor blade,

scalpel, needle, bulb of red onion, filter paper.

Reagents: 0.7 Ca(NO3)2 , 1 KCNS, 1 KNO3.

1.3 Observation of cap plasmolysis

Cap-plasmolysis occurs with the hypertonic solutions of salts, penetrating

through plasmalemma, and not passing or very weakly passing through the tonoplast.

Such salts cause the swelling of mesoplasma, the decrease of its dispersion degree,

the change of the structure. Cap-plasmolysis manifests itself in the formation of caps

from the swollen cytoplasm on the narrow sides of a vacuole.

Task: Draw one cell with a cap plasmolysis in the full view. On the basis of

the observations, make a conclusion on the properties of cytoplasmic membranes.

Procedure. Put an epidermis segment from the convex surface of pigmented

onion's peel on the microscope slide containing a drop of 1 M of KCNS solution and

cover with a cover slip. Observe the formation of capsular plasmolysis immediately,

firstly, with low and then medium magnification.

Materials and equipment: microscopes, slides and cover slips, safety razor blade,

scalpel, needle, bulb of red onion, filter paper.

Reagents: 1 KCNS.

1.4 Determination of the seeds viability by a staining method (according to

D.N. Nelyubov)

The method of seeds coloring to determine their germination is based on the

impermeability of the living cytoplasm for certain colorants (indigocarmine, acid

fuchsin), whereas a dead cytoplasm is colored easily. There are the cases, when an

embryo is dead and yet, when the seed is immersed into the colorant solution, it is not

colored, due to the fact that the surrounding parts of the seed do not permeat the

colorant. In this regard, it is necessary disclose the embryo firstly: for the seeds with

endosperm, extract the embryo or cut the seed along, and for the seeds without

endosperm, remove the seed cover.

Keep the seeds, prepared in the way described above, in the colorant solution

for 1 to 3 hours (depending on the species of a plant) and evaluate the viability of the

seeds: the seeds with fully colored embryos or with colored roots are considered non-

germinant; the seeds with uncolored or partially colored cotyledons are considered



This method is used for a quick germination assessment of the seeds of peas,

beans, lupine, flax, hemp, pumpkin.

Task: Evaluate the viability of the seeds of peas, beans, lupine.

Procedure. Count, without choosing, two portions of 10 swollen pea seeds.

Put one portion into a glass of water and boil for 5 minutes (with control). Carefully,

without damaging the cotyledons, peel the seeds of both portions with the aid of a

needle, place them into porcelain beakers, pour indigocarmine solution and leave for

1 hour, then drain the paint back into the bottle and rinse the seeds from the excess


Mark the coloring of seeds killed by boiling. In the experimental portion count

the number of colored, partially colored and uncolored seeds. To check the

germination, put all 10 seeds into a glass with wet sawdust (squeeze excess water out

the sawdust before filling the glass), place it into a dark cupboard and water daily. A

few days later, count the amount of germinated seeds.

Record the results of the experiment into Table 3 by the form given.

Table 3 - Determination of the seeds viability

Object Number

of seeds



Number of seeds, pcs





uncolored germinated ungerminated

Materials and equipment: seeds of peas, beans, lupine, soaked in water for 10-15

hours before classes, beaker, stove, porcelain beakers, razor blade, needle, sawdust,

filter paper.

Reagents: 0.1% indigocarmine solution (1 g per litre of distilled water), acid fuchsin.

1.5 Determination of the isoelectric point of plant tissue by a colorimetric


Amino acids and proteins of the cytoplasm are amphoteric substances. In

solution they dissociate both as acids and as bases. The higher the concentration of

hydrogen ions in the medium, the more acidic dissociation is suppressed, and the

protein acquires a greater positive charge. The higher the concentration of hydroxyl

ions in the medium, the stronger the suppression of the basic dissociation, and the

protein acquires a greater negative charge.

At a certain pH value of the medium, the number of positive and negative

charges balances. Ampholyte (a molecule of an amphoteric substance in the state of

dissociation) becomes electrically neutral. This pH value of the medium is called the

isoelectric point (IET).

Each ampholyte has its own IET value. In proteins and amino acids, it depends


on the amount of free acidic (carboxyl) and basic (amine) groups. Knowing the IET

of proteins, one can judge on the ratio of acidic and basic amino acids in their

composition. If the dissociation in the solution of amphoteric compound follows the

basic type (in the media with a pH below the IET), the positive charge binds the

anions, but if it follows the acidic type (in the media with a pH above the IET), the

negative charge connects the cations.

To determine the IET of plant tissue, use an acidic colorant - eosin, where the

anion has a bright pink color, and the basic colorant - methylene blue (MB), the color

of which is determined by the cation. In the process of coloring an amphoteric

compound with these colorants and plunging into the media, which pH is below the

IET, mainly the anions of eosin are bound. Therefore, the plant tissue acquires the

pink color. In the medium, where the pH is above the IET, the plant tissue mainly

retains methylene blue cations and turns blue. In the medium with the pH equal to the

IET, the color of the plant tissue ampholytes is intermediate between pink and blue -

violet, since in this case the number of positive and negative charges is the same.

The cytoplasm contains a mixture of amphoteric substances, so the transition

zone from pink to blue is gradual.

Task: Study the colorimetric method of determining the isoelectric point;

determine the IET of a plant tissue.

Procedure. Prepare weighing bottles with 10 ml of buffer solutions at the pH

values in accordance with the table below. At a distance of 0.5 cm from the tip of a

pea sprout make strictly transversal cuts (not less than 24) with the aid of a razor and

place them into a porcelain cup with 70% solution of ethyl alcohol for 5 minutes for


Pour 2-3 ml of 0.1% eosin into one porcelain cup and in the same amount of

0.02% methylene blue into another. Using a brush replace the cuts from the alcohol

into eosin solution for 10 minutes. All the cuts will be pink. Then, without washing

replace the cuts from eosin into methylene blue solution for 8-10 minutes and they

will become blue.

Transfer colored cuts with the aid of a brush into the buffer solutions with

different concentrations of hydrogen ions, three cuts per each solution and leave there

for 1-1.5 hours. Then take out the cuts, place them on the microscope slide in the

prescribed order and examine under microscope at low magnification. In the

solutions with a pH below IEP the color of the tissue will be pink, in a pH above IEP

- blue. For bark and central cylinder the color gradation from pink to blue will take

place at different pH values (violet color). Consequently, IEP of these tissues is not

equal, which indicates different cytoplasm composition in the cells of these tissues.

Record the results of the experiment into Table 4 by the form given. Depending

on the amount of proteins, containing acidic amino acids, the pH of IEP varies from 3

to 6 in different tissues of the root.

Table 4- Preparation of buffer solutions with different pH and the color of the plant

tissues at the specific pH value




solution, ml

0.1 citric acid

solution, ml

Color of the tissue IEP

Bark Central


Bark Central


























Materials and equipment: germinated seeds of peas and beans, safety razor blade,

brushes, needles, porcelain beakers, weighing bottles, microscopes, slides and cover


Reagents: 0.1 citric acid solution, 0.2 NaHPO4 solution, 0.1% eosin, 0.02%

methylene blue, 70% solution of alcohol.



Information material. In biological systems water has a wide variety of

functions. Thus, in a liquid state, water is capable of ensuring the maximum solubility

of the biogenic molecules of polar nature. It can serve as a medium, in which optimal

conditions for the formation of individual structures of biogenic molecules (proteins,

lipids, enzymes, nucleic acids, etc.) are created. Water participates in the formation of

ordered structures of protein-lipid complexes, the membranes of organelles and


Water takes part in enzymatic reactions, catalyzed by hydrolases (lipases,

peptidases, nuclease, etc.). It is able to provide transportation of ions, biogenic

molecules and gases (O2 and CO2). Having a high thermal capacity, water serves as a

temperature regulator, ensuring the maintenance of a stable temperature in plants.

Due to thermal effects, water provides the energy needs of a plant organism, and the

presence of the transpiration mechanism ensures the directed movement of water

within a plant. A limited dissolution of gases (oxygen, nitrogen, CO2, etc.) occurs in

water, which transfers the gases to various organs and tissues of a plant.

Water comes into plants from soil and spreads along the ascending and

descending paths in the plant organism. Directed movement of water in various parts

of plants is provided due to the active work of stomatal apparatus of leaves, which

determine the functioning of transpiration mechanisms.

The water content in plants depends on the species, age and functional state of

the plant organism. Plants can contain 60-90% of water. Seeds and spores contain the

least amount of water. For example, the grains of cereals contain from 8-10% of

water in the period of forced rest. The high activity of oxidases, including peroxidase,

in the wheat grains may indicate the participation of these enzymes in maintaining

their viability in the period of forced rest. Thus, for example, peroxidase is able to

catalyze the reactions of oxidase and peroxidase oxidation of the organic compounds

in plant tissues. In these reactions oxygen is consecutively reduced to water and, due

to this, during the seeds rest period, the need in water for an embryo is satisfied.

Generation of water in the resting grains is a consuming process, since it is

associated with the oxidation of biogenic compounds. However, due to the fact that

peroxidase substrates can be a variety of biogenic molecules (carbohydrates, amino

acids, phenols, etc.), the oxidation of these compounds does not cause significant

damage to the cells of the embryo. The involvement of biogenic molecules in oxidase

and peroxidase reactions is determined by their affinity to the active center of

enzyme. In peroxidase reactions there can be observed a substrate-substrate

activation, which promotes the acceleration of oxidation of some biogenic molecules

in the presence of other molecules, causing an acceleration of water generation.

It is possible to distinguish two forms of water in biological systems: free (with

initial physical and chemical properties) and bound (with altered physical and

chemical properties, due to the interaction with various biogenic molecules). Water is

a good solvent for polar organic compounds, containing amino, carboxy, sulfhydryl

and hydroxyl groups. Therefore, carbohydrates (mono- and oligosaccharides),


alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, amino acids and volatile carboxylic acids are well

soluble in water. The solubility of these compounds is explained by the fact that their

polar groups are able to form hydrogen bonds with water molecules. Most salts are

soluble in water, the ions of which are present in the hydrated form in a solution.

Polarity of water molecules causes the solubility of polar and charged

molecules in water. Hydrophobic compounds, containing ultimate hydrocarbon

radicals, are insoluble in water and, therefore, escape from the contact with its polar

molecules, locating mainly on the water surface. Some compounds, containing both

hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups, are capable of forming aggregates in water,

forming micellar structures. In this case, the hydrophilic groups of these compounds

contact with the water molecules, while the hydrophobic radicals are exposed

inwardly to the micelles.

Thus, the stability of micelles, formed in a polar medium, is maintained mainly

due to the weak hydrophobic interactions. In this case, water-soluble compounds are

able to change the physical properties of water. The osmosis energy ensures a water

supply to the seeds during the swelling period, as well as an active water movement

into the tissues and organs of plants during their growth period.

Methodological recommendations on the studying the topic. Water plays a

crucial role in the life of plants. Therefore, it is necessary to know how water is

absorbed and released by the cell, what the water exchange of plants is, what the

water content and water distribution in the cell is, what the thermodynamic

parameters of the water regime of plants are - water activity, chemical potential,

methods for their determination; as well as the consistent parts of the water potential -

osmotic potential, matrix potential, pressure potential, gravitational potential.

While studying the root system as an organ of water absorption, it is necessary

to pay attention to what forms of water are present in the soil and are absorbed by the

roots of plants, what the constants of soil moisture are. Difine, what the ascending

flow in plants means, its path, speed, driving forces, and what the engines of the

water flow are. Find out the role of the intermediate engines in water raising, the

physiological significance of the water movement in plants and the renewal of its


The role of transpiration is great in plants' water exchange. With this in mind, it

is necessary to clarify the biological significance of transpiration, its dependence on

external factors and the state of stomata, their number and allocation in leaves.

It should be clarified, how to determine the intensity and productivity of

transpiration, the transpiration coefficient, as well as the phase, biological and

commodity coefficients of water consumption, how they are used to explain the water

balance of plants, the total water consumption by phytocenoses and the irrigation

regime of crops (irrigation norms, watering methods and periods).

References: 1, pp 71-93; 2, pp 83-116; 3, pp 276-304: 4, pp 183-189; 5, pp 38-70.

Questions for self-examination:

1. How does the plant absorb and release water?

2. What is a chemical potential of water and a water potential of the cell?


3. What biological significance does the transpiration have?

4. What physiological indicators can be used to optimize the water regime of


5. What are the main functions of water in the regulation of plant growth and



2.1 Determination of water content and dry matter in plant material

The degree of water content is an important indicator of water availability in

plants. Concentration of the cell sap, water potential of the individual plant organs, its

relation to soil and atmospheric drought are associated with water content.

Determination of water content in leaves makes it possible to clarify ecological and

physiological characteristics of plants, to reveal the mechanisms of their adaptation to

the environmental conditions.

Water content in plant tissues is usually calculated as a percentage of dry or

raw mass. In the leaves of the majority of temperate zone plants, depending on

weather conditions and stages of the ontogenesis, water contents is 65-82% of the

raw mass. The plants with unequal drought resistance differ in the nature of water

exchange. The plants of hygrophilous species and varieties contain a lot of water with

a sufficient amount of it in the soil. However, when the water content of the soil

decreases, they lose water quickly. In more drought-resistant forms, the water content

of plants is generally lower, but its amount is more stable.

Task: Calculate the water content as a percentage of raw and dry mass of the

material; make a conclusion on dependence of the water content in leaves on their

location on a plant.

Procedure. The amount of water and dry material in the leaves is measured by

the weight method. Experiment is done in two versions with the leaves of the upper

and lower tiers. Choose normally developed, green leaves without obvious traces of

damage and drying. Each measure of raw leaves of at least 5 grams is done three

times. Mark exactly, which leaves are considered to the lower tier and which to the

upper, follow the established order for all experimental plants.

Firstly, measure the weight of absolutely dry weighing bottle. For this put a

clean bottle with a cap vertically on the shelf of drying cabinet at a temperature of

100-150C. After 1 hour, take the bottle with crucible forceps and put in an opened

state into desiccator for 30 minutes for cooling, then close the cap and weigh on

analytical scales. Place the bottle again into drying cabinet for 20-30 minutes, cool in

desiccator and weigh repeatedly. If the weight of the bottle does not change, you can

put a sample in it.

Weigh the bottle with a plant sample on analytical scales, place it for 5 hours

into the cabinet heated until 105C, then cool in desiccator (the bottle must be

opened) and weigh again. However, to remove all the moisture from the plant within

5 hours can be not enough, therefore after weighing, open the bottle and place into


drying cabinet at the same temperature. Then weigh the bottle cooled in desiccator

again. Repeat the procedure until the mass of the bottle with the sample becomes

constant or a subsequent mass becomes slightly bigger than the previous one.

When working follow the rules. The raw material must lie in the bottle loosely.

Do not keep it in the cabinet longer than 5 hours. Put the bottle into cabinet at 105C.

The temperature in different parts of cabinet is unstable; therefore it is desirable to

place the bottles at the same level with thermometer. Do not place the bottle close to

the cabinet walls, since the temperature there can be higher than thermometer shows.

Take the bottle with forceps with rubber bands at the ends, because the weight can

change, if touched.

Subtract the mass of dried material from the mass of the initial plant material to

get the mass of water in the taken sample. Calculate the percentage of water content

in raw and dried materials; make an inference about the water content in leaves

depending on their location on the plant.

Record the results of the experiment into Table 5 by the form given.

Table 5 - Determination of water content in the leaves


Leaf tiers


Number of weighing bottle

Weight of weighing bottle, g


with a raw material

with a dry material

Raw mass, g

Dry mass, g

Water content

in grams

% of the raw mass

% % of the dry mass

Materials and equipment: fifteen-days old sunflower or corn plants, analytical

balance, forceps, drying cabinet, weighing bottles, desiccator.

2.2 Determination of the stomata condition by an infiltration method

according to Molisch

The cause of stomatal motions may be the effect of light, changes in tissues,

temperature, and concentration of C2 in intercellular spaces. In conditions of

insufficient water supply, there occurs a hydroactive closure of the stomata.

Therefore, the degree of stomata openness can serve as a physiological indicator for

determining the water supply in plants and establishing the watering periods.


Intercellular spaces are usually filled with air, so when looking at a leaf in the light, it

is matt. In case of infiltration, i.e. if intercellular spaces are filled with some liquid,

the corresponding sections of the leaf become transparent.

Determination of the stomata condition by an infiltration method is based on

the ability of liquids, moistening cell walls, to penetrate capillarity through open

stomatal gaps to the nearest intercellular spaces and displacing air from them. It is

can be easily verified by the appearance of transparent spots on the leaf. Liquids

penetrate into stomatal slots depending on their width: petroleum ether - through

weakly open stomata, xylene - through medium open, and ethyl alcohol - only

through widely open ones.

Task: Examine the leaves kept in different conditions (fresh and wilted, lighted

and darkened, etc.). Examine 2-3 leaves per each variant. Write the results down into

the table, marking the penetration of liquid with the "+" sign, and the absence of

penetration with the "-" sign.

Procedure. Drop benzene, xylene and ethanol sequentially on the neighboring

sections of the lower surface of a leaf. Keep the leaf in horizontal position until the

drops disappear completely, which can either evaporate or penetrate inside the leaf.

Examine the leaf in transmitted light. If the liquid penetrated into the intercellular

spaces of the leaf, transparent spots will appear on it.

On the basis of the obtained data, make conclusion on the different degree of

stomata opening, keeping in mind, that they are slightly opened when infiltrated only

by xylene, by xylene and benzene - medium-opened, by xylene, benzene and alcohol

- strongly-opened.

Record the results of the experiment into Table 6 by the form given.

Table 6 - Determination of the degree of stomata opening

Object Terms of


Benzene Xylene Alcohol Stomata


Make conclusions about the influence of external conditions on stomatal movements.

Materials and equipment: droppers, ten-fifteen-days old sunflower plants, geranium.

Reagents: alcohol, benzene, xylene.

2.3 Determination of the osmotic pressure of cell sap by a plasmolytic


Osmosis is a diffusion of water or other solvent through a semipermeable

membrane. A plant cell can be considered as an osmotic system, in which the role of

an osmotically active substances solution is played by the cell sap, and the role of a

semipermeable membrane is the cytoplasmic membranes.


Cell sap is an aqueous solution of various organic and inorganic substances.

The potential osmotic pressure depends on the number of particles in this solution,

i.e. the concentration and dissociation degree of dissolved molecules. The potential

osmotic pressure expresses the maximum ability to absorb water. The value of this

indicator shows the possibility of a plant growth on the soils of different water-

holding strength. The increase in osmotic pressure of the cell sap in drought is a

criterion for dehydration and necessity to water the plant.

This method is based on the selection of such an external solution

concentration that causes initial (angular) plasmolysis in the cells of the tissue under

examination. In this case, the osmotic pressure of the solution is approximately equal

to the osmotic pressure of the cell sap. Such external solution is called isotonic.

Task: Determine the degree of the cell plasmolysis in each solution and find

the isotonic concentration. Determine the value of the cells' osmotic potential.

Procedure. Prepare 10 ml of solutions in weighing bottles according to the

table. Mix the solutions thoroughly. Close the bottles with caps to prevent

evaporation and put in a decreasing concentration sequence.

With the aid of the safety razor's blade cut thin sections from the convex

surface of the onion peel about 25 mm2 in size from a middle well-colored area.

Put 2-3 sections into each bottle, starting from the one with high concentration,

with an interval of 3 minutes. 30 minutes after immersion into the first bottle,

examine the sections under microscope. Then, after every 3 minutes, examine the

sections from the following bottles. This way is optimal to achieve an equal length of

staying of the sections in plasmonolytic solutions. The sections are examined under

microscope in a drop of solution from the bottle, from which they were taken.

Define the degree of cells plasmolysis in each solution and find isotonic

concentration as an arithmetic average between the concentration, at which

plasmolysis begins and the concentration that no longer causes plasmolysis.

Record the results of the experiment into Table 7 by the form given.

Table 7 - Determination of the potential osmotic pressure


of a sucrose



Length of staying of the

sections in solution

Degree of




n, mol/L



pressure, kPa immersion



n time







The value of the potential osmotic pressure (in kPa) is calculated by the

formula 1:


P = R T c i 101.3 (1)

where R is the gas constant, 0.0821 l atm/deg mole;

T is the absolute temperature (273 + room temperature);

c is the isotonic concentration in moles;

i is the isotonic coefficient of Vant Hoff;

101.3 is a multiplier to transfer atmospheres into kilopascals.

The Van't Hoff coefficient characterizes the ionization of solutions and for

nonelectrolytes (sucrose) it equals to 1.

Materials and equipment: scalpel, razor blade, needle, microscope, slides and cover

slips; pencil on glass; filter paper, test tubes (weighing bottles).

Reagents: 1 sucrose solution.

2.4 Determination of the water potential of plant tissue by a method of

strips (according to Lilienstern)

The water potential () characterizes the absorbing power of the plant tissue.

The value of the water potential depends on the difference in the chemical potentials

of the water in the cell and in pure water. The water potential always has a negative

sign. The lower the water potential, the more dehydrated the plant cell is, so this

indicator is determined in order to catch the signs of plant dehydration in time and to

choose the right time for irrigation. Optimal values of the water potential are

established for specific cultures of different soils and climatic zones. This enables to

irrigate plants in optimal time, according to reference data.

This method is based on the selection of an external solution of such

concentration, that a strip of plant tissue does not change its length when immersed

into it.

If the osmotic potential of the external solution exceeds the water potential of

the tissue, the solution takes water from the cells, and, as a result, their volume and

the length of the strips decrease.

If the osmotic potential of the solution is less than the water potential of the

tissue, the cells, taking the water from the solution, increase in volume and the length

of the strip becomes larger.

In the solution, where the osmotic potential is equal to the water potential of

the tissue, the length of the strip does not change.

Task: Determine the value of the water potential in a potato tubers tissue.

Procedure. Prepare 0.6 M; 0.5 M; 0.4 M; 0.3 M; 0.2 M; 0.1 M of sucrose

solutions in test tubes of 10 ml. Cut a potato tuber into ten strips of 4-6 cm long and

of about 4 mm2 in cross section. Cut the ends of the strips obliquely. Perform quickly

to avoid the drying of the strips. Measure their length accurately with a millimeter

ruler and place two pieces into each tube. After 20 minutes, remove the strips, dry

them with filter paper and measure the length again. To calculate the quantity of the


water potential, take the concentration at which the length of the strips did not


The quantity of the water potential () is calculated by the formula 2:

= - Psolution = - R T C i 101.3 (2)

Record the results of the experiment into Table 8 by the form given.

Table 8 - Determination of water potential

Materials and equipment: test tubes, pipettes, glass stick, potato, millimeter ruler,

filter paper, distilled water.

Reagents: 1 sucrose solution.

2.5 Determination of the water potential of leaves by Shardakovs method

The method is based on the determination of change in the concentration of the

solution after keeping the plant tissues in it. Shardakov's method is based on the

comparison of densities of the initial (control) solution with the same solution after

keeping the tissue in it. The solution's s, which has not changed its density, is q.

Task: Determine and calculate the water potential of tissues. Explain, in what

cases a drop of a colored solution will float, drown, or stay in the same place.

Procedure. Place the tubes into a desk set in two rows: five at the top and five

at the bottom. Prepare 10 ml of sucrose solutions of 0.5M; 0.4 M; 0.3 M; 0.2 M; 0.1

M in the upper row by diluting 1M of sucrose solution with distilled water.

Transfer 0.5 ml of the solution from the upper test tubes into the test tubes of

the lower row and close them with caps. Drill out 10 discs from a leaf. To do this,

turn the leaf with its underside upwards, put a rubber plate under it and drill discs

between the large veins. Plunge two discs into each tube of the lower row for 40

minutes. Shake the test tubes with the discs every 10 minutes. Then remove the discs

with the aid of a glass stick and color test solutions in the test tubes of the lower row

with a small amount of methylene blue (at the tip of a wire). Shake the contents to


of sucrose,

length of the tissue strips, mm Concentration at

which the length

of the strips did

not change,


potential, kPa before the


into a


after the

immersion into a









color the solution evenly. Take the colored test solution with the aid of a 0.5 ml

pipette. Plunge the end of the pipette into the corresponding initial solution into the

tubes of the upper row, the liquid level in the pipette should exceed the level of the

solution in the tube. Eject the liquid from the pipette slowly into the initial solution,

marking the movement direction of the squirt. If the concentration and, consequently,

the density of the colored solution increases in comparison with the initial one, the

squirt will go down, if the concentration decreases, the squirt will go up. In case of

equal concentrations, the squirt distributes evenly inside the tube with the initial


The quantity of the water potential is calculated by the formula 3:

= - Psolution = - R T i 101.3 (3)

Record the results of the experiment into Table 9 by the form given.

Table 9 - Determination of water potential


of sucrose,


direction of the


Concentration of an

external solution remained


Water potential,







Materials and equipment: test tubes, distilled water, pipettes, glass stick, plant

leaves, millimeter ruler, filter paper, distilled water, crystalline methylene blue.

Reagents: 1 sucrose solution.

2.6 Comparison in transpiration of the upper and lower sides of a leaf by a

chlorocobalt method

Stahl's cobalt chloride sample method is based on a filter paper's change of

color, moistened with cobalt chloride, when it absorbs water vapor, evaporated by the

surface of a leaf. The time needed for changing blue color (the color of a dry

chlorokobalt paper - Co12) to pink (the color - CCl26H2O) is a criterion for a plant


The chlorokobalt method of determining the transpiration of leaves, not

separated from the plant, is very simple and accessible. However, its use is limited

only by comparative experiments, since it does not allow determining the absolute

values of transpiration intensity. There are quantitative modifications of this method,

based on chlorokobalt paper weighing before and after a certain exposure of it on the

leaf, but they are inaccurate.


Task: Compare the stomatal and cuticular transpiration.

Procedure. Put discs from chlorokobalt paper on a celluloid substrate on the

top and bottom sides of a leaf and strengthen the substrate with the aid of a paper

clip. Observe after how many minutes the paper on the top and bottom sides of the

leaf will turn pink. According to the coloring speed, define from which side of the

leaf evaporation goes faster.

At the end of the experiment, examine the epidermis of the top and bottom

sides of the leaf under microscope and count the number of visible stomata. For this,

look through three-five magnifications on three materials of each variant and

calculate an average arithmetic value.

Sketch the epidermis of the top and bottom sides of the leaf. Make conclusions

on the causes of different intensity rate of evaporation from the sides of the leaf of the

plant and on the correlation between stomatal and cuticular transpiration.

Record the results of the experiment into Table 10 by the form given.

Table 10 - Comparison in transpiration of the upper and lower sides of a leaf

Side of

the leaf

Observation period The time

during which

the paper will

turn pink,


Number of stomata in the

microscope field of view

Beginning of



End of the





arithmetic value

Materials and equipment: three-weeks old bean plants. Discs from chlorokobalt

paper on a celluloid substrate, paper clips, watch, microscopes, slides and cover slips,

tweezers, droppers with water, safety razor blade, needles.

Preparation of chlorokobalt paper. Take a uniformly thick filter paper or thin

filter strips and soak it (them) in a cuvette, filled with a solution of cobalt chloride

prepared according to Kamerlingh's method (dissolve 6.7 g of Co(NO3)2 and 2.64 g of

NaCl in 100 ml of water) for 1 minute, then dry in a suspended state on glass sticks

until a blue color appears. From the paper cut out the circles with 1 cm in diameter

and with the aid of a polyethylene tape with a sticky layer glue two circles per a

celluloid substrate.

Celluloid chambers with chlorokobalt paper are stored in the desiccator above

calcium chloride.

2.7 Determination of the rate of transpiration in cut leaves by torsion


The work of the upper-end engine is connected with water evaporation from

the leaves surface - transpiration. An absorbing effect of transpiration is given to the

roots in the form of hydrodynamic tension, which connects the work of both engines.


The work of the upper-end engine, based on the use of solar radiation as an energy

source, is automatically regulated (the loss of water reduces the water potential of the

evaporating cells, which leads to increased water intake). The plants with many

leaves have a greater absorbing force of transpiration than the root pressure force.

The amount of water evaporated by a plant from the leaf surface per a unit of

time is called transpiration intensity.

In plants the main role in regulating water evaporation is played by the

stomata. Therefore, the intensity of transpiration largely depends on the degree of

their openness. In addition, a plant can reduce transpiration, reducing the evaporation

of water from the cell surface to the intercellular spaces by increasing the water-

holding capacity of protoplasm and cell walls.

The method is based on taking into account the changes in the weight of the cut

transpiring leaf in short time intervals, which makes it possible to observe

transpiration in the water saturation state of the leaf growing on the plant.

An interval between the weighings should not exceed 5 minutes, because with a

longer exposure the water content in leaves decreases and the transpiration rate

decreases too. For quick weighing it is convenient to use torsion scales.

Task: Determine the intensity of transpiration by the weight method.

Procedure. Install the torsion balance strictly horizontally with the aid of two

screws on the balance stand. Check the zero point, set the mass indicator with the

tension lever in position 0, empty the beam of the balance by moving the fastening

lever to the left.

Then proceed weighing. Hang another hook on the hook of the beam, which is

located on the side of the balance in a closed chamber and weigh its mass. For this,

empty the beam of the balance by moving the fastening lever to the right. Turn the

mass indicator with the tension lever to the left until the balance pointer coincides

with the balance line. In this position, the mass indicator shows the weight of the load

on the scale. Turn the fastening lever to the left, the arrow shows "closed" and return

the mass indicator to zero on the scale.

Then calculate the intensity rate of transpiration. Cut a leaf, put it on the hook

and hang on the balance beam. Weigh quickly and place the leaf on the needle. In the

same way weigh the leaves of the same tier from ten plants. 5 minutes after weighing

the first leaf, reweigh all the leaves in the initial order.

Calculate the weight of the leaves by subtracting the hook mass from the

indicators of the scale. The loss in weight of the leaves during the time between the

first and second weighings shows how much water evaporated during the period.

Provide all calculations on the total weight of ten leaves of each variant.

Calculate the amount of water, evaporated from 1g of raw leaves per 1 hour.

Determine the intensity rate of transpiration in the room conditions (under control)

and in dry warm wind (use a hair dryer).

Record the results of the experiment into Table 11 by the form given.


Table 11 - Determination of the rate of transpiration in cut leaves

Variant Weight of the

leaves, mg

Total weight of

10 leaves, mg

Loss in water

of 10 leaves,


Rate of




Dry warm


Materials and equipment: ten-days old oats or wheat sprouts, torsion balance, hair

dryer, scissors, hanging leaves stands.

2.8 Determination of the rate of transpiration and relative transpiration

by technical scales

Intensity of transpiration is the amount of water, evaporated from the leaf

surface per a unit of time. The value depends on the intensity of external factors, the

time of day and ranges from 15-250 g/m2 h.

The main method for determining the intensity of transpiration is a weighting

method, based on taking into account the loss of water during evaporation. This

method can reveal the transpiration of an entire plant or its individual parts. The work

with whole rooted plants has considerable difficulties, therefore cut shoots or leaves

are often used. To ensure that during the experiment, the water content of the tissues

does not decrease, the samples are placed into the Veska device filled with water.

Relative transpiration is the ratio of the transpiration intensity to the

evaporation rate from a free water surface under the same conditions. This indicator

characterizes the ability of plants to regulate transpiration and is usually expressed in

the figures 0.1-0.5 rising sometimes to 1 and dropping in some well-protected from

the water loss leaves to 0.01 and lower.

Task: Determine the intensity of transpiration and relative transpiration by the

weight method.

Procedure. Cut a leaf together with a petiole from a sunflower plant. Fasten

the petiole is tightly with fleece in the hole of rubber stopper. Cut the lower end of

the petiole diagonally underwater to about 1 cm to restore the water strands in the

conducting vessels. Put the stopper with the leaf into the Veska device filled with

room temperature water, so that the leaf petiole is immersed in water. The Veska

device must be completely dry, tightly closed: the stopper must touch water, and the

leaf petiole must be immersed in water.

In this way, prepare two Veska devices, weigh them on technical scale and,

labeled, place one in a dark chamber, the other one in direct light. After an hour,

weigh again. By the difference with the initial mass, determine the amount of water

that the leaf evaporated during the experiment.


According to on the results, calculate the intensity rate of transpiration, i.e. the

amount of water in grams, which a unit of leaf surface evaporates (1 m2/) per time (1


To make such calculation, you need to know the area of the leaf taken for the

experiment. You can use the weight method. Cut a area of 100 cm2 (10x10 cm) from

paper and weigh. On another sheet of the same paper put the examined leaf, outline

its contour carefully with a sharply sharpened pencil, cut it and weigh also. From the

data obtained make up the proportion and find the area of the leaf. If the paper area of

100 cm2 has a mass g, and the contour of the leaf of unknown area - g, then the

required area of the leaf is found in the following way:

S =

*100 (4)

The intensity rate of transpiration (g/m2 h) is calculated according to formula 5:

I = tS


*10000 (5)

where C is the loss in mass during the experiment, g,

S is the area of the leaf, cm2,

t is the duration of the experiment, h.

Simultaneously, in the same conditions calculate the evaporation from free

water surface. For this, take into account the amount of water evaporated within 1h

from the surface of the Petri dish. With the inner diameter, calculate its area by the


S = r2


Calculate the intensity rate of evaporation from free water surface, using

formula 5, and calculate the relative transpiration :

rel = E

I m (7)

Compare the obtained data and make conclusions about the dependence of the

intensity rate of transpiration and relative transpiration on lighting conditions and on

the plants' ability to regulate transpiration.

Record the results of the experiment into Table 12 by the form given.

Table 12 - Determination of the rate of transpiration and relative transpiration


Mass of the device with the leaf, g

at the beginning of the experiment

at the end of the experiment


Loss in mass, g

Area of the leaf, sm2

Duration of the experiment, h

Rate of transpiration (g/m2 h)

Continuation of table 12


Mass of the Petri dish with water, g

at the beginning of the experiment

at the end of the experiment

Loss in mass, g

Area of the evaporating surface, sm2

Duration of the experiment, h

Rate of evaporation (g/m2 h)

Relative transpiration

Materials and equipment: technical scales, three-weeks old sunflower plants,

geranium, scissors, scalpel, bottom half of a Petri dish, millimeter paper.

2.9 Determination of the water-retaining capacity of plants by a "wilting"

method according to A. Arland

In plants regulation, a significant role belongs to their water-holding forces,

connected mainly to the content of osmotically active substances in the cells and the

ability of colloids to swell.

The water-holding capacity of cells depends on the conditions of growing

plants. In particular, the nutrition conditions are of great importance. Under optimum

conditions, the water-holding capacity increases. The determination of water-holding

capacity according to Arland is based on taking into account the loss of water by the

fading plants.

Task: Determine the water-holding ability of tradescantia and geranium, make

a conclusion on the water-holding capacity of these plants.

Procedure. Take fifteen-days old oat plants grown in sand with fertilization

(experiment) and without fertilizers (control). Take out carefully from the sand 20

plants of each variant and separate their upper part from the roots. Then cover a part

of the stem, which was in the sand, covered with paraffin to exclude its participation

in water evaporation. For this, plunge the lower etiolated parts of the stem into the

expanded paraffin, colored with Sudan III, with a temperature not higher than 50C.

Weigh all the plants together on technical scale. Repeat the weighing after 30

minutes, 1h, 1h 30 minutes, 2 hours. The loss in mass shows the absolute amount of

water, that the test plants lose in 30 minutes. Using the obtained data, calculate the

amount of evaporated water and the percentage to the initial weight of the evaporated

mass within 30 minutes; 1; 1,5; 2 hours. Represent graphically the dynamics of water


loss, make a conclusion about the water-holding capacity of plants of different


Record the results of the experiment into Table 13 by the form given.

Table 13 - Determination of the water-retaining capacity of plants

Object Weight of

plants, g

Amount of evaporated

water, g

Loss of water to the initial

weight, %


after 30 min

after 1 hour

after 1 hour 30


after 2 hour

Materials and equipment: fifteen-days old oats or wheat plants, paraffin colored

with Sudan III, a test tube racks, technical scales, scissors, and water bath.

2.10 Determination of the productivity of transpiration and the

transpiration coefficient

In the cultivation of crops, the efficiency of water use by plants is of great

importance, and the index of it is a transpiration coefficient. The value of the

transpiration coefficient is influenced by the conditions of mineral nutrition, water

availability, light intensity and other factors. The degree of water use by a plant can

be increased, creating optimal conditions of water supply and nutrition for it.

Regularities of water exchange of plants are important to consider when developing

agrotechnical techniques, aimed at obtaining high yields.

To characterize the water exchange of plants in a full state, it is necessary to

know the indicators of the effectiveness of water consumption: the productivity of

transpiration, i.e., the amount of dry matter (g) formed when 1 l of water evaporates,

and the reciprocal value - the transpiration coefficient.

When 1 g of dry matter is formed, in average, 300-500 g of water is consumed.

Millet cereals have lower values of the transpiration coefficient, while flax and

perennial grasses have higher values. The conditions for growing plants have a

significant effect on the efficiency of the water use: the better the conditions for

mineral nutrition and the water supply of plants, the higher the yield and the less

water consumption is done for a unit of mass creation.

Water productivity indicators are usually determined during the vegetation

period. However, one should remember, that during ontogeny they change. Thus,

spring wheat during shooting has a greater transpiration coefficient, then it decreases

and reaches a minimum in the end of tillering, increases again during forming a tube,

reaches a maximum in the phases of earing and flowering, and then decreases.

Task: Determine the indicators of the effectiveness of water consumption by


wheat in the phases of tillering and earing.

Procedure. For work in a sand culture at 0.5 norm of the Hoagland-Snyders

nutrient mixture grow three and five-weeks old spring wheat plants. Pick six vessels

with equalized plants of each planting period.

From the three vessels of each variant, carefully remove the plants, wash the

roots from the sand, dry with filter paper and weigh the initial mass of the air-dry

material in each vessel in separately. For this, ground the plants and place them in

open boxes from tracing paper into a drying cabinet preheated to 105C; at this

temperature there occurs a complete inactivation of all enzymes, which prevents

subsequent changes in the dry mass. Then dry the material in air or in drying cabinet

at 60C and weigh on technical scales with precision to the second sign.

Number the remaining three vessels of each option, water through a drain pipe

until the constant mass (60% MC of humidity) and within a week mark the amount of

water consumed by the plants.

Correct account is possible only if the evaporation of moisture by the root-

inhabited part is excluded. For this, pour molten (not hot!) paraffin the sand surface,

which after hardening makes a waterproof layer. You can replace paraffin with a

layer of non-absorbent cotton wool or mulch the surface with the aid of a non-

hygroscopic granular foam. After 1 week, weigh the air-dry mass of the plants in

each vessel. Carry out the work in the same sequence as in the first observation.

Based on the data on the water amount consumed by the plants in each vessel

and the accumulated dry matter in this period, calculate the productivity of

transpiration and the transpiration coeffect. Compare the results of calculations

according to the variants.

Record the results of the experiment into Table 14 by the form given.

Table 14 - Determination of the indicators of the effectiveness of water consumption






mass, g

Water amount

consumed in

1 week, g


ted air-dry

mass, g






Materials and equipment: three- and five-weeks old wheat plants are grown in liter

culture vessels in sand culture. Technical scales, drying cabinet, crystallizers, tracing

paper, filter paper, beakers.



Information material. Photosynthesis is a process, in the result of which the

light energy absorbed by an autotrophic organism is transformed into the chemical

energy of biogenic plant compounds. In this case, the light energy is mainly used to

initiate the 2 reduction reactions before the formation of various monosaccharides.

In the process of photosynthesis, other compounds can be reduced to form sulfates,

nitrates, hydrogen. In addition, the energy of light is expended on the transportation

of substances through membranes and on the processes of biosynthesis.

In general, photosynthesis is an oxidation-reduction process of 2 and 2O

interaction, which occurs with the participation of chlorophyll, carrying the light


Photosynthetic reactions occur in chloroplasts. Chloroplasts of higher plants

usually have a spherical or a disk-shaped form (1-10 microns). In the cells of higher

plants, there are several dozens of chloroplasts, the total total surface of which can

exceed the area of leaves in dozens or hundreds of times. Outside, chloroplasts are

surrounded by a continuous protein-lipid membrane, consisting of a two-layer

membrane (inner and outer membranes). The inner part of chloroplast is represented

by lamellae, which are immersed in a stroma. Most of the lamellae are densely

packed into individual granules, laid across chloroplast. Each grainule is a pile of

discs, which are called thylakoids in granules. Thylakoids have a membrane


The granules contains a bulk of chlorophylls, all pigments of photosynthesis, as

well as functional proteins, lipids and enzymes. The coupled membranes of thylakoid

granules serve to trap the light quanta.

Plant chloroplasts have their own DNA (chlDNA), which is a closed circular

double-stranded molecule, formed from sequentially bound nucleotides. The structure

of the primary DNA structure can have 1.3 105 up to 1.6 105 pairs of nitrogenous

bases. At present time, the primary structure of the tobacco and rice DNAs has been

studied. 130 genes display their selectivity in the structure of chlDNA.

The DNA of chloroplasts contains the information about approximately 40

proteins of the thylakoid membrane, involved into photosynthetic activity of

chloroplasts, which is about a half of the total protein composition of thylakoids. It

should be noted that there is a gene in chlDNA, containing the information on a large

subunit of ribulose-1.5-diphosphate carboxylase. The enzyme catalyzes the limiting

step in the Calvin cycle.

The study of photosynthesis made it possible to identify the presence of two

consecutive stages that occur in the presence and the absence of light. Under the

influence of the light, photolysis reactions of water take place, which occur with the

participation of pigments and catalytic proteins of photosynthetic systems. As a result

of the light stage of photosynthesis, NADPH is synthesized, the reaction is catalyzed

by the ferredoxin-NADP+-reductase enzyme.

Thus, photosynthesis is a collection of physico-chemical processes initiated by

the light, which results in water splitting process, ensuring the reactions of high-


energy molecules synthesis (ATP, GTP, CTP, etc.) and the reduced form of NADP+,

used in the further dark reactions of photosynthesis. At the same time, adenosine

triphosphoric acid is consumed in biological reactions, determining the direction of

the biological processes course, participating in the synthesis of various biological

molecules, while the reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate is used in

the reactions of the Calvin cycle.

The light reactions of photosynthesis occur in thylakoids, in the membranes of

which the components of photosynthetic systems are located. These are, first of all,

light-gathering pigments and functional proteins, as well as electron-transport

complexes, a NADPH-synthesizing enzyme and an ATP-synthesizing complex. The

latter carries out the phosphorylation of ADP with the formation of ATP.

The dark stages of photosynthesis take place in the stroma of chloroplasts and

represent a set of biochemical processes that result in the reduction of 2 to


Methodological recommendations on the studying the topic. While

studying this topic, it is necessary to understand, that photosynthesis is the basis of

bioenergy on the globe, to determine the nature of the main photosynthetic reactions,

its physico-chemical essence, the energy balance components, the distribution of

absorbed light to the pigments of green cell, the stages of ideas development about

the process of photosynthesis.

It is also necessary to study the primary processes of photosynthesis in 3 -, 4-

and CAM-plants, the ways of energy migration, the structure and the functions of the

electron-transport chain of photosynthesis, quantum flow and quantum yield, cyclic

and noncyclic photophosphorylation, the main regularities of the electron-transport

chain functioning in connection with the energy exchange reactions.

It is necessary to pay attention to the systems of photosynthetic regulation. It is

necessary to study the intensity of photosynthesis, the methods of its determination,

the dependence of this indicator on illumination and spectral composition of the light,

the influence of external and internal factors on the intensity of photosynthesis, the

compensation points, the interaction of factors and the regulatory role of

photosynthesis. To note possible ways of increasing the photosynthetic activity in


It is necessary to know about the international biological program
