Mollett CARSP 2005 Left Turn

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  • 8/3/2019 Mollett CARSP 2005 Left Turn


    Improving left turn safety at signalized


    Calvin J. Mollett M(Eng)

    Regional Municipality of York: Ontario


    The safety performance of left turn traffic atsignalized intersections depends on a complex

    interaction of traffic volumes, intersection

    geometry, operating speeds and signal phasing and

    timing details. This paper develops and describes aquantitative model that can be used to assess the

    potential impact of these factors on the safety andcapacity of left turn movements at signalizedintersections. In particular the model is used to

    assess the effect of intersection design choices on

    the potential safety and capacity of a left turnmovement. The paper shows that at intersections

    designed according to provincial design standards in

    Ontario (without fully protected left turn phasing),under certain conditions, do not have adequate left

    turn sight distance, and that in such cases the safety

    and capacity of a left turn movement not only

    depends on the left turn volume and the opposingthrough volume (as assumed by the Highway

    Capacity Manual) but also on the opposing left turn

    volume and the adjacent through volume. Since acapacity guide such as the Highway Capacity

    Manual and traffic analysis software such as

    Synchro do not explicitly account for the effectsof intersection geometry and limited sight distances,

    and may overestimate the capacity of a left turn

    movement. Measures to improve left turn safety are

    identified. These measures include providing

    protected left turn phases, placing detector loopscloser to the stop line, decreasing the negative offset

    between opposing left turn lanes and introducing ashadow lane between a left turn lane and the

    adjacent through lane. Opportunities for

    enhancements to existing intersection and signal

    design guidelines are identified and

    recommendations are made for further investigationand research.


    La sret du trafic qui vire gauche aux

    intersections signalises dpend d'une interaction

    complexe du volumes du trafic, la gomtrie delintersection, la vitesse de fonctionnement et mise

    en phase des signaux et des dtails de

    synchronisation. Cet article dveloppe et dcrit un

    modle quantitatif qui peut tre employ pourvaluer l'impact potentiel de ces facteurs sur la

    sret et la capacit de mouvements du trafic qui

    vire gauche aux intersections signalises. En

    particulier le modle est employ pour valuel'effet des choix de conception d'intersection sur la

    sret et la capacit potentielle d'un mouvement devirage gauche. La recherche prouve qu'aux

    intersections conu en accordance aux normes

    provinciales de lOntario (sans virage gauch

    entirement protg par une indication), danscertaines conditions, les intersections n'ont pas la

    distance proportionne de vue pour un virage

    gauche, et que dans ces cas-ci la sret et la capacitd'un mouvement de virage gauche dpend non

    seulement du volume de virage gauche (commeassum par le manuel de capacit de route) maisgalement du volume d'opposition de virage

    gauche et du volume traversant adjacent. Puisqu'un

    guide de capacit tel que le manuel de capacit de

    route et le logiciel d'analyse de trafic tel queSynchro nexpliquent pas explicitement les effets

    de la gomtrie d'intersection et des distances

    limites de vue, ils peuvent aussi surestimer lacapacit d'un mouvement de virage gauche. Des

    mesures d'amlioration de la sret de virage

    gauche sont identifies. Ces mesures incluenfournir des phases protges de virage gauche

    plaant des boucles de dtection plus prs de l

    ligne d'arrt, diminuant ainsi l'excentrage ngatifentre les ruelles opposante de virage gauche et

    prsenter une ruelle d'ombre entre une ruelle d

  • 8/3/2019 Mollett CARSP 2005 Left Turn


    virage gauche et la ruelle traversante adjacente.Des occasions pour le perfectionnement des

    directives existantes de conception d'intersection et

    de signal sont identifies et des recommandationssont faites pour plus de recherche et de



    To efficiently accommodate left turn vehicles at

    signalized intersections a trade off is requiredbetween reducing delay and reducing collisions, not

    only for left turn vehicles but for all vehicles using

    an intersection.

    The safety and operational performance of left turn

    traffic at signalized intersections depends on a

    complex interaction of traffic volumes, intersectiongeometry, operating speeds, signal phasing and

    timing design.

    For guidance on how to design intersections to

    accommodate left turn vehicles traffic engineers

    rely on intersection design guidelines such asTACs Manual for the Geometric Design

    Standards for Canadian Roads or Provincial

    guidelines such as MTOs Geometric Design

    Standards for Ontario Roads.

    This paper will assess how well the proposed

    designs in these Guidelines perform with respect toproviding left turn sight distance to vehicles whose

    sight lines are restricted by vehicles in the opposing

    left turn lane, for a range of operating conditions.

    A quantitative model will be developed to assess the

    potential impact of designs, that provide inadequate

    sight distance, on safety and capacity for differentsignal phasing and timing designs, and different

    traffic volume combinations.

    The model will be used to justify a hierarchy of

    strategies to improve left turn safety.

    Finally enhancements to current geometric designstandards for signalized intersections will be


    Proceedings of the Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference XV; June 5-8, 2005; Fredericton, NBLe compte rendu de la XVe Confrence canadienne multidisciplinaire sur la scurit routire; 5-8 juin 2005; Fredericton, NB


  • 8/3/2019 Mollett CARSP 2005 Left Turn


    Problem Statement

    Figure 1a and 1b illustrate a typical left turn conflict


    A driver wants to perform a left turn during

    a permissive left turn phase, AND

    The left turn sight distance is restricted by a

    vehicle in the opposing left turn lane, AND

    The available sight distance (SDa) is lessthan the sight distance required (SDr) for at

    least the median lane of the opposing

    approach, AND

    Any one of the three scenarios in Figure 1bapplies to the through lanes of the opposing


    It is assumed that a vehicle in the clear zone doesnot present a conflict situation as a rational driver is

    unlikely to commence a turn while there is a clearly

    visible vehicle in the clear zone.

    A left turn conflict is assumed to be:

    A collision between a permissive left turn

    vehicle and an opposing through moving


    The sudden deceleration of a throughmoving vehicle to avoid a collision with a

    permissive left turn vehicle

    The sudden termination of a left turn

    maneuver by a permissive left turn vehicle

    to avoid a collision

    The following measure of exposure to left turn

    conflicts will be used to assess the potential effect

    of traffic volumes, signal timing and phasing designand intersection geometry on left turn related




    )(3600 = [1]

    C = Cycle length (sec)

    Lu = Number of permissive left turns during a cycle

    ru = Probability that the sight distance is restricted by an

    opposing left turn vehicle during the permissive


    PSD = Probability that the restricted sight distance is less

    than the required sight distance

    Proceedings of the Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference XV; June 5-8, 2005; Fredericton, NBLe compte rendu de la XVe Confrence canadienne multidisciplinaire sur la scurit routire; 5-8 juin 2005; Fredericton, NB



    Clear Zone

    Blind Zone


    Figure 1a: Illustration of left turn conflict

    (a) (b) (c)

    OR OR

    Figure 1b: Illustration of left turn conflict scenarios

  • 8/3/2019 Mollett CARSP 2005 Left Turn


    Pz = Probability of either scenario (a) , (b) or (c) in

    Figure 1b occurring when the restricted sight

    distance is less that the required sight distance

    EL is not a perfect measure of exposure. It has the

    following shortcomings:

    PSD and PZ will be determined using only the85th percentile approach speed and the 85th

    percentile available sight distance

    No allowances are made for trucks

    The approach speed is treated as a constant

    (at the 85th percentile level) and not as a variable

    Vehicle arrivals are considered to be

    completely random, thereby not allowing for the

    effect of signal progression and platooning

    It does not account for phase end left turn

    sneakers during the intergreen interval

    It does not account for drivers selectinginappropriate gaps under perfect sight distance


    In spite of these shortcomings it is postulated that

    there will be a strong positive correlation between

    EL and the actual number of left turn relatedcollisions, and that any measure that is effective in

    reducing EL will also be effective in reducing left

    turn related collisions. However, due to the use of

    an imperfect measure of exposure it cannot be

    assumed that the relationship between EL andcollisions will be perfectly linear, and that a certain

    % reduction in EL will translate to the same %reduction in collisions. It is therefore strongly

    advised that EL should not be used as the

    denominator in collision rate calculations.

    Theoretical Framework

    Equations 2 to 9 are based on procedures detailed in

    the Highway Capacity Manual (2000).

    Consider a signalized intersection with traffic

    volumes shown in Figure 2. Both left-turn

    movements are provided with a protected /permissive phase.

    The effective duration of the protected left turn

    phase for the study and opposing approaches are g

    and g respectively. The duration of the permissive

    left-turn phase for qL is equal to the effective greeninterval for the opposing through movement (gopp).

    The Highway Capacity Manual (2000) providesprocedures for estimating gandgopp for approaches

    with leading left turn phases.

    Proceedings of the Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference XV; June 5-8, 2005; Fredericton, NBLe compte rendu de la XVe Confrence canadienne multidisciplinaire sur la scurit routire; 5-8 juin 2005; Fredericton, NB


    Figure 2: Signal phasing, timing and traffic volume




    r g gq gu







    r g gq













  • 8/3/2019 Mollett CARSP 2005 Left Turn


    The period gopp consists of two components, gq and


    When the permissive green phase is initiated the

    opposing queue (qT) begins to move. While the

    opposing queue clears, left turns are effectivelyblocked. The portion of permissive green blocked

    by the clearance of an opposing queue is designated

    gq. Once the opposing queue clears left-turn

    vehicles filter through an unsaturated opposingflow. The portion of permissive green during which

    left turns filter through the opposing flow is

    designated gu.

    For the study approach, the average queue at the

    end of the red interval is:

    3600/rqQ La = ... [2]

    The average queue at the end of the protected left-

    turn phase (g) is:

    ]3600/)(,0max[ gqsQQ Lpag = [3]

    The average queue at the end ofgq is:

    3600/qLgu gqQQ += ... [4]

    The average queue at the end ofgu is:

    ]3600/)(,0max[ Lsuur qsgQQ = [5]

    The duration of the effective red interval is:

    oppggCr = [6]

    qL = Left-turn flow (vph)

    sp = Saturation flow rate for protected phase = 0.95ss = Saturation flow rate (1900 vph assumed)

    g = Effective length of protected left-turn phase (sec)

    ss = Maximum vehicle departure rate during gu (vph)

    C = Cycle length (sec)

    The value of ss can be determined by (HCM, 2000):







    = [7]

    tc = Critical gap (4.1 sec assumed)

    tf = Follow up time (2.2 sec assumed)

    The value of gq can be determined as follows(HCM, 2000) :1:



    Tq t





    ))('/'( [8]

    s = Saturation flow rate (1900 vph)qT= Opposing through volume (vph)

    N = Number of opposing through lanestL = Lost time(4 sec assumed)

    The Highway Capacity Manual (2000) providesadditional procedures to estimate gq for approacheswith leading left turn phases.

    The value of gu can be determined by:

    qoppu ggg = [9]

    1 Assuming a platoon ratio and lane utilization factor = 1.

    Proceedings of the Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference XV; June 5-8, 2005; Fredericton, NBLe compte rendu de la XVe Confrence canadienne multidisciplinaire sur la scurit routire; 5-8 juin 2005; Fredericton, NB


  • 8/3/2019 Mollett CARSP 2005 Left Turn


    Lu Number of permissive left turns

    The number of permissive left turns during gu isgiven by:

    ],min[ uLusuu gqQsgL += [10]

    500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700

















    Figure 3 illustrates the effect of introducingprotected left turn phases on the value of Lu. As qTincreases the value of gq increases (Equation 8),

    hence the value of gu decreases (Equation 9),

    leading to a reduction in Lu (Equation 10).

    ru Probability that the left-turn sight distance

    is restricted during gu

    To estimate the probability that during the period guthe left turn sight distance is restricted by opposing

    left turn vehicles, two different cases should be


    Case 1 is illustrated in Figure 4 and Case 2 is

    illustrated in Figure 5. In Case 1 gu > gu, and inCase 2 gu < gu.

    In Figure 4 during the period gu1 left-turn vehiclesfilter through the opposing traffic stream, however

    for the whole duration of gu1 the opposing left turnqueue is stationary. Therefore for Case 1 during guthe probability that the sight distance is restricted is

    equal to 1, i.e. ru1 = 1. However in Case 2 no left

    turns are possible during gu1 as the left turn vehicles

    are still waiting for the opposing queue to clear. It istherefore of no consequence that the sight distance

    may be restricted during this period. i.e. ru1 = 0.

    In Figure 4, during the period gu2 the opposing left

    turn queue clears as vehicles filter through available

    gaps in the through traffic (qT). It is assumed thatwhile the opposing left turn queue clears the sight

    distance will remain restricted for 100 % of the

    time, i.e. ru2 = 1 . In Figure 5, by the time that left

    turn vehicles have an opportunity to start turning

    the opposing left turn queue has already been

    clearing for a maximum period equal to gu1. For the

    Proceedings of the Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference XV; June 5-8, 2005; Fredericton, NBLe compte rendu de la XVe Confrence canadienne multidisciplinaire sur la scurit routire; 5-8 juin 2005; Fredericton, NB


    r g gq gu

    r g gq gu













    r g gq gu

    r g gq gu









    Figure 4: Case 1 gu < gu

    Figure 5: Case 2 gu > gu

    Figure 3: Relationship between Lu and qT, qL and g

    Figure 4: Case 1 gu < gu

  • 8/3/2019 Mollett CARSP 2005 Left Turn


    remaining time to clear (if any) the probability thatthe sight distance is restricted is also equal to 1, i.e.

    ru2 = 1.

    Case 1: ]''






    = [11]

    Case 2: ]''

    '3600,0max[ 12 u



    u gqs




    During the period gu3 the probability of one or more

    opposing left turn vehicles in a queue waiting forsuitable gap, and therefore restricting the sight

    distance can be determined using queuing theory

    (Taha, 1982) as follows:






    q= [13]

    qL = Opposing left turn flow rate (vph)

    ss = Maximum vehicle departure rate during gu (See

    Equation 9)

    The probability that the left-turn sight distance will be restricted during gu can be estimated by

    estimating the weighted average of ru1, ru1 and ru1

    over the period gu as follows:




    ggg 332211

    ++= [14]

    Figure 6 illustrates how the value of ru varies with

    different values of qL and qT. It is evident that withvery high values of qT opposing left turn vehicles

    are unable to find suitable gaps and restrict the left-

    turn sight distance for the whole duration of gu, evenat low left turn volumes.































    A p p r o a c h V o l u m e - qL

    0 . 0

    0 . 2

    0 . 4

    0 . 6

    0 . 8

    1 . 0

    1 . 2




    2 5 0

    2 0 0

    1 5 0

    1 0 0

    5 0

    O p p o s i n g L e f t T u r n V o l uL T

    q L = 2 5 0

    q 'T = 8 0 0

    g = 0g ' = 0r = 5 4 s eC = 1 2 0

    In reality, due to the unwillingness of drivers to

    accept available gaps when their left turn sigh

    distances are inadequate, the duration of gu2 will belonger and gu3 will be shorter than those calculated.

    It has been observed that often opposing left turn

    queues lock horns neither queue is moving

    because the one queue restricts the left turn sighdistance of the other and vice versa, even when

    there are adequate gaps in the opposing traffic

    streams. In these cases gu3 would be equal to zero

    resulting in ru =1.

    PSD - Probability that restricted sight distance is

    less than the required sight distance.

    SDr- Sight Distance Required

    Harwood et al. (1996) suggested that at locationswhere left turns from the major road are permitted

    at signalized intersections without a protected turn

    phase, sight distance along the major road should beprovided based on a critical gap approach.

    vGSD r 278.0= [15]

    SDr= Required sight distance for left turn from the major

    road (m)

    v = 85th percentile speed on major road (km/h)

    Proceedings of the Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference XV; June 5-8, 2005; Fredericton, NBLe compte rendu de la XVe Confrence canadienne multidisciplinaire sur la scurit routire; 5-8 juin 2005; Fredericton, NB


    Figure 6: Relationship between ru and qL and qT

  • 8/3/2019 Mollett CARSP 2005 Left Turn


    G= Critical gap size for left-turn from the major road


    Table 1 shows the G values recommended byHarwood et al. (1996).

    Table 1: Critical Gap values

    Vehicle Type Number of opposing through lanes

    1 Lane 2 Lanes 3 lanes

    Passenger Cars 5.5 sec 6.0 sec 6.5 sec

    Single-unit trucks 6.5 sec 7.2 sec 7.9 sec

    Combination trucks 7.5 sec 8.2 sec 8.9 sec

    These recommended gap sizes will provide enoughtime for a left turn driver to decide on a course of

    action, and to perform a left turn movement without

    impeding opposing through moving vehicles.

    SDa - Available Sight Distance

    McCoy et al. (1999) devised a procedure to

    calculate the available sight distance for any

    intersection based on its geometry. They defineAvailable Sight Distance (SDa) as the distance from

    the left-turn drivers eye to the point at which

    his/her line of sight intersects the centreline of thenear opposing through lane.

    During their study McCoy et al. (1999) studied,

    using video digital technology, the position of morethan 2,500 vehicles at 6 intersections. Regression

    analysis of the vehicle positioning data was used to

    determine the relationship between available sightdistance and various intersection design parameters

    as illustrated in Figure 5. Analyses were conducted

    for the 95th, 85th, 75th, 65th and 50th percentile vehiclepositions in order to develop guidelines for a range

    of sight distance design levels and intersection

    design parameters.

    biaai YYSD += [16]





    LtL 8765




    Ya = Distance between opposing vehicles

    Vw = Width of design vehicle (2.15m assumed)

    Yi = Longitudinal distance from the front of the left-turn

    vehicle to the drivers eye. (1.5m assumed)p = Percentile value

    WLL = Width of left-turn lane line (shadow lane)WOTLT = Width of opposing left-turn lane

    WLTL = Width of left-turn lane

    kip = Constant i for p-percentile vehicle position

    x0 = Negative offset between opposing left turn lanes

    W = 0.5Lw to determine SDa1 and = 1.5Lw to determine


    For intersection approaches with a raised median it

    is desirable that the sum of WLL and -x0 be equal to

    the width of the median.

    Table 2: Constant values for sight distance equation



    Percentile Position

    50 65 75 85 95

    k1p -0.58 -0.53 -0.50 -0.48 -0.45

    k2p -0.31 -0.28 -0.24 -0.21 -0.20

    k3p 0.40 0.39 0.34 0.36 0.25

    k4p 4.74 4.52 4.75 4.28 4.97

    k5p -0.97 -1.02 -1.02 -1.05 -1.07

    k6p -0.30 0.36 -0.41 -0.46 -0.54

    k7p 0.35 0.36 0.40 0.46 0.41

    k8p -2.62 -2.17 -2.39 -2.66 -1.97

    Proceedings of the Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference XV; June 5-8, 2005; Fredericton, NBLe compte rendu de la XVe Confrence canadienne multidisciplinaire sur la scurit routire; 5-8 juin 2005; Fredericton, NB



  • 8/3/2019 Mollett CARSP 2005 Left Turn


    Equation 17 and the parameters in Table 2 were

    derived assuming that left turn vehicles do not enter

    into the intersection to wait for an available gap, asis the common practice. This practice however does

    not necessarily improve the available sight distance

    for left turn vehicles. The benefits of a smaller

    offset (xo) could be decreased or eliminated by theeffect of a smaller distance between opposing

    vehicles (Ya).

    The available sight distance percentile values (SDai)

    can be estimated by substituting the corresponding

    percentile constants in Table 2 into Equations 16

    and 17.

    Figure 8 shows the available sight distance

    percentiles for a typical signalized intersection of 2-lane arterials in York Region, designed according to

    MTOs Geometric Design Standards for Ontario

    Roads and TACs Manual of Geometric Design

    Standards for Canadian Roads, i.e. offset = -2 m

    intersection width = 35 m, left turn lane widths = 3

    m, through lanes widths = 3.5 m and shadow lanewidth = 0.

    4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 1 0

    P e r c e n t i l e ( % )

    7 0

    8 0

    9 0

    1 0 0

    1 1 0

    1 2 0

    1 3 0

    1 4 0

    1 5 0

    1 6 0



    The probability that the required sight distance isless than required (PSD) can be determined from

    Figure 8 and Equation 18.

    100/1 PercentilePSD = . [18]

    For example, for a speed of 80 km/h the required

    sight distance = 133 m (from Equation 15). From

    Figure 8 the corresponding percentile value isapproximately 56 %. Therefore PSD = 0.44.

    PZ - Probability of vehicles in blind zones

    The procedure below estimates the probability of

    either scenario (a), (b) or (c) in Figure 1b occurring,

    and assumes a displaced exponential distribution inthe headways between vehicles during the period gu(as recommended by Troutbeck and Brilon).

    )(2)2( 21 mr

    maa t







    Z eeP+



    Proceedings of the Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference XV; June 5-8, 2005; Fredericton, NBLe compte rendu de la XVe Confrence canadienne multidisciplinaire sur la scurit routire; 5-8 juin 2005; Fredericton, NB








    Figure 7: Intersection design parameters

    Figure 8: Available sight distance percentiles

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    = [20]

    tm = Minimum head way = 3600/1900 = 1.89 sec.

    SDa1 = 85th Percentile available sight distance to Lane 1

    SDa2 = 85th Percentile available sight distance to Lane 2

    SDr= Sight distance required

    v = 85th percentile speed on major road (km/h) N = Number of opposing through lanes

    Figure 9 illustrates the non-linear relationship

    between PZ and qT for a number of operating


    1 0 03 0 05 0 07 0 09 0 01 1 0 01 3 0 01 5 0 01 7 0 01 9 0 02 1 0 02 3 0 02 5 0 02 7 0

    q 'T - O p p o s s i n g T h r o u g h V o l u

    0 . 0 0

    0 . 0 2

    0 . 0 4

    0 . 0 6

    0 . 0 8

    0 . 1 0

    0 . 1 2

    0 . 1 4


    v = 9 0 k m / h

    v = 8 0 k m / h

    v = 7 0 k m / h

    Left turn capacity

    The capacity of a movement can be defined as the

    maximum number of vehicles per hour that can

    perform that movement given the intersectionstraffic flows and design.

    Assuming a maximum of two sneakers per cycle (as

    recommended by HCM, 2000), the maximumnumber of vehicles that can turn left during a cycle

    is given by:

    2)()( ++= supL sgsgC [21]

    Equation 9, which is used to calculate s s assumesthat all available gaps are accepted by turning

    vehicles. In reality drivers do not accept al

    available gaps as they are not willing to putthemselves in danger when their sight distances are

    restricted by opposing left-turn vehicles. Equation

    32 is therefore likely to overestimate the truecapacity of a left turn movement.

    Capacity estimation procedures in the Highway

    Capacity Manual (2000), and the Canadian CapacityGuide for Signalized Intersections (1995) do no

    explicitly consider the potential effect of an

    intersections geometry (primarily intersectionwidth, offset and shadow lane width) and the traffic

    flows qL and qT on a left turn movements capacity.

    Certain warrants for protected left turn phasing rely

    on the volume to capacity ratio. For exampleaccording to MTOs Guidelines for Traffic

    Control Signal Timing and Capacity Analysis at

    Signalized Intersections (1989) a protected lef

    turn phase is warranted if the v/c ratio for a left turn

    movement is larger than 1. Overestimation of thecapacity will lead to smaller v/c ratios which could

    result in protected left turn phases not being

    implemented where they do have the potential toefficiently improve traffic safety and operations.

    Equation 22 presents a modified capacity equationthat takes into consideration the effect of left turn

    queues and intersection geometry.

    )1()((mod) ++= SDuussTuuSDpL PgssRgPsgC


    RT= Probability that driver will perform a turn when PSD> 0.

    RT is related to a drivers willingness to accep

    uncertain gaps and is likely a function of:

    A drivers perception that the next gap in

    traffic is larger than the critical gap (G)required to perform a safe left turn.

    The size of the blind zone

    The time already spend waiting to turn left

    Proceedings of the Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference XV; June 5-8, 2005; Fredericton, NBLe compte rendu de la XVe Confrence canadienne multidisciplinaire sur la scurit routire; 5-8 juin 2005; Fredericton, NB


    Figure 9: PZ Probability of vehicle only in

    blind zone

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    The potential reduction in capacity as a result ofrestricted sight distances is given by:

    )1( = TSDusu RPsgC [23]

    To calculate the minimum value of CL(mod) and amaximum value forC, RT = 0 should be assumed.


    Consider a typical signalized intersection:

    Designed according to TAC and MTO

    standards, with the following geometry: Offset

    = -2 m, intersection width = 35 m, left turn

    lane widths = 3 m, through lanes widths = 3.5

    m and shadow lane width = 0.

    With traffic volumes: qL = 250 vph and qT =

    800 vph.

    With signal timing parameters: g = 0, g = 0, r= 54 sec and r= 54 sec and C = 120 sec.

    For this intersection Figure 10 illustrates thatbecause PSD and PZ > 0 the safety (as measured by

    EL) of a left turn movement not only depends on the

    opposing through volume (qT) but also the adjacentthrough volume (qT) and the opposing left turnvolume (qL).

    5 0 0 7 0 0 9 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 5 0 01 7 0 0 1 9 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 3 0 0 2 5 0 0 2 7 0 02 9 0 0

    q T - A p p r o a c h V o l u m e ( v p h )






    1 0

    1 2

    1 4

    1 6


    2 5 0

    2 0 0

    1 5 0

    1 0 0

    5 0q ' L - O p p o s i n g l e f t - t u r n v o l

    P Z = 0 . 1 2 3

    P S D = 0 . 4 4

    q L = 2 5 0 v p h

    q 'T = 8 0 0 v p h

    If EL = 13.5, then from Equation 34 the maximum

    reduction in capacity is 170 vehicles per hour

    (assuming RT =0), which is about 58 % of the HCMcapacity (CL) of 293 vehicles per hour.

    Improvement Strategies

    Left turn safety improvement strategies should aim

    to reduce the values of Ls, ru, PSD and PZ.

    As long as there are left turn vehicles using an

    intersection Ls and ru can never be zero, unless

    permissive left turn movements are prohibite

    completely through the introduction of exclusiveleft turn phases.

    Through appropriate intersection design the valuesof PSD and PZ can be reduced to zero. Therefore the

    greatest improvement in safety will likely be

    attained by making intersection improvements to

    reduce PSD and PZ. Should this not be feasiblemeasures to reduce Ls and ru should be considered

    A first consideration should be to provide exclusive

    protected left turn phases. Should this not b

    feasible, due to increases in delay and othercollision types, providing a protected phase that is

    called by appropriately located detection loops

    should be considered.

    Improving intersection sight distance

    A combination of two strategies can be employed to

    reduce PSD and PZ:

    a) Reduce the sight distance required (SDr) byreducing the approach speed.

    b) Increase the available sight distance (SDa)

    by reducing the offset between opposing leftturn lanes (xo) and increasing the width of

    the shadow lane (wLL).

    Strategy (a) i.e. reducing approach speeds is

    difficult to achieve and to sustain.

    Proceedings of the Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference XV; June 5-8, 2005; Fredericton, NBLe compte rendu de la XVe Confrence canadienne multidisciplinaire sur la scurit routire; 5-8 juin 2005; Fredericton, NB


    Figure 10: EL vs. qT and qL

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    Figure 11 illustrates the dramatic improvements in

    sight distance that can be achieved with Strategy (b)

    i.e. introducing shadow lanes and reducing thenegative offset between opposing left turn lanes.

    4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 1 0

    P e r c e n t i l e ( % )


    1 0 0

    2 0 0

    3 0 0

    4 0 0

    5 0 0

    6 0 0

    7 0 0

    8 0 0


    W L L = 0 . 7 5 m a n d x0 = 1 . 2 5 m

    W L L = 0 m a n d x0 = 2 m

    W L L = 0 . 2 5 m a n d x0 = 1 . 7 5 m

    W L L = 0 . 5 0 m a n d x0 = 1 . 5 0 m

    The total amount that an intersection has to bewidened by (compared to the standard design) to

    achieve these sight distance improvements is equal

    to WLL.

    Table 3 provides values for WLL and x0 for variety

    of approach speeds, intersection widths and lane

    widths that will ensure that the 85th

    percentileavailable sight distance is equal or greater than the

    required sight distance. i.e. PSD = 0.15.

    It is evident that the current design standard of WLL= 0 and x0 = -2 m only provides adequate sight

    distance (at the 85th percentile level) at lowapproach speeds and very wide intersections. As

    speeds increase and intersection widths become

    narrower the need for wider shadow lanes andsmaller negative offsets becomes more urgent.

    Table 3: Recommended Intersection Design Parameters

    Intersection Width = 30 m


    3.5 m Lane 3.35 m Lane

    WLL Offset WLL Offset

    40 0 -2 0 -2

    50 0.20 -1.8 0.20 -1.8

    60 0.45 -1.55 0.45 -1.55

    70 0.55 -1.45 0.55 -1.45

    80 0.65 -1.35 0.65 -1.35

    90 0.70 -1.3 0.70 -1.30

    Intersection Width = 35 m



    3.5 m Lane 3.35 m Lane

    WLL Offset WLL Offset40 0 -2 0 -2

    50 0 -2 0 -2

    60 0.2 -1.8 0.25 -1.75

    70 0.4 -1.6 0.45 -1.55

    80 0.5 -1.5 0.55 -1.45

    90 0.6 -1.4 0.60 -1.40

    Intersection Width = 40 m



    3.5 m Lane 3.35 m Lane

    WLL Offset WLL Offset

    40 0 -2 0 -2

    50 0 -2 0 -2

    60 0 -2 0 -270 0.25 -1.75 0.30 -1.70

    80 0.40 -1.6 0.45 -1.55

    90 0.50 -1.5 0.55 -1.45

    At existing intersections it may not always be

    possible, nor feasible, to reduce the negative offset

    as this may require extensive intersection re-construction work. It is however possible to

    introduce a shadow lane by reducing the widths of

    the through lanes. In York Region the standard lanewidth on arterials is 3.5 m. Should this be reduced

    3.35 m each, on a 2 lane roadway, a shadow lane

    0.3 m wide is possible. Figure 12 illustrates theimprovement in sight distance that this

    improvement could achieve.

    Proceedings of the Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference XV; June 5-8, 2005; Fredericton, NBLe compte rendu de la XVe Confrence canadienne multidisciplinaire sur la scurit routire; 5-8 juin 2005; Fredericton, NB


    Figure 11: Available sight distance

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    4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 1 0

    P e r c e n t i l e ( % )

    6 0

    8 0

    1 0 0

    1 2 0

    1 4 0

    1 6 0

    1 8 0

    2 0 0




    W L L = 0 . 3 a n d x0 = 2 m

    W L L = 0 a n d x0 = 2 m

    Y a = 3 5 m

    v = 8 0 k m

    S Dr = 1 3 3 m

    It is evident from Figure 12 that the value of PSDwill decrease from 0.44 to 0.34.

    Protected/Permissive Left Turn Phasing

    Protected phases are called by detection loops inthe left turn lane. In York Region it is the practice to

    place the detection loops at the 3rd vehicle position

    in the left-turn lane. As a result the protected left-turn phases are only called when there are 3 or

    more vehicles in the queue after the red interval.

    There are four possible left turn phasing scenariosas shown in Table 4.

    Table 4: Possible left turn phasing scenarios

    Scenario Condition

    g = 0 and g = 0 Qa < x AND Qa < x

    g > 0 and g = 0 Qa >=x AND Qa < x

    g > 0 and g > 0 Qa >=x AND Qa >= x

    g = 0 and g = 0 Qa < x AND Qa >= x

    x = Loop position in approach left turn lane (veh) x = Loop position in opposing left turn lane (veh)

    Figure 13 illustrates the reduction in EL that can beachieved by introducing a protected left turn phase.

    5 0 0 7 0 0 9 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 7 0 0 1 9 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 3 0 0 2 5 0 0 2 7 0 0 2 9 0 0

    q T - A p p r o a c h V o l u m e ( v p h )






    1 0

    1 2

    1 4

    1 6


    g = 0 a n d g ' = 0

    g = 0 a n d g ' = 1 2 s e c

    g = 1 2 s e c a n d g ' = 0

    g = 1 2 s e c a n d g ' = 1 2 s e

    The actual value for EL for the design hour will be acombination of the EL values for each scenario

    depending on the probability of each scenariooccurring. The probability of a scenario appearing

    during a cycle depends on the duration of the red

    interval and the left turn flow rate, and the positionof the detection loops.

    To assess the impact of detection loop positions the

    following procedure was adopted to calculate EL:

    = =





    jiLjiL EppE0 0

    ),(' [24]










    = [25]











    = [26]

    If i >= x then EL and EL is estimated assuming g = 12 sec.

    If j >= x then EL and EL is estimated assuming g = 12 sec

    i = Number of vehicles in left turn queue after red


    j = Number of vehicles in opposing left turn queue afterred interval

    Proceedings of the Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference XV; June 5-8, 2005; Fredericton, NBLe compte rendu de la XVe Confrence canadienne multidisciplinaire sur la scurit routire; 5-8 juin 2005; Fredericton, NB


    Figure 13: EL by left turn phasing scenario (qL =

    150 vph)

    Figure 12: Improvement in sight distance

  • 8/3/2019 Mollett CARSP 2005 Left Turn


    pi = Probability of i vehicles in left turn queue after red


    pj = Probability of j vehicles in opposing left turn queue

    after red interval

    EL(i,j) = Exposure to left turn conflicts on study approachwhere Qa = i and Qa = j

    x = Loop position left turn lane

    x = Loop position in the opposing left turn lane

    Figure 14 illustrates the effect of moving the

    detection loops closer to the left turn lane stop line.

    5 0 0 7 0 0 9 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 7 0 0 1 9 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 3 0 0 2 5 0 0 2 7 0 0 2 9 0 0


    - A p p r o a c h v o l u m e ( v p h )











    N o L o o p s

    x = 3 a n d x ' = 3

    x = 2 a n d x ' = 2

    x = 1 a n d x ' = 1


    = 2 5 0 v p h


    = 8 0 0 v p h


    = 1 5 0 v p h

    At qT = 1000 vph, changing from a permissive only

    signal design (no loops) to a protected/permissivedesign with detection loops at the 3rd vehicle

    position reduces EL by an average of 63 %.

    Compared to placing the loops at the 3rd vehicle position, placing the loops at the stop line (1st

    vehicle position) reduces the EL by 17 %.

    In this case a reasonable compromise between

    safety and delay may be achieved if the loops are

    placed at the 2nd vehicle position instead.In most cases signal timing and phasing measures to

    improve left turn safety will have the negative side

    effect of reducing delay to through moving vehicles,

    which in turn could cause other collision types toincrease. However, any need to change signal

    timing and phasing parameters to improve safety, at

    the expense of overall delay and congestion, can beavoided by taking measures to reduce PSD and PZinstead.


    At intersections where PSD > 0 the capacity

    and safety of left turn movements not only

    depend on the left turn volume (qL) and theopposing through volume (qT) but also on the

    opposing left turn volume (qL) and approachthrough volume (qT).

    Current TAC and provincial design standardsin Ontario, for signalized intersections, do not

    provide adequate left turn sight distance (a

    the 85th percentile level) for all approach speedconditions when there is a vehicle in the

    opposing left turn lane and exclusive left turn

    phases are not provided

    It is likely that the Highway Capacity Manual

    and traffic analysis software such as Synchro

    overestimate the capacity of a left turnmovement as they do not account for drivers

    not accepting all available gaps as a result of

    their sight distances being restricted byopposing left turn vehicles.

    Significant reductions in EL can be achieved by decreasing the negative offset between

    opposing left-turn lanes and/or increasing the

    widths of shadow lanes.

    The introduction of protected left turn phases

    even when not warranted according to the

    current guidelines, can have a significaneffect in reducing the exposure to left turn

    collision conflicts.

    The position of the detection loops in the left-

    turn lane influences the likelihood tha

    protected phases will be called and thereforehas an effect on the value of EL. It appears tha

    there may be some justification to place the

    detection loops at the 2nd vehicle positionrather than the 3rd vehicle position.


    Consider incorporating the information in

    Table 3 into intersection design guidelinessuch as TACs Manual of Geometric Design

    Standards for Canadian Roads and MTOs

    Proceedings of the Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference XV; June 5-8, 2005; Fredericton, NBLe compte rendu de la XVe Confrence canadienne multidisciplinaire sur la scurit routire; 5-8 juin 2005; Fredericton, NB


    Figure 14: Effect of detection loop positions loops

    on average EL

  • 8/3/2019 Mollett CARSP 2005 Left Turn


    Geometric Design Standards for Ontario


    As a general design principle intersectionsshould be designed such that at least the 85th

    percentile available sight distance (when

    restricted) exceeds the required sight distance.

    At intersections where the 85th percentile

    available sight distance is less than therequired sight distance, the potential impact of

    signal timing and phasing design decisions on

    safety should be considered and evaluated


    Decisions on whether or not to implement

    protected left turn phasing should not rely on

    theoretical capacity and delay estimationsmade by procedures in the Highway Capacity

    Manual and traffic analysis software such asSynchro but rather on actual field


    Future Research

    Future research could aim to improve the usefulness

    of the model presented in this paper by:

    By establishing, through regression analysis,the relationship between EL and left turn


    Incorporating procedures to estimate changes

    in delay to left turn traffic and other traffic as

    a result of changes in left turn phasing, timingand intersection geometry.

    Incorporating procedures to perform benefit-

    cost analyses towards achieving an optimaltradeoff between safety and delay.


    I wish to acknowledge the support of the RegionalMunicipality of York and in particular the support

    of my supervisors Zoran Postic and Brian Harrison

    as well as my colleagues, Mike Horne, DuaneCarson and Nelson Costa.


    Harwood, D.W., Mason, J.M., Brydia, R.E.

    Pietruchia, M.T. and Gittings G.L. ; NCHRP Report383: Intersection Sight Distance; TRB, Nationa

    Research Council, Washington D.C, 1996.

    McCoy, P.T., Byrd, P.S. and Pesti G; Pavement

    Markings to Improve Opposing Left-Turn Sigh

    Distance; Mid-America Transportation CentreLincoln, Nebraska; 1999.

    Ministry of Transportation, Ontario (MTO)Geometric Design Standards for Ontario Highways


    Ministry of Transportation, Ontario (MTO); TrafficSignal Timing and Capacity Analysis at Signalized

    Intersections; 1989.

    Institute of Transportation Engineers; Canadian

    Capacity Guide for Signalized Intersections; 2n

    edition; 1995.

    Taha, H.A; Operations Research An Introduction

    Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc,; New York; 1982.

    Transportation Association of Canada; Manual of

    Geometric Design Standards for Canadian Roads

    1986Transportation Research Board; Highway Capacity

    Manual; National Research Council; Washington

    D.C.; 2000.

    Troutbeck R.J., Brilon, W,; Unsignalized

    Intersection Theory;

    Proceedings of the Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference XV; June 5-8, 2005; Fredericton, NBLe compte rendu de la XVe Confrence canadienne multidisciplinaire sur la scurit routire; 5-8 juin 2005; Fredericton, NB

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    Appendix A

    With reference to Figure 1b, the probability ofScenario (a), (b) and (c) occurring are:

    ]][[)()()( 1 mrmrma tttt


    Za eeeP


    ]][[)()()( 2 mrmrma tttt


    Zb eeeP


    ]][[)()()()( 21 mrmamrma tttttt


    Zc eeeeP


    If ta2 >= tr then ta2 = tr

    vSDt aa /11 = and vSDt aa /22 = and vSDt rr /=

    The probability of Scenario (a) or (b) or (c)

    occurring is given by:

    ZcZbZaZ PPPP ++=

    Substituting into this equation the equations for PZa,

    PZb and PZa the following equation can be derived:













    Z eeP+


    Proceedings of the Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference XV; June 5-8, 2005; Fredericton, NBLe compte rendu de la XVe Confrence canadienne multidisciplinaire sur la scurit routire; 5-8 juin 2005; Fredericton, NB
