Monitoring crop evapotranspiration with time series of MODIS satellite data in Northern Italy S. Rossi & S. Bocchi University of Milan, v.Celoria 2, 20133 Milan, Italy S. Rossi, M.A. Gomarasca & A. Rampini CNR-IREA, v.Bassini 15, 20133 Milan, Italy Keywords: MODIS, evapotranspiration, irrigation, water, agriculture, time series, Italy ABSTRACT: Crop water need is defined as the water needed to meet the loss through evapotranspiration (et). ET depends on meteorology and on the crop type, health and phenological stage. The fao methodology calculates crop et as the product of crop- specific coefficients (k c ) by the reference evapotranspiration (et o ) and has been widely applied for irrigation planning, using only three tabulated values of k c referring to key phenological stages. This approach cannot always match the crop coefficient with the actual crop growth. On the other hand, previous research has shown a linear relationship between the k c and vegetation indexes (v.i.) from remote sensing. This relationship has already been used in recent studies with high resolution images. This work aims at exploring the usefulness of MODIS daily data to monitor K c temporal and spatial variability and therefore crop water needs. MODIS time-series of V.I. have been processed by means of Savitzky-Golay filters. K c tabulated values corresponding to the beginning and the peak of the season can be linearly related with the corresponding V.I. values on the smoothed curve allowing us to obtain a continuous daily surface of K c values. Daily K c maps are then multiplied by the daily reference evapotranspiration surface (obtained with geostatistical methods from meteorological stations data) to obtain daily maps of potential crop ET, which is the crop water needed to meet the atmospheric water demand. Given the MODIS moderate spatial resolution, this operational approach is addressed to authorities working at a territorial scale, such as irrigation consortia. 1 INTRODUCTION Recent events of drought observed in Northern Italy (e.g. the 2003 summer drought) caused considerable damage to economic activities and in particular to agriculture. In fact, agriculture consumes for irrigation the greatest water share among the other uses. In Italy this share amounts to 50% of the overall water consumption, while in other European countries this percentage is even greater (88% in Greece, 72% in Spain, 59% in Portugal). Agricultural drought is due to short-term precipitation shortages and temperature anomalies that cause increased evapotranspiration and soil water deficits that adversely affect crop production. Although there is still debate on the issue, climate change seems to play a role in these events and, with a warmer climate, droughts and floods could become more frequent, severe, and long-lasting. 61 New Developments and Challenges in Remote Sensing, Z. Bochenek (ed.) ß2007 Millpress, Rotterdam, ISBN 978-90-5966-053-3

Monitoring crop evapotranspiration with time …Monitoring crop evapotranspiration with time series of MODIS satellite data in Northern Italy S. Rossi & S. Bocchi University of Milan,

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Page 1: Monitoring crop evapotranspiration with time …Monitoring crop evapotranspiration with time series of MODIS satellite data in Northern Italy S. Rossi & S. Bocchi University of Milan,

Monitoring crop evapotranspiration with time series ofMODIS satellite data in Northern Italy

S. Rossi & S. BocchiUniversity of Milan, v.Celoria 2, 20133 Milan, Italy

S. Rossi, M.A. Gomarasca & A. RampiniCNR-IREA, v.Bassini 15, 20133 Milan, Italy

Keywords: MODIS, evapotranspiration, irrigation, water, agriculture, time series, Italy

ABSTRACT: Crop water need is defined as the water needed to meet the loss throughevapotranspiration (et). ET depends on meteorology and on the crop type, health andphenological stage. The fao methodology calculates crop et as the product of crop-specific coefficients (kc) by the reference evapotranspiration (eto) and has been widelyapplied for irrigation planning, using only three tabulated values of kc referring to keyphenological stages. This approach cannot always match the crop coefficient with theactual crop growth. On the other hand, previous research has shown a linear relationshipbetween the kc and vegetation indexes (v.i.) from remote sensing.

This relationship has already been used in recent studies with high resolutionimages. This work aims at exploring the usefulness of MODIS daily data to monitor Kc

temporal and spatial variability and therefore crop water needs.MODIS time-series of V.I. have been processed by means of Savitzky-Golay filters.

Kc tabulated values corresponding to the beginning and the peak of the season can belinearly related with the corresponding V.I. values on the smoothed curve allowing us toobtain a continuous daily surface of Kc values. Daily Kc maps are then multiplied by thedaily reference evapotranspiration surface (obtained with geostatistical methods frommeteorological stations data) to obtain daily maps of potential crop ET, which is thecrop water needed to meet the atmospheric water demand.

Given the MODIS moderate spatial resolution, this operational approach isaddressed to authorities working at a territorial scale, such as irrigation consortia.


Recent events of drought observed in Northern Italy (e.g. the 2003 summer drought)caused considerable damage to economic activities and in particular to agriculture. In fact,agriculture consumes for irrigation the greatest water share among the other uses. In Italythis share amounts to 50% of the overall water consumption, while in other Europeancountries this percentage is even greater (88% in Greece, 72% in Spain, 59% in Portugal).

Agricultural drought is due to short-term precipitation shortages and temperatureanomalies that cause increased evapotranspiration and soil water deficits that adverselyaffect crop production. Although there is still debate on the issue, climate change seemsto play a role in these events and, with a warmer climate, droughts and floods couldbecome more frequent, severe, and long-lasting.


New Developments and Challenges in Remote Sensing, Z. Bochenek (ed.)

�2007 Millpress, Rotterdam, ISBN 978-90-5966-053-3

Page 2: Monitoring crop evapotranspiration with time …Monitoring crop evapotranspiration with time series of MODIS satellite data in Northern Italy S. Rossi & S. Bocchi University of Milan,

This situation calls for the need of new tools to support the decision making processof authorities in charge of water management such as public authorities or irrigationconsortia. The 2000/60/EC European Directive (the so-called ‘‘Water FrameworkDirective’’) underlined explicitly the need for new technologies of ‘‘continuousmonitoring’’ to help a sustainable use of resources in order to mitigate the effects ofdroughts and floods. In particular, for agricultural water management there is a need forefficient operational technologies to monitor and estimate irrigation water needs for amore rationale allocation of water resources.

Recent research has shown the remarkable potential of the use of remote sensing inretrieving evapotranspiration in a spatially distributed way from natural and agriculturalsurfaces. The goal of this work is to develop an operational and low-cost tool to estimatecrop water requirements at a territorial scale, making use of meteorological data andeasily accessible satellite images to monitor real-time crop conditions and consequentlycrop water needs. Such a tool may prove to be useful to assist the decision-makingprocess of authorities in charge of water resources management.


2.1 The FAO methodology

Crop water need is defined as the amount of water needed to meet the water loss due toevapotranspiration (ET). ET is usually expressed in mm/day and summarizes thetranspiration from the plant tissues and the evaporation from the soil and other wetsurfaces, as these two processes occur simultaneously. ET depends mainly on weatherconditions, on the crop type and on the plant growth stage (phenology) (Brouver &Heibloem 1986).

The FAO methodology (Allen et al. 1998) calculates crop ET as the product of crop-specific coefficients (Kc), which take into account the crop species and the phenologicalstage, by the reference evapotranspiration (ETo), which is the evapotranspiration from awell watered hypothetical grass reference crop (e.g. alfalfa) calculated frommeteorological data by means of appropriate equations.

ETc ¼ Kc ETo (1)

ETc is the crop ET under standard conditions, which refer to crops grown in large fieldsunder excellent agronomic, soil and water conditions.

Kcs are defined as the ratio between the crop ET (ETc) and the ETo and aredetermined and tabulated in field studies. These coefficients integrate the effects ofthose characteristics that distinguish field crops from reference grass, and cantherefore be used to estimate ETc. This approach is known as the ‘‘single coefficientapproach’’ because it integrates in a single crop coefficient Kc the effect of both croptranspiration and soil evaporation. In a second approach (‘‘dual crop coefficient’’), Kc

is defined as the sum of two factors that separately describe the evaporation from thesoil (Ke, soil evaporation coefficient) and the plant transpiration (Kcb, basal cropcoefficient).

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The ETc is the ET that would be observed with water always available in the croproot zone. In this sense ETc represents the maximum water uptake of the atmosphere forthat crop in that phenological stage. Therefore ETc is corresponding, in the finalanalysis, to the crop water requirement, or the optimal crop water need to meet theatmospheric demand (Doorenbos & Pruitt 1977).

In case of water stress, the actual ET is below the ETc, and it is represented by anadjusted ETc (ETc adj) obtained with a stress coefficient (Ks). Beside water shortage,other hypothetical non standard conditions may influence the actual ET (e.g. salinity);however, in well-managed agricultural fields the standard conditions are generally theactual field conditions, at least in terms of agronomic management and soilconditions, and what generally may vary is the water availability.

Irrigation water need is defined as the difference between the crop water need andthe proportion of the rainfall stored in the root zone and therefore available for theplants, (i.e. effective rainfall). Effective rainfall is the total rainfall minus thepercolation below the root zone and the run-off. If the rainfall is sufficient to coverthe water needs of the crops, irrigation is not required. The irrigation water needcalculation requires the estimation of the crop water need and a soil water balance toobtain the effective rainfall.

2.2 The reflectance-based crop coefficients approach

The FAO approach has been widely used for irrigation planning purposes, using onlythree tabulated values of Kc for the initial stage (from bare soil to effective full cover),the mid-season stage (from effective full cover to the start of maturity) and the lateseason stage. Appropriate tables give for each crop indicative lengths of the differentstages expressed in number of days from the planting date.

A major drawback of this ‘‘traditional’’ approach is that it cannot take into accountthe actual crop growing conditions and real-time vegetation variations. Consequently, itcannot always match the crop coefficient with the actual crop phenological stage andhealth condition (Bausch 1993; Hunsaker et al. 2005).

Remote sensing techniques provide tools to effectively monitor crop growth andphotosynthetic activity, which is an indication of the health status of the plant. Both cropcoefficients and canopy reflectance varies with the plant growth. Leaf area index (LAI)has a similar exponential relationship both with Kc and with Vegetation Indexes (VI)such as the NDVI (Duchemin et al. 2006).

Starting from these experimental observations, previous research has showed thatthe relationship between VIs and Kc is linear, and therefore it is possible to model avegetation index into a crop coefficient by means of a linear regression. This methodhas been developed and validated in several studies and field experiments on differentcrops (Heilman et al. 1982; Bausch & Neale 1987; Bausch et al. 1989; Bausch 1991,1993 & 1995; Choudhury et al. 1994). The coefficients obtained from remotelysensed data are called Reflectance-based Crop Coefficients (Kcr). This approach isconsidered one of the most promising for operational applications (Moran et al. 1997)because it overcomes some of the limitations of the ‘‘traditional’’ FAO approach. Infact, the reflectance-based coefficients are independent of the usual time-basedparameters associated with traditional and published crop coefficients, such as the

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planting date and the effective cover date, which often do not allow matching thecrop coefficient with actual crop growth. This is especially the case of anomalousclimatic conditions and other stresses. Being vegetation indexes able to monitorphotosynthetic activity, Kcr are sensitive to foliar stresses caused by insects, watershortages and diseases, and can detect abnormal growth induced by weatherconditions. This makes Kcr representative of the actual field conditions.

This approach has already been used in different works with reflectance datacollected by field radiometers or with airborne imagery (Neale et al. 2005, Hunsakeret al. 2005).

The increasing availability of Earth Observation satellite data has driven the researchfocusing on the operational use of these methodologies. The European projectDEMETER (www.demeter-ec.net) used the Kcr approach to show the potential of theuse of high-resolution imagery to support Irrigation Advisory Services (IAS) (Belmonteet al. 2005; Lopez et al. 2005).

The currently available satellites with high-resolution sensors (e.g. Landsat TMor TERRA-ASTER) have a spatial resolution which matches well the spatialresolution of IAS. However, their temporal resolution, which varies between 14 and25 days (without considering cloudy days), is inadequate for the needs of a day-to-day use for the decision support to irrigation. This makes it necessary the integrateduse of data coming from all the available sensors, by means of inter-satellite cross-calibration and coregistration procedures (Calera et al. 2001; Martinez et al.2003).

The launch of the MODIS (Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)sensor onboard the NASA EOS satellites Terra and Aqua, active respectively since2000 and 2002, opened new perspectives for the operational use of these methods.MODIS has a high temporal resolution, providing a near daily global coverage ofthe Earth’s surface. The sensor provides high radiometric sensitivity (12 bit) in36 spectral bands ranging in wavelength from 0.4 mm to 14.4 mm and a spatial resolutionof 250 m. at nadir in the Red and Near Infrared (NIR) wavelengths (the most used forvegetation studies), and of 500 m or 1 Km in the other bands. The NASA policy is tooffer MODIS products free of charge, and this is an unprecedented opportunity forexploring operational, cost-efficient uses of remote sensing.

Obviously the moderate spatial resolution is an issue that must be carefullyaddressed when using MODIS, and makes the instrument unfeasible for certain fieldsof application, such as precision farming studies. However, when it comes to widerscales (e.g. irrigation consortia), this tool opens very interesting opportunities fordaily monitoring of Earth surface.


3.1 Study area and land cover mapping

The study area covers the South Milan area between Milan and Pavia, part of whichbelongs to the South Milan Agricultural Park, and the Eastern and Western surroundingsof the town. The area is intensely cultivated, with an agricultural surface of 140000 ha.

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Paddy rice is cultivated on the 18% of the agricultural area, summer cereals over the58% and winter cereals on the 17% (ARPA Lombardia 2005). The land cover pattern isheterogeneous, with a strong presence of urban areas and road networks; therefore it is agood situation to test the use of MODIS in a real context. In this preliminary application,we studied the year 2003, when a drought took place in the summer season with seriouseconomic damages.

A first phase of the work required the land cover mapping of the area and thesupervised classification of the different cropping patterns, using Landsat TM andETMþ satellite images acquired in 2003 (April 24th and July 5th) and georeferencedwith the regional digital map. The resulting maps were integrated with GIS data frompublic authorities (Regione Lombardia 1998 & 2000; ARPA Lombardia 2005),obtaining a map of the 2003 cropping patterns.

From the land cover maps we obtained binary masks to identify areas homogeneouswith reference to the cultivated crop.

3.2 Satellite data processing

NASA provides different MODIS products already processed with standard correctionalgorithms. MODIS 09 daily data (spectral reflectances) are corrected for the effects ofgaseous and aerosol scattering and absorption as well as adjacency effects caused byvariation of land cover, Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) andatmosphere coupling effects, and contamination by thin cirrus (Vermote & Vermeulen1999). In particular, each MOD09Q1 data granule (MODIS/Terra Surface Reflectance8-Day L3 Global 250m SIN Grid) offers a composite of the previous 8 daily surfacereflectance products with the best observations for each pixel in the two MODIS bands at250 m (Red and NIR). The goal is to obtain single cloud-free images with minimalatmospheric and sun-surface-sensor angular effects representative of the 8-day period. Inthis work we used the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), the most usedVI, which is related with the plant fractional vegetation cover (Carlson & Ripley 1997).

MOD09Q1 images have been collected for the whole 2003 year (46 images) andreprojected using the NASA reprojection tool software (NASA-USGS 2006). NDVIvalues where computed for each image. Even though clouds should have been removedin the preparation of the MOD09Q1 sets, residual atmospherically related noises, as wellas some noise due to other factors (e.g. surface anisotropy and sensor problems) remainin the data. Therefore, the temporal series were smoothed with a Savitzky-Golay filteralgorithm (Savitzky & Golay 1964) implemented in IDL code, which replaces each datavalue Ii, i ¼ 1, . . ., N by a linear combination of nearby values in a window:



cjIiþj (2)

For each data value, the weights cj are calculated by fitting a quadratic polynomialf ðtÞ ¼ c1 þ c2t þ c3t2 to all the 2nþ 1 points in the moving window and replacing thevalue Ii with the value of the polynomial at position ti (Press et al. 1992). This methodpreserves the area, the mean position, the width and the height of a seasonal peak in aseries with data regularly spaced and requires as parameters the dimension of themoving window and the degree of the smoothing polynomial (between 2 and 4).

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The result is a smoothed curve in each pixel, with daily NDVI images (Fig.1).

3.3 Meteorological data processing

Potential Evapotranspiration (ETo) is calculated from meteorological data by means ofappropriate equations. The FAO 56 paper (Allen et al. 1998), beside the recommendedPenman-Monteith method, reports also the Hargreaves equation:

ETo ¼ 0:0023(((Tmax þ Tmin)=2)þ 17:8)(Tmax � Tmin) 0:5 Ra (mm day�1) (3)

This simplified method requires as input data only maximum and minimumtemperature (Tmax and Tmin) and Extraterrestrial radiation (Ra), which can be estimatedfor each day of the year and for different latitudes from the solar constant, the solardeclination and the time of the year.

For this work we used data coming from different networks of meteorologicalstations belonging to the University of Milan, the Regional Agency for the Protection ofthe Environment (ARPA Lombardia) and from the Italian Central Office for the

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Figure 1. The interpolation and the smoothing of the NDVI time series with the Savitzky-Golay


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Agricultural Ecology (UCEA). In total we considered 16 agro-meteorological stations.Only in rare cases it was possible to obtain the full dataset required for the Penman-Monteith equation, and for this reason we used the Hargreaves equation to estimate ETo.In fact, considering the characteristics of our study area (flat and not particularly windy)and the scale at which we are working, the Hargreaves equation can be considered assufficiently reliable.

We calculated punctual daily values of ETo for all the stations, then we created dailysurfaces from the measured points by means of an interpolating application coded inIDL using the inverse distance weight method. For each pixel we obtained daily valuesas in the example in Fig. 2.

3.4 Kcr surfaces

Reflectance-based crop coefficients (Kcr) surfaces were obtained from the NDVI timeseries by means of a linear transformation (Bausch 1993; Belmonte et al. 2005) betweenmaximum and minimum NDVI values (in areas where the cropping patterns were knownto be homogeneous at a scale larger than the MODIS scale) and the FAO tabulated Kc

values for effective full cover and initial conditions (bare soil for corn, paddy for rice).Pixels representing initial conditions were selected also using the Landsat image ofApril 24th 2003. In the case of corn, the relationship was as follows:

Kcr ¼ 1:25 NDVIþ 0:10 (4)

This result appears to be consistent with those obtained in other works which studiedcorn (e.g. Lopez et al. 2005). In the case of rice:

Kcr ¼ 0:20 NDVIþ 1:02 (5)

The equations reflect the significant difference in the initial Kc values of corn and ricedue to the different initial conditions.

Monitoring crop evapotranspiration with time series of MODIS satellite data in Northern Italy 67

Figure 2. Daily spatial interpolation of ETo values.

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3.5 Results

From the daily Kcr and ETo maps we derived by means of the Eq.1daily potential cropET maps with values expressed in mm day�1 (1 mm day�1 corresponds to 10 m3 ha�1

day�1). Maps obtained for the different crops were summarized to derive daily maps ofcrop water requirements for the whole agricultural area. Fig. 3 shows as an example themap of June 21st 2003.

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Figure 3. Daily crop water requirements map in mm day�1.

Figure 4. Corn water needs profile in a single pixel.

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Potential crop ET is the crop water demand, or the optimal amount of water that the cropneeds to face the atmospheric water demand. Having it been calculated from reflectance-based Kcr, it takes into account the actual crop conditions for each day in terms ofphenological stage and photosynthetic activity, monitored by means of daily MODISsatellite data. The daily crop water needs values here obtained are consistent with thoseof other studies. As it was expected, areas with rice fields have in the summer season thegreatest crop ET. Fig. 4 shows the profile in a pixel cultivated with corn.


In this work we tested the Reflectance-based crop coefficients approach with MODISsatellite data.

These preliminary results show that there is a potential to develop tools to monitorcrop water needs at a regional scale by means of MODIS images. Although there is asolid bibliographic basis supporting the method, as far as we know this is the firstattempt to use it with MODIS data and therefore it has to be tested in field experiments.Beside this, the method can be significantly improved working on different aspects.

The characteristics of the area of application influence the results in a decisive way,as the spatial resolution of MODIS poses limits to the degree of heterogeneity of the landcover patterns in the area of application. Future research will focus on improving theselection of pixels representative of agricultural areas, also by means of softclassification algorithms, and to assess for which maximum level of land coverheterogeneity the method can be used.

Beside the NDVI, other VIs exist which better describe vegetation status, inparticular in conditions of moderate-to-high LAI, such as the WDRVI (Gitelson 2004).Other indexes, like the SAVI, better minimize soil background influences in sparse todense vegetation conditions (Bausch 1993). Thus, other indexes will be tested and it isfeasible to foresee the use of different indexes according to the phenological stage‘‘before-full cover’’ or ‘‘after-full cover’’.

Also, in this work we used the single coefficient approach, while it is possible to usethe dual coefficient approach focusing on the transpiration, as at full crop cover morethan 90% of ET comes from transpiration (Allen et al. 1998).

Meteorological data availability is another important issue, as it determines themethod chosen for the ETo computation and therefore the reliability of the results. Inparticular in areas with a complex topography (e.g. hilly and windy areas), the Penman-Monteith equation might be the only reliable method to estimate ETo, thus requiringmore complete meteorological databases.

The results obtained in this work could be exploited with estimates of effectiverainfall coming from a soil water balance model to estimate irrigation water needs, asdescribed by Allen et al. (1998).


The authors wish to thank Dario Bellingeri, Marta Maggi, Jose Gonzalez-Piqueras,Walter Bausch, Christopher Neale, Daniela Stroppiana, and Luigi Mariani.

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