Mr Arthur. 73% of children have a presence online by the time they are 2. 74% of 8 to 11 year olds have access to a tablet and 63% of children get their

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Mr Arthur 73% of children have a presence online by the time they are 2. 74% of 8 to 11 year olds have access to a tablet and 63% of children get their own smartphone before they start secondary school of the UKs under 8s now have a tablet. 83% of 4 to 11 year olds follow rules when using a smartphone, tablet or computer. 19% delete their internet history 12% have amended browser settings to use their browser privacy mode 6% uninstall filters designed to stop certain websites being visited. We try to avoid the scary man will come and get you approach and encourage the children to stop and think before they act. If you wouldnt wear it dont share it! While children and young people are pretty clued up on staying safe in the real world they find it difficult to link what they do to stay safe in the real world with what they do in the online world. A large percentage would think nothing about giving it to someone they dont know in an online chat. Simple stuff like saying that you are going somewhere or wearing a school uniform in your profile pictures can give lots of information away that may allow someone to locate you. People who have said they are on holiday on Facebook have been known to have their houses broken into. A friend is someone who you know because you have met them in person and got to know properly. Giving a lot of information about yourself away in your profile can make it easy for people to make friends with you as they can pretend to like the same things you do. If you wouldnt wear it dont share it! Facebook and YouTube allow us to share where we are, what were thinking and pictures and videos of what we are up to. It is easy to forget that anyone can see, download and change any image or video that we post online. By the time you change your mind and delete something from a site many thousands of people could have downloaded it and any one of them could do what they like with it and post it back without your permission. Ask yourself Will I ever regret people seeing this? If there is any chance that you will - then dont put it up there. Find and use the privacy settings on the site to make sure that only they can see and download them. We have to be very careful what we say online too. Its very easy to forget how public the web is and that putting something online that criticises someone or shares private information about them could be against the law. Sites like Facebook have now become an important part of lives. While most young people know how to keep safe in the real world they dont always apply the same ideas when they are online. Some see collecting online friends as a competition and try to get as many as they can. This can lead to young people losing track of who they are sharing information with Check any device your child could uses to connect to the Internet has the privacy settings set to friends only Make sure their online friends are people who they know in real life and that they are not sharing telephone numbers,and other contact details in their profiles. Chat to your child regularly about who they have on their friends list. If you wouldnt wear it dont share it! If you create it you own it until you say otherwise. When you sign up for sites such as Twitter or Facebook, you grant the company a non-exclusive transferable, sub-license to: use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, transmit, display and distribute your content in any way without having to tell you or pay you. Facebook Limit your posts to be seen by friends not public. On Twitter Click Protect My Tweets so only approved users can see them. On YouTube Make you videos private by selecting Edit Video then adjust the Broadcast and Sharing Options. If your child has an account you can make it unlisted so people with direct web access cant find the videos. On Instagram In the Edit Your Profile section, scroll down and change the Posts Are Private feature to on to make it less likely that your photos will be posted elsewhere. Dont forget that you need to be at least 13 years of age to have a social media account. New rules mean that year olds have the option on Facebook to post publicly although they will get a reminder. The most common threat online is cyber- bullying (CAS) If you wouldnt wear it dont share it! We wouldnt accept bad communication face to face and we shouldnt accept it on our gadgets. It is so easy for children to misunderstand and be hurt by a message when the person who sent it really didnt mean for that to happen. Top tip: Keep the message as evidence. It may be the first of many messages they get and if someone singles them out to receive this type of message this is described as Cyber Bullying. If you feel that they are being Cyber Bullied it is important to keep evidence and contact someone who is able to help. Websites likecan offer advice. If you wouldnt wear it dont share it! If we want to, we can share every aspect of our lives online. When we send messages or post stuff online it is important to remember that putting stuff here is putting it in a public place. Its a bit like writing it on a piece of paper and sticking it on a notice board in The Bridges. Something as simple as passing on an embarrassing photo of a friend can turn us into Cyber Bullies. Only say things on your gadgets that you would say to the person face to face. Only share our contact details with people we know and trust. Ultimately, our target is not to tell the children what they can and can not do, its to make them responsible when they use technology. If you wouldnt wear it dont share it! Under no circumstances should they ever agree to meet up with someone If you decide it is OK for them to meet up it is vital that you go along with them. The places we often go online with our gadgets are where we feel most relaxed. This gives us a feeling of safety and security and when we feel safe and secure we often share more information about ourselves than they would if we met someone in the street. This feeling of safety can also lead to similar behaviour when cyber-bullying. It is important to encourage your child to tell a trusted adult or specialist organisation Many websites include a report abuse button. If you cant find one you can access it here If you wouldnt wear it dont share it! It is really easy for young people to view videos, play games or access websites that are meant for adults. Help your child to understand that not every website is meant for them and that not all information they may see on the web is true. If you search for and show them some hoax websites this may help. Facebook for example has a minimum age of thirteen and for some other sites its higher. It is really important to help them understand that there are reasons why games have age ratings and never take All my friends have it! as an excuse If you arent sure you could play the game yourself At school there are filters in place for making sure that children and young people cant access inappropriate websites. It is a good guide that if it is blocked at school they shouldnt use it at home. Visitas it gives excellent advice on this In Year 5 and Year 6 we branch out from these generic threats and look more closely at how we use technology and the internet. This is approached primarily in 2 different ways: Validity of sources The Experts Challenge