1 JANUARY 2014 National Capitol Squadron’s Mission Report SQUADRON LEADER Col Bill Douglas EXECUTIVE OFFICER Col JohnGlen Fuentes FINANCE OFFICER Col Dave Wood ADJUTANT Col Carol Proven OPERATIONS OFFICER Col Rob Krieg Asst. Col TR Proven MAINTENANCE OFFICER Col Tom Hazel SAFETY OFFICER Col Jeff Poindexter Asst. Col Don Weeks PX OFFICER Col Pat Kraus Holt PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER Col Joe Whistler RECRUITING & RETENTION Col Bill Westlake Asst. Col Lou Scalzo From The Unit Leader This will be a short newsletter due the Holiday Season and inputs to fill it out! What a great party we had to celebrate Christmas and the Holiday Season at Peppers Grill! First, kudos to Col Tom Hazel for organizing both the party and the door prizes, and to Col Paul Miller and his wife Lisette for the great decorations! Our honored guest for the evening was Ida Ruth Matthews, an original Rosy, the Riveter” on a B-17 line in California. She explained that she didnt actually rivet, but was a QA inspector as were the other publicized Rosy, the Riveters! Annual awards were given out and Ive listed most of the recipients (Im out of town without the list, so if I missed you, itll be fixed next month) on a following page. Elections for eligible Staff Positions for the next two years were held confirming the incumbents Safety, Adjutant and Finance Officer. Thanks to Col Don Weeks for chairing the Election Committee. Your Staff held both an initial and follow-up Long-Term Planning session in November and December and is making progress in developing a five- year plan to both pursue new revenue sources as well as allocate revenue and expenses into aircraft accounts to better track actual cost of operation. Headquarters has changed their policy to allow all expenses to be paid from the aircraft accounts, so one decision to be made is whether to simply track expenses in the accounts or actually pay directly from those accounts. Our goal is have that plan finished by March 2014. Col Rob Krieg is continuing his Operations Review with another session this month. One of the key decisions made out of the strategy session was to pay to have the website redone and have an active Warbird RidesPage. Thanks to Col John Corradi weve started the process with a CAF member, Col Rob Duncan of AirBaseOne Inc., with the target cost being $1,000 on the top end much less than the prior offers. The new website is in progress as I write this. In addition, during this process we found out that having a Facebook Group Page was in violation of CAF Policy since you cannot control postings. So now we have a squadron Facebook Page, National Capitol Squadron of the CAF. Please not only take a look, but Likeit so that we can get as much online visibility as possible. NCS/CAF STAFF OFFICERS n[email protected] HANGAR MANAGERS Col Lou Scalzo NEWSLETTER EDITOR VACANT EDUCATION OFFICER Col Walter Phillips

National Capitol Squadron’s Mission Report 2014...Soviets doing Cold War Recon and we have Lt. Col. John Bessette talking about Cold War Aerial Recon on Monday night. Think that’s

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Page 1: National Capitol Squadron’s Mission Report 2014...Soviets doing Cold War Recon and we have Lt. Col. John Bessette talking about Cold War Aerial Recon on Monday night. Think that’s



National Capitol Squadron’s

Mission Report


Col Bill Douglas


Col JohnGlen Fuentes


Col Dave Wood


Col Carol Proven

OPERATIONS OFFICER Col Rob Krieg Asst. Col TR Proven


Col Tom Hazel

SAFETY OFFICER Col Jeff Poindexter Asst. Col Don Weeks


Col Pat Kraus Holt


Col Joe Whistler

RECRUITING & RETENTION Col Bill Westlake Asst. Col Lou Scalzo

From The Unit Leader

This will be a short newsletter due the Holiday Season and inputs to fill it out! What a great party we had to celebrate Christmas and the Holiday Season at Peppers Grill! First, kudos to Col Tom Hazel for organizing both the party and the door prizes, and to Col Paul Miller and his wife Lisette for the great decorations! Our honored guest for the evening was Ida Ruth Matthews, an original “Rosy, the Riveter” on a B-17 line in California. She explained that she didn’t actually rivet, but was a QA inspector – as were the other publicized “Rosy, the Riveter’s”! Annual awards were given out and I’ve listed most of the recipients (I’m out of town without the list, so if I missed you, it’ll be fixed next month) on a following page. Elections for eligible Staff Positions for the next two years were held confirming the incumbents – Safety, Adjutant and Finance Officer. Thanks to Col Don Weeks for chairing the Election Committee. Your Staff held both an initial and follow-up Long-Term Planning session in November and December and is making progress in developing a five-year plan to both pursue new revenue sources as well as allocate revenue and expenses into aircraft accounts to better track actual cost of operation. Headquarters has changed their policy to allow all expenses to be paid from the aircraft accounts, so one decision to be made is whether to simply track expenses in the accounts or actually pay directly from those accounts. Our goal is have that plan finished by March 2014. Col Rob Krieg is continuing his Operations Review with another session this month. One of the key decisions made out of the strategy session was to pay to have the website redone and have an active “Warbird Rides” Page. Thanks to Col John Corradi we’ve started the process with a CAF member, Col Rob Duncan of AirBaseOne Inc., with the target cost being $1,000 on the top end – much less than the prior offers. The new website is in progress as I write this. In addition, during this process we found out that having a Facebook Group Page was in violation of CAF Policy since you cannot control postings. So now we have a squadron Facebook Page, National Capitol Squadron of the CAF. Please not only take a look, but “Like” it so that we can get as much online visibility as possible.



[email protected]





Col Walter Phillips

Page 2: National Capitol Squadron’s Mission Report 2014...Soviets doing Cold War Recon and we have Lt. Col. John Bessette talking about Cold War Aerial Recon on Monday night. Think that’s


Colonels Tom Hazel, Lou Scalzo and Bud Coffman are getting the modifications done to create a more formal museum space using funds from the Col Anna Othold Fund. The hold-up on finishing the mods is the specific LED lighting that can be used, and we’re awaiting a response from HQ on the lighting. Still looking forward to seeing it completed by early in the New Year. It will be a significant step in providing more educational activities to the local community. Finally, this month’s Airpower Classic from AFA is the B-47 since that is one type lost to the Soviets doing Cold War Recon and we have Lt. Col. John Bessette talking about Cold War Aerial Recon on Monday night. Think that’s about for now, so let’s “Keep’em Flying” and Happy New Year!

PS – As our Finance Officer points out, if you have not paid your dues yet, please do so ASAP. It is an important part of our off-season revenue. Another important aspect of this is also your dues currency with the CAF. Please make sure that you are current on those dues as well! One new part of the website will be an internal (member-only access) roster showing current membership status.


This edition of the Newsletter continues to be by your unit leader and should make you realize how much we

need a Newsletter Editor – surely we have someone out there with the talent to take on this job!

Similarly, we are still in the search for someone to take over as Webmaster. We, as noted are rebuilding the site

so that edit and update will be relatively easy in the future. Any takers to learn the new system?

Upcoming Squadron/CAF Activities





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Notes from the Finance Officer – Col Dave Wood

I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season and the beginning of the New Year!

We continue to make steady progress in raising the funds needed to return the L-5 to flying status. We

received a $1,000 donation from Trident Systems, a sponsorship from Dave Whitbeck, Rob Krieg and

gifts from a number of members. In total those gifts and the final $3,000 from the $7,500 Anna Othold

matching grant added $6,750 in the last 30-45 days. We've come a long way toward getting her back in

the air and now have approximately $16,375 to work with.

Many of you have paid your NCS dues but many have not. NCS dues of $50 are now due. You can

send your checks payable to the "National Capitol Squadron" to me at: Dave Wood, 560 S. Nursery Ave,

Purcellville, VA 20132. If you've joined the NCS since October 1, 2013 your $50 dues will cover Q4

2013 and 2014. Remember, you must be current with your National CAF dues in addition to NCS dues.

Many of you know Brian Cotter recently relocated to Brooklyn NY for a new job and to be close to family.

We'll miss Brian in many ways, but I want to acknowledge and thank him for the very generous year-end

gift he made to the squadron. Brian is continuing his membership but we'll miss him at the hangar and

air shows.

I say this every month, but it is especially true now. The winter months offer few opportunities for

revenue to support the unit other than annual dues and hangar rent. We are low on cash and will be

until spring. One way to help is by becoming a Hangar Sponsor. We have three levels of recognition –

Gold at $100/mo; Silver at $50/mo; and Bronze at $25/mo. You can accomplish this by either enrolling

on the website, or calling me with your credit card information and letting me know the date your want

the charge to occur on each month.

Thanks to each of you and Happy New Year.

NCS Election Results for 2014-2015

Col Jeff Poindexter for Safety

Col Carol Proven for Adjutant Col Dave Wood for Finance Officer

Page 4: National Capitol Squadron’s Mission Report 2014...Soviets doing Cold War Recon and we have Lt. Col. John Bessette talking about Cold War Aerial Recon on Monday night. Think that’s


Recognition of Squadron Members at the December Meeting

Unit Commendation Award

Col Rob Krieg

Col Paul Miller

Col Lou Scalzo

Col Dave Wood

Col Cliff Ellis

Col Dave Whitbeck

Col Jan Sylvester

Col Tom Hazel

Col Steve Holt

Col Pat Holt

Col Mike Ginter

Col Jeff Poindexter

Col Carol Proven

Unit Appreciation Certificates

Col Bud Coffman

Col Bill Westlake

Col Andrey Ignatov

Col Brian Cotter

Col Brian Snead

Col Jim Koch

Col Eileen Douglas

Col Don Weeks

Col Fran Fortin

Col Greg Dexter

Col TR Proven

Col Mike Hogan

Col JohnGlen Fuentes

Page 5: National Capitol Squadron’s Mission Report 2014...Soviets doing Cold War Recon and we have Lt. Col. John Bessette talking about Cold War Aerial Recon on Monday night. Think that’s


MAINTENANCE STATUS UPDATE – COLONEL TOM HAZEL BT-13 All at this time seems to be operationally good. I continue to add little things to the list. I’ve bypassed some time to work on the BT in recent weeks as nothing was pressing; wanted to keep her flying while the WX has been good and pilots have had some time to fly her. After the holidays however, there will be some planned down time for MX. L-5

TBM As reported the new tires arrived, were delivered to HGR by Col Proven and have been installed on the aircraft. The oil shut off valve was also delivered and at last report by Col Ellis, installation considerations were being investigated. I also had asked Cliff to carefully measure the brake clearances while the wheels were off the aircraft. I’m not sure that was accomplished and will urge that be done before taxi operations commence…very important to have proper clearances/spacing so we don’t burn up stators and rotor discs. Col Woody Woodford, HQ Director of Maintenance/QA, will be arriving from Midland on the evening of the 7th at BWI. I will meet him on the 8th at HGR for an inspection of the TBM. He will be returning to CJR for an inspection of the BT and L-5 on the 9th. I have been in contact with him concerning the inspections and have asked for any particulars ahead of time that he may need to see. I have also been in contact with Buddy Cooksey and will be meeting with him perhaps at NWOC the week before and certainly at Winter Staff that I plan to attend. I’ve shared a number of concerns with him in regard to OPS and MX and the lead headquarters provides in these matters. Aircraft Funding I continue to urge Staff to complete a comprehensive plan that addresses the operational costs associated with our assigned aircraft and a plan/formula for funding MX. Be it pilots, NCS general funds/fundraising, Ops generated funding, PX or corporate sponsorship - we must incorporate a functional plan that identifies who and/or what formula will constitute revenues that support safe operation of assigned aircraft. I believe that the PX and sporadic sponsorships cannot be solely relied upon. All areas of funding must be planned and have measurable goals. I continue to be concerned that the TBM project is still underfunded and well under-managed in regard to how we are going to move this aircraft into and from test flights into operational status at CJR.

Engine case has been split. As noted earlier I plan first to proceed with formal inspections of the crankshaft and camshaft. Just eyeballing a few things…not to be miss interpreted as doomed, some areas on the crankshaft and camshaft show signs of pitting that may be a problem. I have taken a let’s see approach and have engaged guidance and hopefully some good will from several shops/friends to help us through this rebuild process. This is still a work in progress and I will provide updates as we move forward.

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Painting has been completed and I’m waiting to hear more from Col Jan Sylvester regarding the lighting


Hangar Normal office heat is in-op….we are relying upon back up heat until the county can repair/replace the

heat pump. Hangar heat is set low. As seems to be normal…very little is being done by others to help

keep the hangar tidy and in order. We have awnings for the exterior doors delivered and yet to be


Tenants Col Fran Fortin’s Yak has temporarily left us for further restoration work. As I noted last month, we must have an understanding with tenants that our hangar is kept clean and orderly and as we are expect our own members and pilots to do so, tenants must also be expected to do the same. I’m committed to seeing our tenants, members and pilots alike pick up trash, empty a can and/or mop/wipe-up grease spots.

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CHRISTMAS & BT-13 CLEANING PARTY: Our honored guest at the Party, Ida Ruth Matthews: A view of the turnout at the Christmas Party:

Col Paul Miller accepts his Award (reluctantly?): Col Tom Hazel has a few words on accepting his:

Colonels Trevisan and Ignatov on the BT-13 effort: About time to find some lunch after a great job:

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Aviation History Facts: January January 2

In 1918... The British government establishes an air ministry. Lord Rothermere is Secretary of State for Air. Major-General Sir Hugh Trenchard is Chief of the Air Staff. (AYY)

January 3 In 1905... In efforts to interest the U.S. government in the use of airplanes for the military, Wilbur

Wright speaks to Congressman Robert M. Nevin, who asks him to prepare a letter for submission to the secretary of war that Nevin would deliver and endorse. The army declines the offer. (F&F)

January 5 In 1959... The Fairey Rotodyne, piloted by W. P. Gellatly and J. P. Morton, sets a world speed

record for convertiplanes of 190.9 mph over a 62-mile circuit. (AYY) January 6

In 1928... Pilot Lt. C. F. Schilt, USMC, lands a Vought O2U-1 Corsair in the street of a Nicaraguan village to rescue wounded officers. Eighteen servicemen are rescued and, for his bravery, Lt. Schilt is awarded the Medal of Honor. (F&F)

January 7 In 1980... In San Francisco, a single-engine Mooney 231 sets a nonstop coast-to coast record

in 8 hours 4 minutes using only 105 gallons of fuel. (AYY) January 8

In 1945... The Mitsubishi J8M1 rocket-fighter makes its first flight in Hyakurigahara, Japan. (AYY)

In 1982... The Airbus A300 becomes the world’s first wide-bodied airliner to be certified for operation by a flight crew of two. (AYY)

January 10 In 1942... The US Army announces the delivery of its first troop-transport gliders. (AYY) In 1982... The Gulfstream III Spirit of America sets a round-the-world record for an executive jet

of 43 hours, 39 minutes and 6 seconds in Teterboro, New Jersey (AYY) January 11

In 1935... Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman pilot to fly solo between Hawaii and the United States. She takes off from Wheeler Field, Oahu, Honolulu, to fly her Lockheed Vega across the eastern Pacific to Oakland, California. Earhart lands after 18 hours 15 minutes. (F&F)

January 13 In 1942... The first fully practical, single rotor helicopter makes a successful flight flown by its

creator, Igor Sikorsky (OTM) January 14

In 1935... United Air Lines decides to equip its fleet with a de-icing system for airplane wings, following successful tests on a Boeing 247 (AYY)

January 15 In 1914... The first regularly scheduled passenger airline in the United States begins service.

The Benoist Company, flying its Benoist flying boat, runs a line between St. Petersburg and Tampa, Florida (OTM)

January 16 In 1957... Five B-52Bs of the 93rd Bombardment Wing, commanded by Maj. Gen. Archie J. Old,

Jr., commander of the U.S. 15th Air Force, begin Operation Power Flite, the first nonstop round-the-world flight by turbojet aircraft. (F&F)

In 1975... In Operation Streak Eagle, the USAF sets new climb-time records with the McDonnell Douglas F-15A aircraft, operating from Grand Forks Air Force Base, North Dakota. The Streak Eagle reaches a height of 3,000 m (9,843 ft.) in 27.57 sec., 6,000 m(19,685 ft.) in 39.33 sec., 9,000 m (929,528 ft.) in 48.86 sec., 12,000 m (39,370 ft.) in 59.38 sec. and 15,000 m (42,2132 ft.) in 1 min. 17.02 sec (F&F)

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January 18

In 1911... Eugene B. Ely makes the first landing by an aircraft on a ship when he flies his Curtiss pusher biplane from Selfridge Field near San Francisco to a specially prepared wooden deck on the stern of the armored cruiser USS Pennsylvania. (F&F)

January 21 In 1952... The Saab 210 experimental delta-winged research aircraft makes its first flight in

Sweden. (AYY) In 1976... First passenger services by a supersonic airliner are begun, as British Airways and

Air France Concorde supersonic transports take off simultaneously for Bahrain and Rio de Janeiro. (OTM)

January 22 In 1971... A US Navy P-3C Orion lands in Patuxent River, Maryland, after a flight of 15 hours

21 minutes from Atsugi, Japan, setting a nonstop distance record for a turboprop-powered aircraft of 7,010 miles. (AYY)

January 23 In 1909... The first flight of the French Bleriot XI, one of the most successful monoplanes

designed and built before World War I, is made. (OTM) January 24

In 1932... French pilots Paul Codos and Henri Robida land in Paris after flying from Hanoi in French Indochina in a record time of 3 days 4 hours. (AYY)

January 25 In 1983... The Swedish-US Saab-Fairchild 340 transport, the first aircraft built by collaboration,

makes its first flight. (AYY) January 26

In 1910... The first practical seaplane is flown. Built and flown by American Glenn Curtiss, it lands and takes off in the waters off San Diego, California. (OTM)

In 1951... First flight of Douglas D-558-2 Skyrocket supersonic research aircraft is made. It is launched from its B-29 mother-ship and exceeds Mach 1 in a dive. (OTM)

January 27 In 2002... Boeing’s 737, the world’s most widely used twin jet, becomes the first jetliner in

history to amass more than 100 million flying hours. The 737 was launched in 1965. (AYY) January 29

In 1959... The first jet passenger service across the United States is begun by American Airlines using Boeing 707 jet airliners. (OTM)

January 30 In 1957... Sikorsky’s HSS-1 S-58 piston-engine helicopter, developed for anti-submarine

operations, makes its first flight. (AYY) In 1988... Boeing’s long–range 747 SP Friendship One returns to Seattle to set a round-the-

world record of 36 hours 54 minutes 15 seconds. (AYY) January 31

In 1818... The Curtiss R-6 twin-float seaplane becomes the first US-built airplane to operate overseas with American forces at Naval Base 13, Ponta Delgado, in the Azores. (F&F)

Works Cited Editor-in-Chief: Bill Gunston, Aviation: Year by Year, Amber Books Limited, London, UK, 2001. (AYY) Leonard C. Bruno, On the Move: A Chronology of Advances in Transportation, Gale Research Inc., Detroit, MI, 1993. (OTM) Arthur George Renstrom, Wilbur & Orville Wright: A Chronology, United States, Library of Congress, 1971 (COFC)

Courtesy of the U.S. Centennial of Flight Commission Website

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Reprinted by permission from Air Force Magazine, published by the Air Force Association

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NAME __________________________________________________________________

MAILING ADDRESS_________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________ (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP)

HOME PHONE _______________ BUSINESS PHONE _________________________

CELL _______________ FAX _____________ E-MAIL ____________________________

PROFESSION _________________COMPANY & TITLE ______________________________

MILITARY SERVICE? ___ BRANCH ______ DUTIES _____________________________

IF RETIRED, PAST PROFESSION ______________COMPANY __________________________

DATE OF BIRTH _________ MARRIED? _____ IF YES, SPOUSE’S NAME __________________

CAF COLONEL ID NUMBER ________ LIFE MEMBER? ______ DATE JOINED _______________




PX IT Skills




I have enclosed my first year dues of $50.00 (if joining in October, November or December dues apply to the following year). I also understand that I must be a CAF Colonel in good standing or have sent my Colonel

application to Commemorative Air Force Headquarters prior to joining the National Capitol Squadron. I realize

the CAF Code of Conduct applies to all members and that I will abide by it.

Make all checks payable to: NCS, CAF. Mail application and payment to: Colonel Dave Wood, Finance Officer, 560 S. Nursery Ave, Purcellville, VA 20132. SIGNATURE _________________________________ DATE _________________

Page 12: National Capitol Squadron’s Mission Report 2014...Soviets doing Cold War Recon and we have Lt. Col. John Bessette talking about Cold War Aerial Recon on Monday night. Think that’s