PASTORAL TEAM PASTOR Rev. Roberto Jaranilla Jr. ASSOCIATE Rev. Joseph KimDang Nguyen NATIVITY SCHOOL Sr. Stacy Reineman 448-2414 www.nativityschoolelmonte.org RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sandy Jinesta (626)448-8895 YOUTH MINISTRY Ruben Castorena (626)448-8895 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil/ Vigilia School Field/Drive in only 5 pm (Eng) 7pm (Viet) Sunday / Domingo: School field. Drive in only. 8 am, 10 am (Eng) 12 pm (Spa) Weekday / Entre Semana: O.L. of Lavang Patio 8 am –English CONFESSIONS Our Lady of Lavang Shrine Friday (vier), 4 pm & 6 pm Nativity Catholic Church 3743 N. Tyler Avenue, El Monte CA Ph.: (626)444-2511 Website: nativityelmonte.org E-mail: [email protected] THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 2021

Nativity Catholic Church

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PASTOR Rev. Roberto Jaranilla Jr. ASSOCIATE Rev. Joseph KimDang Nguyen NATIVITY SCHOOL Sr. Stacy Reineman 448-2414

www.nativityschoolelmonte.org RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sandy Jinesta (626)448-8895 YOUTH MINISTRY Ruben Castorena (626)448-8895


Saturday Vigil/ Vigilia School Field/Drive in only 5 pm (Eng) 7pm (Viet) Sunday / Domingo: School field. Drive in only. 8 am, 10 am (Eng) 12 pm (Spa)

Weekday / Entre Semana: O.L. of Lavang Patio 8 am –English

CONFESSIONS Our Lady of Lavang Shrine Friday (vier), 4 pm & 6 pm

Nativity Catholic Church 3743 N. Tyler Avenue, El Monte CA Ph.: (626)444-2511

Website: nativityelmonte.org

E-mail: [email protected]





Page 2: Nativity Catholic Church




June 26 - July 2


5:30 pm - � Echie G. Ordonez.

7:00 p.m. - FOR ALL FATHERS.

SUNDAY, June 27

8:00 a.m. - Birthday Intentions of Josephine Villarreal.

10:00 a.m. - For our parishion-ers, especially Eva Bonfiglio.

MONDAY, June 28

8:00 a.m. - �FOR ALL FATHERS.

TUESDAY, June 29

8:00 a.m.- �� Joseph Phuong.


8:00 a.m. - � Kamla Dialani & All Souls .


8:00 a.m. - � Humberto Jara .

FRIDAY, July 2

8:00 a.m. - Birthday Intentions of Lillian Villarreal.

Please keep them in your prayers.

Page 3: Nativity Catholic Church

DID YOU KNOW? Using the “What If” game to raise problem-solving children The “What If” game is a great way to walk your children through potential scenarios, and work with them to find the best solu-tions. Ask your children about “what if” scenarios, mixing silly questions with real world ones to keep them engaged and think-ing, like “What if you had super powers?” and “What if a stranger asked you to go somewhere with him at the mall?” You can empower your children with problem-solving skills that will keep them safe even when you can’t be there to protect them. For more information, visit https://www.d2l.org/what-if-game/.

Father’s Day Novena Starts Today

For nine consecutive days we are praying for all fathers living and deceased, but especially for those enrolled in our

novena. Please keep them in your prayers. The following is a complete list for the fathers enrolled in the novena.

Miguel Angel Mejia

Francisco Javier Mejia

Horacio Mejia

Armando Mora

Raymond Muro

Ruben Nava

Matthew Ng

Long Van Nguyen

Arturo Perez

Jose Daniel Perez

Luis Perez

Pablo Perez

Mark Poblete

For Daniel, Jorge, Olman &

Antonio P.

Jaime Ramirez

For the father of

Ernestina Reyes

Steve Reyes

Troy Reyes

Claudio Rodriguez Robles

Pedro Abraham Rodriguez

Jose Salazar

Teodoro Salvacion

Joniel Seatriz

Rajan james Shahani

J. Tagala

Thomas Dring Dnc Thanh

Jose D. Torres

Joseph Tran

Douglas Trujillo

Raul vasquez

Margarito Villanueva

Nicolas Villareal

Nick Wukmir

For the living and deceased

fathers of the

Moran Gonzalez and

Camacho Jimenez Families.

For the living and deceased

fathers of Long Ma and Van

Doan Families.


Juanito Orquiza

Jerry Ortiz

Luis Ortiz

Benjamin Paredes

Daniel Perez Sr.

Giuse PHAM Van Mat

Charles D. Regan

Julio Salazar

Fernando Salazar

Juan Sandoval

Rodolfo Sandoval

Johnny Shahani

Juan Franciasco Tarin

For all fathers specially in the

Tran Family

Peter Quy Tran

Giuse Le Duc

Ruben N. Vasquez

Tinhva Anton Vu


Intentions Roman Alanis

James Block

Robert Bonds

M. Cacal

Rene Campos

Victor Castillo

Romeo Cumlat

Kiwal Dialani

Joseph Dinh

Son Do

Jose Ferrer

Luis Flores

Raymond Garcia

Jeremy Hoppe

Steve Jauregui

Sergio Jimenez

Jaime Lujan

Ramon Macias

Ernesto Manalo

Nardito Manalo

Rodelito Manalo

Rene Mejia

Leo Mejia

In Memory

Domingo Anabo

Donaciano Aponte

Epifanio Aponte

Jeronimo Aponte

Casper Dinoto

Liborio Cisneros

Amador Corona

Jose Crespo Jr.

Jose Crespo Sr.

Ricardo Curiel

Pishu Dialani

Thanh Duc Duong

Angel A. Escamillo

Linh Hon GIUSE

Jose Gomez

Efren Guce

Guadalupe Hernandez

Moises Honrado

Jose Mario Torterulo Lopez

Jorge Lugo

Cosma Hoang Van Huy

Conrad Macahilig

Jose de Jesus Macias

For all fathers in the

Magno Family

Alejandro Manalo

Jose Marin

Lino Martin

Paul Mateo

Leopoldo Mejia

Esteban Mendoza

Felix Mora

Armando Muñoz Sr.

Anton & Francisco Nguyen

Dominico Dinh Van Nghia

Augustino Nguyen

Augustin Nguyen

Binh Nguyen

Don Lien Nguyen

Hung Nguyen

Joseph Nguyen

Jimmy Nguyen

Simon Phan Nguyen

For the father and

grandfathers of Kathy

Page 4: Nativity Catholic Church





We are currently looking

for Catechists for the

school year 2021-2022.

If you love all the things

above, or if you want to

share your faith with

others, please call the

Religious Education of-

fice and talk to Sandy at

448-8895. Training will

be provided.




Registrations for Baptism

(children 7 years and old-

er), First Holy Commun-

ion and Confirmation are

starting soon. Please

bring correct documenta-

tion & $25 deposit per


Baptism: Birth Certifi-

cate; First Holy

Communion: Bap-

tismal Certificate; Con-

firmation: Baptismal

Cert., FHC Certificate,

High School I.D. or Mid-

dle School Diploma

For more information

call the Religious Ed-

ucation office at 626.


T oday is the Peter’s Pence Collection, a

worldwide collection that supports the

activities of the Holy See through

which Pope Francis governs the

Church and exercises his charitable works.

When used for charitable outreach, funds from

this collection help those most in need. Take

this opportunity to join with Pope Francis and

be a sign of mercy. Please be generous today.

For more information, visit


June 26-27

Please note the following changes to our schedule of Sunday masses for the month of July and August. These changes are effective the weekend of July 3 - 4.

All masses will be celebrated in the patio of Our Lady of La Vang.

The schedule will be as follows:

Saturday 5:00 pm (English) 7:00 pm (Vietnamese) Sunday 8:00 am (English) 10 am (English) 12 noon (Spanish)

NOTE: To continue to be vigilant for health reasons, those fully vaccinated may choose to wear a mask or not. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles asks those not fully vaccinated to continue to wear a mask unless one is able to socially distance.

We look forward to you joining the Eucharistic Banquet of our Lord.

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Inscripciones para bautismo (niños mayores de 7 años), primera comunión y confir-mación comenzarán pronto. Por favor traiga los docu-mentos necesarios y un de-posito de $25 por niño.

Bautismo: certificado de nacimiento; Primera co-munión: certificado de bau-tismo; Confirmación: certificado de bautismo, certi-ficado de primera comunión, Identificación de la escuela preparatoria o diploma de se-cundaria

Para mayor información lla-me a la oficina de Educación Religiosa (626) 448-8895.



Nuestro programa de Educa-ción Religiosa esta en busca de catequistas para el próxi-mo año. Si a usted le gusta-ría compartir sus dones con nuestros jóvenes, llame a Sandy a la oficina de educa-ción religiosa.

Page 7: Nativity Catholic Church




Por nueve días consecutivas

estuvimos orando por todos

las padres en nuestra comu-

nidad y en el mundo entero,

pero especialmente por to-

das los papás que fueron

registradas en nuestra nove-

na de misas que comenzó el

día del padre. Por favor

refiérase a la sección en in-

gles para la lista completa

de los papás en la novena.

Por favor manténgalos en

sus oraciones.

H oy es la Colecta Peter’s Pence, una colecta a

nivel mundial que apoya las actividades de la

Santa Sede mediante la cual el papa Francisco

gobierna la Iglesia y lleva a cabo sus obras de

caridad. Cuando los fondos de esta Colecta se destinan a

acciones caritativas, se beneficia a los más necesitados.

Tomen esta ocasión para unirse al papa Francisco y ser una

señal de misericordia. Por favor, sean generosos hoy. Para

Junio 26-27

a nuestro


Por favor tome nota que los siguientes cambios que han sido implementados a nuestro

horario de misas dominicales para el mes de julio y Agosto. Estos cambios entraran en

efecto a partir del fin de semana del 3 y 4 de julio.

Todas las misas seran celebradas en el patio de N. Sra. De La Vang. El horario sera el


Sábado 5:00 pm (ingles) 7:00 pm (vietnamita) Domingo 8:00 am (ingles) 10 am (ingles) 12 noon (español)

NOTA: Para continuar atentos a nuestra salud, las personas completamente va-cunadas pueden optar usar o no usar cubre bocas. La arquidiocese de Los Angeles pide a los que no han completado sus vacunas que por favor continuen usando sus cubre bocas, a menos que puedan alejarse socialmente.

Esperamos pronto poder celebrar juntos el banquete eucaristico de nuestro Señor