Networked Global Problem Solving in international conflicts

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* The internet can be seen as an analogy as well as a medium for global networks. * Facebook connects more than 900 million people worldwide * Conscious engagement through trade, internet, social movements * Unconsciously interconnected: “My life, my body, my individual existence become part of another world, of foreign cultures, religions, histories and global interdependencies without my realizing or expressly wishing it” (Beck)

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Networked Global Problem Solving in international conflicts * Social media has transformed our democratic institutions in such a way that what takes place in the more traditional institutions of power () has become almost a sideshow" Grimsson, president of Iceland * The internet can be seen as an analogy as well as a medium for global networks. * Facebook connects more than 900 million people worldwide * Conscious engagement through trade, internet, social movements * Unconsciously interconnected: My life, my body, my individual existence become part of another world, of foreign cultures, religions, histories and global interdependencies without my realizing or expressly wishing it (Beck) * Climate change, terrorism, inequality etc.. are global in their scope and thus require global solutions. * The system of international institutions in place to address these issues is based on national self-interest and seems incongruent with the scale and severity of contemporary global challenges. * Can global networks provide a new arena for global problem-solving? * Tapscott: We are in the early days of an explosion of new, networked models to solve global problems * Kan dette virke i internationale konflikter? * 3 examples * * I'm not an official representative of my country. Im a father and a teacher. I know the streets of my town, I talk with my neighbors, my family, my students, my friends and in the name of all these people we love you * Optimal conditions for NGPS to be applicable in conflict transformation: * Global consciousness * Global responsibility * Global network culture * everybody is free to do whatever they want as long as they do not violate the rights of their fellow countrymen Is this enough? * The affect of ones actions cannot be predicted * One cannot act responsibly if one is not aware * Responsibility: A readiness to respond to the challenges one is aware of and to that which is higher * Culture of contributing A paradigm of giving vs. A paradigm of self- interest * Culture of collaboration A new way of coming together and collaborating beyond ego * Culture of peace Let go of enemy images and go to the root of the problem * Second tier approach We share what we love and it reminds us what we all have in common * close the gap between the world we have and the world most people everywhere want * global public opinion is the new super power, if people lead the leaders will follow * we are all human beings first, and privileged with responsibilities to each other, to future generations, and to the planet * there is some nationality which is called humanity, there is some religion which is called love Majid * Lack of ability to embrace complexity * Kony: enemy image, simplifies the situation, lack empathy/respect for local context * Israel-Loves-Iran: Peace is a simple process What is peace??? * Avaaz: enemy images, one interview person; high level of global consciousness. * Fail going to the root of the problem! * Kony: focus on one person rather than the system * Avaaz: lack of focus, based on western mass- media * Israel-Loves-Iran: no focus on Palestine * Pogge: it does not change the global system * Singer: it does not change behaviour * Morozov: given enough tweets the worlds problems are solvable * People become lacy if they think they can change the world through a click * Challenging pluralistic ignorance * Symbolic action * because of the zeitgeist of the culture in the world we needed an enemy * lets suppose we made a movie thats better than the Kony-movie really gets to the heart of the matter and suppose that it went viral and reached a 100 million people, and these 100 million people say, they learned a lesson and said we have to be united, no more amateurish every person for himself * Avaaz: Create confidence in humanity and empower people to create change * Kony: gave rise to worldwide discussions * Israel-Loves-Iran: affect relationships * NGPS: not good at solving a specific conflict * But applicable for changing culture