-fi* ** ••"*$%.'%>* 3? St 35 Sleep Nights You can sleep nights and won't have any worry, anxiety or care if you place your money in our Mortgage Certificates. We will be glad to tell you all about them if you will call at our offices. Slate Bond & Mortgage Go. New Ulm, Minnesota. 8- ifl LOCAL NOTES Pi i i i i i i «"»•' • i liitnl I I I •' lllB Mrs M W Burg from Nicollet made a short visit here last Wednesday. Miss Caroline Honemann from St. Peter is visiting with friends m this cit> this week Miss Hannah O'Brien is spending the week visiting with her brothers' fam- ilies in St Peter Julius Melzer and daughter, Ella are spending several days at theH. A. Melzer home in Linden The Misses Frieda and Edith Wiesner are visiting at the Dr. A L Domeier home in Springfield The Ladies Aid Society of the Fnedens church met a the home of Mrs Mary Fredench last Wednesday. Miss Ohta Niemann left Friday for the Twin Cities where she will visit several weeks with relatives. John Vogel has returned to his home in this city after a brief visit at the Philip Kaufenberg home m Spring- field Chas Duehn has returned from St Peter where he was the guest of his sister-in-law, Mrs Emma Duehn and family Mrs. W m Lmdemann and Mrs. Henry Unverworn have returned from Min- neapolis where they visited a few days with relatre^ Miss Ella Lischefska returned to her home in Springfield recently after being a patient at the Union Hospital for several weeks The American Red Cross so far has distributed in round numbers 2,000,000 sweaters, 750,000 mufflers, 1,000,000 wristlets, 500,000 helmets and 1,500 000 pairs of socks Dr Jamison from Wabasso made a brief visit with friends in this city Friday while on his way to St Paul Dr Jamison has received his commission and will soon leave for Fort Riley, Kansas Sheriff W J Julius was exceedingly busy during the past two weeks going thru the County making the necessary arrangements with the clerks and village recorders to take care of the registra- tion which will be to-morrow. The Gustavus Adolphus College at St Peter has been designated as one of the seven colleges m the state where Miss Gertrude Bigot is visiting with relatives in Lamberton. Miss Phyllis Neumann has returned from a visit with friends in Hanska. C. S Peterson from Springfield was a business visitor in this city last Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Evers and fam- ily recently visited with relatives in Gaylord. Miss Amanda Fitzke has left for St. Peter where she will be employed in a bakery. The Misses Helen and Jennie Gould from Springfield visited with relatives in this city last week. r~ Mrs. Carl Crone, ,Sr. and Mrs. J. H. Vogel have returned from the Twin Cities where they spent a few days_ Mrs. August Muske attended the state fair in the Twin Cities last week. She returned the latter part of the week. Miss Margaret Scheibel, nurse at the Loretto Hospital is enjoying a two weeks' Peter. vacation is enjoying a at her home in St. Miss Gertrude Eichmann from Spring- field was a business visitor in this city last week. She purchased a complete line of needle work. Mrs. H. Hildebrand thas returned to her home in St. Peter after a brief visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroeder in this city. "^Mfr^ncTTilrs. "Emil Shelly, Mrs. Ole Shelly, Mrs. G. W. Chambard and son, Crosby and daughters, Vivian and Lola from Hanska autoed to this city last Wednesday. Mrs. Jos. Salchert returned to her home in Watertown, S. D., Thursday. She came to New Ulm to be present at the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Mrs Louisa Willinger. A farewell picnic was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl y Kasten in Berna- dotte one day last week. Mr and Mrs. Kasten expect to leave for Ellsworth, Kansas soon, where they will make their home Miss Ida Sperling was the lucky winner of the splendid cedar chest at the Brown County Fair, offered by the Henry Simons Lumber Co. The win- ning number was 1013. Who < says thirteen is unlucky 9 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Strate and little daughter returned from Sask., Canada last Wednesday. They had been visit- ing there for several weeks with he a military unit will be established for, formers brother, Fred. Mr. Strate the purpose of giving the students pre-' says that the Canadian crops can not liminary training in military tactics. 'compare with ours. Mrs Anna Rinke made a short in Mankato Sunday. Price Willhite from Sleepy E^ema a business visit here last Thursday. Miss Alice Geib has returned to this; city after a visit with her parents in Henderson. •», Hy. Stechmann from Dunwoody- In- stitute spent the week end with hfe- relatives in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T Eckstein of Redwood Falls visited at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Alex Henle last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Pcllant from Milwaukee are visiting at the home of their son, F. J. Pellant on North Broadway. Mrs. A. J. Gag and son, Willard have returned to their home in Marshall after a few days visit at the Joe Flor home and with other relatives. * The Dr. Martin Luther College openedif last Wednesday^or the fall term. Twenty two new scholars registered for work. Last year only seven new scholars en- rolled. Mrs. Louise Peglow from St. Pau 1 spent a few days in this city last weak She has returned to St. Paul bnt ex- pects a vacation soon which she will spend with her paresnts in this city. Miss Huldah Grussendorf has re- turned to Braniard where she will resume her duties as instructor in the commercial department of the public schools She spent a two weeks' vaca- tion in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rothmeyer and 'daughter, Adelaide and Mrs. J. Roth- meyer and daughter of St. Paul visited at the P. J. Soukup home and other relatives last week. They made the trip by automobile. ' L. C. Wellcome of Sleepy Eye ap- peared in the Justice Court last Wed- nesday morning on a charge of drunken- [& few Sturm arid John Brey visited days in St. Peter recently, w^sjg Miss Edna. Emmerich js attending "^the Mankato Commercial College.? Miss Gertrude Mantell from Wabasso is a guest at the John Hetlinger home. *• Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Haeberle and children left Sunday for the Twin Cities where they wjll visit with relatives. John Hetlinger from Willow Lake, S. D. is visiting with his parents. He is in Class I and is waiting to be called. Nicollet County won first place in the awards for county exhibits at the state fair. It obtained a prize of $240. Miss Elsie Forster who is a nurse in the City hospital in Minneapolis is visiting with her parents here. Oscar Baer who is in training at Dunwoody Institute spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baer, Sr. Carl Paultz will return to Camp Grant, 111., today, after spending a several days' furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Plautz. September 16th is the day on which you can begin shooting game. Be- fore that time you are subject to arrest and heavy fine. So beware. Mrs. Gay Rawson from Mobiidge, S. D., spent a few days in this city recently. She came to atned the funeral of her uncle, William Wellner, Sr. Mrs. William Rinkel Sr., one of St. Peter's pioneer business women passed away a week ago Sunday at 1:20 A. M., aged 77 years Death was due to complications and old age. Harry Wiswell from Camp Grant, 111., arrived m this city Saturday. He came tq attend the funeral of his father, but unfortunately he arrived too late as his father was buried Friday. Mrs. Joe Corey, aged 62 years, an old and respected resident of Sleepy ness. He paid a fine of five dollars and Eye passed away at her home last Tuesday, costs and was given a sentence of five t The funeral was held from the Catholic church at Sleepy Eye Friday morning at ten o'clock. THE MUSICAL EVENT of the Season Without a doubt will be the Recital Sept. 17th 8:15 P. M. at ARMORY The reputations of the artists, a charming soprano and an accomplished violinist, in- sure the success of the affair. - - - They are MISS SHEPHERD Lyric Soprano MISS HOYLE Violinist Assisted by !, The Phonograph with a Soul" Tickets may be secured without charge upon application to EUGENE A. PFEFFERLE RELIABLE 'DRUGGIST EDISON PHONOGRAPHS days m the county jail. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scheiderich, Jr., from Minneapolis are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Karl. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scheiderich, Sr., from the same city are expected some time this week for a visit. t Sunday night's opening performance of "Oh, Boy!" at the Turner Theatre was greeted by a good house and the applause indicated that the offering proved very satisfactory. Pretty girls, nifty clothes and catchy music made up the bill. L. I. Bjorneberg, who has worked, at various local garages in this city has become sole proprietor of the Hanska garage, having bought out the interest held by John and Joseph Helget. Both of these men are now in the service of their country. The ladies of the East Brown County chapter o<* the Red Cross were honored at the State Fair this week by the award of first prize for the best exhibit of a Red Cross chapter. Entries were made by ten counties. Wabasha county topk t second prize and Ramsey county third. Dorothy Mayer, aged twelve, of this city exhibited socks in the winning Brown County display. - , Automobile repair men and garage managers of Chisholm, Minn, have entered into the agreement to close their places of business at six o'clock on week days and all day Sunday, ex- cept for livery service. In order that the agreement may be binding, eaeh one has pledged himself to pay $50 to the Red Cross for the first infraction pf the rule, and $100 for the second. E. E. Miller, captain of Oompany B, St. Peter, was recently promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel of the 5th Infantry, M. N. G., by Colonel J. L. Lewis of Mankato. Lieutenant Colonel Miller is a brother of Dr. C. W. Miller of this city. First Lieutenant The parents of Lester King, member of Co. L, Redwood Falls, received a message saying that he had been killed in action in France. Harry Bunce, another of the Redwood Falls boys .has been reported as missing in action. Ernst Hopkins has returned from Albert, Canada, where he has been for several weeks. With him came his little niece and nephew, who will make their home with Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins in this city. The children's mother died recently. President Wilson has reappointed Wm. Mueller as postmaster at Springfield atad Postmasters-Kent of Sanborn, and "Lauterbach at Redwood Falls, Their appointments have been sent to the senate for confirmation. According to an order of the Public Safety Commission the saloons thru out the state of Minnesota must be closed Thursday, Registration day. It has also been decided that Minnesota soldiers either in France or in canton- ments in this country will DB given the privilege of voting at the general election in November. Owing to ill health Rev. J. G. Wag- ner has resigned the pastorate of the Catholic congregations of this vicinity and left on Thursday for St Henry where he has accepted a pastorate that will not entail so mucn mission work. During his residence m Nicollet, Rev Wagner has made many friends who regret to see him go, but who hope that the change may be agreeable for him His successor is Rev Mathias Moitz- heim of Hammel, Minn., who arrived here on Thursday. Nicollet Leader Rev. Wagner is well-known in this -city having at one time been assist- ant priest at Holy Trinity Church. Nick Hoffmann of Hinckley, Minn., was promoted to the rank of captain, Second Lieutenant John Dondelinger, F. H. Babcock of the St. Peter company spent a part of last week here looking up old acquaintances. He had a pocket- ful of Brown County grain to take home to the rank of First Lieutenant and with him to compare with the products Sergeant George T. Olsen to the rank of the red soil of Pine County. He says of Second Lieutenant. * (that the Brown County grain looks somewhat bleached out and he thinks Probate Judge Wm. B. Mather re- Pine County grain is better in quality. The potato crop this year around Hinck- ceived a telegram last week stating that Private Harry A. Mecklenburg, , . , , . , - ^ ^ , who was formerly m the service left l J » splendid owmg to the long spell the base hospital at Ellis Island, with of clea J *"**. w( * th f • Th f ' h * d an escort last Tuesday. For a number ™™ of t h e * am ! f at . H <* e of months he has been depressed and T ^f ^orm, the first rainfall in weeks at times his mental condition was very" « » " ? * th * m ^ ° f t he t0 do ' * arm bad. He will be taken to the St. Peter* m ^ £° Unty "" small but returns hospital for treatment. Harry left New'?"* ** **»£"• ** T ^ 4 . 5 Ulm with the second draft contingent. 1 1 T W " to ?* *"% *T ^ S * He lives near Essig but is well known (**» f*"* 1011 °j *J e . state whe f ?* Non ; here, being a graduate of the local high Partisans and their opponents had such , , jsTl a v o c ^ erous argument. There the op- 5 ts 4 nents °* *^ e league tarred and feathered ' Tracy isn't making a big noise about. the Non-partisans and poisoned their the help she has extended to Tyler, j cattle and even beat the wife of a Non- but when other towns are given credit partisan who went to her husband's for work they have done there, Tracy is jealous enough to want to be rec- ognized too. Last Friday many busi- ness men drove to Tyler and helped clean all day. No credit. Wednes- day more than a hundred men packed their pick and shovel and again work- morning papers came out strong f&r the help that Pipestone had render^ Tyler on Wednesday. It is Tracy's assistance. However, it is a satis- faction to hear that the woman was a good fighter and succeeded in tearing the masks from the faces of two of .her assailants, and now these two thugs and others' of the mob with them, have been cited to appear before the Federal ed all that day in TylerJ^Thursdli^ Court in November. Nice doings, in a ^untry fighting for the right of Democracy to exist, and particularly nice doings for those who are yelling fault that no one knows Tracy is Qn their heads off to show their patriotism. FOR FALL Our new shipments have arrived. A more attractive cargo of suits has never come into our dock. YOU, who enjoy picking the best, come in and get the first pick. - | \jt «&&£& i || YOU, who appreciate fine patterns, distincpH flaves, odd effects and new models—give us the pfefelure of showing you this unusual assortment. Suits from $15 to $40 New Fall top coats $20 to $35 Come in Hummel Bros. 14 N. Minn. St. New Ulm, Minn. |^^**^***CT^^^^^*»*»^^^^*9*9*»*?*?*?***?* t t I I Equitable Life Insurance Co. of Iowa I ESTABLISHED 51 YEARS | J. R. HIGGS, General Agent | % Office in Vogel Block $ Office Phone 568 ^ New Ulm, Minn. % Residence 931 ? m ! The Turning Point ii Can you look back to some time that was a turning point in your life, possibly the turning point that placed you on the road to success? Many successful people can do so, and nine cases out of ten that turning point came when they decided to start a bank account and save money. If you don't be- lieve this, ask some of the successful men you know. How many prosperous men suc- ceed without some connection with a good bank? Few indeed. We stand ready to help you. The Brown County Bank New Ulm, Minn. essssgaKsassssaKsssK sua ss ss m*mwa Buy Your Winter Suit And Overcoat Now « We can show you fine wool Fabrics in suits and Overcoats now, that cannot be duplicated again at any price. BUY NOW These new Fall Suits and Overcoats are made of fine Woolens that we bought months ahead at fully 60 per cent below to-days prices and this saving we will give to our customers. Right now you are offered the greatest Clothing Values anywhere— SUITS AND OVERCOATS $15, $20, $25, $30, $35, $40,. $45 The Fred Heine Clothing Company NEW ULM, MINN. * If DR. H. C. EDMISTON OS-TE-O-PATH tvSjs Drugless Method of Treating Disease Graduate of Ktrlctville, M y. 4 Year Course "^ -<i9, ur ***>«»*» *» our Advertising ^m % | f Hp?$ literature and Examination Frea^ fLf Phone 123 Office I j ^ * ' ^ " i Phone 123 L Re*. f ,W ** A - lltoSP - «• H.gO. SCHLEUD OPTOMETRIST AND tlO OPTICIAN We Grind Our Owi Lenses 102 No. Mian. Sk ^ -^Tel. 87

New Ulm review (New Ulm, Brown County, Minn.) (New Ulm ... · resume her duties as instructor in the ... Mrs. Joe Corey, aged 62 years, an old and respected resident of Sleepy ness

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Page 1: New Ulm review (New Ulm, Brown County, Minn.) (New Ulm ... · resume her duties as instructor in the ... Mrs. Joe Corey, aged 62 years, an old and respected resident of Sleepy ness

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3? St


Sleep Nights You can sleep nights and won't have

any worry, anxiety or care if you place

your money in our Mortgage Certificates.

We will be glad to tell you all about

them if you will call a t our offices.

Slate Bond & Mortgage Go. New Ulm, Minnesota.

8- i f l

LOCAL NOTES P i i i i i i i «"»•' • i liitnl I I I •' • l l l B

Mrs M W Burg from Nicollet made a short visit here last Wednesday.

Miss Caroline Honemann from St. Peter is visiting with friends m this cit> this week

Miss Hannah O'Brien is spending the week visiting with her brothers' fam­ilies in St Peter

Julius Melzer and daughter, Ella are spending several days at theH. A. Melzer home in Linden

The Misses Frieda and Edith Wiesner are visiting at the Dr. A L Domeier home in Springfield

The Ladies Aid Society of the Fnedens church met a the home of Mrs Mary Fredench last Wednesday.

Miss Ohta Niemann left Friday for the Twin Cities where she will visit several weeks with relatives.

John Vogel has returned to his home in this city after a brief visit at the Philip Kaufenberg home m Spring­field

Chas Duehn has returned from St Peter where he was the guest of his sister-in-law, Mrs Emma Duehn and family

Mrs. W m Lmdemann and Mrs. Henry Unverworn have returned from Min­neapolis where they visited a few days with relatre^

Miss Ella Lischefska returned to her home in Springfield recently after being a patient at the Union Hospital for several weeks

The American Red Cross so far has distributed in round numbers 2,000,000 sweaters, 750,000 mufflers, 1,000,000 wristlets, 500,000 helmets and 1,500 000 pairs of socks

Dr Jamison from Wabasso made a brief visit with friends in this city Friday while on his way to St Paul Dr Jamison has received his commission and will soon leave for Fort Riley, Kansas

Sheriff W J Julius was exceedingly busy during the past two weeks going thru the County making the necessary arrangements with the clerks and village recorders to take care of the registra­tion which will be to-morrow.

The Gustavus Adolphus College at St Peter has been designated as one of the seven colleges m the state where

Miss Gertrude Bigot is visiting with relatives in Lamberton.

Miss Phyllis Neumann has returned from a visit with friends in Hanska.

C. S Peterson from Springfield was a business visitor in this city last Thurs­day.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Evers and fam­ily recently visited with relatives in Gaylord.

Miss Amanda Fitzke has left for St. Peter where she will be employed in a bakery.

The Misses Helen and Jennie Gould from Springfield visited with relatives in this city last week.


Mrs. Carl Crone, ,Sr. and Mrs. J. H. Vogel have returned from the Twin Cities where they spent a few days_

Mrs. August Muske attended the state fair in the Twin Cities last week. She returned the latter part of the week.

Miss Margaret Scheibel, nurse at the Loretto Hospital is enjoying a two weeks' Peter.

vacation is enjoying a

at her home in St.

Miss Gertrude Eichmann from Spring­field was a business visitor in this city last week. She purchased a complete line of needle work.

Mrs. H. Hildebrand thas returned to her home in St. Peter after a brief visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroeder in this city.

"^Mfr^ncTTilrs. "Emil Shelly, Mrs. Ole Shelly, Mrs. G. W. Chambard and son, Crosby and daughters, Vivian and Lola from Hanska autoed to this city last Wednesday.

• Mrs. Jos. Salchert returned to her home in Watertown, S. D., Thursday. She came to New Ulm to be present at the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Mrs Louisa Willinger.

A farewell picnic was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. KarlyKasten in Berna-dotte one day last week. Mr and Mrs. Kasten expect to leave for Ellsworth, Kansas soon, where they will make their home

Miss Ida Sperling was the lucky winner of the splendid cedar chest at the Brown County Fair, offered by the Henry Simons Lumber Co. The win­ning number was 1013. Who < says thirteen is unlucky9

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Strate and little daughter returned from Sask., Canada last Wednesday. They had been visit­ing there for several weeks with he

a military unit will be established for, formers brother, Fred. Mr. Strate the purpose of giving the students pre-' says that the Canadian crops can not liminary training in military tactics. 'compare with ours.

Mrs Anna Rinke made a short in Mankato Sunday.

Price Willhite from Sleepy E^ema a business visit here last Thursday.

Miss Alice Geib has returned to this; city after a visit with her parents in Henderson. •»,

Hy. Stechmann from Dunwoody- In­stitute spent the week end with hfe-relatives in this city.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T Eckstein of Redwood Falls visited at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Alex Henle last week.

Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Pcllant from Milwaukee are visiting at the home of their son, F. J. Pellant on North Broadway.

Mrs. A. J. Gag and son, Willard have returned to their home in Marshall after a few days visit at the Joe Flor home and with other relatives. *

The Dr. Martin Luther College openedif last Wednesday^or the fall term. Twenty two new scholars registered for work. Last year only seven new scholars en­rolled.

Mrs. Louise Peglow from St. Pau1

spent a few days in this city last weak She has returned to St. Paul bnt ex­pects a vacation soon which she will spend with her paresnts in this city.

Miss Huldah Grussendorf has re­turned to Braniard where she will resume her duties as instructor in the commercial department of the public schools She spent a two weeks' vaca­tion in this city.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rothmeyer and 'daughter, Adelaide and Mrs. J. Roth­meyer and daughter of St. Paul visited at the P. J. Soukup home and other relatives last week. They made the trip by automobile. '

L. C. Wellcome of Sleepy Eye ap­peared in the Justice Court last Wed­nesday morning on a charge of drunken-

[& few Sturm arid John Brey visited

days in St. Peter recently, w^sjg

Miss Edna. Emmerich js attending "^the Mankato Commercial College.?

Miss Gertrude Mantell from Wabasso is a guest at the John Hetlinger home.

*• Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Haeberle and children left Sunday for the Twin Cities where they wjll visit with relatives.

John Hetlinger from Willow Lake, S. D. is visiting with his parents. He is in Class I and is waiting to be called.

Nicollet County won first place in the awards for county exhibits at the state fair. I t obtained a prize of $240.

Miss Elsie Forster who is a nurse in the City hospital in Minneapolis is visiting with her parents here.

Oscar Baer who is in training at Dunwoody Institute spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baer, Sr.

Carl Paultz will return to Camp Grant, 111., today, after spending a several days' furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Plautz.

September 16th is the day on which you can begin shooting game. Be­fore that time you are subject to arrest and heavy fine. So beware.

Mrs. Gay Rawson from Mobiidge, S. D., spent a few days in this city recently. She came to atned the funeral of her uncle, William Wellner, Sr.

Mrs. William Rinkel Sr., one of St. Peter's pioneer business women passed away a week ago Sunday at 1:20 A. M., aged 77 years Death was due to complications and old age.

Harry Wiswell from Camp Grant, 111., arrived m this city Saturday. He came tq attend the funeral of his father, but unfortunately he arrived too late as his father was buried Friday.

Mrs. Joe Corey, aged 62 years, an old and respected resident of Sleepy

ness. He paid a fine of five dollars and Eye passed away at her home last Tuesday, costs and was given a sentence of five t The funeral was held from the Catholic

church at Sleepy Eye Friday morning at ten o'clock.

T H E MUSICAL EVENT of the Season

Without a doubt will be the Recital Sept. 17th 8:15 P. M. at

ARMORY The reputations of the artists, a charming soprano and an accomplished violinist, in­sure the success of the affair. - - - They are


MISS HOYLE Violinist

Assisted by

!,The Phonograph with a Soul"

Tickets may be secured without charge upon application to


days m the county jail.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scheiderich, Jr., from Minneapolis are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Karl. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scheiderich, Sr., from the same city are expected some time this week for a visit. t

Sunday night's opening performance of "Oh, Boy!" at the Turner Theatre was greeted by a good house and the applause indicated that the offering proved very satisfactory. Pretty girls, nifty clothes and catchy music made up the bill.

L. I. Bjorneberg, who has worked, at various local garages in this city has become sole proprietor of the Hanska garage, having bought out the interest held by John and Joseph Helget. Both of these men are now in the service of their country.

The ladies of the East Brown County chapter o<* the Red Cross were honored at the State Fair this week by the award of first prize for the best exhibit of a Red Cross chapter. Entries were made by ten counties. Wabasha county topkt

second prize and Ramsey county third. Dorothy Mayer, aged twelve, of this city exhibited socks in the winning Brown County display. - ,

Automobile repair men and garage managers of Chisholm, Minn, have entered into the agreement to close their places of business at six o'clock on week days and all day Sunday, ex­cept for livery service. In order that the agreement may be binding, eaeh one has pledged himself to pay $50 to the Red Cross for the first infraction pf the rule, and $100 for the second.

E. E. Miller, captain of Oompany B, St. Peter, was recently promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel of the 5th Infantry, M. N. G., by Colonel J. L. Lewis of Mankato. Lieutenant Colonel Miller is a brother of Dr. C. W. Miller of this city. First Lieutenant

The parents of Lester King, member of Co. L , Redwood Falls, received a message saying that he had been killed in action in France. Harry Bunce, another of the Redwood Falls boys .has been reported as missing in action.

Ernst Hopkins has returned from Albert, Canada, where he has been for several weeks. With him came his little niece and nephew, who will make their home with Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins in this city. The children's mother died recently.

President Wilson has reappointed Wm. Mueller as postmaster at Springfield atad Postmasters-Kent of Sanborn, and "Lauterbach at Redwood Falls, Their appointments have been sent to the senate for confirmation.

According to an order of the Public Safety Commission the saloons thru out the state of Minnesota must be closed Thursday, Registration day. I t has also been decided that Minnesota soldiers either in France or in canton­ments in this country will DB given the privilege of voting at the general election in November.

Owing to ill health Rev. J. G. Wag­ner has resigned the pastorate of the Catholic congregations of this vicinity and left on Thursday for St Henry where he has accepted a pastorate that will not entail so mucn mission work. During his residence m Nicollet, Rev Wagner has made many friends who regret to see him go, but who hope that the change may be agreeable for him His successor is Rev Mathias Moitz-heim of Hammel, Minn., who arrived here on Thursday. —Nicollet Leader

Rev. Wagner is well-known in this -city having at one time been assist­ant priest at Holy Trinity Church.

Nick Hoffmann of Hinckley, Minn.,

was promoted to the rank of captain, Second Lieutenant John Dondelinger,

F. H. Babcock of the St. Peter company spent a part of last week here looking up old acquaintances. He had a pocket­ful of Brown County grain to take home

to the rank of First Lieutenant and with him to compare with the products Sergeant George T. Olsen to the rank of the red soil of Pine County. He says of Second Lieutenant. * (that the Brown County grain looks

somewhat bleached out and he thinks Probate Judge Wm. B. Mather re-Pine County grain is better in quality. The potato crop this year around Hinck-

ceived a telegram last week stating that Private Harry A. Mecklenburg, , . , , . , - ^ ^ , who was formerly m the service left lJ » splendid owmg t o the long spell the base hospital at Ellis Island, with o f c l e a J *"**. w ( * t h f • T hf ' h * d

an escort last Tuesday. For a number ™™ o f t h e * a m ! f a t . H <*e

of months he has been depressed and T ^ f ^orm, the first rainfall in weeks at times his mental condition was very" « » " ? * th* m ^ ° f t h e t0™do' * a r m

bad. He will be taken to the St. Peter*m ^ £ ° U n t y " " small but returns hospital for treatment. Harry left New'?"* * * **»£"• ** T ^ 1° 4.5

Ulm with the second draft contingent. 1 1 T W " t o ? * * " % *T ^ S * He lives near Essig but is well known (**» f*"*1011 °j * J e . s t a t e w h e f ? * N o n ; here, being a graduate of the local high Partisans and their opponents had such

, , jsTla v o c ^ e r o u s argument. There the op-5 ts 4 P ° n e n t s °* *^e league tarred and feathered

' Tracy isn't making a big noise about. the Non-partisans and poisoned their the help she has extended to Tyler, j cattle and even beat the wife of a Non-but when other towns are given credit partisan who went to her husband's for work they have done there, Tracy is jealous enough to want to be rec­ognized too. Last Friday many busi­ness men drove to Tyler and helped clean all day. No credit. Wednes­day more than a hundred men packed their pick and shovel and again work-

morning papers came out strong f&r the help that Pipestone had r e n d e r ^ Tyler on Wednesday. I t is Tracy's

assistance. However, it is a satis­faction to hear that the woman was a good fighter and succeeded in tearing the masks from the faces of two of .her assailants, and now these two thugs and others' of the mob with them, have been cited to appear before the Federal

ed all that day in TylerJ^Thursdli^ Court in November. Nice doings, in a ^ u n t r y fighting for the right of Democracy to exist, and particularly nice doings for those who are yelling

fault that no one knows Tracy is Qn their heads off to show their patriotism.

FOR FALL Our new shipments have arrived. A more attractive cargo of suits has never come into our dock. YOU, who enjoy picking the best, come in and get the first pick. - |\jt «&&£& i | | YOU, who appreciate fine patterns, distincpH flaves, odd effects and new models—give us the pfefelure of showing you this unusual assortment. Suits from $15 to $40 New Fall top coats $20 to $35 Come in

Hummel Bros. 14 N. Minn. St. New Ulm, Minn.

| ^ ^ * * ^ * * * C T ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * » * » ^ ^ ^ ^ * 9 * 9 * » * ? * ? * ? * * * ? *

t t I •


Equitable Life Insurance Co. of Iowa I ESTABLISHED 51 YEARS |

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