V0L- XXV....JN0- 7,693. NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1865. PRICE FOUR CENTS. F KEYSER ie a pbypioian of over thirty i_^y eaptrtaaee, and a UkafUate cf tbe J. flerton Medical falHriiadtftbelriTtrkity of Madlclne ind Our|ery at rkiltatTL- bh aa aa aa BB BB BHUUnu aa aa bb aa bb aa II, B t HiiBiekSi SiV. ln tnui ,0 tU* 1n*"ion .ike* ma u lo my KobI Baekt, I aoald aay tbat I have uied ud lold i.u in rarioiii fornu for the pait thirty yrari. I do not 111* _.'.!.* lt> _k ikrre ii mJ form cr pr*'!*1*1'011 of it 1 have not u»ed, or 11 h, i-M-i mtlif TiiioJi dixeuei where sucb mcdi- _yBtwiaIdbe indicuted. You irr iwire, u well 11 K that tt hii br*n rxtemiveiy e_tployed in the Tirioui lfT^ibr bUddii and kidneyi, and tha rrputation it hli iiny j ut_iaje_t. ia wirrtuUd by tbe fkcli. BB Klltlll I ti'i ai" »Ld J,*d- aa p' ¦ a mted, evrry form of iltiiAa _U.pc",,"r,l:*',f*'lne riD,ple deco,tion' llnc'uw'' fluid ttm,ua-tad I im n*t cefDiiant of ai.y preptrition of tlut aaitUxllrq'»vUoyour.. Tw.lve ye_V txprriruce oujht, |itv_».to|.TtraittberigIitt.ijoa|e efits tueriti, and witb- .,-».. jdi. r or partiaMty I »i*e yotir. pre-edenca oter all BkBB Iik.oolTaluealli.ngawordi.ig to in bu!k, if I d.d. HfctiiSkt-l.-wialdcutdoyouri.bJt I ho'.d to the doctriue tlUb-kitdqumtitydonot-xke ep ti! :r-if thry did i aair*! itrt BMBH h* wcrth 88881 than » t-<a ilB-a ItaajcorBucbaM .te-fle.-ton palieiitt. I bat. cured aat. b, i_d aetu eured witb it, ixore diavaaw of the i l*dd« rmH&rit than I hare ever leenc-ired witli any other Bucbu, amyt-ti propieUry aaaBBaaai ol abatvvc-i nime. fleapaaab-B yoc". _»-., OEO. n. E-TBBB, v. v., Bl. i-KJ Wood rt PitUburgb, Ta. _.g**ii.ia_. Aa aea ¦BBBBaU l 111'» B8BBA8B Bccbv. BBB BBB BBB III aa a <t ¦< aa a a aa aa a ¦ aa BB M M vt BM M BM |r'/iiB,T.i« t.h_al|bta t.rdgrr.J Pu.-iPtLPuii Ju!y, 18,1*1 OuMU*n.ed fiiaud und fellow c.ttfen, Mr. H. T. llrlm- ktkt _for_i_ that be co_teu.p.ate« re_loving Jto thefity of Brw-lfDrk. BTth i viow oi «n_rging hi. buainrit BTe bivr K.a irtpiaktttl witb him ka ...pw..id o: t. n yrari; have brrn pkme4 with hii intrgiity aud f*ir dealing. Coiumencuig in i aal wiy. hil irtlrlei nmit po-.nl n.nit to imure th* auc- ttm k* bi.a mrt with, r.d from our aci'itintince with him wr C_t confitl-iitly apeik that we do not btliev* br la t msn who wotii* w_b to impose on any onr. i.ach lei. thr tfflicted. and mlly in oaTown longbiiinrn ii]4.rlrut:e ai m .dv.rtiilng vardiaiu w^j*r* oeTt-x .'.( ji ol tbe i-rren of iny medicinc W_bi..4 ntr.i. |ri<_T_rk__..);... IV .¦¦¦¦(¦ Bailetinof JunilO, 1864.1 BflflBpaBkHa baa*labaaaaa_aai Baaaaa in New- T_iafcurl<nri_-an, Mi. BL B IMmbold, Drugglit. Hii ak-rt, aat tbt MttropohtAii llotcl, ii a* frtt f.-ont. 230 f-ct *V*p_d6i«itorie.inhifht. Hii crrtiinly * grind eitab- D__*i.t and rpraki f.Toiabiy of thr mr rit of bli ar ti .Ira. He uaa. Li'i'fli.-* ¦_iu _¦.-.i ii .: tbii city, which ire ilio ateti aatil.ti l.ia..r.'i cf tbeir claai. (BM* |a*.4B. iti Lirgat Micfa-taritig Chen.iiti in tl.i Woi.A J Iie, xrt,.*_t*d wi'.u Mr. H. T. }i«_ubold; be occupiri .taBr^-a'.rei-pi'.'i.'.t ti.y ifi.d'n ... *L'l wii aui-ceiiful in aaallirtirgthib.ixnirii whtre otlitri had 2?' bt*" equaily 88 taJtaliim. I hitt betn fitonbij iuiprraird with hii cbir- ¦Baaad aflaajflka IVM. WEIOIITMAfl, *** Bbatf fewtai k^WiierrBaV-T, Mixafact'.ring Chen.iati. Hixaial Bicwt iu., roiiidelplil*. )8«a_rki frrm fl_BB_ai Analyiii.J .bi i ixiafni __.,,!, Hllabliri Preparitioni they taJajtaiiBa^e-jjj.,^ We aaBtaia tkaaaaabBaJ ^^ NEEVKRS k YATE". ^*ie'*fc*. lat U, MBR lEoiton lUrald.] .iiaiilltaadTiirtii* worthlen warra, or attlclei aaaaba a _ wae*iTt oor MaiaM tnd when we iee an ad- "*« Br. Etlmboid^ wbom w* hive known for yrari, V~^*U*-11>-tav«r_,lngfron.yeMto year. uatil he ;*^^rat *d»rniirr ia th* Unit>d 8Ut>*, we lmmm* tba tbt aittineiit. in regtrd te blx irticlei .*¦ ."trraet't ?rbi lnaert, ^ ^^ ^ wou)d ^ do m .ore ^ *4pi to nuay,) tui tha articla concb.de. by rtatlng j~a it«fbuuYk,,_^th. iittUM tot wbil fi ,llt)T ^^ mi*7 a««y tho.M_.-i, with comp-te anv-aa ii'im IX l ii UL UD I I'l IL iii:lmtjolds ¦*T»AOT huchu, fAKI-AlWlD BY ,f' 1'. HKI.MUOIal), Il,00ltT, Mo. 391 BROADWAY, M. Y., aaa ** «V_P \%ft*\}\iMj., nutAD-airiui, i*. CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION. OHAIfD MASS XttHETXNQ. ENTHUSIASM OF THE PEOPLE. Determined Opposltion to the Ring. Addres.es by John Hecker, Messrs. Loosevelt. Schultz and Others. Thc niu-s nu'oiiiif* at tho Cooper Institutt- h_4 aiaalng, nndcr tbe aaiplces of the f'itizons' Amo eiat.oii. wus rery lurge'.y att.'iided. It wub a ".I.v. Mcetiug iu cvt-ry flflaflB of tbe word, ivn out|>onriiig of tbo tnansca in t.u_'pert of tbo Antl-Kiug i-andi.lutoM. Fully .1.14k) peeeM were M Bta Hrge hall, and the en- MflflflflflBflB of the nipetiu.: wa. tjuite cqual to it* BflflBhSBfli A buiiil ofnmsio waa in attondnnco, and contnbut.'d |-roatlv to Iba ortertaintn.'iit of the an.ltenco. Mr. l;. B. RoeeereN ealtod ibe BaaBtag ta ardee, nnd Baaalaalad bli Jantiaia s. BebaBa ahatabbbx »bo 11. .- _;...l.;li ...- \ t'i.'.tfiL Mll. K(«>._VKLT'8 IBMABBA The meotiug BM Bp8fl*d by Mr. BOOflRTBU. -fhfl aald tbat tba flaatla* waa ealtad ta laaan* Iha can.li- d.l.-ki.f tho( .u/>ii4 AnaiK-iition. Tbe tmiting wa* a!ao . iii.-d m paatata ***>'-.' t1..- wa.toii rereeaa <¦( iho aUy, w.'ll ua the itoli-n r. reaasa BTa Iba Ctttaaas' Aaoo- riatii.ii, eeeae bbbb t" aaaa eaaer niau for bhaeeK, ior ti.- beal BMfl vt" eaa tfld. [Aaplaaea] Ba aaaM noniinato Mr. J.itkaou II. NMMR whi. waa uuaui- ¦aaaty tieit.ii. M.-l. BrHCLTZ » 11' MAI.K.v Mr. 1 Hii T/ 4..i,l tii.it ha <1> -ir.-d to tn ikn ¦ lt« .<.. nmiks on Ihfl ruijit "1 rvforiu. It la truo that tha ItrpuMi.-an purty «av tbi. nform mu.t aeataM tbe baadaafthaXtaaMeraflx, who have iha aaatrMafahs city; but tbii-omet. alter ail, with a bad gr_ee fr»m thi,-.- pratleaea, -iu..' Iha BepabUeaaa eeceay the Hoar.I of Bapan-wn aaa fnr aa*. Let m .<.>' ahother thiae KepublioaiiB at'iid to th- Baardof Oupaiaaa a I-u.'i-tiaasoi aaa lhaa Iha DaaaeraM. Loekeret their aaaaa aad aea abother tbere l* aaytblag betaeaa tliom.whi'Lcr oni'inrty BM nt loa.t aa miii li cr- rupt aa tb. other. Ihe DflflflaaflMfl noniinato >.uo. uud Utc BapabUeaaa onc k.. that we iictuai.y baaa a r.-t t.-r-i'iitrttivo frurn a!l ibf.ee rartica, aud that they nre b.-re typiti'd. I propoae t.. ahow M p*B ...uie oi" tbo rcaeon. why I am wtlllng to go nul ¦Meef l'artv atfl-aaiaatloa, f-r Iheehelea of a m.iyor. our tax nrryaaeaaata to 4lX46O,-0O.a_aar oont <m th* whole jx-raoiiai aud roal cetat- nf Bl-w Yt.rk. Th-r-ia mt in ihewbetoaerld a etty thaa tait-d. Oataldoof this .!-.iii"""»i, I wi.ulil pnin't you lott.e finanoial tlf partm.-ut, of wbi.h Mrstr.. DoTeBa and Uroniiau an- t!k(> prline BMta-f8BX I Iadhf innkir.g at the tax levy tbat Mr. Deretta reoerra trmn tbe eity, by raaaoa of bb at-BX BM4. Loofclni. aJnng a little fiirthrr, wa lind, baaarer, tbat bo Baata eapley two ciorki at .:. 0*0 ¦aieea i ttii yoa. »aid iWeeeahar, aad TeteaB here tapoaiihli Ihr Tbal l aay. Ihal Mr. DoraBa raoavaa nv.r #l(A'.(OU .1 y.-ur for bis flfltTleeX And jrt Ihal aaaXHMMfl baa iha batdlbooa to go daara aa vVull-el., and a«k for _8aa*y fnr tho city. Tbal ti Mr. mffl-fli I bflU Brysatf aaraeaally reapoaaib-a for ev.ry a tutcniotit I have" rna.l.-. Ia rogard to Ihe d>>ck. and piers of Um <if. we Iad tbo rume am«tmt af iwind- ling. The ipeakef would rather oan tivc ,!.., ka i.i Baa-Tarb (tu a pecurnury point of view) tban bo I'r.-k- iuii.t..Ii:.rl i.ip.lhtai'.. ln regard la tbe markeu. Iha speaker .aid that tho property thero w.ia Tnlue.1 ut 42,ia.\(ioo, whict. taoagbl in aa haaeeaaef B8A8A4 te tbo etty. Tn. eoOeoBtoa tbi. in_nm.i aaaaptay _o men, nt a co'.t i.f BM.44A -aRDhe aaeabaf ihoegal rather rou6'b. Ile bad oniy meiition.-.l tUr.o flflflflNM of eo.niptinu. and Iha 0)4888 ir.u.t be' menifeat t«. all. l.-llow-citmna. b.r ci.n th i. ii, mI bara Ibr tha aaal few 4ayx woked inthi.. i:,,.tt r. i eeataaa to yaa that l ma aal prapared fnr what 1 havcW'tD. I bolioTa that tho lCluriu Cit-BM nf N.w York pould not do Iwitf-r H-rv lea lhaa M publiab TaJeBtiaea jojrnal ..«¦ a tTiinp..:^i. dovumtrnt. At leaat, thr.-e tDilli'.iiri af aaaey i_dr_wn Boa rear aeaaeMl and mino, which g.H'B into the jutki-ta oftbe "ring.' v'uk I uBimBN'Tk.Chnlri Hluaett, Jarn-a Prown, VVII liani M. Venaiiye. Junhthai. Sturgu., j. f. U. Lea.rr, Ibaaa VV I'ear.ali K.fwiu H"vt. .'au,-. Beetaaa Jabaiaa, llivul lf.a-..y, LrOrand Loekwood, A. H Wrtm-r-, llhrrhard fahrr -ame. M. CoBMabb, MoBM II. Urii.n.' !!. rmiii I'.o.e, Johu J IT.rlp-.. Pfltat to'prr J>ie H.yt l'"'rr Moll.r. (faa. A. fircni, N'atli-Jiiel.-alu!.. latac N. IT.elpa, P. II. tblBOO, Beni.nin VV BoB-sV, VV H. Vrrinnye, C. II. Luddii.rtun, Ha-ghwe-t, VV. W. DaPorraat, CaL T. Maldbof. Tboma I>- i.rr S'l-wiirt Hr.wn Jolin M. Keax.n, lolm A. VVe.-k«, Wn, ".eUrnail, Wil,im. Hl.rk. Wiil..-,. A. llaiiira. Lariag A.d:. i.a. ( ha-ia. Tr.cv, MoflC* O. Haltwin,Abapard Knapp, Eraitu. Titua. WiUbmLLPeffl, I»to.r! I.o.d, I". IJ. Halt.-r, bB BrjfBB, VVilliim IT. Gui-.u, vMilni3i P.frtot, Jarnr, R. lotii.i Tho .,. B. Dala, U*t, {,- eTO/.-f^V*' .y;"Drlf' B, AkiaaaW, Joaoph Pa-aat, Bafil M'-ion #I4» ft Ocharbaaaaa, *. L. Prouty. 11. A. Hrl.-r. ( bwba Hliven, fbeaaai w. PaaaaB, jr.. vvuli.u, Anu.ircmK. CbarkaH. Kel'.nw.. l.ivi.Collaiuorr. ( ol. A. K^h, Oeorg* IL Mollrr, Jlrn"V Kloppenburi, K.uil r>aurr. Ldward Kiiig, JeBB M. vv i ,.'r, X-ward But. Cbarbi II. CarlA Ohartaa J. Oiiiiri, II. nriir, r.u..i« ". , ¦,, _. .. m |l l: lltagfl TboBiaeT. Bturrra, jr.. Juliu. Koru, O*orgtj B. oi.hert, ir.'Kobeit_lli.i. Jo.-ph P. Ilaly. BE-OIX'TION-. TLe foUowini? prcainble aud roiolutioni were tbeu road iiu.la.ioi.tcd witb grout applanie: iiAxr.ai Tb* Oeier-aaat efthta t-tty, fce aaaaayaaapaat, ba! bara outmilrd te a lug* eBbel by u.,w..rtby a**, aha "t .,e«l.-.t-.l tbeb dottaa, ind bara aaadthe.r..«..bdaaaaa nrthrirnwu BBbwfal p.obt, to the rrrat Inrreii. ol taiei, he ar u-iulatlon of . hearv oi'.y deh. tha prrjud.ee of tba u_li> lr.trrr.ta, thecorruptioD of moral., and tb* di.graca aud acandal nl thi. cuixnntmity ai.d ll'Ax-rraa, The aelaetion of rity oflieer. tbrough party non.h Ba io.,., uf lata oftonba been perTextad, bv the BaadBtaa) rou.hta.liori. of h.d ua... I" m.poiiog uooi. th* good ai.d Uu* B.r.nt,..s ofrT-ry poWcal party .-ai.d.daUa not worthy of confidrin.« nor ta to be Uu.ted with pOWM arfdl-aaeej aud HHr,ra, It haa ber on.e neceaaary, ta order to hr.ik tha dr.,....u, at b»d u.m <o..bi..ed ior th. pliiflliHB*af ea na plr .ud tbe degrad-tioi. ol our n.uuleipal govermuent, that too'lni... mrinberiof illnolitk. ****" °< "J** .liould an ta in aau.ing canJiditei for city offix-ei who ira ca- pilile aud lionrat, wit.inut aaMttB* tha alatatbfl of party au- tbority, which ofteii, 'i.-ler the |BM of Natlonal or Ktata polilI.'.,).ii.ere-u!tofart!..l coniriviut.* jf t Ma M*j IBlTllIT iTll Itl-tT J- '. Unatl wiao, dlgulfled aud lioiioiaulu aduiluiitratioii of elty iflilra; aad li'Aexxua, Tbo 1reo peop!" of thi. city. n gre. numberi, and by urioua ipontanrou. acta, hate naiued fur the coum.g charter rlertiou two eu.iiiri.t itbtfln. for the pbce. or M.yor aud ( cr|K,raUon C'ounael, aud have lutoked tli>- aid of ail ataotaa whu drair* to reftaem the city frora ra|iacity aud mUr rul<- aud promote ita beit lnteroata tojoin in tl.rit luppurt: and It'A-recii. The amitbniei. .0 narued h.ve l.ei-ri amtained in n.any .iusrft.n by the hnrmrable recognitien of nrgnnlted politli al bodira, wliere a true city patrio.iain haa prevallod ipiii.t the iimcliluationa of tbe aatoctatod de.poller. of tbe cltv; tl.erefore ... 1 I ftentird. 'ihat we, belng fr.e cllltcn. of N.w-York, walv- ln, for the prraent all paity Uea and party Biiimoaltba, 48 rord-tlly uulle iu tbii a<>_d iiioVenient wblcb pron.laei de- liverani e, ai.d do bea/tlly re. uiniuend the aupuort or Mr. Hr, ker a!.d Mr. 0'(_..-i.i«ii aa a u.atter ol tbe hlgbaat public dutv md intereil. __ . __._ Hitolrrd That ln John Ilecker, our candldata tar Maynr, aud UJchard O'Ooruian, om .andidale for Corporatior. (loun- ael we i< -ognl-e two uprigbt, bonorahle, exrn.p!ary elllt-ni, bltbly .ual.lirdforthoa poaittani.alwayi firn.ly devoted j.,-11, e. ordrr and bumauity. md en.lnent y lb!e to u.iluti utaili tbe righti of the city. brtuk u,. tbe corrupt -OD.biuatlf... by wl.lcU we now ar.. ptai.der.-d. and reatore tbe luunlripal gov- aaniueut to the aound BBB-fltoB from which it half. leu Hr.hid Tiiat Wi. K'joiee iii prouiotilig to Uie I liirr .,ln-li- trk-y ol thi. city au-i. * BM- aa Jelm ile, k.-r, whoae I. ial.,.-.. Ilfe hat donr hnnoi to OOMBO-OO, whoae privnte IIfr haa heeu 1, ,.k. 1 by eharity and w. Il doing, BO .«»u.pl« worthy uf honor .ud luiitatiu'i, and w be ttauda now prrtailneiit aa tba BM can- dldala for tlat offie", who pnttaa 11. blujielf tta-quailtiea of, Bbility, liriiin... and niuiuealloued integiiiy, all which ara a-r-.tiil to that hlgh poaition. , . Raaad, That Klchard O (ionnan, from th* day be cam* a relugee, vacapsd froui polith-1 perieriitlon. and aaa'ia.ed aiuout ui tlie nractlce of bb prof.'i«in.i, baa ibown biunrlf tbe ripibl* and etotiuai.t bwyrr, the uprigbt, klnd, UUUTliaai. bouorabie ai.d I.1.T1 lulioied aei.tlrii.ali. the uuaeitiah ai.d inud- ,eit u,iu, not ti-rking lb* hunora or eiiinlmn. nta of ofbee the i.Bi-oiup,o.ulainr oppon.-ut of oftli'lal ooiTDptloi. and we coo- fid.-i.tlt look to hla rlrction la tb* aura u.eana of purifylng th* bw departo.ei.ta of tb* city froai tb* great abuMl wkich now cUrtctorv* thtw. ^ JtVioItrrf, That we rarnntly rall npon a!l gi.odcitirrna lo lay laide for the hour thelr party attat hinriita and party dlilikra, ind ahar* iu the noble work of redecining tbe city lloui mii- ruie ind diagner. BI'EBCB Or 18AAC H. BAII.F.Y. I feel great plraeure in addreaing yon, for we are not ca.ll.-il toirether by the ndheiire power of publioplunder, with a buekpronnd of oflice-holderB, and forcgronnd of prei'dy eiirootatinnlata. At the iint tlnili it w.ml.l teem no moro ttiun tbe rigbt of the peopie to rncct toirether and nominate thelr own ofticcra witn.mt waringfor tbeir party orjraulrationa, bnt when we cotnider tbat eighti'i't. millions are di.penied yenrlv, wo Ind the rea- .1111 of thr hnwl whirh li raieed. Tamuimiy Hall and Twenty'third-'t. pour in here tbeir li'iiimi., and tay that they know bettt-r than you do how to take rare of your intere.ti. Hecker wa* Iint in the ti.-ld. and the iiotiiiiiiitiuti vv ii n u fconibuhell in tbe camn of Tanunany. In dnya beflara, they oonbl nnt np WBo they pleaaed for Mnjor. but it would not do ut tho prescnt time to nnmiimte Frunri* I. A. Iloole, or any othrr mi'ruber of theitipg; nn Tntnronny pute before "yon the only re- i|.|.('t.i!'li' ii.-iii I know "in the partr. I'.tit lin.-e there may bc flkaaa <>f "p.re minda and bearti '* unknown to tniii... I will timplv any ln- bt ttio inott reipcctablc tu.vi in tl.i-ir IBB.B nt.«I. if Baaated, will make a eood Mayor. Hut I will atra you two reaaont why klr. Ilotrman, nti..i.. all othrr men, ought not to be elerted to till the utl...-. Mr. Hnffiii.iu bolda the oflice BB lU'corder. II.. waa 11. t.-.l to till lli.it uflii'i' on no party tiokct, but at the uuanitnou* deiire of "the clti/i'iiB of thi. city. Hn lille tl.nl oflice nbly und well. II.' m..kr>* nn cxci-llent Itrcnnler, nnti if Ika ettkaBM of Nrw-York kata any irmie at all, Ihry will not l.'t him ohangn hii pre.cnt poaltimi (ur thnt of M.iynr. Th.rc in an«thi-r rrnion: He iliould. nnt ba ninoMHl iH'i-nn." hii .ticrea.or will be appetated t>y Ika lt.ir.nl nf Supcrvivori.to uiu a bitter rxpn-i- aaa.Rrtkaaraal aaaaa., ittii Twe.!. [Hi.iei.i ii that wara not aaaack, l aaaM «u) to Mr. Jlolliuan that hii intiiiiAti* Bsaoetatba mth Beeta, Taaad. CeraeU. and tba rr.'t of the " Kiti).', Ini aittiiip at the Counoil iU)nr.i abrkl afbr niirM. i. aaatkar verr laaalrieaa bbt* eaaaat.aaa wbfefc aagkt ta ka axplalaea baaaaa ba ia> eeivi-i. your BBBhkfBa Tammatiy Unii rome* before tou in a nrw xriirb. an.l aiki for ymir BBMB8I. Wbcre. I H'k. tathe rridi'iico of brr gt-niitue laaraf M.i- pri'iriiii laa Baa r.n..i.-l.it-> Ra muniripal honota who holil Hnlurii'tl t.tlioi'. m thi- Mrrt-t Dtpart- nient.bWln'ii were atlacbaa of th»t Departaaarl .-vcr knoan bb r.'furni. r. i Dui ymi i-u-r bear tlie word "rifnrm' inontioiied in Vonni-rtinti witli tl.e Di-pnrtu.riit presldod or<-r by Charl.-i O. t'onu-ll I Tif viM-uitir ii,.'uif.| a tba otber Departaaal la tbal BiRbteatl W.ird tketa U a inan rutiniiiir for BB-N who tiiiiv ka Btaaaad aa babaaraf la tbe aaaaalar De> Bocreey, a man wlm lu.liiiv an offlce wortfa ?.'.'¦(«> a i. .'. but wiil wiihea to >.-'ir the citi/eni of that \i'i r.l .;i t'i ciipru-it) of AI.I. rtn.vn. It n wotnlrr ful how tkaaa aeallaaea aaa aaraa grt oiiihi.-!i (ifliit-B. Two or tl.rei' ure nothmg, aud mx i.r i. -. ..:. d4.n't mt-ti'iit tliein. 'Ihe Baaa "f thia pentlrman li familinr to yaa ull, .Iim Irnng eaej. |LaagbUr llni aapparaaa prevent eri-r 8aaaaaa!paraaal'ad /*' aai n;.i' |a .tniii birv.Vr*. nrj. Baaark' araeoebea Jaraalbl [Laaajbta.] ihat pi- prr, piii'ii iu -I ..ulnn in-r" ki Baaaaa aL, .tnkr. efl Iwe aaaaa a flap. arkbb anmunt. ta 880 aeplaa. of aaara ali nre not aii but it aaab Ika iti aaaa 8M0,00I per Tiar. [Immenie eenaatinn.] Oaajpk which WBBfiTSB I.t tbe Ktaardef Suprrrianr-. lo tl ia " Trann rij t A'.n galtafl" wii ihe priiitinif of th<- KaraDaeat I wi.u'.l like t.. aat the BiiBdeafalij bbraad Imy aim Baawarad ¦f pratbaa faeattea if be evcr u* that. i'nr ti.ia tba Baard of Baaaiataaa [indthr Tiaaauilpt AaaaelBtloa oi r onr Au -i.ii« / aad thiKy t'uumnd dnli.ft fur Ibtabk. An lataiUaeal priataraeia to mr that b* ihould cmiviilrr himarif a lortaaat* mm LfbaaoaJd har* ii fur li.'-.i"". I."t ne go baak. Wi- wil! considvr Mr. Ui-f/inan !n tad ilamr, aad la tba flbabarM ef bb datba. i!r. Tvaafl ii '/** fVaaatrift AMoalatlea, A bli eaoMB him fi>r §137.000torprtattng Mr Roflbaabaa aaaata n-in;| ba know. thnt H ii imt a j..«t 1..I1, bi I h* dir-i imt wi*b aatgalt, Ia aaaaa ilr. iwn.i. m.-. ii. ¦! -,,-: bim, "Baally, Mr. Taeoe* I <l" aa tblab I ean tiitn tbii t.ili." Tw.t-d Baaaaaa MTaa bai Ut ihe TWiii.H-ratir party do y."i rut. Mr. Hnlf nnn." "I dn.'' Taa urr aaraa, Mr, Ibal ti..- party MBBut be k.pl alin- wllhotit mimey, that i- bara aa aaab aaa aa k T. fatawart aml PaterCaepa laHaraaki Ihalt'aaol liki Ibal ¦:./¦¦-' i«. ii ituii idnai'pai. bb BBpaaaaa aad I of Uiltp I* '!ia|-:..'«1 wit.i; wo »rv a i-4. ty, ner.J j mouey and witu.iut .t Wn muat rraar lurxlit." I baara Mr. iiuirimui. pore at.il upriirtit a. h* l., rould not .ii) mm ii.n.ar 'ini. «. it wbb. "All r..-i Mr. I w. r.i, I will alarn lt. h.,pp<-*r I wriil In a Irw nnr. uti-a afti-rward and ibi.1 tu bim, " My dnar -ir, j.m bati. a.ti.rl a moat atro, lom warrant, I t in I.iii..- ynn a man In flre mlnnti'i wlm wuuld bo fl. il nf t:,r bb fur ll.'i. 000." _.. wmldaniwrr tn* ¦aaai abB b aata aaa aai "1 am aaraa >.f tba atty aai N|-w -York; I ti!. I'leeti d by my part.' I am a part* niaiii aBtaakaaaaa i ua... raaarrea--afl tl.e aaaaral may B8B8 at receive.i-atn.- fiom tl.i.t party, and it ia my iiuaiiutt-1" ait ai-rording to Ibe aatattoa of tim. l/ri.i|.-iiii-ti uho iniikf up that party. It will do rrry wt'llforji. t'.tii*. .ii-i .1 iiidi'paTnlriiCi'of ai.tioii aho Bara aaaartptbai BwaaM b*v.i tmcu Tery wriiforl Mr. Baafcar, hail li« bi-en elerted. to refune to. Ba lt; ba would ln" no one'i wi.hci to con- tult, 1 am a pirty man. ilr, biu! imi.t itand I.y mv partrfvij-.'' TbM ia only a Bapfaatttofl krentlrmrri, f..'r tt.fr."- i- n-ry litlta dan^er tli.t Mr. lluff.-iati will i n r »ri't tlu rhunce tn »ay tl eae wnrda. | Applatii'.) Tba >|.4-riLi r tlii-n went ou tn deicribe how nioiuT aai rainid. ai.d lu.w nioiu-y wa* apent. He d.irnhed a] etalt to tke Central I'ark. Tbe (.'ommiuionera were worthr Ki'iiilcBien. who rceivrd a lare;e aalary for itiinilinir iiroiinil." Tl.e I'orporBtinn Cuoniel. unleia azeaaad tn aa.m u i-i*m bake. naaakaa und appiaun-i. bere eeBa lad bb thouaht., aud hrtped tn tfapaaaa tbe city raraaaaa by bandlinc a palr of ribbona behind a ' fai i-i- '.-. im. Yeiti-rday waa tax day. and BBBB of yon, BO floubf, pai.I a rlail "to tbe I'.i'ti* fto 'I'ollrrt that of the f'ity reviinti^. Aa yoa look.'d at thi-ir nntnlxir of bland an.l itinliua faort, ilid joti not aay from the bottotn of jour hnart. " Truly. it'i n.'.re Uaaaal to takathantogivet' llulyou not ft-i-I tbut lt waa fir Iwlter to be a NewYurk otllc.- holdrr tbnn a Hfw York proprrty holder{( Kow. haring iliown, to my own Batmiactimi. ut louit, mn!, I trurt, to yotin, good and mflii'lcnt rea- Hon* wby John T. Hoffman ahould not l>e BBBMai Miiror, ..iui why hii party and it* lachcnit ihould no luiig.-r bamioet on tho City Treasury, wecoiue to i party which ii Tery much more diflliult to manipul.it..-. If yoo talk to a Kepubllcan atiout the ii.-n-v.mly of ohliterating Btata and natinnal |M litica ln the tiiiiini.'i-'t.i-i.t of i;i.|iiiri|..il ntfairi, ainl BB li ready to debato tlu- imnit with mn. Taik b a Di-im .rat, and hn wont litten to you. lln imraediati'ly InterruptB you with, " Wby, xery dear air, tbat ii a <iut'itiuu whli-h I nialie it a' rule ncvor to debute.'r Itaymoud ii a iburp man and a logr.-inn. I.anghti-r.) Yet, be ia, altlionirh inmetimri it ii very hard to tee it. He wnki- up nne moriiliiK and founn that Hecker had been nominatcd for Mavor br thi> Citlr.in.' Aaaaabtbai ho ba infnrmed hii reiulrn tbat Ibb wai a verv iiii|..,i ml iiiovemt'tit, but that loiui'bnily belicved thnt Ika Bjaaatkiaa of Mr. Beaka ln former daya hail been with IM Snutli. The Arriiiiay Poii tlalini'd Mr. Hecker bb a lt.pu'olican; otber n|n-rn u. a I>< ii.urr.it. 7"Ai rimri, tbe tecoud day, diacovered he hail lieen a lifeloBg Democrat, and tbat bia charaeter wbb atiove auBiiii'ion. Tbe tliird day lt enme out and ibi.1 that, a* It bad pretioualy aaiirted. Mr. Hecker wu* a Kei-.-i- lionlr.t.wont, a timou-pnre I !npperbead. Iti rt-aion wiih lop-ical. Wby, it isid, doea bc not deny our allo- gationil He Laa not Men Ottodo eo; therefore M tnnatbeoue. The great objectlon urtri-d aaainat Mr. 11..( k.-r I* that be ia aupportcd by Moaart llall. *!?. Vbq Baraa Btal nlght nld that Hr. lUckscr ran bo Ikraaak tbe Part that bo conld not pel a Kllmptr «'f him. Mr. Yim Baraa had baaba aal tnik about runnlng. If he rau aa well aa Mr. Hecker, bo iiitput not l.iiin como nnt of tho late intitcat ijuite io badly toaten. (LaoKhter and applaua-.] ata for Moaart Hall, ii tbere not more Joy lu hearcu over ono tlnuer that repanteth than orer tbe niiuity- and-tiliie Ju.t pi-rBoui wnoBonot aatrayl [Laughter, and npplauae.) Would it aot bure been better for tlie Sacbeiii. < t Tiin-iii.aiiy, who are atill in tbo gall of bitter- uoaa and bonda of lniquity, to hare fnllowed thi-ir ux- ample wbile tbe chnncii of lalvation waa extended to thom than to run thelr chancoa Tho apeaker then nientloned tbe new (,'ourt-HooiA. Ho taid tbat at iirat lt bad been put in tho handa of a co_tpetent arcbiteut, at a niodtrntc racompenaa, but *be flonimlnloneri had taken it out of bia bauds aud giran it to Mr. Mi'wirt. Mr. Btewart waa not to receire any ri'iiotnperi.e for bia work. He waa to tabor for tLe good of the city, and receire 5 per cent of all be eipended. He expeaded ahout OvWU.Wiuayear, and hia Income waa about 030,000. The conaotjuenoo waa tbo bow f.'ouit-IIouae would ncrer Im- com- iilfjeil until bv a dlapenaatioD of Divitm 1'roTidenco hia lif.i and labora were brought to a cloae. Tbe apeaker dtaait-ted the whole of tbe CommiHiioneri, anu pro- t-civdtil to give the obJi'i'tH for which the Citlaena' Ataociatlon nad bei-n formed. wblcb he taid aaa tofroe the city from tbe foul nuiaanoe of politioal corruption. lt ihould be iii.d. ratood tbat it il not for tho In-nt-tlt of mii.1i men aa Mr. A. T. Stewui t aod 1'eter ('.m.|ht thia Keforrn ia atarted; tbey oau take care of them- lelvei, and pay their taxea whaterer tbey may be, but it ia for the ben.tllt of tho poor laboring men, who are already groond down witb hlgh rcuti and lieavy taxea. Tberitfore. rote bow for au honcat tnan for Mwyor D<) not oontinuo to eleot for City P'atbcri iuib men ai would be accotinted dineputable ln any otber city iu tbe world, and with whom yoo would fear totrnityour- ti-lYca in Mrooklyn City l'ark. Kemember that hance- lorth, wbea tbta oppreulon ihill hare growe atrongar, tm* ^jaJi mcb from /pa ttljl awre, Ihat lt will ba yoar own fanlt it yoa re-loot th. tn. [Load and pralonged ap- planae ] In aniaer to a itora of oalls Mr. JIi'.< keb camo for ward and ad.lreiiod tbe meeting aa fbDowe: Ffixowciiizf.n..1 thank yon in the name of all who are intereetod ln reforroiug oor city gorernment for the aupport you are giving me 88 a oawlidate for Mayor. Yon-now tbat I am not la tbe field M tbe rrpraentatire of eltbcr political party. bat m the reprtienutire of tboae who wim tho city govern- uient to be Independent of paxtiee. My party conaiits of all tboae wbo wiah a tigorotu), hon- e.t and economical city governaent more tban to mnirii.iii. one lide or tbe otber of national itaoes or -tato iMuea, ;t was. my intention to bare addreiaed yoa thia evening apon the plana and parivoaea of tbe Iie f.irm party, and the great necesaity tbat the citleeni 88 Nea-York eboold now liare an organi/ed force at their cotnmand to protect tbem againit tbe "ringt" of yol. tii'lai.i wh« plunder the city nnder the name of gorern- ing it. Jtnt. evor aince my nomination, my entlre time baa been dcrotcd to organixing aud enrryiug forward tbe work of t!io oanv.-u", and the labor baa bci-n too engronaing daring tbe paet few dayi to admit of my preparing an extendrd addreas. I am more accui- ttiucd to doing work tban to makiug ipeeobci aboat how »ork ought to be done. In caae the oiti/.m of New York Bhmild elopt roo tbotr Mayor. I ahonld devoto myaolf heartily and t-arneatly to exocute the ilatics of il,f ollli <. for tbe equal bono-t of all por.onit, a. cili/.-ni. and wttbont regnru to party ..rgaii/iitloii*; und Ishould oxert myaolf to matitro an 'oigaiii.c-d mothod and foroe by ai i.h tdo hueinra. of the city can be earried forward with tig'ir and oi»iii.niy, an.l wltb.uit conn.'cticin with party imiIiiIo.. In t'.m objoct wc all hure a ooii.n.nn in- tero.t. I.ot ua, thtn. nnitn in a vigomua nm! »>Hrne«t effnrt at th. polla on Tuea.'ay next, ond with Itod'i bieaaiug a* aaal aaeeeed. J(.n?i H. ANTi.ON g BBMABBfla Mr; astiiom waa lhaa katredeeed, aa* *aid that h. waa a BSahM of a p;iriy. It was a f.arful UBpteatef the im|.'inty of ti.e thaaawba* It .< t'tii.'l lo !>. a dii- Ifvaes t<» bMaag i.>a|H)!itiial party. Tbere i. aM a r.inupt Itam.K'rat inollii'" in Nea-York bnt Im ba* a Bapaatoaa brethar. They n.b lafethee witi.out di.- ttn.t. >u of party. A Dt iii.K-riti.- BMOriotlOB haa ma.le ita nomination for Mayi.r-.Iohn Etaeker. They have rojci-t.'il tbe doniitiiiiionof Tamuiaiiy Hall. T.irtios ur» necaiary, but they raav bo.-.mio ciirrupL John T. lIotTiinin' ia, to all intenta aud BBfpeeeX BBBraty tbo noiuin-o "f Baaa t)ir-e or flve goiitioiii'-n eaMpeebag tbo Klng. It ikflcii»f«ui tOi.|.|mint a rnniniitloo to BaH BpOB a numiii. '. to rereire iti acrptance. VVt.ut do>:* be aay tu hi* anaw.r. Wr- .um, " I .niiimt ultard dt>- aaaa reaf immii.atlon.' Oaa of Bm trickaof Tammany II_ll i'a te k-ct np tmnla in ahieb the BMaor b predaced at the I'otitr.dl.'i'. Ol.!.-,- bf riifll"*. Maltnew T. Hr u- nan nno of tl.o bigg.'.t liuld.-ra at th.'ae jhui!.. Da ti"t Iniii.l.il i.v aot -mll tricka. At tbe laal Woction you. will fli.d bl The Ttam ertot thutthoro waa ta.'tity thoti .and aeaaa ag ¦: -t a Paaawaj eaadidate, xVlung witb Ihaw wBI be aa aaay aara wln. babag to party. Manr ICejiublicani are courlnced tbut their ii"in;ii<>- ;a iu.t tbr j tir.-.f and moat virtootm citlien in ail tho aerld. IPe ahal b*vc th.ir vot- Maa Markhall O. BabOTta'l patrioti.in. for which it ia »ou,.'ht t., -i.lt b.m, ia m.t ..f that ..-rt whli-h w. nt out ta t'l !ii ln blu* Jat-k'-t* nn.l n-turn mati&.-'l an.l worn aud t>o«»r. It ia uf that kind abirh itajo.) it homo, bui't ami Bflll ite.iiiile.at. tn t! o (ior. rnmetit, which w.-nt tothebM totn after 10889*417 Wellea'. niOT. Tb8 ot.ly nl _.¦(>(.oli wlil.-l, aal Oapaaoata hate fouod againit Mr. H.H-ker i. that he rar. fr>.ni ...mo w.irkmrn in thu I'ark. Kterr on.- liiay kn,.w that it wa. bBBBBaa he put an injunitioii epea tn» CaaBaaBM paymg nioii*ya»!.u-h bad nover l.ern earne,!. at the uin... tinie i, ti.uig to BM lh.it no lai.ormg mati .1 »uld ba> dob.irre.1 of bl* ji.alilueifor one Uiotnent. Mr. D. H Fa90* lhafl BBBTed \hr thatikrof thoCiti len* A.iociatiou ta the mc.ti..g, uml il adjourued. _-**>- lai.a RatlRratlaa TlfriiBg iBdenrmrui af Miaraball O. Ilobrri* aad .Tfnrrar Ua-Taeaa Nprr.lira by 4'barlra N. «pr_- crr.Frrdrrirb A. 4'aakllae -Jnotre V)', Uf*), lllraat Walhrldge, tttllia.a U* Evarta aad eihrra. The Uuioii BMMI in.' ti-if l.i t Bfiaiai at tbi- <.rTi-r of Ilroitdway and T a. nty third at., bold to rutify the aomli.al.oti of VI .r -ail O. L.ta-.-l. f.n Mayor. and Murray Iloffman fur Corperation Couuael, waa largely atteaded. Two ktitt.di aera erectad In the i.iuarr. on Ibe weai of Medboa I'ark, from whech t,-< ik.-ra addrr.ied the peapb. xt..i ..-.' baada of mutic and a largo di.pliy ./ firvBorke w. re pr 4/ Jed lor Ihe ooo-bIoo. In atidituui to tl.i-ie attr-etlona. tbe meeting waa re-l..for»«tl l_B_fl tbs v.-iung by M. 41 K< .. rt ¦>' (laba from tbo dilfrrent Aaa.--.nbly Diati.. .-. c i.!i blBling with a profuilon of i.i'chltghti and Chiuea.' lantorn., and hrinl-.l br mualc. 'I ba luaido ma'ttng waa i-|.i-i.e.l by C'haxlea X Hpenoer, A !ong II.t of Vloe rro.iilont* and 8ecretarioe wna then road and ia aoriea of reaolutiuiii uuauilmoualy adi.pto.l by tho moeiing. Np.ech.-a w. r>' tbon tnado by BaaaBM Xre af Xeradn, Oaa. Walbridge, Wm. M. Ktartr, Wtu. ii. Dodgo and Mr. 11. ll...!-. At th.- cloae of tlie moeting a largo leaemblago gothered At the bon.oof M. O. lloborta iu 1'ifth ave.. afheaa BbM* aaa loud culli for li'-u. r.ui.Li. who up- 1.. rt-.-.l iimI liiitilt- a fow apprupriate remarka. Mr. (uberta, on urgent Itiwtatlon, appearo.l nn the atoja and rcturiitil tbii thaiiki for bia teatimuny of t-.tccru. .-^.i- CITY POMTI.B. TIaaart (Becaad Ward) R«Aaal C aarrallaa. At aniootiiix of Hm Mozart llull Dciiiocralic Beaead Ward Behaal Conrcntion, laet i'voning, Mr. Jcnmiab Coyao waa unauinu.ualy uotuiLated. ? I'alird Berrice Nanlaatlaaa. NlW YO'B, Not. 30, Wi. MakbiiaLL O. RoBEBTB, vn\..Sn. Tho uTidor- . Ignrd, aConiBittea ippolnlrd for tbr purpoie, beg leive ta lufurm you thal at a meeting of th* Cei.trsl Couinilttee of the Iidted Bervlce Ho.irty of the ( Ity of New-Votk, iu orgaubi- tluii compoaed of tl.r rrturnrd __BM K>!dierT, you wera tioin. taited ai their randldate for tb" Miyoralty of tbii City at the eii.'iiiil lieceiiiber elertloB. Iu commuiilcating thia notice toyou Ih* fonmiitlee would addlh.t thia noiulnaUou waa uiad" after . areful. on.l.l.-ration cf the iiierila oflhe oppo.ing caxidld.tei. Tbo eel.ctlnn wa. u.ade upon the fi,m contictiun of th* ( oiiiBiltl.e tlut ln yur rln-tlon i.ot only would the tteat lut.-rr.ta ol thr rliy be «ub .rrvrd, but thal the niei.whuriaked tlnir liTr.forthe maji.- t. ii' ii « ot our cou.u.on Ootrrnuirnt would lit.d in yuu a fatt l,_n_ Rraiw, tfully, J. H. Hobibt Wabo, late II.it Gen. JOHB B. BBflOIX, latr ( ulorinl Tentli. Wa A. I.thcb, Colonel Korty St-tond. JOBBO. OABTIB, late prlTiite Lighty -tecond New ork. 1 BABC.I f RBXBOLDfl, Captain Korty .tecond. I'halnnan Comuiitlra. New-Vork Vulunteeri. Naw Yobb. llec. I. l-HJ. flttTlBBBB' I acknowledge alth luucl. aafi.fictinn y-'iir Irtfr,"""ng m* that Ihe lulled rbrvto* Hucirty ol .h.LIt, ,f New V..rk li*. eeaeanad ta my anitaillM for Msyor. Tbeaga I dld not. like Iba palata men abea yon rspre.ent, tak-Ihr' held ln defen*. of BtN (ta,r,m..*atand I'nleB. it WM ii.T nrivilrge aud pleaaure lo . onlribu'e \i tk* lUPUSJt Of (1.8 bin-lir. »f .ouiieri, to th. f«Bfl0 Of,.,n,l..iou, _B- lo *ld the tlovrrnment ln ove.tliroaTtig the It.brlllon. ..,.,_, My ty.npatl.lea wer* ttronglv alth the ari..y.who,e pttriot^ |.u. iiihe'rui.n. e.c.ed my ./.niritlm. and B£^f*-3|5 necubarlv _r-llfyiu|, therelore, Irarn I iii. *»,.."""_ wc_n . BfMaaata^r. of t-..» who h.ve prrlled their ve. for |he,r country. V*ry rMpectfully your., M-O. BiiBrara. Tu (Jea. J. H. VV.rd. Cof. J A BeBdii. CoL J. xV Lyuch, pilTit. titnia, MdCaai F. F. ijgjj^ ^ « 1864. MraaAT HoiTMAB BM -Sir: Tb* uuderdgued ConimiUee, a-JJa«-dXaM_%f-^^ SSg .g^E'lfe'- "afaa-B-rta-lrf m.didats fnr Corpor.llon Coun.el of Uie City at th. enaulng llscs-iber sleclion. .^^7' ,Vabb u. .., o,0. Joaa E. Bbbbix. lat* Col, lutb Volt. Johb U. OABV1B. tate private Md Voli. Wb A. Ltbo.1, Col. Cd N. Y. Voia. Fbabcii F. BtxaoiM. (apt «d N. Y. Vula, TBABCia *. a*.- [JJhrB-B Cenlral Com.i.lttee. Nbw Yoag, U.c 1, IU68. Oibtib_bb Tour lettar eonTettag tbe Infornietlon tliat ., T ni _--trr hociatr" bad apprured of Buiuination To Oen. Ward. Col. Bcndla ai.d othera, Co.uuillt-s. Nicola Mbistbr's Diorama.Thia in tho la. t day of tbta exbibitlou at tbe Hroadway Atbenitmm. between Tenth-et and Aitor-placa Thotewhowbh to iee thb admlrabla Diorama of aome of tho moat attraotlre aeenery la Korope, ean attead tbe matlaae .I8 o'ctaaA or th* Bipalx* aablhititxa al X MORE RA1LWAY8LAUGHTER Colllslon on the New-Jeraey Central ¦even ULUed and nfteen Woanded* Eastos, Pa., Frlday, Dee. 1,18C5. The WootOKB exprcBs train, which left Har- riabnrg tt 3 o'clook tba morning, raa into a coal train at Wbito Hou-e, N. J., on the New-Jcraey Ceatra Railroad at about H o'clook thia morning, kiillng aome aeven pernoni aud woundlng 15 othcra. BUBB. R. S. Chidiey of Kanton, Pa. . K.l ward Johnion of Waahlngton, N. J. Mrp. Francia of WaahioartoD, N. J. Jamei Tyler of Kaatoo, Pa. Waal Mottlcr of Phllllp*barg, N. J. F.lward Dati* of IJclridera, X. J. J. W. Fdintror of l'arpoiitemrille, N. J. WOCBD-D. William B8B, leg broken. Mta, Harvry. lei? broken. and her child aUoinjurod. An.lrew O'N.'il, itrrn broken. W. W. Ma.-ah of ikhoolcja Mountain, about the hrad. William Storkul, nbnut the head. tli-orge Waller of Kew*rk, alightlr. A. S. Stmngof Baai Hampton. M_i»., badiy about tbe hi-ad. Mr*. A. S. Strong, eltarhtlw. F. C. Learatbrp a Traabaa, danireroo.ly. Mr. aToba F IStiifirof I'luiton, N. .!., bnth armn. W. K. Mori. of Waihingtim, .V. .1., iu tho ude and bbbb ¦BOOflrfl DIBl'ATCIt. Fabti.b. Pa.. Tk-c. 1-r. _. The kiil'd ore hnrribly aaaafbd aad BMraer* raaag. Bkaato, attktkaaaasaaaBa of _ir. K. s. chidiey of Baataa. _¦___ Mn. rranil-i. prevlonvlv rrportcd U from VV anlilnir- )...., N. -I it froa tb* .-ity of New-Vork, aud rcnided in Wi .t I'wriity-aeventh it Mr. W. VV. kfixnh it but rilig-htlr hurt. Mr. .!..... Tt l-r. kili.d. rr.ri.ricd from Eanton, waa a rc-ui -nf uf 'allCOOB, NrtM-Ynrk. Mr. II. ii Siiiith of Clinton, >". J., waa alijhtly «i iii.il- d in tbe .irni. Mr. Tiiua Ul.-harda of Ktnonville, Pa., waa wounded in thr i. ...I m.l irm. Mr. A. Kictchcr Johnaon of MorrUtown, 2i. J., waa !... ',i vvoiinde.l. Mr liarrianii Butler of aUlentown, Pa., waa aiao attghtly wouudc.. TniBD BOPATOB. Kx-ios, l'a.. Frlday. Dec. 1. IK,',. Thr BOCidant reporttXi triis nioriiinx' ocLurri'd al. ul two mi!o* mtat nf White Houie. N. .1. lt tiow nptaiin thnt umal .train ifiltig K.wt dl'-'nr- arad a U aa iy on ibe aakar tiatk, wbieh had brokxu trnrn a frf iirht train. The rxpr.'.* train Imnnd WM wa* duo and the en- tteaa <>f Ika aaal tr.iiu itoppod -. trrun and ordcrcil the arakaaaa tta ataa tke aar or throw it from the tri'-k. aa il waa |rn;iiK dowu Ika frado pretty rapi-lir aii'l hr .1. .irt-d prcteat an ac'idt-at to the tiaiu coui- ta| Woat. Atxnt itoppinh' the, o.ir, he atartml hii train, and baad that part of hii Iraiu hail becotne umoui.le.l. Ile Ibea li ii had. Bf <oiiple the uart, and whilo iloing ii lha Wnti-rn r-x,.r<-.* truiu boiud ri't cix-io rouiiil Ui.' rurvr, und nn ln the rear »f hii train. Wl. n tl... aaaflaaaaf thr Weeti-rn iipret* train dii- cmi n-1 ll..al train, it tu about **J (wt from him. Ile rerenrd hii enxcitio initn.diauvly. but could not llaa the train. Ile iaw no flairtuan. He did not Junip fruui thr train, btit itui-k to bn engine to tho lait. .No ..nr .m the i-nginc or in tbe baggnire car waa Injtired. Tka bat'jrnxn. car wa* drlreu into the tlrit prxaaeiiirer car und Juit iw.-pt at it Vaaa ererything aboTe tbe topa uf 'll" .1.111 ll-Bt ult'Ll. I.._. .*>| On tho baaaaa of the bafgaaja car were tno plece* or I tubrr. wbli-U i-uine directiv ..ver the aeat* on either ml. n.-it Ika ai.le, kil'uix' tho.* .ittinir next the alale, hut .lniiig ao lerioua injury to thoio .itting uext tl.e window*. _. ... .. A itentleman -ittinar directly ln fh* rear of Mr. t.hid- tev taw the timber rominK. and .l.>xlg«'<l bt* bead down briow tbe top of tbe eeat back. by which he aaved him- .elf from injury. The p.n.1 iiRi-r. in tbe otber part of the train luaUiued no infury whatever. S.me uf the wounded hare been bronght here. and rv.ry attentiou Im britiff .bown them by the olllcori of the road. -loet of the wnunda are ilinht. PDf'BTH PIM'ATiTI. BUBflOB, Pa, Frtday, Dec. 1, 1008 Tlu* Iroilv of Baaaal 8. Chidaaj, who vao klll.-d today, roached hcre tbii aftcmooti. The atrccta were di-mt'ly thronged, and tho ntmoit aorrow wui .hown by our cittaeni in tbo tad lom of oue of our moat liitl.iontial and rrapectcd citizeni. The fiin.-riil will tuke placo nt-xt Tueaday aftornoon at two o'ciock. Mr. I.owthorp la at the American Hntel. with levcral otber of the wounded, and, altbougb tuffcriiig intuuscly, il U tiiought be will recorcr. Blaaical. Mcycrlifor's lnst work, " L'aUriciiine," wa« produccd laat night at the Acndemy of Muslc, and the excltetneut waa really lntenae. During the day all the placca wherc tlcki-ta are uaually to be aold were litor- erally beaieged, but not an admiaaion could be pro- ciir. d, and only a few icata in boxea could be bad for Baturday nlght. We hnre nerer aeen a larper audl- enco wttbin tbe walla of the Acadomy. nor one moro brilliant in coetume, nor more eager in expectation. We ihull not attempt to do moro today than totnake aaaaaal rtmarka. aa it would be ImrKistible to do Juitico to tho lubject in ita detaiti, vo.-al aud inatru- mcntal. Thero aro ao many new pointa, in both the one and tbe othrr, domanding mentiou, tbat wo are conipWIod, from want of time and apaoo, to defer comideration until Monday. ISo fur wo can aay tbat tho mualc leemed to anrnrUe orerybody. not becaoae of ita drumatio character, but becauae of its abund- aiii-e of meliMly.melody of a fumilior and griu-oful kind, aud yet full of pamion and earneitnetia. Many of tho iiibJcctB could be carrlcd away by tho ear, did not the length of the opera forbid tbeir repetition ac- cordlng to tho acone. Theae clialona may be ncceaaa- ry, but tbey uiaterlully retard tho populority of the work, for tbo reaaon that what the comiwaer lutonded to imprcas upon the memory ia heard too fngitively to offect the dealrcd cud. Thero twe leTytvi rery fino tntemblt piccea, which were all wcll ex'ecutedTantl were rery warmly receirod. Tho two flrat acta patmed off without a blcmith, and leonii'd to promiae a brlllluot tucceii The third .ict. tho ahip scene.was more racoeaaful than weoxpocted it tobe; ln fact, It worked woll for the lirat attempt, and waa quite effectire. Wo were not, howoTcr, prepared for tho norel effect prepared for ua by tbe chorua perobed away up on tbe quarter deck, wbo, takiiur the prirllege of thelr blgh poaition, per- ¦iited in tinging in 0 ihnrp while tho orcheitra played in C It waa a wonderful exbibition of peraiatence In the wrong direction. The sallors lndulged in thia va- gary, but the prleata eame In and brought tbem a tbeir i.itch. Tbta error will doabtlena be corrected to-night. The fourth act is almply wonderfol forltabeautyi the melodiee are OTorflowing with intenae pasalon. and the actlon of the inusie ta grand ln Ita -ariety, rapidity, nnd force. It rcjalrea a chapter to doaoribe ita exqutaite beanty. The tiiih aot ia a fitting cloae to tbia remarkabie opura. We hare nerer aeen an opera on a flrat nlght, eapeciaily oue of aucb diOloulty, go ao amootbly. Tbere waa acarcely a bltcb from beglnning to Ibe end. The alogura fulfilled thelr arduoua dutiea adml- rably. They exerted themaelrea oordlaliy, and won tho admiratiun and applauae of alL The opera ta a paelUTa aad great auooeaa, and arery beariag wiU add ta Ua Dooajariiy- RECONSTRUCTION Dispatch From the President to Gov. Holden of N. C. Diflsatlafaotlon of tbe Executive witb tiie Reoent Eleotlon in thatState. Ra.iflcation ol the Constita- tional Amendment ONLY SIX VOTES LN THE NEGATTVE. WABiictOToB, Friday, Dee. 1, lfed- The Raleigk (N. C.) Standard of Wudnesdaj oontaina the following bighiy important intelligenoe: "Gov. Uolden haa receired the followine; telegram from Prealdeut Jobnaou, which ia laid before the publlo for thelr information: Waabington. Monday. Nor. 27. ie«5. ifoa. W. W. HoLDEN, provitioatU Uottrnor of .Vert* mmtmmtm Accept my ihanki for the noble and ctTi.ient manaer in which you bave diecbarged your duty aa ProTlaloaal Governor. You will be auatained by the GoTernmeBt Tho resulte of the recent electiona in -Vorth f'arolina hare greatly damagcd the proipecta ot the State ln tbo n-ittoration of ita GoTcrnmcntal relatione. Should Ibe actloa and the aplrit of the Lcgiilature bo in the aame dircction it uill greatly iacreaae tbe n_a- chief nlr.-a.ly done. and migbt be i'u tai. It ia boped the action and aplrit miinif.'it "d by tha Legiilatnre will be ao dlrected aa ratber to repair thr.it incrcaae the dirtkultiea uudcr which the State haa al- rcady placed itaelf. Abdrkw faflaKB, Prf-idcM of the Uuitcd Siatoa. SECON'I) DIS.'ATCla. Wasbinotob, Frlday, Dec 1. 18*55. The Prcaiil.tnt to nigat receired tho following dia« BBBBkl KiLEiOH. y. OL. Friday. Dee. 1. 1M3. Tn tkt Preti'lent oftkt DSbBBb S'.atet: The Legialaturt haa ratiti.-d with but aix dissenting vnicca the Congra. aiunal amendmi'nt aboliabing Blarery. Firejndgei hare been elected.all good aolcctlona. Threeofmy pertonal appointmenta hare been con« firmed. W. W. Hof.DCT. Prorieional GoTcrnor BBAKIL. ? i Brrital mt the Baraaa-Tfca War ia Baaaaa Aarriri liitkrr Krpulee mt tha Bara. gaayaa*. Tlateuai nta mt Praf. Agaaaix Kemra mt Ihe Kanperor.luualgratiaa fraaa the I nite- Blatca.Grewth mt Cai- oaah Advit'o-i liavc baaa rnceired here frfim Rio de Janciro to the 1th of IN'ovmber, brought by tlie itcamer It-n .mn. Thi* it the openliig of regular i-ommunjca- tion witt Prua.il by a dinct steam maii route. It waa BBaaaBM at Hio de Jmiciro that the war would ioou be otit. The rlctorie* of the Allied forcei orer the P.-iniifti ii .a are dromed decislre. Gold in at par in l.w. There i* no ftirthor ii»wi relatire to the mo-oments of the Piirak.ii.iyaua. They had receired auotber re pui*e at Corr.entea. _:. I'rof. AgiisiU waa. at laat acconntt, following the npward couno of the Amaton Rircr. Ua bad diacot- ered otlnew ipecte* of flib. ' The retorn of tbe Etuperor to Kio Janciro will be marked by pnpular fetee. At the n-iut a gold medal ii to be it'rui-k in hia lonor. THB LATKhT BBWfl KBOM THE SEAT OP WAB. The Earpaiaf aml Cflaata d'Ea aud Duke da Iaaa were, at lateit datra. rotnrniug from the Uruguav t.y way of the loiithcrn part of the' provinoe, _BBSB| to Tb.it tho great ooal ix-tiii near Pige. They are ex- Baaaad la Rionlio.it the Kith, and great preparationa are making for a iiaitublu deiuouatxaiion. The Hra.ilian Iaaa in Kio Grande are in prooeaa ot orciiii/itiou under the Baron de Porto-Alegre, and it li li.'lii'vrd they will ihortly be marched to >. llorj* to opoiate ajraiott the Parax/jayan* by tbe toutb-eaateru li.le of Paraguay. I'p to the 7th of October the main body of the Argen . tine and Braxihan armiea wa* two leaguea from Curutd I'uiitiii, or aotne thirty niile* from tbctownof Meroedes, t.ni .ini wbich towu Flor«*, witb ihe troope under hn oommand, waa aiao marching and had eroaaed, the lame ilnv. the Mii inhav at tbe ford of A* Eguaa. In Mfsaione* the towni of S. Tbonie, 8. Carloe anj r t.'i.l.'l.iriu had been aucceaairely occupied by tb* Argentinea under General Caitro, the Paragnayana iiiivitiir abaudoned, or been dtalodged from that diitriet, with the exception of a foroe maintained a Tran- liif ira do Loreto. All tbe wounded of both aidee were .-..llc.'t.-d at & Carloe, where the hoapital waa eatab- iahed. AMKRIC.1V IMMIGRATIO*. From Thr Ai.ilu-Br.ri.Uii Timei. Not. 4. Wo ure huppy to liml that our most Banguine -lpi-i tationi an to the manuer in which American lm- migratioa woald bo welcomed hy tbe BraiUian nublio tiave been rcali/ed in the kin.i recepuoa gitenoytbe Preiidcnt and inhabitauts of S. Paulo to Geu. Wood md hii colleaguea. From a letter receired from Dr. Warne we extract the following aatiafactory aocount of tbeir receptiou by [li.-ni, a rcueption wbich, indepeudent of the deaire of ili elasiot to encourage iinmigratioB, waa tobaex pected from the prorerbial hoapitality of the Paulcn.ea. The next day, at U a, in.. the pretty liitle city of 8. Paulo waa rerealed to ua, and on a more thorough atv juiiiitiiiifo with it aud the peopie, we are aatiafled that nr Brat conTiction* were rigbt. Tbey hare treated ua ike fiiuuda and brothers liiuo oar arrivul. Tbe Pieii- li-iit pronilaed ereryt-log we wanted, and ia now mak* ing due preparationa to atart ua on our Journey to-mor- row morning. The Preaident callcd on ua yeiterday la full iiiilitarv coetume, and tho City Cooucil aent a depn- iatiou to wait on ub with an address welcoming ua to lira/il, etc. The Preaident aiao put at our eerTica bia im at the theater, which we acoepted, along with many Hhcr I'iti-iliiii's. I canunt sutlicieutly expieaa my. and )ur, pleaaure at the treatinent of .-very oody ia thia oity to tn. We ahall long remember them. Varioua amall partiei of emigranta from the Unjtcil Statea hare been forwarded to the dietrictt ehoaen by them, harbingeni, we trust, of a iteady iuflux froux the Statoa and Europe to a country whoae prodnit* ind olimate otfer rare adiantagei of eaee and prxflt to the agrlculturiat. THK (iBOVVTB OP (OTTON IB BRAZIL. Tho arrivals of OOttOfl at Sautos aro beoomipir great. The arrlvaln in October were 5 000 biUei, equal to -ibi) tuns. The prico haa riaen to 016 to the arroba. S. Paulo cottou bcar* a blgh n_mo, both from it* luulity ahd the care with wbich iti* cloancd and put up. and commaud* a higher pnoe than any other in tba Rio market. to which, hitherto, it baa been aent for ibipmeut to Europe. ^^^^^ .kltaary. HEATU OF JACOB DEI.MAR. The European mail brinirs intellixrenca of tha ihxuhof Jacob Uebnir, eiq. a well-known citia-n of New- Vork. Mr. Drlu.ar wii born ln t iibr.itau. Spaiu, ln 17110, aud waa i-oi.a.-<|urntlT "1 y.ara ui'afr tt the time of hii tlrr...^. li. inivrd iu N.w-York ia tha veai lg-ji, ruid twe TBan iftar- ».ni wii ippolnted lo . poit in the Nsw-York t'uaoai- iluuae, wlii, n he retiiued for 16 yrara, umlrr tha aJnilnlitr.- i;,in of I'rril.l.M.ti .ln-itaon, 1 an Hiin-n, llarrlmn tad Tyt**- iluring thia 1ob| p.riod, Mr. Delmar earned tad aajeye* Bia riindihlp ind natrem ot . lirte rtrcle o( irquilntai.rn, who iiiinlred bim for hii independent poiltlet aad coaieiratlou* llicharirofpubllcdiitir.. Mr. Uelin.r wii nurrled in 1831 o Mi.i Helvidrro Ali-i_ider of thil city, B ai.trr of Jud|* kb-imder of Kiniiton. He leatei a widow and thrae toaai|* nourn hii loaa; the el.ltat of th* Utter brlol the prr^ot edi- ror of Tht A'ew- York Soeial Rarune ind Ifxml'i Moytai.. m Peraaaal. Capt. Freuch having b43«u orderod bj Cen. doward to report for duty a Auguata. Ga.. aaila a>d_/ in tbe iteamer tjuaker City. Riter Fltagerald, Conaul to Moacow. aaila for Ia-er- pool to-day. Gea. Cbarlea Ewiag. V. 8. A.. ia atopping at tha kfetropolitaa HoteL Uertchel V. Johnaon deairea Tkt Atgutt* (Ga.,) Cea. iiiiarioaaiiii a announoe tbat hc it net a eandidate for iba BBBBBBI beaeh la tbal 8taa.

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1865-12-02. · Hoar.I ofBapan-wnaaa fnr aa*. Let m.' ahother thiae KepublioaiiB at'iid to th-BaardofOupaiaaaa I-u.'i-tiaasoi aaa lhaa

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1865-12-02. · Hoar.I ofBapan-wnaaa fnr aa*. Let m.' ahother thiae KepublioaiiB at'iid to th-BaardofOupaiaaaa I-u.'i-tiaasoi aaa lhaa


F KEYSER ie a pbypioian of over thirtyi_^y eaptrtaaee, and a UkafUate cf tbe J. flerton Medical

falHriiadtftbelriTtrkity of Madlclne ind Our|ery at

rkiltatTL-bh aaaa aaBB BBBHUUnuaa aabb aabb aa

II, B t HiiBiekSiSiV. ln tnui ,0 tU* 1n*"ion .ike* ma u lo my

KobI Baekt, I aoald aay tbat I have uied ud lold

i.u in rarioiii fornu for the pait thirty yrari. I do not111* _.'.!.* lt>

_k ikrre ii mJ form cr pr*'!*1*1'011 of it 1 have not u»ed, or

11 h, i-M-i mtlif TiiioJi dixeuei where sucb mcdi-

_yBtwiaIdbe indicuted. You irr iwire, u well 11

K that tt hii br*n rxtemiveiy e_tployed in the Tirioui

lfT^ibr bUddii and kidneyi, and tha rrputation it hli

iiny j ut_iaje_t. ia wirrtuUd by tbe fkcli.


I ti'i ai" »Ld J,*d- aa p' ¦ a mted, evrry form of iltiiAa

_U.pc",,"r,l:*',f*'lne riD,ple deco,tion' llnc'uw'' fluid

ttm,ua-tad I im n*t cefDiiant of ai.y preptrition of tlut

aaitUxllrq'»vUoyour.. Tw.lve ye_V txprriruce oujht,

|itv_».to|.TtraittberigIitt.ijoa|e efits tueriti, and witb-

.,-».. jdi. r or partiaMty I »i*e yotir. pre-edenca oter all

BkBB Iik.oolTaluealli.ngawordi.ig to in bu!k, if I d.d.

HfctiiSkt-l.-wialdcutdoyouri.bJt I ho'.d to the doctriue

tlUb-kitdqumtitydonot-xke ep ti! :r-if thry did i

aair*! itrt BMBH h* wcrth 88881 than » t-<a ilB-a

ItaajcorBucbaM .te-fle.-ton palieiitt. I bat. cured

aat. b, i_d aetu eured witb it, ixore diavaaw of the i l*dd«

rmH&rit than I hare ever leenc-ired witli any other Bucbu,

amyt-ti propieUry aaaBBaaai ol abatvvc-i nime.

fleapaaab-B yoc". _»-.,

OEO. n. E-TBBB, v. v.,Bl. i-KJ Wood rt PitUburgb, Ta.

_.g**ii.ia_.Aa aea ¦BBBBaU l 111'» B8BBA8B Bccbv.

BBB BBBBBB IIIaa a <t ¦<aa a a aaaa a ¦ aaBB M M vt


|r'/iiB,T.i« t.h_al|bta t.rdgrr.JPu.-iPtLPuii Ju!y, 18,1*1

OuMU*n.ed fiiaud und fellow c.ttfen, Mr. H. T. llrlm-

ktkt _for_i_ that be co_teu.p.ate« re_loving Jto thefity of

Brw-lfDrk. BTth i viow oi «n_rging hi. buainrit BTe bivr

K.a irtpiaktttl witb him ka ...pw..id o: t. n yrari; have brrn

pkme4 with hii intrgiity aud f*ir dealing. Coiumencuig in i

aal wiy. hil irtlrlei nmit po-.nl n.nit to imure th* auc-

ttm k* bi.a mrt with, r.d from our aci'itintince with him wr

C_t confitl-iitly apeik that we do not btliev* br la t msn who

wotii* w_b to impose on any onr. i.ach lei. thr tfflicted. and

mlly in oaTown longbiiinrn ii]4.rlrut:e ai m .dv.rtiilngvardiaiu w^j*r* oeTt-x .'.( ji ol tbe i-rren of iny medicincW_bi..4 ntr.i.

|ri<_T_rk__..);... IV .¦¦¦¦(¦ Bailetinof JunilO, 1864.1BflflBpaBkHa baa*labaaaaa_aai Baaaaa in New-

T_iafcurl<nri_-an, Mi. BL B IMmbold, Drugglit. Hii

ak-rt, aat tbt MttropohtAii llotcl, ii a* frtt f.-ont. 230 f-ct

*V*p_d6i«itorie.inhifht. Hii crrtiinly * grind eitab-D__*i.t and rpraki f.Toiabiy of thr mr rit of bli ar ti .Ira. Heuaa. Li'i'fli.-* ¦_iu _¦.-.i ii .: tbii city, which ire ilioateti aatil.ti l.ia..r.'i cf tbeir claai.


|a*.4B. iti Lirgat Micfa-taritig Chen.iiti in tl.i Woi.A JIie, xrt,.*_t*d wi'.u Mr. H. T. }i«_ubold; be occupiri

.taBr^-a'.rei-pi'.'i.'.t ti.y ifi.d'n ... *L'l wii aui-ceiiful in

aaallirtirgthib.ixnirii whtre otlitri had 2?' bt*" equaily 88

taJtaliim. I hitt betn fitonbij iuiprraird with hii cbir-¦Baaad aflaajflka


Bbatf fewtai k^WiierrBaV-T, Mixafact'.ring Chen.iati.Hixaial Bicwt iu., roiiidelplil*.

)8«a_rki frrm fl_BB_ai Analyiii.J.bi i ixiafni __.,,!, 0« Hllabliri Preparitioni they

taJajtaiiBa^e-jjj.,^ We aaBtaia tkaaaaabBaJ

^^ NEEVKRS k YATE".^*ie'*fc*. lat U, MBR

lEoiton lUrald.].iiaiilltaadTiirtii* worthlen warra, or attlclei

aaaaba a _wae*iTt oor MaiaM tnd when we iee an ad-"*« Br. Etlmboid^ wbom w* hive known for yrari,

V~^*U*-11>-tav«r_,lngfron.yeMto year. uatil he

;*^^rat *d»rniirr ia th* Unit>d 8Ut>*, we

lmmm* tba tbt aittineiit. in regtrd te blx irticlei.*¦ ."trraet't

?rbi lnaert,^^^ ^ wou)d ^ do m .ore ^*4pi to nuay,) tui tha articla concb.de. by rtatlng

j~a it«fbuuYk,,_^th. iittUM tot wbil fi ,llt)T ^^mi*7 a««y tho.M_.-i, with comp-te anv-aa

ii'imIX l ii



¦*T»AOT huchu,


,f' 1'. HKI.MUOIal),Il,00ltT, Mo. 391 BROADWAY, M. Y.,


** «V_P \%ft*\}\iMj., nutAD-airiui, i*.




Determined Opposltion to the Ring.

Addres.es by John Hecker, Messrs.Loosevelt. Schultz and Others.

Thc niu-s nu'oiiiif* at tho Cooper Institutt-h_4 aiaalng, nndcr tbe aaiplces of the f'itizons' Amoeiat.oii. wus rery lurge'.y att.'iided. It wub a ".I.v.Mcetiug iu cvt-ry flflaflB of tbe word, ivn out|>onriiig oftbo tnansca in t.u_'pert of tbo Antl-Kiug i-andi.lutoM.Fully .1.14k) peeeM were M Bta Hrge hall, and the en-

MflflflflflBflB of the nipetiu.: wa. tjuite cqual to it* BflflBhSBfliA buiiil ofnmsio waa in attondnnco, and contnbut.'d|-roatlv to Iba ortertaintn.'iit of the an.ltenco.

Mr. l;. B. RoeeereN ealtod ibe BaaBtag ta ardee, nndBaaalaalad bli Jantiaia s. BebaBa u» ahatabbbx »bo11. .- _;...l.;li ...- \ t'i.'.tfiL

Mll. K(«>._VKLT'8 IBMABBAThe meotiug BM Bp8fl*d by Mr. BOOflRTBU. -fhfl

aald tbat tba flaatla* waa ealtad ta laaan* Iha can.li-d.l.-ki.f tho( .u/>ii4 AnaiK-iition. Tbe tmiting wa* a!ao. iii.-d m paatata ***>'-.' t1..- wa.toii rereeaa <¦( iho aUy,u« w.'ll ua the itoli-n r. reaasa BTa Iba Ctttaaas' Aaoo-riatii.ii, eeeae bbbb t" aaaa eaaer niau for bhaeeK, iorti.- beal BMfl vt" eaa tfld. [Aaplaaea] Ba aaaMnoniinato Mr. J.itkaou II. NMMR whi. waa uuaui-¦aaaty tieit.ii.

M.-l. BrHCLTZ » 11' MAI.K.vMr. 1 Hii T/ 4..i,l tii.it ha <1> -ir.-d to tn ikn ¦ lt« .<..

nmiks on Ihfl ruijit "1 rvforiu. It la truo that thaItrpuMi.-an purty «av tbi. nform mu.t aeataM tbebaadaafthaXtaaMeraflx, who have iha aaatrMafahscity; but tbii-omet. alter ail, with a bad gr_ee fr»mthi,-.- pratleaea, -iu..' Iha BepabUeaaa eeceay theHoar.I of Bapan-wn aaa fnr aa*. Let m .<.>' ahotherthiae KepublioaiiB at'iid to th- BaardofOupaiaaa aI-u.'i-tiaasoi aaa lhaa Iha DaaaeraM. Loekerettheir aaaaa aad aea abother tbere l* aaytblag betaeaatliom.whi'Lcr oni'inrty i« BM nt loa.t aa miii li cr-rupt aa tb. other. Ihe DflflflaaflMfl noniinato >.uo. uudUtc BapabUeaaa onc k.. that we iictuai.y baaaa r.-t t.-r-i'iitrttivo frurn a!l ibf.ee rartica, aud thatthey nre b.-re typiti'd. I propoae t.. ahow M p*B...uie oi" tbo rcaeon. why I am wtlllng to go nul

¦Meef l'artv atfl-aaiaatloa, f-r Iheehelea of a m.iyor.our tax nrryaaeaaata to 4lX46O,-0O.a_aar oont <m th*whole jx-raoiiai aud roal cetat- nf Bl-w Yt.rk. Th-r-iamt in ihewbetoaerld a etty thaa tait-d. Oataldoofthis .!-.iii"""»i, I wi.ulil pnin't you lott.e finanoial tlfpartm.-ut, of wbi.h Mrstr.. DoTeBa and Uroniiau an-

t!k(> prline BMta-f8BX I Iadhf innkir.g at the tax levytbat Mr. Deretta reoerra trmn tbe eity, by raaaoa ofbb at-BX BM4. Loofclni. aJnng a little fiirthrr, wa lind,baaarer, tbat bo Baata eapley two ciorki at .:. 0*0¦aieea i ttii yoa. »aid iWeeeahar, aad TeteaB heretapoaiihli Ihr Tbal l aay. Ihal Mr. DoraBa raoavaanv.r #l(A'.(OU .1 y.-ur for bis flfltTleeX And jrtIhal aaaXHMMfl baa iha batdlbooa to go daara aavVull-el., and a«k for _8aa*y fnr tho city. Tbal ti

Mr. mffl-fli I bflU Brysatf aaraeaally reapoaaib-a forev.ry atutcniotit I have" rna.l.-. Ia rogard to Ihe d>>ck.and piers of Um <if. we Iad tbo rume am«tmt af iwind-ling. The ipeakef would rather oan tivc ,!.., ka i.iBaa-Tarb (tu a pecurnury point of view) tban bo I'r.-k-iuii.t..Ii:.rl i.ip.lhtai'.. ln regard la tbe markeu.Iha speaker .aid that tho property thero w.ia Tnlue.1 ut

42,ia.\(ioo, whict. taoagbl in aa haaeeaaef B8A8A4 tetbo etty. Tn. eoOeoBtoa tbi. in_nm.i aaaaptay _o men,nt a co'.t i.f BM.44A -aRDhe aaeabaf ihoegal rather

rou6'b. Ile bad oniy meiition.-.l tUr.o flflflflNMof eo.niptinu. and Iha 0)4888 ir.u.t be'menifeat t«. all. l.-llow-citmna. b.r ci.n

th i. ii, mI bara Ibr tha aaal few 4ayx woked inthi..i:,,.tt r. i eeataaa to yaa that l ma aal prapared fnrwhat 1 havcW'tD. I bolioTa that tho lCluriu Cit-BMnf N.w York pould not do Iwitf-r H-rv lea lhaa M publiabTaJeBtiaea jojrnal ..«¦ a tTiinp..:^i. dovumtrnt. At leaat,thr.-e tDilli'.iiri af aaaey i_dr_wn Boa rear aeaaeMland mino, which g.H'B into the jutki-ta oftbe "ring.'v'uk I uBimBN'Tk.Chnlri Hluaett, Jarn-a Prown, VVII

liani M. Venaiiye. Junhthai. Sturgu., j. f. U. Lea.rr, IbaaaVV I'ear.ali K.fwiu H"vt. .'au,-. Beetaaa Jabaiaa, llivullf.a-..y, LrOrand Loekwood, A. H Wrtm-r-, llhrrhardfahrr -ame. M. CoBMabb, MoBM II. Urii.n.' !!. rmiii I'.o.e,Johu J IT.rlp-.. Pfltat to'prr J>ie H.yt l'"'rr Moll.r.(faa. A. fircni, N'atli-Jiiel.-alu!.. latac N. IT.elpa, P. II. tblBOO,Beni.nin VV BoB-sV, VV H. Vrrinnye, C. II. Luddii.rtun,Ha-ghwe-t, VV. W. DaPorraat, CaL T. Maldbof. TbomaI>- i.rr S'l-wiirt Hr.wn Jolin M. Keax.n, lolm A. VVe.-k«,Wn, ".eUrnail, Wil,im. Hl.rk. Wiil..-,. A. llaiiira. LariagA.d:. i.a. ( ha-ia. Tr.cv, MoflC* O. Haltwin,Abapard Knapp,Eraitu. Titua. WiUbmLLPeffl, I»to.r! I.o.d, I". IJ. Halt.-r,

bB BrjfBB, VVilliim IT. Gui-.u, vMilni3i P.frtot, Jarnr, R.lotii.i Tho .,. B. Dala, U*t, {,- eTO/.-f^V*' .y;"Drlf'B, AkiaaaW, Joaoph Pa-aat, Bafil M'-ion #I4» ft

Ocharbaaaaa, *. L. Prouty. 11. A. Hrl.-r. ( bwba Hliven,

fbeaaai w. PaaaaB, jr.. vvuli.u, Anu.ircmK. CbarkaH.Kel'.nw.. l.ivi.Collaiuorr. ( ol. A. K^h, Oeorg* IL Mollrr,Jlrn"V Kloppenburi, K.uil r>aurr. Ldward Kiiig, JeBB M.vv i ,.'r, X-ward But. Cbarbi II. CarlA Ohartaa J. Oiiiiri, II.nriir, r.u..i« ". , ¦,, _. .. m

|l l: lltagfl TboBiaeT. Bturrra, jr.. Juliu. Koru, O*orgtj B.

oi.hert, ir.'Kobeit_lli.i. Jo.-ph P. Ilaly.BE-OIX'TION-.

TLe foUowini? prcainble aud roiolutioni were tbeuroad iiu.la.ioi.tcd witb grout applanie:

iiAxr.ai Tb* Oeier-aaat efthta t-tty, fce aaaaayaaapaat,ba! bara outmilrd te a lug* eBbel by u.,w..rtby a**, aha"t .,e«l.-.t-.l tbeb dottaa, ind bara aaadthe.r..«..bdaaaaanrthrirnwu BBbwfal p.obt, to the rrrat Inrreii. ol taiei,he ar u-iulatlon of . hearv oi'.y deh. tha prrjud.ee of tbau_li> lr.trrr.ta, thecorruptioD of moral., and tb* di.graca aud

acandal nl thi. cuixnntmity ai.dll'Ax-rraa, The aelaetion of rity oflieer. tbrough party non.h

Ba io.,., uf lata oftonba been perTextad, bv the BaadBtaa)rou.hta.liori. of h.d ua... I" m.poiiog uooi. th* good ai.d Uu*B.r.nt,..s ofrT-ry poWcal party .-ai.d.daUa not worthy ofconfidrin.« nor ta to be Uu.ted with pOWM arfdl-aaeej aud

HHr,ra, It haa ber on.e neceaaary, ta order to hr.ik tha

dr.,....u, at b»d u.m <o..bi..ed ior th. pliiflliHB*afea naplr .ud tbe degrad-tioi. ol our n.uuleipal govermuent, thattoo'lni... mrinberiof illnolitk. ****" °< "J**.liould an ta in aau.ing canJiditei for city offix-ei who ira ca-

pilile aud lionrat, wit.inut aaMttB* tha alatatbfl of party au-

tbority, which ofteii, 'i.-ler the |BM of Natlonal or Ktata

polilI.'.,).ii.ere-u!tofart!..l coniriviut.* jf t Ma M*jIBlTllIT iTll Itl-tT J- '. Unatl wiao, dlgulfled audlioiioiaulu aduiluiitratioii of elty iflilra; aad

li'Aexxua, Tbo 1reo peop!" of thi. city. n gre. numberi,and by urioua ipontanrou. acta, hate naiued fur the coum.gcharter rlertiou two eu.iiiri.t itbtfln. for the pbce. or M.yoraud ( cr|K,raUon C'ounael, aud have lutoked tli>- aid of ail

ataotaa whu drair* to reftaem the city frora ra|iacity aud mUr

rul<- aud promote ita beit lnteroata tojoin in tl.rit luppurt: andIt'A-recii. The amitbniei. .0 narued h.ve l.ei-ri amtained in

n.any .iusrft.n by the hnrmrable recognitien of nrgnnltedpolitli al bodira, wliere a true city patrio.iain haa prevallodipiii.t the iimcliluationa of tbe aatoctatod de.poller. of tbecltv; tl.erefore ... 1 I

ftentird. 'ihat we, belng fr.e cllltcn. of N.w-York, walv-ln, for the prraent all paity Uea and party Biiimoaltba, 48rord-tlly uulle iu tbii a<>_d iiioVenient wblcb pron.laei de-liverani e, ai.d do bea/tlly re. uiniuend the aupuort or Mr.Hr, ker a!.d Mr. 0'(_..-i.i«ii aa a u.atter ol tbe hlgbaat publicdutv md intereil. __ . __._

Hitolrrd That ln John Ilecker, our candldata tar Maynr,aud UJchard O'Ooruian, om .andidale for Corporatior. (loun-ael we i< -ognl-e two uprigbt, bonorahle, exrn.p!ary elllt-ni,bltbly .ual.lirdforthoa poaittani.alwayi firn.ly devotedj.,-11, e. ordrr and bumauity. md en.lnent y lb!e to u.ilutiutailitbe righti of the city. brtuk u,. tbe corrupt -OD.biuatlf... bywl.lcU we now ar.. ptai.der.-d. and reatore tbe luunlripal gov-aaniueut to the aound BBB-fltoB from which it half. leuHr.hid Tiiat Wi. K'joiee iii prouiotilig to Uie I liirr .,ln-li-

trk-y ol thi. city au-i. * BM- aa Jelm ile, k.-r, whoae I. ial.,.-..

Ilfe hat donr hnnoi to OOMBO-OO, whoae privnte IIfr haa heeu1, ,.k. 1 by eharity and w. Il doing, BO .«»u.pl« worthy uf honor.ud luiitatiu'i, and w be ttauda now prrtailneiit aa tba BM can-

dldala for tlat offie", who pnttaa 11. blujielf tta-quailtiea of,Bbility, liriiin... and niuiuealloued integiiiy, all which araa-r-.tiil to that hlgh poaition. , .

Raaad, That Klchard O (ionnan, from th* day be cam* a

relugee, vacapsd froui polith-1 perieriitlon. and aaa'ia.edaiuout ui tlie nractlce of bb prof.'i«in.i, baa ibown biunrlf tberipibl* and etotiuai.t bwyrr, the uprigbt, klnd, UUUTliaai.bouorabie ai.d I.1.T1 lulioied aei.tlrii.ali. the uuaeitiah ai.d inud-,eit u,iu, not ti-rking lb* hunora or eiiinlmn. nta of ofbee thei.Bi-oiup,o.ulainr oppon.-ut of oftli'lal ooiTDptloi. and we coo-fid.-i.tlt look to hla rlrction la tb* aura u.eana of purifylng th*bw departo.ei.ta of tb* city froai tb* great abuMl wkich nowcUrtctorv* thtw. ^

JtVioItrrf, That we rarnntly rall npon a!l gi.odcitirrna lo laylaide for the hour thelr party attat hinriita and party dlilikra,ind ahar* iu the noble work of redecining tbe city lloui mii-ruie ind diagner.

BI'EBCB Or 18AAC H. BAII.F.Y.I feel great plraeure in addreaing yon, for we are not

ca.ll.-il toirether by the ndheiire power of publioplunder,with a buekpronnd of oflice-holderB, and forcgronnd ofprei'dy eiirootatinnlata. At the iint tlnili it w.ml.l teemno moro ttiun tbe rigbt of the peopie to rncct toiretherand nominate thelr own ofticcra witn.mt waringfortbeir party orjraulrationa, bnt when we cotnider tbateighti'i't. millions are di.penied yenrlv, wo Ind the rea-.1111 of thr hnwl whirh li raieed. Tamuimiy Hall andTwenty'third-'t. pour in here tbeir li'iiimi., and tay thatthey know bettt-r than you do how to take rare of yourintere.ti. Hecker wa* Iint in the ti.-ld. and theiiotiiiiiiitiuti vv ii n u fconibuhell in tbe camn of Tanunany.In dnya beflara, they oonbl nnt np WBo they pleaaed

for Mnjor. but it would not do ut tho prescnt time tonnmiimte Frunri* I. A. Iloole, or any othrr mi'ruber oftheitipg; nn Tntnronny pute before "yon the only re-i|.|.('t.i!'li' ii.-iii I know "in the partr. I'.tit lin.-e theremay bc flkaaa <>f "p.re minda and bearti '* unknown totniii... I will timplv any ln- bt ttio inott reipcctablc tu.viin tl.i-ir IBB.B nt.«I. if Baaated, will make a eood Mayor.Hut I will atra you two reaaont why klr. Ilotrman,nti..i.. all othrr men, ought not to be elerted to till theutl...-. Mr. Hnffiii.iu bolda the oflice BB lU'corder.II.. waa 11. t.-.l to till lli.it uflii'i' on no

party tiokct, but at the uuanitnou* deiireof "the clti/i'iiB of thi. city. Hn lille tl.nloflice nbly und well. II.' m..kr>* nn cxci-llent Itrcnnler,nnti if Ika ettkaBM of Nrw-York kata any irmie at all,Ihry will not l.'t him ohangn hii pre.cnt poaltimi (urthnt of M.iynr. Th.rc in an«thi-r rrnion: He iliould.nnt ba ninoMHl iH'i-nn." hii .ticrea.or will be appetatedt>y Ika lt.ir.nl nf Supcrvivori.to uiu a bitter rxpn-i-aaa.Rrtkaaraal aaaaa., ittii Twe.!. [Hi.iei.i iithat wara not aaaack, l aaaM «u) to Mr. Jlolliuan thathii intiiiiAti* Bsaoetatba mth Beeta, Taaad. CeraeU.and tba rr.'t of the " Kiti).', Ini aittiiip at the CounoiliU)nr.i abrkl afbr niirM. i. aaatkar verr laaalrieaa bbt*eaaaat.aaa wbfefc aagkt ta ka axplalaea baaaaa ba ia>eeivi-i. your BBBhkfBa Tammatiy Unii rome* beforetou in a nrw xriirb. an.l aiki for ymir BBMB8I.Wbcre. I H'k. tathe rridi'iico of brr gt-niitue laarafM.i- pri'iriiii laa Baa n« r.n..i.-l.it-> Ra muniripalhonota who holil Hnlurii'tl t.tlioi'. m thi- Mrrt-t Dtpart-nient.bWln'ii were atlacbaa of th»t Departaaarl .-vcrknoan bb r.'furni. r. i Dui ymi i-u-r bear tlieword "rifnrm' inontioiied in Vonni-rtinti witli tl.eDi-pnrtu.riit presldod or<-r by Charl.-i O. t'onu-ll ITif viM-uitir ii,.'uif.| a tba otber Departaaal la tbalBiRbteatl W.ird tketa U a inan rutiniiiir for BB-Nwho tiiiiv ka Btaaaad aa babaaraf la tbe aaaaalar De>Bocreey, a man wlm lu.liiiv an offlce wortfa ?.'.'¦(«> ai. .'. but wiil wiihea to >.-'ir the citi/eni of that\i'i r.l .;i t'i ciipru-it) of AI.I. rtn.vn. It n wotnlrrful how tkaaa aeallaaea aaa aaraa grt oiiihi.-!i(ifliit-B. Two or tl.rei' ure nothmg, aud mx i.r i. -. ..:.

d4.n't mt-ti'iit tliein. 'Ihe Baaa "f thia pentlrmanli familinr to yaa ull, .Iim Irnng eaej. |LaagbUrllni aapparaaa prevent eri-r 8aaaaaa!paraaal'ad /*'

aai n;.i' |a .tniii birv.Vr*. nrj. Baaark'araeoebea Jaraalbl [Laaajbta.] ihat pi-

prr, piii'ii iu -I ..ulnn in-r" ki Baaaaa aL, .tnkr. efl Iweaaaaa a flap. arkbb anmunt. ta 880 aeplaa. of aaaraali nre not aii but it aaab Ika iti aaaa 8M0,00I perTiar. [Immenie eenaatinn.] Oaajpk which WBBfiTSBI.t tbe Ktaardef Suprrrianr-. lo tl ia " Trann rij t A'.ngaltafl" wii ihe priiitinif of th<- KaraDaeat I wi.u'.llike t.. aat the BiiBdeafalij bbraad Imy aim Baawarad¦f pratbaa faeattea if be evcr u* that. i'nr ti.ia tbaBaard of Baaaiataaa [indthr Tiaaauilpt AaaaelBtloaoi r onr Au -i.ii« / aad thiKy t'uumnd dnli.ft fur Ibtabk.An lataiUaeal priataraeia to mr that b* ihould cmiviilrrhimarif a lortaaat* mm LfbaaoaJd har* ii fur li.'-.i"".I."t ne go baak. Wi- wil! considvr Mr. Ui-f/inan !n tadilamr, aad la tba flbabarM ef bb datba. i!r. Tvaaflii '/** fVaaatrift AMoalatlea, A bli eaoMB t» him fi>r§137.000torprtattng Mr Roflbaabaa aaaata n-in;|ba know. thnt H ii imt a j..«t 1..I1, bi I h* dir-i imt wi*baatgalt, Ia aaaaa ilr. iwn.i. m.-. ii. ¦! -,,-:

bim, "Baally, Mr. Taeoe* I <l" aa tblab I eantiitn tbii t.ili." Tw.t-d Baaaaaa MTaa bai *¦Ut ihe TWiii.H-ratir party do y."i rut. Mr. Hnlfnnn." "I dn.'' Taa urr aaraa, Mr, Ibalti..- party MBBut be k.pl alin- wllhotit mimey, that i-

bara aa aaab aaa aa k T. fatawart aml PaterCaepalaHaraaki Ihalt'aaol liki Ibal ¦:./¦¦-' i«.

ii ituii idnai'pai. bb BBpaaaaa aad Iof Uiltp I* '!ia|-:..'«1 wit.i; wo »rv a i-4. ty, w« ner.J jmouey and witu.iut .t Wn muat rraar lurxlit." Ibaara Mr. iiuirimui. pore at.il upriirtit a. h* l., rouldnot .ii) mm ii.n.ar 'ini. «. it wbb. "All r..-i Mr. I w. r.i,I will alarn lt. h.,pp<-*r I wriil In a Irw nnr.uti-a afti-rward and ibi.1 tu bim, " My dnar-ir, j.m bati. a.ti.rl a moat atro, lom warrant,I t in I.iii..- ynn a man In flre mlnnti'i wlm wuuld bofl. il nf t:,r bb fur ll.'i. 000." _.. wmldaniwrr tn*¦aaai abB b aata aaaaai "1 am aaraa >.f tba atty aaiN|-w -York; I ti!. I'leeti d by my part.' I am a part*niaiii aBtaakaaaaa i ua... raaarrea--afl tl.e aaaaralmay B8B8 at receive.i-atn.- fiom tl.i.t party, and it iamy iiuaiiutt-1" ait ai-rording to Ibe aatattoa of tim.l/ri.i|.-iiii-ti uho iniikf up that party. It will do rrrywt'llforji. t'.tii*. .ii-i .1 iiidi'paTnlriiCi'of ai.tioii ahoBara aaaartptbai BwaaM b*v.i tmcu Tery wriiforlMr. Baafcar, hail li« bi-en elerted. to refune to.Ba lt; ba would ln" no one'i wi.hci to con-

tult, 1 am a pirty man. ilr, biu! imi.t itand I.ymv partrfvij-.'' TbM ia only a Bapfaatttofl krentlrmrri,f..'r tt.fr."- i- n-ry litlta dan^er tli.t Mr. lluff.-iati willi n r »ri't tlu rhunce tn »ay tl eae wnrda. | Applatii'.)Tba >|.4-riLi r tlii-n went ou tn deicribe how nioiuT aai

rainid. ai.d lu.w nioiu-y wa* apent. He d.irnhed a]etalt to tke Central I'ark. Tbe (.'ommiuionera wereworthr Ki'iiilcBien. who rceivrd a lare;e aalary for

itiinilinir iiroiinil." Tl.e I'orporBtinn Cuoniel. unleiaazeaaad tn aa.m u i-i*m bake. naaakaa und appiaun-i.bere eeBa lad bb thouaht., aud hrtped tn tfapaaaa tbecity raraaaaa by bandlinc a palr of ribbona behinda


fai i-i- '.-. im. Yeiti-rday waa tax day. andBBBB of yon, BO floubf, pai.I a rlail "to tbeI'.i'ti* fto 'I'ollrrt that of the f'ity reviinti^. Aayoa look.'d at thi-ir nntnlxir of bland an.l itinliua faort,ilid joti not aay from the bottotn of jour hnart. " Truly.it'i n.'.re Uaaaal to takathantogivet' llulyou notft-i-I tbut lt waa fir Iwlter to be a NewYurk otllc.-holdrr tbnn a Hfw York proprrty holder{( Kow.haring iliown, to my own Batmiactimi. ut louit,mn!, I trurt, to yotin, good and mflii'lcnt rea-Hon* wby John T. Hoffman ahould not l>e BBBMaiMiiror, ..iui why hii party and it* lachcnit ihouldno luiig.-r bamioet on tho City Treasury,wecoiue to i party which ii Tery much more diflliultto manipul.it..-. If yoo talk to a Kepubllcan atiout theii.-n-v.mly of ohliterating Btata and natinnal |M litica lnthe tiiiiini.'i-'t.i-i.t of i;i.|iiiri|..il ntfairi, ainl BB li readyto debato tlu- imnit with mn. Taik b a Di-im .rat, andhn wont litten to you. lln imraediati'ly InterruptB youwith, " Wby, xery dear air, tbat ii a <iut'itiuu whli-h Inialie it a' rule ncvor to debute.'r Itaymoud iia iburp man and a logr.-inn. I.anghti-r.) Yet,be ia, altlionirh inmetimri it ii very hardto tee it. He wnki- up nne moriiliiK and founn thatHecker had been nominatcd for Mavor br thi> Citlr.in.'Aaaaabtbai ho ba infnrmed hii reiulrn tbat Ibb wai a

verv iiii|..,i ml iiiovemt'tit, but that loiui'bnily belicvedthnt Ika Bjaaatkiaa of Mr. Beaka ln former daya hailbeen with IM Snutli. The Arriiiiay Poii tlalini'd Mr.Hecker bb a lt.pu'olican; otber n|n-rn u. a I>< ii.urr.it.7"Ai rimri, tbe tecoud day, diacovered he hail lieen a

lifeloBg Democrat, and tbat bia charaeter wbb atioveauBiiii'ion. Tbe tliird day lt enme out and ibi.1 that, a*It bad pretioualy aaiirted. Mr. Hecker wu* a Kei-.-i-lionlr.t.wont, a timou-pnre I !npperbead. Iti rt-aionwiih lop-ical. Wby, it isid, doea bc not deny our allo-gationil He Laa not Men Ottodo eo; therefore Mtnnatbeoue. The great objectlon urtri-d aaainat Mr.11..( k.-r I* that be ia aupportcd by Moaart llall. *!?.Vbq Baraa Btal nlght nld that Hr. lUckscr ran bo

Ikraaak tbe Part that bo conld not pel a Kllmptr «'fhim. Mr. Yim Baraa had baaba aal tnik aboutrunnlng. If he rau aa well aa Mr. Hecker, boiiitput not l.iiin como nnt of tho late intitcatijuite io badly toaten. (LaoKhter and applaua-.]ata for Moaart Hall, ii tbere not more Joy lu hearcuover ono tlnuer that repanteth than orer tbe niiuity-and-tiliie Ju.t pi-rBoui wnoBonot aatrayl [Laughter,and npplauae.) Would it aot bure been better for tlieSacbeiii. < t Tiin-iii.aiiy, who are atill in tbo gall of bitter-uoaa and bonda of lniquity, to hare fnllowed thi-ir ux-

ample wbile tbe chnncii of lalvation waa extended tothom than to run thelr chancoa Tho apeaker thennientloned tbe new (,'ourt-HooiA. Ho taid tbat at iiratlt bad been put in tho handa of a co_tpetent arcbiteut,at a niodtrntc racompenaa, but *be flonimlnloneri hadtaken it out of bia bauds aud giran it to Mr.Mi'wirt. Mr. Btewart waa not to receire anyri'iiotnperi.e for bia work. He waa to tabor fortLe good of the city, and receire 5 per cent of allbe eipended. He expeaded ahout OvWU.Wiuayear,and hia Income waa about 030,000. The conaotjuenoowaa tbo bow f.'ouit-IIouae would ncrer Im- com-iilfjeil until bv a dlapenaatioD of Divitm 1'roTidenco hialif.i and labora were brought to a cloae. Tbe apeakerdtaait-ted the whole of tbe CommiHiioneri, anu pro-t-civdtil to give the obJi'i'tH for which the Citlaena'Ataociatlon nad bei-n formed. wblcb he taid aaa tofroethe city from tbe foul nuiaanoe of politioal corruption.lt ihould be iii.d. ratood tbat it il not for tho In-nt-tlt ofmii.1i men aa Mr. A. T. Stewui t aod 1'eter ('.m.|htthia Keforrn ia atarted; tbey oau take care of them-lelvei, and pay their taxea whaterer tbey may be, butit ia for the ben.tllt of tho poor laboring men, who are

already groond down witb hlgh rcuti and lieavy taxea.Tberitfore. rote bow for au honcat tnan for Mwyor D<)not oontinuo to eleot for City P'atbcri iuib men ai

would be accotinted dineputable ln any otber city iutbe world, and with whom yoo would fear totrnityour-ti-lYca in Mrooklyn City l'ark. Kemember that hance-lorth, wbea tbta oppreulon ihill hare growe atrongar,tm* ^jaJi mcb from /pa ttljl awre, Ihat lt will ba yoar

own fanlt it yoa re-loot th. tn. [Load and pralonged ap-planae ]In aniaer to a itora of oalls Mr. JIi'.< keb camo

forward and ad.lreiiod tbe meeting aa fbDowe:Ffixowciiizf.n..1 thank yon in the name of all who

are intereetod ln reforroiug oor city gorernment forthe aupport you are giving me 88 a oawlidate forMayor. Yon-now tbat I am not la tbe field M tberrpraentatire of eltbcr political party. bat m thereprtienutire of tboae who wim tho city govern-uient to be Independent of paxtiee. My partyconaiits of all tboae wbo wiah a tigorotu), hon-e.t and economical city governaent more tbanto mnirii.iii. one lide or tbe otber of national itaoesor -tato iMuea, ;t was. my intention to bare addreiaedyoa thia evening apon the plana and parivoaea of tbe Iief.irm party, and the great necesaity tbat the citleeni 88Nea-York eboold now liare an organi/ed force at theircotnmand to protect tbem againit tbe "ringt" of yol.tii'lai.i wh« plunder the city nnder the name of gorern-ing it. Jtnt. evor aince my nomination, my entlretime baa been dcrotcd to organixing aud enrryiugforward tbe work of t!io oanv.-u", and the labor baabci-n too engronaing daring tbe paet few dayi to admit ofmy preparing an extendrd addreas. I am more accui-ttiucd to doing work tban to makiug ipeeobci aboathow »ork ought to be done. In caae the oiti/.m ofNew York Bhmild elopt roo tbotr Mayor. I ahonld devotomyaolf heartily and t-arneatly to exocute the ilatics ofil,f ollli <. for tbe equal bono-t of all por.onit, a. cili/.-ni.and wttbont regnru to party ..rgaii/iitloii*; und Ishouldoxert myaolf to matitro an 'oigaiii.c-d mothod and foroeby ai i.h tdo hueinra. of the city can be earried forwardwith tig'ir and oi»iii.niy, an.l wltb.uit conn.'cticin withparty imiIiiIo.. In t'.m objoct wc all hure a ooii.n.nn in-tero.t. I.ot ua, thtn. nnitn in a vigomua nm! »>Hrne«teffnrt at th. polla on Tuea.'ay next, ond with Itod'ibieaaiug a* aaal aaeeeed.

J(.n?i H. ANTi.ON g BBMABBflaMr; astiiom waa lhaa katredeeed, aa* *aid that h.

waa a BSahM of a p;iriy. It was a f.arful UBpteatefthe im|.'inty of ti.e thaaawba* It .< t'tii.'l lo !>. a dii-Ifvaes t<» bMaag i.>a|H)!itiial party. Tbere i. aM a

r.inupt Itam.K'rat inollii'" in Nea-York bnt Im ba* a

Bapaatoaa brethar. They n.b lafethee witi.out di.-ttn.t. >u of party. A Dt iii.K-riti.- BMOriotlOB haa ma.leita nomination for Mayi.r-.Iohn Etaeker. They haverojci-t.'il tbe doniitiiiiionof Tamuiaiiy Hall. T.irtios ur»

necaiary, but they raav bo.-.mio ciirrupL John T.lIotTiinin' ia, to all intenta aud BBfpeeeX BBBraty tbonoiuin-o "f Baaa t)ir-e or flve goiitioiii'-n eaMpeebag tboKlng. It ikflcii»f«ui tOi.|.|mint a rnniniitloo to BaH BpOBa numiii. '. to rereire iti acrptance. VVt.ut do>:* beaay tu hi* anaw.r. Wr- .um, " I .niiimt ultard t» dt>-aaaa reaf immii.atlon.' Oaa of Bm trickaof TammanyII_ll i'a te k-ct np tmnla in ahieb the BMaor b predacedat the I'otitr.dl.'i'. Ol.!.-,- bf riifll"*. Maltnew T. Hr u-

nan l« nno of tl.o bigg.'.t liuld.-ra at th.'ae jhui!.. Da ti"t

b« Iniii.l.il i.v aot -mll tricka. At tbe laal Woction you.will fli.d bl The Ttam ertot thutthoro waa ta.'tity thoti.and aeaaa ag ¦: -t a Paaawaj eaadidate, xVlung witbIhaw wBI be aa aaay aara wln. babag to n» party.Manr ICejiublicani are courlnced tbut their ii"in;ii<>-;a iu.t tbr j tir.-.f and moat virtootm citlien inail tho aerld. IPe ahal b*vc th.ir vot- MaaMarkhall O. BabOTta'l patrioti.in. for which it ia »ou,.'htt., -i.lt b.m, ia m.t ..f that ..-rt whli-h w. nt out ta t'l !iiln blu* Jat-k'-t* nn.l n-turn mati&.-'l an.l worn aud t>o«»r.It ia uf that kind abirh itajo.) it homo, bui't ami Bflllite.iiiile.at. tn t! o (ior. rnmetit, which w.-nt tothebMtotn after 10889*417 Wellea'. niOT. Tb8 ot.ly nl _.¦(>(.oliwlil.-l, aal Oapaaoata hate fouod againit Mr. H.H-ker i.

that he rar. fr>.ni ...mo w.irkmrn in thu I'ark. Kterron.- liiay kn,.w that it wa. bBBBBaa he put an injunitioiiepea tn» CaaBaaBM paymg nioii*ya»!.u-h bad noverl.ern earne,!. at the uin... tinie i, ti.uig to BM lh.it nolai.ormg mati .1 »uld ba> dob.irre.1 of bl* ji.alilueifor oneUiotnent.Mr. D. H Fa90* lhafl BBBTed \hr thatikrof thoCiti

len* A.iociatiou ta the mc.ti..g, uml il adjourued._-**>-

lai.a RatlRratlaa TlfriiBg iBdenrmruiaf Miaraball O. Ilobrri* aad .TfnrrarUa-Taeaa Nprr.lira by 4'barlra N. «pr_-crr.Frrdrrirb A. 4'aakllae -Jnotre V)',

Uf*), lllraat Walhrldge, tttllia.a U*Evarta aad eihrra.

The Uuioii BMMI in.' ti-if l.i t Bfiaiai at tbi-<.rTi-r of Ilroitdway and T a. nty third at., bold to

rutify the aomli.al.oti of VI .r -ail O. L.ta-.-l. f.n Mayor.and Murray Iloffman fur Corperation Couuael, waa

largely atteaded.Two ktitt.di aera erectad In the i.iuarr. on Ibe weai

of Medboa I'ark, from whech t,-< ik.-ra addrr.ied thepeapb. xt..i ..-.' baada of mutic and a largo di.pliy ./firvBorke w. re pr 4/ Jed lor Ihe ooo-bIoo. In atidituuito tl.i-ie attr-etlona. tbe meeting waa re-l..for»«tl l_B_fltbs v.-iung by M. 41 K< .. rt ¦>' (laba from tbo dilfrrentAaa.--.nbly Diati.. .-. c i.!i blBling with a profuilon ofi.i'chltghti and Chiuea.' lantorn., and hrinl-.l br mualc.'I ba luaido ma'ttng waa i-|.i-i.e.l by C'haxlea X Hpenoer,A !ong II.t of Vloe rro.iilont* and 8ecretarioe wna

then road and ia aoriea of reaolutiuiii uuauilmoualyadi.pto.l by tho moeiing.

Np.ech.-a w. r>' tbon tnado by BaaaBM Xre af Xeradn,Oaa. Walbridge, Wm. M. Ktartr, Wtu. ii. Dodgo andMr. 11. ll...!-.At th.- cloae of tlie moeting a largo leaemblago

gothered At the bon.oof M. O. lloborta iu 1'ifth ave..afheaa BbM* aaa loud culli for li'-u. r.ui.Li. who up-1.. rt-.-.l iimI liiitilt- a fow apprupriate remarka. Mr.(uberta, on urgent Itiwtatlon, appearo.l nn the atojaand rcturiitil tbii thaiiki for bia teatimuny of t-.tccru.



TIaaart (Becaad Ward) R«Aaal C aarrallaa.At aniootiiix of Hm Mozart llull Dciiiocralic

Beaead Ward Behaal Conrcntion, laet i'voning, Mr.Jcnmiab Coyao waa unauinu.ualy uotuiLated.


I'alird Berrice Nanlaatlaaa.NlW YO'B, Not. 30, Wi.

MakbiiaLL O. RoBEBTB, vn\..Sn. Tho uTidor-. Ignrd, aConiBittea ippolnlrd for tbr purpoie, beg leive ta

lufurm you thal at a meeting of th* Cei.trsl Couinilttee of the

Iidted Bervlce Ho.irty of the ( Ity of New-Votk, iu orgaubi-tluii compoaed of tl.r rrturnrd __BM K>!dierT, you wera tioin.

taited ai their randldate for tb" Miyoralty of tbii City at the

eii.'iiiil lieceiiiber elertloB.Iu commuiilcating thia notice toyou Ih* fonmiitlee would

addlh.t thia noiulnaUou waa uiad" after . areful. on.l.l.-ration

cf the iiierila oflhe oppo.ing caxidld.tei. Tbo eel.ctlnn wa.

u.ade upon the fi,m contictiun of th* ( oiiiBiltl.e tlut ln yurrln-tlon i.ot only would the tteat lut.-rr.ta ol thr rliy be «ub.rrvrd, but thal the niei.whuriaked tlnir liTr.forthe maji.-

t. ii' ii « ot our cou.u.on Ootrrnuirnt would lit.d in yuu a fattl,_n_ Rraiw, tfully,

J. H. Hobibt Wabo, late II.it Gen.JOHB B. BBflOIX, latr ( ulorinl Tentli.Wa A. I.thcb, Colonel Korty St-tond.JOBBO. OABTIB,

late prlTiite Lighty -tecond New ork.1 BABC.I f RBXBOLDfl,

Captain Korty .tecond.I'halnnan Comuiitlra. New-Vork Vulunteeri.

Naw Yobb. llec. I. l-HJ.flttTlBBBB' I acknowledge alth luucl. aafi.fictinn y-'iir

Irtfr,"""ng m* that Ihe lulled rbrvto* Hucirty ol .h.LIt,,f New V..rk li*. eeaeanad ta my anitaillM for Msyor.Tbeaga I dld not. like Iba palata men abea yon rspre.ent,

tak-Ihr' held ln defen*. of BtN (ta,r,m..*atand I'nleB. it WM

ii.T nrivilrge aud pleaaure lo . onlribu'e \i tk* lUPUSJt Of (1.8bin-lir. »f .ouiieri, to th. f«Bfl0 Of,.,n,l..iou, _B- lo *ldthe tlovrrnment ln ove.tliroaTtig the It.brlllon. ..,.,_,My ty.npatl.lea wer* ttronglv alth the ari..y.who,e pttriot^

|.u. iiihe'rui.n. e.c.ed my ./.niritlm. and B£^f*-3|5necubarlv _r-llfyiu|, therelore, t» Irarn I iii. *»,.."""_ wc_n .BfMaaata^r. of t-..» who h.ve prrlled their ve. for |he,rcountry. V*ry rMpectfully your., M-O. BiiBrara.Tu (Jea. J. H. VV.rd. Cof. J A BeBdii. CoL J. xV Lyuch,

pilTit. titnia, MdCaai F. F. ijgjj^ ^ « 1864.MraaAT HoiTMAB BM -Sir: Tb* uuderdgued ConimiUee,a-JJa«-dXaM_%f-^^SSg.g^E'lfe'- "afaa-B-rta-lrf

m.didats fnr Corpor.llon Coun.el of Uie City at th. enaulngllscs-iber sleclion. .^^7' ,Vabb u. .., o,0.

Joaa E. Bbbbix. lat* Col, lutb Volt.Johb U. OABV1B. tate private Md Voli.Wb A. Ltbo.1, Col. Cd N. Y. Voia.

Fbabcii F. BtxaoiM. (apt «d N. Y. Vula,TBABCia *. a*.- [JJhrB-B Cenlral Com.i.lttee.Nbw Yoag, U.c 1, IU68.

Oibtib_bb Tour lettar eonTettag tbe Infornietlon tliat., T ni _--trr hociatr" bad apprured of Buiuination

To Oen. Ward. Col. Bcndla ai.d othera, Co.uuillt-s.

Nicola Mbistbr's Diorama.Thia in tho la. t

day of tbta exbibitlou at tbe Hroadway Atbenitmm.between Tenth-et and Aitor-placa Thotewhowbh

to iee thb admlrabla Diorama of aome of tho moat

attraotlre aeenery la Korope, ean attead tbe matlaae

.I8 o'ctaaA or th* Bipalx* aablhititxa al X


Colllslon on the New-Jeraey Central

¦even ULUed and nfteen Woanded*

Eastos, Pa., Frlday, Dee. 1,18C5.The WootOKB exprcBs train, which left Har-

riabnrg tt 3 o'clook tba morning, raa into a coal trainat Wbito Hou-e, N. J., on the New-Jcraey CeatraRailroad at about H o'clook thia morning, kiillng aome

aeven pernoni aud woundlng 15 othcra.BUBB.

R. S. Chidiey of Kanton, Pa. .

K.l ward Johnion of Waahlngton, N. J.Mrp. Francia of WaahioartoD, N. J.Jamei Tyler of Kaatoo, Pa.Waal Mottlcr of Phllllp*barg, N. J.F.lward Dati* of IJclridera, X. J.J. W. Fdintror of l'arpoiitemrille, N. J.

WOCBD-D.William B8B, leg broken.Mta, Harvry. lei? broken. and her child aUoinjurod.An.lrew O'N.'il, itrrn broken.W. W. Ma.-ah of ikhoolcja Mountain, about the

hrad.William Storkul, nbnut the head.tli-orge Waller of Kew*rk, alightlr.A. S. Stmngof Baai Hampton. M_i»., badiy about

tbe hi-ad.Mr*. A. S. Strong, eltarhtlw.F. C. Learatbrp a Traabaa, danireroo.ly.Mr. aToba F IStiifirof I'luiton, N. .!., bnth armn.W. K. Mori. of Waihingtim, .V. .1., iu tho ude and

bbbb¦BOOflrfl DIBl'ATCIt.

Fabti.b. Pa.. Tk-c. 1-r. _.

The kiil'd ore hnrribly aaaafbd aad BMraer* raaag.Bkaato, attktkaaaasaaaBa of _ir. K. s. chidiey ofBaataa. _¦___Mn. rranil-i. prevlonvlv rrportcd U from VV anlilnir-

)...., N. -I it froa tb* .-ity of New-Vork, aud rcnidedin Wi .t I'wriity-aeventh itMr. W. VV. kfixnh it but rilig-htlr hurt.Mr. .!..... Tt l-r. kili.d. rr.ri.ricd from Eanton, waa a

rc-ui -nf uf 'allCOOB, NrtM-Ynrk.Mr. II. ii Siiiith of Clinton, >". J., waa alijhtly

«i iii.il- d in tbe .irni.

Mr. Tiiua Ul.-harda of Ktnonville, Pa., waa woundedin thr i. ...I m.l irm.Mr. A. Kictchcr Johnaon of MorrUtown, 2i. J., waa

!... ',i vvoiinde.l.Mr liarrianii Butler of aUlentown, Pa., waa aiao

attghtly wouudc..TniBD BOPATOB.Kx-ios, l'a.. Frlday. Dec. 1. IK,',.

Thr BOCidant reporttXi triis nioriiinx' ocLurri'dal. ul two mi!o* mtat nf White Houie. N. .1.

lt tiow nptaiin thnt umal .train ifiltig K.wt dl'-'nr-arad a U aa iy on ibe aakar tiatk, wbieh had brokxutrnrn a frf iirht train.The rxpr.'.* train Imnnd WM wa* duo and the en-

tteaa <>f Ika aaal tr.iiu itoppod -. trrun and ordcrcilthe arakaaaa tta ataa tke aar or throw it from thetri'-k. aa il waa |rn;iiK dowu Ika frado pretty rapi-liraii'l hr .1. .irt-d t» prcteat an ac'idt-at to the tiaiu coui-

ta| Woat.Atxnt itoppinh' the, o.ir, he atartml hii train, and

baad that part of hii Iraiu hail becotne umoui.le.l.Ile Ibea li ii had. Bf t» <oiiple the uart, and whilo iloingii lha Wnti-rn r-x,.r<-.* truiu boiud ri't cix-io rouiiilUi.' rurvr, und nn ln the rear »f hii train.Wl. n tl... aaaflaaaaf thr Weeti-rn iipret* train dii-

cmi n-1 ll..al train, it tu about **J (wt from him.Ile rerenrd hii enxcitio initn.diauvly. but could not

llaa the train. Ile iaw no flairtuan. He did not Junipfruui thr train, btit itui-k to bn engine to tho lait. .No..nr .m the i-nginc or in tbe baggnire car waa Injtired.Tka bat'jrnxn. car wa* drlreu into the tlrit prxaaeiiirer

car und Juit iw.-pt at it Vaaa ererything aboTe tbe topauf 'll" .1.111 ll-Bt ult'Ll. I.._. .*>|On tho baaaaa of the bafgaaja car were tno plece* or

I tubrr. wbli-U i-uine directiv ..ver the aeat* on eitherml. n.-it Ika ai.le, kil'uix' tho.* .ittinir next the alale,hut .lniiig ao lerioua injury to thoio .itting uext tl.ewindow*. _. ... ..

A itentleman -ittinar directly ln fh* rear of Mr. t.hid-tev taw the timber rominK. and .l.>xlg«'<l bt* bead downbriow tbe top of tbe eeat back. by which he aaved him-.elf from injury.The p.n.1 iiRi-r. in tbe otber part of the train luaUiued

no infury whatever.S.me uf the wounded hare been bronght here. and

rv.ry attentiou Im britiff .bown them by the olllcori ofthe road. -loet of the wnunda are ilinht.

PDf'BTH PIM'ATiTI.BUBflOB, Pa, Frtday, Dec. 1, 1008

Tlu* Iroilv of Baaaal 8. Chidaaj, who vaoklll.-d today, roached hcre tbii aftcmooti. The atrcctawere di-mt'ly thronged, and tho ntmoit aorrow wui.hown by our cittaeni in tbo tad lom of oue of our moatliitl.iontial and rrapectcd citizeni.The fiin.-riil will tuke placo nt-xt Tueaday aftornoon

at two o'ciock.Mr. I.owthorp la at the American Hntel. with levcral

otber of the wounded, and, altbougb tuffcriiig intuuscly,il U tiiought be will recorcr.


Mcycrlifor's lnst work, " L'aUriciiine," wa«

produccd laat night at the Acndemy of Muslc, and theexcltetneut waa really lntenae. During the day all theplacca wherc tlcki-ta are uaually to be aold were litor-

erally beaieged, but not an admiaaion could be pro-ciir. d, and only a few icata in boxea could be bad forBaturday nlght. We hnre nerer aeen a larper audl-enco wttbin tbe walla of the Acadomy. nor one moro

brilliant in coetume, nor more eager in expectation.We ihull not attempt to do moro today than totnake

aaaaaal rtmarka. aa it would be ImrKistible to do

Juitico to tho lubject in ita detaiti, vo.-al aud inatru-mcntal. Thero aro ao many new pointa, in both theone and tbe othrr, domanding mentiou, tbat wo are

conipWIod, from want of time and apaoo, to defercomideration until Monday. ISo fur wo can aay tbattho mualc leemed to anrnrUe orerybody. not becaoaeof ita drumatio character, but becauae of its abund-aiii-e of meliMly.melody of a fumilior and griu-ofulkind, aud yet full of pamion and earneitnetia. Manyof tho iiibJcctB could be carrlcd away by tho ear, didnot the length of the opera forbid tbeir repetition ac-

cordlng to tho acone. Theae clialona may be ncceaaa-

ry, but tbey uiaterlully retard tho populorityof the work, for tbo reaaon that what thecomiwaer lutonded to imprcas upon thememory ia heard too fngitively to offect the dealrcdcud. Thero twe leTytvi rery fino tntemblt piccea, whichwere all wcll ex'ecutedTantl were rery warmly receirod.Tho two flrat acta patmed off without a blcmith, andleonii'd to promiae a brlllluot tucceii

The third .ict. tho ahip scene.was more racoeaafulthan weoxpocted it tobe; ln fact, It worked woll forthe lirat attempt, and waa quite effectire. Wo were

not, howoTcr, prepared for tho norel effect prepared forua by tbe chorua perobed away up on tbe quarter deck,wbo, takiiur the prirllege of thelr blgh poaition, per-¦iited in tinging in 0 ihnrp while tho orcheitra playedin C It waa a wonderful exbibition of peraiatence Inthe wrong direction. The sallors lndulged in thia va-

gary, but the prleata eame In and brought tbem a tbeiri.itch. Tbta error will doabtlena be corrected to-night.The fourth act is almply wonderfol forltabeautyi

the melodiee are OTorflowing with intenae pasalon.and the actlon of the inusie ta grand ln Ita -ariety,rapidity, nnd force. It rcjalrea a chapter to doaoribeita exqutaite beanty. The tiiih aot ia a fitting cloae to

tbia remarkabie opura.We hare nerer aeen an opera on a flrat nlght,

eapeciaily oue of aucb diOloulty, go ao amootbly. Tbere

waa acarcely a bltcb from beglnning to Ibe end.

The alogura fulfilled thelr arduoua dutiea adml-

rably. They exerted themaelrea oordlaliy, and won tho

admiratiun and applauae of alLThe opera ta a paelUTa aad great auooeaa, and arery

beariag wiU add ta Ua Dooajariiy-

RECONSTRUCTIONDispatch From the President to

Gov. Holden of N. C.

Diflsatlafaotlon of tbe Executive witbtiie Reoent Eleotlon in


Ra.iflcation ol the Constita-tional Amendment


WABiictOToB, Friday, Dee. 1, lfed-

The Raleigk (N. C.) Standard of Wudnesdajoontaina the following bighiy important intelligenoe:"Gov. Uolden haa receired the followine; telegram

from Prealdeut Jobnaou, which ia laid before the publlofor thelr information:

Waabington. Monday. Nor. 27. ie«5.ifoa. W. W. HoLDEN, provitioatU Uottrnor of .Vert*

mmtmmtmAccept my ihanki for the noble and ctTi.ient manaer

in which you bave diecbarged your duty aa ProTlaloaalGovernor. You will be auatained by the GoTernmeBtTho resulte of the recent electiona in -Vorth f'arolina

hare greatly damagcd the proipecta ot the State ln tbon-ittoration of ita GoTcrnmcntal relatione.Should Ibe actloa and the aplrit of the Lcgiilature bo

in the aame dircction it uill greatly iacreaae tbe n_a-

chief nlr.-a.ly done. and migbt be i'u tai.It ia boped the action and aplrit miinif.'it "d by tha

Legiilatnre will be ao dlrected aa ratber to repair thr.itincrcaae the dirtkultiea uudcr which the State haa al-rcady placed itaelf. Abdrkw faflaKB,

Prf-idcM of the Uuitcd Siatoa.SECON'I) DIS.'ATCla.Wasbinotob, Frlday, Dec 1. 18*55.

The Prcaiil.tnt to nigat receired tho following dia«BBBBkl

KiLEiOH. y. OL. Friday. Dee. 1. 1M3.Tn tkt Preti'lent oftkt DSbBBb S'.atet: The Legialaturt

haa ratiti.-d with but aix dissenting vnicca the Congra.aiunal amendmi'nt aboliabing Blarery.Firejndgei hare been elected.all good aolcctlona.

Threeofmy pertonal appointmenta hare been con«

firmed. W. W. Hof.DCT.Prorieional GoTcrnor


Brrital mt the Baraaa-Tfca War ia BaaaaaAarriri liitkrr Krpulee mt tha Bara.gaayaa*. Tlateuai nta mt Praf. AgaaaixKemra mt Ihe Kanperor.luualgratiaa

fraaa the I nite- Blatca.Grewth mt Cai-oaah

Advit'o-i liavc baaa rnceired here frfim Rio deJanciro to the 1th of IN'ovmber, brought by tlie itcamerIt-n .mn. Thi* it the openliig of regular i-ommunjca-tion witt Prua.il by a dinct steam maii route.

It waa BBaaaBM at Hio de Jmiciro that the war wouldioou be otit. The rlctorie* of the Allied forcei orerthe P.-iniifti ii .a are dromed decislre.Gold in at par in l.w.There i* no ftirthor ii»wi relatire to the mo-oments

of the Piirak.ii.iyaua. They had receired auotber re

pui*e at Corr.entea. _:.I'rof. AgiisiU waa. at laat acconntt, following the

npward couno of the Amaton Rircr. Ua bad diacot-ered otlnew ipecte* of flib. '

The retorn of tbe Etuperor to Kio Janciro will bemarked by pnpular fetee. At the n-iut a gold medalii to be it'rui-k in hia lonor.THB LATKhT BBWfl KBOM THE SEAT OP WAB.The Earpaiaf aml Cflaata d'Ea aud Duke da

Iaaa were, at lateit datra. rotnrniug from the Uruguavt.y way of the loiithcrn part of the' provinoe, _BBSB|to Tb.it tho great ooal ix-tiii near Pige. They are ex-Baaaad la Rionlio.it the Kith, and great preparationaare making for a iiaitublu deiuouatxaiion.The Hra.ilian Iaaa in Kio Grande are in prooeaa ot

orciiii/itiou under the Baron de Porto-Alegre, and itli li.'lii'vrd they will ihortly be marched to >. llorj* toopoiate ajraiott the Parax/jayan* by tbe toutb-eaateruli.le of Paraguay.

I'p to the 7th of October the main body of the Argen .

tine and Braxihan armiea wa* two leaguea from CurutdI'uiitiii, or aotne thirty niile* from tbctownof Meroedes,t.ni .ini wbich towu Flor«*, witb ihe troope under hnoommand, waa aiao marching and had eroaaed, thelame ilnv. the Mii inhav at tbe ford of A* Eguaa.In Mfsaione* the towni of S. Tbonie, 8. Carloe anj

r t.'i.l.'l.iriu had been aucceaairely occupied by tb*Argentinea under General Caitro, the Paragnayanaiiiivitiir abaudoned, or been dtalodged from that diitriet,with the exception of a foroe maintained a Tran-liif ira do Loreto. All tbe wounded of both aidee were.-..llc.'t.-d at & Carloe, where the hoapital waa eatab-iahed.

AMKRIC.1V IMMIGRATIO*.From Thr Ai.ilu-Br.ri.Uii Timei. Not. 4.

Wo ure huppy to liml that our most Banguine-lpi-i tationi an to the manuer in which American lm-migratioa woald bo welcomed hy tbe BraiUian nubliotiave been rcali/ed in the kin.i recepuoa gitenoytbePreiidcnt and inhabitauts of S. Paulo to Geu. Woodmd hii colleaguea.From a letter receired from Dr. Warne we extract

the following aatiafactory aocount of tbeir receptiou by[li.-ni, a rcueption wbich, indepeudent of the deaire ofili elasiot to encourage iinmigratioB, waa tobaexpected from the prorerbial hoapitality of the Paulcn.ea.The next day, at U a, in.. the pretty liitle city of 8.

Paulo waa rerealed to ua, and on a more thorough atv

juiiiitiiiifo with it aud the peopie, we are aatiafled thatnr Brat conTiction* were rigbt. Tbey hare treated uaike fiiuuda and brothers liiuo oar arrivul. Tbe Pieii-li-iit pronilaed ereryt-log we wanted, and ia now mak*ing due preparationa to atart ua on our Journey to-mor-row morning. The Preaident callcd on ua yeiterday lafull iiiilitarv coetume, and tho City Cooucil aent a depn-iatiou to wait on ub with an address welcoming ua tolira/il, etc. The Preaident aiao put at our eerTica biaim at the theater, which we acoepted, along with manyHhcr I'iti-iliiii's. I canunt sutlicieutly expieaa my. and)ur, pleaaure at the treatinent of .-very oody ia thia oityto tn. We ahall long remember them.Varioua amall partiei of emigranta from the Unjtcil

Statea hare been forwarded to the dietrictt ehoaen bythem, harbingeni, we trust, of a iteady iuflux frouxthe Statoa and Europe to a country whoae prodnit*ind olimate otfer rare adiantagei of eaee and prxfltto the agrlculturiat.

THK (iBOVVTB OP (OTTON IB BRAZIL.Tho arrivals of OOttOfl at Sautos aro beoomipir

great. The arrlvaln in October were 5 000 biUei, equalto -ibi) tuns. The prico haa riaen to 016 to the arroba.

S. Paulo cottou bcar* a blgh n_mo, both from it*

luulity ahd the care with wbich iti* cloancd and putup. and commaud* a higher pnoe than any other in tbaRio market. to which, hitherto, it baa been aent foribipmeut to Europe.



The European mail brinirs intellixrenca of thaihxuhof Jacob Uebnir, eiq. a well-known citia-n of New-Vork. Mr. Drlu.ar wii born ln t iibr.itau. Spaiu, ln 17110, audwaa i-oi.a.-<|urntlT "1 y.ara ui'afr tt the time of hii tlrr...^.li. inivrd iu N.w-York ia tha veai lg-ji, ruid twe TBan iftar-».ni wii ippolnted lo . poit in the Nsw-York t'uaoai-iluuae, wlii, n he retiiued for 16 yrara, umlrr tha aJnilnlitr.-i;,in of I'rril.l.M.ti .ln-itaon, 1 an Hiin-n, llarrlmn tad Tyt**-iluring thia 1ob| p.riod, Mr. Delmar earned tad aajeye* Biariindihlp ind natrem ot . lirte rtrcle o( irquilntai.rn, whoiiiinlred bim for hii independent poiltlet aad coaieiratlou*llicharirofpubllcdiitir.. Mr. Uelin.r wii nurrled in 1831o Mi.i Helvidrro Ali-i_ider of thil city, B ai.trr of Jud|*kb-imder of Kiniiton. He leatei a widow and thrae toaai|*nourn hii loaa; the el.ltat of th* Utter brlol the prr^ot edi-ror of Tht A'ew- York Soeial Rarune ind Ifxml'i Moytai..


Peraaaal.Capt. Freuch having b43«u orderod bj Cen.

doward to report for duty a Auguata. Ga.. aaila a>d_/in tbe iteamer tjuaker City.Riter Fltagerald, Conaul to Moacow. aaila for Ia-er-

pool to-day.Gea. Cbarlea Ewiag. V. 8. A.. ia atopping at tha

kfetropolitaa HoteLUertchel V. Johnaon deairea Tkt Atgutt* (Ga.,) Cea.

iiiiarioaaiiii a announoe tbat hc it net a eandidate for

iba BBBBBBI beaeh la tbal 8taa.