Newsletter No. 296 July 2019 Acting Minister Jeanie Cooper 655790314 E-mail: [email protected] Hon. Minister Rev. Alberto Araujo Minute & Administrative Secretary Susan Stacey Tel.: 966713794 Email: [email protected]

Newsletter No. 296 July 2019 · 2019. 6. 30. · Newsletter No. 296 July 2019 Acting Minister Jeanie Cooper 655790314 E-mail: [email protected] Hon. Minister Rev. Alberto Araujo

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Page 1: Newsletter No. 296 July 2019 · 2019. 6. 30. · Newsletter No. 296 July 2019 Acting Minister Jeanie Cooper 655790314 E-mail: jeaniec3147@gmail.com Hon. Minister Rev. Alberto Araujo

Newsletter No. 296

July 2019

Acting Minister

Jeanie Cooper


E-mail: [email protected]

Hon. Minister

Rev. Alberto Araujo

Minute & Administrative Secretary

Susan Stacey

Tel.: 966713794

Email: [email protected]

Page 2: Newsletter No. 296 July 2019 · 2019. 6. 30. · Newsletter No. 296 July 2019 Acting Minister Jeanie Cooper 655790314 E-mail: jeaniec3147@gmail.com Hon. Minister Rev. Alberto Araujo

Page 1 Newsletter 296

July 2019

Hello Everyone

Well you can certainly tell the summer is on its way. The weather is really warming up, traffic is increasing and those uninvited visitors called cockroaches can now be seen scurrying around our homes. I dislike them intensely, although Geoff says they are harmless. I don’t care, I still do not like them.

We had a great time at the Pot Luck Lunch Pool Party at Rick and Jose’s. People brought a wide variety of food from the savoury to the sweet. It was a magnificent spread. The dip in the pool brought welcome relief from the heat. A good time was had by all. Many thanks to Rick and Jose for their hospitality.

As far as the Christian year has progressed we have celebrated Pentecost. Pentecost happened 50 days after the Passover and was the time when people gathered in Jerusalem after the first barley crops were harvested to say thank you.

At the first Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples they were altogether in Jerusalem. The Holy Spirit manifested itself in tongues of fire. As they were filled with the Holy Spirit the disciples had the ability to talk in tongues. This meant that the many visitors to Jerusalem for Pentecost were able to understand what the disciples had to say about Jesus because they spoke in a variety of languages.

As part of our service for Pentecost a group of people read the first five verses of Acts chapter 2 altogether in different languages: Italian, Spanish. French, German, Welsh and Latin, much to the amusement of the congregation. But the point was made...how it must have sounded 2000 years ago when the disciples spoke in tongues. The congregation also received handmade tongues of fire (cut from red, orange and yellow card) to remind them of the meaning of Pentecost From now until the beginning of December we have what is known as Ordinary time. There are no spectacular events in Jesus’ life recorded, but we do get to hear some of His parables and miracles, the healing of various people, both Jew and Gentile. During these months we start to learn about His ministry and appreciate what Jesus’ ministry is all about. How He loves and cares for us and teaches us to love one another as we love ourselves. The parables are a good way for Jesus to get His point across, using events familiar to those living during His life time which may not always be appreciated by us, as time has moved on.

Please remember in your prayers all those who need to feel God’s loving, healing arms around them so they are able to make good recoveries. Especially thinking of little Destiny and his parents who desperately need a miracle to ensure the little one recovers quickly.

Also pray for a new pastor, but also for those already responsible for the running of our church that they have the dedication to continue their good work. Also remember in our prayers all of us who are travelling during the next couple of months, wherever they are going. Pray for safe flights and journeys. May God bless you and keep you. May the Holy Spirit fill you with His grace and love now and for ever. Amen. Yours in Christ

Pastora Jeanie

La Siesta Evangelical Church

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Page 2







SUNDAY 28th 11:15am


Pastora Jeanie Cooper

Please remember in your Prayers

Sue Stacey Elder: Kathy Walton-Brown

Floral Donations

Gordon Newlands Elder: Jack Doonan

Pastora Jeanie Cooper Elder: Jack Doonan

Pastora Jeanie Cooper Elder: Kathy Walton-Brown

If you know anyone who is sick, at home or in hospital, please advise the Minister or any Elder so that a

visit can be arranged.

La Siesta Evangelical Church


Elder: To be Advised

Galatians 6: 7-16 Luke 10: 1 –11 and 16-20

Colossians 1: 1-14 Luke 10: 25-37

Psalm 121 Luke 10: 38-42

To be Advised

Colossians 2: 6-19 Luke 11: 1-13

Alison Ledwith John Doonan Michael Thompson Mike Bruton Linda Perry Laura Loft Dor & Mick Ramsbottom Myrna & Roger Coleman Jo Simpkiss Stuart Ray Eva Tucker Kelly Blackwood Malcolm Skevington Sue Howells Don Kirkpatrick Joyce Curtis Maxine Rudd Montse

Bryan O’Leary Andrew Jeffrey Kathy Walton Brown Jo Jennings Pam Brown Florent Marilleau May Hurst Jean & Bob Gulch Tony Harrison Susanna Wright Gareth Pugh Elaine Linsell Bernard Cox Carol Biggs Bert Meisner

Ann Marie (sister of Sandra Garman) John Collis Craig Harlock Joshua Williams Christa Hofheinz Concha Leslie Harris Emma Stephen Treseder Nina Treseder David Manzanas Sandra Garman Destiny

Floral donations resume in September

Flower Convener: Christine Watkins 694437698

Minister’s Letter


Church Diary 2

Mozambique 3,4


May Fayre 4

Rick’s Pool Party


Horrors of the Spanish Civil War (part 2) Bombings Destiny


Ladies Friend-ship Group Crescendo Choir


Magnets 8

It’s just a thought


Organisations 10

Church Info 11

Newsletter 296

July 2019

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Page 3

La Siesta Evangelical Church Newsletter 296

July 2019

Dear Team

Below is an update from Tracey, with plenty for us to be praying about.

I’m grateful to be able to report that, thanks to a generous personal gift, Tracey has been

able to book 10 days away in Cape Town in July. She’ll be attending a conference at which a

good friend from UK is speaking, and meeting up with another lady with whom she loves

spend time. Plus having a few days holiday. Huge thanks to the donor.

Thank you for praying,


Tracey writes:

Sina's scope is booked for June 20th; and Felismina will have a bone density scan on the

21st. Brandie from Zimpeto is coming with me to help look after the girls while I am in the

hospital with the other!

Three of our team are leaving (2 left on Friday) as they have been unable to renew visas -

leaving the team "small" again!! Steve and Ros, Centre Managers, will be away again soon


Somehow I am overseeing not only my dorm and the Baby House, but now one of the boys’

dorms (with 17 boys) for a month ..... please pray for sanity and energy! The baby house

has 8 month old twins who have been very sick and severely malnourished! They are

turning the corner - Alberto and Liloca are their names. Liloca is HIV+ and lactose intolerant

- creating a few challenges and has already been hospitalized once!

On Wednesday I also received twins into my house - Julia and Francisco. It meant Lucas and

Sussalia had to move out (!) at short notice - but they seem to be settled and happy in a

very short space of time. Julia and Francisco are just adorable - but boundary-less, which is

quite a challenge!!!

Trip to South Africa

On June 20th Tracey will be taking both Felesmina and Sina to South Africa for medical

procedures. The costs are very high but Tracey reports that the finance for both was raised

by generous donations from all “The Team” both through the crowdfunding page on

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Newsletter 296

July 2019 Page 4

La Siesta Evangelical Church


This year our May Fayre reverted to its previous form being held in the springtime rather

than as a joint effort with he Ladies’ Friendship Group in the Christmas period.

The event was well patronised and raised the amazing amount of 1446€ for our funds.

The weight of the cake in the “Guess the weight of the cake” competition was 2lbs 13oz.

Kathy Walton Brown guessed 1 oz over and Moira Doonan guessed 1 oz under and as they

were the nearest, with the wisdom of Solomon, they cut it in two and shared it.

Facebook and from individuals. Here are the photos taken as they arrived in South Africa.

Last sleep before we hope

what will be the last ever

scope and an all clear.

Heading to the hospital at

6:30 tomorrow.

(See Page 5)

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La Siesta Evangelical Church Newsletter 296

July 2019 Page 5


A splendid Pool Party was held on Saturday June 15th courtesy of Rick and José. A fine

time was had by all and the raffle raised the sum of 106€ for Church funds.

Only two braved the water but the Lifeguard was on hand!!


DONE!! Given the "all clear" in terms of no new growths/

changes - so no more scope procedures necessary!

Hoarseness is due to scarring on her vocal chords (which

thickens) . When she can eat "normal" again there will be a big

celebratory meal. Tonight - a meal in the microwave. . A BIG

thank you to everyone who prayed, gave and stood with us

through this 5 year journey.

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Page 6 Newsletter 296

July 2019 La Siesta Evangelical Church



During the Spanish Civil War in 1938 there were two

deadly aerial bombings in Alicante and Torrevieja.

On 25th May 1938 Italian Air Force bombers dropped

around ninety bombs on Alicante, hitting the Central

Market. Reports vary on the number of casualties

between 275 and 393 civilian deaths and 1000


Then a few months later on 25th August 1938 in another cowardly attack the Italian Air Force

bombed Torrevieja killing 19 people including 8 children who were queuing in the harbour

area to buy fish.

As well as the Italians, the German Air Force also assisted Franco in bombing raids during the

civil war, including Guernica and Madrid.

Gordon Newlands


As many of you may have heard, Destiny, the youngest member of our Church family was

severely injured in a scalding accident on June 11th. He was taken to a specialised Intensive

Care Unit in Alicante General Hospital and underwent surgery the next day. As you can see

his progress has already been remarkable but there is still a long way to go. Mum, Joy, is

living with him and visitors are welcome and much appreciated. He is in room 661 on the

sixth floor.

The family is in a difficult situation and a

group has been set up to help with food,

clothing and other necessities. The co-

ordination of the gifts will be organised by a

group consisting of Pastor Keith, Sue Stacey

and Howard Cook so if you would like to

contribute please speak to one of them and

establish what is required at that time.

Please remember the family in your prayers.

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Newsletter 296

July 2019 Page 7 La Siesta Evangelical Church


Monday 3rd.June

A wonderful day out organised by Mary and Lyndsey on behalf of Ladies Friendship Group. A coach trip first stop for coffee in El Pinos, then off to Jumilla to pick guide Maria up who took us to the vineyards and told us about them. Then back to bodega, tables with chutney, cheese, bread, Spanish meats and variety of wine. Plenty of wine buying! Then off for a typical Spanish menu del dia more wine!! Then a quiet coach

going home! Thanks to Mary y Lyndsey

Next meeting Monday 9th September, salt train in Torrevieja and lunch, if you have not put your name down you must contact Deborah.

Christmas lunch 2nd December

As I told you all I will be collecting money at meeting in October and we have eleven seats left. Please let me know if you would like one for a friend at [email protected]. We are happy to tell you that Pat Distin has kindly offered her help so Pat can also be contacted on [email protected]. Have a good summer and see you in October.

For any further information contact Debbie Capewell on [email protected]

On Monday 10th. July Crescendo choir gave a

concert in our Church. The event was a huge

success and a most enjoyable evening was had by


The magnificent sum of 311,45€ was raised for

our Church funds.

Our thanks goes to the choir members and all

involved in a great performance.


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Newsletter 296

July 2019 Page 8 La Siesta Evangelical Church


Once again “MAGNETS” children’s club run by Rev. Steve Campbell and his wife Irene-

Maria returns for 2019 . Meetings each Thursday from 28th. July until 22nd. August from

10:30am to 12:30pm. All children from 4 upwards are welcome.

There are no charges

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July 2019 La Siesta Evangelical Church

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Page 10

Our Prayer Chain addresses both concerns and joys. The information passed along is strictly


All you need to do to be part of our prayer chain is to phone Megan Wright on 96 678 5513 or

Sharon Rippon on 96 678 6503 or [email protected]



Choir is currently in

Summer Recess


Contact Pastora Jeanie Cooper for details

Newsletter 296

July 2019


La Siesta Evangelical Church

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La Siesta Evangelical Church

Page 11



Newsletter 296

July 2019

La Siesta Evangelical Church is an ecumenical English speaking congregation drawn from

Baptists, Methodists, United Reform, Church of Scotland, Presbyterian Church in Ireland

and several other denominations. We belong to the Iglesia Evangélica Española or Spanish

Evangelical Church, a Presbyterian Church in which we are part of the Presbytery of


Our Membership Secretary is Helen Tudor and you should contact her or any other Elder at

any service if you are interested in joining our Church. Helen´s telephone number appears

in the Elders section on this page.

If you are a visitor we cordially invite you to sign the visitors' book at the front door. We do

have many visitors especially in the holiday months and it is very easy for "new faces" to be

missed. You will notice that the Elders and members of the Fellowship Committee are

identified by badges and we urge you to attend the refreshments after the service and to

introduce yourselves. We are really interested in meeting visitors to our services.

CHURCH ELDERS (Please contact if required)

The next issue of this newsletter will be published on July 28th . Contributions may be sent to the

editor, Howard Cook, in writing, by e-mail to [email protected] or by telephone to

96 670 0131

Rick Boyle 69 185 9742 Gordon Newlands 96 671 8425

Deborah Capewell 67 950 1543 Sharon Rippon 96 678 6503

Howard Cook 96 670 0131 Sue Stacey 96 671 3794

José Cueto 69 185 9742 Helen Tudor 96 671 7582

Jack Doonan 96 676 9616 Kathy Walton-Brown 96 570 6222

Sandra Garman 96 597 5457