Notre Dame de la Mer Parish www.notredamedelamer.org Our Mission Statement The love of Jesus Christ gathers us together to welcome and embrace all God’s Children. El amor de Jesus Cristo nos unifica para acoger a todos como hijos de Dios Mass Schedule St. Ann Church 2901 Atlantic Avenue Wildwood Monday to Friday (Chapel) 7:00 AM Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 10:30 AM 7:00 PM (Spanish) Confessions Saturday ~ 3:30 PM Assumption Church 7101 Seaview Avenue Wildwood Crest Monday to Friday (Kelly Hall) 8:30 AM Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 8:30 AM Confessions Saturday ~ 3:30 PM January 14, 2018 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Notre Dame de la Mer Parish Business Office Hours Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Closed Saturday & Sunday, Religious Holydays and Civic Holidays.

Notre Dame de la Mer Parish · 2018-01-09 · Notre Dame de la Mer Parish Our Mission Statement The love of Jesus Christ gathers us together to welcome and embrace all God’s Children

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Page 1: Notre Dame de la Mer Parish · 2018-01-09 · Notre Dame de la Mer Parish Our Mission Statement The love of Jesus Christ gathers us together to welcome and embrace all God’s Children

Notre Dame de la Mer Parish


Our Mission Statement

The love of Jesus Christ gathers us together to welcome and embrace all God’s Children. El amor de Jesus Cristo nos unifica para acoger a todos como hijos de Dios

Mass Schedule

St. Ann Church 2901 Atlantic Avenue

Wildwood Monday to Friday (Chapel) 7:00 AM Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 10:30 AM 7:00 PM (Spanish)

Confessions Saturday ~ 3:30 PM

Assumption Church 7101 Seaview Avenue

Wildwood Crest Monday to Friday (Kelly Hall) 8:30 AM Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 8:30 AM

Confessions Saturday ~ 3:30 PM

January 14, 2018 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Notre Dame de la Mer Parish Business Office Hours

Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

Closed Saturday & Sunday, Religious Holydays

and Civic Holidays.

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Letter From Rev. Joseph Wallace, Pastor

Due to last weekend’s snow event and delay in the delivery of bulletins, we are repeating

Fr. Wallace’s letter for your convenience.

Dear Parishioner, This weekend we celebrate the feast that separates us from our Jewish forbearers and all other religions. In the fullness of time, as foretold by the Prophets, God Himself would come to the rescue of humanity, incarnate as Jesus Christ. In Him, humanity, fallen by sin, is restored to a right relationship with the Divine. Jesus, the realization of the hope of Israel for salvation is revealed to the Gentile nations, represented by the three Magi, as the Savior of the world! Jesus Christ is as St. Luke explains, “a light for revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of your people Israel!” I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends. I would like to thank all of you for your generosity in your Christmas donations and flower contributions. The churches looked beautiful because of the hard work of our Art and Environment Ministry headed by Jude Skocki Kelly. The music at our celebrations were magnificent! Thank you Jonathan Delgado and our wonderful choirs! Thank you liturgical ministers, sacristans, ushers, servers, Eucharistic ministers, lectors and all those who in any way enhance our worship experience! We are so blessed to have so many good and generous people who give of their time, talent and treasure to our beloved parish in so many ways. To them all thank you and may the Lord bless you for your goodness. The joy of the Christmas season was dampened a bit by the illness of our parish secretary Pat Manning and the sudden death of her husband John. I ask that you keep Pat and her family in your prayers during this difficult time for them. I ask that you be patient as the parish staff temporarily fills in the duties of parish secretary. As we begin this New Year the parish staff that serves you is in the planning stages of setting the foundation for a realignment of ministerial oversite, in order to serve the spiritual needs of our entire parish family. We are seeking to breathe new life into our religious education, adult education, RCIA, and all ministerial outreach here at Notre Dame de la Mer Parish. As this process of renewal unfolds, I will share with you our results and plans. Also beginning in March, which is right around the corner, the diocese and parish will begin a capital campaign, “Catholic Strong” that will help to reach some of the goals we have as a parish to update, renew and expand our ministerial outreach to all segments and age groups in our parish. Stay tuned for further details! I’m happy to congratulate Mr. Kevin Quinn, our parish administrator, who has been personally appointed to the newly formed Diocesan Pastoral Council by Bishop Sullivan. Kevin, who is beginning his last semester at Villanova University toward his Masters in Church Administration, was chosen by Bishop Sullivan for this important diocesan position because of his pastoral and administrative acumen and dedication. Kevin also serves on another diocesan steering committee charged with creating a diocesan-wide Men’s Spirituality Conference. It is an honor for both Kevin and our parish! I pray for good health, spiritual growth, happiness and all blessings upon you and your families in this New Year! Fr. Wallace

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Saint Ann Church SATURDAY January 13 4:30 PM Margaret E. Smith r/b Husband, George Jimmy O’Shaughnessy r/b Family Frank J. Furey r/b Family Anna and Angelo Terrigno r/b Family Anthony Mendolera r/b Family SUNDAY January 14 10:30 AM Bill Bolle r/b Dodi & Bill Briggs Bob Lamb r/b his Wife, Joy James Leary r/b Charles & Harriet Feeney James Polaski r/b Fred Schweikert Thomas & Marian Hastings r/b Mary Pat Dorothy Theresa Matthews r/b her Husband, Pat MONDAY January 15 7:00 AM Thomas kelhower r/b his Wife, Theresa TUEDSAY January 16 7:00 AM Intentions of the Priest WEDNES. January 17 7:00 AM Intentions of the Priest THURSDAY January 18 7:00 AM Intentions of the Priest FRIDAY January 19 7:00 AM Intentions of the Priest SATURDAY January 20 4:30 PM Bill Bolle r/b Mc Guigan Family Doris Dool r/b Paul E. Gusty Betty Mansfield r/b Joy Lamb John Manning r/b Carol D’Alessandro

Assumption Church

SATURDAY January 13 4:30 PM Gregory Lacivita r/b his Family Jack Burke r/b Dot Bowman & Family Ed Masterson, Sr. r/b Kita Family SUNDAY January 14 8:30 AM Ed Masterson, Sr. r/b Janice Schumann MONDAY January 15 8:30 AM Ed Masterson, Sr. r/b Miriam Clunn TUESDAY January 16 8:30 AM Carmella Catanese r/b Ed & Mary Ann WEDNES. January 17 8:30 AM Ed Masterson, Sr. r/b Katz Family THURSDAY January 18 8:30 AM Peter Backes r/b Ed & Margot Murphy FRIDAY January 19 8:30 AM Intentions of the Priest

Assumption Church SATURDAY January 20 4:30 PM Richard Mc Ginty r/b his Wife, Lydia


Barkovitch, Christian Buscham, Joseph Carfagno, Nikki Carty, Don Chiancone, Christine Chism, Dolores Connelly, Angie Dabbingino, Rick Davis, Dan De Maio, Rosemarie Delgado, Marion & Dana Di Caprio, Betty Elkins, Ken Ford, Linda Marie Gallo, Helen Garagosa, Joanne Golley, Catherine Gorman, Anne & David Grasso, Drew Heimack, John B. HoweNancy Ann Hoffman, Maryanne Holden, John Howe, Dottie Incarvito, Christine Kalivas, John Koch, Charlotte Konopka, Kasia Kozlowski, Charles Long, Max Lopez, Betty Mansfield, Baby Mattia Therese Lubrano, Dolly Mc Gee, Marge Mc Mullin, Mary Ann Metzger, Marie Murphy, Mary Newman, Lynn Nichols, Bob Palese, Michael Popper, Dom Romeo, Cheryl Saint Marie, Michael Bailey Schafer, Steven Seeberger, Michael Schaefer, Leanna Shortall, Joe Stella, Stephan Tomassi, Luke Trask, Bob Tschinkel, Brian Uetz, Bob Wallace, Sister Rosaline Walters, Dot Vargo, Jack Weis, Dawn Herman Williams, Caitlyn Young. Also, anyone who wishes to receive Communion may also call the parish office.

Sanctuary Lamp The Sanctuary Lamp at St. Ann Church is lit for: Souls of Connie Petrosino & Rita Cecilia r/b Jim & Rita Di Bruno and The Sanctuary Lamp at

Assumption Church is lit for: Our Servicemen & women

Mass Intentions

Pray for Our Deceased

John M. Flara Edward J. Masterson,

Sr. Michael Gallo Veronica Hall

Dolores Connelly

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“Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to them, ‘What are you looking for?’” - JOHN 1:38

What are you looking for? Are you wasting your time looking for the material comforts of the world? Or, is your heart longing for something deeper that can only be found by spending time with God? Take time, each day, in si-lence and ask the Lord what it is that He wants from your Stewardship.

Parish Information

Sacraments Pre-Baptismal Classes: As the primary educators of their child, the parents/guardians and godparents have the most important influence on the faith development of children and parishes must provide catechesis for them before their child is baptized. Notre Dame de la Mer Parish offers six Baptism Preparation Classes throughout the year. It is important for the expectant parents/guardians to arrange to attend a session 5 months before the birth and Baptism of the child. Contact the parish offices for more information. The next class is scheduled for Saturday, January 20, 2018 from 9:30 to 11:00 AM. Funerals: To be arranged with a priest and funeral director. Sacrament of the Sick: Anytime Marriage: Arrangements should be made one year in advance and prior to making reception plans.

Spanish Baptism Information Baptism: The Last Sunday of each month, at 7:00 PM at St. Ann Church. Pre-Jordan Classes: The Thursday prior to the celebration of Baptism at 7:00 PM in St. Ann Chapel. Bautismos en Espanol: Ultimo Domingo de cada mes a las 7:00 in Santa Ana. Clases Pre-Bautismales: El jueves anterior a la celebración del bautismo a las 7:00 pm en la iglesia de Santa Ana.

The House of Charity – Bishop’s Annual Appeal seeks to raise funds to provide care, respect, justice, peace and dignity for every soul in the Diocese of Camden. We ask that you prayerfully consider how this annual program provides solace, support and grace to thousands of your brothers and sisters in Christ and give, generously, in support of the 2017 House of Charity – Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Your support of the 2017 House of Charity – Bishop’s Annual Appeal ensures the vitality of essential Dioce-san ministries and programs that sustain the healing, teaching and redemptive presence of Jesus Christ through the Diocese of Camden. Our parish goal is $148,799.00 of which we have received $64,385.00.

Parish Giving is a safe, secure, and easy way to make On-line parish and church related donations and payments. It is convenient and easy and offers you a variety of options. Please give it a try by going to our parish webpage www.notredamedelamer.org and clicking on the Parish Giving button.

Welcome Center Please stop by and check out the new welcome center. At the Welcome Cen-ter you can obtain Mass Cards, learn about upcoming parish events and find out volunteer opportunities. This center will be evolving over time. Keep your eyes open for new happenings. The center should be open after every weekend mass, if it is not open that is because we are waiting for YOU to fill this volun-teer spot!

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Parish News

Volunteers in Medicine Volunteers in Medicine provides free healthcare for our neighbors in need and relies on volunteers to man the clinic. If you can spare up to 4 hours a week to help please contact Anne Marie at 609-463-2846 or [email protected]” would be appreciated .

Forever Young Club presents “Jesus” @ Sight & Sound Theater April 26, 2018 Cost: $125.00 per person

Package Includes: Motor Coach Transportation, Lunch at Shady Maple Restaurant, Reserved Seats Seating on Main Floor for the 3:00pm Show “Jesus” at Sight & Sound Theater-Lancaster, Pa

To make a reservation, Please call Kay Tombleson at: 609-536-2865


Forever Young

If anyone is interested in joining a mixed Senior Citizens Bowling league. This will be a 12 week league (no experience needed) every Thursday at 2 PM at the Island Bowl located at New Jersey and Oak Avenues. please contact Don or Linda Fasolo at 267-825-0521 or 215-260-3669.

Holy Hour of Intercession The Youth and Young Adults Office at the Diocese of Camden requested that parishes come together in Intercessory Prayers for our youth. With so many daily distractions and temptations negatively affecting the mind, body, soul and spirit of our young people, it is important that we pray for healthy interactions and correct moral values in their lives. We are therefore providing time each month when parishioners can come together to pray for all children and young adults, as well as all the intentions they hold in their hearts. There will be no Holy Hour held during the month of January Our next holy hour will be Monday, February 19, 2017 ( the third Monday of the month), at 1:30 PM, at St. Ann Chapel, located near the parking lot of the Church (toward the ocean) at Atlantic & Glenwood Avenues, Wildwood, we will hold a Holy Hour of intercession before the Blessed Sacrament.

At Knights of Columbus Hall

206 New York Avenue North Wildwood

3rd Thursday of every month 01/18, 02/15, 03/15

Time: 1-3 pm Cost: $8.

Music will be provided

Sponsored by Ladies for the Knights

Contact: Pat 610-246-1079

Sisters of St. Joseph 2017 Chance Drive Winners

Thank you to everyone who purchased chances and supported the Sisters of St. Joseph during this year’s

chance drive.

1-$10,000 Winner Sunnil Bartlett, Philadelphia

10-$500 Winners

Joann McNichol ~ Upper Black Eddy, Bob & Marge Powell ~ Wildwood, Jeanne Doherty ~ Philadelphia,

Dave Breen ~ Media, Susan Prendergast ~ Willow Grove, Richard Hykes ~ Washington, DC, Juliet

Roman ~ Warminster, Pat Donaldson ~ Newfield, Hank Burger ~ Atco, Mr. & Mrs. Patton ~ Glenside

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Mission Statement of Wildwood Catholic High School: Since 1948, Wildwood Catholic High school has provided a value-centered, college preparatory education to the youth of Southern New Jersey. We nurture hearts and minds by the light of Christ forming well-rounded individuals who will shape their communities through leadership and service. All are welcome to become part of our tradition.

For information, or bulletin content please contact our Development Director: Julie Roche [email protected]

Wildwood Catholic High School

The WCHS Scholarship Test for incoming freshman is - Saturday, February 10, 2018 -

save the date to register your child now! The top finishers earn a scholarship for all four years of

attendance. Your child must be registered for the Class of 2022 to take the test.

Call Mrs. Roche today! 522.2704 email: [email protected]

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Cape Trinity Catholic School

Mission Statement of Cape Trinity Catholic : A school for critical thinking, is based on gospel values and the promotion of academic excellence. We challenge all to engage in meaningful learning and to make Christ-like decisions in an environment rich in prayer and service. With the support of our caring community, we aspire to develop students who will celebrate life and make a positive difference in the world.

Phone: 609-522-2704 Website: www.capetrinitycatholic.org For information on admission or bulletin content please contact our Development Director: Julie Roche~ [email protected]

Preschool 4 Registration is happening now for 2017.2018! PK 4 offers a full day curriculum, Spanish, art, music and gym.

~ Join the Cape Trinity Catholic family and save your seat today ~ Mrs. Julie Roche [email protected] 522.2704

If your child turns the age of 4 by September 30, 2018 - they are eligible for our full day program. Call to schedule a visit today !

Stay connected online! Website: capetrinitycatholic.org

Facebook page: Cape Trinity Catholic School

Instagram: ctcstars

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Engaged Encounter Ministry Good things are happening on Engaged Encounter Retreat Weekends! Comment from recent weekends include: “Re-affirmation of Catholic faith re-enforcing the strength of marriage.”

Upcoming Weekends March 9-11, 2018 ~ June 8-10, 2018

Couples are reporting a much needed weekend of spiritual connection and opportunity for improved couple communication in preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage. Encourage your engaged couples, to consider attending a Weekend! Consider sponsoring them for this retreat. Contact: Mary Lou Hughes 856-583- 2903


Real home improvement is not about hammers and nails; it’s about relationship. Enrich your marriage. Enrich your home. Make a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. The next weekends are Oct 20-22 and Dec 8-10, 2018. Questions? Need more information? Call our application couple at 609-741-8012 or email [email protected]

Visit our website wwme-southjersey.org

Parish News Diocesan Information

Notre Dame de la Mer Parish Presents

Discover Greece: In the Footsteps of St. Paul the Apostle

OCT 17th to 27th 2018

Featuring a night Greek Island Cruise Cultural Experiences Visit the Museum of Byzan�ne Culture See the cave on Palms where John, inspired by God, wrote the Book of Revela�on Visit the House of Mary, where she is said to have spent her last days A guided tour takes you along the Sacred Way to see the Doris Temple and the Sanctuary of Apollo Must- See Inclusions Visit the ruins of Ephesus Travel to the coastal town of Kavala, where Paul first set foot on European soil Visit the breathtaking Oia Village, perched on the Calder rim on the Island of Santorini For more informa�on contact Phyllis Bocelli 609 425 9523 [email protected] Brochures Available in the Welcome Center

IRS Statement for 2017 Contribution If any parishioner would like a statement of contribution to the church for 2017, please complete the form to below and return it to the parish center or drop it into the collection basket.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Please mail me a copy of my 2017 contributions for IRS purposes.




Envelope No.______________________________ Phone No._____________________________

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General Information Community Information

Lazarus House (Emergency Food Pantry)

“For I was hungry and you gave me food”…

We welcome all donations of food and personal care items delivered to Lazarus House on any Monday, Wednesday or Friday between 10:00am and 12:00 noon. Lazarus House is located at the First Presbyterian Church of Wildwood at Burk and Pacific Aves, Wildwood, NJ. Items can also be placed in the baskets by the doors of St. Ann and Assumption churches. Contributions of gift cards, checks, bequests, or in memory of someone can be mailed to: Lazarus House PO Box 1792, Wildwood, NJ 08260. Information or questions please contact Frank Stone at the pantry;


and Office Keeping everyone safe is our main concern! In order to accomplish this we ask that you please fol-low the procedure below when weather is not favora-ble in the morning to attend Mass. Please listen to the radio to see if Cape Trinity Catholic School or Wildwood Catholic High School is closed-if the schools are closed there will be no morning mass. (This is for the 7:00AM and 8:30 AM Mass)….also the Parish Office would probably be closed. Please do not take chances that are not necessary. In the event of inclement weather, weekend masses will be decided as needed.

2018 March for Life in Washington, DC 56-passenger, restroom-equipped buses going from Cape May County to the 2018 March for Life in Wash-ington, D.C. on Friday, January 19, 2018

If you are interested please contact bus co-captains:

Alvin Westerland : (609 374-0499)

Steve Atzert : (609 465-7765 or [email protected])

to reserve your seat or if you have any questions.

There is a $10.00 fare. (Bus chartered by Cape May County Right to Life from Senior Travel Service, Inc.)

Join the Forever Young Club for a fun-filled getaway to Cleveland,

OH Featuring the Rock & Roll Hall of

Fame May 20-23, 2018

*Your 4 Days/3 Night Package Includes: *Motor coach transportation *3 Nights lodging at the Drury Plaza Hotel-Downtown Cleveland, OH *Managers Kick back reception daily 5:30-7:00pm *3 Deluxe Continental Breakfast at the hotel *Dinner Cruise on the Nautica Queen *Buffet Dinner at Jack Casino-Cleveland, OH *Admission to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame *Guide tour of Cleveland to include: A visit to the Federal Reserve Bank, Money Museum, Lakeview Cemetery featuring many famous people including John D. Rockefeller. *Admission to the movie site of “A Christmas Story” *Visit to the Flight 93 National Memorial in Shanksville, Pa. A tribute to 9/11 *Hotel taxes & Baggage handling (1 bag pp) & Driver gratuity included *Single: $780.00 *Double: $575.00

To make a reservation contact: Phyllis Bocelli at: 609-425-9523

New Lector Training On Tuesday, January 30, 2018 there will be a training session for all those who wish to become a lector for our parish. The training session will be held at St. Ann’s Church from 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM. All applicants must be fully initiated members of the Church (Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist). In addi-tion, the person must have the ability to carry out the ministry. If you would like to take part in this training session please call the parish office and speak with Jonathan Delgado. (522-2709 X219)

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Staff Directory

PParish Offices 1500 Central Avenue

Suite 100 North Wildwood, NJ 08260

Phone: 609-522-2709 Fax: 609-522-9375


Pastor Rev. Joseph D. Wallace………….....x215

Parochial Vicars Rev. Yvans Jazon……………………….x214 Rev. Cesar A. RebolledoRamirez..x211

Parish Administrator Mr. Kevin Quinn….……………….. ...x217

Parish Catechetical Leader Mrs. Carolyn Miller…………………...x218

Pastoral Associate – RCIA and Baptismal Preparation Deacon Nick Danze Director of Music & Liturgy Mr. Jonathan Delgado……………..x219 [email protected]

Bookkeeper Mrs. Anna Landis…………………...x213 Parish Secretary/Volunteer Coordinator Mrs. Pat Manning…………………...x210 Religious Ed. Assistant Ms. DonnaMarie Black…..……...x222 Funeral Coordinator / Altar Servers Ms. Patricia Monaghan…………..x221

More Parish News

Parish Activities Mary, Refuge of Sinners Prayer Group Wednesday after the 8:30 AM at Assumption Church in Msgr. Kelly Hall.

Knights of Columbus Our Lady of the Rosary Council #2572 Meetings are held the 2nd Monday of the month at 8:00 PM at the Council Home, 206 New York Ave, N. Wildwood. Columbian Squires Circle #558 a Catholic Young men’s organization for ages 11 thru 16. Contact Dan DeMaio 729-1427 or Tom Connelly 408-6398. Forever Young meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at 12:00 Noon at Kelly Hall for lunch and program. Our next meeting will be January 23, 2018. Legion of Mary Tuesday at 12:00 PM in St. Ann Chapel Adoration is held every Thursday after the 7:00 AM Mass until Noon at St. Ann Church. Divine Mercy Chaplet and Benediction 1st Friday of the month 3:00 PM at Assumption Church.

Gift Shop Notre Dame de la Mer Parish gift shop located at The Church of the Assumption is available to all! The gift shop is open before and after our weekend Masses at that location.

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