LIST OF UT/fERS Remaining in the Ne^ York Post OfUoo Saturday, & ^ptember 5, 1863. .ilelally Published in the Newspaper Having the Largest Circulation. LADIES LIST. A rfautueW Anderson Ann Arf.rn.Miw Ate^ndt rrt.m.c Al.,(J40a Mnl Abu AU-n-».»<«»rsa.-et * j uUtM li Arnold «rs (S J Ad«in»M.i>Y Ahr?il Mo< Calb V-ihworlli 'lurry A hern Mrs. Broom Aljr Atkm. Ann Althela Mary A ll« * Au»l,n M.» Edwd Alnaworlti Lacy A- « . .!> Avery Mm Reb-cca Akin Mrs Ann " c 3 MftSS'S&r ffiwy M g£ke? 8 Mi* Ellza-B^n Malv^na 2!k«Mr*Jane beth *t Bolle* Abby J SSklr Oertrude Beanhttm Mary B Uow.-n Vary Ann JJaJlar Mrstleorge Be. kett Christina BowersCatb £Uik Qraco Beth Eliza Saaua K D Br»<(v Cith llerrj Pannj Bagi»« BU hi* k M » L Win B«in*leiiiBrnestcln Bolton Mrs Blat'r Mary BcDew Ann Booacjua ^I*i} H kjKtrii Mrs 2tl iiv Belmoot Miss Hogui'l Rurnh D JBiak< ly Isabel Bell Mrs Meliia M BroUertck Anne BraleyV * B1«m Her Ltaaie M Brook* J***!* ""If/ Kllcn Blessey Mrs E Brooke V D Vary Brandon Mary Keusoti Ellen H 1 i»k» Mr 1 B BranuonXii .Bridge tBcuner Sail e liadwoiyiM.W 8 Rrunnon Adda Brewer Lebllc A BuillaghamMrsuW Kirnt't Jirt A Br,-un.nl Mr. Burni feenrieita rnard Mrs S Brennan Mrs Anna BurolaJUrU Barrett Mr. N M Bieeac Mary Barn. Mr. t b.rlott Barton Mra Ed/a BiigRs Mary 8"ri» .."JmcpI Majy Blidow Florence E Burko Bridget Barker Lottie W Burtch E H Cadwall EUen M Clnj Elizabeth a»u ¦' ;>1' ^fffSST^ Crawford Isabel Urb^Mrgia-'DC. nS-usr'-ssss:* . sw«v Sssuftu. SSSKAHU IStlit Clinton Bella cookHatile Cluuu Mi.. Coadey Marft _ Cook Frank ©lark Rum B COJllnMlaH, lGth St I 00k MtBtiai ah B Clark Louisa Cole Mr» M II Crouch Mrs Wesley Clark Mary 11 Collin. Mary Croabv Mr. HeuryB Clark Locker Lid. Cullman Mr., lltb stCroaia Hanora Carpenter SophronaConklin Llz*y Crow B'.jjn Caraon Mrs SaraB Connell Cath Crowny Mr. B M Carr Mrs Kate ConsidineMra, ParktTuiumlngs Mr. M A Carrell Margt street Cunimius Mary Carl C A ConnorCath Cunlghan Ann Carr k H Conroy Mai? Oumiiiighamlaabela Cavunajfh Mr. MaryConc Belle Culver Mra Laura Carr.ill Jennie Connely Elian Curtis MeryB Carltoa Betty Connely Margt CurrauMr.StpbAnn Caaslan Catb Coe EM Curtla Mra Eliza CaMidy Alice Oonr.i-haw Mar* Cun-cn Mrs JI D t'arliu Robecca t'on.ius Mary A Cutler Mra, 25tb it I) Painen Maria Deforre.t Amanda Doran Mra Oregory llarmb Mra Celia Devalli' Mrs Mary WDooorau M rlMargt Carrab Mra Bartow De I'bUipa Martin Donnelly MraOrftee Dana Mr. Andrew Ann DorlaMary Dana Nellie E DevoeMraOM Downe. Mr* Marjt Dantun Sarah Ann Dal.no Louisa A Doberty Mrs Wine- Davison Mary C Delsny Mr. Mary fred Dauson Mrs Jno W Drew Mary Donough Ann Davidson Sarah Di.-kinson Mr. O E Po igberty Margt Ditis Mr. Harriet Dinrnor« Mr. ChrlatDowTlng Honors Davi. Ellen Diuganan Jane Dow Isabella Davi. Mr* MaryAnnD >lion Mrs, I*earl atDoyle Oath Dsv.s Alice A Dillon Kate Dunne Mary Drake Susan E Ditto E.uma Duffle KlUa De silver Mr. J F Dinon Mr. M Duuleu Henrietta Dlanro Beron Dodce Maria Dulcn Ann K Katon Mrs Dolly Edsall Margaret Elliot Anne Bhel Louisa Edward«,Mra Ely Mr. LB E'lgarMrsHamlltotiEgin Mary Emorton L K Kdsou Mr. 8 1' Elll. Martha Engle. Sarah M Edwards Sarah Eltlng Mary Agnes Ester Misa, B'dway V Vhinder. Alls Ferry Mra Mlllan Fitch Susan A Flaherty Bridget Fergusoo Angle Fitzpatrick Anna Fanning Maria Freeman Martha L Fitzpatrick Rose Farrell Mr., 1st av Fleming Mary Fltr.gcraldMaryAnn Frankling MrsLau- French Mrs A R Frlirkel Mary ra A Filkln. Mrs ForbuahHenriettaM Franklin Letitia Finn Annie Folks Ann Francis Kate Fi.k Matilda Hprd Anna Fra/erMrsSN FiseberCath Foi Bosa Frankentbal Anna Fisher Kate W Foye Mr. Albert A Franklin HM Fisher Maria Po.terMraBllrabeth Frank Caroline Field. Mary Fuller Mary L Feenely Mrs, V arick _ Fuller Kate G - Galen. Aun Qlraaon Emma Oillrn Mra Mary (iarant Antolne Oli ason Lydla (lUflllan Kat* (lay J ennie Ueartv Sarah tlilraor Mr* Ecnrna Uay Ani>c M Gray Mary Olrai.d Madame Uanvert Martha (ireen Mr* Gordon Jennie F tlray Margaret D Ureely Mn J H Uoltbwalt Helen Uray Mr* G rut Mr. Isabella Gorton Mr. Melieea Otafiam Belle tlibney Ellen (lodfrv Mrs M Urabain Anny Oibbons MrnLizzle Gor.ndon Amelia Orabam Kmma J Gibson Mr. Wm Gouble 8 Garland Mrs Gibson Mailba Gorgan Margaret GaUahrr Mary Glbney Annie Uongelar Josephine iilauer Emily Goodwin Mary J llackett Abby narrlson B M Hogan Mra, Mul- Hams Mrs Cath Harden Hannah _ berrrr *t Hall Mr. Letitia UaywoodMraFS Howard Mr. Nettle Hall Margt llays Mrs Margt Howard Mattle J Ha<iley Liny llency Julia Howard Mra Jen- Mall Mary B Hesaw MraAua uette C Balllnau Margt HertzogMrsFrede- Hopper Elitabetk Uamiltou Mrs Em- rlaa Hopkins Mrs HuSan ma R IleonemanMrsMa* Hoyt Hannah M Uammitt Mrs H B riaC _ Hyatt Aunia bannen Nora Heydon Emma R Hv4lou Kann> Ilaalon Mary lloffiuan Anna llyatt Cain Uaneu Mary Hoiiabooin Mary Hylaud Elizabeth Haadlj Mrs Holcoinb Adda J Hutuphrya Biita Hart Mra Marv HoernllaMrsEmma Hudsou Lucy A ftanan Bridget Uogan Bridget Ilynds Mary Harris MrnFb.be Howe Mr. Cbarlolt Hudson Lucy HarrteftoiiMnSO "* .* #"r *srs -T? 1 laaley Harriet B <. Irrod Mrs Johnson Elizabeth .Kmson Anna Jeruuea Lillie John.tou Mra Jas RJOnes Cornell* JackMn Mrs C C Johnston Mrs ftarahjones Mrs An&le L Jennings Clara W Johnson Ann.tta Jones Sarah A jarkaan Mary Jobnaon Madaui Juel Josepbloe Johioon Mrs D M . Kenedy Mary Kerr Miss Margt King Mrs Olivia Keauan Maria Kenny Mra Oner Kinny Fannie . Kennedy Mary KeUyMr.JW Kiuarm Mia., Lex Kennedy Elira Ketteredge Mra C ington av Keualy Maggie Kibie M A Know lion Cora Kelly Mary Krone Helen V «. \jt LawtoB Jane Letts KHxaoeth Linntll Mrt Mary S Lachei\ltz Amanda Lager Mrs Paul Loomts Mrs C K LatifhUn Kan n Is Leane Miry Loaao Mr« Ltszte LAUKhhti Fauoie L Lemont Mary Long uV--'"""atet.W5 fcKai'si fexrrss. b£°iE?T«. Leiabton Mrs A M Livingston Blanche Lutz Mrs Mary Ann Lee Mrs Edward Lindner Mr. KlUe LynehMr^JatWine ^Lannoa Ellzab^ Liwa Mrik Houston Lynch Mra BoplilaA Maden Annie Meliegan Jane More Mrs Aisle Ann Hahan Eiien Meehan Briiaet Morrell Mrs Frank Hansfleld Elizabeth Miller Mr» Emily Moran Marr MaUne Hiitlset A.2 Mortimer Caroline ¦atftiire Mary Mid HetonMr§Msud MorrH Mrs Henrtet* Mafte Fannie .J Miller Amelia Jane ia B ¦ alone MrMJor^iua Mlnta Maria M on- Ed th Magdalena Helena Mofflt Mary Ann MorrMFlorenoe vir- Ma^e Mr. L H Moore Jennie glnla Mafill Catharine Moore Mary M.rgan Mr« Mattkraa Mrs Eli M"Ore Amanda T Morton Mrs Kate .aheth Mr>ooev Mrs John Morri* Aila B Marsb Fanny MontgomerrMrjEJ Murray Fannie Sarr Julia A Morre Celia M"rpl.y Hanuro Marion Fanny Mo'jre Edith Mullen Eli/a Martin Mr* Mary Moor* Christiana Murphy Mr. >-Arali Maron Bi eigrt Moor Auue or Fan Murphy Mra Mar.y Martin Ma'.ly nv Murphy Kate MarlinMmMargaret Moil Mrs Inabelia Muruby Bridget Matibews Klhtabeth Moorliouse s S M"l tiK»n Mrs Char R Morion MraV li ginia iottn ft Matthew. Mary __ Morrlaon Jeuulo Mac MeCariey ,'ane McCarthy Mrs MrfluireBewy McArthui Mr. Ca- M'Cullum Margt MctluireJane Ibeiine A M Air) Mli«. Ma II- Mclown, C'yHall pi McCoy Mary.2 son si MrFeely Mr« F F Met all Mr. 8H Mt-i oruiick Marr MrOafllginMr^ath McClunon M.irr Ann Mytiahy Marairet MrConecby Mr* MeDermot Oath McMann Mrs Mary Annie McOaunon MraMaryMcVav Kate Mn arthr Mr. Metiowan Kale or McKini(ieMr.ER-J McCabe Caih.iina McCnhbersoa Mrs MetHoughlin Mr. McCounell Kctieara McFea* Sarah ¦ Mowrkk Fanny Ninon Mr. LouiaaA NelMn Ann Nor»u«dMrsJennie Nealon Mr. Ann Newtou Katie E It Ogden Mr. Martha Outer .ridge Mrt O'MelllMr. Elizah h Oik. Mr. Mart.J O Donneil Cath Or bae Lo'izlrleAna Oakley Ame'la.1! O Learv Ellen Olaou r Mra O Ooanel Bridget O Loughllu Bridget F Fortei MrsCbarlottePear M .rgarei Price Mr. FarreMisElWabeib I'rentts. Mrs Mary 1'oriei Mrs CM Page hil/aheih Peters Fiedeif k Pollard Eunice H Patte'win S.llie A rreniis.Mi.FiankEI'owell Mis Maltha PadeirordMraM art- rr -ntia« MrsKona Pol el Mad E etia I'etler Brtdnet Poller Mnry I'arranlere Mr»0 A Prlee Mm lLirrietJ Power. M\rv Perkins Mr«, 7th st PhlUI|>« MU<. c.natPlnnkett Builly PendeigrassBilJgel lVlrre Jo«eii!iino P r.lv Kachel A t'aleraon Mr. Ja. C Pike Mrs R Nv Post Mr- ElUal>«th IjuUlau Mrs Ann ythaHliy Mrs Y H Kawllng. MrsKecse R.-l«vber Anue Rhodes Mr. L F K.aer Mr. r _ Reed Ann. Kolfs Mrs Ch. latla Kand.llMr.OT Riehsrjaon Llztle na Frederick Raymond Mattle N RHey Mlnai Robert. Mrs Caroi e Haiidolph Matilda Rllly Marga et Roe.li Mrs Mary Ra^im Ann« R iley Catharine R .«« M tr<si .-t Head Mr- s. phla Kl. har » isnceiW R ,'-ir>- n Mi. E H Reed Mrs MA Killer Mary RoUtoa Mrs Rv hael R>* Ifleld Mm L A Klnj Mr. Michael Rvan Mr« Rllia R ttels. Christina Rodihan M s Ellen R i>*>ltMrsPannle£ Re\n -Ids A L R meckerMsrr R.i.wl MrsS Kertsriisr . Roberts Mrs Minna Rt.ii Mary Ite rtacher Mra MaryRobertSon lle.llen Rus.ell Mr« F.llea Ke.d.lanu Ro'HnsouKinmaO-2 Ryan Mm Ann Reunion Margaret ^ R »a "usiii si. a til * Mr. tihermsn Emm* Sieve rs Marl* spia s.llie .T -»hf r«r .od S C Hel.oel'ler Cath H Ciatr Hell.i t>iev«n« Jenuie simnmiis Mtrn Jo 4iaei.(«r M .rgaret Beymour* Mrs A, .elili.ue ¦i an ev Mrs Anna Btoadway Siln«»:i Mrs A L a n an Mia Augusta Bievens Mrs .Tnlla Sinclair I la Ihanahan Cain Smith M s M.ry Sinlihers Nancy *a;o's Mrs M.iy ^niiu lle.ter simpsori Mr. Marg Si*nke I.adytlav.JSiiltb Mrs Leslie Soa< Mi«s -(nil.el M .iy s i. lib Mi t Mai v s.on Mar- E Saarn Mr. <sne .^miin E"a S>s»rd» Mis 0 A.2 »aui».l*r« Mrs. I4ih Hmllli Came Sir nt Ellen Shaw Ell . -^i| U F.« 'mr A < .inerx-' M irvAna eimion Minnie A -- uiib Msrv s.-aio«. t'sro'ine shsyMrsi in C lark smith Mary d sHI an Catharine *<amy Mrs Su- a mhi R;,/abeth It s demau Vary .lattery Catharine snit'i H-nrietta si.<.*rls M-s c P Sarget l Mrs A G Sm i AUreda Htor ii.MraVirainia le.iinaii Julia Hmltl. Mr> ,1a. R Stone Mr Cal SUelnoa Jean e M Sml 'iMrsMart Ann K-«»tt Mis Msr\-*2 ~enery Caioline A Sll.ers M.rgl aaln Mrs A .1 seller. Mrs Ann e S.lltoa Mr. Doctor s n .n Carol R elyn ll.rrle'A Doilltau Ms>» Street Mr. Harriet flim >tllnn MrsMary Hiiufert Mr. /h.s Mihmer Kate Rlom Rmma »r Mrt K*<* <telmerMrsMathllde8lmmonsMist.il!. ASuli.sn Mr* Eh,, abelton Mr. M A Rtrleklan I llsllieA Stuart Mr. C»: h *f*-ar Nelite bwtft Mis Bridget Smyth Ann .eeley Mr* F.sther £lmn in N vry SmViH Vr. ry y. .. fMSwaaMrsRmmaStnr'etnn Mrs S.ilhian llsnt.a Stephen Julia A Stlllwell Mr. R M SloLe. Mar.- K 4bertso«d Rarali Rhleld.Mr.AnnleM Srnveoni. Mary e'pt raaan JoslaD Hliiel IsMrsPr k'.P s III- hi is .i. ym«nr Mrs B M Tbau h..» Km S B Tibbal* Mr« K..,, - T.:vLr;«K.";:n. *¦"*» ?:?£"" Mr,Dj-- T°^'U"^T Mrz . jS V.U M '3 °« »r. Ed- & a luhcli Euima L Torn*/ Mrs Aon Trj'"* lr* Volliaelit Mm Mink Voohies Anuio I ».ir<l Verdun C'attiarioeB Van IX) kauri* Hra Uoh Viu,deuiIr»eiilr»A Vo.Hburg Julia W Wallace Mr* Ed Weiswnherger Mrs Wilun Mr* .Ittne inond Catharine \\ nith Mm Tb Wjetli Mra HF Wall b Mrt Auue Wi-UirMraAi.ua Wagner Mr* M Walati Eli/aU-th W alker Mr* Mag^-.e Weston Mollle Warrea Jeuaie William* Aun.t V nt<-r* Catbarta* William* Mary Wato r* Martha A Wilkin* ,tau<t Wnwi Mi>R A WliMm MrsSUSitU WalKOli Mm Mary JkkM Mrs A M n liicrtck Elu.»- W lii. it Metie \V limit! Mr* ilaU WhlleMrsMaryAan Wright E la Wcnlworlb llatt'e Whl.ile Margiret J West Mr* Emeiiue Wr itbt M r* Aimlra W'ltUor* Oub»|ia \\ inter hut hum Miss Wh.tnmre LUiin While Mr* Charln tt W lulteuiore Mr* William B W.tgmau Emily Wrihiy Mr*, ltin *t ,.N',h. Wi icy France* 8 . Wiirr Mailt* WiliianiMjosejihine Woil.'ndie. k Mary Warren Oharlottc Wllst A Ike Wood Nolly A i-kli Anu N WiiUuuu> MraMurta Wood Susannah West Mr* Win L Wooll Leah Wescott Mr* J Williams Mr* Mary Wort* Mr* J Y Yonnf.-* Margaret L Young Mr* Arnett Yerancc Mr* C Yottag Sophia W ttENTLK MEN'S LIST. A AiMerly Jno Adkr 3J Abioll ThoeH Abbott B K AbU>U <k Nable Allen Win Alien W U Allen Win P Allan Rev W 8 Altau A White Ackerman U Hani- Agen W W aou Aleiunder K Ailum* Ana Adam* Ctisanine Ailain* rharlie A A brain* EUas Akiander fa Aa.l re -v Hoe Albert An trews A Co Andrew i ASnelllng A me* Henry Apr.var E H A)i|iletun, Perklas ACo Armstrong J B Aleiunder Edward Arthur Lieut A. lam* J a* A Co Adams Jno.2 Adams R C Adam* R Mc Aiken* J B AiicbMHin Jno AIber«er J L Ai en H A Allen Jaa Alteu Jno BabiM B B Hacbeidor Jno Baclie A Puffer Bacon L M Hack ley Bantl Black ney W A Bradford E R ltrady Pat Brady * Braydou Ja* B BallrjUaney W Bain B Baker J L Baker J B Baker A Hamilton Benton B T AHyne Dr L Albro Jo*e Albro J C AUop A Brewer Aloott A Morion Allvn C B Ambroee B Aiuery Win Ami) Jno Armaloy Capt A A Ayer Danl Andtrmu Ben Ayera R B A rmiugtouCapiQeo Arnold 0 B Artault F A Ash well Jaa Atwood Joa AiiBtin Wm Amory Chas P A /ell Frank B Bleekman U Beer* Oris BeUool Chaa Bellamy, Bradly A Brown Harris Anderaou Hea J Brown Francis Brown Fornand* Brown Oeo McMahnn Beaa C ~ Blen M Benedict A Co Bennett B B Brown Hy A 1 Brown H Z Brown Win J Browu Jll Brown laaae J Bennett Frank Lm Brown Bath It I Bennett P T H Benkard Jas Benkendof Jno Bennett Blake H D Bloke Jaa Bell J W Ball Hosea Bali Jno Ball Wm Ball Wot 8 Ball Wm.3 Bergh Bergei Brown gjiveater Brown Whs J, Jr Brown* 0*o Baakowits A Boaiwick Kami ¦ Dr Oscar J Brotberton Jaa B ergon Pat BertH ferthoff Gilbert ertbolf Jno ? Berry an n Irwin S3 Baldwin Chaa Jen- Betbua* B*t Dr ni*on Baldwin Jno H Baldwin Jonlah Baldwin A Jones Ban* A Co Bunker Melvin T Banker Wm 8 Banks Bert Brandley V A Co Barnard O W Barber E Barringer Mr Barker Jno Barlow Col FC Barnes II Barrett Elliot Barton A Bro Boll* Louie Boocber Mr Bonok Jan W Bourk Martin Bourdonnay Joa Boukwall Cnas H Bow* Laurence I Brower Win B Brewster L G ACo Bowman A W Bayer Henry Breg Geo E Belts G F Boyd Beacb Sainl A Bicknall F B Brldgman Henry Brldginan Chaa F Buber Max Blgekjw Wm H Briggs Thos Brlgham B T Brlgham 3 B Bright Wm B righting J Q Briggs Jno Billon Peter Bartletie Alfred O Blngthall Cbas Barilette R H Blnns Meo Bartlette Htanly Bird N J Barrows Wm H Blrdiall Jno W Barrow A Hazelton Bishop D E Barry Tboa Barry Monsieur Bate J J A Co Bate Hen A Bales N D Bate* K A Co Batman Saml L Barrow Cn E Barrow L 8 Baumler Hergt H mile Bllu Fred E Briabane Hon Wm BuukerCJ Bowman Luther B Browning Jno Boyoe Henry Boyd Jno H Boyd Amos C Browning Hon W Bryan Michael Byerly A Co Broee Elijah Bruee A J Buckley Chaa A Burkroun E A Co Buckingham B Bugbec Saml J Buggelu Louis H Sukowltz R ulkllng Ed W Bulkllng Geo L Bulkllng W A Bulll Dr Jno Bullock jfko Bunker Cbas J llenry Brisbane Cbas Hoal* Robert Boardman O W Boardman 8 8 Brockway C O Bannen Jno Bruer Jaa Burke David Burckhardt E Burillek James P Bnrdon Wm Brockway Cbas 0 Burke Geo F BocklinCaptwernerBurneit Joa Bockrow Heln Burke J A Blodgett J Warren Buscbi J F Bohm Lieut E H Buabner F Bruah E A Burns Jno ui-ns I J urn* Bob! urns William Burnett Mr Burroughs C J Butcher A Hyde Browu Ale* 8 Buttcrworth Thoo _* Bro Butterworth W J Buuerworth Hen Cadwallader Dr P Chadwlek John Chadwlek Jonn L C»ddy ffm II Claggete Wm C Cannes John Callaghan Matt Cbamplln Captain Caaten J K EagoD 0 Caaler P S Camnerjor Wm H Caaler Wm Chamber! M 8 Oa*per Chas Cnnmberlaln Br»ln-Casslcky Jail .rf 8 SM»r&, Cannon Henry Cameron WD CandeM Albert W Crane DrA Crano Albert Crane Monroe Crane M B Crane A Brlgham Carey J as Chapln it D Clark l "apt Carbury J B Carey H D Carey Simeon B Clark John aarle* J W arles Philip B CUarlea Salem Charprat Louie C»rp«V" A *1 f Carpi# « ?teT88| Carr Chat 8»rrlngtOQ F F arrolTJ no C Carr-dl John Paul Cole S Carroll Wm Cole Capt Wm Carroll, Herrick A Colin Joeef Mead Cohu M Caraou las Coleman Frank Carter Andre* J Coleman Oscar Cathernoon A Ce Caslett.LurellttftCo Co] Claton Bdwln Hinry B Crawford J C Cluneland 11 W Creed J no Creerey C Jt Clereland O W Cros*) BJ Child Crro* . Cbilda Henry J Chllson Daniel CltneW B Chrtaly (leorge Christopher C Ctaneros Salvador Cochran AlexT Conn * Hon ft Co Cogswell David Crockett James Cole Mr Colien Lerhard B Conroy Thoe Comerford Frank Connell Pat Oonelly Mlckel Conrad Eira Cornwall J Conde II Clay Connelly Jaa Condon John Oonanl Albert P ?SSS%rW"C° Connolly Arehlbald Colllna Cicero Xtrlif Andrew Mo 1p* Lieut P In* B J Corrigan Jo* ^'ronby Damln B Cordovla BJ Cornellea Mlgnel wr Cask John II 1'iopeti Henry B Cooper Alexander Coreer Jesse O Corrlghan Joha Croaa Col Nelaoft CoT man Thos Coitman Dr Thoa Coughlan John Sougblan Wm owen Randall B CrowellCajnBturga* v3ic joun ^ Cole John Q Cole F M ilng* Jaa ngnam W B Cartner A J M Carnv Thoa Dale Thorns* W Dale Walter D.ily Jaiues Daly William A DolfguarJ A 8 Day William Dal* .lRme» Datley Chas E Daniel* Henry 0 Daily Patrick D in 1 Joseph Daniels Cba* it Daltou Patrick Dalton William Da'nereat A Duttuii O A Dadey Dr O A Dale Hamuel S Danner Edward Cole Daniel Iraan > Curley Mlfchael Curtia Jatnes 0 Curtes Major 8 M Curtiss Wm CuVtlas ft Delano Cushman B Z Cushman CbaaW Cults Francis Clnto .1 T Clymer Merideth Donneld Samnel DonaBue Baubolo- mew Donahue Peter Barmaoln Antoalo Dcumer Albert auo<e Patrick Deraily John A Daviuon A W Divine Lt D Davis Warren Davit Charlea Drew Albret D ivli MatmilUenJoDrennan James ¦>>iib Dillon ihomaa Davis Morris Dibble ft Brother* Davis O H Dinner Kicolaus DavleftWIrktrahainDrlMt Seth Da via Albert, 1st DllMortli Wm H Mmneaota regt Dlnsjiore O*o E O DeCasur Unbent Deelv James DeBeblam Lout* Deans Oeorg* DeBiackeler ACoA Dolan James Deady Deris Donobue T DeLand <Jco W Dolio Robert D-HarJInj Right Dollar J W Hun Wm B Doinniaranin Mr Deiasso Victor Donnellr James D<-lacrolt Fell* Dow Albert 8 DeKluh. rA Dow Albert Deouy R 8 Dow Jr, Eben May Deumesd Francis Donning Timothy Danbani W R Doud Alexander Deagl Uregor Dougherty M D 0*0 DcelriKh Wm 0 Doorlcy Patrick Dreyer William Doyle Manner Demi A Draper 8 E D tsey U C D y Cajit 8 P poo .-I Mr Dltmsrt Drtscol; Dennl* D ion P R Dat.ge K Davl . Geo Day L.I Col M W Da\ A Lawrenoe Day K'-i N Day,) N Darton Lt F L.i Day Char Its lieford Henry Dec Iter, Mi es ft Co Didge C iJeiu Win W Dodge t'UatC De< o rss. Jamri DeHpeioles MOO Dorsat Kranklln Dougln >l«o Duval nlfur Dunbar, D o too ft Co Blrcell John uubar E T Duncan A C Dunn (' M ft Co Dunbar II C D iS<ee, Beck ft siayles Dittmariielo ft Dc|- Dusenberry ft An bill Drlnan John Dodge Henry fl Do Ifn Joteph Dodd« Joaepb tbony Dupignai Alexander D thlil A A Dvaart John Dver Law D-rords, Thayer ft Co Ely Chas K Hot Ja< Hldrlch J Kill* A Aldln KHingha n Wm El.ia t Warner Elling'iatti W m lUau Tiios Ellis A II Eib'iy I'lias Euk-ui-rs K U Bllot Jno Ebnai Hamharvi Fair Oeo KalTlfa A Co Klagi«, Hon Wm Jas Elliott W m St Oeo ]Kiaanu«l Emauusl Elliott W U Bi ly R II Edward Henry Eirle iJylie.ter Kdgerfr Wm EdK« Kre I E trinnioa .la* baian Patrick Bminott Wm Emeraon Ueo E Eudeea W m F Ennis P Eraas p R Evani Wm Evan* Henry Erakin Chas B r. tmun lsJr Robt Eib Jaonb U rctmondnhn.il Rvernti A S htiili irgh Daniel r French D <J F erguson lliram Fenton B.-n Ferrtt Lt t'haa E Erans 0 T Evana B Frledlan ler Marttl Finlan Patrkk Field A E Foreat toe Flalahinann Daniel Ferrla AVsn Winkle Fore Hamilton Fraih-rat <ne Wm Fel.ler Edward Fiug'taid Ella'ia Fabenstoek lohn Fern Mr Kahreito' kCapt.Ino Fletcher B I j Fl incls Anih >ny F.etchei L ^ rank l^'opo d I FrsnkHn 'as Franklin Mi U'tiley.'no rramnton C Krsnk u F l-enger Frltl I'rati is arrlll Mi. hael Fare Clie'tei Ji Fiaaer Al!*rt Farret Patrick o Forist»r Thn« Ferdwe? John .1 Foid Jolin Foi JuJee Floyd Daniel Fowler W H Fltrierald Mic;n-1 Fro»t r»pt John FnU'J FirreM Denn Kaite Dmiel Felloe a llarmn Flow il (Iraffln «ioh" C (la 1 ley Michael r:r«e-be«'k Chas F Urandy W"m Oant Dani (Ira nger i Flicii Otto ? luwrllliam Thos Fltrjerald J T Flske 8««»u T Fiaher E M FKher Chat H Flake D II Flacher II J E Ktahho nh Win Kinl»y Dan FIT.' ilen Finder Cha» Flo* RobtC Foaior .fofin Forbea B rnM F' Hon l!r» .1 «;t Kti'ton Henry Fnlsain n airy Fnit' Wm Danlri M Mephen <1 Oreen A Vel ler Ur' entleld J II fin en t'hsi lirecnwall PblllpW <.<.« t«vin .lohn N fll-'.-n Wftn W (ioM'nan Mr wale I dw C Oal'.aglier Ml' ha- Urnkam Joseph f Oral () .I.) .1 D l elldin David tlardner Dr .1 It il ,«»ett Wm t Ui Ih vail .trttnes t'*rd»er .ffiim pt War Oe.ry Jeremla'i ((..rne P. . ii or.e J S OernoiMi Fro irta (lienn l.-'Wts lirlTth Otlsnd IlillMIB W lit (MiKn Cnas (iliffll Dell (il Iff MMhMI (Mill lb" .lehn R llrlKa Pal (llilwrl W L, liriuier Ka; per .ill * Co \ R 1 o'tli b Ritfan Henihar s.- ,i , to' I (|c II M Cordut'i K 1, n r rr « Hl"« Hen Fr*n. (iloene 8amt i; « «' L (it . P 0 Uitit' I01 A.J Uri) A Oa>'rii;nn Capt I )l <tra».s Jr tii.-ady Tardy.8 Gregory John Hall M O llalley James J Hall Nathan '-n-hi.l M H.unes Hal leek k<\ Haalob Daniel W Hoggerdy Henry- -5 II Wm L Badnett JaBMC Hsshmok Ito'jt O Hntirit T L li.isimi Oeo Habile W w Hiiaiiill A t.'o.2 llaeulc* Oapl Tbeo Hell ner John K ><l Jacob i<d re) Uina'u- Go»'i till \ ill 1) uuir j»iiu u Hayes >rm ""'xSway ISP lietibiirgh 1> F Ileal v K A H end net Pat Hefner 3 T Heath Ur lltoacklc 11 Henry 2 Hi'Ih hy Peter M H JI-iy Tlioi l^.ight K l< ll lines H U liatiiy Wm H tiaxsdon M ani Haiiraliii Patrick llaunl James Hantziuan II' my Huiiuali Thomas llaiieoi^P N lUmimun Thomas lUinilum CVS ilaniii tiiegor Haiiousi A II tiuuai. John lam tlron Thou Htmilm K D Hamilton James Barker Louis Harris Bill _ llarili.il A i. Co.3 Herbert O o. |f» /til u u _ tfur>rf<i I. v. .4 <V<B.i*-r>"ii Olti 0 rl r H U'll uan ¥ L Gli-ng ry II I Madley Tie* W H II o-i K M IMI. PeK* Holuliy ls»a<- iiuixH'.ii ii T'lhio U«i' o nh TBernn M Bolhrook ,t Drtjrto* llnlbrook lie A llnlcaiiib bi n H <uil ri.i i* \> ilhut Holland H i ward Hi'mfnJu H Homau Uko II oil Kev Wifi B HolAfDib A u MoU-nshade JacobW Hull Uo Hendt-rsoeCiuiltTh'sHoiland Uaiilel Hi hielnann Henry lleltal.mder AhrVm Henry Ki-rdinauu Hoimca 11 A i) M lleutlemou Wui.3 Hoamer Augustus C Henry C 1U>| Lewis llcuryCuplBarlhoiJ Uopkius Mr Heiiderauu Gto Henet N W Herman Mr Herring J as Huriick Daniel lltws Joun HnrrisGco llcrrimau Win Harris <>>'raUl Hendricks Jaa H'.irlJasQ Ilernld 11 lfaidgrove ACoWm Hepburn U C UikiUi r Mr lievretl T Harrington Chan llerley Mleliael Hard 3 U Uleks Oliver H Harimann Joseph IligelnsJohn Harding Capt Kobt lllTlerinan LO Harridan James HllLon W 8 Bartung Choa U Harper John Il.\rkgr Joseph Barkins James BamlltonSamJohn Hardlnger I'bas H.irber Joseph Harwood Thomas Hardee (Jen Jas A Harrison Jane* BUso II Hayes Geo B Hnviland B B Ilatsh 8 Hawes Wm llaoleubeek P Hayes Robert A Batten J R Bays Tbos Havens Harry Bays Dm Kay ward R*« 88 Ins Bdwd Jones Mr Join* Peter 8 Bills Henry Hililrcn ('apt J B lllll James H Hlrgins Norman HHl Wm Hindi John Httzl'o id Ludwlg Hicks Dethan A Co Hi'njod David Hlnnsvel Wm Hitchcock Herbert Blcks Ash Ion Hkuky James H lines Bmeraon Bllcbeock A H Blcks ('has U Horc II W Hopkins I' K IJo|H» Wm N Honker Chss O Hon laml J B Ho; t li 1> llo.voll w L Hoi-.fcril Harry Howard Win Howard Col Win A llouler Anton Hoii($htou ii L Howard John Howard 3 F Boylli II Howard Win Howe Michkol Hoyt Wmt Houston .tKoblnaon lloiich Cl:us BoyTe Mr Boy NB II u nler Jokn Humphrey A Dessp- eter Huni plirey Chas Hume II A Henry Humphrey Win < Rutebison 8 K ButchiuKsonRevDr Hurdles R B Hutington A B Hunt Capt Chas 1 Htinniwell John h Hoffman (tuctavus HuntlUfttonHenryA Hon Mr Hubbard H W . UuleuKM Hull Jobn W Hawley Irad Hoilftes E F Hodman A SoM Hoggins Tbeo \ Irish Frank M Jf Jackson Wm Jaekson Alfred A Jones Lewis The* James ('has H Jones Lewis Jones James Jones H C ¦ James Col Chas James Chas James Joseph Jones G«o W A Co Jay Alphonzo Juage Owen Jamison Wm Jajmi Christopher Jamison Wm Jr Judson J N Judd B M A Co Jackman Jaeobson Louis Jaekson J A Co Jackson A Hon Jarkson Thomas Kalhmelr Frank JClTers M C Jennings Thns B Jenkins Clay born Jenkins Wm B Jervis John Jerris KarsQeld K Keller Jacob lrrin John D Jesanp Isaac B Johnson Moses Johnson John Johnson B F Johnson Wm JuhuMio Luther A Johnson B H Johnson Frank Johnson M Johnson A Fuller Johnston CaptJohB JobtisMn Daniel Jones romlie B Jones Henry Jones Wm Jones Morn* King Wm Kavanaugb James Kelty Owen D King Henry L KlllingerDrDewittCKlug Capt John 0 Knapp J L Knapp Frederic Kranskoff . Krause David Keating Owen Keith Dr B Ksarn Patrick Keatro John Keehap J Kellogg Alfred Kellogg Jobn Kelsey G L Kehoe John Kcrin Alfred W Kleber McWm Kemp D.inl Kennedy Jas 0 Heenan Sergt Wm Kenned)- Jobn Keesing Tbos H Kennig Michael Keller Peter Kelly C B Kelly Geo Kelly Harrison Kelly James Kelly Geo F Kelly M Kelly Michael Kelly John Kelly A Co Kelly Capt A Jr Kent 3 King Patrick Kimball Aaron Kimball H Kimball John R Kirkland, Chase ACo Kirkman Alex 8 Klttrldge K C D Knight AM Knight Franklin Knight Dr Chas J Knight Georce T Kenton, ColllnsACo Know laml John Keth Adam Klllinger Max Klllnn (leo Kimball Albert Knight D <? Killorem Thos KlIngeHleln E KlnUriCK 8 C Knudsen C W Knox Jas Knox Dr J R Knoerber Jacob Koshland N Kuhn Geo R Kukerman .. Kub Chas 8 Kulms Danl L Llttlo John l>ee John Livingston Geo B Lee Owen Livingston Ce ByM Lee Geo 8 Lloyd Isaac 8 Lee John C Lombard Lorlng 8 Lee EdmondC Lalng JasMcGregor Lowenstein A Co LeedsL P Lambard H H Lloyd John C Lees Wm A Co Lampmivnn W JP( Logan Wm F Lecpett Geo H Lamoni E N Logan Robt Leljjhton Chas Landrick Robt Lorlng Wm H, FoiLenommedeiiJasH A Co Le Teas BIB Loupty Wm T Lewis 8 Lloyd Ed Lewis W P LangeWmH LewisOM Lane C 8 Lewis W K A BrO Landutkey WmHH Lennon Michael Leonard. Bro A Co LathropJsrni'hHon Lennon I4«ut Robt Levins James LathropAWllklnsOsLoomls R_N A Co Lack C Lacy Chas H Ladd Chas II Lafont Chas Lakay Mr Lang A vo Leopold Henry H Lester Thos 8 Levy B Levy Jndah Leutz Monsieur Le Pelt A Y Lanbi' Mathlas Llchtenstlen Jacob Lawrence RL lLawrence A Co LawnneeJ M Lawrence Geo Lawrence Joseph LeatherberyFenw Leavltt A Co Leavitt Wm HH Lnuhart R Lindsay Alex Llndley A Co Linton John L Llvoo Charley Lellell B B Lllll* Vfcnt Lit Ue Wui U Little John V Llttlo John W Llnz Louie Maeey Wm B Madden Patk MacormeUr Wm Macauly Wm Madlgan Jermlab Mautonald Robt Maekan J L Pro Mack Rev D A Mack Danl . »T Mass Dr Fernando Ml [fort A Beddie Loorls A M Lundy Wm Iauddinu Capt John Lyneh Bd Lynch J W Lynee Geo kLuce Otis Lyons . LyoneChasM it? LedlioUW, M Mesler Wm Meiley H W Meade MA Meads Richard Mercury Michael Medtosi J O Meanse Dr J 0_ Monroe Col Jag Monroe J Moll Wm B Mi nahan John Mooney Lewis B fi.T"RV MelsenheUner Hen. Morton Andrew ^^^^^^^^^^¦Mortou Robt ¦ Maconuell, Vi tine A Co Macrai W 8 Magll Rev J A Macready R Manning Fredk M allon Hugh Mallary John L Maoan John M iMeri, Brk A Col Merrlon Andrna Murlra Cuas MuklrtT Mursbon Ollbertl Mestages Louis J Monod Rev T Mole man John Moodey B Mullen .'a* Maoon way Thos Moran Chas MoranJ«An I Messlnger Jtfmes A Morau Peter ¦ Mutiger Jaoob Melntlre Patk Meyer Oarl Manahan Bernard Merlon Thomas Mahony Daol ¦ Mance J W A Co Maltlan Henry |Manift£)d ¦John Mill Meeker J C Merrltt Jotham er L I Major Rev John W Miller John Major Henry Miller Wm " ' Miller A Wilson Mlllen Ell Minor Dr Jas M Mlxell Abraham Mlnost J D Miicbell Wm Mitchell M Mitchell Oliver D Mitchell Chas L Mitchell MlraudO Mitchell MJ Moore J 8 Moore David Moore Rlcbd Moore Frank K Moore E W Moore J A C A Co Moore A B Maxwell Archibald Moore Jobn Masters K C Moore Tbos Mason E W Moore Jas Mather B C Montrose John B Marble Chas H Marble James Marnd Michael Martin (leo W Martin Geo WW Martin 8 Martin Henry Martie John Marshall J P Marston D B Maurer Ilenry Mayhcw Fred May hew Jobn Massey Wiliard C Massey R A Mays Joshua C Mortlnnn Bd Morgan I W Morgan Thos Mortimer M Mow¬ bray Manam A Co Morris Wa Morly B Moms John B Mudge E B Morrow Matthew Miller A B Mul hall Nicholaa Mossly Bd Mullln Ed Muller Conrad Mum Talk Myers Robt Myers Chas W Myers Mai RnMCU Myer* T O Myers 8 A J _ Myer, Finn A Bro Murdoch J T Murphy Michael Murphy Patk Mun* Chas Mtins A Ray nor Murray Wm Murray Thos Myrick N Mae McAddam* Jemea McOulreJohn McKenUle Tboe McCaffrey John Mcllmlh John McLean 8 B W Mi. Alluion Krancle McUtiorny Andrew McUod Corn Theo McCbeaue W McOovern Mr. King McKit trick Janice McCann Jame* Mi-Orale Peter McLean Jiirni P McCormlck Robt McCoitiaa Saml C McLaughlin J ~ _ McCalTery June* MoOUliway Duncan McKlnalry Robt.Jr McCann w A.i Moilarvey Jiimei Mr1**111 Tdobim Mci'omba Sanrd Q McDermott John McMahou Arthur McCaugby John Mcl>onahl W J McNa nara Michael McCutcneu Wm Q McHafB# Samuel McNultv Michael MrOurk Bdward McHenrrAR MoRnny Michael McOrnth H P Mclutoah John McTewen Jame* McDonald Jamee Mclntyre Alfred MrMahon Michael McDonald Ale* Mclntrre Jamea McMullcn Wm Mi-Derm yet Martin McKaiu Ami A MeTery Michael McOrewMr McZeake Daniel Nabb O n W Naaon V H New Manuel NeweU U Y Newman Wm Nieiaon Ken* SVwton CI M Nftri-omli U B .Nlltlohlp K N'eNon John M Nelson Joahua Neleon Tno« W Newmeyer, Griff * Newell .1 A Co Co Newell Cba* P NtellJohu NI*l«oa John Nacareullnle JC Neal Mathew O Oagood W P OitiKxi Enoch Ormaby A Co O Kelly Jaa O'Sliea Walter O Douncll Henry O'Doanell Tbo* O Do ineli John Olleer T * Co Ogden Morgan L Of-len «¦ H Ohler Wm Y Ochlhofl 1'hUlip O ha Own* Jat OweneJae Unlet tneu HeoryD O'N .-al J t P Page Henry B Peck A Hon* Palmer Peruard Palmer A Rear* Parker Tho* ParkaM B W Parkineon Tho« Pnalea John Plant Armand l'ae* Edward palmer H D Near thai Nlcol Rob Nickeraou CaDl Hi¬ ram Niton J O Norrl» met Norton Danl Noble A Ooolej Norton (' H Noble H A B O'Nenl Danl O'Neitl Jaa O'Neal John O ono*ll J M O'CmmII Carmln O'Coonell T M Q'Conoell M O Conner Wm 0 0<J titer Piitk PrltoharJ <2 W Pmkner DrliowArd Prlngl* Eilward Pri-e Wm H Pike A Keilof I'eam- W H Peek O a X Pe»r»e lohn II Peck ha in P W-2 rike A KeiloM Prentice Klbridge 0 Pblllipa tieo H Ph-ian Kilw Porter W H Perigo John W fool Caul D V Perkin* Nathan W Poone N Petnlergail N W Procter John e*eh Page Harry C Parker Ch w Parker f W I'arlali C onalder rarllitrt 8 0 Paramyon Wm B Pareoa P T Park Mvhew l'.»r*nui Oliuncey Palmer Mumlllan Paiiw'i t alvin C Parker Hiepbeii C I'atne K win Pna't P 0 Perrine 0 R Pre*fi)lt L«*tcr N| Peter P 1 Pi«a;on H Perrtne Aib Peny llo »c- Perwenie Albert Fclereou II nan Poller John 8 Poner Royal A Pom Al!r»<1 A Po«. r .lame* C Poor H'm A Power* ante* Poet R w "olti'r Cant M L Power M»B Pow.-r Dr Walter Parter Samuel O Pr»«ion B I' |Vp|M<r Mi Peirynmn Mr Peter* lion T i' Philip II .1 K Pauereon Ale*. 2 Pike MHtaid B Pa. P. M I'atterann W m Pateraon Cliarle* Plall B' ait H nttereMi John s I'eek A A- liuliiol IVarc' Wm II 0'irn e Jehu.2 Raymond T lla .il- W S R i. lira F. H Ra< rr.end A M hi I lieron'r II* ory B Ran* fplLj it han ill «-ne« Rnodell r M Itan.ino J*« Pl|*r lleni' Pi«i(i-en John Prt'-e Piuker ftilw t'hariei M Pi e H inmei Prl 'ai Thrtialon I'hllllin Ri L It Pulliam 1 homae Po imin Daniel P Punei Ja,> p apt Ohai R Putnam .1 W oi R I'liiml' M W PbrMMnn Jnfen O Pi' ne It II Piympton Ohar'ee L * CO Por John Plonki it M I' m t ii rial op her cn Loci* M Renk'mUi John. Ro r* c«i t It'1 ro-' unit N s R|I Inilit-nii ^Itj ler R rharl-oii i|ri, itt'chie Mr Ki« on William Rl.ilia Jo'tri Rk lianl Charlra Rlie^ Allen, Rradiy Doom * Bo* Jue«j!i fa, t ^ B K . R'HIiel M Rom l.^ae A Knr Uvbert H Rave I, Ho n Alt lionxi "ti II B Ill p .'^iOu i A <1 u fit i' r ( loii.ew J (v.< > moil H i#( II A rt" <<¦(»£. Hri -:..rvt® it-, in a. rtvnuel tt i-r ter IH'i'J otiU W A Re an Jotin Rirt'arJ Mr K. \ no'Jn John Remold* <" tl Kn.'il Joim H Ki OiielU Dr 8 J Read our A Cn Krad Robert B J'li* .MidS'm L ko ;n. retsr k Kore- Riordsn net INHM likli '.latp'.iy .u>s« CI arley W Htcb « ds c: hi ¦ * t Kim* ileirge K rd» Jam s. Jr Root M A Rubiukuli i r.iili:i ;cli 11.) .r Kliwnl O Rotclie U n K ek* rt £ Hub la W K ill' Imniel K'uriv H** i.l Rutherford J U 8 Knbiuk-ni U C 8.2 it mhjjoln C Rohtnson Capt tieo KumsciI B A Hro V S U»lcJ.ihu-J BubiuHuu h. 0 Unwell Win Ri.tartsoii D Hyi jH ii'i Meblnson Jnst'i'li 8 Kims U I A Co Ho.itk \\ ill M 2 Kuinfotd .t R inkle Rudolf (lenrjje RiiahnioFj K W Rolfe Viws Ruu on All ert Ii0*eri Junn H id' k llulei link# Ku<'ii\"r Frederick UussuliJqo H ftou^rm A Kudd Ht-^akiaU Stall Jn me* Sheehan William .Smith Joseph U Kbtiaetfeh Vfitz.I flnedekrir Oeor^jcW Kuiiln Sauucl G Johns Capt A P Slebbiua Juiiu Smith Win Spra^uc ftilgar fttaiilrr Ma» S.i i;i- Jami a brh natter A (shall/ Lmidirk Si'habel A'bert ShaMerCiJ W SalnJwevh U Klmllinai (1 SmalWtv C W fUei'Ucr Ll.iltAIC SuutU MVooil tinediker John D Smith McCcon Slieehcn XI K-hai'l Smith Lewis Sweeney (J H Smith C F Swetland a Little SmUh lir Ortanu Bclini «ha»!«r Aug Smith D F Spencer An*)U lir Ppencer D (.' Bel'iloi- HIA Sweeny Win Rutallfty (i«nivo W| Schneider 1 .on U Span idl rig !> M Shaffer .V M Wanna Smildltr S Lowrey Km nine P M Swan (Jnorge <J Stun ion Tboma* Hatniin Win W K banck Alfoid 8:a:ituu Ueorge Hbaw Pierre H taiige V W Btiinlclgh Thomas Hrluier K S Suudera 13 A Co Sc*i e II«»n f anerliier H Rh.iulj HaliivK 8|*»ruiaii W II Schore Kmloiiib Kmiu A Hirni IJ ShrnnaL ,l»s L Hti« kb.nJao H H»'itrii'ml Kraiik I. S|*!U bin nil Kdnartl Kmilh Pvrtivul 8 Kinitb Ki^nci* Smith Richard C Smith R M 8m lk W Rc'iuen John Mrobel J M Kod.in Tliomaa 8ciin(l.;ld .Innepk 8 KttlaM Aiiuri- .* SrlcaiHMii v^'Orf,® Soiuiiuui 8 C Mtermau Ni al Hampton Hermann tttedU-r M A Uo Ktunton Hamne! Stanthorp H Co BanaMiif John Btuideraon H. 2 hlx a. a Albei k O Kinkis Tltoina* C Sello v, T O, It Bchrocilcn Aiisiut 8Uii n UaviJ Nlocuin Ft rllngR Selkirk Jno J Kt holler N 8 Nnlie* Mnrrla Solomon .1 J Senchrt.H >vt A '!« Hhork Rev J L, D D Sl(j>'utt. Hiram Riorum Andr«\» KUirmoM WlUiam Hcott, Sorrlna A Co Hcgtt Thomas K Storlw loaepl) Kiunmaa .lohnnsyO Kcvmoi.r Thro Sniiforil Tliotnas h Stevens RoM 8 Ssnderaon Rdward Wevrari P Htomi' Samuel "lei-pns Jno B.2 8lr»cns J Htcltauer A Bros Stclaon Nahum, Jr Snow Ch»ater 8now Cbester Htorrs Jno M Rtone E .* Co Stanton k Uurshall Ackmudl Rud. lfb Storm H>' ary B Sliaituok A U A (io Slnrk David Stone J H Kluiiseii.KltiiigAt'o Skinner Mr or lira Siorcr U«orge SiuireUAntoni* ACoSihley Mr, 23d at Btorer Ueonte Stark M Scbmidt J A Saybtit PelA Win H Simmons J R Sawyer CptMoaes 11 Schmidt H SpaiTow (ieerce Ballfer (J Saunders Cliarles Stilra II D Sharp <!apt Eph P Siegford K Sawyer John D Seliuiiilt H Stratlon 8aml 11.3 Blmouaon B A Stapks Jamea M Smith Benj f Bpauldlnff (f.2 Smith J D Sawyer Charles B Smith Jus Khattuck Win H Snllh John Sargent Joseph Smith John H SliawBM Smith J C Shaw Jacob S Smith Jacob II Sargent Leonard Smith Jobn W Sagamore (leo £ Smith Jas R Shea John Swearengen EA Hro Shea Jerevlah Smith ."e 'Cmiah Seavy O W Smith Jos L Sears Capl E T T Talmadg* J S Taylor J II Terrell Geo W Taylor I H Terry P P Taylor Robert Terry k OoolllUe Taylor Robert Terry A DoolUlle Taylor R C Teller Richard U TraversWmH Tlefjohn Talbot Oliver Tluterwold 8 Tniifcy I'atrick Tidemas It II Talcott OrlandM Tillsou John D Taylor Oeo ToddsLL Thalr David Thomas G T, MD Thatcher Wm 8 Tompkins Oscar Taber Jas A Toddi K U Tanuaez Felix Tbcmas S D Thaden Mr Tanraa* John J Tharson Mr Thompson ('has Trenurth John Thompson Thos Terry k Doolittle Thompson (leo F Treawell J C k Thomas David Co Thompson W 8 Terry k Doolittle Thomson J A Troscatt L E Thompson Thos Terokesburg James Thorn Joseph W Te:! lis J R Teror E A Teakle M M Tracbman Mr SchotUk ^aiiiuel Homes Mainbel Stone Lewis Shondorf Mr Son wine J O Stone Ucnry Scott J Scott J Sullivan Daniel RhulU W A Sullivan I'atrick Hullivan PitrMk Sullivan William V Sydam Eluiha Shiilu John II Rumner W A Ok Sumner Austin Thomas Abram Tompkins Henry Todd Charles 11 Tompkins Wm V Utley j s k Co V VtroletJB Valentine Wm VisscberKJ Valentine Wm Tallance Capt WC Valentine W Venego J VIker Capt John Upliam Capt Ubestl Joseph Venego J Velliz Thos Vltter Albert Vinton Harry B Toaburg Mr Valentine Wm Siultb J Dimond A Strushnrg Julius Syk«* 3 Funds J H k Co Kltiard Dr 8euder Harvey A Co Tread well Edward Thomas H V ~~ Thompaon J Toole Patk Ton ers Jobn Towne A L Torrent Ale* Totten (1 T TownlAlbert Towndron Thos Troxell Win L Townscod Oeo Tjron Owar Turbcrt Patk Tyng Chas Turner Wt.i Evan! Temler Julius Tucker Theo Truman Francle Truman Prancls Truman Francis Truman Francis Tilth ill BV Tenc 11 M Turner T T Tussts Edwin] Trunick 11 C k Co Tyler 0 B Tames Thomas Tames Thorns Obrame John M Uster First I.ieutJD Valentine A Aiken Voorhes T P Victorian Rev Frere Van Trige E Van Peper P H Van Warner John Van Pelt W D Vincent Bnrtual Vincent John M Velle Stephen Valentine Edwd D Van Zandt R P Vidal k Fontaine Van Buren Jaa Wallis J K Well k Co Mesars Wftrisworth FrankL Wells Emmet Walton D Walker Christian Walt Wm Walker Robert Walk Ins W D Wadell A Corn Wardhama Alvln Walt Green Wallaee Wm H Walla Baruoke Wahl Move Waleott r U Waitzfelder B Ward Albert Ward Albert Ward Jamee W Waring Wm H WardF A Ward John L Wardloni 8 0 Ward B J Wheeler Walla B Wain Webb Kir* Webb H Fayette Waller J U A Wheeler A Walla Bmmet Wtielpley W W Wbeelock C W Wedepohl Nona H Wilson Wm Wedgtrood B Wm Wldsere Mr Weed Samuel H Wertbman Mugo^^^^^^^H Wllliama Wm II Williams W F Williams A WllllamH John H Wllliama J H Wllliama MaJAAC Wllliama Charlea Wllliama Oyrul Wllliama Persy Williams A MasereTC J Wltaon 8 F Co, Wilson BanJ Wilson Wm I WMaon Fran* lie Dr James F Whiia Mi H Werner G Wrigiit a newiin Wright Jai A Co V'llkowskle Simon Whiting II 0 WMklna David Whiting A ti right Frederick While John H W ilklne David F Wllkins Darid P Winter Wm Wmtar Wm Wardworth Phillip Wleks A Tillinghast Write John N Wardwell t W Wtlletta Wm B Whltlock Gfl Wood John Warner Geo W Warman Caleb Ward Wm Ward If F Walbel Frank Watte A Wataon W D Waiklas Robert fataon k Mears atklns John J Watney Norman Wallers Warren 8 WrtghlJohu^H Wllklnaon Jesae Wilkinson Wm Welder L P Walker Mr ¦ Iggerison Win ¦ ickens 8 B on Wm Ion W . , WtlSA WashhurnBitgenoR Willi J A Waits, GevcniA Co Wilds John R Wstaon Ellaa Wiidey Oscar Watson Eliai Wilkinson B F WlUlugtOu E H Whltion A 8 W Weidner Christian WIlllajnsonCaltlnR Wynne Dr Jas Whelau Patrick WUilami George N Wylde Thomas George Co Whitler C G W shart L D C Winthrop Francis O Whitney Francis W Wood Mesan B U Woods Barnard Wood Aw A A Woodi Barney Wood! Barney Woodward S Wood A B Woodruff 8 D WolooU A K Wordcn Krancla Worthlngton D L Worden Wm Wylde Thomas Wylde Thomai WeUiDrW L Y Tetter John Toung Alexander Young Wm H Youug Albert York A Chauiberlln Young "ol W ? Z Zumstelu T II Zook Brig Zlpperlen K Hamuel Zergena C F Wyar Patrick Yatcl Cnpl Joseph A Young P A Young Nathaniel P Gen'l Zlegler Stephen Zenier J Joseph Zeigcr Phillip French, Italian and Spaatah LeIUri. 1.A/nar Andres 2. A/nar Andres Perei S.Augusta Lou in 4 . AguKii/, horloger 5. Barlaislna GaetaeuO #.Hetln Pension 7.Bonde F II SvBroudean Ernestine V.Bigattl Camlllo 10.Boetano Madelena 11.Bontaiiti Joseph F 24.Gomes Jos D Goll P 25. Herman dc/. Francisco 27.Hiiptch Guiseppl 28.Klang Andrete Madame 29 . LamUertan . SO. Martinet II Juilea St.Molinari Olov&unI 31.Mum Martin 93.Mathilde Madam* 34.Mlgnon Rane, (ireenwicb sireet iS-Beurgarder Louts, cber S5.Madriv. Simon Col M Conga/on Boiilanger 3t>.Mathlew C cbei :<7.Negretll k Leon 3*-Nuschelcr Henry Nerlfs Chereppe S'A.Plan/olee ids 40. Palina Joaquin Corlsta 41. I'arrsnl . 42.Ramos Enrique 43.Rettagliata (Jreranai 4»-8a!>atl-r K IS.D'Irernois Bourrl 14.Dusasace. cheinlste 15. Dcfarari Agoitiuo 1#.Dirtois Capltamc 17.Do Madrli ( arlotta M IS. De Fieri Bnron 19. Fabrieotti Bros a i.Fever. Freres et Cheroet 21.Fondaearo Vlnoeni 22.Galvao Faenndo Saturate 45.Traskcr J 8 23.Gallarigle Jn, Jackiou st 4ft.Vlllarerde Emello Arnjr E<let. Aderson Sergt Wm. 42d, Co U ay ward Hamuel I, 1st battery Hammond Ll Col J It Aveiy Dr A G. SurgeonWaih Imgerich Jacob, Co B, 17th U Light Cavalry 8 1 Browa Lieut J B. A D C to James Lieut Le Roy L, 3d V Gen drover H artillery.ii BartletlDrOF Joae» Capt Henry It. Acting Bailow Oliver K Co B, 5th Aletitant Quartermaster Vt, Ayers' division Keraut Daniel, 57th N York Berdan Col II, 1st I' 8 S 8 Buttery Hsewerton Lieut K F. must g Kin In- k Capt F Mill. Co H. and disbursing officer 1st 1a vols Blisa ('apt John 8, AA D C Belly Lt Col Jas Burleigh ( '-apt Henry M, Ami Knight Ciul J G Ad.lt Gen Morrison Capt J J, BatteryB, Burkaid Capt Jsi. A DC SIS Y inlilerv Hragan Capt Win E, 4tli N Y Mniulre ('apt Jn T. Co B, cavalry _ S7th St/ Barlow Oen Frsns C McLaughlin Cot N B, C 8 A Baxter Jos. Co C, 2 »th Ind V . . Burkley Tim, Battery C. 5th V 8 artillery Benkard Cant Jag Jr. ADC Bigalow Li fadw, 1st U HCav Commanding oflloer of 44th regt Vols Colgate ("ol Clinton O. late Col 15th real M Y vola Carter Lieut Eugene.A ACS Coigan Thomas, late of £ B, Ttmv 8 V Coaler Ool Charles R, Com 1141b regt Chapman Edward, 35th bat- t^jTv Vcs Donoghue Capt Tb, Co B, Mill K Y V«,s Dutbernns Newton, SdMiehi- gaa regt ore n Michael, Co E, ith Dor, .HA Dav laa Geo W Isle Q M 32d N V T Davis Tliol 'ii. Co D, 2d ¦r.-ti< K T V A Edgar 8uig VV 1 Ford t splFC, ft V l oot Col. II- ad piarters Am bulanre c.r|>s Fitch < ol Wm 29th Ohio vols f orties Llent C II. A A Geo 1st Yennont Brigade OroatjInr r^Fred, Co F.. 119th Orilfin Maurtre Battery bar- r»< ks Goiidrleh Wm, Co I ljth N Y It A (ioesr Fie.lerl-k. Co I Mith Graves Llent K F, A A <|tiar. te' ma«ter General (lrflde ,lo«ei»h Artillery <.'<*cr Capt I* H lltli.N Y V A lls'giin Lieut C K. Co D.IStl N Y V Il»»el/le Capt II L. Co K.Mh N Y V Herbert Berfl A A. Cal,ll(Hh O V III., 'ii'" *a *lcharl.4HhNYV llljgirs flinnis" Co t.. <lh U 8 A Harris Lorenin, Co 1 ,4th VtV lialetad < s 1 1 K F Marsh Lr (.'Has D, a surgeon. N Y Vole O Brleu t apt,'Co A, 11 lit regt N Y Toll O'Connor Thoa, Co K, 25th regt N Y Vols . _ Par <S,|«S Jaa, Co 1,7th USA 2d regt Propper Lieut, :t8tk N T Voll, headquaiters Patietsoa John, U S regu- Iare Peoderirass Michael, Co K, lirjd K Y V Ramsey Col John, Sth NY 1 Regimes in! Quartermaster Slst N V V lonrsriur. ('o C, 61st reg't Smith Lieut R Bennett, 11th t? 8 infantry, mustering officer Sullivan Jas W. Co C, .'Hth tez Mmss \ oil | Shelley cap' R O, A D C Yol Snow Assistsnt Surgeon T Hale, 4th N Y cavalry Swan Lieut W W, Ordnance oTi er Shtffer Col J W, Quarter, ma*ter t' 8 A Stnedbtirf Cspt W R, ra- cr tilting officer Hseket Col l> 1'ttl B 8" eenev Hrlj Hen T W Surgeon Id Lai white) Vols h hn-pf Co K. hesd<iiarters 2n- li reg: S V V Tustctier CarH II K Tern lliger Kir. in. CiF. 7Sth regiment t'n ieiaood »'aior E \sn Houten tti hard R. 8th N Y I I attery Wlleon Col Wm, t*lh N Y V W Hard Capl I. D, t in 8itb ol' Vuiunteei a «ai>h Lieut E'iward. d I reg N Y V Woi» t'api Frank. AQM W.uvi Carlo () l«t UvHt t) 8 lafamry Yo>ng.la> C, Co A (D^^ls) Y S D It, flf.,1 Ion, Ks<nt)|*ion N \ there rtivi" (ia»y Ahren^, (tgurMor auk Writ?" I w t lnS »>*>>> North Yllitlr iibiiiT.li A A I';irinaskr I. B, tr 8 brirf Kerry Bankheail Com J P, ClMbtug A A Paymaster K II. I' S str Ne»bern Boncbanor Jnlttis. U 8 lac'g gulp North (Vi roll na D.vl.es F'uk ,M, U 8 atr S'.;»te of fleorgia lli ben Lent Co n'r U. Jr lioMIrr t'ua Ich II, U 8 rocs'g hMji [fi fth Caro ma liilibTii \ fl, U s frigate V1 tor I' ula liarrm t'avn aiter J Oeo, H ill .<!¦..¦ W ilticrt, Hayleti Luther P, car)» n- w r's department Harm n Act'g (liiiin.r A, U B > Ir State of-Oi orgia Howard Peter. Act!tic Mav imi-'v Mali', U S tchooiior Uachrt Heaman Johnston I'eter. 0 8 gunboat Kan.itvha Ionian Frank, Paymaster US UN". oat Pl-IIOtlSCOi Kcltb Chan 1', Acting Ensign. str Jame* A.lt. leach Ja i.e* II, U 8 8 b;i«1i Luyt'ti Joseph. USbrlgHatn- biidge Low Lieut Cora r Win W <hlp Lilt. Leunord Cornelius, P'lMall P.rda Mei< r Jonul. itiiid»miin, U B rec |'i North ('.no .a > Mc.ir.'gor Hitwd, USh Bart- ford Mtr.-dUy Pay in W T Mrnard Charles Mot :a rth y John, U S brig llit'nhrldge MuUiiii.ua 1 hot, U a gunboat lifu Kru^.' Mc liieg'.r Ensign, 08 8 Tua- <¦Hrr.ni Mur^'iy Jamei. 0 9 Roe abtp North Uapiliu I*r r.er Cnn'r W I) H dyers Liut't l'rct!k hv.in j'ohu E, U S «tr Rich¬ mond Rivers Dansey, U 8 str Mer- rodllil RndJoHcDh, Master's Mat* gnnbo.it 'itorr n/ Stones Berf.mor Win, U S ti p North Carolina fitcwart Rev C 8 Smith J, Sd Anet Engineer U H sir lluu«xtonic Smith llapl Vt ntictoa, Com U 8 8 OnouJai a Warrcu David, U 8 8 Juroca Ail>:cr Warrington Win 8. If 8 gun .on t Rachnl Keeiiuin WaiideU M 11. Act Mart Mate I' s sir 8tuie ut Ot orgia JLIst of Letter* Hen. .n it tug in Station L, Hnrloni Po«t Office, Se,it. 3, ISG3. L I> K-' LIS*. Oerey Hrt'lg -t Mnreaii filta < Irittftlia ICale K McKen^ie Mrs Wn» limit Mrs Ell MiWsn Mary llnrlbiirt M.iry A NcLeOd Mrs Horog»n 1,i/.«ft Naiton Addio Aii'lerHun I.u.ie Burnurd l.i*.y.ie (reco *nu Crook Mrs J A Co»;aii Mrs 8 C<>yle JUry faro, M«ry Cot.k J u la CalaRlian Mary Cairo:! Mrn R linran .Mai'naret l>l!ksMrsJ II Ka^k^y MI»m K Mikh <; Olane; Hen Arfainx B P Balilwia J H Hark' i Geo 0 HrlU .liv ob Buuer 0 H Bradford B R Mrown A .1 Ila^hroiKk Misa BANiusie Mur^uret Itopk.llH Ml*4 Ii>. nun Mr* II L Jotiril.in Mr< R B Kleinun KUen Krnny Mary Kiuh-tle-' Mrs Lennar.1 Mr* 1? »lrt Mil nn Carrie (iK*rLi:«i<M's U»T. Barter Samuel l>nUy Ktltt-anl !. en U C Hr.ii(itr*on P Ini.on Wm 'I Jifdiin Edward Kmkel Ki rdtnand Carragun Thomas Kelly Timothy Oraun David C Lyich Peter Crarton Charles Cliatiman Geo a Coafborn Wm Jje Mr i ander Joliann Muniey II II R Reily Bi id'.'et Smith Jlary Slit it h lAiiirsa Smith AnnleA Scollfld Rat-all Terrill Addle Tvrpy Margaret Valln-r llnu.iai B Wallace Vaiy MeManud licrnanl McEli'ny John Noiubt'in Patrick I'll lli |>s J W PattcriHin Samuel A Ro/rm .1 0 Stretliln^ 8 E Hi»|>lieus 8 H .fully P.itiiok Wandlc Thus R Wlllmina Wm Williams Jainos List of JLettera Kciiiaiatns In tMntlon M, Washington Helgltlt, Sept. 1, 1803. Brady Thomas Brien Michael Biker D L B..sler Henry P Coulter |leui> Con nerWm.5 Pilrlle Prederlek GiilcnMrsJonatlian Murray Robert fUidwhi Bmma L MeDonuld Bat Qainnions William Odt ll J.iines HasBoi«»enturo Beed Michael llninllli n Rob> rt tJarvin lli' hard Klnc James Karl John Riidroid t'red Kllcy John Wool I'jlin Walsh John Wilier Albert A. WAKEMAN. l-o»Unaaler. POST OFFICE NOTICE. PIRT OFFICE NOTICE. THE MAILS FOR THE Or.iti-d Kingdom ar.rl ih>i coniliicnl, via (jueenMown and Liverpool, per steamer City ol Baltimore. ;md for the Oer- man Htatei, via Hamb'ii-|% per rteumer Teutouia. will lone at thin ofll' o on Sutut'dav, lue Mh day of riepiombor, at 1J>£ A. M., and at the up lotvii sUiUuns as follows.. SUIions A ami II at I ) A. M. Stations C and I) ut 9:90 A. M. Bullions E and t' at 9:16 A. M. Station O at 9 A. M. A, SRAM WAKKMAN, Postmaater. RAlUtOADB. Hudson bivub railroad . trains kor al bany, Troy, the. North and Wei>t, leave Chambers me. l at 7 and 10 A. M., uud 8:16, 6 an. I 10:3) P. M., nuitjon fljn- .layn at S:^2 P. M., from Thirtii th street. TlckeU may Sitx ured at any of the ofllcos of WKHTCOTT'H RX1RKSS, i New York and Brooklyn, and av'gage checked at the house to all points ou the road and to SaiatO|;a Spring*. NEW YORK, HARLEM AND ALBANY 1! Ai LROAD.. Trains wl.l leave Twenty sixth direct depot for Albany 10 30 A. M. stopping at Wllllamsbrldge, White Plains, Bed- lord, < 'roton Kalia and suilens north to Albany, connecting with Uential and Northern Railroads for Sara!>.,o and all points north and wini. Por Crotou Kails at 3 .1a A. M and 5 r M. (the 6 P. M. train wi'l run Saturday* only. Returning leave Croton Pull* at 5:50 A. M. Monday): lor White Plain", I) 16 and lt> A. M., 8 :»». 4 10, Sand t. 16 P. M. iroin White street depot. Kor Wllllamsbrid^e, 8 16. In A. M., 8:30, 4:10. 6, 8, 6 16 and 8:90 P M. Croton Pall*. White PUIiik an 1 Wllllamsbrldge trains atop at all elation*. Kor Dover Plain*. 4 P. M., stopping at White Plains and *tntions north to Uovcr. Returning leave Albany 9:1.) A. M., on arrival or Northern and Western trains, stopping at ail stations from Chatham to Croton Kalis; also Bed lord White Plaint an# Wllltamabridge. Dover Plains. 5:45 A. M. stooping at all stations north of and at While Plain*; Croton Kails. 6 P. M. : Whltr Plain*. 6:10, 7. 8 'M A. M.. 18:30, 4:16 P. M. ; Wil- liamsbrldyc. 6:30 A.M. an I 7:00 P. M. White Plain* aud Wlllla«nebrld«e trains *top at ail Stallone. Sunday excur- .ion trains at balf Tare. Kor Croton Pail*, 8:16 A. M., stop¬ ping Mall station* except Yorkvllle; for Wllllamshrldie, #:W, 11 :30A.M., 2, 4:30 ana HP. M.; for White Plains, H P.M. Wlllla«u*l>ridso an I White Plains trains stop at all stations. Returning, leave White Plalna at ii:ll A, M.; Wllliamabrldg al 0:40, 10:86 A. M 13 40.3 10, 6 *0 and 7 P. M , stowing at all station*. Croton Kails, 6 P. M. , stopping at all station* north of and at Wllllamsbrnlge* JOHN BL'RCHILL, Supcrlulcndnct. MEDICAL. ACAlTION to lai>ies-madamb res tell, ke- male Physician, 16:' Chamber* street, deems It her duty M aaatlon ladle* against impoaiors who appropriate her ad¬ vertisement*, word for word, merely substituting soma igno¬ rant and wholly Irroapoaslble person a* "Marfan. e'' or Doe- tar. Thear: person* have spurlou* tucdicine* and other pel- aouous compounds to deprive the un« arv or easily duped aa well of their means as ol their health. That ladles may avoid these Impositions Madame Best»n foela called upon to give thlaaauiion. £iR- R. COBBETT, MEMBER OP THE NEW YORK " University, Medical College and College or Surgeon*, ndon, can lie coosulted privately at hi* conveniently ar¬ ranged Hitlt of officea, 80 Centre street, between Chamber* and lU ule meets, having a private autrance at No. I City Mall place. N. B.. e Dr. (I diploma in hi* olQr e. Con- aultalion* atrlcily coufidential. DR COOPER. 14 DVAXE STREET, MAY iftS CON .uitod on all diseases. Thirty year* exclusively devoted to disease* enable* bim to warrant a cere in all caaee. The victim* of mi-placed confidence in toe Ileal preteuuer* can call with a certainty of being radically cured, or no pay. R. WATSON, HAVING HAD AN EXPERIENCE OP more than thirty van. I* enabled to g'laraaloe a cure ia all caae*. without change of diet, or reitrlctloii from bu*i- uesi. Dr. Wat>on ha* reduced to fifty ceut* the price or his Book, the "Cause and Cure." including all the plates, in « hlch may be found valuable information lor such as aie .uttering from either disease or debility. or who contctu- Slate marriage. Sold by MILLKB A JENNINGS, 422* roadway, and by the author, at *130 Broadway, next I)Io> k above the Met roi>olltan HoteL Consultations from 7 AM to 8 P. M. D DR. JOHNSON, 14 DUANB STREET. MAY BE CON- ¦ulted on ail dieeaaes Thirty > ears' experience ena¬ bles him to guarantee *|>cedy cure* to all who come under his charge. DR. GRINDLB. FEMALE PHYSICIAN AND AC- coucher. No. 6 Amity place, make* It bis s pedal prac¬ tice to treat all female complaint*, from wbaerer cau*e pro¬ duced. Dr. larmont. acthor ok the ' Paris i/>.\ don and New York Medical Adviser and Marriage Guide." 7ith edition, over 4U0 pages, nearly 100 lllu*- trations, continues to relieve patients Incompetent to fuifll the dune* ol lile, from Indiscretion, exeesao*. nervous and general debility, attH7 Broadway, up suir*. rro u 11 11116 E. WARNER, No I Veaey etreet. mall* the book, sealed, for f 1. "We concur with other papers in recommending Dr. Larmout and hi* work. '.Courier de* Elats Uin*. Dispatch, Slaats Zeitung, Atlas, Medical Bevtew, Ac." DR8. BELMONT k CO.. WITH 20 TEARS' HXPE rlcnre lately Visited over fifty hospitals in Europe, and papers ojien (or Inspe tion, otler seientltlc treatment, quick and sure can- guatanteed; also by communication all through the Pnited S'ale*. Our new treatment lor rheumatic coiuplalnts, aiso In cates of ol . t.. d og. has B roved a sure reme.lv for the last three months. Offlce, o«. 7"7 and 779 Broadway, New York city. Open from $ A M to 9 P. M. DR. BARKOW, NO 194 BLEECKEK STREET. rOUR ooors from Mucdoujial. Neu Turk, ('otisnltattons as usual DR. RALPH. AUTHOR OP TBV PRIVATE TREATISE 4c, Mo. H0 Am ty meet. Those who apply In the early ¦tare will be surprised at the ease and rapidity of the cure: thoee, however, who have auSered long w il> oest appreciate bl* services. These consultation* are in atrict coufldeuc- DR. POWERS. FEMALE PHYSICIAN AND PRO feaeorof Midwifery, treats ail diseases o: females! n It h unequalled sticre** lie can be coosulted and his infallible medicine* obtained at hi* office. S) Llspcnard street D~ R. W A RD S S l"CC ESS AS ALL THE WORLD ENOWS. has been immense and his fame la conseqnerv-e thereof has btought to his door< so'Terers from all pat tso, the nlobe. Consultations from A M tHI 9 P. M. Str.ctly private. Office SU Llspenard street. R. POWEB'H 1 ESSENCE < >K LIFE, OR BEiCVEEA- tlng Ehxlr. OfDcei M Llspenar street. This famous reme.lv tor all diaeases has 0|>erated moet favorably In bringing thousand* to llfs and health Send for circular*. n. B." "WINTER'S OFFICE IS aT~KO . BfYIStON street, New York city. He lias no other offier. KnUhllshed 144. Eight rosin and a private entrance lie cures chronic irruptions and spot* on the sktu. ulner*of all hind*. I he most poisonous Impurity of the blood, fistula, *c Work on Human Krallty. Nervous Debility. Early IndBseretton. snd consultation gratis. Honrs In from 1 A. M until 0 0 Cioo* P.M. DR. ward, so L1SPF.NABD STREET, HBAB »ROAD wav. I* a scientific phvslcian, who fl" re* Wlthoitt m»r our* or other pot*o»oua medicinoe, ny an inval uable dn ouvery, a ad no p»y It r# |uirci wiihoul a cure «5lT#ot©a. B." POWEBi E8*F*CR OF LIKE OR RR.ICYFN Ing Elixir, offiee Llspenard street, restore* youth and manhood in four day* One trial will eon » I ace. All person* before cotitemplatiag man isge should take the reme ly- DR. WARD. W LI8PENABr> 8TBEET, CAIJWTH1 AT tention or those alll "ted with any form of dlseaae AM the many cases that hate oome under bis care hav* been cured, without a aingle exception. Some of tties* w ere of year*' (landing M ADaME BESTELL. FEMALE PHYSICIAN AND Profeeeor of M dvlrsry, can he eon mite I as usual at I*& Chambers street. Rut one interview will lie necessary. Her infallible me lictnes can also be obtained »t Liber¬ ty street, or by mall. Price fs Madame grindle. female »i'iirsn ian and Midwife No ti Amity place. Convenient rooms at* provided for those about to require nursing. MRS. W II MAXWELL. FEMALE IMIYSl 'UN AND Mtiltvffe, No « O cne street makee it ber special practice to treat all remileComplatata Irotn wn»te\ere*use prodiiee i Madame parsbllb. female pbtsicun and Midwife..Convenient rooms are provided for those » bo re mite nursinj. Also a sure cure for the plies and diarrhfs when a|i other re "" * Madamf. desparii female physician treats all dhtea-es o females with unparatlelel s oeess. 8 >. can *+ ronxtited and her reliable m- dielne* outained at I .'I Su th sreni:e*w>p;ioslte K'giitx street. NO CI'RE NO PAY I II RoNIc DI ARRIHF* CUBED RV l»K J AS A NrlAI 31 WK-tT F1FTIEERTH BfRF.fcr. ASTRO LOOT. A8TR0PU RKNOLOGY, OR ASTROLOGY AMD PHRB- nology Harmonised Puhlh attention Is ureenlly so liuicu 1.1 uii-i Science. practu. J ou moral and ('brlsttao piioclpies, by ljr. L D. Brougbtou. who, by mltiWe UivsaU. ruikiu and birge practice for the last tweuly years, to aa* bled to mt-oduce before the public the art ef delineating Human Cburac tor, by the position of the Heavenly Bodle* Id a more » :en title form than has evar There* i ol a puUa beau in the human frame Tli.il It uot govern'd by ihe stars above us. Dhe blood fiai Oils our veini, In all its ebb. 1 And flow, In stayed hy them a* certainly As iiie the restless ilrtes of the aall .,eh By the resplendanl Mu ni and ihy birth , Thy mother a eve gaxed not rttore sleadfii'tlf On thee, thau dl.t the Sti;v (hat ruiaa thy fate, r* Showering upon thy >ieftd an Influence, Ma.ignan: or beuh'ii.i When r.kctiaed hy i.onest and tutoiHgetit persona, tbla metl.ol of denying ituman character wl'l «« louud vastly superior to evtrv fihci mode, aud entirely directed of all the cant and sophistry with whIc'i this usefTil and heavenly Science has ixv a hitherto eucumherrd by Its pro essors. Dr. U. ilroughton. I'rorcmor of Astro-Phi-enVogy. haa great i ..lisurc tn aiinouaniug to th« admirers of tbla science Utal bo n ay t'.j \ luted at his lusl.lnice. Uu Greene street, ocas 1 mice t>ti eel, where he will be a :ai Ic give ntte.illon and such adv i~? a*i ia long espori, n u la accordan t with the Holy Scriptmi may ieii«l. r nc «oiry. Pi rsoris wishing to t< at t e irilliluines* of this sei beads ot tainillea re¬ quiring u i>»of<>aalou, trade or calling for their children, and all those who make nature an.' moral dntv tbali afudj, will denvum ch Iieuullt by coua.iitiue Or L I). Brotigbton. who will practically Illustrate tin- c":etri nheuo-n. na of tba plaiiela: v orbs, na displayed on tlie character of man. In hie moral, menia aud physical capacities, snecjallv polYitiiig out til.' nature (>I1 Iidllttfx 01 the min.l.the constitution of the body as regards health and .liwa^e.the menial and cor¬ poreal aileetmna. and t'.a.r In.lnenuu on Inrtlvi lual pros¬ perity, mnriiage, profession and t ade. mcieantlle specula¬ tion, un.l t'n- roliahillty of ratun to eminence aud renown in im.v particular puis. ill. in short, ampie tiiirfleolars or (?ersou.il tuient and power wires ary to l>e known, ran be lai'.htum illustrated hy thiaiin.oiniiaiab eacience, the know- led heiug deduced uuiel" fi"in Ihr position or tin? heavenly borHcs (at the tune or hlrtn), wuicn. according to the aacrea wiiitu.". wore placed In the 111 niauient by tbe (ireat Omul potiMil, lorninia, fur sensoin, for data and ten is to eblD* upon eai lb. in r.Uu tbe day and the night, which fought In Ihelr courses against Snera, and whleu couditcled the wlt» men nl the Ka»t to iho hlrtliplac of ourSavlnur. TLMMS l.;i .ijt .> oenta; gentlemen $1. go- stlona an¬ swered by ( a.loslng *1. Aliio, phrenological eiami- nutioiiH niaile. \crUu W cnnla: with achart (1. All peraons forwardlag litlata, slatiug tin: lime aud p!a> « ol birth, with their sex (inali: or female), oncloelngfS. will receive by malt a chart with tboir nativity lully enpiatned ih every point re jun d. Adoiev. Dr. L. 1'. Uiongl ton UoOreene street. New Vork. llin-ineMt hours fi oiu "J o clock A. 11. to 8 J*. M. Foe fuilhcr particulars beiKj lor "Hronchlons Monthly I'lunet Header,'1 lomaiu.n pi eilicllons on tlie fate of llie nation, the niiuvttU-s of II on. XV. II. Sew «rd. (ien. Grant, Oen. N. 1*. Baiika, Ac.. Ac. l'lice hy maii thten i- lila. * BOLOVE B. MAUUIUK, THE OKKAT AND RBAI» J V Asiio.'ofcr h advice Is ba-ird upon selentlllc plinclplea. What is Astrology? H 1* tho practical part of the »<ience Of Asiroiioiuy ; mid, aa the Ineory of navigation would be of little service to initn without the experience derived fronv linvcrsiiif the o can's bouu Is, so astronoiay to o. little mo¬ ment unc<iiinreted with Its practical value, developed Id antral lore. Astrology leaches n,e nature of the various planets, the lulluenuu they uxerl upon our earth In their puMit^ti liironuh the aucaiaslee >Una of the zodiac, tbe ellects upon the < haraeters a id fortunes of mankind, aecord- ln- to their pnsitioiu. I'lolessor Maurice has a profound kuowlcdge of thu rules ol the sri-i.c of the stars; and, aa thj ha". I of flita has marked out the path of each Individual, so will Pro csaor Maurice unlo il his meandering, covering the whole Held of all that relates to your happiness or mlee¬ ry thro gh vo.ir whole life; he will dcsuribu tbo intended husbaiii! or .< lie and tells the veiy day y<>u »lll marry, and In causing «p t-dy marrla.ies villi bring suioese out of the most hoiielesj cases. Ail who consult Professor Maurice will ha s ire of hikcCsh in any undertaking and have good luck and he prosperous through life. No. 126 Blcei k r street, three blocks from Broadway. I-i lies, 50 c. gentlemen, $1. All hauis, till nine In the eveiiia.-. AB. MAI RICE. T1JB (iltE AT AND REAL ASTAOIiO . ger. If your destiny you would know, Then to Professor Maurice go; He the future will untold, llead from yonder orhs gold. If there s danger in tne way. l^earn Its nature before you stray, So you can, by timely care. Turn its s> emin ; ioul to fair. Tliie aetrologer. A- B. Maurice, will bring siiccrse ont of the most helpic»s cases, In any un lertaklu*. And also In causing stx'edy marriages, an J te'ls tlie very day you will marry. All who consult htou will be *ure ol good luck through life. if Ihuse at a dix:anne will .-ent their age, and enclose one dollar, he n ill return to them in three days the ouUlnee of their whole life A. B. MAURICE, IK Blceclter street, three blocks from Broadway. All hours till nine o'clock in the evening. Ladies wfc. ; geu'lemen 31. AB. MAt'lUCB, THE (>BEAT AND REAL AHTRO . loger, of 120 Bleecker street, wuh several a rets that no living mortal ev r knew iiufore. v. nt unfold the inysteriee of the past, present and future, and gives to all h's visitors a foreknowledge of all the general a lairs I h rough their whole life He iell» In regard to health, wealth, Irlenda, enemies, love, courtship and marriages, promotion, happi¬ ness or misfortune, gain, loss, *e ; telle tlie very tiay you will marry, and describes the Intended husband and wire, ami in causing speedy marriage* will bring success out of the most hopeless cases. All laboring uuder dep esfion Ol suirlts, distress and anguish of mind, frotn whatever cause, should hy or write to Prof. Maurice for relief aud cosnfort If those at a distance will send tiielr age and encloee one dollar, he will return to you the o nline* of yonr Hi*, read your character and describe > our enemies and l<*-t 1 rlends. Answers prompt in three da.vs. 12<S Bleecker *tr« -t. three blocks from Broadway Ladies. I fty cents. Gentlemen, one dollars Ail iiours till D In the evening. A BUSINESS AND MP.DICAL CLAIRYOYaNT, WHO lias no equal In America and Is the lady who Brat ad¬ vertised In this city and Ho-ion, and tHM**) reward le of¬ fered io any pci sou who can surpass her In giving correct in¬ formation on ]o*>t or stolen goods, lawsuits. at« nt irlenda end business matters of all kinds. If yon nave trouble, nc matter bow serious, she can allay It for you. She also pre¬ scribes for all diseases and Is making great cures. N. B . This Is no bumbng, nor does she wtoh to lrn|>e>e on the un¬ wary Please test her skill. This lady alee manufactures a wash <a led tihlnese Uvso. sn infallible remedy for remov¬ ing freckles, tan and sunburn, an.! renders tbe skin perfect ly soft and smooth a highly perfumed and elegant article for the toilet. Ladles, try It. Please remember th.s is tie only independent Glairroyant tu this cur. She an refer to tbe most prominent citizens of New York, Ph.ladelphla, Boston am) other cities. Call and satiafy yourselves. OOoo A 8TONI8HINO TO ALL I. MADAMS MORROW. J\ (evenlh da ughter, and born with a natural fill of (on ¦Igbt, to tall bow mod and ollen you will marry, and all yoa with to kno « , ereu your \ery thought*. ar no pay. Her maslc image la now in lull operation, and her ei|tia. n not to ba round In the wbola world. Sba given lock* charm*. and abowa you a correct llkeoeaa ol veur prtvnt or future bua- bi>n<l and absent friend* without any charge, im Ludlow .u*i>t, btslow Houston. Fee only twenty-tire oenta; all boura unill In the evening. Ueutle.en not admitted. A BONA FIDE ASTRO LOOItiT. THAT EVERT ONE tan depend on, la Ume WILSON, who telH the object of your vlelia* soon a* yon enter. She tella tt>«- paat, pro sent and frture of your life, and warn* you 01 danger*. and bring* »iire -*e out of the moat perlloua undrrtaklnae. M. B..Cele'rralcd magi obarma. No. IS) Allen etreer. between Hoii-lon and fiautun atreeta, over ibe bakery. Charge* for adle* and gentlemen. Si ream » Bl'slNISS CARD .MADAM K l.EKOY THK OREAT A Itiarlrationai Clairvoyant, give* Information on all af- ft» ra of life, lore and marrlugr; a range* bue>ne»a »tid rivee lucky nutnlmra. Interview* iu cent*. gentlemen A Ratie- factioti guaranteed. 2 <6 Raymond street. Brooklyn, near Fulton avenue. ABETTER ARTROLOOIflT 18 HOT TO BR FOL'BO In the city tnan Dr. L D. UKi lUiillTOki. He (ucreedB in giving aattafactlon wbi-n alt otheri roll. Ho <ati be coo- aulted o:i a'l alTairaof human Ufa. audi courtship, mar¬ riage. ria\elllug remova *. lawculta. obtain tut altuatloaa. rrcoxr'n.' property, welfare of abaonl frlenoe. Ae alio alckne * if the re'i juitr will recover or die of the prvaeot sic* tie -a if r. cover, the tune they will begin to inuend. whnt part of the bodv adllcted, and what iroa:inent and Mad* ne are leal adapted lor the *i< k peraou Term*.La- die. SO centa; gentlemen, 91 yti -oil n< »n<vverr bv letter, mill phrenological e«aminatl<in« made. Forlurtbei partlen- Ureaeul (or "BrougLtou'e Monthly PUnel Heuder," con¬ taining prediction* on the weatiier ami on the fat'- o t the na¬ tion. Hie nalirltleaol llmi. w. II iiewerd, (lea. w ant aad of lien. N. f. llanlu. Ar., Ac I'l Ice, bv mail. three ceata. Offl e U'tl Urrcne Itreet. heiow Prln-e atreet. Y. C10U IIESTKR. THE CELEBRATED .ML III M CAN J be rontultrd on all affair* ol Ule, patt, present and fu¬ ture. at lil* room*, 7M Broadway, opposite the Now Tork Ho:. I. Letter* amwered by mail. IV YOU WANT ADVICE CALL ON MADAME DEMOIR, French an Kngll*h A*trulogl»l. who ws* never known to fall to reveal ail the pa«t, [utiire or preaeat. She brltiga together lho»e lonu ¦urillltfi ahown a rot -i likeneaa of luture hnsband or a'ia. nt fr.er. I,. Lurk> ii'.-i lieia free. Ladie* 26 cent*, gentlemen M dent* (Apply at I «i N ueteentb ¦treel, between Se'euili and Eighth avenue*. »e otid Boor. IOOK HERE -ARE YOU IK TROUBLE! HAVE TOO J been de rived or trilled *l'h' Have your fund bona* been bliated bv I alar promise*' If go. go lo MADAME Russ for advioe and aatlnfai tloo In love alalra ahr tat never known to tali. She lir.nga together tho«e :.,u* *epa- rated, *Bd show* * correct hkemeaa ol future l-uabaod or abnent fuenda. Lucky (lumber* free. No. ot Wtat twenty- .c.enth "lire!, beiweeti Slith and Xeventh avenue*. Name ontbedoo-. R ng ihr baxemrnt bell. LAD1EM. NO IMPOSITION -MADAME BLA.N< H, THE gn at European Clairvoyant ami Aatro!o*i'l Uaa arrived. She waa born with a nat iral g ft. Sh>! iell» yo r very tbo'Uht*. bnn/» together thoar long aeparaieil, and an*ea apeeilv marriage*, t«U« you the nam- of the jierfon you will marry. «ho»a you a correct likeneaa of four Ittture buehaad or a'xeiit friend In teallty. La lie* 1A renta. O ntleman Mrent*. lit Weal Twenty eighth *ueet. near MvttMhav, VO IMI U8ITION -THE NFVER FAILING MADAME 1> FTARR. from Europe. * ho waa borti with a natma gift. i!ie oon*uit* on the |>a*t pievat and fuiure, on all ailalra of life bring* tOfether tliooe long ae| arated. ra'tae* apeedy matriagea, *ho»a you .> orreot llkeneu of your future hue- band or aheeut frfeoda. dmnkenne«* curel: noteber* free. Ladle«,|take aollce . youkhat have lieea dec. iv«t by falee lovera you that have been unfortnuaie in lift, ail on true great European Clairvoyant and As'ri'oeiM, for It I* true facta wnlrh induce lor lo aay that h'reiual ia not to be found, which i* prored *ud te*ie.i by hundred* who dally and eagerly vigif i,er. Caution look out, good m-a-afhr all f.\UU) reward for »ny one who ca0 equal Mdame ttiarr.tlr 8reat European Clairvoyant, In her p.ofeiudO" »r akin lie *l»o teij* yo th* name of the |iera,>n you will marry. No humbug: No ll'I Ea*i nevtnteenih itrc t, nomorof Thirdavenue. Name on the door Oemiemen aot admitted. Ladte* bewar* of bilininn *t»o th<ioe that try to Imltaia her, *n<i eopy ihiiaavertMmeemtoot. \H-WH0 HAS NOT HEARD OT TIIE ( BbE- . ion ted Madame BREWSTKK (Who ba* removed to 44* Bi *th avenue, corner of Twenty *». entb aireet and w ho r»n lw cam* ilted wlfi entire *atl«(Vtlou' Hh* baa .o.fl'1*'; Hhe tella tli name of future wl'a or huabaud, aaoihatof her > taller, if you wl*h tr ilh gue her a oa:L^ READ -MADAME RAV 18 THB BBBT CLAIBVuTANT and Aatrvlogiat In ihio »U>I. "".'"bora. oauM* (needy marrtMf. Let am i thMK who I to iliow 11 Mind. If roo with Ut* troW.jWl City re'ereoraa to be e»eu at jSf.fflf!!?!. Teeaiy aeveaih *lre"l LaJle* B ceaii, genilcinen gOoeut*. THE IIRIATF.flT VOlMf IN TIIE WORI.n |ft tHF aceompllahod MadanO B1MON. from Par.e, wl.oraa be CooiuUed withtbe .trteieM ,eoo Ueaee oe all an.ir. of life reatnrea krunkea aod oeMtkritl bugbMd*: baa a aerret lo ored by yo«trh*arr. Idol, and br nga together aepanted W»4ieo lit ceela. lUwdcueogO Third above Twelfth atreet. wrr no WOlXD NOT OO TO MAKE THEIR FORTI NB W tJo ye.lone and all to *ee Mi** WELLINGTON. Hi" renowed Bt»g"«l» I'roplie e**, uBlvrraally acknowlad«"'l lb- I., of all Aalniloglatg, wbo gniiauleea to ereu re to Ibna- Who eonaob her health, wealth aad happlneie, and warrant- tn Imparl to them informailon of the utmoat iinportaoee relative to lawautta. jorrrneya, abaeat Irlen l*. ki<*. eo«rt ¦hie marriage, hidden Ireaeure*. enemloa and troab'ee; in feet,' of all affair* in lire t Brave aoMlere, learo vvur dooat of alory, life or death If you *ee« yo»r owe preMarlty and felirltwou ll aot delav t-> v»e»t or addree* by letter thl* hlgtr y gifted and beat: UfaI youag lady, ad It'I n .Jpo.'le fTighlh alraet. Mia* W. lithe My pdraen In tb*e rln who Itaiihe genuine Bewan and AreUau taltaaiane for lute a.«d itfk aad buwaeea eir»ire^warraa»*< Jar life Limy nuinbera given a. aiao hl«te. reme |tran> enneee cured and MfalMful Wltee aad h«» lian t^eelai met make thoae avenue.

nS-usr'-ssss:* Urb^Mrgia-'DC. Sssuftu. · Galen. Aun QlraaonEmma Oillrn MraMary (iarantAntolne Oli ason Lydla (lUflllan Kat* ... Marion Fanny Mo'jre Edith Mullen Eli/a Martin Mr*

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Page 1: nS-usr'-ssss:* Urb^Mrgia-'DC. Sssuftu. · Galen. Aun QlraaonEmma Oillrn MraMary (iarantAntolne Oli ason Lydla (lUflllan Kat* ... Marion Fanny Mo'jre Edith Mullen Eli/a Martin Mr*

LIST OF UT/fERSRemaining in the Ne^ York Post OfUoo

Saturday, & ^ptember 5, 1863.

.ilelally Published in the NewspaperHaving the Largest Circulation.


rfautueW Anderson AnnArf.rn.Miw Ate^ndt rrt.m.cAl.,(J40a Mnl AbuAU-n-».»<«»rsa.-et *

j uUtM li Arnold «rs (S JAd«in»M.i>Y Ahr?il Mo< Calb V-ihworlli 'lurryAhern Mrs. Broom Aljr Atkm. AnnAlthela Mary All« *Au»l,n M.» EdwdAlnaworlti Lacy A- « . .!>Avery Mm Reb-ccaAkin Mrs Ann " c 3

MftSS'S&r ffiwy Mg£ke? 8 Mi* Ellza-B^n Malv^na2!k«Mr*Jane beth *t Bolle* Abby JSSklr Oertrude Beanhttm Mary B Uow.-n Vary AnnJJaJlar Mrstleorge Be. kett Christina BowersCatb£Uik Qraco Beth Eliza Saaua K DBr»<(v Cith llerrj Pannj Bagi»« B Uhi* k M » L Win B«in*leiiiBrnestcln Bolton MrsBlat'r Mary BcDew Ann Booacjua ^I*i}H kjKtrii Mrs 2tl iiv Belmoot Miss Hogui'l Rurnh DJBiak< ly Isabel Bell Mrs Meliia M BroUertck AnneBraleyV * B1«m Her Ltaaie M Brook* J***!*""If/ Kllcn Blessey Mrs E Brooke V D VaryBrandon Mary Keusoti Ellen H 1 i»k» Mr 1 BBranuonXii .Bridge tBcuner Sail e liadwoiyiM.W 8Rrunnon Adda Brewer Lebllc A BuillaghamMrsuWKirnt't Jirt A Br,-un.nl Mr. Burni feenrieita

rnard Mrs S Brennan Mrs Anna BurolaJUrUBarrett Mr. N M Bieeac Mary Barn. Mr. t b.rlottBarton Mra Ed/a BiigRs Mary 8"ri» .."JmcpIMajy Blidow Florence E Burko BridgetBarker Lottie W Burtch E H

Cadwall EUen M Clnj Elizabeth a»u ¦' ;>1'

^fffSST^ Crawford Isabel Urb^Mrgia-'DC.nS-usr'-ssss:* . sw«vSssuftu. SSSKAHUIStlit Clinton Bella cookHatile

Cluuu Mi.. Coadey Marft_Cook Frank

©lark Rum B COJllnMlaH, lGth St I 00k MtBtiai ah BClark Louisa Cole Mr» M II Crouch Mrs WesleyClark Mary 11 Collin. Mary Croabv Mr. HeuryBClark Locker Lid. Cullman Mr., lltb stCroaia HanoraCarpenter SophronaConklin Llz*y Crow B'.jjnCaraon Mrs SaraB Connell Cath Crowny Mr. B MCarr Mrs Kate ConsidineMra, ParktTuiumlngs Mr. M ACarrell Margt street Cunimius MaryCarl C A ConnorCath Cunlghan AnnCarr k H Conroy Mai? OumiiiighamlaabelaCavunajfh Mr. MaryConc Belle Culver Mra LauraCarr.ill Jennie Connely Elian Curtis MeryBCarltoa Betty Connely Margt CurrauMr.StpbAnnCaaslan Catb Coe EM Curtla Mra ElizaCaMidy Alice Oonr.i-haw Mar* Cun-cn Mrs JI Dt'arliu Robecca t'on.ius Mary A Cutler Mra, 25tb it

I)Painen Maria Deforre.t Amanda Doran Mra Oregoryllarmb Mra Celia Devalli' Mrs Mary WDooorau M rlMargtCarrab Mra Bartow De I'bUipa Martin Donnelly MraOrfteeDana Mr. Andrew Ann DorlaMaryDana Nellie E DevoeMraOM Downe. Mr* MarjtDantun Sarah Ann Dal.no Louisa A Doberty Mrs Wine-Davison Mary C Delsny Mr. Mary fredDauson Mrs Jno W Drew Mary Donough AnnDavidson Sarah Di.-kinson Mr. O E Po igberty MargtDitis Mr. Harriet Dinrnor« Mr. ChrlatDowTlng HonorsDavi. Ellen Diuganan Jane Dow IsabellaDavi. Mr* MaryAnnD >lion Mrs, I*earl atDoyle OathDsv.s Alice A Dillon Kate Dunne MaryDrake Susan E Ditto E.uma Duffle KlUaDe silver Mr. J F Dinon Mr. M Duuleu HenriettaDlanro Beron Dodce Maria Dulcn Ann

KKaton Mrs Dolly Edsall Margaret Elliot AnneBhel Louisa Edward«,Mra Ely Mr. LBE'lgarMrsHamlltotiEgin Mary Emorton L KKdsou Mr. 8 1' Elll. Martha Engle. Sarah MEdwards Sarah Eltlng Mary Agnes Ester Misa, B'dway

VVhinder. Alls Ferry Mra Mlllan Fitch Susan AFlaherty Bridget Fergusoo Angle Fitzpatrick AnnaFanning Maria Freeman Martha L Fitzpatrick RoseFarrell Mr., 1st av Fleming Mary Fltr.gcraldMaryAnnFrankling MrsLau- French Mrs A R Frlirkel Maryra A Filkln. Mrs ForbuahHenriettaM

Franklin Letitia Finn Annie Folks AnnFrancis Kate Fi.k Matilda Hprd AnnaFra/erMrsSN FiseberCath Foi BosaFrankentbal Anna Fisher Kate W Foye Mr. Albert AFranklin H M Fisher Maria Po.terMraBllrabethFrank Caroline Field. Mary Fuller Mary LFeenely Mrs, V arick

_Fuller Kate

G -

Galen. Aun Qlraaon Emma Oillrn Mra Mary(iarant Antolne Oli ason Lydla (lUflllan Kat*(lay J ennie Ueartv Sarah tlilraor Mr* EcnrnaUay Ani>c M Gray Mary Olrai.d MadameUanvert Martha (ireen Mr* Gordon Jennie Ftlray Margaret D Ureely Mn J H Uoltbwalt HelenUray Mr* G rut Mr. Isabella Gorton Mr. MelieeaOtafiam Belle tlibney Ellen (lodfrv Mrs MUrabain Anny Oibbons MrnLizzle Gor.ndon AmeliaOrabam Kmma J Gibson Mr. Wm Gouble 8Garland Mrs Gibson Mailba Gorgan MargaretGaUahrr Mary Glbney Annie Uongelar Josephineiilauer Emily Goodwin Mary Jllackett Abby narrlson B M Hogan Mra, Mul-Hams Mrs Cath Harden Hannah

_berrrr *t

Hall Mr. Letitia UaywoodMraFS Howard Mr. NettleHall Margt llays Mrs Margt Howard Mattle JHa<iley Liny llency Julia Howard Mra Jen-Mall Mary B Hesaw MraAua uette CBalllnau Margt HertzogMrsFrede- Hopper ElitabetkUamiltou Mrs Em- rlaa Hopkins Mrs HuSanma R IleonemanMrsMa* Hoyt Hannah M

Uammitt Mrs H B riaC_ Hyatt Aunia

bannen Nora Heydon Emma R Hv4lou Kann>Ilaalon Mary lloffiuan Anna llyatt CainUaneu Mary Hoiiabooin Mary Hylaud ElizabethHaadlj Mrs Holcoinb Adda J Hutuphrya BiitaHart Mra Marv HoernllaMrsEmma Hudsou Lucy Aftanan Bridget Uogan Bridget Ilynds MaryHarris MrnFb.be Howe Mr. Cbarlolt Hudson LucyHarrteftoiiMnSO "* .*

#"r *srs -T? 1laaley Harriet B

<.Irrod Mrs Johnson Elizabeth .Kmson AnnaJeruuea Lillie John.tou Mra Jas RJOnes Cornell*JackMn Mrs C C Johnston Mrs ftarahjones Mrs An&le LJennings Clara W Johnson Ann.tta Jones Sarah Ajarkaan Mary Jobnaon Madaui Juel JosepbloeJohioon Mrs D M


Kenedy Mary Kerr Miss Margt King Mrs OliviaKeauan Maria Kenny Mra Oner Kinny Fannie

.Kennedy Mary KeUyMr.JW Kiuarm Mia., LexKennedy Elira Ketteredge Mra C ington avKeualy Maggie Kibie M A Know lion CoraKelly Mary Krone HelenV «. \jtLawtoB Jane Letts KHxaoeth Linntll Mrt Mary SLachei\ltz Amanda Lager Mrs Paul Loomts Mrs C KLatifhUn Kann Is Leane Miry Loaao Mr« LtszteLAUKhhti Fauoie L Lemont Mary LonguV--'"""atet.W5 fcKai'si

fexrrss. b£°iE?T«.Leiabton Mrs A M Livingston Blanche Lutz Mrs Mary AnnLee Mrs Edward Lindner Mr. KlUe LynehMr^JatWine

^Lannoa Ellzab^ Liwa Mrik Houston Lynch Mra BoplilaA

Maden Annie Meliegan Jane More Mrs Aisle AnnHahan Eiien Meehan Briiaet Morrell Mrs FrankHansfleld Elizabeth Miller Mr» Emily Moran MarrMaUne Hiitlset A.2 Mortimer Caroline¦atftiire Mary Mid HetonMr§Msud MorrH Mrs Henrtet*Mafte Fannie.J Miller Amelia Jane ia B¦ alone MrMJor^iua Mlnta Maria M on- Ed thMagdalena Helena Mofflt Mary Ann MorrMFlorenoe vir-Ma^e Mr. L H Moore Jennie glnlaMafill Catharine Moore Mary M.rgan Mr«Mattkraa Mrs Eli M"Ore Amanda T Morton Mrs Kate.aheth Mr>ooev Mrs John Morri* Aila B

Marsb Fanny MontgomerrMrjEJ Murray FannieSarr Julia A Morre Celia M"rpl.y HanuroMarion Fanny Mo'jre Edith Mullen Eli/aMartin Mr* Mary Moor* Christiana Murphy Mr. >-AraliMaron Bi eigrt Moor Auue or Fan Murphy Mra Mar.yMartin Ma'.ly nv Murphy KateMarlinMmMargaret Moil Mrs Inabelia Muruby BridgetMatibews Klhtabeth Moorliouse s S M"l tiK»n Mrs Char

R Morion MraV li ginia iottn ftMatthew. Mary __ Morrlaon Jeuulo

MacMeCariey ,'ane McCarthy Mrs MrfluireBewyMcArthui Mr. Ca- M'Cullum Margt MctluireJaneIbeiine A M Air) Mli«. Ma II- Mclown, C'yHall piMcCoy Mary.2 son si MrFeely Mr« F FMet all Mr. 8H Mt-i oruiick Marr MrOafllginMr^athMcClunon M.irr Ann Mytiahy MarairetMrConecby Mr* MeDermot Oath McMann Mrs MaryAnnie McOaunon MraMaryMcVav Kate

Mn arthr Mr. Metiowan Kale or McKini(ieMr.ER-JMcCabe Caih.iina McCnhbersoa Mrs MetHoughlin Mr.McCounell Kctieara McFea* Sarah¦

Mowrkk Fanny Ninon Mr. LouiaaA NelMn AnnNor»u«dMrsJennie Nealon Mr. Ann Newtou Katie EIt

Ogden Mr. Martha Outer .ridge Mrt O'MelllMr. Elizah hOik. Mr. Mart.J O Donneil CathOr bae Lo'izlrleAna Oakley Ame'la. 1! O Learv EllenOlaou r Mra O Ooanel Bridget O Loughllu BridgetF

Fortei MrsCbarlottePear M .rgarei Price Mr.FarreMisElWabeib I'rentts. Mrs Mary 1'oriei Mrs CMPage hil/aheih Peters Fiedeif k Pollard Eunice HPatte'win S.llie A rreniis.Mi.FiankEI'owell Mis MalthaPadeirordMraM art- rr -ntia« MrsKona Pol el Mad Eetia I'etler Brtdnet Poller MnryI'arranlere Mr»0 A Prlee Mm lLirrietJ Power. M\rvPerkins Mr«, 7th st PhlUI|>« MU<. c.natPlnnkett BuillyPendeigrassBilJgel lVlrre Jo«eii!iino P r.lv Kachel At'aleraon Mr. Ja. C Pike Mrs R Nv Post Mr- ElUal>«thIjuUlau Mrs Ann ythaHliy Mrs Y

HKawllng. MrsKecse R.-l«vber Anue Rhodes Mr. L FK.aer Mr. r

_Reed Ann. Kolfs Mrs Ch. latlaKand.llMr.OT Riehsrjaon Llztle na FrederickRaymond Mattle N RHey Mlnai Robert. Mrs Caroi eHaiidolph Matilda Rllly Marga et Roe.li Mrs MaryRa^im Ann« R iley Catharine R .«« M tr<si .-tHead Mr- s. phla Kl. har 1« » isnceiW R ,'-ir>- n Mi. E HReed Mrs MA Killer Mary RoUtoa Mrs Rv haelR>* Ifleld Mm L A Klnj Mr. Michael Rvan Mr« Rllia R

ttels. Christina Rodihan M s Ellen R i>*>ltMrsPannle£Re\n -Ids A L R meckerMsrr R.i.wl MrsSKertsriisr . Roberts Mrs Minna Rt.ii MaryIte rtacher Mra MaryRobertSon lle.llen Rus.ell Mr« F.lleaKe.d.lanu Ro'HnsouKinmaO-2 Ryan Mm AnnReunion Margaret

^R »a "usiii

si. a til * Mr. tihermsn Emm* Sieve rs Marl*spia "» s.llie .T -»hf r«r .od S C Hel.oel'ler CathH Ciatr Hell.i t>iev«n« Jenuie simnmiis Mtrn Jo4iaei.(«r M .rgaret Beymour* Mrs A, .elili.ue¦i an ev Mrs Anna Btoadway Siln«»:i Mrs A La n an Mia Augusta Bievens Mrs .Tnlla Sinclair I laIhanahan Cain Smith M s M.ry Sinlihers Nancy*a;o's Mrs M.iy ^niiu lle.ter simpsori Mr. MargSi*nke I.adytlav.JSiiltb Mrs Leslie Soa< Mi«s-(nil.el M .iy s i. lib Mi t Mai v s.on Mar- ESaarn Mr. <sne .^miin E"a S>s»rd» Mis 0 A.2»aui».l*r« Mrs. I4ih Hmllli Came Sir nt EllenShaw Ell . I» -^i| U F.« 'mr A < .inerx-' M irvAnaeimion Minnie A -- uiib Msrv s.-aio«. t'sro'ineshsyMrsi in C lark smith Mary d sHI an Catharine*<amy Mrs Su- a mhi R;,/abeth It s demau Vary.lattery Catharine snit'i H-nrietta si.<.*rls M-s c PSarget l Mrs A G Sm i AUreda Htor ii.MraVirainiale.iinaii Julia Hmltl. Mr> ,1a. R Stone Mr CalSUelnoa Jean e M Sml 'iMrsMart Ann K-«»tt Mis Msr\-*2~enery Caioline A Sll.ers M.rgl aaln Mrs A .1seller. Mrs Ann e S.lltoa Mr. Doctor s n .n Carol n»R elyn ll.rrle'A Doilltau Ms>»Street Mr. Harriet flim >tllnn MrsMary Hiiufert Mr. /h.sMihmer Kate Rlom Rmma »r Mrt K*<*<telmerMrsMathllde8lmmonsMist.il!.ASuli.sn Mr* Eh,,abelton Mr. M A Rtrleklan I llsllieA Stuart Mr. C»: h*f*-ar Nelite bwtft Mis Bridget Smyth Ann.eeley Mr* F.sther £lmn in N vry SmViH Vr. ry y. ..fMSwaaMrsRmmaStnr'etnn Mrs S.ilhian llsnt.aStephen Julia A Stlllwell Mr. R M SloLe. Mar.- K4bertso«d Rarali Rhleld.Mr.AnnleM Srnveoni. Marye'pt raaan JoslaD Hliiel IsMrsPr k'.P s III- hi is .i.ym«nr Mrs B M

Tbau h..» Km S B Tibbal* Mr« K..,, -

T.:vLr;«K.";:n. *¦"*» ?:?£"" Mr,Dj--

T°^'U"^TMrz .

jSV.U M '3 °« »r. Ed-& a

T« luhcli Euima L Torn*/ Mrs AonTrj'"* lr*

Volliaelit Mm MinkVoohies Anuio I

».ir<l Verdun C'attiarioeB Van IX) kauri* HraUohViu,deuiIr»eiilr»A Vo.Hburg Julia

WWallace Mr* Ed Weiswnherger Mrs Wilun Mr* .Ittneinond Catharine

\\ nith Mm Tb Wjetli Mra H FWall b Mrt Auue Wi-UirMraAi.uaWagner Mr* MWalati Eli/aU-thW alker Mr* Mag^-.e Weston MollleWarrea Jeuaie William* Aun.tV nt<-r* Catbarta* William* MaryWato r* Martha A Wilkin* ,tau<tWnwi Mi>R A WliMm MrsSUSitUWalKOli Mm Mary JkkM Mrs A M

n liicrtck Elu.»- W lii. it Metie

\V limit! Mr* ilaUWhlleMrsMaryAanWright E la

Wcnlworlb llatt'e Whl.ile Margiret JWest Mr* Emeiiue Wr itbt M r* Aimlra

W'ltUor* Oub»|ia\\ inter huthum MissWh.tnmre LUiinWhile Mr* Charln ttW lulteuiore Mr*William B

W.tgmau EmilyWrihiy Mr*, ltin *t,.N',h. Wi icy France* 8 .

Wiirr Mailt* WiliianiMjosejihine Woil.'ndie. k MaryWarren Oharlottc Wllst A Ike Wood Nolly

A i-kli Anu N WiiUuuu> MraMurta Wood SusannahWest Mr* Win L Wooll LeahWescott Mr* J Williams Mr* Mary Wort* Mr* J

YYonnf.-* Margaret L Young Mr* Arnett Yerancc Mr* CYottag Sophia W


AiMerly JnoAdkr 3 JAbioll ThoeHAbbott B KAbU>U <k Nable

Allen WinAlien W UAllen Win PAllan Rev W 8Altau A White

Ackerman U Hani- Agen W Waou Aleiunder K

Ailum* AnaAdam* CtisanineAilain* rharlie AA brain* EUas

Akiander fa

Aa.l re -v Hoe AlbertAn trews A CoAndrew i ASnelllngA me* HenryApr.var E HA)i|iletun, PerklasACo

Armstrong J BAleiunder Edward Arthur Lieut

A.lam* J a* A CoAdams Jno.2Adams R CAdam* R McAiken* J BAiicbMHin JnoAIber«er J LAi en H AAllen JaaAlteu Jno

BabiM B BHacbeidor JnoBaclie A PufferBacon L MHack ley BantlBlack ney W ABradford E Rltrady PatBrady *Braydou Ja* BBallrjUaney WBain BBaker J LBaker J BBaker A Hamilton Benton B T

AHyne Dr LAlbro D« Jo*eAlbro J CAUop A BrewerAloott A MorionAllvn C BAmbroee BAiuery WinAmi) JnoArmaloy Capt A A Ayer DanlAndtrmu Ben Ayera R B

A rmiugtouCapiQeoArnold 0 BArtault F AAshwell JaaAtwood JoaAiiBtin WmAmory Chas PA /ell Frank

BBleekman UBeer* OrisBeUool ChaaBellamy, Bradly A Brown Harris

Anderaou Hea J

Brown FrancisBrown Fornand*Brown Oeo

McMahnnBeaa C ~Blen MBenedict A CoBennett B B

Brown Hy A 1Brown H ZBrown Win JBrowu JllBrown laaae JBennett Frank Lm Brown Bath It

I Bennett P T HBenkard JasBenkendof JnoBennett

Blake H DBloke JaaBell J WBall HoseaBali JnoBall WmBall Wot 8Ball Wm.3


Brown gjiveaterBrown Whs J, JrBrown* 0*oBaakowits ABoaiwick Kami ¦

Dr Oscar J Brotberton Jaa Bergon PatBertH

ferthoff Gilbertertbolf Jno ?

Berryann IrwinS3

Baldwin Chaa Jen- Betbua* B*t Drni*on

Baldwin Jno HBaldwin JonlahBaldwin A JonesBan* A CoBunker Melvin TBanker Wm 8Banks BertBrandley V A CoBarnard O WBarber EBarringer MrBarker JnoBarlow Col F CBarnes IIBarrett ElliotBarton A Bro

Boll* LouieBoocber MrBonok JanWBourk MartinBourdonnay JoaBoukwall Cnas HBow* Laurence

I Brower Win BBrewster L G ACo Bowman A WBayer HenryBreg Geo EBelts G F BoydBeacb Sainl ABicknall F BBrldgman HenryBrldginan Chaa FBuber MaxBlgekjw Wm HBriggs ThosBrlgham B TBrlgham 3 BBright WmBrighting J QBriggs JnoBillon Peter

Bartletie Alfred O Blngthall CbasBarilette R H Blnns MeoBartlette Htanly Bird N JBarrows Wm H Blrdiall Jno WBarrow A Hazelton Bishop D EBarry TboaBarry MonsieurBate J J A CoBate Hen ABales N DBate* K A CoBatman Saml LBarrow Cn EBarrow L 8Baumler Hergt H


Bllu Fred EBriabane Hon Wm BuukerCJ

Bowman Luther BBrowning JnoBoyoe HenryBoyd Jno HBoyd Amos CBrowning Hon WBryan MichaelByerly A CoBroee ElijahBruee A JBuckley Chaa ABurkroun E A CoBuckingham BBugbec Saml JBuggelu Louis HSukowltz Rulkllng Ed WBulkllng Geo LBulkllng W ABulll Dr JnoBullock jfkoBunker Cbas J

llenryBrisbane CbasHoal* RobertBoardman O WBoardman 8 8Brockway C O

Bannen JnoBruer JaaBurke DavidBurckhardt EBurillek James PBnrdon Wm

Brockway Cbas 0 Burke Geo FBocklinCaptwernerBurneit JoaBockrow Heln Burke J ABlodgett J Warren Buscbi J FBohm Lieut E H Buabner F

Bruah E ABurns Jnoui-ns I Jurn* Bob!urns William

Burnett MrBurroughs C JButcher A Hyde

Browu Ale* 8 Buttcrworth Thoo_* Bro Butterworth W J

Buuerworth Hen

Cadwallader Dr PChadwlek JohnChadwlek Jonn LC»ddy ffm IIClaggete Wm CCannes JohnCallaghan Matt

Cbamplln Captain Caaten J KEagoD 0 Caaler P S

CamnerjorWm H Caaler WmChamber! M 8 Oa*per ChasCnnmberlaln Br»ln-Casslcky Jail.rf 8

SM»r&,Cannon HenryCameron WDCandeM Albert WCrane DrACrano AlbertCrane MonroeCrane M BCrane A BrlghamCarey JasChapln it DClark l "aptCarbury J BCarey H DCarey Simeon BClark John

aarle* J Warles Philip B

CUarlea SalemCharprat LouieC»rp«V" A *1 fCarpi# « ?teT88|Carr Chat

8»rrlngtOQ F FarrolTJ no C

Carr-dl John Paul Cole SCarroll Wm Cole Capt WmCarroll, Herrick A Colin JoeefMead Cohu M

Caraou las Coleman FrankCarter Andre* J Coleman Oscar

Cathernoon A CeCaslett.LurellttftCo Co]Claton Bdwln

Hinry BCrawford J CCluneland 11 WCreed J noCreerey CJtClereland O WCros*) BJChild Crro* .Cbilda Henry JChllson DanielCltneW BChrtaly (leorgeChristopher CCtaneros SalvadorCochran AlexTConn * Hon ft CoCogswell DavidCrockett JamesCole Mr

Colien Lerhard BConroy ThoeComerford FrankConnell PatOonelly MlckelConrad EiraCornwall JConde II ClayConnelly JaaCondon JohnOonanl Albert P?SSS%rW"C°Connolly ArehlbaldColllna CiceroXtrlif Andrew Mo

1p* Lieut PIn* B J

Corrigan Jo*^'ronby Damln BCordovla BJCornellea MlgnelwrCask John II1'iopeti Henry BCooper AlexanderCoreer Jesse OCorrlghan JohaCroaa Col NelaoftCoTman ThosCoitman Dr ThoaCoughlan JohnSougblan Wmowen Randall BCrowellCajnBturga*

v3ic joun ^Cole John QCole F M

ilng* Jaangnam W B

Cartner A J MCarnv Thoa

Dale Thorns* WDale WalterD.ily JaiuesDaly William ADolfguarJ A 8Day WilliamDal* .lRme»Datley Chas EDaniel* Henry 0Daily PatrickD in 1 JosephDaniels Cba* itDaltou PatrickDalton WilliamDa'nereat ADuttuii O ADadey Dr O ADale Hamuel SDanner Edward

Cole Daniel

Iraan >

Curley MlfchaelCurtia Jatnes 0Curtes Major 8 MCurtiss WmCuVtlas ft DelanoCushman B ZCushman CbaaWCults FrancisClnto .1 TClymer Merideth

Donneld SamnelDonaBue Baubolo-mew

Donahue Peter

Barmaoln Antoalo Dcumer Albertauo<e Patrick Deraily John A

Daviuon A W Divine Lt DDavis WarrenDavit Charlea Drew Albret

D ivli MatmilUenJoDrennan James¦>>iib Dillon ihomaa

Davis Morris Dibble ft Brother*Davis O H Dinner KicolausDavleftWIrktrahainDrlMt SethDa via Albert, 1st DllMortli Wm HMmneaota regt Dlnsjiore O*o E

ODeCasur UnbentDeelv JamesDeBeblam Lout*Deans Oeorg*DeBiackeler ACoA Dolan JamesDeady Deris Donobue TDeLand <Jco W Dolio RobertD-HarJInj Right Dollar J WHun Wm B Doinniaranin Mr

Deiasso Victor Donnellr JamesD<-lacrolt Fell* Dow Albert 8DeKluh. rA Dow AlbertDeouy R 8 Dow Jr, Eben MayDeumesd Francis Donning TimothyDanbani W R Doud AlexanderDeagl Uregor Dougherty M D 0*0DcelriKh Wm 0 Doorlcy PatrickDreyer William Doyle MannerDemi A Draper 8 E

D tsey U CD y Cajit 8 Ppoo .-I Mr

DltmsrtDrtscol; Dennl*D ion P R

Dat.ge KDavl . GeoDay L.I Col M WDa\ A LawrenoeDay K'-i NDay,) NDarton Lt F L.iDay Char Itslieford HenryDec Iter, Mi es ft Co Didge .» CiJeiu Win W Dodge t'UatCDe< o rss. Jamri

DeHpeioles MOO Dorsat KrankllnDougln >l«oDuval nlfurDunbar, D o too ftCo

Blrcell Johnuubar E TDuncan A CDunn (' M ft CoDunbar II CD iS<ee, Beck ftsiayles

Dittmariielo ft Dc|- Dusenberry ft Anbill

Drlnan JohnDodge Henry flDo Ifn JotephDodd« Joaepb

tbonyDupignai AlexanderD thlil A ADvaart JohnDver LawD-rords, Thayer ftCo

Ely ChasK Hot Ja<Hldrlch JKill* A AldlnKHingha n WmEl.ia t WarnerElling'iatti W mlUau TiiosEllis A IIEib'iy I'liasEuk-ui-rs K UBllot JnoEbnai Hamharvi

Fair OeoKalTlfa A CoKlagi«, Hon Wm


Elliott W m St Oeo ]Kiaanu«l EmauuslElliott W UBi ly R IIEdward HenryEirle iJylie.terKdgerfr WmEdK« Kre IE trinnioa .la*baian Patrick

Bminott WmEmeraon Ueo EEudeea W m FEnnis PEraas p REvani WmEvan* HenryErakin Chas B

r. tmun lsJr Robt Eib Jaonb Urctmondnhn.il Rvernti A Shtiili irgh Daniel

rFrench D <JF erguson lliramFenton B.-nFerrtt Lt t'haa E

Erans 0 TEvana B

Frledlan ler MarttlFinlan PatrkkField A EForeat toeFlalahinann Daniel Ferrla AVsn Winkle Fore Hamilton

Fraih-rat <ne WmFel.ler EdwardFiug'taid Ella'ia

Fabenstoek lohn Fern MrKahreito' kCapt.Ino Fletcher B I

j Fl incls Anih >ny F.etchei L^ rank l^'opo d

I FrsnkHn 'asFranklin MiU'tiley.'norramnton CKrsnk u Fl-enger FrltlI'rati isarrlll Mi. hael

Fare Clie'tei JiFiaaer Al!*rtFarret Patrick o

Forist»r Thn«Ferdwe? John .1Foid JolinFoi JuJeeFloyd DanielFowler W HFltrierald Mic;n-1 Fro»t r»pt JohnFnU'J

FirreM DennKaite DmielFelloe a llarmnFlow il

(Iraffln «ioh" C(la 1 ley Michaelr:r«e-be«'k Chas FUrandy W"mOant Dani(Ira nger i

Flicii Otto? luwrllliam ThosFltrjerald J TFlske 8««»u TFiaher E MFKher Chat HFlake D IIFlacher II

J E Ktahho nh WinKinl»y DanFIT.' ilenFinder Cha»

Flo* RobtCFoaior .fofin

Forbea B rnMF' Hon l!r» .1 «;tKti'ton HenryFnlsain n airyFnit' Wm i»

Danlri MMephen

<1Oreen A Vel lerUr' entleld J IIfin en t'hsilirecnwall PblllpW <.<.« t«vin .lohn Nfll-'.-n Wftn W (ioM'nan Mr

wale I dw COal'.aglier Ml' ha-Urnkam Joseph f

Oral() .I.) .1 Dl elldin Davidtlardner Dr .1 Itil ,«»ett Wm tUi Ih vail .trttnest'*rd»er .ffiim

pt War Oe.ry Jeremla'i((..rne P.. ii or.e J SOernoiMi Fro irta(lienn l.-'WtslirlTth OtlsndIlillMIB W lit(MiKn Cnas(iliffll Dell(il Iff MMhMI(Mill lb" .lehn RllrlKa Pal(llilwrl W L,liriuier Ka; per

.ill * Co \ R1 o'tli b RitfanHenihar s.- ,i

, to' I (|cII M

Cordut'i K 1,n r rr «Hl"« Hen Fr*n.(iloene 8amt

i; « «' L(it . P 0Uitit' I01 A.JUri) AOa>'rii;nn Capt I )l<tra».s J rtii.-ady Tardy.8Gregory John

Hall M Ollalley James JHall Nathan '-n-hi.l MH.unes Hal leek k<\Haalob Daniel WHoggerdy Henry- -5 II Wm LBadnett JaBMC Hsshmok Ito'jt OHntirit T L li.isimi OeoHabile W w Hiiaiiill A t.'o.2llaeulc* Oapl Tbeo Hell ner John K

><l Jacobi<d re) Uina'u-Go»'i till \ ill 1)uuir j»iiu u

Hayes >rm""'xSway ISP

lietibiirgh 1> FIleal v K AHendnet PatHefner 3 THeath Urlltoacklc 11Henry 2Hi'Ih hy Peter M

H JI-iy Tlioil^.ight K l<ll lines H Uliatiiy Wm Htiaxsdon M aniHaiiraliii Patrickllaunl JamesHantziuan II'myHuiiuali Thomasllaiieoi^P NlUmimun ThomaslUinilum CVSilaniii tiiegorHaiiousi A II

tiuuai. Johnlam tlron ThouHtmilm K DHamilton JamesBarker LouisHarris Bill _

llarili.il A i. Co.3 Herbert O

o. |f» /til u u_

tfur>rf<i I. v. .4<V<B.i*-r>"ii Olti0 rl r HU'll uan ¥ LGli-ng ry II I

Madley Tie* W HII o-i K M

IMI. PeK*Holuliy ls»a<-iiuixH'.ii ii T'lhioU«i' o nh TBernn MBolhrook ,t Drtjrto*llnlbrook lie Allnlcaiiib bi n

H <uil ri.i i* \> ilhutHolland H iwardHi'mfnJu HHomau UkoII oil Kev Wifi BHolAfDib A uMoU-nshade JacobWHull Uo

Hendt-rsoeCiuiltTh'sHoiland UaiilelHi hielnann Henry lleltal.mder AhrVmHenry Ki-rdinauu Hoimca 11 A i) Mlleutlemou Wui.3 Hoamer Augustus CHenry C 1U>| LewisllcuryCuplBarlhoiJ Uopkius MrHeiiderauu GtoHenet N WHerman MrHerring JasHuriick Daniellltws Joun

HnrrisGco llcrrimau WinHarris <>>'raUl Hendricks JaaH'.irlJasQ Ilernld 11lfaidgrove ACoWm Hepburn U CUikiUi r Mr lievretl THarrington Chan llerley MleliaelHard 3 U Uleks Oliver HHarimann Joseph IligelnsJohnHarding Capt Kobt lllTlerinan LOHarridan James HllLon W 8Bartung Choa UHarper JohnIl.\rkgr JosephBarkins JamesBamlltonSamJohnHardlnger I'basH.irber JosephHarwood ThomasHardee (Jen Jas AHarrison Jane*BUso IIHayes Geo BHnviland B BIlatsh 8Hawes Wmllaoleubeek PHayes Robert ABatten J RBays TbosHavens HarryBays DmKayward R*« 8 8

Ins Bdwd

Jones MrJoin* Peter 8

Bills HenryHililrcn ('apt J Blllll James HHlrgins NormanHHl WmHindi JohnHttzl'o id LudwlgHicks Dethan A CoHi'njod DavidHlnnsvel WmHitchcockHerbert

Blcks Ash IonHkuky JamesH lines BmeraonBllcbeock A HBlcks ('has U

Horc II WHopkins I' KIJo|H» Wm NHonker Chss OHon laml J BHo; t li 1>llo.voll w LHoi-.fcril HarryHoward WinHoward Col Win Allouler AntonHoii($htou ii LHoward JohnHoward 3 FBoylli IIHoward WinHowe MichkolHoyt WmtHouston .tKoblnaonlloiich Cl:usBoyTe MrBoy N BII unler JoknHumphrey A Dessp-

eterHuni plirey ChasHume II A

Henry Humphrey Win <Rutebison 8 KButchiuKsonRevDrHurdles R BHutington A BHunt Capt Chas 1Htinniwell John h

Hoffman (tuctavus HuntlUfttonHenryAHon Mr Hubbard H W. UuleuKM

Hull Jobn WHawley Irad

Hoilftes E FHodman A SoMHoggins Tbeo

\Irish Frank M

JfJackson WmJaekson Alfred A

Jones Lewis The* James ('has HJones LewisJones JamesJones H C ¦

James Col ChasJames ChasJames Joseph

Jones G«o W A Co Jay AlphonzoJuage Owen Jamison WmJajmi Christopher Jamison Wm JrJudson J NJudd B M A CoJackmanJaeobson LouisJaekson J A CoJackson A HonJarkson Thomas

Kalhmelr Frank

JClTers M CJennings Thns BJenkins ClaybornJenkins Wm BJervis JohnJerris KarsQeld

KKeller Jacob

lrrin John D

Jesanp Isaac BJohnson MosesJohnson JohnJohnson B FJohnson WmJuhuMio LutherAJohnson B HJohnson FrankJohnson MJohnson A FullerJohnston CaptJohBJobtisMn DanielJones romlie BJones HenryJones WmJones Morn*

King WmKavanaugb James Kelty Owen D King Henry L

KlllingerDrDewittCKlug Capt John 0Knapp J LKnapp FredericKranskoff.Krause DavidKeating OwenKeith Dr BKsarn PatrickKeatro JohnKeehap J

Kellogg AlfredKellogg JobnKelsey G LKehoe JohnKcrin Alfred WKleber McWmKemp D.inlKennedy Jas 0

Heenan Sergt Wm Kenned)- JobnKeesing Tbos H Kennig MichaelKeller PeterKelly C BKelly GeoKelly HarrisonKelly JamesKelly Geo FKelly MKelly MichaelKelly JohnKelly A CoKelly Capt A Jr

Kent 3

King PatrickKimball AaronKimball HKimball John RKirkland,Chase ACoKirkman Alex 8Klttrldge K C DKnight A MKnight FranklinKnight Dr Chas JKnight Georce T

Kenton, ColllnsACo Knowlaml JohnKeth AdamKlllinger MaxKlllnn (leoKimball AlbertKnight D <?Killorem ThosKlIngeHleln EKlnUriCK 8 C

Knudsen C WKnox JasKnox Dr J RKnoerber JacobKoshland NKuhn Geo RKukerman ..Kub Chas 8Kulms Danl

LLlttlo John l>ee JohnLivingston Geo B Lee OwenLivingston Ce ByM Lee Geo 8Lloyd Isaac 8 Lee John CLombard Lorlng 8 Lee EdmondC

Lalng JasMcGregor Lowenstein A Co LeedsL PLambard H H Lloyd John C Lees Wm A CoLampmivnn W JP( Logan Wm F Lecpett Geo HLamoni E N Logan Robt Leljjhton ChasLandrick Robt Lorlng Wm H, FoiLenommedeiiJasH

A Co Le Teas BIBLoupty Wm T Lewis 8Lloyd Ed Lewis W PLangeWmH LewisOMLane C 8 Lewis W K A BrOLandutkey WmHH Lennon Michael

Leonard. Bro A Co LathropJsrni'hHon Lennon I4«ut RobtLevins James LathropAWllklnsOsLoomls R_N A Co

Lack CLacy Chas HLadd Chas IILafont ChasLakay Mr

Lang A voLeopold Henry HLester Thos 8Levy BLevy JndahLeutz Monsieur

Le Pelt A Y Lanbi' MathlasLlchtenstlen Jacob Lawrence RLlLawrence A Co

LawnneeJ MLawrence GeoLawrence JosephLeatherberyFenwLeavltt A CoLeavitt Wm HH

Lnuhart RLindsay AlexLlndley A CoLinton John LLlvoo CharleyLellell B BLllll* VfcntLitUe Wui ULittle John VLlttlo John WLlnz Louie

Maeey Wm BMadden PatkMacormeUr WmMacauly WmMadlgan JermlabMautonald RobtMaekan J L ProMack Rev D AMack Danl


Mass Dr Fernando Ml [fort A Beddie

Loorls A MLundy WmIauddinu Capt JohnLyneh BdLynch J WLynee GeokLuce OtisLyons .LyoneChasM


Mesler WmMeiley H WMeade MAMeads RichardMercury MichaelMedtosi J OMeanse Dr J 0_

Monroe Col JagMonroe JMoll Wm BMi nahan JohnMooney Lewis Bfi.T"RV

MelsenheUner Hen. Morton Andrew^^^^^^^^^^¦Mortou Robt ¦

Maconuell, Vitine A Co

Macrai W 8Magll Rev J AMacready RManning FredkMallon HughMallary John LMaoan John M

iMeri, Brk A ColMerrlon AndrnaMurlra CuasMuklrtTMursbon OllbertlMestages Louis J

Monod Rev TMoleman JohnMoodey BMullen .'a*Maoonway ThosMoran ChasMoranJ«An I

Messlnger Jtfmes A Morau Peter¦Mutiger Jaoob Melntlre PatkMeyer Oarl

Manahan Bernard Merlon ThomasMahony Daol ¦Mance J W A CoMaltlan Henry|Manift£)d ¦JohnMill

Meeker J CMerrltt Jotham

er L IMajor Rev John W Miller JohnMajor Henry Miller Wm" ' Miller A Wilson

Mlllen EllMinor Dr Jas MMlxell AbrahamMlnost J DMiicbell WmMitchell MMitchell Oliver DMitchell Chas LMitchell MlraudOMitchell MJMoore J 8Moore DavidMoore RlcbdMoore Frank KMoore E WMoore J A C A CoMoore A B

Maxwell Archibald Moore JobnMasters K C Moore TbosMason E W Moore JasMather B C Montrose John B

Marble Chas HMarble JamesMarnd MichaelMartin (leo WMartin GeoW WMartin 8Martin HenryMartie JohnMarshall J PMarston D BMaurer IlenryMayhcw FredMay hew JobnMassey Wiliard CMassey R AMays Joshua C

Mortlnnn BdMorgan I WMorgan ThosMortimer M Mow¬bray

Manam A CoMorris WaMorly BMoms John BMudge E BMorrow MatthewMiller A BMul hall NicholaaMossly BdMullln EdMuller ConradMum TalkMyers RobtMyers ChasWMyers Mai RnMCUMyer* T OMyers 8 A J _Myer, Finn A BroMurdoch J TMurphy MichaelMurphy PatkMun* ChasMtins A Ray norMurray WmMurray ThosMyrick N

MaeMcAddam* Jemea McOulreJohn McKenUle TboeMcCaffrey John Mcllmlh John McLean 8 B WMi. Alluion Krancle McUtiorny Andrew McUod Corn TheoMcCbeaue W McOovern Mr. King McKit trick JaniceMcCann Jame* Mi-Orale Peter McLean Jiirni PMcCormlck Robt McCoitiaa Saml C McLaughlin J ~


McCalTery June* MoOUliway Duncan McKlnalry Robt.JrMcCann w A.i Moilarvey Jiimei Mr1**111 TdobimMci'omba Sanrd Q McDermott John McMahou ArthurMcCaugby John Mcl>onahl W J McNa nara MichaelMcCutcneu Wm Q McHafB# Samuel McNultv MichaelMrOurk Bdward McHenrrAR MoRnny MichaelMcOrnth H P Mclutoah John McTewen Jame*McDonald Jamee Mclntyre Alfred MrMahon MichaelMcDonald Ale* Mclntrre Jamea McMullcn WmMi-Derm yet Martin McKaiu Ami A MeTery MichaelMcOrewMr McZeake Daniel

Nabb O n WNaaon V HNew ManuelNeweU U YNewman WmNieiaon Ken*

SVwton CI MNftri-omli U B.Nlltlohlp KN'eNon John MNelson JoahuaNeleon Tno« W

Newmeyer, Griff * Newell .1 A CoCo Newell Cba* P

NtellJohuNI*l«oa John

Nacareullnle JCNeal Mathew

OOagood W POitiKxi EnochOrmaby A CoO Kelly JaaO'Sliea WalterO Douncll HenryO'Doanell Tbo*O Do ineli John

Olleer T * CoOgden Morgan LOf-len «¦ HOhler Wm YOchlhofl 1'hUlipO haOwn* JatOweneJaeUnlet tneu HeoryD O'N .-al J t

PPage Henry B Peck A Hon*Palmer PeruardPalmer A Rear*Parker Tho*ParkaM B WParkineon Tho«Pnalea JohnPlant Armandl'ae* Edwardpalmer H D

Near thaiNlcol RobNickeraou CaDl Hi¬ram

Niton J ONorrl» metNorton DanlNoble A OoolejNorton (' HNoble H A B

O'Nenl DanlO'Neitl JaaO'Neal JohnO ono*ll J MO'CmmII CarmlnO'Coonell T MQ'Conoell MO Conner Wm0 0<J titer Piitk

PrltoharJ <2 WPmkner DrliowArdPrlngl* EilwardPri-e Wm HPike A Keilof

I'eam- W HPeek O a XPe»r»e lohn IIPeck ha in P W-2 rike A KeiloMPrentice Klbridge 0 Pblllipa tieo HPh-ian Kilw Porter W HPerigo John W fool Caul D VPerkin* Nathan W Poone NPetnlergail N W Procter John

e*ehPage Harry CParker Ch i« wParker f WI'arlali Conalderrarllitrt 8 0Paramyon Wm BPareoa P TPark Mvhewl'.»r*nui OliunceyPalmer MumlllanPaiiw'i t alvin CParker Hiepbeii CI'atne K winPna't P 0

Perrine 0 RPre*fi)lt L«*tcr N|Peter P 1Pi«a;on HPerrtne AibPeny llo »c-Perwenie AlbertFclereou II nan Poller John 8

Poner Royal A

Pom Al!r»<1 APo«. r .lame* CPoor H'm APower* ante*Poet R w"olti'r Cant M LPower M»BPow.-r Dr WalterParter Samuel O

Pr»«ion B I'|Vp|M<r MiPeirynmn MrPeter* lion T i'Philip II .1 K

Pauereon Ale*. 2 Pike MHtaid BPa. n» P. MI'atterann WmPateraon Cliarle*Plall B' ait HnttereMi John sI'eek A A- liuliiolIVarc' Wm II

0'irn e Jehu.2

Raymond Tlla .il- W SR i. lira F. HRa< rr.end A M

hi Ilieron'r II* ory BRan* fplLj ithan ill «-ne«Rnodell r MItan.ino J*«

Pl|*r lleni'Pi«i(i-en JohnPrt'-e Piukerftilw t'hariei MPi e H inmeiPrl 'ai ThrtialonI'hllllin Ri L


Pulliam 1 homaePo imin Daniel PPunei Ja,>p i» apt Ohai RPutnam .1 W oi RI'liiml' M WPbrMMnn Jnfen OPi' ne It IIPiympton Ohar'ee L

* COPor JohnPlonki it MI'm t ii rial op her

cn Loci* MRenk'mUi John. Ro r* c«i tIt'1 ro-' unit N sR|I Inilit-nii ^Itj

ler R rharl-oii i|ri,itt'chie MrKi« on WilliamRl.ilia Jo'triRk lianl CharlraRlie^ Allen, Rradiy Doom* Bo* Jue«j!i

fa, t^ B K .

R'HIiel MRom l.^ae AKnr Uvbert HRave I,Ho n Alt lionxi

"ti II B

Ill p

.'^iOu i A <1u fit i' r

( loii.ew J(v.< > moilH i#( II A

rt" <<¦(»£.Hri -:..rvt®it-, in a. rtvnueltt i-r terIH'i'J otiU

W ARe an JotinRirt'arJ MrK. \ no'Jn JohnRemold* <" tlKn.'il Joim HKi OiielU Dr 8 JReadour A CnKrad Robert B

J'li* .MidS'm L ko ;n. retsr k Kore-Riordsn J» net INHMlikli '.latp'.iy .u>s« CI arley WHtcb « ds c: hi ¦ * t Kim* ileirgeK rd» Jam s. Jr Root M ARubiukuli i r.iili:i ;cli 11.) .r Kliwnl ORotclie Un K ek* rt £Hub la W K ill' ImnielK'uriv H** i.l Rutherford J U 8Knbiuk-ni U C 8.2 it mhjjoln CRohtnson Capt tieo KumsciI B A HroV S U»lcJ.ihu-J

BubiuHuu h. 0 Unwell WinRi.tartsoii D Hyi jH ii'iMeblnson Jnst'i'li 8 Kims U I A CoHo.itk \\ ill M 2 Kuinfotd .t R inkleRudolf (lenrjje RiiahnioFj K WRolfe Viws Ruu on All ertIi0*eri Junn H id' k llulei link#Ku<'ii\"r Frederick UussuliJqo Hftou^rm A Kudd Ht-^akiaU

Stall Jn me* Sheehan William .Smith Joseph UKbtiaetfeh Vfitz.I flnedekrir Oeor^jcW Kuiiln Sauucl GJohns Capt A P Slebbiua Juiiu Smith Win

Spra^uc ftilgarfttaiilrr Ma»S.i i;i- Jami abrh natter A(shall/ LmidirkSi'habel A'bertShaMerCiJ WSalnJwevh UKlmllinai (1SmalWtv C W

fUei'Ucr Ll.iltAIC SuutU MVooiltinediker John D Smith McCconSlieehcn XI K-hai'l Smith LewisSweeney (J H Smith C FSwetland a Little SmUh lir OrtanuBclini «ha»!«r Aug Smith D FSpencer An*)U lirPpencer D (.'Bel'iloi- HIASweeny Win

Rutallfty (i«nivo W| Schneider 1 .onUSpan idl rig !> MShaffer .V M

WannaSmildltr S LowreyKm nine P MSwan (Jnorge <JStun ion Tboma*Hatniin Win WK banck Alfoid8:a:ituu UeorgeHbaw PierreH taiige V WBtiinlclgh Thomas Hrluier K SSuudera 13 A Co Sc*i e II«»nf anerliier HRh.iulj HaliivK

8|*»ruiaii W IISchore KmloiiibKmiu AHirni IJShrnnaL ,l»s LHti« kb.nJao HH»'itrii'ml Kraiik I.S|*!U

bin nil KdnartlKmilh Pvrtivul 8Kinitb Ki^nci*Smith Richard CSmith R M8m lk WRc'iuen JohnMrobel J MKod.in Tliomaa8ciin(l.;ld .Innepk 8KttlaM Aiiuri- .*SrlcaiHMii v^'Orf,®Soiuiiuui 8 C

Mtermau Ni alHampton Hermann tttedU-r MA Uo

Ktunton Hamne!Stanthorp H CoBanaMiif JohnBtuideraon H.2

hlx a. a Albei k O Kinkis Tltoina* CSello v, T O, It Bchrocilcn Aiisiut8Uii n UaviJ Nlocuin Ft rllngRSelkirk Jno J Kt holler N 8

Nnlie* MnrrlaSolomon .1 J

Senchrt.H >vt A '!« Hhork Rev J L, D DSl(j>'utt. HiramRiorum Andr«\»KUirmoM WlUiamHcott, Sorrlna A CoHcgtt Thomas KStorlw loaepl)

Kiunmaa .lohnnsyO Kcvmoi.r ThroSniiforil Tliotnas h Stevens RoM 8Ssnderaon Rdward Wevrari P

Htomi' Samuel"lei-pns Jno B.28lr»cns JHtcltauer A BrosStclaon Nahum, Jr Snow Ch»ater

8now CbesterHtorrs Jno MRtone E .* Co

Stanton k Uurshall Ackmudl Rud. lfb Storm H>' ary BSliaituok A U A (io Slnrk David Stone J HKluiiseii.KltiiigAt'o Skinner Mr or lira Siorcr U«orgeSiuireUAntoni* ACoSihley Mr, 23d at Btorer UeonteStark M Scbmidt J ASaybtit PelA Win H Simmons J RSawyer CptMoaes 11 Schmidt HSpaiTow (ieerce Ballfer (JSaunders Cliarles Stilra II DSharp <!apt Eph P Siegford KSawyer John D Seliuiiilt HStratlon 8aml 11.3 Blmouaon B AStapks Jamea M Smith Benj fBpauldlnff (f.2 Smith J DSawyer Charles B Smith JusKhattuck Win H Snllh JohnSargent Joseph Smith John HSliawBM Smith J CShaw Jacob S Smith Jacob IISargent Leonard Smith Jobn WSagamore (leo £ Smith Jas RShea JohnSwearengen EA HroShea Jerevlah Smith ."e 'CmiahSeavy O W Smith Jos LSears Capl E T

TTalmadg* J STaylor J II Terrell Geo WTaylor I H Terry P PTaylor Robert Terry k OoolllUeTaylor Robert Terry A DoolUlleTaylor R C Teller Richard UTraversWmH TlefjohnTalbot Oliver Tluterwold 8Tniifcy I'atrick Tidemas It IITalcott OrlandM Tillsou John DTaylor Oeo ToddsLLThalr David Thomas G T, MDThatcher Wm 8 Tompkins OscarTaber Jas A Toddi K UTanuaez Felix Tbcmas S DThaden Mr Tanraa* John JTharson Mr Thompson ('hasTrenurth John Thompson ThosTerry k Doolittle Thompson (leo FTreawell J C k Thomas DavidCo Thompson W 8

Terry k Doolittle Thomson J ATroscatt L E Thompson ThosTerokesburg James Thorn JosephW

Te:! lis J RTeror E ATeakle M MTracbman Mr

SchotUk ^aiiiuelHomes MainbelStone LewisShondorf MrSon wine J OStone UcnryScott JScott JSullivan DanielRhulU W ASullivan I'atrickHullivan PitrMkSullivan William VSydam EluihaShiilu John IIRumner W A OkSumner Austin

Thomas AbramTompkins HenryTodd Charles 11Tompkins Wm

VUtley j s k Co

VVtroletJB Valentine WmVisscberKJ Valentine WmTallance CaptWC Valentine WVenego J VIker Capt John

Upliam CaptUbestl Joseph

Venego JVelliz ThosVltter AlbertVinton Harry BToaburg MrValentine Wm

Siultb J Dimond A Strushnrg JuliusSyk«* 3Funds J H k CoKltiard Dr8euder Harvey A Co

Tread well Edward Thomas H V~~

Thompaon JToole PatkTon ers JobnTowne A LTorrent Ale*Totten (1 TTownlAlbertTowndron ThosTroxell Win LTownscod OeoTjron OwarTurbcrt PatkTyng ChasTurner Wt.i Evan!Temler JuliusTucker TheoTruman FrancleTruman PranclsTruman FrancisTruman FrancisTilth ill B VTenc 11 MTurner T TTussts Edwin]Trunick 11 C k CoTyler 0 BTames ThomasTames Thorns

Obrame John MUster First I.ieutJD

Valentine A AikenVoorhes T PVictorian Rev FrereVan Trige EVan Peper P HVan Warner JohnVan Pelt W D

Vincent BnrtualVincent John MVelle StephenValentine Edwd D Van Zandt R PVidal k Fontaine Van Buren Jaa

Wallis J K Well k Co MesarsWftrisworth FrankL Wells EmmetWalton DWalker ChristianWalt WmWalker RobertWalk Ins W DWadell A CornWardhama AlvlnWalt GreenWallaee Wm HWalla BaruokeWahl MoveWaleott r UWaitzfelder B

Ward AlbertWard AlbertWard Jamee WWaring Wm HWardF AWard John LWardloni 8 0Ward B J

WheelerWalla BWainWebb Kir*Webb H FayetteWaller J U AWheeler AWalla BmmetWtielpley W WWbeelock C WWedepohl Nona H Wilson WmWedgtrood B Wm Wldsere MrWeed Samuel HWertbman Mugo^^^^^^^H

Wllliama Wm IIWilliams W FWilliams AWllllamH John HWllliama J HWllliama MaJAACWllliama CharleaWllliama OyrulWllliama PersyWilliams AMasereTC J

Wltaon 8 FCo,

Wilson BanJWilson Wm IWMaon Fran*

lie Dr James FWhiia Mi H

Werner GWrigiit a newiinWright Jai A CoV'llkowskle Simon Whiting II 0WMklna David Whiting Ati right Frederick While John HW ilklne David FWllkins Darid P

Winter WmWmtar Wm

Wardworth Phillip Wleks A Tillinghast Write John NWardwell t W Wtlletta Wm B Whltlock GflWood JohnWarner Geo WWarman CalebWard WmWard If FWalbel FrankWatte AWataon W DWaiklas Robert

fataon k Mearsatklns John J

Watney NormanWallers Warren 8

WrtghlJohu^HWllklnaon JesaeWilkinson WmWelder L PWalker Mr¦ Iggerison Win

¦ ickens 8 Bon WmIon W

. , WtlSAWashhurnBitgenoR Willi J AWaits, GevcniA Co Wilds John RWstaon Ellaa Wiidey OscarWatson Eliai Wilkinson B FWlUlugtOu E H Whltion A 8 WWeidner Christian WIlllajnsonCaltlnR Wynne Dr JasWhelau Patrick WUilami George N Wylde Thomas

GeorgeCo Whitler C GW shart L D CWinthrop Francis OWhitney FrancisWWood Mesan B UWoods BarnardWood Aw A AWoodi BarneyWood! BarneyWoodward SWood A BWoodruff 8 DWolooU A KWordcn KranclaWorthlngton D LWorden WmWylde ThomasWylde Thomai


Tetter John Toung AlexanderYoung Wm H Youug AlbertYork A Chauiberlln Young "ol W ?

ZZumstelu T II Zook BrigZlpperlen K HamuelZergena C F

Wyar Patrick

Yatcl Cnpl Joseph AYoung P AYoung Nathaniel P

Gen'l Zlegler StephenZenier J JosephZeigcr Phillip

French, Italian and Spaatah LeIUri.1.A/nar Andres2.A/nar Andres PereiS.Augusta Louin4.AguKii/, horloger5. Barlaislna GaetaeuO#.Hetln Pension7.Bonde F IISvBroudean ErnestineV.Bigattl Camlllo10.Boetano Madelena11.Bontaiiti Joseph F

24.Gomes Jos D Goll P25.Herman dc/. Francisco27.Hiiptch Guiseppl28.Klang Andrete Madame29.LamUertan.SO. Martinet II JuileaSt.Molinari Olov&unI31.Mum Martin93.Mathilde Madam*34.Mlgnon Rane, (ireenwicb

sireetiS-Beurgarder Louts, cber S5.Madriv. Simon Col

M Conga/on Boiilanger 3t>.Mathlew C

cbei:<7.Negretll k Leon3*-Nuschelcr Henry

Nerlfs ChereppeS'A.Plan/olee ids40. Palina Joaquin Corlsta41. I'arrsnl.42.Ramos Enrique43.Rettagliata (Jreranai4»-8a!>atl-r K

IS.D'Irernois Bourrl14.Dusasace. cheinlste15.Dcfarari Agoitiuo1#.Dirtois Capltamc17.Do Madrli ( arlotta MIS.De Fieri Bnron19.Fabrieotti Brosa i.Fever. Freres et Cheroet21.Fondaearo Vlnoeni22.Galvao Faenndo Saturate 45.Traskcr J 823.Gallarigle Jn, Jackiou st 4ft.Vlllarerde Emello

Arnjr E<let.Aderson Sergt Wm. 42d, Co Uay ward Hamuel

I, 1st battery Hammond Ll Col J ItAveiy Dr A G. SurgeonWaih Imgerich Jacob, Co B, 17th ULight Cavalry 8 1

Browa Lieut J B. A D C to James Lieut Le Roy L, 3d VGen drover H artillery.ii

BartletlDrOF Joae» Capt Henry It. ActingBailow Oliver K Co B, 5th Aletitant QuartermasterVt, Ayers' division Keraut Daniel, 57th N York

Berdan Col II, 1st I' 8 S 8 ButteryHsewerton Lieut K F. must g Kin In- k Capt F Mill. Co H.and disbursing officer 1st 1a vols

Blisa ('apt John 8, A A D C Belly Lt Col JasBurleigh ( '-apt Henry M, Ami Knight Ciul J G

Ad.lt Gen Morrison Capt J J, BatteryB,Burkaid Capt Jsi. A DC SIS Y inlilervHragan Capt Win E, 4tli N Y Mniulre ('apt Jn T. Co B,cavalry _ S7th St/

Barlow Oen Frsns C McLaughlin Cot N B, C 8 ABaxter Jos. Co C, 2 »th Ind V . .

Burkley Tim, Battery C. 5thV 8 artillery

Benkard Cant Jag Jr. ADCBigalow Li fadw, 1st U HCavCommanding oflloer of 44th

regt VolsColgate ("ol Clinton O. lateCol 15th real M Y vola

Carter Lieut Eugene.A ACSCoigan Thomas, late of £ B,Ttmv 8 V

Coaler Ool Charles R, Com1141b regt

Chapman Edward, 35th bat-t^jTv VcsDonoghue Capt Tb, Co B,Mill K Y V«,s

Dutbernns Newton, SdMiehi-gaa regtoren Michael, Co E, ithDor,.HA

Dav laa Geo W Isle Q M 32dN V T

Davis Tliol 'ii. Co D, 2d¦r.-ti< K T V AEdgar 8uig VV 1Ford t splFC, ft Vl oot Col. II- ad piarters Ambulanre c.r|>s

Fitch < ol Wm 29th Ohio volsf orties Llent C II. A A Geo

1st Yennont BrigadeOroatjInr r^Fred, Co F.. 119th

Orilfin Maurtre Battery bar-r»< ks

Goiidrleh Wm, Co I ljth N YIt A

(ioesr Fie.lerl-k. Co I MithGraves Llent K F, A A <|tiar.

te' ma«ter General(lrflde ,lo«ei»h Artillery<.'<*cr Capt I* H lltli.N Y V Alls'giin Lieut C K. Co D.IStlN Y V

Il»»el/le Capt II L. Co K.MhN Y V

Herbert Berfl A A. Cal,ll(HhO V

III., 'ii'" *a *lcharl.4HhNYVllljgirs flinnis" Co t.. <lh U8 A

Harris Lorenin, Co 1 ,4th VtVlialetad < s 1 1 K F

Marsh Lr (.'Has D, a surgeon.N Y VoleO Brleu t apt,'Co A, 11 lit regtN Y TollO'Connor Thoa, Co K, 25th

regt N Y Vols. _Par <S,|«S Jaa, Co 1,7th USA

2d regtPropper Lieut, :t8tk N T Voll,headquaitersPatietsoa John, U S regu-Iare

Peoderirass Michael, Co K,lirjd K Y VRamsey Col John, Sth NY 1Regimes in! QuartermasterSlst N V Vlonrsriur. ('o C, 61st reg'tSmith Lieut R Bennett, 11tht? 8 infantry, musteringofficerSullivan Jas W. Co C, .'Hth

tez Mmss \ oil |Shelley cap' R O, A D C YolSnow Assistsnt Surgeon THale, 4th N Y cavalrySwan Lieut W W, OrdnanceoTi er

Shtffer Col J W, Quarter,ma*ter t' 8 A

Stnedbtirf Cspt W R, ra-cr tilting officer

Hseket Col l> 1'ttl B8" eenev Hrlj Hen T WSurgeon Id Lai white) Volsh hn-pf Co K. hesd<iiarters

2n- li reg: S V VTustctier CarH II KTern lliger Kir. in. CiF. 7Sthregimentt'n ieiaood »'aior E

\sn Houten tti hard R. 8thN Y I I atteryWlleon Col Wm, t*lh N Y V

W Hard Capl I. D, t in 8itbol' Vuiunteei a

«ai>h Lieut E'iward.d I regN Y V

Woi» t'api Frank. AQMW.uvi Carlo () l«t UvHt t) 8lafamry

Yo>ng.la> C, Co A (D^^ls)Y S D It, flf.,1Ion, Ks<nt)|*ion

N \there rtivi"

(ia»yAhren^, (tgurMor auk

Writ?" Iw t lnS »>*>>> NorthYllitlr iibiiiT.li A A I';irinaskr

I. B, tr 8 brirf KerryBankheail Com J P,ClMbtug A A Paymaster KII. I' S str Ne»bern

Boncbanor Jnlttis. U 8 lac'ggulp North (Vi roll na

D.vl.es F'uk ,M,U 8 atr S'.;»te of fleorgia

lli ben Lent Co n'r U. JrlioMIrr t'ua Ich II, U 8 rocs'ghMji [fi fth Caro ma

liilibTii \ fl, U s frigateV1 tor I' ula

liarrm t'avn aiter J Oeo,H ill .<!¦..¦ W ilticrt,Hayleti Luther P, car)» n-w r's department

Harm n Act'g (liiiin.r A,U B > Ir State of-Oi orgia

Howard Peter. Act!tic Mavimi-'v Mali', U S tchooiiorUachrt Heaman

Johnston I'eter. 0 8 gunboatKan.itvha

Ionian Frank, Paymaster USUN". oat Pl-IIOtlSCOi

Kcltb Chan 1', Acting Ensign.str Jame* A.lt.

leach Ja i.e* II, U 8 8 W»b;i«1i

Luyt'ti Joseph. USbrlgHatn-biidge

Low Lieut Cora r Win W

<hlpLilt.Leunord Cornelius,P'lMall P.rda

Mei< r Jonul. itiiid»miin, U Brec |'i North ('.no .a >

Mc.ir.'gor Hitwd, U S h Bart-ford

Mtr.-dUy Pay in W TMrnard CharlesMot :a rth y John, U S brig

llit'nhrldgeMuUiiii.ua 1 hot, U a gunboatlifu Kru^.'

Mc liieg'.r Ensign, 08 8 Tua-<¦Hrr.ni

Mur^'iy Jamei. 0 9 Roe abtpNorth Uapiliu

I*r r.er Cnn'r W I)H dyers Liut't l'rct!khv.in j'ohu E, U S «tr Rich¬mond

Rivers Dansey, U 8 str Mer-rodllil

RndJoHcDh, Master's Mat*gnnbo.it 'itorr n/ Stones

Berf.mor Win, U S ti p NorthCarolina

fitcwart Rev C 8Smith J, Sd Anet EngineerU H sir lluu«xtonic

Smith llapl Vt ntictoa, ComU 8 8 OnouJai a

Warrcu David, U 8 8 JurocaAil>:cr

Warrington Win 8. If 8 gun.on t Rachnl Keeiiuin

WaiideU M 11. Act Mart MateI' s sir 8tuie ut Ot orgia

JLIst of Letter* Hen. .n it tug in Station L,Hnrloni Po«t Office, Se,it. 3, ISG3.

L I> K-' LIS*.Oerey Hrt'lg -t Mnreaii filta< Irittftlia ICale K McKen^ie Mrs Wn»limit Mrs Ell MiWsn Maryllnrlbiirt M.iry A NcLeOd MrsHorog»n 1,i/.«ft Naiton Addio

Aii'lerHun I.u.ieBurnurd l.i*.y.ie(reco *nuCrook Mrs J ACo»;aii Mrs 8C<>yle JUryfaro, M«ryCot.k J u laCalaRlian MaryCairo:! Mrn Rlinran .Mai'naretl>l!ksMrsJ IIKa^k^y MI»m K

Mikh <;Olane; Hen

Arfainx B PBalilwia J HHark' i Geo 0HrlU .liv obBuuer 0 HBradford B RMrown A .1

Ila^hroiKk Misa BANiusie Mur^uretItopk.llH Ml*4Ii>. nun Mr* II LJotiril.in Mr< R BKleinun KUenKrnny MaryKiuh-tle-' MrsLennar.1 Mr* 1?

»lrtMil nn Carrie(iK*rLi:«i<M's U»T.Barter Samuell>nUy Ktltt-anl!. en U CHr.ii(itr*on PIni.on Wm 'IJifdiin EdwardKmkel Ki rdtnand

Carragun Thomas Kelly TimothyOraun David C Lyich PeterCrarton CharlesCliatiman Geo aCoafborn Wm

Jje Mri ander JoliannMuniey II II R

Reily Bi id'.'etSmith JlarySlit it h lAiiirsaSmith AnnleAScollfld Rat-allTerrill AddleTvrpy MargaretValln-r llnu.iai BWallace VaiyMeManud licrnanlMcEli'ny JohnNoiubt'in PatrickI'll lli |>s J WPattcriHin Samuel ARo/rm .1 0Stretliln^ 8 EHi»|>lieus 8 H.fully P.itiiokWandlc Thus RWlllmina WmWilliams Jainos

List of JLettera Kciiiaiatns In tMntlon M,Washington Helgltlt, Sept. 1, 1803.

Brady ThomasBrien MichaelBiker D LB..sler Henry PCoulter |leui>ConnerWm.5Pilrlle PrederlekGiilcnMrsJonatlian Murray Robert

fUidwhi Bmma L MeDonuld BatQainnions William Odt ll J.iinesHasBoi«»enturo Beed Michaelllninllli n Rob> rttJarvin lli' hardKlnc JamesKarl John

Riidroid t'redKllcy JohnWool I'jlinWalsh JohnWilier Albert

A. WAKEMAN. l-o»Unaaler.


PIRT OFFICE NOTICE. THE MAILS FOR THEOr.iti-d Kingdom ar.rl ih>i coniliicnl, via (jueenMown and

Liverpool, per steamer City ol Baltimore. ;md for the Oer-man Htatei, via Hamb'ii-|% per rteumer Teutouia. will loneat thin ofll' o on Sutut'dav, lue Mh day of riepiombor, at 1J>£A. M., and at the up lotvii sUiUuns as follows..

SUIions A ami II at I ) A. M.Stations C and I) ut 9:90 A. M.Bullions E and t' at 9:16 A. M.Station O at 9 A. M.

A,SRAM WAKKMAN, Postmaater.


Hudson bivub railroad .trains kor albany, Troy, the. North and Wei>t, leave Chambers me. l

at 7 and 10 A. M., uud 8:16, 6 an. I 10:3) P. M., nuitjon fljn-.layn at S:^2 P. M., from Thirtii th street. TlckeU may b«

Sitx ured at any of the ofllcos of WKHTCOTT'H RX1RKSS,i New York and Brooklyn, and av'gage checked at thehouse to all points ou the road and to SaiatO|;a Spring*.

NEW YORK, HARLEM AND ALBANY 1! Ai LROAD..Trains wl.l leave Twenty sixth direct depot for Albany10 30 A. M. stopping at Wllllamsbrldge, White Plains, Bed-

lord, < 'roton Kalia and suilens north to Albany, connectingwith Uential and Northern Railroads for Sara!>.,o and allpoints north and wini. Por Crotou Kails at 3 .1a A. M and 5r M. (the 6 P. M. train wi'l run Saturday* only. Returningleave Croton Pull* at 5:50 A. M. Monday): lor White Plain",I) 16 and lt> A. M., 8 :»». 4 10, Sand t. 16 P. M. iroin Whitestreet depot. Kor Wllllamsbrid^e, 8 16. In A. M., 8:30, 4:10.6, 8, 6 16 and 8:90 P M. Croton Pall*. White PUIiik an 1Wllllamsbrldge trains atop at all elation*. Kor DoverPlain*. 4 P. M., stopping at White Plains and *tntions northto Uovcr. Returning leave Albany 9:1.) A. M., on arrival orNorthern and Western trains, stopping at ail stations fromChatham to Croton Kalis; also Bed lord White Plaint an#Wllltamabridge. Dover Plains. 5:45 A. M. stooping at allstations north of and at While Plain*; Croton Kails. 6 P. M. :Whltr Plain*. 6:10, 7. 8 'M A. M.. 18:30, 4:16 P. M. ; Wil-liamsbrldyc. 6:30 A.M. an I 7:00 P. M. White Plain* audWlllla«nebrld«e trains *top at ail Stallone. Sunday excur-.ion trains at balf Tare. Kor Croton Pail*, 8:16 A. M., stop¬ping Mall station* except Yorkvllle; for Wllllamshrldie,#:W, 11 :30A.M., 2, 4:30 ana HP. M.; for White Plains, HP.M. Wlllla«u*l>ridso an I White Plains trains stop at allstations. Returning, leave White Plalna at ii:ll A, M.;Wllliamabrldg al 0:40, 10:86 A. M 13 40.3 10, 6 *0 and 7 P.

M , stowing at all station*. Croton Kails, 6 P. M. , stoppingat all station* north of and at Wllllamsbrnlge*


ACAlTION to lai>ies-madamb res tell, ke-male Physician, 16:' Chamber* street, deems It her duty

M aaatlon ladle* against impoaiors who appropriate her ad¬vertisement*, word for word, merely substituting soma igno¬rant and wholly Irroapoaslble person a* "Marfan. e'' or Doe-tar. Thear: person* have spurlou* tucdicine* and other pel-aouous compounds to deprive the un« arv or easily duped aawell of their means as ol their health. That ladles mayavoid these Impositions Madame Best»n foela called upon togive thlaaauiion.

£iR- R. COBBETT, MEMBER OP THE NEW YORK" University, Medical College and College or Surgeon*,

ndon, can lie coosulted privately at hi* conveniently ar¬ranged Hitlt of officea, 80 Centre street, between Chamber*and lU ule meets, having a private autrance at No. I CityMall place. N. B.. e Dr. (I '« diploma in hi* olQr e. Con-aultalion* atrlcily coufidential.

DR COOPER. 14 DVAXE STREET, MAY iftS CON.uitod on all diseases. Thirty year* exclusively devoted

to disease* enable* bim to warrant a cere in all caaee. Thevictim* of mi-placed confidence in toe Ileal preteuuer* cancall with a certainty of being radically cured, or no pay.

R. WATSON, HAVING HAD AN EXPERIENCE OPmore than thirty van. I* enabled to g'laraaloe a cure

ia all caae*. without change of diet, or reitrlctloii from bu*i-uesi. Dr. Wat>on ha* reduced to fifty ceut* the price or hisBook, the "Cause and Cure." including all the plates, in

« hlch may be found valuable information lor such as aie.uttering from either disease or debility. or who contctu-

Slate marriage. Sold by MILLKB A JENNINGS, 422*roadway, and by the author, at *130 Broadway, next I)Io> k

above the Met roi>olltan HoteL Consultations from 7 A Mto 8 P. M.


DR. JOHNSON, 14 DUANB STREET. MAY BE CON-¦ulted on ail dieeaaes Thirty > ears' experience ena¬

bles him to guarantee *|>cedy cure* to all who come underhis charge.

DR. GRINDLB. FEMALE PHYSICIAN AND AC-coucher. No. 6 Amity place, make* It bis s pedal prac¬

tice to treat all female complaint*, from wbaerer cau*e pro¬duced.

Dr. larmont. acthor ok the ' Paris i/>.\don and New York Medical Adviser and Marriage

Guide." 7ith edition, over 4U0 pages, nearly 100 lllu*-trations, continues to relieve patients Incompetent to fuifllthe dune* ol lile, from Indiscretion, exeesao*. nervous andgeneral debility, attH7 Broadway, up suir*. rro u 11 11116E. WARNER, No I Veaey etreet. mall* the book, sealed,for f 1. "We concur with other papers in recommending Dr.Larmout and hi* work. '.Courier de* Elats Uin*. Dispatch,Slaats Zeitung, Atlas, Medical Bevtew, Ac."

DR8. BELMONT k CO.. WITH 20 TEARS' HXPErlcnre lately Visited over fifty hospitals in Europe,

and papers ojien (or Inspe tion, otler seientltlc treatment,quick and sure can- guatanteed; also by communicationall through the Pnited S'ale*. Our new treatment lorrheumatic coiuplalnts, aiso In cates of ol . t.. d og. has

B roved a sure reme.lv for the last three months. Offlce,o«. 7"7 and 779 Broadway, New York city. Open from $

A M to 9 P. M.

DR. BARKOW, NO 194 BLEECKEK STREET. rOURooors from Mucdoujial. Neu Turk, ('otisnltattons as


DR. RALPH. AUTHOR OP TBV PRIVATE TREATISE4c, Mo. H0 Am ty meet. Those who apply In the early

¦tare will be surprised at the ease and rapidity of the cure:thoee, however, who have auSered long w il> oest appreciatebl* services. These consultation* are in atrict coufldeuc-

DR. POWERS. FEMALE PHYSICIAN AND PROfeaeorof Midwifery, treats ail diseases o: females! n It h

unequalled sticre** lie can be coosulted and his infalliblemedicine* obtained at hi* office. S) Llspcnard street

D~ R. WARD S S l"CC ESS AS ALL THE WORLD ENOWS.has been immense and his fame la conseqnerv-e thereof

has btought to his door< so'Terers from all pat tso, the nlobe.Consultations from 1» A M tHI 9 P. M. Str.ctly private.Office SU Llspenard street.

R. POWEB'H 1ESSENCE < >K LIFE, OR BEiCVEEA-tlng Ehxlr. OfDcei M Llspenar street. This famous

reme.lv tor all diaeases has 0|>erated moet favorably Inbringing thousand* to llfs and health Send for circular*.

n. B.""WINTER'S OFFICE IS aT~KO . BfYIStONstreet, New York city. He lias no other offier. KnUhllshed

144. Eight rosin and a private entrance lie cures chronicirruptions and spot* on the sktu. ulner*of all hind*. I hemost poisonous Impurity of the blood, fistula, *c Work onHuman Krallty. Nervous Debility. Early IndBseretton. sndconsultation gratis. Honrs In from 1 A. M until 0 0 Cioo*P.M.

DR. ward, so L1SPF.NABD STREET, HBAB »ROADwav. I* a scientific phvslcian, who fl" re* Wlthoitt m»r

our* or other pot*o»oua medicinoe, ny an inval uable dnouvery, a ad no p»y It r# |uirci wiihoul a cure «5lT#ot©a.

B." POWEBi E8*F*CR OF LIKE OR RR.ICYFNIng Elixir, offiee Llspenard street, restore* youth and

manhood in four day* One trial will eon » I ace. All person*before cotitemplatiag man isge should take the reme ly-

DR. WARD. W LI8PENABr> 8TBEET, CAIJWTH1 ATtention or those alll "ted with any form of dlseaae AM

the many cases that hate oome under bis care hav* beencured, without a aingle exception. Some of tties* w ere ofyear*' (landing

MADaME BESTELL. FEMALE PHYSICIAN ANDProfeeeor of M dvlrsry, can he eon mite I as usual at

I*& Chambers street. Rut one interview will lie necessary.Her infallible me lictnes can also be obtained »t Liber¬ty street, or by mall. Price fs

Madame grindle. female »i'iirsn ian andMidwife No ti Amity place. Convenient rooms at*

provided for those about to require nursing.

MRS. W II MAXWELL. FEMALE IMIYSl 'UN ANDMtiltvffe, No « O cne street makee it ber special

practice to treat all remileComplatata Irotn wn»te\ere*useprodiiee i

Madame parsbllb. female pbtsicun andMidwife..Convenient rooms are provided for those

» bo re mite nursinj. Also a sure cure for the plies anddiarrhfs when a|i other re "" *

Madamf. desparii female physician treatsall dhtea-es o females with unparatlelel s oeess. 8 >.

can *+ ronxtited and her reliable m- dielne* outained at I .'ISu th sreni:e*w>p;ioslte K'giitx street.



A8TR0PU RKNOLOGY, OR ASTROLOGY AMD PHRB-nology Harmonised Puhlh attention Is ureenlly so

liuicu 1. 1 uii-i Science. a» practu. J ou moral and ('brlsttaopiioclpies, by ljr. L D. Brougbtou. who, by mltiWe UivsaU.ruikiu and birge practice for the last tweuly years, to aa*bled to mt-oduce before the public the art ef delineatingHuman Cburac tor, by the position of the Heavenly Bodle*Id a more » :en title form than has evar

There* i ol a puUa beau in the human frameTli.il It uot govern'd by ihe stars above us.Dhe blood fiai Oils our veini, In all its ebb. 1

And flow, In stayed hy them a* certainlyAs iiie the restless ilrtes of the aall .,ehBy the resplendanl Mu ni and V« ihy birth ,Thy mother a eve gaxed not rttore sleadfii'tlfOn thee, thau dl.t the Sti;v (hat ruiaa thy fate, r*Showering upon thy >ieftd an Influence,Ma.ignan: or beuh'ii.iWhen r.kctiaed hy i.onest and tutoiHgetit persona, tbla

metl.ol of denying ituman character wl'l «« louud vastlysuperior to evtrv fihci mode, aud entirely directed of allthe cant and sophistry with whIc'i this usefTil and heavenlyScience has ixv a hitherto eucumherrd by Its pro essors. Dr.U. l» ilroughton. I'rorcmor of Astro-Phi-enVogy. haa greati ..lisurc tn aiinouaniug to th« admirers of tbla science Utalbo n ay t'.j \ luted at his lusl.lnice. Uu Greene street, ocas1 mice t>ti eel, where he will be a :ai Ic give ntte.illon andsuch adv i~? a*i ia long espori, n u la accordan t with theHoly Scriptmi may ieii«l. r nc «oiry. Pi rsoris wishing tot< at t e irilliluines* of this sei beads ot tainillea re¬quiring u i>»of<>aalou, trade or calling for their children, andall those who make nature an.' moral dntv tbali afudj, willdenvum ch Iieuullt by coua.iitiue Or L I). Brotigbton. whowill practically Illustrate tin- c":etri nheuo-n. na of tbaplaiiela: v orbs, na displayed on tlie character of man. In hiemoral, menia aud physical capacities, snecjallv polYitiiig outtil.' nature (>I1 Iidllttfx 01 the min.l.the constitution of thebody as regards health and .liwa^e.the menial and cor¬poreal aileetmna. and t'.a.r In.lnenuu on Inrtlvi lual pros¬perity, mnriiage, profession and t ade. mcieantlle specula¬tion, un.l t'n- roliahillty of ratun to eminence aud renownin im.v particular puis.ill. in short, ampie tiiirfleolars or(?ersou.il tuient and power wires ary to l>e known, ran belai'.htum illustrated hy thiaiin.oiniiaiab eacience, the know-led '¦ heiug deduced uuiel" fi"in Ihr position or tin? heavenlyborHcs (at the tune or hlrtn), wuicn. according to the aacreawiiitu.". wore placed In the 111 niauient by tbe (ireat OmulpotiMil, lorninia, fur sensoin, for data and ten is to eblD*upon eai lb. in r.Uu tbe day and the night, which fought InIhelr courses against Snera, and whleu couditcled the wlt»men nl the Ka»t to iho hlrtliplac of ourSavlnur.TLMMS l.;i .ijt .> oenta; gentlemen $1. go- stlona an¬

swered by ( a.loslng *1. Aliio, phrenological eiami-nutioiiH niaile. \crUu W cnnla: with achart (1. All peraonsforwardlag litlata, slatiug tin: lime aud p!a> « ol birth, withtheir sex (inali: or female), oncloelngfS. will receive by malt

a chart with tboir nativity lully enpiatned ih every pointre jun d. Adoiev. Dr. L. 1'. Uiongl ton UoOreene street.New Vork. llin-ineMt hours fi oiu "J o clock A. 11. to 8 J*. M.Foe fuilhcr particulars beiKj lor "Hronchlons MonthlyI'lunet Header,'1 lomaiu.n pi eilicllons on tlie fate of llienation, the niiuvttU-s of II on. XV. II. Sew «rd. (ien. Grant,Oen. N. 1*. Baiika, Ac.. Ac. l'lice hy maii thten i- lila.

* BOLOVE B. MAUUIUK, THE OKKAT AND RBAI»J V Asiio.'ofcr h advice Is ba-ird upon selentlllc plinclplea.What is Astrology? H 1* tho practical part of the »<ience OfAsiroiioiuy ; mid, aa the Ineory of navigation would be oflittle service to initn without the experience derived fronvlinvcrsiiif the o can's bouu Is, so astronoiay to o. little mo¬ment unc<iiinreted with Its practical value, developed Idantral lore. Astrology leaches n,e nature of the variousplanets, the lulluenuu they uxerl upon our earth In theirpuMit^ti liironuh the aucaiaslee >Una of the zodiac, tbeellects upon the < haraeters a id fortunes of mankind, aecord-ln- to their pnsitioiu. I'lolessor Maurice has a profoundkuowlcdge of thu rules ol the sri-i.c of the stars; and, aathj ha". I of flita has marked out the path of each Individual,so will Pro csaor Maurice unlo il his meandering, coveringthe whole Held of all that relates to your happiness or mlee¬ry thro gh vo.ir whole life; he will dcsuribu tbo intendedhusbaiii! or .< lie and tells the veiy day y<>u »lll marry, andIn causing «p t-dy marrla.ies villi bring suioese out of themost hoiielesj cases. Ail who consult Professor Mauricewill ha s ire of hikcCsh in any undertaking and have goodluck and he prosperous through life. No. 126 Blcei k r street,three blocks from Broadway. I-i lies, 50 c. gentlemen, $1.All hauis, till nine In the eveiiia.-.


If your destiny you would know,Then to Professor Maurice go;He the future will untold,llead from yonder orhs gold.If there s danger in tne way.l^earn Its nature before you stray,So you can, by timely care.Turn its s> emin ; ioul to fair.

Tliie aetrologer. A- B. Maurice, will bring siiccrse ont ofthe most helpic»s cases, In any un lertaklu*. And also Incausing stx'edy marriages, an J te'ls tlie very day you willmarry. All who consult htou will be *ure ol good luckthrough life.if Ihuse at a dix:anne will .-ent their age, and enclose one

dollar, he n ill return to them in three days the ouUlnee oftheir whole lifeA. B. MAURICE, IK Blceclter street, three blocks from

Broadway. All hours till nine o'clock in the evening.Ladies wfc. ; geu'lemen 31.

AB. MAt'lUCB, THE (>BEAT AND REAL AHTRO. loger, of 120 Bleecker street, wuh several a rets that

no living mortal ev r knew iiufore. v. nt unfold the inysterieeof the past, present and future, and gives to all h's visitors

a foreknowledge of all the general a lairs I h rough theirwhole life He iell» In regard to health, wealth, Irlenda,enemies, love, courtship and marriages, promotion, happi¬ness or misfortune, gain, loss, *e ; telle tlie very tiay youwill marry, and describes the Intended husband and wire,ami in causing speedy marriage* will bring success out ofthe most hopeless cases. All laboring uuder dep esfion Olsuirlts, distress and anguish of mind, frotn whatever cause,should hy or write to Prof. Maurice for relief aud cosnfortIf those at a distance will send tiielr age and encloee onedollar, he will return to you the o nline* of yonr Hi*, readyour character and describe > our enemies and l<*-t 1 rlends.Answers prompt in three da.vs. 12<S Bleecker *tr« -t. threeblocks from Broadway Ladies. I fty cents. Gentlemen,one dollars Ail iiours till D In the evening.

A BUSINESS AND MP.DICAL CLAIRYOYaNT, WHOlias no equal In America and Is the lady who Brat ad¬

vertised In this city and Ho-ion, and tHM**) reward le of¬fered io any pci sou who can surpass her In giving correct in¬formation on ]o*>t or stolen goods, lawsuits. at« nt irlendaend business matters of all kinds. If yon nave trouble, ncmatter bow serious, she can allay It for you. She also pre¬scribes for all diseases and Is making great cures. N. B .This Is no bumbng, nor does she wtoh to lrn|>e>e on the un¬wary Please test her skill. This lady alee manufactures awash <a led tihlnese Uvso. sn infallible remedy for remov¬ing freckles, tan and sunburn, an.! renders tbe skin perfectly soft and smooth a highly perfumed and elegant articlefor the toilet. Ladles, try It. Please remember th.s is tieonly independent Glairroyant tu this cur. She an refer totbe most prominent citizens of New York, Ph.ladelphla,Boston am) other cities. Call and satiafy yourselves. OOoo

A 8TONI8HINO TO ALL I.MADAMS MORROW.J\ (evenlh da ughter, and born with a natural fill of (on¦Igbt, to tall bow mod and ollen you will marry, and all yoawith to kno «

, ereu your \ery thought*. ar no pay. Hermaslc image la now in lull operation, and her ei|tia. n not toba round In the wbola world. Sba given lock* charm*. andabowa you a correct llkeoeaa ol veur prtvnt or future bua-bi>n<l and absent friend* without any charge, im Ludlow.u*i>t, btslow Houston. Fee only twenty-tire oenta; all bouraunill In the evening. Ueutle.en not admitted.

A BONA FIDE ASTROLOOItiT. THAT EVERT ONEtan depend on, la Ume WILSON, who telH the objectof your vlelia* soon a* yon enter. She tella tt>«- paat, pro

sent and frture of your life, and warn* you 01 danger*. andbring* »iire -*e out of the moat perlloua undrrtaklnae. M.B..Cele'rralcd magi obarma. No. IS) Allen etreer. betweenHoii-lon and fiautun atreeta, over ibe bakery. Charge* foradle* and gentlemen. Si ream

» Bl'slNISS CARD .MADAM K l.EKOY THK OREATA Itiarlrationai Clairvoyant, give* Information on all af-

ft» ra of life, lore and marrlugr; a range* bue>ne»a »tid riveelucky nutnlmra. Interview* iu cent*. gentlemen A Ratie-factioti guaranteed. 2 <6 Raymond street. Brooklyn, nearFulton avenue.

ABETTER ARTROLOOIflT 18 HOT TO BR FOL'BOIn the city tnan Dr. L D. UKi lUiillTOki.He (ucreedB

in giving aattafactlon wbi-n alt otheri roll. Ho <ati be coo-aulted o:i a'l alTairaof human Ufa. audi courtship, mar¬riage. ria\elllug remova *. lawculta. obtain tut altuatloaa.rrcoxr'n.' property, welfare of abaonl frlenoe. Ae alioalckne * if the re'i juitr will recover or die of the prvaeotsic* tie -a if r. cover, the tune they will begin to inuend.whnt part of the bodv i« adllcted, and what iroa:inent andMad* ne are leal adapted lor the *i< k peraou Term*.La-die. SO centa; gentlemen, 91 yti -oil n< »n<vverr bv letter,mill phrenological e«aminatl<in« made. Forlurtbei partlen-Ureaeul (or "BrougLtou'e Monthly PUnel Heuder," con¬taining prediction* on the weatiier ami on the fat'- o t the na¬tion. Hie nalirltleaol llmi. w. II iiewerd, (lea. w ant aadof lien. N. f. llanlu. Ar., Ac I'l Ice, bv mail. three ceata.Offl e U'tl Urrcne Itreet. heiow Prln-e atreet. Y.

C10U IIESTKR. THE CELEBRATED .ML III M CANJ be rontultrd on all affair* ol Ule, patt, present and fu¬

ture. at lil* room*, 7M Broadway, opposite the Now TorkHo:. I. Letter* amwered by mail.

IV YOU WANT ADVICE CALL ON MADAME DEMOIR,French an Kngll*h A*trulogl»l. who ws* never known

to fall to reveal ail the pa«t, [utiire or preaeat. She brltigatogether lho»e lonu ¦urillltfi ahown a rot -i likeneaaof luture hnsband or a'ia. nt fr.er. I,. Lurk> ii'.-i lieia free.Ladie* 26 cent*, gentlemen M dent* (Apply at I «i N ueteentb¦treel, between Se'euili and Eighth avenue*. »e otid Boor.

IOOK HERE -ARE YOU IK TROUBLE! HAVE TOOJ been de rived or trilled *l'h' Have your fund bona*

been bliated bv I alar promise*' If go. go lo MADAMERuss for advioe and aatlnfai tloo In love alalra ahr tatnever known to tali. She lir.nga together tho«e :.,u* *epa-rated, *Bd show* * correct hkemeaa ol future l-uabaod orabnent fuenda. Lucky (lumber* free. No. ot Wtat twenty-.c.enth "lire!, beiweeti Slith and Xeventh avenue*. Nameontbedoo-. R ng ihr baxemrnt bell.

LAD1EM. NO IMPOSITION -MADAME BLA.N< H, THEgn at European Clairvoyant ami Aatro!o*i'l Uaa arrived.

She waa born with a nat iral g ft. Sh>! iell» yo r verytbo'Uht*. bnn/» together thoar long aeparaieil, and an*eaapeeilv marriage*, t«U« you the nam- of the jierfon you willmarry. «ho»a you a correct likeneaa of four Ittture buehaador a'xeiit friend In teallty. La lie* 1A renta. O ntlemanMrent*. lit Weal Twenty eighth *ueet. near MvttMhav,

VO IMI U8ITION -THE NFVER FAILING MADAME1> FTARR. from Europe. * ho waa borti with a natma gift.i!ie oon*uit* on the |>a*t pievat and fuiure, on all ailalraof life bring* tOfether tliooe long ae| arated. ra'tae* apeedymatriagea, *ho»a you .> orreot llkeneu of your future hue-band or aheeut frfeoda. dmnkenne«* curel: noteber* free.Ladle«,|take aollce . youkhat have lieea dec. iv«t by faleelovera you that have been unfortnuaie in lift, ail on truegreat European Clairvoyant and As'ri'oeiM, for It I* truefacta wnlrh induce lor lo aay that h'reiual ia not to befound, which i* prored *ud te*ie.i by hundred* who dallyand eagerly vigif i,er. Caution look out, good m-a-afhr allf.\UU) reward for »ny one who ca0 equal Mdame ttiarr.tlr8reat European Clairvoyant, In her p.ofeiudO" »r akinlie *l»o teij* yo th* name of the |iera,>n you will marry.No humbug: No ll'I Ea*i nevtnteenih itrc t, nomorof

Thirdavenue. Name on the door Oemiemen aot admitted.Ladte* bewar* of bilininn *t»o th<ioe that try to Imltaiaher, *n<i eopy ihiiaavertMmeemtoot.

\H-WH0 HAS NOT HEARD OT TIIE ( BbE-. ion ted Madame BREWSTKK (Who ba* removed to

44* Bi *th avenue, corner of Twenty *». entb aireet and w hor»n lw cam* ilted wlfi entire *atl«(Vtlou' Hh* baa .o.fl'1*';Hhe tella tli name of future wl'a or huabaud, aaoihatofher > taller, if you wl*h tr ilh gue her a oa:L^READ -MADAME RAV 18 THB BBBT CLAIBVuTANT

and Aatrvlogiat In ihio »U>I. "".'"bora.oauM* (needy marrtMf. Let am ithMK who I to iliow 11

Mind. If roo with Ut* troW.jWl Cityre'ereoraa to be e»eu at jSf.fflf!!?!.Teeaiy aeveaih *lre"l LaJle* B ceaii, genilcinen gOoeut*.

THE IIRIATF.flT VOlMf IN TIIE WORI.n |ft tHFaceompllahod MadanO B1MON. from Par.e, wl.oraa be

CooiuUed withtbe .trteieM ,eooUeaee oe all an.ir. of lifereatnrea krunkea aod oeMtkritl bugbMd*: baa a aerret lo

ored by yo«trh*arr. Idol, and br nga togetheraepanted W»4ieo lit ceela. lUwdcueogO Third

above Twelfth atreet.

wrrno WOlXD NOT OO TO MAKE THEIR FORTI NBW tJo ye.lone and all to *ee Mi** WELLINGTON. Hi"renowed Bt»g"«l» I'roplie e**, uBlvrraally acknowlad«"'l lb-I., of all Aalniloglatg, wbo gniiauleea to ereure to Ibna-Who eonaob her health, wealth aad happlneie, and warrant-

tn Imparl to them informailon of the utmoat iinportaoeerelative to lawautta. jorrrneya, abaeat Irlen l*. ki<*. eo«rt¦hie marriage, hidden Ireaeure*. enemloa and troab'ee; infeet,' of all affair* in lire t Brave aoMlere, learo vvur dooat ofalory, life or death If you *ee« yo»r owe preMarlty andfelirltwou ll aot delav t-> v»e»t or addree* by letter thl*hlgtr y gifted and beat:Ufa I youag lady, ad It'I

n .Jpo.'le fTighlh alraet. Mia* W. lithe My pdraen In tb*erln who Itaiihe genuine Bewan and AreUau taltaaiane forlute a.«d itfk aad buwaeea eir»ire^warraa»*< Jar lifeLimy nuinbera given a. aiao hl«te.reme |tran> enneee cured and MfalMful Wltee aad h«»liant^eelaimet
