NUTRITION IN EVERY AISLE - Amazon S3...delicious ways to eat healthy fats. 3. Scale back on sodium ... Taking the time to eat slowly and savour each bite can help you ... a meal. Known

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Page 1: NUTRITION IN EVERY AISLE - Amazon S3...delicious ways to eat healthy fats. 3. Scale back on sodium ... Taking the time to eat slowly and savour each bite can help you ... a meal. Known







Page 2: NUTRITION IN EVERY AISLE - Amazon S3...delicious ways to eat healthy fats. 3. Scale back on sodium ... Taking the time to eat slowly and savour each bite can help you ... a meal. Known

What goes into your body goes a long way in determining your health. Not only do your eating habits impact your weight but also help influence your risk for many health issues.

Follow these tips to start healthy eating:

- Plan 3 meals a day with healthy snacks in between, and try to keep mealtimes consistent to prevent hunger that leads to poor food choices. Let “cook once, eat twice” be your mantra. When you make enough food to have leftovers for lunch or put an extra dinner in the freezer, you’re already one step closer to your next healthy meal.

- Follow Canada’s Food Guide for recommended servings and proper portion sizes for you and your family. Download a free copy at hc-sc.gc.ca.

- Use the Plate Plan to ensure a balanced diet: Fill half your plate with vegetables, a quarter with whole grains or starches, and another quarter with meat or alternatives. Pack a lunch each day rather than eating out — you’ll save money and keep portion sizes and ingredients in check. Consider ways to add more vegetables to your dinner. Start the meal with veggies and dip or a salad, or add steamed or roasted vegetables to your main dish. Include fresh, in-season vegetables whenever they’re available.

- Read nutrition labels to help you choose foods higher in fibre, and lower in fats, sugars and salt. Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, skim milk, fish and lean meats are always good options. When grocery shopping, use the Guiding Stars® rating program to help you make nutritious choices.

Note: Visit a Registered Dietitian to develop a personalized plan for healthy eating that works with your lifestyle.

PLANAHEAD The information provided is for personal use, reference and education only and is not intended to be a substitute for a Physician’s

advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult your healthcare professional for specific information on personal health matters. Please Note: Dietitian services are available in select provinces or stores. Please contact your store to learn more. ®/™ Trademarks and logos are trademarks of Loblaws Inc. and others. All rights reserved. ©2017


Page 3: NUTRITION IN EVERY AISLE - Amazon S3...delicious ways to eat healthy fats. 3. Scale back on sodium ... Taking the time to eat slowly and savour each bite can help you ... a meal. Known




¹⁄³ Grains & Starches

¹⁄³ Fruit

¹⁄³ Protein


¼ Protein

½ VegetablesHave at least 2 kinds with one being green

¼ Grains & Starches

½ Protein

½ Vegetables & Fruit


- Lean meats, fish, seafood, skinless poultry- Plain yogurt, Greek yogurt, skyr yogurt, kefir, milk,cheese and

cottage cheese- Eggs- Nuts, seeds, nut and seed butters- Beans, lentils, edamame, tofu

Grain Products & Starches- Whole grain breads, pastas, cereals, bagels and tortillas, quinoa,

bulgur, barley, oats, teff, freekeh, wheat berries, millet- Corn, squash, pumpkin, beets, parsnips, plantains, potatoes,

sweet potatoes, peas

Non-Starchy Veggies (Unlimited)- Leafy greens such as kale, Swiss chard, arugula, field greens,

spinach, collard greens and fresh herbs like parsley, basil and cilantro

- Tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, eggplant, zucchini, sweet peppers, mushrooms, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, onions, garlic, fennel

Fruit- Apples, oranges, bananas, pears, grapes, cherries, pineapple,

mango, kiwis- Blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries- Melon, including watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe

Tips for Snacking- Include a snack if meals are more than 5 hours apart- For weight maintenance or weight loss, choose vegetables or fruit

more often, as well as snacks with protein and fibre


Page 4: NUTRITION IN EVERY AISLE - Amazon S3...delicious ways to eat healthy fats. 3. Scale back on sodium ... Taking the time to eat slowly and savour each bite can help you ... a meal. Known

4 STEPS TO MINDFUL MEAL PLANNING 1. Swap out the sugar Sweeten foods with fruit or fruit purées, such as pitted dates, mashed bananas or applesauce instead of sugar, and sprinkle in cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger or cardamom for added flavour. If you have diabetes, speak with a Registered Dietitian about the best sugar alternatives for you.

2. Fix your fats Though it’s best to limit saturated fats, a small amount of unsaturated fats (two to three tablespoons a day) is actually good for you. Opt for vegetable oils like canola, olive and soybean oils in salad dressings, margarines and mayo, and for cooking. Avocado on salads and sandwiches, or an afternoon nosh of unsalted nuts and seeds are other delicious ways to eat healthy fats.

3. Scale back on sodium Instead of seasoning your food with salt, choose fresh or dried herbs and spices for flavour. When using canned beans and vegetables, rinse them to reduce the sodium content.

4. Plan for success Wash and chop your vegetables as soon as you get home from the grocery store, then store them in containers in the fridge for convenient snacking and meal prep. If you’re still too busy to cook at night, choose prepared foods rated by the Guiding Stars® program and pair them with fresh vegetables or already-cooked whole grains.


Page 5: NUTRITION IN EVERY AISLE - Amazon S3...delicious ways to eat healthy fats. 3. Scale back on sodium ... Taking the time to eat slowly and savour each bite can help you ... a meal. Known

DITCH DISTRACTIONS Used to eating on the go, at your desk or with your smartphone in hand?

Sometimes how you eat is as important as what you eat. Taking the time to eat slowly and savour each bite can help you to better enjoy your food and feel more satisfied at the end of a meal. Known as “mindful eating,” the act of actually paying attention to your food and the process of eating it has been recognized as a way to help make healthier choices.

Here are four strategies to help yourself eat mindfully:

1. Pace yourself and look for cues throughout the meal that you’re getting full.

2. Sit down and enjoy a meal with loved ones whenever possible.

3. Drink water infused with berries, mint sprigs or lemon or cucumber slices, or sip on herbal tea. Mindlessly drinking sugary beverages can quickly contribute to a lot of calories.

4. Aim to eat half the indulgent foods you typically would, and eat half as often.

Do you have diabetes? If so, follow the eating guidelines from The Canadian Diabetes Association at: http://www.diabetes.ca/diabetes-and-you/healthy-living-resources/diet-nutrition/basic-meal-planning


Page 6: NUTRITION IN EVERY AISLE - Amazon S3...delicious ways to eat healthy fats. 3. Scale back on sodium ... Taking the time to eat slowly and savour each bite can help you ... a meal. Known

Use the Guiding Stars® rating program to assist you in finding nutritious food choices on shelf labels throughout our stores. Look for 1, 2 or 3 stars (3 being the highest rating) and consider the following when shopping:

Visit guidingstars.ca to learn more about food star ratings of your favourite foods with our new nutrition fact finder.


6. In the Aisles: Pick up canned or dried beans, peas and lentils for a high-fibre meat alternative.Look for cereals and grains with 4 g of fibre or more, and less than 8 g of sugar per serving.

1. Bakery: Look for breads, wraps, bagels and pitas with 100% whole grain on the label.

4. Seafood: Choose fresh, frozen or canned fish and seafood with little or no added seasoning.Char, herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines and trout are very good choices, as these types of fish contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.

5. Produce: Go for fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables.

2. Dairy: If drinking a milk alternative, make sure it is fortified with calcium, vitamin D and vitamin B12.Choose cheeses with 20% MF or less.Eggs, which are high in protein, can be found in the dairy section.

3. Meats and Deli: Choose low-sodium options and lean meats.