Microsoft ® Windows ® SharePoint ® Services 3.0 © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Poster design by the Lux Group, Inc. www.luxworldwide.com v. 2.0 October 2006 Developer Map for the 2007 Microsoft ® Office System Tools Programs Services Key Microsoft Office SharePoint ®  Designer 2007 • Features • Namespace, Web Service, or Schema • Objects Access 2007 Desktop database program that helps information workers start tracking information quickly, create meaningful reports with ease, and share data more securely using the Web. • Data collection via email • Import/export specifications • Improved AutoFormats • Layout view • Managed code can listen to events • Multi value storage in single fields • Navigation pane • Report View with events • SharePoint integration • Single document interface (SDI) • Split Form View • Tracking Applications Microsoft.Office.Core Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access • Application • CurrentData • CurrentDB • CurrentProject • Screen PowerPoint ® 2007 Presentation program that allows you to create great-looking presentations using the new results-oriented interface, graphics capabilities, and formatting tools. • Diagramming • Document Inspector • Slide library • Styles and Themes Microsoft.Office.Core Microsoft.Office.Interop. PowerPoint • Application • Presentation • SlideRange • Slide • ShapeRange • Shape InfoPath ® 2007 Windows-based application for creating rich, dynamic forms that teams and organizations can use to gather, share, and reuse information—leading to improved collaboration and decision-making throughout your organization. • Browser forms • Custom data importers • Custom forms design converters • Data connection library • Digital signature support • Installable form templates • Managed-code object model • Outlook e-mail integration • Template parts • Visual Studio®Tools for Applications Microsoft.Office.Core Microsoft.Office.Infopath • Application • WindowCollection • Window • XmlFormCollection • XmlForm • ViewInfoCollection • View Project 2007 Project planning applications designed to address the work and people management needs of today’s project managers. Project Professional greatly improves its performance with Project Server 2007. • Visual Reports, using Excel and Visio • Task drivers • Recalculation change highlighting • Multi-level undo with transaction sets • Project deliverables • Tracking project costs and budgets • Customizable Project Guide • Integration with Outlook 2007 tasks Microsoft.Office.Core Microsoft.Office.Interop. MSProject • Application • Assignments • Calendars • OutlineCodes • Projects • Resources • Tasks • Views Visio ® 2007 Diagramming and data visualization solution that makes it easy for IT and business professionals to visualize, analyze, and communicate complex information, systems, and processes. • Auto-connect • Data-Link • Theme effects and colors Microsoft.Office.Core Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio Microsoft.Office.Interop. VisOcx Microsoft.Office.Interop. Visio.SaveAsWeb • Application • Document • Windows • Page • Master • Shape • Cell Groove TM 2007 Collaboration software program that teams can use to work together dynamically in collaborative workspaces from virtually any location. • Groove Forms & Groove InfoPath Forms • Groove tool templates • Groove workspace templates • Groove Web Services enables custom applications running on desktop client or Groove Data Bridge to access workspace data Groove Forms and Web Services API • Workspace data in tools and forms • Account data • Event handling Communicator 2007 is an integrated communications client, enabling information workers to communicate in real time. Communicator 2007 integrates with Microsoft Office System applications and enterprise telephony infrastructure. • Contextual Conversations • Highly visible contextual tabs • Invoke other collaboration applications • Rich Presence in your application The Microsoft®Office Communicato r 2007 API • Messenger • MessengerPriv • MsgrSession • MsgrSessionManager Communicator 2007 Web site development and management program that provides you powerful tools to build, customize, and contribute to SharePoint sites using the latest Web design technologies and established standards in an IT-controlled environment. Visual Studio ® 2005 Comprehensive development environment intended for individual developers and software development teams to build high-performance, multi-tier applications. Visual Studio ®  2005 Tools for Office Second Edition Developer tools that enable you to use Visual Studio to develop 2007 Office System-based, workgroup-to-enterprise scalable line-of-business solutions. Office Live Microsoft Office Live is a set of Web-based services that help small businesses to grow and manage their business online. • Establish professional Web presence • Access online applications • Collaborate with internal and external stakeholders Office Live Solution Developers • Create & extend Office Live business applications • Develop collaboration workspaces • Offer Web design services Using: • Office SharePoint Designer 2007 • Microsoft®Windows®SharePoint®Services 3.0 • Windows Live including Windows Live ID, Windows Live Local • Other Office system programs including InfoPath 2007, Access 2007 Live Meeting Live Meeting enables you to collaborate online with colleagues, customers, and partners in real time, between either individuals or large groups—with just a PC and an Internet connection. • Meetings • Users and Groups • Meeting Content and Recordings • Reporting and Attendance Live Meeting API: XML snippets through standard HTTP Posts • CreateMeetingRequest • ListMeetingsRequest • CreateUserRequest • ListUsersRequest • ListRecordings4Request • ListVisitorsRequest Take advantage of the Add-InLoader, a component that makes Office aware of managed code add-ins and creates a better user experience for developers. • Custom Task Pane customization • Ribbon Customization • Outlook Form Region customization • App-domain Isolation Customize and extend the Ribbon UI through a combination of XML markup, any Microsoft .NET–based language supported in Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Visual Basic®for Applications (VBA), Microsoft Visual C++®or Microsoft Visual Basic®6.0. • Document or Application-level solutions/customizations Microsoft.Offic e.Core.IRibbonExtensibil ity Create and deploy application-specific functionality in fully customizable task panes that users can dock to different areas of the screen. • Multiple task pane support • Docking support Microsoft.Offic e.Core.IC ustomTaskPa neConsumer Microsoft.Offic e.Core.ICT PFactory Excel ® 2007 Spreadsheet program that you can use to analyze, communicate, and manage information to help you make more informed decisions. • Conditional formatting • Connection management capabilities •Connectivity with Analysis Services • Document inspector • Improved charting engine • Improved PivotTables® • Increased sheet size (1M rows, 16K cols) • Integration with Excel Services in the Office SharePoint Server 2007 • Multi-threaded recalculation • XLL interface Microsoft.Office.Core Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel • Application • Chart • PivotTable • Range • Sheets • Workbook • Worksheet Word 2007 Document authoring program that helps people create and share great-looking documents by combining a comprehensive set of writing tools with an easy-to-use interface. • Content controls • Document building blocks • Document inspector • XML mapping Microsoft.Office.Core Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word • Application • Content Control • CustomXMLPart • Document • Range • Selection • Table • XMLMapping Outlook ® 2007 Messaging client that provides a comprehensive time and information manager, putting you in control of the tools you need to prioritize, organize, and search information. • Content indexing search • Forms regions technology • Rules object model • Search support • Unified object model Microsoft.Office.Core Microsoft.Office.Interop. Outlook • Application • Explorer • Inspector • Folder • MailItem • AppointmentItem • TaskItem • ContactItem New XML technology that replaces existing Office file formats with open, fully-documented, royalty-free file formats. • Open Packaging Conventions • Document parts • Custom XML Parts • Content types • Relationships • Ribbon Extensibility System.IO.Pa ckaging • Ecma Office Open XML File Formats Standard MSDN Office Developer Center: http://msdn.microsoft.com/office Excel Services Reporting and Dashboards Business Intelligence Excel Web Access - Thin client rendering of interactive spreadsheets Excel Web Services - Programmatic access to server- based spreadsheet calculation and data. Dashboards,ReportCenter,Key PerformanceIndicators, Filter Web Parts, SQL Server®ReportingServicesIntegration microsoft.office.excel.server.* microsoft.shar epoint.porta l.analytics.* InfoPath Form Services Business Data Catalog & Application Integration Business Process Integration Rich Browser-Based Forms, Browser Forms on Mobile Devices, InfoPath Form ASP.NET®Control (XmlFormView), Extensible .NET Business Logic, Import/Export Framework, InfoPath Client Integration, Form Archiving microsoft.office.infopath.server.* Single Sign-on Secure Credential Store, Connect to External Data via Web Services, Field Integration with Lists, Business Data Web Parts, Actions, WSRP Consumer Web Part (WSRPConsumerWebPart), Custom BDC Web Service Proxies microsoft.offi ce.server.a pplicationreg istry.* Web Content Management Document and Records Management Enterprise Content Management Listings, Enhanced Navigation, Page Layout Templates, Custom Field Controls, Page Settings Push-down to Web sites, Site Variations, Extensible Authoring Tools, Output Caching, Content Deployment, Content By Query Web Part (ContentByQueryWebPart), RSS Feed Consumer Web Part (RSSAggregatorWebPart) microsoft.sharepoint.publishing Information Rights Management Integration, Extensible Document Policies, Records Repository, Extensible Hold Infrastructure, Barcode Generation, Built-In Workflows microsoft.office.documentmanagement microsoft.office.policy Enterprise Search People and Personalization Enterprise Search People and Personalization Enhanced Query Object Model, Schema Object Model, Search Web Service, Search Term Lists, Search Alerts (RSS/email), Customizable Search Center, Search Web Parts, Protocol Handlers, IFilters Per-User Sites (My Sites), Role-based Targeting, Per-User Data Aggregation, Profile Sync with Site Membership Store, Knowledge Network microsoft.office.server.search.* Exchange S erver 2 007 Groove S erver 2 007 Communications Server 2007 microsoft.exchange Helps you manage a reliable messaging system with built-in protection against spam and viruses, while providing people throughout your organization with anywhere access to e-mail, voicemail, calendars, and contacts from a wide variety of devices. • Exchange Web Services • Exchange .NET Framework Extensions • OWA Web Parts Provides IT organizations with enterprise-class server software and tools for deploying, managing, and integrating Microsoft Office Groove 2007 across the enterprise. Groove Data Bridge is a server platform for connecting Groove workspaces with business apps, portals, and other enterprise data sources. Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007, the next version of Live Communications Server 2005, adds on-premise Web conferencing and the ability for Communicator to make and receive voice calls. • Communicator Extensibility • Unified Communications Client Platform • Communicator Web Access AJAX Service • Communicator Web Access AJAX Controls • Unified Communications Managed APIs • SIP Processing Language and Managed Interfaces • Speech Platform Services Project Server 2007 Office SharePoint Server 2007 Project Server is completely re-architected for the Microsoft Office Enterprise Project Management (EPM) solution. Project Web Access enables project team members, project managers, and executives to interact with and analyze project information within their responsibilities. Project Server helps your organization manage and coordinate resources and work across the entire project lifecycle, from one-time projects to complex programs. • Project Server Interface (PSI) Web services • Queuing services • Project Server events • Server-side scheduling • Unlimited enterprise custom fields • Timesheets: stand-alone or project-integrated • Reporting data service • Cube building service Windows Server 2003 / Windows Server “Longhorn” ADO / ADO.NET / DAO / ODBC / OLEDB / RDO / SQLXML / XML Windows Internal Database / SQL Server ® 2000 / SQL Server ® 2005 ASP.NET 2.0 Windows Workflow Foundation IIS 6 / IIS 7 .NET Framework 2.0 / .NET Framework 3.0 Provisioning COM Add-Ins VSTO 2005 SE Application Level Add-Ins Hook into Office by implementing IDTExtensibility2. Extensibility.IDExtensibility2 Shared Add-Ins  Ribbon UI Extensibility Office Open XML File Formats Custom Task Panes Servers • Site Definitions –Templates defining capabilities, structure, and contents of SharePoint sites. Comprised of XML-based instructions for constructing/configuring sites, plus ASP.NET resources (pages, master pages, graphics, style sheets, JavaScript includes) to be used by sites based on this template. • Feature Definitions – A subset of a site definition that defines a set of components that together make up a discrete piece of functionality (e.g., a list/view definition, a Web Part, and event receiver, and a custom page). Site definitions can and do consist of references to a set of feature definitions Administration • .NET Object Models for site collections (SPSite), sites (SPWeb), lists (SPList), event registrations, workflow registrations, users (SPUser), roles (SPRole), access control lists • .NET Object Models for farms, servers, Web Applications, zones, services (Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.* ) Data Store • Structure - List/Library metadata (SPList/SPLibrary), fields (SPField) - Field definitions, site columns - Content Types (SPContentType) - Views, filters, and queries (SPQuery) - Cross-site queries (SPSiteDataQuery) - Item security Services • Jobs and task scheduling • Content Migration APIs for import/export tasks • Change Logs (SPChange*) • Alerts (SPAlert) • RSS access to lists/libraries • Search within sites (SPWeb.SearchDocuments, SPWeb.SearchListItems ) ASP.NET User Interface • Web Part Pages • Web Part Assemblies • Web Part instancing data (SPWebPart  Collection, SPUserStorage) • Application Pages • Master Pages • Toolbars and Navigation Controls • List forms (SPForm) • Behavior - Event receivers for lists/libraries and their contents (SPListEvent) - Workflow templates, activities, instances, activations, logs and status - Declarative XOML workflows (creatable by SharePoint Designer 2007) • Content - Library item (SPFile) check-out/ check-in (SPCheckedOutFile) - Library item Version history - List Attachments (SPListItem.Attachments ) - Recycle Bin contents (SPRecycle  BinItem,SPRecycleBinQuery) • List Definitions – XML-based instructions and ASP.NET resources for describing and rendering specific SharePoint lists. • Solution Deployment – CAB file-based packages that install a set of components as a defined set. Solution packages are auto-depoyable to all servers in a farm on demand. • Site Provisioning Assemblies – Allow custom code to be called at site creation time. • Web services that encapsulate and provide remote access to the above (Administration,Alerts,  Lists, People, Permissions, Sites, Search, etc.) • Event receivers that execute code when specific actions take place. (SPSiteReceiver, SPFeatureReceiver , etc.) • Feature instantiations/activations within a site (SPFeature)

Office Suites Roadmap

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Services 3.0

© 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Poster design by the Lux Group, Inc. www.luxworldwide.com v. 2.0 October 2006

Developer Map for the 2007 Microsoft®

Office SystemToolsPrograms



Microsoft Office ShDesigner 2007

• Features

• Namespace, Web Service, or Schema

• Objects


Desktop database program thathelps information workers starttracking information quickly,create meaningful reports withease, and share data moresecurely using the Web.

• Data collection via email• Import/export

specifications• Improved AutoFormats• Layout view• Managed code can listen

to events• Multi value storage in

single fields• Navigation pane• Report View with events• SharePoint integration• Single document interface

(SDI)• Split Form View• Tracking Applications


• Application• CurrentData

• CurrentDB• CurrentProject• Screen



Presentation program thatallows you to creategreat-looking presentationsusing the new results-orientedinterface, graphics capabilities,and formatting tools.

• Diagramming• Document Inspector• Slide library• Styles and Themes



• Application• Presentation• SlideRange• Slide• ShapeRange• Shape



Windows-based application forcreating rich, dynamic formsthat teams and organizationscan use to gather, share, andreuse information—leading toimproved collaboration anddecision-making throughoutyour organization.

• Browser forms• Custom data importers• Custom forms designconverters• Data connection library• Digital signature support• Installable form templates• Managed-code object

model• Outlook e-mail integration• Template parts• Visual Studio® Tools

for Applications


• Application• WindowCollection• Window

• XmlFormCollection• XmlForm• ViewInfoCollection• View


Project planning applicationsdesigned to address the workand people management needsof today’s project managers.Project Professional greatlyimproves its performance withProject Server 2007.

• Visual Reports, usingExcel and Visio

• Task drivers• Recalculation change

highlighting• Multi-level undo with

transaction sets• Project deliverables• Tracking project costs

and budgets• Customizable Project Guide• Integration with Outlook

2007 tasks


• Application• Assignments• Calendars

• OutlineCodes• Projects• Resources• Tasks• Views



Diagramming and datavisualization solution that makesit easy for IT and businessprofessionals to visualize,analyze, and communicatecomplex information, systems,and processes.

• Auto-connect• Data-Link• Theme effects and colors


• Application• Document• Windows• Page• Master• Shape• Cell



Collaboration software programthat teams can use to worktogether dynamically incollaborative workspaces fromvirtually any location.

• Groove Forms & GrooveInfoPath Forms

• Groove tool templates• Groove workspace

templates• Groove Web Services

enables customapplications running ondesktop client or GrooveData Bridge to accessworkspace data

Groove Forms and WebServices API

• Workspace data in toolsand forms

• Account data• Event handling

Communicator 2007 is anintegrated communicationsclient, enabling informationworkers to communicate in realtime. Communicator 2007integrates with Microsoft OfficeSystem applications andenterprise telephonyinfrastructure.

• Contextual Conversations• Highly visible contextual

tabs• Invoke other collaboration

applications• Rich Presence in yourapplication

The Microsoft® OfficeCommunicator 2007 API

• Messenger• MessengerPriv• MsgrSession• MsgrSessionManager


Web site development and ma

that provides you powerful too

customize, and contribute to S

using the latest Web design te

established standards in an IT


Visual Studio®

200Comprehensive development e

intended for individual develop

development teams to build hi

multi-tier applications.

Visual Studio®

 200for Office Second

Developer tools that enable yo

Studio to develop 2007 Office

workgroup-to-enterprise scala

line-of-business solutions.

Office LiveMicrosoft Office Live is a set of

services that help small busines

manage their business online.

• Establish professional We• Access online applications• Collaborate with internal

external stakeholders

Office Live Solution Develope

• Create & extend Office Liveapplications

• Develop collaboration wor• Offer Web design services


• Office SharePoint Designer 20

• Microsoft® Windows® SharePo

• Windows Live including Windo

Windows Live Local

• Other Office system programs

InfoPath 2007, Access 2007

Live MeetingLive Meeting enables you to col

with colleagues, customers, and

real time, between either individ

groups—with just a PC and an I


• Meetings• Users and Groups• Meeting Content and Recordi

• Reporting and Attendance

Live Meeting API: XML snippstandard HTTP Posts

• CreateMeetingRequest• ListMeetingsRequest• CreateUserRequest• ListUsersRequest• ListRecordings4Request• ListVisitorsRequest

Take advantage of the Add-InLoader, a component that makes Office aware of managed code add-ins and creates a better user experience for developers.

• Custom Task Pane customization • Ribbon Customization • Outlook Form Region customization • App-domain Isolation

Customize and extend the Ribbon UI through a combination of XML markup, any Microsoft .NET–based language supported in Microsoft Visual

Studio, Microsoft Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA), Microsoft Visual C++ ® or Microsoft Visual Basic® 6.0.• Document or Application-level solutions/customizations


Create and deploy application-specific functionality in fully customizable task panes that users can dock to different areas of the screen.

• Multiple task pane support • Docking support

Microsoft.Office.Core.ICustomTaskPaneConsumer • Microsoft.Office.Core.ICTPFactory



Spreadsheet program that youcan use to analyze,communicate, and manageinformation to help you makemore informed decisions.

• Conditional formatting• Connection management

capabilities•Connectivity with Analysis

Services• Document inspector• Improved charting engine• Improved PivotTables®

• Increased sheet size(1M rows, 16K cols)

• Integration with ExcelServices in the OfficeSharePoint Server 2007

• Multi-threadedrecalculation

• XLL interface


• Application• Chart• PivotTable

• Range• Sheets• Workbook• Worksheet


Document authoring programthat helps people create andshare great-looking documentsby combining a comprehensiveset of writing tools with aneasy-to-use interface.

• Content controls• Document building blocks• Document inspector• XML mapping


• Application• Content Control• CustomXMLPart• Document• Range• Selection• Table• XMLMapping



Messaging client that provides acomprehensive time andinformation manager, putting youin control of the tools you needto prioritize, organize, and searchinformation.

• Content indexing search• Forms regions technology• Rules object model• Search support• Unified object model


• Application• Explorer• Inspector• Folder• MailItem• AppointmentItem• TaskItem• ContactItem

New XML technology that replaces existing Office file formats with open,fully-documented, royalty-free file formats.• Open Packaging Conventions • Document parts • Custom XML Parts• Content types • Relationships • Ribbon Extensibility

System.IO.Packaging • Ecma Office Open XML File Formats Standard

MSDN Office Developer Center: http://msdn.microsoft.com/office

Excel Services

Reporting and Dashboards

Business Intelligence

Excel Web Access - Thin client rendering of interactivespreadsheetsExcel Web Services - Programmatic access to server-based spreadsheet calculation and data.

Dashboards, Report Center, Key Performance Indicators,Filter Web Parts, SQL Server® Reporting Services Integration



InfoPath Form Services

Business Data Catalog & Application Integration

Business Process Integration

Rich Browser-Based Forms, Browser Forms on MobileDevices, InfoPath Form ASP.NET® Control(XmlFormView), Extensible .NET Business Logic,Import/Export Framework, InfoPath Client Integration,Form Archiving


Single Sign-on Secure Credential Store, Connect toExternal Data via Web Services, Field Integration withLists, Business Data Web Parts, Actions, WSRP ConsumerWeb Part (WSRPConsumerWebPart), Custom BDCWeb Service Proxies


Web Content Management

Document and Records Management

Enterprise Content Management

Listings, Enhanced Navigation, Page Layout Templates,Custom Field Controls, Page Settings Push-down to Websites, Site Variations, Extensible Authoring Tools, OutputCaching, Content Deployment, Content By Query Web Part(ContentByQueryWebPart), RSS Feed Consumer WebPart (RSSAggregatorWebPart)


Information Rights Management Integration, ExtensibleDocument Policies, Records Repository, Extensible HoldInfrastructure, Barcode Generation, Built-In Workflows



Enterprise Search

People and Personalization

Enterprise Search

People and Personalization

Enhanced Query Object Model, Schema Object Model,Search Web Service, Search Term Lists, Search Alerts(RSS/email), Customizable Search Center, SearchWeb Parts, Protocol Handlers, IFilters

Per-User Sites (My Sites), Role-based Targeting,Per-User Data Aggregation, Profile Sync with SiteMembership Store, Knowledge Network


Exchange Server 2007 Groove Server 2007 CommunServ


Helps you manage a reliable messaging systemwith built-in protection against spam and viruses,while providing people throughout yourorganization with anywhere access to e-mail,voicemail, calendars, and contacts from a widevariety of devices.

• Exchange Web Services

• Exchange .NET Framework Extensions

• OWA Web Parts

Provides IT organizations with enterprise-classserver software and tools for deploying,managing, and integrating Microsoft OfficeGroove 2007 across the enterprise.

Groove Data Bridge is a server platform forconnecting Groove workspaces with businessapps, portals, and other enterprise data sources.

Microsoft Office Communicationsnext version of Live Communicaadds on-premise Web conferencfor Communicator to make and

• Communicator Extensibility• Unified Communications Cli• Communicator Web Access• Communicator Web Access• Unified Communications Ma• SIP Processing Language a

Managed Interfaces• Speech Platform Services

Project Server 2007Office SharePoint Server 2007Project Server is completely re-architected for theMicrosoft Office Enterprise Project Management(EPM) solution. Project Web Access enables projectteam members, project managers, and executivesto interact with and analyze project informationwithin their responsibilities. Project Server helpsyour organization manage and coordinateresources and work across the entire projectlifecycle, from one-time projects to complexprograms.

• Project Server Interface (PSI) Web services• Queuing services• Project Server events• Server-side scheduling• Unlimited enterprise custom fields• Timesheets: stand-alone or

project-integrated• Reporting data service• Cube building service

Windows Server 2003 / Windows Server “Longhorn”


Windows Internal Database / SQL Server® 2000 / SQL Server® 2005

ASP.NET 2.0 Windows Workflow Foundation

IIS 6 / IIS 7 .NET Framework 2.0 / .NET Framework 3.0


COM Add-Ins

VSTO 2005 SE ApplicationLevel Add-Ins

Hook into Office by implementing IDTExtensibility2.

Extensibility.IDExtensibility2Shared Add-Ins 

Ribbon UI Extensibility

Office Open XMLFile Formats

Custom Task Panes


• Site Definitions –Templates defining capabilities, structure, and contentsof SharePoint sites. Comprised of XML-based instructions forconstructing/configuring sites, plus ASP.NET resources (pages, masterpages, graphics, style sheets, JavaScript includes) to be used by sitesbased on this template.

• Feature Definitions – A subset of a site definition that defines a set of components that together make up a discrete piece of functionality (e.g., alist/view definition, a Web Part, and event receiver, and a custom page).Site definitions can and do consist of references to a set of feature definitions

Administration• .NET Object Models for site collections (SPSite),

sites (SPWeb), lists (SPList), event registrations,workflow registrations, users (SPUser), roles(SPRole), access control lists

• .NET Object Models for farms, servers, WebApplications, zones, services(Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.*)

Data Store• Structure

- List/Library metadata(SPList/SPLibrary), fields (SPField)

- Field definitions, site columns- Content Types (SPContentType)- Views, filters, and queries (SPQuery)- Cross-site queries (SPSiteDataQuery)- Item security

Services• Jobs and task scheduling• Content Migration APIs for

import/export tasks• Change Logs (SPChange*)• Alerts (SPAlert)• RSS access to lists/libraries• Search within sites(SPWeb.SearchDocuments,SPWeb.SearchListItems)

ASP.NET User I• Web Part Pages• Web Part Assemblies• Web Part instancing d  Collection, SPUserS• Application Pages• Master Pages• Toolbars and Navigat• List forms (SPForm)

• Behavior- Event receivers for lists/libraries and

their contents (SPListEvent)- Workflow templates, activities,

instances, activations, logs and status- Declarative XOML workflows (creatable

by SharePoint Designer 2007)

• Content- Library item (SPFile) check-out/

check-in (SPCheckedOutFile)- Library item Version history- List Attachments

(SPListItem.Attachments)- Recycle Bin contents (SPRecycle

  BinItem, SPRecycleBinQuery)

• List Definitions – XML-based instructions and ASP.NET resources for describingand rendering specific SharePoint lists.

• Solution Deployment – CAB file-based packages that install a set of components as a defined set. Solution packages are auto-depoyable to allservers in a farm on demand.

• Site Provisioning Assemblies – Allow custom code to be called at sitecreation time.

• Web services that encapsulate and provide remoteaccess to the above (Administration, Alerts,

  Lists, People, Permissions, Sites,Search, etc.)

• Event receivers that execute code when specificactions take place. (SPSiteReceiver,SPFeatureReceiver, etc.)

• Feature instantiations/activations within a site(SPFeature)