FCD Color Camera / Operation manual i Thank you for procuring this fine Hitachi Kokusai Electric color CCD camera. Before using the camera, please read this operation manual carefully and keep this manual i on file for ready reference in the future. iHitachi Kokusai Electric Inc. i CAUTION FOR SAFE OPERATION RlSK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN CAUJlOPtTD REOUCE THE F119K OF ELECTRIC SHO(X UO NOT RaKM COVER(DR mcm NO USER SERvKEbBLE PAFllS INSQE RDER 6ERWSW TD OUALFm) SEW PERBOClNEL Thirspnboliainmnde4,rn den Ihsusrmttm A psesncs Of urusulatsd ' - s vailaga" Ow, w s adoana tW rrey ba of 8utWmt 0 constitute a risk ol akxfvkm1Dv Thisymbolismdm~ntheurstome preaenu, of jmportanl operattng and maintavroll(rsrvicing) instruCtions In he raatursscc~mpgyinpLha~ t WARNING: TO REDUCE THE RlSK OF FIRE OR CMOR CAMERA TO XAIN OR MOISTURE. AvERRSSEMEWT I Urn .FwerpdUw ud Ch Qotahr dnua dektrhahm Schkgus ar v e m dad da Osrel W r Ragen noch Fsuuhtigketl rida psath-~u mrdR. Sle WammgwWm nsh nw &lM FsehmPm. ................................................................................................... NOTE FOR USERS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM: IWORTANT: The wired of !he mains lead am doured in accwQnee wim 1he ~~ GnarJnb-Vebw EARTH Bb: NEUTRAL Brown: UVE As ths odaKs d Iha riss in he mim bad ol mu wetus fnaynm~withthecolowed~sidahfyingihe Isrrnhlr in yap dq, rmoad 8s kdlows - The wire Wch b cotourad green-ond-yelbw must be mnected b lha nrmmd in he plug whi is marlsd by Um lenwEorws78~mWlybd Jymbd ofor- and*. - Thsrirs~iscolowsdbhamu~Abe~t~Ute mrntindrrhichm~withtherensrNw~nd~. - Tb~wtkhCcoknd~muatbecnnaFed blhe ~whiehbmsrksdvihmalensrLarnlJllrsarsd. WARNING: TIir podM W besarWd. importaol for you *, bsp tcf ywr ccmmbm and prata(wn. Tkese~nbsrss~~ep&the~~tlld~~hebotbm d IhevoducL PlesseramrdUmmnumberahhspsa~pronc)ed bdol*.Qldnnanlhrsnrsludlfufubrrsrdwm Model No. Smrlrl No.

Operation manual - hitachikokusai.com · i The KP-FD30M is a single CCD type RGB color camera ; .Camera(with C mount adaptor) which utilized the progressive scan CCD image sensor

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Page 1: Operation manual - hitachikokusai.com · i The KP-FD30M is a single CCD type RGB color camera ; .Camera(with C mount adaptor) which utilized the progressive scan CCD image sensor

FCD Color Camera

/ Operation manual i Thank you for procuring this fine Hitachi Kokusai

Electric color CCD camera. Before using the camera, please read this operation manual carefully and keep this manual

i on file for ready reference in the future.

iHitachi Kokusai Electric Inc.





Thirspnboliainmnde4,rn den Ihsusrmttm

A psesncs Of urusulatsd '-s vailaga"

Ow, w s adoana tW rrey ba of 8utWmt 0 constitute a risk ol a k x f v k m 1 D v

T h i s y m b o l i s m d m ~ n t h e u r s t o m e preaenu, of jmportanl operattng and maintavroll(rsrvicing) instruCtions In h e r a a t u r s s c c ~ m p g y i n p L h a ~




Urn .FwerpdUw ud Ch Qotahr dnua dektrhahm Schkgus ar v e m dad d a Osrel W r Ragen noch Fsuuhtigketl

rida psath-~u mrdR. Sle W a m m g w W m nsh nw &lM FsehmPm.



IWORTANT: The wired of !he mains lead am doured in accwQnee wim 1he ~~

GnarJnb-Vebw EARTH B b : NEUTRAL Brown: UVE

As ths odaKs d Iha riss in h e mim bad ol mu w e t u s f n a y n m ~ w i t h t h e c o l o w e d ~ s i d a h f y i n g i h e Isrrnhlr in yap dq, rmoad 8s kdlows - The wire W c h b cotourad green-ond-yelbw must be

mnected b lha nrmmd in he plug w h i is marlsd by Um l e n w E o r w s 7 8 ~ m W l y b d Jymbd o f o r - and*.

- T h s r i r s ~ i s c o l o w s d b h a m u ~ A b e ~ t ~ U t e m r n t i n d r r h i c h m ~ w i t h t h e r e n s r N w ~ n d ~ . - T b ~ w t k h C c o k n d ~ m u a t b e c n n a F e d blhe ~whiehbmsrksdvihmalensrLarnlJl lrsarsd.

WARNING: TIir podM W besarWd.

importaol for you *, bsp tcf ywr ccmmbm and prata(wn. T k e s e ~ n b s r s s ~ ~ e p & t h e ~ ~ t l l d ~ ~ h e b o t b m d IhevoducL PlesseramrdUmmnumberahhspsa~pronc)ed bdol*.Qldnnanlhrsnrsludlfufubrrsrdwm

Model No. Smrlrl No.

Page 2: Operation manual - hitachikokusai.com · i The KP-FD30M is a single CCD type RGB color camera ; .Camera(with C mount adaptor) which utilized the progressive scan CCD image sensor

- -- - -

Operating considerations ppl Power supply - Do not aim the camera lens at the sun.

Be sure to use the Power source specified in the Major - Do not shoot strong light or a scene including strong light Specrfications. When such a scene is shot, vertical trailings will appear. Before plugging or unplugging a connector, be sure However, this is not due to failure. to turn off power. In case strong Tight enters the camera through the lens, To plug or unplug a connector, be sure to hold the partial deterioration in picture quality will result. amnector section. To obtain stable performance for long time Note that it will take several seconds until a picture is When the camera is used continuously for long time displayed on the monitor after power on. under high ambient temperature, the inside electrical

Handling parts become deteriorated, resulting in shortening its life. Do not attempt to remove cover. To use the camera continuously for long time, the - M e n installing or removing a lens, be sure to use highest temperature must be below 40°C. care that water or dust does not enter the inside of. Cleaning the camera. Use a blower or a lens brush to remove dusts on the

Installing and storage lens or the optical filter. Avoid installing or storing the camera in the f0il0wing . Wipe dirts on the case off with dry soft cloth. If dirks environments. are hardened, wipe them off with cloth moistened Environments exposed to direct sunlight rain or snow with neutral detergent liquid; wipe the cover with dry cloth. Environments where combustible or corrosive gas - Do not use benzine,thinner,alcohol,liquid cleaner or exists spray-type cleaner. Excessively warm or cold environment (Operating In event dust or other debris is lodged between the CCD ambient temperature: -10 to 50C) and optical filter, consult dealer for cleaning by an optical Humid or dusty environment technician. Place subjected to excessive vibration or shock Environment exposed to strong electric or magnetic field

Phenomena inherent to CCD imaging device

FdlMna are the ~henomena inherent to a CCD imaninn device, and not defects - - 1) smear and blooming 3) Moire Wen strong light (lamp, fluorescent lamp, reflected When fine patterns are shot, moire may be displayed. light, etc.) is shot, pale bands are displayed vertically above and below the light 4) Burning In this case, change the angle of the camera so that When excessively intense light comes to the such strong light does not enter the camera through CCD for a long time, the spectral filter in the the lens. CCD pixel may be deteriorated, and the colour of

the corresponding pornon may change. Avoid using the camera under suchcondition.

2) Fixed pattern noise M e n the camera is operated in a high temperature, fwd pattern noise may appear on the entire screen.

bG I


~ n i ~ DSGN



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& p u d ~ b,v I - 'q A P P D ~ C . L L ~ pr+.


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Operation manual




7 APPD @

Yitachi Kokusai Electric lnc.

Tokyo Japan 3447704 '/a

Page 3: Operation manual - hitachikokusai.com · i The KP-FD30M is a single CCD type RGB color camera ; .Camera(with C mount adaptor) which utilized the progressive scan CCD image sensor


T h m ~ pmfub haw bean W e d and Layrd to mmphl with the limiraroraCkPcAdipMl6BncapurasntmPw i s ofmaFCC Ruks.~hsssmni(smdsognedtopmvids~blspmtecbbn against harmful inbdanm, when the squrpntnt is in a a J m m a c i a r ~ n m m ~ p e n s r a w . o c u r e n d c a n redim m& h e W s n c y e ~ a n 4 it ncnMslled ad ussd in a c m r d a n c s * U m ~ m a n u a l , u L m n y c a w a ~ m~er~eranca m reda oarm~lroba~ . .

OpenaardhswprcdLnaS in a rssidentig am i likdy IO cawe hamM ktbrkmm m w h i c h c a a M e u m a i U b s ~ t o c o r r e c t t h e i n t a b n n w s ~



r For Canada I

f h s a , p m d ~ d a n o t ~ ~ c a a d ( h s d a r r s A l i m i c a f m ~ n o b a ern-m h r n dlgiml appemur an u8t out in the radio imerlersnw mouWb~.

La mmnt apparail n'kmcd pas de bruits radiolilsctrlqusr ~ ~ ~ u p d i i s u r ~ r m m b n p v a s d e cWa, A prsarited d.nr )o ~ l e m e n t sur le bmuillage ~ ~ p r i r B m i n i * B n ~ ~

. . w cQl&a

Page 4: Operation manual - hitachikokusai.com · i The KP-FD30M is a single CCD type RGB color camera ; .Camera(with C mount adaptor) which utilized the progressive scan CCD image sensor

5 8 6 7






- -





General i The KP-FD30M is a single CCD type RGB color camera .Camera(with C mount adaptor) ; which utilized the progressive scan CCD image sensor with i square pixel for VGA format of 1 / 2-inch which adopted the .Operation manual I RGB primary color mosaic filter.

Optional accessories

Features .DC input plug ( ROS-P3F ) R03-P3F

Lens plug ( E4-191 J-100 ) E4-191 J-I 00

.MULTI cable plug KEG1 5P(Housing) i @Analog RGB output ( 60 framelsecond ) i @Small, Compact,Selfcontained JK-SP2140(Pin cntact) i I .High picture qualrty (Digital signal processing LSI .(DSP)) JK-CISlC(Cover) i .CCD drive functions (Preset electronic shutter, Variable i electric shutter, Auto electronic shutter, i frame / field on demand.) i .Auto level control (AVERAGE,AREA,PEAKE/AVE) i .White balance(Auto, Preset, Manual) i .Auto ins lens (galvanometer type) i .Picture adjustment

. . i (Modes and settings can be selected and adjusted from.) i @The still picture continuation output at the time of external

i trigger operation is possible.

:..... ............................. ... .................................. ........................................................................................................................ G

I Section names and functions

Cmount adaptor (When using a CS-mount lens, remove the Gmount adaptor.)

Lens mount ring

Lens mount screws

@I Set up buttons [ SETIUPIDOWN ]

C3 Video output connector [ VIDEO OUT] *Don't use KP-FD30M. @ DC input connector [ DC IN ]

MULll connector [ MULTl ](Inch size screws)

@ Lens connector [ LENS ]

Iris control voltage input (galvanometer) type lens

@I Camera rear switch *Don't use KP-FD3OM. Please do not change a setup shown below.

1 2 3 4

-1 OFF

................................................................................................................................................................................................ *








Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc.

Tokyo Japan

. Operation manual . . . .

3447704 2/


Page 5: Operation manual - hitachikokusai.com · i The KP-FD30M is a single CCD type RGB color camera ; .Camera(with C mount adaptor) which utilized the progressive scan CCD image sensor

I External View I

I Connections

DC in Plug j i

: RGB/

C/CS Mount Adapter R03-P3F I SYNC/


C Mount HlTACHl

Lens -.-,-. 0

19 or

Lens Plug E4-191A100 K W 3 0 M

CS Momt l5pin Plug

Lens KEC-15P


Page 6: Operation manual - hitachikokusai.com · i The KP-FD30M is a single CCD type RGB color camera ; .Camera(with C mount adaptor) which utilized the progressive scan CCD image sensor

. ........................................................................................................................................ Main specifications

I 6. Mdeo s~gnal

outout RGE out~ut

7. Wdeo s~gnai ~mcessing

8. SIN ( Y signal j

S- Resolutiori ( Y signal at center ) 10. Standard


RGE 0.7 VppffS-ohm Positive SYNC (G on SYNC) 0.3 VP-p Negative MULTl connector (Dsubl5) Digital processing ( input 10 b i )

More than 50dB f AGC, enhancer and gamma off ) Horiiontal 4 4 0 N lines Vertical 480 N lines 2,000 k (F5.6, 10OIRE)




11. Minimum illumination


12. Sensitivity selection

10 lx ( F1.4, AGC ON. 501RE ) AGC OFFION

Manual Gain Adjustable at AGC OFF. Limit Gain Adjustable at AGC ON (0-Approx. 18dB)


13.Eleuric shuttev soeed PRESET 1 Select high speed shutter:OFF(I/GO). 111 00,

i i1250,1/500, IIIOW, 112000, 1 1/4000.1/10000,1/20000 1 1/30000, 1150000 second


. .

. .

. . KP-FD30M

Operation manual CHKD APPD

Hitachi Ibkusai Electric Inc.

Tokyo Japan


3447704 3/

Page 7: Operation manual - hitachikokusai.com · i The KP-FD30M is a single CCD type RGB color camera ; .Camera(with C mount adaptor) which utilized the progressive scan CCD image sensor

Connectors I j@ Multi connector (inch size screw) DC input connector [DC IN:

1 pin NO. 1 Signal name - ~

I HD output I !



Plug : Housing( KEC-1 5P ) Pin contact ( JK-SP2140 ) Cover ( JK-C151 C )

R I!C)output

B I(V6S)output

Pin No. I Signal name A I CNn

Lens connector [LENS]


4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Plug : E4-191 J-100

4 Note: The lemth of a cable is rewired

G N output



UNREG +12V input TRIG input

150mmor more.

11 I GND

i Note on lens se ldon @Fixed focus lens

i 1)Observe the maximum s ~ e limit (A in the figure) 1) Set the lens focus ring to infinity.

i When installing the lens. Internal damage can occur 2) Aim toward an object at least 20 meters distant

i If a larger lens is used. 3) Loosen the (2) lens mount screws and turn the lens

i 2)Avoid using a lens that is heavier than the camera. mount ring to adjust the focus. Use care not to disturb the lens focus ring. i If unavoidable, be sure to fix the lens itself on a support.

4) lighten the lens mount screws. A

@Zoom lens A: Less than 4.1 mm 1) Set the lens to telephoto and

aim toward an object at least 20 meters distant

2) Turn the lens focus ring to Lens flange surface adjust the focus.

3) Set the lens to wide angle. Loosen the (2) lens mount Lens screws and turn the lens mount ring to adjust the focus. ; ~ D C control voltage [galvanometer] system should be used for Use ,, not to dinturn the kns foaa ring.

$n automatic iris lens. 4) Again set to telephoto but adjust the focus by turning the i

hlthough arrangement of a lens connector is based on lend mount gETTA- lenm me be(*gen the pn of a 5) Repeat t h e step and carefully adjust for best focus. j $ens and a plug is required 150mm or more.

6) Finally, tighten the lens mount screws. imflangeback adjustment f langeback adjustment is needed in cases where focus cannot $e obtained by normal lens focus operation or focus is lost at the i$naximum telephoto and wide angle settings of a zoom lens. 9n such cases, open the lens iris and adjust as follows.

Page 8: Operation manual - hitachikokusai.com · i The KP-FD30M is a single CCD type RGB color camera ; .Camera(with C mount adaptor) which utilized the progressive scan CCD image sensor

8 5 6 I 7

Remote Connection :This camera can perform remote control of various setup of !A camera with a personal computer. Please perfcrm extraction and insertion of a remote i Please perform wiring a s shown in a figure to an optional plug after turning off a camera power supply. iremote plug, and connect with the remote connector on the j back of a camera after checking wiring correctly.


' ,

' . , :

: ' *

: ........................................ ................... ............................................................................................................................ ; ... .............................................................................................................................................................................................. . :. . . i HrrACHJ KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Ottewa Offktt i $4-20, Higas;ii-Nakano..3.cho~ane, NakaWlNT6kyo 9:Antares. Drlvs, Nepean, Onlafla, E E . N 5 , Canada l&&jri, Japan . : :, 1 . .....:'..... . . . . Phone : (613)' 727-3930. Fax : (613) 8254253 i Pbne : 18l{Oj 3-3368-6111; Fax 3-81 [O) 3-3365-9119. . . .

i u~~:htt@~:h-ko~&~i:. . : . . . CHI DENSHI (EMOPA) GMH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : tiIfRCHl DENSHI:AIHERia tm Head MRse : M+rteha,nd .Northd-m; .Wesl)circhsrStmh 88, J irgdeh U.63110 Rodgau. Germany i ! 150 -ys Park.Dw, W&v, NW MI& 11797, U, S.A, ' ,."OM e :6! 06) 6992.4; F a : (67 06) 1690-6 . . . . i hop:; (5.16) 927 -7200. . . . . . . Fax ;[5113).496.3718

. . . . '.. :+lf'fACHi PENSHI ftl. It) Lm. . . . . . . . . . . : Part=;mMer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;, W d m. '

! . . . . P!mn&k . . . (51 6) 682-4435, 'Fax; (5t6):92 -0993 . . . . r46anidthrrFrssiaf . . . . . wti- . . . . . . . . . --ma W W, Hendon, London, NW96 AQ f

:. U n i $ d ' m m :. ' f P~O!+ .:+1q 6a2~420, . . FU:: @I . . . . . . 4) . j9&37i8 . . -'--Phone': (268) 21)$-451?, : (208) 202-2451 : Wm 'ota&, ' . , . . . . . -&: Mf fd , :; .. , '

I SH : v ~ . ~ ~ ~ w a y . . i ~ tm..T~~hce. CA. 90501. U. S. A . Bm -, Selby.m, -mleedS - tm U,m Phope :. (370) 32H116, Fax : (31q)- 328-6252 , '. .

. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . : Ihesns&,&,,, . . IGi~gdom : . . . Phone:.(lt3) 287-4400. Fix: 1713) 2874260 i Phone :: 330}:3&%41 1Si Fax : (51 6) ,496-3718: . '


i : ..... %~lc@ h34):nlB1s(l . . . H ~ ~ A C W : KOKUSU E L E C T R ~ ~ INC. OFFICE f . s6ut,i ..Qi ef:..;: . . . . Beijiifortune 3uIIdirig : : . . . .

PhDIK: rQ], 912.4742, FBX : (51.6)?496-$8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5, Dong San Huan'B@-lu, Cheo Yang Dkmt,'E&iiing, 1000B i .%MCB 618 937-B0l: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ctjjm..:, i '. . ' , :: :. . , :'. . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

trrrAcM ,,+&I ifij;: phone I . ( o t ~ j 6590-8755/8756. F& : (010) ~~90gf57 Bdjing.: .Seivl&e.' Center. .;, i WdOfffce. :i,., i.. :, . . . . .'.' !:,, ......... I:.;, . .. , . . , , :

i 7 seied AVMW r~ntt#14 scart,om~h, .~:m& M 1 v 5 ~ 3 , :M5i'Bsi.: San w a n Zhong Road BeijintjCkna . . . . . . i Canada.. :... . . . . . . . Ph0.W: (LIld) 62U4-390119903, Fax : (OqO) 6204-3902

. . . . . . . I phone 2 (41 6f2g95900; Far : (4f6j&+.@$5d . . HITACHHI' mwmw S(NGAPORE BRAEICH . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . .'NO:'123, Genting LaneKIsOi Yenom Induslrmf. 8uiIdii i !295 Chemfft:S$ Fmcais S t Lam&&, Quebec HL$lB6.

319s4 . . . . ,can& : . . : . .

Phone : (165).223-0030, ax: (65) 223-0206. i .Phone : (5?4)'3!32-6667, Fax : (514) 3351664 . .

. . . .

..................................................................................................................... ........................................................................... ;

. .

. . KP-FD30M






- -




- Operation manual

Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc.

Page 9: Operation manual - hitachikokusai.com · i The KP-FD30M is a single CCD type RGB color camera ; .Camera(with C mount adaptor) which utilized the progressive scan CCD image sensor

The camera setting and adjustments can be changed to conform to conditions of use. Use the setting menu indicated on the: i monitor screen to check and change the settings and adjustments. The setting menu is comprised as follows.

H H Auto level control menu ALC area setting [ ALC MENU ] [ AREA(ALC) ]


H AGC setting menu [ AGC MENU ]

Main setting menu Camera t i e setting menu Display onloff positioning setting - [ POSITION ] [ MAIN MENU ] [ CAMERA TITLE MENU 1

Shutter speed setting menu H [SHUTTER MENU] 1 1

White balance setting menu WB area setting - [ WHITEBALANCE MENU ]


t I Sub menu


Menu Operation i Three rear pnel setup buttons are used to shii the cursor

i and select items from the menus.

i B U D buttonlUP1 . , . - Shift the cursor in the upward direction @a"

i or increase an adjustment value.

i QDown button[DOWN]

i Shift the cursor in the downward direction or decrease i an adjustment value.

i @Set button[SW

i Press to display the main menu or to change i a setting.

0.0 M A l N M E N U 0.0

P C A M E R A T I T L E : O F F -'--

A L C L A V E -'-- A G C : O F F -'--

SHUTTER : O F F -'--

W H I T E B A L A N C E : M A N U A L -- S U B M E N U a E N D

1) Main menu [MAIN MENU1 Press the SET button for at least 2 seconds to display the: main menu on the monitor screen. Check the present settings: at the main menu.

Camera tale setting menu ~ u t o Level contml menu AGC setting menu Shmer speed setting menu m e balancz menu sub menu End (Return to the normal screen) i

Main menu

If no button is pressed, the menu display extinguishes automatically after about 5 minutes. 2) Cameratitlemenu C CAMERA TITLE MENU]

One line of up to 24 alphanumenc characters can be displayed on the screen.

When an item indicated by a 4 mark is selected, Camera title and a display position are set up. pressing the SET button shifts to the next menu.

Page 10: Operation manual - hitachikokusai.com · i The KP-FD30M is a single CCD type RGB color camera ; .Camera(with C mount adaptor) which utilized the progressive scan CCD image sensor

i4) AGC settins :AGC MENLII 5) Shutter speed setting [SHUTTER MENU] i AGC (automatic gain control) mode is set up. Elednnic shutter mode is set up. i Please set up amrding to the operating environment of Please set up according to the opera?ing environment of the

camera. I 1

00 AGC M E N U 00 ] 1 00 S H U T T E R M E N U 00 1 i I _ O D E 0 T F (- Select AGc mcde m

F I X G A I N i t 0 0 od.3 - AGC hxed gain ad~latment ('1 I s - 17-

(')Press the Set button: the numerals flash. Press the Up and Down buttons to change the AGC Gain.

DMODE : O F F Select electricshutterspeed mode [ ~ / ~ / V ~ / E S

/ o n : s R ; I

: R E 7 Rehlrn (Retum 10 Me rnaln menu) R E T / / Return (Return to me main menu) : : END End (Return to the normal screen) END End (Return to the normal screen!


O O A G C H E N U O O 1 I 00 S H U T T E R M E N U 0. ( t I 1 DMODE : ,, 4, Select AEC mode t~ I w

i AGC L I M I T : + 1 7 . 8 6 8 AGC -urn gain adjustment ('I I---

?]Press the Sel buttrm: the numerals fhsh. Press the Up and Down buttons to dlange the AGC Gain.

Retum (Return to the main menu) End (Return to the normal screen)


DMODE : p R E 5 E T -- Selecl electric shutter speed mode i I ~ / ~ / V ~ / ~

/ m.m -- Se(ectpre5etShmrSpeedC) i r)Press the Se! button; the numerals i

llash. Press tne Up end Dorm buttons to change the Shuner i speed.

RE T Return (Retum to the main menu) : END End (Return to the normal screen) i


:....................................................................................................................-.......................................................................* ................................................................................................................................................................................................... i @Electric shutter speed PRESET i (Slow26 steps)

DMODE : A E S Select electric shuner speed mode i An image output becomes intermittent. IOR/PFO~T/VARABE/AES :

(Fast11 steps) i - 1 /6+111~1 /25+1~0+1 /1~1 /20W+

i i ~ ~ i n o o o ~ i n o o o o - i ~ ~ o o a o + i ~ ~ w o o

00 S H U T T E R M E N U 00

DMODE Select elecVic shutler speed mode rpe /Re ; r IVaRegE/#€s

S H U T T E R S P E E D : 1 / 6 0 . 0 /E'T.m Mriable eledricshutler speed - *pprorinoooo] (in sicp) (*)

(.)Press the Set button; lhe numerals tlash. Press the Up and Down butlons to change the Shutter speed.

R E T Return (Return to Me main menu) END End (Return to the normal screen)


R E S P O N C E : N O R M A L / M . T F W Select AES response speed [SOW/&ZW&/Fm

Return (Return to Me main menu) I End (Return to the normal screen)



P M O D E Seled Errernal triaoer

T R I G G E R M O D E : F I X E D ...................

MEMORY i / i c n x - i m ~


Select MEMORY mode [ OFF / I i Return (Return to the main menu) I End (Return to lhe normal screen) i

Operation manual

Page 11: Operation manual - hitachikokusai.com · i The KP-FD30M is a single CCD type RGB color camera ; .Camera(with C mount adaptor) which utilized the progressive scan CCD image sensor

. . ALC MODE: AVE the numenk Ibsh. Press the Up

and DM buttons to mange me I I deokvel.

e m A L C M E N U e m I

+ C A M E R A N O 1->

: A R E A Select ALC mode W AREA PVIWAVO



Display 0n/off and position mp. ~ o n u ~

Return (Retum to the main menu) End (Return to the normal screen)



: :

1 L E V E L V i level(liiM mlume)adjust CW-~=-Be-+~l


D M O D E : O F F


Camera title position setting i MODE: OFF

video level. l Detection area setting

Shift the cursor to Area Select and press the Set button to display the detection area select menu. There are 9 light detect areas selected by the Up and Down buttons. Select the areas from nos. 1 to 9 that indude the subject of main interest After deciding the detection areas, press the Set button to return to the ALC menu.

. ..............................................................................................

(3) Auto level control lPLC MPKCJ Display owoff and position Automatic light control mode is set up. This control is reflected!

TOP, BOTTOM^ during automatic level control operation of an automatic iris i diaphragm lens, AGC, AES, etc. Input charader seled table


i .


- Detect area indication

R E T ! Retum(Retm to tne main menu) END End(Retum to the normal screen)

(.)Press the Set bulton:

em A L C M E N U H

C A M E R A T I T L E M E N U e m


- BlankcurronhlR(leff.right).charader There are the following three modes in automatic exposure j delele control. - Dipby posilion (le~.&ht), i S P A c

: P o s l T I o d R E T E N D Retum. end O[AVEI i onoo~~o~aoonnoooanoooor - Input chaadet @sPbY

1 (24 alphanumeric charades) Responds to the average lighting over a broad area. i QIAREAI i MODE: TOPI( or BOlTOM)

Exposure is controlled only by the luminosity level of ' i i OTele positioning setting [ POSITION ] specific area. (Scanning area is selectable from 9 area.) j i Press the Up and Down buttons to shift the characters O[PEAK.AVE]

i horizontally. Afterwards, press Set to confm the display The peak level and the average level are used together j i position and return to the main menu. and exposure is controlled.

(The ratio of a peak value and average value is changeable.) i

: ....................... -......- ............................................................................................... , ............................................................. ;

MODE: AREA the numerak flash. Press the Up and Down buttons to chame the

I P Y O D E : P ./Av E-t-~z:EAKINm

0 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 e s A B C D E F G H l J K L M N O P O R S T U V W X Y Z



: :

I P K I A V PeakGl I Average level


** A L C M E N U


L E V E L : 0 0 0


Note: If the ratio of (PEAK) is enlarged, a picture level may flicker. In this case (PEAK) should reduce a ratio.




-Rstum(Retum to the main menu) ; End(Retum to the normal screen) ;

,')press me set button;

Seled ALC mode W * R E 4 ~ A W

Vde0 levelm~ht wlume)adJusl rt r-iza.sp+im

Return(R&m to the main menu) End(Retum to the normal screen) (*)Press the Set button:

MODE: PEAWAVE the numerals flash. Press the Up 1 and Down buttons to change the i video level.

A R E A ( A L C ) NO. 1

. . - I I I I -

Detect area positions i

Page 12: Operation manual - hitachikokusai.com · i The KP-FD30M is a single CCD type RGB color camera ; .Camera(with C mount adaptor) which utilized the progressive scan CCD image sensor

................................................................................................................................................................................................... !6) White balance setting menu [WHITE BALANCE MENU1 @White balance detection area setting ;White balance mode is set up.Please set up according to the Shift tne cursor to Area Select and press the Set button to ioperating environment of the camera. d~splay the White balance derection area select menu. i

There are 9 White balance detect areas selected bv the i Up and D ~ w n buttons. After deciding the detection Hreas, press the Set button to return to the White balance menu. i : W H I T E B A L A N C E M E N U em

A R E A (WB)

NO. 1

- I 1 I I w





Detect area positions

:I :I :........n.........r.........r ................................. :: 2 i; 1 ................... 2 ......... i ..................... m........:

I: ;I i 7 -:I Q B i 5 ......... :: ........ 2 ......... :

i P E D E S T A L : 0 0 0 ~ e ~ e s t a ~ lwei s&&r)ln+lq I

i GAMMA m m on/aT i P O L A R I T Y Kz!hsB'oF~.ll)l


Se S U B M E N U e0

i R E 1 : END (Return Io the normal sueen)

ITEM: PICTURE the numerals Rssh. Press the Up and Down buttons to change the color1 Detaa I ~ades la~ lee!.



R - G A I N : 0 0 0 '

8 - G A I N : 000-


: D T T E M

: C H R O M A G A I N : 0 0 0 i S H A R P N E S S : 0 0 0

S U E M E N U 8. : D I T E M : P R E S E T

Adjrrsbnent hem seledion lesU8EJ Pmw

I S Y N C M O D E : Syndlronlred modepm. I r] I H P H A S E : 0 0 0 H Phase adjustment ('H-izc-g-o-rm

--Select White balance mode ~ l A T W l & V C ]

R Gain adjustment rm-1-m

- B Gain adjustment mi-1-a1

Return (Return tolhe main menu) End (Return to the normal screen) (')Press the Set bunon;

MODE: MANUAL the numerals ~tash. press the UP and Down buttom to change the R B Gain.

I O U T P U T : R. 6. B I S Y N C / H D O U T : S Y N C ~ d e o out@ -up w r YGW

S Y N C ON G : O F F Synchronized signal output s e t u w r w; S y n c o n G r e e n ~ r o ~ ]


A power supply should be used for after camera setting reset, reswitching it on at once.

. - . : E N D tUtbms ~iinul(ane0u~ly for 2 seconds to

return the inllil sellmg.)

ITEM: PRESET C)Press the Set button:

the numerals Bsh. Press the UD

i :

: :



and Dorm butlons to change the Hphase.

me W H I T E B A L A N C E M E N U em

P M O D E : A T W

: ON (NO. 1 I-' WB A R E A A R E A S E L E C T



White balance detection area

. .

. . KP-FD30M

SCALE CHKD . . Operation manual \ t

- Select White balance I-I7r.de I ~ ~ m w r w v c ]

s ~ r c - A W C P r e s e t s t a r t ( A P u s h o n a : set switch restarts AWC.) I R Gain ofisel fine adjustment i

(')l-f=ee"+lni .- B Gain offset fme adjustment i

P)f-l-fn) P)Press the Set button; i the numerals flash. Press lhe Up and Down bunons to

Seled White balance mode - 1 A w l UHq

Mi balance detedion area selecl m r o r r ) Go to the white balance detection area select

Return (ReWrn to the main rnenuj - End (Return to the normal screen)


M0DE:AWC change the R~B Gain o f f s t

:.........................................-..............-*............................................................................................................................*.........* ....................................................................................................................................................................... ............................ . @Cameta reset: i 71 Sub menu [SUB MENU1 i changing the (video response) of the Press the Set button simultaneously for 2 seconds to i retum the initial setting. I output image. Please set up according to the operating

i environment of the camera. An underline port~on is the setup at the time of factory i I 1 shipments.

W h l T E B A L A N C E M E N U em


P R E S E T S T A R T : P U S H

R - G A I N O F F S E T : 0 0 0

6 - G A I N O F F S E T : 0 0 0



Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc.

REVISIONS DATE DSGN APPD Tokyo Japan 3447704 6/' 5 6 7

Page 13: Operation manual - hitachikokusai.com · i The KP-FD30M is a single CCD type RGB color camera ; .Camera(with C mount adaptor) which utilized the progressive scan CCD image sensor

Cautrons: Before removal of the back panel, make sure that power is shut off to the camera. Please remove the back panel carefully; there is a FPC mbie that is connected between the back panel and the internal boards. If the back panel is forcefully removed, there is a possibility of damaging the cable and connector.

: ' . '

i Screws To access the internal switches, remove the four screws on : i Screws the back panel of the camera. Carefuliy remove the pack i 1

panel. There are two internal switches that may need to be i j changed depending on the use and connection of the camera I :

: : :

(1)SW6001 i HDJSYNC, VD input-and-output change. :

i : Upper side: output* 'Factory setting is i i Lower side: input HDJSYNC, VD outpout. : i ;

: : (2)SW6002 i : : : HDND output 75-ohm termination change. i i Upper side: 75 ohm termination "Factory setting is : :

i I Lower side: No termination* no termination. . i : :

: i i :



: : ; i i : : : i ; i : i i i i I i ; : . . : i . . i : i i . : ; : . . :

i ............................................................................................................................................................................... .. .............. ; : " .................. .................................................................................................................................................................. ..\ :

Video out signal timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .

I H = 31.468KHz = 31.7TBus . . . . Vertical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Video output . . . . . . . . . . . .

H LtA . . - -77 . . w : 23.5H . . . .

M out . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , HD out

. . 11111111111111111111111l111

. . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .

Horizontal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Video out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

n.nnus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HD out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................................................................................................................................................. d ..

Page 14: Operation manual - hitachikokusai.com · i The KP-FD30M is a single CCD type RGB color camera ; .Camera(with C mount adaptor) which utilized the progressive scan CCD image sensor

W E N out

Frame On Demand Function ONE trigger mode ( MEMORY : ON )

Trigger pulse ........ Asynchronous

Trlgger In


ONE trigger mode ( MEMORY : OFF )

Trigger pulse ........ Asynchronous

4 . I

Trigger in

WEN out

1H = 31.468KHz = 31.778~s TRIGGER POLPSIITY : POSmM MEMORY : OFF

Operation manual

Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc.

Page 15: Operation manual - hitachikokusai.com · i The KP-FD30M is a single CCD type RGB color camera ; .Camera(with C mount adaptor) which utilized the progressive scan CCD image sensor

Slow shutter mode timing A KP-FD30M type image output is continuation.

Exp. Shutter speed : 1\30 1V = 59.84Hz = 16.683ms

V~deo out p WE out 1 Exp. Shutter speed : 1115

Video out

1 HDND External Timing chart

i HDND inputs

i External HD 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I

External M I 1 i syncoutput I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

Page 16: Operation manual - hitachikokusai.com · i The KP-FD30M is a single CCD type RGB color camera ; .Camera(with C mount adaptor) which utilized the progressive scan CCD image sensor

Trigger pulse ........ Latch in internal HD

Mae than 3J.36ms

A ~ 2 l B u s ~ l 6 . 5 n s


Trigger pulse ........ Latch in internal HD

Operation manual