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Optic ataxia as a deficit specific to the on-line control of actions

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Page 1: Optic ataxia as a deficit specific to the on-line control of actions


Optic ataxia as a deficit specific to the on-line control of actions

Scott Glover*

Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3UD, UK

Received 23 June 2003; revised 23 June 2003; accepted 28 June 2003


Optic ataxia is characterized by inaccuracies in body movements under visual control, and is a common consequence of damage to the

posterior parietal lobes in humans. It is argued here that optic ataxia can be characterized as a deficit in the visual on-line guidance of actions,

with action planning remaining relatively intact. This contrasts with the common view of optic ataxia as representing a deficit in the

transformations that take place between visual inputs and motor outputs. Evidence in support of the planning-control view comes from the

pattern of spared and disrupted behaviors in patients with optic ataxia. It is shown that spared behaviors are those that emphasize planning,

whereas disrupted behaviors are those that emphasize control. In particular, recent studies have highlighted the inability of a patient with

optic ataxia to make on-line adjustments to targets that change position during the movement. Taken in sum, the data from patients with optic

ataxia is more consistent with the planning-control interpretation of optic ataxia than with the visuomotor transformation interpretation.

q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Optic ataxia; Planning; Control; Reaching; Grasping; Parietal lobes


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447

2. Planning and control in action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448

3. Disrupted behaviors in patients with optic ataxia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449

3.1. Pointing to targets in the periphery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449

3.2. Hand orientation in ‘posting’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449

3.3. Grasping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450

3.4. Manual tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450

4. Factors mediating the presence and severity of optic ataxia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451

4.1. Fixation of the target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451

4.2. Practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451

4.3. Familiarity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452

4.4. Previews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452

4.5. Visual feedback. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453

5. Specific dissociations of planning and on-line control in optic ataxia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453

5.1. The Pisella et al. study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453

5.2. The Grea et al. study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454

6. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455

1. Introduction

Although Crougneau [15] was the first to describe

misreaching behavior following damage to the posterior

parietal lobes, Balint [2,35] was the first to use the term

‘optic ataxia’ as a description of the disorder. The

visuomotor basis of optic ataxia was evident in the presence

of a hand effect in Balint’s patient. In particular, when

reaching under visual guidance, the impaired hand was only

impaired in one visual field, showing that the deficit could

0149-7634/03/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 27 (2003) 447–456


* Tel.: þ44-01865-271378.

E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Glover).

Page 2: Optic ataxia as a deficit specific to the on-line control of actions

not be either strictly visual (i.e. which could be the case if it

affected only one visual field for both hands) or strictly

motor (i.e. affecting only one hand in both visual fields).

Further, both hands were accurate at touching body parts

with the eyes closed. Although Balint’s patient suffered

from a constellation of symptoms known today as ‘Balint’s

syndrome’ [5], optic ataxia represents a distinct disorder and

can be dissociated from elementary visuoperceptual,

proprioceptive, motor, praxic, or attentional deficits. Since

Balint’s time, the study of patients with optic ataxia has

revealed a fairly complex pattern of spared and disrupted

behaviors [23,34,49,53–55,61], and interpreting these

results has been a challenge for neuropsychologists.

In this paper, I propose a planning-control account of

optic ataxia. I argue that the brain regions commonly

damaged in patients with optic ataxia, the superior parietal

lobule (SPL) and the intraparietal sulcus (IPS), are

associated with on-line control in humans, whereas the

spared inferior parietal lobe (IPL) is associated with action

planning. Behaviorally, I argue that damage to the SPL

and/or IPS (as occurs in patients with optic ataxia) is

associated with deficits specific to the on-line control of

actions. (The consequences of damage to the IPL vis-a-vis

action planning are reviewed elsewhere [26,27] and so will

not be elaborated on in this paper). A similar characteriz-

ation of the SPL/IPS regions implicated in optic ataxia as

subserving ‘on-line control’ functions has also been

postulated by Rossetti and his colleagues [34,55,63,64].

An alternative explanation for optic ataxia is the

‘visuomotor transformation’ hypothesis [49,50,53,54]. On

this account, optic ataxia is said to represent a specific

disruption in the transformations that take place between

visuospatial input and motor output. These transformations

are thought to rely heavily on the human SPL and/or IPS.

These and other authors [4] have paralleled the performance

of patients with optic ataxia with neurophysiological studies

of monkeys. Note that the visuomotor transformation

hypothesis does not make a distinction between how

the movements are planned and how they are monitored

and adjusted on-line.

2. Planning and control in action

Woodworth [70] was the first to posit that actions are

comprised of two stages, an ‘initial impulse planning’ and a

‘current control’ stage. Since Woodworth’s time, the

properties of these two stages have become increasingly

well-understood [13,14,19,20,31,39,40,52,69,71]. Modern

views of planning and control generally agree that planning

represents a process occurring prior to the initiation of the

movement, designed to select and initiate a movement

appropriate to the goals of the action. For example, if an

actor’s goal is to grasp a book lying on a table, the planning

centers must determine a movement of the limb that will

bring the limb reasonably close to the book and shape

the hand appropriately to grasp the book. Control, on the

other hand, is thought to rely on a combination of visual and

proprioceptive feedback, in conjunction with an efference

copy of the movement plan, to monitor and adjust the

movement on-line, correcting for any spatial errors arising

from the plan itself or from outside forces (e.g. if the target

moves during the movement).

Generally speaking, the output of planning processes will

be evident early in a movement, whereas the output of

control processes will be evident late in the movement.

Apart from this temporal distinction, the planning and

control systems have been hypothesized to differ in several

ways [25,26,29]. For example, planning is argued to be a

relatively crude system that integrates a large amount of

visual and cognitive information, whereas on-line control is

a much more precise system that is focused on analyzing the

visuospatial characteristics of the target (e.g. its size, shape

and orientation). This means that the spatial parameters of a

movement will often be planned in but a crude way—the

planning system will endeavor only to bring the hand

reasonably close to the target and form it in a shape that is

reasonably close to that required. How precise the planning

of the movement is will depend on the quality and quantity

of information available to the planning system. Once the

movement is initiated, control processes will be used to

more precisely adapt the action to the spatial characteristics

of the target. The end result will be movements that may be

imperfectly planned, but nevertheless can be monitored and

adjusted on-line so as to be ultimately accurate.

Another distinction between planning and on-line control

is the speed of processing in each stage. Whereas planning is

a relatively slow and deliberate process [26,40], control tends

to be fast and automatic [14,31,71], at least for simple goal-

directed movements. This suggests that fast on-line adjust-

ments will be possible only when the control system is intact.

Slower adjustments can always be made, but these require the

relatively long process of deliberate, conscious comparison

between hand and target. For example, healthy subjects begin

to adjust to changes in target position or size within 100–

175 ms [13,52], even before they become consciously aware

of the change in the target [14], or even when a change in the

target is not consciously perceived [31,66].

Planning is hypothesized to rely to a large extent on

memories of past experience [62], whereas on-line control

tends to operate based on immediately available visual and

proprioceptive information. This predicts that planning

would benefit much more from experience and practice than

would on-line control [22,28,57,59]. Practice effects would

be evident in improved movement planning-the planning

system will generally be much more accurate for move-

ments that are well practiced than for movements under

novel circumstances. More practiced movements will tend

to require less on-line adjustment than movements under

novel circumstances.

Although the precision of both planning and on-line

control processes can also benefit from practice during

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Page 3: Optic ataxia as a deficit specific to the on-line control of actions

development [68], the accurate use of on-line control seems

to be gained much earlier in the lifespan [67]. For example,

whereas infants as young as five months are able to accurately

guide their hands visually to objects in the workspace, it is

only in the third year of life that the early kinematics (i.e.

planning) of childrens’ movements reflect the stereotypical

pattern seen in adults [44]. This suggests that planning

processes rely to a much greater extent on memories of past

experiences than control; the latter appears to be a much more

innate skill requiring much less practice to master.

The neural correlates of planning and control in humans

can be gleaned from PET imaging studies [26]. In many

studies, motor behavior has been correlated with increased

activity in the IPL, SPL, and IPS [36,43,60]. However, these

studies have not specifically dissociated planning from

control. In other studies, planning and control have been

dissociated through either tasks emphasizing either the pre-

movement (planning) or execution (control) stage of action,

or scanning time devoted to one or the other stage of action.

These studies have generally found either increased activity

in the IPL associated with action planning [17,32,45,65], or

increased activity in the SPL and/or IPS associated with on-

line control [18,21,33,45].

The functional characterization of planning and control

described earlier provides a suitable framework for inter-

preting the pattern of disrupted behaviors in patients with

optic ataxia with damage to the SPL/IPS on-line control

system. In the ensuing review, it will be seen that these

patients have the largest deficits in conditions that

emphasize on-line control, and small or non-existent deficits

in conditions that emphasize planning.

3. Disrupted behaviors in patients with optic ataxia

Within the realm of visuomotor spatial behavior, patients

with optic ataxia have been found to make errors in a number

of different behaviors. This is consistent with the visuomotor

transformation hypothesis, which predicts a global deficit in

the use of vision for action. However, a careful examination

of these deficits reveals that the conditions under which these

errors occur are those that stress the on-line control system,

and that errors are more likely to occur late in the movement

(in the control stage) than early (in the planning stage).

3.1. Pointing to targets in the periphery

Patients with optic ataxia generally make large errors in

speeded pointing to targets in the visual periphery, both

using the hand [1,46,53,58,61], and foot [61]. Errors tend to

be more common in the visual field contralateral to the

lesion and tend to more often and more strongly affect the

contralateral hand [53,54].

According to the planning-control hypothesis, these

deficits result from a paucity of the visual input available

during planning and the concomitant reliance on on-line

control [55]. In particular, it is clear that peripheral vision

possesses much less spatial resolution than foveal vision

[47]. The lack of high resolution visual information for

planning the movement results in large errors. In normal

subjects, these errors can be overcome by adequate on-line

control [31,41]. In patients with optic ataxia, however, the

on-line control system is damaged and so cannot correct

these errors.

One alternative interpretation of optic ataxic perform-

ance in pointing to targets in the periphery relies on the

finding that systematic errors towards fixation occur in

many patients with optic ataxia [58]. In extreme cases, optic

ataxics may even be unable to point anywhere but towards

fixation [10–12]. This might suggest that optic ataxia can

represent a failure to enact the final stage of the visuomotor

transformation process (i.e. the transformation from retinal

to hand-centered reference frames). This hypothesis would

not predict, however, cases in which optic ataxia leads to

random errors in direction [58] unless there were also a

specific role of the IPS/SPL in the on-line correction of

random noise in the planning system.

3.2. Hand orientation in ‘posting’

Patients with optic ataxia have also been shown to have

difficulties in a ‘posting’ task [53,54]. This task uses a

circular wooden board out of which is cut a oval-shaped

hole large enough to allow a hand to pass through. The

experimenter holds up the board at arm’s length in the visual

periphery of the patient at various orientations, and the

patient is required to ‘post’ their hand through the slot.

Perenin and Vighetto [53] observed that patients with

optic ataxia were largely impaired at this task, showing

three basic kinds of deficits. First, patients often misoriented

their hand with respect to the hole. Second, patients

sometimes missed the hole or the board entirely with their

hand. Finally, patients sometimes misshaped their hands,

‘fanning’ their fingers out wide, for example, instead of

holding them tightly together in a straight line as the task

demanded. In their second study, however, Perenin and

Vighetto [54] observed that patients with optic ataxia were

largely successful at the task, although some errors did

occur. One reason for this discrepancy between studies may

be that the patients had recovered somewhat over time

(many of the same patients participated in both studies).

A planning-control interpretation of posting suggests that

it is largely controlled on-line because it represents such an

unfamiliar task. It is hard to imagine a condition in real life in

which one needs to ‘post’ their hand through a slot presented

at arm’s length in any orientation other than 0 or 908 (most

slots are oriented at one or the other of these angles). The

result of this unfamiliarity is that the planning system cannot

easily draw on a motor program from memory to do the task.

Thus, the plan cannot be easily specified and there is a

concomitant reliance on on-line control. This would predict

that performance of optic ataxics would be much improved

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under ‘normal’ circumstances (e.g. when posting a letter in

central vision) than under these ‘clinical’ conditions. Note

however that, because they reflect errors in action, the results

of the posting task are also consistent with the visuomotor

transformation hypothesis.

3.3. Grasping

Deficits in grasping have also been commonly observed in

patients with optic ataxia [2,34,37,41,48,49,53,54,61]. These

deficits seem to be concentrated in the on-line phase of

action. For example, Jakobson et al. [37] observed that their

patient VK had difficulty in grasping objects, a deficit they

attributed to an impairment in visuomotor transformations

(i.e. planning). However, an examination of this patient’s

kinematic data suggested that her deficit was largely confined

to the later stages of the movement (Fig. 1). During the early

stage of the action, the grip aperture rose in a manner very

similar to the patterns observed in a healthy subject. Indeed,

apart from a slowing in reaction time (that might reflect a

compensatory strategy in order to deal with her impairment),

the timing of VK’s early kinematic markers were quite

consistent with those of the control subjects.

It was only in the latter half of the movement that VK’s

grasping appeared to degenerate. Here, whereas the healthy

subjects smoothly finished the movement by closing their

hand around the object, VK had several secondary peaks in

the grip aperture profile. It was only after considerable time

had elapsed that VK was able to actually grasp the object.

This disruption in VK’s grasping behavior seems strongly

in favor of a planning-control distinction in optic ataxia,

despite the authors’ contention that the deficit was one of

visuomotor transformations [37]. Indeed, what might be

thought of as reflecting the ‘plan’ of the movement, indexed

in the early part of the grip aperture profile, was by all

appearances quite normal in this patient. It was only after the

movement was well underway that the grip aperture profile

became disrupted as the hand opened and closed repeatedly.

Jeannerod [41] observed a similar deficit in the parietal

patient ‘Tho’. This patient showed a difficulty in grasping

objects, but, as with VK [37], the early part of the trajectory

was largely normal. It was only after some time had elapsed

in the course of the movement that Tho’s difficulties became

apparent, as he repeatedly opened and closed his thumb-

finger aperture. Again, this is consistent with an interpret-

ation of optic ataxia as a deficit specific to the on-line control

stage of actions. Caution must be emphasized in interpreting

this result, however, as Tho. also suffered from some

impairment in somatosensory function, and thus cannot

truly be categorized as having a pure case of optic ataxia.

Binkofski et al. [6] also observed kinematic abnormal-

ities in grasping in patients with damage including the

anterior IPS. These patients were shown to have greater

disruption in the latter stages of actions, although they also

tended to have abnormalities that occurred somewhat earlier

in the trajectory than those in patient VK [37] and patient

Tho. [41], suggesting Binkofski’s patients may have had

difficulties with movement planning as well. This may have

been due to the fact that the anterior IPL was also damaged

in many of these patients.

3.4. Manual tracking

In manual tracking a moving target must be followed with

the finger, requiring continual monitoring of the relationship

between the hand and target, and continual on-line adjust-

ment of the movement in order to minimize the error. In fact,

manual tracking tasks in which the direction and velocity of

the target are unpredictable virtually eliminate the possibility

of anticipatory planning. Yet in all of the studies of patients

with optic ataxia reviewed for this paper, only one made

mention of manual tracking performance [23]. This perhaps

speaks to the relative lack of attention that has been paid to

the notion of a specific on-line control deficit in patients with

optic ataxia over the last century.

Ferro [23] examined a patient who presented with a small

lesion in the SPL of the left hemisphere. This patient initially

presented with errors in pointing with the contralesional hand

that were worse in the visual periphery. The errors were even

greater, however, if the target was moving and he had to track

it manually. Although this patient recovered quickly,

showing almost no impairment in pointing and grasping

tasks after just 10 days, the patient did retain a minor deficit in

manual tracking as judged by the examiner.

I suggest that this patient’s deficit in manual tracking was

almost indisputably related to on-line control. However,

data on manual tracking performance in patients with optic

ataxia are extremely lacking, and it is clear that more

examinations will be required if the planning-control

hypothesis is to be tested. Future tests will be able to

employ careful modern day recording techniques in order to

accurately quantify the existence and extent of the deficit.

Fig. 1. Representative traces of the grip aperture profiles of the optic ataxic

VK compared to two healthy control subjects. Grip aperture is plotted along

the y-axis, time along the x-axis. Notice that, apart from a longer reaction

time, the early portion of VK’s grip aperture profile is quite similar to that

of the control subjects. Copied with permission from Jakobsone et al.

(1991), Neuropsychologia [37].

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4. Factors mediating the presence and severity

of optic ataxia

In all of the aforementioned cases, errors in visually-

guided action have been observed in patients with optic

ataxia. Generally, these errors were consistent with both the

planning-control and visuomotor transformation hypotheses.

However, it will be seen in the ensuing section that there are

many factors that mediate the presence and severity of optic

ataxia. The ameliorating effects of these factors are

consistent with the planning-control framework inasmuch

as they can be argued to reflect conditions under which

planning processes are emphasized over control processes.

However, as the visuomotor transformation hypothesis

predicts that both planning and on-line control are disrupted

in optic ataxia, such amelioration is anomalous.

Within the planning-control framework, certain factors

would be predicted to mediate the presence and/or severity

of optic ataxia. These represent conditions in which

planning systems are given more information and are

thus able to select a more accurate action. The resulting

accuracy in planning should make on-line control much

less necessary, and deficits in on-line control much less

noticeable. The consequences are that patients with optic

ataxia should be much improved under such conditions.

This can be contrasted with the visuomotor transformation

hypothesis, that would generally argue that inaccuracy of

movements under visual guidance should generally suffer

from a deficit in visuomotor transformations that is not

subject to ameliorating factors.

4.1. Fixation of the target

Fixating a target while reaching to it can vastly improve

the performance of patients with optic ataxia [46,53,54,61].

Even briefly fixating the target then returning the eyes to a

central position before reaching has been reported to

improve performance [61]. As mentioned earlier, a reason

for this could be that fixating a target allows for a relatively

accurate estimate of its position, based on the greater spatial

resolution of central vision. This would lead to more

accurate planning, which in turn would place much less

demand on the on-line control system.

An alternative interpretation of the impairment in

pointing to targets is that it reflects a deficit in visuomotor

transformations [50,53,54]. However, this ignores the fact

that pointing to a target that is fixated is quite unimpaired in

the vast majority of these patients [1,53,55,61]; for

exceptions see Refs. [10,23,53]. It is only if one assumes

that foveal vision allows for accurate planning and less

reliance on on-line control that it becomes understandable

that pointing in central vision is generally much more

accurate in patients with optic ataxia [55].

It is interesting to note here that evidence from healthy

subjects is unclear as to whether pointing to a target in the

visual periphery is more difficult than pointing to targets in

central vision. Whereas some studies have found larger

errors when pointing to peripheral targets [7,8], others found

this only for fast movements [3], and others found no effects

at all of pointing in peripheral versus central vision [56].

Similarly, in grasping, Goodale and Murphy [30] found grip

scaling to object size preserved when grasping targets in

peripheral vision, just as is found for grasping targets in

central vision [38,39]. However, it is notable that in the

Goodale and Murphy study there were generally larger grip

apertures and scaling was less precise in peripheral than in

central vision. Taken in sum, the results from studies of

healthy subjects have been generally consistent with respect

to the planning-control hypothesis that movements directed

towards peripheral targets are more difficult to plan than

those to central targets. However, clearly more work is

needed to test this hypothesis.

4.2. Practice

Practice is another factor that leads to more accurate

planning and less reliance on on-line control. Practice

effects on planning might occur through the experience of

handling the target [24] (at least for grasping), and/or

through accumulated knowledge of errors made on previous

trials (for both grasping and pointing). As such, practice

should improve the performance of patients with optic

ataxia in both pointing and grasping tasks. Rondot et al. [61]

observed that when their patients were allowed to

continuously perform the same task of pointing to targets

in the periphery, their performance improved over a number

of trials. Here, patients presumably became aware of their

errors and were able to modify movement planning

accordingly, making on-line adjustments less necessary.

Although one cannot rule out some improvement in on-line

control mechanisms as well in these cases, it seems more

parsimonious to suggest that patients with optic ataxia show

improvements for the same reasons as healthy subjects

improve at difficult visuomotor tasks over time-practice

leads to more accurate planning [22,28,57,59].

Similar results were observed by Milner et al. [49] for

grasping wooden blocks: movements of the optic ataxic IG

became much more similar to those of healthy controls in a

second block of testing than they had been in the first block.

Such practice effects were not evident in healthy control

subjects [49] presumably because they had intact on-line

control systems that made practice unnecessary for normal

performance of the task.

Thus one can see that practice generally improves the

performance of patients with optic ataxia. Although for

grasping one could argue that practice benefits accrue

through haptic experience with the target, this argument

does not hold for pointing. In the latter case, practice can

only benefit planning due to visual knowledge of errors

being used in the planning of future trials. Such an effect is

consistent with the planning-control interpretation, but

seems much less likely for the visuomotor transformation

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hypothesis. The former would hold that practice aids

planning in general, the latter would predict that visuomotor

transformations are impaired in optic ataxia, and that little

or no benefit of practice should accrue.

4.3. Familiarity

Related to the issue of practice is familiarity. Jeannerod

et al. [42] reported a patient (AT) with a deficit in grasping

following bilateral posterior parietal lesions. AT was

observed to have a grossly poor scaling of the grip aperture

in reaching to white cylindrical plastic ‘neutral’ objects.

Remarkably, however, AT was much better when these

‘neutral’ objects were replaced with familiar, everyday

objects, such as a lipstick or a glass. In these cases, AT’s

performance was much improved and in fact was compar-

able to that of a healthy control subject.

This dissociation is surprising if one believes that

patients with optic ataxia suffer simply from a disruption

in the transformation of visual information into motor

behavior [50]. Rather, there was clearly a benefit of having

recognized the targets as common objects and having

previously interacted with such objects. One way of

explaining this is that AT relied on a ‘perceptual’

representation in order to guide her grasping [42]. However,

a more parsimonious explanation might be that AT

benefited from her experience with familiar objects in

a more direct way, through an ability to more easily select

an appropriate action plan from a vastly greater repertoire

than was available for grasping unfamiliar objects.

4.4. Previews

Viewing a target for some time prior to directing a

movement towards it should also improve planning pro-

cesses and require less reliance on on-line control. In several

studies, Milner and his colleagues [48,49,51] have shown

that allowing patients with optic ataxia to see the target

several seconds prior to responding to it leads to a dramatic

improvement in performance as compared to conditions in

which the target had to be responded to immediately.

In one study, Milner et al. [49] observed that the optic

ataxic IG, who had suffered bilateral damage including the

SPL, IPS, and a small part of the IPL, showed improved grip

scaling when given a brief preview of the target five seconds

before having to grasp it. Similar results were found for

patient AT (see also Ref. [42]) who was much more accurate

in pointing to peripheral targets when she was allowed a

preview of them five seconds prior to moving.

Even more interesting were the effects of replacing the

target with one of a different size during the delay period

between the preview and the re-presentation of the target.

For example, Milner et al. [49] had IG and several control

subjects perform a preview grasping task. In some cases, the

target was replaced during the interval between the preview

and the grasp by a target of a different size. Although

healthy subjects reached to the ‘new’ target as normally as

before (i.e. their maximum grip apertures were not affected

by the preview of a different-sized target), IG had maximum

grip apertures that were influenced by the size of the ‘old’

target, and was only slowly able to correct her movement in

flight to the ‘new’ target (Fig. 2).

How to explain these rather surprising results? Although

Milner and his colleagues suggested that these results

implied that patients with optic ataxia can operate using a

‘perceptual’ visual representation [49] when conditions are

appropriate, the planning-control interpretation seems

equally plausible. In the latter view, previews allow for

more visual information to be processed for longer in the

planning system, and hence for the formation of a more

accurate plan. Further, in the condition in which the target

is replaced, I would argue that the original plan remains

paramount in both the optic ataxic and the healthy subjects,

but that in the latter on-line control is able to easily adapt

the plan to the changed circumstances. According to this

view, both patients with optic ataxia and controls should

show a tendency to scale their grasp according to the size

of the previewed object early in the reach; this tendency

should be eliminated by the time maximum grip aperture is

attained in the controls (i.e. at roughly two-thirds of the

duration of the movement), but not in patients with optic


Fig. 2. Effects of delay period in which object was replaced with a new object of a different size. Shows IG’s (left) maximum grip apertures and those of a

control subject (right) for objects of initial and/or final sizes of 2 cm or 5 cm. Copied with permission from Milner et al. (2001), Current Biology [49].

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4.5. Visual feedback

A planning-control interpretation suggests that visual

feedback should not improve the performance of patients

with optic ataxia in quickly-executed actions because the fast

on-line control system that uses visual feedback to make fast

corrections is impaired. This can be contrasted with a view of

optic ataxia in which visuomotor transformations in general

are thought to be disrupted [50,53,54]. In the latter view,

visual feedback might be thought to be of at least some

benefit to patients with optic ataxia, given the large errors that

would be assumed to occur during action planning.

Evidence to date suggests that the availability of visual

feedback has little impact on the performance of most

patients with optic ataxia [10,16,23,37,41,42,46,53]. In

many cases, the availability of visual feedback has been

inconsequential to the performance of patients with optic

ataxia [37,53], and in some cases visual feedback even

seems to make performance worse rather than better [10,

16]. When improvements are observed, these usually

correspond to the use of a deliberate strategy of slowing

the movement down so as to carefully localize the target,

perhaps with respect to proprioceptive input from the hand

[23,41,46]. This ‘slow’ use of visual feedback can be

contrasted with the typically fast and automatic on-line

corrections that are seen in healthy subjects [13,31,52,71].

5. Specific dissociations of planning and on-line control

in optic ataxia

Two recent studies have examined the performance of an

optic ataxic (IG) specifically in the planning and on-line

control stages of actions [34,55]. As described earlier, IG

suffered from a bilateral lesion of the posterior parietal

cortex, including the SPL, IPS, an area along the parieto-

occipital junction, and a small area in the IPL. Studies of

Pisella et al. and Grea et al. have convincingly demonstrated

that optic ataxia, in IG at least, can manifest itself

specifically in the on-line control phase of actions. In

contrast, there is little evidence that this patient has

difficulty in transforming visual input into the planning of

movements, as would be predicted by the visuomotor

transformation hypothesis.

5.1. The Pisella et al. study

Pisella et al. [55] studied the tendency of IG to make

‘automatic’, involuntary corrections to target jumps. IG and

several healthy controls were seated at a computer screen

with their finger situated at the bottom of the screen. The

primary task was to make fast pointing movements to a target

that appeared 25 cm vertical from the starting position. On

80% of the trials, the target remained in the same location

throughout the trial. However, on 20% of trials, the target

jumped slightly horizontally coincident with the onset of the

movement. Free eye movements were allowed.

When the target remained stationary, IG was nearly as

accurate as healthy subjects in pointing to the target. This

suggested that, as for most other patients with optic ataxia,

her planning system was able to plan accurate movements

for targets in central vision. However, when the target

jumped, IG’s performance was markedly different from the

controls. Specifically, healthy subjects easily and automati-

cally made on-line corrections to the new position of the

target, even for movements lasting only 200 ms. However,

IG was grossly impaired at making these fast on-line

corrections; more often than not she completed her move-

ment in the direction of the initial target location (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Percentage of pointing responses made to the new location of the target when the target changed position, for a control subject (top) and IG (bottom).

Along the x-axis is the time taken to complete the movements. Note that whereas the control subject often made on-line corrections within 150 ms, IG was only

able to make slow and deliberate corrections. IG was not, however, slower than the control subjects overall. Copied with permission from Pisella et al. (2000),

Nature Neuroscience [55].

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5.2. The Grea et al. study

Grea et al. [34] followed up Pisella et al.’s work with IG

by examining her ability to make on-line corrections in a

grasping task, with free eye movements. As in Pisella et al.,

IG’s performance was compared to healthy subjects. In the

Grea et al. experiment, the task involved grasping a cylinder

in central vision. Again, the cylinder remained stationary on

80% of the trials, and changed position (moving either to the

left or right by use of a torque motor controlled via

computer) on the remaining 20% of trials. Similar to her

performance in the pointing task used by Pisella et al., IG

was far more impaired at the grasping task when the target

changed position. Remarkably, on these trials, the authors

reported that IG

…showed a dramatic inability to correct her ongoing

movement in response to the target jump. When the

cylinder position was modified at movement onset, IG

exhibited two distinguishable movements, a first move-

ment toward the initial position of the object and a second

movement toward the final position… (Grea et al., 2002,

p. 2476)

For both these studies, it is worth emphasizing that IG did

not suffer from any elementary perceptual or motor defects,

nor did she have any reported problems in orienting her eyes

to the changes in target position. Further, IG showed perfect

accuracy in verbally reporting the changes in a ‘perceptual’

control condition. And under normal conditions (i.e. when

the target remained stationary throughout the trial), IG was

nearly as accurate as the healthy controls. It was only when

an on-line response was required to a change in the target

that IG showed a large impairment at the task.

Some caution is necessary here because the results

obtained with changes in target position have so far only

occurred with a single subject. Thus, it is not entirely certain

that similar results would occur with other patients with

optic ataxia. Further, the damage to IG’s brain was quite

extensive and the on-line control system could not easily be

localized within the area of damage, although the fact that

the IPS and SPL were damaged in IG is consistent with the

notion that these regions are involved in the visual on-line

control of actions. Nevertheless, more studies will need to

further examine the role of on-line control in optic ataxia

under conditions that stress the on-line system.

6. Conclusions

Damage to the SPL and neighboring IPS leads to a

complex constellation of deficits in the visual control of

movement. Past studies have shown that these deficits

include errors in pointing to targets in the visual periphery

[54], in orienting the hand to post it through a slot [53], in

grasping [37,42], and in manual tracking [23]. Such deficits

can be argued to reflect a disruption in the on-line control of

actions because they occur primarily in peripheral vision (in

pointing tasks), primarily in the second half of the

movement (in grasping), in a very unfamiliar task (posting),

and during a task that specifically evokes on-line monitoring

and corrections (manual tracking).

The factors that modulate the presence or extent of optic

ataxia also seem consistent with a planning-control

interpretation. Patients with optic ataxia are often less

impaired when more information is available to the

planning system, such as when actions are allowed to take

place in central vision as opposed to peripheral vision [53];

when actions are repeatedly practiced [61]; are directed

towards familiar objects as opposed to being carried out in

unfamiliar conditions [42]; or when previews of targets are

given prior to reaching [49]. Conversely, patients with optic

ataxia are usually no less impaired when more information

is available to the on-line control system, such as when

visual feedback of the moving hand is allowed as opposed to

when it is blocked [37,53,54]. Indeed, visual feedback has

even been found to increase the errors made by some

patients with optic ataxia [10,16].

Finally, the optic ataxic IG has been shown to be nearly

as accurate as healthy subjects in directing actions towards

stationary targets, but to show a marked impairment in

performing the same tasks when the target changes position

coincident with movement initiation. These impairments in

on-line adjustments have occurred both for pointing [55]

and grasping [34].

The evidence reviewed here suggests a coincidence

between the brain regions implicated in on-line control in

healthy humans [18,21,33], and those damaged in patients

with optic ataxia [53,54]. In both cases, the SPL and IPS

have been heavily implicated in on-line control. Thus, the

planning-control distinction seems to provide a useful

framework for exploring the pattern of spared and disrupted

behaviors in patients with optic ataxia.

It is interesting that neurophysiological studies of the

macaque have also shown the importance of the parietal

lobes in visually-guided (see Ref. [9] for a review). In these

models, the argument is made that visuomotor transform-

ations take place through an interaction of frontal and

parietal structures. Thus these models are (superficially at

least) similar to the proposal of Ref. [50], inasmuch as

neither seem to consider a possible separation between

planning and on-line control. I would suggest that future

studies on the macaque might benefit from a consideration

of the planning-control distinction.

Although the evidence in favor of a planning-control

interpretation of optic ataxia is strong, there are some points

that may be challenged. For example, the errors shown by

healthy subjects when pointing to targets in the periphery

tend to be directed away from fixation [7,8], whereas those

of patients with optic ataxia tend to be directed towards

fixation [10,53]. This inconsistency begs the question as to

whether or not these errors result from similar processes in

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Page 9: Optic ataxia as a deficit specific to the on-line control of actions

the two classes of subjects. Another point of contention

might be that the tasks that have been argued to most heavily

involve on-line control (e.g. manual tracking, adjustments to

a target perturbation) and in which patients with optic ataxia

have the greatest deficits, may simply be more difficult than

tasks that are argued not to rely most heavily on on-line

control (e.g. pointing to a fixated target). Whereas this

argument may be worthy of consideration, it would not

apply to other conditions in which optic ataxics are impaired

(e.g. in the latter stages of a grasping movement).

Finally, it should be noted that it still may be possible to

reconcile many of these results with a visuomotor

transformation hypothesis. For example, practice effects

that lead to improved performance in patients with optic

ataxia may reflect the accumulation of haptic experience

with the target [24], rather than affecting ‘visually-

determined’ planning per se. However, this argument can

only apply to tasks in which haptic feedback is available

(i.e. grasping), and would not apply to pointing tasks, which

also seem to benefit from practice [61]. Further, actions can

always be argued to be ‘perceptually-guided’ under

conditions such as the ‘preview’ condition or when the

target is familiar [49]. However, such an argument

potentially runs the risk of circularity—what is impaired

must of necessity be ‘action-guided’ and what isn’t impaired

must of necessity be ‘perceptually-guided’. In contrast to

such ad hoc explanations, the planning-control model makes

clear a priori predictions that rely on logical presumptions as

well as established behavioral findings.

Future studies may be oriented towards exploring the

types of clear planning-control dissociations revealed by

Pisella et al. [55] and Grea et al. [34]. In particular, more

studies will be needed to test patients with optic ataxia over

the course of the movement on tasks that specifically

emphasize planning and/or control. Examples of the former

include highly-practiced or familiar tasks carried out in

central vision with long views of the target. Examples of the

latter include reactions to target perturbations, manual

tracking, and tasks carried out in peripheral vision with brief

views of the target. Other conditions that further stress the

on-line control system, such as the wearing of light-

refracting prism goggles, could also be of interest in studies

of patients with optic ataxia. Investigations such as these

could be useful in more specifically defining the nature of

optic ataxia, and by proxy, the functions of the SPL and IPS

in the human brain.


This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and

Engineering Research Council of Canada through a fellow-

ship to the author. The author wishes to express his gratitude

to Matthew Rushworth and Umberto Castiello for insightful

comments on a draft version of this manuscript, as well as to

David Carey, Yves Rossetti, and Laure Pisella for their very

helpful reviews.


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