Tenterfield Shire Our One (1) Year Operational Plan 2012-2013 This document describes the individual strategies and actions that will be undertaken over the year, and includes the budget and Statement of Council’s Revenue Policy.

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Tenterfield Shire Our One (1) Year Operational Plan


This document describes

the individual strategies

and actions that will be

undertaken over the year,

and includes the budget

and Statement of Council’s

Revenue Policy.

This document was produced and is available from Tenterfield Shire Council. Tenterfield Shire Council 247 Rouse Street PO Box 214 Tenterfield NSW 2372 Telephone: (02) 6736 6000 Facsimile: (02) 6736 6005 Website: www.tenterfield.nsw.gov.au Email: [email protected] Tenterfield Shire Council 2012

DRAFT Our Operational Plan 2012-2013

Table of Contents

Section 1. Introduction ............................. 1 1.1 Understanding the Operational Plan ............................................ 2 1.2 Our Mission, Vision & Corporate Values ....................................... 3 1.3 General Manager’s Introduction ................................................. 5

Section 2. Key Priority Focus Areas ........... 6 2.1 Our Towns, Villages & Economic Growth ..................................... 8 2.2 Our Infrastructure .................................................................. 14 2.3 Our Environment .................................................................... 18 2.4 Our Community ..................................................................... 23 2.5 Our Sport, Recreation and Culture ............................................ 29 2.6 Government Leadership .......................................................... 33

Section 3. Appendices ............................. 39 (A) References (B) Community Questionnaire 2012 (C) Revenue Policy (D) Operational Plan Budgets

DRAFT Our Operational Plan 2012-2013

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Section 1 –


DRAFT Our Operational Plan 2012-2013

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1.0 Introduction

1.1 Understanding the Operational Plan

Council’s Operational Plan is a sub-set of the Delivery Plan. The Delivery Plan and Operational Plan are wholly complementary. Whilst the Delivery Plan articulates the directions and strategies this Operational Plan spells out the individual actions that will be undertaken by Council over the next year to achieve those strategies.

This Operational Plan also includes Council’s detailed budget, Statement of Revenue Policy including Council’s rates, fees and charges.

The Operational Plan is part of a larger process – the Tenterfield Shire Community Strategic Plan sets the community’s agenda for the future, the Resourcing Strategy identifies matters that are within Council’s realm of responsibility, and the Delivery Plan and Operational Plan spell out Council’s plans of action for responding to these matters. The directions and strategies identified in the Community Strategic Plan are carried through to the Delivery Plan and the actions identified in the Delivery Plan are carried through to the Operational Plan. The diagram that follows shows how the various levels of the strategic planning framework connect.

Community Strategic Plan

Delivery Plan

Operational Plan

Council will monitor and review the Operational Plan completely each year, and the Responsible Accounting Officer will report quarterly to Council on the annual budget within the Operational Plan.

The Operational Plan provides a succinct overview of the six key priority focus areas for action and sets out strategic directions, actions, departments responsible for delivery of the outcomes, how we measure progress towards achievement and target indicators.


Annual Budget



DRAFT Our Operational Plan 2012-2013

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1.2 Our Mission, Vision and Corporate Values

Our Mission

Tenterfield Shire Council provides local civic leadership and a wide range of community services and facilities.

Our mission statement “Quality Nature, Quality Heritage and Quality Lifestyle” provides focus and direction in the manner in which we provide leadership and services.

Our Vision

• To establish a shire where the environment will be protected and enhanced to ensure sustainability and inter-generational equity,

• To recognise and actively develop our cultural strengths and unique heritage,

• To establish a prosperous shire through balanced, sustainable

economic growth managed in a way to create quality lifestyles and satisfy the employment, environmental and social aims of the community,

• To establish a community spirit which encourages a quality

lifestyle, supports health and social well-being, promotes family life and lifestyle choices,

• To establish a community spirit which promotes opportunities to

participate in sport and recreation, promotes equal access to all services and facilities, and

• To encourage all people to participate in the economic and social

life of the community with a supportive attitude towards equal life chances and equal opportunity for access to the Shire’s resources.

Quality Nature

Quality Heritage

Quality Lifestyle

DRAFT Our Operational Plan 2012-2013

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Our Corporate Values

At Tenterfield Shire Council we value our staff and recognise that they are central to the success of our organisation. Our Workforce Plan “Investing in our Employees” provides a strategic framework for developing our workforce so that it is appropriately skilled and flexible to best meet the challenges ahead.

Our corporate values express how we as Council wish to conduct ourselves as an organisation and reflects the manner in which Council desires to engage with its community. They provide a reference point for all staff. Our five corporate values are:

1. Community focus – delivering prompt courteous and helpful service

2. Accountability – accepting responsibility for providing quality services and information

3. Integrity – ensuring openness and honesty in all our activities

4. Respect – treating people with courtesy, dignity and fairness

regardless of our personal feelings about the person or issue

5. Excellence – being recognised for providing services and programs that aim for best practice.

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1.3 General Manager’s Introduction

Council is required to publish an annual Operational Plan including statement of Revenue Policy. This Operational Plan articulates the important activities and projects to be implemented over the next 12 months 2012/2013 as well as the ongoing maintenance and caretaking role that Council has of public assets.

The Operational Plan also describes how we are going to finance our operations in 2012/2013 including our revenue sources, rates, fees, charges and other income streams. In addition, the Plan includes our scheduled capital works program for the year. Associated with the revenue polices of the Operational Plan are our schedule of fees and charges.

Similar with the Community Strategic Plan and Delivery Plan, this Operational Plan is based on the principles of social justice and sustainability.

Tenterfield Shire Council is faced with many fiscal challenges. Financial sustainability is a goal for Tenterfield Council as it is for all Councils. Council therefore has established the following financial objectives to enable aim for continuing sustainability;

• Maintain service levels where possible and fund other recurrent obligations such as loan repayments, plant replacement and employee leave entitlements;

• Pursue strategic management objectives identified in the Delivery Plan and Operational Plan;

• Preserve the investment of the community in the many assets to which Council is custodian;

• Protect itself against financial setbacks and where possible unknown contingencies.

The challenge into the future is how our Shire, as well as other Local Governments, will be able to fund an ever increasing depreciation of assets into the future. Solid lobbying by the elected Councillors to the Australian and State Governments is essential in addressing this issue.

Lotta Jackson General Manager

DRAFT Our Operational Plan 2012-2013

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Section 2 –

Key Priority Focus Areas

Page 7

2.0 Key Priority Focus Areas

Priority Focus Area No

Focus Area


Our Towns, Villages and Economic Growth


Our Infrastructure


Our Environment


Our Community


Our Sport, Recreation & Culture


Government Leadership

Page 8

Key Priority Focus Area 1 - Our Towns, Villages & Economic Growth

This focus area refers to those plans, policies, initiatives and actions that support the liveability and economic vitality & sustainability of the Tenterfield Shire area. It includes place management strategies to improve the look and feel of town centres and villages, promotion of economic growth and tourism, through to land use and development planning. It generally represents the “economic” component of the QBL.

Directions: 1.1 Tenterfield Shires economic base is robust, growing

and supports the creation of a variety of employment and business opportunities.

1.2 Tourism is promoted and tourists are welcomed and make a positive contribution to the community and economy.

1.3 The individual unique qualities and strong sense of local identity of Tenterfield Shires towns and villages is respected and recognised.

1.4 Buildings are well designed, safe and accessible and the new is balanced with the old.

1.5 Land use planning strategies and polices enhance and support sustainable economic growth

1.6 Our places and spaces will be attractive, liveable, sustainable and grow the Shire.

1.7 There will be a range of affordable transport options to allow movement of people and services to and from the Shire.

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Strategy 1.1a - Provide for and facilitate future economic growth throughout the Shire

Actions Responsible Department


How will we measure progress


Facilitate opportunities for industrial and commercial land development and employment generating activity that will cater for a diverse range of industry and business needs.

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Economic Development

Activity Levels

Report on results of activity levels in December and June 2013

Develop and implement a community economic development program to promote economic growth.

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Economic Development

Activity Levels Quality of Program

Program developed by March 2013.

Review market valuations for Tenterfield Industrial Park and prepare marketing strategies to promote increased sales activities.

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Economic Development

Sale Levels Sales completed by June 2013

Ensure Tenterfield’s long term power supplies. GM Office Provision of assets


Investigate opportunities to provide additional resources to optimise opportunities to secure grants and funding for economic and community development initiatives.

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Economic Development

Number of grants

Minimum of one (1) grant secured for identified initiatives.

Strategy 1.1b - Recognise agriculture as a significant industry in the Shire and encourage initiatives that enhance the economic sustainability of agriculture

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Develop a Strategic Plan for the saleyards including the aim of providing for modern saleyard facilities.

GM’s Office Environmental Services Operations Supervisor, Economic Development, Saleyards Committee

Activity Levels Customer Feedback

Draft Strategic Plan Developed by March 2013

Manage the Shire’s rural land resources for rural land use conflict and ensure the commercial viability of agriculture.

Environmental Services Director

Amendments to LEP that adopt minimum lot sizes

LEP Completed by June 2013.

Strategy 1.1c – Provide quality and timely advice and economic data to attract development and investment

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Provide and circulate an economic performance report on an annual basis.

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Economic

Quality of report

Report to Council Sep, Dec, March and June.

Page 10


Strategy 1.2a - Recognise and promote the Shire as a tourist attraction and destination

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Market the special appeal and attractions of the Shire Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Economic Development

Visitor Numbers Activity Levels

Ongoing, Increased visitation.

Review Council’s Strategic Plans for tourism development for currency and focus

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Economic Development

Quality of review and recommendations

Review of plan completed by June 2013

Strategy 1.2b - Continue to develop Tenterfield’s principal events

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Ensure the provision of event management plans Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Economic Development

Visitor Numbers Activity Levels

By December 2012

Strategy 1.2c – Prepare road access upgrade program to national parks and other tourist sites

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Develop works schedule for identified sites Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Economic Development Engineering Services

Completion of works

Schedule developed

Strategy 1.3a - Encourage community involvement in defining and shaping the character and identity of individual communities throughout the Shire

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Review and facilitate the formation of community development committees

GM Officer Executive Assistant

No of Committees Community Feedback

Review and report to Council Annually in September

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Strategy 1.3b - Use planning and heritage policies and controls to protect and improve the unique built environment

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Ensure approved DA’s maintained and enhance the identity of the Shire’s built environment

Environmental Services: Director Town Planner

No of DA’s approved in line with Council’s policies

Report(s) to Council on significant development

Ensure all properties with heritage significance listed within LEP

Environmental Services: Director Heritage Advisor

LEP schedules up to date

By December 2012

Strategy 1.3c - Maintain a distinct sense of identity for individual towns and villages

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Streetscape improvements to maintain the identity of towns and villages

Environmental Services: Environmental Services Operations Supervisor, Progress association

No of actual improvement works

Improvements made

Strategy 1.4a – Protect and maintain heritage significant buildings while ensuring they are fit for use

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Ensure Council’s strategic land use policies and controls are current and kept up to date

Environmental Services: Director

Quality of effectiveness of policies and controls

Review of policies and controls by December 2012

Strategy 1.4b – Ensure planning controls for new buildings and upgrades deliver good design outcomes, in which heritage characteristics are recognised

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress

Ensure Council’s strategic land use policies and controls are current and kept up to date

Environmental Services: Director

Quality of control plans

Review of policies and controls by December 2012

Strategy 1.5a – Preparation and adoption of new LEP with provisions to support sustainable economic growth

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Finalise completion of new LEP Environmental Services: Director

Quality of LEP when adopted and gazetted

By June 2013

Complete Plans of Management for community lands Environmental Services: Program

Completion of Plans

Dec 2012

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Strategy 1.5b - Review all Development Control Plan (DCP’s) to ensure they reflect current legislation and industry best practice

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Complete review of DCP’s. Environmental Services: Director Town Planner

Quality of DCP’s when adopted

By December 2012

Strategy 1.5c - Exercise Council’s statutory functions under the EPAA 1979 properly and equitably to determine applications efficiently and in accordance with statutory requirements and/or Council policy and standards

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Proper execution of delegated authorities in a timely and professional manner

Environmental Services: Director

No of DA’s processed within statutory timeframes No of approvals

Report to Council monthly.

Strategy 1.6a - Maintain and enhance the liveability of Tenterfield Shire as a place to live, work and find a lifestyle of choice

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Preparation and adoption of new LEP with provisions to achieve desired outcomes.

Environmental Services: Director

Quality of new LEP

By June 2013

Strategy 1.6b - Ensure that planning provisions support and promote sustainable land use and management

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Preparation and adoption of new LEP with provisions to achieve desired outcomes.

Environmental Services: Director

Quality of new LEP

By June 2013

Strategy 1.6c - Provide for a variety of housing choices which recognises changing household structure and promotes sustainability and affordability

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Maintain an adequate supply of serviced residential lands to suit a range of lifestyle choices and economic circumstances

Environmental Services Director

Quality of new LEP and DCP’s

By June 2013

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Strategy 1.6d – Ensure Tenterfield’s main street is well designed, attractive and supports our unique identity

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Implement a Section 355 community driven Main Street Master plan focussing on Rouse Street, Logan Street and Duncan Street south to Miles Street and north to Martin Street. Secure a consultant to develop a CBD Master Plan

GM Office All Department heads

Completed Works

Secure consultant and CBD Master Plan completed by December 2012

Strategy 1.7a - Support and enhance the role of the airport

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Complete an assessment and pursue funding opportunities to upgrade airport runway to the required standard to take air ambulance

Engineering Services: Director

Completed Works

Assessment completed by March 2013.

Page 14

Key Priority Focus Area 2 – Our Infrastructure

This focus area refers to those plans, policies, initiatives and actions that ensure the provision of a quality network of roads, bridges, stormwater drainage systems, urban water and wastewater supplies and pedestrian facilities, It generally represents the “economic” component of the QBL.

Directions: 2.1 Roads are safer to travel and allow for the efficient

movement of people and goods

2.2 Drainage systems allow for effective management of stormwater

2.3 Urban water supply networks are modern, efficient and meet industry best practice guidelines

2.4 Urban wastewater supply networks are modern, efficient and meet industry best practice guidelines

2.5 Pedestrian and cycle facilities are safe and effective

2.6 Ensure a safe and efficient road network for all road users

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Strategy 2.1a - Roads and bridges will be well designed, constructed and efficiently maintained

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Refine Asset Management Plans pursuant to IPRL based on technical levels of service

Engineering Services: Asset Manager

Finalisation of plans for roads and bridges

December 2013

Strategy 2.1b - Develop a roads maintenance strategy for unsealed roads

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Prepare strategy based on current annual budget allocations.

Engineering Services: Deputy Director

Finalisation of strategy plan

Strategy Developed in line with Asset Management Plan by March 2013.

Strategy 2.1c - Develop a revised four year Regional Road Repair Program

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Prepare strategy and endorsed by Council for submission to RTA pursuant to grant requirements

Engineering Services: Deputy Director

Finalisation of strategy and required approvals

As per set deadline.

Strategy 2.1d – Optimise gravel re-sheeting program to increase improvement works and standards

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Review current program and make recommendations for improved outcomes

Engineering Services: Director, Deputy Director

Quality of review and recommendations

By December 2013

Strategy 2.2a – Stormwater drainage systems will be well designed, constructed and efficiently maintained

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Refine Asset Management Plans pursuant to IPRL based on technical levels of service

Engineering Services: Asset Manager

Finalisation of plans for drainage systems

By December 2012

Strategy 2.2b – Develop stormwater management strategies focused on property protection from stormwater inundation

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Keep plans current and implement annual recommendations subject to available funding

Engineering Services: Director, Deputy Director

Quality of plans and degree of implementation


Page 16

Develop Tenterfield stormwater drainage plan Engineering Services Director

Completion and quality of plan

Dec 2012

Strategy 2.3a – Urban water supply networks will be well designed, constructed and efficiently maintained

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Operate and maintain water treatment, storage and distribution systems to provide good quality potable water with all standards meeting the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

Engineering Services: Services Manager

Compliance levels with all guidelines


Strategy 2.3b – Ensure compliance with the Best-Practice Management of Water Supply and Sewerage Guidelines 2007 and the NSW Reference Rates Manual for Valuation of Water Supply, Sewerage and Stormwater Assets

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Complete all actions necessary to ensure compliance Engineering Services: Service Manager

Compliance levels with all guidelines


Strategy 2.3c – Ensure long-term security of Tenterfield urban water supply

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Continue investigations into Mole River Dam option Engineering Services: Director

Finalisation of investigation


Complete Tenterfield Dam Safety upgrade works Engineering Services: Director

Finalisation of works

Works completed

Strategy 2.4a – Urban wastewater supply networks will be well designed, constructed and efficiently maintained

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Operate and maintain wastewater treatment processes and systems to prescribed standards

Engineering Services: Services Manager

Compliance levels with standards

Strategy 2.4b – Ensure compliance with the Best-Practice Management of Water Supply and Sewerage Guidelines 2007 and the NSW Reference Rates Manual for Valuation of Water Supply, Sewerage and Stormwater Assets

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Complete all actions necessary to ensure compliance Engineering Services: Director, Services Manager

Compliance levels with all guidelines


Page 17

Strategy 2.5a – Establish, maintain and improve pedestrian facilities, cycleways and walking tracks

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Seek funding from the RMS and other agencies to prepare a Tenterfield Bike Plan and Pedestrian Access Mobility Plan

Engineering Services: Deputy Director

Grants received Quality of Plans

Grant received

Develop Asset Management Plans pursuant to IPRL based on technical levels of service

Engineering Services: Asset Manager

Quality of Plans Compliance levels

By March 2013

Complete audit of footpaths and prepare a footpath improvement program

Engineering Services: Deputy Engineer

Quality of Plan Audit completed by March 2013

Strategy 2.5b – Establish, maintain and improve traffic facilities and traffic safety infrastructure

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Seek funding from the RMS as necessary and complete all actions necessary to ensure compliance

Engineering Services: Director

Grants received No of incidents

Grant received

Strategy 2.6a – Promote proactive education programs by the RTA to target road safety issues

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Complete Annual Road Safety Action Plan as approved by the RMS and implement strategies as specified and in accordance with budget allocations

Engineering Services: Director

Quality of Plan

Annual Road Safety Action Plan completed by March 2013

Strategy 2.6b – Undertake road safety inspections of the road network to identify deficiencies in signage, guide posts and line marking

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Ensure inspections completed on a timely basis and data recorded

Engineering Services: Deputy Director, Other staff

Compliance with inspection deficiencies No of inspections

Ongoing - Schedule of inspections maintained and actions implemented

Strategy 2.6c – Undertake traffic planning to facilitate safe and efficient traffic flows and pedestrian movements

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Collection of data from traffic counters as required and completion of road safety audits on identified roads

Engineering Services: Deputy Director, Other staff

No of audits Accuracy of data

Road Safety Audit completed on identified roads

Finalise negotiations with Federal Government and RMS to progress construction of Tenterfield bypass

Engineering Services

Completed works

Page 18

Key Priority Focus Area 3 – Our Environment

This focus area refers to those plans, policies, initiatives and actions that improve environmental sustainability. It includes strategies which encourage waste minimisation, protect and enhance the natural environment, encourage water conservation. It generally represents the “environment” component of the QBL.

Directions: 3.1 The natural environment will be protected, enhanced and

promoted for future generations

3.2 The community is encouraged to implement waste minimisation strategies

3.3 A total water cycle management approach including water conservation and reuse is adopted

3.4 Land use planning and management enhances and protects biodiversity and natural heritage

3.5 Environmental risks and impacts are strategically managed

3.6 Water is used carefully in Council’s buildings, parks, sporting grounds and daily operations

3.7 Tenterfield Shire is an environmentally educated and committed community

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Strategy 3.1a – Manage, protect, enhance and conserve the natural environment in a sustainable manner

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Produce a State of the Environment Report to provide Council and the community with sound, reliable and up to date information on the current condition, pressures and responses to issues including land, water, air, biodiversity, salinity, waste, noise and heritage

Environmental Services: Director

Preparation of a State of the Environment Report by 30 November annually


Conduct noxious weed inspections of lands within the Tenterfield Region, comprising private and Council lands, as well as those managed by public authorities

Environmental Services: Noxious Weeds Officer

Complete annual reports on noxious weeds activities Conduct a minimum number of property inspections annually


Implement an education program of noxious weeds to ensure landholder compliance, and awareness of the linkages to biodiversity, agricultural productivity, animal health and welfare, landscape aesthetics and human health in accordance with obligations under the Noxious Weeds Act

Environmental Services: Noxious Weeds Officer

Undertake community awareness program for noxious weeds including, but not limited to, public displays within the Tenterfield Region and visit to schools. Conduct media advertising


Conduct environmental monitoring for the ongoing protection of the environment, pollution management and mitigation, ensuring promotion of conservation practices and improved environmental outcomes under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997.

Environmental Services: Program Manager

Continue monitoring program to audit high priority premises including activities operating without planning approval and activities operating in breach of development consent.


Implement On Site Sewerage Management Policy to promote communities achieving environmental and community health improvements

Environmental Services: Building Surveyor

Identify and inspect all classified high risk on-site sewerage management systems annually


Page 20

Strategy 3.1b – Review and implement actions as contained in Shire Catchment Management plans.

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Work in partnership with the Northern Rivers CMA and Border Rivers CMA

Environmental Services: Noxious Weeds Officer

Progress in achieving goals set in CMA plans


Strategy 3.1c – Provide compliance and regulatory services to protect the amenity of the environment

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Provide compliance services to protect the peace, amenity and environment. Provide control services to ensure effective provision of surveillance investigation and education on regulations

Environmental Services: Director

Number of complaints Resolution of complaints

Implementation of relevant Policy.

Strategy 3.2a – Promote waste minimisation and sustainable waste disposal

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Maximise the recovery, reprocessing, reuse and recycling of all waste materials

Environmental Services: Program Manager

Measure the diversion rates

10% of waste to landfill by 2021

Review and update Council’s waste management strategies to reflect community attitudes for the long term sustainable management of waste

Environmental Services: Program Manager

Stakeholder consultation and review of strategy

By December 2012

Maintain the efficient collection and transport of waste in defined collection zones.

Environmental Services: Program Manager

Quality and timing of waste collection services Audits of waste services data


Continue the operation of sustainable landfills and investigate alternate service delivery options for other areas

Environmental Services: Program Manager

Complete the investigation review


Advocate and lead by example in the use of diverted and recovered material from the waste stream

Environmental Services: Program Manager

Measure and report on the amount of material reused

10% of waste to landfill by 2021

Actively participate in and support the Northern Inland Regional Waste Group (NIRW) to achieve regionally sustainable outcomes

Environmental Services

Attendance at meetings and participation in initiatives Rates of disposal at Council’s landfills


Page 21

Strategy 3.2b – Review, improve and implement waste education programs

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Promote community attitudes from a waste disposal focus to a waste avoidance and waste minimisation focus through a wide range of waste education programs

Environmental Services: Program Manager

Rates of disposal at Council’s landfills

Programs developed and distributed

Strategy 3.3a – Implement projects to conserve potable water and contribute to improved water quality outcomes

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Develop and complete Integrated Water Cycle Management Plan (IWCM) including water conservation and demand management

Engineering Services: Services Manager

Completion of plan and implementation of strategies

IWCM Developed

Strategy 3.4a – Finalise and implement Council’s Biodiversity Strategy

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Complete Biodiversity Strategy Environmental Services: Director

Completion of plan

By June 2013

Strategy 3.5a – Review and prioritise recommendations contained in the NSW Government’s Floodplain Development Manual

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Implement agreed strategies as contained in manual Engineering Services: Director

Quality of solutions

Number of strategies implemented

Strategy 3.5b – Ensure management of water quality in the catchments

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Catchment Management Authorities to provide annual reports on water quality testing

Environmental Services: Director

Results of testing


Strategy 3.5c – Review and update of Tenterfield DISPLAN

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Complete review in conjunction with all key government agencies and community organisations

Engineering Services: Director

Completion of review and quality of new plan

By June 2013

Page 22

Strategy 3.6a – Minimise water use in Council operations and facilities

Actions Responsible Department

How will w measure prog


Audit of Council’s operations and facilities Environmental Services: Director

Reduction targets in water usage

Strategy 3.7a – Encourage and support community involvement in environmental programs

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Groups within the community are targeted and ways determined to engage are identified

Environmental Services: Director

Number of groups


Strategy 3.7b – Conduct activities and events that provide opportunities that encourage positive attitudes towards protecting the environment

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Communication and awareness programs and activities implemented

Environmental Services: Director

Quality of programs and survey of opinions and attitudes

Awareness program developed and number activities implemented by Dec 12 and June 13

Seek out grants for schools to implement environmental projects

Environmental Services Director

Number of schools and grants

Number of forwarded grant opportunities to Schools.

Page 23

Key Priority Focus Area 4 – Our Community

This focus area refers to those plans, policies, initiatives and actions that contribute to the development of our community capacity, children, young people, older people and people with disabilities, our sense of community and community connection, health and medical services, as well as a safe and harmonious living environment. It generally represents the “social” component of the QBL

Directions: 4.1 The community, other levels of government and key

stakeholders will work with Council to address local issues and shape our future

4.2 Improvement in access to services and facilities for the aged and people with a disability

4.3 Proactive leadership representation and advocacy to ensure relevant community services are maintained and improved

4.4 People feel safe in all parts of Tenterfield Shire

4.5 Health and quality of life are improved through a wide range of recreation and leisure opportunities

4.6 A range of services and facilities accommodates the needs of an ageing population

4.7 A range of public services and facilities that will be accessible for all people is provided

4.8 The community is welcoming and inclusive and feel connected and belong

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Strategy 4.1a – Engage with the community and develop partnerships in the delivery of services and facilities

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Provide support to community groups for projects which support and encourage social capital and the provision of community services and facilities including provision of affordable housing stocks

Corporate services & Community Sustainability: Library & Cultural Services Manager

Number of groups supported

Minimum of 2 projects.

Review of Section 355 Committees to assist in the delivery of services and facilities management

GM Office: Executive Assistant

Number of committees formed and their effectiveness

Report to Council in September each year.

Strategy 4.1b – Promote and encourage community involvement in local decision making

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Assist community groups and organisations by providing information through Community Directories and update the Shire wide Community Directory on a regular basis

GM Office: Executive Assistant

Quality of information


Strategy 4.1c – Promote and recognise the work of volunteers within the community

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Involve people in community life through the engagement of volunteers in activities

Corporate services & Community Sustainability: Library & Cultural Services Manager

Levels of engagement

Maintain 40 volunteers

Ensure that volunteer programs are supported and managed and that appropriate policies are in place for the smooth running of any volunteer program

Corporate services & Community Sustainability: Library & Cultural Services Manager

Quality of programs implemented

Program Implremted

Strategy 4.2a – Improve access to the broad range of services and facilities that Council delivers throughout the Shire

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Develop Disability Action Plan for currency and relevance

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Library & Cultural Services Manager

Quality of final action plan recommendations and actions

June 2013

Page 25

Strategy 4.2b – Improve access to shops and facilities in the main street for people with a disability

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Incorporate into the Disability Action Plan review an audit of main street access issues

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Library & Cultural Services Manager

Outcomes of audit

Page 26

Strategy 4.3a – Support people with specific needs through appropriately identified services

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Seek out grant opportunities to assist with youth activities, youth week and associated activities

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Library & Cultural Services Manager; Community Development Officer

Grants received and relevance of programs

Annual: April

Strategy 4.3b - Ensure that Prince Alfred Memorial Hospital is meeting the needs of the community

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Strongly advocate on behalf of the community for upgrade and increased services

GM Office Councillors

Quality of upgrade and services

Advocacy conducted

Strategy 4.4a – Continue to strengthen community safety and crime prevention partnerships with Police, licensees, businesses, regulatory and other agencies

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Work with key stakeholders to introduce programs and initiatives to improve identified issues

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Community Development Officer

Crime Statistics

Strategy 4.4b – Promote and implement appropriate companion animal programs

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Implement the Strategic Companion Animal Management Plan with a focus on providing information to the community in regards to the keeping of cats and dogs

Environmental Services: Operations Supervisor

Number of Nuisance Dog orders Number of complaints

In Council’s newsletter and in the Tenterfield Star

Strategy 4.4c – Promote a standard of public health that ensures community safety

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Identify and implement programs to ensure that those within the community who conduct regulated business activities that may impact on public health are adequately advised and educated on relevant statutes and regulations. The objectives are to minimise health problems, provide educational programs and undertake enforcement to ensure an appropriate standard of public health

Environmental Services: Building Surveyor

Number of premises inspected Number of complaints

All premises inspected annually

Page 27

Strategy 4.5a– Improve the quality and useability of parks, reserves and open spaces to meet recreational and leisure needs, whilst ameliorating any negative environmental impacts

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Update Plans of Management and strategies for parks, reserves and other open spaces

Environmental Services: Program Manager; Operations Supervisor

Quality and actions implemented

By June 2013

Strategy 4.5b– Determine and prioritise future recreation and leisure needs

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Recreation opportunities provided in response to identified community needs

Environmental Services: Operations Supervisor

Identified needs recorded and actioned

As identified in the Plans of Management

Strategy 4.5c– Provide a wide range of facilities and activities to improve the physical and mental health of the community

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


A playground strategy to identify planned upgrades and improvements is developed

Environmental Services: Operations Supervisor

Development and quality of plan

By June 2013

Strategy 4.6a – Recognise and plan for the needs of our ageing population

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Regularly communicate with local service providers of aged care services to ensure identified needs are being planned and appropriate services being met

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Community Development Officer

Quality of communication, forward plans and service provisions

Ongoing and report to Council

Assist with the organisation of Seniors Week and other events and activities aimed at improving the lives of older people

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Library staff

Number of events and feedback on Seniors Week

Annually in March

Strategy 4.7a – Develop and maintain a range of community facilities that meet the diversity of community needs, interests and aspirations

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Analyse and interpret emerging social trends and government initiatives to inform Council and service providers

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Community Development Officer

Quality and timing of research on key issues including housing, safety, children and ageing


Page 28

Provide support to community organisation’s to improve their ability to plan and deliver services to the community

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Community Development Officer

No of groups provided with support No of groups who meet social planning goals. Level of government funding

Number of groups supported

Actively encourage the State Government to reinstate removed hospital services and take all actions necessary to encourage the establishment of more GPs

GM Office Councillors

Quality of service provision Number of GPs

Number of GPs

Provide for lifelong learning opportunities and recreational pursuits through the provision of modern library services

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Library & Cultural Services Manager

Visitor numbers Loan borrowings Web visits


Provide well managed and well maintained cemeteries. Prepare cemetery improvement programs for all seven (7) of Council’s cemeteries.

Environmental Services: Program Manager

Community feedback

By June 2013

Complete stage 1 of Tenterfield Cemetery expansion Environmental Services: Program Manager

Completion of works

By June 2013

DIRECTION 4.8a – Encourage and foster community pride

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Encourage programs and activities that encourage and recognise volunteering

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Library & Cultural Services Manager

Level of activities and number of volunteers

Page 29

Key Priority Focus Area 5 – Our Sport, Recreation and Culture

This focus area refers to those plans, policies, initiatives and actions that ensure the provision of quality sporting, active and passive recreation facilities, including our cultural vitality, indigenous and post colonial heritage. It generally represents the “social” component of the QBL

Directions: 5.1 Our public places and spaces will look and feel good

5.2 Sporting facilities will be modern, provide choice and cater for the diverse needs of the community

5.3 Sporting Recreational facilities will be varied and cater for the diverse needs of the community

5.4 Cultural activities will foster an involved community and a creative environment

5.5 Our cultural heritage is recognised, protected and respected

Page 30

Strategy 5.1a – Ensure that public places and spaces are clean and well maintained

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


All public place areas including high profile gardens, landscaped traffic areas are well maintained

Environmental Services: Operations Supervisor

Community Feedback

Maintenance schedules are met

Programmed cleaning and maintenance of Council assets undertaken

Environmental Services: Program Manager

Community Feedback

Asset Management Plan Service Levels

Community awareness of and strategies as required to prevent and manage graffiti

Environmental Services: Operations Supervisor

Community Feedback

Number of incidents recorded and reported in the Recorded in Annual Report

Street trees and road reserves are well maintained Environmental Services: Operations Supervisor

Community Feedback

Maintenance schedules are met

Inspections and removal of illegally dumped rubbish Environmental Services: Operations Supervisor

No of complaints

Recorded and action taken in response to illegal dumping.

Public place regulation and compliance programs undertaken with the focus on parks and open spaces.

Environmental Services: Operations Supervisor & Program Manager

Compliance Levels

Program undertaken by June 2013

DIRECTION 5.2a – Determine and prioritise future sporting needs

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Work in partnership with community organisations to audit and plan for future sporting infrastructure needs

Environmental Services; Operations Supervisor Corporate and Community Sustainability: Economic Development

Quality and content of audit and plans Level of engagement

Meetings conducted regularly

Section 355 Sports & Recreation Committee to strategically manage sporting and recreational infrastructure needs by preparing a ten (10) year capital works program

Environmental Services: Operations Supervisor & Program Manager

Quality of investigation Community feedback

Preparations of capital works program undertaken

DIRECTION 5.2b – Provide a targeted range of modern and well maintained sporting facilities

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Engage with key stakeholders regarding the provision of sporting facilities and services and encourage participation in sport.

Environmental Services: Operations Supervisor

Levels of communication and quality of engagement Asset management plans

Meetings conducted

Page 31

Upgrade of works at Tenterfield tennis courts Environmental Services

Completed works

Dec 2013

DIRECTION 5.3a – Provide a wide range of high quality and well maintained active and

passive recreation facilities

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Maintain and improve the provision of safe aquatic services – tiling and painting pending funds available.

Environmental Services: Program Manager

Monitor and report on pool attendances. Asset management plan for pool’s

By June 2013

Investigate the use of Tenterfield water supply dam for passive recreation purposes

Environmental Services: Operations Supervisor

Submission of report to Council

By June 2013

DIRECTION 5.4a – Recognise and enhance cultural diversity and support cultural and artistic endeavours

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Manage and operate the School of Arts Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Library & Cultural Services Manager

No of visitors Feedback from visitors

Maintain 2011/12 levels

Develop a cultural plan and public art policy to assist Council in planning future development for the preservation and expression of Tenterfield’s artistic culture

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Library & Cultural Services Manager

Quality of plan Draft by June 2013

Support the activities of Arts North West in its endeavours to create opportunities within the Shire

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Library & Cultural Services Manager

Partnerships and projects


Strategy 5.4b – Enrich the cultural life of the community by supporting a variety of cultural events and activities for the community and visitors

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Partnerships with community organisations and Arts North West to plan and undertake events and activities

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Library & Cultural Services Manager

No of partnerships and events

Continue to support the following community events and activities:

• Brush with Verse

Corporate Services & Community

Quality of events and economic

Page 32

• Oracles of the Bush • Jack Frost (business promotion supported by

Tenterfield Visitors Association, Tenterfield & District Business Association & Tenterfield Shire Council)

• Wintersong – Peter Allen Festival • Quota Eisteddfod (bi-annual) • Sir Henry Parkes Oration weekend • Tenterfield Rotary Fishing Classic • Tenterfield Rotary Food & Wine Festival • Tenterfield Cinema Lyceum Film Festival • Tenterfield Westpac Helicopter Christmas Fair • Tenterfield Rotary Bavarian Cultural Music

Festival & Beerfest (bi-annual)

Sustainability: Library & Cultural Services Manager

activity generated

Strategy 5.5a – Support programs and activities that recognise and celebrate our indigenous culture

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Advocacy and grant seeking to support and strengthen indigenous programs and activities

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Library & Cultural Services Manager

Number and type of programs implemented

Meetings held with the Aboriginal Consultative Committee

Undertake Aboriginal Heritage Study of Shire Environmental Services: Program Manager

Quality of Study Community feedback

Completed by May 2013

Strategy 5.5b – Support programs and activities that recognise and celebrate our post colonial culture

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Advocacy and grant seeking to support and strengthen post colonial culture programs and activities

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Library & Cultural Services Manager

Number and type of programs implemented

Annual Event

Collaborate with Tenterfield and District Historical Society to seek out grant funding opportunities to digitise photographic and written documents

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Library & Cultural Services Manager

Quality of partnership and funding

Ongoing and funds secured

Page 33

Key Priority Focus Area 6 – Government Leadership

This focus area refers to those plans, policies, initiatives and actions that ensure strategic thinking, efficiency, openness and accountability of Council’s operations. They ensure a high standard of governance including codes of conduct, financial and asset management, risk and safety, organisational development, procurement policies, community engagement and integrated planning. It generally represents the “governance” component of the QBL.

Directions: 6.1 Council has a long-term vision based on principles of


6.2 Our community is actively engaged and consulted about Council’s decisions and informed about services and activities

6.3 Council’s decision making processes are open and corruption resistant and based on sound integrated planning

6.4 Services to our community are provided in a professional, friendly and timely manner

6.5 Council maintains sound safety and risk management practices to protect the community and our employees

6.6 Council achieves a high standard in information technology and knowledge management

6.7 Council is an employer governed by sound leadership and supported by a committed workforce

6.8 Council achieves excellence in corporate governance

Page 34

Strategy 6.1a – Ensure the Community Strategic Plan and associated supporting plans are prepared in accordance with statutory requirements

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Implement pursuant to the legislation all the requirements of the community strategic plan

GM Office Councillors

Prepared in accordance with DLG requirements

Report on Delivery Program 2012 and six monthly report to Council on Operational Plan.

Strategy 6.1b – Ensure financial strategies underpin the Council’s asset management policies and strategic vision

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Implement long term financial plans pursuant to the community strategic planning legislation

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Finance/IT Manager

Long term financial sustainability is achieved

By June 2013

Strategy 6.1c – Implement accounting and financial management policies and practices that provide for the ongoing sustainable operations of Council’s facilities and services

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Provide financial services for the Council in an accurate, timely, open and honest manner

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Finance/IT Manager

Long term financial sustainability is achieved Statutory compliance

Reviewed by June 2013.

Council’s expenditure needs are properly identified and funded sustainably

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Finance/IT Manager

Quality of systems and controls

Quarterly reviews submitted to Council in November, February and May.

Implement financial processes and systems to control and manage operating budgets

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Finance/IT Manager

Auditor feedback Statutory compliance

Auditors Management Plan actions Implemented by June 2013

Strategy 6.2a – Ensure that Council’s strategic directions reflect the views of the community

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Review the Community Engagement Strategy Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Director

CES adopted on time and is effective

By February 2013

Page 35

Strategy 6.2b – Provide ongoing opportunities in a range of formats for all stakeholders

to contribute to Council’s decision making

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Community organisations and groups are supported and consulted

GM Office Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Director

Number of groups supported and quality of consultation

Number of consultations held and groups supported

Develop a website that supports community feedback and comment

GM Office Executive Assistant

Quality of website


Strategy 6.2c– Ensure Council’s communications are effective and accessible

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Develop a Council Communications Plan GM Office Executive Assistant

Implementation of plan and improvement in communication techniques. Feedback from community

By September 2012

Strategy 6.3a – Develop and maintain a planning framework and policies that ensures open, honest and transparent Council operations

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Governance policies prepared and existing policies reviewed regularly and access to Council’s policies provided

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Director

Quality and number of policies

Regular reporting to the Council on progress with implementation of corporate plans

GM Office

Quality and timing of reports

As per regulations

Strategy 6.3b – Institutionalise corruption prevention practices

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Regular ethics and Code of Conduct training provided to Councillors and Staff

GM Office Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Manager HR

Quality of training No of attendees

By December 2012

Internal audit conducted and function established and supported

GM Office Number of audits

Internal Audit conducted by March 2013

Page 36

Strategy 6.4a – Ensure all staff are fully briefed and trained in the systems and procedures that support good customer service principles and practices

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Customer service training provided to staff

GM Office Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: HR Manager

Quality of training and outcomes

By September 2012

Customer service charter review

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Director

Implementation of charter

By September 2012

Training in systems and processes that support good customer service

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Various staff

Quality of training and outcomes


Strategy 6.4b – Implement a systematic and structured approach to obtaining quality feedback from the community about service provision and service levels

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Performance against defined standards for customer service and complaints recorded and reported

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Records Officer

Number of requests that meet standards

Ongoing and reported to Council quarterly

Strategy 6.5a – Maintain a safe workplace

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


WHS Risk Management Plan developed and implemented

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: WHS/Risk Officer All Departments

Number of injuries and incidents recorded Worksers compensation premiums

Draft Plan developed by September 2012

Strategy 6.5b – Provide a safe community environment by implementing specific risk management policies and practices

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Operational risk processes and strategies developed and regularly reviewed

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: WHS/Risk Officer All Departments

Public liability premiums No of incidents

Public Liability Audit completed on time

Council will maintain WHS performance measures and management systems that comply with legislation, codes of practice, standards and guidelines

Corporate Services & Community

Level of compliance


Page 37

Sustainability: WHS/Risk Officer All Departments

Strategy 6.6a – Implement information technology systems and procedures that provide improved service, efficiency, innovation and community engagement

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Manages and operate Council’s IT infrastructure and systems to facilitate Councils operations and provide improved service delivery capabilities to the community by implementing the actions in the strategic plan

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Finance/IT Manager

Operations conducted in accordance with service level requirements Staff feedback

As per timeframes in the strategic plan

Strategy 6.6b – Implement software applications and procedures that provide the Council and community with ready access to information

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Implement, develop and upgrade applications software to facilitate a productive and responsive organisation by implementing the actions in the strategic plan

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Finance/IT Manager

Quality of software systems Staff feedback

By June 2013

Strategy 6.7a – Attract and retain skilled employees who take pride in Tenterfield Shire

and in delivering quality services to achieve the community’s vision

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Actions within Council’s Workforce Plan are implemented with a focus on developing a new skills performance system.

GM Office Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: HR Manager

Quality of Plan and actions implemented

New Skills performance system in place by February 2013

Council’s Workforce Plan implemented – review of HR Policy Register.

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Director HR Manager

Current Policy register in line with current Award

All HR Policies reviewed by December 2012

Review, develop and implement and employment strategies to attract and retain staff

Corporate Services & Community Sustainability: Director HR Manager

Levels of retention of staff recruitments

By March 2013

Strategy 6.7b – Create a positive organisational culture that develops attitudes, behaviours and skills in alignment with Council’s mission, vision and corporate values

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


EEO Management plan regularly reviewed and implemented

GM Office Corporate

No of complaints

Annually by November

Page 38

Services & Community Sustainability: HR Manager

Strategy 6.8a – Develop strategies, policies and practices to enable Council to achieve excellence in corporate governance

Actions Responsible Department

How will we measure progress


Implement recommendations contained within the Local Government Better Practice Review Program

GM Office Councillors

Quality of recommendations and timely execution

As requested by DLG and by June 2013

Page 39

Section 3 –


Page 40

Appendix A


• Local Government Act, 1993.

• NSW Department of Local Government “Planning a Sustainable Future” Planning and Reporting Manual for local government in NSW, Version 1, January 2010.

• NSW Department of Local Government “IPRL Frequently Asked Questions” August, 2009.

• NSW Department of Local Government “Planning a Sustainable Future” Planning and Reporting Guidelines for local government in NSW, Version 1, January 2010

• Reviews of other Council’s Operational Plans

Page 41

Appendix B

Community Questionnaire 2012 Focus Groups Forum Participants

• NSW Farmers Tenterfield Branch • Mingoola Progress Association Inc. • Tenterfield Naturalist Club • Unknown – GBLC • Drake Progress Association and School of Arts Inc. • Unknown • Tenterfield District Historical Society Inc. • Tenterfield Railway Station • Tenterfield Early Childhood Intervention • Best Employment Ltd • Steinbrook Progress Association • Rotary Club of Tenterfield • The Friends of the Sir Henry Parkes Memorial School of Arts • RSPCA • Ten FM Community Radio

Summary of Community Responses 2011

The following collective summary list results from the focus group forums and the 15 questionnaires.

Living in Tenterfield Shire – Likes

Close Knit Community/ Community Spirit 3

Good Climate 11

Clean Air 5

Country/Relaxed Lifestyle 2

Friendly and Safe Community 12

Geographically well positioned 4

Strong sense of community 6

Range of opportunities for community involvement 4

Safe place for children 1

Theatre/ Cinema in Town 1

Page 42

Good Shopping / businesses 3

Access to great outdoor places – parks, national parks 5

Regular events held in Tenterfield 1

Strong Sense of Historical/Heritage identity 4

No traffic lights 1

Property prices reasonable 2

Good Aged Care Facilities 4

Volunteer Organisations 3

Good Sporting Facilities 3

No McDonalds 1

Reasonable Rural Rates 2

Well maintained parks 3

Good Landscape 5

Golf Course 1

Radio Ten FM 1

Good Emergency Services 1

Excellent Library 2

Living in Tenterfield Shire – Dislikes

Lack of employment opportunities 6

Lack of specialist medical services 5

Lack of sufficient hospital facilities 4

Highway noise through most streets 2

Insufficient parking in main street 1

No full-time dentist 3

No maternity facilities 4

Page 43

Increasing crime rates 1

Heavy transport in main street 4

Lack of community vision 3

Lack of visionary leadership and collective imagination 4

Restriction in terms of goods and services 3

Lack of communication in Council/Councillors 5

Inefficient use of Council Plant & Equipment 2

Waste Management/Recycling 9

Disaster Management Plan Update 1

Poor Road Conditions 5

Limit Mining 1

Weed Control 1

Inconsistent Water Quality 3

Expansive Town Rates 2

Lack of Community/Public Transport 8

Delay in Council Approved Items 2

Dependence on Motor Car 1 Non – compliance of Boonoo Boonoo Landfill 1 Loss of Small Business – Empty Shops 1

Environmental Issues

Transgrid power lines bad for the environmental amenity 3

Recycling needs to improve and at an affordable price/Waste Management 13

Need more active street tree plantings /creeks/parks – Revegetation 2

Better maintenance needed with existing street trees to ensure their longevity

Noxious weed outbreaks since flooding/weed control 11

Landcare active and do a good job 2

Parks management plans need reviewing and improvement/revegetation 6

Page 44

Must preserve water quality in catchments 5

Control of waste facilities 4

Limit mining 6

Alternate energy schemes 2

Biodiversity needs to be managed carefully 6

Impact from climate change on agriculture, fauna and flora 3

New flood plans need to be developed 1

Education programs to encourage households to become ‘green’ – solar power, rain tanks, grey water use etc


Need to manage environmental impacts from development 5

Council needs to employ a skilled horticulturalist to professionally manage our parks and street trees


Management of the catchments 3

Landholders Responsibility 1

Wild/Feral Animal Hassle’s 3

Ageing Population 1

Dependence on Oil generally 2

Need strong Environmental Control 1

Sporting Facilities need upgrade 1

Garden Beds to be removed 2

Signage for Caravan Parking 1

Social Issues

Disabled access to properties in main street not good 1

Continued downgrading of hospital 4

No after school care and vacation care services very limits and ceases at age 13


Insufficient low income housing – silent homelessness sofa surfing 2

Page 45

Insufficient activities for youth 5

Another Wheel Chair Taxi needed 1

Keep crime low 2

Provide higher quality public education facilities particularly high school 5

Preserve heritage buildings 2

Need more aged care facilities and better planning 4

Preserve and expand public health facilities 2

Housing process 1

Disaster Management Plan Update 1

Youth anti-social behaviour 4

Lack of crisis /refuge accommodation for victims of domestic violence, homelessness


TAFE courses need to be targeted to youth needs 1

Community projects need more support from Council 2

Create musical youth initiatives and succession planning for youth leaders 1

Run down and inadequate sporting facilities 4

Greater support needed for aboriginal projects like employment initiatives, education and Family Youth and Services


Expansion of Tourism Opportunities 2

Welcome new members to community 1

Disaster Management Plan Update 2

Upgrade Airfield 5

Modernise Library 2

Employment for Youth 7

Maintaining Community Facilities 4

Improve Saleyards 1

Blood Bank Service 2

Lack of Transport facilities 3

Page 46

Road Conditions 1

Sensible Planning – Built Environment 1

Heating of Pool 1

Economic Issues

Council not seeking out all grant opportunities available for economic development initiatives


Tourism very important and needs continuing investment and focus 5

VET placements difficult to find 1

Grow wine industry opportunities 1

Establish niche industries and market them 4

More employment opportunities 7

Small business strategies need to be developed 5

Financial stability of Council 3

Development of strategies and a combined business focus from all our business community


Lack of public transport options to main centres 7

More interest from Council to develop community based programs 2

Investigate formation of Small Producers Association to encourage home industries like organics, herbs, etc


Specific economic development strategies needed for villages throughout Shire


New strategic business and tourism plan 3

Heavy Vehicle By-Pass needed 5

Council staff be better Utilized 3

Freight Depot 1

Improve Saleyards 2

Population Growth 3

Process for DA’s to Long 1

Commercial Opportunities 4

Page 47

Attract Outside Industry 3

Roads destroying Cars 2

Limit Mining 1

Infrastructure Issues

Tenterfield water supply – water is dirty, smells, tastes bad and needs improvement


Condition of roads poor 11

More cycleways needed 4

Main street pavers need maintenance 1

By-pass for heavy vehicles needed 13

Airport runway needs to be upgraded for improved emergency medical services


Mole river dam needs to be built to secure Tenterfield’s long term water supply


Better stormwater drainage 4

Main roads/bridges/water/waste water facilities 7

Maintain adequate power supplies for current and future needs – Renewable Resources


Cemeteries require better maintenance 2

Footpaths require better maintenance 2

Street trees poorly maintained 2

Plant & Equipment better utilized 3

Modernise Library 1

Improve Saleyards 1

Maintaining & Improving Hospital 4

Lack of New incentives 1

More Public Transport 1

Waste Management 3

Page 48

Need Trains 4

Speed Limits on Street 1

Ageing Population 2

Continue Sewerage System for Town 1

Boring Property Values 1

Recreational Facilities 1

Signage 1

Consider Effects before Planning Bypass Route 1

Government Leadership Issues

Better communication and consultation with community 8

Improved decision making processes and more timely responses to enquires


Better planning of needs and priorities to improve decision making 7

Councillors need to function better as a team 6

Council needs to show more leadership on big issues 6

Councillors and Senior staff need to think more strategically 3

Engendering a “can do” mentality at all levels of the community 1

Levels of service need to be improved 2

Increased opportunities for community consultation 3

Greater involvement of community through section 355 Committees 1

Better communication needed 4

Long term planning driven by community input 4

Improved Indigenous Relations 1

Young Member Forum 2

Resist Council Amalgamation 5

Reduce Councillors/Wards 3

Page 49

Policy & Procedures to be followed 2

More Time needed next time to finish survey 5

Environmental Issues arising 1

Question 8 – Feedback Condition of Roads poor/ Bridges 2

Coal Seam Gas Mining 1

Better Quality Roadside Rest areas 1

Creek Restoration 2

Draw on Positive’s Council does 2

More Walking Paths/ Cycle ways 1

Backing Dogs 1

Removal of Ugly facades 1

Sewerage Charges – Too High 1

Insufficient Time for Survey to be completed 1

Community Calendar – A must 1

Signage for Tourism 1

Too Many Wards 2

By Pass needed 1

BI-LO Car park for Employees only 1

Page 50

Appendix C

Revenue Policy

Page 51

Appendix D

Operational Plan Budgets