Our Town February 7, 1918

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town February 7, 1918






    an deather

    ( ~ J L \ w m OF JlA'I'E

    :-i \\I lEHS lliES 1 \ FJUXCE

    Donations:to OurTown

    n,MlSI}'JEn A D V E R T J S E ) r E ~ T ~

    l i"unnd-LllUndtT ( ~ l H " c h . ( > I . ( ~ h l n ( ' s ( > . Call ntP n f ' ~ t Ollief'.

    S,\U: O}' WAR SA Y J W ~ S STUll 'SAXH 'rJfJUFT STA)[J>S IX 'SAnnlo:u.TJIThe people of Xarberth 131re urg,ell10 t ak e m or e lively interest in th es al es o f War SIJiVings Stampf; an dThrift. Stamps. It is ne ce ssa ry t og l ' , ~ a ( l y increase th o sale if Xarbe!rthis to est.l1bllRh a record in this saleto equal t h o s pl end id OIies ma, le i ns al es o f L iher ty Bonds a'nd contributionfl to the> Red CI'OSS an d Thirty-fiveMlllloll Dollar Y. M. C. A. drive.

    1'01( I4AI....:--l'lt,"Jl. I CYJ ll ter R :9rooder.c:lpacity. ;5 ehtclu:; t :\faglc Brooder.Col:tpncity, :?IlO chlcltN; 1 Philo Coop, capacity,Ii lWIlN aile! rnoNtt ' r: ahm dr y mnHh feedingtrou,.;'hf-l. t ' t f ' . Al l In HrMt-cln.Rs condit ion.Can he ~ p c n at T;. C. Ande r son 's , c o r n er~ f n n l ~ o n 1 f ' I " Y a \ ' ( ' n u ~ and Essex avenue..N'a rhpl' th....OUll, 'J)-\V,,( l 'h fOh.Call a t PONt OJOce.


    W. 8. Jr.

    Pllrt 2.


    'I'WO } ; ' S ( ~ O ( T I t A m \ H U;;TTERSI enclose my check fo r renewal orsuhscI1iptiQn to Ou r TaWIl. You Willnot.e t1HI change in my addr,csf;. I t is

    fine th at o ur little paper ha s kept.r ight o n in sl}ite of so malay obstacles.E. II. B.

    The regular monthly meeting of t ho , t he a s so c il l io n with twenty -s ix tons. [ 11 ' Y l\t C A wa s held' of coal t hi s w in te r. Idirectors 0 IC . , . I General Secretary \V. G. ~ y c e rc -Monllay evening. l\lr. Charles E portell that the rooms were open New Councilmen Solve Snow; Previously Published

    Kreamer w:ti\ eleete(1 president. 8nd, t we nl y- th re e d ay s J an ua ry , w it h an Problem ' P b t' Ch h $2- 00re s y enan urc . . . . , D.:\11'. A. J. Loos, viee-president. M ~ . ' average llttendunee of sixty-six. I-l" IJ(rCJlIler continues al' elmirman of tht- stated that th e equipment of th e bOYfl' An interc, .; t ing report telling of : Women's Comlnunity Club 10.00. ' , game rooIll wal' poor, and some of the [he 11'01'1, of t he n ew B or ou gh :tig;!I-'h:;ar l! of (hrector l' i . ,. games neelled renewal of parts anrl' wa\, COIllmitlee, w as s ll hm itt ed to i Edward S. Haws. , .. ,.:lIr. Weaver, on hehalf o[ the Athle- ' repair,.;. A eoHeetion t ak en amo ng E ' . I 1 I u, I 'THE FIRESID Counell a.t t Ie m.ee t ing hell ast" 1'1 - ;Red Cross Dance Comm, r 00t i c Con l1ni t tee, presented a plan for. the d i r e d o r ~ yielded $27 for this p u ~ - . nel'day night. i ;.>,i s su ing t icket s for bowling an d pool, I pose. tl .. Cha irman WenU '.ll\([ i\lessrs. Mad-! Suffrage Club (monthly) 1.00wherehy a l'light reduction would h? Hil' .report .. ( ~ I e g ymna slUl ll . Betty Bllxter's Gossip dox anll Keim. the other tw o m em -

    1 . tl e coot o f phying alllI a street , Xorristown, P a. , l at l'T he s ol Ic it or s f or th e '1. :.\1. C. A'i lon, is Visiting he r son, Mr. \VilIiam w.ert' 1I0t 10 clea 1\ th e s no w f rom c el - 'Dr th e Lnit.ed States Army B a n k ~ l l gThursday Evening at Elm Hal l, haye bee n haY ing such encouragill,.\ 1H.. P ar ke r, E ss ex a nd Merion ave , lar doorl'. all(I i f h, ' r ea so n of the. Department. (liell of searlet fever in

    ___ res-uIts in the ir eanvass , while at th e nul's. .snow t .he y ( 'o ul ll 1I0t ge t. th e ashes,: Iq'.lnee 011 Janna ..y :!2.' .. C t I ),' W ri gh t wi ll g iy e same time th e weat.hel' ha s proved1 t h e ~ - wen! to i nform the r es id en t.I to ' He was t he s on of George K. AII-"ltss ,1'1' flU I' ,. ' '1'1' '" I t l I r G'I . 11 . I I . 'I' I II ' '1'1 '11" evenin" I l' I t tl . I Ie . ,ar lei I -,ome uall s a that eITe.l'! mu l J,paye them ulltll lIext I l'rl'. Ireasurer 01 .,onigolllery COUII-he r re('ita Ill' lUI'''' 'J ' ,,, suc I a lllH rance 0 11'11' progress, . I I '1 1 II I" : . . ., "1 - 'I k I'll Elm I I' 1 t . d t tl wOllllertng 11'11'11 t ICy WI I JC ('a et \\'('ek" Ir . Who ('ommltted SUICIde three weelil'I F'ehrual'\' 7) at ". " 0 e 0

    Miss Ruth Prescott, of Essex a v ~ - 1lIfieate in 1923 is $100. Shoul

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town February 7, 1918


    NARHER'rH, l>A.-OUR TOWN--FEHRUA.RY 7. 1 ~ 1 8


    Ot course, wedeliver - anyp I ac e - anytime,




    I ~ ( ' O . " t : 'J'AX IXSTIWCTOHS

    ON AND AFTERNOVEMBER 1sl, 1917Al l Coal andWood ChargeAccountswill be DiscontinuedThis rule will be strictly enforced.C. p , COOK, Narberlh

    A fool and his money are soon parted, b ut i t i s di fferent with 'lL l az y manI and a shady spot.


    (Cont inued [ rom First Page)



    The Brightest Spot in NarberthA drug store in themost modern sense of the term

    United S ta te s War Saving Certific

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town February 7, 1918


    ._ - -NAI1BERTH, PA.-OUR T O W N - F E B I ~ U A R Y 7. i9iS ." . __ - . .. .. . . . a ..,.



    Fo r Bent and Sal,Fi re InsuranceBell rhone B69 W.

    \V.all BnlldJng. Narberth. ra.

    H. C. FRITSCHP"perUes

    nOAIW Of

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town February 7, 1918


    NAH,BEI{'llIl, PA - ( ,DB T O W . N - F E B R U A l ~ Y 7,1918


    ~ O T H ' E

    J[An AUTISTSEvening 8 o)clock.

    The above department should be of th ..~ r e n t e 8 t \lse to t h e communi t y , th e Itst contaln!! th e name o f e v er y p ro fe ss io n al man.tradesman, mechanic, shopkeeper, etc.. WhO'doeo or cn n In an y "t\"ay !lerve h is t el low 4townsman, an d wh o 18 p rogr e ss i v e enougbto add name to IIs t of Reg is te r.A. It la dl mcu lt f or th oae .contrlbutln"their time and efforts to the production 01'"Our T own " to per80nally either knoW' ort ll ter vl ew a ll au ch , I t w oul d be mo.t helpfill If t ho se tlot now f oun d In t he p rl nt e"l is t wou ld send In a memo of their no.mew.nddre88, phone numbers an d busineeses orprofesstonB for listing. ThlB w lU cost ae follow.: 10 c el lt s e ach I .sue for 2 tine.; 5 centwf or e ac h a dd it io na l ti ne.

    V r l ~ t . I ' ~ r n l l h : Phone, G44-1Y.See dit-lplay ud't>rl1,!'lement. In~ I I L I {Scntt-Po\\"C'1I nalrleM. Phone, r r e ~ t ( ) r i ~ 3 9 b ,

    ~ e dtspla:r nd\ 'crt lsenwnt 1n thl:! ISlI I l le.~ I O U l ' t ; A f l ) < ; S

    ShUI)!"on. I J a . n l ~ C. :!a2 E ~ s ( ' x a \'e.Phone , ,.ati, or 14:.!O Ches tnu t et.~ I U S I CCowin, T . S tu ar t. P la no 'l'paclH'r.

    ~ O ( i ~ I p . r i o n nVe. PI-.one, :- ' ;arberth :H j R .l.noH, 1 ' ~ l l n n , ' II. Plano ' reacher an d Accompanisl . 417 Haverford ave, Phone. 3J6 ..J.Studio, :"0. ,: Areatle Hhlg- . ::"arhenh.""Iwchwk . Kn thu r Jn( I . teacher o f p ia no ..406 S. 1 ' :a r be r th a ve . Phone, : ' S I - ~ t: S O T A I t ~ rU l luc 'Jt.f1"I.rltH. J. II. II I :-\arberth ave.Phone. tili6-M.T,)'Non, " 'urreu U. ~ O 'Voodblnc a V".Phone, 1 ~ 0 2 - ", ' .OI'TICIA:--SF.-uton. Curl I .. [lOti Essex ave. Phone, f , 3 ~ " W .Phlla. atldrps8. 180r. Chest.nut et.I'AINTER!SColt'. Jl l In t H n..,246 Haverford nve. Phone. 1225.1,\\ . G. C;unlUltr. Phone, 1 ~ - t ; 2 'V ." ' ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ I ~ ; : ~ : d : H I ave., Xarber th .

    117 'Vlnsor ave. Phone. 1247-J.1',\I')arherth Building anI!Times. dillicuH word as eagerly as an en - !Loan AssoeiatiO';r, to nominate o i n c c r ~'. .____ rhusias t l l o e ~ 011 a scan'c anll elusive: uncI eli rectors for the , ~ n R u i n g ~ , e ; l l ' .

    . 'U'I'EH:\AL )'A'I'HIO'I'HOI . iJutterfl)'. ! w il l h e held Thurscla). February 7 , af.- - ~ - - ... - - - - - - ~ . _ - I!J P. :\1., jn Elm Hall.Ever notice that when \ 'ou ar e on 'I'hOIllIl!' f. '1'rotfpr, Jr ..

    ti me t he other par ty is h ~ t e ? Secreta]') '.


    During the ( ~ a m p a i g n of 1777, a solelier of the ] ~ i f t . y - l i f t h Hegimcnt wa ssitting \'/ilh hi s wife ,It hreakfast, ~ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;when a homh entered th e tellt ;lnll: rfell bet ween the tahle an d a hellwhe re t he ir infant was s le ep i ng .

    Th e J 1 ! o t h , ~ r urgell h er h us ba nd toge) round th e homh an d seize th e child,his llress b ei ng , f ro m t he position oft hi ng s mor e f av or ah le than hers for I ,\CCOU:-;T,\:STSth e prosP()lItion of t.he ,Iangerous task; I{e;m, I I. C. Cerllll,>(1 puhlle Aecountant.hut. he l ' f u ~ J 2 d , an d running. ou t of th e ~ ' ) ~ Du,lIey ~ ~ ~ " I ~ ' i ~ i ~ ~ ' I : - i i . ~ , r l J l ' r t h 300-W.ten I. b eg ged h is wife t o fol l ow. s a ~ ' i n g c