Our Town September 12, 1918

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town September 12, 1918



    ***********************************NARBERTH'S PATRIOTIC FETEIN NARBROOK PARK

    September 27 and 28, 1918Afternoon and Evening Open Air Theatre

    75% to War Relief Funds25% to Civic Association100% Net Credit to Narberth

    ~ R e m e m b e r the Civic Association Meeting, Y. M. C. A. Building Next Friday Evening,/3, /9/8, at 8 o'Clock Sharp. Read Partial Details as Far as at Present Prepared.Aid by Further Suggestion. Everybody in Narberth is Invited.

    SeptemberCome andfll PATRIOTIC FETE-Plans are unfolding. See Commillee Lineup. Every person in Narberth is a Member of the Ovic Association. Therefore, YOU areinvited and expected to be present at meeting Friday evening of this week. General Chairman, JOSEPH H. NASH. Res. /46 Merion Ave. Phone Narberth 675 ' ~ 1 '

    ** * ************* * * * ** * **** * *1* * *** * *'(I)'HT'W OF ( O J W ( : ~ J ) S 1II111 AllIs' 1"(0)) ( ' O ~ S E H r . \ ' I ' I O ~io r l I a h ~ ' autl ('ostUJ1IC Par;ulcs I ~ I r s , A, B, Itoss.\11', Hi\! all,l th e ).:arberth Home:Guards : (;.UI ES

    lUI\ , ('IIE('I\'S

    If it rains (lU Friclar. 1II1ll Satm.Ilay-,llllth l lays-the I'etl' wiII hehl'111 (In S l l ( ' r l ' l ' d i l l ~ ' I'rillay 1II111Satnl'dar, Or/ulwr 1 aliI] ii.I i it rains nil FI'iday, Sel.telllhPr

    :?i, til(' FIlt' will I l l ' heM 011 SatllL'day. S l 'pl l 'mbn . : ! ~ . Itnll Jrondar,SI'llh'lI1 bl'l' :W.If it raills Oil Satul'day. Sl'lltcm.

    bl'l' :!s. t hI' F l ' t ( ~ will ho helll OILFriliay. SI'Jlh'mhI'L' :!i, :III(] }[Ull.( I a ~ . ~ 1 ' J l t l ' J n h ( ' I ' :w.

    I I ( I ' ( ' ~ a ('hau('(' Fo r ~ a l ' b l ' L ' t h Buysancl W r l ~ 1(1 Fill Tlwh ThL'iit

    StamJl ('ar'lls

    with I There aI''' s event l o rg an iz a ti on s'which ~ I I ' . ).:ash, ehairmun of th e) .: ar he rt h F et e, has not yet heard1"1'0111, Thl'il' ollieers ~ h o l l i d report tohim Pl'ollJptly 1"01' hooth ;'!mee all 11have rep resenta t ives a t teu l! t he meet.inl-': next 1"l'i,lay evenillg at 8.1;; i n t he"I, ~ r (': A, lluillling, thereby a,ssuring' th e larg,est contrihution possihleto th e ,; ; pel' "eut, Wa r Relief Fund"1111 ~ ; pel' ceut. Civil ' Assoc!a t io n f orits current nee tl s t o cont iuue the issning' of "OUI' Town" aul! assistCouul'i1s in ('ontinuing l"i\'ie im-p I ' ( I \ p n l t ' l 1 t ~ .

    Basell Oil tlte manner in whi eh t heI'al'u:ty :lIHl pnpils re("eiy..d the remarks of ~ l l ' s , James I"ootc on :\Iund:lY morning, durilli:' a s s e m h l ~ ' exer('iSl'S, t lIP sUI'("ess of th e eoming"patriol i[' parade" is , dr ea dy a ss ur I'd. .-\11 per,-ons wishing to co-operat e \\"itll till' cOlllmiltcl', toward makil:g litis parade all altral'tiv'! 0111', tot I l l ' eXI('JIl of offel'il1g wltat('ver )':ATIO,'\A! .. ['ostllllll'S, rlags or drapel' iesIIt!'y llIa. ' ha\'(', \\"ill killdly g,'1. ill. toUl'11 \ \' it h the ll 1, " \l 1y tl ti ll l' ; of this, l " ! l a l ' : I " l l ~ r 1

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town September 12, 1918



    Ot course, wedeliver - anyp I a c e - anytime.




    John' Barrymore

    T. STUART COWIN94 sweaters ,] 11 p a, ir s of s o c k ~ .1 muffler.

    Office Stationery

    MAI X I 'n on tJ CT lO :l O S TAHl 'S A S 1'iEAIt"S j'OSSJULJo; ]' 0 W.J;; A. ~ l . , I ~ , O O , 2.00,3.40, 0:J5, 7 .4 5, 0 .3 0 P. ~ ' l .


    "ON THE QUIET"A Paramount Picture

    Hell C ro ss w or k rOOlll in th e Y. :11C. , \. o pe n eVl'ry rIay frolll.!l until ii.pxc'ept Sa turdays atlll Sunllays. a Is('o!1 l'n :\Ionday nights.

    a pupil of th e hl 'st t": lc 'h(' rs in Phila r ll ' Jph ia . w i ., hes to a nn ou nce th eopenin,p, or hi s SC\()::th s ea so n a s amusic- t(':I

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town September 12, 1918


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town September 12, 1918




    1'11'('11(,1' W. Stitl's.B.\BY ".\IUm:




    Narberth's First HeroFighting in France

    T he h ah ,' p ar ad c will he (l!l Sat\1r; will re view them 11Jlll llist r ib ut e t hl ' p ri ze s.The commit tee : :\Irs. C. T. lIIonre.chairman: :'Ifrs. G. :\1. Coleswol'thr, :'III'S.RanII'll Hunt, :\Irs, Edwin ~ TOWll,:'I1iss Jeanette Turner.--------_. - - - - - - - - - -

    OCEAS CITY FUItXISIIED COTTAGE FOR SALE CIIEAI'-Wllhln few' teet ot ocean.threp ~ t o r l e R . h n ~ p n l e n t t tl."n room"" hath,e l "r tr l c l ig h t. vif'w of ocean from everyroom. Inl'g 'f ' P0JC]HA. PI' i (' (" . $3500. ~ m n t ll I m n u n t or ( ' t u ~ h I"('q u lt'p l l fl"0111 quick buyer.Dox 16-1. .

    FOR ItEXT-Prl"H(p goa rage. Central ly located. Rpace for two cars. CaptainShl,ler. Phone, ""rherth GS4-,T.


    Betty Baxter's Gosslll

    (Additional Fireside 011 Page 2)

    James Egan. of Grayling avenue.h as , re tu rn ed from S he ll er I sl an d.:'lIe.. where he spen t pa rt of the SUIllmer.

    1\11. and Mrs. Vincent Cunn inghamand their two sma l l s on s, of Dudle\'avenue. have returned from a stay i;:Ocean City, N. J,

    R1egistration of all men f rom 18 to 45 (both inclusive),except those pr,eviously registered, will take place on ThursBu t just th e s al li e we r eg re t ta day, September 12, from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M., at the Narhet'th,learn that du ring ou r abs en ce PonceiBurkhardt, suffering from an enforced Fire House, 105 Forrest avenu'e.

    change of di et from "first-page-next- CHAS. V. NOEL,to-reading-matter" publicitv everv' Chief Registrar.week t o utter obliVion, lost 6Vt pound;, i NARBERTH BOROUGH PRECINCT : Regis tra tio nHowever, we ar e glad to announce I H dthat Ponee a nd h is a ll -w in te r t ea m- ' ea quarters, Elm Hall (Fire House), Narberth, Pennsyl-mate and Christmas Day ChamPion: va?ia. Chief Registrar , Charles V. Noel. Assistants, HoracePerry Redifer, h ave s ecured , at very FrItsch, .James C. Foote, William .J. Kirkpah'iclc, Raymond C.low ra tes, a consignment of dis-carded wool-lined aviation jackets .Jones, 'William C. Clag'horne, .John A. Miller, Charles Verna,i with ea r muffs an d pUlse warme rs a t - George B. Supplee, Fred Walzer, Thomas C. Trotter, HarryI t ached, and ar e ready to receive ap - B. Wall.IPli,cat ions for membership in t he A ll -/: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; .. WlI lt er T en ni s Aux il ia ry whi ch w il l. pia)' it s open in g g ames on th e firsts nowy day after t he fou rt h Saturday THE FIRESIDEafter th e second f ul l moon in Xovem'bel'.Fo r th e score by point report oflast Saturday's final match in tbe

    singles championship, we ar e indebted,t o President an d Referee W. n. D.Bill Hall.

    Matches.in th'eand

    Pts. Gms.20 232 636 544 754 656 8

    T u t n l t ~ -P hl ll (' r J ii rl "l lfPhll l . 'rt!oot '.!nd : ll 'd

    SCORE BY POINTS-FINAL SINGLESFirst SetPhil le r " 1 4 4 3 3 1 4 0Kirkpatrick ", 4 2 6 5 5 4 2 4Second Set -Philler , . .. , ,. " 4 4 5 0 2 7 2 6 2 4 0 0Kirkpatrick .. , " .6 0 3 4 4 5 4 4 4 2 4 4Third SetPhiller ., ,4 5 1 5 9 4 4 7 2 4 2 4 2 1Kirkpatrick , 2 3 4 3 11 2 6 9 4 0 4 0 4 4Placements , 6 3 10 i 10 14 18 i 19 I 42Service Ac-es, 0 0 1 I 1 0 0 I---:C-r--C-Net - . - . ~ - , - .. ~ , : - , - - . - ~ 6 iT-15!-ITJ':-217-1 32 I 40Out . ~ - : - ~ - . - .- . ~ 3 - i 4 - - 1 3 - 1 - - - 5 - - - Y . r - 2 2 1 40-1- 41Double Faults . . . . ,O 5 10 I 0 7 4 I 15 I 11

    Fast Playing of Two Contestants-Other GoodEverybody Out This Saturday to See the FinalsDoubles Between Messrs. Shaw and WarwickMessrs. Ross and .Just ice

    Kirkpatrick Wins the Singles Championship' I~ n n u a l tournament s t ~ , r t s , a l ~ d leave!, It to the well -known BIll & Bil l X ew s IBig Doubles Match to be Played This Saturday B ~ l r e a u .to report th e tennis c l a s s ~ c01 th e year. Well, p e rh ap s s ueh ISfame, after all!Philler Puts Up a Hard Fight in Three-Set Contest-Fans Enjoy

    The g r ea t c on fl ic t r ag ing' on th eI fields of FlanderSi and P i < : a r d ~ ' was'f one o f t ho se aer ia l le tte r carriers J -hal! happened to pass over th e courtl:: b.rought vel'y elo sc to th e pt>ople of

    William . J. KiT I{pa tr ic l{ , hetter on Hef er ee Ha ll 's s co re sheet, and to last S atur day and ha d lool{ed down :-:arbe;tll .whien worl! callie to th e]mown asc Bill Kirkpatriek, allli re- the p ub li e i n gene ra l t hat they will d ur in g t he big matCh, he certainly ~ ~ : : ; : ~ ~ a n O l t h a ; i ~ ~ t ~ : ~ ~ ; ~ t m e ~ ~ ~ ~ I ( ~ l e a ~ ) I I 'memhered by al l "the o lder rcsidents" miss a rattling g oo d g all Ie o f tennis wou ld h av e concluded that he wa s fiIght ing bravely at th e head of hi"of the borough who were living in if they s ta y a wa y from the courts away o tT .hiS eourSe and wa s flYing, k eompany . Shor tl y after wa r wa s de -ou r midst at th e time of th e Xarb er t h t hi s Sa tu rday afternoon. over t he World's Series game-judging :\fa 'e Pershing Day a hanner day, IHis to ri ca l Pageant , as th e realet . ,from t he n umbe r of o f f i c i a l ~ officiat- eared Lieutenant Speakman en li s tedJIIX('11 Houbles lUlIl , romen's ] [n tches ' . , ' . ,. in th e :\ledieal C or ps a nd went toIndian seen in these parts s in ce t he i Ing. I' or t he r e was Refer ee Bill Hall TJlere i on e gold star on tJ:le honor C(lays of William Penn - , Last. S a t u r d a ~ a ls o s aw th e o pe n- p er ch ed u p on th e "reviewing stand." J1'011 in the post office. , amp Hanco ek . Eager and w i l l i n ~Wel l, i n brief, Bill e am e b ac k into'!I lg of th e mixed doubles tourna- WaI te r S haw wat ch in g t he s ou th line I in t he d is cha rge of h is d ut ie s h

    his OWI1 l as t S a tu rday a f te rnoon and lllent and some very good t enn is. Two an d Tho rny Grug an and Jim D o n n e l l ~ I E 't showed a l lI ar l( ed a pti tU de a nd w aswon the singles ehampionship in the: m at eh es w er e pla ye d, e ac h g oi ng t o w at ch in g t he north line . If' x ra help on hand at t he p os t- soon made a sergeant. Tho" gravitY'annual t ~ u r n a m e n t of t he Xar be rt !: , t hr ee sets; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. \Var- . 0 lee on Pershing Day. of th e great i ss ue s i nv ol ve d i n th'eTennis Association on th e cou.rts at ; wick winni ng ove r 1\11'. anll M rs . AI - Th e fol lowing comll l it tee ha s been war weighel l upon his hean and her:lmwood and E ss ex avenu es . ; frell :\1 ill er Watts, and Mrs. A. T. selected to represent th e Tennis Assll- sliss Mazie Simpson was a week- wrot e to h is mother that he (;ould notsIr . lUr]{patrick was o pp os ed b y H. i Grugan an d Mr. R. Ros s d ef ea ti ng c ia ti on o f t he Xarber th Pa trio t ic Fe te : end v is it or at Ocean City. he sa'tisfied until he had been tralH;-L. Philler, who h ad f ou gh t his way :'III'S. W. I. Dothard an d Mr. H, B, .T. C. McKell, chai rman; Henry Loos fer red in to an active comlJatant hranch

    up to the f in al e hy defea t ing severa l Loos. O the r m atc he s in the mixed, :'Inlier Burkhardt , Hober t E. Pattison, Remembe r Gen er al Pershing on of t he s er vic e w he re he could feelof th e llest players in the associatiou. douhles ar e b ei ng p la ye d t hi s week" A, Ill. \Vatts. an d A. T. Grugan a nd F ri da y. Buy Wa r Stamps. that he was p er so na ll y fighting forIn the condud' ing match :\11'. Phi ll er a nd the s.emi-finals w il l p ro ba bl y h e W. R. D. Hall. ex-officio. representing h is i deal s. A c , ~ o r d i n g l Y , he secure,1pla)'ed a h ard, d et e rm in ed g ame, c a r- playell tIllS Saturday. th e BoaI'll of Directo, rs. a transfer to the in fan t r) ' an d becamerving cach of the last two sets to T he women 's s in gl es a nd doubles i Did anyone see an y automohiles