Parts 750.1 and 750.3 - Sept 201

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  • 7/30/2019 Parts 750.1 and 750.3 - Sept 201


    /29/12 Proposed Express Terms 6 NYCRR Parts 750.1 and 750.3 - NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation

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    Proposed Express Terms 6NYCRR Parts 750.1 and 750.3Obtaining A SPDES Permit and High-Volume Hydro Fracturing (HVHF)

    Please note: underlines contained in the text of the express termsdenote new material. Brackets [ ] indicate material to be deleted.

    Subdivisions (a) and (b) of Section 750-1.1 are revised and a

    new subdivision (g) is added to read as follows:

    (a) New York State has a State program that has been approved by

    the United States Environmental Protection Agency for the control of

    wastewater and stormwater discharges in accordance with the

    Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq. ) (Clean

    Water Act or act). Under New York State law the p rogram is known as

    the State Po llutant Disch arge Elimination System (SPDES) and is

    broader in scope than that required by the act in that it c ontrols point

    source discharges to groundwaters as well as surface waters. New

    York law also authorizes other broad protections for gro und and

    surface waters beyond those authorized by the act.

    (b) The regulations in this Part prescribe procedures and substantive

    rules concerning the SPDES program as well as non-SPDES water

    quality protections as set forth in the statutory authority for this Part.

    The SPDES program does not apply to:

    (1) Indian activities on Indian lands under the jurisdiction of the

    United States, or

    (2) those discharges that are deemed prohibited by section 17-

    0807 of the ECL, or sections 750-1.4 and 750-3.4 of this Subpart.

    (g) High-volume hydraulic fracturing (HVHF) operations, as defined in

    Section 750-3.2, require a SPDES permit in accordance with

    Subparts 750-1, 750-2, as well as additional provisions in Subpart

    750-3. Provisions applicable to issued HVHF activities are set forth in

    Subpart 750-1, 750-2 as well as Sub-Part 750-3.[email protected]
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    Subparagraph (iv) of Section 750-1.5(a)(6) is amended to read as


    (iv) injection into the well is approved by the EPA, if applicable, in

    accordance with 40 CFR Parts 124.10, 144 and 146 (see section

    750-1.24 of this Part).

    A new Subpart 750-3 of 6 NYCRR is adopted to read as follows

    Subpart 750-3: High-Volume Hydro Fracturing (HVHF)(Statutory authority: Environmental Conservation Law, art. 3, titles 1,

    3; art. 15, titles 3, 31; art. 17, titles 3, 5, 7, 8; arts. 21, 70, title 1; art.

    71, title 19; New York State Penal Code, arts. 175, 210; Public Health

    Law, section 502; Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 33 USC 1251,

    et seq. )

    750-3.1 Scope and purpose

    This Subpart shall have the same purpose as set forth in section 750-

    1.1. This Subpart applies to all activities and discharges associated

    with all phases of high-volume hydraulic fracturing (HVHF) operations.

    750-3.2 Definitions

    (a) The definitions in this section are in addition to those listed in

    section 750-1.2. Terms not defined herein shall be as defined by the

    context in which they are used.

    (b) Whenever used in this Part, the following terms will have the

    meanings set forth below:

    (1) Access road means a road constructed to the wellsite that

    provides access during the drilling and operation of the well.

    (2) Chemical Additive means a product composed of one or more

    chemical constituents that are added to a primary carrier fluid to

    modify its properties in order to form hydraulic fracturing fluid.

    (3) Aquifer means a zone of permeable, water-saturated material

    below the surface of the earth capable of producing usable

    quantities of water.

    (4) Berm means a structure meant to contain fluids within a defined


    (5) BTEX is the term used for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and

    xylene-volatile aromatic compounds typically found in petroleum

    product, such as gasoline and diesel fuel.

    (6) BUD means a Beneficial Use Determination issued by

    NYSDEC's Division of Materials Management in accordance with 6

    NYCRR 360-1.15.

    (7) CAS Number means the Chemicals Abstract Service number,

    assigned by Chemical Abstracts Service, which is part of the

    American Chemical Society.

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    (8) Casing means steel pipe placed in a well.

    (9) Chemical constituent means a discrete chemical with its own

    specific name or identity, such as a CAS Number, which is

    contained within an additive product.

    (10) Closed loop drilling system means a pitless drilling system

    where all drilling fluids and cuttings are contained at the surface

    within piping, separation equipment and tanks.

    (11) Comprehensive Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan

    (SWPPP) means the combined Construction SWPPP and HVHF


    (12) Construction phase means the construction of access roads,

    wellpad, and other appurtenances.

    (13) Construction SWPPP means the stand alone stormwater

    pollution prevention plan that includes best management practices

    and other requirements to control the pollution of stormwater during

    construction and post-construction.

    (14) Cuttings or samples means chips of rock cut by the drill bit and

    brought to the surface by the drilling fluid. They indicate to the

    wellsite workers what kind of rocks are being penetrated and can

    also indicate the presence of oil or gas.

    (15) Drilling fluid means mud, water, or air pumped down the drill

    string which acts as a lubricant for the bit and is used to carry rock

    cuttings back up the wellbore. It is also used for pressure control in

    the wellbore.

    (16) Final stabilization means all soil disturbance activities haveceased and a uniform, perennial vegetative cover with a density of

    eighty (80) percent has been established or other equivalent

    stabilization measures.

    (17) Floodplain means the 100-year floodplain as defined by the

    Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

    (18) Flowback means liquids and solids produced during initial

    completion and clean up of the well or clean up of a well following

    re-fracture or work over of a well.

    (19) Formation fluids means fluids in a liquid or gaseous physical

    state, present within the pore spaces, fractures, faults, caverns, or

    any other spaces of formations, whether or not naturally occurring

    or injected therein.

    (20) Freeboard means the height above the recorded high-water

    mark of a structure designed to hold water. In the case of pits,

    freeboard is the extra depth left unused to prevent any chance of


    (21) Geomembrane means the polymeric membrane (flexible

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    membrane) that is manufactured to be essentially impermeable

    and is used to build containment pits.

    (22) High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing (HVHF) means hydraulic

    fracturing using greater than 300,000 gallons of water cumulatively

    in the HVHF Phase.

    (23) High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing Phase (HVHF Phase)

    means 1) the phase between the construction project completion

    and the Production Phase; and 2) any subsequent restimulation

    event. This includes well drilling, high-volume hydraulic fracturing,

    well stimulation and on-site handling and treatment of return flow.

    (24) High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing Operations (HVHF

    Operations) means: (i) Construction Phase; (ii) HVHF Phase; and

    (iii) the Production Phase.

    (25) HVHF general permit means a SPDES permit issued pursuant

    to section 750-3.21 of this Part.

    (26) HVHF SPDES permit means an individual or general SPDES

    permit for HVHF activities.

    (27) HVHF SWPPP means the stormwater pollution prevention plan

    required by a SPDES permit that includes structural and non-

    structural best management practices and other requirements to

    control the pollution of stormwater during the HVHF Phase and the

    Production Phase.

    (28) High-density polyethylene (HDPE) means a polyethylene

    plastic that is resistant to most chemicals, insoluble in organic

    solvents, and has high impact and tensile strength.

    (29) Horizontal drilling means the deviation of the borehole from

    vertical so that the borehole penetrates a productive formation in a

    manner parallel to the formation.

    (30) Hydraulic fracturing means the pumping of a fluid with proppant

    to create and maintain fractures as a stimulation method to

    increase productivity but shall not include work over operations.

    (31) Hydrocarbon development means the activity associated with

    the siting, drilling, casing, cementing, stimulation and completion of

    wells, including but not limited to unconventional natural gasdevelopment wells, undertaken for the purpose of extraction of

    liquid or gaseous hydrocarbon from geologic formations.

    (32) Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) means the

    radioactivity that can exist naturally in native materials, like some

    shales, and may be present in certain wastes from a well.

    (33) Operational control means authorization to make management

    decisions governing the HVHF operations.

    (34) Owner/Operator means the person, persons or legal entity

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    which owns or leases the property on which the HVHF operations

    are occurring; and/or an entity that has operational control over the

    HVHF operations, including the ability to make modifications to the

    operations and authorization to make management decisions to

    assure long-term environmental compliance with environmental

    laws and regulations.

    (35) Partial site reclamation has occurred after all planned wells at

    the well pad have been completed and a Department inspector verifies that the drilling/fracturing equipment has been removed; pits

    used for those operations have been reclaimed and surface

    disturbances not associated with production activities have been

    scarified or ripped to alleviate compaction prior to replacement of

    topsoil. Reclaimed areas must be seeded and mulched after topsoil

    replacement and vegetative cover reestablished that will ultimately

    return the site to pre-construction conditions.

    (36) Plugged and abandoned (plug and abandon) means to

    permanently close a well with cement plugs.

    (37) Primary/Principal aquifers -

    (i) Primary aquifers are highly productive aquifers presently being

    utilized as sources of water supply by major municipal water

    supply systems.

    (ii)Principal aquifers are aquifers known to be highly productive or

    whose geology suggests abundant potential water supply, but

    which are not intensively used as sources of water supply by

    major municipal systems at the present time.

    (38) Product means a material a hydraulic fracturing fluid that ismanufactured using precise amounts of specific chemical

    constituents and is assigned a commercial name under which the

    material is sold or utilized.

    (39) Production brine or produced water means liquids co-

    produced during oil and gas production.

    (40) Production casing means casing set above or through the

    producing zone through which the well produces.

    (41) Production phase means the phase after the HVHF Phase

    through termination of coverage under the HVHF general permit.

    This phase begins when the HVHF phase has been completed for

    all wells planned for that well pad and partial site reclamation has

    been completed.

    (42) Proppant means a granular substance (sand grains, aluminum

    pellets, or other materials) that is carried in suspension by the

    fracturing fluid and that serves to keep the cracks open when

    fracturing fluid is withdrawn after a fracture treatment.

    (43) Reclaimed/Reclamation means the rehabilitation of a disturbed

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    area to make it acceptable for designated uses. This normally

    involves regrading, replacement of topsoil, re-vegetation, and other

    work necessary to restore the site to pre-construction conditions.

    (44) Reserve pit means a mud pit in which a supply of drilling fluid

    has been stored, or a waste pit, usually an excavated pit. It may be

    lined to prevent soil contamination.

    (45) Reservoir means a waterbody designated for use as a

    dedicated public water supply and is classified as A or AA in its

    entirety, per 6 NYCRR Parts 800-941.

    (46) Stimulation means the act of increasing a well's productivity by

    artificial means such as hydraulic fracturing, acidizing, and


    (47) Storage means the holding of a material, container or

    equipment at a site, not including the amount of material brought to

    the site for immediate use.

    (48) TDS means Total Dissolved Solids.

    (49) Unfiltered surface water supplies means those public water

    supplies that the USEPA and New York State Department of Health

    have determined meet the requirements of the "Interim Enhanced

    Surface Water Treatment Rule" (IESWT Rule) for unfiltered water

    supply systems. The IESWT Rule is a December 16, 1998

    amendment to the Surface Water Treatment Rule that was

    originally promulgated by EPA on June 29, 1989. In New York State,

    this includes the New York City Drinking Water Supply Watershed

    and the Skaneateles Drinking Water Supply Watershed.

    (50) Watershed means an area of land that drains into a body of

    water, such as a river, lake, reservoir, estuary, sea or ocean.

    (51) Well pad means the area directly disturbed during drilling and

    operation of a gas well.

    (52) Well Site means the well pad and access roads, equipment

    storage and staging areas, vehicle turnarounds, and any other

    areas directly or indirectly impacted by activities involving a well.

    (53) Wellbore means a borehole; the hole drilled by the bit. A

    wellbore may have casing in it or it may be open (uncased); or partof it may be cased, and part of it may be open.

    (54) Wellhead means the equipment installed on the wellbore at the

    ground surface. A wellhead includes such equipment as the casing

    head and tubing head.

    (55) Work Over means any down hole operation in an existing well

    that is designed to sustain, restore or increase efficiency, make the

    well safer, or correct a known or potential environmental hazard.

    750-3.3 Prohibited Activities and Discharges

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    (a) The prohibitions in this section are in addition to those listed in

    section 750-1.3. The following HVHF activities and discharges are

    hereby prohibited, and no SPDES permit shall be issued authorizing

    any such activity or discharge. All distances noted below are

    measured from the closest edge of the HVHF well pad to provide a

    margin of safety.

    (b) HVHF operations on the ground surface are prohibited in the

    following areas:

    (1) within 4,000 feet of, and including the, unfiltered surface water

    supply watersheds;

    (2) within 500 feet of, and including, a primary aquifer;

    (3) within 100-year floodplains; and

    (4) within 2,000 feet of any public (municipal or otherwise) water

    supply, including wells, reservoirs, natural lakes or man-made

    impoundments, and river or stream intakes.

    750-3.4 Requirement to obtain a permit(a) The requirements in this section are in addition to those listed in

    section 750-1.4.

    (b) The owner or operator of an HVHF well shall submit an approvable

    application for an HVHF SPDES permit or a notification to obtain

    coverage under a general SPDES permit for HVHF operations to the

    Department. To be approvable, the application must include the

    following certifications, documentation, or where noted an alternative

    plan approvable by the Department that is equally protective of water


    (1) Documentation from a legally permissible disposal facility that

    available capacity exists for the disposal of the projected amount of

    flowback fluid and production brine over the life of the well, and/or

    identification and certification of available capacity for alternative

    disposal locations;

    (2) Certification that closed loop drilling will be used or an

    approvable alternative plan that will ensure there will be no

    significant adverse water quality impacts related to the disposal of

    pyrite-rich Marcellus Shale cuttings if an on-site pit is approved bythe Department;

    (3) Certification that HVHF flowback fluids will not be directed to or

    stored in a pit or impoundment;

    (4) Certification that with respect to on-site pits:

    (i) such pits will be used solely for fresh water and cuttings that

    result from drilling conducted with air or fresh water,

    (ii) for single pits a volume of 250,000 gallons will not be

    exceeded and for multiple pits on one tract or related tracts of

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    land a total volume of all pits will not exceed 500,000 gallons,

    (iii) to the extent pits are constructed in unconsolidated materials,

    beveled walls (45 degrees or less) must be utilized,

    (iv) the sidewalls and bottoms of pits are free of objects capable

    of puncturing or ripping the liner,

    (v) there is sufficient slack in the liner used in such pits to

    accommodate stretching,

    (vi) such pit liners have a minimum 30-mil thickness,

    (vii) such pit liners are installed and seamed in accordance with

    the manufacturer's specifications, and

    (viii) pits are constructed, coated, or lined with materials that are

    chemically compatible with the substance stored and the


    (5) Certification that all waste fluids will be removed from the

    wellpad and associated storage areas adjacent to the wellpad no

    more than 45 days after stimulation of each well unless otherwise

    approved by the Department as part of a recycling plan;

    (6) Unless an alternative plan is approved by the Department,

    certification that HVHF operations will be conducted only where the

    top of the fracture zone at all points along the proposed length of

    the wellbore is greater than both 2,000 feet below the surface and

    1,000 feet below the base of fresh groundwater;

    (7) Appropriate documentation showing that an evaluation of

    available alternative chemical additive products has been

    conducted.The evaluation must be written and provided to the

    Department. At minimum, the evaluation must be in conformance

    with 750-3.11(e)(1)(i); and

    (8) Certification that the applicant will utilize chemical additive

    products that are efficacious exhibit reduced aquatic toxicity, and

    pose less risk to water resources and the environment or, as an

    alternative, documentation to the Department's satisfaction that the

    available alternative products are not equally effective or feasible.

    750-3.5 Exceptions

    (a) The regulations in this section are in addition to those listed in

    section 750-1.5.

    (b) The Department's determination under Section 750-1.5(a)(6)(ii)

    that groundwater or surface water quality will not be degraded shall be

    based in part upon the certifications submitted in compliance with and

    pursuant to section 750-3.4. The Department may change any

    previously-issued determination in the event that the permittee fails to

    implement any measure described in the certifications submitted in

    compliance with 750-3.5.

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    750-3.6 Applications to obtain individual HVHF SPDESpermits

    The requirements in this section are in addition to those listed in

    section 750-1.6.

    (a) Prior to obtaining an HVHF SPDES permit, an owner or operator

    must first develop a Comprehensive SWPPP, which includes both

    the Construction SWPPP and HVHF SWPPP.

    (b) All of the following criteria must be satisfied in order for an owner

    or operator to obtain an HVHF SPDES permit:

    (1) Project review pursuant to SEQRA has been satisfied, where


    (2) Where required, all necessary Department permits subject to

    the Uniform Procedures Act (UPA) have been obtained, unless

    otherwise notified by the Department pursuant to Part 621 of this

    Title; and

    (3) A complete Notice of Intent, which contains the well permit American Petroleum Institute (API) number, has been submitted to

    the Department by the owner or operator.

    (c) An owner or operator shall not commence the Construction Phase

    until its authorization to discharge under the HVHF SPDES permit is


    (d) An owner or operator cannot begin the HVHF Phase until a

    certification is submitted to the Department providing notification that

    the Construction Phase is complete.

    (e) An owner or operator cannot begin the Production Phase until a

    certification is submitted to the Department providing notification that

    the HVHF Phase is complete.

    750-3.7 Individual HVHF SPDES permit applicationrequirements

    The requirements in section 750-1.7 apply.

    750-3.8 Signature of SPDES forms

    The requirements in section 750-1.8 apply.

    750-3.9 Draft Permits and Fact Sheets for New HVHFSPDES permits

    The requirements in section 750-1.9 apply.

    750-3.10 Effluent Limitations in Issued HVHF SPDESpermits

    The requirements in section 750-1.10 apply.

    750-3.11 Applications of standards, limitations and other requirements

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    The regulations in this section are in addition to those listed in section


    (a) The Construction SWPPP shall include erosion and sediment

    control practices designed in conformance with the Department's

    technical standards (750-3.24 of this Part) or the equivalent.

    (b) The owner or operator must ensure that all erosion and sediment

    control practices and all post-construction stormwater management

    practices identified in the Construction SWPPP are maintained in

    effective operating condition at all times.

    (c) The owner or operator must ensure that, where post-construction

    stormwater management practices are required, such practices are

    operated and maintained until the Notice of Termination is submitted

    to the Department.

    (d) For construction activities that require post-construction

    stormwater management practices, prior to submitting the final Notice

    of Termination to the Department, the owner or operator must ensure

    one of the following:

    (1) the post-construction stormwater management practice(s) and

    any right-of-way(s) needed to maintain such practice(s) have been

    deeded to the municipality in which the practice(s) is located;

    (2) an executed maintenance agreement is in place with the

    municipality that will maintain the post-construction stormwater

    management practice(s);

    (3) for post-construction stormwater management practices that

    are privately owned, the owner or operator has modified, or caused

    to be the modified, the deed of record to include a deed covenant

    that requires operation and maintenance of the practice(s) in

    accordance with the operation and maintenance plan; or

    (4) for post-construction stormwater management practices that

    are owned by a public or private institution (e.g. school, college,

    university), or government agency or authority, the owner or

    operator has policy and procedures in place that ensure operation

    and maintenance of the practices in accordance with the operation

    and maintenance plan.

    (e) The HVHF SWPPP must, at a minimum, include the HVHF

    SWPPP General Requirements listed in subparagraph (1) below,

    Structural Best Management Practices (BMPs), Non-structural BMPs,

    and Activity-Specific SWPPP Requirements.

    (1) The following conditions apply to all owners or operators of

    HVHF operations:

    (i) HVHF Operation Fluid Chemical Additives - To reduce the

    potential for HVHF chemical additives to impact water resources,

    the owner or operator shall develop and evaluate alternatives for

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    the proposed HVHF additives that are efficacious but which

    exhibit reduced aquatic toxicity and pose less risk to water

    resources and the environment. In evaluating the alternative

    additives, the owner or operator shall consider the following

    criteria: (a) the impact to the environment caused by the available

    alternative additive if it remains in the environment; (b) the

    toxicity, mobility and volume of available alternatives; (c) the

    persistence in the environment of the available alternative; (d) the

    effectiveness of the available alternative to achieve desired

    results in the engineered fluid system; and (e) the economic and

    technical feasibility of implementing the available alternative.

    (ii) HVHF Chemical Additives Used on Site - The owner or

    operator must maintain a list of the HVHF additives

    (volumes/amounts of all chemicals/additives used for each HVHF


    (iii) Proper Transport and Disposal of Wastewater-To ensure

    proper transport and disposal of wastewater associated with the

    HVHF Phase and the Production Phase, the owner or operator shall operate in accordance with the approved Fluid Disposal

    Plan required by the Department.

    (iv) Construction Project Completion - The owner or operator

    shall, prior to commencing the HVHF Phase, (a) develop and

    implement measures to ensure all construction activities

    identified in the Construction SWPPP have been completed, (b)

    ensure that all areas of disturbance have achieved final

    stabilization, (c) ensure that all temporary, structural erosion and

    sediment control measures have been removed, and (d) ensure

    that all post-construction stormwater management practices

    have been constructed in conformance with the Construction

    SWPPP and are operational.

    (v) Secondary Containment - To prevent the discharge of

    hazardous substances, the owner or operator shall provide,

    implement, and operate secondary containment measures. Such

    secondary containment shall be: (a) designed and constructed in

    accordance with good engineering practices, (b) constructed,

    coated or lined with materials that are chemically compatible with

    the environment and the substances to be contained, (c) provideadequate freeboard, (d) protected from heavy vehicle or

    equipment traffic; and have a volume of at least 110 percent of

    the largest storage tank within the containment area.

    (vi) Partial Site Reclamation - The owner or operator shall

    develop and implement measures to ensure proper and

    adequate completion of the HVHF Phase. Partial Site

    Reclamation will be completed only upon verification by the

    Department that the equipment and materials associated with

    drilling/fracturing have been removed and pits used for those

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    operations have been reclaimed in accordance with the HVHF

    SWPPP requirements.

    (vii) Plug and Abandon - To ensure adequate closure of gas

    wells, and to address pollutants related to the plugging of the gas

    wells, the owner or operator must plug and abandon the gas

    wells pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 555, prior to submitting a final

    Notice of Termination. The owner or operator shall include such

    closure requirements in the HVHF SWPPP and makemodifications to the HVHF SWPPP as necessary.

    (f) The owner or operator shall ensure that all flowback and production

    fluids are re-used or disposed of in accordance with applicable state

    and federal laws.

    (g) The owner or operator must have a Spill Prevention Control and

    Countermeasure Plan (SPCC) on-site through all phases of the HVHF

    operation (Construction Phase, HVHF Phase, and Production Phase).

    The SPCC plan must include an explanation of existing or planned

    material handling procedures, storage requirements, secondary

    containment, and equipment (e.g., diversion valves), that are intended

    to minimize spills or leaks at the site. Measures for cleaning up spills

    or leaks must be consistent with the procedures for petroleum bulk

    storage, chemical bulk storage or hazardous waste management in

    the Environmental Conservation Law and implementing regulations.

    Quantities and types of equipment specified in the SPCC shall be

    present on site at all times.

    (h) A closed-loop tank system must be used instead of a reserve pit

    to manage drilling fluids and cuttings for any of the following: (i)

    horizontal drilling in the Marcellus Shale unless an acid rock drainagemitigation plan for on-site burial of such cuttings is approved by the

    Department; and (ii) any drilling requiring cuttings to be disposed of

    off-site, as provided in Part 360 of this Title, including at a landfill.

    (i) Flowback water is prohibited from being directed to or stored in any

    pit or impoundment. Covered watertight steel tanks or covered

    watertight tanks constructed of another material approved by the

    Department are required for flowback handling and containment on

    the well pad. Flowback water tanks, piping and conveyances,

    including valves, must be of sufficient pressure rating and be

    maintained in a leak-free condition. Flowback water recovered after

    high-volume hydraulic fracturing operations must be tested for NORM

    prior to removal from the site. Fluids recovered during the Production

    Phase (i.e., production brine) must be tested for NORM prior to

    removal, and the ground adjacent to the tanks must be measured for

    radioactivity. All testing must be in accordance with protocols

    satisfactory to the New York State Department of Health.

    (j) Flowback water and production brine must be disposed, recycled

    or reused in a manner approved by the Department. Transport of all

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    waste fluids must be undertaken by a waste transporter with an

    approved permit pursuant to Part 364 of this Title.

    (k) Flowback water and production brine shall not be discharged on

    the ground surface.

    750-3.12 Disposal of HVHF flowback and productionwater

    (a) The HVHF permittee must demonstrate that all flowback water andproduction brine generated by the facility will be treated, recycled, or

    otherwise properly disposed of over the projected life of the well. 'The

    projected life of the well' is defined as the period of time starting with

    the initial drilling of the well bore and ending with the proper sealing

    and abandonment of the well in accordance with the closure

    requirements. Once active HVHF operations at the site have ceased

    and the gas well(s) are in the production phase, the permittee must

    continue to properly collect and dispose of all production brine

    generated at the site.

    (b) All HVHF permit applications must include a Fluid Disposal Plan,subject to Departmental review and approval, for disposal of flowback

    water and production brine. The Fluid Disposal Plan shall assure

    compliance with the narrative requirements in 750-3.5(a) over the life

    of the well, and shall include:

    (1) a certification by a proper disposal facility that available capacity

    exists at that facility for the disposal of the projected amount of

    flowback and production brine over the life of the well,

    (2) identification and certification by the HVHF permittee of

    alternative or contingent disposal location(s) with sufficient capacityto accept the generated wastewater over the life of the well;

    (3) projected concentrations of chemical constituents of the

    flowback and production brine over the life of the well, based upon

    additives used, well sampling, and data from similar wells.

    (4) identification of all chemical additive products to be used, by

    product name, purpose, and type, proposed percent by weight of

    water, proppants and each chemical, and the anticipated volume of

    each additive product proposed for use;

    (5) Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for every additive productproposed for use, unless the MSDS for a particular product is

    already on file with the Department as a result of prior development

    or was transmitted to the Department during the application

    process for a previous well permit; and

    (6) Exact chemical composition of any additional additives which

    have not yet been proposed for use before the Department.

    (c) Permit applications which do not include the information listed in

    (b) will be deemed incomplete.

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    (d) The disposal options for production brine and flowback are listed


    (1) The provisions listed below apply to offsite disposal at publicly

    owned treatment works:

    (i) SPDES permits are issued to wastewater dischargers,

    including treatment facilities such as Publically Owned Treatment

    Works (POTWs) operated by municipalities, in accordance with

    Sections 750-1 and 750-2 of this Part.

    (ii) The Department shares pretreatment program oversight with

    the EPA. Indirect discharges to POTWs are regulated by 6

    NYCRR 750-2.9(b), National Pretreatment Standards, which

    incorporates by reference the requirements set forth under 40

    CFR Part 403, "General Pretreatment Regulations for Existing

    and New Sources of Pollution."

    (iii) In accordance with 6 NYCRR 750-2.9, 40 CFR Part 403,

    and 40 CFR 122.42, New York State POTW permittees with

    industrial pretreatment or mini-pretreatment programs arerequired to notify the Department and USEPA of new discharges

    or substantial changes in the volume or character of pollutants

    discharged to the permitted POTW.

    (iv) A POTW must have an approved pretreatment program, or

    mini-pretreatment program, developed in accordance with the

    above-referenced regulations in order to accept industrial

    wastewater from non-domestic sources covered by

    Pretreatment Standards which are indirectly discharged into or

    transported by truck or rail or otherwise introduced into POTWs.

    The Department must, prior to indirect discharge, determine if

    the SPDES permit needs to be modified to account for the

    proposed discharge, change or increase.

    (v) Flowback water and production brine from wells permitted

    pursuant to this Part may be accepted by POTWs only where

    such POTWs have approved pretreatment or mini-pretreatment

    programs in subparagraphs (iii) and (iv) of this paragraph.

    (vi) Prior to being allowed to accept production brine and

    flowback, the POTW must perform a headworks analysis for this

    wastewater source and submit such analysis to the Department

    and EPA for approval. Such wastewater may only be accepted

    by the POTW if the headwords analysis meets the requirements

    of 40 CFR Part 403 and the State Pollutant Discharge Elimination

    System (SPDES) permit for such POTW. The headworks

    analysis must demonstrate, among other things, that the POTW

    is capable of removing the contaminants expected to be present

    in the flowback water and production brine, including but not

    limited to Total Dissolved Solids, NORM, barium, bromides,

    BTEX, and chemicals present in the additives used in the

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    development of the wells. The headworks analysis processincludes the following steps:

    (a) upon submittal and approval of the headworks analysis, the

    Department may modify the POTW's SPDES permit to include

    appropriate monitoring and effluent limits for this wastewater

    source. The SPDES permit for the POTW shall include

    specific discharge limitations and monitoring requirements,

    including routine reporting of monitoring results;

    (b) The Department's procedures for POTW acceptance of

    HVHF wastewater discharges are detailed in Division of Water

    Guidance Document, Guidance for Acceptance of

    HVHF Wastewater by POTWs;

    (c) The permittee may discharge flowback water and

    production brine to the headworks of a POTW only if such

    POTW has undertaken an approved headworks analysis and

    modified its SPDES permit in accordance with subparagraphs

    (i) - (viii) of this paragraph. Each discharge of flowback water

    and production brine to the headworks of the POTW shall

    include the following documentation:

    1. The manifest stating the source well of the wastewater,

    the identity of the HVHF permittee, and all chemicals used in

    additives in the hydrofracturing of the well;

    2. The volume of wastewater to be discharged; and

    3. An assay of the concentrations of HVHF chemicals

    present, including TDS, NORM, and BTEX.

    (vii) Should the POTW meet all requirements of this subpart, any

    flowback water and production brine treated by such POTW

    must be introduced to the headworks of the POTW and receive

    full treatment unless otherwise expressly approved by the


    (viii) The POTW, at its sole discretion, may refuse to accept any

    source of HVHF wastewater and may consider the

    characterization of the HVHF wastewater, lack of required HVHF

    wastewater source documentation, inspection of the HVHF

    wastewater, or other verifiable evidence that the HVHFwastewater may cause or contribute to a violation of the

    permittee's SPDES permit conditions. Should such refusal

    occur, the HVHF wastewater shall be sent to the contingent

    disposal location identified in the HVHF permittee's Fluid Disposal


    (ix) The POTW must demonstrate that it has an approved

    method of residuals disposal in compliance with Parts 360 and

    364 of this Title.

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    (2) The provisions below apply to offsite disposal at privately owned

    industrial treatment facilities:

    (i) Application and permit development requirements for privately

    owned offsite HVHF treatment facilities are similar to those

    required for other individual SPDES permittees as listed in

    Sections 750-1.6 through 750-1.20 of this Part. Operation of

    these Facilities shall be in compliance with section750-2,

    Operating In Accordance with a SPDES Permit.

    (ii) Each discharge of flowback water and production brine to

    these treatment facilities shall include the following


    (a) The manifest stating the source well of the HVHF

    wastewater, identity of the HVHF permittee, and the HVHF

    chemicals used in the hydrofracturing of the well, as well as

    any other information required under 6 NYCRR Part 560;

    (b) The volume of HVHF wastewater to be discharged, both

    per unit time and total volume from that source; and

    (c) An assay of the concentrations of HVHF chemicals

    present, including TDS, NORM, and BTEX.

    (iii) Additional SPDES application requirements specific to HVHF

    wastewater treatment facilities include:

    (a) Treatability analysis for all HVHF additives expected to be

    discharged to the facility;

    (1) Treatability analysis for NORM and TDS;

    (2) Expected effluent concentrations of all HVHF specific


    This information must be submitted along with Application

    Form NY-2C. Applications submitted without the information

    listed above will be deemed incomplete.

    (b) Privately owned offsite HVHF wastewater treatment

    facilities constructed specifically for the treatment and disposal

    of wastewater, which treat flowback water and production brine

    for reuse may or may not have an associated discharge of

    wastewater to the waters of the State.

    (iv) HVHF wastewater treatment facilities which generate water

    for reuse in permitted HVHF operations that do not include a

    discharge to the waters of the State as a result of treatment

    system effluent or other discharge do not require a SPDES

    permit, unless other ancillary discharges are generated as part of

    the treatment system.

    (v) The HVHF wastewater treatment facility must provide a

    demonstration such facility has an approved method of residuals

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    disposal in compliance with Parts 360 and 364 of this Title.

    (3) The provisions below apply to onsite treatment and recycling

    with no associated discharge to ground or surface waters. On-site

    facilities constructed specifically for the treatment and reuse of

    HVHF wastewater where the treated water is 100 percent reused

    for purposes of HVHF do not require a SPDES permit.

    (i) The facility must provide a demonstration that the wastewater

    treatment facility has an approved method of residuals disposal

    in compliance with Parts 360 and 364 of this Title.

    (ii) No residuals may remain at the HVHF site following

    completion of well development in accordance with 554.1(c)(3) of

    this Title.

    (a) No discharge of wastewater to the ground or surface waters of the

    State is permitted for onsite treatment and recycling.

    (b) The onsite facility shall be maintained and construction and

    stormwater managed in compliance with the onsite equipment

    requirements contained in the HVHF General Permit and the

    regulations listed under section 750-3.4 above.

    (4) The provisions below apply to deep well injection pursuant to a

    SPDES permit.

    (i) The owner/operator of the disposal well must have USEPA

    approval and a SPDES permit for deep well injection. The

    owner/operator shall apply for and receive coverage under the

    EPA Underground Injection Control (UIC) program for Type II

    disposal wells prior to applying for a SPDES permit in

    accordance with section 750-1 above.

    (ii) The characterization and SPDES permit application process

    for disposal wells is similar to that for Private Offsite Wastewater

    Treatment Facilities as described in Section 750-3.12.2(2) above.

    In addition to the requirements listed therein, the following

    information shall also be presented as part of the application:

    (a) Full characterization of disposal strata water quality for

    HVHF flowback parameters;

    (b) Geotechnical information regarding the ability of thedisposal strata to accept and retain the injected fluid, including

    an estimate of available capacity; and

    (c) A water quality analysis of the receiving stratum for TDS,

    chloride, sulfate and metals.

    (iii) The Department may propose monitoring requirements

    and/or discharge limits in the SPDES permit in addition to any

    requirements included in the required USEPA Underground

    Injection Control permit. The monitoring requirements and

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    discharge limits will be determined during the site-specificpermitting process required by the Uniform Procedures Act and

    the 1992 Findings Statement, and shall include:

    (a) Effluent limits for BTEX and other HVHF specific

    parameters with Class GSA standards and guidance values as

    listed in 6 NYCRR Part 703;

    (b) Any other effluent limits necessary to be protective of the

    overlying potable water aquifer systems and waters of the

    State, based upon distance to drinking water supplies or

    sources, surface water bodies and wetlands, topography,

    geology, and hydrogeology;

    (c) The proposed well construction and operation program;


    (d) Potential requirement for upgradient and downgradient

    monitoring wells installed in the deepest identified GA or GSA

    potable water aquifer.

    (5) The provisions below apply to injection of production brine into

    the strata from which it was produced pursuant to a SPDES permit.

    Notwithstanding the requirements listed in 6 NYCRR 556.5, the

    injection of production brine described in 6 NYCRR 556.5 is

    regulated pursuant to this Subpart and requires a SPDES permit.

    The following information is required as part of the SPDES permit


    i. The disposal strata water quality shall be fully characterized for

    background water quality and HVHF chemicals;

    ii. Geotechnical information regarding the ability of the disposal

    strata to accept and retain the injected fluid, including an estimate

    of available capacity;

    iii. A water quality analysis of the flowback water or production

    brine for HVHF chemicals;

    iv. Injection well construction and operational control information

    showing that the well meets the applicable USEPA UIC Class II

    injection well standards as promulgated under Parts 144-148 of

    the Federal UIC Regulations and Sections 1423 and 1425 of the

    Safe Drinking Water Act; and

    v. A long-term monitoring program consisting of a minimum of

    one (1) monitoring well screened at the deepest identified fresh

    drinking water stratum, with periodic monitoring for TDS, NORM,

    and other identified HVHF parameters.

    (6) The provisions below apply to disposal of production brine in

    accordance with the terms of a Department-approved Beneficial

    Use Determination. Production brine may be disposed in

    accordance with the terms and conditions of a Department-

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    approved Beneficial Use Determination (BUD). In addition to the

    requirements listed in 6 NYCRR Parts 360 and 364, the following

    information shall also be presented as part of the application for the

    BUD: radiologic limits; contaminant limits; and operational

    requirements such as maximum brine application frequency and

    maximum brine application rate.

    (7) Other disposal options that may be proposed by the permittee

    subject to Departmental review and approval. The Department willprovide guidance concerning the submittal of other disposal


    750-3.13 Monitoring requirements in HVHF SPDESpermits

    (a) The regulations in this section are in addition to those listed in

    section 750-1.13.

    (b) For the Construction Phase, HVHF Phase, and the Production

    Phase, all stormwater discharges must be monitored, recorded and

    reported in accordance with the terms and conditions of applicableindividual or general permits to ensure effective operation.

    (c) The HVHF SWPPP must include provisions for monitoring and

    recording the volume of all water delivered to the well pad site from

    each source. Records must be maintained of each truck/pipeline

    delivery of water and the source of such water. The reports shall be

    kept on site and furnished to the Department upon request.

    (d) The HVHF SWPPP must include provisions to meter the volume

    of water used at each well each time there is high-volume hydraulic

    fracturing event during the HVHF Phase. The volume must bemetered with an automatic continuous recording device (or its

    equivalent) that measures to within five percent (5%) of actual flow.

    The reports shall be kept on site and furnished to the Department

    upon request.

    (e) The HVHF SWPPP must include provisions to maintain a record

    of the amounts of all chemicals/additives associated with each time

    there is a high-volume hydraulic fracturing stage during the HVHF

    Phase. This list may exclude any information that has been

    determined to be confidential business information. The record shall

    include a list of the individual chemicals/additives with Chemical Abstract Services (CAS) registry number and Material Safety Data

    Sheets (MSDS).

    (f) The HVHF SWPPP must include provisions to meter the volume of

    all flowback water and production brine with an automatic continuous

    recording device or equivalent that measures to within five percent

    (5%) of actual flow. The reports shall be kept on site and furnished to

    the Department upon request.

    (g) The HVHF SWPPP must include provisions to record the volume

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    of all sanitary and non-domestic wastewater produced onsite on a

    daily frequency. The HVHF SWPPP must also include a

    transportation record of all sanitary and non-domestic wastewater

    leaving the well pad. The transportation record must include the

    volume of all sanitary and non-domestic wastewater shipped offsite

    by individual trucks and/or pipeline, and the name, permit and

    destination of the receiving reuse and/or treatment and disposal

    facilities. The HVHF operation must also obtain confirmation that the

    transferred wastewater was received by the intended wastewater

    treatment and disposal facility and keep records associated with such

    transfers. The HVHF SWPPP must include provisions for separately

    compiling monthly and daily total volumes of flowback water,

    production brine and sanitary wastewater collected and transported

    off-site from the well pad and analytical results for any flowback water

    samples that are taken. The reports shall be furnished to the

    Department upon request.

    (h) Prior to site disturbance (for a new well pad) or spud (for an

    existing pad), the well operator must sample and test all residential

    water wells within 1,000 feet of the well pad for which the water well

    owner has granted permission, and provide results to the water well

    owner. If no water wells are available for sampling within 1,000 feet,

    either because there are none of record or because the water well

    owner denies permission, then all residential water wells within 2,000

    feet of the well pad for which the water well owner has granted

    permission must be sampled and tested. Ongoing water well

    monitoring and testing must continue at other intervals specified by

    the Department.

    (i) Water well analysis must be by an ELAP-certified laboratory. Analyses and documentation that all test results were provided to the

    water well owner must be maintained by the operator and made

    available to the Department upon request.

    750-3.14 Schedules of compliance and other requirements in issued HVHF SPDES permits

    (a) The regulations in this section are in addition to those listed in

    section 750-1.14.

    (b) If stormwater discharges to a CWA 303(d) listed impaired water,

    when an HVHF SPDES permit is obtained, the owner or operator must by application of its Comprehensive SWPPP ensure no

    increase in the discharged mass loading of the listed pollutant of

    concern to the 303(d) listed water. The 303(d) list is updated

    approximately every two years.

    (c) If a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) has already been approved

    by USEPA pursuant to CWA section 303(d) for any waterbody or

    watershed into which the HVHF operation discharges stormwater, at

    the time the HVHF SPDES permit is obtained, the owner or operator

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    must, within two (2) calendar months of authorization, meet the TMDL

    stormwater allocations for the pollutant of concern. Additionally, the

    owner or operator must, through modification of the Construction

    and/or HVHF SWPPPs ensure that reduction of the pollutant of

    concern specified in the TMDL is achieved.

    750-3.15 Duration of HVHF SPDES permits

    The regulations listed in section750-1.15 apply. There are no

    additional regulations for this section.

    750-3.16 Renewal of Existing HVHF SPDES permits

    The regulations listed in section 750-1.16 apply. There are no

    additional regulations for this section.

    750-3.17 Transfer of HVHF SPDES permits

    The regulations listed in section750-1.17 apply. There are no

    additional regulations for this section.

    750-3.18 Modification of HVHF SPDES permits

    The regulations listed in section 750-1.18 apply. There are no

    additional regulations for this section.

    750-3.19 Modification Priority Ranking System

    The regulations listed in section 750-1.19 apply. There are no

    additional regulations for this section.

    750-3.20 Denial, Suspension or Revocation of HVHFSPDES permits

    The regulations listed in section 750-1.20 apply to this section.

    In addition to the criteria set forth in Section 621-13 and Section 750-

    1.20, the Department may deny, suspend, or revoke a HVHF SPDES

    permit if the Department determines that the permittee has failed to

    implement any measures certified pursuant to Section 750-3.4, or

    otherwise violated any provision of this sub-part.

    750-3.21 HVHF SPDES general permits

    (a) The regulations in this section are in addition to those listed in

    section 750-1.21.

    (b) Discharges from HVHF operations (the Construction Phase,HVHF Phase, and the Production Phase), may be authorized in

    accordance with a SPDES HVHF general permit.

    (c) The HVHF general permit does not authorize the discharge of

    hazardous substances (as listed in 6 NYCRR Part 597) or petroleum.

    (d) The following discharges are ineligible for coverage under the

    HVHF general permit:

    (1) discharges of sanitary wastewater;

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    (2) vehicle and equipment washwater, including tank cleaning

    operations or substances (hazardous, non-hazardous, etc.)

    resulting from an on-site spill and materials collected in drip pans;

    (3) washwaters from material handling and processing areas; or

    (4) washwaters from drum, tank, or container rinsing and cleaning.

    Alternatively, sanitary wastewater and washwater discharges must

    be authorized under a separate SPDES permit, or be discharged to

    a sanitary sewer in accordance with applicable industrial

    pretreatment requirements, or be transported off-site for proper


    (e) The following non-stormwater discharges may be authorized by

    the HVHF general permit provided that the non-stormwater

    component of the discharge is in compliance with the HVHF general


    (1) Potable water sources including waterline flushings;

    (2) Discharges from fire-fighting activities;

    (3) Fire hydrant flushings;

    (4) Uncontaminated air conditioning or compressor condensate,

    and other uncontaminated condensate such as condensate from

    the surface of pressurized gas cylinders stored outside;

    (5) Irrigation drainage;

    (6) Landscape watering provided that all pesticides and fertilizers

    have been applied in accordance with the manufacturer's


    (7) Routine external building washdown which does not use


    (8) Pavement wash waters where detergents are not used and

    where spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not

    occurred (unless all spilled material has been removed);

    (9) Uncontaminated ground water or spring water;

    (10) Discharges from foundation or footing drains where flows are

    not contaminated with process materials such as solvents; and

    (11) Uncontaminated discharges from construction site dewatering


    (f) The following are not authorized by the HVHF SPDES general


    (1) Construction of a centralized flowback impoundment;

    (2) Construction activities related to HVHF operations that:

    (i) are tributary to waters of the state classified as AA or AA-s;

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    (ii) which disturb land with no existing impervious cover; and

    (iii) which are undertaken on land with a Soil Slope Phase that is

    identified as an E or F, or the map unit name is inclusive of 25%

    or greater slope, on the United States Department of Agriculture

    (USDA) Soil Survey for the surface area where the disturbance

    will occur.

    (3) HVHF operations where the top of the target fracture zone at

    any point along the entire proposed length of the wellbore is

    shallower than 2,000 feet below surface; and where the top of the

    target fracture zone at any point along the entire proposed length of

    the wellbore is less than 1,000 feet below the base of a known fresh

    water supply

    (4) HVHF operations sited within the following buffers (calculated

    from the closest edge of the gas well pad):

    Principal Aquifer 500feet

    Private Water Wells 500feet[1]

    Wetland 100feet

    Storm drains, lakes, or ponds, and perennial or intermittentstreams, as described in 6 NYCRR Parts 800-910 P


    Perennial or intermittent streams, as described in 6NYCRR Parts 800-910, and that are tributary to surface

    public drinking water supplies.


    (5) Contaminated stormwater discharges from drilling operations

    that are subject to nationally established Best Available Technology

    Economically Achievable (BAT) or Best Practicable Control

    Technology Currently Available (BPT) guidelines found at 40 CFR

    Part 435. Note: Most contaminated discharges from drilling facilities

    are subject to these effluent guidelines and are not eligible for

    coverage under this permit;

    (6) Discharges from HVHF operations that are mixed with sources

    of non-stormwater other than those expressly authorized under either the HVHF general permit or a different SPDES permit;

    (7) Discharges from HVHF operations that are subject to an

    existing SPDES individual or general permit located at the HVHF

    operation site where a SPDES permit has been terminated or

    denied, or which are issued an individual or alternative general


    (8) Discharges from HVHF operations, which either cause or

    contribute to a violation of water quality standards adopted pursuant

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    to the ECL and its accompanying regulations;

    (9) Discharges from HVHF operations that adversely affect a listed

    or proposed to be listed endangered or threatened species or its

    critical habitat; and

    (10) Discharges from HVHF operations that adversely affect a

    property that is listed or is eligible for listing on the State or National

    Register of Historic Places (Note: includes Archeological sites),

    unless there are written agreements in place with the NYS Office of

    Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP) or other

    governmental agencies to mitigate the effects, or there are local

    land use approvals evidencing the same.

    (g) Obtaining coverage under the HVHF general permit:

    (1) Prior to obtaining coverage under the HVHF general permit, an

    owner or operator must first develop a Comprehensive SWPPP,

    which includes both the Construction SWPPP and HVHF SWPPP.

    (2) All of the following criteria must be satisfied in order for an

    owner or operator to be authorized to discharge under the HVHF

    general permit:

    (i) Project review pursuant to the State Environmental Quality

    Review Act has been satisfied, where applicable;

    (ii) Where required, all necessary Department permits subject to

    the Uniform Procedures Act have been obtained, unless

    otherwise notified by the Department pursuant to Part 621 of this


    (iii) The final Comprehensive SWPPP has been prepared; and

    (iv) A complete Notice of Intent has been submitted to the


    (3) An owner or operator shall not commence any construction

    activities related to HVHF operations until its authorization to

    discharge under the HVHF general permit is effective.

    (4) An owner or operator shall not begin the HVHF Phase until the

    Department is notified that the Construction Phase is complete.

    (5) An owner or operator shall not begin the Production Phase untilthe Department is notified that the HVHF Phase is complete.

    (6) Coverage under the HVHF general permit authorizes

    stormwater discharges from construction activities only from those

    areas of disturbance that are identified in the Notice of Intent. If an

    owner or operator wishes to have stormwater discharges from

    future or additional areas of disturbance authorized, they must

    submit an amendment to the Notice of Intent that addresses the

    future or additional areas of disturbance, unless otherwise notified

    by the Department.

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    (h) The owner or operator shall ensure that the provisions of the

    Construction SWPPP are implemented from the commencement of

    the Construction Phase through the HVHF Phase. This includes any

    changes made to the Construction SWPPP.

    (i) The owner or operator shall ensure that the provisions of the HVHF

    SWPPP are implemented from the commencement of the HVHF

    Phase through the Production Phase, until the Notice of Termination

    has been submitted to the Department. This includes any changesmade to the HVHF SWPPP.

    (j) The HVHF general permit may include such provisions as are

    applicable, as set forth in sections: 750-1.21, 750-3.1, 750-3.2, 750-

    3.3, 750-3.4, 750-3.5, 750-3.8, 750-3.9, 750-3.10, 750-3.11, 750-3.13,

    750-3.14, 750-3.18, 750-3,21,750-3.22, 750-3-23, 750-3.24, and 750-


    (k) As set forth in subdivision 750-1.21(e) of this Title, the Department

    may require any discharger authorized to discharge in accordance

    with the HVHF general permit to apply for and obtain an individual

    SPDES permit or apply for authorization to discharge in accordance

    with another general permit.

    (l) Duration of the HVHF general permit:

    (1) The HVHF general permit shall expire five (5) years from its

    effective date.

    (2) In the event a new HVHF general permit is not issued prior to

    termination of the current HVHF general permit, then the owner or

    operator may continue to operate and discharge in accordance with

    the terms and conditions of the current HVHF general permit untilsuch time as a new HVHF general permit is issued. Unless

    otherwise notified by the Department in writing, an owner or

    operator with coverage under the current HVHF general permit that

    seeks authorization under the new HVHF general permit must

    submit a new Notice of Intent in accordance with the terms of such

    new HVHF general permit.

    (3) Coverage for new owners or operators will not be accepted

    under any continued HVHF general permit.

    (m) Transfer of coverage under the HVHF general permit:

    (1) If ownership of the site of the HVHF operations changes or there

    is a change in operational control over the HVHF operations, the

    original owner or operator must notify the new owner or operator, in

    writing, of the requirement to obtain general permit coverage by

    submitting a Notice of Intent to the Department. Once the new

    owner or operator obtains general permit coverage, the original

    owner or operator shall then submit a completed Notice of

    Termination with the name and permit identification number of the

    new owner or operator to the Department.

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    (2) General permit coverage for the new owner or operator will be

    effective as of the date the Department receives a completed

    Notice of Intent, provided the original owner or operator had

    coverage under the HVHF general permit as of the date the

    Department receives the Notice of Intent from the new owner or


    (3) If the original owner or operator maintains ownership of a portion

    of the HVHF operation and will disturb soil, the owner or operator must maintain its coverage under the HVHF general permit.

    (n) Denial, suspension or revocation of coverage under the HVHF

    general permit:

    (1) The Department may suspend, terminate, or deny an owner's or

    operator's coverage under the HVHF general permit if the

    Department determines that the Comprehensive SWPPP,

    Construction SWPPP, and/or HVHF SWPPP do not meet the

    HVHF general permit requirements.

    (2) Upon a finding of significant non-compliance with a practicedescribed in the Construction SWPPP, the Department may order

    an immediate stop to all activity at the site associated with the

    Construction Phase until the non-compliance is remedied. The stop

    work order shall be in writing, describe the non-compliance in detail,

    and be sent to the owner or operator. A permittee must comply with

    all terms of a stop work order issued pursuant to this paragraph.

    (3) Upon a finding of significant non-compliance with the practice

    described in the HVHF SWPPP, the Department may order an

    immediate stop to all activity associated with HVHF Phase or the

    Production Phase until the non-compliance is remedied. The stop

    work order shall be in writing, shall describe the non-compliance in

    detail, and shall be sent to the owner or operator. A permittee must

    comply with all terms of a stop work order issued pursuant to this

    paragraph (3).

    (o) Unless and until a fee is promulgated specifically for the HVHF

    general permit, HVHF operations are considered a SPDES permit for

    stormwater discharges from construction activity for purposes of

    assessing SPDES general permit fees.

    (p) Coverage under the HVHF general permit may be terminated


    (1) completion of the Production Phase resulting from HVHF

    operations and plugging and abandonment of all wells used during

    the Production Phase;

    (2) transfer of coverage under the HVHF general permit where all

    other conditions in this general permit for the transfer of coverage

    have been met; or

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    (3) authorization for the discharge under an alternative SPDES

    permit or an individual SPDES permit is obtained.

    750-3.22 Confidentiality of information

    The regulations listed in section 750-1.22 apply to this section. There

    are no additional regulations for this section.

    750-3.23 Severability

    The regulations listed in section 750-1.23 apply to this section. Thereare no additional regulations for this section.

    750-3.24 References

    (a) The regulations listed in section 750-1.24 apply to this section.

    (b) Department's technical standards - 2005 New York State Erosion

    and Sediment Controls and the 2010 New York State Stormwater

    Management Design Manual.

    750-3.25 Operation in Accordance with an HVHF

    SPDES permit(a) The regulations in this section are in addition to those listed in

    Subpart 750-2.

    (b) The owner or operator must keep the Construction SWPPP

    current so that it at all times accurately documents the erosion and

    sediment control practices that are being used or will be used during

    construction, and all post-construction stormwater management

    practices that will be constructed on the site.

    (c) The owner or operator must keep the HVHF SWPPP current so

    that at all times it accurately documents the applicable BMPs.

    (d) For the Construction Phase, HVHF Phase, and the Production

    Phase, all stormwater discharges must be monitored and recorded to

    ensure effective operation.

    (e) For the Construction Phase, HVHF Phase, and the Production

    Phase, all stormwater discharges must be reported to ensure

    compliance with applicable statutes, regulations and HVHF general

    permit conditions.

    For the Construction Phase, HVHF Phase, and the Production Phase,

    all BMPs must be maintained in an effective operating condition. All

    BMPs much be inspected to ensure that they are in effective

    operating condition. Records must be kept of all inspections. As

    determined by the Department, records of inspections must be

    reported to the Department on a frequency adequate to prove

    effective operating condition of all BMPs.

    [1] This setback applies unless waived in writing by well owner.
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    Copyright 2012 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

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