Yang Berusaha tuan pengetua, mohamad tan bin bacho, penolong-penolong kanan, barisan ketua bidang, guru cemerlang, guru-guru dan pelajar sekalian, Selamat Sejahtera dan selamat pagi. Sebelum cikgu nak mulakan perkongsian ilmu hari ini, cikgu minta semua pelajar keluarkan sekeping kertas dan satu pen, sebab apa yang akan cikgu sampaikan adalah penting dan cikgu yakin bahawa ilmu pengetahuan yang disampaikan akan membantu kamu semua lebih berjaya dalam proses pembelajaran kamu semua. Oleh itu, cikgu wajibkan kamu catit OK, tajuk perkongsian ilmu pada hari ini ialah pembelajaran laju (Fast Learning), buku ini ditulis oleh seorang pakar dari Japan di mana beliau mengemukakan 15 teknik untuk meningkatkan keberkesanan dan kecekapan pembelajaran, untuk menghargaikan masa,cikgu akan mula dengan teknik yang pertama . 快快 kuai xue) No.1 Always keep your body move when studying . Never sit and read. Since neuron & muscle are connected the brain, when we stimulate the muscle, at the same time we are stimulating the brain as well to keep it works in optimum mood. Ex: stand, walk to and fro, raise a bottle repeatedly, write on board... No.2 We always feel sleepy when studying, because of low supply of oxygen to our brain. Let's try this. - relax the face expression & keep smiling - use right hand finger to press and block the side of left nostril Menggunakan jari tangan kanan untuk menekan dan menyekat lubang hidung sebelah kiri - inhale slowly and deeply to maximum capacity Menarik nafas perlahan-lahan sehingga mendalam - hold for 3-4 seconds, imagine the oxygen is going to brain from nose - exhale thoroughly and slowly - repeat the same thing for the other side. After 1 round, you'll see the difference. I've tried it, it's really work!

perkongsian ilmu

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Yang Berusaha tuan pengetua, mohamad tan bin bacho, penolong-penolong kanan, barisan ketua bidang, guru cemerlang, guru-guru dan pelajar sekalian, Selamat Sejahtera dan selamat pagi. Sebelum cikgu nak mulakan perkongsian ilmu hari ini, cikgu minta semua pelajar keluarkan sekeping kertas dan satu pen, sebab apa yang akan cikgu sampaikan adalah penting dan cikgu yakin bahawa ilmu pengetahuan yang disampaikan akan membantu kamu semua lebih berjaya dalam proses pembelajaran kamu semua. Oleh itu, cikgu wajibkan kamu catit

OK, tajuk perkongsian ilmu pada hari ini ialah pembelajaran laju (Fast Learning), buku ini ditulis oleh seorang pakar dari Japan di mana beliau mengemukakan 15 teknik untuk meningkatkan keberkesanan dan kecekapan pembelajaran, untuk menghargaikan masa,cikgu akan mula dengan teknik yang pertama.

快学(kuai xue) 

No.1Always keep your body move when studying. Never sit and read. Since neuron & muscle are connected the brain, when we stimulate the muscle, at the same time we are stimulating the brain as well to keep it works in optimum mood. Ex: stand, walk to and fro, raise a bottle repeatedly, write on board...

No.2We always feel sleepy when studying, because of low supply of oxygen to our brain. Let's try this.- relax the face expression & keep smiling- use right hand finger to press and block the side of left nostrilMenggunakan jari tangan kanan untuk menekan dan menyekat lubang hidung sebelah kiri- inhale slowly and deeply to maximum capacityMenarik nafas perlahan-lahan sehingga mendalam - hold for 3-4 seconds, imagine the oxygen is going to brain from nose- exhale thoroughly and slowly - repeat the same thing for the other side.After 1 round, you'll see the difference. I've tried it, it's really work!

No.3Head with mass of about 5 kg or 13% of body mass. Never bend the head forward when studying, it's very burdensome to the shoulder and easily feel uncomfortable + sleepy. So, have to mind the body gesture. Once feel sleepy, stand and study is a good choice.

No.4When we need to remember some important facts firmly, squeeze our fingers hardly one by one, in sequence while reading it. This method was used by ninja in old time to memorise secret of the others found in dark (there was no pen at that time).

No.5The best study duration should be set in block of 20 minutes - study for 15 minutes, then followed by 5 minutes of revision on have just learnt before we start another new block. In 2

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hours, there should be 6 blocks. Compare to keep studying non-stop for 2 hours, what do you think?

No.6Never copy or make note, but marking the important points on the original text or notes given instead.

No.7The effectiveness of study in the early morning equals to six times of the outcomes in the night

No.8Before start the study session, stretch your body. It's not troublesome. Touch your toes with fingers, hold for 10 seconds. Do not bend the knees.

No.9When reading or writing, don't forget to knock the table slightly with left hand fingers. This will be able to stimulate the right side brain, very helpful in visualisation and especially in memorising terms.

No.10This method is quite effective in solving scientific or mathematical questions especially those involve diagrams. When we've used up our idea, cover up the right eye then stare at the question or solution we've just worked out with left eye, most of the time some amazing idea will pop up!

No.11Blood is well circulated in our body when walking, and it's the best time to recall what we've learnt. The points that can't be recalled are those not familiar enough for us, so revision is needed, never miss it.

No.12Due to the poor 'filing' system in our brain, sometimes we can't recall the important facts had studied before. Relax, massage the top of the ears to stimulate the memory. Something great is going to happen!

No.13When we exhaust of idea, put a hand on the forehead to warm it, to excite the ability of thinking.

No.14READ OUT the fact or vocabulary that we want to remember 3 times slowly. Then, read it out again 3 times fast. At the meantime, we also can combine the method shared before, such as knock the table with our fingers as a booster.

No.15It should be i) totally clear on the table where we do our study, even a vase, cup, dictionary or else,ii) a body without any accessories. Take off our watch, jacket, hand phone, purse, ... I've tried it, really showed a difference!